Detour (1945)

Well, here we are. I
I deviate at the next corner.
Thank you, boss. I'll get there.
- Want more?
- No.
- Hey, you!
Yes, you.
Where you going?
To the east.
Too bad. If you were to the north
you could carry.
I like to drive
alone at night.
I am one of those guys who
fall asleep.
My colleague found someone ...
... But I have one.
- Where does it come?
I thought so but ...
... Where?
Are the Angels?
-I have a cousin in Los Angeles ...
- Do not tell me?
- Has been ...
You're not very talkative, right?
My mother taught me
not to talk to strangers.
- Go with the guy!
- What!?
Okay, okay. Do not be like.
Just being sociable.
Hey, beautiful!
Change me this, will you?.
Choose soft music, Joe.
I have a pain in my head.
What's wrong with that?
Want more coffee?
And do not put me in a hurry, okay?
Shut it, okay?
- What if I do not?
- Yes, what happens here?
The music pisses me off.
So you do not like huh?
No. Remove it!
Wait a minute, buddy.
That was my currency
This is a free,
and wear what I want.
Insurance. And if not like,
does not have to listen.
And you can leave whenever you want.
Agreed. Excuse me.
The best record we get tonight
and you do not like.
Some people have no
not the slightest taste.
That tune ... That tune / i
Why always
I hear that tune / i
Following me,
always ringing in your head ... / i
... without me ever. / i
Ever wanted forget something? / i
Ever wanted to curtail a
piece of your memory or delete it / i
can not, you know. / i
No matter how hard you try. / i
You can change place ... / i
... but sooner or later,
is a perfume you ... / i
... or someone says a certain phrase,
or humming something ... / i
... and you sink back / i
"I can not believe you
I love you "/ i
I used to like that song. / i
Like to customers
"Point du Jour", New York. / I
Every night asking me
at least 3 times. / i
Sue ... / i
... always was selling
his song ... / i
... to those with taste. / i
club did not have much, really.
You know the kind. / I
A place where you could eat
a sandwich, drink something ... / i
... and spend some time
dancing with his girl. / i
played the piano there all day.
From eight until closed ... / i
... it used to be
at four in the morning. / i
A good job, for
they were at that time. / i
too ... / i
... was Sue. / i
working with her was
like working in heaven. / i
What we felt for one another
was nothing unusual. / i
I was a healthy and normal type.
And she was a normal, healthy girl. / I
when two well together,
get a normal, healthy romance. / i
Which is an antique ... / i
... of course, but
somehow ... / i
also more thing ...
wonderful world. / i
Yet was a kind
very lucky. / i
Mr. Paderevsky, I guess ...
It's beautiful.
you will end up at Carnegie Hall.
Yes, as doorman.
Debutar in the basement.
Do not blame you for being bitter ...
But you must ...
lose hope.
'Maybe some day ....
Yes, someday.
If the first fails arthritis.
let's get out of this trap.
- You want to eat something, honey?
'No thanks, H. ..
I lose my appetite ...
working in that dump.
Let's go home.
I can not take more
those stupid.
Did you see that drunk
trying to link me?
No, what drunk?
What matter how drunk!
What you tonight?
It is the third time you start
to tell me something and you stop.
There should be no secrets
among us, Sue.
Next week, with ring and
marriage license, we are a team.
That's it.
In the Football League.
I do not understand.
We have been blocked.
Strange way of talking, honey.
Do not you marry me?
Al, look, I love you, you know.
- And I want to marry you.
- But ...
But not now.
Only when we do well.
One day I'll go.
I know you think silly ...
So ... hesitant to tell you.
I will go to California ...
I want to try your luck ...
in Hollywood.
It's the biggest fool
I've heard.
Do not you know that millions are
each year and end in nothing?
I thought you had
common sense.
Seem to think
I have no talent.
It has nothing to do.
'I'll be fine.
-Maybe. But what about me?
Do our plans do not
mean anything to you?
'Maybe we do not see in years.
-It is not that bad.
'I thought you loved me.
I love you, you know I do.
Here we are.
Al ..
Why can not
get for me?
I'm young ...
both are.
We have all the time in the world
to settle.
Really, honey ...
... What I do is the only
thing to do.
I hate to think that I will
so far from you ...
But we'll be together ...
again, someday.
May later
decide to come with me.
Al ..
Do not you give me
the goodnight kiss?
Sure, why not?
Good night.
Roberts, you won
the big tonight ...
... Ten bucks.
Thank you.
When a drunk gave me
ten bucks, after a request ... / i
... I could not cheer too. / i
But what could I ask? / i
A dirty paper full of germs. / i
could not buy anything
of what he wanted. Nothing. / I
Then I thought of something. / i
Long distance.
I would draw
to Los Angeles.
Miss Harvey,
Sue Harvey. HARVEY.
Their number is:
Hello? Sue ?
Honey, I'm glad too
return to hear your voice.
What? Really?
Me too, honey.
I thought I would go crazy without you.
I had to ...
Do you work as a waitress?
That is hard.
These people can not recognize
good, even in front of them.
It supports only a little more.
Visit the offices of casting,
sure you will find.
Tell you what ... I'll see you.
No, do not try to stop me.
Just wait for me.
Train? Train, plane, bus,
magic carpet, I'll be there ....
Although it must ... crawl.
And then ...
... We'll get married immediately.
Great. That's what
I wanted to hear.
Bye for now.
See you soon.
The only way to cross
the country was a finger. / i
I only had enough money
to eat. / i
Money? You know how it is. / I
never have enough
of those little things green ... / i
... with a picture of
George Washington ... / i
... why the man
is enslaved ... / i
... commit crimes,
and even die. / i
is the thing that caused
more problems in the world ... / i
... than any other
ever invented. / i
simply because
there is very little of it. / i
At least, I had very little. / i
So I got used
to use my thumb. / i
Have you ever done finger / i
It's not fun, believe me. / i
I know can be learned
much so. / i
know a lot of people
and all that. But I ... / i
... from now on, I will educate
in schools, universities ... / i
... or send $ 1.98 and seals
to "learn in ten lessons." / i
Doing this can save
in passages, but it is dangerous. / i
never know what awaits
when listening to a ... / i
... the squeal of brakes. / i
If only I had known what
I expected that day in Arizona. / i
Let the
back seat.
Come on. Make sure
the door is closed.
You know, should write ... / i
... a rule book
types that make finger. / i
Because now it is not known
what is right or wrong. / i
We walked a while and
neither said anything. / i
I liked that. / i
never know what to talk
with unknown drivers. / i
is not known whether the
driver to talk to. / i
Many trips have been short
as one a loudmouth. / i
So I kept quiet
until he began to speak. / i
Can you reach me that box
of the glove, friend?
Hold the steering wheel.
- How far you going?
-A Los Angeles.
That's a long trip right?
Yes, I hope I make it
by a couple of years ...
I spent a lot of ... travel.
-Without much luck, huh?
That's right. All evil.
Not many people to stop.
Fear of assault, perhaps.
Do not blame them.
- Where are you from?
-New York.
Oh, New York?!
This time you get lucky,
I'm also going there.
Direct to Los Angeles.
Tell me, do you drive?
Sure, when tired,
tell me.
I will.
must have spent an hour
before notice ... / i
... those deep scratches
on his right hand. / i
were horrible. / i
Three bulging red lines,
nearly half a centimeter. / i
must have seen me looking at them ...
because I said ... / i
Nice, huh?
Someday heal.
Go animal!
It had to be very large
and furious, to do that.
I did well in New York.
I had a fight with the animal
World's Most Dangerous ...
... A woman.
It must have been the wife of Tarzan.
You seem to have
lost a lot ...
It certainly was not a draw.
You know, there should be a law
against araadoras.
I took it out of the car
one ear.
Was I wrong?
One picks up someone and waiting
that is nice, right?
After all, what kind
Women make hitchhiking?
School Teachers?
A brujilla.
He must have thought
I was a kid.
To me that I'm behind
horses from twenty years!
I've met a million
like her.
Two million.
I stopped the car,
I opened the door ...
"Poor baby Me Goodbye"
I said.
That was it.
Want to see a scar from it?
Take a look at this.
- I did it in a duel.
- A duel?
Yes, only joking.
My father had a couple of
Franco-Prussian sabers.
She had them hanging on
the wall decoration.
One day another boy and I
went down when he was not ...
... And we had a duel.
He gave me the sword here.
I made a good cut,
and then infected me.
Yes, I can see.
-Give me that box again, please.
I imagine the pain
made me lose my head ...
I began to fence .. the sword ...
... And before I knew
had one eye removed.
How strong!
It was just an accident.
You know how kids are.
I panicked and decided
leave away from home.
My father saw me as
I collected my things.
The bloody rag
not noticed ...
But the band ... in the eye.
I escaped while
phoned the doctor.
It was about fifteen
or sixteen.
I have not come home
since then.
Let us here
to eat something right?
Eat something ... / i
was hungry. / i
Her hours without putting
anything down. / i
But still I did not want
show my cravings. / i
First was to make sure
the guy knew he had to pay. / i
If you betrayed my problems
lose my trip to Hollywood. / i
Wait here, sir.
Yes money is
do not worry.
This time I pay.
'It's very kind, sir ...
-I Hazkel. Do not worry ...
... When you make your first million
will do the same for me. Come on.
I get to the West Coast
There is a horse, "Paradise" ...
... Means money for me.
'I make it.
He spoke almost most
of the time. / i
I ate. / i
spoke about his father, who
had not heard ... / i
... since I left home,
as a child. / i
Now tell me that it was
betting on horses. / i
And how was
deceived in Miami ... / i
A race, 38 large bills.
I cleaned the portfolio.
How about that?
A great stroke of luck.
Yes, and I'm supposed to
a smart guy. But you wait ...
Florida ... again the next
season with a lot of money ...
... And see these scoundrels
run and hide.
- Want more?
'No thanks, I'm fine.
How much do I, baby?
Your change, sir.
-Save it, baby.
Thank you, sir, come back soon.
We will be waiting outside
until you finish.
Linda Doll, huh?
drove all night while
Hazkel slept like a log. / I
After a while
I began to feel sleepy. / i
Although I was happy. / i
Would Sue again. / i
The long journey was
about to end. / i
and there would be more obstacles
to arrive. / i
I started thinking the future. / i
could not be brighter ... / i
... although it had been
embroidered with neon lights. / i
was nice to think of Sue,
walking to the top. / i
is amazing how triggers
imagination a full stomach. / i
Lord Hazkel.
Lord Hazkel.
Hazkel Lord,
wake up, it's raining.
Do not you think we should
raise the hood?
Hazkel Lord,
I will raise the roof.
So far had
things my way ... / i
... but from now on
I expected something else ... / i
... and destiny would be different
I had chosen to ... / i
... because when
I opened the door ... / i
Hazkel Lord,
What happens?
Are you hurt?
Are you hurt, Mr. Hazkel?
Begin with your sermon,
I listen, but ... / i
... I know I culparis
before opening the mouth. / i
will say that you do not believe my story
Hazkel about died. / i
the expression of your face
say "do not make me laugh." / i
I saw him when he was already dead ... / i
knew ... and blame me. / i
Who would believe that
fell off the car? / i
For if he were
here would say that I hit him ... / i
in the head to
steal the money. / i
blame me, like it or not. / i
instinctively fled, but
I realized that would not work. / i
Many people might
identify. / i
The man at the gas station
and the waitress. / i
It would be hard pressed to
explain the blow on his head. / i
The other possibility
was to stay ... / i
... and tell the truth
when police arrived. / i
But that would be insane. / i
laugh at my truth
and have the rope around his neck. / i
What else could I do to hide
the body and get rid of the car? / i
could not stop the car
with him in it. / i
would be like placing a headstone. / i
My idea was to cover his with
shrubs, not steal. / i
But then I remembered that if
driving, even if only 200 km .. / i
need money ...
at least for gasoline. / i
addition, it would be stupid to let
all that money to a dead man. / i
Not only that. / i
It should also take
your driving license ... / i
... in case anyone
I stopped on the road. / i
I did not like thinking about it
But police say ... / i
... that he had,
but did not. / i
clothes. The owner of a car
so expensive would never wear these clothes. / i
Some poly might suspect. / i
Hey, this car is yours?
Do not have otherwise
to park ...
... To leave the wheels
in the middle of the road?
Here's how it happens
Excuse me, officer. I was just
raising the roof.
'I do not think.
'Next time, think.
Multar not this time
but be careful in the future.
I know it's a lonely road, but
cars pass every now and ...
... We have many accidents.
Thank you, officer.
did not leave anything in the car
I identify as Roberts. / i
If they found the dead,
would be me. / i
drove in the rain. / i
beat drops
the windshield like tears. / i
I kept imagining
it was pursued. / i
I could hear
sirens in the distance. / i
much led me to the 100 km ... / i
to the border ...
with California ... / i
... do not know. / i
I lost track of time. / i
But the rain had stopped
and the sun was out ... / i
... when I
to the inspection booth. / i
-Hey, take fruit or vegetables?
- Any type of livestock or poultry?
Allow me to your document
and driver's license.
- What's in the trunk?
-Solo bags.
Hazkel Charles Jr., 30,
brown eyes, dark hair ...
... No identifying marks.
- Are you Charles Hazkel Jr.?
Remember that if you stay
more than 30 days must ...
Tuition and replace ...
using California.
Well, but I'll be in the
state for long.
Well, you can leave.
could not drive more
without sleep. Police or not ... / i
Knew I needed to ... board
ear, and for a while.
was dead tired. / i
No, sir Hazkel, no.
Hazkel Lord,
You can not die.
They think ...
I ... I did.
No, sir Hazkel, no.
Who is it?
The cleaning woman.
I can come clean?
-Within half an hour.
'Well, sir.
There was no time to lose. / i
Every minute that I was
Charles Hazkel was dangerous. / I
would have to be up
come to a city ... / i
... where could leave
car and go. / i
Which meant continue
driving to ... / i
... San Bernardino, or perhaps
to Los Angeles. / i
In a small town
my presence could be noticed ... / i
... but in the city
would be safer. / i
After leaving
the car could go to Sue. / i
But those five minutes
on the state border ... / i
... made me realize,
that might be a good idea ... / i
... know more of Mr. Hazkel. / i
If someone did
any questions .... / i
... could give
responses. / i
The first thing I learned
is that I had $ 768. / i
was a lot of money.
But, believe me ... / i
... was the kind of money
I did not like to have. / i
later learned from a letter
carried in his briefcase ... / i
... it was not as generous or
open as to pay ... / i
dinner ... a stranger
hitchhiking. / i
Before I finished reading I saw that
rather it was an opportunist. / i
was a letter to his father
California ... / i
... who had not seen
in many years. / i
it became Hazkel
go through a sales ... / i
... of hymns. / i
was easy to see how expected
Hazkel recover ... / i
... lost money on Miami: / i
deceiving his father. / i
That was all I could
find it ... / i
... and it was enough. / i
I told myself
maybe the old Hazkel ... / i
was lucky ...
that his son died. / i
never know, but saved him from receiving
propaganda of sacred literature. / i
Near the airport
Desert Center stopped by water. / I
was a woman. / i
Hey, you! Come
if you want the ride.
- Where does it go?
- Where are you going?
It took me by surprise
and turned my head to face her. / i
She stared forward,
and could not see his eyes. / i
But I was young,
no more than 24 years. / i
seemed like it was
thrown the worst freight train. / i
Despite this,
seemed to be beautiful. / i
It was not the beauty
of a movie star ... / i
... or the beauty you dream
when you're with your wife ... / i
But natural beauty. / i
A beauty that almost frightens
for being so real. / i
Then she turned
suddenly. / i
- Where did you say was I?
-A Los Angeles.
Are the Angels? That will
well for me, sir.
'It's what I feared.
- What did she say?
Nothing. I thought aloud.
People get into trouble
for doing that.
- What is your name?
Vera-You can call me if you like.
- Do you live in LA?
- Where are you from?
-From beyond.
- Needles?
Oh, I know, Phoenix.
You look like a girl
Are they so bad
girls in Phoenix?
must be very tired,
because she fell asleep ... / i
twenty minutes ..
having climbed into the car. / i
lay scattered and
his head against the door ... / i
... like Hazkel.
I did not like, but ... / i
... not bother. / i
she was not to worry. / i
had overcome the feeling
I wonder when I looked. / i
wrote it off to my nerves. / i
I guess I was
something sensitive. / i
Pretty sensitized. / i
Rather than get upset ,
I began to feel pity. / i
Poor girl, perhaps
had gone wrong. / i
Who was / i
Why went to Los Angeles / i
Where would / i
All I knew of it
was his name. / i
While that did
no difference. / i
A few hours and
would be in Hollywood. / i
would forget everything, would park
the car and look to Sue. / i
end the nightmare
to be a dead man. / i
What happened with this
woman was not my business. / i
Where did you leave your body?
Where did you leave the owner
of this car?
You do not fool anyone.
This car belongs to
one such Hazkel. And that's not you.
You're crazy, that's my name,
Charles Hazkel. I can prove it.
-My driving license.
-Save yourself the explanation, Mr.
Having the wallet Hazkel
only makes it worse.
I traveled with Charles Hazkel
all the way from Louisiana.
He picked me up at the
outside of Shreveport.
'You're ...
'I have heard.
Then I remembered everything. / i
All about grief,
scars and scratches. / i
There was no doubt. / i
Vera should be the woman who
Hazkel had mentioned. / I
She must have happened
when I slept. / i
Well? ...
... I'm waiting.
was ready, she had me. / i
Hazkel Such was not
dead yet. / i
not lay hard and cold
in a ravine in Arizona. / i
was sitting to my right
there in the car ... / i
laughing like crazy ...
while chasing me. / i
There was nothing I
could say. / i
was his play. / i
Vera or any
that was his name ... / i
... it was just my luck
collect along the way. / i
It could have been Hellen,
Mary, Evelyn and Ruth. / I
had to be the last person
I should have found. / i
Such is life. / i
Whichever way you go
the destination place a stick ... / i
... for one trip. / i
I told him everything, but she
did not believe my story. / i
I should have saved saliva. / i
It's the biggest lie
I've heard in my life.
So you fell off the car?
Who do you think
you talking about?
Listen, I have the world and recognize
a liar when I see it.
How was it?
Would you torciste neck?
Wait, what I told you is true.
Do you see why I act like that?
you think I killed him. The same
would have thought the police.
Well, maybe they
still think so.
Who makes sure
I will not talk?
Vera, I am innocent.
Believe me it is so.
I will not win anything by sending
to court.
The police are not my friends.
If there is a reward
... But there is not.
Thank you.
Do not thank me yet, no
you end up so easy.
Consider these notes.
Do all you had?
- Is not that enough?
-No. I thought I had more.
No more. You can register
if you think something hidden.
Right. Perhaps so.
He told me he was going to
$ 3000 bet ...
A horse ... "Paradise"
Santa Anita.
'I was cheating, was 300.
-Could be.
Insurance. Three bills. 300.
He was a compulsive gambler.
Do not try to teach me anything
Charlie Hazkel.
Remember that I met
better than you.
Ok, you know I was a betting man,
Does that explain a bet of 3 000?
I'm not so sure
that did not have those 3 thousand.
Why should I believe?
Your face
a cheap crook.
-Wait a minute.
-Shut up.
You're a cheap crook
And you killed.
For two cents I changed
opinion. Delatar you.
-Okay, do not fret.
'I do not do ...
Just remember you ...
who is the boss here.
If you shut up and
I do not argue ...
Not have to worry ...
but if you act wisely ...
Get you into prison ..
as open your mouth.
-I do not dispute.
-You better not do it.
look like a scammer ...
... I hate to see a young guy
smelling like you ...
Arizona ... the perfume
gives the murderers.
I'm not a murderer.
Of course not ...
Hazkel ... were killed himself.
He fell, that's all.
I've already explained.
Sure ... and then you
You gave your belongings.
I already told you why.
-Leave it.
There is no difference,
I'm not a crybaby.
I liked Hazkel less
than I like you.
-Yeah, I saw what you did.
- What do you mean?
-The scratches on his wrist.
'Of course I scratched him.
It's what I said.
Your idea was to drive
the car a little more ...
San Bernardino ... maybe even
and leave. You were going to sell?
Sell ??it ? You think I'm crazy?
Sell ??a car outside.
All I want
leave it somewhere.
Not only have no scruples,
have no brain.
I do not understand.
It may be good
I've found.
Surely you would have caught.
Tonto. Do not know
an abandoned car ...
Always starts ...
an investigation?
If the cops find him
become curious.
They wonder where
is the owner.
And unless they find Hazkel,
I find you.
Never would have thought.
It is said that the only thing
can do is sell it.
Register under another name.
For the next store.
I want to buy a bottle ...
... Before coming to Los Angeles.
Ok, I hope
and I pick you up later.
Not at all.
You come too.
From now on we
as Siamese twins.
We will do so,
but do not understand.
It happens that I do not want to miss.
Do not betray
if what you fear.
I would not say that.
I'll see you sell this car,
so you do not stop.
Thank you.
Although I think
your interest is financial.
You want a percentage
of profits.
Well, since you insist,
I can not refuse.
-The 100% will be fine.
'I you quiet.
For a minute I thought
everything you'd want.
I do not want to take advantage.
Within hours
we were in Hollywood. / i
I recognize the places
Sue described to me. / i
I was surprised by the fact
be ending the trip ... / i
... and feel that Sue was
further than the beginning. / i
Vera not joking when he said
"Like Siamese twins." / I
He rented a small
department ... / i
... as Mrs.
Charles Hazkel. / i
When I objected, said
it was to sell the car. / i
The seller would think there was
something strange if I called ... / i
... and found out we had
different names. / i
-Home, sweet home.
Not bad at all.
'In case there is any doubt, I
I will take the bedroom. -Yes.
It is very hot in here.
-Leave the blinds down.
The old man said he had a bed
recessed behind this door.
Do you know how this works?
I invented it.
- Any questions?
'You can not have everything.
I will use the bathroom first.
I do not know why, but
I knew you would.
Good! You feel better
to be clean.
Although I have five kilos less.
Could be.
I think you manage to do so
keep your body young.
I wish such
stop playing the saxophone.
It makes me nervous.
Forget it.
Drink something.
Are you not afraid to drink a lot?
If you do not want bebieras
do not offer it.
Why are you so irritable?
you did you get into this.
You should be grateful
that it has betrayed you.
If I had not been comprehensive
'd be in jail.
So cheer up.
Shake off that evil genius
Or your conscience bother you?
-No, not so.
-Great, that's good.
He's dead and nothing can
back to life.
I will never understand this concern
for something that was done.
For the last time
I say that I did not kill him.
Hazkel was sick. Perhaps there
before falling dead, do not know.
Sure, sure. He died
old. According ...
... If it makes you feel better ...
... You did not kill him.
Thank you.
-We have no liquor, Roberts.
Too bad, tonight
I wanted to be happy.
-Well, I think you did.
- Am I happy?
Like a dog with two tails.
That is good.
Just wanted to be.
Why? Why
wanted to be happy?
I do not know, for some things.
You should have
my concerns.
If I had your problems
remain sober.
I have the key
that door!
You're right.
-I have always right.
Do you know? I do not like
your attitude, Roberts.
Well, there are many things
I do not like.
Life is like
a ball game ...
... One should use what
arrive before awakening ...
... In the second half.
I bet you read it.
That's the problem with you.
All you do is complain.
I take it easy.
And the best way.
Maybe that's what makes
every evil work.
Let us leave that, Professor.
People try to
dodge fate.
Think of yourself, for example.
You're lucky to be alive.
Suppose Hazkel
would open your door.
Now yaceras in the field.
Think about it.
I am very tired.
There are many people dying
at this moment ...
And would give anything ...
to change place with you.
I know
what I'm talking about.
I'm not so sure.
At least they know
what to expect ...
and not have to sweat blood
wondering what will happen.
Your philosophy stinks, man.
We all know
we will die some day ...
the only problem is when.
Why are we
talking about this?
Next time
talk about politics.
Where are the cigarettes?
On the table, asshole.
We are bored mutually
talking for a couple hours. / i
Every five minutes I suspected
you want another bottle ... / i
... or radio, or something to read. / i
Finally, we ended the conversation. / i
I know there are only eleven,
but I get up early ...
... To view used cars.
Do not worry about that ...
Have all the time ...
the world.
Maybe you have it,
but if you think ...
I'll stay ... here
more than you need, you're crazy.
Not a bad place.
They pay a lot for a place
like this in New York.
I would not even
outside the Ritz.
Terrible liquor.
Have an unusual cough, you should
do something about it.
I will.
That's what Camille said.
- Who?
-No one you know.
- Not the lady who died
of tuberculosis? -Yes.
It would be a relief for
if you die fast.
Free with car
stolen from the old Hazkel.
I do not want to die
anyone else.
Not even me?
Especially you.
One person was me.
If you happen to you ...
would be what I need.
Do not taste,
Is not it, Roberts?
Yup ?
I love you.
My favorite sport is
I have a prisoner.
After selling
the car can go to hell.
But not until then.
I'm going to bed.
Good night. Do not try
to steal away at night.
All doors
are closed.
Anyway ...
In the morning ... if I see that you're gone
I will notify the police.
'They get you.
Do not worry, I can take care.
Good night.
I hope that the folding bed
not too uncomfortable for you.
That will not remove
the dream, right?
Crest View ...
Not yet, honey.
Tomorrow ...
... Maybe.
If this were fiction,
I fall in love with Vera. / i
I marry her, would
a respectable woman. / i
Or she would some great
sacrifice for me ... / i
... and then die. / i
Sue and I lloraramos some
on his grave ... / i
... and we would have thought ... / i
... about what is good
in each of us. / i
Vera But, unfortunately,
was so sour in the morning ... / i
... as he had been
the night before. / i
Very good, very good,
I'm coming.
Vera, it's almost noon.
So what? The seller
be there all day.
It may be all year, but
I will not wait that long.
Shut up.
You sound like a husband.
- Do I deserve a whistle?
-Sure, but come on.
Come, come. Spending $ 85
and two hours fixing my ...
... And all you can
say is "we."
Come on.
We spent some batches of
cars here last night.
How we think
get for this?
I do not know. Pretty.
Let me do everything.
Can be two thousand dollars?
I do not know.
But do not worry.
Try to get
as much as possible.
If I leave without bargaining
might think that we stole.
And do not call me Roberts,
Do you understand? Or we delataremos.
I need your advice.
You better stay seated
and with the mouth closed.
Remember that we are in
the same boat, if something happens ...
-Forget it and drive.
-You are my wife, Vera Hazkel.
Look, after
sell the car ...
Return to that place ...
Hollywood on the boulevard ...
... I saw a leather jacket
and I bought it too.
After the business
we will say goodbye.
True, I forgot.
I think I'm
getting used to you.
It's a habit that you
begin to change.
Let's try it here.
Good afternoon, what
I can do for you?
We want to sell the car.
-If the price is right.
If you are good mechanics,
would be about $ 1600.
Tony, look at this engine.
Sixteen hundred,
Are you kidding?
Maybe 1850.
Before taking it for 1850
I destroy it and collect the insurance.
Miss, this engine
has gone far.
While the mechanical
checked the car ... / i
... we were discussing. / i
Finally, when
we were tired ... / i
... we reached a settlement ... / i
price ... / i
'All right, done deal.
'Well, come in and will sign.
I have the title
property here.
Vera, meanwhile
look in the trunk ...
Has been ... maybe something in it.
'Well, darling.
$ 1850,
Damn crook!
-New York, huh?
'But you bought
the car in Miami. -Yes.
Consider the insurance, we can
transfer or cancel.
What type of insurance
have you, Mr. Hazkel?
Well ...
Are not all
papers there?
I see none.
Surely you know what kind
is the car insurance.
The name of the company?
Yes, but ...
If you give me the name
of the company ...
I'll be happy ...
all the details.
-Well ... - Have you signed and
the papers? -No, not yet.
Bueno. Then do not.
Do not sell.
'Wait a minute, Ms. Hazkel.
'Come on, darling.
What is the problem?
Did you change your mind?
Yes, sorry, I think so.
'But, Vera ... 'Come on.
Took me out of trouble, but
still do not understand all this.
You'll understand in a moment.
I almost get rid of
a gold mine.
$ 1800 is no small thing.
I had all the papers
as I thought.
-We will not sell the car.
- You get what you want?
Wait a minute. You said
we would not be safe ...
To have it ... for another.
I want to get rid of it
as soon as possible.
That's just it.
There you go.
There is a restaurant on the corner,
aprcalo there. We will eat something.
And I will explain.
Is it another of your brilliant ideas?
A ham sandwich
and a cup of coffee.
- For you sir?
I do not know, same thing.
Thank you.
Listen, Vera.
So far I've been very patient.
-I did everything you asked
but enough. - Shut up!
We just keep
of Hazkel ...
You can stay ...
with money from the sale ...
But I'll ...
to keep a prisoner.
It was good to buy
the newspaper. Look at this.
-Vera, not in the mood.
- Read this!
"Charles Hazkel, famous
sports enthusiast ... / i
to death after
are trying
locate his son. "/ i
-No, I will not.
Yes, you will.
Do you think I'm crazy?
It's impossible.
Excuse me.
Blow the horn when finished.
No one could leave
a situation like this.
Would realize the minute
Do not be a coward.
You look a lot.
The factions, the same body.
Notice how your clothes fit you.
-I almost ate it myself.
Think, Vera.
Do you think a father
recognize his own son?
And there will be other relatives.
He will not have to recognize you.
We will wait to die.
It is an old and decrepit
not last long.
And distant relatives
seem to worry ...
I have seen ... not in fifteen
or twenty years.
I have no hunger
And I will not.
It's not as hard as it seems.
Remember that you have ...
... All kinds of identifications,
your cards, letters, license.
We will not go away with this.
It's the most stupid I heard.
The old man has a lot of money.
Look here ...
A personal fortune ...
over fifteen million.
Leave much.
I tell you.
Perhaps disinherited his son.
How do we know?
It's ridiculous, Vera.
I do not know anything about this.
I think so.
See Vera, I'll do anything
that makes sense.
But that does not. Forget it.
And find another servant.
you ill.
You could be the rest of your life
Charlie Hazkel.
You can take your inheritance
and go away.
Never again worry about
rent, no sweat ...
Plan ... and where will
the next meal. Think.
Vera, please.
You are talking too loudly.
I will leave equally.
Clear. Why not?
-We are equal, are born equal.
-Relax, Vera ...
... There are people here.
Not sure what you mean.
We will wait to read
Hazkel the old is dead ...
... And then show up.
Say you read in
New York who was ill.
- And assuming you do not die?
-He will die, I know, something tells me so.
But as to insist
not take part in the matter. / i
Vera was sure
I would. / i
was attentive ... / i
... cards with that
we played that night. / i
I knew just
tried to kill time ... / i
between editions ...
newspapers. / i
For Vera, it was
the eve of death ... / i
... maybe for me too. / i
If they catch me want to know
where I got the car.
'I accuse you of murder.
'You're ready, do not get caught.
I have seven.
If I get caught, you realize
that you stay outside?
How to stay out?
Run out of the $ 1850
would get for the car.
You'd be stupid leaving that
money by a long shot.
Let me sell it tomorrow.
With that money ...
... An intelligent woman like you
shall leave soon.
And the two would be free
-I will be free anyway.
And the two would be free
-I will be free anyway.
But if they catch me ...
Will get you ... you too.
- You mean you speak?
-No, I meant.
-No matter what you meant.
Although the poly count
I was with you ...
... What I can do to me?
I can give the same
medicine that I give to you.
A rope.
I'm on my way and,
All they can do
is accelerated.
Think of the 1850 you lose.
I'd hate each other escape.
Take that risk.
- Want a drink?
-You act like a gangster.
Once you get
good dollars ...
You become greedy ...
and want more.
-More. More.
- Who?
-Caesar, the emperor.
The Roman emperor, succeeded
an empire with their ambition ...
And was not satisfied ...
until he got more.
Two days ago
did not have a dime.
You were so bare that
you could not buy or a seal.
Now you have almost 700.
And 1850 more await you.
- Do not try to get more!
-I got tired of this game.
-Let's play Black Jack.
- Play a solitaire!
Irritated and throw things
not help.
This is how I feel!
I think you should think
better, Roberts ...
I'm doing you a favor.
I'll help you get through this ...
... Keeping his mouth shut.
I teach you to get money
easy. And thus you thank me?
Thank you!
Surely if I call the police
and tell them you killed ...
-I did not kill anyone.
Yes, you did. -No, I did.
So suppose that
call the cops ...
If you're innocent ...,
What do you fear?
Well, call them, Vera.
Go ahead, call them.
At least they will give me
a fair deal.
- You want me to call?
-You heard me.
But I warn you.
If you ask me I will say that we were
together, that you helped me.
'If I get arrested, go together.
-Do not you dare, you coward!
No? Try and see.
Call them, go.
Okay, I will.
Does anyone know information?
I want the number of
Hollywood police.
Well, I have, thank you.
Wait a minute, Vera,
would not.
Do not do it? Let me show you
from what I can.
Calm down.
Let's talk about this.
That was early
afternoon. / i
The conversation was agitated,
but at least calmed down. / i
But while
minutes passed ... / i
... and more obstacles to their plan
exploded in my head ... / i
... the air was
becoming thick. / i
Every word out of
our lips ... / i
... snapped like a whip. / i
I reminded him that if he
Hazkel did not even know ... / i
... the name of my mother
or what school had gone ... / i
... the name of my best friend,
whether he had an aunt Emma ... / i
my religion ... or ever
had a dog. / i
not even know what it was
middle initial of my name. / i
also commented that
Hazkel true ... / i
had a scar ...
in the forearm. / i
His people never saw
that scar.
You told me that escaped
make the eye after the child.
Yes, but his father knew that
had any brand. - So what?
The old man has died ... will
in the morning paper.
Anyway, you could
cut off a little! No?
For that amount of money
I would cortases leg.
You're drunk and crazy, Vera.
Dennciame if you want,
but leave me out in this.
How do we know that Hazkel
was not a fraud?
Maybe not the child.
You dreamed Perhaps.
Well, there you will be the
I'm dreaming ...
... When the weight of the law
fall on your shoulders.
There is a nice gas chamber
waiting for you, Roberts.
And do not dream that extradition
can save you!
Where's the phone?
-Leave me alone.
Choose a phone
to call the police.
I hate you, smelly bastard.
Leave me alone!
I'll leave when I promise
leave the phone alone.
-You're hurting me,
- Do you promise?
You hurt me.
I'm sorry, but ...
It's hot here, open the window!
-Not hot.
-Or do you or I do.
You're not a gentleman, you see?
Well, I'll open the window.
Open the door, please.
Open it, open it. Do not use
the phone, listen to me.
I do not like, Roberts.
You're a gentleman.
You hurt me.
And now I will do the same for you.
If you open the door
the'll throw down, Vera.
Vera, do not call the police,
listen to me.
Do anything you want.
Let me enter.
Tear off the phone!
The world is full
of skeptics ... / i
... I know I'm one of them. / i
Hazkel as the issue,
How many think, I dropped the car? / I
And now, after
Vera accidentally killed ... / i
How many of you believe
it was not premeditated / i
at trial, to the last
person, would proclaim that ... / i
she had me cornered and
My only defense was the strength. / i
The room was quiet. / i
So quiet for a moment
I wondered ... / i
... if I had gone deaf. / i
was pure fear ...
of course. / i
was hysterical. / i
But without a sound. / i
Vera was dead. / i
And I was the murderer. / i
Murderer / i
What word so awesome / i
But I was not
I wanted caught. / i
had to destroy
all the evidence. / i
there were so many. / i
Looking around the room,
the things we buy ... / i
... it was like seeing the faces of all
the people we met together. / i
I could not get rid
Such testimony. / i
No. It could burn your clothes and
bury bottles ... / i
... over the next five years.
There would always be witnesses. / I
home, for example. / i
The seller, the waitress,
the girl in the shop and ... / i
... the kind of liquor. / i
They could identify . / i
was trapped. Had
get out of there. / i
Once there
remained together ... / i
... a dead body, planning
how to avoid being accused ... / i
... of his murder.
This time I could not. / I
This time was guilty. / i
I knew it. / i
was like a man
suffering shock. / i
Things gave
around in my head. / i
could not think properly. / i
thought only the type of saxophone
and what was playing. / i
She was not a love song. / i
was like a lament. / i
But my problems
not resolved. / i
He must stay away
New York all the time. / i
Because Roberts was given by
dead, and so should remain. / i
could not go back
Hollywood ever. / i
Someone might recognize
as Hazkel ... / i
... and also was Sue. / i
I would never go to her with something
circling over my head. / i
could only pray that
where would be happy. / i
was in Bakersfield when I read
who had discovered the body. / i
Police looking for Hazkel
for the murder of his wife. / i
Is not it funny? / i
Hazkel got me into this and
Hazkel himself was taking me. / i
Police looking for
a dead man. / i
I try to forget
what happened. / i
I wonder what could
have been in my life ... / i
Hazkel ... if I had not stopped. / i
But one thing about
you can not stop thinking. / i
S .. / i
... that one day a
stop car ... / i
... without that it has made finger. / i
Yes .. the destination ... / i
... a mysterious force ... / i
... you put your finger
about me, or you ... / i
... for no particular reason. / i