Dead West (2016)

Don't you like country music?
No ma'am, I can't say I do.
Well what don't
you like about it?
Just about everything.
Especially the lyrics.
I don't understand what the
hell they're singing about
half the time.
It ain't too hard to understand.
Maybe you're just thinking
about it too hard.
You just have to dance.
Like this.
- Danny: Well...
- Charlene.
Well Charlene, I hate
to break it to you, but...
I don't dance.
You don't like country music,
and you don't dance.
So what the hell are you
doing in a honky tonk joint?
I'm just out looking
for the perfect girl.
It was the only
bar on the strip.
Hmm. Perfect girl, huh?
And have you found her?
Too early in the
night to say just yet.
- Smile like yours,
I might be getting closer.
You're sweet as sugar.
What was your name again?
Charlene: Danny,
I'm Charlene.
- I remember.
I guess I've had a few too many.
Now, you wouldn't take
advantage of me, would you?
No, ma'am.
Not unless you want me to.
I don't know what
she's up to over there.
And if I wanted you to?
Let's say you and I go out back,
get some fresh air,
get to know each
other a bit better.
You sure your fellow won't mind?
Tony? He's my brother.
He don't give a damn what I do.
Fair enough. Let's go.
You taking me out
here to kiss me?
I sure hope so.
Donny, you taste good.
It's Danny.
Danny, Donny,
whatever your name is,
why don't you come
over and kiss me?
Is Donny the name of the
last guy you took out here?
I think it was you who
brought me out here, slick.
My name ain't slick.
It's Danny.
I think that slick...
Suits you better.
You don't even care
what my name is, do you?
Don't even care who I really am.
Baby, right now,
I know all I wanna know.
So do I.
What's that?
Woman: I don't want to be
this girl that I am right now!
Man: Well too fucking bad!
This is the girl
you are right now!
Woman: No no no no no!
Man: Yeah, you're
a little fucking whore
who's gonna suck my cock
and then I'm gonna fuck you!
Woman: No! I'm not gonna suck
your cock anyway
because it's too small!
Man: Oh you fucking...
Man: That ought to teach you
a lesson, you fucking bitch!
Mind your own business, pal!
You are so fucking
lucky I picked you up!
Who else is gonna love you?
I love you like you're my own
because you are my own!
Man: You're fucking
sucker tail.
That's all you are.
What the hell do you want?
It's early.
Some people are trying
to sleep around here.
Get lost, pal,
before I kick your ass!
Get the hell out!
You motherfucker!
- Keep it down.
Stop hitting your girlfriend,
or you won't have any
fingers left to hit her with.
All right, man, take it easy.
We'll keep it down.
Good idea.
Do yourself a favor, darling.
Get a new boyfriend.
Pretty girl like you
deserves better.
- Morning.
- Danny: Morning.
Sleep all right?
No ma'am, not especially.
You got some real
low-life scum in 122.
I heard him throwing
around his girlfriend.
Might wanna call the cops.
That's just what I need.
You ought to give that up.
That stuff will kill you.
Oh come on.
Come on, pumpkin,
we got places to go.
Atta girl.
Can I get you something?
Yes, ma'am, how
about some coffee?
Candy: All right, you
want cream and sugar?
No, ma'am, black.
Anything else?
How about chicken-fried
steak and eggs?
How do you want those eggs?
Sunny side up, just like you.
Sure thing.
Thanks, candy.
You got it.
It's a damn shame what
happened to that girl.
You can't trust
anyone these days.
- You sure can't.
I used to go to that
bar myself, but I stopped.
Too many weirdos.
Where do you go now?
Um... nowhere really.
I just work.
What time you get off of work?
How about I take you out
for a steak dinner afterwards?
That's a lot
of steak in one day.
You sure you can handle it?
- Oh I'm positive.
All right.
Give you my number?
Call me around 8:00
and I'll tell you where
to come pick me up?
- That sounds like a plan.
I'll go get your steak.
- Danny: I'll be here.
- Okay.
- Danny: Here you go.
- Such a gentleman.
Hope you like country music.
I hope that steak's as
good as you said it was.
Oh, it's good.
Dessert's even better though.
Danny: After you.
Thank you, again.
Such a gentleman.
Sorry, I wasn't
expecting company.
- Don't mention it.
We're gonna be putting more
clothes on the floor anyhow.
Billy, that was amazing.
That is the best I've had in...
Ever... actually.
It was good on
this end too, candy.
I'm glad you came into my diner.
That makes two of us.
What brought you
down here anyway?
The highway.
Well I know that, smarty pants.
I mean,
like what brought you here.
I just told you.
I see.
You like to drive?
I do.
Me too.
Sometimes I wish I could just
drive right out of this town.
Well why don't you?
Where'd I go?
Anywhere you want.
I've been here my whole life.
I mean, I'd have to start
all over again.
But sometimes I wish I could.
No one's holding you back.
Do it.
It'd be too hard.
Besides, who am I gonna go with?
People always have excuses.
They never do
what they really wanna do.
They just wait
for someone to come and
solve all their problems,
because they're too afraid
to make any change on their own.
It's pathetic.
I'm not afraid.
You're not?
You sure?
I need a cigarette.
I hate cigarettes.
I was engaged to a girl who
used to smoke that same brand.
Well if you wanna leave,
the door's right there.
It's my apartment.
I'll smoke if I want to.
You look like shit, man.
I know.
I haven't had a good
night's sleep in a month.
Has it been that long?
The police still haven't
caught that fucker.
Not a single goddamn suspect.
There's been more killing since,
mostly blondes, all...
Cut up the exact same way.
It's gotta be him, man.
I know it is.
Look, man, you don't
even know who killed her.
It could've been anyone.
I know, okay.
I looked him right in the eye.
That fucker smiled at me.
It was him.
I just...
Wish I would've...
Done something, you know.
Now she's gone.
They'll catch him
sooner or later.
They got to.
They're not doing a very
good fucking job of it so far!
Look, man.
The news says the
killings are headed east.
I can't just keep
on sitting around
waiting for the
cops to find him.
I'm gonna follow his trail,
try and catch up with
him before the cops do.
Are you listening to
yourself right now?
That's... that's fucking crazy.
How are you even
gonna catch him?
I don't know, man,
but I gotta try.
I'm gonna follow
every lead I can
and track that fucker down.
What are you gonna
do when you find him?
Jesus Christ.
Tony, what the fuck are you
doing bringing that in here?
Look, I know that
Charlene was your sister
and that you loved her,
but... this is crazy.
This is fucking crazy.
Crazy or not, I'm headed east.
And I'm gonna kill him.
Whatever you do,
you gotta leave me out of it.
I don't wanna hear about it,
I don't wanna know about it,
because I don't wanna have
to call the cops on you.
You wouldn't do that.
Just be careful.
I'll see you, Ben.
I'll be goddamned.
They sure are
something, aren't they?
They sure are.
So what's the story with
these things anyway?
They were built as
a western theme gas station
back in the '50s.
Premium Tex,
that's what they called it.
Is that right?
Some people have been known
to call me that same thing.
So are you from Texas?
Yes, ma'am, born and raised.
Isn't that a coincidence.
Yes, they were quite
the tourist attraction for us.
Everybody came to see them.
Elvis Presley dropped
by when he was in town.
Now they just sort of
stand there, don't they?
Almost forgotten.
That is a shame.
Yeah, don't I know it.
You know, I've only sold
two cups of iced tea today.
Say, you wouldn't wanna
buy a cup, would you?
It's only 50 cents a cup,
and you'd be
supporting the church.
Well yes ma'am, I would.
Woman: Oh that's great.
Well then here you go.
And it's homemade.
Mm. That's mighty good.
You know, my grandma used to
make iced tea just like that.
Woman: That's wonderful.
Keep the change.
Oh, why thank you, young man.
Go with god.
Much obliged.
Man: Hey, what are you doing?
Hey, get off the boot.
Get off of there.
Come on, this is not your house.
Get down from there right now.
Get over here.
Get over here!
What are you doing?
What'd I tell you before?
Don't climb on stuff like that!
That is dangerous!
Your mom is not here. I don't
wanna be responsible for that.
What do you say?
You're not my dad.
It doesn't matter.
You gotta respect what I say!
I put a roof over
your head, right?
Food on your table!
Now what do you say?
Say it!
I'm sorry!
Say it like you mean it!
- Sorry?
- -Sorry!
Yeah, that's right,
you're sorry for what?
What the hell?!
You gotta teach your
daughter some respect! Huh?
Teach your daughter
some respect!
You may touch me,
but you will never lay a
hand on my daughter again!
Do you hear me?
I will lay a hand on
whoever I goddamn well please!
You can find your own way home.
Yeah, I will.
I will, I'll find someone
- who fucking respects me!
- Fuck you!
Man: Get the fuck out of here!
Man, fuck!
What the fuck do you want?!
So, you like to hit little kids?
Excuse me?
You heard me.
Yeah well I don't think
it's any of your
fucking business, dude!
My daddy wore a pair of
boots same color as these
when he used to kick my ass.
Matter of fact, he shattered
my jaw once with one.
Ah yeah? Why don't you
get the fuck out of here
before I fracture that
shit again, bitch?!
Honey, I think we need
to go back and get him.
- I just wanna go home!
- No, honey, it's okay.
You know how he can be, right?
Come on, please.
Come on, baby, okay?
Oh god!
Oh god!
- Howdy.
- Hi.
Sure is a hot one
out there, ain't it?
Sure is.
All that driving
made me thirsty.
You been on the road for long?
Sure have.
I'll be needing some gas too.
$15 worth.
All right, that'll
be $16.89 altogether.
Oh I can't break that.
You can't break that?
No, the mister went to the bank
and he only left me with
a little bit of change.
I don't have enough.
Well that's all I have.
Well can't you
buy some more gas?
I don't need more gas.
How about you buy
a couple cases of this juice?
I ain't that thirsty.
Well, I'm sorry, mister,
but I can't break it.
You're telling me you
run a gas station here
and I come in for some gas
and you won't sell it to me?
What kind of business
are you running here?
There ain't nothing wrong
with my business, pal,
unless you think the business
I'm running is a bank,
in which case that makes
you either blind or stupid.
What'd you say to me?
You heard me, buddy.
I speak pretty clearly.
I ain't your buddy,
and you ain't pretty.
I have a low tolerance
for people like you,
people who think
they can walk around
talking to people like that,
like they're smarter
than everyone,
like they know everything.
All I know is I want you
out of my station right now
before my husband comes
in and takes you out.
Do you think that scares me?
You know what I could do to you
before he gets back?
Just leave.
Why don't you give
me one good reason
why I shouldn't gut you
like a fish right here?
Because my baby girl's sleeping
right there behind the counter
and you'd wake her up.
Hi there.
Oh. Well hello, young man.
- How much for a cup of iced tea?
- 50 cents.
- Sounds good.
- Great.
- I'll take one.
- Great, great.
- There you go.
- Tony: Thank you.
Thanks. Oh, thank you.
This the place where a man
was killed a few weeks back?
It was.
You here when it happened?
I was here.
Who are you?
Oh, no one.
Just curious is all.
Did you happen to catch a
glimpse of the guy who did it?
Look, I told everything
I saw to the police.
Tony: I know.
I'm sorry, I'm not the police.
I just have a...
Personal connection to him.
Did you see him?
Well, there was a man that
bought an iced tea from me
before anything happened,
and, well, then he was gone
when we found that poor man...
All cut up.
What'd he look like?
He looked awful.
He'd been stabbed, I don't know,
two dozen times.
No no no no no no,
the man you saw beforehand.
Oh. Oh...
Yeah. Um...
He had brown hair.
It was slicked back.
Um... 30.
He was handsome.
He had on a brown
leather jacket,
and he had a really nice smile.
He bought some iced
tea and then just left.
Did you see his car?
Yes, yes. It was orange.
It sort of looked
like a pumpkin.
Thanks for your time
and for the tea.
Oh, sure.
Sorry I bothered you.
Oh, no bother at all.
Go with god.
I will.
What can I get you?
A large popcorn, extra butter,
and a large coke.
You got it.
Are you in line?
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, okay. Just checking.
You enjoying the movie so far?
Um... it's okay.
Turns out it's not that fun
to watch a scary movie
at the drive-in theater...
By yourself.
You could say that again.
I'm flying solo myself.
Keep the change.
Well... it was nice meeting you.
Man: Lila.
That is a beautiful name.
What's yours?
What do you say we
watch the movie together
after I grab my drink?
Sounds real nice.
Are you...
Sure you wanna watch a movie
with a stranger?
You look harmless enough.
Besides, my car's
just right there.
Fair enough. Let's go.
There's more than one
way to skin a cat, right?
- Right.
- Right.
So, do you come here often?
Probably more than I should.
I... I love movies.
My dad used to take me to
the drive-in when I was a kid.
Took me to see
some real classics.
Probably the nicest thing
that bastard ever did for me.
The movies were
better then anyways.
That's for sure.
I used to go to the
movies with my parents
when I was a little girl too.
That's when I decided I
wanted to be an actress.
- Justin: An actress, huh?
- Yep.
Man in the movie: You bitch!
I dreamed about
going to Hollywood
and being a big famous star.
Well, did you go?
No. I stayed here.
But I took some drama classes
Did a few plays.
I even got an agent, to do
some modeling work for a while.
But... I gave all that up.
Stop it!
It's too hard to make a living
in that business.
It's a constant struggle.
All that competition, I just...
I couldn't handle it.
So you quit.
My parents...
They didn't want
me to keep at it.
They told me it
wasn't a real job, so...
They made me quit.
Made me get a normal job,
a boring job,
said as long as I was
underneath their roof,
I had to obey their rules, so...
Well, you could've left.
I didn't have any money.
What was I gonna do?
Hitchhike and go all the
way down to Hollywood
and get killed by some psycho?
Not me.
When I left home...
I didn't know where
I was going either.
I just knew what
I was looking for.
It hasn't steered me wrong yet.
Have you found what
you're looking for?
Not yet...
Not who I'm looking for anyway.
Do you like who
you're looking at now?
I sure do.
Would you like to kiss me?
I think I would.
My car's down front.
Have a better view of the movie
and a much...
Much bigger backseat.
- All right.
- Justin: Yeah.
Well, lead the way.
Wanna meet me someplace?
The backseat.
Woman in movie: Sure.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa,
slow down, cowboy.
Just going a little too fast.
Am I?
Yeah. Let's just slow
down a little, okay.
This shirt stays on tonight.
I'd like it better
if it was off.
All you men say that.
Wanna move too fast the minute
you get me in your backseat.
Don't say that.
I'm not like all other men,
not the ones you've been with.
Just relax, okay.
Just... just keep doing
what you're doing. Come on.
I have a better idea.
Let's play a game.
A game? What game?
Let's pretend we're in a movie.
What kind of movie?
A scary movie.
I don't really
like scary movies.
But you're an actress.
A good actress
can play any part.
That's her job.
So... what's my part?
You're a girl...
Who likes to go to the drive-in
all by herself,
looking for the perfect man...
That's gonna sweep
her off her feet
and give her a free
ride to Hollywood.
But she chooses the wrong one,
and she gets her
pretty little face
all cut up,
so she'll never be on TV,
except maybe the 5:00 news.
That's who you are.
Radio news:
It's 3:00 here at KRFM,
so it's time for
your afternoon news.
The car of Lila Davis,
the woman whose body was
found Tuesday morning
in a ditch off highway 301,
was found abandoned
at the skyline drive-in
theater in Shelton.
Police suspect she was abducted
there before being murdered.
A clerk at the theater
witnessed Davis
talking with a man
before she was abducted.
The man was described
as a Caucasian male,
30 years old,
with slicked-back brown hair
and a brown leather jacket.
He was seen driving
an orange Chevy Malibu
with a black top.
This most recent killing
may be the latest
in a string of serial murders
that spans several state lines.
The first identified
victim was Carol Ann marsh
of Brownwood, Texas.
To date, all victims
have been blonde females,
all mutilated in the
same brutal fashion.
Dwayne Duncan, the fianc
of Carol Ann marsh,
who was acquitted of her murder,
is currently wanted by
police for questioning.
His whereabouts are
currently unknown.
In other news, our recent
heat wave might be...
Hey, man.
How's it going out there?
He did it again.
Picked up a girl
at a local drive-in
and just dumped her
body in a ditch nearby.
I'm close to him, man.
I can feel it.
you should just come on home.
Don't get close to him.
It isn't worth it.
- I don't want you to get hurt.
- I don't either,
but I ain't coming back home,
not yet.
What are you gonna do,
just drive around
until you find him?
Tony: That's all I can do,
but I know what his
car looks like now.
I'm gonna check all the local
bars, restaurants, clubs,
any place he might
try to pick up a girl.
Tony, please, man, just...
Don't do anything stupid.
Come home,
or tell me where you're
at and I'll come find you.
So long, Ben.
Thanks for the call.
Hey boss, how about some more
of that sauce over here?
You like that, huh?
That is the best
goddamn sauce I ever had.
Spicy too.
Yeah, we don't screw around
around here.
I'll get you some more.
Thank you kindly.
What can I get you?
I'll take a beer.
Be three bucks.
I'd cheers you, partner,
but I'm... drinking a coke.
That'd be bad luck.
Bad luck.
But good on you anyway.
haven't I seen you
somewhere before?
Not likely.
Sure I have.
You see...
I never forget a face.
Dwayne: Is that right?
Well, neither do I.
Dale's tavern, wasn't it,
about a month back?
Yeah, it could've been?
I think that's right.
You... took my sister,
Charlene, out back.
What kind of game are
you trying to play here?
Oh, I ain't playing no game.
Now, if you're
trying to scare me,
you're gonna have to
do better than that.
You killed my sister.
Did I?
Then why don't you kill me?
Oh, I will,
but not here.
Why? Don't have the cojones?
Don't wanna make a
mess all over this bar.
Let's you and me go
for a little ride, huh?
You seem like a guy who
likes to have a good time.
Shut the fuck up.
Pay your tab
and walk nice and slow outside
or I will make a mess
all over this bar.
Is everything all
right over here?
My friend and I are
gonna go for a drive,
so I'd like to settle up my tab.
That'll be $6.
Well, pay the man.
You need change with that?
Let's go, buddy.
You drive.
Sure thing.
Saddle up, partner.
And don't do anything stupid
or I'll blow your
head clean off.
Sure you will.
So, where to, hoss?
Just get back on the highway
and don't do a goddamn
thing otherwise
until I tell you to.
Whatever you say.
Onward and upward.
You had better not
be fucking with me.
The engine on old pumpkin here
ain't what she used to be.
You just gotta give her
a minute to warm up,
run your hands across her,
and then she'll do exactly
what you want her to do,
just like most women.
You got one more shot at
getting that car started
or I'm gonna start taking shots.
You understand?
See, just like I said.
Works every time.
You know, I never did carry
one of those things.
Why is that?
Too passive.
For sissies who don't want
to put any effort
into what they're doing.
Too clean.
You just prefer cutting pretty
girls open with a knife.
Taking their insides out.
You know a lot, don't you?
Tony: I know
how I found my sister.
She wasn't the first, was she?
Won't be the last either.
Tony: See that's
where you're wrong.
You're not gonna hurt
anyone ever again.
You sound real sure of yourself.
Shut up and keep driving
until I tell you otherwise.
You know, you still haven't told
me where I'm going yet.
You'll find out soon enough.
The suspense is killing me.
Turn the engine off.
So what now?
I bet you killed a lot
of girls in this car.
In this car?
Matter of fact...
I killed one sitting
right where you are now.
Goddamn did she scream.
The leather seats make it
real easy to clean up though.
I'm always real careful
to clean up afterwards
alright, you sick motherfucker,
out of the car!
All right.
All right.
I'm gonna end this,
end you.
Is that right?
Before I do,
I just gotta ask you one thing.
You wanna know why.
All right.
I'll tell you why.
Because some people don't
deserve to go on living.
You should've stopped talking
about what you wanted to do
and done it.
What's going on out here?
Sorry, I didn't
mean to wake you up.
Dwayne: You didn't.
I just heard you crying
and wanted to see what all
the commotion was about.
It's a long story.
Short version is I'm
locked out of my room
and have no idea how
I'm gonna pay for it.
Give me the long version.
I got time.
You sure about that?
Sure I'm sure.
The asshole I was staying with
split town and left me here.
He hit me and took
all the money,
my money.
How much?
Why'd he take it?
Because he's
a mean son of a bitch,
thinks he's hot shit,
thinks he owns me.
Without me
he wouldn't have a dime.
What kind of work do you do?
You'll judge me.
I won't judge you.
I'm a dancer.
What kind of dancer?
The kind who takes
their clothes off.
Dwayne: I see.
Does that bother you?
I ain't easily bothered.
We were in town so I
could dance at this club.
He's been, like my manager
for the last year,
and he just ups and leaves,
everything I've been
working for.
Me, I've been working that
whole time, saving up.
For what?
A dream.
Well what dream?
I've been planning on
opening a beauty salon.
Wouldn't know it by
looking at me I know,
but it's been a dream of mine
since I was a little girl.
It's good to have dreams,
to work for them.
Yeah. Well...
It's all gone now,
along with that money.
Dwayne: Don't talk like that.
There's always a way,
if you work for it.
How can I say that
when I can't even pay
for my own damn room?
I haven't got
a goddamn cent on me.
I'll tell you what.
You stay with me tonight.
You can even have the bed,
and I'll sleep on the floor.
And in the morning we'll...
Figure out your situation.
No, I couldn't put
you out like that.
It ain't putting anyone out.
I'd be glad to help.
Plus the floor ain't
much less comfortable
than the bed anyhow.
And I'll be a gentleman,
scout's honor.
You sure?
I ain't gonna offer again.
Yeah. Okay.
Dwayne: Don't mention it.
Come on.
It ain't exactly the Ritz,
but the bed's clean and I
don't have cooties or nothing.
Good to know.
Make yourself at home.
That can't be comfortable.
I'm just as fine
here as I am anywhere,
believe me.
So, what about you?
What about me?
What were you doing
in this shitty motel?
It's where I feel comfortable.
You traveling?
Dwayne: You could say that.
I'm always traveling, drifting.
Never really felt at
home in any one place.
Me either.
So I figure I'll
just keep on drifting
until I find something
that makes me wanna stop,
know what I mean?
Yeah, I think I do.
Maybe that's what I should do.
What you should do is
open up that beauty salon.
That's what you should do.
Yeah, someday.
Yeah, you'll do it.
You just gotta keep motoring on.
You know what your destiny is.
You just gotta keep moving
forward and you'll get there.
Nothing's gonna stop you,
no one.
No one's ever stopped me.
What's your destiny?
I don't think I can
tell you that just yet.
Why not?
I don't have the answer.
Not yet.
I'm getting closer.
Will you tell me
when you do know?
Sure I will.
I'm still trying to figure out
what mine is.
You look like a
girl I once knew.
Roxy: Oh yeah, who's that?
Carol Ann.
A girl I almost married.
She had hair just like yours.
This thing?
I just wear it for work.
Most men have
a thing for blondes.
So... what happened?
Roxy: What happened?
- To what?
- The girl you were gonna marry.
She broke my heart.
It's all right.
She got what she deserved.
And so did I.
I don't think I
caught your name.
Roxy. What's yours?
Dwayne. I like that.
Sounds like a rock
and roll singer.
You don't wanna hear
me sing, that's for sure.
Bust every window
out of this joint.
All right, I'll
take your word for it.
Well you must be tired.
I'll let you rest.
Thanks again for helping me out.
It's no trouble.
You just get some sleep
and we'll talk in the morning.
Night, Dwayne.
Goodnight, Roxy.
How'd you sleep?
Like the dead.
I don't sleep much.
I was thinking.
Roxy: About what?
That guy.
Took all that money from you.
What's his name?
Sug what?
Sug white.
Sug white?
That's what he goes by.
I don't know what
his real name is.
You got any idea where Sug
might've ran off to?
- Pretty good one.
He has this big house in
the suburbs where he stays
with some of his people.
Where is it?
It's a couple hours from here.
That's why we were staying
here while I was... working.
And you're really sure
he's there?
I don't know, but I bet he is.
He knows I can't go back there.
Kick my ass if I ever
showed up there again.
You're not gonna show up there.
What do you mean?
I am.
When someone takes what's yours,
you have a right to get it back.
But how would you do it?
Let me worry about that.
You just tell me
how to get there.
I won't let them hurt you.
They won't even
know you're there.
I don't know.
You still wanna open up
that beauty salon, don't you?
That's what I thought.
Now let's go get some food
and we'll hit the road.
I'll have a few words
with... Sug.
All right.
So where you from?
Brownwood, Texas.
- Never been there.
- Don't bother. Nothing to see.
How long did you live there?
Long enough.
And then after the
woman I loved... left,
I decided to hit the road.
What about your family?
No family.
My folks are dead.
What happened?
They both died when I was a kid.
My daddy used to get drunk
at the same country
western bar every night,
get in fights, get kicked out.
Then he'd come home
and beat up on my mama and me.
And it went on
that way for years.
Then one night...
Someone cut his brakes
while he was in the bar.
It just so happened
when mama got dropped off
to check up on him,
make sure he was all right,
and drive his truck home,
it was raining,
hard to see,
and there was this bridge
between our house and the bar.
The truck went right
off the bridge.
They both drowned.
Oh my god.
Did they ever catch
the guy who did it?
I'm sorry.
Nothing to be sorry for.
What's done is done.
I went to live with
my gram after that.
She was a good woman.
After she passed away she...
Left me everything she had,
including this car
she never drove.
And instead of buying
some chunk of land,
I decided to see the world,
maybe find a woman
that was worth loving.
And how's that been?
Why's that?
People let you down
time and again.
There's a lot of
ugliness in the world.
Too much.
Matter of fact,
you're the first pretty thing
I've seen in a long time.
I'm not pretty.
Sure you are.
Pretty's not just
on the outside, you know.
But you've got both.
Well, thanks.
Just speaking the truth.
Would you ever think about
trying to get married again?
I always thought
there was only one way
I would ever get married.
What's that?
By Elvis in a drive-thru chapel.
That's romantic.
Still haven't found
the right woman though,
not yet.
Maybe one day.
Well, enough talking.
We got some driving to do.
Engine trouble?
To say the least.
She looks real nice
for an old car though.
She's pretty on the outside,
The inside's a different story,
like a lot of folks I've met.
She served me well though.
Might be high time
to trade her in for a new one,
maybe a tricked-out hot rod.
I could help you pick one out.
I love old cars,
especially hot rods.
We may just get along, Roxy.
Well, let's go get
what's coming to you.
Which one is it?
It's the green one
up there on the left.
You see his car?
It's right across the street.
All right.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna get your money back.
You stay here, keep
the door locked.
When you see me coming down
the street, back to the car,
get her started up and
open my door for me, okay?
Yeah, okay.
I don't like guns,
but people tend to listen better
when you're pointing
one at them.
You're not gonna
hurt him, are you?
Some people need to be hurt.
Man, what you want?
I'm here to see Sug.
About what?
I got some money to give him.
Oh shit, brother,
why didn't you say so?
Come on in.
This party's blazing like
them saddles, you heard?
Yo, Sug, this white
boy's here to see you.
He say he got some
money for you.
Come on in, son, join the party.
We getting higher than Georgia
pie up in this motherfucker,
you know what I'm saying?
Nice suit, Sug.
Oh yeah, you like my style?
Well, I'm Sug white,
so I always wear a little
white on the outside,
but underneath it's all black.
That's the color of my people.
I'm the blackest
motherfucker in here.
Any of these motherfuckers
will tell you.
Ain't that right, Kronkite?
Yeah, Sug, you
blacker than a motherfucker
with your black ass.
Well, come have a seat, son.
Thanks, but I really can't stay.
I just came to take
care of some business.
You wanna talk about business?
We can talk about business
after you come and
get high with me
and these fine ass
bitches over here.
So come have a seat
and hit this motherfucking pipe.
Like I said, I don't have time.
Can we step into the other room
and get this taken care of?
so goddamn serious today!
Why can't y'all just chill
and relax with a motherfucker?
Y'all need to loosen up.
Chill out! Get high.
Fuck some tightly wound
motherfuckers, you know that?
Them bitches be tightly
wound these days, lo-lo.
For sure, Sug.
These bitches be tighter
than a motherfucker,
especially these punk
ass bitches right here.
You know we keep it
tight for you, Sug.
We better believe that,
because all my bitches be tight,
because if it ain't tight,
it don't belong to Sug white,
you heard?
I'll throw that loose ass
pussy back out on the street!
You hear me talking, bitch?
Yeah, Sug, I hear you.
That's good, baby.
That's real good.
Now y'all chill here
while I go in the other room
with mister tightly wound
tight ass motherfucker
talking about some
business, all right?
Shit, Sug, I got these
bitches on lock down.
Go ahead do your thing, pimp.
Word. Word.
That's some strong ass
shit we've been smoking!
I am dizzy as a motherfucker!
Man, Sug, you know
my shit is dope, man.
You know I keep it real, baby.
Goddamn, I guess you do.
I guess you do.
All right, son,
let's chop it up.
Please, god,
All right, motherfucker.
Now we in the other room.
My dude says you got
some guac for me,
so let's see that shit.
And it better be from Mario.
Yeah, it's from Mario.
About goddamn time.
That Cholo's owed me
for two fucking weeks.
Except your dude was wrong.
I'm here to collect some guac.
Now I know I'm high as
shit right now,
but it looks like you
pointing a Glock at me.
You thought right,
because you took something
from a friend of mine.
What fucking friend?
Sug: Roxy?
That fucking bitch?
She's done, man.
She don't work for me no more.
She's out!
And I don't owe her shit!
She owes me
for all I done for her.
Is that right?
Yeah, motherfucker,
that's right.
That's not what I heard.
I heard you took
some money from her
that she worked hard for,
real hard.
Nah, nah, nah, you see,
when a bitch works for me,
she works for me.
She don't keep that shit.
Sug white keeps that shit!
Not today, Sug.
So why don't you hand over
what you owe her,
along with any other
cash lying around,
and we'll call it even.
Then I'll be on my way.
I like you, son.
You crazy as a motherfucker,
just like me.
So I'll tell you what.
I'm gonna give you
that loot back.
It ain't shit to me.
And then you and me,
we're gonna go back
in the other room,
we're gonna get high together
like a couple of crazy ass
motherfuckers, you dig?
Motherfucker try to rob me!
You don't rob Sug white!
The fuck?
Where the fuck is my piece at?
Man, I don't know, brother.
I left my shit in the 'lac yo.
Me too.
I'm getting the
fuck out of here!
Sit your ass down, bitch!
Hold on, hold on, killer.
It's all good, we
all family here,
just chill buddy.
I ought to blow
every one of your goddamn
heads off right now,
but I'm gonna give
you a chance to live.
Ah man, just
anything, name it, baby,
we got your back.
You're gonna show me
where Sug keeps his money,
and you're gonna give it to me,
all of it,
or I'm gonna shoot
you in the kidney
and let you bleed out,
just like Sug.
You understand me?
Man, we ain't telling you shit.
You killed Sug.
Under the mattress
in the bedroom.
Damn, bitch!
Good. Now let's all go and get
it together, nice and slow,
and if anyone decides
to do something stupid
or follow me out of here,
just remember,
I have a car full of
big, bad motherfuckers
armed to the teeth
and ready to shoot,
you dig?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Did you get it?
I got it.
What about Sug?
You don't have to
worry about Sug anymore.
I feel like going
to a nice ritzy hotel tonight.
How about you?
Sounds nice.
Well, I think
this'll do the trick.
No one's ever done anything
that nice for me before.
I wasn't being nice.
I was doing what had to be done.
You're fucking
amazing, you know that?
I ain't amazing.
I just do what I think is right.
Think that was right?
It's hard to say.
Not just yet.
I guess we'll just
have to keep on trying.
I guess we will.
I haven't felt this
good lying next to someone
in a long time,
maybe ever.
It's been a long
time for me too.
You're something special.
You really think so?
I do.
I can't remember the last
time I had a better night.
I mean it.
What are you crying for?
I have to tell you something.
Then go ahead, tell me.
I lied to you.
I'm not a dancer.
Then what are you?
A call girl.
A whore.
I figured
that might be the case.
Especially after I met Sug.
My parents kicked me
out after high school.
Got into drugs,
real bad grades.
I wanted to go
to cosmetology school,
but they wouldn't help me.
They said I had
to pay my own way,
and Sug...
Sug was the only one
who would take me in.
He got me into it.
He said he would save up for me.
I did it for the money,
and I couldn't get out.
It was all for my dream,
so I could quit and start over.
I'm sorry I lied to you.
I don't ever wanna lie to you.
But I understand if you're
mad and you want me to leave.
I ain't mad.
- You're not?
- No.
You did what you had to do
to get where you
wanna go in life.
It's admirable.
It takes guts.
Thank you.
I haven't been totally
honest with you either.
About what?
That story...
About my folks getting killed,
it's only part true.
What do you mean?
My daddy used
to beat on us so bad
that I couldn't go to school,
because the other kids would
make fun of my black eye.
My mama was the sweetest
woman in the whole world,
but she was weak.
She never could
put an end to it.
So I knew what I had to do.
I went out that night
and saw my daddy's
truck at the bar,
and they showed us where the
brake lines were in auto shop.
I didn't know my
mama was in there.
I thought she was asleep.
I didn't know she'd
be driving that truck.
I've never told anyone that.
You were abused.
You were just a kid.
You didn't know any better.
I'd have probably
done the same thing.
You tried to stop it.
You didn't know
she was in there.
It was an accident.
I kept seeing her after that.
Everywhere I looked,
there she was,
staring at me,
asking me why I done it.
It didn't stop until
I met Carol Ann.
I loved her.
I thought she loved me.
Then she started
going out, drinking,
coming home, calling me
some other guy's name,
treating me like I was nothing.
I found out...
She'd been unfaithful,
so I ended it.
After she was gone,
I kept seeing her too.
Every woman.
Until I met you.
You won't see her again.
I'll make sure you don't.
Would you ever think
about marrying me one day
if everything worked out?
I don't know.
What if I loved you,
and what if you loved me?
The last time I
almost got married,
things ended bad.
Real bad.
I don't wanna make
that same mistake twice.
- I understand. I'm sorry.
- Don't be sorry.
Just give me a while
to think, okay?
You ready for this?
As ready as I'll ever be.
Well let's go.
Do you, Roxanne McLean,
take this man, Dwayne Duncan,
to be your lawfully
wedded husband
and hunk,
a hunk of burning love,
to have and to hold,
in sickness and in health,
for better or for worse,
'til death do you part?
I do.
Elvis: Rocking, baby doll!
And do you, Dwayne Duncan,
do you take this
woman, Roxanne McLean,
to be your lawfully wedded wife,
to have and to hold
in sickness and in health,
for better or for worse,
'til death do you part?
What's it gonna be, partner?
Excuse us.
Goddamn kids.
Hey. What is it?
What's wrong?
It's no good.
- What do you mean?
- I mean it's no good.
It'll never work.
How can you say that?
I love you.
I've been looking
for you my whole life.
You're beautiful.
And I thought I was cut out
for all this, but I'm not!
I'm not like you.
I will hurt you,
just like I hurt Carol Ann
after she hurt me.
You won't hurt me.
I've been hurt
plenty in the past,
but you make me feel
like no one ever has.
You saved me.
I don't wanna live without you.
I know you're scared.
Just trust me.
Trust yourself.
We'll be okay, I promise.
What's it gonna be, kids?
I got 14 more ceremonies
to do today.
Now reach in my
pocket and grab the key.
Not that one.
The other one.
Got it.
Now open the door
before my arms fall off.
It's official now!
I think this is it.
My destiny.
And yours.
I think you're right.
And now I'm gonna get
out of this dress,
and you and me are gonna
consummate our marriage.
I'll be right back.
Roxy: Close that door.
I don't want the whole
hotel to hear us.
Baby, I'm almost ready.
You ready to fulfill my destiny?
Yes, I am.
Roxy: I love you, you know?
Dwayne: I know.
There ain't nowhere
to go from here.
Roxy: What do you mean?
You don't have to.
Dwayne: Yes, I do.
That's what I am.
There ain't no changing that.