De Zaak Alzheimer (The Alzheimer Affair) (2003)

Believe me, she's ever so sweet.
You'll like her, I just know it.
I'm an excellent judge of human nature.
I can see you're nervous, for example.
Like you were the first time in that bar.
"Oops," I said to myself.
"A quiet one...
"an introvert."
Am I right...
or am I right?
You'll be fine, mate.
Just don't do anything silly.
And come up with the cash.
Party in hell, watch out for lightning!
Her name's Bieke. Go and sit next to her.
Go and sit next to her. Go on.
May I see your drawing?
- I'd rather you didn't.
- Bieke.
First time, is it?
I knew it. Human nature.
Let's just talk a little.
Don't you want me to pleasure you?
Let's chat first.
About you and the people who come here.
Daddy says I mustn't.
What's this?
What's going on here, pal?
Shit, he's blown it!
Vincke's been caught! Hurry!
Hurry, get moving! Fast!
Put your weapon down, damn it!
Sons of bitches!
- Scumbag.
- Calm down.
I die, she dies, get it?
- There!
- Calm down.
Let's not do anything stupid.
Not you, not us.
Let's leave. It'll be fine.
After all that's happened!
You think I've got shit for brains?
Look at Bieke. She loves you.
You're her father. She dotes on you.
- She needs you.
- What makes you so sure of that?
I'm gonna kill you, pal.
- Vincke.
- Freddy.
Daddy! Daddy!
Don't move!
On your knees.
On your knees! Now!
They're scumbags, Bieke.
Scumbags, all of them!
Daddy! Daddy!
He could've confessed, Freddy.
You know me, Vincke. No risks.
We should've nabbed him earlier.
We knew enough.
I hoped to get more.
I wasn't the first to go upstairs.
Look at it this way...
one less asshole, and the girl's safe.
Vincke? Eric?
MARSEILLES, 5 days later
In Belgium?
Potential clients, Angelo...
which could prove
to be an important market.
Not for me.
Could I have some chips, please?
Right away.
But you've already ordered some.
What's the matter with you?
Gilles, you should send someone else.
I'm tired.
Spare me the retirement crap.
Angelo, people like us don't retire.
I hate Belgium.
Like everyone else.
But you know the place. That's important.
Don't you have a brother there?
- You could pay him a visit.
- If he's still alive.
Then go see his tomb.
There you are, Mr. Ledda.
Room number 633.
Is this your first stay with us?
I speak Dutch.
- A bad habit.
- One of many.
Not anymore.
- You must be Mister...
- Casoni.
Did you have a nice trip?
I have the files you requested.
Everything's in here.
Excuse me.
Yes, hello?
Yes, I'm with him right now.
No, he doesn't say much.
He looks like he's been living
under a tram for two years.
I'm sure they know what they're doing.
My client wants to know when.
Preparation is all. It shouldn't take long.
Fast isn't fast enough.
We want to know when.
First, I'll go and live under a tram
for two years.
Are you coming to the opening with me?
No time. Construction license...
and a meeting in Brussels. Have fun.
You married me for that, didn't you?
- A long time ago.
- What are you insinuating?
Nothing, Bob, nothing. See you later.
If it finishes late...
I'll stay over in Brussels.
Okay. Do me a favor, will you?
Buy her a better perfume.
Of course, your keys. How many times...
Are you clever? I said, "Are you clever?"
If you are, you'd know who sent me.
I'm asking you again, are you clever?
And if you're very clever...
you'd know what I'm here for.
Do you know?
You don't know me, do you?
If that crook thinks...
If I give it to you, will you let me go?
I swear I won't say anything.
Dad, I'm going to Katrien's.
Hello, who is this?
Yes, it's me. Yes.
No, problem one solved.
No more worries there.
Yes, see you soon.
Yes, Freddy.
How did you know it was me?
Any normal guy
would hang up after 20 rings.
The big boss needs us. It's urgent.
- You have to go.
- I'm on vacation.
Give me 10 minutes, okay?
Ever heard of mineral water?
Mineral water? In the morning?
Never with an clair.
Jesus Christ! Damn BMWs!
You should watch out. Be careful.
They cut people off, use high beams...
are made in Germany, and who drives them?
Hairdressers and doormen.
- How about shattering a headlight?
- No.
Piss into the lock.
It sticks and stinks up the inside.
It rusts, especially the cheaper models...
but most importantly,
the insurance company stays out of it.
Whereas a broken headlight,
one call to the broker and it's dealt with.
You're punishing the wrong guys. Get it?
Yes, the insurance company,
the wrong ones.
Off we go.
Super urgent. Can't wait.
- Chief. Freddy.
- Linda.
Mrs. Van Camp's husband
didn't come home last night...
and wasn't seen at the office this morning.
- Looks like a missing persons case.
- SIB came by.
- But Madame knows our boss.
- Van Parys?
Yes, and he wants us to keep...
- a discreet eye out.
- Why?
Van Camp holds a high position:
General Town Planning Manager.
Eva, this is
the Detective Chief Inspector Vincke...
and Inspector Verstuyft.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Mrs. Van Camp.
Mrs. Van Camp is a good friend of my wife's.
Has Linda told you?
Yes. What she knows, that is.
His car was not used.
I'm afraid something has happened to him.
Did he have a reason to leave? A quarrel?
Is this the first time
he's stayed out all night?
Verstuyft, let Vincke do his job.
Go take a look at the car.
Coemans knows the way.
My husband has his habits.
But his work comes first.
He'd never miss work.
- Does he have problems?
- Problems?
All major files pass through his hands...
so I imagine he must have friends...
- but enemies, too.
- Let's not stray.
I'm doing my best.
You want to do this alone?
Or should we leave this to our colleagues?
Damn, Van Parys!
One of his politician friends falls asleep
at his mistress'...
and all of Antwerp gets mobilized.
He wants to jump her, that's clear.
I reckon she killed her husband.
Should we comb out the woods?
- Go, Freddy.
- Wait.
St. URSULA Day Hospital
Don't you have a brother there?
You could pay him a visit.
It's me, Angelo.
Sir, are you a relative of Mr. Ledda?
Has he been here long?
It came on very fast.
- In the beginning...
- I know how it starts.
"Nous avons invit des amis trs chers.
"On ne peut pas faire un omelette
sans casser des oeufs."
"Oeufs. Un oeuf, des oeufs."
Shit, you're right.
Why must you speak French
to make the grade for DCI?
To read the menus in posh restaurants.
Shut up, Coemans.
And stop ogling Linda.
I thought this file had gone
to the Youth section?
- I borrowed it from them.
- You're overzealous.
Does Van Parys know?
Sometimes you have to bend the rules.
What's new on Van Camp?
Linda and Coemans are on it.
Nothing for the moment, though.
I promised to get back to Mrs. Van Camp.
Freddy, didn't you have an SIB informer?
Go see him and pick his brains.
We're dealing with something else, boss.
Bieke Cuypers?
The file you got on the quiet
from the Youth section?
Sorry, that case is closed for us.
Miss Cuypers? Brigitte?
Call me Bieke.
Are you a friend of my dad's?
Are you a friend of my dad's?
She's not even 13. I won't do it.
No, she just looks younger.
She's not even 13.
I won't do it.
You're a broken record.
She's a child. I won't do it.
If you think you can trick me...
you've got the wrong man!
One quick call to Marseilles!
You don't understand. Nobody will do it.
Forget it. We'll find someone else.
This is simply not on!
No? Give me one reason.
I'll give you three.
And three!
Your pal Van Camp's safe. Understand?
Hired yourself opera singers or what?
My client wants to see you.
Tomorrow, same place, same time.
And don't forget your safe.
Your wallet...
Mr. Seynaeve.
Van Camp has vanished into thin air.
Even his mistress has no idea.
We're checking passenger lists
at the airport.
On the run abroad? That's our lead?
Concrete stuff, or occupational therapy?
"Concrete stuff, or occupational therapy?"
There's our intellectual from the judiciary.
You want information on our files?
How about sending us...
an official document, you're good at that.
Sorry, we didn't know you could read.
To think I learned to shoot at the judiciary.
If you must learn to shoot...
how come you don't have a shooting range?
We don't have the Gendarmerie's budget.
No, 90% of your budget...
goes to paper.
If I've wasted too much paper...
come and get some of ours.
You'll have the night of your life.
Yeah, right.
The night of all nights in your entire career.
- Some other time.
- Come on, look.
Room 105. Perfect for a pretty girl like you.
Sir, you're bothering the young lady...
and disturbing me.
Who are you? Her pimp, perhaps?
How much do you want for your hot chick?
You wanted something hot?
- A gentleman?
- No.
A client.
Calm down, it was a dream.
Don't you recognize me?
I'm sorry, stay.
I can hear your blood flowing.
It's my head emptying.
You're different, you.
You reckon?
I know so.
I have a weak spot for special men.
Two bullets in the chest, one in the head.
The work of a pro.
Bastards! Bastards!
And the other wounds?
Propellers cut her to bits.
Freddy, hurry and become a DCI...
so I don't have to do this anymore.
The kid was only 12 years old!
According to the investigation...
she was murdered.
We know who she is.
The name's Brigitte Cuypers, 12 years old...
from Merksem, recently implicated...
in a child prostitution case...
which claimed her father's life.
I spent the whole night here? Tell me!
I spent the whole night here?
Yes, where else?
You have to go.
Get dressed.
I don't get this.
- Go back!
- Your pills.
Go back! You have to go back!
You were right, Gilles.
For guys like us...
there's no retirement.
We have a witness, a hotel patron.
Mr. Casoni...
- your passport.
- Thank you.
Hello. Vincke, Chief.
You can speak in Flemish, Chief.
The world is my oyster, sort of.
He knows the victim's identity.
Yes, I saw him get into his car, actually.
Poor guy.
His name is Ledda.
- Angelo Ledda.
- How do you spell that?
Like the swan, but with two "D's."
Greek mythology. Elementary.
So, you knew Mr. Ledda?
Yes, from the bar.
A nice guy.
Retired. A true Frenchman.
We found this under another car.
With a Visa card in Angelo Ledda's name.
Come and see this, guys!
I had this funny feeling. Not your day.
Baron, it's time.
Joseph will do it, thanks.
You're specialists, right?
Shrinks do more than stuff their patients
with sedatives, Gustave.
They talk to them, too.
Before or after the injection?
- Baron De Haeck.
- Yes, it's me.
Switch on the TV, Baron. Teletext.
BRT, page 101.
When those frogs drop a clanger...
they pick it up afterwards.
With a bulldozer, if necessary.
You can rest assured, Baron.
Don't worry, it's been taken care of.
That is, if you remembered me.
Did you think of me, Baron?
If I may say so, I do enjoy doing business...
with an honest man.
Here's our friend Casoni.
But according to France,
the only Bernard Casoni...
is him. Young chap.
Center forward for Marseilles.
In our profession, you're better off...
knowing about soccer
than Greek mythology.
What do we have on this Angelo Ledda?
His credit cards are false.
No one has ever heard of him in France.
- And here?
- Here, they have.
There's a file at the Juvenile Court.
But on a Ledda
who's been dead for 40 years.
Have them send it anyway.
And the girl in the trunk?
Anja Laeremans.
A prostitute, the barman claims.
No pimp, no police record.
And unfortunately, no family, no friends,
but we're still looking.
Settling of scores in the prostitution world?
What if there's more to it?
Why not?
Perhaps, the Nivelles gang
is behind it as well.
Detective Chief Inspector? You were right.
The bullets are from the same weapon.
The girl in the trunk
was killed by Bieke Cuypers' killer.
What's going on?
This can't be. You're dead.
No, you're dead.
Two bullets in the chest...
and one in the head. Again.
He's still warm. Want to feel?
No way.
Stimorol gum.
He comes home,
he wants to open the gate...
the sensor's fucked up,
he approaches, and boom.
Coemans, did you report the car?
Affirmative, Detective Chief Inspector.
"I am for 69."
He's even sicker than you are.
Mrs. Seynaeve...
Chief Vincke and Inspector Verstuyft.
Madame, all of our sincere condolences.
Life goes on.
If you were expecting tears and a black veil,
I'm sorry.
But if you have any questions, go ahead.
Where was he coming from this late?
He went out for business.
No idea with whom...
or where. We never talk about these things.
In fact, we hardly ever speak.
I'm not the talkative type.
Has your husband been threatened before?
Not by me.
Any enemies?
No, only friends.
My husband had lots of friends.
Pardon my rudeness...
but we found this in his mouth.
Any ideas?
No. Good to see there's still honest people.
- Are you being entirely honest yourself?
- I am.
Yes, but I am rather mistrustful...
by nature.
If I give it to you, will you let me go?
I promise I won't say anything!
If that crook thinks that...
- Is he here?
- Yes.
What are you doing?
Hello to you, too, Jean.
Haven't you heard? Seynaeve's been shot.
What on earth are you doing, Dad?
The guy must be really close. I wish...
"I wish?" A real man would say, "I want!"
Don't worry. He doesn't know me.
All the leads stop at Seynaeve.
- Who says so? Seynaeve?
- I say so.
Filthy bastards.
We're getting nowhere, guys.
Four murders and all we have are facts...
when we need connections.
Prostitution. Settling of scores.
There's only Bieke Cuypers...
on the child prostitution side.
Anja, that's hotel prostitution.
Two completely different worlds.
And the angle on Seynaeve
is not prostitution.
He's playing at a much higher level.
Yet, he was killed the same way
as Bieke Cuypers.
Not with the same gun.
Seynaeve's bullets are of a different caliber.
Chief. Chief...
Bernard Casoni.
- Is it legal?
- No, it's Japanese.
Have you read the newspapers, Chief?
The girl in the trunk
has nothing to do with it.
She was an angel.
You know what happened...
- and you want to help us?
- Help you?
I'm doing your job here.
Eliminating crooks.
Because you are too slow...
and I don't have much time left.
And who are the crooks?
I can't tell you yet.
Then why call us?
If I can't finish the job...
you'll have to take over.
You really want to nab the bastards...
- that are behind this?
- Yes.
Keep up the good work and you'll find them.
Unless we find you first.
Bravo. You already have my name.
Now, yes.
It doesn't matter. I have nothing to lose.
Just my head.
Okay, we've got him. 075-562-836.
Coemans, check with Belgacom.
Useless, it's Seynaeve's cell phone.
Why do they have cell phones and we don't?
Ledda is our man.
And we're back at square one.
remember how Mrs. Seynaeve mentioned...
his friends, and how
she reacted to the money.
Can I try something?
All she needs is a little push, to undress...
You'd like that, wouldn't you? Her, naked.
Just let me try.
I can't accept that.
Vincke, you said it yourself:
"Sometimes you have to bend the rules."
Mrs. Seynaeve?
- You are a real cop.
- It was open.
Ideal for letting people in.
I appreciate your hospitality.
Go ahead.
Do you know Angelo Ledda?
Bernard Casoni?
- Tall? Blond?
- Dark.
Not exactly a unique specimen.
No, sorry, the name doesn't ring a bell.
He called us
with your husband's cell phone.
- What do you think?
- I'll have it disconnected.
You do know how to cover up things.
I know exactly what brings you here.
- Madame, I...
- What would you say...
if I pinned you against the wall?
I think you know more
than you're letting on.
Oh, a thinker?
I saw you more as an action man.
Listen, why don't we help each other?
Angelo Ledda?
No, I don't know him.
But the other name, Casoni...
I heard him say it on the phone once.
With de Haeck.
The cement baron? The former minister?
You asked for a name, not a pedigree.
Drink now, while it's still cold.
Never on the job.
You filthy Belgian cop!
we have a name.
Compliments of Mrs. Seynaeve.
- De Haeck.
- The minister?
His son, Jean de Haeck.
Last month, he quit his job...
as Town Planning Manager.
And who succeeded him? Bob Van Camp.
- Things are heating up.
- My thoughts exactly.
Where does he live?
No, keep going. They'll call back.
Blackmail, that's our lead.
For years,
Van Camp has been losing big jobs...
to bigwigs like Jean de Haeck.
Then, he discovers his perversion.
Children. Bieke Cuypers.
He's not answering. I'll try again.
Van Camp blackmails him and steals his job.
Excuse me.
Shit! Why is there a tunnel here anyway?
Play and record it.
Remember our agreement, Chief?
- Agreement?
- Eliminating crooks.
- Bieke Cuypers, 12 years old, was she one?
- No.
It's scandalous, but not my doing.
You don't touch children.
Why should I believe you?
Because I'm helping you.
I give you these bastards on a silver platter.
Stop this, let's collaborate.
We can guarantee...
Too late.
Five minutes.
- You are too slow, Chief.
- Who?
A certain De Haeck. Jean de Haeck.
Nobody will miss him.
And I... I didn't miss him either.
Talk to you soon, Detective Chief Inspector.
Ledda's at Jean de Haeck's. He's killed him.
Call for action assistance, Code 2.
Downstairs, Freddy.
Come on.
I sympathize, Detective Chief Inspector.
All this horror, those bodies.
And you take that home with you every day.
My house is empty. That helps.
Is he a good shot, Mr. Vincke?
Ledda, drop your gun!
Because if he is, all you have to do...
is take one step aside, as you well know.
Come on, Vincke, move over.
Move and I'll blow his brains out.
Or are you afraid, Mr. Vincke...
that the truth will die with me?
The suspect is driving a gray Mercedes...
registration: IAM 469.
He is extremely dangerous.
I repeat: Extremely dangerous.
Pass on all information, pronto.
Why didn't you move over?
He's our only witness, sorry.
Hey, smart ass, growing roots?
They don't come any greener than that.
I'm sorry...
I've not been drinking. I just fell asleep.
Your headlights, too?
Your headlights also fell asleep?
How about finding us your papers?
Registration, ID, driver's license...
What's that?
Lemmens, what are you doing here?
It's okay, Officer. It's the Judiciary.
The Normandy landings or what?
- Is the Baron in danger?
- No details on our op.
Reason for your visit?
No details on our visits. Is the Baron in?
Lord, grant our enemies peace and love...
forgive them their sins...
and keep us out of their traps. Amen.
Detective Chief Inspector Vincke, Judiciary.
Mr. de Haeck,
I'm afraid the news is not good.
I know, gentlemen.
I have many acquaintances.
Joseph Vlerick, psychiatrist,
and here as a friend.
I know this is not a good time...
but it seems that the killer knew your son.
Had he been receiving any threats?
No, my son was an honest state official.
Why does the Gendarmerie protect you?
That's between myself and the Gendarmerie.
If you're in danger, you should...
There's nothing we can do for each other.
If you'd care to pray,
you are most welcome...
otherwise, I must ask you
to leave the chapel.
I've just lost my son.
For you.
Verstuyft. Yes, Coemans?
Vincke, access is forbidden.
Sorry, but we think we know
who the killer is.
We've been on his track for some time.
He's responsible for the murder
of Jean de Haeck...
committed a few hours ago.
- Do you have proof?
- We're as good as certain.
You want us to leave you the investigation?
Out of the question. These are my men.
I'd still like to know what happened
at Baron de Haeck's house.
I can't say.
Let's be clear. I want to consult your files...
and I suggest you consult ours.
I'll also be clear. I don't have any time...
for pretentious intellectuals like you.
So go look for your killer,
and we'll look for ours.
And if it's the same, we'll be in touch.
So you can join us for the group photo.
De Keyzer...
you're a coward.
If you'd let me, he'd still be alive.
Excuse me.
I thought you said, "Come in."
Prosecutor General, I'm honored.
No, I'm honored.
Yesterday, you had words with the officer.
- Yes, that's right.
- You called him a coward.
Yes, something along those lines.
I'd like you to apologize.
I apologize...
- Vincke!
- I don't like your arrogance one bit.
You meddle in their operations...
and demand files
based on simple suppositions.
It's only natural that they want explanations.
The officer didn't ask for explanations.
On the contrary, he kicked us out.
Here is the simple supposition.
The bullet that killed the gendarme...
comes from our suspect's gun.
Which makes it our business after all.
That's new. I have a feeling that...
This had better not leave this room.
The press will jump on it...
obstructing an investigation and concealing
evidence by the Gendarmerie.
I want the file on my desk
by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
And a copy on his.
Bieke Cuypers, 12, was she also a crook?
That was scandalous, but not my doing.
You don't touch children.
"You don't touch children."
My theory is...
Ledda found out they were child abusers...
so he turned against his employer,
Jean de Haeck.
And the Baron
with his Gendarmerie guards?
Nice talking to you, Chief. Next...
He's next. I'm sure of it.
He's part of the plot.
But how do we prove it?
- Ledda said...
- Ledda said, Ledda said!
I know your recording by heart!
You know what? Set up house with him.
And let him run...
until all of Antwerp ends up in the morgue!
You think I feel any sympathy for him?
This is where my sympathy lies,
and nowhere else!
Without Ledda, we have nothing.
I intend to nab all the bigwigs,
not just the small fry!
Go tell that to the gendarme's kids.
I have the file from the Juvenile Court...
on this Angelo Ledda, dead for 40 years.
I'm afraid he's still very much alive.
Five court appearances.
Once for robbery, four times for violence.
Died with his father in a fire
when he was 17 years old.
Interesting detail: Angelo may well
have started the fire himself.
His first murder.
And another detail:
Angelo still has a brother, here.
Paolo Ledda. I have his address.
A bar in the Kerkstraat.
But right now, he's at St. Ursula.
Linda, Coemans, search that bar.
- We're going to his brother's.
- Bring him some flowers.
I don't know.
It's only a drawing, but it's possible.
The chaplain will be able to tell you more.
- He was his teacher ages ago.
- So, Paolo? You have a visitor?
Detective Chief Inspector Vincke.
I'm investigating Paolo's brother, Angelo.
Angelo? What for?
How horribly stuffy! My God!
It hasn't been lived in for months. But look.
His father's house.
Get another search warrant.
Angelo should've jumped
three years in school.
- Gifted?
- Phenomenal memory.
Not a bad kid deep down.
He was very helpful.
But sometimes, over a silly detail...
somebody calling him fleabag...
or treading on his foot...
he'd go wild.
I pitied the Ledda boys, in fact.
Mother died young and the father...
They'd fall down the stairs.
And their medical visits revealed things.
Sexual abuse?
I don't know.
Linda, forget that warrant.
Vincke, Ledda. Telephone.
Everything okay, Chief?
With me, yes.
Sorry about the motorcycle cop,
it was him or me.
- You're next.
- The gunman.
I paid somebody a visit.
A certain Paolo.
Japanese junk. It's our number!
Everything okay, Chief?
I saw Paolo.
And I found your pills.
- We know that you're ill.
- Let's not talk about me.
Tell me about the crooks.
We think Van Camp blackmailed
his predecessor, Jean de Haeck.
Is it to do with children?
Who else is implicated? The Baron?
If I give you some dynamite...
will you smother it or make it explode?
- Make it explode.
- Can I believe you?
Verstuyft. The detector, is it connected?
Can I believe you?
- Yes.
- Not on an outside line?
It's an inside line. The bastard is here!
Ledda. Telephone.
- Drink?
- I'm here for work.
Sit down, Freddy.
I thought you liked
being on your own in a bar.
- I'm alone.
- I'm here anyway.
It's sometimes worse
than being alone, but...
What's new?
We found the car Ledda used.
In the Helmstraat.
Near Kerkstraat, his brother's house.
We went. Clean.
The report?
"Dust on the pedals,
traces of animal feces..."
Shit. Dog poo, cow dung.
Vincke, I know where he is.
Pigeon shit.
Sorry, guys.
I saw something move.
- Are you expecting someone?
- No.
Who's there?
Who's there?
Verheyen, Lemmens, everything okay?
There's nobody.
I repeat: nobody.
- Positions?
- Verheyen is at the north door.
I'm staying near the entrance.
Be careful.
- Verheyen, can you see anything?
- Negative.
- We need reinforcement.
- Calm down, it'll be fine.
Request reinforcement, I said!
The suspect's gone in!
I repeat: he's gone in. He's in the basement!
Take me to the Baron and you'll live.
Lemmens, are you okay?
Lemmens? Lemmens!
My God! Stay here.
Come. Come on!
Verheyen at the north door. I'll try a lock-in.
Verheyen, what's going on?
Answer me!
Lock-in completed. We're waiting.
Suspect is in staircase S.
He can't go anywhere.
Put that down. Imbecile!
Lemmens, what's happening?
The suspect is gone. Position unknown.
We're on standby.
This is ridiculous.
I hired you. I paid you.
I've come to reimburse you.
The attack against you
was your boss's idea.
I was against it.
Shit! Officer!
We have to go around.
How much do you want?
My son was blackmailed. I did it for him.
Surely you would have done the same
for your son?
I don't have a son.
And your father?
Surely he'd have done the same.
Shut up!
We're not animals, are we?
No, please!
Grant me forgiveness.
I hired you. I paid you!
I did it for my son!
Drop your gun! Drop your gun!
Kill him. Kill him.
- Kill him!
- Shut up, Baron!
This one's from Ledda.
Be careful, Vincke.
My pills. I need my pills.
Who is your employer?
I need my pills.
- My pills.
- Nothing at all.
My pills.
We arrested him over 12 hours ago.
Shouldn't we inform the Judiciary?
If the Judiciary thrills you so much,
go and work for them.
The bastard killed one of our men.
The Judiciary can have him
when we're done.
"When you read this
I'll be on a beach or in a coffin.
"Make it explode."
If he was in a coffin, we'd know.
So, the bastard's on a beach.
We're not in a hurry.
He'll get hungry or thirsty.
His shoulder will hurt.
Come on, talk, my boy.
Only in front of DCI Vincke.
- Yes, Vincke.
- Coemans here.
I'm at the castle. The gendarmes have left.
- You're joking.
- Yes, they've gone.
For Christ's sake, tell me it's a joke!
Don't make me say it, Chief.
Marc, just answer yes or no.
Yes, he's at our house.
He's been there for 15 hours, Prosecutor.
And we have to find out
in a roundabout way...
while you assigned us the investigation.
Major, why wasn't I told?
He was arrested as part
of a protection mission.
We had no idea that...
The Gendarmerie couldn't have known
that Ledda was involved.
He had no papers on him
and refused to speak.
I can't help it, that's what they say.
Bullshit. The main thing is to get him here.
Too slow, Ledda?
He doesn't understand, Chief.
- He just doesn't understand.
- Yes, Ledda.
- But he doesn't like you.
- And you?
It's always the same with guys like you.
Deep down, you're honest...
but as soon as you have a problem...
you bring everyone down with you.
Guilty or innocent, there's no difference.
So, if you're looking for a friend...
don't even bother.
Let's not talk about me, it's a waste of time.
- What's the deal?
- We patch you up...
we protect you...
and you fill the holes in our investigation.
The Baron, Detective Chief Inspector.
The Baron must pay.
Absolutely, if he is our man.
I'm listening.
He has to be able to follow?
Then I'll start at the beginning.
- Mrs. Van Camp.
- Chief Vincke.
Bad news?
Mom, who is it?
It's nothing, Ine. It's for Mom.
You have the killer?
- A man from Marseilles.
- The real killer.
There is a problem, Ledda.
There is a problem, Ledda.
I have the story, I have all the bodies...
but no proof against the Baron.
- You have my testimony.
- Your testimony?
You want to know
what a testimony is worth?
A woman and a child...
get run over in the street.
In broad daylight.
The woman dies instantly.
The child doesn't.
So, what does the driver do?
He wants no traces. The street's deserted.
He backs up...
and drives over the child again.
This time, the child is dead, all right.
The driver leaves the scene...
but he's out of luck.
A boy of about 12...
sees it all and memorizes
the registration number.
But he forgets one letter. One letter.
And you know what, Ledda?
That letter made the difference in court.
The driver was arrested and acquitted.
There was no proof.
And the testimony... Worth zilch.
Touching story, Mr. Vincke.
Even if we're not friends,
we have something in common.
You were talking about yourself,
weren't you?
Enough! Anything else?
We have something else in common.
I do have something else.
I have an audio tape on which...
- The first man.
- Van Camp.
Thank you.
I have an audio tape...
on which the Baron
threatens Van Camp's life.
I'd hate it if it got lost.
It's well hidden.
So, if you respect the deal...
If I'm not mistaken, Ledda's testimony...
is our only element.
Not much to go on, to nick the Baron.
We also have proof.
Why haven't I seen it yet?
- You'll have to take my word for it.
- Yours?
Or Ledda's?
I know enough.
Congratulations on the case, Vincke.
The charges can no longer be ignored.
I'm telling you, that's all, Gustave.
We can delay the arrest warrant
one more week.
But that's all.
What should I do? Escape to Brazil?
Baron de Haeck in the bush.
That would suit you, huh?
No, Marcel, it's my country.
People like me made Belgium.
And I'm a minister,
I'm not running anywhere.
One week. That's all I can do.
"That's all I can do." Useless bastard!
And your financial scheming, Marcel?
What if I send copies of invoices
to the press?
Your very presence here is reprehensible...
It's Ledda's testimony, Gustave.
I can't do a thing, if he's got proof.
Sorry, I can't help you.
There must be a way.
Not as long as Ledda's alive.
His condition's stabilized, but...
the problem is that we've waited too long.
We might have to amputate his arm.
- And his Alzheimer's?
- Hard to predict.
He'll be lucid one moment, out the next.
But if he must testify...
I do hope the court won't linger.
He's regressing that fast, is he?
He is seriously ill.
How are you?
We have a problem, Ledda.
Tell me something I don't know.
You might not last until the hearing.
That should make the Baron's day.
If you tell me where the tape is...
I'll make sure it doesn't get lost.
We do have a problem, Chief.
The tape's lost already.
I don't remember where I put it.
I don't even know if I made a note where.
If you only knew how empty my head is.
Sorry. Maybe it'll come back.
Can you do me a favor?
When you come back,
bring me some Stimorol gum.
And a pita.
My last wish.
- A pizza.
- No...
a pita.
With a "T" as in "Too slow."
I've drawn up a will, Joseph.
Don't try to distract me.
You and your wife are the only beneficiaries.
Your nomination as court psychiatrist
in Ledda's case...
signed by the Prosecutor General.
You want me to claim he's crazy?
He wants to testify against me.
If they buy his version, I'm lost.
What's the point?
A second assessment
will bring out the truth anyway.
They know we're friends.
A shrink does more
than talk to his patients, no?
This leaves no trace, I've been told.
I don't want to be in your will.
This is not only about your will...
but also about your wife.
She's so sensitive. Would she understand?
The parties, the young girls...
Do you really think Jean never told me?
Hello. Joseph Vlerick, court psychiatrist.
We know, Doctor.
- I'll be fine.
- Are you sure?
Shouldn't you disinfect first?
Yes, of course. I wasn't thinking.
- So?
- He's free and he's got a hostage.
- Victims?
- No, he let the guards go...
but he has their weapons.
- Where is De Keyzer?
- There.
There he is.
Oh, Vincke.
Ledda must have a motive. What happened?
Don't know.
All we know is that he has a hostage.
And he wants an armored car...
and two passengers: you and Verstuyft.
- Who's the hostage?
- A doctor.
The court psychiatrist.
A BMW! Wouldn't you know it.
Take care of her if I don't come back.
He won't make it to the car.
Come on, go. Faster!
Alfa, Bravo, go ahead.
Vincke, feedback.
Feedback? You killed the hostage. Jesus!
Turn it off. Turn it off!
All units, block passages. Block!
You didn't keep your word.
You're no better than that other crook.
Go and join him, now that he's still warm.
I didn't know, I swear.
You know what the difference is
between us?
You believe people.
That's very dangerous.
We can still find a solution.
We're on the road together.
On the road to the light.
Aren't we, gunman?
- You do understand French, don't you?
- Yes, I do.
"The light..."
Nirvana, the great void.
You're quiet all of a sudden.
Are you afraid of your friends?
You're less confident now, aren't you?
We must continue to believe.
Children depend on us.
"Seek and you shall find."
Ledda! Ledda!
Did you give the order to shoot?
We evaluated the situation and decided.
That's it? Case closed?
I'm happy that you are still alive.
The rest doesn't interest me.
Are you sure?
Sure of what?
You're happy we're still alive.
And the Baron's friend, the psychiatrist.
Did you appoint him?
You tire me, Vincke.
If I were you, I'd be more careful.
We're on the road together.
On the road to the light.
"Seek and you shall find."
"The light." Neon. Crafty son of a bitch!
Freddy, he knew all along
where the tape was!
The light. It was a hint. The neon, of course!
Pita, with the "T" of "Too slow." He knew.
He knew. Flashlight.
- It's a pack of lies, sir.
- Lies?
It's the truth, Baron, and I can prove it!
I'm going to destroy you, Van Camp!
What do you think?
We'll see.
Will it work or will he walk?
"We'll see," I said.