Colonia (2015)

Santiago de Chile, 1973.
Political riots have
been destabilizing
the entire country.
Chile has become the
latest battleground of the
cold war with the united
states turning its back on
the young democracy.
Meanwhile, the Soviet union
guarantees its support.
The us government Salvador
allende is nothing but a
communist who needs to be
kicked out from office.
Hundreds of thousands of people
are taking to the streets
of Santiago de Chile in
support of president
Salvador allende.
Experts see Chile at the
verge of a civil war.
The world is holding its
breath as we wait for the
latest developments
in Chile.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have
begun our initial descent
into Santiago de Chile.
Please fasten your seat
belts, fold away your tray
tables and bring your seats
into an upright position.
We'll be landing shortly.
Thank you.
Comrades, why are we here?
Burning under the sun?
Ask yourselves!
We are here, so the working
class can have more power!
I know we are all
suffering, but we must
fight for our
president allende!
Off! Off! Off!
Off! Off! Off!
-Off! Off! Off!
-Easy, ladies!
You all know
the magic words.
Okay, rapunzel, rapunzel,
let down your golden hair.
Oh my god!
What's going on?
Just get out of the way!
Why are they protesting?
Ah, inflation,
food shortages.
It is getting
very bad now.
Oh boy, I should have
taken the Miami route.
That's him!
Wait! I'm getting off.
We must defend...
Are you crazy?
See you in four days!
Make him work for it.
Let us be seen as one
Chilean with dignity.
As a Chilean who stands side
by side with the poorest.
Here I am with the rest
of you, my colleagues.
Because I want to
defend what is ours.
And now, we'll be here
till the end if necessary.
I am here my friends.
Because I've got the conscience
of a working class men.
Our right to build a future.
A future for
justice and Liberty.
Why didn't you tell
me you were coming?
I wanted to surprise you.
You're crazy.
If you want to hide anything
or put anything aside...
Like, um, from
another girl or...
Because if I find a harem
of hot Chilean girls
stashed in your apartment,
I'm gonna cut your balls off.
You've been busy.
I didn't come to
Chile for nothing.
You've passed the
home inspection.
But I still need
to search you.
You have a warrant?
Do I need one?
The us wants
to see us fail.
They want to topple allende,
to take control over Chile
and our lives!
We will stand our
ground and fight back!
Viva Chile!
He's great. Very good.
Daniel has designed a
new poster for us
to spread our message.
Daniel, come. Come.
No, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
You have to speak.
You have to speak
to the people.
-Yes, come on.
I came to Chile at around
four months ago...
And it has become
my country.
But what we need in this
country is solidarity.
The suffering of the many
must never again be the
foundation for the
wealth of the few.
Good morning.
President allende called.
I told him
you were sleeping.
Give me the camera.
Camera's mine now.
Ah! It was all a ruse
to get the camera!
You have a great eye.
I think your pictures
have got so much better.
These are my favorites.
Look at this one.
So powerful.
You've got quite
an eye yourself.
This is so powerful.
The modern man: Sexy and
practical at the same time.
I can't believe it...
You have to go
back in two days.
Don't think
about that now.
Why can't you
just stay here?
With me?
Keep the house clean,
do the laundry.
Have your slippers waiting
for you by the fire,
your dinner ready.
I can't stay here.
But maybe it's time
that you came back.
Phone's ringing.
Leave it.
It's my mother.
How do you know?
The disappointed ring.
Today is my
father's birthday.
She wants me
to talk to him.
And you won't, I guess?
I'm done with him.
Take it.
Oh, shit!
Thanks, yeah.
We got to go.
Pinochet has taken over.
There's been a
military coup.
They are arresting
allende supporters.
They confiscated my
posters at the university.
They'll be here soon.
We have to go!
Where're we gonna go?
I don't know.
Just out!
What are you doing?
Stop it!
What are you doing?
-Stop it!
Law and order are being
reestablished in Chile.
Be assured that everybody
who is here by mistake
will soon be released.
Soldiers have orders to shoot
anybody who moves or talks.
No, no!
Hey, hey!
They shoved him in a Van
and they drove him away.
A white bus, with a
red cross in a circle.
Like an ambulance.
We know that bus.
So you know where he is?
It's a place in the south.
Completely cut off from
the outside world.
Pinochet's police
take prisoners there.
What's it called?
Colonia dignidad.
The colony of dignity.
Well we need
to get him out.
Look, this is not about
Daniel or me or him or her.
It's a bigger cause
we are fighting for.
What do you mean?
We can't do
anything for Daniel.
But he's one of you!
We are going into hiding.
And Daniel?
I wish him luck.
He's yours.
Thank you.
You can go.
It's all right.
It's all right.
I'm here now.
It's okay.
You're safe.
There's no danger anymore.
Just relax.
I'm sure you are
mistaken, miss kortus.
The colonia dignidad is
a long established and
completely respectable
With full government
We here at amnesty international
have no further information.
If I were you, I'd stay in
touch with your embassy.
But I've--
thank you.
Thank you, miss
kortus and goodbye.
I'm being bugged.
Now we can talk.
I'm not getting it.
What is this place?
Allegedly, a
charitable mission.
But really it's a kind of
cult, run by a man called
Paul Schafer, or pius
as they call him.
He was a lay preacher in
Germany after the war,
came here with his
disciples to set up a
world according to his rules
in the middle of nowhere.
What kind of rules?
No one really knows.
What if I went there?
Joined up.
I wouldn't do that.
Why not?
You may never
get back out.
But I could get in?
Dear Roman, you must be
standing in the lobby now,
ready to leave for the airport,
but I won't be coming.
I'm sorry.
Crazy things are happening
here, and sometimes you
have to break the rules.
Isn't that what
you told me?
Can you cover for
me, please Roman?
I'll be on next
week's flight.
And wish me luck.
Love, Lena.
Is everything okay?
Lena's not coming.
She's ill.
She'll be on the
flight next week.
Let's go.
Cross the field and
walk toward the mountain.
You can't miss it.
Thank you.
God bless.
God bless.
God bless.
God bless.
You wish to join us?
Yes, ma'am.
I want to follow
the way of the lord.
Don't babble.
The lord doesn't
like idle talk.
A simple yes will suffice.
Meal time.
You won't need
any of this.
Are you all right?
Leave the boy alone.
But he's crying.
It's none of
your business.
God bless.
God bless.
Come, pull yourself together
and stop crying now.
Your turn.
Your turn.
For what?
General confession
with pius.
Come in.
What's your name?
So how have you spent
your life so far, Lena?
I've been searching for god,
but I haven't found him yet.
You see, even though
he's everywhere,
he's so hard to find.
Do you know who I am?
Who am I?
You're pius.
The good Shepherd, who
leads his flock to the
lord's heavenly kingdom.
Ours is a poor and humble
life, full of hard work.
Once you join us,
you must remain.
You're an
attractive woman.
You must have a boyfriend.
Someone who loves you.
I want to follow
the way of the lord.
You're not
telling the truth.
I can see it in your eyes.
I see it in your soul.
Is Satan inside you?
Take off you apron.
Take off you apron.
Open your blouse.
Open your blouse.
Just what I thought.
Gray rags on the outside,
the instruments of the
harlot beneath.
I smell the beast of hell.
Did you touch yourself?
Is Satan inside you?
Do you renounce Satan,
the beast of hell?
Do you renounce the
sins of the flesh?
Do you renounce all
lies and deceit?
Tell me the truth.
Why are you here?
I'm here for you pius.
I need you, that's why.
Oh, now you've
spoken truly.
Feel the grace of the
lord coming down on you.
Men, women and children
live separately.
It's best for
everybody that way.
And separate
means separate.
Your bed is back there.
Everything you need
is in the basket.
Use the bandage to tie
down your breasts.
And take off those shoes.
You look like a slut.
This is Lena.
She is one of you now.
God bless.
Are you from the outside?
Yes, I'm from the outside.
She's from the outside!
That's funny.
Can I tell you a secret?
I may be getting
married soon.
I thought men and women
here were separated.
They are.
But sometimes...
Get in line.
-What for? I--
Work means serving god.
And if you carry the lord
in your heart, your hands
will do the lord's work.
My god.
What did you do to him?
We just asked him a
couple of questions.
I don't know if he'll ever
become a human being again.
He could still be useful.
But if the electric shocks
damaged the cortex, nobody
knows what he's
gonna be like.
Everything under god's sun
is good for something.
Got it?
You know, if your people
treat prisoners as badly
as this one,
that's no good.
Worst case, he'll shit
all over himself and die
without revealing
I see exactly
what you mean.
That's where psychology
comes into play.
Anyone can torture,
but to break a person
without harming physically,
that's an art.
Doro, quicker.
And the rest of you.
Is that how you serve
the lord you lazy slut?
No, no, please!
I just need to
drink something.
Is that so?
Okay, I'll take
care of that.
Thank you.
You think I'm
waiting on you?
If even one drop is
missing by this evening,
I'll make you regret it.
And keep that bucket next
to you at all times.
What are you
cows staring at?
What are you doing here?
Come on, let's go.
Today's schedule has
been changed.
All women are to come to the
women's hall immediately.
You heard, everyone to
the women's hall now.
Move it!
Please, just one thing.
How did you and
your fiance meet?
You mean dieter?
Mixed parade.
What is that?
When there's
important guests,
we sing and get to
wear our Sunday best.
And suddenly,
there was dieter.
When was that?
Two... no, three.
Three years ago.
Three years ago?
And since then?
We are in love.
Yes, but when do
you see each other?
We don't.
You haven't seen
him for three years?
No mixed parades.
You can't see because
you're eyes are blind.
And you can't feel,
because your hearts
are made of stone.
But I, I, I can see,
i can feel.
Because it's god
looking through me.
It's god talking
through me!
I'm calling you, Alfred.
Come out of your coffin.
Get up and live.
Come and rise.
Rise from death to celebrate
the lord almighty.
Lord almighty!
Because you shall live.
Yes, live!
-You shall live.
-Alfred, live!
I am the resurrection
and the life.
And I'm telling
you, Alfred.
Who believes shall see
the glory of the lord.
I'm telling you to
overcome death.
And rise!
We all saw it and
we all heard it.
When you called Alfred...
It wasn't your voice,
it was god's voice!
But the miracle couldn't
take place, because
there's too much sin
in our community.
Too much sin!
You stay here.
Who's that?
That's hans. He's
one of us now.
I... I'm hans.
He's as dumb as they come,
but pius wants you to keep
an eye on him.
What am I going
to do with him?
Just give him an easy job.
Can you handle that?
Ga... ga...
Good to meet you.
How's it going, hans?
Come here a minute.
I know it's awfully
difficult at the beginning.
Everyone struggles at first,
but it's just a test.
And you're doing very
well, I must say.
Thank you, aunt gisela.
I like you, Lena, and the
others like you, too.
I don't know.
Yeah, they do.
I can tell.
Especially doro.
She just loves you.
And now she's
getting married.
She said so.
I'm so happy for her.
She must have told
you about her fiance?
Not really, just that...
They're in love and
his name's dieter.
Yeah, dieter.
Doro and dieter.
What a perfect match.
Get back to work now.
Where is that
bloody moron?
What the fuck
are you doing?
I, I, I need to pee.
Did, did
you pee in here?
Did you piss into any
of these containers?
Uh, no.
Take a piss outside.
Damn it.
Dorothea, come along.
Everyone else,
go back to sleep.
No, no, no, no...
No, no, no!
I said back to sleep.
Dorothea, don't
make it worse.
Don't make it worse!
No! Please, don't.
It still stinks.
Not even this divine music
can drive the devil out.
I still smell the harlot.
Rotten to the core.
But it's not your
fault, woman.
That you have Satan
inside of you.
So you want to marry, eh?
Who would want
to marry you?
You ugly, stinking cunt?
I can't hear you.
Speak up, woman!
I know who.
Dieter, right?
Dieter, dieter, dieter.
What do you say to the proposal
from this ugly, stinking cow?
It stinks.
That's right.
That's right,
dieter, it stinks.
Why don't you come up here
and relieve your lover of
her stench?
Those are the demons
in her that you smell.
That we must drive out.
So we can breathe again!
We must drive it out!
So we are gonna
breathe again.
No, please!
Are you just going to
stand there like a fool?
That doesn't help her.
Come on.
What we do we do
with the love.
What we do we do
with the love!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Dieter, dieter, dieter.
The whore has enslaved you.
That's the work
of the devil!
That is the work
of the devil!
Why don't you come up here
and help him? Come on!
There's someone at the window!
This place is a mess.
Sorry, pius.
Take off your glasses.
Pius, please.
Glasses off!
Your sister, dorothea, has
suddenly fallen very ill.
She was taken to the
hospital for treatment.
Pray for her to get
healthy and let her
example be a
reminder to us all.
What are you doing here?
Go away!
How's doro?
She'll survive.
I'm sorry.
Will you tell her?
What was that last night?
Men's gathering.
What do you have to
do to be taken there?
Why do you ask?
One... more?
One... more?
Okay, do one more!
Men's gathering.
Where is the bloody moron?
Fuck it.
So you fooled gisela.
Be my guest.
That's what she deserves,
that fat, ugly, stinking cow.
But that you would
go and defile our
water with your stinking,
whorish, naked body.
Defies belief.
I took you in
like a daughter.
I made you one of us.
I gave you
everything you need.
Hasn't she lived here
snug as bug in a rug?
Now you show
your true face.
For all women are full of lies,
deceit and whorish demons.
Your tears won't save you.
As any loving father
should, I will now cleanse
you of the demons
that are within you.
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Come on! Show your
brotherly love!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Escape! Escape!
Go get the cars!
Get in the cars!
Go! Go! Go!
Get the weapons!
Attention! Attention!
Contact with the electric
fence in sector seven.
All men to be armed.
I repeat: Contact with the
electric fence in sector seven.
Get the dogs!
Get the dogs!
Look, over there!
Damn it, it's hans.
That idiot must have
run into the fence.
Ah, let's pick him up and
bring him to the hospital.
All I can see is
sadness in your eyes.
There's doubts
in your heart.
Turmoil in your soul.
Oh, you think you
made a mistake.
That you shouldn't
have come here.
You regret.
You regret deeply.
It's okay.
It's okay, Lena.
We're not perfect.
None, none of us.
We all lose our
way sometimes.
The lord loves us,
imperfect as we are.
Open your heart to the
lord and he will requite
all your doings
with his love.
Three first.
Attention: This is
today's final schedule.
All nurses will wear
their nurse's uniform.
All others Sunday best.
Aprons must be absolutely
clean and tied at the back
with a ribbon.
After the presidential
limousine has passed by,
we'll all follow
in mixed parade.
That's better.
After the speech all women
are to return to the
women's quarters.
All men will stand at attention
in front of the freihaus.
Thank you.
We'll go through it.
Now you see the car.
Very good.
Mixed parade!
Mr. president,
my dear friend.
I thank god's wisdom that
the reins of this country
are in your hands.
And you do us the honor of
visiting colonia dignidad.
Meet me at the
potato shed tonight.
I have night shift.
God bless our president
general pinochet!
Knock-offs, but better
than the originals.
Can you provide five hundred
by the end of the year?
If you order now.
And the poison gas.
We want both.
Of course, the
sarin is ready.
How can we be
sure it works?
We could demonstrate
on a dog.
We are not planning
to use it on dogs.
Everything under god's sun
is good for something.
We desire...
To be sober and pure!
We deny...
All lust of the flesh!
We submit...
Ourselves to the lord!
A volunteer
for guard duty?
Not you, hans.
Why not?
Why don't you let him?
For once?
I'm so sorry they brought
you here as well.
Nobody brought me here.
I joined up...
To find you.
Schafer understands that
family gives you home,
a sense of belonging.
So he broke up the
families, separated men
from women, children
from their parents.
That's why he
became so powerful.
Well then how they have the
children in the first place?
Once in a while he gives
them permission to meet,
but the children don't
know their parents.
They take away the babies from
their mothers at three months.
How do you know
all of this?
They don't hide
anything from me.
I'm just a retard.
We have to get
out of here.
It's all fenced in,
the entire compound.
They even have
spring guns.
I almost got killed, when
i tried to get away.
When was that?
About three months ago.
That's why you
weren't there.
Men's gathering.
I made them take me there
so that you would see me.
There's something down there.
Wait, I'll go
and have a look.
It's a tunnel.
Is it time already?
What do you think
I'm here for?
Uh, I'm not finished, yet.
So you'll continue
Come now.
Lena, come to see pius.
Lena, come to see
pius immediately!
How long?
Seven minutes,
twenty-three seconds.
If your conscience was
clear, you would have been
here in less than five.
Look at her.
She's the savvy one.
Keeps her eyes open.
She knows what's
going on, right?
Do you know ursel?
She got brains.
But the brainy ones,
you can't trust them.
They lose their
way too easily.
So I want you to keep an
eye on ursel, tell me what
you see and hear.
Because there's something going
on with her and I can smell it.
I hardly ever see ursel.
Well I can fix that.
What are you doing here?
Just helping out.
What's wrong?
I just don't know how
you stand it here.
I was nine when
we came here.
I don't know
anything else.
Your parents
are here, too?
Gisela is my mother.
Inhale, exhale.
Physically he's fine.
But we should take some
blood as well and analyze it.
Blood test.
Let's wait for the blood count
and test the gas tomorrow.
Thank you my friend.
It's an entire system
of tunnels.
I figured it
out last night.
You won't believe what
they built down there.
It's kilometers of shafts
with electricity and air
ventilation and
But there's this one tunnel
which is blocked
by a metal door.
It's the only tunnel
which is blocked.
This shaft heads
right for the fence.
I think it leads outside.
Out of the colony.
Are you sure?
We have to give it a try.
I also found another exit.
It leads out into
the workshop.
The tunnels connect
the entire colonia.
It's really crazy.
And I'm sure, only Schafer and
a few others know about it.
I mean, there is like a
whole secret world going
on underneath and most of
them, they have no clue.
Lena, I'm sure
we can make it.
We can get out through the
tunnels, but we have to
leave tonight.
They're preparing a
test for tomorrow.
What test?
Poison gas.
The idea is I...
I won't survive.
My god.
Look after these.
In case I don't make it.
What is this?
Pictures I took
from the tunnels.
The underground rooms.
We have to prove what's
going on in here.
I don't wanna prove
anything, I just want to
get out of here alive.
But we have to nail these
guys, we have to stop this.
With a few photographs?
Don't you get it?
If you hadn't taken those
photos in Santiago we
wouldn't even be here.
So do me a favor, stop
playing the revolutionary,
hell-bent on
saving the world.
You're gonna
get us killed!
And no chattering.
What shall I peel with?
Didn't you bring
your knife?
How stupid can you be?
-I didn't know...
-Not another word!
I'll get you a knife.
Why are you here?
You tell me.
You think I don't know
Schafer told you to spy on me?
Maybe he told me
to spy on you, too.
You've got brains, Lena.
Just like ursel.
But the brainy
ones are dangerous.
Why is he doing all this?
The whole place.
I don't understand it.
Because there is
nothing to understand.
He loves it.
His power, the music,
the little boys.
It's his heaven on earth.
Did you really believe
he was a man of god?
Of course.
But not anymore.
So have the
two of you met?
What do you mean?
You know what I mean.
The picture
inside your cross.
So foolish of you, Lena.
And when nobody's
watching, he's not so
retarded anymore.
You're planning to escape.
I am pregnant, Lena.
And I think they know.
And he won't accept it.
They'll kill it.
And probably me, too.
But the father?
He's not from here.
He was taken here,
just like your hans.
And I took care of
him at the hospital.
Where is he now?
He's nowhere.
Didn't make it.
That potato you're holding,
it's the same one
you had when I left.
Take your things, go
and sit back there.
You'll only
gossip otherwise.
It's always the same,
always the brainy ones.
Where did you
get this from?
I found it.
Really, just like that?
I'll find out, even if i
have to carve it out of
flesh with a blunt fork,
so where did you get it from?
I found it.
Where did you get it from?
Get out!
Get out!
I-i had it.
You said what?
This picture, hans,
belongs to you?
Where did you get it from?
If I tell you, uncle
bernd is gonna hit me.
No, uncle bernd
won't hit you.
In, in there.
Open up the darkroom.
The red, red book.
Red book.
I didn't take these.
I'm impressed, bernd.
These are great.
It wasn't me, pius,
please, i--
don't worry.
The truth will
set you free.
Goldilocks can go now.
We're going to have a chat
with our good brother bernd.
Well, get out,
both of you sluts!
We'll go through the
workshop. It's quicker.
We're taking ursel with us,
she's in the potato shed.
Are you insane?
That's too far.
I'm not going
without ursel.
Oh shit.
Let's go!
Go! Go! Go!
Come on! Come on!
Urgently searching for
brother hans and sister Lena.
They need to be
found immediately.
What's going on?
We're getting out of
here, and you are, too.
Come on!
Move it! Move!
Come on!
What is this?
You didn't know?
Hurry up!
Take me to hans's room.
Come on! Get in!
What do we do?
It's only a few meters.
And there's light
on the other side.
I can't do it.
You wanna go back?
Is that hans's bed?
You go.
You go first.
That goddamn fucking liar.
We made it.
Come on.
Your brother hans and your
sisters, ursel and Lena,
have lost their way and have
forsaken our good lord.
Pray for them so they find their
way home where they belong.
I'm outside.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Yes, let's go.
Stay, stay!
Lena, let's go.
They'll be here
any second.
Come on, Lena!
It's okay now.
We're safe.
We're safe.
You know, she
was pregnant.
If I hadn't made her come,
she'd still be alive.
It wasn't your fault.
I'm sorry.
The ambassador is
ready to see you now.
Would you follow me?
This way, please.
These are the
pictures I took.
Good work.
Thank you.
Hot off the press.
And this should fit,
uh, more or less.
But I'm afraid there are
no more seats on today's
flight, so I reserved
for the next one.
In a week's time?
I'm sorry, yes.
We can't wait
for another week.
What day is it today?
We have a fifty-fifty chance.
Is this the ritz?
Could you put me through
to one of your guests?
Roman breuer.
B, r...
Thank you.
It's Lena.
It's so good to
hear your voice.
Tell me, are you by any
chance flying today?
Oh my god.
They've got themselves two
seats on the today's flight.
Yes, they're leaving for
the airport just now.
The colonia dignidad is
very powerful here in Chile.
They're probably already
at the airport to make
sure you won't
leave the country.
I will personally
take you there.
With my diplomatic status
I'll get you through
border control,
so you'll be safe.
The photos?
You've got them?
Just a minute.
What are you doing?
What was that?
Oh, nothing really.
We, ah, just forgot
the photographs.
And we need them, because
we're going to nail these guys.
Why aren't we getting out?
You're safe here.
Where are we going?
To an underground entrance
so you won't be seen.
It may not be the most
comfortable place,
but it's absolutely safe.
I'll pick you up as
soon boarding begins.
Boarding card, please.
Welcome aboard, sir.
Yes, captain?
Is Lena here?
Haven't seen her.
Could you check with
the gate, please?
Where is this guy?
Window heat.
We should be
boarding by now.
Lena hasn't checked in.
Are you sure?
Thank you for doing this.
They must not reach the plane.
This is the last and final
boarding announcement for
lufthansa 723
to Frankfurt.
Will missing passengers
Daniel list and Lena
kortus please proceed to the
departure gate immediately.
We are closing
the flight now.
That's where
we need to go.
No, no, the other way.
Okay, go, go!
Ladies and gentlemen, on
behalf of captain Roman
breuer and the entire
crew, I want to welcome
you on board this boeing 707 on
a direct service to Frankfurt.
Please stow away your...
Boarding completed.
Request to start up.
Thank you, lufthansa 723.
Start-up approved.
Report. Ready to taxi.
Runway one seven.
Taxi to runway one seven.
Ready for take off.
-Clear on your right.
-Clear on your...
Open the doors!
Open the door!
Lena, quick!
You have to
instruct the tower.
The lufthansa plane 723.
Stop it!
Stop it!
Do you hear me?
I owe you.
Oh, yes.
Lufthansa 723,
do you copy?
Lufthansa 723,
go ahead.
Flight permit
is canceled.
Clearance is void.
Please confirm, lufthansa 723.
Flight permit is canceled.
They've canceled
our clearance.
Lufthansa 723,
do you read?
Clearance is void.
Please confirm.
I can't do that.
You have to, Roman.
This is the police.
Open the doors.
Go! Go!
Lufthansa 723, you
have no clearance.
I repeat: You
have no clearance.
Open the doors.
Fuck it!
Cabin crew, prepare
for take-off!
What the fuck
are they doing?
Ready for take-off.
Ready for take-off.