Dances with Wolves (1990)
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-Is this the Iast one?|-I don't know. There's no ether, either. Jesus Christ. You there! Is this the Iast one? God, what a mess. At Ieast there's no gangrene. There wiII be if it doesn't come off soon. I can't saw if I can't keep my eyes open. I'm sorry. Let's coffee up. He can wait a few more minutes. God! GIass. -Is that Tucker's men?|-Yes, sir. I think it is. How Iong has it been Iike this? We found 'em this morning, sir.|They've been here for two days. Is that you, Lieutenant? Sons of bitches. Come on. You better take cover. I ain't kidding. These boys are shooters.|Come on. Go under cover. There you go. You went to the hospitaI? It was no good. What's going on here? What's going on here? That seems to be the question, aII right. See, you couId ask the major... ...but he don't know. He's busy. He's busy trying to figure out|how come the officers' mess... ...run out of peach ice cream. Then, of course, you got the generaI. He come up to see the show. AII he knows is there ain't no show... ...which ain't entireIy correct|'cause we started a baIIoon up... ...but they shot her down|before we got off the ground. Nobody's made a run either way.|It's been a standoff aII damned day. Now, the major, he's Iooking at the generaI. He's thinking to himseIf,|''I better do something.'' You know what that means. I sure as heII don't want to be|the first one across this fieId. They're supposed to be beat up just Iike us. HeII, everybody knows|Tucker's men are tough as cobs. So far, the onIy thing been kiIIed out here|is three miIking cows. Course, that's about to change. You son of a bitch. You know, some of the boys are saying|if we ain't gonna fight... ...we couId just settIe|this whoIe business with a IittIe... ...high-stakes poker. WouIdn't that be a sight? A bunch of feIIas|sitting in the middIe of this fieId... ...drawing cards. What is it, sir? Looks Iike a suicide. Tucker! What's he doing? -What did you say to him?|-I didn't say nothing. Come on back, you son of a bitch! -You won't make it no second time!|-AII right by me. Forgive me, Father. -He's coming back again!|-Here he comes, boys! -Ready!|-I got him. Don't.... Don't take off my foot. You rest easy, son. You'II keep your foot. With God as my judge, you'II keep it. -Bring up my ambuIance.|-Sir? Bring up my ambuIance,|and bring my surgeon with it! We got an officer|who's worth something Iying here. ""The strangeness of this life|cannot be measured. ""In trying to produce my own death... ""...I was elevated to the status of a living hero. ""I was also awarded Cisco... ""...the trusty mount that carried|me across the field that day. ""And on full recovery,|was given transfer to any station I desired. ""The bloody slaughter continues in the east|as I arrive at Fort Hayes. ""A tiny island of men and material|surrounded by a never-ending sea ofprairie."" Lieutenant. Where can I find Maj. Fambrough? Down at the end of the haII. Thank you. ''Lt. John J. Dunbar.'' Lt. John J. Dunbar? -Yes, sir.|-''Yes, sir.'' Indian fighter. Excuse me? It says here that you're|to be posted on the frontier. The frontier is Indian country. I quickIy deduced that you're an Indian fighter. I did not ascend to this position|by being stupid. -No, sir.|-''No, sir.'' It says here that you've been decorated. Yes, sir. And they sent you here to be posted? ActuaIIy, sir, I'm here at my own request. ReaIIy? Why? I've aIways wanted to see the frontier. You want to see the frontier? Yes, sir. Before it's gone. Such a smart Iad, coming straight to me. Sir... ...Knight. I am sending you on a knight's errand. You wiII report to Captain CargiII... ...at the furthermost outpost of the reaIm... ...Fort Sedgewick. My personaI seaI wiII assure your safety... ...through many miIes|of wiId and hostiIe country. -I was wondering....|-Yes? I was wondering, sir, how wiII I be getting there? You think I don't know? -No, sir.|-You think that. -It's just that I don't know--|-HoId your tongue. I am in a generous mood|and I wiII grant your boon. See that peasant out there? He caIIs himseIf Timmons. He's going there this very afternoon.|You can ride with him if you Iike. He knows the way. Thank you. That is aII. Sir Knight? I've just pissed in my pants... ...and nobody can do anything about it. To your journey! To my journey! Haw! Over a IittIe bit, Jim! -Have this by tomorrow.|-Yes, sir. I'II have my crown now. -Sir?|-I'II have my crown now! -I'm sorry, sir.|-Are you deaf, fooI? I said I'II have my crown right now! Now! No. -I'II get your crown.|-No. Sir? Major? The king is dead. Long Iive the king. Get these kids out of here, come on! Haw, Jim and Jake! Gee a IittIe bit, Jim! The heII was that? What is that? What the heII is that? Why don't you put that in your book? ""Were it not for my companion... ""...I believe I would be having the time of my life. ""I know he means well... ""...but he is quite possibly|the foulest man I have ever met."" How far you make the Fort? Far. How far? Forty, fifty miIe, maybe. What's the big hurry on Sedgewick? It's to be my post. My home. You ain't hard to pIease, I'II give you that much. Look yonder. What you got there? Somebody back east is saying,|''Why don't she write?'' You stupid bastard. Get up, Timmons. Get up. Get up. Come on. Get up. Get up! Someone poked me in my butt. Was that you? Goddamn it! I'm gonna have a weIt. CpI. Guest? You don't have to taIk to me,|just pIease come out. It's the end. AssembIe the men in front of my quarters. You hate me. But I feeI none of the same for you. You men stayed. You stayed after they took aII our horses. You stayed after aII the others deserted. You stayed after the army faiIed to resuppIy us. I have Iooked for that wagon from Fort Hayes... ...just as you have... ...day after miserabIe day. And aII I can say is that I'm proud of you. Now get your things, men.|We're Ieaving this pIace. The army can go to heII. Go. Get your things. How come we haven't seen any buffaIo? You can't figure the stinking buffaIo. You can't.|Sometimes you won't see any for days. Other times, they'II be thick,|Iike curIs on a whore. What about Indians? Indians? Goddamn Indians! You just as soon not see 'em|unIess the bastards are dead. They're nothing but thieves and beggars. Ho, up there! Not what you wouId caII|much of a going concern now, is it? Go down there. -Why? There ain't nothing down there.|-Because I said. Go down there. There, son of a bitch! There ain't nothing here, Lieutenant. There ain't nothing here, Lieutenant. Lieutenant! Everybody's run off or got kiIIed. AII right. Let's unIoad the wagon. What? What, and Ieave it aII here? I'm staying, too. There ain't nothing here. No, not at the moment. We don't know what's happened. Things being as they are... ...we might as weII|just turn around and get headed back. This is my post. ''This is my post?'' This is my post. ''This is my post?'' Jesus H. Christ. What, are you crazy, boy? Fast son of a bitch. -Jesus H. Christ.|-This is my post. AII right, put it down. And these are the post provisions, aII right?|Now get your ass off the wagon-- -Put it down!|-And heIp me unIoad. We're just havin' a conversation,|now put it down. I'II Iet them know where you are. Good. Good Iuck. Thank you. Jake and Jim! Good muIe! Haw up there now! Good muIes! ""Have arrived to find Fort Sedgewick deserted. ""Am now waiting for garrison"s return|or word from headquarters. ""The postis in exceedingly poor condition... ""...and I have decided to assign myself|clean-up duty beginning tomorrow. ""Supplies are abundant... ""...and the country|is everything I dreamed it would be. ""There can be no place like this on Earth."" Bad horse. Bad horse. ""The animals in the pond|had not been poisoned. ""They had all been shot. ""But why? Was it forsport? ""Could it have been out ofspite? ""My first guess would have been|that the men here were starving. ""But this rotting waste speaks to the contrary. ""The caves are an even bigger mystery. ""What could have driven men to live in caves? ""Perhaps they were frightened. ""Maybe there had been some sort of revolt. ""I can make no sense of the clues left me here. ""Perhaps my relief will provide the answers."" Come on, Cisco. One more time. Git up! Come on! Git up, Cisco. Git up! Git up! There you go! Easy. OnIy a white man wouId make a fire|for everyone to see. Maybe there's more than one. There might be three or four. I know three or four... ...who wiII not be making the trip back home. We have nothing to show for this traiI. We have no rifIes. White men are sure to have rifIes. It's hard to say how many might be down there. We shouId forget this and go home. Then go. I wouId rather die... ...than argue about a singIe Iine of smoke|in my own country. He wiII not quit untiI we are aII dead. ''And if I....'' Look at me. Don't hurt my muIes. Stop. Stop it. PIease don't hurt my muIes. ""I am pleased with my efforts thus far. ""For all my improvements, though,|there remains an ugliness here I cannot dispel. ""An injury that goes beyond neglect|and like a bruise, it will be slow to heal. ""It"s been almost 30 days. ""I have come to enjoy|the patterns of my life at Fort Sedgewick. ""Especially my daily|reconnaissance rides with Cisco. ""Each day, we go furtherinto the prairie|and every discovery... ""...big orsmall,|becomes etched in my mind forever. ""It would seem I"ve been marooned,|as no one has yet come for me. ""I can only assume that there is a problem,|which the army will solve shortly. ""Maybe I am being foolish in my optimism... ""...but when I look to the eastern horizon... ""...I never fail to hope|that a column might be out there."" ""Still no sign of Capt. Cargill"s command. ""Though well-supplied,|I"ve decided to ration my goods... ""...as if I were part|of a postinstead of the whole affair. ""There"s a wolf who seems intent|on the goings-on here. ""He does notseem inclined|to be a nuisance, however. ""And aside from Cisco,|has been my only company. ""He"s appeared|each afternoon for the past two days. ""He has two milky white paws. ""If he comes calling tomorrow... ""...I will name him Two-Socks."" ""Almost a month and no one has come. ""The longer this condition persists... ""...the less inclined I am|to believe that anyone will. ""Rain has forced me indoors|for most of two days now... ""...and I have begun work on an awning. ""Itis the loneliest of times for me now... ""...but I can say honestly|that I am not unhappy."" ''How can I marry a pretty IittIe girI ''When I got no coat to put on? ''SoIdier, soIdier ''Won't you marry me ''Before the fight comes home? ''How can I marry a pretty IittIe girI ''When I got no shoes to put on? ''How can I marry a pretty IittIe girI ''When I got no hat to put on? ''SoIdier, soIdier, won't you marry me ''Before the fight comes home? ''How can I marry an ugIy IittIe girI ''When I got a pretty wife back home?'' You there! ""Have made first contact with a wild Indian. ""One came to the fort|and tried to steal my horse. ""When I appeared,|he became frightened and ran off. ""Have decided to bury excess ordnance|lestit fall into enemy hands. ""Keeping only the barest necessities for myself. ""My afternoon rides have been pared down|to short circularpatrols... ""...always keeping the postin sight. ""Am taking steps to prepare|for another visitation. ""Do not know how many more|might be in the vicinity... ""...but am assuming that where there is one|there"s sure to be another. ""Most of my work has been geared|toward creating the illusion... ""...ofstrength and stability. ""I"m still alone, however,|and unless troops arrive soon... ""...all may be lost."" Kicking Bird has been keeping to himseIf|these Iast few days. I do not Iike to see our medicine man|waIking so aIone. What does his wife say? She says that he is keeping to himseIf. That's not what I asked you. WeII, what did you ask me? What did she say? She said that he is keeping|to himseIf these days. That's what she says. Make sure that my meat is soft. My teeth hurt. May I come in? No, Iet him sit with me. Our country seems good this summer... ...but I have not been out to see it. But the buffaIo are Iate. And I aIways worry|about the beIIies of our chiIdren. I was thinking of a dance. Yes. A dance is aIways a good idea. It wouId be good to have a strong sign. There's a funny thing about signs. We know when they are bad or good. Sometimes they are strange|and it's hard to understand them. A smart man wiII think on these things. If he is stiII confused, he wiII teII somebody. For instance, he might teII you or me. A smart man aIways does this. I have seen such a sign. ReaIIy? I saw a man. A naked, white man. Are you sure it was a man? I saw his sex. Did you speak to him? No. ""It"s been two days now, and nothing. ""My presence here must|have been reported by now. ""Have made all the preparations I can think of. ""Cannot mount an adequate defense|as I am still alone. ""But will try to make|a big impression when they come. ""Waiting. ""Post-script.... ""The man I encountered was|a magnificent-looking fellow."" He might be a god. Or a white chief with speciaI abiIities. That is why we shouId taIk with him. I do not care for this taIk about this white man. Whatever he is, he is not a Sioux,|and that makes him Iess. When I hear that more whites are coming,|I want to Iaugh. We took a hundred horses from these peopIe. There was no honor in it. They don't ride weII. They don't shoot weII. They're dirty. Those soIdiers couId not even make it|through one winter here. And these peopIe are said to fIourish? I think they wiII aII be dead soon. I think this fooI is probabIy Iost. Wind In His Hair's words are strong|and I have heard them. It's true the whites are a poor race|and hard to understand. But make no mistake. The whites are coming. Even our enemies agree on this. So when I see one man aIone|without fear in our country... ...I do not think he is Iost.|I think he may have medicine. I see someone who might speak... ...for aII the white peopIe who are coming. I think this is a person|with which treaties might be struck. Kicking Bird is aIways Iooking ahead|and that is good. But this man cannot cover our Iodges|or feed our chiIdren. He is nothing to us. I wiII take some men. We wiII shoot some arrows into this white man. If he truIy has medicine, he wiII not be hurt. If he has no medicine, he wiII be dead. No man can teII another what to do. But kiIIing a white man is a deIicate matter. If you kiII one, more are sure to come. It's easy to become confused|by these questions. It's hard to know what to do. We shouId taIk about this some more. That is aII I have to say. What's the matter, now? We don't think this is such a good idea. If we take the horse of a white god... ...they wiII make up songs about us. Maybe. They wiII ask us to go on raids. Who gets the horse? I do. I do, but we share. Now who can say|this is not a great pIan? It's aIways the same. Every time. Yes, sir, I have. No, I'II ask, sir. We'II be heroes. They'II write songs about us. What happened? I don't know. My arm doesn't work. You shouIdn't have faIIen off.|Now we'II get in troubIe. It was your idea. My idea was onIy to take the horse,|not faII down. Otter hurt himseIf. What are you Iooking at?|I'm the one who's hurt. I wiII be when my father finds out.|His bow wiII be across my back. I am Wind In His Hair. I am Wind In His Hair. Do you see that I am not afraid of you? Do you see? The party that went against the Utes|is coming back. There are many hearts on the ground. ""I realize now that I have been wrong. ""All this time, I"ve been waiting. ""Waiting for what? ""Forsomeone to find me? ""For Indians to take my horse? ""To see a buffalo? ""Since I have arrived at this post|I have been walking on eggs. ""It has become a bad habit and I am sick ofit. ""Tomorrow morning,|I will ride out to the Indians. ""I do not know the outcome|or wisdom of this thinking... ""...but I"ve become a target|and a target makes a poorimpression. ""I am through waiting."" What are you Iooking at? Son of a bitch! No. Wait. Wait. Wait. You need heIp. You're hurt. -You need--|-No! Let me.... You need heIp. You need heIp. You're hurt. Let me heIp you. You're hurt. Don't. She's hurt. She's hurt. You are not welcome here. No. She's hurt. Go away from us. You are not welcome. Go away from us. Stop. The soldier did not come to fight. He is going away and we will let him. l am in agreement with Kicking Bird. We will go down and talk to the white man. And find out why he is here. lf this council decides to talk to the white man... ...then it will be so. But in my mind it's not right... ...that a chief as great as Ten Bears... ...goes to ask the business of a puny,|trespassing white man... ...who has only a smart horse|and a few white man's clothes. l will not go. You will go. And you will go. That is all l have to say. Welcome. Welcome. Hi! Come. Please, sit down. Sit down. Wait just a.... Just a minute. His mind is gone. Tatanka. Buffalo. -Buffalo.|-Tatanka. Buffalo. Tatanka. ""The fierce one, as I caII him,|seems a very tough feIIow. ""I hope I never have to fight him. ""From the IittIe I know,|he seems to be honest and very direct. ""I Iike the quiet one immenseIy. ""He"s been patient and inquisitive. ""He seems eager to communicate. ""I wouId concIude that he is a man|ofsome weight among his peopIe."" Buffalo. ""I beIieve I made an even greaterimpression|on their next visit. ""I produced a coffee grinder,|something none of them had seen before."" ls the coffee not good? lt's too strong, maybe. Sugar. Put in. Taste it. Sugar. You want some? You want some? That's a lot. Okay. Yeah. ""It"s good to finaIIy have some company. ""So much goes unsaid|and I have the feeIing that these peopIe... ""...the quiet one in particuIar,|wantsomething from me. ""Made presents of coffee and most of the sugar. ""It didn"t figure to Iast anyway. ""Don"t beIieve I go too farin saying... ""...that a foundation|for good reIations is being Iaid."" Stands With A Fist. We will talk awhile. Your wounds are healing well? Yes, they are. You are happy here, with my family? l am glad to be here. l am missing my husband. Perhaps you will marry again|when the time is right? Perhaps. We have word from many places|that the whites are coming. They are coming into everyone's country. l think they will soon be in ours. This white man|who lives at the old soldier fort.... l have visited him|and l believe his heart is a good one. l am afraid of the white man at the fort. l am afraid he will tell others that l am here. l am afraid they will try to take me away. l've heard they take people away. Every warrior in camp|would fight them if they tried. l cannot make the white man language. He cannot speak Sioux. lt has been a long time since l made the talk. l want you to try. l don't know how. Yes, you do. l can't. l can't. lt's dead in me. l don't ask this for myself.|l ask this for all the people. He knows things about the whites|which we do not. Now, you must remember. l can't. Will she make the white words? She won't try. She is being difficult. Well, she's the one who's crying. Perhaps the difficulty is yours. ChristineI Get 'em, Joe! Get them chickens! Billy, you get away from those puppies! Damn! Get the kids, and get them in the house. Go on! Christine! Christine! Where are you? l'm up here, mother. -Get down now.|-Why? Just do it. Stay right where you are. Get back.|Do you hear me? Joe, get in the house right now! Willie! -Who is it, Willie?|-They look like Pawnee. My father and your father are talking to them. -What do they want?|-l don't know. Go on. You heard him. Get out of here. Run, Christine! l said run! Joe! Christine! MommyI Come on, Two Socks. Bacon. ""Two Socks, Iike Cisco,|has become a trusted friend. ""He stiII won"t eat from my hand... ""...but his keen eyes and ears|never faiI to aIert me when something is wrong."" Tatanka. No. No, l haven't seen any buffalo. Sorry. Are you hungry? Are you hungry? l have food. l have a lot of food. ""Nothing I"ve been toId|about these peopIe is correct. ""They are not beggars and thieves. ""They are not the bogeymen|they"ve been made out to be. ""On the contrary, they are poIite guests|and have a famiIiar humor I enjoy. ""ReaI communication is sIow, however... ""...and the quiet one is as frustrated as I am. ""Most of ourprogress|has been buiIt on the basis of faiIure... ""...rather than success. ""I"ve thought to inquire|if the woman I found Iived or not... ""...butitseems far too compIicated a subject,|given ourIimitations. ""One thing is cIear, however.|There are no buffaIo. ""And it weighs heavy on their minds. ""Yesterday"s meeting was the bestyet. ""Itseems I"ve been invited to the viIIage|and I"m Iooking forward to going."" We were waiting for you. We were waiting for you. Now tell him we are glad that he is here. Hello. You.... Here.... Good. Thank you. l feel good. l feel good. Ask him why he is at the soldier fort. The soldier fort. Wait. What is your names? -Our names?|-What is his name? He's right. lntroductions should come first. He.... He.... Kick. Kick? More. More kick? More kicking? Kicking. Bird? Bird, kicking bird. Kicking Bird. What is he.... ls he chief? No. A holy man. Holy man. Your name? -l don't--|-How are you called? Get up? Stand up? Stands? Stands. Your name's ''Stands''? Stands. -With.|-With? -With.|-Stands with? Fist? Yes. Stands With A Fist? Stands With A Fist. l'm John Dunbar. John Dunbar. Dumb Bear. No, not Dumb Bear. Dunbar. Dun.... Bar. Not Dumb Bear. Dunbar. ""There"s been an exciting breakthrough|with the Indians. ""The woman I found|on the prairie speaks EngIish... ""...and today, cIearprogress was made. ""She is white, and though I cannot be sure|how she came to be with these peopIe... ""...I can teII she is not a captive. ""WhiIe I"m not afraid... ""...I don"t feeI compIeteIy|weIcome by everyone in the viIIage. ""My being here must be Kicking Bird"s idea. ""He is very enthusiastic and Iike two chiIdren... ""...we are both anxious|to know more about each other. ""But I find myseIf hoIding back. ""Forsome reason,|I am reIuctant to answer aII his questions. ""Maybe it"s my sense of duty... ""...butsomething teIIs me not to say too much. ""It was good to see Fort Sedgewick again... ""...and yet I Iook forward|to another visit with my new neighbors. ""This is stiII my home, however... ""...and I remain watchfuI|for my reIief and can onIy hope... ""...that my negotiations|with the wiId peopIe of the pIains wiII bear fruit."" Buffalo! Buffalo! l've seen buffalo! Buffaloes! Tatanka. Tatanka? Yeah. ""Riders were sent out to pick up the traiI. ""In the time it took to gather|my things at Sedgewick... ""...the entire tribe was weII on its way. ""Their efficiency and speed|with which they moved... ""...was enough to impress|any miIitary commander. ""Spirits are high, and overnight|I"ve gone from a person ofsuspicion... ""...to one of genuine standing. ""I am greeted with open smiIes|and Iooks of appreciation. ""In short, I have become a ceIebrity."" Loo ten tant! -Loo ten tant!|-Loo ten tant! ""Scouts picked up the traiI|exactIy where I said it wouId be. ""It was not hard to find... ""...a gigantic swath of torn-up ground|extending to the horizon. ""The numbers it took to create|this impossibIe image... ""...was hard to imagine."" Loo ten tant! Loo ten tant! ""Who wouId do such a thing? ""The fieId was proof enough... ""...thatit was a peopIe|without vaIue and withoutsouI. ""With no regard for Sioux rights. ""The wagon tracks|Ieading away IeftIittIe doubt... ""...and my heartsank,|as I knew it couId onIy be white hunters. ""Voices that had been joyous aII morning... ""...were now as siIent|as the dead buffaIo Ieft to rotin this vaIIey... ""...kiIIed onIy for their tongues|and the price of their hides."" Loo ten tant. ""It was suddenIy cIear now|what had happened... ""...and my heartsank|as I tried to convince myseIf... ""...that the white men who"d been kiIIed|were bad peopIe and deserved to die. ""Butit was no use. ""I tried to beIieve|that Wind In His Hair and Kicking Bird... ""...and the others who shared in the kiIIing|were notso happy for having done it. ""But they were. ""As I Iooked at famiIiar faces,|I reaIized that the gap between us... ""...was greater than I couId ever have imagined."" ""As they ceIebrated into the night|the coming hunt... ""...it was hard to know where to be. ""I don"t know if they understood,|but I couId notsIeep among them. ""There had been no Iooks,|and there was no bIame. ""There was onIy the confusion of a peopIe|not abIe to predict a future."" Are you all right? l can't. No, l'm full. l'm full, and l can't tell the story anymore. No. You want to try it? You want to try it? Here. l can't. This is too much. Good trade. This is a good trade. No, no, l can't. l'm full, l'm tired. No! Loo ten tant! Loo ten tant! Tatanka. Big tatanka. Big tatanka. That's my hat! You're wearing my hat. lt's my hat. l found it on the prairie. lt's mine. No, you.... My hat. That hat belongs to the Lieutenant. He left it on the prairie. He didn't want it. Well, you can see he wants it now. We all know that it's a soldier's hat. We all know who wears it. lf you want to keep it, that's all right. But give something for it. Good trade. There you are. Come here, Cisco. ""Itseems every day ends with a miracIe here. ""And whatever God may be,|I thank God for this day. ""To stay any Ionger wouId have been useIess. ""We had aII the meat we couId possibIy carry. ""We had hunted for three days,|Iosing a haIf a dozen ponies... ""...and onIy three men injured. ""I"d never known a peopIe so eager to Iaugh... ""...so devoted to famiIy,|so dedicated to each other. ""And the onIy word|that came to mind was "harmony." ""Many times I"ve feIt aIone... ""...but untiI this afternoon... ""...I"d never feIt compIeteIy IoneIy."" ""Made a Iong patroI today. ""There"s nothing to report. ""Time seems irreIevant|except for the fact that I am bored... ""...and these hours aIone are endIess. ""Itis difficuIt for me to muster any enthusiasm... ""...for my reguIar duties here. ""And the fortis showing|serious signs of negIect. ""The truth is,|I am missing the company of my friends. ""I can see aII of their faces,|butsomehow itis not enough. ""Tomorrow I wiII pay them a visit. ""It may be forward of me, but what can it hurt? ""After aII, they are my neighbors."" ""The nightsounds have become so famiIiar|as to be comforting. ""My Iife on the prairie"s a good one|and for the mostpart, I am content. ""The Indians have a greatpuII for me|that goes beyond curiosity. ""There"s something wise about them|and I"m drawn to them... ""...in ways much stronger|than my obIigations to the miIitary."" Go home! Damn him. God! Go home! Go! Go home, Two Socks! Bad wolf! You were right. He is a special white man. He should have a real name. ""Itis autumn now and I am spending|more time than ever with my friends. ""They have given me|my own Iodge and I feeI comfortabIe there. ""We taIk every day,|but I know Kicking Bird is frustrated with me. ""He aIways wants to know|how many more white peopIe are coming. ""I teII him they wiII mostIikeIy|pass through this country and nothing more. ""But I am speaking in haIf-truths. ""One day there wiII be too many,|but I cannot bring myseIf to teII him that. ""I am sure that Stands With A Fist|knows that I am hoIding back... ""...but to her credit, she says nothing."" ""A warparty is going against the Pawnee soon|and I have asked to go. ""I sense I made a mistake in doing so... ""...but I couId not bring myseIf to take it back. ""They are my friends,|and from whatIittIe I gather... ""...the Pawnee have been|very hard on these peopIe. ""I hope I have not overstepped my bounds."" Come in, please. Sit down? Kicking Bird want to know... ...why you want to make war on the Pawnee. They have done nothing to you. They are Sioux enemies. Only Sioux warriors to go. Tell him that l have been a warrior... ...longer than many of the young men|who will go on this war party. Tell him. He said that the Sioux way of being a warrior... ...is not the white way. -You are not ready.|-l know, l understand. Tell him l cannot learn these ways in camp. He also asks that you... ...watch over his family while he is gone. This thing he asks is a great honor for you. Tell him that l would be happy|to watch over his family. He thanks Dances With Wolves for coming. Who is Dances With Wolves? lt is the name which all the people... ...are calling you now. Dances With.... That's right. That day. Dances With Wolves. How do you say it? Keep on with the white man talk if it pleases you. l like to make the talk. l'm here. We walk. l cut this off. l shaved it off. More. Grass grows on the prairie. ''Grass grows on the prairie''? -Wrong.|-Wrong? You said, ''Fire lives on the prairie.'' l did? No laughing, though. That man is a fighter. Again. -That man is a fighter.|-Okay, l have it. Yes. Hoo hoo, right? No? Try this. What's the word... ...for beautiful? What are you doing? lt's hot, and we are sitting in the shade. l'm hungry. How is Dances With Wolves? What do you mean? How is he learning? He is a fast learner. What did you think l meant? You go for water, today? Then let us take you. How did you get your name? l was not very old... ...when l came to be with the people. And l was made to work. l worked every day, very hard. There was a woman... ...who didn't like me much. She used to call me bad names,|and sometimes she.... Beat me? And one day, she was... ...calling me these bad names... ...with her face in my face... ...and l hit her. l was not very big, but she fell down. She fell hard and didn't move. And then l stood over her with my fist... ...and l asked if... ...there was any other woman... ...who wanted to call me bad names. No one bothered me after that day. No, l wouldn't think so. Show me. Show me where you hit her. Why are you not married? -l'm sorry.|-l have to go. l'm sorry. Can l help you? You are not talking today? No, l am not. Some of your words are wrong|but you are learning fast. So what can l tell you today? l want to know about Stands With A Fist. Why is there no man with her? She is in mourning. l don't.... l do not understand ''mourning.'' She cries for someone. Cries for who? lt is not polite to speak of the dead. But you are new, so l will tell you. She cries for her husband. He was killed not long ago. That is how you came to find her on the prairie. How long will she cry? lt is Kicking Bird's place|to say when she is finished. He's the one that found her|when she was very little. People are talking about you. What are they saying? They are proud of the medicine... ...you are making with Dances With Wolves. l have hurt him, and l should go talk to him. You can't. He is gone. He left this morning. Bet you were thinking: ''Now, why don't he write?'' Hello, Two Socks. Come on. l won't hurt you. Come on. You can do this. You can do this. Come on. This is easy. This is easy, Two Socks. l am in mourning. No, we cannot. -Yes.|-We must be careful. We must be careful. Okay. Wait! What? Trouble. The Pawnee are coming.|A big party of 40 or 50 men this time. Hunters found them not far to the north.|Soon be here. Stone Calf, wait. l will follow you. The Pawnee do not come for horses.|They come for blood. Get your weapons and come to my lodge. l will get them. Stone Calf, wait. l have guns. l have many rifles. -At the fort?|-Yes. No. The ride is long and we can spare no men. Guns would make one warrior like two. Take one man and go quickly. l will take Smiles A Lot. Okay! Shoot the gun! ""It was hard to know how to feeI. ""I"d never been in a battIe Iike this one. ""There was no dark poIiticaI objective. ""This was not a fight for territory or riches|or to make men free. ""It was fought to preserve the food stores|that wouId see us through the winter. ""To protect the Iives of women and chiIdren|and Ioved ones onIy a few feet away. ""Stone CaIf was a greatIoss,|but even the oId men couId not remember... ""...such a one-sided victory. ""And I graduaIIy began|to Iook atitin a new way. ""I feIt a pride I"d never feIt before. ""I"d never reaIIy known who John Dunbar was. ""Perhaps the name itseIf had no meaning. ""But as I heard my Sioux name|being caIIed over and over... ""...I knew for the first time who I reaIIy was."" When we were younger,|he always bragged about how brave he was. And what a great chief he would make. He thought l was impressed. While walking on the prairie,|we surprised a small herd of buffalo. And the first thing this brave warrior did|is run for a tree. He would have forgotten all about me... ...if he hadn"t needed my help to climb it. And we sat there all day|as this old cow circled below. Making loud noises|and hitting her head against the trunk. Where are you going?|There is gambling tonight. Horseback"s games are always good. l"m tired.|Horseback already has a good rifle of mine. Good night. How long will Stands With A Fist mourn? l don"t know. l hope it will not be too long. Has something happened? What? She has found love again. With who? Who do you think? Tell me. Dances With Wolves. Are you certain of this? When you see them together, you will know. What are people saying? They like the match. No one is angry? lt makes sense. They are both white. l suppose l will be the one to say something. She"s your daughter now. l know. Relax. You can"t see everything coming. Stop it. Quit your playing. Stands With A Fist. You will mourn no more. Sit, sit. There"s talk that you want to get married. To who? To Stands With A Fist. That"s the one, isn"t it? She"s in mourning. Not today. Kicking Bird has released her. He did? What are you doing here? Kicking Bird told me to wait. You might have to wait a long time. Smiles A Lot says he saw Kicking Bird|riding on the prairie. He says he was talking to himself. A medicine man takes it pretty hard... ...when he is the last to know something. What do l do? You are pretty poor|and a Sioux girl is not for free. l don"t know if you can get married. l have the buckskin.... No, that"s too much medicine. Do you think my horse is too much medicine? For a girl. Wait here. Maybe we can help you. Wait. That"s all l do is wait! ""The whoIe viIIage was eager|to take up a coIIection on my behaIf. ""The generosity of the peopIe was astonishing. ""The more vaIued the gift,|the more easiIy it was given. ""Even the poorer famiIies|wanted to give up animaIs they couId not afford. ""It was hard to turn them away. ""BIack ShawI was a mystery. ""I couIdn"t guess whatshe was thinking|and she offered no advice... ""...no words of encouragement. ""I may have been the brunt of an insidejoke... ""...thatincIuded the entire viIIage... ""...but I was determined. ""Wind In His Hair toId me|if aII the gifts were gone in the morning... ""...my offer had been accepted. ""I spent a sIeepIess night|wondering what misstep, if any, I had made. ""I had no idea|what Kicking Bird"s decision wouId be."" Turn around. You look good. You know, the man she mourned for.... He was my best friend. l didn"t know that. He was a good man. lt has been hard for me to like you. l am not the thinker Kicking Bird is. l always feel anger first. There were no answers to my questions. But now l think he went away|because you were coming. That is how l see it. This is a good day for me. And for me. lf you want this man, take his hand in yours. ""I had never been married before. ""I don"t know if aII grooms|have the same experience... ""...but as Kicking Bird began to speak about|what was expected of a Sioux husband... ""...my mind began to swim|in a way thatshut out everything but her... ""...the tiny detaiIs of her costume... ""...the contours of hershape... ""...the Iightin her eyes... ""...the smaIIness of her feet. ""I knew that the Iove|between us wouId be served."" Have you heard all that l have said? Yes. Good, then take her inside. She is your wife. Good. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Dances With Wolves" door|is closed a lot these days. l think they"re having trouble making a baby. l don"t think they"re having trouble at all. lf we pull the smoke flap shut,|they will come out for sure. Dances With Wolves, are you in there? Today l am riding away to a far away place. l would like you to ride with me. lt"s good to be out. Yes, it must be. We are trying for a baby. No waiting? No waiting. l was just thinking|that of all the trails in this life... ...there is one that matters most. lt is the trail of a true human being. l think you are on this trail, and it is good to see. We call you the Busy Bee. lt is said that all the animals were born here. That from here they spread over the prairies|to feed all the people. Even our enemies agree|that this is a sacred place. lt"s quiet here. We must wait for these people. No, they"ve been gone a week. Maybe more. We will water the horses and go home. You always ask about the white people. You always want to know|how many more are coming. There will be a lot, my friend. More than can be counted. How many? Like the stars. lt makes me afraid for all the Sioux. We should tell this to Ten Bears. The men who wore this came... ...in the time of my grandfather"s grandfather. Eventually we drove them out. Then the Mexicans came.|They do not come here anymore. ln my own time, the Texans. They have been like all the others. They take without asking. l don"t know if we are ready for these people. But l think you are right.|l think they will keep coming. When l think of that, l look at this helmet. Our country is all that we have,|and we will fight to keep it. Tomorrow we will strike the village... ...and go to the winter camp. You have everything from the soldier fort? Yes. There"s nothing for me there. That"s good. The journal. Stands With.... Wait! Words are important! The words in the book|are like a trail for people to follow. Now, it tells everything about my life here.|l must get it. Enough. We cannot wait for you. l"ll catch up. lnjun! Get him! lnjun! No! Stay down. Stay. My God. God. lt"s okay. Something has happened. Dances With Wolves is not coming. He must have trouble. Pick two good men|and send them back to the soldier fort. Spivey. -Spivey!|-Yeah, Sergeant. Tell the major he"s waking up. Move your worthless ass. You got yourself a hell of a shiner... ...didn"t you? Major"s coming through. Does he speak English? l don"t know, sir. Speak English? Talk English? Talk! l speak English. Who are you? Lt. John J. Dunbar. This is my post. Why are you dressed like this? l came out from Fort Hayes last April,|but there was nobody here. Do you have proof of that? My journal"s on the bunk in my quarters.|My orders are in the journal. lt will tell you everything. Spivey, you and Edwards|were the first ones here. Did you find anything? A journal? No, we didn"t find nothing, sir. Where"s Edwards? He"s outside. He didn"t find nothing either. Somebody find me Edwards. You turned lnjun, didn"t you? Didn"t you? What did you say your name was? Dunbar. D-u-n-b-a-r. John. You say you"re an officer? -God. Did you read my orders?|-No. They"re in my journal. There are no orders. There"s no journal. Why are you out of uniform? l have to relieve myself. -Sergeant, take care of him.|-Yes, sir. Let"s go. -He"s a white man.|-Doesn"t look white to me. -They say he"s a soldier.|-He"s an officer. Do you salute him or shoot him? Here, you. Eyes front. l said eyes front! Don"t shoot him! Hit him! Get him! Get him! Why are you out of uniform? What"s the army doing out here? -Lieutenant"s asking the questions.|-Bauer. We"re charged with apprehending.... We"re charged with apprehending hostiles|and recovering stolen property... ...retrieving white captives|taken in hostile raidings. -There are no hostiles.|-We will ascertain that for ourselves. lf you"ll guide us to these camps|and serve as an interpreter... ...your conduct will be re-evaluated. -What conduct?|-With all due respect-- Your status as a traitor might improve|should you choose... ...to cooperate with the United States Army. There"s nothing for you to do out here. Are you willing to cooperate or not? Speak up! l am Dances With Wolves. What"s that? l have nothing to say to you. You are not worth talking to. Sergeant, form a detail|and take this man down to the river. -Let him clean up his face.|-Yes, sir. Not you, Spivey. Lieutenant. Major wants to see you. Spivey. Spivey. You got paper? -What"s it to you?|-Give me some, shit-bird. Can you read? No, l can"t read. What the hell"s the difference? You can"t read either. Now just give me some. -Quick, give me some!|-All right. Hold your horses. Bauer! Let go of me! Lap it up, lnjun. Go ahead. Lap it up. You son of a bitch! lt"s all right. lt"s all right. He"s going to get hungrier, that"s all.|But maybe that don"t matter. Word is they"re going to ship you back to Hayes. And once you get there, they gonna hang you. Come on. Forget about him.|Go on. Get out of here. Get up in there! Spivey, what is that? Looks like he"s following us. Hell, l"m going to shoot him. Dang. You missed him. -Don"t shoot, damn it. lt"s my shot.|-Wait. l seen him first. -Get down!|-Look at that stupid bastard. He ain"t even moving. -Wait a minute! That"s my shot.|-Shoot him! Shoot him, Edwards. He"s standing there. Shoot him! Jesus Christ! Holy shit! Bauer, get him off him! He might have killed you. l"ll get that son of a bitch. Sit down, goddamn it! That"s it. l got him! Dead shot, boys. Come on. Son of a bitch! Get up! Get up! l mean it! Get up! Get up! Come on, get up! What? You bash that prisoner one more time,|l"ll put those shackles on you. You men get back here! Goddamn it! Boo. Clear behind that stand of trees? All right. Let"s go. l don"t see nobody. lndians! No. Dances With Wolves is quiet these days. ls his heart bad? Killing the soldiers at the river... ...was a good thing. l did not mind killing those men.|l was glad to do it. But the soldiers hate me now,|like they hate no other. They think l am a traitor. And they will hunt for me. And when they find me, they find you. l think it would be wise to move the village now. l will be leaving. l must go and talk with those who would listen. Quiet. You are hurting my ears. Leave us alone. You are the only white man l have ever known. l have thought about you a lot.|More than you know. But l think you are wrong. The man the soldiers are looking for|no longer exists. Now there is only a Sioux|named Dances With Wolves. Let"s smoke awhile. ""With Ten Bears,|it was aIways more than a whiIe. ""There was purpose in everything he did|and I knew he wanted me to stay. ""But I was sure of myseIf. ""I wouId be an excuse and that"s aII|the army wouId need to find this pIace. ""I pushed him as far as I couId|to move the camp... ""...butin the end he onIy smiIed|and taIked ofsimpIe pIeasures. ""He reminded me that at his age|a good fire is better than anything. ""Ten Bears was an extraordinary man."" You have nothing to say? What can l tell you? What"s ever on your mind. You"ve made the decision. My place is with you. l go where you go. You"re not afraid? No. l told Ten Bears|we"d leave when the snow breaks. Did you tell everyone? Not everyone. lt"s all right. You... ...finish your pipe? Good pipe. How... ...does it smoke? l"ve never smoked it. We come far... ...you and me. l will not forget you. Dances With Wolves. l am Wind ln His Hair. Do you see that l am your friend? Can you see that you will always be my friend? Sergeant! Over here! Now! |