Deadly Impact (2009)

There's gotta be a million people
in the middle of that store.
Tommy. Tommy, if you ever wanna call me
friend again, you'll help me right now.
Okay, you've been in charge of the tree
for the last 10 years,
and somehow or another
you've always managed to pull it off.
I have faith in you, brother.
Anybody heard from Kelly?
Uh, she had to run out real quick
and pick up some last-minute stuff.
Yes, she did, didn't she?
She's getting me
that stainless steel barbecue, isn't she?
- I don't know.
- You know what she's...
And so do you. Don't...
That's fine. That's all right.
I like surprises. That's all right.
Is that what you got for Aunt Kelly?
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
- Why, you don't like it?
- It's nice.
Come on now.
Your daddy helped me pick it out.
Two men shouldn't
go shopping for jewelry.
What do you... You know what?
She's gonna love it 'cause it's from Tommy.
And second of all,
it's the thought that counts, anyway.
Okay, yeah. Well, I don't want her to love it
because Tommy got it for her.
- You're the one...
- Just relax, okay?
- Don't listen to her. Just wrap the gift.
Hey, Dad.
- What?
Sometimes it's the gift that matters.
Oh, really? So, then your gift for me
better be really good.
It is. I maxed out your card.
- Did you hear that?
- I... Yeah, I did.
Between an ex-wife
and a teenage daughter,
you wonder why I'm broke all the time?
Well, I'm starting to figure it out,
I tell you that much.
When are you guys gonna have kids?
Well, you know what?
It might be sooner than you think.
I mean, Kelly's sister
and that husband of theirs...
I mean, they're replicating
like rabbits, you know?
And that's put Kelly in the mood.
It really has.
And you know me, I mean,
I've always wanted kids, so...
You never know. We'll see.
I told you I could count on you,
now didn't I?
- It's Christmas Eve.
- I know, baby. I'm sorry.
If we're gonna be more than 45 minutes,
- tell Kelly I'll give her a call.
- I love you, too. Bye.
Our informant
has set a meeting with The Lion.
We have a time and a place.
Get the team prepped
and ready to move out ASAP.
- What's up?
- Tonight could be a career moment for us.
- We have a location on The Lion.
- Reliable?
Well, the tip comes from a guy
who claims he's his father.
He thinks his son is The Lion
and he can't keep it secret anymore.
This is it, gentlemen.
After three years of hard work,
we've got the break we've been waiting for.
We've received a credible tip
concerning the whereabouts of The Lion.
Now watch your step in there.
This guy's a bomb specialist
wanted for assassinations
all over the world.
Tom, you've been living and breathing
this guy for three years.
It's your show. You're first in.
Let's do it.
All right, guys. Listen up. You heard Duvall.
This guy's a loose cannon.
Stay alert. Cover your partner's ass.
We'll all be opening up presents
by tomorrow morning with the families.
- Got it?
First strike in position.
Come on, let's go, let's go.
Move, move, move, move!
Excellent. Excellent.
Bedroom clear.
Going to right.
OFFICER 3 ON RADIO... Hallway clear!
Left front living room.
- Living room and kitchen secure.
- RYAN ON RADIO... Ten through the air.
- Tommy, get down to the basement now.
- Coming now.
RYAN... He's on his way now.
Hey, Tommy. This is bad, man.
- Kelly?
No, no, no, no. Stop, stop.
Looks like a perimeter, man.
Looks like 20 pounds of C-4.
- THE LION... Detective Armstrong.
- Who is this?
Do not speak
until you are asked a specific question,
at which point
you will simply say "yes" or "no. "
- I need a trace confirmed immediately.
- Copy.
Do not scream into the phone.
Do not call me "motherfucker,"
and tell me that you'll hunt me down
and kill me.
Honestly, that will do no good.
- Are we clear so far?
- Yes.
Good. Now, Tom, this is important.
If anyone tries to leave the basement
or cross that black line,
everyone in the house will die.
Do you understand?
Nobody move! All portals are triggered.
I repeat, all portals are triggered.
Unsub's claiming the place is locked.
Look closely at your wife's bosom.
- You'll see a red heart.
- Yes.
The trigger shutoff control
is taped to her chest
directly behind the heart.
Oh, Tom, one more thing.
That cop on the right,
what's he carrying? An MP5?
Take it from him now, would you please?
MP, now.
Yes. Okay. Got it.
You have a decision to make.
Shut off the controls by shooting your wife,
or do nothing and you, she,
and your men will all die.
Listen to me. Why are you doing this?
You wrecked
my entire Southwest Network.
Now I came here to do my job,
which was Panama.
I'm gonna leave with something else.
Either your life or your sanity.
- Doesn't matter to me which you choose.
- You listen to me.
- We can work something out. You hear me?
- You can't afford me, Tom.
I have to lower my standards
just to make you a target.
I'll find you.
You know that.
I suggest you apprise your men
of their situation.
You have three minutes and 25 seconds.
Jesus, Tommy, please. Here, talk to me.
This is the first time
I've seen you look scared, man.
C-4 shutoff switch
is a glass tube taped to Kelly's chest.
What the fuck does that mean?
In order to deactivate the explosives,
I have to shoot the switch.
And what if you don't?
Then we all die.
- I wanna negotiate.
- There's no negotiating.
Tom, I told you, it's in motion.
I pushed the button.
My explosives don't have an off switch.
You kill all of your men,
make their wives widows,
leave all their children fatherless,
or shut off the switch.
You have two and a half minutes.
Fuck this guy, all right?
I say we smash the cameras,
grab Kelly, and run like hell.
He can light this place up
a lot faster than we can run.
Now you make it clear to your men,
running is not an option.
Saving your wife is not an option.
You listen to me, you motherfucker.
I swear to fucking God that...
What did I tell you about calling me that?
There's two minutes left, Tom.
You listen to me.
I'm begging you now, all right?
You don't do this.
You don't take this out on my wife,
you understand me?
I am not taking it out on her.
In fact, Kelly and I had
a very nice conversation.
And I made sure that when you shut
the switch off, she won't feel a thing.
You're the one that has to
live with what happens tonight.
No, no.
You have one of my men
put a gun to my head,
they pull the trigger, you have me.
You understand me?
Oh, Tom.
If I wanted it to be that easy,
I'd have done it already.
We have confirmation from OED.
Three encrypted triggers, man.
There's enough C-4 down here
to blow the whole block.
What's the call, Tom?
- Tommy. You gotta make a call, man.
- I don't know, man.
I don't know.
- THE LION... Tom.
- Yeah?
You're running out of time.
Your choice, one life or 10?
You look at me.
Now please, I'll do anything you want,
but you don't kill her.
I'm not going to kill her. You are.
You've been investigating this case
and me long enough to know
that I mean what I say
and I do what I mean.
Please. She's all I got.
If it makes it easier for Kelly,
why don't you shut off the lights.
The cameras have night vision.
So it doesn't make a difference to me.
Come on, Tommy. What's the call, man?
There's gotta be another way, Ryan.
Come on, help me out here, man.
We're approaching one minute.
Honey, look at me.
Honey, can you look at me?
I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?
What I'm gonna do is
I'm gonna turn the lights out.
I'm gonna scoop you up in the dark
and I'm gonna carry you
right out of here, okay?
But I need you to do me a favor.
Whenever I turn the lights out,
I want you to be very still.
Okay? Can you do that?
It's almost over, baby.
I love you.
Tom Armstrong? Wait.
Are you Tom Armstrong?
I am. Why?
Haven't spoken English in a while.
That's fine. Kind of miss it, actually.
- What you need?
- Can we talk for a few minutes?
- How about I buy you another drink?
- No, thanks. How about tomorrow?
No, that's not good enough.
It wasn't easy to find you,
and I deserve a few minutes for the effort.
Can we just have a seat?
So you're with the FBI?
- How'd you know?
- Christ, lady.
If it was the CIA,
they would've waited till I left the building,
thrown a black bag over my head,
and handed me off to Washington.
You're in a bar, for Christ's sake.
Ain't touched a drink.
Speak with a Southwest accent.
Even I can hear some Quantico
in there somewhere.
Carrying a standard issue 40 caliber Glock.
Nobody else in here would pick up on it,
but any decent cop can spot an agent.
Especially an agent trying
not to look like an agent.
You never told me your name.
- Isabel Ordonez, FBI.
- Tom Armstrong. Retiree.
- Pretty perceptive for a retiree.
- Yeah, well, what's your point?
I was hoping that you could
just listen to this tape...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Lady, I never told you anything
about helping you.
All I need is a few seconds
for you to listen to it.
You know what? It's taken me a while here,
but I finally found a way
to make this place work.
I got it, and it'll take all of two minutes.
- It won't. It won't take two minutes.
- I'm not going to leave. This is important.
Listen, Agent Ordonez,
or whatever your name is...
The Lion is back in Albuquerque.
- How close are you to getting him?
- We're close.
We think we've intercepted
a cell phone call he made to an associate,
and we need for you to give us a voice ID.
You are the only person we know
that's ever spoken to him.
THE LION... The best opportunity we have
is the Carom Club,
- Saturday, 8... 00 sharp.
- MAN... Okay.
THE LION... Make sure we have the truck,
car, storage rental, and explosives.
Now I need to get to Panama,
and I need to get out.
I know it's short...
- It's him.
You're sure?
Yeah. Yeah.
A voice ID is flimsy,
but the judge just needs a reason
to issue a warrant.
Tom, if you're interested, we'd like
to have you come back to Albuquerque,
take a look at our files on The Lion.
No one's ever gotten
as close to him as you.
- Your role would be strictly as a consultant.
- I don't think so.
Never really been much of a consultant.
Thank you for your help.
I'm sure it wasn't easy.
THE LION... Saving your wife is not an option.
THE LION... y ou're the one that has to
live with what happens tonight.
- How are we doing on video capture?
- Nothing yet.
And it's become a real big problem.
We gotta move these people
off the dance floor.
- This is out.
- All right.
Let's see what you got.
- Yeah.
Look how pretty she is.
Thank you.
- You, my friend, are late.
- My name wasn't on the VIP list.
I had to wait in line
with the rest of the Feds.
You're being paranoid.
There's no Feds here.
They intercepted last week's call.
The question is,
are you an informant or just stupid?
Watch your mouth.
I'm not gonna dignify that with an answer.
Dignify it with a "no. "
Aw! Everyone came with a date,
except me.
That kind of party.
All right, you're ready to go.
Ryan, move it back.
Oh, my God, that's Tommy.
You're really starting to piss me off,
you know that?
- Oh, I wouldn't wanna do that.
- I don't see any cops.
We're in a club filled with women.
Look for the boys
who aren't checking them out.
All right.
So what do you wanna do?
We finish our business,
then I'll create a diversion.
We'll get out of here.
You shouldn't be here, Tom.
Check out the table by the window.
Your 5 o'clock.
The man seated has a bodyguard.
Give me video capture,
table against the window.
RYAN ON RADIO... you got it.
Do not interfere with this arrest.
It would ruin us in court.
Get the strike team in place.
- Go on green.
- Copy that.
Where's the key?
Self storage unit.
It's reserved under an untraceable name.
I've also got the vehicles you requested.
One average sedan, one average truck.
- And my associate?
- Yeah, he and his team are out tomorrow.
- He has a C.I. Lined up to meet you.
- Is the K.C.I. In the car?
Codes, right? Bank account?
Joke, huh? Supposed to be fucking funny?
Not for you.
Get all these people secured!
Get to that sidewalk! Do not move!
Get those people secured.
Get them secured now!
Agent Ordonez, what's going on inside?
There's been an explosion inside the club.
Hold at the entrance
and send a team across the street.
Copy that. Secure that building,
inside, second floor.
Suspect's fled the building,
heading to the back alley.
Tactical, we're on second floor.
No sign of shooter.
Be advised, we've got a weapon,
no shooter.
Get me a medical team in here, now.
- Go to the...
- Got it.
What the fuck are you doing here?
I gave you a chance.
Why did you come back?
Now you've made it personal.
Now I'm gonna kill you, you bastard.
Freeze! Stay where you are!
Don't move! Don't touch that door!
Step away from the van!
- He's...
Don't speak.
Look at me the entire time.
I said, shut the fuck up.
Suspect's leaving on a motorcycle.
Eastbound towards University Boulevard.
I have another suspect in custody.
Request assistance. Put the gun down.
Keep your hands in the air.
Now, get on your knees!
Put your hands behind your head.
I'm Special Agent in Charge William Hopter.
I spoke with Isabel Ordonez and Ryan Alba,
so I understand why you're here.
The FBI is under a lot of pressure,
so I need to be frank with you.
The Lion has us scrambling.
Tonight was our best chance in years
to catch him, and we missed.
Listen, I welcome any help
that you can provide to this investigation,
but I need to be clear with you.
This is not an opportunity
for you to be a vigilante.
I'm here as a cop. Nothing more.
Ryan Alba would like to see you.
He's with us, came over a few years ago.
Just tell him I'm not really feeling
up to it tonight, would you, please?
Sure. It's late.
Why don't you come in tomorrow
and give Agent Ordonez
a detailed report about the alley?
- Yeah. Will do.
- Okay.
Hey, brother.
I thought we closed Panama.
The case is closed when it's finished.
That's what I taught you.
That's for start-up expenses.
This is gonna generate
a good deal of attention,
so do a Casper once it's over.
- What's the matter?
- I'm concerned about Tom Armstrong.
Why are you bringing him back
into the picture?
Oh, Tom found his way back
to Albuquerque uninvited.
Stop playing games with him.
Kill Armstrong.
- The way he dies has to be fitting.
- I'm not here for that, David.
You wanna fuck with Armstrong for sport,
I have to refuse the job.
You're not in a position to refuse.
Never forget who you're dealing with.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Step through, please. Arms up.
Here to see Agent Ordonez.
Armstrong, right? Here you go.
Thank you, sir.
Come on in.
Welcome to my home away from home.
Looks like he's been traveling the world,
enjoying himself, doesn't it?
Looks that way.
I remember that case,
but I don't think that was The Lion.
We were actually able to
rule out his presence in India, so...
We ruled it back in.
It's been a while since you've been updated.
Why don't we have a seat, get started?
Okay, so in the initial report you said
you saw the bodyguard enter the alley
and you followed him,
then you found him dead
with his throat slit.
Was there anything else?
I approached the van, I was fired on,
there was a skirmish,
and he fled out of the back of a van
on a motorcycle.
- And did you fire on him?
- I missed.
- Whoa.
- Sorry, Mr. Hollis.
- Careful.
- Yes, sir.
- What's your name?
- Carl, sir.
How long have you been here?
Oh, I've been here two weeks
because Mel's on vacation.
Yeah, all right.
Well, somebody could get hurt here.
Watch what you're doing.
Yes, sir. I'm sorry.
It's just soap and water.
- Just get it cleaned up.
- Yes, sir.
Jesus, Carl, what is that smell?
Oh, God damn it.
Panama mean anything to you?
Just that he mentioned it
in a taped phone message.
We looked into it,
but it didn't connect with anything. Why?
He mentioned it to me eight years ago.
He said it was the reason he targeted me.
I think it might have something to do
with his trip here eight years ago.
- I think he's leading you on.
- What do you mean?
Well, I think the entire Carom Club event
might've been intentional.
You're not investigating him.
He's leading you into some kind of a maze.
You'll only find out
what he wants you to find out.
You'll only be as close
as he wants you to get.
Your cleaning solvent ruined
my floor and made my guests sick.
Now, Carl, you were supposed to go home.
You don't work here anymore.
- Now, go home and don't come back.
- Sir, let me make it up to you.
- My brother, Oliver...
- Carl...
He's got his own company.
He's a good tile man. I broke it, I own it.
- Please, Mr. Hollis...
- Carl...
- He'll do it for free, please.
- All right, Carl.
You got one last shot.
Your brother can do it, fine.
Thank you, sir. He's my half-brother.
- My mom says he's the better half.
- Whatever.
Carl, go home and get some help.
I don't wanna hear it anymore.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Senator Cordero has asked
to sit in with us tonight.
I believe most of you know him
from his time at DEA.
Yeah, thank you.
We need to be as proactive
as we possibly can
with a threat of this magnitude,
so I'm here to listen to what you need.
We got a letter from The Lion today.
"To the FBI.
"I have the city of Albuquerque
in my crosshairs.
"You can no longer protect the citizens
you are paid to protect.
"I demand $100 million
to be wired to an account,
"and you have until Saturday
to make the arrangements.
"The account number information
will be provided at the appropriate time. "
We only have a few days to figure this out.
How does The Lion plan
to take control of the city,
and how are we gonna stop him
before he can do it?
There's gotta be something more than that.
Why do you say that?
'Cause with him,
it's never just about money.
Okay. Well, let's be honest.
I mean, The Lion's wanted
all over the world.
What's he doing back in Albuquerque?
That's where we should start.
I agree with three of the assassinations,
but two of the others
just don't fully match up with his MO.
Here. I made an outline for you
if you wanna pass those around.
Uh, the FARC assassination,
I think you're correct on.
Belize, El Salvador.
In all three of those examples,
there was two goals achieved.
Belize, El Salvador,
was removal of a high-ranking official
that allowed for a corrupt replacement.
Also brought down
a fairly significant roadblock
for smugglers coming into
and out of the region.
FARC assassination, as you know, that,
that shut down resistance,
allowed the drug lords
to continue to dominate the area.
But the other two,
Mexico and Peru,
in my opinion, that just doesn't match up.
In both of those examples
the subject was hit,
and there was very little
as far as ramification
to the regional political situation,
nor did it significantly impact
the drug trade.
His biggest targets
have always been heavily influenced
by Central and South America. I...
I think Ryan's spot-on.
I think The Lion's in Albuquerque
for a very specific reason.
Lmpressive work, Tom.
I want you and Ordonez
to team up on this one.
Are there any questions? No?
Okay, that's it for now.
Listen, Tommy. Tommy! Tommy.
Hey, man.
- Oh, it's good to see you again, man.
- Yeah, it's good to see you, too.
So, listen, come by for dinner
sometime this week?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that.
- Really? Great. Um, how about Thursday?
- Sounds good.
- Great. Great.
- How's Amy?
- She's great.
She finished grad school at UNM,
you know.
Got a good job at a hotel.
Her boyfriend's
not a total loser, so...
- Congratulations, man.
- Thank you.
Tom? Can I see you
in my office for a minute?
Yeah, sure. Excuse me.
Good seeing you again.
Hey, what's up?
Happy birthday.
You didn't have to do that.
- How'd you know?
- I'm in the FBI.
Make a wish.
You know, it's been a while
since I've celebrated a birthday.
That's a part of my life I really miss.
Thank you.
I have something else for you, Tom.
We had your APD files transferred
when we re-opened the case,
and this was in one of the boxes.
It was at your wife's feet eight years ago.
We thought it was more C-4.
I thought you might wanna have it.
- How long is this gonna take?
- Well, I don't know.
You want it fast or you want it good?
- I'm doing it for free, so you pick.
- Just get it done.
- Hello.
- Isabel, it's me. Wake up.
I just thought of something.
I think you may be looking
at the office tenants the wrong way.
Everyone checked out. It's a dead end, Tom.
He's good at stealing identities.
The names may check out,
but I want you to look at the faces.
What employee there would go unnoticed?
Okay. I'll meet you at the office
and we'll start looking
at all the employee files.
Did you bring that in?
- Uh, no. It's...
It's from Carl.
He's still a little embarrassed.
We're sorry about him.
We only get him on holidays.
- Nice job.
- Thank you.
- Hey, there. Good news?
- Could be.
Sterling Cleaning Service
rotates a night crew,
and the guy that was supposed
to clean the Carom Club
on Saturday night didn't show.
Hops is checking with APD for a name.
- You look really tired.
- I know. I'm fine.
Say, you normally have this many
heavy hitters in the same building?
No. ATF and LEU move in today
as part of The Lion Task Force.
- Sure. I know.
- DEA's coming in as well.
We'll have the entire force
operating under the same roof.
Well, I'm gonna go see Hops
and check out the new C-techs.
- You coming?
- Yeah.
- Hey, Hops.
APD just called.
They got an address for the janitor
for the office building.
The guy's name's Carl Mosler.
I want you and Tom to go check it out.
- I'll get on this.
- Great. Thanks.
- New C-techs?
- Yeah.
The Lion wants us
to wire the money to him
so our C-tech department is designing
a web page to handle the transfer.
As soon as he logs in,
we'll nail his location.
And what if he refuses the web address?
We'll give him
a choice of 20 different banks.
They all run through this address,
just with different faces.
- Senator.
- Will.
Would you excuse us, please?
Could you run a demo for us?
I'm concerned about tomorrow.
Where are you with the investigation?
We're being realistic about it.
We don't have much information right now.
- What's your position?
- $100 million?
You know we can't even get close
to that amount.
Even if we could, you know we can't pay it.
The United States government
does not give in to terrorist threats.
So, how do we get around that?
We're looking at every available option, sir.
We found a link between a missing
cleaning crew member named Carl Mosler
and the Carom Club bombing.
Agents Ordonez and Armstrong
are on their way over there right now.
Oh, God. What's that smell?
Call in Forensics.
This is Agent Ordonez.
Get me Forensics.
I need a full Forensics team
at location ASAP.
He set this up
just like eight years ago.
He's making this personal.
THE LION... Tom,
you throw one hell of a punch.
What do you want?
Well, I don't have a family,
and sadly I'm not in love.
So, money?
Yeah, money fills that void.
You know the FBI can't come up
with that kind of money.
Not in the time frame you gave them.
You're setting them up to fail.
I never leave a job unfinished.
Panama is unfinished.
Why aren't you wondering
how long before I blow up the house?
Unless... Wait. Oh, how did we do it before?
You shoot the FBI lady, she dies, you live.
Well, it might be unfair
to make you kill a woman.
But then again, you have experience.
So, come on. Let's do it, Tom.
- Shoot her.
- Get out of the house. Get out of the house!
I'll spare you the routine.
Let's just count down from 10.
No, that's not gonna happen. Go, go, go!
Come on. She's practically a stranger
compared to your wife.
- Go! Move! Go!
- Ten, nine, eight,
- seven, six, five...
- Go!
...four, three, two. Boom!
I punked you, Tom.
Ah, you're so gullible.
That was fun.
Son of a bitch is always one step ahead.
There you go.
Hello, Amy.
Now we're gonna be spending
some time together today.
- Who is this?
- Don't interrupt me.
And before you say another word,
I want you to walk to the corner of the bar.
There's flowers in that vase.
I want you to remove the flowers
as gently as possible.
Oh, and Amy, I can see you right now.
Don't panic.
The worst thing you can do is panic.
I have placed bombs
throughout the entire hotel.
Don't cry.
If you do as I ask, I won't hurt you.
But you must keep your composure, Amy.
You understand?
Listen to me. Your customers
will start to worry if you cry.
Now, delicately remove the flowers, please.
Now, that black object
at the bottom of the vase
is a detonator.
The bomb will not explode
unless I choose to detonate.
Then why did I have to be careful
with the flowers?
Because they're pretty.
The entire floor is covered in explosives.
I've just activated the locks on the door.
If you don't believe me, you can go
and check them yourself.
Would you do me a favor
and announce to everyone in the hotel
that we're in a hostage lockdown?
Tell them there's a bomb in the building,
and if they try to leave, I'll detonate.
Excuse me, everybody.
The hotel is currently under a bomb threat.
- Nobody's allowed to leave.
- What's going on?
There's a man on the phone.
He said that there's a bomb in the hotel.
- All right...
- I don't know what to do.
Just stay calm. Don't let anybody leave.
I'll call the police.
The doors are locked. You can't get out.
It's locked!
- They're not listening to me.
Don't worry, Amy, they can't get out.
Eventually, they'll get tired.
I will contact the police soon.
But first, I want you to contact
the television lady, Julie Mulligan.
- The lady on Channel 15?
- That's right.
I like the idea of a pretty woman
giving bad news.
Tell Julie the hotel is under a bomb threat,
and that I personally requested her
to cover it.
Uh, yeah, FBI Field Office,
Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thank you.
Hey. We just received an anonymous tip
about a possible car bomb
at the Nativo Hotel.
I was looking over the client list
for Sterling Cleaning Services.
Nativo Hotel is on that list.
Guess who's assigned to
the cleaning team?
- Who?
- Carl Mosler.
Shit. I just sent an officer over there.
Let's go.
Now, Amy, I'm going to need you
to go to the front door.
There's a black Beemer
on the east side of the hotel. Do you see it?
Yes, I see it.
Now, it won't be long
before the FBI arrives.
When they do, let me know.
I got a really bad feeling
about this.
The police just got here.
That fucking rookie!
What the hell is he doing?
Get away from the car!
Get in there. Put him out!
Put him out!
Put him out! Beat him out!
Did the car explode?
I think it killed a police officer.
Hello? Anybody home?
Amy, I'm gonna call you back.
Buy everyone a drink on me.
It should calm their nerves.
Anybody home?
- Are you Skittles?
- Yeah.
Very nice to meet you.
In the tub.
Get on your knees.
What's going on?
Please don't kill me. Please.
Say cheese.
Hi. Is this your informant?
See you soon.
Are you afraid of me?
Then nothing will happen to you.
Everything you need is on that cot.
Hi, Amy, I'm back.
Julie Mulligan is here.
You've done everything I've asked.
So as soon as you give the phone
to Miss Mulligan,
you get out of there as fast as you can.
And if anyone tries to escape,
I'll blow up the building.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
You still have much to contribute
to the world, so let's finish this.
The information
we have at the moment is sketchy,
but it appears that a man has somehow
seized control of the Nativo Hotel.
He only wants
to speak to you.
I've just been given a cell phone
from a person who works inside the hotel.
It seems that the man in question
is expected to call me.
- Hello.
- Hello, Miss Mulligan.
Please listen to me carefully.
Listen. We can't allow this to be broadcast.
The FBI does not allow a criminal
to broadcast public grievances
as part of negotiations.
We aren't negotiating,
I'm telling you what to do.
Now, you're familiar with my file.
I have rigged the hotel
with enough explosive
to destroy the city block.
You do as I instruct,
or I will detonate this bomb
and I will make sure
that the families of the victims know
their loved ones died in vain
because Special Agent in Charge
William Hopter
could not follow simple instructions.
Now, please put Miss Mulligan
back on the line
and don't try to trace this call.
Thank you.
I think the terrorist is about to tell me
what's gonna happen to the hostages.
Terrorist? No, no, Miss Mulligan, please,
do not lump me into that crowd.
I'm a thief.
I'm sorry. The man in question
claims he's not a terrorist. He's a thief.
Julie, do me a favor,
hit the speaker button.
I'd like to get this on TV.
I promise not to say bad words.
Come on, Julie. Put him on.
Tom! So, tell me,
what is it like sitting there
knowing that all of those innocent people
are about to die?
You better answer my questions,
or I'm gonna put that hotel into orbit.
Have the FBI complied with my demands?
Sir? Detective?
- I heard him.
Yeah. Yeah, the money's ready to be wired.
We have a web page set up
for you to verify.
You know that that web page is a dummy.
And the moment that I log on,
the Feds will trace my location.
Do these guys have any intention
of wiring the money?
I can't speak for the FBI.
Yeah, but you know the answer,
so answer the question.
The FBI cannot negotiate the terms
that you are demanding.
We are, however,
open to an alternate discussion.
THE LION... Tom,
I don't do alternate discussions.
The FBI needs to understand
how fucking serious I am.
They leave me no choice but to detonate.
I'm sorry, sir, I have to turn off the speaker.
I'll continue to translate for you,
but, at this time, I don't think
it's in the best interests...
Shut up. What are you, stupid?
You do as I ask.
This is the biggest break in your career.
Now, I'll contact the FBI in 48 hours
and give them a chance to wire the money.
Seems that this is the first lesson.
It won't be the last.
And because of this inconvenience,
I want $200 million.
He wants $200 million. Today is a lesson.
If the money's not available in 48 hours,
there will be another lesson.
Say the words,
"The FBI caused this building to explode. "
The FBI caused the hotel to explode.
Honey, I'm gonna get you
out of here, okay?
THE LION... I'm not going to kill her. You are.
Hey. You've been sleeping
for 19 straight hours.
I was worried.
- How's Amy?
- She's good. We have her in a safe house.
He's fine. He's got a few cuts and bruises,
but he'll be all right.
Anyone else make it out of the hotel?
I don't think I can do this anymore.
I hesitate.
I don't trust my instincts.
I'm no use like this.
That's not true.
I'm not working with you out of pity.
Everybody at the hotel...
My wife...
It's 'cause of what I do.
You know, she worked two jobs
when I was at the Academy,
to make ends meet.
I don't know, she was the one
that made all the sacrifices.
Doesn't really matter.
There was nothing I could do.
It happened, and there's nothing you can do
to change it,
but you did save 10 lives that night.
Don't forget that.
And now you have the opportunity
to make things as right as they can be.
I'm not doing this without you, Tom.
You were there at the beginning,
and you should be there at the end.
You come up with anything?
Well, if he did use fertilizer,
it had to be underneath the floor.
Flower pots aren't big enough
to make the hotel explode like that.
Which makes sense,
since he used a PETN grout mix.
PETNs would've made the kick.
So he used specialized grout
when he laid the floor tile?
I asked for all the hardware receipts
from around town.
See if I can pick up any odd pairings
in purchases of tile and grout.
It's gonna take me a few days
to get all the receipts back,
but I do have one receipt
from Rack's Hardware Store
that is interesting.
What they did is they isolated it down
to the amount of tile and grout
it would take to cover the floor.
Then they divided that into two categories,
those paid by credit card,
those paid by cash.
How many paid with cash?
For that amount of tile and grout
in the last month, 14.
These are shots
from the hardware store's security cam.
This man seen here buying tile,
grout, and patio cleaner is the target.
Parking lot cam footage shows him
leaving in a black Ford F-150.
These are shots of the Nativo Lodge
taken from across the street.
We believe it's the same man.
His walking manner and gait
have been determined to be the same.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Go back to the hardware store
parking lot, the exterior.
There, stop. Yeah.
A police officer issuing a citation.
See if you can get the dash cam.
May be able to
pick up a plate on that truck.
That's great. Get on that, will you?
That's it, people.
Skittles, you didn't pass your polygraph.
I don't know how.
I'm telling you the truth. I...
Something's gotta be wrong
with your machine.
It says you're a confidential informant
for APD
and that The Lion offered you a job,
but you turned it down.
This statement didn't pass poly.
I told you guys everything I know.
I... I met this dude,
a real psycho case by the way,
and he offered me a job.
I went right to APD,
and I ain't even got my C.I. Money yet.
What kind of job, Skittles?
He wanted me to help
with the assassination of Senator Cordero.
Ryan, call the senator's office.
Let him know
we suspect he might be the target
of an assassination attempt.
- Hello.
- Hey, Juan.
- I bet you know who this is.
- What do you want?
I want you to do
what you politicians do best.
Let's cut a back door deal.
CORDERO... you know
I can't give you $200 million.
Well, I know that.
Who needs that kind of money?
- So, give me 20.
- That's an insane amount of money.
It's your family's fortune,
and 20 million is a drop in the bucket.
And in exchange, I leave Albuquerque alone
and you get to save your political future.
Now, I've placed 80 bombs
around Albuquerque.
You pay me, you save the city.
The FBI released a report
that they are interested
in speaking with a man
who drives a black Ford F-150...
- Hey.
... and a blue Ford Escort.
Let the long trail of false leads begin.
What do you have there?
It's Sam Skittles'
polygraph results.
Some inconsistencies there.
Just about to go over them.
I know there's a clue in there
if I can find one.
I brought a snack, if you wanna join me.
It's from one of my favorite bakeries
in the world.
Oh, God, I can't.
Come on. I ain't gonna tell anybody.
Building's practically empty, anyways.
It's just us obsessives in here at this hour.
- I've been on a diet since my divorce.
- I didn't even know you were married.
Yeah, in a former life.
Before I gave it all up for this.
I've always liked your wall of death, there.
It's nice.
Well, you know,
it's important in design to have a theme.
So, why'd you get divorced?
I mean, if you don't mind talking about it.
No, not at all. I was just too young.
It was hard for me
to be a good agent and a good wife.
I guess I just couldn't figure out
a way to balance the two, you know?
And then one day,
I realized that I was a divorced workaholic.
- And I'm okay with that.
- You sure you're okay with that?
I am. I mean, I hate to sound like a clich,
but the work we do here
makes the country a safer place.
And it's a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.
- I told you.
- Wow!
You know, it made me see
that you can give your life to your country
without actually dying for it.
You know, I guess some day,
I would like to have a husband
and some kids.
But, I don't know,
I guess you can't have everything, right?
- What?
- No, nothing, I'm just, um...
Just thinking about
what you said, you know?
It's always the people
who sacrifice the most
that actually deserve the most.
It's sad but true, you know?
What is it?
Are you hungry?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, me, too.
Why don't we go get something to eat?
We have to assume he's listening
to everything we say inside that building.
So this is how he's been a step ahead of us
from the beginning,
- and how he knows everything we do.
- Yeah, looks that way.
All right, well, the video
from the cop's dashboard cam
gave us a shot of the plate,
but can only make out 725.
This is for the press release.
Okay, so we're gonna do a sweep
of the entire building
for weapons or bombs.
We just have to make sure
The Lion doesn't get wind
of what we're up to.
Hey, baby, how you doing?
THE LION ON CELL PHONE... Hey, Agent Alba.
Who the fuck is this?
I've got somebody who wants to say hi.
Hold on.
You fucking touch her, I swear to you...
No, no.
She's in my protective custody now.
I just need you to help close Panama.
RYAN... What the fuck is Panama?
See, you made her all upset.
Hey, Ryan, what's up?
Nothing, man. I'm just...
I'm just tired, you know?
It's just tomorrow
is The Lion's deadline, you know?
- We're gonna get him, you know.
- Yeah.
Be nice to scoop him up tonight,
but we're gonna get him.
He was in the FBI building, so he had to
go through a background check.
We know what his name is now.
We know who he is.
Just a matter of time
before we know where he is.
I hope so.
The Lion's name is David Kaplow.
How do we know?
Finally got through the records
of the night cleaning crew.
Turns out that he worked in this office
about six months ago as a janitor.
Had to use his real name
to get through the background check.
Downtown's running the books
for any additional numbers,
contacts, addresses.
As soon as we get the approval
from home base, run a release.
Name and face, guys. We're gaining on him.
- Yeah.
You know, it must kill you to know
you've been this close to me
and yet you still have
nothing to show for it.
I'm closer to you than you think.
You know, I don't like
your tone of voice right now, Tom.
- You can't catch me.
- Oh, I will find you.
Oh, fella, you must've sucked down
too many tequilas down there in Mexico.
I made you kill your wife
and blew up that hotel right in front of you.
I even pissed in your fishbowl.
I'm gonna hurt you, Tom.
I know about your new girlfriend.
I guess you're out of mourning.
I'm gonna make it long and painful
for your little chiquita.
I mean, how much more
do I have to take from you?
You're not taking anything from me again.
Fuck you, Tom.
You want to escalate things? Fine.
Tom, here's the number.
You can't catch me. I'm invisible.
I know your name, Kaplow.
I got a photograph of your face.
When that picture
hits the airways in 20 minutes,
the whole world's gonna know who you are.
Your life is over.
The gap is closing, motherfucker.
A lawyer representing David Kaplow
just called the office.
Kaplow has agreed
to turn himself in at 2:00 p. m.,
and he's agreed to give us the location
of half the bombs he claims
he's placed throughout the city.
He'll do this if the DA agrees
not to seek the death penalty.
The DA has agreed.
Well, that sounds like a setup.
I know. I don't understand it, either.
We have 143 active leads
regarding Kaplow's truck and sedan.
I want all agents back here
by 1:00 p. m., though,
'cause I wouldn't be surprised
if Kaplow decides to walk in here
with C-4 strapped to his chest.
Get strike teams positioned
at every corner surrounding the building.
I want no vehicles within 100 yards.
Tell them we'll brief the press
as soon as Kaplow is safely inside.
Let's go.
Is that Skittles' polygraph?
These results
are just so inconsistent.
Listen to these questions.
"Did you meet with The Lion?"
Answer, "Yes. " That was true.
"Did The Lion offer you a job?"
"Yes. " That was true.
"Did you refuse the job?"
"Yes. " That is false.
"Is The Lion planning
to assassinate Senator Cordero?"
"Yes. " That's true.
"Are you informing on The Lion?"
Answer, "Yes. "
That's false.
The only way
to logically piece this together
is to imagine that he paid Skittles
to come here and tell us
that he was gonna kill the senator.
But there'd be no advantage in that.
I don't get it. Makes no sense.
We know his name now, though.
So, we track his whereabouts,
compare that
to the whereabouts
we have in The Lion file,
his airline information.
We know he was in Columbia and Panama
four months ago.
Wait and see what the CIA has.
And Panama keeps popping up. It's Hops.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
No. Uh-uh. It's not a problem.
I'm going that way anyway.
Uh-huh. All right.
A self storage garage manager called,
said he saw the press release.
A guy who fits the description
is renting a storage unit from him.
I have to go check it out. Call me
if anything interesting happens, okay?
Will do. Be careful.
Will do.
THE LION ON CELL PHONE... Okay, Senator,
I've got the first half of the money.
We're in business.
Where's the list?
I am e-mailing you 40 addresses.
Now, after you verify
that they're legitimate,
wire the other $10 million
and I'll give you the last 40 addresses.
Hi. How are you?
- Hi. Can I help you?
Isabel Ordonez, FBI.
Oh! Great.
Wow. Thanks for coming so quickly.
I'm Clyde.
It's nice to meet you.
I swear, as soon as I saw the picture on TV,
I knew it was the guy. It's this way.
It kind of freaked me out, you know?
Yeah, I know.
He's been in and out
a lot lately. Strange.
He's a strange fella.
And he drives the same kind of truck
I saw on the news.
So, I figured I'd call and let you folks know.
Anyway, I hope I did the right thing,
you know?
You did,
and we appreciate your assistance.
Sometimes, I think he even sleeps here,
at night.
It's number 26, here.
Would you hold that for a minute?
Tom, get me LEU, Forensics, and backup.
- Hmm, what's this?
- Hey!
- Put that down!
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Don't touch anything!
- Won't touch it.
Tom, this is his storage unit.
No doubt about it.
I'm window shopping
at Bomb Depot as we speak.
What do you guys have?
Well, I just got off the phone with the CIA.
We were able to trace
Kaplow's location in South America
by comparing his information
with the information
we compiled on The Lion.
Every time that he took a job
to assassinate somebody,
he named that job after the city
or the country where he was hired.
So, "Panama"
means he was hired in Panama.
Well, the CIA seems to think
that he was hired
by a Panamanian drug lord named Zambada
to assassinate somebody
inside the United States.
I brought up Cordero's name,
and they started looking at
his time spent with the DEA.
He definitely had the biggest impact
on the Panama cartel.
I think Cordero was the Panama job.
So, he's here for unfinished business.
Tom, let me call you back.
Local, this is Agent Ordonez.
Connect me to Galactic Cable management.
So, do you think you got him?
I mean, he's an artist.
The beards and mustaches.
I mean, he probably had
all kinds of different identities.
I got the front.
Check in when you cover the side and rear.
West side covered.
SNIPER ON RADIO... South side covered.
All three exits covered.
Agent Alba.
The addresses checked out.
They're recovering the bombs now.
- However, you're still in danger.
- Why?
Eight years ago, Kaplow was hired
to kill you, when you were with the DEA.
Now he's back to finish the job.
Karen, wire the second half
of the money, please.
- Yes, sir.
And send in my security detail.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Agent.
- Yes, sir.
Tom, we swept the building.
The guys didn't find anything.
You're not gonna detect C-4 with a scan.
You gotta find that stuff visually.
I know he has us here for a reason.
We did floor-to-ceiling searches.
The desks were the only breach.
He always does one thing to hide another.
We checked the desks
as soon as we found the bugs.
Kaplow hired Skittles
to pretend to be an informant.
He's trying to draw out this investigation,
is what he's trying to do.
What the hell are you getting at?
Say, you normally have this many
heavy hitters in the same building?
No. A TF and LEU move in today
as part of The Lion Task Force.
We'll have the entire force
operating under the same roof.
Oh, my God!
He's trying to get rid of all his enemies
in one shot, right here in this building.
If every desk is packed with this much C-4,
it's enough to level this building twice.
Let's get out of here.
Kaplow, your lawyer just arrived.
Hold it!
Hold it! Hold it!
We have everyone where we want them.
No one leaves alive.
Copy that.
Move quickly but carefully.
Grab your files if you can.
We only have 10 minutes to clear.
Hello. What?
Kaplow's lawyer showed, but not Kaplow.
- Oh, he's fucking with us.
- No shit.
Inside! Inside!
All right, let's get him down the hall.
Let's try the other door.
Come on, Hops.
Hang in there. Hang in there.
Get a car to this east door, right now!
Shit. That son of a bitch!
They must have all exits covered.
All right, we got eight minutes.
What are we gonna do?
All right, get his vest off. Now.
Somebody, lose a T-shirt if you have to,
to keep pressure on this wound.
Hit the break room, grab me a bag of sugar.
I'll hit Forensics, grab a bag of saltpeter.
Meet back here.
We're gonna build some cover
to get out of here.
If you move... Understand, if you move,
I'll blow your brains out.
We're gonna go in the house, inside.
Get up. You had a little too much to drink,
or I'll break your arm.
Get up.
We're gonna walk inside.
Help me. Let's go.
Twenty-one confirmed
bombings, 18 murders...
So, what's the status, Agent Alba?
The senator's secure.
What about over there?
Amy's fine.
When I get word you completed your task,
as promised, I will let her go.
Get over here with the sugar.
- This is a bomb?
- Fifty-fifty, equal parts.
- Wrap it up. Just follow me.
- We only have five minutes.
What are you doing?
This is the fuse. Right here.
Somebody's got to... Give me a bag.
Gonna be a smoke screen.
It's gonna give us plenty of cover.
When these things go off,
don't waste any time looking around.
We only have a few minutes.
- Ryan, listen, I'm...
- Are we close to getting him?
No. The whole place is wired with bombs.
Hops has been shot.
- I'm sorry, Tommy, I don't have a choice.
- What are you talking about, Ryan?
I made a deal with him.
She's my little girl, man.
Ryan, you get it fucking together.
I know how you felt that night
in the basement.
He's got me in the same place.
I can't let him take my little girl, Tommy.
I'm sorry.
All right, let's go. Who's got the light?
Are you all right, Agent Alba? Agent?
Yeah, it's, uh...
It's a family issue.
He doing all right?
Stay with us, Hops.
All right, guys, two more of these.
Let's get ready to go.
Get ready to move him.
Get ready to move him, on my count.
Hops, you hear?
They're coming out the front.
All right, guys, one more, one more,
one more. Get him ready to go.
Get him ready to move.
All right guys, are we ready?
Let's go! Go! Go! Go!
Straight to the truck! To the truck!
Get in the back! Let's go!
Son of a bitch!
Armstrong got away. He's on the move.
- Yeah, Isabel, where...
- Hi, Tom. I'm with that nice FBI lady.
We're throwing a party.
You know the place. Bring ice.
Son of a bitch.
Number here.
I need help! Senator's down!
Senator's down!
Send me an ambulance!
I just got word Cordero and Alba are dead.
Panama's closed.
- Is it confirmed?
- Y es.
What do you want me to do
with Alba's daughter?
Let her go.
That's right, Tom. You know where to go.
Old habits die hard.
You know what to do.
You could save yourself
like you did eight years ago.
Or you could come down
and try to save your girlfriend.
Come on.
I can't shoot you if I can't see you.
Five minutes, Tom.
If we wait longer than that,
you'll need a broom and a shovel
to peel this kid up.
I've already called for backup.
You want a way out of here,
we don't have much time
to come to an agreement.
Well, four and a half minutes, to be exact.
You know what? The hell with it.
Come down.
You got five seconds or I kill her.
That's it. That's good.
I'm not gonna hurt you, Tom.
Come out. Nice and easy.
Would you throw that down now?
Nice and easy.
Okay. That's good.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Now kick that over, please, Tom.
I lied.
Now that's got to hurt.
I'll cut her.
I don't want to fight anymore.
Boy, you throw a hell of a punch.
Now, do me a favor.
Put your cuffs on.
Put your cuffs on, or I'll cut her throat.
Put them on. Attaboy.
Nice and tight, Tommy. That's it.
Good. The other one, please?
Let me see. Open hands.
Very good. Good.
Don't cry. You're gonna be okay.
It's over soon. I gotta run.
You know you're gonna get shot
as soon as you walk out that door.
Give me the vest.
Thanks, Tommy.
- Get on the ground, now!
- I'm on the job!
- On the ground!
- Yes, sir.
No, don't shoot. I'm on the job.
I got an officer down. I'm FBI.
There's a woman in critical.
We need to call for backup, 911.
- What?
- TOM ON CELL PHONE... Hello, David.
Tom, I am incredibly impressed.
How did you beat the clock?
- This ends now.
- And how do you plan on doing that?
I live. You die.
How's the vest fit?
When did you rig the car?
I didn't.
I rigged the vest.
I was gonna take him out with me.
I'm glad the plan changed.
So am I.
This is Detective Tom Armstrong, APD.
Officer down.
Officer needs assistance.
Suspect is 10-7.
Suspect is down.
English - US - SDH