Color Of Night (1994)

I swear!
Goddamn it!
Oh, no!
- [Man]
So who do you think is the enemy?
- [Woman Laughing]
- No, no, give me a specific answer.
- You are the goddamn enemy, Capa.
You and this whole tower
of psychobabble.
You know what I hope?
That God gets real pissed off...
and He shrivels up your cock
so that it points straight down
to hell, where you belong!
Okay, Michelle.
Before you become His avenging angel
and swoop down to finish me off.
Now I finally get it.
You are like my ex-husband.
You think that everything's
gotta be either black or white
'cause you gone color-blind.
But God's
on my side now.
He knows I'm not like you.
Well, we're all pretty much the same,
Michelle. We all do it.
We all do what?
Tend to view our lives
as if we're looking through a keyhole.
It's a very limited view
of the truth.
So we have to
fill in the blanks.
- We invent things.
- I don't know what you mean.
You invent enemies to test
your strength against.
You invent gods to protect
you from these enemies.
What a depressing
view of life you have!
- That is such horseshit!
- Who is the enemy?
One minute you have friends.
The next moment, they've slipped away.
You leave here and I wonder,
"Who's Michelle hating this week?"
I try to remember,
and I can't.
Can't bring 'em to mind.
Do you know why?
- No. Why don't you tell me?
- Take a look in the mirror, Michelle.
Which mirror?
This mirror?
Any mirror.
Tell me what you see.
I see...
Your reflection over my shoulder.
- [Typing]
- I see...
there's nothin' much
that I really like.
I think I prefer
the view outside, actually.
[Horse Whinnying]
- [Woman Screaming]
- All right, get back there.
- Stay back.
- [Tires Squealing]
Get back in your car!
Stop it.
[Sirens Wailing]
Oh, my God.
It was the reddest blood I ever saw,
pooled around her green dress.
And then the red disappeared.
Christ, Ed. It was like
a vibration of color...
broadcast from hell.
And then the red
started to fade away.
Poor Capa.
You here for me to pity you?
Hell, yes.
Doesn't take Sigmund Freud...
to figure out that I don't care
to see the color of my patient's blood.
I'm a little surprised
that this happened to you.
Sure. You always thought I was
a coldhearted son-of-a-bitch.
Not really, but there is
a kind of arrogance here.
Do you really believe that you
are responsible for her illness?
You were a small,
recent part of her life.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
Well, it's all too fucking
glib for me, Larry.
I cannot dispose of
this woman that easily.
Well, you always
were a romantic.
- Are you involved with anyone else?
- No.
But I'm still a romantic.
I just don't have anybody
to be romantic with.
They all want to fuck me
or marry me.
- None of 'em want to love me.
- Maybe you don't want to be loved.
- [Laughing]
- You had a happy marriage once.
She loved me to death.
- And then she ran off and
loved somebody else to death.
- Of course...
there's something
else here.
To deny red
is to deny emotion.
- Oh, yeah.
- As you know,
that can be very dangerous.
Yes, yes, I know.
Very dangerous.
I know...
that I've got
something broken.
- And I know that it's gonna
take some time to get it fixed.
- You're a pretty good therapist.
How long does it take
a man like you to forgive himself?
I'll see you when
I get back from Los Angeles.
Don't run away because
of one treatment failure.
I'm not running away, Larry.
It's just a little trip to Los Angeles.
Besides, I can't
really run away.
It's all up here,
isn't it? Pow.
It's a package deal.
The head goes with me.
[Woman] Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to Los Angeles.
Please remain seated
until the aircraft comes...
Just another Monday in paradise.
There's a fender bender on
the 405, slowing things down...
Hey, jerk-off, what
are you looking at?
See that? There's accident.
Hey, what happened?
- Anybody's hurt? Huh? Anybody's dead?
- [Horn Honking]
What are you doing?
You are looking there and driving here?
Put the pedal on the metal!
- [Man #1] Is the aquarium with it?
- [Man #2] That's a blue shark.
- [Conversation Continues Indistinctly]
- Okay.
Thirty-three and three is...
Was that an aftershock
I felt?
[Indistinct Chatter]
Forty-four, forty-five.
- Five.
- Thirty-eight. Fourteen.
- Thirty-three.
- Two.
- Thirteen. [Laughing]
- Three.
- Twenty-nine. Three hundred and four.
- Casey, you're such a weenie.
- Leave him alone, will you?
- Seven.
- Eight.
- Clark.
- Yeah.
- Did you read the paper today?
- No.
- I was just wondering how many
fuckin' pages it had.
- Oh, Christ, I fell right into that.
- Sixteen.
- Four. Forty-seven.
- I care that he's late.
- I don't get it.
- I do too. Why not?
Because his father's
paying for his therapy.
[Woman] My dead husband's paying
for mine, and I still care.
[Man Laughing]
Aww, unbelievable.
I think we should
get started now. Clark?
- Hey, Bob!
- God. Bill.
- Hey. How you doin'? You look great.
- I'm good. Good, yeah.
I'm sorry I'm late. I got stuck
in traffic on the freeway.
- We're just about to get started.
- I'll wait out here for you.
- Why don't you join us?
- You know, this is the last
thing I need right now...
- I'm serious.
I could use a second opinion. Come on.
- No, look, Bob...
This is my friend and colleague,
Bill Capa, from New York.
Why don't you sit over there, Bill?
I thought it might be interesting
for you and for him...
if he sat in
on one of our sessions.
What kind of a shrink
are you?
I'm a behaviorist.
- Qualifications?
- Same as Bob.
We went to college together.
Then we fought the battle of Penn State
Mental Hospital as interns.
- No one's going to be offended
if you want to say no.
- No, Bob.
- Nobod... Nobody wants to say no.
- Oh, Jesus.
- I'm Sondra. How are you, Bill?
- Fine, thank you, Sondra.
- Medical degree?
- No. I'm a psychologist...
and a psychoanalyst,
not a psychiatrist.
The Ph.D. Is from NYU.
- Okay, thank you. That's fine.
- So it's Bill and Bob. Therapy a deux.
- Really.
- Why don't we begin...
by introducing ourselves and
then saying as much or as little
about why we're here...
- [Door Closing, Indistinct Comments]
- As we're comfortable with.
- Name's Buck.
- [Sondra] Oh, that's helpful.
Very macho of you.
That's an
anti-gender remark.
Sondra? Sondra,
why don't you start us off?
[Nervous Laugh]
My name is Sondra Dorio.
And, uh...
I always marry older men, but...
I'm single now...
...and I keep, uh...
Well, l...
I want sex
all the time.
But I mean,
I really do...
want a real relationship.
And, um, sometimes...
l-I steal things.
I mean, they're little things.
Doesn't make any sense. It's hard to...
You know, l... Is that okay?
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- [Bob] Richie?
- This will be an event.
Would you like to tell Bill
a little something about yourself?
Okay. Nobody else
is going to do it. I will.
Richie has
a gender identity problem...
and a social phobia...
- and he's promised the group not
to wear the Walkman in group...
- [Buck] Thank you, Dr. Clark.
- To lay the inventory on.
- Oh, St. Christopher rattles his chains.
- St. Michael, sir.
- This is not about you!
You're right.
You know what I'm saying?
L-l-I'll open
my-my mouth...
to talk...
b-but nothing h-happens.
Except for when l...
when I do drugs.
L-I c-can't talk...
so that's...
how come I'm here.
Th-They say that l-l...
That I blush too.
Y-You c-can say that again.
Fuck you!
Fuck! Fuck you!
I'll tear your
fuckin' head off!
- You fuckin' cocksucker!
- Get up!
Get the fuck
off me!
- Buck.
- Richie!
It's all right.
He'll come back.
- [Buck] What do you think, Dr. Clark?
- Was it something I said?
- [Laughing]
- You are an asshole.
- You know, guys, a little humanity.
- [Buck] Funny. Oh, fuckin' laugh.
We're entertaining
the shit out of you, aren't we?
Stop being responsible
for everyone.
- Why don't you stop
wound-licking, Sondra?
- That's very nice.
I lost my wife
and daughter.
And I just can't seem
to get past it. All right?
I'm very sorry.
How did they die?
They say...
l... I can't
talk about it.
I am Casey Heinz.
I am a painter.
I live in a loft, downtown.
And I guess
you could say...
[Voice Breaking]
I'm alienated.
- [Crying, Laughing]
- [Sondra] Can't you ever be serious?
Does a bear poop in the woods?
Sit next to Clark.
And then smoke up a storm?
My name is Clark.
I'm a lawyer.
And, uh...
I'm an obsessive-compulsive
So what's the problem?
The problem is that if you and Buck
are going to smoke in here...
then the door to Dr. Moore's office
must remain open a minimum of 15 inches.
I can't stand the smoke, okay?
And I would also like to suggest
that you buy one of those ashtrays...
that sucks up the smoke
and purifies 'em.
- [Sondra] How come you don't
do anything about this, Bob?
- They cost $9.99...
half of which is
- He's gonna open the door.
- One of you will pay an extra
penny. You can work that out.
- He's gonna open the door.
- I'm gonna open the door.
You smell like an ashtray.
You know, if you don't
act more serious in group...
- [Sondra] Hi, Richie.
- [Buck] He's back.
- [Casey] He's back.
- [Buck] Next time
you get snot on the doorknob...
- [Sondra] Come sit down here.
- [Bob] Bill.
What would you like to tell us
about yourself?
I have plenty of problems...
the biggest of which right now is jet
lag, so I think I'll pass for now, Bob.
Fair enough.
She's like a daughter to me.
We hang out.
It's wonderful.
Well, that's all
for tonight.
I'll see you all
next week.
[Buck Sighs]
Way to go.
Uh, Bill, I'll be with you
in a couple of minutes, okay?
- [Sondra] Bye.
- [Buck] Coffee, anyone?
- Yeah.
- [Whispering] Nine.
[Group Chattering
- Have you read Bob's book?
- No, I haven't.
It's really...
It's quite excellent.
"Way To Go."
- I'm glad to hear you liked it.
- Very much.
- Good.
- Good night, Dr. Capa.
Good night.
- Alone at last.
- You okay?
Well, nobody jumped out the window,
so maybe I'm makin' progress.
[Engine Revving]
- Wanna get a drink?
- Uh-huh.
Wanna go get laid?
So what do you think
of my little group?
- What's Buck's story?
- You mean how did he lose
his wife and kid?
I don't know yet.
He's not talkin' yet. Either.
- What about Casey?
- You tell me.
Well, I smell money.
Lots of it.
Maybe an abusive father.
How am I doin' so far?
- A+.
- Daddy pays for
the expensive loft downtown...
and the very expensive
artistic lifestyle as long as
Junior stays in therapy.
The hair on the back
of my neck's standin' up.
Yeah, I'm a psychic
when it comes to masochists.
- Five'll get you ten
he likes to whack now and then.
- Where do you get that from?
Ah, I was born with it.
I'm like a tuning fork.
- What about Richie?
- Genuine nut case.
- Dangerous?
- Volatile.
- Don't fuck with a trapped rat.
- Oh, I see.
Trapped rat syndrome
with a recommendation of
a non-fuck-with therapy?
- Can I quote ya on that?
- Yes, you may.
- Just take notes.
There'll be a pop quiz later.
- Okay, I'm ready.
All right, if I diagnose
a schizophrenia, what do you recommend?
- Don't fuck with it.
- Now you got it.
Oh, man.
This all one place?
Like peekin'
through a keyhole.
You get a very limited view
of the truth.
What's that?
Way To Go must have gone
really well.
- Yeah.
- [Chuckling]
- After you, wise guy. Come on.
- Oh-ho-ho. Oh, man.
So, how are we
as we approach 40?
We're in, uh, good shape.
Really good shape.
We, uh, finally
got divorced.
We have some money.
We're meticulous.
- I don't detect a woman's touch.
- We have a little friend.
You'll meet her.
- She's too young for ya.
- Oh!
Always guess the cliche,
and you won't be disappointed.
This woman
is not a cliche.
- Good to see you, Bob.
- You too.
So, uh,
you ready yet?
Ready to what?
It's a hard thing
to talk about.
So hard to talk about.
It's just a game.
A dumb, deceitful game.
That's why
I quit my practice.
Lost your religion, huh?
Well, I've certainly lost
my belief in the scriptures.
I'm sorry, buddy.
You gotta be in a lot of pain.
There is a distinct
absence of pain.
I can...
I cannot feel the pain that I know
I am supposed to be feeling right now.
And I think I'm goin' crazy.
I've lost it, man.
I think that I am goin' crazy.
You may be.
Your mind may be shot,
but I hope your body isn't.
- Do I get to warm up?
- Yeah.
Two miles any pace you like and then,
uh, let's do ten.
- Ten?
- Too much for ya, huh?
Nah. Not enough.
- I was thinkin' of maybe 20.
- Geez, Bill, you never change.
Why don't we just drop our pants
and see who's got the bigger dick?
- Then we can go back and have a nice,
civilized breakfast.
- Wouldn't be civilized.
- Why?
- You'd be sulkin'.
- They don't have hills in New York.
- Hang on a second.
- Huh? What?
- Hang on a second.
Hang on a second here.
What was that?
What the hell
was that?
- What are you afraid of?
- I think I got a gear
slippin' here or somethin'.
That's not
what I meant.
What's with the security
system, the security gates,
lookin' over your shoulder?
- I been gettin' some threats.
- You mean death threats?
Pretty sure it's somebody
in the Monday night group.
- I just don't know who.
- Monday night as in last night?
I was hopin' maybe with your tuning
fork that you might have a hunch.
No. No hunches, Bob.
What makes you think
it's somebody in the group?
Only about a dozen things. It's been
going on for a couple of months now.
It's funny how it
gets to you after a while.
- You call the cops?
- Yeah.
They said if they had to protect every
shrink in L.A., they'd need an army.
But that I should call 'em
if, uh, anything happens.
Yeah. That makes sense.
Yeah. It'll probably
all just blow over.
- Yeah.
- How 'bout you?
How 'bout me what?
What do you give a suicidal patient
who's got everything?
- A parachute. I heard it already.
- Out here already, huh?
Come on, old-timer.
Oh... shit.
- [Laughing]
- You may have to...
You may have to carry me in.
You know, you lose
a lot more gracefully than you used to.
Yeah, well, you know,
practice and all.
Hey, how 'bout that?
Learning To Lose, by Dr. Bill Capa.
- [Beeping]
- Got a ring to it.
They're makin' them seats
a little smaller, huh? Whoo!
I'll see you
next week, all right?
I'm goin' now.
You want me to lock up on the way out?
That'd be great, Barbara.
Just relax.
- [Woman Officer]
Have you thought about...
- Man, I didn't do nothing.
- Oh, please? You know, you're very cute.
- Yeah, I love you too.
- You Capa?
- Yes, I'm Bill Capa.
You're here because
of the dead doctor?
Um, I read something
about sessions on Mondays?
Tell me about
this Monday group.
There's five patients
in the group.
- I can't really remember
their names right now.
- Like five cuckoos?
No. Four neurotics
of varying degrees...
and one killer.
At least that's
what Bob thought.
- Bob Moore?
- Good. Yes, Bob Moore.
- Uh, four men and one woman.
- Right.
And you sat in on
one of these sessions, right?
Yes, I did.
- So who did it? Hey, hey, hey!
- [Door Opening]
This is civilization, man!
What do you think this is,
your bedroom? Damn!
Knock! Knock! Don't come
into my office like that, bro. Hey!
It's a Third World thing.
- Where were we?
- You were probing me about the patients.
I was about to tell you that
I really can't help you.
I don't know these people.
But you're a professional, like me.
You gotta have some kind of suspicion.
I really don't have a clue.
I'd like to help you.
Even if I could, there's
an issue of confidentiality.
- Confidentiality?
- Yes.
You're talkin' to me
about an issue of confidentiality?
Similar to
the Miranda oath.
If a friend of mine got killed...
and the only thing between
the killer and me was Miranda...
you know what I would do?
I'd fuck Miranda
up the ass, okay?
But don't tell anybody, because
it's a matter of confidentiality. Shh.
Look, I'm sorry.
I can't help ya. I've only been
in Los Angeles four days.
You're sleeping in that...
dead guy's house, aren't you?
- Yes.
- Maybe something will
come to you in the night.
You know, like dreams and shit.
What happens to patients
in a situation like this?
Usually a colleague will offer to take
over the group, continue the treatment.
How sweet.
How sweet.
It's like one of
the vultures dies...
and then the others step in line
and eat his portion?
Is that what you're planning?
- No.
- Why not?
- 'Cause I really can't
handle that right now.
- Sure you can!
Come on. You've been a week
in L.A. You already have
your own private squirrel farm.
How bad can that be?
That's a great career move.
Where were you at the time
of the killing, Capa?
I was at his house...
at Bob's house.
You had to think
about that?
Jesus Christ. You gonna arrest me,
Lieutenant Martinez?
- You want a lawyer?
- Do I need a lawyer?
You're in L.A.
Everybody needs a lawyer.
You can go home now. Take a shower.
And keep your mouth shut.
The only thing I got goin' for me
is that few people know what happened.
I don't want the press
fucking things up.
- [Buzzing]
- All right, all right. Hold on.
Oh, shit.
- Capa? Capa, are you there?
- Yeah.
- How's it going?
- What do you want?
I brought the victim's car back,
and I gotta search the house.
You got
a search warrant?
What is it with you? Don't you want
me to find out who killed your friend?
- No, I don't have a warrant.
- All right, come on in.
- Open the gate.
- Yeah, right.
- How's that?
- [Water Spraying]
You got the sprinklers on.
How 'bout that?
Jill. His wife.
- His ex-wife.
- Nice bush.
I'll tell her
you said so.
I'm sure it'll mean
a lot to her.
Check this fucking bed.
Everybody's having fun
but me, goddamn it.
- I do not like guns.
- You prefer knives?
- I need you to do me a favor.
- What's that?
- I want you to tell the group
about Moore's death.
- Me?
- Yes.
- Why?
Well, maybe one of them
won't come in.
Or maybe they would all come in,
but then you would be able
to spot something wrong.
- I can't handle it right now.
- I just had all the mess
in his office cleaned up.
Don't you want to help me
find the killer? Have a heart.
- What does that mean?
- If you don't tell 'em,
I'll have to tell 'em.
Am I the person to break
the news to these people?
"Listen up, you fuckin' daffodils.
Your shrink is dead.
Which means that all the time,
effort and love you put in
this relationship is wasted.
You're gonna remain as fucked up
as you are, or get worse."
You are one sinister
piece of work.
All right.
I'll do it.
It's better if you do it.
No, you listen to me.
You don't understand, Gene.
Don't lie. Just give
the family what it wants.
No. No, you don't understand.
- [Brakes Squealing, Glass Shattering]
- What...?
I have to call ya back.
Hey, you all right?
Why me?
Hi. I'm Rose.
Hi, Rose. Nice of you
to run into me like this.
I'm Bill Capa.
I got no insurance.
I know it's against the law
and everything.
Don't bust my chops.
I'll bring the money to you, if you
could just get an estimate, okay?
- Why don't you give me a break, huh?
- Got a pen?
- Here.
- Thanks.
Oh. Poor old brain
can't remember its own phone number?
I just moved here.
- Oh.
- From New York.
I wrote my address down
'cause I'm not sure about this number.
I don't know how long
I'm gonna be there...
so maybe you can call me sometime
over the next couple of days.
- I will.
- Bye.
Hey, uh, don't you
want my address?
You could lie.
- Who hasn't arrived yet?
- Sondra.
- Where's Bob?
- [Richie] W-What's wrong?
If it's all right,
I'd rather wait till we're all here.
- She always this late?
- Depends on who is banging her.
[Gasping, Giggling]
I'm sorry.
Class was really,
really, really late.
What class is that? Advanced
cunnilingus for the single woman...
or C.P.R. For
pleasure and gain?
- [Buck] Oh, Christ. Don't excite her.
- [Sondra] Where's Dr. Moore?
- There's something
that I want to tell you.
- [Casey] What?
Well, what's the matter?
- [Casey] Yeah?
- Well, l...
I'm tryin' to pay attention. Shh!
You should prepare yourselves
for bad news.
Why? Uh-oh.
Bob's been killed.
- [Gasps]
- [Buck] What are you saying?
- What are you telling me?
- He was murdered.
- Sondra...
- He was locking up here
late Friday night.
- [Sondra] Here?
- Yes, right here in the office.
Was he shot, stabbed, beaten?
Have they got a suspect? A motive?
Three days go by
and you don't call us?
- I thought it'd be easier
if you heard it together.
- Oh, I see.
So even Bob's death
is group therapy. That's great.
Hey, Bob, thanks for giving us
a chance to grieve together. Shit!
- What the fuck is going on?
I need to know more!
- He was stabbed to death.
- How many times was he stabbed?
- This man was Bob's best friend!
- Do you really need exact numbers now?
- [Bill] Sondra!
- Get your fucking hands off me.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- [Casey] It doesn't make sense to me!
- Many times, Clark.
More than 30.
That's all I can tell you.
It wasn't a thief.
I'll tell you that right now.
- I agree.
- Why stab a guy 30 times?
Bob... He'd piss in his pants if
you showed him a knife. You know that.
- What are you saying?
- I am saying, Sondra...
that you really have to hate a person
to stab him that many times!
You're a shrink, right?
You know what kind of power
people hand over to shrinks.
Well, maybe sometimes they hand over
more than they want to.
That is absolutely correct.
A thief would not stick around
to stab someone 30 times.
[Buck] Since when did you become
such an expert on robbery?
It's not the robbery
he's an expert on. It's the rage.
W-What are we gonna do now?
L-I mean us.
- Th-The group.
- I bet Dr. Capa has an idea.
What does he mean?
I think Casey
is suggesting that I...
may have some plan
to replace Bob.
- Maybe you should.
- No, I can't do that. Not right now.
- Why? Why not?
- For one reason or another...
I'm more screwed up
than you people are.
I was just being
obnoxious and loud before.
- Anybody have a fuckin' Xanax?
- [Sondra] I have a Librium.
- [Buck] Stop with the drugs.
- It would be a good idea if you stayed.
- [Buck] Body isn't cold yet.
- There'd be some connection.
You were Bob's best friend.
You... You seem
kind of like him.
It'd be so much easier
to trust you.
I know what kind of a force
group can become in your lives.
You... tell things here.
Intimate things that you wouldn't
tell your best friend.
I'm very flattered
that you would, uh...
But the truth is, you are
the people that make this work.
I will be more than happy to try
and find someone for you to
continue this, but I cannot...
Does my opinion
count for anything?
I would like to ask...
why it is you feel
so inadequate for the task.
Maybe he just
don't like us.
- No, that's not it, Buck.
- [Clark] Shh!
Why don't you step on something?
Six weeks ago, I spoke
harshly to a patient...
and she committed suicide.
Right in front of me.
Perhaps she would have done this anyway.
That's what my colleagues say.
But I don't know.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
And my patient...
her name was Michelle...
jumped out of a wi...
window in my office.
- Oh.
- So much blood.
So red, and l...
And right, uh,
before my eyes...
the red, uh,
Just turned to gray, and so
I don't see... red now.
But, see, I was her doctor.
And I failed.
So I can't help you.
I don't think that you want someone
like me around right now.
I think I do.
Me too.
Why don't you give us
a try for a month?
Listen, if you need any...
any free legal advice...
you know, to help
wrap up Bob's affairs...
please don't hesitate
to call me.
I'm not with anyone right now,
and I would be more than happy
to help you in any way.
Thank you.
- You bring me a confession?
- Nope.
Well, you win some,
you lose some, huh, Capa?
Listen, maybe it wasn't
one of the group.
Oh, no! He's beginning
to like 'em already!
Your friend Bob Moore deserves
a lot more loyalty than this.
Hey, what is... What are we sitting here
shouting at each other for?
- What is with this place?
- [Laughs]
I used to work in Narcotics,
and I used to come here a lot.
I probably fucked
and/or arrested...
half of these people's
- It's a nice place. I like it.
- Makes sense.
Look, I'm sorry
I don't have anything for ya.
I'll see ya around.
- So that's it, huh?
- Yep.
Anything you
wanna tell me?
- No.
- [Boy] Yeah, it's a four-door, man.
- Well, you better shut the group down.
- Who said I hadn't?
Well, have you
or haven't you?
They asked me to take over the group,
and I couldn't say no.
I figured.
You're gonna do real well
in this town.
- Shut the fucker down.
- What's the problem?
You sent me over there.
No, I sent you there
to convey a piece of bad news.
- Oh, give me a break, would ya, man?
- I didn't send you there...
to go trolling for business.
- Aw, come on.
- You told me you couldn't handle it.
Well, it turns out
that I can handle it.
You stick your dick
in a barrel of barracudas
once, maybe you won't lose it.
You leave it in there,
it's gonna get chewed off at the root.
Appreciate your concern
for my dick, Hector. Thank you.
I'm bein' really nice
out of concern for your safety.
In case it's one of them, huh?
Shut it down, okay?
- No, can't do that.
- Shut it down, chingada!
Don't be an asshole! Find another
fucking set of wombats to exploit!
These sudden irrational
outbursts, Hector...
did they begin in childhood
or in puberty?
- Get outta my face!
- Am I in your face?
An interesting choice of words.
Would you like me in your face?
You married, Hector?
If you ever want to deal
with any of these problems,
I'll give you a special rate.
Special rate?
What, like frequent flyer miles?
[Imitating Airplane]
Let me ask you something.
Are you really color-blind...
or is that some shit you feed them
so they feel sorry for you?
No, unfortunately,
I am color...
- You bugged the office.
- You know, for a shrink,
you're pretty fucking dense.
[Alarm Blaring]
- Who's there?
- Hi.
Remember me?
Miss Fender Bender?
There she is...
a little angel dancing
on the head of a pin.
So, did you get
that estimate?
Nice place you got here.
It's a little cold...
but it's kind of
tasteful, right?
And wet.
You too, I guess.
Cold or tasteful?
So, are we eating in
or are you taking me out?
You can't? At all?
Wow. Not even
shades of pink?
Can't tell me if
it's smeared or not.
I can't tell you if
your eyes are bloodshot.
That's sad.
So you know what?
In respect for your infirmity...
I'm gonna give up
wearing lipstick.
There's something about me that
I bet you find a little strange, right?
- What is that?
- Well, I haven't asked what you do.
That's right.
You showed remarkable restraint.
Well, it's because
I'd rather guess.
You know, I actually get upset if
someone tries to tell me before I can...
figure it out
for myself, you know?
But what if I'm ashamed
of what I do?
Why? I mean, why would you
be ashamed of being a shrink?
Who told you
I was a shrink?
Well, are you?
How did you know?
- It's the way you look at me, you know?
- How do I look at you?
You have this kindness
in your eyes.
- [Laughing]
- But I think that you're
using it to keep me away.
You know, you're trying
to play it safe, trying to see me...
as a case instead of
as a female.
So you have
a tuning fork too.
I guess we have
a lot in common.
We seem to be playin'
the same game.
Why do you say
I'm playing a game?
Because you're
the fantasy girl, aren't you?
Quicksilver? The face glimpsed
across a crowded room?
Yeah, that's...
That's exactly what I am.
You'll be whatever
they want you to be...
no substance,
no rules.
Light as air.
So your feet never have to
touch those burning hot coals
the rest of us walk around on.
Sort of like...
not seeing red?
Yeah, sort of like that.
I was afraid during dinner
that you had taken a room here...
and I might have to decide
whether or not to go up with you.
Yes, but that was part of my plan.
I mean, I wanted to. Thank you.
Oh, I need a taxi.
No, hey, hey.
Wait, wait, wait.
What are you being
so tough for?
I'm just beginning to think
that maybe I'Il...
Cab's here!
Yo, who called a taxi?
I am thinking you should just
let me take you home and
forget about this stupid taxi.
Well, I'm thinkin' you should stay
exactly where you are, 'cause...
In that condition, you'd get arrested.
Start another riot.
Give me your phone number
and address.
Why? You want to make me
fall to earth and burn my feet?
Whatever happened to quicksilver
and light as air?
She floats away
on her sweet young legs.
Waves to him once.
Drives away without
a backward glance.
- Richie is what he is.
- What exactly is that?
He was born back of a van going up
Route 5 to a Grateful Dead concert.
The first sound he ever heard
was "Beat It On Down The Line."
- Well, it could be worse.
- Not much.
- How long have you been his guardian?
- Since he was nine or ten.
But I've always
taken care of Richie.
So, what can I do for you?
Um, I was hoping
you would help me...
get Richie out of therapy.
Look, I know I'm just his
brother, but I've been like
a mother and a father to him...
and I know I can get
overprotective, but...
- Why would you want to take
Richie out of therapy now?
- What Richie needs is normalcy.
Well, normalcy...
Normalcy can be interpreted
in a lot of different ways.
Richie has practically been
raised by the state; the
social workers, psychiatrists...
forcing him into this,
um, psycho-servitude.
He is the sweetest kid you'll ever meet,
but he thinks of himself as handicapped.
It just isn't right.
Well, he's got
legal problems.
Richie was sentenced by the court
to mandatory treatment.
Every kid gets into trouble.
I mean, that's why I need you
to help get him out.
You know, Dale, it's hard to tell
when someone's feeling pain...
- but I want you to know...
- If Richie feels pain...
then I feel pain.
Pretty much
in tune with him.
I just wish
you'd give us a chance.
Let me check out
Richie's status.
Then, uh, I'll give
probation a call.
Oh, thanks.
Thanks, Dr. Capa.
- I really appreciate it.
- You're welcome, Dale.
You either lift weights
or work with your hands.
Yeah, uh,
I make furniture.
- Really.
- Yeah, I made this desk for Bob,
to remind him of New York.
- No kidding.
- We called it the Chrysler desk.
- [Chuckling] Chrysler.
- You ever see his bed?
[Phone Ringing]
[Answering Machine]
Hi. This is Casey.
I can't get to the phone right now,
so, uh, leave a message. Thanks.
Casey, this is Bill Capa.
It's around noon.
Your father sent me a check
for the private sessions
you were having with Bob.
Should I send the check back
or do you want to continue?
Let me know, okay?
I think I want to continue.
- You bitch!
- [Whip Snapping]
- I called you a bitch!
- [Whip Snapping]
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- [Whip Snapping]
- [Casey] Oh!
- [Whip Snapping]
- Oh! I'm sorry.
[Horn Honking]
- Hey!
- [Horn Honking] You idiot!
- Hey! Hey!
- [Leaf Blower Buzzing]
- [Snake Rattling]
- Hello!
I am not goin' back to New York,
you hear me? You're stuck with me!
Fuckin' bill.
- [Horn Blares]
- Capa!
Oh, that's perfect!
That's really perfect!
Just like a cop!
You're never there when you need one!
What did I do now?
Somebody put a rattlesnake
in the mailbox, Hector!
A rattlesnake.
- You scared the shit out of me outside.
- Oh, I scared you, huh?
What the hell
are you doing here?
I could use some assistance,
some of your professional wisdom.
- I'm really flattered.
- Everyone in the group has an alibi.
Except for Casey.
He says he was alone
in his loft.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
- What does that mean?
- What do you make of Casey?
- He's a good kid.
- You're an asshole, Capa.
- Should we analyze
that statement, Hector?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Come on. Who is our man? Help me.
- You're the cop.
- Figure it out.
- You know what I think?
I think it was you.
You've got the look.
- That's right.
- Yeah, I been talking
to people who knew you both.
Everyone says there was a weird
competitive thing going between you.
Yeah, that's right.
There was.
I admit it.
He was on the way up...
- and I was on the way down.
- Including...
Splat! It unhinged you.
- I bet you've seen every
episode of Columbo, huh?
- [Monitor Ringing]
- Who is it?
- [Remote Beeping]
Hi. It's me, Rose.
The old fender bender.
- [Remote Beeps]
- That's a very young girl
to be going around...
fending benders.
Here she comes.
hanging from the sky...
wearing a short dress
of indeterminate color.
It's red,
poor thing.
Thank you.
I was thinking.
Maybe I should see a shrink.
I can recommend someone.
I feel better already.
- God, I missed you.
- This time you won't miss.
Oh, God!
- [Capa Cries Out]
- Oh!
- I want you to get dressed up.
Get dressed up.
- All right.
I want to get dressed up.
- Right now?
- Uh-huh.
You're not eating.
Don't you like my food?
I'd like your food
five inches to the left.
But if you don't
like this...
I have something else for you.
Yeah, okay.
I think it's ready.
It's a miracle.
I found it.
Here he is.
Richie Dexter.
Legal guardian: Dale Dexter.
That's his brother.
Kids were put under care,
let's see, about six years ago.
- Does it say why?
- Abandonment, abuse.
The children
were assigned to a, uh...
Dr. Niedelmeyer in Pasadena.
A child psychiatrist.
Richie was 12.
No foster parents.
Looks like the doctor retired
a couple years after that.
Then we lost track
of the kids until recently.
What do you mean,
"lost track" of them?
Like on a radar:
One minute a blip, the next, no blip.
Hey, look. This is the lost souls
memorial wing.
Children of L.A. County
in the '90s:
and there's two more down the hall.
[Women Laughing]
Nobody's like
your ex-husband!
- That's for sure.
- That's for sure.
Okay, okay, okay.
Here it is.
- Oh, Sondra, it is so beautiful.
- Isn't it great?
I know. It's incredible.
Look at all these bags.
[Giggling] Oh, and that man that was
staring at you in the shop...
- was so funny.
- [Laughs]
I think I should have got it
in green or something.
- Oh.
- Oh! Lush!
What do you think?
I think...
you look beautiful.
- You sure?
- Oh, yeah.
- Come zip me up.
- Okay.
Okay. [Laughs]
Oh, this is so tight.
Thank you.
I need to find
a new husband.
[Both Laughing]
- I need some more money.
- Oh, men. Who needs them?
- Have you seen my earrings anywhere?
Oh, sweet!
- Yes, I've got them.
Oh, my God.
- I love these. Aren't they pretty?
- They're so gorgeous, yes.
- Try yours on.
- Okay.
What now?
- Sondra, what?
- I feel embarrassed.
the way
you're looking at me.
- Sondra.
- [Laughs]
- Do men look at you like that?
- No.
But it's different.
You know, Sondra...
it doesn't have to be
any different at all.
- [Phone Rings]
- [Laughs]
- You better get that. [Laughing]
- Hello.
- Oh, h-hi. Um... Oh...
- [Gasps]
Um, mmm, okay.
N... My trainer's coming
at 2:30, but that's...
Yeah. You are? Okay!
Um, oh, there you are!
Okay, okay.
I'll see you in a minute!
- Who's that?
- That's my analyst!
- He's coming to visit me.
- He what?
- Oh, my God. He's coming over.
- Sondra, thanks.
- Oh, thanks a lot! Nothing!
- What's the matter? What?
If you don't know, I thought
we were just going to have
a nice afternoon together...
- maybe have dinner.
- Well, we can. Oh, don't worry.
Don't be upset.
You can stay here.
- Really.
- You just don't understand, do you?
- I don't.
- Nobody appreciates you
the way that I do.
- People just use you,
and you don't even see it.
- Oh, don't be upset.
That's more like it.
Oh, my God.
[Doorbell Chimes]
- Hi, Sondra. Someone just let me in.
- Hi.
- I didn't just walk in on my own.
- Oh... no.
- [Both Laugh]
- That was my, um...
- That was my girlfriend, Bonnie. Yeah.
- Bonnie. Yes.
- Please, come in.
- Thank you very much. Thank you.
- This is a really lovely
place you have here. Yeah.
- You think so? Thank you.
A lot of nice, nice things.
A lot of nice art.
What did you come here for?
Well, I feel like
I have so much...
so much catching up
to do with all of you.
And I know that you're
very close with Richie.
And I was wondering if you could
tell me anything that might help me...
- understand him a little better.
- Richie's... my little baby.
His brother Dale thinks
that your "little baby"...
- should be taken out of therapy.
- That's insane!
I think it's a mistake too.
That Dale is
a dangerous bastard.
But he obviously seems
to care for Richie a great deal.
There's a big gap in Richie's life
up until about a year ago.
Did he ever mention
a Dr. Niedelmeyer to you?
I don't have much to tell.
Richie's okay.
He's sweet.
Did you know that he was...
molested as a child?
No, I didn't know that.
- It's sticking out all over.
- It's fashionable.
I mean, it pays well.
At least, you know,
you can write a book, go on Oprah.
That was quite a show
he gave us in group.
- You think Richie has a violent streak?
- [Sighs]
Let's cut to the chase.
Richie did not kill
Bob Moore.
You know...
it's really swell.
Snooping around here...
sniffing for blood
on other people's hands...
while pretending
to help your patients?
- You really think that
I don't care about Richie?
- Richie wouldn't hurt a fly!
Why don't you take a look
at someone dangerous.
Why don't you take a look
at someone who could do it!
- Why don't you take a look at Clark!
- Clark?
Clark! Clark!
Clark is a sneaky, lying,
button-down son of a bitch...
who pretends to be
this gentle creature!
I heard him screaming
one night at Bob.
It made the hairs on my neck stand up!
I hope that they fry...
whoever did it,
and it takes a really long time.
And then...
And then a fuse blows.
They have to start
all over again.
- [Doorbell Chimes]
- [Inhales, Laughs]
That's my trainer.
[Laughs, Sniffs]
I gotta go.
I gotta get the door.
- This is my trainer, Chris.
- Hi.
[Squeals, Laughs]
I don't feel like lifting weights today.
- [Chris] Okay.
- Let's do something else. [Laughing]
[Dog Barking]
[Barking Continues]
[Barking Continues]
Hey! Is this Dale Dexter's
shop here?
Excuse me.
- Hello.
- Did you go to the house?
Nobody was home.
- I would have phoned a...
- [Torch Snaps Off]
I would have phone ahead,
but, uh, I don't have
your phone number in our file.
No problem.
So, uh, did you
make up your mind?
After Dr. Niedelmeyer,
did Richie get another psychiatrist?
No, we moved.
[Machines Buzzing]
Richie went to school.
- Everything was fine.
- Well... that's the problem, Dale.
I look at Richie, and I don't
see that everything is fine.
I see a kid that's
on the brink.
A person, uh,
gets a bullet in the head.
Sometimes they just
leave it there 'cause...
to fuck around in the brain
is gonna paralyze the person.
- That's Richie.
- What's the bullet?
Whatever it was,
I got him away.
- You want to talk about that?
- No.
I want you to stop trying to tear
off the scabs. Let the demons rest.
You dig around in Richie's head,
he's gonna blow up in your face.
- You think he's violent?
- Not with me.
I think you're making
a mistake, Dale.
This is not the time to
take Richie out of therapy.
- If you don't like me,
let's get him someone else.
- Jesus Christ.
One of you
is the same as another.
- Mrs. Niedelmeyer?
- Yes.
Hi, I'm Bill Capa.
I'm a doctor.
- I tracked you down through
the Psychiatric Institute.
- How very enterprising of you.
Actually, I was wondering
if I could speak to Dr. Niedelmeyer.
My husband
died last year.
If it makes you feel better,
he suffered a lot.
Well, anyway,
it made me feel better.
I'm treating a young man
that was a patient...
of Dr. Niedelmeyer's when he was
a child. His name is Richie Dexter.
- Why don't you leave me alone?
- If I could just
ask you a few questions.
- You get out of here
before I call the police!
- Just a few questions.
- Mrs. Niedelmeyer...
- Get out of here!
Now, if I'm not mistaken...
last week there were
and this week there are only
Clark... what's
the ashtray situation?
Three. Not four,
as recommended.
There are three chairs
and five assorted sofas.
- Okay, let's get started.
- [Buck]... an emotional tar baby.
Today I'd like to focus
on a most enlightening...
and challenging topic.
- Sex.
- More or less.
You see, the primary romantic
in our life is often
a symptom of our illness.
- [Casey] Glad I wore my rubber pants.
- [Buck Laughing]
We keep making the same neurotic
choices over and over every time
we choose a new mate.
So... [Sighs]
If you had a magic wand...
if you, uh,
had a wish list...
and could change
your partner...
Sondra, how would you
make them different?
What's wrong?
What's missing?
- Now?
- You need a minute to think about it?
She's totally
forgot her Rolodex.
- [Casey Laughing]
- Sorry, sorry.
Well, I don't have an attachment
in my life right now.
The last one sort of
went to pieces.
If you enjoy sex...
A man thinks you're
doing it with everybody.
- He was jealous.
- That's right.
And I was as good as gold.
Well, there's a good chance that he
was the one that was sleeping around...
and projecting his fantasies
and desires onto you.
This guy had a major projection,
and he couldn't keep it in his pants.
- [All Laughing]
- Anyway, I do have this girlfriend.
She really makes me laugh.
A wish list.
- I wish... she was a guy.
- [Capa] Fair enough.
Casey, what do you got for us?
Well... I met this girl
about a month ago.
I've painted every inch
of her in detail.
She's the best model I've ever seen.
Completely uninhibited.
- Does whatever I ask no matter how...
- I'll bet she does.
That's right, Buck. See, but this
is where the problem comes in.
It's what you see
beneath the skin...
when you study somebody endlessly,
the way an artist does.
I see a transcendental
beauty there...
beyond anything I could
ever, ever imagine.
How does this woman
feel about you?
She thinks I'm the living end
because I've got talent.
But, I mean, what's talent?
Kick a garbage can...
starving artists
crawl out, right?
But there's only one,
unique her.
And, uh, I think
it's love, you know?
And, um...
I don't know what to do
about that.
Do you think she loves you?
No. No.
Do you care, Casey?
I don't know.
I don't know.
He's a romantic.
He loves the suffering.
Maybe being who I am...
I have no choice.
- Very good, Casey. That's good stuff.
- [Sondra] I agree.
- [Capa] Buck, what do you got?
- Oh, nothing to talk about,
not compared to that.
It's not a contest.
Hey, Yard Sale,
you want to share the ashtray?
Thanks a lot.
Forget it.
You want to share something,
share the ashtray.
I got something in my life,
something new.
You know, she's young.
Auburn hair, 5'5", 105.
Pretty as hell.
I see her on weekends.
I don't think she'd sleep with a man
unless she was married to him.
Anything else
you'd like to tell us?
She doesn't mind
the gray, you know.
She's fragile... you know?
It's like she's running
through my fingers.
Two people I loved died.
[Sighs] I never thought that
I could feel anything.
Good, Buck.
How 'bout you?
I don't have,
really, relationships.
- I have m-my brother.
- Okay. You want to talk about him?
H-He worries
a-a lot about me.
And he l-Ioves me.
But l... I wish he didn't...
Iove me so m...
so much sometimes.
I wish l-I had more of a l-life.
And I know that everyone
h-here thinks that I'm gay...
but I'm-I'm not.
- A-And I don't want to be.
- What would you like to be?
[Opens Soda Can]
I'd like t-to be a w-woman.
Have you seen a doctor?
- So the next step is the chop.
- Thank you, Buck.
- Anything else you'd
like to tell us, Richie?
- Nope.
Very good.
Hi, Clark. What would you change
about your partner?
Um, I think
I'll pass... today.
Excuse me.
You think you're
gonna pass today?
Don't you think that's kind
of a betrayal to the rest of the group?
I mean, we're all sitting here
sharing our most intimate thoughts...
and you're just
gonna pass today?
Well, Sondra, I have
my little problems...
- but I don't s-see how
it's your business...
- Your "little problems"?
- To decide when I'm gonna
share in group and not.
- Ah, I see.
You're smiling.
Is that a smile?
You think
this is funny?
Look at you.
Just look at you.
Look at your hair.
[Buck Laughing]
Who do you think you are?
You think you're
God's gift to women?
Let me tell you something.
You are nothing.
but a shallow, rigid...
anal coward!
- And I'll tell you what your
little fucking problems are...
- Oh, shut up! Shut up, shut up!
You promiscuous cunt!
And if you must know,
I do have somebody in my life!
Black, emotional hole,
unattractive me!
[Buck Chuckling]
You can say that again.
[Clark Slams Door]
Fuck you! Fuck all of you!
- Is this what you call
"treatment failure"?
- [Buck Laughs]
Well, it's not a total loss.
He left without
counting everything.
- Come on!
- Hey, right here! Hit it!
[Clark] So pretty soon
the relevant numbers weren't enough.
I had to know all
the irrelevant numbers...
like the numbers of pages
in each deposition.
- [Sighs] So you were fired.
- Yes.
In effect.
Medical leave.
"Just please,
please don't come back."
I do apologize
for my outburst in group.
You're screwing Sondra...
aren't you?
I'm very fond of Sondra.
More than that, perhaps.
Sondra is...
A very warmhearted woman,
[Continues Spritzing]
Tissues. Panty hose.
CDs put back in the rack
without cases.
Frying pans with
coagulating grease.
Cotton balls.
Cotton balls.
I mean, my God, the cotton balls
that woman used.
Unspeakable items of underwear
left hanging in the shower.
Chewed gum in the ashtrays.
I made a list.
There were 22 items
I couldn't take.
It must be difficult
to find someone...
to measure up to your
keen sense of order.
I found someone.
This woman thinks
I'm messy.
It's perfect.
She comes, she goes.
I don't even know she's been except
for the faint smell of perfume.
And what does Sondra
think of this woman?
Take a look at this.
Sondra tried to do this
to my clothes...
while I was wearing them;
butcher knife in hand,
The next day she came back,
did this to my friend's dress.
I'm terrified
to go near the woman.
[Phone Ringing]
- Hello, this is Bill Capa.
- [Child's Giggly Voice] Hey, pukeface.
Look around. Can't you see me?
I'm in the red car.
You got doo-doo
in your eyes...
or caca on the brain, Dr. Shithead Capa.
[Guttural Laughter]
Does your mommy know you escaped
from the straightjacket?
Suck my tinkertoy,
you faggot cretin...
- after you suck my scalpel, Doctor.
- [Horn Honking]
- [Fenders Crunch]
- Goddamn it!
- Fuck you!
- [Tires Screeching]
[Honks Horn]
- Oh! [Tires Screeching]
- [Horn Honking]
- [Tires Screeching]
- [Horn Blaring]
- [Man] Oh, shit.
- [Driver] Christ!
[Train Horn Blaring]
[Car Horns Honking]
Fuck you!
Get the... You...
[Capa Screaming]
Ohh! Get the fuck...
[Truck Blowing Horn]
[Other Cars Honking,
Cars Crashing]
- [Horn Blaring]
- [Bells Dinging]
- [Groans]
- [Tires Screeching]
- [Engines Revving]
- [Train Horn Blaring]
[Revving Continues]
Hey! You wanna die!
- [Train Horn Blaring, Engines Revving]
- Huh? You wanna die?
[Horn Blaring]
- [Train Braking]
- [Horn Blaring]
- [Engines Revving]
- [Train Brakes Screeching]
[Singer Trilling]
I told you to stay
the fuck out of it.
? Como esta? Gracias.
- [Child Giggling]
- I almost killed somebody out there.
I mean, I had that car wedged
right on the railroad tracks.
Christ, man.
It's a spooky feeling.
Like mainlining
adrenalin, huh?
The rush is really
something, huh?
See? You're
my kind of guy!
You want to hear what I found out
about your famous Monday group?
Yeah, sure.
Can stand a little more pain.
Well, Clark's wife
divorced him...
after he put her
in intensive care.
What'd she do?
Spill some wine on the rug?
Then Sondra, she stabbed her father
with a knife... and a fork.
- She must have been having dinner.
- [Laughs]
One of her husbands
died of unnatural causes.
Probably lost
some body fluids.
And that,
that kid Richie.
That Richie's
been busted for drugs...
and Casey hates
his father so much...
he set the house on fire.
So what do you think of that?
I think it's good.
They should learn to assert themselves.
[Man From Helicopter]
Hey, the house is surrounded.
Come out with your hands up
and your legs spread!
- What the hell is this?
- [Men Shouting]
Happy birthday, Hector!
Hey, Martinez, come on out!
We got something for you!
- Martinez, happy birthday, man!
- Happy birthday!
[Crowd] For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny
Which nobody can deny
- For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good...
- [Crowd Hooting]
[Crowd Cheering]
- If I had known it was your birthday,
I'd have come by tomorrow.
- Me too.
Estas son
las mananitas
- Que cantaba el Rey David
- [Thunder Rumbles]
Oy. Oigan, ivengan
a buscar el cake!
- Better get your cake.
- IVengan a buscar el cake!
- [Thunder Rumbling]
- [Man] Everybody inside!
How come you didn't
mention Buck?
There wasn't anything on him.
[Thunder Rumbles]
You caught me
at a bad time.
Can we get in
out of the rain?
Have a seat.
[Thunder Rumbling]
I don't like guns.
- [Thunderclap]
- Oh, shit!
- Was it raining like this that night?
- Yeah.
We were drivin'...
me, my wife, my daughter.
This guy comes out
wavin', "Stop!"
So I slow down.
My wife said,
"No, not here, Buck.
It's a bad neighborhood.
Besides, the baby's asleep in the back."
And I said, "Bad neighborhood,
nothing." So I stopped.
Never even made it
to the other car.
I could hear the shots being fired,
but my eyes wouldn't open. L...
- [Thunderclap]
- Oh, man!
The rain brought me around.
This heavy, heavy rain.
And I'm on the sidewalk,
and I crawl over...
and pull my way up and...
There are two lateral shots...
to the head for my wife...
and a single shot through
the heart for my daughter.
Oh, Jesus, God!
Oh, Jesus.
They got, uh...
They got $31.
- [Thunder Crackling]
- The rain nails me every time, man.
- Did they ever find out who did it?
- No.
I think it was some kind
of payback for something.
But that's a long story.
Officer Anderson.
What can I do for you?
It's Dr. Bill Capa.
Remember me?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
The Bob Moore murder case.
- I need to talk to you.
- I hope you're an early riser.
I get off at 6:00.
- Okay.
- [Phone Beeps]
[Hangs Up Receiver,
Keys Jingling]
[Car Door Buzzing]
Busy day?
Can I get you something?
No? Okay.
Oh! I forgot
about that!
How did you get in here?
Last time I was here, I stole the key.
It was by the door.
- What about the alarm?
- Oh!
- I never thought about that.
- It didn't go off?
Um, did I make a mistake?
You have someone in the car?
No, goddamn it,
there isn't someone in the car!
People are getting killed
around here!
You walk around like
it's goddamn Disneyland!
What if something
were to happen to you?
I just thought that it would be
a nice surprise, that's all.
You don't look
too happy to see me.
This is my happiness mode.
- I'm sorry.
- [Sniffles] I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Baby, I'm sorry.
This is a very nice
- [Laughing]
- Really nice.
I'm sorry.
I'll never take a risk
like that again.
Why don't you take
the biggest risk of all and give me...
- your phone number.
- [Laughs]
Christ, Capa!
I can't have people
tying up the phone lines.
I'm trying to run
a business here.
[Capa] General Patton
comes out of the foothills.
Oh, he's in the swamp.
Oh, oh, he's in the deep abyss.
- Ooh! Ooh!
- And now... Oh, he's having a problem.
- He's up in the Swiss Alps,
ladies and gentlemen.
- [Laughing]
- Fire one. Fire... Oh!
- [Laughing]
A direct hit!
- Oh, our, our tank fleet is crippled.
- Oh.
- It's goin' away.
- [Groans]
- How's the submarine fleet?
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, please, please.
- I gotta get some sleep.
- Oh, you're chicken.
- [Groaning] I gotta be up...
- You're chicken.
- I gotta be up at 6:00 in the morning.
- You're chicken, chicken.
[Anderson] Nobody told me Buck
was one of your patients.
- [Capa] "Nobody," like Martinez?
- Right.
That's the same "nobody" who
didn't tell me Buck was a cop.
Fucking Martinez.
That's a can of worms
you don't want to mess with.
- What about Buck?
- Hey, look, you gotta promise...
if I tell you what I know about
this shit, it stays between me and you.
And you never heard it
from me, okay? Two, Angelo.
- Why?
- Why?
- Because cops are vindictive
sons of bitches. Right, Alex?
- Right.
Fucking asshole.
I don't want to spend the
rest of my career getting
pissed on from above, okay?
- Okay.
- [Laughs Nervously]
Martinez was nailin'
Buck's wife.
- Holy shit.
- Yeah. Both these guys
were in narcotics.
And those guys usually stick
together like shit on a shirt...
so who knows how long it's been
going on. Anyway, one day, it came out.
In the station, they had this
big fight in front of everybody.
Two days later,
Buck's wife gets blown away.
Jesus Christ!
Was there an investigation?
Of course there was
an investigation.
Martinez was a suspect.
Buck was a suspect.
I mean nobody figured Buck
forgiving her. For a while,
half the station was a suspect.
- [Capa] What do you think?
- I think Buck and Martinez had
a lot of enemies on the street.
This was just payback
for both of 'em.
[Phone Rings, Machine Answers]
Hi, this is Casey.
- Can't get to the phone right now,
but please leave a message.
- [Beeps]
Casey, it's Bill Capa. I got your
message and, sure, I can make it today.
- Are you there?
- Hey! [Exhales]
What... What the hell
are you doing here?
[Capa On Machine] Hello? Listen,
Casey, y-you sounded a little upset.
Just hang in there, okay?
- Let me get this, huh? No? [Gasps]
- I'll be by this morning.
- So I'll see you in 30.
- Well, you think you can do it in 30?
[Gasps, Laughs, Groans]
- Casey!
- [Groaning]
Oh, Jesus Christ.
- [Chimes Ringing]
- Casey!
Ow! Ow! Ow!
- I love this song.
- [Sondra] I know.
[Horn Honking]
- You girls want to go dancing?
- Yeah. We're going to a party.
- Hi.
- Hi... [Laughs]
Well, pardon me!
[Both Laughing]
What are you doing?
[Both Gasp]
- Wha... No!
- [Both Gasping]
Don't! Don't!
Out all night
Lady did
When nobody else would
Lady did
And she did it real good
- Once was not enough
- [Laughing]
- Ah!
- Sondra, go!
Tell me, Katie
What would your mama say
Oh, I'm gonna go change the music.
- Sondra, come here.
Oh, come here. My God!
- [Stops]
- [Gasps, Laughing]
- Oh, my God!
- These are your neighbors!
- They do this all the time. [Laughing]
- Oh, wait. Watch, watch! No!
- They're gonna see you!
- Oh, I don't believe it!
- Oh, this is the part! This is the part!
- Oh, my gosh!
- Oh!
- Believe me, they can fuck.
- [Laughing]
Oh, I can't watch this
I didn't see anything.
Oh, Sondra, go.
I love this song.
Sondra, through the window!
Look! Look!
[Both Laughing]
- Oh, what are they doing now?
- I can't tell.
- Are they gonna do it? No!
- My God!
It's gonna happen right now.
- Ow!
- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Oh, champagne.
- Mmm.
- [Chuckling]
No, no, Sondra.
I can't. I can't.
It's wonderful.
- Sondra, I'm a jinx.
- No. We can cancel each other out.
I'm not who you
think I am.
Oh, God, I'm in love with somebody
and it's all falling apart.
- I'm sorry.
- Look, the sky isn't falling down.
- Yes, it is.
- No.
Let's get that silly thing
off your head. There.
I love your brown hair.
[Monitor Ringing]
[Sighs, Clears Throat]
[Ringing Continues]
- Who is it?
- [Beeping]
I'm back.
Here she comes.
Wearing a backpack on her back...
making her look
even younger than she is.
She falls into his arms.
And they kiss.
Oh, God.
I'm so glad
that you're here.
I didn't know
if you'd be in.
I don't have to be anywhere
until this evening.
- So, what color are my nipples?
- [Laughing]
[Both Laughing]
- Oh, God.
- [Laughing]
To be normal like this
all the time.
Oh, God, this is better than normal.
This is much better than normal.
It's just driving me
crazy, that's all.
I mean, I don't really
know you... who you are...
what you do...
if you're safe,
when you're coming by.
You have all the power.
I just sit around here
and wait for you.
- [Crying] You do?
- Yeah.
I mean, other things
happen, but...
in the "what I wait for"
department, you're it.
Oh, my.
Bob's wife.
My ex-wife.
- She's pretty.
- Pretty fucked up.
Oh, God.
I forget
that he's dead.
He looks so young here.
God, how long ago were these taken?
- Ten years ago.
- Really?
Do you have anything
more recent?
Hold on.
I don't know why he kept
this hidden back here except maybe...
because it had a picture of his wife
naked, which leads me to believe that...
the relationship wasn't as dead
as they were pretending.
- I don't know who these people are.
- No. It's morbid.
I don't want to see anymore.
Let's go outside.
Let's pretend it's Sunday.
Yeah? You wanna?
[Birds Chirping]
One of my patients was killed
last night. He was murdered.
The painter.
- Casey.
- Were you there?
- [Sighs] A little bit after.
- What did you see?
You don't
want to know.
About a half hour before group.
I'm gonna get a shower.
- You gonna be okay out here?
- Yeah.
[Shower Running]
[Shower Running]
[Shower Continues]
[Rustling Paper]
- Rose.
- [Gasps] Oh! Oh!
Rose! Rose!
Rose! Jesus!
[Tires Squealing]
[Tires Squealing]
- 2ASB...
- [Tires Squealing]
[Tires Squealing, Horn Honks]
[Woman] Oh! Stupid, crazy bastard!
They'll give anybody a license!
Five and six are 31.
Seven, seven,
that makes 45.
And that will remain 45, and
every single time you count it,
it will be 45, no matter what.
And then this is five,
and that makes 50. And nine is 59.
Now that's odd. That's really odd.
Now there's 59 again.
- What?
- Well, last week...
there were 58 books on the bookshelf
where there is always...
and I mean always, 59 books, and this
week there are 59 again, so I don't...
- Which one, Sondra?
- [Sighs]
I didn't read any of it.
- I felt so bad when I got it home.
I couldn't help myself.
- Which one, Sondra?
It... The Van Gogh.
But I didn't read any of it.
- Honestly, I promise!
- [Clark] What did I do?
[Pages Turning]
[Bob's Voice] I was right about
the threats from the Monday group.
This cycle of pain. Yesterday's victim
becomes tomorrow's monster.
Today's the day.
Hi, Bill.
Hi, Buck.
Casey, uh...
is not gonna be joining us tonight,
so I think we should get started.
- That's typical. Oh, shit!
- [Thunder Rumbling]
- Buck, are you all right?
- It's none of your fucking business.
- You know, I can't stand
this arguing. Really.
- I'd like to start, if I may.
I'd like to apologize
to the group and Sondra.
Everything that you said
last week in group was right,
and that's why I lost my temper.
Uh, the young lady that
I mentioned last week...
that relationship
has been terminated.
No reason and no hope.
She just, just called...
and told me,
and that's it.
"The sociopath, lacking
the restraints that...
hold a normal character
together, can become anything.
Amorality frees her
to be universally perfect.
A charming chameleon
with a scorpion's tail."
Do any of you recognize...
recognize this woman?
Oh, my God! Oh!
This is my girlfriend.
This is Bonnie.
- Give me that!
- [Gasps]
- This your Bonnie?
This is your Bonnie? Yeah?
- Yeah. Yeah.
The one you've been boring
the living shit out of us with?
This is the one that's
saving you from yourself?
- Your shopping mall hag?
- Shut up.
- The one that makes you smile?
- Shut up!
- The one that you wish was a man?
- What are you getting at, Buck?
- That Bonnie? Is that it?
- That's right, that's it.
- That's right, That's right.
- Sondra...
this is my Bonnie.
You're lying.
You're lying.
You're lying.
You're lying!
I don't
believe you!
[Laughing, Sobs]
- [Clark] Let me see that.
- [Sobbing]
- Fuckin' A!
- Well, yes, of course.
This is the woman that I've been
talking about. This is my Bonnie.
- Goddamn it, Buck!
Don't do that! Do not do that!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- You're lying to me!
Why are you lying to me?
- Stop acting like an...
- Like an emotional child!
- Goddamn tar baby!
- You're making it up!
You're making it up!
- Nobody's making anything up...
- and stop it, stop it, stop it!
- [Sondra] Stop it!
[Clark] Quit it!
You're crimpling the picture up!
- [Clark] I want you to stop!
You're a little brat!
- [Buck] Fuck it!
[Buck] You have
the emotions of a styrofoam cup!
- You calm down, and you stop...
- Where's the picture?
How in the name of God...
could all of you be going out
with the same woman and not know?
Not have a clue?
Including you,
Mr. Psycho-fucking-analyst?
Not to mention Bob Moore...
who probably took this amazing
picture himself in front
of his expensive painting.
I'm gonna call the Guinness Book
of World Records...
because I think
this woman deserves credit.
And I'm gonna make sure
that all of your names are included...
so you can all share
in the glory.
Well, you should know
something about sharing, huh, Hector?
I mean, you and Buck must have
shared some very tender moments...
discussing his wife. Huh?
- Why didn't you tell me the truth?
- What truth is that?
Why didn't you tell me
Buck was a cop...
not to mention a suspect
in a murder case?
- Not to mention you, goddamn it.
- Because...
I'm not your patient,
and I don't have to tell you shit!
That's right, you don't have to tell me
shit! Fuckin' tell me anything, do you?
- Why won't somebody tell me
some fucking truth?
- Get the fuck out of here!
One fuckin' thing!
Can you do that, Buck?
- You really know how to pick
your women, you know that?
- I know you can't...
- you lyin' sack of shit!
You can't fuckin' do it!
- Listen.
- After my wife died,
I wanted to slaughter this cocksucker!
- [Sondra] Don't! No more!
But I realized we both loved her.
It became a, sort of a bond between us.
Isn't that right, Hector?
Isn't it? Hector!
Jesus God! I never got the chance
to forgive her.
So I forgave him instead.
All right!
So much for the famous
fucking Monday group!
Now we have a suspect with a tattoo
on her ass and no address.
Now the cops
need your help.
What about the car?
- Anybody around here wrote down
the license plates numbers?
- [Sighs]
- [Buck] "The license plates numbers"?
- [Sondra] We didn't even...
- Huh?
- [Sondra] Well, I didn't
think to-to-to write it down.
- Hey, welcome back to L.A., Miss Brown.
- Thanks. Put my bags in my room.
[Capa] Dr. Ashland from New York
with the psychiatric convention.
Dr. Ashland? In the health club.
I don't think she is a sociopath.
Well, then how about something
simple and snappy like a
multiple personality disorder?
You've fallen
into a trap.
You are not well.
She is not well.
And to you,
it feels like a bond.
She's been acting this
thing out as if...
- it's the only way
for her to have a life.
- Or lives.
- You really want to go on
seeing her, do you?
- Yes, I want to see her.
In a, a nonprofessional
In every sense.
I don't have your
magical tuning fork.
All I know is that
two people are dead...
and she seems
an excellent suspect.
Bill, salmon swim upstream
to mate and die.
- And so do men.
- Is that what I'm doing?
- Anderson!
I need your help with something.
- Hey, man, how ya doin'?
I'm sitting in a restaurant last night,
and I'm looking out the window...
watching this woman trying to back out
of a space right in front of mine.
- A beautiful woman?
- Stunning.
Anyway, the next thing I know, she
busted out the headlight on my car.
- Uh-oh. Drives away, right?
- I don't even think
she knew what she did.
But you'd like to meet her?
All right, um, I'll see what I can do.
You got the license number?
- Yeah. Thanks, man. All right. Thanks.
- Sure.
[Tires Squealing]
[Tires Squealing]
[Capa Screams]
- I ought to shoot you!
- I came to make amends.
- So make 'em, loudmouth!
- I just spoke to Bill Capa.
This license plate might
belong to our mystery lady.
- [Knocking]
- Mrs. Niedelmeyer!
It's Dr. Capa again.
- You leave me alone!
Get away from here!
- I need your help, please!
- Why are you torturing me like this?
- Mrs. Niedelmeyer, please!
- [Gasps]
- I need you to listen to me!
- My best friend was killed.
He was stabbed with a knife...
- You get out of my house!
- 38 times in the chest!
- You-You go away!
Another patient was bled to death!
I think that I might be next!
- Go away!
- I don't have anywhere
else to go, Mrs. Niedelmeyer!
- What are you hiding from me?
What is it?
- Nothing.
- Why won't you tell me the truth?
Put that phone down.
- I'm calling the police!
- Put the phone down! Put the phone down!
- Please!
What kind of twisted creature are you?
I've never done anything to you.
- My patient Richie is involved...
- Why in God's name are you
doing this horrible joke?
- If you just help me...
- Richie Dexter is dead!
He killed himself
four years ago.
Because he couldn't stand...
what my husband
was doing to him.
He hung himself with a belt.
He was 12.
I didn't know!
I mean, how could I know?
Nobody knew.
What about
the family?
He is survived
by his brother, Dale.
If Richie Dexter
were alive today...
he'd be 16 years old.
He also had a sister, Rose.
[Thunder Rumbling]
[Tires Screeching]
[Thunder Continues]
- Jesus Christ! [Gasps]
- [Moans]
What did he...
What did he do to you?
W-What I... d-deserved.
Y-You shouldn't be here.
Get away from me.
I have to see Rose.
- I need her.
- [Sniffling]
Get away from me, please!
You'll make it worse!
- Where's Dale?
- L-I don't know, but he'll be back!
L-I don't know where he is.
Was this your idea,
to become Richie?
No! No!
L-It happened.
It just happened.
What? What happened, Rose?
- I need to know.
- When Richie died...
Dale buried the body and then
he said, "Richie, come here."
And I told him, I told him,
"My name is Rose!"
He slapped me so hard,
I couldn't get up.
A-And he, he made me
dress in these clothes...
and h-he did things to me that
made me not want to be a woman anymore.
- [Sobbing] I was Richie from then on.
- What happened to Rose?
After a while, I forgot about Rose.
- Then Richie got busted.
- And you had to come to group.
They were our world.
- They were our family.
- But then what?
Rose started coming back?
No! Rose, Rose was too scared,
so Bonnie came out.
- Bonnie was first. [Sobbing]
- Oh, honey.
Help me, please!
Help me.
Jesus! Oh, my God!
Oh! Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ!
That crazy bastard!
[Crying, Gasping]
Oh, God!
[Gasping, Crying]
- Rose!
- [Crying]
Get away f-from me!
Rose, come back! Richie! Richie,
leave her alone!
I never get
to be out a-anymore.
Rose. Come on.
- And then I met you and the fog...
- [Grunting]
- Started to lift.
- [Grunting, Tosses Nail]
- [Gasping] It did. It did.
- I know. Come on, let's go.
- [Gasping]
- Let's go. Here we go. Come on. Shh.
[Capa Whispering]
Come here.
Here we go.
Here we go. Let's move.
- [Nail Ricochets]
- Oh!
- [Nail Gun Firing]
- [Rose Gasping]
- Back up!
- No! No, Dale, don't!
- Get back! Get back!
- Dale, no!
Quick tongue,
slow wit.
Deadly, Doctor.
Hi, Dale.
You fucking daffodil.
Put that toy down.
Put it in the toolbox.
I got.45 caliber nails
in this gun!
- What are you doing here, Martinez?
- Aren't you glad I'm here?
Anderson snitched you out! That's what
happens when you try to outsmart a cop!
- Let that be your psych lesson
for the day!
- [Fires Nail Gun]
- [Groans]
- [Nail Gun Firing]
Go! Run!
- Go! Get over there! Get over there!
- No! No!
[Martinez Groaning]
Go! Run! Run!
- [Martinez] Run! Run! Go!
- [Grunting]
- [Gasps]
- [Diesel Engine Starts]
Let's go!
- No! Get out!
- [Gasps]
[Glass Breaking,
Capa Grunting]
- Come on! Come on!
- [Gagging]
You fucking son of a bitch!
[Blade Whirring]
[Whirring Continues]
You really fucked
it up, didn't ya?
- Got your little brother killed.
- No!
- You let old Niedelmeyer do it to him.
- No, I saved him!
- You knew what was happening...
- I didn't know!
- Because it happened to you before!
- Would you goddamn shut up?
Could have saved your little brother,
but he killed himself.
- Shut up! Shut the fuck up!
- You failed, Dale.
And you made
Rose become Richie!
- [Blade Whirring]
- Oh, you're smart. You're really smart.
- Bob Moore was smart,
but I put a stop to that.
- Yeah, you did.
Why'd you kill Casey, Dale?
Why are you head-shrinkers
all alike, huh?
- Y-You can't keep your fucking
hands off of us.
- [Blade Whirring]
- Huh? Always pokin' and pushin'. Huh?
- [Coughing]
Why'd you do it, Dale?
that little bitch, Rose,
she started sneaking out...
playing like Bonnie,
modeling for him night after night.
Christ, Bill, he was
lookin' right through her...
gonna recognize
Richie in group.
Well, I might have
missed old Niedelmeyer...
but I sure as hell
got Bob... real good.
- And now...
- [Blade Whirring]
I'm gonna cut you into little
pieces and sand the skin off.
The inspiration of madness, Dale.
The tyranny
of normalcy, Bill.
[Blade Whirring]
[Groans, Blade Stops]
- [Throws Down Blade]
- Richie.
My name is...
My name is Rose.
- No! No!
- [Grunting]
[Gasping, Gun Misfiring]
Come back!
- [Screaming]
- [Capa] Rose!
Rose! Stop!
- Rose!
- [Thunder Rumbling]
- Don't! [Sobbing]
- For God's sakes, don't jump!
- [Capa] Rose!
- No!
- Rose! Stop!
- [Screaming]
- No!
- [Whimpering] No.
- Wait!
- Why?
Rose! No! Stop, please!
- Just stay there!
- It's too late.
I've gone too far.
I can't go back.
If you go, I go!
I swear to God!
- I swear to God.
- Why would you do that?
Please, God, just come over here.
I don't want you to die.
Just give me your hand. Take a risk!
There's no risk in dying.
- Come on.
- Oh, Capa.
- Come on.
- [Wind Howling]
- L... No...
- No!
- Capa!
- [Groans]
- [Thunder Rumbling]
- [Chain Rattling]
[Rose Grunting]
Come on.
[Grunting, Gasping]
[Both Grunting]
Hey! Listen up, you fucking daffodils!
- You gonna leave me hanging
here all night, huh?
- [Capa Laughing]
Get me down,
you goddamn cuckoos!
- Get me some fucking Band-Aids!
- [Capa Laughing]
Come on, you fucking daffodils!
Get me out of here!
You and I
Moving in the dark
Bodies close
But souls apart
Shadowed smiles
Secrets unrevealed
I need to know
The way you feel
And I'll give you
everything I am
And everything I want to be
I'll put it in your hands
If you could open up to me
Oh, can't we ever
Get beyond this wall
'Cause all I want
Is just once
To see you in the light
But you hide behind
The color of the night
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
- God save me
- Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Ooh
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
- Everything I am
- Everything I am
And everything
I want to be
Oh, can't we ever
get beyond this wall
'Cause all I want
Is just once
- Forever and again
- Ever and again
I'm waiting for you
I'm standing in the night
But you hide behind
The color of
The night
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Please come out
from the color of
The night
Hey! You gonna spend the night up there?
You and little
Miss Fender Bender?