Den Brother (2010)

Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
good afternoon, everybody.
Hans Mikenluber here,
Voice to
the lemon oaks ice hounds.
It's been hand-to-hand action
All afternoon.
As always,
our ice hounds are down,
Plagued by penalties
and sloppy mistakes.
The hounds trail
the rivals Norsemen
4 to 2.
The question
on everyone's mind...
Why is lemon oaks'
superstar player
Sitting on the bench?
Alex! Alex! Alex!
Alex! Alex! Alex!
Alex Pearson is
back in the game!
Goose, I'm open!
Gustavo passes to Pearson
Who takes the puck and forces
the action up the ice.
Pearson fakes right,
then powers up the center,
Skating like
the street ball of hockey.
Alex! Alex!
and he lines up...
Come on! Come on! Come on!
and he scores!
you are the man! Whoo-hoo!
that's three goals and
a hat trick for Alex Pearson,
Earning him another
ice hound record!
Thank you!
It was a team effort!
Alex! Alex! Alex!
That's three for you.
We don't deserve you, Alex.
Pearson does it again,
but we're still down by one,
So let's use
my pressure offense.
They'll never expect it.
Oh, sorry, man.
Titus is all mine.
Hey, work the puck to Alex.
Let's go, hounds! Let's go!
Alex! Alex!
the hounds are still down by 1.
Why can't every player
be as good as Alex?
Come on, buddy! Come on!
come on, Alex.
Gustavo keeps it!
I've got it! Dude!
dude, what are you doing?
they seem to be fighting over the puck.
And, oh!
They go down in a heap!
Novetsky has a breakaway.
and scores
the winning goal!
Well, that's the game.
The ice hounds lose 5 to 3.
And it's another
crushing defeat
For our beloved hounds.
But stellar play
by Alex Pearson
Nets him another hat trick,
So go, Alex.
What are you so happy about?
We lost.
goose, hockey
is not all about
Winning and losing.
It's about
challenging yourself
To be the best you can be
and I played great!
I... and you're coming along too.
I am sorry about
that little...
No problem.
I know I was too slow.
But seriously, Alex, I think
we should've won this game.
goose, goose, goose.
Let's try to be
a little zen about this.
We are a 500 team. We're never
going to make the playoffs
But if I keep playing like this,
I could make
the high school all-stars.
I'm just saying maybe you should
think about the ice hounds.
I am thinking
about the ice hounds.
Think of the notoriety
it would bring the team
If I was on the all-stars.
So, you want a game at my house?
Yeah... no! No! No no.
There's something I have to do.
I told you. What was it?
Uh, taking care of your sister?
Yes. Yes.
Well, she's been
fed and watered recently.
She'll be fine, right?
I can probably
come over for one level.
Go home, Alex.
Half a level?
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Mrs. Jacklitz.
You're looking very
spry today.
Okay, so then
you just take that three
And you carry it
over to the next column.
But that's not how
they showed us at school, dad.
Well, maybe not,
but it'll work in a pinch.
in a pinch, it'll work.
All right, I am home.
Let the celebrating begin.
Finally. Alex,
where have you been?
I've got a lecture
in 12 minutes.
What's the big deal?
Think of it as more quality time with Emily.
And besides,
you could have left.
Ingrid is right here.
All right, for one thing, Ingrid is
our housekeeper, not our babysitter.
For a variety of reasons,
I want you here watching Emily.
All right?
I had a game, by the way, dad.
Thanks for asking.
I know you had a game,
And I'm sure
that you were great.
And you know I'd be there
if I wasn't teaching
Five classes this semester.
I know.
Dad, I'm... I'm sorry,
but can you make it
To one game, or try?
Of course.
Thank you.
Okay, frozen dinners
are on the counter.
Make sure
your sister eats at least
Some vegetables.
Oh, and make sure
that she does her homework
Before television.
All right. Oh, this is
going towards my car, right?
Oh, and I'm going to be at the
university all day tomorrow too,
So don't forget to pick up Emily from
her bumblebee meeting at school.
Okay, so, uh...
Don't forget Mrs. Jacklitz
is always home
If there's an emergency.
I'm sure she'd be as big
of a help in a crisis
As Ingrid would be.
No offense, Ingrid.
Oh... oh, no, no, no.
There's no way we're watching
Bunny friends forever.
But it's a new one.
No, it's not!
I've seen this one.
And don't start
with the doe eyes,
Because today, we are
watching extreme sports.
going to make it through?
...Lose control.
Now the fun starts, everybody...
No! Uh...
give it, Alex!
Alex! Alex! Please!
I control the plasma.
I am getting my way.
Volume. Yes.
out there now.
Just 5 remaining here.
near the end
of the straightaway,
4 huge leaps.
The top 2 riders racing...
Wouldn't be popcorn
be great right now?
we've been
together forever.
You'll just have to study
the handbook on your own at home
Until bumblebee headquarters
Can assign you
to your new troops.
Whoa. What's up, Mrs. M?
They're shutting us down.
Troop 57 is crashing down
all around us
Even as we speak.
Izzy's dad was lucky enough
to get a new job in Chicago
And we're leaving right away.
I've talked to all the other moms
and they can't do it.
No one seems
to be able to take over.
this is not happening!
We've been together forever.
But you are still bumblebees.
You're just going to be split up
And slipped into existing troops.
Doesn't that sound great?
But me and Abigail
and Ursula and Tina,
We formed a troop because
we're all best friends.
What about me?
And Rachel is
sort of our friend too.
excuse me.
what are we going to do?
All right!
Enough with the shrieking.
Girls, don't freak out.
One of your mothers is
going to volunteer eventually.
My mom's a long-haul trucker.
She's away a lot.
I have four brothers
with self-control problems.
I didn't say it was
going to be easy.
I just said it can be done,
but... well, you're probably
Going to have to
guilt them into it,
So let's see your sad faces.
That seemed a little forced.
Oh, no... no, wait.
Everyone, copy Rachel.
I wasn't doing it.
Well, even if they can
Dig up another
den mother for us,
It'll take so long, we'll never
get into camporee.
We've got to get into camporee.
Camporee is only
The most important
bumblebee even of the year.
And they don't let you just waltz in.
There's all this stuff you
need to do to qualify for it.
Sounds like a real hoot.
Girls, I am so sorry,
But I have a situation.
And so, the meeting
is canceled.
Alex is going to stay with you
until your parents show up.
What? No, no, no.
I have like 100 cool things
I've got to go do.
Izzy, come with me.
Girls, I will see you all
At the goodbye brunch
If it happens.
Bye, Izzy. We're all going to miss you.
bye, Izzy.
I'm going to miss you.
see you soon!
Alex, can you please run the
meeting, not just baby-sit us?
Oh, please, please, please!
please! Please!
Please! Please!
No. No! No!
No, there is no way
that I'm going to be
Your designated den mother.
This meeting of troop 57
of the bumblebees
Will return to order on the...
When you talk, you have to use
The troop 57 talking flower.
It means it's your turn
and only you can talk.
Emily's out of uniform.
She's not supposed to wear
a princess tiara.
It's against the rules.
Well, it's not against my rules.
Maybe she's a...
A bumblebee princess girl
or something.
Alex, then can I be
a bumblebee vampire girl?
Yes. I don't care.
You girls can wear
whatever you want.
You don't have
the talking flower.
Okay, no rule...
the talking flower is now moot.
there is
no more talking flower.
It's not even over there,
don't look.
Now, whatever
you girls were doing
Before I got here, do that.
We weren't doing anything.
Mrs. Moffat took forever
to tell us she's dumping us.
Well, what do you want to do?
Okay. Anybody else?
You could look at pictures of cute boys.
No... no.
Uh, I don't...
I don't think so.
Well, we could do a go-for-it.
A go-for-it is when we try
A new activity, craft or skill.
All right, let's go
over this one more time.
You give 100%.
You never back off,
you never back down.
Now, let's go.
let's go.
oh, my.
come on! Let's go!
Let's go! Hustle up! Hustle up!
Emily, do you
want to catch up or not?
Come on! Go faster!
Okay, uh, you're
going way too slow.
Hockey's a fast sport.
You have to be fast.
But it's right there!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
All right, come on, girls!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
I'll get it! I'll get it!
all right, Emily, you've
got this. You've got this.
Okay, let's go,
let's go, let's go!
Yes, this is it.
All right, now
work behind the net, Abigail.
There it... there it is!
All right, someone, take a shot.
Take a shot!
Shoot! Shoot!
Good effort, girls.
Now, that's how you run a power play.
I'm cold.
You okay, Tina?
All right.
You all right, Rachel?
My feet hurt.
What's that?
that's a Zamboni.
Look, girls,
those are all indicators
That you're playing correctly.
Why can't we do something fun?
Becoming great hockey players
Is the most fun thing
in the world.
And how would you
know that, dork?
Don't tell me. Titus.
Do you really
not want me to tell you?
Well, what do we have here?
Some new ice hounds?
They are definitely
a lot tougher
Than the guys you got now.
Definitely a lot
tougher than you.
get him, Alex! Get him!
come on!
Does it hurt, Alex?
only when you talk...
Or stare at me.
Know what? Today was the best
Bumblebee girls meeting ever.
If mom were alive, would she
bring me to the meetings?
Of course she would, em.
Alex, I'm glad you're here
to take me to the meetings.
Seriously, why her?
You're like a psychic detective,
you know that?
Dude, some genetic twist of fate
Has made you good at hockey.
In the one town that would
actually care about that.
That's like having a free
date-anyone-you-want card.
Why Matisse?
Okay, yeah, she's pretty.
So what? She doesn't like you.
All right, there are
a ton of pretty girls
Who would love to date you.
She's really smart.
Yeah, we know that from the fact
that she won't go out with you.
Correction... she's not
gone out with me yet.
I made eye contact
with her at the game.
I think I'm really starting
to wear her down. Watch.
Yeah. That changes a lot.
What happened to you?
This? It's nothing.
I ran into a couple of bad guys,
Had to put the hurt
down on them.
You know how it goes.
Oh, I thought maybe
you got it in your last game,
You know, when you stole
the puck from your friend
And ended up on your butt
while the Norsemen
Scored the winning goal.
well, you saw the hat trick
before that, right?
You never give poor goose
a chance on the ice.
What... you've made him
your personal driver.
I swear, I don't even know
why he's your friend.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa,
it's not a big deal.
He doesn't mind
being knocked around.
It's just friendly in hockey.
When you check someone,
it's... it's like saying hello.
And goodbye.
It's like... it's kind of like
"aloha," but Matisse,
I just wanted to know
if maybe this Friday night,
We could do...
I... I'm busy.
doing what?
I'll find something.
I'm just keeping it real.
I am a highly pursued date
at this school
And you should just jump
at the opportunity to date me.
I... I'm just saying.
I'm trying to help you.
Can I just say something to you in hockey?
And by the way,
that was an aloha goodbye,
Not aloha hello.
I don't have a car.
That's the problem.
That's why she won't date me.
Alex, your old man's never
going to get you that car.
Oh, my pessimistic
little friend,
There's always a solution
to the exceptional person.
You just have to think
outside the box.
Alex! Alex! Alex!
slight delay
in getting started, folks.
However, we are looking
forward to a great game
Between the tigers
and the ice hounds.
You're enabling him, Gary.
Come on, Neal.
He just likes
to make an entrance.
The crowd loves it.
Well, love it or not,
if he's not on the ice
In 10 seconds...
and now, a big
lemon oaks welcome
To everyone's
favorite ice hound...
Alex Pearson!
Alex wanted me to let you know
That he's sponsored by
Moses Roses fine florist shop.
?Moses Roses, Moses Roses?/i
Moses Roses! Moses Roses!
Alex, this is just...
it's too much.
Nascar drivers do it.
This is good for everyone.
It's what I call
the win-win-win scenario.
Moses Roses gets advertising.
The crowd gets information
as well as a show.
And I get...
Neal, please,
don't suspend him.
I'm not going to, you are.
Either you control your player
or I'll bench your entire team
For the rest of the season.
Alex, go collect your things.
Coach, you can't
let him suspend me like that.
It's out of my hands.
I'm afraid you really
blew it this time, son.
I am so disappointed.
So am I. How am I supposed
to make the all-stars now?
In you, Alex.
I am disappointed in you.
What, for my initiative?
Dad, let's face facts here.
You are just as guilty
in this situation as I am.
You're the one
that told me
I had to help pay
for the car.
You forced me to take
drastic action.
What I said was if you pay
for your own insurance,
I would consider
buying you a car
If your attitude improved.
All right.
Well, there's nothing to do
Except for use this time to
rest up and wait for the coach
To lift the suspension.
Oh, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no.
No, the whole
laissez-faire parenting,
That stops right now.
You're going to work.
Dad, I couldn't
in good conscience
Take a job knowing
I could be
Put back onto the team at any second.
You're going to work here.
Yeah, it's about time
somebody trimmed those hedges
Back into shape.
The whole yard needs weeding,
The sprinkler heads
need replacing.
It's high time
you learned to take
A little responsibility, Alex.
Maybe then
we'll talk about a car.
I just need to borrow you for a minute.
Wait, whoa!
What are you doing?
The parents want to see
that there's a responsible
Junior helper at the meeting.
So, look responsible.
can I go now?
bye, honey.
just two more cars.
Hey, maybe I should
bring Ingrid out here
So that all the parents can
see there's adult supervision.
oh! Oh!
Yeah, I'm sure that'll
fill them with confidence.
it's going to be hard to stop,
no doubt, on this play.
as long as he
has time to make the throw,
You can guarantee he's
going to find the open...
Alex, are you busy?
Dad gave me like
But you're playing video games.
No. Part of my mind
is playing video games.
My subconscious
is formulating a plan.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!
Oh! No! No, no, no!
Hey! Bee-free zone.
Guilt didn't work.
None of our parents cracked.
And so, we still
don't have a den mom.
Can you walk us
to the community center?
There's a buddy troop activity.
This one is a basket decorating party.
If you have a buddy troop,
Why don't you
ask them to take you?
They might help us.
Lorna's sister Matisse
Is their junior helper.
oh, Matisse.
She might take us.
Yeah, she would totally take us.
Wait wait wait, Rachel, did you
just say a basket decorating party?
That is completely different!
Why didn't you say that
from the beginning?
I am in!
What is he doing?
Good job, girls.
Now we can form a chain.
Grab my hand.
let's form a chain.
What are you doing here?
Um, I'm a junior helper
for my sister's bee troop.
No way. I'm a junior helper
for my sister's bee troop.
And before you say anything,
It's... I know it's not
a very guy thing to do,
So let me have it. Where's
the making fun of me, the jokes?
No no, it's... it's great.
It's, you know,
kind of surprising.
Less talking, more working.
Uh, you should
grab a seat and get gluing.
If you want to make baskets
that are easily sold,
Just follow directions
and do as you're told.
Clippings are not
to be left on the floor!
They are to be placed
in the middle of the table
For easy recycling later.
You should
get your girls working.
more glue, more glue!
hey, Matisse.
Hey, girls.
Do you like my princess basket?
Wow, it's great.
It's super-princessy.
It's really different.
What about yours, Alex?
Mine's not really ready
for public display yet.
Really? Well, I guess
I'll just have to come back
And check on your work.
See you later, girls.
Bye, Matisse.
Excuse me, bees.
Moses Roses, nothing
says I'm sorry like flowers.
Mr. Moses?
that's me.
Yeah, it's Alex.
oh, hi, Alex.
Uh, you make baskets, right?
Mother, do I have to
use the flowers too?
Of course, Gemma.
Three of each color flower.
Follow the directions.
It's not fun at all.
Why can't we do it
like they're doing it?
Here you go, son.
Thank you, sir.
ah, I don't believe we've met.
Alex Pearson,
junior helper, troop... 57.
Oh-ho-ho, well,
Now I understand.
The lack of leadership
Explains these...
...Whatever they are.
Well, troop 57's baskets
Are a little different
than the other girls,
But I told them they can
make them however they want.
After all, it's like
everyone's going to want to buy
The same kind of basket, right?
Everyone does want
the same kind of basket.
They want perfect,
beautiful baskets.
Okay, well,
Let's just say that troop 57's
baskets are a little different.
Oh, no. No, no, no, no.
Let's not say that because
there is no troop 57.
With Mrs. Moffat gone,
you do not exist.
No offense, ma'am,
but there is a troop 57
And we're them.
Well, I'm not going to argue
with you because I'm right.
The bumblebee charter
clearly dictates
That every troop's
den mother be present.
And at this time, I'm afraid...
oh, no, hold on.
And you just assume that
we don't have a den mother
'cause you don't
see a den mother?
Oh oh... we have a den mother.
I don't see a den mother.
Well, maybe that's because
our den mother Mrs. Zamboni
Is at home. She's sick.
She has strep throat.
All right, fine.
Tell Mrs. Zamboni
That I look forward
to meeting her at the next
Bumblebee group meeting
And I hope
she feels better soon.
Of course.
I'm onto you.
What was that all about?
I thought you were about
to start hitting each other.
Well, she did start it.
Alex, this isn't a hockey rink.
You have to be more bumblebee.
I mean, have some
bumblebee pride.
Now, is this
bumblebee enough for you?
Wow, Alex,
It... it's beautiful.
I don't know what to say.
I'm really impressed.
I'll go put this
with the finished baskets.
When did we get
a den mother, Alex?
There is
no Mrs. Zamboni, dingbat.
He made that all up.
Well, we're doomed now.
It's just a matter of time.
Relax, girls. I'll find you
a replacement den mother.
And in the meantime,
You do have a den mom.
you have me.
Coach, I am impressed.
When you're in my store, Alex,
I'm not the coach.
I'm just Gary.
Well, Gary, that is the most
perfectly-sharpened hockey skate
I have ever seen.
You are the...
of skate sharpening.
I'm sorry, Alex.
I can't do it.
What are you talking about?
I can't reinstate you.
Reams has made it pretty clear
this had to be
A serious punishment. You know,
I put you back in now,
He benches the whole team and...
What were you thinking?
You put a patch
for Moses Roses on your jersey.
So what?
Neal Reams's family
Owns fantasy flowers,
The only other florist in town.
Whoops. Well, how long am I
going to be suspended then?
You know, in theory
it's up to me,
But two weeks
at the very least.
I've got to play it by ear
to see when reams cools down.
Two weeks!
Coach, remember all-star team?
I have to be on the ice
to make the all-star team.
Alex, reams isn't just a ref.
He is the all-stars' coach.
It'll take a miracle
to win him over.
can I help you, miss?
Uh, yeah, camping.
Oh, over here.
Oh, thank you. Oh, it's you.
Guilty as charged.
Well, I bet you
know why I'm here.
Yes, of course I do.
Don't want to wait till the last
minute to prep for camporee.
Absolutely not, that would be
plain irresponsible.
I am an early camporee
preparer for sure.
Me too.
So, Matisse,
I was just wondering
if maybe you and I...
Oh, I see
where this is going.
And the answer is yes.
Really? That's...
That's great!
Right on!
It's not a big deal,
it's just a ride.
You wanted a ride to the bumblebee
leadership powwow, right?
Yes. That's right.
That's... that is exactly
What I was
going to ask you about.
Alex, wait!
What is it, munchkin?
We need you for the meeting.
oh, no.
Wait, I already waved
At all your parents.
What else do you need me for?
But you're our den mother.
Yes, I know that,
But I have
a previous engagement
And... and it's
not like you're alone.
Ingrid is here.
But a bumblebee's word
is her vow,
Especially a den mother.
All right, let's say
that I'm your den... Brother.
Uh, and a den brother
Is more of a big picture
type of leader.
Mm, where do you
think you're going?
The library.
You even look at my schedule?
It's on the refrigerator.
I will make
a point to from now on.
No, no, no.
I have got office hours
all this weekend.
You have to watch Emily.
No, dad...
no, no.
Plus, you wouldn't be able
to get out of here anyway,
Not with all of these
you have to do, right?
Look, if you're serious
about that car,
You've got to work
for it, right?
I have been.
I know, I know.
And I appreciate you
taking Emily
To her bumblebee meetings,
but I am not looking
For blind obedience,
I'm looking for change here.
I... I do push-ups everyday.
I'm talking about
your attitude, Alex.
Do the chores
And do them right.
Well, I have to at least look
like I'm trying to do some of it
Or I'll never see that car. What you
really need is a bunch of magical elves
To do the job for you.
Or some worker bees.
All right, all right, you win.
I'll help you girls out
with your go-for-it,
But just this once.
That's all right.
We found one.
We're going to make birdfeeders
out of recycled milk cartons!
Wow, that's great.
I was going to give you one
a little more challenging,
But that birdfeeder idea
seems more your speed.
This go-for-it requires
Strength and motor skills.
We can do it.
You... Can talk.
Uh, well, since Tina feels
so strongly about this
That she's willing
to make a sound,
I'll give you girls a shot.
yes! Yes!
all right! Let's go!
# come on and dance #/i
# bring up the bass #/i
# 'cause there's a party
going on at our place #/i
# so bring the noise #/i
# we love the crowd #/i
# it's not a party
till it's way too loud #/i
# and nothing's
going to stop us, no, no #/i
# you can't get us down #/i
# we're taking over #/i
# just like we should #/i
# yeah, we're the k-k-k-kids #/i
# in your neighborhood #/i
Wait, where's Tina?
under here!
# in your neighborhood,
in your neighborhood #/i
Alex, I'm sorry, could you
put that on pause for a second?
I'll tell you "sup."
The yard looks...
thanks, dad.
It was no sweat.
No, you went above and beyond.
I mean, was it hard
to get that work done
And watch Emily
at the same time?
She was great. She's
actually in the living room
Goofing around
with her friends right now.
What's the big surprise, dad?
Alex, I am proud of you.
Not only have you been
great with Emily,
But you didn't just do the
chores, you took them seriously.
You did the...
the best possible job.
And a deal's a deal.
Wait, are you serious?
Today's the day?
I knew you'd shape up, son.
I keep telling you,
you're a good kid.
Dad, this... this is amazing.
You're the best.
What do you think?
It's pretty awesome, huh?
That's quite a car.
Uh, not that it's
not a great car, but...
Oh! Shoo! Oh!
...But I was thinking
of one with a whole engine.
Oh, don't worry about it.
The rest of the engine's
in the trunk.
This is the best way for
a young man to learn about cars.
By building one?
Yeah. Yes.
That's how I learned.
I tell you,
the car granddad got me
Makes this one look
like an italian sports car.
Fixing up one of these
Is like being thrown
into the deep end of a pool.
Well, thanks, dad.
You know, son,
I have been selling you short.
You show that
you're capable of much more
And so here
is a list of chores
More in keeping
with your abilities.
What do you mean "no"?
We don't want to do
another go-for-it.
a clean-the-gutter go-for-it.
Why not?
First of all, it sounds hard
And not at all fun.
And second of all, we have
more important things to do.
Like what?
Like earn badges, Alex.
We need them for camporee.
And we're super-behind
the other troops.
Oh, uh, badges!
I... I didn't know
we were ready for that.
Where do we...
where do we start?
The build-a-fire badge is first.
Can you teach us?
Of course, I can teach you.
Only problem is that
we're not zoned for that,
Which means
we'd have to take a bus
To a campground or something
which is fine with me, but...
Well, that'll just
cut into our badge time.
You girls could earn four badges
in the amount of time
It would take to earn one
lame build-a-fire badge.
But that's cool. We can do that.
No no no, wait,
did you say four badges?
The internal combustion engine
is a miracle of modern science.
But after you complete
this task, you will know
More about it
than most americans do.
Alex, I'm almost
done with the...
"cat-ill-attic" converter.
What come next?
Um, why don't you ask Dina?
Why would we ask Dina?
Because she's coming up
the sidewalk right now.
What? She's going to want
to speak with Zamboni.
What do we do?
Rachel, go and stall her now,
quickly. And everyone else,
Come inside with me! Quick!
Hello, bumblebee,
can I see your den mother?
Do you know
the bumblebee password?
Bumblebee pass... uh...
Let me see now, I think... oh, "integrity."
Oh, "fidelity."
There is no bumblebee password.
You're right.
Only a real bumblebee
would know that.
Right this way.
Are you Mrs. Zamboni?
Yes. Yes.
Yes, that's me... Mrs. Z.
You must be Dina.
You're just as lovely
as Alex said you were.
that's... you can't see me.
Oh, no, I can't,
but I'd recognize
That lovely voice anywhere.
What's wrong with your voice?
It's quite low.
Oh, uh, just...
just a little cold
Nothing to be worried about.
Probably not contagious...
I hope.
Mrs. Zamboni,
What exactly
is going on around here?
Uh, well, we're having
A home spa go-for-it.
Is that salad dressing?
yes, it is.
It's great for my complexion.
I have terribly dry skin.
Would you like to try some?
It's supposed to work wonders
On reptilian skin.
Mrs. Zamboni,
with all due respect,
I don't think
this is the kind of skill
We should be teaching children...
I agree, I agree,
But... but the children insisted.
Why don't you sit down?
Uh... oh.
Will you be attending
the bumblebee leadership powwow
This Thursday?
Oh, dear, I'll... I'll try,
but with this cough...
...My junior helper,
bless him,
Will be attending
in my place.
That nice Matisse Burroughs
is going to be taking him.
Mrs. Z, I hate to be a stickler
for the rules, but...
Thank you so much, bumblebees,
But I am afraid I have to dash.
Toledo, Dina!
And one last thing,
Mrs. Zamboni.
Watch Alex Pearson closely.
I don't trust him.
Don't trust Alex?
Why, that's absurd.
The sweet lad is as honest
as the day is long
Or my name isn't
Edna may Zamboni.
All right.
That was so disgusting.
You have a date
With Matisse Burroughs
and you didn't think it worth
Mentioning to me?
Well, it's not really a date.
Are you two going together?
Then it's a date!
You guys! Alex got
a date with Matisse
And we only have
till Thursday.
What do we do?
It's not enough time.
She's way out of his league.
No, wait...
No, I don't need
any dating advice from...
Alex, you know a lot
about hockey, right?
Well, we know a lot about girls.
Now, keeping in mind about
What Matisse thought of you
Up until now,
Will you let us help you?
Good answer.
Alex, stay still.
No, no... what are you doing?
We have to vamp your hair.
You have to what my hair?
Look at this, Alex.
See these cute boys?
They're superstars.
And they either play
vampires on the screen
Or rock the vampire hair.
Okay, go.
What are you
going to talk about?
Um, I know this.
Her! You're
going to talk about her.
Okay. Emily, Rachel wants
to dress him like a biker.
This is so cool.
All right, well,
let's take a vote.
All right, everybody,
biker shirt?
Okay, uh, cute boy shirt.
Cute boy shirt it is.
Do I get a vote?
Oh, my gosh, you guys,
we have to go!
Get going!
This will have to do. Hurry!
Wait wait wait!
No, hold on! Hold on!
She's picking me up, it's fine.
No, not anymore!
Let's get going!
go go go! Go!
Wait wait. Wait wait.
whoa! Whoa whoa.
What? What what?
My dad owns
a custom auto paint shop.
Have fun.
And open her car door.
Beautiful car, Alex.
Mrs. Jacklitz, you have
a very light footstep.
You bumblebees did
a great job on your wheels.
They are very diligent.
It's part of their code.
Just like integrity,
fidelity and readiness?
You know,
The code also applies
to den mothers.
little trivia tidbit,
Mrs. J, but if you'll excuse me,
I have something
I have to be doing.
Thanks for driving.
I love your new look.
Oh, yeah, the hair, uh...
Emily and her friends did it.
I know they kind of went
a little overboard.
No no no, it's cute.
It's, uh... it's even cuter
that you let them do it.
Um, here, let me.
So, were you a bumblebee?
Oh, um, yeah.
I know it's kind of dorky,
but um,
I love this stuff.
And um, you know, I think
it's really great for girls.
That's... that's why I didn't
want Lorna to miss out
Just... just because
our mom was busy.
I think it's wonderful of you
to do this for your sister.
Yeah, well, Emily shouldn't
miss out on all the girly stuff
Just because...
We lost our mom.
And it's not like
I had to join the army
Or anything, right?
Troop 22.
Troop 71.
Oh, ladies, ladies,
Ladies, ladies, ladies.
Do you see these?
The only way to get a golden badge
Is by being the champion troop
Of camporee.
But you're never even
going to have the opportunity
To lose to my troop
If you don't sell enough
cookies to attend.
Troop 18.
Uh, 3,000.
Not bad, Matisse.
You're halfway
to my troop's total.
So far.
Troop 57.
Uh, I don't...
I don't have the exact figures.
That... that's Mrs. Zamboni
And she's at home, she's sick
With a case of the Gretzskys.
Well, I hope
that clears up quickly.
Could you just give me
an approximate number?
I sense that our troop
is slightly behind.
Of course.
But we're doing a big
push at the mall this Saturday.
excuse me?
Uh, troop 66 sells at the mall.
Just Dinas troop? Why?
it's just tradition.
that's bogus.
Junior helper,
did you just say something?
No, sorry den mother Dina.
But... but don't
the bumblebee girls
Represent america?
And didn't...
didn't the pilgrims come
To this great nation so that
king George couldn't tell them
Which mall they could
or couldn't sell their cookies at?
I move to say
that Dinas mall monopoly
Is un-american.
you know, I mean,
if all the troops
Sell at the mall,
it will be pandemonium,
Junior helper.
But why does
troop 66 get the gravy?
Why? We should have a contest to see
who gets the mall concession.
Yeah, whoever wants to sell
at the mall on Saturday can.
Yes, just a...
a cookie blitz if you will.
And whichever troop
sells the most cookies,
Gets the mall
for the rest of the season.
all in favor
Of a cookie blitz say "aye".
All opposed.
Well, um, good night.
Thanks for the ride
And the hair show.
No problemo.
What you did tonight was great.
You made a stand for all
the den moms who have been
Too terrified
to stand up to Dina
For years.
I was wrong about you.
Emily's lucky to have you
for a brother.
bye. See you later.
All right.
Okay, 57, this operation
Separates the men
from the babies...
From the bumblebees.
You know what to do,
so get in there...
Em, what are you doing?
I thought I should look more
like a real bumblebee girl.
No. No, no.
You are a real
bumblebee girl
And a princess
And a vampire
And... and whatever
you want to be,
But you guys know what to do.
So get in there, be yourselves,
And sell some cookies.
# it's a girl thing #/i
# a g-g-girl thing #/i
# it's a girl thing,
a girl thing, a girl thing #/i
# if you're
talking trash about me #/i
# better watch what you say #/i
#I'll take you down #/i
# if you're treading
on my turf #/i
# then you're stepping on
my game, I'll take you down #/i
# 'cause I'm on my feet #/i
# and you know that I own it #/i
# I've got the heat,
so you don't want to blow it #/i
# if you think
that you're all bad #/i
# I'm going to show you
what I have #/i
# I'll take you down,
oh yeah #/i
# oh #/i
# we're trying to work it out #/i
# I'm here for the party
and I'm not backing down #/i
# oh #/i
# I'm the name
on the big marquee #/i
# you think you can beat me? #/i
# I'm calling you out #/i
# I'll take you down #/i
# it's a girl thing,
a g-g-girl thing #/i
# it's a girl thing #/i
# a girl thing, a girl thing #/i
# if you're talking trash
about me #/i
# better watch what you say,
I'll take you down #/i
# you think you can beat me? #/i
# I'm calling it out,
I'll take you down #/i
# it's a girl thing,
a g-g-girl thing #/i
# it's a girl thing #/i
# a g-g-girl thing #/i
# a girl thing, a girl thing #/i
# a girl thing #/i
thick mints are the best.
you are so wrong.
Peanut butter beauts
are too die for.
I would like a word
with your Mrs. Zamboni.
Uh, she's not here.
Not here, is she?
Bumblebee bylaws clearly dictate
the den mother
Must be present. I'm afraid
your troop is officially dis...
No, no, no.
I just meant
She's not here right now.
She's in the mall, obviously.
Oh. Well, where?
She's just taking advantage
Of the 50% off
all control-top jeans
At big beautiful you, you know?
A sale's going on.
I'm sure she'll be back soon.
Well, I don't think I care to wait.
I'd better sell
a couple of these myself.
excuse me.
Oh, darn, these are...
these are quite tight.
If I can just...
I can just...
Mrs. Zamboni?
Oh, yes? Is that you Dina?
Oh, that one was
way too small for me.
Don't you just
love this store?
I don't shop here.
Oh, there's nothing to be
embarrassed about, dear.
Big-boned gals
need pretty frocks too.
That one was the wrong color
for my complexion.
Listen, don't you feel
that you should be
Out there with your bees
making sure that they're
In uniform,
things like that?
Don't you think you should be
out there with your girls, dear?
Maybe if you spent more time
encouraging them
and less time
obsessing about us...
we wouldn't be handing
you your bottoms
On a silver platter in this
cookie race, now would we?
You will be sorry
you said that, Mrs. Zamboni.
Just keeping it real, dawg,
As the kids say.
Did you find Mrs. Zamboni?
unfortunately, yes.
Uh, Mrs. Zamboni?
I'm Matisse Burroughs.
Uh... uh... uh...
oh, Matisse.
Yeah, Alex talks about you
all the time. How lovely.
I... I feel like
I know you and... and if I've...
if I wasn't
Dealing with this
slim fit body-shaper,
I'd come right out there
and give you a great big hug.
Alex... Alex talks about me?
Oh... oh, yes.
What a lovely lad.
If it wasn't for him
begging me on bended knee,
Troop 57 wouldn't even
have a den mother.
And... and any girl should
consider themselves lucky
To be Alex Pearsons girlfriend.
Uh, well, I'd better
get back to my sister.
See you.
we won! Alex, we won!
we won! We won!
Oh, wow! That's great!
I knew you girls could do it.
High-fives all around.
And if we can win here,
we can win anywhere!
We'll keep selling these cookies
until we get to camporee!
What are those supposed to be?
My badges.
Did you guys
make them yourselves?
Look, they all have them.
Well, well, well.
It looks like your junior helper
Has been playing
a little trick on you, 57s.
No, they're... they're
independent study badges.
They count. Look it up.
Alex, not all the badges
can be individualized,
Just one or two.
What's this one for?
I, um, made Alex
and his friends sandwiches.
More like wanna-bees?
What did you do for this one,
clean your brother's room?
Now girls,
we mustn't giggle.
Oh, I am so sorry for you, 57s,
But qualifying for camporee
Is more than
just selling cookies.
These badges will not count
Toward your eligibility.
Too bad there's
no gullibility badge.
Oh, my.
Come on, my little ones.
This is wonderful.
How could you?
I can't believe for one second
That I actually...
No, no, no, ma...
Uh, em, girls, come on.
We're going.
Come on.
Hey. I thought
I saw you out here.
Good game, goose.
Yeah. Yeah, fourth win in a row.
Yeah, lady luck is really
Shining down on you guys.
Anyway, you came
to watch us play.
That means a lot.
Emily hates me.
A bunch
of the other bumblebees
Made fun of the badges
I made for the girls
And now they're
all bent out of shape.
I see.
So, you didn't come here
to cheer on the team,
You came here for you.
Don't you think that just
maybe that's your problem?
The problem is that...
Well, aside from the fact
that Emily being mad at me
Makes it a drag to watch her,
Matisse... Matisse thinks this
whole losing camporee thing
Is... is my fault.
It is your fault.
It's totally your fault.
You're absolutely right.
I've got to fix this.
I've got to look like
I'm trying to fix this, right?
Because if I don't,
Emily's always going
to be mad at me forever
And Matisse won't date me.
No. Alex, that's not...
When you're right, you're right.
And you're right.
Alex, no, you're...
Alex, you're missing the point.
All right, guys,
let's review what we agreed on
In the bumblebee
chatroom last night.
Nobody is going to
talk to Alex, right?
Right. We need to be mean,
But not too mean
because we still need him.
I can't believe I have
an organize-Alex's-closet badge.
Hey, guys, look at this.
binoculars and a map?
I smell a rat.
I have a rat.
This smells way more
like your brother.
Come on, let's go.
That way.
That way.
I see Alex.
You guys, right there.
Congratulations, you have all
now officially earned
You orienteering badges.
Here you go, em. Girls.
Nice trick, Alex.
It still doesn't
Make up for what you did.
I'm sorry about that.
I... I really am.
But... but you still need five
more badges for camporee.
I... I dug up all the stuff you
need and I brought it here.
So, what do you say?
Two! Three!
Five! Six!
And seven!
And eight!
# one two three, turn around #/i
# don't you watch me #/i
# just turn around #/i
# do it now #/i
# don't me count, oh-ho #/i
# one two three, turn around #/i
# watch yourself,
why don't you turn around? #/i
# can't you see,
I don't need you around? #/i
# do it now, I'll walk
right through that door #/i
# one two three #/i
# don't you watch me #/i
# turn around, do it now #/i
# walk right
through that door #/i
# one two three #/i
# come watch me #/i
# come watch me #/i
# walk right
through that door #/i
Wow. Thanks, Alex.
I can start a fire.
Yes, you can. And we know
You're only going to
do that in a fireplace
Or officially
designated campsite,
No unsupervised fires ever.
Got it.
look, I got another...
Now, the good news
is that troop 57
Now has all the required badges
For the skills you'll need
To compete
in this year's camporee.
oh, but hold on!
The bad news is that we're
A little short
on our cookie sales.
Now, the cookie sales
are how we pay for camporee.
Well, how short are we?
Well, it doesn't really
matter how short we are,
As cookie sales have closed.
Maybe we could sell
something else.
Like our blood!
Everybody loves muffins.
They're just like cookies,
but with all the packaging.
And we can make them ourselves.
We have a big kitchen at my
house. We can make them there.
Okay, well, if we baked muffins,
we'd have to sell, like...
We have to sell 415 muffins?
Each... for a total
Of $2,075.
We can't do that. No one can.
Now, wait a second. You guys
didn't think you could earn
Five merit badges
that quickly either, did you?
We should at least try.
Or not.
We can do this.
Now, supposing we do
Bake muffins all day,
Ideally, we want to find
A big group of people
That are all jammed
together or hungry.
And if they were cold,
that would be a bonus
'cause the muffins would be hot.
Oh, what about
the big hockey game?
yeah! That's perfect!
Don't remind me
of the hockey game.
If my team
doesn't win this game,
We don't go to the playoffs
And then I don't get to be
on the all-star team.
Alex, we should go
to the hockey game.
Stop. I don't want
to talk about the hockey game!
Now, where can we go
where there's going to be
A big group of people
who are cold and hungry...
The hockey game.
that's right.
the ice rink is so perfect.
The ice hound fans
all love you.
Having you there
will be like a commercial.
Em, no one can know
that I'm with you.
Why not?
Are you embarrassed
to be seen with us?
No. No, no, no. No, that's...
that's not it at all.
I just think that Mrs. Zamboni
should be there.
We're at the ice rink. We're bound to
run into a den mom or two.
They might tell Dina.
Maybe we should just pick
another spot.
But it's the best place
to sell our muffins.
What if Mrs. Zamboni
is there?
This is ridiculous.
How do you know
how to do this again?
I love Halloween
Like some people
like christmas or sunlight
I've been doing my old
witch makeup for years.
It's won awards.
But... well, it feels awful.
What is that made out of?
Latex facial appliances,
Just like they use in movies.
Em, is there any chance
this will actually work?
Well, it will be
pretty dark out there,
And this is not going to be
a face
That people will want
a closer look at.
Can't believe
Alex wrote it like this.
We're not babies, you know.
Look. Oh, that looks so cute.
What are you raising money for,
little girl?
Oh, uh...
Oh, uh, we're trying to go
to the camp of bees.
how cute.
Oh, yeah, thanks.
Here you go.
Hello. Hello.
Here. Yeah.
Sweetheart, hi.
It's Emily, isn't it?
And I suppose that your troop
is here with your brother?
Um, well, not exactly.
So you don't even have
Your junior helper
along with you this time.
Ooh, I am afraid
the bumblebee regional office
Will need to be informed
of this final,
And I am afraid fate
will greet you fools.
I must report troop 57
is a-w-o-d-m.
Abroad without a den mother.
Serious situation.
It appears
that troop 57's den mother is...
Right here.
Dina, you have bumblebee
On the speed dial?
Don't you think that's
a bit extreme, deary?
Mrs. Zamboni,
what are you doing here?
Just being a good den mother
And being a loyal supporter.
Go, ice hounds!
What are you doing here, dear?
Well, if you must know,
My husband is required to
attend every game,
And I just wanted to make sure
That everything was in order.
How sweet.
Well, now that you know
everything is "in order,"
Why don't you toddle off
and watch the game?
we have to sell like crazy,
And we have to spread out.
Just go up to anyone
and be like,
"get your muffins here.
Hey, muffins, muffins, muffins,"
Or just anything like that.
Oh, like Tina could do that.
Maybe I could just
restock everyone else?
Tina, we all do things
that we never dream of doing.
I, for example,
I am dressed in public,
as a middle-aged to old
Granny type with a pillow
In my control top.
And besides that, your
whole troop is counting on you
Tina, you can do this.
we believe in you.
Great job on the makeup.
you did do a good job.
fresh muffins! Butter available!
come on! Where's the "d"?
We're blowing it, guys!
Uh... uh...
I... I mean try harder!
Yo! Hot muffins!
Just $3 for a hunk of heaven!
Hey, blue hat,
I got chocolaty
goodness for you!
Coming in!
Over here!
Hey, lady!
I got some tasty oat bran
With your name on it!
Hey, I'll take a blueberry one!
Sure thing, sister.
Oh, hey, Matisse.
Is that you, Tina?
Um, yeah.
I don't know what came over me,
but I kind of like it.
I think I found my summer job.
minus Alex Pearson,
the ice hounds are tied at 2
And struggling to find a spark
that will lead them to victory.
Honestly, without Pearson,
I'm shocked we even
got those two.
for the love of pizza!
How can we be losing this game?
We could be in the playoffs
for the first time in years
If we could just score
a stinking goal.
Why don't you put Alex in?
Thanks a lot... Grandma...
...But he's not here.
And if he were,
I would end the suspension
And I would
put him in right now.
Done and done.
the ice hounds
are making a substitute
And sending in...
I'm not sure,
But it appears to be
One of the player's
Who is that?
she steals the puck,
Skates around and scores!
Is he crazy?
hold your horses.
That's no ordinary granny!
It's Alex Pearson!
I should have known
by his silky-smooth moves
And nose for the goal.
Alex, you are one in a million!
Pearson! Pearson! Pearson!
Buddy, what do you think
about that, man? We won!
No, Alex. You won.
You won.
Dude, come on, man.
Emily, I...
Emily, troop 57, wait!
I didn't...
I didn't mean to...
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
No, no, no.
Uh, nothing on
but your dumb show.
It's even a new one, I think.
Things to do, huh?
I'm dvring it so you
can watch it later then.
I was thinking
about making popcorn.
Fyi, the dvr
is definitely working,
So you'll have it.
Um, are you busy?
I mean, I know you're busy,
But... but can you talk?
Oh, are you going to give me
the silent treatment too?
No, Alex, I'm not giving you
the silent treatment.
Well, Emily is
and it's not very mature.
So, could you just...
you want me to make your sister
Talk to you
so you'll feel better
Because you
let her down terribly?
Well, when you say it like that
it doesn't sound too great,
But yeah, could you?
All right.
I... I've done wrong and...
And I deserve punishment.
It feels good to admit that.
Let her rip, dad.
Any time now.
Don't hold back.
Fine. I'll start.
Alex, you are grounded
for two weeks!
No, that's... that's too little.
Four weeks!
Six weeks!
I'm not grounding you, Alex.
Hard labor it is.
Uh, I'll put up a new fence,
I'll paint the house,
I'll re-sod the lawn.
I'm not going to
punish you at all.
If I punish you,
when it was over
You'd feel like
you made up for it.
Instead, I want you
to feel the consequences
Of ruining things
for Emily and her friends.
I'll put up a new fence
And I'll paint the house.
Dad! There has got to be some
way I can make this right.
How can I fix this?
You can't.
I've got work to do.
Well, thank you...
Mrs. Zamboni.
It's a pretty small town, Alex.
You'd better come in.
Please excuse me for a second.
What... are these your badges?
And my daughter's
and granddaughter's.
Wait. No way.
Um, I...
I know this photo.
We... well, we have it
in my house.
That's my mom in the middle.
She was in my daughter's troop.
And readiness.
Do you know the rest, Alex?
A bumblebee does
what she's supposed to...
And is accountable
for her actions.
Your mother was
an excellent scout, Alex.
Yeah, well,
She should have been
Emily's den mom.
Anyone would have done
a better job than me.
I could use
some help around here.
The house needs a coat of paint,
the floors need refinishing.
But it depends on who will
actually do the work.
I will.
I... I swear by the code.
Then you've got yourself
a den mother.
Catch it, catch it, catch it!
There is some cold air in here.
Someone, turn up the heat.
Okay, I get it.
First off, I just
want to say that...
I was a real jerk.
A serious jerk.
Biggest jerk of all time.
Huge jerk.
All right, guys,
he knows that he was a jerk.
No, em, it's... it's okay.
I deserve it.
Girls, you have to
understand, I...
I never meant for you
to get in trouble.
I... you have to believe me,
I... um,
I'm truly sorry.
I... I wasn't
a good den brother.
And em...
I wasn't a good
real brother either.
It's too bad...
That "I'm sorry"
Won't get us into camporee.
No. No, it won't.
But I found someone who can.
Mrs. J?
...This is Mrs. Jacklitz.
She's going to be
your new den mother.
Hi, girls.
Alex, may I have a word
with the girls alone?
yeah, sure.
Girls, who can tell me
the qualities exemplified
By the bumblebee code?
Integrity, readiness,
Um, fidelity.
Do you know what
"fidelity" means?
That's right.
Now, I know Alex wasn't
the perfect den mother.
He was a liar.
He lied to us.
He lied to everyone.
But you knew the truth
about Mrs. Zamboni too.
So, you can't
blame it all on him.
Let's start with a go-for-it.
What are we going for?
How about...
good evening, ice hound fans!
The hounds' hopes are high
As they prepare to meet
their dreaded rivals
The Norsemen
Following the heartbreaking
last-minute defeat
When last they met.
Huh. Enjoy the snow cone?
Looks like you're not so hot
without a granny wig on.
Alex! Alex, come on!
Whatever, Titus.
Have a good game, man.
Yeah, whatever to you too, Alex.
All right. All right, all right.
So, thanks to Alex,
We are in the playoffs.
Game plan, as per usual,
Everybody passes the puck
to Alex whenever he thinks he...
Coach, can I say something?
Yeah, of course you can.
Listen up, guys.
Alex is going to speak.
All you guys deserve an apology.
I've been a real jerk.
Wow. Goose...
You're the heart and soul
of this team, man.
I want you
to be captain, not me.
Alex, I don't
want to be captain.
I want you to be a good captain.
Okay. Well,
As captain,
I'd like to implement
A little play I call
the pressure offense.
And by "I," I mean goose.
Well, I say let's
kick some butt!
Let's see your moves, Alex.
I'm sticking to you like glue.
Pearson wins the face-off
And... Fades back?
Oh, he doesn't have puck!
A trick play!
Ice hounds score!
hounds lead with just
10 minutes left
in the first period.
Pearson has the puck.
He passes it and... oh!
He gets leveled!
the Norsemen
are all over Pearson.
All right, he comes in again.
Human decoy Alex Pearson
Leads the Norsemen...
he passes it...
You know, goose,
when you first brought up
The pressure offense,
You failed to mention
that I get crushed...
A lot.
Did I? My bad.
tied 3 to 3, just seconds left,
Pearson comes out
from behind the net,
And this time he doesn't pass.
He drives up the ice,
moving past the Norsemen
Like a knife through butter.
Alex Pearson is back!
Pearson closes in
on the Norsemens
He's got a shot there
And he passes to Gustavo...
three! Two! One!
...Who scores at the buzzer!
ice hounds win!
I'm the best coach ever!
That was coach reams.
Dude, I'm so sorry.
What? For making the all-stars?
It should have been you.
My game plan kept you in the back.
No worries. No worries.
What the heck
was that last pass for?
You should have taken that shot.
I knew you had it.
goose! Goose! Goose!
Goose! Goose! Goose! Goose!
Get out of here.
Hey, and don't let
all of this go to your head.
It's not always about you.
Alex! Alex! He's our man!
If he can't do it, no one can!
Two, four, six, eight!
Who do we appreciate? Alex!
Go, Alex!
Um, I thought
you were too busy.
Yeah, well,
the girls needed a ride
And after they
told me what you'd done,
How could I refuse?
You made it to this game?
You didn't even get
to see me at my best.
No, I'm pretty sure I did.
Um, em, girls,
What are you doing here?
Wait wait wait,
camporee is tomorrow.
You should be preparing.
Do you have everything you need?
Tents? Sleeping bags
and air fresheners?
Don't worry, we made a list.
We have almost everything.
We don't have our den mother.
Uh, but Mrs. Jacklitz...
Alex, Mrs. Jacklitz
is a really nice lady,
But we all talked about it.
And well, even though
you were kind of selfish
And sneaky at first,
We never would have
gotten here without you.
And we want our den mother back.
Well... well, then what
are we doing here, girls?
Camporee is tomorrow!
follow me to camporee! Whoo!
Troop 57 reporting
for camporee.
Okay, let me go find
your sign-in sheet.
Now, girls, remember one thing.
You have to decide what you
want to do right now, okay?
How are we doing on that sign...
there seems to be a problem.
There's definitely a problem. What did you
just do with that little girl?
You can't sign in troop 57
Because there is no troop 57.
No den mother, no troop.
Hmm. I'm their den mother.
"allowable with written
permission from the parents
And/or guardians
of the bumblebees in question.
I believe you'll
find them in order.
Not so fast. You forgot
one tiny little detail.
All den mothers
participating in camporee
Must be in full dress uniform.
Alex! Alex! Alex!
Alex! Alex! Alex!
Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!
What, you've never seen
a bumble bee troop before?
Let's go! Come on, girls!
I never imagined I'd hear
myself say this, son,
But it fills my heart
with pride to see you
In that bumble bee girl uniform.
Hey, what's all the commotion?
That boy is making
a mockery of camporee.
Go do something about it!
Okay, I think I will.
I'd like a word with you, son.
This is quite some stunt
you've pulled here.
This takes a lot of guts.
It shows real leadership.
And that's just the thing I'm
looking for on the all-star team.
What? I got one open spot.
You interested?
Of course I'm interested, but...
Well, I'd have to check
the troop schedule
'cause my bees come first.
Right, girls?
Alex! Alex! Alex!
Alex! Alex! Alex!
Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!
Alex! Alex! Alex!
Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!
B-mark. Cut.
we're doing a home...
Oh... let's... go...
You know.
That one was... that's
the wrong one, isn't I?
I fell over.
I'm sorry.
Go, Alex!
You're going to need
a steak when you get home.
# Muffins #
# Muffins #
# Muffins #
# Muffins #
The End