Devushka s korobkoy (The Girl with the Hat Box) (1927)

Screenplay by V. TURKIN
Directed by
Boris BARN E
Cinematography by B. FRANTSISSON
Production Designer
Natasha Korostelyova -
Grandfather - V. MIKHAILOV
Cashier Fogelev - V. FOGEL
llya Snegiryov -
Madame Irene - S. BIRMAN
Her husband - P. POL'
Marfushka - E. MILYUTINA
This film is one of film director
Boris Barnet's early works.
Made to propagandize
the state loan,
this comedy is interesting
for its innovative efforts
in characterizing the protagonists,
and is attractive
for its lyrical narrative.
Natasha Korostelyova
and her grandfather
lived in a small house
near Moscow.
Each day, an enamored
railway cashier, Fogelev,
was rushing to the object
of his hopeless love.
Natasha and her grandfather earned
their living by making hats.
I'm afraid, dear Natasha, you'll
fly away from me soon.
You mean my getting married?
Don't be afraid!
Each morning Natasha
took their orders to Moscow...
From faraway provinces, llya Snegiryov
was traveling to Moscow,
dreaming of studying at
a workers' faculty.
Madame lrene's Hat Shop,
for which Natasha worked.
Marfushka -
the shop owner's maid.
The housing committee is here, ma'am!
One room in lrene's flat was registered
fictitiously in Natasha's name,
though actually living in it was
Nikolai Matveyevich Trager,
Madame lrene's husband.
And your tenant, Natalya Korostelyova,
who is registered in that room,
where is she?
Since I had you registered,
my dear,
you should've spent a night
here from time to time,
because the housing committee
is pestering me again!
I'd like to know how big your turnover
is. I'm a financial inspector.
You idiot!
He is a financial inspector!
In search of a lodging.
Excuse me, where can I find
a room to rent?
llya Snegiryov spent all evenings
and nights at railway stations.
What do you want from me,
for God's sake?
I'm sorry, I...
Sorry, it was an accident...
I dropped a ruble... was looking for it...
I have nowhere to sleep...
What are you thinking about, Natasha?
I feel sorry for him...
He has nowhere to sleep...
Hoping for a new meeting.
At Madame lrene's,
they were expecting guests.
I can arrange a room for you.
llya Gavrilovich Snegiryov.
Tula Guberniya,
village of Lopatino.
Natalya Petrovna Korostelyova.
Bolotino Station
of Moscow Region.
You asked for it, so I've arranged it.
This is my husband,
he will live in my room!
I won't let anyone in!
You may be registered there,
but the room is not yours!
Do not offend my wife!
Is it her room or not?
Which way is it?
You see, she's our tenant.
And now she got married.
Please, come to the next room!
Oh, it's falling!
Goodbye, husband!
I'll pay you a visit some day...
The first night
passed with no incidents.
The Trager couple
declare a war.
To the House Committee.
From the responsible tenant
Nikolai Matveyevich Trager.
Tenant Korostelyova
actually doesn't even think
of living in the flat,
it is evident
that llya Snegiryov
living in her room,
is her fictitious husband,
and is subject to eviction from
the flat I'm responsible for.
Nothing but bonds.
Irene dear, give me some money.
I've spent everything on this and that...
You still owe me
for my work.
Pay this bitch!
Oh beauties, oh beauties,
oh beauties of cabaret,
You've been born for sheer enjoyment...
Stop singing!
Ma'am, the house government
came to see the new tenant!
And where's
your so-called wife?
I'm here!
Can you lend me 30 kopecks for
the return ticket until tomorrow?
Fogelev still hoped
to meet Natasha
with the last train.
I'm late for the last train!
The last train carried with it
his last hope.
You're not sleeping, are you?
Yes, I'm sleeping!
I'm scared!
There's a mouse!
Honest, it's a rat!
In the morning...
Forgotten are the kisses of late,
The passion dozing, love is gone,
And comes the joy of a new date...
Here are the winning numbers
of Golden Premium Bonds
of the first State Loan...
The winning number for 10,000 rubles
is 7219, series 05...
Winning 25,000 rubles...
is number 1419963, series 03...
Tell me Natasha's address!
She won 25,000 on my bond!
Natasha's address!
Working with a hat block.
Going to the station
to buy a newspaper...
I love you!
Natasha, will you marry me?
Give back my bond!
I treasure it as a memento.
I forgot it in llya's room.
Here's your bond!
You won 25,000 rubles!
I wanted to tell you...
that I agree... be your wife!
No, now I don't want it!
To the Registry Office.
Please dissolve my marriage
to Miss Korostelyova,
for she's won 25,000 rubles
and I may be thought
to have married her for money.
llya SnegiryOV-
I don't object...
Your wife wanted money
instead of the bond...
It'll be my pleasure to do it!
Natalya Petrovna has the bond!
Give me my bond!
Before it's too late, Fogelev
decided to propose to Natasha.
Sign the application for divorce...
Why are you laughing at me?!
Here's your bond!
Buy a hundred bonds,
you idiot!
The End