Den Brysomme Mannen (The Bothersome Man) (2006)

Good afternoon.|My name s Andreas Ramsfjell.
You're expected.
Was the banner for me?|Yes.
Jump in.
I like making a bit of a fuss.|It's nice banner.
I have a car that's newer,|but it's in the shop.
- Are you comfortable?|- Yes.
I'll turn the radio on if you like.
I'd rather not.
- Where are we going?|- To your place.
This is number 42. You're in|apartment F on the first floor.
Here are the keys|to the apartment.
- And this is where your new job is.|- What kind of job is it?
You're an accountant|at a contractor's down town.
A good firm.
- Is that a problem?|- No.
You'll get used to it.
- May I help you?|- I'm supposed to start working here.
- Ravnsfjell, is that right?|- Ramsfjell. With an M.
- Hvard.|- Andreas.
- Welcome.|- Thanks.
- Want a gum?|- No thanks.
- Suppose you want to see your office.|- I should probably meet the boss.
- That's me.|- Say hello to Andreas.
- Hello. Harald.|- Andreas.
Andreas, this is Vigdis.|He'll be working in accounting.
- Excellent. That's Ivar.|- Hello.
Well...|Here we are.
- Nice office.|- Yeah.
A little cash.|Until you get a bank account.
There's something wrong with|the booze in this place.
They've watered it|or put something in it.
Nothing wrong with the booze.
I've been drinking all night,|but it doesn't work.
Doesn't work.|My head's still clear. It's terrible.
Don't listen to him. He's drunk.
I've spent everything I've earned|on booze, but still nothing.
There's no point.
And philosophical.|Drunk and philosophical.
I've tried everything.|Nothing tastes any good.
I used to like hot chocolate.|But it's not any good now.
- Nothing tastes anything.|- Don't listen to him.
And hot chocolate's supposed to be|nice. Dark and tasty.
- Just imagine the smell.|- You'll get used to it.
It's not just hot chocolate.|That was just an example.
It doesn't taste any good.|And it's all like that.
Hot chocolate, pussy and burgers.
- Nothing has any taste.|- What's your point?
It's not that it need to be nice|all the time. But once in a while...
Andreas, what happened?
You can't just sit here.
Don't touch me.
Harald? Come here for a second.
Andreas, what's happened?
Don't touch me. I'm OK.
Sorry about this.
Stupid of me.
Thanks for the ride.
- Hello.|- Hello, Andreas.
- Do you want some?|- Thanks.
Hello. Want some cake?
- I'm sorry.|- Anything we can do for you?
- No...|- It's important that you're happy.
Just let me know if you need a new|computer or a chair or whatever.
- Everything's fine.|- You're not too busy?
No. It's fairly simple.|Not too much.
Just let me know.
Don't worry about lunch.|Take whatever breaks you need.
- Can I sit here?|- Please do.
- There's plenty to choose from.|- That one. I like that one.
- It's got to be comfortable as well.|- Right. Must be nice to sit on.
- All of them are nice.|- Not all of them.
A lot of them are nice.|That one's cool.
- But it takes up a lot of space.|- Can't put it in a corner.
- Can't put that one in a corner.|- What about that one?
- It looks comfy, and...|- Not a bit too casual?
- I don't want to be a snob, but...|- Casual style. Good idea.
Then we could get|a more minimalist chair with it.
I think you're right.|Difficult to choose.
- Any plans tonight?|- No, I'm free.
We're getting together for dinner|at my place.
You're welcome to join us.
- Something wrong?|- No.
- How's that new girl doing?|- Better than we thought.
- What do you do?|- I sell kitchen interiors.
And what do you do|in the evenings?
I'm taking a class.|I'm interested in interior design.
Maybe we could go out some time?|To a concert or something?
That would be nice.
Cheers. Nice to se you all.
Here we are.
- Nice area.|- The house is a bit run down.
I'm redecorating.|A bit much for just one person.
Good night.|Thanks for walking me home.
My pleasure. Good night.
Unless you want to come in...
Good job.
- Is that colour azure?|- No, it's coral. Cool coral.
They're beautiful.
- I was sure it was azure.|- It could be.
I think the manufacturers name|their own colours.
- Really?|- That's my impression.
One manufacturer's cool coral is|another manufacturer's azure.
The bathroom is important.
Some say the|kitchen is the most important, -
- but I think it's the bathroom.
What do you think?
The bathroom is important.
- Andreas?|- Yes!
I don't like the white colour|in the living room.
- Couldn't you sleep?|- No, I woke up.
I had the strangest dream.
You were in it,|and the man at the corner shop.
The priming takes time.|Of course you're a bit tired.
And a huge moose.|It came running down the street...
I don't want you to talk like that.
- I don't like it.|- I'm explaining why I couldn't sleep.
I don't know what you're doing,|but please stop it.
There's still quite a lot left to do.
- Andreas?|- Yes?
Could we put a bathtub|in the bedroom?
- A bathtub?|- We could knock this wall down.
That could be nice.
I saw some nice rattan furniture|in a magazine.
Don't you think|rattan would be nice?
You haven't seen any teabags,|have you?
I'm a coffee man.
- Want me to get some for you?|- No, there's no need.
Ingeborg? Would you like to|go to the movies with me?
It doesn't have to be the movies.
We could do that.
- This is Anne Britt.|- Hi, it's me.
I'll be a bit late to night.|You'll have to eat alone.
- I have to run some errands in town.|- OK.
I'll see you later.
Bye, then.
I'll walk you to the door.
- I had a nice time tonight.|- The film wasn't too good.
- It wasn't that bad.|- It was nice anyway.
Are you uncomfortable with|me living with someone else?
No.|We haven't done anything wrong.
And what if we did something?
No.|It doesn't bother me.
Unless it bothers you.
I guess I should go to bed.
- It's late.|- And we have work tomorrow.
Can I see you again?
Yes. That would be nice.
We should probably|get back to work.
I'll wait here a while.
So no one sees us together.
- Wouldn't it be nice not to hide?|- It would.
Do you want anything?|Cake?
Yes, please.|That would be nice.
I've met someone else.
- What do you mean?|- Another woman.
I fell in love with someone at work.|I didn't plan to.
- I thought we were happy.|- We were.
- But then I fell in love.|- Why?
I'm going to leave you.
We're having guests on Saturday.
I haven't found an exact time,|but I wanted you to know.
Are you leaving before Saturday?
- I can stay until Saturday.|- That would be good.
- Sorry.|- Andreas? What are you doing here?
- Come down.|- What?
Come down.
- I was already in bed.|- Come with me. I have a surprise.
- I can't go out dressed like this.|- You look terrific.
This was a nice surprise.
This isn't the surprise.
I've left Anne Britt.
I told her I was in love with|someone else. I had to.
So now we can move in together.
- Aren't you happy?|- Well, yes...
We don't have to meet in secret.
That's good.
I hope you didn't leave Anne Britt|for me?
Maybe I did it for me?|It didn't feel right.
Not by Anne Britt or by you.|It felt wrong.
Is something wrong?|I thought you would be happy.
I didn't know|we had that kind of relationship.
- A serious relationship.|- No...
Is there someone else?
- Who?|- Is that important?
- It's Lars Birger down in reception.|- The fat one?
He is just a little big.
And then there's Tom.
He lives in my building.|I don't see him that much.
It's no big deal.
- And then there's Jens.|- I'd rather not know.
I can't criticize you. I was living|with someone else when we met.
So I really can't say anything.
- Are they important to you?|- Who?
- Lars Birger and the others?|- No. But it's nice.
Would you dump them for me?
I could do that.|It's nothing serious.
- Would you do that?|- Yes.
But do you want to?|We could find a place in town.
Would you like to see|the dessert menu?
Do you want to move in with me?
- We could do that.|- But what do you really want?
Am I more important to you|than Lars Birger and the others?
You're very nice.
- And the others?|- They're very nice too.
But who do you prefer?
I think everyone's nice.
But it would be nice|to have a bigger place.
Three rooms,|and maybe a bathtub.
At my place there's only a shower.
Nordby called and invited us|to the go cart track on Saturday.
- Go cart?|- On Saturday. Do you want to?
Yes, sounds nice.
We met in the men's room.
You complained|that nothing tasted anything.
Nothing tasted any good.
You were quite loud.
You went on and on.|You talked about hot chocolate.
Sorry about that.|I've calmed down now.
- Let me in.|- Could you please leave?
- Let me in.|- Do I have to?
I don't want to make any trouble.
Could you please leave now?
You can't tell anyone about this.
I found it a couple of months ago.
- Where does it come from?|- From that hole.
- There's a small light.|- Don't touch anything.
It could collapse.
- You can't tell anyone.|- Of course not.
Everything fine?
You seem a bit uncomfortable.
Too much work?
I miss so many things, Hvard.
The new lamps have arrived.
I miss seeing children.
And hot chocolate. Nice and hot.
I was just thinking about children.
Do you remember|what a baby looks like?
I have to work late tonight.
- Lf that's OK with you.|- Of course.
I'm not sure how late I'll be.|Don't wait up.
You can't do this.|We'll get caught.
We'll get caught!
You can't be here.
I think I smell something.
- There's something there.|- You have to go. This is mine.
- You have no right to be here.|- What are you going to do about it?
- Did you smell something?|- Yes.
A nice smell?
A nice smell.
- That's enough.|- Right.
The coffee?
- This is better.|- Much better.
I need to talk to you.
- We had to make certain changes.|- Who's he?
- He's not half as good as you.|- Am I fired?
We don't to look at it like that.|Lots of people change careers.
I know an architect who started|working in a cafe. He was happy.
It's been nice working with you,|Andreas.
- Good luck.|- Thank you.
Come here.
- What's the matter?|- There's a smell, and we hear things.
It's nothing. There was a leak,|and I had to do some plastering.
There's nothing going on here.|I don't know what you mean.
- We want to join in.|- We have repaired the leak.
- We want to join in.|- You can come later.
I can smell something.
It was just a string of coincidences.|I'm not involved in this.
I suggested we leave it be,|but he wanted to expand.
It wasn't my idea. I like it here.|There's no need to take me as well.
You're free to go.
Most people are happy here,|Andreas.
They think it's a nice city.|They have everything they need.
People are happy.
The majority of people are happy.|And we're proud of that.
Welcome.|The car is over there.