Dear Frankie (2004)

Dear Da, did you know something?
We're moving again.
Ma says it's time.
She says it's definitely the last time.
But she says that every single time.
Nana says,
if there is a next time,
she'll have to be carried out in a box.
And Ma says, don't tempt her.
# Everyone Will Have Their Day
# And if tomorrow only brings
our just deserts
# We'll still get through
# I know we'll be all right
# Cue the marching drums
# We'll stumble through tonight
# Until the morning comes
# And everyone will have their day
# Though many trying days might break
# Take time before you make a change
# Your time is gonna come your way...
And did you know
something else, Da?
This time... This time,
we're living right on the edge of the sea.
Right on the edge of the world.
Lizzie, I still cannae get it.
Gonnae miss my programme.
You'll need to do something.
You'll need to get the man in.
Away to the chip shop
and get us a couple of fish suppers.
You want to encourage that boy to speak more.
There's nothing wrong with his voice.
He's got a lovely wee voice.
You should encourage it more.
Between that and that other thing...
- Is that it?
- Yeah.
One, two, three, four...
Oh Marie!
Come on, give us a break!
Oh, keep your hair on! It's a joke.
Right, you two, beat it.
And don't annoy me for the rest of the week,
Right, who's next?
Your wish is my command.
Just on the one?
Aye, no bother.
OK, is that it?
How old are you?
Yeah, well, come back in six and a half years.
Just you go back down there
and tell Madam Muck
that you want a packet of Embassy Regal.
And if she gives you any more of her lip,
tell her I'll come down
and batter more than her fish.
Are you that desperate?
And that was that. Know what I mean?
Excuse me. 20 Embassy Regal.
Er... there's a queue.
My boy's already queued.
And before you ask, I am 16, so...
Yeah, and the rest.
OK, hold your horses. I'll do you next.
Come on there's a queue!
- Oh, God almighty!
She only wants a packet of fags!
What was the problem, anyway?
Could you not understand him?
I understood him perfectly.
He's a smart wee cookie.
For a deaf kid?
For his age.
Dear Da, thanks for the stamps.
The Great White Shark's the best.
Maybe the best you've ever sent.
Ma says she'll buy me a new album
when this one's full.
You left while I was sleeping,
Taken from my loving arm,
And now I'm left to grieve here,
broken like a doll.
Jesus Christ, that doesn't even rhyme.
They're supposed to rhyme.
Just you make sure mine rhymes.
Oh, don't bother. I'll write it myself.
It's wishful thinking, you know.
You won't find his name in there.
Well, he's got to die sometime.
Did you know something, Da?
Did you know a Great White
can jump right out of the water
and knock over a boat?
Not your boat, though. Your boat's ginormous.
And guess what else, Da? Guess what?
From my window, I can see the sea.
You have to wear it.
Did you do the toilet?
It's a big day tomorrow.
You'll need to get to sleep now.
- Miss?
- Yes?
What does it feel like to be deaf?
Brilliant. You wouldnae be able to hear your ma
shouting at you to do stuff all the time.
Miss, is it like when your ears are all blocked,
and everything feels like it's miles away?
Well, that's certainly one way to think about it.
But just remember,
you don't have to shout at him all the time.
Do you hear me, Ricky?
Sorry, Miss, did you say something?
I don't want him treated any different.
Well, let's give it a couple of weeks.
If he's struggling, we'll let you know.
He won't struggle.
There's nothing wrong with his brain.
Is there, Frankie?
A word to the wise.
Watch what you say in front of him.
He's a champion lip-reader.
Dr Knickerbocker,
Knickerbocker, number nine
# Clap your hands and keep in time
# Now let's get the rhythm of the hands
# Now we've got the rhythm of the hands
# Now let's get the rhythm of the feet
# Now we've got the rhythm of the feet
# Now let's get the rhythm of the eyes
# Now we've got the rhythm...
Hey, Bean, stick your finger in there and wag it.
Go on, stick it in.
Is that how your girlfriend feels?
We do geography at school, Da.
It's my favourite subject.
I know every single country in the whole world.
Miss Mackenzie gave me
two gold stars for my homework.
Well done!
I've made a friend.
His name's Ricky Monroe.
And he's rubbish at geography.
- Morrison 2642.
- Take a seat.
I wondered when you'd show up.
I've kept you something.
Isn't she a beauty?
Dear Frankie,
here's another stamp for your collection.
This one's a real beauty. The Queen Mary.
They don't build them like that any more.
When I was your age,
I lived so close to the sea I could taste it.
The sharp, salty taste on the inside of my mouth.
And I can taste it now.
That same sharp saltiness.
Up here on the deck.
So we're sailing down towards the Cape now.
The sky here is the most beautiful
shade of blue I've ever seen.
It's like the stone in your Ma's engagement ring.
Ask her to show you it,
then you'll know exactly what I mean.
Oh, you got it, then?
I always get it when I go, you know that.
I didnae know you were still going to go.
Now that we're here.
I thought you might have stopped all that.
I've no plans to stop any of it.
Yes, can I help you?
Hello! I'm talking to you.
Could you come back here, please?
Excuse me, I'm talking to you!
Excuse me.
Cheeky wee devil, you.
Look, son, I did not come up the Clyde
in a paper boat.
I am well aware that a wee boy your age
should be at school doing sums
at this time of the day.
There's no flies on me, so come on.
Let's have a look at the note
from your teacher, shall we?
Oh, I didn't realise.
I'm... so... sorry.
I didn't know you were...
Oh, never you mind, son.
You... You pick a book.
Pick any book.
And if we don't have it here,
then I will move mountains to get it for you.
Any cards up there for a locksmith?
I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on.
Got them.
Is this Frankie Morrison's house?
You're weird.
What's that supposed to mean?
It's the name of his dad's boat.
And it's the capital of Ghana.
Don't tell me, you must be Ricky Monroe?
- Ricky...
- What?
Get your feet off the bed.
Thanks, but no thanks.
The advert won't go in the paper till Friday.
I'm grateful for the offer,
but we might not be here that long.
That's what I said when I first came.
It's only a part-time job.
I'm not asking you to sign your life away.
OK, just think about it.
She doesn't need to think about it.
She'll take it.
Just tell her what time you want her to start.
OK, then.
We crossed the equator a week ago, Frankie.
Be docking in the Cape soon.
And it's really hot on board now.
It's so hot on deck,
you burn your hands on the rail.
Well, I'd better go now, Frankie.
It's my turn on watch.
Now, mind and stick in at school
and be a good boy for your mammy.
Love from your daddy.
Hey, Frankie boy, bet you're dead excited
about seeing your da?
Why don't you just lay down and die?
Ignore him, Frankie.
Bet you didn't even know his boat was coming!
Of course he knew, stupid.
And you don't need to shout.
He can see what you're saying... unfortunately.
I bet you all my trump cards
your da doesn't come.
If he comes, I'll give you the lot.
If he doesnae come,
you have to give me every single one of
your stamps and your knife, to keep for ever.
No, Frankie, don't. Don't do it.
Dear Da, sorry I haven't written for a few days.
Things have been very busy here.
I suppose you've been busy too,
now that you've had to change course
and sail back north.
Ricky Monroe told me.
Trust him to put his big feet right in it.
I've told him hundreds and hundreds of times
you might not even get shore leave.
But he doesn't know about these things
He's not very clever. And he's a liar.
He said you wouldn't want to come
and see us, even if you could.
So, guess what, Da? I've made a bet.
I bet Ricky Monroe you were coming.
Then I said I'd bring you
to the football trials to prove it.
Hey, slowcoach, I'm waiting on those chips.
OK, hold your horses, I'm doing them.
Everything all right?
Yeah, everything's fine. Absolutely fine.
I need the money for the milk.
We owe three weeks
and he'll be here first thing.
My purse is on the table,
and don't do that again.
- Don't do what?
- Come in here without knocking.
I thought you were Frankie.
So? You shouldnae have anything to hide.
Shut the door.
I've got something I need to show you.
I knew something like this would happen.
I told you, didn't I?
What are we going to do?
Lizzie, darling, listen, you cannae keep running.
You've got to face this sometime.
Tell Frankie the truth. He should know, Lizzie.
He should know what his daddy was.
Then maybe he'd stop wishing for him.
Have you forgotten what it was like?
No, I haven't forgotten. But it's over now.
It's over and done with. Davey's dead.
Davey's not dead.
I check that paper every week.
I know he's not dead.
He could walk in through that door
any minute now and take what's his.
No, he won't walk in.
- How do you know that?
- I just know it.
Lizzie, darling, you're my daughter
and I love you, but you're wrong.
You've stopped living your life.
You're the one that's dead.
That's not what Frankie needs.
He doesnae need lies in a letter.
He needs flesh and blood.
- Where are you going?
- For cigarettes.
Hello? Who is this?
Go away.
Just go away and leave us alone.
For God's sake, just leave us alone.
Do you believe in mermaids?
I do. I think the sea's full of them.
I saw one once, over at Meagle Point.
There. What do you think?
Do I look like a mermaid?
Frankie, why don't you ask your mammy?
Ask her if your daddy's going to come.
I know. You want to know,
but you don't want to know.
You know what I would do,
if I was in your situation?
I'd look in my mammy's wardrobe.
Whenever there's something
my mammy doesn't want me to see,
she hides it in the back of her wardrobe.
I've found hundreds of things in there.
...dirty videos, cheap cigarettes.
See, I bet your daddy's written
to your mammy and told her he's coming,
but not to tell you because it's a surprise.
Girls love secrets, Frankie.
It'll be in the back of her wardrobe.
Trust me. I know these things.
The key's here somewhere.
Look, Frankie, a bride's dress.
What are you doing with that?
That's mine. Put it down.
What else did you touch?
What else?
What else did you touch?
Never go near my things again,
do you hear me?
They're mine.
They're nothing to do with you. Nothing.
I'm entitled to some privacy.
I'm allowed one thing of my own. Just one.
One single thing that's mine.
I'm here, Frankie.
I'm the one that's here.
I'm the one that's still here!
Are you still in a huff with me?
I wish you wouldn't sit there. You'll get a chill.
Suit yourself.
I need to tell you something important.
Of course he wants to see you.
He might not want to see me,
but he'll always want to see you.
You're his boy.
Maybe he just can't, Frankie.
It's been a long time.
Like yourself.
You look like yourself.
Heard from your dad yet, Frankie boy?
Hold on! I wasnae finished with that.
Well, hurry up. I haven't got all night.
Come on, Frankie, you too. Eat.
Where's the bloody fire?
I'm going out, that's all.
If the wind changes, your faces'll stay like that.
Bacardi and Coke, please.
I hope you're not working, sweetheart.
We don't do deals in here.
No. On your bike.
# Spiegel Im Spiegel
I suppose you're dying to know
what I was doing.
Well, I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't, but...
...that doesn't mean you have to tell me.
I was looking for a man.
A stranger.
No past, no present... future.
I was looking for a man to be Frankie's dad.
Just for a day, one single day,
and I was going to pay him to do it.
Where the hell have you been?
I've been worried sick.
I've been at Marie's.
Everything's all right now.
Pass to me!
Dear Da, in case you're interested,
the football trials are on Saturday
at Boundary Park.
Mr Fraser said I could get
into the reserves if I want.
But I don't. I'm rubbish at football.
Who cares about a stupid bet anyway?
Another goal by the master!
I know
you're only three whole days away,
so you might not even get this letter.
If you can't come and see me,
that's all right, I understand.
Ma says it's been a long time
and you've probably changed.
I have, that's for sure.
I'm now four foot eight inches tall,
and I have brownish hair, just like Ma's.
Do you know something funny, Da?
I think Ma knew you'd be coming.
That's why she brought us here.
I think she wanted you to find us.
Lizzie Morrison?
An Americano. Strong.
- Just water.
- Sparkling or still?
Don't get service like this at Marie's.
Marie didn't tell me much about you.
No past, present or future.
That's what you said you wanted.
Frankie's letters to his dad.
He's been writing them for a few years now.
He's a lovely wee writer.
Well, you'll see that for yourself.
He sends them to a post office box
here in Glasgow,
and I collect them twice a month
and then I write back.
Um, this is one of mine.
That's a Scottish postmark.
Yeah, I've told him there's a central mail depot,
and that all the letters from the ship go there.
He doesnae question it.
I make it all up. I've been making it up for years.
I made up the boat.
I saw the name on a stamp.
How was I to know
the bloody boat actually existed?
That's Frankie,
a couple of months before his dad left.
And this is him now.
Frankie's deaf, but he's a champion lip-reader.
How old is he?
And a half.
Does he remember what his dad looks like?
I don't remember what he looks like.
It's been a while.
Does Frankie have any photographs
of his dad?
You sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
Marie says you're only here for a week.
I sail next Monday.
Good, that's good. That fits in just right.
That must be some life,
seeing all those different places.
You should know.
You've been writing from them for years.
You must think I'm completely mad,
asking a total stranger to do this.
I don't know who the hell you are, but...
...I'm asking you if you'll do it.
I don't have much, but I'll pay you what I can.
What time do you want me to be there?
One day to go, Frankie boy.
# The midges, I'm no gonna kid yous
# The midges is really the limit
# With teeth like piranhas
# They'll drive you bananas
# If you let them get under your...
# Simmit
Hey, come on, you sing one now.
Oh, God, no, I can't sing.
Oh, go on.
# Da dum da-da dum...
Come on, you know it better than me.
# When I was a young girl
# I used to dream of a lover
# Who'd be my shining knight
of strength one day
# He'd carry me to a castle in the heavens
# And he'd battle all my dragons far away
# And he'd ride down
# On a great white horse
# And he'd bring me love
# I'd been longing for
# And he'd bring me joy
# And lasting peace
# And on a great white horse
# He'd ride away with me
Lizzie. For God's sake,
will you stop still for a minute and listen?
I can't, I've got to find him.
God knows where he is.
Well, I'll go. I'll find him.
He's due at ten, isn't he?
- The man?
- Yeah.
- Well, you'd better stay here in case.
- In case of what?
Just in case.
I'll find him. I promise.
I look at you sometimes and I swear
I don't know where you came from.
And this man?
- Who is this man that's coming?
- I told you. He's a friend of Marie's.
Oh, that's a comfort!
Jesus, Lizzie, we don't know anything
about this man.
He could be a...
We don't know anything about him.
We don't need to know anything.
- This is the end of it.
- Promise?
That's him.
Hey, Frankie.
Your mammy is worried about you.
It's good up here, isn't it?
This is my favourite place in the whole world.
See, when you come around the coner,
and the cranes appear out of nowhere...
With the hills behind them
and the water dancing round them.
Takes my breath away.
Every single time.
Right, if he's not back in five minutes,
I'm going to the docks myself.
How do you even know that's where he is?
Where would you go if it was you?
He won't go on that ship.
How do you know what he would do?
You've not even met him.
He doesn't want to spoil the surprise.
If I was a betting man,
which I'm not,
I'd put money on it.
Mother, do something useful
and put the kettle on.
Would you like a cup of tea?
- I'm sorry, I don't know your name.
- Jesus God!
What's Frankie's dad called?
Depends who's calling him.
Call me Davey, then.
Don't ruin this for him, please.
Let him have this one day.
Have you got that money?
Oh, yeah, um...
That's half now, half later.
Look, there's no harm done.
He knows he shouldn't have done it.
So, um... everything all right?
- Yeah.
- Good
Right, I'd better go.
Hey, come in for chips after the football, OK?
Thanks for bringing him.
No, leave that, Frankie. Do it later.
I want you to come in here for a minute.
You've got a visitor, Frankie.
This is your daddy.
Hello, Frankie.
You've got big.
I didn't tell you I was coming because...
I wasn't sure if I'd be here in time.
I hoped I would, but I wasn't sure.
I've got something for you.
Frankie wasnae looking for anything.
You didn't need to do that.
I know I didn't need to.
That's for you.
He wants to know how you knew.
I read it.
You... You'll have to look at him.
I read it in your letters.
You'll have to get a move on, you'll be late.
Come on, slowcoach. Get your things together.
You'll want to remember the look
on Ricky Monroe's face.
Come on, now, boys, that's good.
Keep moving
Well done.
Come on.
- What are you doing, you bloody idiot?
- What?
- You gave me a crap pass.
- I didn't mean to. I slipped.
Well, a bet's a bet.
You won it fair and square.
Do you want to bring him for chips?
No? Another time maybe?
Come on, Frankie.
This is half an hour of my life
I am never going to get back.
Just have what you always have.
Me too.
Can I have some fish with mine?
Er... Frankie is a vegetarian.
He's a vegetarian
that doesnae eat his vegetables.
Roll and butter?
Can I change my mind?
No fish for me.
Right, is that it?
I know, Frankie.
Good? Yeah? Yeah?
It's going well.
Is it?
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
I thought this is what you wanted.
Yeah, it is.
He's not going to take him away from you,
Nobody could do that.
Where are they going now?
He wouldn't take him to the ship?
Lizzie, wait! Wait.
Big, isn't she?
More than a match for any shark.
Want to go on?
It's up to you, Frankie.
Take a picture, then.
For later.
# Delicate
# We might kiss
# When we are alone
# When nobody's watching...
Too bumpy. Flat, so it skims.
# We might make out
# When nobody's there
# It's not that we're scared...
This is good, Frankie.
# So why do you fill my sorrow?
That is a champion skimmer.
# From the only place that you've known
# And why do you sing hallelujah
# If it means nothing to ya?
# Why do you sing...
Want to go for a race?
# With me at all?
# Why did you fill my sorrow
# With the words you've borrowed?
# Why do you sing with me at all?
You OK?
I've had an idea.
- Have you not got a watch?
- Sorry. The time just flew.
Now, Frankie, say goodbye.
He's tired.
It's been a long day.
Aye, you can say that again.
Well, it's over now.
So, we'll just say cheerio,
and thanks very much.
Go on, Frankie, say cheerio.
Come on. It's late.
I think he wants to ask you something.
What do you think he wants to ask me?
I don't go back to my ship till Monday.
So, I thought it might be nice to...
spend some more time with Frankie.
Did you, now?
Well, Frankie and you.
You know, the three of us.
Now see what you've done.
Mother, take Frankie inside now.
We had an arrangement. You broke it.
One more day. That's all.
No, no, no, I want you to go now.
It's over. Do you hear me? It's over.
My ship sails in one day.
There is only one more day.
Who the hell do you think you are?
Who gave you the right
to come in here and behave like this?
You did.
He's waited all this time.
You've waited all this time.
One o'clock, here.
One o'clock down at the quay.
- Right, that's it. Come on.
- I've got business down at the quay.
Be easier if you could meet me there.
Trust me.
You have to trust somebody someday.
One o'clock at the quay.
Come on, son.
You'll see him again tomorrow.
Did your daddy give you that?
It's a beauty.
That should really fly.
Is Frankie sleeping?
I doubt it. He's wound up like a spring.
Do you fancy a wee whisky, Ma?
Why? What are we celebrating?
We're not celebrating anything.
I just need one, that's all.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Here. Give me that.
Bette Davis used to have blood-red nails.
- Did she?
- Mm.
That's what your daddy used to call you.
You'd be all dressed up
in my best frock and high heels.
Talking away to yourself.
Away in your own wee world.
And he'd say,
"Jesus Christ, Nell!
Who the hell does that lassie think she is?
Bette Davis?"
I never really liked Bette Davis.
Preferred Barbara Stanwyck.
You knew where you were
with Barbara Stanwyck.
What is it?
My brush. Have you seen my brush?
- In your bag.
- Oh, aye.
Oh, I forgot to give you this.
It's been in my bag for ages.
You know something? I don't think
I'll bother getting this paper any more.
Never anything in it.
Let me see it.
Aye. Aye, you can come right over.
Come round later.
Maybe we can get a video or something.
Janet wants to meet me.
Is he dead?
He's very ill, apparently.
It's a trap.
He wants to see Frankie.
We can leave. Go tonight.
You don't owe him anything.
I know I shouldn't ask,
but he's my brother, Lizzie.
He's my brother.
He's a sorry sight, Lizzie.
He's not the man he was. That's a dead cert.
If you could only just see him.
Please. Put the past behind you,
for Frankie's sake.
- Leave Frankie out of it.
- He's dying, Lizzie.
How long has he got?
They don't know. It just depends
how much fight there is in him.
He always had plenty of that.
What good does that do now?
I don't have to justify myself to you.
Or him.
I don't blame you. I've never blamed you.
He's my brother. I know exactly what he is.
But you know what they say.
No, Janet, what do they say?
They say blood's thicker than water, Lizzie,
and, like it or not,
he's Frankie's flesh and blood.
- I'll see him on my own.
- He wants to see Frankie.
For God's sake, he might not last. Please.
I'm begging you. Show some pity.
I'll see him on my own,
and then I'll decide if I let him near my son.
That's it, Janet. Take it or leave it.
Cheers, pal.
Right, you choose.
Where do you want to go?
# The Secret Sun
# Meet me by the sea again
# Past the point where the shoreline bends
# Where the sand is soft and warm
# And hangs upon your golden arm
# And time won't move at all
# We were once the only ones
# Who knew of the secret sun
# Shining down where no-one goes
# In a place that no-one knows...
I think this must be yours, sir.
Stupid me. It's for you, isn't it?
Your dad thought
all his birthdays had come at once.
Could you bring another spoon,
just in case he cannae finish it?
Hold it flat, Frankie!
He cannae hear you.
I forgot.
# But back there in the orange light
# There will be no fear of the night
# And time won't move at all
# And time won't move
# At all
Hi, Frankie!
You well?
Oh, no, thanks!
- You look nice.
- So do you.
Oh, this is Ally, er... my partner.
In crime.
I thought you only had the one day.
I did.
This is the second half of it.
Aye, Frankie must be delighted.
So, what are you all up to now?
Going home.
Frankie's got school in the morning.
Why don't you stay?
I mean, just for a wee while.
I mean, he'd love it.
Right, the DJ is rank,
but there's a great band on afterwards.
No, sweetheart, it's been a long day.
And it's time to go now.
Come on, son.
It's just this once.
# Macarena
# Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
# Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle
alegria y cosa buena
# Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
# Hey, Macarena!
# Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
# Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle
alegria y cosa buena
# Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
# Hey, Macarena!
# Macarena tiene un novio
que se llama
# Y en la jura de bandera
del muchacho
# Se la dio con dos amigos
# Macarana tiene un novio
que se llama
# Que se llama de apellido Vitorino
# Y en la jura de bandera
del muchacho
# Se la dio con dos amigos
# Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena...
So? What do you think, then?
I don't think anything. Why?
I was just wondering, that's all.
There's nothing to wonder.
It's a business arrangement, that's all.
And his ship sails tomorrow, like he said.
Like he said.
Good God.
I can't drink all that.
No, but I know a man who can.
Since when did you start smoking those?
What happened to your roll-ups?
Oh, Jesus. Make my next one a double.
# When I was a young man
# I used to dream of a maiden...
That's my song.
# With long soft hair
# Blowing in the wind
# Her laughing eyes
and loving arms would follow
# When I'd sail around the world...
Hey, Frankie. Hey, Frankie.
I bet you all your trump cards
that you don't ask Catriona Murray to dance.
# I'd ride down on a great white horse...
If you do that, I'll get your mum up to dance.
# I'd bring her laughter...
# On a rainy day...
I never dance.
You'll have to this once.
Frankie's made another bet.
You'd better watch him.
It's becoming a bit of a habit.
# When I was a young girl,
I used to dream of a lover
# Who'd be my shining knight
of strength one day
# He'd take me to a castle in the heavens
# And battle all my dragons on the way
# And he'd ride down on a great white horse
# He'd give me love
# I'd been longing for
# He'd bring me joy
# And lasting peace
# And on a great white horse
# He'd ride away with me...
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro!
I had a good time tonight.
Don't sound so surprised.
You are the best!
He's got your eyes.
They pull you.
Right in.
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
I don't know what to say to that.
Well, you don't have to say anything.
You don't have to say nice things to me.
I'm not paying you for that.
So, why don't you want to hear them?
What are you afraid of?
Where did Marie find you?
I thought we agreed: No history.
Things have changed.
Have they?
What I find really difficult...
to understand...
is why?
I told you why. Frankie made a bet.
No, no, no, no, no.
Why did he ever leave the two of you?
He didn't leave us. I left him.
One night I just picked Frankie up, and I left.
And my mother came with me,
to make sure I never went back.
And we've been leaving ever since.
Always ready in case he shows up.
Frankie wasn't born deaf.
It was a present from his daddy.
Frankie's a very... very lucky boy.
How do you figure that one out?
I'm his mother, and I lie to him every single day.
No, you protect him every single day.
Do I?
Every time I write one of those letters
I promise myself it'll be the last one.
I thought he'd lose interest, in time.
Just stop
But see, if he hasn't written
for a couple of weeks,
I'm the one egging him on,
telling him to hurry up and write.
It's the only way I can hear his voice.
I'd better go.
I'm away first thing.
Can I say goodbye?
If you can wake him.
You're coming back?
I don't know, Frankie.
Did you do this?
Frankie, I can't take this. This... This is yours.
I'd be honoured to take it.
It's beautiful.
Remember, Frankie.
We're all connected.
Lizzie, Lizzie.
I've let myself go a wee bit. Sorry.
It's been a long time.
You're still beautiful.
No, I'm not. I'm not beautiful.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Lizzie.
I'm sorry, Lizzie.
Shush, Davey. Shush.
It's all right. It's all right now.
Don't cry.
Where's Frankie?
He's at school.
He's nine now, nearly ten.
Aye, I know.
He's top at geography.
I always knew he was clever.
Must take that off you.
I don't think so. You were the one
that could have gone to college.
I want to see him, Lizzie.
I've got a right to see him.
- Don't give me that.
- It's too late for fighting.
Just let me see him.
I want him to know how sorry I am.
He's my son.
He's not your son. He's mine.
You don't deserve him.
You don't deserve his forgiveness.
I made one mistake.
One stupid fucking mistake,
and you made me pay.
You've made me pay, all right.
You're a bitch.
You're nothing but a bitch!
I want to see my son!
I've got a right!
I'm his father!
I've got rights!
I've got my rights! I'm his father!
You're not his father!
He's got a different father now, a real father.
A kind, gentle man, who teaches him
to throw stones across the water.
You could never be his father.
I want to see my son!
- Davey, please, no, come on.
- I'm his father!
Davey, no, stop it.
I want to see my son!
Lizzie, wait a minute.
Lizzie, Lizzie, please.
He nearly killed us, Janet!
I know. I know.
He's only got a few days left.
He can't touch you now.
Let him die in peace.
For your own sake.
I want to talk to you. It's very important.
I got a message today from your dad.
He's not very well, Frankie.
He's very, very sick.
But he says he wants you to know he loves you.
Very much.
Dear Da, I thought you'd like this drawing.
I copied it from my book.
Ma says you're not very well.
I hope you feel better soon.
Love from your son, Frankie.
OK, call the crash team.
Please! What is wrong with him?
Let's get the bed down. Come on.
Mrs Morrison?
It might be best if you went
and had a cup of tea just now.
I'll send someone along to find you
as soon as we have any news.
This is for my husband.
It's from our son.
- Oh, Nurse, erm...
- Yes?
Could you make sure he sees it?
I'll make sure.
Davey Morrison
died peacefully after a long illness.
Father to Frankie.
I know it's a terrible thing to say,
but Davey's finally done you a favour.
It's over now.
Who was he?
My brother.
Oh, right.
I've got to go.
- Where are you going?
- I'll see you after.
Do you want me to check the box?
There won't be anything in it.
It'll cost you to have your mail forwarded.
I'll check it for you, hen,
just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for the book.
I've read it all the way through now twice.
I took it into school.
I know you won't mind.
My teacher put it on the nature table.
Miss Mackenzie gave me a gold star.
I've got eight now. Catriona's got 20.
Ricky's only got one, and it's not even gold.
Guess what.
I got into the football team.
Well, the reserves. I'm playing on Saturday.
And guess what else.
I got one wrong in geography this week.
Ma and I had a bit of a shock last week.
My da - my real da - he's been sick.
I think he's been sick for a long time.
Ma never said anything.
But I just knew.
And last week, he died.
I think ma's very sad, inside.
But Marie says time's a great healer,
and Ma's not to worry any more,
cos she's still got me.
Anyway, I've got to go now. My tea's ready.
I hope it's not chips.
I've had them three times this week.
Maybe you'll come and see us one more time.
Maybe next time your ship docks.
Your friend, Frankie.