Den du frygter (Fear Me Not) (2008)

I've been on leave
for six weeks now.
It was time for a break from
the frantic pace I was stuck in.
For years
I've wanted some time to myself.
But the transition from hard work
to relative freedom is not easy.
The changes I 'd hoped for
haven't appeared.
So now I'll write down my thoughts
more systematically.
I find it hard to stay focused.
Unexpected details
make me uneasy.
I need to look
for inspiration and change.
And embrace every opportunity
to move on.
Sorry, I couldn't get away.
- That's okay.
Have I got time to change?
- You don't need to. You look great.
How on earth do you do this?
Darling, would you smoke
under the extractor?
You just have to start
from down here.
What is she like?
His wife?
I don't know.
I've never actually met her.
Is someone coming for dinner?
Jorgensen from your Dad's work
and his wife.
Can I go round to Tobias'?
- If you're home by 10.
Can we make it 11?
- No.
Well, if it's okay with dad.
But remember to call him,
so he can pick you up.
See you later.
- See you.
Bye, bye, darling.
- Bye.
This wine is great.
- I think so, too. Very good.
So you're moving
the kitchen upstairs?
Actually, we're putting a new one in.
We might as well do the lot
while we're re-decorating.
Sigrid's an architect.
- I know.
We always sit in the kitchen, so we
might as well enjoy the view up there.
Of course.
Did your father never think of that?
He liked it the way it was. We're
mostly rebuilding to make it our own.
And for Mikael.
By the way, I read a report on
genetically engineered potatoes.
It's a report from Scotland,
and they're doing this study.
They take genes from artichokes
and implant them in potatoes.
Are you okay?
- Fine.
Are you happy not working?
I think so.
- Be careful, though.
A consultant at work took six
months' leave. He never came back.
I've got plenty to do.
Which reminds me. You might have
to row on your own for a few weeks.
We're starting trials on
a new anti-depressant on Monday -
- so I'll be up to my neck.
How many take part
in a trial Like that?
Twenty to begin with.
The trick is to get normal subjects.
People with a disease
will try anything.
I'd like to try.
Oh no, you wouldn't.
- Why not?
Why would you?
It's a hassle. There's scanning
every two weeks, blood pressure -
- more scanning and... It's mostly
students who need the money.
Moreover, I don't think Sigrid
would Like you being a guinea pig.
She doesn't have
to know everything.
It's about time
I had a little secret from her.
Are you enjoying yourself?
- Oh, yes.
We'll change that.
Come with me.
I'll take you for your blood tests.
Come in for a check-up in two weeks.
I can't guarantee I'll get you to
the front of the queue every time.
My brother-in-law, Mikael Neumann.
He's part of the Limetech trial.
Is Limetech a Danish company?
- Swedish. We often test their drugs.
This is a new product called Nyasin
that we're testing for side effects.
I didn't think there were any.
- No...
But you have to be wary of migraine,
hypertension, and so on.
Here you go...
You need to take one of these
every morning for six months.
And you'll have to come back
for a check-up every two weeks.
- Hi... You're down here?
Yes, I had a hectic day
and needed a minute.
How about you?
Where have you been?
I had to stop by the Ministry
for a couple of hours.
Okay. Are you thinking about going
back to work? That's a good idea.
Not at all. I just had to pick up
some papers and stuff.
Aren't you bored?
Well, I'm letting out
all the heat.
Come and give me a hug.
Oh no, you're getting all sweaty now.
I'm sorry.
That's alright.
Day 1.
I weigh 76 kilos,
and I'm 179 centimeters.
Quite normal.
I could be in better shape -
- but my physical condition
isn't so bad that it worries me.
However, I've had trouble sleeping
for the last couple of years.
I used to blame my long
working days, but I can't anymore.
I feel restless,
and it's hard to handle.
I don't know where it comes from.
It's like I need
to reshuffle the cards.
- Hey, a big fat rat!
It ran into the garage.
And it wasn't just a mouse?
- It ran across here, into the garage.
How the hell did it get in here?
This is really gross, Dad.
Those damn plumbers.
Mum doesn't know anything, right?
- No way!
There, now...
That should put a stop to them.
But they're still down there.
- We'll have to fix that.
Fix what...? Good morning.
- Good morning.
What are you going to fix?
- Just the garage. It's messy.
You're going to tidy the garage?
Dad is.
- That's great!
- Hi! What are you doing here?
I've come to see Frederik.
- Nothing wrong I hope.
No, I'm in that
anti-depressant trial of his.
You're not depressed, I hope?
No... But we can always
get better, you know.
What's it Like to be studying again?
- Great.
There's just so much to remember...
I feel Like a relic at times.
Wll the students leave you alone?
- Not really.
Don't make me jealous.
Why don't we all go to the cinema?
- Okay. Why not?
Just not one of
Sigrid's arty films.
I don't know if I can promise you that.
Hi, darling.
It was in the bedroom.
Thanks, darling.
That's sweet of you.
Get up!
You're in my seat.
It's two weeks now since
I started taking the pills.
The second check-up went well.
I'm trying to watch out for changes
in my condition.
It's the first time in my life
that I've been so self-aware.
And I feel good about it.
Are you going out?
- We're going to the cinema.
With Ellen and Frederik.
Want to come?
Is it one of Mum's Chinese films?
- Yes.
I think I'll pass, then.
Is Tobias coming over tonight?
- I don't know. Why?
He usually does when we're out.
When do we get to meet him?
- Soon.
Grandma called.
- Yes... How is she?
Fine. It sounds
like they take good care of her.
I think she'd be happy
if you rang her.
I will.
I keep forgetting. It's pathetic.
I'll get around to it, though.
- Nothing today, thank you.
Well, they're on special offer.
They're for Sigrid.
They need to be planted
before the frost sets in.
Didn't you bring Ellen?
- She's just coming.
How are you?
- I'm fine.
I get to think about a lot of things.
- Don't overdo it.
- Hi.
But when he gets started...
- Sorry! I lost track of time.
Hi, darling.
- Hi.
Good to see you.
- You too.
Wow, this is fantastic.
What a kitchen!
I'm glad you said that.
- I was raving to Mikael about it.
We're really pleased with it.
- Where did you get the lamps?
On the net.
I Like to keep it simple.
And different.
- Should we...
Why don't we stay in?
We could just stay in and chat.
What do you think?
Fine by me.
- Me too.
Then we need some more wine.
I was looking forward to that film.
- What did you say?
Sorry we're late.
- Don't worry.
This is Tobias.
And this is my dad.
Hi, I'm Tobias.
Pleased to meet you.
- Same to you, Tobias.
But he's so articulate.
Yes, but it annoyed me that he was
nervous. Usually he's really funny.
But that's what happens
when you meet The Incredible Hulk.
Do you think it's weird
that I've started seeing boys?
Yes, I do.
I thought he'd be covered in tattoos,
but he was quite normal.
What's going on?
- What do you mean?
You've just been
really cheerful lately.
I'm always cheerful.
Aren't I?
Not until you feel well do you realize
how uncomfortable you used to be.
I thought for too long
that my life was blissful boredom.
For the first time in ages
I feel like I'm moving on.
Every moment seems intense.
The effect of the pills
has surprised me.
Deep down, I never thought
they would make any difference.
Get the fuck away from me,
you bastard. Fucking moron!
What the hell are you doing,
you fucking psycho?
What are you doing?
Hi, Michael.
- Hello.
The door was open.
Come in.
Do you want a cup of tea?
No thanks.
I actually came to tell you that
we're abandoning the trial.
So I'll probably go on leave,
just Like you.
- The Limetech people freaked out.
They say we made the intervals
shorter than we agreed.
Did you?
- Of course not.
They're just making it up.
But Mikael, I was thinking...
about those pills.
I threw them out. There's no way I'm
going to take any more of that stuff.
Is he okay,
the guy I hit?
He's fine.
He got off quite lightly.
Nobody seems to have suffered
any lasting damage.
I'm really sorry about what happened.
I don't know what got into me.
Anyway, we offer counseling
to all the participants.
Well... I don't think I need it. I think
some of the others need it more.
Yes, but it may be good
to talk things through anyway.
I'll see how things go.
Good morning.
Have you been out rowing?
- No, I just stopped by to say hello.
How sweet...
Actually I need to ask you a favor.
Can Selma stay the weekend?
- Of course.
Then we could go away somewhere.
This weekend?
But I was going to see my mother.
When did you decide that?
I've been meaning to do it for ages.
And she's not got much time left.
You never mentioned that.
I understand Mikael.
I still feel bad about not
seeing Dad more before he died.
You do?
It's just a couple of days, Sigrid.
How long are you thinking?
Why should a few people ruin the
chances I was given by those pills?
The changes have happened
almost imperceptibly.
I don't know exactly
what's happening.
But I feel good about the results.
When you've always tried to stay
on the track, it's nice to leave it.
Of course, I can't go on
with the scans and blood tests.
Everything will be
much simpler and more primitive.
I need to keep checking my blood
pressure and physical condition.
Eat healthily.
Work out regularly.
Try to get eight hours' sleep
every night.
I need to stay away
from Sigrid for a while.
Without meaning to,
she's limited my freedom.
Down here I can proceed
without interruption.
This is day 29.
I have enough pills for four months.
I 'll try to let whatever
comes along inspire me.
If I keep an open mind,
there's nothing to worry about.
It's good to be back.
Is Anton there?
- Anton?
- Did I get the wrong number?
Maybe not...
- Does Anton still work there?
I can't tell you. What do you want?
- lsn't this Marstal Supermarket?
Who am I speaking to?
- Sorry. My name is Soren Karlsen.
I'm married to Anton's sister.
We were so happy when we heard
he had a job in your shop.
But it's been over two months
since we heard from him.
Anton doesn't work here anymore.
Do you know where he's gone to?
Yes, Anton died.
He is dead.
When? I mean...
- Well, it was a few weeks ago.
What happened?
- Look, I'm busy.
You'll have to talk to someone else.
- But...
You shouldn't be running here.
It's the hunting season.
It's at your own risk...
My God, it's Mik, isn't it?
I can't believe it. It's Kenneth.
- What the hell!
I didn't recognize you.
- Likewise.
How are you?
- Can't complain.
Are you staying at the house?
- Yes, I came to do some work.
You seem to be in great shape.
Do you play ice hockey still?
It's been a while.
- How about you?
- It's hard to keep up, you know.
It's great to see you.
- Likewise...
Are you still in the public sector?
- Yeah, what about you?
Well, still here as you can see,
looking after the house and stuff.
I still live right overt here.
It's not exactly Graceland, but there's
a cold beer, if you wanna come by...
Sounds nice, but I have a lot to do.
- There's always time for beer.
Esben and Rickard
will be there tomorrow.
Are you still in touch with them?
- On and off.
You won't believe this,
but Esben is with the police now.
They're great guys.
You should drop by tomorrow.
I should be back in a month or so.
I'll pop in then.
Don't worry too much, Mik...
It'll give you a headache.
I'd better get on with things...
It was good to see you.
You too.
See you...
Well, what do you know, it's Mik.
How nice.
You're sure it's okay?
- 'Course. Come on in.
We're right in here.
It's Mik.
- What the hell...!
Hi, Mikael
- Hi, Rickard... Esben.
Long time, no see...
- Grab a seat.
How's the match?
- Well...
It depends
who you support.
The score is 0-0, moron.
Well, what's up, Mikael? How long
is it since you've been down here?
Well, how long is it, Kenneth?
- 20 years, I guess.
Time flies.
What about your mother?
Is she still alive?
Yeah. She's at the nursing home now.
Not doing much.
Is she still fucking around?
Well, she is getting old, you know...
There must be plenty to choose from
in a nursing home though.
Why don't you both shut up.
More beers, anyone?
Selma, tell Grandma
what you've just had.
Glandular fever.
- Kissing disease.
It was no fun.
- Who've you been kissing?
I don't know.
That's the funny thing. If Dad was
here, he would have punched him.
Hi, it's me. I tried to catch
you on your mobile. I can't...
We miss you.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry I was so angry
when you called the other day.
You can stay longer if you want.
Just call, if... something, okay?
Bye, darling.
Hi, Mik.
- What's up?
I just wanted to say I'm sorry about
those two, when you came over.
Don't worry about it.
- They haven't changed a bit.
It looks that way.
Rickard can't take you're being
cleverer than him. He never could.
I know. In his case,
it doesn't take much, though.
I remember
the first time I was up here.
Your dad was singing and
playing that old guitar in there...
Nothing Like that ever happened
in my world.
And then your mother
made hot chocolate for us.
Do you think she'll ever
come back here?
My mother? No... No.
She wasn't particularly happy here.
She was heartbroken when my dad
died. I didn't understand it back then.
You weren't very old at the time.
Do you remember all the big dreams
and schemes we had?
In my case,
nothing much came of it.
I wanted to be a sailor.
- Didn't you always get seasick?
Nothing much came of it.
- No.
I think the trick is
to accept that this is all there is.
But as you know, I never could.
- No.
How's your wife?
She's fine.
- Is she good-looking?
What do you think?
When you left I was sure
you'd come back after a week.
But I didn't.
- No.
Then why did you come now?
I came to visit my Mum.
- Right...
The days go by. I don't have a sense
of my daily rhythm any more.
The pills disappear faster
than they should.
I don't keep track of
how many I take in a day.
It seems to make no difference.
I feel fine.
I'm alone here. But I don't
feel lonely like I used to.
I feel like I'm heading
into a new phase of my life.
- Hi.
My car broke down.
Do you think you can help me?
My dad's in the back
I'll get him for you.
He'll be here in a minute.
- I think I'll take these as well.
Don't you want to try them on?
- You'd Like that, wouldn't you?
They're for my daughter.
- How old is she?
A bit younger than you.
- I can try them on for you.
You don't mind?
- Of course not.
Do you think she'll like them?
- I'm sure she will.
Can you fix it?
- Well, I'll try.
How long will it take?
- By late afternoon, I reckon.
Are you bored?
I'm okay.
Your car is ready in half an hour.
- Perfect.
Are you going past Soby?
Can I grab a lift?
What's going on in Soby?
- I have a girl friend there.
Will you take me?
- 'Course.
I'll wait for you down the road.
Would you please not tell my dad?
This is great. Thanks.
- No problem.
What's your name?
- Pia.
I'm Anton.
Put some music on, if you Like.
Won't your dad let you go?
- He thinks I have a boyfriend there.
Have you?
Your dad doesn't like him?
He's a bit older than me.
- That's nothing.
It's not, is it?
But they think it is here.
Would you like to move?
- Yes.
Where would you go?
I don't know. Just somewhere
I could be myself.
That gets harder as you get older.
Say what you think,
and do as you feel.
By the time you reach my age,
it'll be too late.
Hey, can I ask you something?
- Yes.
You and your boyfriend...
Do you fuck?
- Is it good?
Do you mind me asking?
No, but...
It's just a bit weird, maybe.
Do you like it?
- Sometimes.
Isn't he nice to you?
- Can we change the music?
Does he like your tits?
I'm just trying to remember my youth.
You'll be the same one day.
Can I see them?
It's just a question.
Say no, if you don't feel like it.
I don't feel like it.
Where are you going?
- Don't worry. It's just a shortcut.
Do you fancy playing a game?
If I turn the lights off,
I can't see a thing, right?
I'm going to speed up gradually until
you feel like showing me your tits.
What do you say?
We better turn this on,
so we can see each other.
I can see fuck-all.
It's pitch black.
No! Hey...
That's not part of the deal!
Are you crazy?
I could run you over by accident.
It's so fucking dark.
Will you slow down, if I...
- Of course.
That's the game we're playing.
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Put your clothes back on.
I've had enough of country life.
I've missed you.
- I've missed you too.
You have?
- 'Course I have.
Sigrid, what's wrong?
I'm sorry.
I'm just overwhelmed.
I've been thinking a lot about us.
What have you been thinking?
Wondering if you're happy.
- If I'm happy? Of course I am.
Well, we can't be laughing
all the time, can we?
- Have you been okay?
Do you love me?
Silly you...
How can you ask that?
I'll go back to work.
Would that make things better?
- Yes.
Hi, Mikael. Good to see you.
- Same to you. Is Jorgensen in?
He's in a meeting,
but you can wait in his office.
I'll come back another day.
- Yes, okay.
Are you texting me?
Dad! When did you get back?
- This morning.
What happened to the car?
- Some idiot driving with no lights on.
That's what they do in the country.
- Really? Were you hurt?
No, no.
Just the car.
Are these for me?
I thought they were kind of fun.
- They're horrible.
How was Grandma?
- She was fine. She sends her love.
Take those off...
They don't do anything for you.
Was it weird being back home?
- Not really.
Didn't it make you think of stuff
from your childhood a lot?
You know what, sweetie? I don't
remember much from back then.
Is that why you've started
writing a diary?
How do you know?
- Don't worry, I haven't read it.
But it's a weird thing to do,
if you don't remember anything.
No. When you get older, all the good
things disappear in a pleasant haze.
In the end
you only remember the bad stuff.
So if you don't remember,
it means you had a good time.
When can you get back to work?
- The new guy has a contract.
But Jorgensen has to sort that
now that you've changed your mind.
That's not how it works, Sigrid.
But what'll you do now?
- I'll just get on with my leave.
I've got plenty to do.
- Okay.
Your turn.
- I'm not sure it's a good idea for us.
You being home all the time...
- What do you mean?
I don't really know. It's just so
strange, I think... pathetic in a way.
Actually, I thought of
quitting work altogether.
Okay. So what, we're going
to live on just my salary?
We could sell the house.
I can't do that.
It's my father's house.
If we sold the house, we could do a lot
of things together. Like traveling...
You can stop that fairytale now,
Mikael. I'll never move.
Do you really mean that?
- Yes.
There are three 'L's in 'parallel'.
I think I'll go to bed.
- Do you mind?
Good night.
- Good night.
Excuse me...
My wife lost an earring.
Do you mind if I look for it?
Be my guest.
Those aren't earrings.
- Thanks.
This feeling of freedom I've had
for the last month mustn't slip away.
Sigrid's needs have controlled
our lives for too many years.
Slowly she has taken control
of things.
It's not been good for any of us.
Now it's about time I made
some minor corrections.
Nothing spectacular.
Just getting things balanced again
with some clever moves.
I'm sure things
can improve for all of us.
Isn't Sigrid here?
- Not yet.
I'll take a quick shower, okay?
- Fine by me.
I'll be quick.
Why is he so busy?
- I don't know.
Want to have lunch next week,
just the two of us?
What do you think Sigrid will say?
Yes, she does interfere
with lots of things, that's for sure.
If you don't want to, just say so.
- No, I want to.
Is there something
you want to discuss?
I just thought it might be nice.
Hi... Where is everyone?
Have they left?
They said hi.
- Where's Selma?
With Tobias.
Come and sit down.
Please... I really need a shower.
Why don't you make us some tea?
What happened?
- The water was boiling hot. It hurts.
Did you push the thermostat?
- No... I know I didn't.
I'm burning. It really hurts.
- God, you're red. Come...
I won't touch you! You need
something cold. Hurry up, darling.
Are you sure?
I've got some cream for
when you get out of the bath.
Did you speak to Frederik?
The hospital will just put you in
a cold bath. We can do that here.
Just take a minute at the time, okay?
Thank you.
For what?
- For being so sweet.
I reckon the water was 75 degrees
centigrade when it hit the skin.
That's hot enough to be painful,
but won't cause lasting damage.
It's difficult to see Sigrid suffer.
But it's an ordeal
we both have to get through.
In time she'll be better.
Our date is tomorrow, isn't it?
- I was just passing by, is that okay?
Of course.
- Where's Frederik?
At the hospital, I think.
There you go.
- Thanks.
New sofa?
- Yes.
It's great.
- Yes.
Can I ask you something?
- Yes, what?
I know it's none of my business, but
isn't it high time you two had kids?
Did Sigrid tell you to say that?
- No...
I just wondered.
We probably haven't got that far yet.
- But you love each other, right?
- So what are you waiting for?
Oh, things like me graduating.
You could multi-task.
- Are you trying to sound like him?
- But you do.
Well, maybe. We have been around
each other for almost 20 years, so...
Yes, I saw the pictures, thank you.
Two smartasses.
I never was.
I was more of a country bumpkin.
Sigrid and Frederik knew
their way around, though.
Sigrid, too?
- She actually used to be fun.
But things don't always
go as planned, do they?
You ended up with Frederik,
but you've always fancied me.
I have a good life with Frederik,
Is that why you won't
have his children?
Stop that.
It's not like that.
I might have been attracted
to you once, but that's not...
Oh, come on.
I know you still are.
You're married to Sigrid,
and I'm married to Frederik, okay?
We're still having lunch tomorrow?
- Yes.
Hello? Hi, darling.
- Could you get me the hotel site?
Does it have to be right now?
- Well, I'm online...
Okay, but... I think you have to...
You need to go
to, if...
- No... it's with a C...
Okay, CAS...
- Yes.
CSA... A... CAS... A...
No, I think...
No, I'm just studying.
No, nothing... I'm just...
Well, just try eu
instead of dot com.
Okay, I'll try that...
- Yes.
Did you fiind it?
- Okay...
Okay... You do that, then?
Yes, see you. Bye, darling.
What the hell are you doing?
Nothing you don't want me to.
Please go.
Why didn't you tell him
I was here?
Stop it.
You could have thought of some
excuse. The kettle was boiling...
And you'd call him back.
- Mikael...
Is Selma at school?
- Yes.
I know the timing's bad, but...
We need to talk.
- What about?
- I have to tell you this...
We have always been honest, right?
- What is it?
Ellen and I...
We've been together.
We've been together, you know.
You slept with her?
- Yes.
I don't believe you.
It can't be true.
Please tell me you're lying, Mikael!
I'm so sorry.
How many times?
It was a big mistake.
- Was she good?
Stop it...
- I want to know.
Was she good? How could
you do something like that?
I know she's always...
What about Frederik?
Does Frederik know about this?
No, but I want
to talk to you about that, too.
What do you mean?
- I'd like to tell him.
Why do you want to tell him?
I just can't not let him know.
- Just can't? Are you crazy?
You can't tell him.
It's better that I do it than...
No, you mustn't.
He couldn't handle it.
Please don't tell him!
Why not?
- It'll ruin everything!
Because we wouldn't be able to see
him again. You've ruined it all.
I'm not sure that...
- Please don't tell him!
Is it because you're bored with me?
It's because
you're tired of me, isn't it?
No, but... Maybe we just need
to get away for a while.
You mean away from the house?
I don't get it.
I've always dreamed of living here.
So have you. I don't get it, Mikael.
I want to stay here.
Will you leave me, if...
- No.
I won't leave you.
I never could. You know that.
Sigrid's condition breaks my heart.
Some things have to be blown to
pieces before they can be rebuilt.
I find it hard to go on with the
process, but unfortunately I have to.
There are rats in the house!
- In the bedroom. Rats all over.
Come and help me!
- Easy now. Go in and sit down.
Go in and stay calm,
and I'll come in and have a look.
There are rats everywhere.
- All over the bedroom.
Where's Dad?
Didn't you pass him on the way up?
No... Do you want me to go down
and look for him?
There are rats all over.
Was that you calling, Sigrid?
- Yes.
Hi, darling.
- Did you find them?
Sigrid, I've looked all over.
I can't see any rats.
I don't get it. I saw them.
I know I saw them.
I've looked, but...
- But I saw them.
Mum, maybe you should lie down?
- Don't talk to me like I'm mental!
Sigrid. What's the matter...?
I've looked,
and there are no rats, okay?
Selma, get a glass of water.
Let's all calm down now, shall we?
Frederik will be here in a while.
Why's he coming?
- We arranged to row weeks ago.
No thanks.
Selma, could you please go to Tobias'
for a while? I'd like a word with Dad.
- Thanks.
What are you gonna talk about?
- Nothing. We'll be rowing, that's all.
So you won't tell him anything?
- No, I promised I wouldn't.
I won't say anything.
Pills in the morning.
Pills in the evening.
Pills at supper time.
Frederik, I'm worried about Sigrid.
- Has something happened?
We're going through a rough time.
Maybe I shouldn't have gone away.
You remember the trial?
The pills?
Well, it got me thinking...
of all kinds of things.
Can we stop rowing for a while?
- Yes.
This is difficult to say, but...
I may have done something stupid.
You're sure you want me to know?
- Yes, it's important... that...
The pills made me do all kinds
of things, good things for Sigrid.
And Selma and I
have bonded a lot, but...
Mikael, listen...
You never really got any pills.
What do you mean?
- You were in the placebo group.
I would never give you
that stuff, would I?
you're married to my sister.
The ones you had
were completely harmless.
I don't get it.
You saw how I reacted there.
Yes, that was strange, but I double
checked. We gave you placebo.
But don't worry. That's just
how we sometimes react to pressure.
Don't even think about it.
Why are you parked in the driveway?
Is anything wrong?
All of a sudden I got so tired...
But I feel better now.
How's Tobias?
- Fine.
Shouldn't we drive into the garage?
We might as well.
I'm really tired.
Let's go then.
How's Mum?
- She's fine.
Were there any rats?
- No...
Remember when you were
bitten by a dog and went to hospital?
- You didn't want to go.
You clung to all the doorways
you could grab hold of.
Well, I don't remember.
- No...
No, you were so tiny.
There are things
we'd rather forget.
I'm going to take a nap.
- Okay.
Selma... I want you to know
how proud I am of you.
You've grown up
and all that.
Is it okay if I lie down
next to you for a while?
Where have you been?
I just had to do some thinking.
Did you tell Frederik?
Then what did you talk about?
Nothing special.
I'm sorry that...
I know what you want to say.
There's no need to say it.
- I'm too tired to talk now.
I'm so tired,
but I can't sleep.
Do you want me
to get you a sleeping pill?
Would you?
Of course.
But the transition from hard work
to relative freedom isn't easy.
The changes I'd hoped for
haven't appeared.
I must seize every opportunity
to move on.
The pills have set new thoughts in
motion. I feel like I'm moving on.
It can't be right that a few confused
people should ruin my chance.
Sigrid has taken control of things.
Now it's time
I made some minor corrections.
The rats have been in the dark.
Now they'll see the light of day.
I reckon the water was 75 degrees
when it hit the skin. Enough to hurt.
Sigrid is unbalanced. She finds it
hard to accept she's losing her grip.
Her last spasms are pathetic.
What's the difference between
devising an act and doing it?
Where's Mum?
- She's asleep.
I'd like to go down to her.
I'd like to see her.
I think we should let her sleep, Selma.
She needs to rest now.
But I think she should read this.
It's just a story, you know. When I
can't sleep, I make up little stories.
I'd like her to read it.
But it doesn't mean anything!
Why are you crying?
She can read it, if you want her to.
But how did you
make her sleep that fast?
I gave her a sleeping pill.
- What have you done?
I want to talk to her...
Let me go!
You will.
I won't touch you.
Let me go.
- But I'm not touching you, Selma
Selma, don't be silly.
- Leave me alone!
Let me go!
- I'm not doing anything...
There's no reason to be scared of me.
I'm your Dad.
- Selma...! Don't, God don't!
Please, don't cry.
Please stop crying, sweetie.
Don't cry!
I did it to make things good, okay?
I would never dream of...
- Let me go!
Selma...! Selma!
Where are you?
- Mum!
What are you doing?
Get her out! Selma...!
Let me out!
Mikael, what are you doing?
Mikael, what are you doing?
Mikael, listen to me.
Leave Selma alone, Mikael.
Mikael, leave her alone.
Stay away from Selma!
Stay away from Selma, Mikael!
- Mum!
- Selma!
What's going on?
Where are you, Mum? Mummy...!
Daddy, don't hurt Mummy!
Daddy, please leave Mummy alone!
Leave her alone.
Please...! Daddy!
Listen to me!
You mustn't hurt my Mum!
- Mum...!
- Mum!
Where is he, Mummy?
Sigrid let me disappear.
She left me to myself.
I've been thinking about what we
had, before it started going wrong.
I miss talking to Selma.
It's hard to accept that
she's no longer part of my life.
Hi, Mum.
- Mikael...!
How sweet of you to come.
How are you?
Are they treating you nicely?
They're nice enough.
But you know me...
I don't like to have so many people
around me all the time.
Right... That's true.
Do you go to the house anymore?
- No.
It's so overgrown and messy and...
I'll never be able to sell that house.
You'll be stuck with it
when I'm gone.
My Selma... How is my Selma?
She's fine. Getting herself
a boyfriend, I think.
Is she really? That's probably why
she doesn't call me anymore.
Is she fond of him?
- It seems like it.
And how's her mother?
- Fine.
Is she still as confused as ever?
I guess so...
She was depressed
after her father died, but...
That's over now.
All is well again.
I've spent much strength
to find out what went wrong for me.
The painful memories
appear all the time.
I'll never get rid of them.
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