Deepwater Horizon (2016)
May I your attention?
Mr. Williams, standing. Raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you give is the truth... the whole truth and nothing but the truth? - Yes sir. - Thank you. Have a seat. Mr. Williams, can you tell what happened in the Deepwater Horizon? Around 9:30, I was on the phone with my wife. It was when I heard that whistle. I heard the engines revolutionized. The hiss became a roar. So strong that I could not describe it. A few seconds later, there was a huge explosion. Projectiles flying everywhere. The heat was overwhelming. Can you explain how the Deepwater Horizon alarm work? The general alert to all platform... One: fire, two: combustible gas... Three: toxic gas. Each hazard has a siren and a particular light. On the night of April 20... Have you heard any of these alarms on the Deepwater Horizon? No sir. Do you know why he did not hear the alarm, sir? Sr. Williams? Sr. Williams! DEEP HORIZON Depth: 3,000 feet. Continues to fall. I'll stay on the north side. Examine it. Lack examine about 150m of pipe. BOP in the view. WELL blowout preventer (BOP) PRESSURE WELL CONTROL AND RISK FAILURE Drilling depth 5.6 kilometers. How the surface of the wellhead is? Little corrosion. No more than you would expect in this age. Well, register it. Upload. I had a very strange dream. I was in? I was... No. I was at a concert... and to one side of the stage it was a... a rabbit two legs. I do not know what is the scariest part. Listen out. Listen out. I moved... and then he imitated everything I did. Do not tell me more, I know what will happen. - I think the rabbit was my mother. - Mother. Yes I know. Thank you. Now I'll have nightmares. Thank you. - It was hostile. - Yes. - A hostile rabbit. - I get it. Sorry. What do you do? That is all? So you'll leave me for 21 days and nights? I let you sleep. I need other things besides sleep. Promises not to mention your mother. Agree? You want the 30? 60... or love package 90 seconds? The 90 full seconds. It's a lot of pressure! A lot of pressure! I will miss that laugh. - That mouth. - What mouth? Let me see your eyes. I love you. This is not our deal. Good. Good. Always overestimate your ability as mechanics. What did you say? Come on, honey. I drive. - I drive. - Do not. - I drive. - Do not. Por favorcito? - You want to drive? - Yes. Sell that junk and buy a Ducati. Strong. As goat glassware. I did not touch the door because I want a brother. All right. What disturbing. It is not supposed to know anything about it. - Only babies are cute. - Strong. - Sit down. - I want a brother. - How is everything? - All right. - Honey, show dad. - I have not finished. - You did a great job. - It's time. Is incredible. You can not see me. - Why? - It makes me feel uncomfortable. - What do you see? - Enough! - All right. - My dad is Mike. It works on a platform that pumps oil from under the sea. No, the Deepwater not pumped a drop of oil. We exploration. Dad and his friends search for oil... installed pipes for a boring team arrives... - Do not say "boring" - Yes they are. But even those boring pump need anything. Oil rises naturally... - Silence! - Agree. Because oil is a monster. Like the dinosaurs that are now oil. So for 300 million years... these dinosaurs have been compressed more, and more, and... We get it. Just say "more" twice. Because there squashing kilometers of land and sea. They are trapped. Crabby. So Dad and his friends make a hole in its roof. Yes! And those old dinosaurs can not believe it. So they run to the new hole. And bam! Run into a huge machine that he and his friends... acenico put under the floor called... - Preventer rebellions? - Blowout. And they hit a fluid called "mud"... Well, put it there. And they stuck in the straw. The mud is so thick and heavy that prevent monsters rise. And they go to the next site. Then they get bored, as if they had done something. Do not tell them boring. But it was my dad who tamed dinosaurs. - Yes! - Yes. It was amazing. Stay forever 10 years. - Dad, get me a fossil. - Oh yeah. I will do it. I want to hold it while I say, "My dad dressage to the dinosaurs". Tell him Maggie dad. His dad works at the zoo. It really took a penguin. That's not fair! - A penguin. - How do you compete against a penguin? - With a fossil. - There should be rules. Oh no. Sweetie! What? - He goes to empty the can. - Stop it! Detenlo. Buy gas to get to work... to buy gas to go to work again. To buy more gas to get to work. Do you know the passwords? Where is the safe? - What you call Schuman? - What are you talking about? - What do you care about? - I was scared in the helicopter again. Give me a little. Honey, one worries about a sailor when stop complaining. - Do not use my words against me. - If I do it. - Do not do it. - Already did. PUERTO FOURCHON HELIPUERTO BRISTON personnel carriers ALTAMAR - Bueno, amor. - Bueno, Fish. - Te amo. - Yo a ti. - See you in three weeks. - Yes In three weeks.. Portate bien. Following. - Good morning, Mr. Jimmy. - What about Sarah? - All right. And you? - All right. Put your bags on the scale and stand on the marks. - Where's it going today? - The same place. The Deepwater. - Where? - The Deepwater. - And who he works for? - For Transocean. - Want to know how much you weigh? - You know I do. - 82 kg. - Ya ves? - Yes. It's going well, continues. - Yes. - All right. take a seat and call. - Thank you. Mr. Sims? Mr. O'Bryan? David Sims. Jimmy Harrell. Manager of the Deepwater platform. Thank you very much for taking us. I know they have a lot of work and not have to. Yes I had to. Do you mind taking off your tie? If I care. Not the tie. It is the color. Purple? Rather Magneta. Y? The Magneta alarm is an oil rig is the worst possible situation. As well as give rise to superstitions. - Good day. - Mike Williams. - Where to fly? - The Deepwater Horizon. It's okay. What do you do in your spare time? - Work on the boat again. - Yes? Increasing horsepower from 600 to 1200. And I got a Sensenich propeller. - You Want to fly? - No, I just want it faster. - Strong and clear. - It is understood. All aboard. Boscow, and entered the coordinates of the Deepwater Horizon. 492, no obstacles. The wind is calm. The 21 Altimeter 2997 is busy. Control of Paris, here Bristow 2 Bravo Gulf. We headed to the open sea. Estimated time, 45 minutes at the Deepwater Horizon. Aware, Bristow 2 Bravo Gulf. What are engaged in Brish Petroleum, Mr. Sims? - Terminations. - Oh, no, here it comes, Jimmy. As you know, we go a little late. 43 days. But who's counting? - What would you do with your bonus? - A pool. - Your? - Fix my car. When the first pit collapsed... took five days take a tube of a million dollars. - Whose fault was it? - What car is? - Mustang 1969. - Fastback? - Vinyl roof. - What's wrong? Today, vibrates standing. I smell gasoline. - Does it smell when off? - No. It's not a leak in the tank. Shit! We bump con una bird. I'm not going to say anything. Estamos a 1.6 Km de la Deepwater Horizon. There should be no problem landing. What revisartemos there. Something big must be made by God. That beauty. You know that is not on stilts? It is not high. I know, and I can not believe that thing is a boat. Agradzcaselo this very talented young girl who comes back. What the hell does Bankston here? Who gave the order? 2 Bravo Gulf, permission to land. DEEPWATER HORIZON OFFSHORE DRILLING semisubmersible 65 KM SOUTHEAS COAST OF LOUISIANA FREE FLOATING 1,585 M ON OCEAN FLOOR 126 WORKERS ON BOARD Welcome aboard! You guys already finished? I do not know what to say, Mr. Jimmy. - They already finished? - I do not know what to say. - Someone has to talk to Vidrine. - What? They already finished? - Hey, Skip. - Yes sir. - The recording equipment already going? - Yes, Schlumberger is outside. It was supposed to prove in concrete down there. - They already finished? - Mike, how are you? Skip, we're done? - You have to talk to Vidrine. - With Vidrine? - What did he say? - I hear nothing. What Skip said? Should verify the cement bond. I think they left without doing so. What? Do not you...? - Schlumberger BP sent home. - Seriously? Yes. Kuchta, what does the Bankston here? - Good day to you too. - What does Bankston here? Good morning, Pete. Te da verme want? I am always glad to see you, Andrea. Where is the bathroom, Williams? The sign says "bath". - Skip told you log cement? - Do not. Are we done here and I'm just finding me? I do not know what time could do the test, because they already go. - I'm just the captain. - How came the positive test? Bien. Ya are uninstalling. - Desistalando? - How are we? A 166 degrees. Winds 185 degrees at 5 knots. The sea is quiet. Right in the middle of the permitted area. Still salts with the tiny type of the bike? - Problems with propellers? - Andrea. Yes sir? Captain Landry called the Bankston and see what it does and why. Indeed, Mr. Jimmy. Damon Bankston, here Deepwater Horizon, change. Deepwater Horizon, here Damon Bankston, go ahead. The manager wants to know what they do here. I knew this monster we go next. Better call her "beast". When are we supposed we? I was told to start charging the drilling mud at 18:00. Go. I knew I did test positive pressure. They assume that the negative will just as well. - I was told to get ready to leave. - Who? Los de British Petroleum. Vidrine, Kaluza. No s. I hope the order to pick up your mud. Any other question? No that's all. Vidrine and Kaluza, BP expect to have tamed this beast... and prepare to move the mud at 18:00. Right, Captain? Right. Good morning, Mr. Jimmy. Suddenly. Just like that. Thank you, Captain. Damn phones still do not work, Mike. I got along with you. Do me a favor. Go to the dugout drilling. Ask Jason if he Schlumberger cement was tested. It is understood. Thank you. Gentlemen, could you tell me about the situation of testing cement? Proof? They will have planned? Did they're doing? Already they did? Yes? Not really. Hey, Ronnie. The breakdown of your Mustang could be the starter. I think they could be the s spark plugs. Or a cable. Or the dealer. - It Sounds as if the engine fails? - Do not. I'll keep thinking about all the expensive things that could be damaged. - Oh, thank you. - Hears... Automatic or standard? Do you know me? And stops forcing speeds. - Clear. Says Mr. Toyota. - Yes. Attention on the platform. Safety Notice. Moving equipment. Come here, baby. Come here. Come. Cancel. Drain 400 barrels of mud. It is understood. Starting. Insert drill pipe is very funny, very funny. Shut up. Hears. Duck! What's up, Mike? - How are you, Caleb? - Hi Mike. - I was much better two hours ago. - Why? I was asleep. Yes? Yes. We were awoken to work overtime. We have many pipes that if we go out at night. Street clothes? Cute. Jimmy is angry. He wants to know if we tested cement. I'm not sure. I do not think so. - Do not? Hey, Shane! - Yes? Come here. Schlumberger cement auditioned? I do not know. I do not believe. I just woke up, so... - Is it silly? - I do not know if it's silly... but not the smartest. Look, like synchronized swimmers. If you think too much, he'll have a headache. - Get out of here. - Yes. Up up. - I care workers. - Hello. Why the hell do you dress like that? Jimmy wants to know if Chlumberger auditioned cement. - Which? - Proof of cement. Please cooperate. - Who? - Enough, Jimmy is very annoying. - Schlumberger, snobbish. - Did we do the test? No, Vidrine and Kaluza sent them home without testing. - Why the hell would they do that? - I did not explain his reasons, Mike. I guess it has to do with... Money, money, money, money Money! Their phones do not work. Shit. Hey, Mr. Jimmy. Ahead. Schlumberger BP sent home without testing. There was no cement bond log. Thanks, Mike. Mike, the "A" station had a fault. - Dammit. - Again the blue screen. Hey, Duck, your work station? My screen is unstable. And my smoke alarm does not work. How are you, Mike? Shit. I'll get my tools to fix it. The we managed with plasters and chewing gum. Every time I start a bandage, there are three or four under. That is not working. "Money" again. Come on. - They weeks rehearsing. - Money money... No, the best part. It's the best part! Money! It could kill for money The almighty dollar. Hello, Hollywood. - Mike! - What there, Dale?! - What do you know? We already finished? - I do not know much. Possibly yes. Yes, I'll go fishing tonight. Covert. I feel that we will go tonight. I think that no one will go fishing! Are you going to use your crane? To catch a beluga whale or orca? Good idea. Shit. Willing to bet that we will be in the same position in the next well? - Yes. Odds? - 50 to one. Shit. I do not accept that bet. 30 one. Same position. Forget this. Mike Williams, you're a cheapskate! - Patrick. - What's up, Mike? - What do you know? - They say we complete. - Finished? - Yes. - Who told you? - I can not tell you. How can you not? - I can not. - Why? I can not tell you. But Gordon is looking for. - Gordon told you finished? - Do not. - What does he want? - I dont know. Show you something. - What do you know? - That're done. You have been to my workshop? - No. - Do not touch my stuff. - Do not touch anything. - Go to fix something. - Good morning, Mike. - Equally. Shit. Wait honey. What were you saying? Good news. The helicopter crashed. Shit, I assumed yes and got married again. Yes? Is rich? Remember what your mother said: "It's just as easy to marry a rich, Felicia". If I had a nickel for every silly saying my mom... not need a rich husband. By the way, you have to fix the stove. The fix when I get back, do not worry. Approach the computer. Come. Approach the computer. Let me see your eyes. How is everything there? Always equal. The infernal pit. - List? - Ready? Three... Of... - One... - Now! That face. Sociopath. That is concentration. Determination. Intensity. Impulse. - I beat you. - I hate to lose you. I hate it. - I'll see you soon, okay? - Agree. See you. Why touch my things? They touch my stuff. They touch my stuff. They want us to go to the next site. Command. Did you consult this with someone from BP? Kaluza. Vidrine, anyone? Vidrine consulted it with me. He proposed. Bob, I'll tell you what I consider most important. We must go to Macondo to Kaskida before 16 May. Kaskida is extraordinarily promising. Entre tres y cuatro mil millones de barriles. Vale ms que BP. Parezco Santa Claus? S te pareces un poco a Santa Claus. El entrenador Miles jug en Michigan, pero tiene alma de Louisiana. - Saben? - Oye, solo porque ganamos... Hablas en prural, como si hubieras estado ah. Estudiaste ah? Desde beb, me ensearon a ir al bao y a decir: "Nos vemos en Tuscalosa". Trabajan para el gobierno? Limpian una sala limpia. An hay Iodo del Itimo brote. Ms de 35 MPa. Ayuda a limpiar! Es muchsimo. Mira lo que le hizo la presin a esta barra durante el brote. - Habra que exhibirla. - S. Oye, Patrick dice que tienes algo para m. S, seor. Hace 4 das se averi el separador de esquistos 4. Lo revis y encontr el origen del problema. Mira esto. Lo guard para ti desde la Itimas vez. Es un diente? Whoops! You just made a little girl very happy. And to his father. Thank you. I owe you one. Well, let's put together the kelly. Hey, Gordon. Hey, you are going to be furious when he finds out... They sent him home. Yes. Come with me, Mike. - Where we go? - A murder BP executives. - I have a hammer and a screwdriver. - Excellent. Mike, do you brush your teeth this morning? Yes sir. - Why? - Did you use dental floss? Not because? In the long run it will save you a lot of pain and a lot of money. - Jimmy is going to yell at BP. - No cement was tested. They did nothing. Come with BP. What's up? Would you owe money? Come on, Mike, do not stay behind. Shit! Very good. Don, look at line 51. Your estimated maximum cost. I do not see 51. Don Vidrine and the very Bob Kaluza. - Welcome, Mr. Jimmy. - Yes. So now they placed 15 cubic meters of cement. Yes. It is all that protects us from a blowout. - Already he solidified? - Yes. Was there enough time? Doing it properly takes time. If the cement is at risk, above all, too. It is not at risk. Houston does not have a problem. I guess Schlumberger said the same. And its adhesion test concluded the same. We trust the integrity of our cement, right? We feel comfortable with their integrity, yes. You. Are like my grandfather. Sorry? My grandfather never went to the dentist. I did not want to know what was wrong for not dealing with the problem. You do not want to know whether the cement is right or not... because they were exceeded by 43 days and 50 million dollars. Should be included in that, Mr. Jimmy. BP eligi lugar para perforar, Bob. Las consecuencias son su responsabilidad. Claro, yo tengo que lidiar con ellas, as que me incluyo. El punto es que los enviaron a casa sin hacer la prueba... porque podran decirles algo que no queran or. Cunto les habra costado la prueba? 125 mil? Su empresa vale 180 mil millones y son tacaos. Por eso vale 186 mil millones. Nos preocupamos por los gastos. Y yo por mi plataforma. Mi gente vive ah. Uds. solo la rentan. Don. Sabemos que necesitamos hacer una pausa para dar mantenimiento. Mike, cuntas mquinas necesitan reparacin? - 390, Sr. Jimmy. - 390? S, seor. Casi el 10% de las mquinas a bordo. - Mencineme algunas. - Algunas? Quiero saber qu mquinas esenciales estn descompuestas. Mierda. Por dnde empiezo? Penetration station A, the processing controller BOP... phones, storage, GPS antenna, CCTV, internet... double key, winches, water pumps, smoke detectors. And they're sweating because the air conditioning does not work. All except the bathrooms, right? No, they not serve, but I got it, but Engineering. Who are you? Mike Williams, chief of maintenance. I'll tell you what I told them their executives in the helicopter. And what visit as timely. We will ensure the well as it should... before they come to start extracting oil. Unfortunately, I do it properly takes time. 43 days? 44 days? Keep counting, Bob. 45 days? 46 days? Take a cookie, Bob. I can not make an adhesion test. I'll tell you what we'll do. We will test negative pressure, before anything else. If you consider indispensable. I consider essential, and you should. Especially since we have no idea if the well is stable or not. Dial tone! The day is getting better. Mr. Anderson, Mr. Jimmy talks. We will test negative pressure. We start with 915 m of pipe. Thank you. 43 days late Young, excuse me. Where I can find Mr. Mike Williams? In the maintenance shop, next to the cafeteria. - Thank you very much. - Good day sir. Equally. Sr. Williams? Mr. Vidrine, is lost? Not at all. I came to see for a moment. What can I help you? It seemed he had something more to say at the meeting. I want to say time. So the platform does not work? - I did not say that. - I thought so. Por qu esten mi taller, Sr. Vidrine? BP es una empresa grande, Mike. Una organizacin muy extensa y compleja. Con muchas piezas interconectadas, Millones. Miles y miles de personas. Y trabajamos muy duro para asegurarnos de que esas personas... y esas piezas funcionen adecuadamente como medios para un fin. Un fin muy redituable para todos. Esa es la perspectiva general. Hay perspectivas particulares, como usted y sus baos descompuestos. Pero el punto es que todo estinterconectado. Todo es un flujo. Si el suyo no funciona, nada funciona. Yo no funciono. No funcionamos. Todo el maldito tren no funciona. Me entiende, Sr. Williams? Toma medicamentos, Sr. Vidrine? Solo intento evaluar qu tan estable y cerca... estel tren en las vas. Bien. Ya entiendo. - Quiere mi opinin? En verdad? - S. All right. I think trying to exhaust the fuel at landfall. Running out of fuel on landing is not smart. Is it a bad idea. Hope as a tactic. Take note. And I appreciate it very much. It is only the opinion of an employee. Is a catfish? Yes. 30 kilos. How it is called that tactic? Manually Fishing? Hand fishing. We fished catfish by hand. It's funny, when my best friend and I go fishing hand... we just have whiskey and a lake. We walked down the ramp. We seek the largest and darkest hole that fits our arm. And we hope that a huge catfish bite us very strong... to remove it. We want to bite us. That it is. But we are ready to bite. We shoes, hats, gloves, hats, sunglasses, and we are ready. I do not put my hand into the hole monster and I hope everything goes well. Hope is not a tactic, Don. Thanks for your time. - Have a good day, sir. - Equally. Unfortunate. NEGATIVE PRESSURE TES CONFIRMS wellbore integrity Attention, the negative pressure test will begin. Non-essential, leave the platform floor, the hot... Virala into the current. Ten degrees right. Block 176. Right ten degrees. Veering to 176. Turning. - Damon B. Bankson... - Is your fifth cup? I only ask. Make sure all are up and ready. It could be the ultimate test. It is understood. - Another negative pressure test? - Another test. - Problem? - It is a problem well. They all are. It is a difficult site. - Have deck, Hollywood? - Well, as we entered. In position. Immobilized. - Immobilized 176, Captain. - Turn ten degrees to the right. - Immobilized. They can take the test. - Yes. Go ahead, Jason. It is understood. We close the preventer. Starting negative pressure test. Starting pressure test drill pipe. Do you think that is the ultimate test? Shit, I hope so, yes. This is the Hell Pit. Well, that will not last long. Is that your best shot? Goal! 0.69 megapascales. No problem. Pushes only slightly. Not to make it too easy. Don, did you get the bottle of wine that I sent you a month ago? Yes thank you very much. Not only I got, and I drank me. - Well, no? - Thank you very much. It is a Super Tuscan, right? Gaya, right? I know, you like. Gaja. Sorry? Gaja. So it called. I think they're as half. How much coffee you're drinking, Hank? Captain, I left it several months ago. Now I just drink green tea. Do not drink coffee. I do yoga every day. I've been two weeks. 3.1 MPa. This does not look good. Pressure warning. 6.2 MPa. What the hell? Dammit. Alert pressure. 9.6 MPa. Alert pressure. Alert pressure. Alert pressure. It stabilized at 9.6 MPa, Mr. Jimmy. It's a lot of pressure. Yes. Enough to split a car in two. Opening the upper annular closure. Hollywood, opens the valve of the drill pipe. We must release pressure. Gentlemen, I'm sorry to say, but did not pass the test. Not necessarily. Don, a good test... Starts at zero. Continues to zero. Ends in zero. Thank you. Okay, there was pressure, but not out mud tube. Explain me that. It is a confusing result, I admit. Kaluza and I have talked about the drill pipe... nauseum. It has something rare. He says they are false pressure readings. False readings? Yes. It says Jason know what you mean. This meter is set to zero flow, right? Right. Look. Listen! We needed that. false reading. There is a bubble pressure... wrapped around the preventer... the gauge pressure interpreted as drill... because it is trapped right there... sensor. If it were a real problem pressure... mud would rise and spring up by the drill pipe. How do we prove? We will test negative pressure again. But we breathlessness online. Not in the drill pipe. It is obvious that the problem is the drill pipe. Can not be... 9.6 megapascals pressure... enough to leave a car on two... without pushing any liquid that pressure by that tube. Guys, your boots are dirty with drilling mud? Do not? Hey, Don. The discussion became heated. We have a problem with the drill pipe... or the sensor, which is giving a false reading. Or any of the other thousand pieces down there. We'll find out... making a negative pressure test on the line choke. If the pressure is zero, Mr Jimmy... It will be all we need to know. We agree? That I do not know, but it never hurts to test. Perfect. How is everything here, Mr. Jimmy? Great. Is not that right, Don? Yes it is. BP is fine. So is. - The BP oil. - Indeed. We only hire workers to make a hole. That's right, Mr. Jimmy. But we have 50 days late. And the hole is not. Mr. Jimmy, there is a problem in the kitchen. - Many people. A security issue. - It only takes a minute. They are 43 days late, not 50. It is arithmetic. The delivery date was March 8. It is April 20. 43 days. Yes. I thought the greedy were good at math. Well, gentlemen. Later, Dewey. Negative pressure test on the line choke. Choking online test. Starting pressure test on the line choke. false reading. Do you think it's true? What says Don Vidrine I never seem true, but yes. I mean... without discussing much, yes. It makes sense. It has merit, but... I do not know, applied to drill pipe and choke lines? - It is beyond my abilities. - We should have seen mud. Alert pressure. PRESSURE LINE OF CHOKING Yes! Good job! The Deepwater Horizon BP will receive the award at the safest... for the seventh consecutive year. And it all starts with the man they call "Mr. Jimmy". Sr. Jimmy, Sr. Jimmy. Some words. He remained at zero, boss. He passed the test. No pressure. Congratulations, you passed the test. There 9.6 MPa in the drill pipe still. The drill pipe and line choke must be equal. They should be identical. We know that there is something wrong with the drill pipe. Why return to the subject? I do not know. Why good practices? No mud. No flow. Demos leave. What can be closed as soon leave this well? I will not do anything until Mr. Jimmy is informed. Is there any man here? Any adult? They have all the trappings. The snuff. Boots steel. But it is only appearance. The pressure in the line choke is zero. They are nervous as cats. We must do what it takes to finish. That will be my report to my superiors London. Bob? Agree. Again, you can call Mr. Jimmy. And I no longer entertain to eat their ice cream. Thank you. - Talk Mr. Jimmy. - I did test negative pressure. He passed the test. No pressure. I will start to move the mud. I want your blessing. Are you sure, Jason? The test line breathlessness went well. Only that I'm sure. They are pressuring me. What do you want me to do? Zero flow, right? Right. No flow. We are ready? Well, apparently it will be a long night. Continued monitoring it, Jason. I'll see you in half an hour. Thank you. Well, it passed the test. Hurray. Prepare to despalzar 10,000 barrels of mud. I'll take a shower and take my day off before starting the night. - It will be long, right? - Go for ice cream, Mike. I have to watch my figure. I'll fix smoke detectors. I do not want to hit anyone. Good idea. Say hello to Felicia. - Mr. Jimmy? - Yes? Take this. - Just a photo. - Yes, a photo. Sr. Jimmy. - Congratulations, Mr. Jimmy! - Thank you guys. Did you take the picture? Here separator. Ahead. He passed the test. We begin to move the mud. We will send it to Bankston. I know. "Nervous as cats." Cats do not have miendo. I had a cat named Oscar who tried to mount my Labrador. Opening preventer. Hopefully the monster is asleep. Mud pumps working. Removing the mud pit. Displacement Stored in Tank 2 mud. Four percent... Friends, passed the test! How good! Let's pump the mud! Mud displacement ELIMINATES THE PRESSURE AND STABILIZE THE MUD BEFORE THE DISCONNEC Damon Bankson aqu Deepwater Horizon. You have permission to approach and receive the mud. Aware, Deepwater. Approaching receive the mud. correct reference. Correct position. All standards. Master deck, prepare prepare to receive the mud. 10,000 barrels. Attention on the platform. We passed the pressure test Congratulations crew. We'll leave this platform. Well we ended up with the Infernal. Good, I'll be home soon. In two or three days. I'll be on my boat. Sipping a beer. Fishing. Yes! Lodo beautiful! 35 percent. Great! We are going home! To home? I thought you had plans that were going out. I changed. sweatpants, beer and television. My favorite plan. I am a simple country girl. 55 percent. 75 percent. - Do the same in the next. - Hopefully with fewer problems. Jason! I have increased 20 barrels and increased flow. - No low. - Well, stop pumping sludge. - Alert pressure. - Oh no. - Attention separator. - They're going to shut down. Something must not like up there. Hey, I go to the bathroom. They take care of? - I got this friend. - All right. - Alert pressure. - Does not stop. Clear up this cover. Get them out of him and he of here. What's going on? Gentlemen, why are altered? And we stipulate that there is something wrong. I should not allow pressure. Get out before it hit! I will take note of that. I'm ready to go home. Drinking beer and eating a steak. What's going on? Probably nothing, Sr, Kaluza. - Tread carefully. - Shit. What, Caleb? What the hell does? Shit. Dammit. - What the hell's going on? - There flow. Dammit! That's not good. Jason, do you see that? No flow here. - Caution. - Does not stop. Jason, do you see anything? There's mud on the platform! They do not tell you to do something? Is it an outbreak, or...? - Oh no! - Clear the platform! Dammit! Jason! Mike, what was that? Everything is fine? I'll close the BOP. Duck, come here! Did you manage to contain it? Everything is fine. I closed the BOP. We have 30 seconds. Evacuate the floor, now! - Duck, are you okay? - Yes. The emergency button! Get ready to unwind! Here! Here! Adam! Shane! What do we do? - Caleb! - What do we do? Release the drill pipe pressure! Here here. I get it. I do my best to please everyone, but... Dammit! Agree. Agree. It happened. It happened. - Caleb, how are you? - Already we close the tube? No, no problem, The BOP took over. It was only an outbreak. It is the largest outbreak ever seen. He beat Maggie and her penguin. Can not be! Really. And did not it? No! It is a genuine dinosaur tooth. Gas alarm in the hot mud. Again. Same as always it fires. I'll cancel. Alert gas. Can you, Roy? Yes! And you? It's late! Alert pressure. Alert pressure. Shit. Jason! Dammit! Caleb, brings all of...! The BOP does not work! Shit. Dammit! Duck, closes the second preventer! Preventer failure. Adam! Shane! They Go into the mud room now! Adam! We must go friend! We must go! We must get to the mud room! Caleb! - Caleb! - Get off the floor! Get off the floor! It's the bomb 2! Prgala! Prgala! Quick! Caleb, the valve closes and sends the fluid to the standpipe. Divert all away. Jason, what do we do? - Failure preventer. - Rubble! - OMG! - Dammit! Caleb, evacuates the floor! You're good? The alarm did not ring. I'll see you all evacuate. - Go to the lifeboats. Go! - Yes. Screeching halt. Watch out! Watch out! What the hell? Dammit! OMG. Deepwater Horizon, here Bankston. Can you hear me? The BOP does not respond. - Donald, closes the tube! - Yes. Right now! Caution. Gas. Duck! Duck! What happened? Keith! Gordie! Come on! Get up! Roy! You! We must go! We must go now! Alert gas. Shit. The gas alarm. The thrusters are on revved. I lost control of the thrusters. - I can not stabilize the platform. - Proclaim. Alone... OMG. Is it me or bright light suddenly there? Magneta. Alarms Magneta! - Well burst. - What? Mike. May Day! Here Deepwater Horizon. We're... What the hell are you doing? Have you asked you asked for help? I will call you later! If you know what will happen if explitamos! - Why you are off the monitor? - You know nothing. Alert gas. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Aqu Deepwater Horizon. Resists, Duck. I'll take. Dammit! Dewey! Steve! - Take cover! - OMG! Mayday! Mayday! Aqu Deepwater Horizon. - The platform fire. - There was a big explosion... - Do not you see that fire? - Repene explosion with many victims. We need immediate help. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! May Day! May Day! May Day! Here the ship Damon Bankston. The Deepwater Horizon is on fire. Repene, Deepwater Horizon exploded and is on fire. We saw a huge explosion. Yes, the Deepwater Horizon is on fire. - Do all left the platform? - We have no idea. COAST GUARD, NEW ORLEARS Control Center 8 Coast Guard Ensign speaks Von Huene. Aware, burning platform. 89 km south of Venice? Well sir. What is the name of your boat? Coast Guard, this is Lieutenant Degan. Burning platform? Does the location? I'm not sure, I need your data. What's your name? What is your location? Burns 160 km south of Port Fourchon. 89 km south of Venice. They called a ambarcacin service. They are latitude and longitude. It is a confirmed location. Sir, we have satellite image. Here. OMG. Well, this is priority. Call earth. See what we have boats in the area. Desvenlos to that area. air stations. Find out how many aircraft we have. - That starts. - All right. Shit. Shit. Procedure evacuation process. This is not a drill. Procedure evacuation process. Dougie? Dougie. Hey, Dougie, can you hear me? What? Can you hear me, Dougie? My little brother. What? It's his birthday. My brother. Your brother is not here. Can you move your legs? My little brother. Look, Dougie. You need to use them. We must go to the lifeboats. I will stand up, okay? Good! Shit. All right. Above. Above! Carefully. Failure of Propellant 2. I lost four engines port. Only four remain. What do we do? - We need a damage report. - I'll take manual control. Kuchta speaks. I need a damage report. - Please. - Team fire! We Bankston to the Coast Guard. There is an incident on the Deepwater Horizon. 90 degrees starboard. Does the lifeguard is already in the water? Come on! We need first aid kits! And oxygen tanks? Empty the store! Quick! Please contact your assigned lifeboat. Dammit! Hears! Hears! He needs to get on the boat! It's hurt. He is seriously injured. I do not care! Do not I try to get on the boat! Look at me. This man is badly hurt. You understand? Tranquilzate. Have you seen Mr. Jimmy? I saw in the residence. I by Mr. Jimmy. Get this man from the platform, right? All calm down. More slowly, calmly. - Yeah. - Okay, come on. Hello? Auxilio! Auxilio! Hears! You're good? - I think so. - Where are you going? I dont know. At the meeting point. - No, see lifeguards. - Yes. Here. On the left. Pgate the wall! Pgate the wall! Good. Hello? Sr. Jimmy? Anyone there? Hello! - Help! - Mr. Jimmy! Hello! Who's there? Here! Sr. Jimmy? Sr. Jimmy? Mike! I see nothing. What happened? - We exploit. - Oh no. Many secondary explosions. There is fire everywhere. Do we already disconnected? We close the tube? I do not know. But I do not think so. We disconnect, Mike. Help me get to the bridge. I'll take the bridge. I help you. Well, come on. Where we are? Not recognize but I can see. - The tube will break. - Alert breakdown. Come on, Mr. Jimmy. Come on. If it falls into the water, it has flashlight and whistle. Understands? If there is oil or other spill, stay away from the platform. Do we expect to pick us Coast Guard, or...? No, we must leave. Lets go. - Let's go now. - The water burns. - Who coordinates air assets? - The Training Center. The East hospitals. West Jefferson and Tulane are ready to... - Motor. - Ready. Extreme power. Coast Guard 1 clear. There are people jumping into the water. He saw three. - They jumped? Did you hear? - They jumped? When the first helicopter arrives? In about 35 minutes. 30 minutes too late. Here Rescue Coast Guard 6 B17... on the way to answer the call for help from the Deepwater Horizon. Estimated time 25 minutes. Silence on this frequency. Get in! Get in! Come on. It's okay? - Yeah. - Well, let's continue. Help! Did you hear! Shouts! Shit! Shouts! Is there someone? I'm Caleb. I need help. It's Wyman! We must get out of here. There methane everywhere. I found it so. It is badly hurt and I can not get it out. - Do not look, okay? - No no. Wait! Shit, Your bone is stuck with the metal. Dammit! Mike! Mike! Hey, we have to force this. Look for something to open it. Drop your! Drop your! Keep pulling! there is no electricity. So high. Just a moment. Let me think. I'll close the tube. Hey, Andrea, back to your post. We do not have the authority. I will seal the well. Do not touch that button! You must activate the emergency shutdown. We do not have the authority. You're not going to turn. Can anybody help me? Please? Get out! Out of here! You're coming with or without that leg. Resist! Resist! Hey, look at me. Going to hurt a lot, but keep calm. Look at me. Do not look down, look at me. We are with you. Resist! Drop your! Drop your! Wyman, can you move? Let's move on. Take me to the bridge, Mike. Coast Guard. Lieutenant speaks Degan. Hi. Mr... I do not want to bother, and I'm sure everything is fine... but my husband. Mike Williams, is on the Deepwater Horizon and... Yes, there are a couple of reports of a fire on a platform. I do not know any more. There are...? In the Deepwarter Horizon? There are many platforms. Are you sure...? Yes, there is a fire on the Deepwater Horizon. I do not know any more. Sorry, I have to hang up. What happened? - Ken, are you okay? - The tower will fall on us! Give him the boat is gone! My crane will demolish the tower. - Collapses! - Get in the boat now! I must stop, or we will kill them all. Well, Dale! Faster Faster! Help him up! Help him up! Shit! You can, Dale! Well, Dale! Give him out of there! Now! OMG. - Who's on the bridge? - Fleytas. Kuchta. Let's move on! It is full! Let's move on! They Go to the meeting point one! Board a lifeboat. Andrea, Kuchta, already disconnected? No. Andrea, put my hands in the emergency system. I'll close the tube and seal the well. We will extinguish this fire. - Here. - No. Up! It works. Still on fire? - Keeps flowing, Mr. Jimmy. - It works! Please! Please! Keep in flames. We must go. - Last for Tin 1! - Come on, Don. Let's move on. Hear! Wait! We first! Goes up! We need to recover energy. - The emergency plant must be switched on. - For the fire team? No, keep the stationary platform for the tube re not break. - That's it. We can not save her. - Well, nothing is lost by trying. Maybe, Mike. It is the other side of the tower. I know. - I'm with you. - What? - I'm with you. - Insurance? - I'm with you. - Go ahead, Mike. Come on. To our knowledge, the platform is on fire. Something is on fire there. Gasoline, natural gas or oil. That understand Mike? Keep in flames. Una plataforma 32 km al sur de Grand Isle, Louisiana. - Hello? - Natalie, speaking Felicia Williams. Our husbands work on the Deepwater Horizon. I called the Coast Guard and confirm that there is a fire... but I wanted to know so you know something. What the Coast Guard said? Only there is a fire. Shelly heard are jumping from the platform. What do you do? Not now, love. - What's up? - Not now, love. Shit. Come on. Carefully! - Open up step! - Go to Lifeboat 2! - Lower the bore! - Let's move on! Dammit! - Ay, no! No, no - Apgalo! Shit! Shit! - Do you have gloves? - Yes! Dammit! Come in, come in! Come here! - Mike? - Shit. Mike, are you okay? Mike? Turn on the generator. You know how it works? No. It should not be difficult. Come. Read me this. Is seriously? - Do it! - All right. "Turn the knob to 'local' '. "Turn the switch to 'on'." Good. "Press the main button." The Red. You impress me. I thought you knew not read. Very funny. He had a scholarship to study architecture. - And what are you doing here? - I should heeding my mom. Yes it is. - Mr. Jimmy, did you have power? - It should work. It works now? - We continue outside the permitted area? - Yes. - Return us very slowly. - All right. Slowly. Please work! - Please... - Shit! Dammit. "Turn the key to 'on'." We have it! We have it. Watch your leg! "Wait for the light." Please. Please! That must be it. It is done. It is done! Mr. Jimmy, is there and electricity? - Turn it on, Mike. - Please. No no. Kuchta, can you help me? Close the door! Do not! No no no. - Go to the boats, Mike. It's over. - Shit! We must... Jimmy, we must go. Let's move on! Let's move on! Watch out! Everything collapses. We must get to the boats. Close the door. We are full. Let's move on! Come on. They left us. They left us! Dammit! - The emergency lifeline! - Do you have a knife? I need a knife! I have one. Watch out! Open it! Get it out! - Keep it straight. - Turn the crank! Shit! Quick! Tnsalo! We have to get him out! Turn it! The spin as fast as I can! You can, friend! You can! Dammit! Pray, pray! Shit! Pray! Come on, sbanlo! Wounded first! Let's move on! Where is Andrea? Andrea, let's go! - Quick, Andrea! - Do not. No, wait! Wait! There is too much fire. We can not jump from here. We need to get more. We have to climb more! Come on! Slower! It's a raft! Resistan! Come on. Bankston Rescue! Here! We are here! We have them. Come. Quick! We have to go up! Quick! On the stairs going up! Shit! Quick! Faster Faster! Hears! Hears. Come on. Is the original V8 engine or a new one? Your Mustang. Original or new V8 engine? It is original. It's okay. Maybe we need to rebuild it. Who? Do you see anyone else here? You and I. Listen to me. Look at me! We came above to jump farther. Agree? Let's jump over the fire. No no. I can not. What? Reconstructing the engine? Skip. Believe me, we will not fall into the fire. I do not want to die. - You're not going to die. Look at me. - I do not want to die. I do not want to die! Our options are to burn or jump! No, let me go! Do not touch me! Do not touch me! - Jump you! - It's okay. Do what you want. You know what? I'll do what you do. No. - My wife is Felicia. My daughter, Sydney. - Do not make me responsible! And I see you again. You understand? What are the possibilities to come out alive if you do not jump me now? I'll leave ere. Do you hear me? You want to stay? Stay. Hey, what color is your Mustang? Come on! Andrew! Andrew! If they hear your name, respond! Albers, Shane! This! Holloway, Caleb! This! Anderson, Jason! Jason Anderson, are you here? Is there anyone here from the dugout drilling? No one? Donald Clark, are you here? Dewey Revette? Shane Roshto? Adam manner? Roy Kemp? There is a doctor above. Dale Burkeen? Gordon Jones? Karl Inger Klepp? Stephen Curtis? Keith manuel. Thank you. You're good? All knees. Our Father who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Let your kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth cone in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive that offends us. Do not let us fall into temptation and deliver us from evil. What is your name, sir? Mike Williams. Take a break and then come talk to me... Hear, hear. Was it in the platform? - Yes sir. - My son left the platform? - What? - He left the platform? I do not know if achieved... Where is my son? Where is my son? - Were you able to leave? - I do not know. My son. Do you know him? Did you leave with you? You'd better have someone report me something! Help me! Please! Actuates an alarm. Did you hear any of these alarms? My love, everything is fine. Mike Williams never returned to the sea. He lives with his family in Texas. I remember I closed my eyes and prayed. I asked God... to tell my wife and my daughter that I did my best. And if I survive this, it will be for a reason. Raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you give is the truth? The whole truth and nothing but the truth? - Yes sir. - Thank you. We went to the next light that we saw in the water and rescued... Andrea, the dynamic position operator. Andrea Fleytas lives in California. no longer works in the oil industry I went to the speaker to give a final warning and said it would abandon the platform. It is your opinion, who was in charge of the platform? - The manager of the platform. - Mr. Harrell. Right? Right. Jimmy Harrell still working for Transocean There was a big explosion... and then a second is starboard. After the explosion, I called the rig floor. There was no answer. BP supervisors. Robert Kaluza and Donald Vidrine They were convicted of manslaughter In 2015, these charges were dismissed. Everything they told us could never happen... It happened. Who was killed. 11 men died aboard the Deepwater Horizon of April 20, 2010. The blowout lasted 87 days and spilled an estimated 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. It was the worst oil disaster in US history |