Denti (Teeth) (2000)

Our bodies are inhabited.
What we experience
doesn't end up in the brain,
but miniaturizes
somewhere in our systems,
in our organs, our bones
under our teeth.
Memories lurk in our bodies,
sometimes taking over,
replacing our reality.
As a child, I'd hoped
my teeth would fall out.
They had come like rocks
springing from my throat.
Enormous, impossible to hide.
At school I was "Beaver",
"Bucky", "Bugsy", "Biter".
I couldn't wait
to change teeth once more.
In time I realized
they'd never change again.
I remember eating
my mother's omelette in Pompei
on the amphitheatre steps,
and those pillars
seemed to me like the city's
teeth biting the sky.
I stretched out to feel
the sky on my teeth,
to see if they could
stand that weight.
What are you doing?
My mother was different
from all the others.
She was French, when she spoke
it sounded like singing.
I was 13 when she died.
You'll have to see a dentist.
Antonio, stop it.
I don't mean to butt in,
but we both decided
I should stay!
Living here is impossible,
it's a crappy life!
Phone ringing all damned hours,
people with wrong numbers!
Don't any of these people
have a phone book?
It's ridiculous!
I know it's your house
and I'm a guest.
But I'm the one always here,
you never are,
you're always
out with the girls!
- Mara, how damned many?
- I'm trying to watch a film.
I'm trying to say I may
be naive, but not a dim wit!
I know what's going on
between you and your dentist!
Thanks a lot.
A guy leaves his wife and kids
and she takes up with somebody!
You've taken up with
another guy, true or not?
At least give me an answer.
Is it true or not?
Speak to me again like that
and I'll smash your teeth.
Won't bother you anymore,
but I've something to tell you.
It hurts me to say this.
You're a whore!
chest pain, then
an unbearable emptiness.
Like my internal organs
had been sucked out
and replaced
by vulgar images of Mara.
It always starts like this.
Jealousy seizes me
like a savage beast,
digs its teeth into my flesh
and vanishes in the dark forest,
leaving me bloody on the ground.
Let's see the damage.
I'm not sorry for you.
Try to say "Sarasota".
Try again.
I swam to Sarasota.
What is it?
I saw things.
- Like?
- Wait.
When my tongue touched my
alveoli, I saw things...
They're memories.
I get memories.
The last time I put my tongue
to my alveoli, I was a child.
And so?
Do you think we have
a stomatologic memory?
I don't know, but you'll
have to see a dentist.
I don't have the money.
I'll lend it to you,
but you have to go right away.
- Luca will find you a slot.
- What?
I should go to your dentist?
I should go to the guy
you sleep with?
I don't know why I let
the man I consider
my woman's lover
put his hands in my mouth!
The same hands which may
explore Mara's body,
with ability,
force and agility.
It might be the urge
to give form to my ghosts,
to have him hurt me.
A tangible, physical pain,
more bearable than the other,
made of images.
Come in.
I can only take a look today.
Thank you, very kind.
Only because Mara asked me to,
it's a hell of a day.
My case is urgent,
I need a prosthesis.
Open your mouth.
- Something serious?
- Keep your mouth open.
Why doesn't he ask
how I got like this?
He already knows
and if he knows,
it's because Mara told him.
How long have you
lived with Mara?
Why's that important?
Just to talk.
Three years.
Open your mouth.
This one is dead,
this one too,
numbers 23 and 14.
I don't think I can help you.
Has to be done from from scratch,
it's a long job.
Painful and very expensive.
What is this eternal struggle
between you and the others?
What is there to love
about this man?
You know, earlier,
as my tongue touched the
alveoli, to pronounce a sound,
I felt not only pain,
but also emotion,
very strong emotion.
In your opinion, can a
stomatologic memory exist?
I wouldn't know.
Open your mouth.
He wants to see
what kind of man I am,
but I won't give in.
I know how to control pain.
Money's not the problem,
there's always a way.
What is the problem then?
Something's wrong in your mouth.
It's correct to take care of
your teeth, change them.
But with a mouth like yours,
on the whole,
I'd be worried.
Everything that was beautiful,
has become ugly.
Magic has turned to madmagik.
That "ma" as first letters...
Mara, for example.
Could she be
an incarnation of madness?
Things change, you know.
People change,
teeth grow in,
hair changes colour.
- You too?
- Me too.
If you want another mama,
you can have one.
It's not betrayal,
on the contrary.
Everything changes.
- My mouth too.
- Let me see.
Your teeth look like
the roof of a small temple.
The dentist said something's
wrong inside my mouth.
I like your mouth.
Why did I end up
with someone like you?
- Honey, we have to hurry.
- To do what?
Luca invited us to eat at 8:30,
he's a stickler for time.
Luca De Rosa?
- Your dentist?
- He's a great cook.
- This is crazy!
- He's just a friend.
He called and invited us
to dinner, he likes you.
You have an appointment tomorrow
at 3:00, don't you?
Something that gets us
out of the house!
- What's strange about it?
- Nothing.
I've talked to Luca a lot
about your situation.
You talked about me?
You talked about my situation
with your dentist?
What did you tell him?
You don't like university
teaching, you'd like to stop...
Why talk about us to a dentist?
I put my heart into cooking.
Can we talk as friends?
Would you mind opening a bottle?
Where are the glasses?
What did you say?
Where are the glasses?
You won't make a good impression
at the interview I've set up.
Hope you won't embarass me.
He's a friend, a publicity agent,
he's looking for advisors.
You teach Philosophy, right?
It's set up with him
for the day after tomorrow.
Could be interesting,
don't you think?
Might be difficult to chew.
Hi, Suk.
He doesn't do that
with everybody, he's fussy.
I'll show you. Excuse us?
You've no idea what
these animals can do.
Do you see that cornice?
Suk comes out of there,
goes all that way,
jumps to that roof
and meets with a pussy
at the same time every evening.
He's a real Don Juan.
Slow down a little, please.
I'm happy, we had a good time.
At first I was a little biased.
Nice house, cooks really well.
Would you mind not smoking?
- Does he smoke?
- I don't know.
He doesn't smoke!
In fact, he's a man of culture,
he's a man like... the others.
- Would you please slow down?
- He's very nice.
It's obvious he has
a zest for life...
Even the knick-knacks
were little works of art.
I had a real good time.
Slow down!
How the hell did you know
the cat's name was Suk?
One day I was in
the office waiting room
and the nurse told me
its name was Suk.
And Luca always talks
about his cat.
Honey, just don't worry.
Say something sweet to me?
I like it when you
whisper to me, in the dark.
Then I have lovely dreams.
My mouth hurts too much.
What is it?
I heard a noise.
Tell me what's wrong then!
Nothing, I told you.
I wanted to see
who was in our bed.
Maybe there's a set amount
of happiness for each of us.
Maybe I've already had mine.
I should have paid more attention
to those happy moments.
Professor Calendars office.
It's urgent, I need
an appointment right away.
I'm a good friend
of Doctor De Rosa's.
But life, when it's happy,
goes on casually.
What are my teeth hiding?
What secrets?
Someone help me discover
what's dwelling in my body.
Good morning.
Are you Doctor De Rosa's friend?
Please take a seat.
Did I ever show you my catalogue?
Uncle Nino!
Didnt you ever see
my collection?
Sit down.
These are Angela's hairs.
If you like, you can touch them.
This is Angela.
This is Teresa.
- Are they all loves?
- All loves.
Of course!
You need strength
to have all these loves.
Your uncle is very strong.
Touch my muscle, it's like steel.
Please, come on.
Please, come on.
It's like steel.
Come on, please.
Right away.
Don't be afraid.
I'm not afraid of dentists,
I hate my teeth,
sooner you pull these out,
the better.
What's wrong with them?
They grew in unexpectedly
and ruined my face.
I'd like you to change
the two front teeth.
Open your mouth.
Watch it,
I'll chomp your fingers off!
They are not unsightly.
Prognathic, of course.
Too big.
The molars are enormous!
Who broke those incisors?
Took a lot of energy
to break teeth that strong.
Open your mouth again.
Do you have children?
Their teeth like this too?
See that? It's blood.
Don't underestimate this,
many things can hide
in that pulp.
- Like what Doctor?
- Anything.
Take nothing for granted.
- Something serious?
- Ever had X-rays taken?
- What's tomorrow look like?
- It's a long day.
- Find an hour there.
- I'll try.
Find an hour there!
Women are excellent organizers.
It's a painkiller,
one each morning and evening.
Excellent organizers, but never
give them too much rope.
Maria, for example,
has taken over too much power.
Women enter your life quietly
then slowly take over.
They organize your existence,
start telling you
what you should do.
Maria was hired
to answer the phone
and little by little
got the others sent away.
She was monstrously clever.
I know!
I allowed her to do it!
Now I can't do without her.
I need her
and this makes me nervous,
you know?
I've become dependent.
I've always had to do
everything myself!
Just as I feared.
There's widespread inflammation,
infiltration of something.
We'll have to investigate.
X-rays tomorrow,
take nothing for granted.
Maybe cut into the gums.
We'll see what's hiding in
that sharks mouth of yours!
- Beaver!
- Bucky!
- Bugsy!
- Biter!
The next time your
classmates say that,
you bare your teeth to them.
Take your hand from your mouth.
Bare your teeth and say:
"With these teeth..."
and pause here
for dramatic effect,
then speak clearly so
they'll know you're not joking.
"With these teeth,
if you don't stop, I'll savage
your mothers' hairy sex.
One after the other."
Don't be angry, it's me.
I'd like to stop by
to see the kids.
Great, thanks.
Be right there.
See where that girl's
back ends?
Just a span from where the curve
of her bottom begins,
her butt, in other words,
that's where your thumb goes,
the other fingers must be
in tension, far from her butt.
It's time for you to learn
to dance the tango.
Just the thumb, remember.
Give your lady the impression
you are a trustworthy partner,
not one of those who seize
the opportunity to touch.
Let's start, slowly.
One, two, three...
Concentrate on the lady.
Half turn.
The idea of the tango
isn't to feel the music.
The idea is to feel the lady.
And above all,
to make her feel you.
Feel the leg?
The leg should go deep,
drives women mad.
One, two...
Legs together, excellent.
Why is it so difficult
to find a mentor?
To stop being children
and become fathers.
I've got homework.
Hi Michela, how are things?
He's got no more teeth.
Were you in a fight?
Did they beat you up?
And you?
It went... like this!
Help! Michela jump on!
- Jump on who?
- On him!
If you're going to be
an idiot, you can leave.
We were wrestling.
Michela, come here.
Can I see your teeth?
Don't be afraid.
They're very nice.
Good girl.
Go do your homework now.
- What are you doing?
- There's a rat in the house.
- Where'd it come from?
- Give me a hand.
I can't stand rats.
- Is it a big one?
- I don't know.
Why don't you just set out
a trap with cheese?
It's quieter.
What a great idea!
Good thing you showed up.
Just an idea, then if you still
want to tear the house apart...
Why don't you calm down?
You're making me jittery.
- There it is!
- Where?
Are you crazy?
You're completely out of it!
You'll kill me like that.
Cinzia, you're primitive.
You've got a primitive way
of reacting to things.
You're still in the Stone-Age.
Can't make you out!
Anyway Michela needs
an orthodontist.
He wants five million lire
to start, have you got it?
I don't.
- I'll get it.
- What a thoughtful father!
You haven't been around or given
us any money for four months.
I'd keep the children
with me if I could,
don't forget they're my kids too.
The kids belong to who looks after
them, you use them for loneliness.
You show up,
roughhouse around and leave.
You're cheating them.
That's wheedling, not love.
The same thing you did with me.
The run-around!
Don't tell your Mama lies.
I was the last to know about Mara,
when everyone was already talking.
How can you have
so little respect?
- Who the hell are you?
- I was seized by passion!
Something which you evidently
know nothing about.
You are rationality personified.
The groceries,
the house, the rat.
Me, the groceries,
the house, the rat
and you the passion.
His heart was pounding
and he lost himself.
No more house, or kids, or wife,
no more years of sacrifice,
no more promises of eternal love!
You should have
ripped your heart out.
Mara will do to you
what you did to me.
If you make Mama cry,
someone will make you cry too.
Did Mara do this to you?
Get your mouth fixed,
maybe then you'll improve too.
He's a dentist, Lotto,
a friend of mine's brother.
Take care of your own teeth,
I'll see to Michela's.
How many secrets do
the people we live with hide?
What did I hide from Cinzia?
What is Mara hiding from me?
You cant ask others
to be transparent,
if you yourself are not.
Yes, but I...
...don't have a family,
don't have a house, I don't
even have my teeth anymore.
I feel lonely, you know?
You're not the only one.
At least there was you before,
but now?
And I should teach
my students something!
But who'll teach me anything?
Five million lire.
Where are you going to get it?
Is Cinzia trying to ruin you?
And you with this obsession
of perfect children!
I don't want Michela
to go through what I've had to.
Michela just has to take care
of the teeth she's got
and keep them healthy.
If she were my daughter, I'd make
her brush three times a day.
That's the problem,
no prevention!
It's never our children's fault.
You're living proof
of how badly we're raised.
You brush only at night
and never stimulate your gums
and you rarely change
your toothbrush.
Your mouth is a wreck!
Apart from the teeth I broke.
I'm sorry.
I didn't see your dentist.
Cinzia gave me another name,
Dr Lotto, Via Carducci.
I'll go to him.
Why do you trust Cinzia
and not Luca?
- Did you see Luca's teeth?
- What are they like?
Beautiful, perfect, bright!
I can't take anymore.
- I can't take anymore of this!
- What do you mean?
What do you mean?
I don't want that guy
in this house anymore!
I know what's going on,
I'll make a racket about this.
- You already have.
- This'll wind up bad!
Really bad!
When I was a child I had
two or three hiding places.
My favourite place
was on top of the wardrobe,
in my mother's bedroom.
My hideout was up there,
no one could find me.
I'd read about mermaids
and mythological animals.
Sometimes I'd fall asleep,
and have strange dreams.
Would anyone like to see
what I look like?
No one wants to see my magic?
Too bad.
I'll just disappear then.
Why did you leave her?
Why did you leave your wife?
I'll tell you why.
If Cinzia had died
young and beautiful,
you'd be here in despair,
instead she started aging
and you got rid of her.
To receive eternal love,
women mustn't live
to be more than 25.
That's not exactly what happened.
I gave Cinzia the name of a good
orthodontist for the girl,
but Michela needs a father
and then a doctor.
Cinzia told me
terrible things about you.
For example?
Let me see your mouth.
A real disaster.
Come here.
You're wasting your time here.
Doctor Lotto talks a lot
but doesn't do much.
He's only interested
in dental impressions,
collects them like stamps.
There are so many deserving
people who need the work.
I have the names of many
dentists better than he is.
If you'd like a couple...
Thanks just the same, no need.
Are you next?
Come in.
Open your mouth.
A moment's patience.
Take it easy!
Patients just don't want
to suffer, not one little bit.
What kind of patients are they?
If they have no patience!
Only the instruments reassure them.
the more new instruments,
the more they relax.
I can't breathe.
This stuff
is sliding down my throat,
it'll harden in my larynx,
and can't be unstuck from there.
I'll suffocate to death.
Almost done.
Know where you're sitting?
It's called "reunited".
Good design,
chairs in imitation leather,
basin, multi-coloured lights.
Cost? 30 million lire.
There's a water and air
syringe over there,
a small motor, a painless drill
and think that's enough?
Next year I'm buying one with 8
instruments for 50 million lire!
He's getting distracted,
forgetting my impression,
the stuff is getting too hard.
I'll be left with this thing
stuck to my teeth forever!
Let's see.
No problem at all.
Just relax, sit back.
Limber, that's good.
Brace yourself, counter me!
Resist me!
Like that.
They seem so robust and yet...
The state of your mouth
bodes nothing good.
I just need you to
substitute the broken teeth.
Mustn't move too fast,
we need X-rays.
I have to work,
I teach Philosophy.
My job is talking.
What good am I like this?
I can't handle too many expenses,
I've got a daughter needing
more attention than me.
You know her, my wife
brought her here a week ago.
So you're the one
who abandoned his kids?
Let's see.
No, doctor...
Open your mouth.
What are these two nuts?
You see?
You've been hiding something
under here for decades.
Ostitis, cysts and
who-knows- what else.
We'll have to take X-rays.
Let's do it right away.
First of all,
look after your daughter.
We already have our armour,
but the children?
Have you seen how swollen
your daughter's gums are?
I'll show you.
Here it is.
Take care of your daughter.
We've had our due.
Changing woman, family, destiny.
At our age life, my friend,
has gone by.
Take one, morning and evening.
He got your impressions.
What did I tell you?
Would you give me
those names you spoke of?
Here, this one's
just right for you.
He's not too well equipped,
but with little money
he'll put that ugly mouth
of yours in order.
He's experienced.
- Why is he so cheap?
- He was unlucky.
His name's Cagnano.
I'd already heard that name
and it struck fear in me.
Good morning.
How are your teeth?
Something's under here.
I made coffee.
Have some with me?
Not even Cinzia's dentist
panned out?
He's criminal,
almost suffocated me.
I've got an appointment
with someone called Cagnano,
like the first dentist
I went to as a child.
Let's hope he works out.
- My mother took me.
- It's late!
How much I look like my mother!
Don't you think I'm looking
more and more like my mother?
Maybe a person
who's no longer here
continues to work inside you,
modifying your DNA.
Anyway, she's your mother!
Wait, why do you have to go?
I'm talking about myself.
Why not see Cagnano together?
The very name terrifies me.
Come with me, I don't feel well.
I can't, I have to work.
I'm not as important
as your job, right?
That's not true, you know it.
In fact, I know how it is.
And how is it?
Everything's more
important than me,
even Luca's cat, Suk.
This 5 million is for your
daughter's and your teeth.
Tooth fairy, what will you bring
in exchange for my teeth?
she and Luca seep into my brain
without asking permission.
I can't defend myself,
they appear without warning.
Some obsessions stick to you,
you've no idea how they started,
how they nested,
the shape they imposed on you,
the life they kept you
from living.
You're on the cusp, right?
Between Sagittarius and Capricorn?
- How do you know that?
- I can tell.
What else can you tell?
Death, birth, losses...
I'm sorry, I haven't got time.
Everything will unravel in dance.
I cant dance!
Look who's here!
Hurry, let's run away!
- Are you kidnapping me?
- Borrowing, I'll give you back.
Stop it!
Where are we going?
We're going to a dentist
with the same name
as one I went to at your age.
He was General Cagnano's son.
He had a mother
who always wore black,
and a beautiful maid
he called Ciuta.
What was this Ciuta like?
She had black hair
and very white skin,
her eyes were dangerous
like a witch's.
My mother took me the first time.
What was Grandma wearing?
Grandma had
an all-red dress,
all she did was talk
with the dentist's mother.
I don't know what they said,
but they never stopped.
I think she's a witch.
As soon as she came,
she riveted my son's attention.
I think she cast a spell.
He stopped eating, sleeping,
always hanging around Ciuta.
I understood right away
she was a witch,
and she'd cast a spell.
It's like she made my son
slide under her skin.
I could see him under her skin,
like you can do with a pin,
inside her skin,
like wearing a shirt.
I thought: "Is this
what a woman can do to you?
Capture you, like that?"
What was the dentist like?
He was all pink like a piglet,
with short hair.
Anyway, have you ever seen
a piglet with long hair?
They don't exist.
I decided right off I hated him.
His gaze stuck to my mother.
Please, madam.
Now open your mouth.
- No drill please.
- Not for the moment.
I looked at that man
lying over my mother
and thought he wanted
to get under her skin,
like with Ciuta.
I had the feeling
she had lost something,
still she was the same
as before, beautiful,
like all mothers.
Then suddenly I understood.
My mother had lost
her invulnerability,
she was exposed to the perils
and the wickedness of the world.
To share her with the world
and its mysteries,
to see she could feel pain...
She was the one who
needed protection
and I just sat there
watching while she suffered.
What did Grandma die of?
- A toothache?
- Die?
From each life, your grandmother
pulls out another
and then another...
She's a seamstress,
she knows how to use scissors.
Does this... and begins again.
- Of course she didn't die!
- So where is she?
Somewhere around here.
If we look hard,
maybe we'll see her.
It's your turn, young man.
I didn't want to give him
satisfaction, not even a moan.
I began to slide deep down,
beyond the floor,
beyond the house foundation,
to the centre of the earth.
There was no pain down there,
only outlines,
coloured stars and my mother
walking on the ceiling.
What a good boy!
And then?
And then Ciuta, the enchantress,
flew out the window
and hasn't been seen since.
Will you tell me another one?
Afterwards, sweetie,
the dentist is waiting for us.
Please sit down,
the doctor will be right here.
I beg you,
please be kind to him.
I can't find the crumbs
anymore that I dropped
to show me the way home.
The birds must have eaten them.
How can I get out of here?
Where are you going?
I don't know.
Everything's all broken.
It's the madmagik.
- I'm lost.
- That's not so terrible.
But if I don't know where to go?
It's no use dropping crumbs.
- Now what do I do?
- I don't know.
Look around you.
Only when you get lost,
can you discover something new.
- Want a piece of cake?
- Are you joking?
The dentist is waiting.
Of course, sweetheart.
See where I brought you?
I need some advice for
my daughter's prognathism.
I need a little attention too,
a couple of prostheses...
Sit down.
Fathers always
come before children.
Little one, go sit on that cot,
if you're good,
you'll get a delicious candy.
Open your mouth.
Excuse me, don't you use gloves?
Don't let it worry you
and remember,
the real patient is not you,
it's the dentist.
Could we open this mouth?
What a magnificent set of teeth
this must have been!
How did you ruin them like this?
I hate my teeth,
they've disappointed me,
I ignore them as punishment.
I've also had bad dentists.
I'd shoot them all!
Maria, do I have to do everything
in this house myself?
How disgusting!
Where'd you disappear to?
Why is the past coming back?
The syringe is on the table.
It's like all my ghosts
had arranged to meet there.
That syringe for example,
Beluga used it,
a deaf-mute dental technician
who'd come to our house.
Sometimes he'd come with
his young wife, Fiorenza.
When Fiorenza came
it was a special day for me.
What is it?
Can I do an immersion?
Here I go.
- Can I do another one?
- Yes, but hurry.
I asked myself why that girl
had married Beluga
and was playing with me.
It didn't last long though.
One evening Beluga chopped
her to pieces with an axe.
He slaughtered her in the tub,
after discovering she'd
had a lover for over a year.
As he worked
in my mother's mouth,
he already had
the hands of death.
- You going to pull it now?
- Should we wait for Christmas?
Your Papa wants to wait
for the birth of Baby Jesus.
Do you take painkillers?
Yes, but it hurts just the same.
Remember, the sufferer here
is the dentist!
Juicy thick-lip!
- Where?
- In the sink.
What are you doing here?
Did he hurt you?
Go sit down.
Come back here!
Come on, sit down!
Ciuta, the tongs!
Hold his head.
Lean against me.
- Open your mouth.
- Don't mash my gums.
Putting in your two cents?
Do you realize how you
pronounce your words?
"Don't mash my gums!"
Let's see this huge root.
Hold his head, idiot!
And cut the drama.
I wish this man could pull
thoughts of Mara out of me.
Of Mara in his arms,
of Mara smiling at him
and doing the same things
she did to me.
Odd, such a small root
for such a large tooth.
There must still be
something under there.
- Then I'll come back tomorrow.
- Sit right there!
Don't move.
For the last time, remember
the real patient here is me,
not you.
Open your mouth.
Damned horseshit!
Ciuta get a light bulb.
Darling, don't yell!
At your age, are you still
afraid of the dark?
Shut up, or else no candy!
No problem,
after35 years of practice
I can extract the root of
an upper-left incisor
even in the dark.
Cut the quibble!
Rinse your mouth.
I'm off to get a light bulb.
- Did he hurt you?
- No!
No one can hurt your Papa.
I'm afraid.
Damned horseshit, I've always
got to do everything myself!
How can I work like this?
Where are you going?
- Come here.
- That's enough!
Let me take a look.
To see how the
operation came out.
Open your mouth.
Fantastic! In the dark!
How strange,
you've got the teeth of a boar
with the roots of a mouse.
- Something wrong?
- Don't tire your mouth.
An odontoma is important,
but it's also a trifle.
An odontoma?
Don't ask stupid questions!
I'll see you tomorrow at 3:00.
You just told me
I have an odontoma.
Should I keep
taking antibiotics?
Don't tire your mouth!
And now,
the little girl.
Don't be afraid.
Come here.
I brought you some candy.
We said tomorrow.
Too bad though.
Can I tell you something?
Below those rotting
gums of yours
there may even be
a third set of teeth,
a complete one.
We'll never know.
He pulled both his teeth,
in the dark.
We were at the dentist,
don't get mad.
I won't get mad, let me see.
He says it's an odontoma,
I'm worried.
You know, we could
have been happy?
I just have to
think up a new life.
- Take care of yourself.
- Sure.
Here, they're your teeth,
put them under your pillow.
The first letting-go
is when we're born,
the last is when we die.
This is the lesson to learn:
life is about letting-go
time aftertime.
It's me!
Are you already in the tub?
How did it go at the dentist's?
Let me see.
Good God!
Who did this to you?
I hope now you'll get
your mouth taken care of.
You've got the money, right?
Thanks for the check.
- Want me to wash your back?
- No, I think I've got a fever.
I'll get your bathrobe.
Let me feel.
Maybe you do. You'd better
not come to the party.
What party?
Luca's birthday party.
Don't you remember?
He invited us the other evening.
I don't remember that.
- You don't?
- No, honest.
Here's the invitation,
it was in your pants' pocket,
Luca gave it to you
the other evening.
How strange!
If you don't feel well, say so.
We're perfectly autonomous!
Do as you like,
I still have to bathe.
I'm not going to this party.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, what the hell
are you looking at?
I get the rhythm, don't I?
- This song is nice, isn't it?
- Very.
I'm not an expert.
I'm sorry, but this stuff
isn't my thing.
I can dance the tango though.
My dress got ripped.
When you can dance, it's nice.
My uncle taught me to tango,
when I was a child.
You're all sweaty.
- You're a good singer.
- Could be better.
- How are things?
- Very good on piano.
- I got you a little something.
- What is it?
What has my Mara brought me?
An electric razor!
How wonderful.
Can I take it for you?
Please be careful with it,
it means a lot to me.
It's really nothing.
A tango, let's dance.
- I know how to tango.
- Yes, but this is our dance.
Will you keep an eye
on my purse?
Uncle Nino!
Arent you dancing?
Mara is dancing
with someone else.
Come here,
you and I can dance.
In the tango, they say
the man leads and proposes,
the woman seduces and disposes
and together they improvise.
This is the magic.
There's no more magic
in my life,
only madmagik.
There's only one magic!
Even pain is magic.
If you can't see certain pains,
they'll make you lose your way,
but if you know them,
they can re- establish contact.
Your fathers here too.
Excuse me.
I have to ask you a question.
I'd like to ask you
something about Mama.
You were very close.
I used to watch you.
Often it seemed I wasnt there,
but I was watching.
It was nice seeing you together.
You, who knew her well,
can perhaps answer me.
I want to know if she...
...really loved me.
I asked her before she died,
she smiled, closed her eyes
and left.
It's this continuous need
to be loved
that makes us fragile
and violent.
I've wanted to talk for ages.
You can't imagine what
it's like not to have words
to express all the love inside.
She was beautiful, remember?
All men noticed her.
I liked that,
it made me feel normal.
I killed her so
she'd be totally mine.
Did it make you feel good?
At first it did very much,
she was completely mine.
But then, she was gone.
maybe when you
possess people entirely,
they vanish.
What's the good of it then?
Thank you for dancing with me.
Happy birthday!
- I have to talk to you.
- It's you? Just a second.
It's very important.
Will you do the honours?
Forget Mara.
Dont talk to her,
don't even get close.
Forget about her.
Think I don't know
what the tango is like?
Whispering in her ear,
playing the piano,
being the grand chef,
your cat Suk,
little kisses, caresses...
Don't do it anymore.
You dont do any of
these things anymore!
There's something
wrong with you.
Let's go somewhere else,
this isn't the right place.
I'll be right back.
Stay still!
Don't move.
Are you familiar with Pfaff's
work on multiple dentition?
Stay still.
Two little incisors just
waiting to pop out!
Here's one.
How are you doing? Feel it?
It's been waiting there
for years.
Now I'll pull it out.
A little further...
Wonderful! A brand new tooth.
Remain still.
Look how swollen the gums are!
I know.
Now I'll get the other one.
Almost done, come on.
A little further...
A perfect third set of teeth!
New teeth, new life.
You're a very lucky man.
Look at yourself.
Don't be afraid.
Thank you, Luca.
Now everybody's happy.
What did you say to Luca?
You made me look like shit!
Luca wants no bullshit,
he doesn't want to see me anymore.
And I dont want to see you.
Come around when you
like yourself more.
Need a light?
I've got new teeth.
They were in my mouth
and I didn't know it.
They're mine, no prosthesis.
They're beautiful.
And you? How are you?
Is death hard?
No, it's not hard,
it's slow.
- Dance with me.
- I don't know how.
Come on, please.
See? It's easy.
Lead me.
I've come to say goodbye.
- You have to let me go.
- What will I do?
Do like the trees,
they don't ask how they'll do,
they're there, in the wind,
the sun, the rain.
It was so wonderful
having you for a son!
I envy a little bit
the people that will love you.
Who knows where Mara is?
For the moment,
I'll just soak up this sun.