Dead Mary (2007)

What took so long?
-I'm sorry?
-It wasn't that far back.
Yeah? Well, I had to look around a bit.
-What for?
-Nobody was there.
-What do you mean, nobody was there?
-I don't know. Just like I said.
So, you just filled them up and took off?
I left money on the counter.
It must be back at my place.
Well, I guess I won't be seeing that again.
Son of a bitch.
-Give it up.
-Hey, they're making them smaller, I swear.
-Making what smaller?
-His balls.
-I'm serious.
-Since when do you golf?
I'll have you know,
it is a very good tension-reliever.
Be careful with them.
Those belong to Ted's uncle, I think.
What am I gonna do, bend the shafts?
Four-letter word for ''exclude.''
Second letter is ''M.''
-What are you doing with those?
-Qh, the fridge is full.
Qkay, baby, this is the one.
Qh! Damn it!
-Shoot. Locked.
-Qh, man. Teddy, there's no key.
-Look over the door.
-It's not up here.
It used to be up there.
-And it's...
-Try it again. Qh.
-Throw the beers in the lake?
-Yeah, okay.
-Hey, Lily.
-Can I talk to you for a minute?
-Sure, babe.
Yeah, I'll be right in.
I don't know.
-What are we gonna tell them?
-Tell them whatever you want.
-Well, what are you going to tell them?
-As little as possible.
-Hey, guys.
-Qh, hey!
-Hey, you.
So, have you heard from Ted?
-He's not here?
-No. Shocking, isn't it?
-You the first one up again?
-You know me.
Well, come on, lovely.
Let's get this weekend started.
-Qh, Kim?
You want to take your bags up with you?
-Well, can't you take them all in?
-Well, it'd be easier if you took yours.
What's the matter?
Don't want to break a nail?
No, I just gotta take the gas can
down to the boat.
Darling, they sold that boat.
Well, whatever. Look, you don't have to.
It's fine.
Geez, give me one, too, why don't you?
Thanks, Evie.
I was joking.
I mean, you know you personally
have fucked the whole weekend, right?
-What do you mean?
-You know what he means.
No, no, no, please, enlighten me here.
Tell me.
No. No. Whatever. Whatever.
I mean, like, you couldn't have...
You know what?
You couldn't have waited?
-You couldn't wait to break up with her.
-What was I supposed to be waiting for?
Fucking Monday?
Qh, and I'm fine, by the way, guys.
Thanks for asking.
So, what? So, what?
So, we're supposed to actually just, like,
walk around on eggshells
while you two are all, like,
tense with each other?
-Yeah, again.
-New Year's Eve, three years ago, buddy.
-That was three years ago?
-That was brutal.
Penultimate worst.
-That was the penultimate worst?
-Yes, it was.
-You don't wanna say ''penultimate.''
-Yeah, I do.
-You wanna say ''ultimate.''
-No, I wanna say ''penultimate.''
''Penultimate'' means second-to-last.
Yeah, but that was the last time
we all got together.
That's not the same thing.
So, what, you're saying I should have
discussed it with you guys first?
You know what, Matt? We're trying
to come up here and have a nice weekend,
and now this.
Was it definite?
-It just slipped out.
Excuse me? How...
How does that just slip out?
I don't know.
Well, what?
What, did she beat it out of you?
Yeah, I think she beat it out of him.
Nobody beat it out of me. I just said it.
So, what? What... I mean, what did she say?
I mean, was she surprised? I mean, was she,
like, totally, totally, completely shocked?
-''Was she, like, totally, totally, totally...''
-Dash... Yo.
You know what, guys? I really
don't want to discuss it anymore. All right?
Drama of the week.
I thought you guys were doing
the whole open thing.
Qh, fuck, D, listen,
I don't want to talk about it anymore.
I don't know anyone who would agree
to do the whole open thing.
We're supposed to tell each other
if there's someone else.
Really? And that's supposed
to make things better?
I think it's respectful.
More respectful is just not saying anything.
Ignorance is bliss, right?
So, what, he didn't tell you anything?
Which could mean that there's nobody.
Qr that there could be somebody.
Should've got that place together
when you had the chance.
Just being honest.
Eve's still looking hot.
We can talk about that.
What have you guys been up to?
Long-distance relationships are hard.
What? What are you talking about?
You... You've been with the same girl
since you were what, like, three?
And you cheat on her constantly.
-No. Hey!
-Give me that.
Can I have that, please?
No, I don't.
-You don't?
-I don't do that anymore.
-Qh, you don't...
-What? I don't do that anymore.
-Qh, you... Qh, I'm sorry.
For the record.
Really? Because that's...
That's not what it looked like
-that time that chick was sitting down...
-No, no, no, no, no.
-No? Qh.
-No. No.
-No, because... No.
-Yes, but no, I don't...
-I'm like really trying not to do that anymore.
-Good for you.
So, you don't, but you do?
Is that your final answer?
I just think, you know,
I'm getting too old for it.
-Too old to be chasing it all the time and...
-So, let me get this straight.
Essentially, you're saying
that you're too tired to cheat on your wife?
No, what I'm saying is, it's like,
I've just traded the quality for the quantity
too many times.
Yeah, well, Dash, a lot of the people try to
figure that out before they get the ring on.
Yeah, well, I figured that one out
the hard way, then, didn't l?
And I'm making up for it now.
Like, we haven't seen each other
more than two times this year,
and all of a sudden
you're an expert on my marriage?
This conversation's killing my buzz.
Look, all I was trying to say, anyway,
is life is a fucking series
of long-distance relationships.
You know, your family,
your friends and that...
We're all in a long-distance relationship.
-Wow, that's deep.
-That must be some good pot.
-It is some good pot.
Yeah, it's not bad.
-And anyway, what about your girlfriend?
-What about her?
She's kind of got that whole
Catholic-school-girl thingy going on.
-I was thinking the same thing.
-Yo, guys, she's having a nap. Just...
You got her all locked up in detention?
Are you gonna go back there and give her
a couple of smacks with your ruler?
-She gotta do some schoolwork
-before she comes out?
Maybe, I should go back there
and help her clean the chalkboard?
-Well, how old is she, anyways?
-Discretion, always the better part of valor.
-I'm 22, actually.
What's up?
I'm gonna go for a walk.
Qh, the girls are down swimming,
if you want, at the dock.
Qh, I just kind of feel like going for a walk.
Baker, remember that time
at Jennifer Warren's party
when you pissed on Jane Caufield, man?
-Tell her about standing on the boards...
-He doesn't know what he's talking about.
-Remember that? That was...
-He's a bit insane.
-That was not... That wasn't me.
-That was so you. That was hilarious.
-Where the hell is Ted anyway?
Sorry, I thought it was you, man.
Qh, look, she's going out to play.
Be nice.
You didn't have to try to make small talk
with her for three hours
waiting for someone else to get here.
She just doesn't know anyone.
Anyone her own age anyway.
-Where did he meet her?
Hey, weren't you supposed to be
bringing some new guy up this weekend?
-Yeah, Eve, what happened with that?
-Same thing that always happens.
Qh! His wife wouldn't let him.
No. This guy wasn't married, he wasn't
cheating with me on someone else.
I don't know, maybe that was the problem.
You know, just with all of them,
I get to that point
where things just seem broken and I just
don't have the energy anymore to fix it.
-Can you change this song?
-Why, you don't like it?
Qh, that's new.
I thought you were all anti-tattoo,
anti-piercing, anti-scarification.
No, no, I never said that.
-Qh, yes, you did.
-Yes, you did.
Well, if I did, I don't remember it.
Anyway, Dash and I both got these.
We did it instead of renewing our vows.
-His idea?
-Yes, it was his gift to me.
Amber, did you know
when he was cheating on you?
Well, in my case, Kim, it was a little obvious.
-No, I mean, I wasn't talking about...
-Walking in on him?
Qkay, you know what?
I don't want to talk about this.
Qkay? I mean, it was...
It was a one-time thing,
and he's not like that anymore.
-So, things are good?
-Well, they're better.
You're lucky.
-You look like you could use one.
-Yeah. Thanks, Eve.
-It's good to see you.
-Yeah, you, too.
-You look good.
-So do you.
I like your hair.
Yeah? I don't know. I'm growing it.
I'm still not sure if I like it.
-So, you guys gonna try and work it out?
-Why'd I know you were gonna say that?
Because I'm obviously terribly predictable.
I knew you were gonna say that.
I don't know. You know?
What do you want me to say? We'll see.
Why, what'd she say?
Hey, see that?
-What's that?
-I got them for you. They're veggie burgers.
-Qh, sweetie, I eat meat now.
-What? Since when?
These things make you sickly.
How was your nap?
It's freezing.
Trying to call your girlfriend?
Trying to get a hold of Ted.
It keeps saying, ''Call was lost.''
-Think he got the dates wrong?
-I doubt it. The weekend was his idea.
We are talking about the same Ted here,
aren't we?
Whatever, it's not like
we're locked out or anything.
So, what are we gonna do?
We're just gonna eat?
We're not gonna wait for him?
Why don't you try the reception
out by the road?
Qh, forget it. It's his problem.
Did you try holding your golf club
up over your head?
''Did you try holding your golf club...''
-Hey, Lily. You hungry?
-Yeah, kind of.
We were just starting to wonder
where you'd gone.
I was just walking.
The woods are really beautiful.
-You want a drink?
-I'm good, thanks.
You're bleeding.
Yeah, I fell.
Do you guys know where Bryce is?
You wanna maybe put something on that.
Qh, I'm okay. I'm just gonna
put some water on it. Is he inside or...
-He's in there somewhere.
-Qkay, thanks.
Maybe she's rabid.
So? How you getting along with everybody?
Yeah? What do you mean, ''Yeah''?
Yeah. I mean, they all seem nice.
You say that like they don't all seem nice.
I just think it would be better and more fun
to be able to hang out with everyone
when, you know, they're sober
and maybe not in a group.
That would, of course,
negate the whole idea of the weekend, but...
So, how's work?
-They wanna promote me.
-Matt, that's great.
Yeah, is it? Growing with the company
and all that crap?
Yeah, you sound really excited.
More hours, more responsibility, same pay.
Are you still writing?
No. I'm up at 6:00. I'm home at 7:00.
I mean, who has energy
to do anything else?
What's that supposed to mean?
Nothing. Just that.
I know just what you're talking about.
Qkay, well, it sounds like
there's something else there.
-Oh, really? Well, what does it sound like?
-No, man, I'm exactly the same way.
You know, I come home from work,
watch T.V., eat and pass out.
You know, you rinse and repeat.
Dash, that's not true.
We do stuff on the weekends.
I'm taking a class.
Qh, I'm hardly ever home,
unless I'm sleeping.
It's too depressing.
So, is this what you expected?
Damn, Matt, I don't know, man.
Like, what did you expect it to feel like?
I don't know.
Like, adult?
Yeah, I guess.
Hey, I pay adult taxes.
Would you grow up?
What did you expect? To chase teenagers
around campus bars your entire life?
-Poor, poor Baker.
-Eve, don't start.
I guess now you got your chance, huh?
Hit up a few last calls.
Happy New Year!
I'm sorry, honey. It's not usually like this.
Like, it's usually so much more fun.
I mean, how was I supposed to know
they were gonna break up?
-Like, how was I supposed to know?
-Bryce, you think that's the big problem?
-Come on, let's go.
Down to the point. I found this great place.
We can go for a swim. It'll be fun.
Honey, why didn't you wanna go earlier
with the girls?
Well, now you and I can be alone.
-We are alone.
-More alone.
-I'm scared of the fish.
-You're a baby.
-I just feel...
I feel like I should be with these guys.
I mean, it's the only weekend.
I never see them.
ls it just gonna be a bunch of stories
about funny things
that happened to people you used to know,
I'm never gonna meet?
Yes. Probably. Definitely.
I promise it will not be lame, okay?
-Little bit. A little lame. All right, let's go.
Come on.
Qkay, Amber. Truth.
What's the weirdest thing
that's ever happened to you?
The weirdest thing? Qh, man, I don't know.
Nothing weird ever happens to me.
Qkay, I guess...
I think I saw a UFQ this one time.
Someone else go.
How about the Hag Syndrome?
You know that thing when you wake up
in the middle of the night
and you can't move,
and you get this pressing down
on your chest,
and you feel like something's
in a room with you?
Yes, I've totally had that.
It scares the crap out of me.
ls that what that is?
When you feel all numb and cold?
So, what do they call it
the Hag Syndrome for?
Because they used to say it's like a hag's
crawled on top of you, holding you down.
Yeah, I've had that,
and you, like, want to scream but you can't.
And there's, like,
all these voices in your head,
and there's, like, wind
and it feels like you're in a tunnel.
Well, I felt something pulling me
down the bed, it wasn't the hag.
It's just sleep paralysis.
Yeah, your brain's awake, but your body's
still asleep and you're dreaming.
That's all it is. I've had it happen.
You know what I think?
When that happens,
your soul leaves your body.
That's what I think.
-It was probably just squirrels.
-Qr it was the hag!
Guys, what about Dead Mary?
No. No. No.
We haven't played that
since my 16th birthday.
What is it? What is Dead Mary?
Qh, my God.
You've never heard of Dead Mary?
Where are you from?
It's stupid.
Well, if it's before my time,
I probably don't know it.
Qh, give it up. You're not
that much younger than us. Please.
Dead Mary, it's a game.
You go to any room with a mirror...
Like a bathroom.
And you take a candle
and you go in there by yourself,
and you look in the mirror,
and you say her name three times.
Dead Mary. Dead Mary. Dead Mary.
Yeah, I've heard about that,
but isn't it called Bloody Mary?
-Bloody Mary's the lame version.
So then, who's Dead Mary?
She's a witch.
Well, yeah, only she's dead.
So, she's like an eviI spirit.
Hence the whole dead part.
She's all rotting flesh,
and her eyes are sunken into their sockets
and when she breathes,
she breathes death into you.
-Will you fucking...
Come on.
Then what?
You say her name three times,
and then what happens?
Then you see her, right?
You open your eyes,
and she appears in the mirror.
I've seen her.
-Yeah, right. Bullshit.
-I saw her.
-It's true. We did.
-We all did.
You all lie.
-Screw you, I lie.
-Guys, come on.
You know what?
lf it's so fake, you take this candle,
and you go into the bathroom,
and you do it.
-You're scared.
I'll totally do it. Give me the candle.
Dead Mary.
Dead Mary.
Dead Mary.
Who's next?
Come on.
My turn.
Dead Mary.
Dead Mary.
Dead Mary.
Qkay, that was a little bit scary.
Hey. Hey, Eve.
You okay in there?
You think she fainted?
-Hey, Eve, are you all right in there?
Well, that was fun.
Who's next?
Qh, I'll go.
Dead Mary.
Dead Mary.
Dead Mary.
What the fuck? Where's the light?
Damn it. Damn it.
Did you fall asleep in there or what?
-Where's Kim?
-She went to bed.
Looks like you're sleeping on the couch.
-You mind if I get in there?
-Qh, yeah.
-You guys staying up?
-Qh, man. No, today's been long enough.
Nothing personal. I just...
Let's start again tomorrow.
-Wanna smoke one?
-All right.
Good night, buddy.
See you.
Bryce! Bryce! Bryce!
-Qh, my God!
-She killed him.
-Qh, my God, she killed him.
-Qh, my God.
She killed him. Qh, my God, she killed him.
-She killed him.
-Who? Who killed who, Lily?
Where did all this blood come from?
-She's crazy. I saw her.
-Who's crazy?
Eve! Eve! She killed him. Qh, my God.
What the hell's going on?
No, no, no, no, no. You stay...
You stay away.
-Calm down!
-Hey! Look at me. Hey! Look at me.
-Hey, what did you see out there? Honey?
-Matt... Matt...
What? What about Matt?
ln the woods. Matt's in the woods.
He's dead.
Qh, my God.
Don't look at me like that!
-You bitch, I saw you!
-Qkay, just shut up!
-Shut up, honey! Hey!
-I saw you!
-I saw you! I saw you!
-She killed him!
-What are you talking about?
Qh, my God.
-I can't fucking see shit out there!
-Now, goddamn it, listen to me!
Where did the blood come from?
-ln the woods.
-All right, let's go!
What? We don't know
what the fuck is out there.
-What if he's really hurt?
-It'll be light soon.
-I'm not going back out there.
-What were you doing outside, anyway?
I just wanted to go for a swim.
I wanted to go earlier but Bryce didn't...
Yeah, that's right.
Well, what the fuck
was Matt doing out there?
I saw them together. At first, l... I thought...
-Qh, you've gotta be kidding me.
I saw them with their flashlights.
They were together.
They were together,
the two of them, outside. I saw them.
What? You think I went
down there with Matty?
I know what I saw.
-Qh, you better shut the fuck up right now.
Whatever, he is not here now.
We need to figure out where he is.
I told you where he is. I told you.
He's down in the...
-Shut up, Lily!
-Qkay, look, we're wasting time.
-Are you coming or not?
-No. Bryce, don't...
-I think I need to stay here.
I just want to go home.
Please, I don't want to stay here.
What is going on here?
What the fuck is going on here?
-I just want to go home.
-Baker, you'd better get out here!
Listen to me, please don't go.
-Let's just go home. Let's just go.
-He's my friend. Watch her for me.
Bryce! Bryce!
Watch her.
Qh, no. Qh, no. Qh, no.
-Don't touch him.
-Qh, my God.
We gotta call somebody!
The ambulance, the cops...
With what phone?
So, we drive somewhere
that's got reception.
What about her?
What about her?
You think she did this?
What are you, insane?
A person could not have done this.
I mean, for God's sake,
it looks like he's been chewed.
-It could have been anything. Animals...
-Wake the hell up, Baker!
Why are you even defending her?
Just because you're sleeping with her?
-How well do you know her?
-This is insane. This makes no sense!
It makes complete sense to me.
He moved! He grabbed me!
Baker, he grabbed on to me.
It was a reflex, Kim. It was a reflex.
Bodies do that.
Bodies do not do that.
Qkay, Kim, just relax, okay. Calm down.
Baker, he grabbed me,
he touched me and grabbed onto me!
-He was holding me!
-Think he's still alive?
He's not fucking still alive, Eve.
Qkay? Just look at him.
We need to get an ambulance.
Just stop it, all right?
Kim, you should see the look on your face.
What's the matter, honey?
You got nothing to say?
Course, you wouldn't tell the truth,
anyways, would you?
I guess you could say the same about me.
Do you honestly think it was just your face
I saw every time I fucked you?
Jesus, Matt.
Dash, you should know
what I'm talking about, right?
How could you even keep track
of what you're fucking, huh?
Well, it seems your little wife has taken
a page out of your own book. Right, Baker?
Let me go!
Tell me, Baker, how have you and Amber
kept Dash in the dark for so long, huh?
Let me go!
Tell me, Dash,
your wife fucking your best friend?
That's got to be the penultimate worst.
But as bad as that is,
you haven't seen anything yet.
Things are just beginning.
They're just beginning.
You'd better run, bitch!
What was that thing
saying about you and Amber?
-Get off me!
-Did you fuck her?
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Can you stop it in there?
Stop it in there! Stop it.
-So, that makes all three.
Looks like we're walking out of here.
We're gonna need some gas.
I don't think this is such a good spot.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Guys, I don't think...
We can't just burn him.
Christ, Amber! You think anyone
gives a fuck what you think?
Come on, honey.
Get a blanket or a garbage bag.
Dash, get something.
I'm not sure this is such a good spot, either.
-Jesus, Baker.
-I don't know, man.
-Qh, and I do?
I don't think he's coming back.
Now what?
-What about her?
-Well, she's not coming out of there.
Listen, I am still not convinced.
-Surprise, surprise.
-It is impossible.
You guys, we really need to not be fighting
with each other right now, okay?
You're right.
Every time I close my eyes,
I see those pieces of my friend.
We don't need to relive it.
Maybe you do, Kim.
Maybe you need to think about
what might have happened
if we hadn't been there to witness it.
Think about how that thing
that used to be your boyfriend
might have put itself back together
and come up to the cabin, and then what?
He looked exactly the same.
Maybe he crawls into bed with you, Kim,
and maybe for old time's sake,
you let him, huh?
Shut up.
You tell me what happens next.
-Maybe you suck that thing off.
-Shut up!
Maybe you let that thing get inside of you.
For God's sake, Kim. You just put a fucking
shovel through your boyfriend's head!
-You're disgusting.
-Would you listen to me?
You listen to him.
What's your point?
My point is, we would not know.
He looked exactly the same.
Dead Matt would be here with us now,
having a coffee or hanging around
or making some bacon or I don't know,
maybe turning us
into whatever the hell it was that he became.
Qr maybe that's already happened.
Maybe it happens to you when you're alone.
-She was alone in the woods the whole day.
-But she's all tied up, right?
Yeah, she is, but you're not.
-What? You think I'm like that?
-Lily said she saw you down in the woods.
-Lily said she saw you killing Matt.
-I was in bed.
-So you keep telling us.
-No, this is insane.
-Maybe Matt was just always like that.
Dead Mary.
What about it?
You were alone in that bathroom
for an awful long time.
So what? So were you.
Yeah, not as long as you were.
It's a game.
It's supposed to be a fucking game.
There's no real Dead Mary.
I mean, what are you trying to say?
That one of us actually conjured her up
in the mirror last night?
Even before that.
You were alone yesterday down by the lake.
-You tried to call Ted.
-So what?
-And you took that nap in the afternoon.
-You're saying that I'm not me?
Maybe none of us are.
Maybe I'm the only one left.
Hey, I'm myself.
Can you prove it?
I changed my mind. Bring Lily out here.
-We test her.
-We cut off her hand and see what happens.
Does that mean we can get to cut off your
hand next, Eve, and see what happens?
I'm not cutting my hand off.
But I'll cut hers.
Nobody is cutting anyone's hand off.
Jesus, Lily was alone in the woods,
and Amber's back there with her now.
Dash, Amber was alone
with her before, remember?
You were alone with her all night, last night.
-Now what?
-Wait for Ted.
Like that's ever been an option.
What? You're really just
gonna walk out of here?
-What choice do we have?
-Matt went outside and he died.
Then we could all just kill each other
in this room.
How about that?
I'm not fucking walking out of here.
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that.
You know I didn't mean that.
You know I love you, right?
You know I love you. It's just...
Just go away, Dash.
You can't talk to me like that. You can't
talk to me like that in front of everybody.
Angel, I know, okay?
It's just, this thing is so messed up.
Qkay? I am so messed up right now.
I'm not thinking straight.
No, you're not.
Amber, I gotta ask you a question.
-And it's about you and Baker.
-Qh, God. No.
-No, Dash.
-Not now. Please.
-You don't think I have the right to know?
I have the right to know.
Yes, and I have the right to say
that now is not the time to get into this.
What? Qkay, I'm not gonna freak out.
I'm not. Just what?
Come on, look at me. Qkay, it's me, it's me.
It's Dash.
Dash, go away. Please.
-Dash, go away, okay?
-Honey, honey...
-Go away!
So, what if Ted never comes?
Qne hit and it's already loose.
Give yourself some credit.
It's pretty artsy-craftsy.
Yeah, well, give me some popsicle sticks
and some pipe cleaners, and I'm all set.
-Here. Might wanna tighten that up a little.
Think you'll be able to use it?
I don't know. I guess it depends on who.
-I'm sorry about what I said earlier.
-No. I went too far, and...
-But, Kim...
I know why you think you need to,
and I know you're not really sorry.
But you know, I just need to say that
if I had to choose, I'm glad it's us in here.
-Where were those?
-Under the brick.
-So, one of us stays, one of us goes.
-I'll go.
Now, what if I'm not me and I ambush you?
I'd kill you with this
and whatever else I find in there.
-And what if there's nothing else in there?
-I'd kill you anyway.
I'm going.
-So, what do you see?
-Not much.
-Guns would be nice.
-Yeah. Well, you know what?
Call it a hunch, but I don't think
Ted's aunt and uncle are big into hunting.
I don't know if you've noticed,
but there really aren't enough
kitchen knives to go around.
Yeah. Well, just give me a second.
I'm looking.
You're taking too long.
Hold on.
What do you see?
There's a croquet set,
I don't know, a couple of oars.
Eve, you wanna step back?
-ls there anything sharp in there?
-Not that I can see.
He's dead.
Stay back! Stop! Stop!
Stay back.
-Where's Dash?
Amber! Back in the house!
-Where is he?
-Get in the house and watch Lily!
Get back in the house!
Where is he?
He was one of them. He tried to kill me.
Qh, my God.
I made him wait outside
when I went in to check. He just came at me.
Lucky I found this.
Looks like he got you pretty badly, too.
We struggled over it.
So, what do we do? Door's busted.
We can't exactly corral him in here.
Get Amber to trade us her shovel.
Split up the body parts,
and bury him all over the lawn.
And what exactly are we gonna tell Amber
the shovel's for?
Plus, if he's anything like Matt,
he would just dig himself back up again.
-We gotta burn him.
No, out in the woods.
-We have to.
-Not yet.
Hey, dude.
What's up?
Where's Amber, man?
Aren't you gonna have another crack at her,
now that I'm all tied up like this?
I know about you two.
The time you guys made it to third base
over a cheap bottle of wine in our own bed.
-You always treated her like shit.
-Yeah, man, but I married her, not you.
So, she's still inside guarding
that new girlfriend of yours? The crazy one?
She's gonna kill you.
Does she know anything about
the two of you cheating whores?
-Fuck you!
How do you expect a guy to talk
when you go and do all that to his face?
I thought we were friends.
-What do you want?
-What do I want?
I want you to stop stabbing me
in the goddamn face with garden tools.
I'll kill you. I will kill you.
You kill me, I come back again!
It's one of those circle-of-life kind of things.
I'll kill you anyway.
But first I want a few answers.
Kim, I'm sorry about Matty.
I'm sorry about this whole weekend.
-lf I were one of them...
-Are you confessing?
lf I were one of them, what do you think
would happen if I were to cry wolf
and tell Baker to come outside right now
and help me kill you?
-It probably works both ways.
Fine! What?
-Why are you doing this?
-Is that all, man?
Qne last time. What do you want?
-What do you want?
Dead Mary! Dead Mary!
I can't hear you, Baker! I can't hear you!
Sing with me, Baker!
I can't fucking hear you! Huh?
Well, so much for the big weekend!
What are you all gonna do? What are you
gonna say happened up here, Baker?
You all just gonna go on with your lives?
Say it was a bear?
Qh, I know. I know, I know, I know.
You're still thinking Alamo, right? Huh?
Right, Baker?
Tell me.
Well, the word's not Alamo, Baker.
The word is apocalypse.
Us, you, right now!
And even if you do manage
to make it out alive,
that just makes you a survivor.
The rest of your life,
you're walking wounded, shell-shocked.
Jumping at noises,
sleeping with the lights on,
and looking over your shoulders
because one day, one of us is gonna be
right there behind you.
Besides me, who's left?
Qh, come on. Now, that would be telling.
-How far is the nearest cottage?
-I don't know.
Where are you going? Baker!
Where are you going?
This is a long weekend, right?
Nice, quiet getaway to the country, right?
Then why do we seem to be
the only ones up here?
I mean, have you noticed?
Ever since we got here,
have you smelled any cookouts?
Heard any loud parties, any motorboats,
any water skis?
What are you saying?
We're gonna go see who the hell else
is up here with us.
We're waiting for Ted.
You wanna stay here and bank it all
on a guy that's never gonna show up?
We all go.
All of us.
Straight line through the woods
to the main road.
-No, I'm not going.
-You are definitely not staying here, Eve.
What? You think I'm gonna
go after your girlfriend?
Yeah, that's the thing, Eve.
See, it's either you or her.
Baker, this is me.
So, what, you gonna leave Amber
to hold the fort?
Amber! Amber!
Listen, we're going for help! All right?
You stay here!
We'll be back as soon as we can!
And, Lily,
if you can hear me,
I'm gonna get you out of there, hon.
I promise.
Amber, go back inside!
Lock all the doors.
Close the shutters, and don't let anybody in!
-Well, what if it's Ted?
Stop it. Stop it.
I said, stop it! Stop that noise!
-How are you talking?
I took the gag out of my mouth.
Well, put it back in. I don't wanna hear you.
You better wanna hear me!
Well, you're a liar, and you're a murderer.
No, I'm not.
That's what Eve wants you to think, Amber.
I'm telling you, I saw her.
I saw her with Matt in the woods, okay?
I saw her kill him.
-I saw her tear his head off.
-No, no, no.
Eve is my friend,
and you don't even know her.
You don't even...
You don't even know any of us.
I need you to listen to me. Qkay? Just...
Just listen to me.
-Are you listening?
Just now, when Bryce was outside with Kim,
who else was with them?
Who else was with them, Amber?
Was it Dash?
No. I don't know where he is.
Was it Eve?
Amber, was it Eve?
Do you know where they went?
Where did they go? Do you know?
What does it matter, anyway?
You're all tied up in there.
You're right. I am. I'm all tied up.
There is nothing that I can do to you,
so the least you can do is just hear me out.
You have to believe me.
You have to trust me.
Give me one good reason
why I should do that.
Because I love your friend Bryce
very, very much.
You do?
And have you told him that?
But I promise you, if we get out of this,
I promise you I will.
I don't care what happens to me right now.
But I care very much
about what happens to Bryce.
We just call him by his last name.
All his friends do.
Yeah, I know, but I think he's got
a pretty nice first name, too.
Amber, if he's with Eve, if Kim's with Eve,
they're both in a lot of danger right now.
Are you still there?
What do you want me to do?
You need to go into Eve's room.
When I saw Eve in the woods with Matt,
her clothes were covered in blood.
She chased me back to the house.
I thought she was right behind me.
She must have climbed through her window
and changed her clothes.
She was the last one
to leave her room, remember?
-I don't know how she did it. I just...
I know her other clothes
have still got to be in there.
I bet if you went into her room right now,
you'd find them.
I'm gonna go, but I'm not letting you out.
That's fine.
Amber, honey!
Babe, I'm in the shed!
Qh, my God.
-Qh, my God.
-You should see the other guy.
-Qh, God. Baby.
Who did this to you?
Baker and Kim. They got taken.
They went crazy, and they got Eve, and...
Qh, God.
Eve's in a lot of trouble, baby.
We've gotta help Eve.
There's cutters. There's something sharp
on that bench right there.
God, that was horrible.
-Why did they tie you up?
Come on, baby! They're gonna be here
any minute, and they're gonna get us, too.
Come on.
No, you're like Matt was.
Am, I'm not like Matt was. Look at me, okay?
Look at me.
I'm the same guy that used to copy off you
in third period physics.
I got you that necklace,
the one you're wearing right now.
I gave it to you inside that tape case.
Remember tapes?
That was so long ago.
Come on, you know it's me. You just...
You just need some convincing, that's it.
Qh, my God. Qh, my God. Lily was right.
Lily! That lying bitch is trying
to tear us apart and you fucking know it!
Huh? Amber, come here!
Amber! Amber! Amber!
This is exactly why he cheated on you
all those years.
You think he stopped
when you guys got married? Wake up!
Last week was some little slut
who came into the bar, in the bathroom.
Fucked her over the shitter.
And you know why?
Because you're so goddamn weak!
That's it. Walk away!
You think it was fun for old Dash,
living with a doormat?
Maybe if you actually acted pissed off
and maybe laid down a few ultimatums
once in a while,
it would have made a difference.
Amber! Are you listening to me?
Come on! You think it's fun
always being on top in the relationship?
It's boring! Men, they want a little misery!
They want to punch through walls,
bring out a little blood!
They wanna get that old reptile
part of the brain electrified once in a while!
They want...
Baby, I didn't mean any of that.
I didn't mean any...
What, are you gonna burn me alive
while you cry about it?
I hope you and Baker
are really happy, honey.
I hope you and Baker
have a real good life together,
right up untiI the point where you get
your fucking heads chewed off!
Yeah, fucking light it! Come on!
Nobody is getting out of here alive!
And you better believe me, baby,
that what is coming is going to hurt
worse than anything.
And I mean anything.
And you know what the best part is, Amber?
The best part is you're finally gonna have
something real to cry about, honey.
And I just can't fucking wait!
Qh, yeah? You don't have it in you.
Lily! Lily!
Lily! Lily!
Let me in! I'm not one of them!
Lily, let me in, baby! I'm not one of them!
I'm not one of them!
Where's Eve?
She attacked us. She's dead.
I don't know. I lost her in the woods.
Did Eve bite you?
Baby, just let me in so I can see you!
You know I can't do that.
I know it.
Good girl.
I love you.
Who knows? Maybe it's not so bad.
How do we know?
Maybe we shouldn't be fighting it.
-Qpen the door and let me in.
-No way.
I could come in a window.
You could try.
Who lit that fire?
-ls she in there with you?
She never came back.
So, I guess it's just you and me.
It's gonna be a long night.
-What is it?
-Eve's back.
Haven't burned him yet?
Not yet.
I thought I smelled gas.
Three cars worth.
What are you gonna do if you find out
you're the only two left?
It's been a long weekend already.
Kim, I fucked Matt.
Eve, we broke up.