Color Of Money, The (1986)

The balls are pocketed
in numbered order.
The only ball
that means anything...
that wins it,
is the 9.
The player can shoot
eight trick shots in a row...
blow the 9, and lose.
On the other hand...
the player can get
the 9 in on the break...
if the balls spread right,
and win.
Which is to say that luck
plays a part in 9-ball.
But for some players...
luck itself is an art.
Check the colour.
Dead giveaway,
you know?
It's thick.
You can almost feel it.
Lay down and let it
roll all over you.
That's single malt.
On the other hand,
you got something like Old Mcdonnell.
More like Young Mcdonnell,
Tastes like
Smell this.
That's good stuff.
Very good stuff.
I can get you a case
for $35.50 less...
than your wholesaler
can get you a case of Jack Daniel's.
Go peddle that to one
of your hotel chains.
I don't do that, do I?
This is family.
I'm glad
to see you, too.
Come to my house
I'll make you
an omelet.
I'll make the omelets.
Did you forget the omelet
I made you last time?
What was in it?
Sweet sausage.
Sweet sausage.
Hey, I never made you
sweet sausage.
Come on,
what was in it?
Sour cream
and caviar, right?
Okay. Excuse me.
am I working?
I'm working, too.
This guy is up
for 20 a rack.
What guy?
Playing 2, 21/2 hours
for 5 a game.
He's up 30.
I've been
playing him off.
Yo, Vincent!
Vincent, we're on.
Hey, Vincent.
Can you believe this guy?
Hey, Vinnie.
You slide this stuff
into a bottle of Old Granddad...
you'd hardly be lying.
Pick me up.
I get off at 10:00.
Not without me
you don't.
Do you?
Wait a minute.
I'm talking bourbon.
You know the secret?
These people get a hold
of aged kegs.
You're tasting
low fusel oil content.
Just like the big guys.
It's the kegs.
Where do you get
the kegs?
That was fast.
What the hell happened?
I slipped.
He slipped.
Where do they get
the kegs?
They just do.
Do whatever you want.
It'll leave the warehouse
one way or another.
On the snap, Vincent.
That kid's got
a sledgehammer break.
Bottoms up.
Do you know who
loves this stuff?
The Chinese.
It must be the low
fusel oil content.
Don't kid yourself.
It has its effect.
It's like those things
you take for granted, like electricity.
Eddie, loan me
another 20.
Who you working,
me or him?
He's on the ropes.
He just lucked out.
You know me, right?
Take it easy.
Woo! Woo! Woo!
Pick us out
a nice bottle of wine.
Red or white?
On the snap, Vincent.
Hey, Eddie,
about those labels.
Can you get me
some Wild Turkey labels?
#... Oh, one more night #
# 'Cause I can't
wait forever #
# Give me one more night #
# Give me just
one more night #
# Give me one more night #
# I can't wait forever... #
How you doing?
#... Like a river
to the sea #
# I will always be
with you #
# And if you should
sail away #
# I will follow you #
# Give me one more night #
# Give me just
one more night #
Kid draws
some bead, huh?
# Oh, one more night #
# I can't wait forever #
# I know there'll
never be a time... #
Play him again.
You really got him on the ropes.
One more,
right, chief?
I got to split.
You're going.
Come on,
one more game.
I'm bust.
So let's just
play play.
Play for play.
No money.
Play play?
Show me
what you got.
Julian, I just want
your best game.
I think the money's
throwing you off today.
#... One more night #
# 'Cause I can't
wait forever #
How about I win,
no money.
You win,
I'll throw you 20.
# One more night #
# 'Cause I can't
wait forever ##
What's the matter
with this guy?
All right, Carmen,
who's next?
You want to play me?
For your girlfriend.
One game.
I'll spot you
the 7 and 8.
I'll give you
the table.
You want to play him?
No. 500 a rack.
Oh, you serious?
I never kid
about money.
Ha ha ha ha!
Off with their heads.
You don't know
what you're doing, do you?
What do you mean?
Well, you just blew
That kid, he has both arms
in traction...
he beats anybody
in the room.
Yeah, he could.
So I'll offer it
to you again.
I'll play him
for 500 bucks.
You don't know
what to say, do you?
Maybe I'm hustling you,
maybe I'm not.
You don't know,
but you should know.
If you know that,
you know when to say no.
What should I say?
You should say no.
Why? Because
it's too much money
and I'm an unknown.
He should be the unknown.
That would be nice.
That would
be beautiful.
You could play around
with that.
You could control that.
I'll offer it
to you again.
I'll play him
for 500 bucks.
you should have said yes.
It's very hard
to know that.
It's very complex...
like which twin
has got the Toni.
Maybe they both
got the Toni.
Maybe Toni's a guy.
It's very complicated.
Plus it's too much money.
God, you're crazy.
No, I'm not.
Just common sense.
How about I take you guys
out for dinner tonight?
You should ask Vincent.
No. You should
ask Vincent.
You know the last time
Julian lost for me?
It's just a game, man.
Some balls and a stick.
Stalker is tough.
It's his video game.
Vincent's the best
at it.
In pool, you just
got these balls.
You take your time,
set up a shot.
Can you make any money
playing Stalker?
I'll tell you what
I can do off Stalker.
I can go to West Point.
It's all coming down
to video-game reflexes.
Computerized tanks,
Star Wars.
In 10 years,
a heavy scorer on Stalker...
is a shoo-in
at the Point.
You are beautiful.
What do you mean,
Money money.
Hey, look.
If you got an area
of excellence...
you're the best
at something, anything...
then rich
can be arranged.
Rich can come
fairly easy.
You got some other
area of excellence besides Stalker?
You're some
piece of work.
You're also
a natural character.
I've been telling her that.
I got natural character.
That's not
what I said, kid.
I said you are
a natural character.
an incredible flake.
But that's a gift.
Guys spend half their lives
inventing that.
You walk into a poolroom
with that "go, go, go..."
guys will be
killing each other...
trying to get
to you.
You got that.
But I'll tell you
something, kiddo.
You couldn't
find big time...
if you had
a road map.
Pool excellence is not about
excellent pool.
It's about
becoming something.
Like what?
You got to be a student...
of human moves.
See, all the greats
that I know of...
were students
of human moves.
of human moves?
Yeah. That's my area
of excellence.
Oh, yeah?
That guy at the end
of the bar...
he's been hustling that broad
for half an hour.
He's going to throw in the towel
in 30 seconds for a buck.
You got it.
Starting now.
What do you mean,
rich can be arranged?
Guess the news.
You lose.
And I just missed it
by a couple of seconds.
Want to up the bet?
Check for the meal says
I leave with her in two minutes.
Okay. Ready, go.
Now. I'm counting.
I know this will
sound crazy...
but would you come outside
and look at my car?
Your car?
Come on.
Hold it here
for a second.
Human moves, kid.
You study the watch...
but I study you.
You get the check.
Excuse me.
Cab's on me.
What's with
the car, Eddie?
I'll drive you home.
I hated to see you
sitting alone.
Did you see Julian?
Yeah. Does he still
got his nighttime job?
He wanted to talk to you,
but you were busy.
Where did you go?
You certainly
weren't here.
Oh, yeah?
Where was I?
God, the earth moved.
Didn't it move
for you a little bit?
That was a train.
No, it was you...
but it certainly wasn't San Juan.
I mean, if you're going to talk
earth moving...
you got to talk San Juan.
Remember that waterbed we had?
Sometimes I think about that week.
When I'm behind the bar...
I think,
"I'm going to get me a waterbed..."
and not tell anybody...
Just make it a surprise.
Get some rum and pineapple juice.
You couldn't tell me
one word I just said...
could you?
No, I couldn't.
Waterbed, rum, pineapple juice.
Not that, it's...
I don't know,
that kid today...
it was like watching
a home movie.
Ah, it just
made me wonder.
Wonder what?
It made me wonder
about San Juan.
What did you mean
last night about money...
and all that stuff?
I want to show you
So this is
liquor money.
Some. Do you know
what I invest in?
You think Vincent's
that good?
Well, he's got the eye.
He's got the stroke.
He's got the flake
down cold...
but can he flake on
and flake off?
I don't know whether
that can be taught.
He's got to learn how to be himself,
but on purpose.
Do you like to travel?
You like hotels?
They're okay.
Are you going to
help me with him?
That lady you picked up
last night...
you knew her
from before, right?
And the guy.
You probably had his schedule
down cold.
Maybe he's your
You're a hard broad.
What does Vincent
see in you?
Vincent's the best.
That's what
he sees in me.
We've just been together
about a year.
Vincent made us
get a place together.
You know how we met?
My old boyfriend
last year got busted
breaking into Vincent's
parents' house.
We met
at the police station.
You were bailing
your boyfriend out.
No. I got
busted, too.
I was driving
the car.
See this?
Vincent's mother's.
He gave that to you?
From the robbery.
Vince says his mother
has one just like it.
He's sweet.
Vincent's real sweet.
The problem with this one
is that it's made in Taiwan.
You want something
for your kid to bounce in.
What animal bounces?
It comes from Australia.
This is
Australian made.
It's twice
as expensive...
but it's three times
better than Taiwan.
I'll take 15 off.
Yeah, okay.
All right,
Mr and Mrs Randall...
it's a good buy.
Lou, could you
write them up?
If you ever need anything,
Vincent, okay?
Mr Felson,
what can I do you for?
Eddie is okay.
In fact, just plain Ed
if you want.
Ed. Yes, sir.
Can we talk privately?
There's a 9-ball tournament,
end of April.
I think
we ought to go.
Yeah. Me, you,
and Carmen.
Yeah? That sounds
like a lot of fun.
We ought to
leave tomorrow.
Why not leave today?
What is it
with this guy?
If you're going to
take the plunge...
give yourself
a fair shake.
Don't go half-assed.
Go on the road for six weeks.
Get some seasoning.
Why don't you
ask Julian?
Julian's known.
You're nobody.
I get better bets
with you.
If there's
some other way...
that I can be
honest with you, tell me.
This is my job, Eddie.
You think so?
That's funny.
I don't think so.
I think
it's your problem.
What is?
Well, you're hooked
on Carmen, aren't you?
Crazy about her?
You're getting
a little personal here.
You're losing her,
What do you mean?
She don't get the allure
of this place.
Hey, Vincent.
Take a good look
at her.
She's starting
to pack.
You don't know her.
I didn't know that broad
at that bar either.
She's bored, Vincent.
Are you listening
to what I'm telling you?
What are you saying?
You, me, her on the road.
Six weeks.
She'll be a couple years
catching her breath.
these people...
Lou, I'm talking here.
Do me a favour.
Take care of them.
He's late
for his coffee break.
Go on,
get back to work...
but think
about it, okay?
Take your time.
I'll give you five seconds.
Five seconds.
You know where
to find me...
if you want to talk.
Don't worry about it.
# If I can hold you
tonight #
# I might never let go... #
If anybody asks,
I'll be in the back.
# I might never let go #
# If I can hold you
tonight ##
[Knock On Door]
Come on in.
Hey, Eddie.
Uh... what we were
talking about yesterday...
I just wanted to ask you
some questions about it.
What happens?
I mean, what happens?
It's a Balabushka.
It's beautiful.
It makes the others
look like stickball bats.
This yours?
You want it?
This isn't for me.
I don't know
who this is for.
No, this isn't for me.
John Wayne would carry
something like this...
if he played pool.
Babe Ruth.
No. I...
No, I can't accept this.
Go ahead, take it.
You're pushing
pretty hard.
You betcha.
I've been thinking
about nothing else all day.
I don't know
what to tell you, Eddie.
It doesn't matter.
Go outside.
Horse around with it.
You don't like it,
bring it back.
Hey, Eddie.
I was talking to Carmen
the other night...
feeling her out.
Oh, Willie.
Wait a minute.
Sorry. Go ahead.
I said I was talking to Carmen
the other night...
feeling her out.
I think
you're wrong, man.
She's doing real good.
Okay. I'm glad I'm wrong.
No. I don't know.
I can make it
in half an hour.
Where's Carmen,
my girlfriend?
She just went
in the bathroom.
You know
what this is?
Where'd you get
a Balabushka?
Eddie Felson
gave it to me.
Eddie gave you
a Balabushka?
You know
what that's worth?
That guy died
about 15 years ago.
It must be
a collector's item.
#... Snake's in the garden #
# Apple's on the tree #
# All of this
looks easy #
# None of this is free #
# You might get lucky #
# Got the will to win #
# You need a little failure #
# To thicken your skin #
# Everybody's talking #
# They promise you the moon #
# It's made of paper #
# And you find out
pretty soon #
# Who owns this place? #
# Who? #
# Who owns this place? #
# I'm talking to you... #
It's my word
against yours.
I'm a rare book
Have you seen
my girlfriend?
She went out.
Hey, she's
your girlfriend.
Everything okay?
Where'd you go?
I went out
for cigs.
They sell cigarettes
right here.
So I got them
across the street.
You needed
some fresh air, right?
What's your problem?
No problem.
There's no problem.
I'm glad to hear it.
I just didn't know
where you went.
I'm going to sit down now.
Is that okay?
I might go to the bathroom
in about half an hour. Is that okay?
I'll be sure
and tell you when.
Hey, look.
I just didn't know
where you went.
Let's not make a federal production
out of this, okay?
It's a Balabushka.
Eddie gave it to me.
# Who owns this place? ##
Excuse me. Eddie?
I've been thinking
about it.
Let's do it, okay?
I wonder
what's upstairs.
Well, there might
be something soft...
for you
to lean against...
so I don't
crush your skirt.
In the Bahamas,
do they tango or rumba?
Samba, I think.
How's that Old Mcdonnell
working out?
You're drinking
it now.
You're serious.
- It's good stuff.
- It's very good stuff.
Yo, Eddie,
my man, hey.
Why don't you
look in the mirror...
before you leave
the john?
I hate that shit.
Better than
that shit.
Will you be
around Monday?
A guy's set up
in Camden.
No. I'll be out of
town for a few weeks.
What, you're taking that guy
on the road? What's his name?
It's none
of your business.
He's a chump.
He beat me one night.
I'll put the 9-ball
up both your asses.
Are you serious?
Taking him on the road?
When's the last time
you did the road, 1960?
They didn't even
have cars then.
What? Come on?
You bangin' his girlfriend?
Right? You can tell me.
Jeez, you are
the best, Julian.
Let me play him
Winner gets
in the car with you.
You're the best.
You're not the only
stake horse around.
See you
in Atlantic City.
Don't look
too hard for me.
We're going
to the Bahamas.
I just didn't say when.
Appreciate hearing about it
from that dope fiend.
I didn't want
to tell anybody.
Makes me feel great,
That guy sucks.
So do you!
I'm wrong,
but let me do it my way!
Do it any way
you want.
I want to go
on the road.
Your things
at my apartment...
you'll find in a suitcase
out front, okay?
Hey, wait a...
I'm sorry.
I cover all expenses...
food, room, entry fees.
For that, I get 60%
of your winnings.
I also take the losses
if you lose.
For that, I get 60%
of what you win.
a slumlord?
Honey, you find
a newcomer...
with a better deal,
come to me, we talk.
Don't worry.
I'm not going to lose often.
Yes, you will.
That's what I'll teach you.
if you lose, you win.
So who's
the heaviest guy?
I'm the heaviest guy,
right, Eddie?
It doesn't make sense.
It goes in streaks.
The balls roll funny
for everybody, kiddo.
There's this guy...
Grady Seasons.
He's making the most
on paper...
but that doesn't
mean anything.
The money's
in the practise room.
That's where
you get good games.
You can get wiped out
at the tournament...
hang around
the practise room...
and make more money than
the tournament winner.
Hear that?
The practise room.
Hey, watch the paint.
What? Oh.
Is that metal
on your jacket?
- Sorry.
- Shit.
I'm starved.
here's the grub.
My pancakes are burnt.
Wait a minute.
We ordered four on,
two up.
I don't
want sausage.
It's the wrong order.
That's a dead
Four on two.
Oh. Egg talk.
She was
the killer waitress...
at the Acropolis.
She did them a favour
and quit. Ow.
You think he's the only one
who has to work?
How come you don't
play pool any more?
I quit.
somebody retired me.
Sometimes you meet
the wrong people.
That was a long
time ago, back east.
It's dead and buried.
I won my share
of medals.
Don't you ever feel
like picking it up again?
I mean, you're always
around those pool halls.
I'm too old.
My wheels are shot.
a young man's game.
there's drugs now.
Kids are playing
on coke, speed.
When I was younger,
it was booze.
Somehow it was
more human.
Booze, huh?
Booze. Yeah.
Wine. It goes back
to the Bible.
The Bible never mentions
You religious, Eddie?
Me? I get high
on the man upstairs.
Isn't there
a masters tournament?
I seen this on television...
Them old golfers...
like an old-timers
If you're too old to cut the mustard,
you can lick the jar.
Nobody ever asked me
for a refund, honey.
Not yet.
We're just talking
around things here.
It ain't about pool,
sex, love.
It's about money.
The best is the guy
with the most...
in all walks
of life.
Are you the best
liquor salesman?
You betcha.
What a way to get
your feet wet.
This place
is a classic.
Put that
in the trunk.
What will
I play with?
A house cue.
Go in with that,
nobody will come near you.
I can't believe it.
I got goose bumps.
I love it.
You watch for a while.
I got to see this guy.
I can't wait
to see what's next.
Good thing I didn't bring
the Balabushka, huh?
divvy this up in the car?
All right. Yes.
Had enough, junior?
Hold on.
What are you doing,
Beat him,
eat him, and go.
I can't take
his money.
There's a hole
in his throat.
So what?
The guy's
breaking my heart.
Look. He's on
his last legs.
It's only 60 bucks.
It's no big deal.
No big deal?
You want me
to quit?
Yeah, if you're going to
keep dumping like this.
Unless... show me.
Make it
a real performance.
Dump like
a professional.
a professional.
Okay, chief,
play you for 30.
Get the car.
What for?
Just bring it
around front.
Head it that way.
That's the wrong
way, Eddie.
Just do
what I tell you.
Yeah, right.
Easy shot. I miss this, I'm a chump.
Easy. Straight in.
Tough one's the 4,
I don't know.
Oh, my God, l...
Oh, my God.
Do you believe...
Don't even bother.
I just can't
hit nothing.
That's it, kid.
Where's the money?
Yeah, I know.
That's it.
Uh... Eddie?
Where's the money?
Eddie's got
the money.
Where'd they go?
They left.
Relax. Take it easy.
What's the matter
with you guys?
Get your hands off.
I'll get your money.
What are you doing?
Take it easy!
Take it easy!
Hey! Enough!
I'm his father.
You little bastard!
I tell you
when to play.
Ease off! Family.
Get out of here,
You punk,
I hope your mother...
kicks the shit
out of you.
Okay, go, go, go, go!
Where to?
Just take
the parkway south.
You never...
You never ease off
on somebody like that...
not when
there's money involved.
That's the problem
with mercy, kid.
It just ain't
Let me look
at your face.
Ah, you'll live.
You'll live,
Get out of my face,
will you? Jeez.
My father.
Saved your ass.
Carmen, what's to be
learned from this?
Nice guys
finish last.
Is that original,
or did you make that up?
Vincent, you're so sexy
with that bloody lip.
Shut up.
You guys want me
to drive?
No. I'm good.
- That slime ass son-of-a-bitch.
- What?
That guy with the hole...
Stick a pool cue
down his throat.
Go back there with a fucking cannon
and blow their asses away.
that's gross.
Next time, kid.
[Speaking Spanish]
One of you guys know
where the Triant Motel is?
The what?
Triant Motel.
Yeah, go left on Aurora...
and right on Seneca.
Chalkies still around?
- Chalkies?
- Yeah, it's a pool hall.
I know.
It's still around.
What, it's supposed
to move somewhere?
Some things
never change, huh?
Man, I wouldn't
bet on it.
[Knock Knock]
Eddie, enter.
Hey, good morning.
Come on,
let's get going, guys.
I'm ordering room service.
You want anything?
Food... you hungry?
I hate the weather.
Can't get room service
in a motel.
Come on,
let's check out Chalkies.
Tell your girlfriend
to get going.
Meet you in the lobby.
What about food?
I'm starved.
- Vincent?
- Yeah?
Don't change the shirt.
It's a nice touch.
And leave
the cue stick.
What's the use
of having it?
This was a nice bad
neighbourhood. Now look.
Will they all
be like this?
On your pool hall scale,
what do you rate this?
At least
it's got tables.
Squeeze me in?
Table number seven
for Fast Eddie.
Yeah, see, you don't
recognize Orvis...
from way back when.
Well, son-of-a-bitch.
What the hell you doin' here?
Now you're starting
to remember.
- How long you want it for?
- Couple hours.
The last time I saw you, you
were sweeping up at Mcgeer's.
Sweeping up at Mcgeer's.
That's right.
Then I started working
here for Chalkie...
till he got scared
of the bad element.
Since then I've been
running Chalkies.
What can I do for you?
Looking for action?
Usually I steer
for 20%...
but for you,
it's 10.
My friend here
wants a game.
How you doin',
Wild place
you got here.
Eddie, are you
stake horsing?
Know who you got
stake horsing for you?
This here's
fast Eddie Felson.
Who the hell are you...
the end of the world?
Ease it up,
will you, Orvis?
Him I'll steer for 15...
since he's staked...
by Fast Eddie
the stake horse.
Playing 9-ball
or straight?
I'll set it up
for you.
The table will
cost you $12.
# It's in the way
that you use it... ##
Maybe you should
go back to the motel.
There are
rape artists here.
Maybe you
should go back...
pretty boy
like you.
Ooh, you're such
a cute boy.
- Vincent.
- Not here.
Hey, let me give you
the scoop.
See the guy with the
tie pin in his nose?
That's Moselle.
Him you
stay away from.
- No shit.
- Grow up.
He's the main stick
around here.
You beat him...
it scares away
that gentleman.
- Who's he?
- Earl.
He comes in with $6,000
in his pocket.
Runs the numbers.
Orvis says he
don't mind losing.
He just don't like
giving it away.
You beat Moselle...
old Earl there
loses interest.
What happens now?
for a little while.
We'll play
over here.
He'll be watching you,
and he'll come to you.
Who am I
going to play?
You? Okay.
I want her
to go back.
Oh, Christ.
This place is
a damn bird land.
I've dated
worse guys.
your hands.
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, that's enough.
That's enough. Okay.
That's enough.
Have Orvis call a cab
back to the hotel.
I don't want...
goddamn it.
Jesus Christ.
No thunderbolt breaks,
no runned over 4-balls.
Just take it easy.
She never went out
with any guys like these.
Vincent, will you
pay attention?
That guy Earl
is paying attention.
Are you listening
to me?
Yeah, yeah.
Want me to break,
or do you want to?
No. I'll break.
What did they do,
saw the legs off?
It's a table for dwarves
or something.
Oh, come on,
Fast Eddie.
Let's see some
heavy legend action here.
There's got to be
Not bad.
This ain't pool.
This is for bangers.
Straight pool
is pool.
This is like
or cribbage
or something.
Straight pool you got
to be a real surgeon...
to get it...
You know,
it's all finesse.
Now everything is 9-ball
because it's fast...
good for TV...
good for a lot
of break shots.
Oh, well.
What the hell.
Checkers sells more
than chess.
Pretty damn good.
Not bad for a blind man.
Rack 'em up.
Yes, sir. Rack 'em up
for Mr Fast Eddie.
I haven't played
serious pool...
since before
you were born...
and right away,
I'm laying them to waste.
Watch this.
- Damn!
- All yours.
That was phenomenal.
I'd like to play
that big dude Moselle.
I bet he ain't
that good.
I don't know, Eddie.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe this game
is just for bangers.
Cool it.
But the thing is...
even if it is just for bangers,
everybody's doing it.
If everybody's
doing it...
There's a lot
of guys doing it.
A lot of guys
doing it...
but only one guy
can be the best.
Eddie, hey!
Eddie! Eddie, what...
Where you goin'?
All right, hey.
Those were
easy shots, man.
Come on.
I'm a smart ass.
I was showing off.
I'm sorry.
All right?
This is turning
into a waste...
of my time and money.
Where are you going?
You're going to
leave me here?
I don't believe
this guy!
Child care.
- Vincent back?
- Yeah, but he's out.
- What do you mean, out?
- Not in the room.
- Mind getting dressed?
- Why? Are we going somewhere?
What if I was
somebody else?
- Like who?
- That's not the point.
I'm not naked
or anything.
Work with me,
not against me.
Don't talk to Vincent
like you did at Chalkies.
Gets him upset.
Use that thing right.
Use what thing?
Come on.
What are you doing?
Me and you.
Quick one
before Vincent gets back.
All right? Hey.
I'm not your daddy
or your boyfriend...
so don't play games
with me.
I'm your partner.
You don't flirt
with me.
Don't flatter
Don't waste my time
with bullshit, Carmen.
We got
a racehorse here...
a thoroughbred.
You make him feel good,
I teach him how to run.
We're businesspeople.
Got you.
Where's the Balabushka?
Vincent took it.
You said he was out.
He was in and out.
He took
the cue stick?
You let him?
Well, so what?
Oh, man, I'm sorry.
Jesus. Goddamn.
Child care!
Good game.
Good game.
What you got in there?
In here?
Come on, boy,
let's play.
Yeah, let's play.
We'll have a lot of fun.
# Ow-ooo
werewolves of London #
# Ow-ooo #
# He's the hairy-handed gent
who ran amuck in Kent #
# Lately he's been overheard
in Mayfair #
# You better
stay away from him #
# He'll rip
your lungs out, Jim #
# Ha! I'd like to meet
his tailor #
# Ow-ooo
werewolves of London #
# Ow-ooo #
# Ow-ooo #
# Werewolves of London #
# Ow-ooo #
# Well, I saw Lon Chaney
walkin' with the Queen #
# Doin' the werewolves
of London #
# I saw Lon Chaney, Jr.
Walkin' with the Queen #
# Doin' the werewolves
of London #
# I saw a werewolf
drinking a pina colada #
# At Trader Vic's #
# His hair was perfect #
# Ow-ooo #
# Werewolves of London #
# Ow-ooo ##
Not bad, my man,
not bad.
When you leaving town?
Now, right?
You don't want
to play me again?
Don't kill me.
That boy's hot.
Did you
see me tonight?
I m...
I made money.
You lost money.
The town
is dead for you.
Do I not speak your native language?
What is the matter?
You give me this stick
and tell me to lay low.
The goddamn thing, I lay it down
and it jumps up at me!
You don't deserve
this stick.
I don't deserve this?
You don't deserve
this stick.
Alls you do
is you sit in there.
You talk.
You tell me things.
I played.
I'm a fuckin' pool player.
You know something?
I'm a fuckin' animal!
get in the car.
This is embarrassing.
You're acting
like some girl...
who got felt up
in a drive-in.
It looks terrible.
Tough shit.
How much did you
take off of Moselle?
I heard 100.
Yeah. 150.
Walk into a shoe store
with 150 bucks...
you leave with one shoe.
We were working
on 5,000.
Come on.
Get in. It's cold.
You got me
talking to myself.
Half of me says
I got a hold of...
the best thing
I ever seen.
Half of me says
it ain't worth it.
Either I don't
teach you right...
or you don't listen...
or you listen,
but you don't hear.
What was
that voodoo stuff?
That wasn't pool.
That was a circus.
You dropped your pants.
You want to get down?
You and Gypsy Rose Lee.
I can always
go back to whiskey.
It's been
very good to me.
You're sitting in it,
and I'm wearing it...
but it's tired.
You know, it's just
kind of run on.
You appear on the scene,
I'm jumping again.
You remind me that...
that money won...
is twice as sweet
as money earned.
the screws put on me.
It was over for me...
before it really
got started.
But I'm hungry again...
and you bled that
back into me.
You got to have
two things to win.
You got to have brains...
and you got to
have balls.
You've got
too much of one...
and not enough
of the other.
I mean,
I don't know.
Tell me what
you want to do.
Give me a clue.
Um, yeah.
I'll try.
I'll really try,
you know?
Let's go for it.
You know, Eddie,
I mean, uh...
it's just tough
for me to lay down.
You know,
it's just, uh...
I get in there,
and it's just tough.
It's just, uh,
it's just tough to lay down...
but i'll try. Okay?
Tough to lay down,
Well, roll over,
Give me.
is 90 bucks.
I wake you up?
Well, do you
want to hang up?
Are you still
pissed off at me?
Well, if you were, uh,
I'd understand.
I don't know.
Uh, I'm having nightmares,
sweats, and everything.
What kind of rent
are you paying?
I said what kind of rent
do you pay?
Well, listen.
After the Bahamas...
maybe you could
move in with me...
just for practise.
What do you mean?
No, nothing's going on.
What are you, a shrink?
I miss you.
I say nice things to you.
A couple of curve balls
every now and then.
They're young.
They're kids.
No, no. You're perfect.
I love this. You should have seen
Eddie play last night.
Are we going to make
some money today?
We'll make some money.
I'm a wild man today.
Did you ever hear
of a hustle...
called two brothers
and a stranger?
That's the guy
in the Bible...
with the many-coloured
coats, right?
I'm joking, you guys.
Come on.
Did I get through
to you?
I'll run it by you
another way.
If you'd have
kicked ass...
in any place
but Chalkies...
Atlantic City would
be dead for us.
The guys never
leave the street.
Otherwise, it would
be all around.
Let me tell you
Last night...
people never talked to me...
like that before.
You really
talked to me.
I want you to know
I appreciate it.
I want to thank you
for everything. Uh...
Don't worry, kid.
Don't worry.
Two brothers
and a stranger.
You got two guys
who go into a bar, see?
Give me two hours.
They'll be building me
a trophy wall.
That kid gets to
have all the fun.
Lock and load.
All right.
Who's next here?
You guys want to play?
No. Anybody? Want to play?
Forget it.
Spot you
the break here.
Come on, I'll spot you
the break.
I want
the 7-ball, too.
How about the 8?
I'll give you the 8.
What do you want?
You up? Let's go.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Why don't you
keep it down?
What did I say?
I coughed.
Well, ya ga ga ga.
Stop it, Eddie.
Do you mind?
Excuse me?
It's a money game
here, guy.
Ha ha!
Big money game.
Right. So take your hands
off the girl...
and let us play, okay?
What do you care
where I put my hand?
Gramps, put your teeth in,
get your hands off your daughter
and pay attention.
You might learn
something today.
I'll change my teeth.
You change your goddamn diapers.
Hey, we've got
a game going here.
Really? What are you
playing for?
What's it to you?
What are you playing for?
You want to win?
I'll bet 500 bucks
on this guy here.
I think
you're a choker.
says you choke.
Why don't you
take a walk?
Anybody want to bet?
What are you
starting trouble for?
- I'm going to leave.
- Jerk.
Want to go
for 1,000?
I know. I mean...
you'd think
he would have seen it.
Oh, my God,
he got suckered...
into that so easy.
What's up?
What do you think?
Get in the car.
Get away from me.
What the hell
is the matter with you?
Did you have
a good time?
I'm disappointed,
Frankly, your ass!
I seen you.
Don't give me that.
Seen what?
Screw this.
I don't need this. I'm gone.
I'm going home.
Come on.
- The hell you are.
- The hell I am?
You're going home
alone, man.
Is it you
and Eddie now?
Getting felt up
by Eddie?
Come on.
You go in that place,
you play your part.
I put my hands on her.
It's acting.
Your hands were
all over her!
It's acting!
Hey, look, Vincent...
when you go
into movies...
and you see
people kissing...
do you think
they go home together?
They're professionals.
We're trying
to be professionals.
Okay, you guys,
it was just a little rough.
I ain't used
to that, Carmen.
I don't know
about this.
Vincent the kid, huh?
You're going to be
one of the greats, kiddo.
I got a good feeling
about this.
# You say it's black,
and you know it's white #
# You say it's day
when you know it's night #
# You say it's good,
and you know it's mean #
# It's the finest music
that I ever seen #
# Don't tell me nothin' #
# Don't you tell me nothin' #
# Don't tell me nothin' #
# I can see that rock 'n' roll
is good for me #
# You say it's a dog
when you know it's a cat #
# You say it's a mouse
when you know it's a rat #
# You say it's meat,
and you know it's bread #
# You tell me it's gold
when it's a hunk of lead #
# No, don't you tell me nothin' #
# Oh, don't you tell me nothin' #
# Don't you tell me nothin' #
# I can see that rock 'n' roll
is good for me #
# Don't you tell me nothin' #
# Don't you tell me nothin' #
Ha ha ha!
# You say it's right,
and you know it's wrong #
# You say it's short,
and you know it's long #
# You say it's low
when you know it's high #
# Tell me the truth
and don't tell no lie #
# Don't tell me nothin' #
# Don't you tell me nothin' #
Play another one?
# Don't you tell me nothin' #
# I can see that rock 'n' roll
is good for me #
Are you sure...
You don't want
to play again?
Woo! Woo! Woo!
Woo! Woo! Woo!
Woo! Woo!
# Don't ##
[Music Playing]
Do you smell
what I smell?
Let's take
a stroll around.
# A starless black sky
revealed #
# Somewhere in America #
# I can feel the tears,
all lost and alone #
# And I feel... ##
Check out that guy
that's playing back there.
That guy?
Yeah. This is
a golden opportunity.
You know
who that is?
That's Grady Seasons...
the best money player
in the world.
That's Grady Seasons?
You want me to play him.
You bet.
And you are
going to dump.
You are going to
lose something fierce.
You'll ask for the spot
and the break.
It'll be humiliating.
This is beautiful.
What do you mean, dump?
If you lose bad now
to this guy...
you'll be a super nobody
in Atlantic City...
and the odds on you
will drop to nothing.
- See? She learns.
- Let me ask you.
These guys hustle,
and they win.
How come I always
got to play the jerk?
Why can't we hustle
where I win?
there's something...
at the end of this.
I wouldn't
have you do it...
unless the payoff
was phenomenal.
Look, do whatever you want to do.
Do whatever you want.
I'll play.
I ask a question, he panics.
It's like a nightmare,
isn't it?
It just keeps getting
worse and worse...
Doesn't it?
# Are you going to
fall for this? #
# We're gonna pay
hell for this #
# And now we can
move through it #
Oh. The impossible dream.
# Let ourselves
in for it... #
Don't choke now.
It's not
that hard a shot.
Did you just say,
"don't choke now"?
You heard me.
Yeah. Yeah,
I heard you.
# Let ourselves in for it #
# Let yourself in #
# Any way that you figure it #
# It's down here
at our fingertips #
# Back again, again... ##
Hey, Grady.
Up your ass with the spot,
okay with you?
Fine with me.
How you doing?
Carmen, I'm playing
here now.
I know.
you win one more game...
you're gonna be humping
your fist for a long time.
You got that,
What are you doing,
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Can I have
the Balabushka?
Ha ha ha!
Are you going
to play, Eddie?
Yeah, maybe.
I don't know.
Are you mad at me
about last night?
No. You done good.
Where's he going?
He's going to
Gunther's, ja.
Hey, Bill.
Why don't you
call Dud?
# Just about
to lose my mind #
# Never gonna let
your love... ##
Thank you.
I'll have another Drambuie
and potato salad.
Give my friend
another J.T.S. Brown.
One more time?
You remind me a lot...
of a guy I played
about 20 years ago.
After that, five of us
went on a road trip...
to San Antonio.
We didn't get any action.
The windup was we ended up
playing each other.
That's all she wrote.
Nice book, though.
Buy you one?
No, I'll buy you one.
I'm going to play
for a while.
It's crazy, you know.
I was working at this job
busting my butt.
They didn't
give me a raise.
My old lady,
she leaves me...
she says I'm a bum...
because I quit.
Then after, I start
working at the university...
for the experience.
Guess what I was.
What were you?
I was a subject.
A what?
A subject
in the psych department.
I was a subject
for experiments...
reflexes, memory things.
I didn't do anything...
when it got
to electric shock.
I did just once,
but it don't count.
That's 80.
- Do it again?
- Yeah, sure, I don't care.
- Double or nothing?
- Double or nothing.
Is there an echo?
Let's play.
Eddie, how you doing?
Holding my own
and a little bit of his.
Good man.
Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
Is that it?
Do it again.
Double or nothing?
What else?
All right.
Ha ha ha!
That is bullshit.
I never did that.
That is luck, man!
I'm really sorry.
There's nothing I can do.
The 9-ball fell.
I can't believe that.
Are you
a hustler, Amos?
Come on, Eddie, man.
Are you a hustler?
Hey, you don't
want to pay me?
Keep it.
Forget it.
I don't want
no bad feelings.
When the
big guy loses.
I lost, I paid.
I don't...
Are you
a hustler, Amos?
You want to quit?
Fuck you, kid.
Double it again.
# Don't bother #
# Sure enough I do #
# Oh, well #
Hey, I want to
ask you something.
I want you
to be honest.
You think I need
to lose some weight?
#... All of my life #
# Well, I sure
don't remember ##
How could I
get suckered like that?
You got to
work hard.
That takes a real gift
to show your ass like that.
Everything in a stack.
Everything... just probably
a little too much booze...
a little too cocky...
right amount of jerk...
to miss all those
fuckin' signals.
Eddie, you'll
get him next time.
How much would you need
to go it on your own...
from here
to Atlantic City?
Should have wiped
the floor with that guy.
Yeah? So?
How much would you need
to go to Atlantic City?
A couple thousand?
Come on, Eddie.
You had too much
to drink.
Let's forget
about it.
I got nothing
left to teach.
That was
the last lesson.
Take the money.
Front for yourself.
You'll do fine.
You're walking off?
Dumping us.
Dumping you?
I'm giving you
a stake.
I showed you
all I got.
What the hell else
you want?
That's it!
That's all!
What are we
supposed to do?
Where we supposed
to go from here?
Here's you, see?
Between you
and Atlantic City...
there's about 27
pool halls.
Three weeks, a couple
thousand dollars.
Why you talking
this way?
You're played for a chump,
so you walk out?
We'll get this guy
next time...
Hey, hey!
You do this
to some guy on the street...
not to me.
What about the stuff
you told me?
You're going to
ruin everything.
Carmen and me,
you told me about that.
Okay, look, Eddie.
Hey, it's
my attitude, right?
From now on...
Attitude, bullshit.
You always do
what you want to do!
Don't tell me that!
I'm tired!
I try
to do everything!
Take the money.
It's the last thing
I can give you.
Let it go, Vincent.
You give me money
to get rid of me.
You got
a long way to go.
This is
nickel-and-dime shit.
Shut up
and give me money.
Make it 3,000.
I'll give you
what I got!
You know something?
Just keep your
fuckin' money, pal.
Fuck it.
Feel good, don't it?
I'm blind.
You're cool.
The same? Worse?
Same? Worse?
Same? Worse?
I like
the glasses.
Fast Eddie,
this here's Moselle.
He plays pool.
No kidding.
That's a nice stick.
I get the break.
What's the book?
wins you 100.
wins you 25.
Facts of life, man.
Read my mind.
Rack 'em up.
Give it up.
Moselle. Moselle.
- Shh!
- Shh!
- Yeah!
- All right!
You guys going
to Atlantic City?
That's $4.00.
You need
at least $5.00.
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Knock 'em dead.
I'll try.
# Keep saying now #
# "Daddy, I have to
leave you" #
# Oh, yeah #
# "But I'm in love
with another guy" #
# Oh, no, no #
# I couldn't believe... ##
Hey, Eddie.
You playing?
Got a problem
with that?
No. You got
any problem with that?
If it makes
you happy, do it.
I just wanted
to say hello.
Hello, test. 1, 2, 3.
Ladies and gentlemen...
it's nice to see so many faces here...
for today's 9-ball classic.
start your matches.
I didn't deserve that.
Is this your first
tournament, Duke?
Match to Mr Felson.
I didn't deserve that.
Yes, you did.
# Tall and tan
and young and handsome #
# The boy from lpanema
goes walking #
# And when he passes #
# Each girl
he passes goes #
# Ahh! #
We'll play 10 games.
You win 8.
I got to win 10.
I'll put up $1,200.
You put up $800.
I win 8 games
to your 10?
You're putting up
$1,200 to my $800?
This is a good deal,
isn't it?
This guy won
the Akron Open, Vincent.
There is no such thing.
What have I
been reading?
I can win 8 games.
I just don't like
the deal.
What don't
you like, lady?
Up your end
to 1,500.
$300 isn't going to
kill the guy!
All right.
All right.
I shouldn't,
but I will.
how's that?
Okay. Yeah.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
All right,
it's 8:30.
How about 12:30
in the green room?
You can
get these, right?
No problem.
We got it
covered here.
Not bad, huh?
"Not bad, huh?"
He wouldn't
go for more...
That guy had $2,000
written all over his face.
You gave him $500,
and you're buying his drink.
Do it yourself
next time.
I got to go rest.
You got new glasses.
They look good.
If it isn't
the kid and Carmen.
it going?
Can't complain. You?
$4,000 in 3 weeks.
Could have been better,
could have been worse.
Well, I'm happy for you.
At 12:30 we're taking out
that lame from Akron.
You want in on it?
Well, thanks, uh...
listen, I'll pass up
on that.
I got to play
at 10:00.
All right.
It's on you.
Good luck tomorrow.
Same to you.
I got to go rest.
Uh, come get me
in about three hours, okay?
In three?
Yeah. Yeah.
Going good?
Yeah. Yeah.
We're doing okay.
You were right.
We didn't
need you any more.
That's what I said.
You wouldn't believe
Vincent now.
Oh, he's a new man, huh?
Why don't you
take him up on tonight?
I got to get up early
and play, so...
Well, see you around.
It's like a nightmare,
isn't it?
You got lucky,
you lucky prick.
Wipe your nose,
will you, Julian?
You're going down,
Oh! Goddamn.
Jesus Christ.
It keeps getting worse,
doesn't it?
Take it on off.
I can't help it.
Nice game,
Thank you.
Dynamite game,
Good game.
- Excuse me.
- Way to go.
I'm doing fine.
I'm only feeling nervous
because I feel good.
Yeah. Eyes feel good,
legs feel great.
I get no grief down here.
Come on down
and give me some grief.
Forget the Bahamas.
This is it.
It would be good
having you here.
I'm going to
beat him, you know.
Hello, Eddie.
That was nice.
...Ron Albrecht
and Larry Schwartz.
Following match
on table number eight...
Vincent Lauria
and Eddie Felson.
Hey, you shot
a great game.
The balls roll funny
for everybody.
I told you that.
You shot
a great game.
[Knock Knock]
Oh, come on.
- Who is it?
- Vincent!
[Knock Knock]
Oh, I can't
believe it.
Hi, guys.
Should we
come back later?
No. No.
We were just...
Janelle's having
a glass of cham...
Early bubbly.
Come on in.
Listen, l...
I drew
this guy Kennedy...
in the semifinals.
You know anything
about him?
What's that?
That's for you.
- Hey, how you doing? That's your cut.
- Cut of what?
- For the game.
- What game?
Our game. Got a front
to lay 4,000 on you. Then I dumped.
I dogged
about four shots.
Eddie, you know, you are
a very, very good player.
I feel shitty about getting booted
but there's other tournaments, right?
You dumped, huh?
Carmen didn't
want to go for it...
but I told her
you would appreciate it.
There's $8,000 there.
After I beat Grady Seasons,
the odds were a joke.
Two brothers
and a stranger.
It was beautiful.
It was fuckin' beautiful.
When I banked the 5...
When I saw the table...
I knew it was
going to be the 5.
To be able to just
miss the pocket by a hair...
I mean,
the audience..."oh!"
It was...
It was... I...
$8,000 in there.
We got to split.
I got green room games
for the next three nights.
These guys won't
leave me alone.
You sure you don't want in on this?
We're talking a lot of money.
Yeah. Maybe.
I'll call you, okay?
Look, good luck
with Kennedy, all right?
He's a little prick.
Ladies and gentlemen...
it's good to see you here
for the semifinals...
of today's 9-ball classic.
Right now on table one...
will be, from Chicago,
Larry Schwartz.
Larry will be playing...
St. Louis, Missouri...
...regional 9-ball champion
Lorenzo Kennedy...
will be playing,
as we welcome back...
Fast Eddie Felson.
begin your matches.
What are you
I forfeit.
What do you mean,
You can't forfeit.
What's he talking about?
He threw
Come on, Eddie.
Don't forfeit.
I don't want
to win like this.
I don't want
to win like that, though.
The match on table three...
has been forfeited
by Eddie Felson.
Lorenzo Kennedy,
win by default.
What do you say?
Why don't we get
the hell out of here?
The Bahamas are looking
real good to me about now.
Anyway, I got out
of my lease.
All my stuff's
in boxes.
That's nice.
I'm a real big fan
of character in people.
I don't know
if you knew that about me.
Character, huh?
Here it comes.
Vincent says
this is yours.
You don't want it...
you should give it
to charity.
What will
that solve?
I don't know
anything any more.
I want
his best game.
Then go talk
to him yourself.
He won't
listen to me.
So I got to cover
your ass now?
No. You got to
save it.
Why should I?
I'll be in
the green room.
Stings like a bitch,
don't it?
Yes, it does.
You got brass, man.
I'll give you that.
You want my game?
You couldn't deal
with my game.
I ain't got a leg to stand on,
but I'm asking you.
Shove it!
Don't do that.
I call the shots.
I don't have that many games
left in me.
God! You used us!
You used me!
Yes, I did...
but you're in Atlantic City now
with the big boys.
You're not back there
playing around with baby dolls.
Think about it.
It's a wash.
About all that
other stuff...
I don't take
much pride in that.
It's even,
but it ain't settled.
Let's settle it.
Why should I?
How long do you want me to fry?
You want to play kick the dog
for the rest of your life?
Come on.
Let's clean it up.
You want to play for the envelope?
Is that it?
Thank you.
what will you do...
when I kick
your ass?
Pick myself up
and let you kick me again.
Oh, yeah?
Just don't put the money
in the bank, kid.
If I don't
whip you now...
I'll whip you
next month in Dallas.
Houston, Dallas.
If not, a month after that
in New Orleans.
What makes you
so sure?
Hey, I'm back.
# I feel so
doggone lonely #
# Today just
isn't my day #
# When I got home
this mornin' #
# I found a letter
on my bed #
# When I opened up
that letter #
# I broke right down
and cried #
# She said, now, daddy,
I hate to leave you #
# Oh, yeah #
# But I'm in love
with another guy #
# Oh no, no #
# I couldn't believe #
# I couldn't believe
she wrote it #
# So I read her letter again #
# And when I was finished #
# The tears came down
like rain #
# The more I read
this doggone letter #