Dancer In the Dark (2000)

You're sweating.
I know. I'm excited though.I can see it all happening.
A little turn...
Now side to side.
Other people can sing.
Can we talk out herefor a minute?
She's fantastic.
What are youtalking about?
I think she sings funny.
And her dancing's notall that great either.
That's the first timeshe did it, okay?
Yeah, but I hadall the kits by then.
Because she didn'ttake the kettle,
so I was stuck.
Do you want me totake the kettle, Samuel?
No, I don't.I just want Kathy
to put it over here.This is, you know...
If you say these words,and then, boom,
you just putyour hands out,
and there they are.They're there.
Please don'tdrop the props, Kathy.
Wait, wait.
Why are you putting iton her head, though?
I'm a little confused.
I don't know.It was, uh...
Because she's notgoing to pick it up.
It looks likeyou're trying to...
put a hat on her heador something.
You're fantastic.
You just have to listento your heart, Cvalda.
I don't want youto call me Cvalda.
Okay, Paul, please.
You're Cvaldato me.
Let's do some sound effects.
I told youno tapping
in "The Soundof Music."
It really needs rhythm.
Like drums or something.
Everybody'sdoing a great job.
Oh, hello, Selma.Come here.
- Are you ready?- Yeah, I'm ready.
Okay, you knowwhere to stand.
So let's trythis one.
Maybeeven this one.
I think you can workthat machine safely.
I'll write a noteto the plant
and let them know.
Thank you.
We lost five hours'cause some idiot
broke the machine.
Bill's here.
Well, he's herewith Gene.
Oh, that soundslike bad news.
What are yougoing to do?
Well, I guess I gotto tell her, don't i?
You can't bringthe script to work, Selma.
Keep your eyeson the machine, okay?
Bill's here.
He's here with Gene.
Not again!
You got to comeright back, okay?
Don't be too worried.
We're gonna work this out.
Here she comes.
Why are younot in school?!
When I say so,you go to school!
Do you think I joke?
You have to study!
Come on, Selma, stop.
We talked about this.Didn't we talk about it?
Hanging out with thoseautomobile thieves.
So what?
He's learning.
Selma,he's learning.
Aw, come on.
Gene, this is the mostimportant thing.
You have to go to school.
Selma, l--I can...
drive him back to schoolif you like.
Since when was thatyour business?
What you doing here?
If you needa ride home--
I don'teven punch out
until afteranother two hours.
Sometimes you punch outaround this time.
I never punch out early!
Don't need a dumb...
Don't need a ride!
In your little head.
All right.
Come on, Mr. G.Let's get you to school.
Thank you, but l...
I'll just...I'll just ride my bike.
Bye, Jeff.
She likes you.
I'm sure of it.
You're sure?
Yeah, I'm sure of it.
This is my punishment,
that you help me with this.
And you've got...
You've got to makeyour bed as well.
And you forgotto wrap up the bread.
Two times.
There's no more of that.
You keep reading.
"So long, farewell,
auf... wiedersehen...
adieu, adieu, adieu,
to yieu and yieu and yieu."
"To yieu...
and yieu..."
What does that mean,
It's your dumb musical.
"And yieu..."
It's German.
- You think?- Mm.
You wantsome more ketchup?
Are you tired?
Why--why should you...
always ask me so...
so stupid questions?
Shall I show youmy step?
Oh, hi.Hi, Gene.
How's the dancing?
Oh... good.
- Yeah?- Yeah, Yeah.
You want to come overto me and Bill's place
and listento some music?
That--thatwould be lovely.
But... we couldn't.
Come on.Come on.
Yeah... uh...
Let's go.Come on.
You should ask Billabout his money.
Linda likes it whenwe talk about that.
You're doinga very nice job with these.
How about that?
You have to bevery careful
not to bendthe card.
Otherwise I don'tget paid for it.
That's fair,because...
the people in the shopswould never want to buy it
if it's bent.
You wouldn't buy itif it was bent.
That's true,I wouldn't.
Wouldn't buy anythingif it was bent.
In Czechoslovakia,
I saw a film,
and they were eating candyfrom a tin
just like this.
I thought to myself...
how wonderful it must be
in the United States.
You think my houselooks like a movie?
Oh, our houselooks like a movie.
And you looklike a movie star.
Bill gives mea lot of money.
You know?
I know.
Of course, it's allthat money you inherited,
isn't it, Bill?
That's right.
Hey, Selma...
Take the restwith you.
Are you sure?
Go on.
Good morning.
I've got the rent.
You always payright on time.
Don't worry about Gene.I'll get him off to school,
Thank you.
Thanks very much.
Remember your bag.
I think you're alwaysso serious, Kathy.
Aw... again we start.
I don't think insideyou're serious at all.
I don't know.
Not always.
Why do youcall me that?
It's like...someone who's...
I don't know,just big and happy.
I am not that big.
Happy?I don't know.
Just need someoneto pull it out.
Beautiful eyes.
But he's notreal happy, is he?
How is she doing?
It's when shecannot keep up,
and she's going to faint.
Ah, she fainted.
Please be quiet.
Oh, give us a break.
She doesn't seethat well.
I paid good moneyto see this film.
Well, so did she.
I love itwhen they dance.
For Pete's sake,it's a musical.
Of course they're dancing!
We know that!
Oh, you're so smart.
- Yes.- Oh.
I think you madefriends, Kathy.
So, what'd she say?
What did she say?
She didn't sayanything.
Are you trying totell me something?
It's about the bike.
The bike?
Mm, the bike.
Oh, um, l--I--
I cannotgive Gene a bike.
Is this his idea?
No, it's not his idea.
Did you ask themto come over?
No, he didn't.It doesn't...
He doesn't know anything,Selma. Frankly.
Why, have Idone something?
I haven't gotthe money.
But... I'm almostthe only kid in class
who doesn't havea bike.
I even know a boywho's got a scooter.
You know I haven't gotany money.
The only extra money I got
the times I managedto save up,
I send it...
to Grandpa.
- Come have a look.- I'm not gonna get you
expensive things.
Your motheris only teasing.
Look what she'sbrought for you!
It's a bike!
We cannotaccept that.
Selma, it was second-hand.
I can't give himany expensive things.
- Yeah, but--- I can't even give it
for his birthday.
- Yeah, but, well--- He's just gonna accept that.
I'm not that sort of mom.
I'm just not that kindof mother, Gene. I...
Can't you be
that kindof a mother?
It's not exactly a scooter.
Hmm... We'll see.
We'll see.
Don't ridetoo fast.
Hey, gene,bring it over here.
He looks very happy,doesn't he?
He does look happy.
Here he comes again.
Bring it over here.
Did you hearwhat she said?
- She say okay?- Yeah!
Did you say okay?
Promise to go to school.
Yes, yes.
Every day.On time.
I didn't know youwere such a good biker.
Rust and womenare the same.
"Rust and womenare the same"?
They are the same.
What is it?
Your fat Yeah. id that?
Some joke...
I don't knowwhat it meant.
Look at that.Oh, ho...
You're so kind.Look at me.
He did all the work,you know that.
He's really good.
Thank you, Jeff!
You're welcome.
Come in.
Something up, Bill?
No, no, I just couldn'tsleep, that's all.
I have no money.
All the moneythat I inherited is...
It's gone.
And Linda...
She spends and spends.
And my salary'snowhere near enough.
I can't say no to her.
The bank's gonnarepossess the house...
because I'm so far behindon the payments.
And I'm gonna lose Linda.
I know it.
I know I am.
She loves you, Bill.
Oh, don't cry.
I shouldn'thave told you.
Don't worry.
- Shouldn't have told you.- It's okay.
Don't worry.
No, I think you'vegot enough... stuff.
Would it make youfeel better
if I told youa secret?
What secretcould you tell me?
I'm going blind.
Not yet, but...
Maybe sometimethis year.
It's not as badas it sounds.
It's, uh...
It's a family thing.
But, blind?
I've always known it.
From... when I wasa little girl,
I knew.
And you're okay?
Well, I came to America
because in America,
they can give Genean operation.
You know?
He doesn't knowabout it.
You... youmustn't tell him,
because thenit could get worse.
I just have to save upmoney, you know,
enough money to...
Oh, I almost got it.
To, uh...
For the operation.
They can operate on Genewhen he turns 1 3.
And you made up that storyabout your father?
I never had a father.
I made uphis name, too.
And that's why youput in all these hours
and do all these pinsand do everything you do.
For him.
For his operation.
Well, it is my fault.
I guess...
How is it your fault?
Because l...I knew he would...
he would havebad eyes like me.
But I had him...
all the same.
You're very strong.
I'm not strong.
I've gotlittle games I play
when it goes really hard.
When I'm workingin the factory...
and the machines,they make these...
And I just start dreaming,
and it all becomes music.
But you like movies,don't you?
- I love the movies.- Yeah?
I just lovethe musicals.
Oh, when they'reall tap dancing?
All of themtap dancing,
all of them, thishuge, long line.
I... wouldn't youlike to be
in that big,long line?
Kicking your feetup there?
When they're,like, spiraling up
the huge,enormous wedding cakes
to the top?
But isn't that annoying
when they do the last songin the films, though?
Because you just knowwhen it goes really big,
and the camera goes,like, out of the roof,
and you just knowit's gonna end.
I hate that.
I really hate that.
I used to cheat on thatwhen I was a little girl
back in Czechoslovakia.
I would leave the cinema
just afterthe next to last song,
and the film wouldjust go on forever.
It's lovely, isn't it?
That is lovely.
Thank you fortelling me your secret.
Thanks fortelling me yours.
Mum's the word, right?
We don't tell anybody?
Oh, yes.
I won't tellanyone.
Oh, thank you.
So, can I get youanother?
Yeah, sure.
How about a big one?
How many is therein a big one?
I'll have a big one.
What's thisguy's name again?
The old man,your old man,
the guy we're cardingthese pins for.
Her father?
I know.Oldrich.
Oldrich Novy.
He used to dancein Prague.
You commiesmake a big deal
out of sharingeverything.
It's--It'sa good thing.
What are you doinghere if, uh...
Czechoslovakia'sso much better
than the U.S. of A?
No, Selma, no!
There aretwo plates.
It's all right.
You know what happens
when you put two platesin, don't you?
Well, she didn't do it.I mean, it didn't happen--
You destroythe tool.
It takesa whole day
to mend.
Never two plates,Selma, never!
You cheated the doctor.
You shouldn't be workingat the press at all.
I mean, how dare you!Just how much can you see?
I could do my jobwith my eyes closed.
So could you.
It's just becauseI was daydreaming.
Dreaming about what?
Oh, I justhear music.
Come on. I mean,Selma, music?
You could alsocut off your hand
just like that.You have to watch out
every second.
Promise meyou'll stay awake.
I--I promise I willstop daydreaming.
Aw, you're not--you repeat,
but you don'teven listen to me.
I don't know whyI bother that much.
Hi, Selma.
If you're notgoing with Kathy,
can I give youa lift?
I don't wanta boyfriend.
I--I told you.
You're a reallynice guy, Jeff,
I just don't have timefor a boyfriend.
Not right now.
I know.
If I wanted a boyfriend,it would be you, Jeff.
I just don't want oneright now.
All right.
No problem, you know,
on the back,to have the bike there.
Bye, Jeff.
I don't think it'svery safe, you know,
to ride a bikewearing glasses and all.
- Selma?- Bye, jeff.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Hello, Selm.
Hi, Bill.
Headed home?
Uh, yes.
Want to put itin the back?
Oh, that would belovely. Yes, please.
Hi, Jeff.
Hey. Did yousee the truck?
They're blind,
drivinglike crazy.
He's what?
He's drivinglike crazy.
Getting dirty.
That's all right.
Thank you.
Bye, Jeff.
Thank you, Bill.
- Okay?- Okay, yeah.
If I could just makethe next payment,
I'd havea bit more time.
All I need is a loan.
It'd just be a month.
This money is Gene's.
I'm sorry, Bill.
That's all right.I shouldn't have asked.
Oh, you had to.Don't worry,
there's no harmin asking.
No, no, Ishouldn't have asked.
Linda wants new couches.
I could alwaysshoot myself.
You mustn't saythings like that.
It's--Make things easier.
- You know that, Bill.- Aw, Selma.
You mustn't saythings like that.
Selma, I'm kidding.
Hi, Selma.Come on in.
Hi, Gene.
Good morning.
How are you?
Fine, thank you.
Can I see the gun?
Yeah, go on, sure.
- He's got a gun?- Sure.
He's a police officer.
I just didn't knowhe would keep it here,
in the house.
Oh, yeah.Yeah, yeah.
He keeps itin his desk.
Maybe I shouldpay more rent.
It's been the same
for the whole periodI've been here.
No, Selma,I won't hear it.
You keep your money.You need it more
than we do.
Two boxes?
Did you decideyou are going to do
two boxes atthe same time now?
Selma...1 0:00 then?
What happensat 1 0:00?
I'm--I'm gonna dothe night shift.
The night shift?
You can hardly seewell enough
to do your own shift.
It suits me fine.
It's just afterdrama class.
You are goingto do that, too?
I've had my fillof you, Selma.
You dowhat you want.
Go ahead,break your neck.
Do your night shift,
but don't thinkfor one second
I'm going to comeand rescue you.
Kathy split already.
I'm not lookingfor Kathy.
I was lookingfor you.
I just have to go todrama rehearsal.
So what do you say?
You can alwaysride your bike.
You have it over there.
I left it at home.
I thought it'd bequicker if I walked.
How do you reckon that?
I just walk alongthe railroad tracks.
It's a...
Look, I don't understand.In musicals...
why do they start to singand dance all of a sudden?
I mean, I don't suddenlystart... to sing and dance.
You're right, Jeff.You don't.
The last thing on the listis the bake sale.
Two sundays away.
Hi, Selma.Come on in, come on in.
I'm gonna introduce youto your understudy.
My understudy?
This girl Suzan,who boris knows,
is a good singer.She's a good dancer.
She'll learnyour part, too,
because, say,you get a cold,
you can't do it,
then the showdoesn't have to stop.
Suzan, Selma.Selma, Suzan.
Could you take offyour glasses?
I thinkwe'll do the part
without glasses.
Next sunday,you will see
both Marias.
I mean, Selma willdo the role, really,
but... i'll have youread part of it too.
All right?
It's your first timeon the night shift,
While thisis being pressed,
you'll be cuttingon the other machine.
That meansyou'll be in charge
of two machines.
You have to beat Sarahover there, right?
This pallet mustnever be empty.
Is it alwaysso dark in here?
Is it alwaysso dark in here?
It's exactly the sameas the daytime.
The only thing is you haveto work a little faster.
That's whatyou're paid for, right?
- Okay.- Okay?
Thank you.
- Excuse me.- Yeah?
You have to worka little, you know,
a little fasterthan this.
What are youdoing here?
What do you think?
I didn't put you down forthe night shift, Kathy.
Run along, Norman.
I'm on my own time now.
How I spend itis my own business.
'Night, ladies!
Good night!
A little faster.
I like it betterwhen you dance.
You should dancemore... Cvalda.
I will dancewhen there is music.
It's music.
Now dance.
Stop that,you've cut yourself!
Get away fromthe machine!
Oh, Jeff is here.
Hello, Jeff.
Hi, Kathy.
Do you live here?
Thought she mightsay yes to a ride
when it'sthis late.
M-maybe Kathy...
wants a ride.
No, it's all right.
What's that,with your hand?
She cut her...
Cut my finger.
Yeah. It's goingto be all right.
The plates are sharp.
I think I founda solution to our problem.
That makes mereally happy.
It's nothing special...
But I've made up my mind.I'm gonna tell Linda,
and, uh...
I mean, after all,she loves me, and...
We'll justwork it out together.
That sounds likea really good idea, Bill.
I'm sorry, I'lllet you get to bed.
I guess I'm kinda tired.
Thanks, Bill.
Good night, Selma.
Good night, Bill.
What's happening now?
Here we go.Selma, are you ready?
You're on.
Cut. Cut, stop.
Stop, please.
This is Selma's entrance, okay?
Okay, Paul, please.
How fardo you think it is?
I don't know.
Kathy, whatare you doing?
This isMaria's entrance.
Yes.I'm sorry.
My mistake.
Please, please!
I don't haveall night!
Six steps.
Let's take thisa little more seriously.
Okay, I'm thinkingmaybe, Selma...
You could take a littlesort of circle around Boris
on this next part,
unless you have something elseyou wanna suggest.
I'm open.
I need totalk to you.
Oh, Selma, please, ifit's about the drummer,
I have been lookingeverywhere for a drummer--
It's notabout the drummer.
It's notabout the drummer.
Um... just a quick word.
Do you wannago outside?
I--I'm notgonna play Maria.
My heart justisn't in this...
Like, I shouldn'tbe wasting my time
on something...
that isn't...that important really.
I've been watching Suzan,and she's...
She's great.
She's... She's very--
She's a much better dancerthan I am.
Suzan's terrific.I'm not denying that,
but you--I thoughtyou lived for musicals.
So you've been pretendingthe whole time?
I've just been pretending.
I don't know what elseI could do with you.
I've got everythingcast right now.
The only part that's leftis the old nun
who lets maria outof the convent gate.
I don't thinkyou'd want that part.
There's no dancingin that.
She'squite serious then?
She's serious.
It's importantfor the part.
Okay. I'm notdancing really.
I could put a little bitof dancing in there.
You think so?
It--I didn'thave it in mind.
You can haveyour tapping.
She could be justa little... humorous
once in a while...
even thoughshe's a nun.
You'll always bemy perfect Maria.
Where are allthe hairpins today?
I left them at home.
And she won't beplaying Maria.
What do you reckonI'm gonna do
if I can't bawl you outfor learning your lines
on company time?
What kind of a jokeis that?
Well, she's beating me.
I need a word with you.
We're talkingright now.
All right...
Come on.
Please sit down.
We were offfor the whole day.
Everything stops whenthe machine breaks.
You know that.
I--I can do my jobjust fine...
if I stickto the day shift.
This won't happen again.
Look, I daydreamtoo much.
I--I decided to quit.
And I guess,then l--I forgot.
I've been orderedto let you go, Selma.
You're notgonna have to pay
for the machineyou broke.
I got themto agree to that.
Uh, thanks, Norman.
This is your salary.
And you know, um...
Maybe we can find yousomething
away from the machines
where your eyesightwouldn't matter so much.
Not right away.
That's very kindof you.
I better go.
I'll be okay.I really will.
Thanks, Norman.
Thank you, Selma.
Thank you.
What is shegoing to do now?
Did you ever thinkabout that?
Don't worry, Kathy.Really.
I'm gonna be fine.
Has anybodyseen Jeff today?
He's usually hereearly, Selma,
but not this early.
It's a shame.
I could give youa lift if you want.
I--I will need a lift...
I need to dosomething important 3:00.
Well, you need to getyour truck then, don't you?
Train's coming.Get off the track, Jeff.
You have to be careful.
Stay to the side.
You can't see,can you?
What is there to see?
You can't see,can you?
See you at 3:00.
I can see.
Gene hasn'tcome back yet.
I need to talk to Bill.
He decided totake the day off
to go to the bankfor his box.
Is he--is he upstairs?
I know everything, Selma.
Bill told me.
I want you to move out!
I--I don't understand.
Wh-what would you know?
That you came onto him.
That you asked himinto the trailer,
but heturned you down!
You've got nothingto say for yourself?
I want to talk to Bill.
Hi, Bill.
Linda saw me go upto the, um...
Up to the trailer.
I told her it was youwho wanted to, uh...
That you'd...
That you'd fallenin love with me.
I know.She told me.
And what didyou tell her?
You didn't tell herI was lying?
Mum's the word, right?
Linda told meyou went to the bank.
I went to the bankto ask for more time.
But I couldn't do it.
And I brought the boxhome instead.
Linda alwaysgets so proud
when she sees mesitting in here with it.
But you have putmy money in it,
haven't you?
To make it looklike it's yours.
I tried to shootmyself, but...
I couldn'tdo that either.
But it's my money, Bill.
I'm gonna have to take it.
Well, youcan have it back.
No, you can have it.
You can have it backin a month.
But--but I can'tdo that, Bill.
I--I've decided to...
to pay the doctor
this afternoon.
I can't save up more money.
That's over now.
Gene doesn'teven turn 1 3
until after christmas.
It was $2,026
and 1 0 cents
in the tin.
I can't count it now,but I trust you.
And it's...
$30 I got today...
which makes it
and 1 0 cents.
It's not enough.
But it'll have to do.
- Bye, Bill.- Selma...
Selma, stop.
I'm pointing my gunat you, Selma.
I don't believe you.
You're just tryingto scare me.
I can't see a gun.
Just... feel this.Feel this.
Just feel it!Feel it!
Do you believeI have the gun?
I believe you.
But it's my money.
No, it's my money.
It's the moneyI had in my box.
And you're tryingto steal it from me.
Selma!Selma, stop!
Selma, stop!Linda!
- No!- Linda! Linda!
What's the matter,Bill?
She tried tosteal the money.
She knew I hadthe gun in my...
in my drawerand she--
Is that whyyou wanted him,
for the money?
Go out to the carand get my handcuffs.
Go get the handcuffs.
Give me the money.
Give me the money.
Give me the moneyand i'll let you go.
Where should I go?
Just give methe money.
Just give methe money!
The money.
Give me the money!
- Get--- No!
Bill!Oh, Bill!
You shot me.
No, no, Selma.
You did the right thing.
I should've done itmyself.
Kill me.
Just kill me.
Will you just bemy friend...
and show some mercy,please, and just...
kill me?
Your handcuffs aren'tin the car, Bill.
Just showsome mercy, Selma,
and just...
Linda, run.
Run up to Miller's farm.Just run up to Miller's farm
and call the station.Tell them to hurry.
Run! Get up there!Go on to Miller's farm!
If you wantthe money...
you're gonna haveto kill me.
Don't do this to me.
Don't do thisto me.
I'm not letting go.
Selma, shoot me!
Just shoot me!Shoot me! Shoot me!
Shoot me!!
Cant't youjust stand up
and pullthe goddamn trigger!
I'll have totake the money.
Forgive me.
What are youdoing here?
Is it already 3:00?
Uh, not really.
Hell, I'm always early.
You cut yourself again.
There's some bloodon your blouse.
I couldn't feel itat all.
We're here now.
By the bus stop?
Yeah, the bus stop.
It's over there.
And the lakeis here?
Promise methat you won't follow me.
Yeah, I promise.
Dobry Vecer,Pane Doktore.
Dobry Vecer.
I would like to payfor the operation now.
and 1 0 cents.
I know it's not quite
what you told me, but...
but it's allI could get together.
What last name
shall I puton the receipt?
Oh, I don't needa receipt.
I really don't.
I have to knowthe name of your son.
When he comes infor his operation.
He will come,
and he will saythat his name is Novy.
And thenyou will know...
that he hasbeen paid for.
Like Oldrich Novy,
the tap dancer?
It is strange,isn't it?
But he never reallymade it over here,
did he?
I saw his filmswhen I was a kid.
He was inthe first musical
I ever saw.
Same here.
It's Tuesday night.
What aboutyour rehearsal?
Yeah, I guess.
You want to go?
Then maybe putyour arm around her,
and... a little bit of...
Hi, Selma.
Hi, Samuel.
We weren't sure you'dshow up, actually.
Sure, I'd show up.
Nice to see you.
Be right back.
She's here.
Okay, I think--Ithink you could...
try it one more timefor me.
But I should--I should be going now.
I think Gene may wonderwhere I am.
Jeff, he--he hasn'tseen me all day.
I think maybe wecould do your scene.
Let's dothe tapping scene.
Okay? We haven'tdone it in weeks,
and we really needto rehearse it,
and while you're here,we might as well
take advantageof the time, please?
Okay, let's dothe tapping scene.
You come offstage--
Let me havethe nuns up there.
Imagi--you're going to do
Selma's partfor her
for right now,all right?
You like it?
We haven't done itfor a while.
Remember that partwe did where--
where you, uh...
you come tothe convent gate
to say goodbyeto the--to Maria?
I should leave, Jeff.
Gene--Gene isprobably worried now.
I haven't seen himall day.
All right.
I'm sorry, Samuel, but...
Betty, come herefor a second, please.
The drummerthat you wanted--
Remember, you askedme for a drummer?
I found somebody.She's fantastic.
Her name's Betty.She's right here
for the first timetonight.
Please meet her.Selma, this is Betty.
Hi, Betty.
You play the drums?
Tell her how longyou've been studying.
Two years.
She's wonderful.
You've got to stayand enjoy this.
You've got to--I have an idea.
Let's do the finale.
I just remembered,you hate finales.
No finale!
I've a better idea.
"Climb Every Mountain,"part one.
The state will show
that the defendanthas not only perpetrated
the most callous...
and well-planned homicidein recent memory...
but is alsoa fundamentally selfish
who cynically hides
behind a handicap,
devoid of sympathyfor anybody
but herself.
This woman foundtrust and friendship
when she sought refugein our country,
and the evidence will show
that she has repaidsuch kindness with betrayal,
robbery, and murder,
inflicted uponthe very people
who opened their homesand hearts to her.
Ladies and gentlemenof the jury...
The evidence will provethat she herself...
did not show that mercyshe will ask of us.
Is this the bag here,detective?
Yes,the very same.
Houston's bloodwas all over it.
Well, shortlybefore the homicide,
I had a checkupon her vision,
and I foundthat she was myopic.
It's nearsighted--
Nearsighted, but...She could see.
She said communism was...
better for human beings.
She had nothingbut contempt
for our great countryand its principles?
Apart from its musicals.She said the American one...
the American oneswere better.
the defendantpreferred Hollywood
to Vladivostok.
I suppose that'san acknowledgement of sorts.
She just askedmany times
about the money.
She wanted to knowwhere it was?
That's right.
She asked youabout the gun?
Yes, she did.
She wanted to knowwhere it was kept?
That's right.
Bill was lying on the floor
and... he was wounded.
He was pleading for his life?
"I--I beg you,I beg you,
I beg you."
You showed himno mercy, Selma!
You shall haveno mercy either!
Would you state your namefor the record, please?
Selma Jezkova.
And Bill andLinda Houston...
were your friends,is that right?
In fact, you livedin a trailer
on their property.
And didn't they also
take careof your young son
when you were at work?
They bought him a...
birthday presentrecently.
Is that right?
Yeah. Theygot him a bike.
Your sightwas poor,
you claim,contrary to
the expert testimonywe have received.
But you sawwell enough
to inflict 34 woundson Bill Houston.
So why did youkill him, actually?
If I may beso bold to ask?
He asked me to.
He did?
How intriguing.
A man witha fine career
and some wealth,a happy marriage,
why wouldthis Bill Houston
ask you to kill him?
I promised not to say.
Well, that clearsthings up immensely.
You promisedyou wouldn't say.
In that case, we'll justhave to take your word for it
when you saythat the money you stole
that Bill Houston's savings
also disappearedso mysteriously
that same day.
Just, uh...
Just where did youget your money?
I'd been saving up.
Well, I supposeyou could call it that.
What were these savingsto be used for?
You never bought your son
so much asa single birthday present,
as we've heard.
My--my father.
In Czechoslovakia.
Your father?
And what,pray tell...
is his name?
My--my father is...
Oldrich Novy.
We're meant to believe...
that you killedBill Houston
by inflicting34 wounds on him
He asked you to.
Just as we're meantto believe
that you were blindwhen you did it...
Are meant to believethat it was your own savings
that you stole from him...
Just as we're meantto believe
that you sent all you had
to your father back home,
a man by the nameof Oldrich Novy.
Is that right?
Thank you,Miss Jezkova.
Ladies and gentlemenof the jury,
you've now heard fromthe defendant's own lips.
You must believe her,
just as youmust believe her
when she claimsher father's name
is Oldrich Novy.
Your Honor...
at this time,the state calls
to the witness stand...
Oldrich Novy.
Please stateyour full name.
The name isOldrich Novy.
And you used to livein Czechoslovakia?
That is right.
I live now in California,as you know.
That's right, that'swhere we found you.
What exactly isyour relationship
with the defendant?
I do not know her.
You don't know her?
You have not received money
from her.
Money that--that...
she says was so dearly earned?
No, I have not.
Perhaps you'renot her father then?
No, I am not.
Well, ifthis relationship
was made upby the defendant,
can you thinkof any way
she might've cometo know your name?
I was once well knownin Czechoslovakia
uh... because of my profession.
Yes, Mr. Oldrich Novy,what is your profession?
Maybe that can give usa clue to why,
why this somewhat...romantic,
certainly communistic, woman
who worships Fred Astairebut not his country,
why she might've lied...
and misused your name...
to make us thinkall her money was spent
on a poor fatherand not on her own vanity.
What is it that you do?
I was an actor.I made films.
They were musicals.
Say it again!
Will the court please rise?
The honorable JudgeA.D. Mantle presiding.
Have you reached a verdict?
Yes, Your Honor.
Will the defendantplease rise?
We, the jury,find the defendant
Selma Jezkova
guilty of murderin the first degree
and hereby sentence herto death.
Is thisthe verdict of this jury?
You fully understandthat it must be unanimous?
We do, Your Honor.
Selma Jezkova...
You are hereby sentenced
to be taken from this place
and confined inthe state penitentiary
until such timeas you shall be executed
by being hangedby the neck
until you are dead.
This court is adjourned.
All rise!
I've just heardabout the...
Supreme Court decision.
Yeah, l...
I just want to talkpractical stuff.
On Gene's birthday...
he will receivea letter.
And it's so important,Kathy...
that he reads itreally carefully.
I need you to take careof that for me...
because I'm notgonna be there
when he gets it.
He should not be afraid,
because there's nothingto be afraid of, Kathy.
Listen, Gene wantsto see you so badly.
Won't you let him?Please?
There's nothingfor him to see.
He's got you now,Kathy.
And there'sone more thing:
He has tocall himself Novy.
That'svery important.
All right,time's up, Selma.
I know that soundsa bit foolish.
I'm sorry I didn'ttell you before
about all this.I just didn't dare to
because they wouldruin everything.
But what--Why does he
have to call himself Novy?
Stop asking questionslike that, Cvalda.
Please... Iet metell Gene hello...
from you to him.
I know you loveyour son very much.
I love him very much.
Got a boy of my ownback home.
You never told me that.
Good night, Brenda.
Good night.
Say hi to your sonfrom me.
Thank you, Selma.
Can I help you?
Did you once havea patient called...
Selma Jezkova?
Well, if it wasn'ttoo long ago,
I can checkmy records for you.
Jes... Jez... Jess...
Sorry, there's no onehere by that name.
What about Novy?
I have good news for you.
What's that?
We found a new lawyer...
and he's going to getyour case re-opened.
He says your lawyerwas incompetent.
What do you mean?
Well, the case isgoing to be re-opened.
You won't getthe death sentence.
Is that true?
Yes. New informationhas turned up.
Wh-what information?
Well, we knowthe whole story, Selma.
Why didn't you tell usanything?
You know, about...
about the moneyfor Gene's operation.
How did you find out?
Well, Jeff talkedto the doctor.
Does--does Gene know?
I mean,have you told Gene?
No.No, I didn't.
But you've gota much better case now.
That's very important,Kathy.
His eyes might getworse from worrying,
and then the operationwon't work.
Yes, but, Selma...
Don't you seethat it would help you
if they knew that youwere trying to save your son
from going blind?
The lawyer,he'll come and see you
in two weeks' time.
Kathy, but, uh...
You knowthey're hanging me
in one week.
We know that,but he says
you can apply for a stay.
You know, most casesget one the first time.
Well, you can smile.
Yeah... it's justtoo much for me.
I thoughtI was strong.
I just can'ttake it, Kathy.
Apply for a stay.
What if theydon't phone?
Uh, well, you'll betransferred to the other...
cell blockat some point tomorrow.
That's the cell blockwhere they hang people.
Yeah,that's where they...
spend the last day.
And then they dotheir 1 07 steps.
It's from that room...
to the gallows,isn't it?
That's what they say,Selma, but...
Look at...
You're gonna getyour stay.
Why don't you try tothink of something nice,
all right?
It's justso quiet here.
What's that gotto do with it, Selma?
You know, when I usedto work in the factory...
I used to dreamthat I was in a musical,
because, in a musical,
nothing dreadfulever happens.
But it's so quiet here.
Don't the prisonersmarch or something?
No, they don't.They don't...
There's not...
There's not much noisearound here, Selma,
I know.
But later theyturn on the radio.
No, no, no.There's no...
They don't allow radioin the isolation block.
But I've been listeningto the ventilation...
I hear sometimespeople singing there,
hymns or...
That's notagainst the rules,
to listen, is it?
I wonder if...
if maybe you'rehearing the singing
coming from the chapel.
Maybe you'lleven get a sermon.
You got your stay.
You got the stay.
I'm so happy for you.
I'm your new legal counsel.
My name is Luke, okay?
Oh, hi, Luke.
I'm, uh, quite sure...
I can get your sentencecommuted.
All I need is a signature
stating you wantthe case re-opened...
and then I can getall the paperwork ready
by tomorrow.
There's a lot of thingsyour other lawyer didn't do
that I'm going to do.
A lot of groundthat wasn't covered
that I am goingto cover.
The fact that you werefighting for your boy
is somethingwe can really milk.
I have some experiencein cases like this, so...
That's whatthe attorney before said.
Uh... yeah.
You see, he wasappointed by the court,
and you don't getthe best legal counsel
that way.
Y-You were notappointed by the court?
I'm not appointedby the court, no.
You're gonna haveto pay me.
But... not to worry.
That's beentaken care of.
I made a deal withyour... Iady friend?
Yeah, in regardto my fee.
I've agreed toaccept the amount
that she saidshe could raise.
How much...
How much was it?
Well, I can tell youprecisely,
because I receivedan envelope.
It's, uh,two thousand dollars--
$2,056.1 0?
That's it precisely.
There's something here.
I'd like to just sort ofgo over our tactics.
I have a couple ofquestions to ask you.
If he doesn't havethe operation next month,
it's gonna be too late!
And he will neverbe able to see!
This is whatit's all about,
so he can seehis grandchildren!
Well, let metell you something.
The only thingthat's important to me
in my whole life,
and you don'tunderstand, Kathy!
- Listen to me!- It's just plain stupidity!
- Listen to me!- Waste that kind of money...
on a blind womanwho's gonna spend
the rest of her lifein jail!
But he needs his mother,you know,
alive,no matter where!
You don't understand!
He needs his eyes!
- He needs his mother!- No!
- Yes! Alive!- No!
Listen to reasonfor once!
I listen to my heart.
I will go to the police.I will tell them that...
you stole the moneyfrom... from Bill.
Oh, yes,I will tell that.
I willtell them that,
that you stole itfrom Bill,
and you will never seethe money again!
That will be gonefor good.
No operation! Nothing!No mother! Nothing!
You can haveyour money back.
I just wantto make sure
that you fully comprehend
what this means,this decision.
You fully realizewhat will happen?
I already askedfor no more stays.
Once this starts,there's no stopping it.
You understand me?
I'm prepared.
Gene says thank you.
Thanks for what?
Oh, some comic bookson his birthday.
You can't buy him...presents
and say it's from me.
You have to stopdoing that, Jeff.
Uh, maybeyou can just...
phone him.
Just say,you know...
something to him.
No, that's--that'snot a good idea.
He wants to be the one...
who's allowed to be therewhen it happens.
But l-- And thenthey told him
he's too young.
Who put that crazy ideainto his head anyway?
I don't want himto be there.
I'll be thereif you would.
And Kathy?
You know Kathy.She's...
She's still angry.
If you thinkyou can take it...
I would love youto be there.
Don't cry, Jeff.
Jeff, don't cry.It's gonna be fine.
Why did you have him?
You knew he would havethe same disease as you.
I just wanted to holda little baby...
just in my arms.
I love you.
It's time, Selma.
Your meal, Jezkova.
Selma Jezkova...
It's time.
Please stand.
She can walk on her own.
I'm afraid my legsaren't working very well.
You can do it, Selma.
I have a plan, okay?
You're gonnastand up with me.
I may make some noise.
It will give yousomething to listen to.
There's 1 07 steps.
Selma, listento the mark.
I couldn't even do one.
You can do it.
I can't do it!
Now listen, Selma.
I want you to doone--there, one.
Come on.
five... six...
seven... eight...
nine... ten...
Selma Jezkova,
do you haveany last words?
Very well.Proceed.
Selma, you okay?
It's okay.It's okay.
Come on now.
Use the board.
Oh, no, no. No, wait.Give her a chance.
She can stand up.She can stand.
In here.
It's okay.It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
The strapson her hands.
I'm scared.
It's okay.
- I'm so scared!- I know.
On the mark.
I can't do the hood!
It's okay.Selma.
I have to breathe!
Nobody told meabout the hood!
It's just soyou can't see, Selma.
- I can't breathe!- I know.
I can't breathe!
- Look, look--- I can't breathe!
I have to breathe!
Look,she can't breathe.
She can't breathe!She can't--
I'm taking it.I'm taking it.
This is irregular.
I don't careif it's irregular.
- We have regulations.- She's blind--
I don't care aboutthe regulations!
The girl is blind,for Christ's sake.
I'm gonna make a call.
Yeah, make the call--
Yeah, wehave a situation here.
I'll hold for him.
The woman's blind...I'll wait.
Waiting for a call.
He--he's just outside.
He gave me thesefor you.
So he had the operation?
He will seehis grandchildren!
He is just outside.
You were right, Selma!