Day of the Dead 2: Contagium (2005)

We were friends! I defected
for you, Americans!
And for what? To treat me
like this?
I brought you back what we stole from you!
Don't you get it? It can't be stopped!
I can't be stopped!
Let's go!
De Luca.
What's going on?
Listen. The thing they
brought in here...
Don't go near it.
People change and they're all
screwed up and acting lunic.
Maybe we should call
Sergeant Teller.
What for?
It's his project. He knows
what's going on.
This time I'm not gonna
walk away and forget.
Don't do anything stupid.
Let's go!
Let's go!
Just like a twig, so brittle.
How pathetic!
Shoot the head!
Shit man. It was the wire.
You saw it.
Jesus! This is
just like Florida.
One of the containers
is missing sir.
Well, we gotta locate it,
because i intend to blow up every
single one of them to hell.
Shoot to kill. All units,
shoot to kill.
Shoot to kill. All units,
shoot to kill.
Aim for the head.
Stop right there!
We need more firepower.
Bring it in.
What the...
Fire in the hole!
What is immortality, but
the need to be remembered?
We throw around terms like
family and love.
when it comes to procreation,
when in fact all we're doing... to perpetuating
the species.
And generating instant immortality
through our genes.
We are so selfish to expect
the next generation to love us,
and fear us so that they feel in turn
compel to continue the line.
The patriarchal ideal of
uninterrupted progeny.
Is that what you read Emma?
You sure know how to
woo a girl Isaac.
She said yes?
You're dating Emma?
Just give him my two cents.
Don't pay attention to Jackie.
He's just jealous.
Have you done it?
Have you?
No. It's none of your business.
You get out in a week. She still
has two months to go.
What are you gonna do?
Come visit?
Of course I'll come visit her.
And you. And you too Donwynn.
Get out of here! The moment I'm out
that door, it's hasta la vista amigos.
I mean no offense, but...
There's nothing that can make me
come back to this hell hole.
Well, I kinda like
spaghetti Wednesdays.
They brainwashed you Sam.
They give you spagetti to make
you forget it's medication day.
When you get out, I'll take you
out for some real spaghetti.
Hey Isaac, read some more.
Read the part about statues.
The depiction of
one's physiognomy,
face, bust, body,
and a statutory form is the most
immediate indication of triumph.
What the next generation celebrates
the appearance of a stone...
indicates a direct link with the
perpetuation of physical details...
...and hence, the genetic proof
of family ties.
When I get out, I'll make a bust...
...of Miss Barnet's tits.
Why wait? Arts and crafts
start again on Friday.
Sam, that pair of ta-tas will
live in my mind forever.
Without the aid of a chisel.
They are immortal.
We're just in denial of death.
So we invent ways to carry on.
Because there's nothing
after death.
Right Donwynn?
Don't ask me.
- The prophet has spoken.
- Don't call me that!
Why does it always feel like we
had this conversation before?
I remember, because we had
this conversation before.
Death is not a bad thing.
It's natural.
Immortality just takes the
edge off of it.
Can we just change this subject?
Oh great. Just add more
junk to the site.
Hey that's my area Jackie.
A little rotten apple is not
gonna make any difference, ok?
What's gotten into you?
Nothing. Sorry Jackie.
I'll come visit you too.
Are you having nightmares again?
Just lay off the subject
today, okay?
Only you would've seen that
in all that greenery.
What's inside?
Who cares?
It's treasure.
May I see it?
What does it say?
It's got a name
and a number.
De Luca, Dale.
- Open it.
- May I open it?
The lid must be rusted and shut.
I'm sure we can clean it up
when we get back.
You keep it.
We'll open it tonight.
Something bad is gonna happen
if you do.
Why is that Isaac?
I don't know.
I just know it's bad.
You know what? For somebody who's supposed
to be cured from supernatural fantasies,
you sure know how to spook the shit out
of the rest of us with your nonsense.
He didn't mean it. He's just not
good at the emotional stuff.
Maybe I'm not cured.
Maybe I need to stay
another month.
Emma will be fine.
You need to get your life
back in order.
Hi Emma.
Hi Emma.
- Hi Emma.
- Hi Emma.
Hi Emma.
- Hi Patty.
- Hi Donwynn.
Let's go girls.
Move it.
- Clean?
- Woodsy.
Let's go.
Move it girls.
Move it!
I'm on break.
Break's over when I say it's
over. You understand?
Emma. Don't you have a
session to go to?
In half an hour.
- You need to curb that attitude miss.
- Marshall we have a Code 12 in men's bathrooms,
- dorm 2.
- On my way.
What an asshole!
Nastier words come to mind.
I'm going to be happy. No matter
what, I'm gonna be happy.
Are you sure you know
what you're doing?
Yeah, I've never been more
sure. Isaac is perfect.
You're dating a guy that's
leaving in a week.
I mean, does that sound
sensible to you?
Patty, love is not sensible.
Probably just a crush.
I'm walking on clouds.
Darling, please spare us the
Shut up!
Vicky, mind your own business.
You make it sound like you're
losing your virginity.
Yeah, right. Everybody knows you'll
screw anyone for a penny.
You got it wrong. Emma is a cutter.
You're the junkie ho.
And I don't see anyone offering
you a penny for it.
Fuck you!
I wouldn't give you
a penny either.
She really thinks he'll
be back to visit?
They never do.
Poor Emma, she'll probably be
send back to suicide watch.
Well, I guess we have to deal with the
hard break next week, won't we?
If you were her friend you'd
do something about it.
I feel centered.
Although bad thoughts
are still there, but...
...there's just a lot more light,
so they can't sneak up on me.
Good. What about missing time?
Getting any of those feelings back?
No. That really went
pretty good.
What about you?
What about me?
Well, won't you having a rough
patch there with some of your crew?
My crew?
Oh. Isaac's been
telling on me.
No, he don't.
- It doesn't get Isaac into any trouble?
- No, no.
No, I'm glad you're sharing in
our adventures.
We just get worked up about
some pretty silly stuff sometimes.
Guys are like that.
Girls can be like that too.
Anybody giving you any
trouble at the dorm?
If you don't want to talk
about it, it's cool.
No, it's not that. It's just...
It's just not worth it.
You the woman.
I'm cured, aren't I?
I think soon enough.
- Well, Isaac's getting out on Friday.
- Yes, he is.
Listen, don't keep these
feelings inside.
If there's something you need to
tell me, or Isaac... should do it.
Can I get you a coffee Donwynn?
No, no more for me Ava, thanks.
You okay?
Sure. I would be better if
Dr. Heller got off my back.
- What's up?
- You haven't heard?
Well, he wants me to write
a report every night...
...on my staff's extracurricular
What? Like soccer games and dinner?
Yeah, that's our free, personal, private time
Donwynn. It's none of his business.
He can be a little obnoxious,
but he's a good doctor.
No, you're a good doctor.
You care about your patients.
I don't know if any other doctor that actually
sleeps in the same quarters with his patients.
To Dr. Heller it's all
part of a project.
You are a project.
I am a project.
They are a project.
I just don't think his heart is
in the right place.
Oh shoot. I need to supervise Isaac's
visit. Could you do me a favor?
Please line the prescriptions up for me.
I need to revise dosages
for medication day.
Oh, and Jackie may need a sleeping
aid. Offer it to him,
but it's ok if he doesn't
want to take it.
Sure thing.
Ava, your heart is
in the right place.
I don't know what
I would do without you.
What have you done with
my Frankenpunk?
He's all drunk.
He's more brain damaged
than he already was.
You stupid bitches have
ruined everything.
And what for?
You must die.
Can you keep it down?
Hey Sam! The best part
is coming up.
- Hang on a second, I'm almost done.
- Hurry up.
Just press pause!
I can't, it'll kill the suspense.
- You people need to grow up.
- Never.
Fucking cubicles in this joint.
- Frankenwhores.
- Frankenwhores.
Fucking morons.
Nice crap you're watching.
- What do you want?
- You look like shit.
Did you find anything out there today
that I can sell on the Internet?
What's wrong?
What if when you leave
you don't come back?
I'll be back everyday.
I want us to be together.
What are you saying?
- You want to think about it?
- Yes.
- You will?
- Yes, I love you Isaac.
Would you stop her from
being such an idiot?
Isaac and Emma are planning
on having sex tonight.
The rules say no sex.
So go do your job!
- Where?
- Visitation room.
You gotta stop them.
He's no good for her.
Marshall, we may have a 21
in visitation room.
Go back to bed now.
On my way.
We'll continue our little
conversation later.
Where is Jackie?
Guards the patient.
I'll see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Did you think you can
get away with that?
Drop Isaac right now Marshall.
Didn't see you there Doc.
- You good Marshall?
- Got under control.
What did you think
you were doing?
The rules are real clear
about patients having sex.
What sex? This was
a supervised visit.
Supervised huh?
I need to take Isaac back to his dorm,
maybe you should escort Emma back.
I will.
Come on.
It's alright.
Come on.
Come on Emma. Let's go.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Let's go!
Okay viper, what did
you do this time?
Look, I'm not the problem.
That crazy bitch is.
I'll be back later.
You are looking at the
solitary cell Vicky.
But I'm just trying to help.
Marshall, can we see Isaac
off to his dorm,
because I'm scared for him.
Yeah, I'm scared for him too. Especially after
you go see the gynecologist tomorrow.
Emma, he is not good
for you. I'll help you.
Get her!
Let go of me!
Lover boy!
Ask me no questions,
I'll tell you no lies.
Hey doc.
- The green thermos, don't forget.
- That's right. Let me take a look at it.
It's gone.
It's gone.
It was right there.
Where is Jackie?
- Jackie is in the bathroom.
- Don't let him open it.
Jackie? Are you okay?
I'll be out in a minute.
Listen, Sam can't
find his thermos.
I was wondering if you've seen it. You know,
the green one he found today?
Yeah, I was thinking that maybe
if you had it by mistake...'d leave it as you found it.
What color did you say it was?
Don't let him open it!
- What's that Donwynn?
- I don't know.
What's that?
- What's that smell?
- What smell?
Smells like grapefruit.
- Fuck, you had to play with it Jackie!
- It's unbroken ok?
We give it a wash,
it's as good as new.
I felt something strange back there,
I felt like you were in danger.
What's going on Isaac?
Nothing is. You shouldn't
have come in here.
Well it's too late now.
I'm here.
Exactly. In here and
not in their dorms.
What kind of place are you
supervising Dr. Donwynn?
Marshall? Get everybody
where they should be.
Dr. Donwynn, in here.
- Right now.
- Dr. Heller, I...
I'm borrowing the other thing
for a little while.
Keep it. This is the one I like.
Come on.
Come on.
Dr. Donwynn,
I'm not a fan of your methods, but...
...I have to admit that
progress has been made.
In some of these cases.
Although I'm not sure the end
justifies the means.
It's getting them to
reorganize their thinking... focus on their problems and
solve them on their own.
- By placing them in harm's way?
- Calculated risk.
Not that different than sending
them to clean up the ravines.
Physical activity promotes
general well being.
Why are you having them break
rules deliberately?
That's the point.
They are not breaking them.
They are given a choice and they are
consistently making the right ones.
Even the fastest deer will
get hit by a car...
...when it has to cross
the road too many times.
- You are underestimating them.
- And you may be overestimating them!
You left the visitation room
with your patients inside.
Emma will get a full
medical check tomorrow.
- And I'd like to have a word with Isaac.
- They did not break the rules.
We'll let science decide.
Good night.
Lights out.
Lights out.
Lights out.
Sorry. I didn't mean to
give you a heart attack.
Just wanted to let you know that
everything's back to normal,
if normal exists.
- Emma ok?
- She'll be fine.
She just got a little cough.
Nothing serious.
I'm making my famous
pot roast on Saturday.
What was that?
Red wine goes well with it.
You said about Saturday?
I prefer Californian.
Good night.
Good night.
Hi. My name is Donwynn.
I work at Ravenside Memorial Hospital.
I found a strange object
with similar inscription.
It's column shaped,
about 5 inches long,
...half an inch across
at the middle.
Have you seen anything
like this before?
Did she just ask me
out on a date?
Damn he's strong!
Did he have any attacks like this?
He needs to be in a single cell.
- What about restraints?
- No, not necessary.
Whatever you say doc.
Your skin's peeling.
So is yours.
My eyes.
- Cool.
- Donwynn, what's happening to us?
I'm not sure. Seems to be an
allergic reaction to something.
Yeah, like maybe a poison.
A snake poison.
Why snake poison Boris?
Because of the skin. The skin we
were shedding like the snakes do.
Oh man, aren't we a
pretty picture.
I'm going to get dressed.
God damn.
I'm not gonna miss breakfast.
I'm not hungry.
Speak for yourself sonny.
You know what I'm in the mood for?
Some really greasy sausages.
I have to see Emma.
She's probably feeling sick too.
It's gotta be whatever was
in that thing last night.
She's probably at her medical.
And you need to see Dr. Heller. He
needs to sign your release papers.
Why is Emma getting a medical?
She just had one two weeks ago.
It has nothing to do with me Isaac.
You know I trust you.
Don't read too much into it, ok?
- Donwynn, it's--
- Listen.
I'm going to help you
guys no matter what.
Go get dressed.
Alright Emma.
I'll be back in a few moments.
Try to relax.
Deep breathing.
I'll only be a minute.
That was fast.
Just being a good girl,
not Emma I see.
Naughty Emma.
What are you doing here?
Get out!
Reports don't lie.
And once the doc reads it,
it's gonna be another month for you
and your little boyfriend in solitary.
Plus, all the adoption papers
you have to fill out.
You didn't think they'll let
you keep it, did you?
We didn't do anything wrong.
Just maybe,
you can help me induce the report.
You can hide it till then.
You'll be out in two months.
Come on Emma.
What do you say baby?
Come on.
Any information?
No, please don't put me---
Stay away from me!
What's going on?
I need a fucking doctor.
I feel hungry.
What the hell is going on doctor?
Two days ago my hospital was
as quiet as a morgue.
But now I'm getting a crisis a second.
What's happening in Dormitory 1?
I'm not sure I understand
what you mean.
Maybe you should read this.
So much for underestimating
your patients.
She's pregnant?
Your responsibility... to all my patients.
Not just your select few.
Maybe if you stopped playing matchmaker,
you'd see that what they really need... order and discipline.
I can't release Isaac
under these circumstances.
Dr. Heller, this is
entirely my fault.
I may have led them...
No, actually I know that I led them to
think that it's ok to get intimate.
So you lied to me.
Yes I did, Doctor.
They're getting married.
One wrong does not undo another wrong.
What will their
life be like...
...if we let them go out
there thinking they are cured?
Your project to bring together a
suicidal patient and a necrofobic...
It is fascinating on paper.
They should cancel each other, right
They are not a project.
You let me deal with
them from now on.
I'm confining Isaac to his dorm.
Emma will stay in solitary until
the rest of the tests come back.
They don't deserve this.
You're being to harsh on them.
Not as harsh as I'm going
to be with you doctor.
I gave you time to
explore your ideas.
Now, we go back to tried
and true methods.
You move back to your doctor's
parties tomorrow.
Were you at the ravine yesterday?
Like every Tuesday.
You look a little pale.
- Pick up a cold?
- Maybe a mild one.
What about your patients?
Are they also sick?
No, they're feeling
much better today.
One epileptic attack with chickenpox.
Two food poisonings,
a viral in origin.
Peeling skin. Varicosed veins
on the face...
Where exactly were you?
The left road ravine.
By the well.
The DeLuca Ravine.
DeLuca? I've never heard it
called that before.
Maybe you and your patients should stay
at your dorm until you're really better.
Don't want anybody
come down with a flu.
And doctor?
I expect you to wear
your coat from now on.
Yes, doctor.
I feel strange.
Me too.
I'm still pretty?
You're monster pretty.
You know what I think?
I think we're morphing.
Why would you say that?
I don't bleed.
See? Look at your arm.
We're changing.
- Back to your room.
- I have permission to--
Your privileges have been revoked.
Without eyes to see,
and ears to hear...
Right where it should have been.
- U.S.D.H.S.
- General Teller please.
Please hold.
Sorry sir, he must
have hung up.
Trace that call.
Right here Doc.
Get him. Get him.
Come on Sam.
- I had a thing.
- I know.
- I'm better now.
- I know you are.
Come on.
Hold the door.
The painkillers aren't working.
It's like he doesn't
know who we are.
The staph infection is
eating away his skin.
Nobody enters or leaves the building.
We're under quarantine.
From now on, I'm the only one
allowed in this corridor.
Permission to bear arms granted.
If any patient from Donwynn
tries to attack here,
shoot him.
I'll keep them loaded.
Aim for the head.
That's not true.
Nothing like that ever happened.
There's no shame in it.
It's a good thing.
Just not allowed by
this place's rules.
I know that!
We know that!
You gave us your trust, we would
never do anything to violate that.
It could be a false positive.
Then that's what it is.
It is almost certain, that by
controlling the female...
...the father of the family can ensure
the survival of his lineage.
Sometimes through controlling
and gentleness,
but mostly, through violence.
A women's fidelity guarentees
the immortality...
...of a family's
genetic material.
Modern research has determined...
...that there is a direct line of
DNA that runs through humanity.
Linking all who come from.
The mitochondrial DNA.
The mother's genetic code.
Ironically no such lineage
exists for males.
All these gorgeous babes on that
lonely planet, and no guys.
- It was heaven for the astronaut.
- A Travel to Mars.
Yes, yes.
Many scientists believe
that this DNA line...
...leads all the way back
to the first human female.
- Whom they call, Eve.
- Okay, okay, my turn.
She was 50 feet tall--
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.
How do you know?
- You're cheating.
- I don't think so.
You have to do a little
better than that Sam.
How are you feeling Doc?
How about yourself?
Yeah. A little sleep
will cure anything.
I'm not tired at all.
I'm sorry about last night.
I just... I wanted to prove that there's
nothing wrong with opening the thermos.
I guess there was, wasn't it?
Jackie. If you haven't opened it,
I would have.
- So how sick are we?
- I don't know.
When do you think they'll
let us out again?
Because I want to
check on my tomatoes.
In a couple of days, I'm sure.
What are they up to?
Same shit.
Boris and Sam are at their
stupid fucking game and...
...Isaac's reading from his book.
Listen Jackie, there may be a few
changes later in the week.
Yeah well I want Isaac's cubicle
soon as he's out of here.
Yeah, um, whatever happens
remember, I'm on your side.
If you say so Doc.
Excuse me for a sec,
would you Jackie?
Hi Donwynn, I'm Jerry.
If what you found looks anything
like this, do not open it.
I repeat, do not open it.
One of these went missing in 1968.
According to my source it contains
some sort of infectious agent,
that affects the DNA with
very unpredictable results.
My source tells me that anyone
exposed to this... immediately searched and
destroyed by the government.
Look, hang in there. I'll be in
Ravenside tomorrow afternoon.
Don't tell anyone you have it.
Don't sell it to anyone.
Bye for now.
And of course it just gets
better and better.
Tonight we sleep.
Tonight we sleep.
Tonight we sleep.
Tonight we sleep.
Tonight we sleep.
Tonight we sleep.
I'm cured, I don't need this crap.
Here we go Charlie.
Come on buddy.
Come on.
How are you doing baby girl?
It must be tough without
your friend, huh?
Don't call me that.
Some girls are just like
that baby girl.
Always thinking with their pussy.
Oh, thanks Ava.
All the exits are locked.
Dr. Heller's armed the personel.
He doesn't want anybody leaving the quarantine
area which means the entire building.
I saw Marshall last night.
He's nothing like he was.
He is a mass of raw
muscle and nerves and...
It's the flesh eating virus.
The bite got infected. Something
to do with her saliva.
Come to think of it, you guys
don't look so hot either.
I'm glad she's back in solitary.
Stay away from me bitch!
It's quite common actually.
About the bite.
Our mouths are cesspools for bacteria.
I've never heard of
warranting a quarantine.
The way our patients interact...
...could lead to a greater
spread of the bacteria.
Stay sharp Ava.
And stay away from Marshall.
Is... Cabernet okay?
I prefer Bouchelet.
The sooner you admit you'll
never gonna be cured like Emma,
the better off you'll be.
Please, baby girl.
She'll never give you the
time of day either.
I don't think she's into
kissing toads like you.
You ladies, cut it out.
No solitary?
Go Vicky.
Another medication day
goes by without a hit.
Fucking bitch!
I'll kill you!
Okay ladies, it's over!
We should do something about that
before she starts to get suspicious.
You heard that they were armed.
- Wow.
- What?
I'm just a doctor doing his rounds.
- Hey, what about--
- We can worry about the tomatoes later.
Relax people.
I'll be right back.
Could you check on Emma?
Sam. Keep it safe.
- Get away bitch!
- Ladies.
Alright ladies.
- I hate you!
- I'll kill you!
Hi Maxine, what's up?
The usual.
- What happened to you?
- Hi Pete.
- I hate you!
- Bitch. Get off me.
- Dead.
- No Pete, it's okay.
- It's okay.
- Dead.
We're gonna need security
down the break room.
Copy that.
Doctor Heller, there's a situation
in the medication room.
Permission to administer sedatives.
- Permission granted.
- Copy that.
Doctor says to go ahead.
This area is closed up.
I have a patient I need to check on.
It can wait.
- Stop.
- I need to see my friend Emma.
Go back to your room.
But... you don't understand.
She needs me. She's my friend.
I have orders to shoot.
Please go back to your room.
I want you to understand
that she needs me.
- They're going tu burn us alive.
- Would you shut up already? I'm trying to think.
- It's a first. - They always kill
those who have the alien virus.
- Right Boris?
- It came from Planet B, 1956.
They can be a problem.
Ok, let's just look at the
facts. We're changing.
- Understatement.
- We can't eat, can't sleep.
- We don't bleed.
- We can't sleep.
- We have new nails.
- And new skin.
We feel each other's pain.
We're inside each other's heads.
Tell us something we
don't already know.
I haven't had my medication today.
Don't push it!
Have my money.
You know what? I'm tired
of your conspiracies.
And your stupid fucking games.
You're crazy.
Not me.
I'm here because I have bad temper, so don't
give me any of your "I'm better than you" bullshit.
I'm not a freak.
- I've never hurt anyone in my life.
- Hey!
If you two don't stop fighting we'll
all getting black and blue.
So funny.
Okay, you made your point.
- Then let's get out of here.
- Donwynn said to stay.
You know, as crazy as it is,
Sam is right.
The moment they find us,
we'll become scientific projects.
Donwynn can't protect
us this time.
Security, we have a situation within the
medication room. Please respond.
Security team one responding.
Come on, let's go.
What am I going to do Marshall?
I'm risking everything here... see where this leads.
I guess the infection differs
from each experienced individual.
You're probably at the end of
a vegetative spectrum.
To cure or not to cure you Marshall?
Imagine the power this
little key holds.
But we can't waste it on you.
You are too far gone.
I'm afraid it is already
time for you, Marshall.
I'll arrange your trip to the--
Come on.
No! I'll find Isaac.
Let's go.
You were my best friend.
In the pursuit of immortality...
...we often ignored
the very act of dying.
How often did we remember
a beautiful birth...
...over a tragic death?
A touching goodbye,
a twist of fate.
A series of coincidences.
A sweetheart's last kiss.
A broken heart.
Perpetuating one's memory...
...may simply lie in the
manner of one's passing.
You're not dead.
I can hear you.
I don't feel anything.
- Get up.
- I don't feel anything.
Doctor Heller, please come in.
What is that stuck on the window?
We're not supposed
to open this door.
No matter what.
There's noone in there.
Hi, I'm Jerry. I'm here
to see Donwynn.
He's on his way.
Excuse us.
Please wait right here.
You stupid bitch.
Watch me run.
Maybe if you haven't
taken all those drugs.
I have the same mark.
Never seen anything like this.
- We've seen it all.
- I've seen it all.
But not like this.
You shouldn't be alive.
Look, it didn't kill me,
it won't kill you either.
Look at your chest for pete's sake.
This is better than Resurrector,
the '62 version.
We can't be killed.
That's bullshit.
We're dead. Don't you get it?
Cut the death crap.
It's bad enough you keep ranting on about
that stupid book you keep reading from.
He's right.
You are dead.
By human standards anyway.
I guess you opened the vial.
It contains a recombinant virus.
It takes your DNA, and deconstructs
it and reshapes it.
The results can be phenomenal.
Super human-like.
Or hellish.
I guess it's safe to say we've
past the reconstruction phase.
Not really. It developes at the same speed as
your bodies' individual metabolism to take it.
That much is known.
You guys are just at the larva stage.
You have no idea.
This could be the beginning
of the ultimate contagium.
The coming plague.
- Enlighten us.
- Please don't hurt him.
- Maybe we're still contagious.
- I don't like him.
You are.
You're very contagious.
The candy store.
Damn it!
Alright here and here, we got
these sealed off.
Sir, I have a clear connection.
Should we call the police?
I think we should.
What, bother them over a
patient gone haywire?
That's our job description.
Keep your eyes open.
Let's go.
You smell like shit.
Okay, listen up everybody.
We need you to go to
your dorms right away.
And stay there.
We have a situation.
Let's go!
Go now!
- Come on.
- Now.
Yeah, De Luca.
This was my dad's.
His body was never found.
They say it was his fault the
research building burned down.
It's not true.
My dad was a good man.
This place was a hush-hush
military installation...
...running on a research grant.
It started back west,
in another base.
The Soviet spy plane
crashed in the desert,
and they transported the debris
to a base nearby.
Only the pilot, a man
called Rubinsky survived.
Among the rescued items
were these little things.
They debriefed Rubinsky
on these containers,
but he seemed as ignorant about the
origins as the scientists were.
No, no, no, no.
Not Soviet.
American make.
American make.
American make.
Somehow, the vial opened.
And he was exposed to
whatever was inside.
His captors knew immediately
what had happened,
and decided it was too risky
to keep it in a nuclear facility.
So he was brought here.
To the research building.
Right out where the
greenhouse is now.
He was put in isolation.
He came down with the flu.
Then his skin peeled. He had hives too. Then he
lost his appetite and didn't want to sleep either.
The doctors could not explain it. All
tests came back that he was dead.
No vital signs,
no reflexes,
but there he was, thinking, and talking,
and moving and being his nice self.
- Hey, check this out.
- Until he tasted flesh.
Human flesh.
What do you think?
Nice gal huh?
After that he started to evolve
into something so horrifying...
...the doctors decided
to put him down.
Expect how do you kill something
that's dead already?
The are all dead.
No they're not. Dr. Heller
is still in.
Stay down.
When he bit the orderly,
he passed on the infection.
While Rubinsky could think and feel,
this new creature had little control
over his speech and thought process.
My God.
He can't be killed.
It was a virus replicating
...infecting all he bit,
all he touched.
The contagium was irreversible.
Within 24 hours, the living dead
rose from the carnage.
But they stopped them, didn't they?
How? You said they
were already dead.
While they were looking
for an antiviral,
they discovered that the virus
needed full control...
...of the motor and
autonomic functions.
The solution was far simpler
than they had anticipated.
Isaac, come on.
Isaac. Doctor Tollbridge told me
I was pregnant.
That's impossible Isaac.
The contagium,
it must have...
I'm scared.
What's happening to us?
We got a patient down outside.
Dorm 1. Come on, let's go.
Should we call for backup?
I don't know where to begin to look
to find out how to stop the process.
He was about to tell me.
Okay, so...
His father worked at this facility
and gets the blame for the fire.
In the meantime there is no indication of what
kind of research they were even doing here.
Except for what Jerry said.
What is that?
- A 1965 Buick.
- No, the place.
That's the ravine we were clearing.
It is.
Dr. Heller called it
the DeLuca Ravine.
He's known all along.
Shit. Can you hear
their thoughts?
Not anymore.
It's like the signal
has disconnected.
- Come on guys, it's only us.
- Your friends.
We come in peace.
Take us to your leader.
You don't know
what you're missing.
You'll come around.
You wait and see.
You need it.
Hi Emma.
He may be right.
We'll fight it.
It's like Jerry said. The
virus is replicated.
It's taking over everyone.
- Donwynn!
- Ava!
They dragged all my men in there. They were
pulling the heart like string cheese.
- It started this morning.
- What the fuck's gotten into them?
- We can't let them out!
- This isn't going to stop them.
What's wrong with you?
What the hell are you?
Don't waste your bullets on us. You'll need
every single one of them to stay alive.
Too late.
Get out of here. Go!
Come on.
Quickly, let's go!
Let's go!
Son of a bitch.
Stay behind me.
Stay close.
I always hated your food.
Let's go, come on.
I've never seen anything like this.
Guys, you gotta try to remember what else
did Jerry say. How do we stop them?
It wasn't the fire. That much
I'm sure he said.
He said they were looking for
some kind of antiviral.
- Viral?
- What? That shit is contagious?
If I had the antiviral I'd keep
it under a lock and key.
That is the key to the cabinet
in the medicine room.
Another one of
Dr. Heller's projects.
Okay let's go.
Now. Now.
Let's go! Come on!
Let's go!
Emma, what is it?
It feels like my inside's
gonna explode.
It is a contraction.
Take a deep breath.
Honey, why don't you
give me those keys?
And I'll find a first aid
kit for you.
Get up.
Come on.
Go, go, go, go!
Hang in there, I'm looking
for a relaxant.
- Hang in there.
- The baby's passing.
The baby is passing.
How is the virus transmitted?
Through a cut or a bite.
Inject directly into the me...
What does "me" mean?
Ava, what stars with "me"?
- You're the doctor!
- I'm not feeling myself right now!
- Into the medication? - No. I think
it has something to do with the anatomy.
What are you doing?
You are one of us.
We're one little family.
Why would you want to
harm us like this?
Don't get it.
They just don't get it.
Give me some meat.
Dr. Donwynn, we're friends.
It is the medulla.
Inject directly into the medulla
within an hour of exposure.
The medulla, the base of the head.
Base of the head.
Like you said.
These can't break our
bones Donwynn.
Keep a little, he's almost here.
First in line Emma.
We are one family.
You want it?
Do it now Isaac.
The base of the head.
In the end, the only way to truly
defeat death is by the act of dying.
Since in that brief moment
of nothingness,
not even death itself
is allowed to exist.
This is Wendy Wells with a special
report for Channel 12.
We've just confirmed
reports that dead bodies...
...appear to be coming back to life
and attacking those around them.
As yet, officials have
no explanation...
...for the cause of these
strange occurrences,
but we have eyes on the...