Descendants 3 (2019)

It's beautiful, isn't it?
I'm Mal, daughter of Maleficent.
And this is my home.
It wasn't always.
I was born
on the Isle of the Lost,
where all of the villains
had been banished,
locked away for good.
That is until Prince Ben decided
that their children
should have a chance.
And so, four villain kids,
the V.K.'s,
came to Auradon, including me.
Long story short,
Ben is the king now,
I'm his girlfriend, and we
are about to head back
to the Isle to pick
what will hopefully be
a long line of new V.K.'s
who get to come to Auradon
and find their
happily ever afters, too.
Hey, check it out!
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh,
look at this.
- It's V.K. day.
- What?
From the North to the South
From the East to the West
Lost boys, lost girls
You all know you're the best
Hit the streets
It's your day
Turn it up now's your chance
It's time to get up
On your feet and dance
Anybody wanna be like us
Everybody wanna be like us
All the boys from Auradon
And the girls
Because they know what's up
Your life could change today
Your life could change today
These streets named after us
Because we paved the way
Everyone come
And take your shot
Now's the time
Show 'em what you got
Because everyone's
Gonna get their chance
They said that being
From the Isle was bad
Well it's good to be bad
And we're proof of that
Used to be lost
Now we're on the map
Used to steal stacks
Now we're giving back
Remember that
It's good to be bad
If you got pride
Raise your Vs up high
Wave them wide side to side
Feel the vibe
It's good to be bad
I wanna see you all rep
Your block
I wanna see you all rep
Your block, hey!
Show your pride
Let me hear ya shout
We're from the Isle
Of the Lost
- Yeah!
- We're here to celebrate
We're here to elevate
If you're down
Then make your move
- But you best not hesitate
- Come on!
Today's the day
That you won't forget
The best to come
Ain't happened yet
Take a bow
It won't be your last
You're from the Isle
If anybody asks
It's good to be bad
And we're proof of that
Used to be lost
Now we're on the map
Used to steal stacks
Now we're giving back
Remember that
It's good to be bad
If you got pride
Raise your Vs up high
Wave them wide side to side
Feel the vibe
It's good to be bad
They can try to deny our style
But we were born this way
Because you can take the V.K.
Out of the Isle
But you can't take the Isle
Out of the V.K.
If you wanna make it hype
Not a moment to waste
Make it loud, make it live
Make it jump to the bass
Make it what you want
But you'd better make your case
Because the Isle makes us
And we're repping this place
So, when I say, "V"
You say, "K"
- V
- K
When I say, "All"
You say, "Day"
- All
- Day
When I say, "V"
You say, "K"
- V
- K
When I say, "All"
You say, "Day"
All day
Come on
Hey, it's good to be bad
It's good to be bad
And we're proof of that
Used to be lost
Now we're on the map
Used to steal stacks
Now we're giving back
Remember that
It's good to be bad
If you got pride
Raise your Vs up high
Wave them wide side to side
Feel the vibe
It's good to be bad
Who wants to go? You?
pick me, Mal! Pick me!
Yeah, pick me, Mal!
Pick me, Mal!
Pick me!
- Are you excited?
- Are you kidding?
I'm so excited.
I can't believe this day
has finally arrived.
I honestly wish
we could take you all with us
and some day, very soon,
maybe we can.
Yeah, we're gonna be back here
so many times.
You're going to be
so sick of us.
So sick of us.
Can I get a drum roll, please?
First, I would like to begin,
with the granddaughter
of Lady Tremaine,
daughter of Drizella,
- my sweet, sweet friend.
- That's you.
My Dizzy.
Next, is son of Smee.
Come on, Squeaky.
And no way,
we're splitting up the twins,
so get over here, Squirmy,
come on.
- Congratulations!
- Bring it in, buddy!
And last,
but certainly not least,
we all picked this girl
because we all agreed
that she could use a little bit
of Fairy Godmother's
goodness class.
Give it on up
for Dr. Facilier's daughter,
- Celia.
- I'm back.
We'll be back for you guys,
next week, okay?
And so, pack your stuff,
your own stuff.
- Where are we going?
- We're going to...
Not a tentacle in sight.
I think if Uma was up
to something, we'd know by now.
No, Ben,
I know how villains think.
And I don't trust Uma,
as far as I can throw her.
She's gonna wait
until our defenses are down
and then,
that's when she's gonna strike.
I really wish I had time
to go do the dragon flyover
because I can go so much higher.
Well, you can't be everywhere
at once.
Besides, I've got your back.
Now, come on,
everyone's waiting for us.
But you're getting more guards?
I'm getting more guards,
now breathe.
- Now, come on.
- Okay.
- No, no, I'm doing this.
- And you know what that means.
Hey, girl.
Here they come.
Hey, how are you?
- Stay.
- Stay here?
one, two, one, two.
Can everybody hear me?
Thank you, Fairy Godmother.
What's up, Auradon?
Thank you. Thank you so much
for coming out
to welcome our new arrivals.
- They'll be here soon.
- Not like we had a choice.
It worked out pretty well
for the first four.
Yeah, especially for you.
Really funny.
Mal, this is the exact spot
we first met not so long ago.
I feel like I've known you
my whole life.
But did I mention,
I'm in love with you?
I met this girl
That rocked my world
Like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just
For her and I won't ever stop
I never thought that
It could happen to a guy like me
But now look
At what you've done
You got me down on my knee
Mal, it's you and me.
It's you and me forever.
Will you marry me?
Will you be my Queen?
- Yes.
- Yes, yeah!
Oh, my...
- I am so sorry.
- It's okay.
I'm so sorry.
Makes our movie nights
seem a little tame.
I love y...
Me too.
A lifetime of plans, gone.
Our family status, gone.
Audrey, you were supposed
to be his Queen,
and you let him slip
through your fingers.
Your mother could hold
onto a prince in her sleep.
Don't you think I feel
bad enough already, Grammy?
Ben and Mal
are the best. I'm so excited
for Mal to be our Queen.
You'd really rather have a V.K.
on the throne than me?
What is wrong with you, people?
What is wrong with everybody?
I'm engaged, man.
- What, did you know?
- Everything.
You are going to rock
that crown.
Okay. So I've only done
about 1,000 sketches
of your wedding dress,
and Belle's already planned
an engagement party next week.
Well, it's a really good thing
I said yes.
- Hugs. Hi.
- Hugs. Hi.
- I finally get a daughter.
- Congrats, Son.
- Thanks, Dad.
- I love you, Belle.
- Aw, I love you.
- Oh, sweetie.
I'm so happy for you both.
Thank you so much,
Fairy Godmother.
- I think she liked it.
- Bippity-boppity, you betcha.
- All bow to Her Royal Majesty.
- Oh, yes, her Royal Purple-ness.
Silence, you annoying peasants.
- As you wish, my liege.
- Your Crankiness.
You won him fair and square.
Oh, wait, no, you didn't.
You spelled Ben to destroy
all of Auradon.
Touching story
for the grandkids.
Okay. Let's do this.
Speaking of kids, we have
some kids waiting on us. So...
if you'll excuse me.
Congratulations, m'lady Mal.
- Thank you.
- Your Majesty.
I have so much to show you.
- All right, boys.
- Let's hit the road.
You're gonna see him soon, okay?
Come on.
- Do you have everything?
- Yes, I have everything.
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure, Granny.
- Oh, really?
- My glue gun.
I don't know what you're going
to do without me.
I'll miss you.
Go on, go on.
Goodbye, Granny.
Here, let me help get
this off of you.
- Oh.
- Okay.
Let's go and do this.
So, as soon as we get
to Auradon,
you have to try ice cream.
- And go swimming?
- I can take you
to the Enchanted Lake.
I can't believe I get to live
with you
in your very own castle.
It's just
a little starter castle.
Great grip. You play sports?
Go on.
Trust me on this.
I know.
Dig in, dig in.
You're going to be a wise
and brave King.
- He already is.
- See?
The cards never lie.
The only reason they should be
opening that barrier
is for putting Uma back in,
not letting more villains out.
It's Hades.
Stop the car.
He's trying to escape.
I am a god.
I don't belong here.
Do not panic, okay?
Nobody needs...
- It's Ben.
- panic
There's your precious Queen.
She can't even protect us.
Okay. We're panicking.
Bippity-boppity run.
Come on, Mal, blast him.
Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- No.
He was draining all of my magic
with the ember,
and I felt all of my powers
slipping away.
You're safe.
He's back where he belongs.
Yeah, for now.
- We should go.
- Okay.
A lifetime of plans,
Your mother could hold
onto a prince in her sleep.
I'm so tired of pretending.
Where's my happy ending?
I followed all the rules
I drew inside the lines
I never asked for anything
That wasn't mine
I waited patiently for my time
But when it finally came
He called her name
And now I feel
This overwhelming pain
I mean, it's in my veins
I mean, it's in my brain
My thoughts are running
In a circle like a toy train
I'm kind of like
a perfect picture
With a broken frame
I know exactly who to blame
I never thought
Of myself as mean
I always thought
That I'd be the Queen
And there's no in between
Because if I can't have that
Then I would be the leader
Of the dark and the bad
Now there's a devil
On my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the Queen
Being nice was my past time
But I've been hurt
For the last time
And I won't ever let
Another person
Take advantage of me
The anger bums my skin
Third degree
Now my blood's boiling hotter
Than a fiery sea
There's nobody
Getting close to me
They're gonna bow
To the Evil Queen
Your nightmare is my dream
Just wait until they fall
To my wicked schemes
I never thought of myself
As mean
I always thought
That I'd be the Queen
And that's no in between
Because if I can't have that
Then I would be the leader
Of the dark and the bad
Now there's a devil
On my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me
The Queen of Mean
- Calling me, calling me
- The Queen of Mean
Calling me, calling me
- Calling me, calling me
- The Queen of Mean
Something's pulling me
It's so magnetic
My body is moving
Unsure where I'm headed
All of my senses
Have left me defenseless
This darkness around me
Is promising vengeance
The price that I'm willing
To pay is expensive
There's nothing to lose
When you're lonely and friendless
So my only interest
Is showing this princess
That I am the Queen
And my reign will be endless
I want what I deserve
I wanna rule the world
Sit back and watch them learn
It's finally my turn
If they want a villain
For a Queen
I'm gonna be one that
They've never seen
I'll show them what it means
Now that I am that
I will be the ruler
Of the dark and the bad
Because the devil's
On my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me
The Queen of Mean
Calling me, calling me
- Calling me, calling me
- The Queen of Mean
Calling me, calling me
I want what I deserve
I think we all know
why we're here.
The people are in a panic
about Hades.
He almost got out.
Who knows what he would've done
if he had escaped?
We can't risk having
another villain on the loose.
I really feel like
this is my fault.
I'm supposed to protect Auradon.
You did, you do protect Auradon.
Every time we open the barrier,
we're exposed to danger.
Maleficent, Uma, Hades.
Maleficent's scepter
and the queen's crown
have been stolen.
- Uma?
- We don't know that, Dad.
When the people hear this,
they will never
wanna leave their houses.
What do we tell them?
What do we do?
How do we keep evil
out of Auradon?
I think that there's only...
one way
to guarantee their safety.
And I think that there...
can't be anymore going
in and out.
I think that we have to close
the barrier...
- No.
- Son.
- No.
- Ben.
- No, no, no, no.
- Ben.
I do not want to take away
your dream.
Because it was so beautiful.
And it is why
I fell in love with you.
But as King, and as Queen...
what's our duty?
To protect Auradon.
But do you know
what would this mean?
All those kids?
- Are you prepared for that?
- I know what it means...
and no, I'm not prepared for it.
I just think that we have
no other choice.
Mal's right.
I just don't think that we would
forgive ourselves
if something terrible happened.
Who else knows
about the crown and the scepter?
No one.
I mean, think about it,
people are scared enough
as it is.
We have to employ these
entirely new security measures.
Will this delay
our bringing over more V.K.'s?
We're talking about closing
the barrier for good.
But you said no.
I mean, the four of us
are living the dream here,
and we finally
get to share that.
I mean, what could be
more important than that?
I know.
I mean, maybe security or maybe
peace of mind
- for everyone in Auradon.
- Is that what they're thinking?
And were they seriously thinking
that no one will ever go
in or out
of the Isle ever again?
What, we never get to go back
and see our parents?
And what about these kids?
We promised them that they could
go back
and visit whenever they wanted.
Yeah, I know.
M., I am so glad
that you are going to be Queen.
You will be a part
of these conversations,
you will stand up
for the V.K.s.
Thank you for telling me.
You're gonna be a great Queen.
- Morning. Got the beach towels.
- Sorry. Morning.
- These.
- Hey.
I really think she's gonna like
the cake, you guys.
- Oh, yeah?
- Oh, no.
Okay. Who got into Jane's cake?
I especially love
the lack of dirt.
And the lack of flies.
- Want some?
- Thank you.
I was hoping you were home.
Is this a joke?
What are you doing
with the crown and the scepter?
Well, I wanted them,
so I took them.
And you, of all people
should understand that, Mal.
Wait, Audrey, stop!
Don't use that.
I thought you liked spells.
- Okay, Audrey, you're better...
- Quiet!
- It's not a toy. It's dangerous.
- I want to be dangerous.
My life was perfect
until you stole it.
And then Auradon
turned its back on me.
Well, it's time
for a little payback.
Audrey, wait!
You think Ben will love you now,
you old hag?
You'll pay the price
of what you did and so will
all of Auradon.
So long, suckers!
Whoa! You might wanna think
of a spell for that.
There's no spell
that can reverse
the curse of the scepter.
- Well, that's a shame.
- Forget about me.
Audrey's out for revenge.
And all of Auradon is in danger.
What should we do?
The only thing more powerful
than the scepter...
- is Hades' ember.
- Oh!
Like he's just gonna hand
it over, give them back
- to the Isle.
- And no one knows
- where his lair is.
- I do.
I'm his errand rat.
I've got the key at my dad's.
You are coming.
But I just got here.
Dizzy, stay here to take care
of the twins.
We'll be right back
and everything will be just fine.
Go inside.
Guys, go get your stuff.
Come on, boys, let's go.
How bad is it?
You age beautifully.
Now, let's just get you
into something fabulous.
- Okay.
- Come on.
- Oh, yeah, there we go.
- Okay.
Almost there.
Noble steed, proud and fair,
you shall take us anywhere.
Carlos, you're gonna miss
Jane's birthday.
Looks like Carlos forgot
about your birthday, huh?
Well, maybe not, maybe he just
took the wrong trail
or something. Or you know what?
They probably
don't celebrate birthdays
on the Isle, maybe it's like
a cultural thing.
Oh, yeah.
Or maybe he just forgot.
You never know.
Hey, Chad, look!
There's people taking selfies.
Selfies! Guys,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Wait for me! Wait for me!
Why is she here?
Did anybody save me
any guacamole?
It's like someone forgot
to invite me.
Well, don't be expecting Mal,
not feeling herself.
Does that make you sad?
Does it just ruin everything?
Mindless little drones.
How could you forget
what she did to us?
How could you forget that
I was supposed to be your Queen?
Time out, okay, okay. Time out.
First off, great new look.
I absolutely love feathers.
But, hey, before you do
whatever you're gonna do,
I was wondering if maybe you
wanted a...
loyal boyfriend by your side?
Partner in crime?
Or maybe just a lackey
to do your bidding, um,
change tires. Or smoothie runs?
- Please?
- You can be useful.
- Yeah?
- Fine. Stand behind me.
Auradon likes to forget so much.
They'll love this.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Jane
Happy birthday
To you
The Enchanted Lake.
Sweet dreams.
Hey, Jane.
I'm on my way to the party.
- My meetings ran long.
- No, no.
Stay where you are, Ben.
Audrey's got the scepter
and everyone's asleep.
I'm gonna call Mom
and tell her to get her wand.
Is Mal with you?
Jane? Jane?
Hey. I'm me again.
Duh. Evil magic
doesn't work here.
Kind of the point.
- Welcome back.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
- Daddy.
Here she is.
Come on. And.. And...
Hey, yeah.
Come here little rascal.
So, what kind of hustle
you got going on with them
- shiny people?
- No hustle.
I got friends on the other side.
Ah! I hear you. I hear you.
We're on a mission.
I'm kind of a major player
so that's why I can't stay long.
You make sure you get your cut.
Alerts of the sleeping spell
keep coming in as it spreads
throughout Auradon.
Uh. guys. Come look at this.
There are rumors
that Sleeping Beauty's daughter,
Audrey, is behind the spell.
We're trying to discover
who is responsible
for these vicious lies,
and which villain
has perpetrated this evil.
We have an update. It's what?
It's moving this way?
It is moving this way.
- Wow! Rookie mistake?
- Long time nay see.
- Get off my bike, Hook.
- Catch me if you can, Jay.
- Over the roofs.
- Cut them off.
- Yup.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, not you.
They got this. You and me
gotta go find the ember.
Good timing.
It's right about his nap time.
How big is that dog?
You'll see.
Okay, stay quiet.
It echoes, like, crazy in here.
Come on. Come, come.
What are you doing here?
I noticed you were low
on canned corn.
Hi, Dad.
Quite a show
you put on the other day.
Right back at you.
I was just coming to see you.
Really? Wonder why.
Is it because I'm gonna
be Queen?
Now, Mal, don't be bitter.
You abandoned me
when I was a baby.
No. No, I left your mother.
She's not the easiest person
to get along with.
- You think?
- Huh. You see?
We have something
in common already.
- We both hate your mother.
- No.
I don't hate my mother.
She may be an evil lunatic,
but at least she stuck around.
Oh! Boo-hoo.
Wake up and smell the stink.
You think you've had it rough?
I used to be a god!
I had an entire world
which bore my name.
And now I have nothing!
And you have no idea
what that feels like.
Really? Because for 16 years,
I had nothing.
And now, I have a whole world.
But unless I get that ember,
it's game over.
Hold, please.
Listen little girl
You're talking to a god
And I don't wanna hear
The drama
- Kindness ain't my brand
- Oh, I guess that's why you ran
Try being married to your mama
- You stink at being a dad
- Poor, Mali, are you sad?
Not as sad as you
Without your powers
I didn't come to fight
For once do something right
I steal souls
Were you expecting flowers?
I only need you
'Cause I came here
- for something
- I've given you everything
- By giving you nothing
- By giving me nothing
- I did what I had to do
- Ooh
No, you only did
What's best for you
Well you can learn
A thing or two
When push comes to shove
You do
What you've gotta do, yeah
You were never there
I guess you don't have a phone
You never called to say
"I miss you"
Are you kidding?
Is this a joke?
You need to let it go
- You're stronger with those daddy issues
- Oh, thank you
Show me some respect
It ain't easy to neglect
My attention
Would've made you softer
Should I be proud?
Don't turn this thing around
I guess you are
Your father's daughter
Don't think I need you
I just came here for something
I've given you everything
- By giving you nothing
- By giving me nothing
- And I did what I had to do
- Ooh
I made it on my own
No thanks to you
Well you could learn
A thing or two
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do
How about I go with you
And we'll spend some time?
How about you stay here
'Cause you're out of your mind
Let's make new memories
You can show me the town
No you can keep
Your memories now
- Get over it
- I am over it
I'm over you being over it
Let's dance
I did What I had to do
No you only did
What's best for you
Well you can learn
A thing or two
When push comes to shove
You do
When push comes to shove
You do
When push comes to shove
You do
What you gotta do
Do you wanna make up
for being a lousy dad?
- Give me the ember.
- The ember only works for me.
No. It'll work for me.
We're blood.
You're only half Hades.
The ember won't do everything
for you that it does for me.
I'll take my chances.
If it gets wet, it's game over.
That's my girl.
I guess that's the reason
why he's always
asking about you.
Evie is the only one
who knows that he's my dad.
And as far as I'm concerned,
he doesn't even exist.
No. No, I want the Auradon guard
handing out gas masks.
Well, not everyone's asleep.
Find out if anyone
has seen Audrey.
And find out if she has
a list of demands.
Just one.
I demand my life back.
I have a proposition.
I'll wake everybody up
right now...
under one...
itty-bitty condition, Benny-boo.
Make me your Queen,
and we'll rule side by side.
Did someone put a spell on you?
- Just tell me who and...
- You'll what?
Marry them?
Most people get dumped
because they aren't good enough.
I wasn't bad enough.
How do you like me now,
I like the old Audrey better.
She wouldn't wanna hurt Auradon.
Just give me the scepter,
and I'll forgive you.
You'll forgive me?
I don't think so.
Sleeping is too good for you.
Sleeping is too good
for Auradon.
All right.
Get in, get out.
- Jay, you're good?
- Yeah.
Okay. Hold on.
Whoa. You got a little
Hades thing going.
- Wow.
- That thing packs a punch, huh?
- We made it, bro.
- We made it.
Hey, guys. We're just coming
for a wee visit.
Come on. Hey. Hey.
Drop something?
It can't get wet.
Give it back before it goes out.
- Uma?
- Uma?
That's my name.
Hi, boys.
Welcome back.
Uma, you swam off
and forgot all about us.
Yeah. Planning her revenge,
no doubt.
It's not all about you, Mal.
I was looking for a hole
in the barrier
to let everybody out.
And you know what I found, boys?
It's way better out there
than we thought.
There's this thing
that looks like a furry rock
called a coconut.
And fish so big
you could dance on their backs.
And they've been keeping it all
for themselves.
Whatever. Uma, I need that
to break a spell.
Cast by Audrey,
Sleeping Beauty's daughter.
Mm. So the good guy
is the bad guy?
Well, I might not give it back.
Let's see what happens.
Uma, it's not the time
for games!
People's lives are in danger!
Guarantee me that every single
villain kid who wants to,
- can get off the isle.
- I can't do that.
Can't do that?
- Well, how about now?
- Deal. Deal.
Her word is good.
I'll still keep this,
for the time being.
Because if you think I trust you
to save the world on your own,
think again.
- This is a job for pirates.
- Yeah.
We can always go back to hating
each other when this is over.
- Where are our bikes?
- Oh, yeah. We crashed them.
Here's a thought.
We could try to be friends.
Put our history behind us
and celebrate our differences.
Who wants gum?
- Let's go.
- No?
No. I'm in charge.
Let's go.
They're asleep.
I can't get Ben.
- Or Dizzy or Doug.
- Or Jane. The signal's out.
Is that Auradon Prep?
Yeah. When everybody wakes up,
you're going to love it.
- Everything is so...
- Freaky.
You have leaves on your trees.
And what are those
colored things on the bushes?
- Uh... Flowers?
- Flowers are pretty.
Cantaloupe! Mm! Mm!
We don't have fresh fruit
on the Isle, remember?
- Thank you.
- They're grapes.
I love grapes.
I believe I deserve
some compensation
for my muscles, my wile,
and my role in this endeavor.
You do.
Me not squashing you like a bug.
Think I'm scared of you, Jay?
- Mm!
- Dude.
- Dude, really?
- What? It wasn't me, I swear.
Okay. It was me.
Hey, do you know
what happened here?
Yup. Audrey showed up.
She put everybody to sleep.
- And then she turned some of them to...
- Guys.
Hannah turned to stone.
All right.
Everybody stay on their toes.
Look, since we're here,
let's check the school.
Audrey went straight
for the crown,
so, I think it's safe to assume
that she's gonna go for Ben
and his castle next.
- That's where we'll go.
- Says who?
- Says me.
- Says you.
And that's supposed to mean
something to me?
To the castle.
- How did Mal break my spell?
- I don't know.
- And what is Uma doing here?
- Hey, no, no, no, no, no.
Come clean, Chad.
- Where did they go?
- I don't know.
I don't know, okay?
I can go check for you.
- How about that?
- Stay!
It's about to get a little ugly.
This way.
- Ben could be asleep anywhere.
- Or turned to stone.
I got a scent.
Very pungent cologne.
Easy to track.
Follow me, people.
- That's great, Dude.
- FYI, I give great cuddles, too.
Really? I never had
a pet growing up.
Well, except for the elk head
in Dad's man cave
- but that wasn't...
- Hold up.
What's this?
Any chance
this was already there?
And follow me.
Stay here, okay?
I can feel you looking.
So you can track,
cuddle, and talk.
Hey, do you think his puppies
would be able to talk, too?
All right, man. He's taken.
You want a dog, adopt a rescue.
Talking puppies.
That's crazy.
- Come here.
- He seems nice.
I bet you lost some sleep
thinking about me on the loose?
No. Dragons don't really
lose sleep.
I wonder what fried octopus
tastes like.
Okay. Why do we not do this?
We're celebrating
our differences.
I believe
we're being challenged.
Let's split up
and look for Audrey.
That makes absolutely no sense.
Unless you give me my ember,
she's going to spell you.
We have a situation here.
Do you like a prince, Mal?
How about a knight
in shining armor?
Or knights?
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit them till the armor cracks
This could get a little sticky
How to win this battle
Could be tricky
But I know the best way
Fall back let me lead
You hold the line and we'll
Bring them to their knees
Swords in the air
If you're with me
- Yeah
- They got us outnumbered one-to-fifty
The victory is ours
Because I've got a strategy
You take the left and the rest
Of you can follow me
- This is my crew
- Look this is my squad
- This is my turf
- Oh, my gosh
Look guys we got bigger fish
To fry
Put your differences aside
'Cause now we're
on the same side
Till the night falls
We'll stay together
Till the battle is done
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit them till the armor cracks
Until the night falls
We're aligned
It doesn't mean
That we're on the same side
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
Hit them hard
And hit them fast
They're too heavy to react
The situation is getting
Kind of heavy
Hold your weapons tight
Keep them steady
'Cause if we stick together
We can make it out alive
I will cause a distraction
You attack them from the side
All my soldiers stand
at the ready
We can cut them up
Like confetti
We'll hit them from the front
You counter from behind
Don't forget the fate
Of Auradon's on the line
This is all-out war
They got us outnumbered
The way the swords clash
Is the sound of the thunder
And we are not going under
We will never run for cover
We battle for the victory
And ride for each other
Until the night falls
We'll stay together
Till the battle is done
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit them till the armor cracks
Until the night falls
We're aligned
It doesn't mean
That we're on the same side
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
Watch your back
Hit them hard
And hit them fast
They're too heavy to react
Suit of armor strong and true,
make this metal bust a move.
Until the night falls
You can trust
I'm gonna help you
Win this battle because
I got your back
Got your back
Got your back
Got your back
All for one and that's a fact
Knights fall pitch black
- Come on.
- Yeah!
We did that.
That's what I'm talk...
Hey, good job.
- No.
- We're...
Guys, come on.
This was so great.
We were a team.
We worked together. Come on.
Come on.
You know what we should try?
An icebreaker.
You say something
you really like about
the other person, okay?
I'll start.
Great accent.
- Now, you go.
- Is she always this perky?
Oh, it wasn't really your turn,
but thank you.
- Okay. Evie, come here.
- Yeah.
- I love you.
- I love you.
I love this energy,
but we are very short on time.
Audrey clearly knows that we're here
and we need to get out of here,
- All right, where does
this cheerleader bunk down?
Even if she's not there,
we might find some sort of clue.
Actually, she's still
in the dorms.
You're right.
Because of summer school.
What? Summer school?
Summer school!
No wonder she wants revenge.
Okay. I need you guys
to go find Ben.
We will meet back
at Evie's in two hours, okay?
Sounds like we're going
with my plan. I'm just saying.
It was kind of the obvious plan.
- Uma said it first.
- Right. So my plan.
- Right?
- Whatever.
She's nowhere on campus.
Found her diary. And dang,
did you ruin Audrey's life.
Okay. So did you find anything
in there
that we don't already know or...
She hangs out at Fairy Cottage.
You know, where Flora, Fauna
and Merryweather hid her mom
from your mom.
Yes. The irony
is not lost on me.
How could anyone with this bed
ever be unhappy?
Okay. How do I look?
Okay. The bling stays here.
- But she's bad.
- And we're not.
Come on. Nothing?
These things
just grow everywhere.
Hey, we should play
that icebreaker. Um,
Jay, I like the way that you can
bounce around
and jump off things.
These are free, right?
Yeah. Um...
I like how you get
a kick out of a berry bush.
I guess you've probably seen
everything by now, huh?
Furry rocks. Giant fish.
You're probably used to grabbing
lunch off of a bush.
No. I mean, no, not really.
I mainly just use
the vending machines
at practice. You know, tourney,
kind of eats up
most of my time. So...
that's a wee boy's game.
Hey, you know what would be fun?
To go rafting on a jungle river.
- Find a lost civilization.
- Oh, or maybe a penguin.
Oh, well, you'd find those more
in like icebergs,
but I'd love to see
one of those.
You guys are killing me.
- P.S., your mutt went that way.
- Carlos!
- Dude, what do you see?
- This way!
I really hope they found Ben.
Nice digs.
I got a really good deal.
It's okay.
Shh! It's okay.
Don't worry, Dizzy.
We can fix this.
And once we do,
they're gonna let
all the kids come from the Isle.
So, happy dreams.
- Uh, who's the dude?
- Doug.
Wake up.
- Wake up.
- He's spelled.
Is she not a fast learner?
She's emotionally involved,
Well, in that case,
she should be able
to wake him up.
True love's kiss.
Works every time.
Well, we haven't used
the "L" word yet.
Can we be alone?
Don't freak out it's okay
'Cause true love can save the day
And I think we feel the same
But I don't know
When we met it was sweet
He was oh so into me
Seems like things are meant
To be but I don't know
Does he love me?
Or does he love me not?
Do I love him?
And is it strong enough?
- One kiss
- One kiss
It all comes down to this
One kiss
One kiss
One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
And I wanna know so here I go
Keep it cool keep it calm
Think he's loved me all along
But maybe I got it wrong
So I don't know
He's so good got my back
But maybe I'm just too bad
Could we be a perfect match?
No I don't know
Does he love me?
Or does he love me not?
Do I love him?
And is it strong enough?
- One kiss
- One kiss
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss
- One kiss
- One kiss
This moment could be it
And I wanna know so here I go
Yeah here I go
I feel my heartbeat beating
Saying it's gonna work
But if I'm dream, dream
Dreaming this is gonna hurt
Either I will or I won't
What if I do and you don't?
Is he my Romeo?
Oh, there's only one, one way
To really know
One kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss
One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know
So here I go
Here I go
Here I go
Here I go
Boy, something stinks.
And it wasn't me this time.
- Gil.
- Watch out!
You need some serious
nose adjustments.
I'm not so sure.
Ben? Did Audrey do that?
Huh! I thought I recognized
those pants.
Oh, he's got a boo-boo.
That's why he's so cranky.
You know, my dad said
that his dad
did not handle pain well at all.
You're good with animals.
Do something.
But... Okay. All right.
Hey, Ben.
It's me, Carlos, all right?
Ben! Ben!
It's Carlos, all right?
You know me.
You helped me once.
Remember, with Dude?
Right? Let me help you.
Come on. Let me see your hand.
All right. Attaboy.
Beast... King...
So... Whatever.
Oh, yeah.
That's a big one. Uh...
I'm gonna count,
all right? One...
- Two.
- Two...
There it is. You did it.
- Oh, my gosh, I was so worried.
- You didn't show up.
- I didn't forget your party.
- I got scared she got you too.
I'm so glad you're all right.
All right.
- You good?
- Yeah.
Take a seat right there, okay?
There you go.
- Oh, that was funky.
- It was. There's...
- Huh? Oh, wow.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You need another blast.
- Please stop.
- Huh.
It's Enchanted Lake water.
I guess it can only do so much.
Well, well, well.
Harry Hook.
And you,
my little duckling are...
Okay. Ravishing and taken...
just in case
anyone was confused.
Hold on.
Who's side are they on?
They escaped and joined us.
And Mal has the ember,
which is our only hope
to stop Audrey.
Details to follow.
Hades' ember?
Has Mal gone back to the Isle?
I said details to follow.
We're meeting up
- with Mal, Evie and Uma. Let's go.
- Uma?
- Details to follow.
- All right.
Hey, Jay...
...yeah, thanks for saving me,
gorgeous face.
That was a really good idea,
to check Audrey's room.
Now, we know
that we're on the right track.
Is there an insult in there
that I missed?
I wanted to thank you.
No! You think
you're on the right track?
We're not going anywhere!
Let's mess them up a little.
I say we go back to my place
and maybe binge-watch some TV?
Huh? Or maybe
order some stuff online?
Yeah? Yeah.
What about pizza, huh?
Yeah, you don't like pizza.
Salad? Sa...!
No, no, no, no, no,
Audrey. Audrey.
I don't know
whose birthday it is,
but I want this cake.
So, I maybe kind of missed
the boat a little bit on
calling you Shrimpy
and not letting you
join the gang.
We really could've torn up
the Isle together.
- Celia!
- We're trapped!
Are you guys okay?
What's going on?
You've caused my friends pain
and fear.
We've had enough, now disappear!
You guys, I'm sorry.
My spells aren't working.
Audrey's magic
is getting stronger.
You've caused our friends
pain and fear
we've had enough, now disappear.
You did it!
This is what I've been
talking about.
I guess my shell likes you.
Why don't you hold on to that?
Hey, it's your bae.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. I'm so much
- better right now. Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Are you okay?
I always knew you'd be part
of the solution.
- What is this?
- Oh, yeah.
- I could get used to this.
- You like it?
I love this.
- What about those?
- Oh.
- No.
- I like them.
Okay, so, we all think
that Audrey could be
at Fairy Cottage.
We have no idea where it is.
- Did she ever take you there?
- Every Fairy Godmother's Day.
Where is Fairy Godmother
when you need her?
I wish I knew.
Hey, this might be a bad time.
Happy birthday.
I made it with my 3D printer.
That's our names put together.
- No. I get it, yeah.
- Yeah, because,
you know, we're together.
You and me were like a couple.
Right. 'Cause Jane and Carlos
make Jarlos.
Yes. Yeah.
I could've gone with Cane, um,
but I went with Jarlos.
Unless you prefer Cane.
- Oh, no. No, I love it.
- You prefer Cane? Yes, you do.
It's fine. You know what?
I can remake it. It's cool.
- It's fine.
- No, Carlos.
It's perfect.
Doug! Go with Jane.
We need to find
Fairy Godmother.
- They might need some muscle.
- Hey.
Well, I'll go.
Yeah, actually,
I would feel better.
Yeah, actually,
I'd feel better, too.
Actually, I would, too.
All right, man. Let's do it.
- Let's go, Jane.
- Okay.
- Be careful, okay?
- I will.
Come on, Dude.
She's not upstairs.
I want my mommy.
It's okay.
What happened, buddy?
Ben. Ben!
Your face.
She's gone? Huh?
The door is open. I'm free.
Freedom! Oh!
Oh, my gosh.
Hi, Mom.
I don't know if you can hear me.
But it's been
a really crazy day.
On the plus side,
it's been the longest birthday
I've ever had.
On the minus side,
everybody's under an evil spell.
But on the plus side,
Carlos remembered my birthday.
We're going to figure out
how to undo this.
We'll find a way
to make this right, Mom.
Ooh. All right.
Let's get this Audrey chick
taken care of already.
What do you say, girls?
Time to wrap things up?
You know, someday,
you're gonna have to tell me
how you guys all got teamed up.
Actually, Mal promised to let
all the kids off the Isle
- once this is over.
- Mal?
I have
to tell you guys something.
I lied to you.
The kids won't be coming off
the Isle.
- What do you mean?
- The program is shut down.
And the barrier...
will be closed for good.
For Auradon's safety.
Hold up.
So we're saving
your precious people
and your behinds for a lie.
I knew it was a mistake
to trust you.
You're always out for yourself.
And you, King Benny...
you're probably just gonna throw
us all back inside.
You know what?
I actually thought
you were brave.
You're nothing but a chicken.
Too scared to tell me
I was never gonna see
- my dad again.
- Celia.
Celia. Celia, no!
- Celia!
- No! No.
Regain your might and ignite!
Regain your might and ignite!
Let's go find Gil
and leave them all to rot.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, I just...
I thought that...
I was afraid to tell you.
I thought I was gonna
lose my best friend.
But I had to do something.
I had to protect Auradon.
Closing the barrier
was your idea?
I did it for us.
I did it for our life
that we have here now.
For our life?
What about the kids that
we left behind on that island?
The kids that we promised?
We were their only hope.
I thought you were gonna
stand up for the V.K.'s.
But instead, you lied to them.
And you lied to Jay.
And you lied to Carlos.
And you lied to me.
We're your family.
Evie, come on. I had no choice!
Here you are alone
And you deserve it
Your friends have turned
To stone and that's on you
You had a cause to serve
But did you serve it?
Did you see yourself in a way
That wasn't true?
Why tell all those lies?
You feel unworthy
Like there isn't solid ground
For you to stand
But a sacrifice is not
A firm foundation
You cannot build a castle
On a mountain made of sand
This is not your father's
Fairy tale
And no it's not
Your mother's fault you fail
So when your story comes
To light
Make sure the story
That they write
Goes once upon a time
She fought the dragon
Once upon a time
That beast was me
Once upon a misspent youth
She faced herself
She spoke the truth
That's how I see
My once upon a time
This time
Uma, stop! Please, stop!
I need your help.
We have a chance
if we do this together.
Your friends kick you
to the curb?
Ben saw something in you.
And today, Uma, I saw it, too.
You care. Uma,
you care about everybody.
And Auradon is worth saving.
Help us, please.
You talk pretty, but...
she's already made up her mind.
You brought this
on yourself, Mal.
You figure out how to fix it.
Let's go.
Life is not a storybook
But life unfolds in chapters
Turn the page
And start to make amends
There's no pre-written
Of happily ever after
Step into your greatness
Before your story ends
So when your story ends
They'll say
Once upon a time
A girl flew higher
Once upon a time
She made things right
Once upon a tie that binds
She changed her heart
To change their minds
That's got to be
My once upon a time
This once upon a time
Will finally see
My once upon a time
This time
Help me, Mal!
save your little friend, Mal!
Help me, Mal!
Careful not to fry
your little V.K. buddy.
She doesn't stand a chance
without the ember.
Help me, Mal!
Come on.
Hold still,
you little brat!
We're stronger together.
We're stronger together!
I'm right here, Mal!
Regain your might and ignite.
I'm right here, girl.
I'm right here.
Regain your might and ignite!
- You want a piece of this, huh?
- No, no!
Go, Mal!
- Go, Mal!
- You got this! You got this, girl!
- Yeah! Come on!
- Yes!
It's okay. I've got you.
Oh, no.
You're only half Hades.
The ember won't do everything
for you that it does for me.
I'm hungry.
- Mom. Mom!
- Bibbidi-bobbidi, what happened?
The spell has been broken.
It's okay.
Come on. Let's go.
- You good?
- Yeah.
She's slipping away.
There's only one person
in the world who might be able
to do something about this,
and that's Hades.
Hades? He wouldn't do it.
I wouldn't risk it.
Actually, he might do it for me.
He's my father.
Well, I'll have to send guards
to get him.
Maybe I can hitch a ride.
The Isle is my home.
Someone needs to be there
to protect it.
Well, then,
you will need your first mate.
The Isle will be
in very good hands.
Can I go, too?
I wish I could be
in both places.
I really think that Evie
was right.
I do think
that we could've been friends.
And I'm really sorry
that I lied to all of you guys.
You deserved so much better
than that.
You were just trying to do
the right thing.
I get it.
Thank you for coming.
Didn't have much choice.
Can you wake her?
Since when do heroes
care about villains?
- She's...
- One of your own.
When you guys
try to destroy the world...
it's an error in judgment.
But when it's one of us...
lock them up
and throw away the key.
Right, Beast?
Yeah. I'm gonna need
to use my hands.
Haven't lost my touch.
You're okay.
Tell me it was all a bad dream.
I wish I could.
But, it's over now.
I'm sorry.
I wanted to hurt you both.
I wanted to hurt all of you.
I have owed you
an apology for...
a very long time now.
And so have I.
And perhaps,
I have owed you one, too.
Oh, yeah.
I'm gonna have to miss you
all over again.
Thanks for a glimpse of the sun.
Look at you!
That color!
There they are.
Lady Mal and I wanna thank you
for celebrating our engagement
with us today.
I couldn't be prouder or happier
to call you my Queen.
raise your glasses.
To our future Queen of Auradon.
- To our Queen of Auradon!
- To our Queen of Auradon!
- Speech, Your Special-ness.
- Speech, Your Fancy One.
I can't.
- I can't be Queen of Auradon.
- Mal.
I can't turn my back
on the Isle.
We made a decision...
to close the barrier forever.
And it was my idea.
But it's wrong.
I've learned...
that you can't live in fear...
because it doesn't actually
protect you from anything.
You never know where the bad
is gonna come from.
And you never know
where the heroes
are gonna come from either.
Without Uma and her pirates,
Auradon would be gone.
And without Hades...
my father...
...Audrey would be gone.
We are all capable of good
and bad,
no matter which side
of the barrier we come from.
And that's why I can't be Queen
of just Auradon.
I have to be Queen
of the Isle, too.
And it's time that we take
the barrier down forever.
- We can't do that.
- It's up to us, Dad.
I choose to be a King
who moves forward.
It's time for forgiveness.
It's time for new beginnings.
- The barrier will come down!
- Yes!
Bring it down, Mal.
To make the world
a better place...
We have to do it
face to face.
My plan.
It's time to bring it together
Time for a brand new start
We're gonna put it in motion
Break down
What keeps us apart
No more no division we down
New team got the vision
Unite till we stand
Now we living marching
In the light, one, two
One, two like
- I see you
- You see me
- Imperfect
- Perfectly
Face to face we can see
Clearly our similarities like
- Day and night
- Wrong or right
We come together
For a good time
We're gonna break this down
We're gonna rock the town
Everyone all around
Let's be whoever like this
Stronger together like this
Believing in second chances
And we'll all starting today
Marching on in a new land
Our world's a better
A better place
Welcome the additional love
Unity new beginning for us
Harmony that's the mission
In the light, one, two,
One, two like
I see you, you see me
Imperfect, perfectly
Face to face we can see
Clearly our similarities like
Day and night
Wrong or right
We come together
For a good time
We're gonna break this down
We're gonna rock the town
Everyone all around
Just be whoever like this
Stronger together like this
We reunited like this
Bringing it, bringing it
Bri-bri-bringing it down
Bringing it, bringing it
Bri-bri-bringing it down
Bringing it, bringing it
Bri-bri-bringing it down
Bringing it, bringing it
Bri-bri-bringing it down
- We're gonna break this down
- Break this down
- We're gonna rock the town
- We're gonna rock the town
Everyone all around
Just be whoever like this
Stronger together like this
We reunited like this
- We're gonna break this down
- Come on we're gonna break it down
We're gonna rock the town
Everybody on the Isle
Gonna rock
Everyone all around
Just be whoever like this
Stronger together like this
We reunited like this
Bringing it, bringing it
Bri-bri-bringing it down
- Hey.
- Come on.
- Carlos?
- Yeah?
I'm actually really nervous
to meet your mom.
You're nervous?
His mom is Cruella De Vil!
I'm petrified.
Wait 'til she hears
I want to be a vet.
What do you say you and me
go exploring? I'll do a gap year.
- Jungles or icebergs?
- Both?
Yeah. Chest bump!
Hey. Get it, girl
You know what?
- Mal came through.
- She always does.
- So, she's definitely taken.
- Definitely.
So is Evie.
What's my name?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Am I invited to the wedding?
Hi, Dad.
I'm sure you two will be
very happy together.
Welcome to Auradon.
- We're gonna break this down
- Break this down
- We're gonna rock the town
- Oh, we're gonna rock
Everyone all around
Just be whoever like this
Stronger together like this
We reunited like this
- We're gonna break this down
- Come on, we're gonna break
- We're gonna rock the town
- Everybody on the Isle gonna rock
Everyone all around
Just be whoever like this
Stronger together like this
We reunited like this
Bringing it, bringing it
Bri-bri-bringing it down
Do you ever miss them?
Do you think that they miss us?
Yeah. Of course.
'Cause we're rotten...
To the core.
Hey, last one over the bridge...
Is a rotten apple!
It don't matter
What you look like
It don't matter
What you wear
- Hey!
- How many rings
You got on your finger
We don't care!
- No we don't care
- You gotta dig a little deeper
For you it's gonna be tough
You gotta dig a little deeper
You ain't dug near far enough
Dig down deep inside yourself
Find out What you need
Blue skies
And sunshine guaranteed
Ooh whoa