Detonator II: Night Watch (1995)

Come on, children!
Run, Maria!
- Maria! Maria!
- Oh!
Maria, run!
Come on, children!
- I'm coming, Graham!
- Come on.
Come on,
get in the boat.
I don't want to!
- Maria!
- Come back!
It's okay, Maria.
I've got you!
You'll be okay!
Get off the beach!
Get down and stay down!
Swim, Maria!
Get your heads down!
Get your heads down!
Move it!
Come on.
We can do it!
Swim! Luke!
- Come on!
- Luke!
Come on!
- You can do it! Swim!
- Maria, swim!
Swim, baby, swim.
Come on!
Okay, come on!
Grab my hand!
Yeah. That's it. Yes!
Come on. Come on, you're okay.
You're okay. Let's go.
Find the one phone
in amongst all those
that's a weapon, could you?
What would you look for?
That one phone
will change everything.
War is about to find
a new home.
E c onomic powerhouses
have been slugging it out for years,
but in moments
a third-rate power
will become a world threat.
I'm goi ng to activate
one chip.
Our strategy will be
dropping mining stock...
Don 't worry
about your tips.
I've just sent all my research
papers for printing.
That gives you
three more hours...
We've tapped into everything moving
th rough the exchange from one phone.
Isolate a conversation.
Dollars, not yen?
It's that or watch
- We can 't take that.
- That's right.
Okay, I 'll authorize $5 billion
for discretionary buying
as of 1100 hours.
Want to buy today,
get rich tomorrow?
What about military
To hear strategic air command,
we need just one of our phones.
Their superhighway
will end right here.
- Now show me phase two.
- What, so soon?
Show me.
- I'll sell you at 3-5-1.
- 51, Hong Kong air. I got a bid of 51.
I've got a bid of 51.
That's going to be today's high--
Total information
we have a phone.
But to control the phones,
they needed
one final tool.
Now we launch
the satellite.
And now Roger Flint
reports from Wall Street.
Yesterday's meltdown
of the Hong Kong stock exchange
roared through Wall Street
like a money scorching--
You can feel the panic
from up here.
By the closing bell
the Dow had fallen over 1,000 points.
Dan McGavin, a broker with Brenner,
Nathan, Hart summed it up.
Once Joe average
gets it into his head
the market's out of control,
they want out, any price.
They were telling me,
" Sell, sell, sell," but nobody's buying.
This is a nervous group.
Now here's a look at how the Hong Kong
crash affects the small investor.
We lost everything,
our kids' savings...
Who would think
a thunderstorm in Hong Kong
could make such a mess?
I think it's more
than the thunderstorm.
Trading in Hong Kong
will be suspended...
- Sir.
- What's up?
We lost communication
with Graham and Sheehan at 0700.
- What about the diplomat's children?
- Not a word.
Thank you.
Amid the global
financial chaos,
a glimmer of good news
for the residents of Amsterdam.
After two years
on a nine-country world tour,
the priceless " Night Watch,"
Rembrandt's largest work,
finally returns
to its home,
Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum.
Beginning tomorrow,
the majestic piece
will again be on exhibition
for the anxious public.
The finest example
of baroque chiaroscuro
ever created.
Oh, what a magnificent piece!
Bring me a basket.
I have to throw up.
Bring me
Abraham's " Rembrandt."
Yes, Dr. Armand.
What is it, Louis?
The drummer.
What do you mean?
Maybe it's his drum.
- Page 347, please.
- Looks perfectly fine to me.
What color is this dot?
- It's blue.
- Yes. And this dot?
Let's see what the X-ray
machine shows.
Miles, this is not
the " Night Watch."
This is a fake.
Not one country will help.
How can that be, inspector?
They don't want the blame.
It should never
have left these walls.
It's not my fault, Louis.
Do you expect me
to guard a painting
- day and night for two years?
- I would have,
if it was my idea
to launch its tour.
Gentlemen, calm down.
We're bringing in
experts from the U.N.
The U.N.?
Huh! This isn't
about terrorism.
Because our intelligence
was wrong.
The kids had been
hidden in the village.
You got them out,
all of them.
They're alive
because of you.
How do you feel
about that?
You want me to say
the mission was a success?
All right,
the mission
was a success.
Opening up
to your feelings
Is nothing to be
ashamed about, Michael.
Excuse me. You want
to work, Michael?
I don't think
that would be wise.
Would you make
a note of that, doctor?
I don't know.
Detective work, no combat.
Expense accounts.
Hmm. Something
to keep me busy?
- Exactly. It'll be with Carver.
- Ah.
Mr. Caldwell, I can't
authorize field work
until Michael's psychological
evaluation's completed.
Thank you.
Could you make
a note of that also?
- Would you say this job will be cushy?
- You could say that.
- Travel?
- Here and there.
Sabrina Carver,
you said?
I did.
Thank you.
Let's go.
It's not Sabrina,
you know.
- Of course not.
- No, I mean it.
I couldn't stand another
moment with that shrink.
Come on in.
Yes, sir?
Carver, what do you know
about Rembrandt's " Night Watch"?
Um... the company of
Captain Frans Banning Cocq
and Lieutenant Willem
Van Ruytenburch,
commissioned in 1640,
completed in 1642.
I know a little bit about it, sir.
Hi, Michael.
- Hello, Sabrina.
- How are you?
Not bad.
You cut your hair.
Oh, yeah.
I'm really sorry
about what happened.
I mean, I know it must
be hard for you.
- You got the kids out.
- I've already heard that one.
I've been thinking of teaming you two
up. Any objections, Carver?
- No.
- Excellent.
" Night Watch"
has been stolen
and a forgery substituted.
I want you two
to find the original.
You'll start in Amsterdam
at the Rijksmuseum.
On this one, Carver
will be in command.
- Nick, just a moment here on this--
- Her art expertise
- tips the scales in her favor.
- Okay.
You can spend some more time
with the psychologist. Here.
Special services
will fill you in on that.
- It does more than tell the time?
- lndeed it does.
Oh yeah,
look at that. Huh.
Dick Tracy to Chief.
Dick Tracy to Chief.
It's okay. I haven't lost my sense
of humor. I'm still a fun-loving guy.
Yeah, that's what
I'm afraid of.
Hair looks good,
by the way...
From our X-ray lab,
this is what is
underneath it.
A real old painting?
Oh, yes. It's Dutch.
The 17th century.
A landscape.
You know, rarely
do we sample the paint
- since it's a destructive process.
- Uh-huh.
So a forger generally uses
an old canvas as a base,
and he hopes to pass
any cursory analysis.
Is there any record of the original
painting changing hands?
Cash purchase at auction,
Sotheby's, Kensington.
While being transported,
the van was stolen.
Gosh, this is
an amazing forgery.
Just what the Dutc h
c raftsmen a re known for.
I ndeed.
But the paint, it was
manufactured in the Far East.
- Meaning?
- Dutch painters use European paint.
- Not necessarily.
- Whatever.
None of th is
would be happening
if Miles hadn't
insisted on the tour.
Lou is, did it ever occur to you that the
painting was swapped before the tour?
I would have noticed.
I would have noticed,
and he knows it.
Miss Carver, we catalogue
our local artists,
so maybe if you
searched our slides
- for the forger --
- I'd be glad to. Thank you.
- Okay. I'll arrange it then.
- Great.
Ahh, yes. Well, quite a pair,
our boys, aren't they?
- Well, at least they're enthusiastic.
- Yeah. So am I. So am I.
It seems the guy who bought
this lousy landscape
Iives here in Amsterdam.
- Lemmer, the dealer.
- Art?
Lemmer's been either
pushing or in prison
- for the last 20 years.
- Which is he now?
Let's find out.
Fascinating, isn't it?
Oh, yeah.
How many images
do you have?
Oh, well over a million.
Oh, great.
I leave you now.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Lemmer, the guy who bought
the painting, lives here.
Well, I can't imagine
that big old painting
hanging over his mantel piece.
- I'm gonna take a poke around.
- We don't have a warrant.
Yeah, I know that.
Okay. You better not be here.
I'll see you later.
No, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
I'll handle it myself!
## Sugar ##
## Ooh-ooh ##
## Ah, honey, honey ##
## Oh, yeah ##
## I am your candy girl ##
## And you got me
wanting you ##
## I 'm gonna make
your life so sweet ##
## Sugar ##
## Baby girl ##
## Ah, honey, honey... ##
## Oh, yeah... ##
You're not going
to believe this,
but I'm looking for
this very large p--
## Make your life so sweet ##
## Honey, you 're so sweet ##
## Ah, sugar, sugar ##
## Oh, yeah ##
## I am your candy girl ##
## And you got me
wanting you ##
## I 'm gonna make
your life so sweet ##
## Sugar... ##
## And you got me
wanting you... ##
What are you doing here?
- Who is this guy?
- What?
What the hell are you
doing on this guy's boat
if you don't know
who the hell he is?
Look, I'm asking the questions
around here.
Oh, jeez.
The guy cut me.
You're hurt!
Don't fuss. Please,
please don't fuss.
This job was
supposed to be easy.
I want to talk to her.
You burglarized his place.
He's the one
who can press charges.
- And you did it on my watch.
- If you'd just--
Well, at least we know Miles Van Dehn
is involved somehow.
- He met with Lemmer.
- Lemmer bought the painting,
had it stolen to cover
where it went next.
Oh, I don't think so.
- I want to tail this guy in here.
- You better not let the lieut--
You come with me. We're going
to generate enough paperwork.
Lemmer can't make trouble.
- Can I ask just one question?
- Now!
Mike, he looks a little mad,
maybe you should
go talk to him.
Are we done?
Hey, you think
I enjoy staying late?
He's home.
Glad to hear you're
still on the job.
Oh, man.
Who did this to you?
He's gone.
Where'd he go?
I don't know.
He came home
from the cops mad.
Oh, jeez. I'm so sorry.
Come on, come on. Come here.
Let's take you to the hospital.
Come on.
Come on.
There you go.
Brokerage firms and their clients
were still staggering
from the effects of what's being termed
"the Hong Kong massacre."
Stock prices continued falling
with no bottom in sight.
This morning,
the federal reserve
- made an emergency announcement...
- Yeah.
Michael, go to visual.
- I see you.
- We may have a lead.
In every city the " Night Watch"
was exhibited,
the local museums
picked up the expenses.
Every city but Hong Kong.
Martin Schraeder,
art connoisseur,
businessman, he picked up
the whole ticket.
- American?
- Yeah. We're doing a full background.
What about your other suspects?
Yeah, could be.
Got to go.
- How you doing?
- Okay. Pain killers.
- How come you're still here?
- I just thought...
you might like
a cup of coffee.
Hmm? Come on.
Let me ask you
a question.
Has he done this
to you before?
You know.
- I'm not going anywhere with you.
- Okay.
- We'll just talk here.
- I don't talk to cops.
I'm going home.
Look, if you're
looking for Lemmer,
he's not there.
The cops picked him up.
- What for?
- Assault.
I called it in.
- Leave me alone.
- Jennifer, Jennifer--
- No. Get out of my face!
- All right--
Hey! Come here!
Pressure. Push, push.
Call an ambulance!
Hey! Get away!
I just want to talk, all right?
Oh! Ho, ho!
What happened next?
I don't remember.
You don't remember
doing this?
Well, I didn't do that.
You're sure?
What happened
to your knuckles?
- Oh, that's work.
- What kind of work?
Th is guy is not going to talk.
He might.
I'm sorry
I wasn't there for you.
So am I.
- Look, it's no big deal, really.
- Yes, it is.
Oh, come on.
Don't start that. I mean,
It's not like what happened
at the beach with Luke, okay?
- Yeah.
- Not at all.
Yeah, sure.
It's just that...
It's just that I feell...
should've been there,
I should've done more.
I should have gotten closer
with the boat. I...
I know that nobody,
nobody could've saved Luke
if you couldn't have.
Someday you'll
know that too.
- Hey.
- Yeah, yeah, come in. Hi.
That's okay.
He can't see you.
So what, man? She fell.
We didn't fight. She fell.
She's a stupid,
clumsy twit, man.
Doctors say she's got
scars for life. Yeah.
Who gives a damn?
You don 't care that
she ended up in the hospital?
- No, why should l?
- Yeah... right.
Why is it the waitress
at the coffee shop says
you told her...
I know what he did
with that painting.
That's what you want
to know, isn't it?
After it was nicked
from the van,
he gave it to some guy.
Don't know.
He lived in Hong Kong.
Thank you.
Welcome to the Regent Hong Kong,
Mr. a nd Mrs. Graham.
Thank you.
How do they know our names?
Class-- theirs.
Hi. Did you have
a pleasant flight, Mrs. Graham?
Yes. Thank you.
Excellent. The manager's reserved
our honeymoon suite for you,
with his compliments.
Isn't that wonderful, darling?
Just wonderful.
- Thank you very much.
- Yes.
Oh my, a suite.
What a lavish room.
Yes, I can't wait to be
in your loving arms.
- Oh, Mike, cool it.
- Is that an order?
I think Caldwell's created
the perfect cover for us.
Whatever you say, dear.
I mean, it lets us
work together,
and it explains our trip.
It doesn't explain
where you're sleeping.
Does it, now?
Yeah. Yes, very nice.
Yeah. Let me see the other one, can I?
Just side by side?
That's it, yeah.
I don 't know.
Mm-hmm, that's good.
I think they're both lovely.
Excuse me just a moment.
- Yeah?
- Your watch is on.
U h-huh.
What are you doing?
I'm a guy
on his honeymoon, right?
You're about to have
a chaperone-- me.
It's not necessary.
I promise you.
It's a matter of expediting,
avoiding the Hong Kong police,
keeping things greased.
In addition, meet Myra Tang,
your local ClA connection.
Myra Tang,
Hong Kong office.
Hmm, easy on
the eyes, eh?
one identity at a time.
Yes, sir.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Martin Schraeder's.
What's he going to do
when the red Chinese
take over in '97?
Good question. Same one
everyone's asking.
Stay and trust the Communists,
or retreat to safer ground.
Have you been inside, Myra?
Yeah. Parties.
Art everywhere.
But no " N ight Watch"?
Oh sure. It's probably
hanging in the front hall
with a little
brass plaque saying
"Stolen from
the Rijksmuseum."
Hey, Martin Schraeder
is the only lead I can offer.
Okay, wel I maybe
you two girls should go out there,
just knock on the door,
and see if you can get invited in.
I thought I'd introduce you
to Schraeder at his casino in Macao.
You can do that?
Being the lottery girl does
have its perks, you know.
Wait a minute.
What are you saying?
This guy's going to invite us up
to his place and say,
"Look, here's my stolen painting"?
Look, when you come up with
a better idea, let me know, okay?
- Okay, fine.
- Good.
Mike, this is Mao Yixin.
Hi. Mike Graham.
Call me Tim.
- You winning, Mike?
- Oh, just pocket change, Tim.
Myra here tells me
you run this place.
- It's very nice.
- Thank you very much indeed.
And this is a friend
from my modeling days.
- Sabrina Carver.
- Uh, it's Graham now. Sabrina Graham.
Oh, newlyweds.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yes, two days ago.
In that case,
the esplanade would
like to offer you
worth of good luck.
What a charmer, eh?
Martin Schraeder.
Hi, how you doing?
Oh, yeah.
Well, that would make it
show time, girls.
Shall we?
What's the bet limit?
- 5,000 U.S.
- Uh-huh.
Uh, Caldwell's not going
to cover you, you know.
- This is your money.
- Mm-hmm.
Hit me.
House has a natural.
Shall we up the stakes?
Mike, are you kidding?
You already lost $ 5, 000.
Shall we say 10,000?
How about
a quarter million?
He's really put Schraeder
on the spot.
The customer with the mustache
wants to bet $250,000.
You want to bet $250,000
on one hand?
That's right.
- Myra?
- This is Mike Graham.
His wife Sabrina's
an old friend.
I'm good for it.
All right.
One against the bank.
Save the lecture.
Just wish me luck.
You know that I do.
Thank you.
I'd like a glass
of water, please,
And a vodka martini
straight up with a twist
waiting over there.
Thank you.
The game is blackjack.
House rules.
Mr. Graham's bet
is $250,000.
- Could pull a five-card trick.
- Meaning?
He'll beat the house,
no matter what.
Hit me.
- One.
- Oh!
Wait. Um...
I'm gonna need
another card.
Six cards under 21,
the house pays double.
The dealer gives me
the sixth card face down.
The house plays
its hand out.
You've got no option
but to go for a six-card trick.
Should the house bust...
and my card
is six or more,
I pay you 250,000.
If the house busts
and my last card
is five or under...
you pay me out.
Pay you out...
$1 million?
The house is bust.
The four of hearts.
Mr. Graham's total is 20.
The house owes you
$1 million.
Martin Schraeder.
It's my million you just won.
You're the second-best thing
on my honeymoon, Mr. Schraeder.
- To you or cash?
- That's a good question, let me see.
Myra, which is the most
needy charity in town?
The Royal Orphans' Fund.
There you have it.
Short of my initial 5,000,
and give the rest
to the orphans, royal or not.
Yeah, well,
I made my fortune,
auto parts.
A little stock racing
on the side.
Always happy to have another
sponsor, if you feel sassy.
"Bluegrass Auto Parts."
Entire South.
Started in Kentucky.
I'm from Indiana.
You don't say.
Well, I won't tell a nybody.
So, what were you
going to tell Caldwel l
if you lost
all that money?
What if Schraeder has us
under surveillance?
I mean, how do you tell
your best buddy
that you lost all that money
on your honeymoon?
Sweetie, I ain't going
to think about it
because it didn't happen.
Mmm. Nice buns.
Oh, baby,
you looked good tonight.
You looked very, very hot.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Nice bouncy bed
and everything like that.
I guess you're going
to slip into something
nice and cool, now,
aren't you?
Uh, well, Michael,
I admit it's turn-on, but, uh--
I'm really pretty tired,
you know?
You feel tired, do you, darling?
I feel very--
feeling kind of
up and peppy.
Michael, I'm actually
really, really tired.
Yes. So, I must say,
Hong Kong is a little
sweaty, don't you think?
I'm really very tired.
You're very tired.
I feel good, actually.
Oh-- socks.
I feel very, very awake.
Good. Relaxed.
Oh, baby.
Baby. Baby.
It's the PJs again. Oh.
What is it a bout those PJs
that gets me so hot, eh?
My good luck.
Come and get it,
I'm all yours.
I'm waiting.
- I'll get the light.
- No, no, leave it on.
Michael, are you crazy?
- I don't think so.
- I'm gonna get the light.
Don't you like to see
what you're-- ow! Oh!
Very boisterous, my darling.
Very boisterous.
Oh, darling.
Oooh, Sabrina.
Oh, oh, darling.
- Oh, oh, darling.
- Shh, shh!
Stop it, Michael!
Oh, Michael.
That was great,
really great.
I'm so pleased, darling.
I'm so pleased.
I know you love quickies.
Here I come again.
Well, good night.
I get the hint.
It was-- just overcome
with passion there, aren't you?
I'll make my way
to the bathroom.
I think I will.
That's one thing
I love about you.
Just walking a little
funny, that's all.
I must say, darling,
marrying you was
the smartest bet I ever made.
Oh, Mike!
Mike, here 's your profile
on Martin Schraeder.
- Shoot.
- He was chief engineer for Aztec,
a telecom company
in Silicon Valley.
He was accused
of industrial espionage
and fired eight years ago.
He do time?
- No, charges were dropped.
- Yeah?
And a year before,
his wife and only daughter
were killed
in a car accident.
Sounds suspicious.
No, Schraeder was driving.
I'm logging off.
Take care.
The company's sweeping your hotel
room for surveillance gear.
Good. It's hard keeping up
a honeymoon 24 hours a day.
Speak for yourself.
What? You like him?
Honey, who wouldn't?
Oh, Myra,
you cheap slut.
With him, any time.
You're not attracted?
No, of course not.
We work together.
It's true.
So, what do you think?
I think...
all your cards
are on the table.
Graham to base.
Graham to base.
- Got you.
- Sending you some video.
I'm sending you some video
of two guys.
- Run a check on them, will you?
- I'll be delighted.
Did you get that?
I certainly did.
We 'll begin enhancement.
Gracias, amiga.
Okay, Schraeder's estate.
We found the architect's
original drawings
and loaded them
into the computer.
Here, he could have
a hidden room.
Th is air vent is the only direct
access from the outside.
That's at least 100 feet
off the ground.
It's 113 feet,
to be exact.
Bathroom window.
- No video surveillance.
- Exactly.
Unless Schraeder's a voyeur.
Martin Schraeder's
a lot of things,
but that's not one of them.
Any more on that
industrial espionage charge?
Just dropped.
The fact that Schraeder didn't
sue for wrongful discharge
tells me he's guilty
of something.
You don't buy an estate
like his on an engineer's salary.
- I can climb this, you know.
- It's a sheer rock wall.
You can go through the vent
during the party, and scope it out.
- Nick.
- Ted!
I want you to meet
Mike Graham,
Sabrina Carver.
This is Ted Fisk,
head of ClA operations here.
- Shall I show you what I got?
- I think you should.
Right. The murder
you taped, Mike--
the local police
are pretty hush-hush.
The ClA aren't their
favorite allies, I'm afraid.
But the murder victim
was a computer designer--
hardware mostly.
When the Hong Kong stock exchange
collapsed, he was called in.
Here is an enhancement
of Mike's video.
That looks like a computer chip
in Mao Yixin's hand.
Besides the obvious on Mao Yixin--
he's Schraeder's longtime employee--
we've got nothing.
The ClA has nothing?
- We need prints here.
- I'll handle it.
You have to pay attention.
This guy's a killer.
Once the computer chips
are completed,
they're installed in the phones,
just like any other component.
General Kim wonders
about security.
These people have no idea what
my c hip's capable of. Don't worry.
The genera I doesn't worry.
He relies on me.
The general needs clarity
about his satellite.
Oh, it's his satellite.
The People's Republic
of North Korea paid for it.
There you are,
General Kim.
Let me show you something.
Have a seat.
Let me show you what
your money bought.
Now, executing worldwide
data collection requires a satellite,
but once it's in orbit,
we can use
cellular transponders
to bounce signals from
any point on the globe.
As you can see,
with one satellite,
we can eavesd rop on world-wide
or, at the proper moment,
destroy whatever
systems you choose.
Only North Korea
would be safe.
And un like your
nuclear program,
it's reliable and secret.
What if I can't
keep Schraeder busy?
Mike! Are you
listening to me?
Yes, of course I am.
You are so stubborn!
You ought to know!
Okay, I admit it.
I'm worried a bout your safety.
I'm worried
about your safety.
- Artist?
- Titus--
Titan-- Titian.
His na me's pronounced
"teeshan." ltalian.
- Title?
- Uh... " Love."
" Sacred and Profane Love."
Know the difference?
- What about this one?
- Oh... yeah,
I know this guy.
He has a TV show.
- Van Dyck.
- Sure his name's not "The Beaver"?
- Mm.
- What a bout this?
Mary Cassatt, " The Bath. "
An American who lived in Paris
- around... 1890.
- Wow.
My mother loved
Mary Cassatt.
I grew up with "The Bath"
in our kitchen.
Hmm, not such
a savage after all.
I think I'm a little
No, you look lovely, darling,
just lovely.
Oh, there's Myra.
Mike, I can see no one told you
about Schraeder's parties.
Why's that?
An old tradition.
An informal competition
for the most daring dress.
Hmm. You look--
very traditional.
Where's Schraeder?
Oh, there he is by the Gauguin.
Oh, it is a Gauguin, isn't it?
Yes, it is a Gauguin.
He had a great sense
of erotic sensuality.
The tropical blush,
the fine lines--
- I think I'll keep Schraeder busy.
- What a good idea, darling.
- Great eye for a good breast too.
- Mike, get to work.
I'll go make a living.
Lovely dress.
How about a private tour
for a lady who'll appreciate it?
Well, I have to admit
Mike's not very
enthusiastic about art.
What the hell?
- He's a heck of a gambler.
- That's true.
Let me know
when he comes out.
It's all right.
it's a copy-- see?
"Copy of an original
from the Wichita
Art Museum, Kansas."
It's not like they're forgeries.
I ad mired them so much,
I commissioned my own.
Well, they're perfect.
Like that one!
I remember seeing
the original in Chicago.
I love Degas.
Look how he's captured
her innocence.
"L'Etoile. "
You're the star tonight.
I thought you might do that.
But you didn't move away.
I understand you.
Do you?
- Is Graham out?
- No, sir.
Where's Schraeder?
Graham to Caldwell...
Graham to Caldwell...
- Caldwell.
- Transmitting video.
So there's your
" Night Watch," Nick.
Yeah, but what's the other thing?
Mao Yixin, why the hurry?
Oh, nothing.
My fourth-- or is it
my fifth champagne?
Get me some more?
Take me back to the party!
- Sabrina, I thought you wanted--
- Let me go.
This is your fifth,
or is it sixth?
So you won't remember tomorrow
when I tell you that--
I would like to kiss
your breast till dawn?
But I'm unfortunately working.
You know, you really--
Mr. Graham?
- Mr. Graham?
- Yes?
Is everything all right?
uh... I 've been better.
- Anything I can do?
- Nope, thanks.
You don't sound yourself,
Mr. Graham.
Patience, Timothy, patience.
Hi, Woo, it's all yours.
Mind the step.
I'm sorry I misread
your signals.
Martin, act your age, okay?
Telling Mike will only
tarnish your honeymoon.
Such wisdom.
Oh-- Mike?
Mike, Martin showed me
his collection.
- He's got some beautiful paintings.
- Oh, great.
- Honey, are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay, sweetheart.
I've got this terrible stomachache.
I think we really should go.
I'm sorry to hear that, Mike.
Need a doctor?
No, that's okay.
I don't need a doctor.
Just some hotel time,
that's okay.
Listen, this was great.
Good to see you again.
- Yeah.
- Good night.
Oh, hi.
Watch the Americans.
- That was close.
- It sure was.
- Look at me.
- Hmm?
Someone is on to us.
- Kiss me.
- What?
- Myra, you want a ride?
- Yeah, sure.
Heck of a party.
I wouldn't know.
- Feeling badly?
- Was.
I must say that kiss
made it feel a lot better.
Well, I'm glad I could be
of help, darling.
I wish we had gotten
to dance, Mike.
Maybe I can take you both
to a club while you are here.
This corner is fine, thanks!
Uh... Myra,
that would be great.
Mike, me, you and...
your date?
We'll talk tomorrow.
Good night!
Carry on.
- Well?
- Just a good night kiss.
- Fisk.
- Falcon, Falcon. This is Myra.
- Code red.
- Position, Myra?
Jeffren canyon. Mao Yixin is after me.
I'm unarmed. Hurry!
Myra's in trouble.
What was I supposed to do,
turn away from her?
She wanted to kiss me.
Caldwell and Fisk are responding
to a mayday from Myra.
Myra? When?
Five minutes ago.
Mr. Schraeder, it's for you.
Hello, this is Martin.
Check the satellite!
Somebody knows something.
- What do you mean?
- Just do it!
Good evening,
Mr. Schraeder.
Definitely a space vehicle.
Probably a satellite.
UNACO's running Mao Yixin's
fingerprints, but there's nothing yet.
You know, what I don't
understand is,
why would Schraeder have all those
reproductions in his private study?
I mean, they're not
worth much.
What does this satellite
need as a launch vehicle?
Not a lot. This is one miniature
piece of equipment.
What if they're real?
- What?
- Schraeder's paintings.
He swapped the " Night Watch,"
he could have swapped lots of paintings.
I'd recognize a real Degas
if I saw one.
Are you sure?
Yolanda, it's Nic k.
Where did you see this Degas?
Um... Chicago
Art Institute.
I want you to call
the Chicago Art Institute,
and ask them to check
on the authenticity of "L'Etoile"
by Degas.
Yeah, now.
We need a list
of all of Schraeder's art.
Damn! Myra and the Grahams
were working together.
- You don't know that.
- Shut up!
This arrogant scheme--
why the hell did you insist
on forging painti ngs?
You got over a million phones
and I just finished
the satellite that controls them.
You remember that
when you badmouth our deal.
Our deal... is over.
We know Mao killed the girl.
We know the painting's there.
Okay, but it's
the satellite now.
I mean, we found a guy
who's built a satellite.
But for what?
That's what Caldwell's after.
Caldwell barely knew Myra.
For him it's just business.
Mike, listen.
Caldwell has to deal
with a lot of crap.
A lot of red tape.
We just have
to give him some time.
Yeah well, he can
take his time.
I'm gonna go after Mao.
Mike, listen. Mike!
Mike, that's an order!
Damn it, Michael!
Stop it!
- Are you all right?
- No.
Can I help you?
Who do you work for?
Answer me!
Hey, have you seen a girl around?
Mike, I'm here!
You screwed up, Graham.
I mean this time.
Just this time.
I don't want to lose
another partner.
I know.
Especially you.
Mao Yixin?
I finally got something on
his fingerprints from U.S. Customs.
He's a high-ranking member
of the Communist party
of the People's Republic
of North Korea.
- North Korea?
- He visited California
the same year Schraeder
left for Hong Kong.
I'll bet Mao's
running their show.
What do you think
you are doing?
Satellite is ready to launch
from Hong Kong harbor.
Since when have you--?
The capitalist
as his true self.
If you're thinking
of killing me,
there's a password
you'd better know.
Ah, the password
for the satellite software,
is that the password
you're speaking of, Martin?
On permanent loan from
the National Gallery in Washington,
your illustrious capital.
You see, it's like this, Martin.
I have spent
the last eight years
a capitalist eccentric
while he created the weapon
of the 21 st century.
A perfect marriage
of technology,
convenience and greed.
Now... what's the password?
Huh-uh, you won't do it.
You're thinking I'll kill you
once I get the password?
Oh, no, no, no.
I mean what if the system fails?
Now, the password.
You won't burn it.
Watch me.
Watch me, Martin.
Stop, oh God!
There are many more paintings and
I have plenty of lighter fuel.
The password is...
So as far as the Hong Kong
police are concerned,
- there were no witnesses to the murder.
- What else?
I'm transmitting now. Aztec Scientific,
the company Schraeder was fired from,
built the scrambling system
for the US military communications.
- Did he work on it?
- He designed it.
Details from the pentagon soon, okay?
I'm logging off.
The phone.
Fisk! Send your
systems expert in here.
Watch this.
to commence routine
procedural rotation of sector two,
agent Sang to supervise.
Our top six agents in zone F,
Burma, Laos, are to fly immediately--
Hey, that's a secure line
from Washington!
No, it ain't.
Not with this little guy.
Let's try patching it
into the mainframe.
- Oh God.
- Cyberspace overload.
That's amazing.
Was that suppose
to do that?
A communication bomb.
Wait a second.
When the eavesd ropping phone
gets the signal...
Everything blows?
- And it's all controlled by...
- By the satellite.
Pretty snappy.
Is there anything worse
than seeing your children die?
Take them with you.
- Please for mankid's sake.
- No.
Mankind has been enjoying
your fakes for years.
Mankind doesn't know
the damn difference. Zhung.
After you've seen them burn,
you can blow to kingdom come.
These last eight years
have been hell, Martin,
but today...
today makes up for it.
Good bye, Ma rti n.
The Degas at the Chicago
Art Institute is a fake.
Mike, Schraeder had
a Mary Cassatt in his collection.
Come on, guys,
move it, move it!
Red Star,
on our way to you.
Docking in 10 minutes.
No, please, no!
On the door!
Come on.
Let's go, let's go!
Where is that coming from?
- I'll go.
- No, I'll go. Wait.
- I like this. Let's go.
- Help me!
- I hear Schraeder.
- They're burning the paintings.
Get me out of here!
- Please! No!
- Schraeder, is that you in there?
- Yes, where are you?
- Let me go first.
This could be a setup.
What are you doing?
I'm ordering you to let me decide.
How do we beat security, Schraeder?
- You can't.
- I'll do it.
Entry denied.
The paintings,
Mao's booby-trapped them!
- where's the satellite?
- Mao took it to launch.
Where is the launch pad?
They're rendezvousing
with a Korean freighter--
equipped with a rocket.
Pier 44.
Two Mercedes vans, white.
One is ground control.
Fisk, search the estate.
You and you, let's go.
No, wait!
There's a bomb!
A bomb?
A bomb, a bomb.
- Mike.
- It's okay, it's okay.
I got it, I got it.
- Red, yellow, black.
- Be careful.
Oh, sh--
All out!
Everybody clear the building.
What the--!
Come on!
The idea is
to get there alive.
I hope you two realize that
this honeymoon cover
it's just that-- cover.
UNACO agents do not get
romantically involved.
- Of course, sir.
- Did you get that, Michael?
Oh, hell yes, Nick.
I'm just glad to be here.
...satellite dish.
Watch out!
Could be booby-trapped.
- It's empty.
- Where 's the satellite?
- Look! Over there.
- That's our freighter. Let's go.
Sabrina, see if you can find
the mission control van.
- Oh, c'mon--
- Do it now, do it! Close the door!
Be carefu l, Mike.
Oi, buddy, come here!
Come here, oi!
- We want your boat.
- My boat?
- It's not my boat.
- Thanks very much. Off, off!
Throw the line! Throw the bloody line!
Throw the line, come on!
When do I get
my boat back?
Hey, hey!
- How about that rope?
- Yeah, I see it.
I'll get you close.
Give me your gun.
I'll decoy!
Okay, where is the--
get down!
Where is
the abort button?
Come on!
Get back here!
Oh! Oh.
Room 1435.
Um, yes.
Michael Graham.
Room 1-4-3-5.
And a separate room
for Miss Carver.
Look, I think
there's been a mistake.
No mistake.
I'm the man
in the middle.
Now, children,
this is Rembrandt's
largest painting.
It's called
the " Night Watch."
How many people can you see
in the shadows?
Now, that, the real one,
- is a beautiful piece of work.
- Hmm.
Can you tell the difference?
I mean, are you sure
this is the " Night Watch"?
The real, no-kidding,
Rembrandt's " Night Watch"?
Because me, I mean,
I don't know about you, but--
I can't tell
the difference.
Of course I can tell.
That's it.
Got you guessing, eh?