Do-ga-ni (Silenced AKA The Crucible) (2011)

-=This movie is an adaptation of a novel
about an actual case that happened at
a school for the deaf in 2005.=-
=Today's weather is cloudy to overcast.=
=There will be rainfall and snow
in the central areas.=
=In the early morning, there will be
thick fog in areas near the mountains.=
=Thick fog will also be seen on the
west coast and the mountainous region.=
=Today's temperature will be similar to yesterday's.=
=Seoul is at -2 degrees Celsius.
Dae Jeon is at -2 degrees Celsius.
Gwang Ju is at -1 degree Celsius.=
=Mu Jin is at -1 degree Celsius.=
=You haven't arrived yet?=
This fog is too heavy.
I don't even know where I am right now.
=You should be arriving soon.=
=Mu Jin is naturally a place with thick fog.=
- What's Sol I doing now?
- =Sleeping.=
=She has been crying for you
and only fell asleep a while ago.=
Did she cry a lot?
=It happens to all kids who are
separated from their parents.=
=Don't worry too much.
Just focus on your job.=
It wasn't easy for you to get this job,
so hold on to it. Understand?
(Note: better known as Crucible)
How long will I need to wait?
Because of the thick fog in the early morning,
you will have to wait a while longer.
Excuse me. May I know if there are any
public buses to Ja Ae School from here?
Ja Ae School?
Are you referring to that school for the deaf?
That place is a bit remote,
so there is no direct public bus.
A taxi will cost you at least 50 000 Won.
You're just leaving like this?
I'm in a bit of a rush.
Let's talk tomorrow.
If you can, leave your car here for repair.
Ajussi, what's the matter with you?
(Ajussi - older man, uncle)
How could you just reverse
without checking your mirrors?
What are you talking about?
I haven't even moved my car.
Ajussi, are you bullying me because I'm a woman?
You have picked the wrong person this time.
Boss, may I borrow your spray?
I'm speechless.
Exactly who bumped into whom?
Miss, my car isn't even running.
Hey! This person... you're going
to get into trouble sooner or later.
Boss, come quickly and take a look.
This person is pretty drunk.
What should we do?
Did you have too many drinks last night?
I'm really sorry.
I will help you get the insurance claim.
Looks like you're afraid of the cold.
Yesterday, I had a drink with my colleagues at a bar.
When I came out, the windows were all smashed.
You look like the fellow that ran away
after smashing the windows,
but it seems that I have made a mistake.
How much longer before we arrive?
People in my profession tend to
make a few enemies.
Our job is quite similar to that of policemen.
We target people who cause trouble after drinking
and use violence on their wives and children.
I'm asking you how much longer
till we arrive.
You are already an adult.
Why are you so impatient?
Anyway, why are you going to Ja Ae School?
I will be teaching the children.
Really? You're a teacher?
Then you know sign language, right?
What does that mean?
I think I know why you have so many enemies.
Contact me after you have an estimate of the damages.
Don't try to do something different.
I am on extremely good terms
with the policemen in this city.
This is the Headmaster's Office.
Ask the Admin Head to
come here for a moment.
So you are a student of Prof. Gim?
Yes. He was my professor in university.
Prof. Gim painted this portrait for me.
I see.
I'm 100% confident in the caliber
of Prof. Gim's students.
I was in the same class with Prof. Gim
until the third year of high school.
If he didn't choose to major in fine arts,
we would've most likely studied at the same university.
You don't have to be so polite.
I have to.
You are going to be our teacher soon.
Of course I need to be polite to you.
Admin Head.
This is our new art teacher from Seoul,
recommended by Prof. Gim.
I'm Gang In Ho. I look forward to working with you.
Is this the first time you've seen identical twins?
I'm sorry.
It's all right. I believe most people
who see us for the first time would
have the same reaction as you.
You must be very tired after
traveling such a long distance.
Take a good rest this weekend
and start working next week.
The admin head will make arrangements
for you for the other matters.
Hyeong, how should we handle that matter?
Admin Head, this is a school.
Headmaster, how should we proceed with it?
Didn't I mention that he was
recommended by Prof. Gim?
Are you toying with me?
You are from Seoul,
but why are you so dumb?
Originally, you needed to give a big note.
But since you are recommended by
Prof. Gim, 5 small notes will do.
- Are you asking me for money?
- Then do you think this teaching position comes free?
You are really... Remember, no cheques.
=School Development Fund?=
I heard that everyone must contribute to it.
=So, how much do they need?=
=Not 5 million Won, but 50 million Won?=
I heard it was already a discount since
I was recommended by my professor.
=Oh my god! Where would I get so much
money all of a sudden?=
Nice drawing.
You have an aptitude for drawing.
The lesson has already started for some time.
Why are you just entering now?
I'm talking to you.
You're talking about Min Su?
That child's younger brother lost his life
in a train accident a few days ago.
Right now, that child is definitely not
in the right state of mind.
His only brother died.
How could he not be depressed?
Not only Min Su. I feel that the
rest of the children are a bit strange too.
What is so strange?
It's not easy to explain clearly in a few words.
Mr. Gang, this is your first time
teaching in such a school, right?
You cannot treat the children here
like normal children.
When one has a disability,
one will feel incomplete.
I have been in contact with these
children for more than 10 years.
But until now, they are still
not opening their minds to me.
Jeon Min Su.
His father is mentally retarded.
His mother's whereabouts are unknown.
Jin Yu Ri.
With a grade 3 intellectual disability
and a mental age of an 8 year old.
Have to watch her as she has a huge appetite.
Gim Yeon Du.
She's an orphan...
I just knocked off from work.
=Have you eaten dinner?=
I ate a little.
Sol I? Have you fed her?
=I just fed her a few spoonfuls.=
Why did you feed her so little?
=She said she doesn't like to eat rice
and has been asking for pizza.=
If she wants to eat it, just buy it for her.
How much can that cost?
=Don't worry. I won't starve your daughter.
When you reach home, remember
to check your bank account.=
You got the money?
=When you withdraw the money,
you must get the new coins from them.=
Anyone inside?
Did something happen?
What are you doing here?
Just now, there were some
strange sounds coming from inside.
That doesn't mean you
can go into a ladies' toilet.
What if a child passed by and saw it?
Looks like you are new and don't know
the situation here well. The children often make
strange sounds when they are bored.
Furthermore, because they are deaf,
they yell even louder.
I'm going to lock up the main gate.
You better get going.
Recently, the investigation has given me headaches.
That bunch of kids always cause troubles for me as well.
Our kids have been a pain
in the neck for Officer Jang, right?
Can't really say it's a pain in the neck.
Teaching good morals to the children
is also part of a policeman's duty.
The key is that the kids need to listen.
I told them many times not to
leave their rooms at night.
It's no use saying to them.
They can't hear it.
You're right.
It's all right. Come in.
Development funds aren't against the law.
Isn't that right, Officer Jang?
Of course. If I earned enough,
I would also contribute to the
school development fund.
I heard that you are from Seoul.
Are you adapting well?
In this Mu Jin City, except for fog year in year out,
there aren't really many things here.
It's okay. I'm good.
How about a drink with me
when you have the time?
Although this city looks pretty dilapidated,
there are still places of enjoyment for men.
The little fishes here are not bad.
Min Su, it's impolite to look at your teacher
with that expression in your eyes.
Stand up!
Stand straight. Didn't I teach you before
that you should still show courtesy
when you are being beaten?
Get up, Min Su.
Mr. Pak, what happened?
Please wait a moment.
This kid secretly left the dormitory at night.
And even brought along two other girls with him.
I was so worried that I didn't sleep at all last night.
This kid's younger brother also
died because of this reason.
Mr. Pak, the Headmaster is looking for you.
Min Su, can't you understand my feelings?
Open your mind to me and enjoy
each other's company.
Isn't it better that way?
What are you doing? Quick, get in.
Get in! Hey, you!
Come down quickly.
Come down quickly.
What are you planning to do?
What if you fell out of the window?
What's the matter?
Sorry. I've frightened you.
I did this because I was worried.
What are you doing?
I am educating the children.
Hey ajumma, who are you?
Who allowed you to educate them in this way?
I am the dormitory superintendent, Yun Ja Ae.
I am in charge of after-school education.
This is not something you should interfere with.
You are dunking the child's head into
the washing machine and you're asking
me to ignore it? Are you crazy?
I heard there was a new teacher from Seoul.
So it's a fellow who cannot differentiate
between urine and shit.
Are you looking down on me because
you think I come from the backwaters?
In Seoul, I have a number of friends
who are prosecutors and lawyers.
If you dare to do it again,
I will make sure you are thrown into jail.
Heed my advice.
Yeon Du!
Which ajussi?
Oh, that ajussi.
What's the matter? I thought the
repair fees had long been settled.
Are you saying beating up disabled children?
This is not discrimination.
It's completely an atrocity.
The child is in such a bad state.
Ajussi, what have you being doing?
Please call her parents first.
This child is an orphan.
I've heard it from the Admin Head.
Miss Yun Ja Ae's teaching method is bad.
Mr. Gang, it is understandable for you
to be angry when your students
are met with such encounters.
I have already issued a
harsh warning to Miss Yun Ja Ae.
So could you be generous
and forgive her this time?
Miss Yun Ja Ae has already reflected on it.
She also wants to personally
apologize to the student, Yeon Du.
But it seems that Yeon Du didn't go back
to her bedroom last night.
Nothing happened to the child, right?
We are worried over her.
Actually, her condition is quite bad.
I admitted her into hospital.
Is that so? Is it very serious?
No, it isn't. They said she
can be discharged tomorrow.
You don't have to be too worried.
We will handle the discharge procedure.
But which hospital is she at?
As Yeon Du is not feeling well,
she is unable to come today.
How about...
You draw me and I draw you.
Why? You don't want to?
I have bruises and wounds.
Don't worry. I will draw you beautifully.
Ajussi, where are you now?
Can you come over right now?
=I am getting off from work now.
I will rush over to the hospital.=
It may be inconvenient to discuss it in the hospital.
Let's meet outside.
- Okay, I know.
- Okay.
What's the matter?
Yeon Du, she...
was almost violated.
Furthermore, the Headmaster was the perpetrator.
He forced himself on her but
I think he wasn't successful,
because the child was too small.
It's too ridiculous!
Who said that?
Did you have a drink too many?
How many glasses did you drink?
Yeon Du wrote this for me last night.
- Was it really the Headmaster?
- Yes.
Yeon Du wasn't the only one
who was violated.
There were a few perpetrators.
A teacher by the name of Pak Bo Hyeon
had even sexually abused boys.
Can't you understand my feelings?
- Was the Headmaster the only person who did those acts?
- Headmaster, and also Admin Head as well as Mr. Pak Bo Hyeon.
we have to make a police report.
The police were the ones who sent the children
who reported the case back to the school.
They took revenge on those children
by violently beating them up.
That dormitory superintendent, Yun Ja Ae,
who beat up Yeon Du,
was found to be the adopted daughter
of the founder of Ja Ae School.
In other words, she is the
Headmaster's younger sister.
Is there a girl named Gim Yeon Du on the patient list?
And even more ridiculous is
that Yun Ja Ae and the Headmaster are lovers.
When she snipped off Yeon Du's hair, she told her this.
If she dared to seduce the Headmaster,
she would be killed.
Wait a moment.
-=Mu Jin Human Rights Center.=-
We understand that you were violated by
the Headmaster of Ja Ae School last Thursday.
Could you give an account of what happened?
That day, after school,
I went to my bedroom to change my clothes.
Then, I went to play on the field.
My playmate Yu Ri said that
she needed to go to toilet.
As she was not back after a long time,
I decided to go back to school to look for her.
Then, I saw the Headmaster and it
seemed like he was asking me to come over.
He brought me to the Headmaster's Office.
The TV was on.
I saw pictures of a naked man and
a naked woman.
After the Headmaster came in,
he removed my pants.
Anyone inside?
Anyone calling?
=It's drizzling outside the windows right now.=
=The sound of raindrops falling on leaves=
=is like whispers telling us that
the cold winter has ended.=
=My listener friends, why not open the
windows and listen to the sound of raindrops?=
=The first song that I'm playing is one that is
suitable to be heard on rainy day.=
=Let's listen to "A Thornbush" by Jo Sung Mo.=
Everything is fine now.
Yeon Du said she had seen it too.
If you dare to tell this to others,
I will kill you.
Looks like you are new and don't know
the situation here well.
The children often make
strange sounds when they are bored.
- Father!
- You're here, mom.
Why did you take so long to open the door?
What are you doing?
Don't tell me because you are
teaching the deaf children,
you become deaf as well.
Why didn't you tell me before coming over?
I'm coming to my son's house.
Do I still need to make an appointment?
This place is not a hotel.
But how can you bring a sick child over here?
You... Have you forgotten?
Today is Sol I's mother's death memorial day.
How's the school?
Just like that.
What's wrong? Are you being disregarded?
Just tolerate it a bit.
In the first place, country folk are a bit xenophobic.
What's that?
I heard that your school's
headmaster loves cymbidium.
Prof. Gim mentioned before
that your school's headmaster is a
person with wide connections.
I heard that a few teachers before you
were transferred to Seoul after
getting into the headmaster's good books.
Mom, do you know what those people really are?
- Mom, let me tell you. Those people...
- Do you think I would consider
people who sell teaching positions are good people?
Do you know where I got that money?
That money came from the
deposit money for the house.
Did you return the house?
Is that how you got the remittance?
Then what was your first thought?
I can't possibly go and steal the money, right?
You never give any money to us.
How on the earth can I get
that much money?
I understand, but why did you return the house?
You really... You are still acting like
you are the head of this family.
During the times you were wandering
aimlessly for the sake of drawing...
Have you forgotten it was Sol I's mother
and I who raised Sol I and provided for
your living expenses?
Before Sol I's mother died,
she was still worrying over Sol I and you!
Dad, are you fighting with grandma?
Don't say any more.
You just focus on teaching the students.
Don't be a busybody, and do a good job
in your own area of work.
Sol I, are you all right?
Mom, quickly!
Here's the medicine.
- Sol I.
- Come, breathe in.
- One more time. Good.
- Good.
I have found a house near where we lived before.
Although it's a bit small,
it's good enough for Sol I and me to live in.
In Ho, don't bother about other things.
Just think of Sol I, please?
We are putting up a formal application
to dismiss the Chairman of Ja Ae School,
and to punish the people who
sexually abused the children.
I'm very sorry. May I interrupt for a moment?
These sexual abuses...
were they done during lesson times?
In other words, was it something
that happened during class?
Looking at this video, it's clear that
- the children were abused after school.
- So, it was after school.
If it's after school, then it's not under our administration.
Since Mr. Gim committed these acts after school,
why should it be under our administration?
Such things should come under City Hall.
The Headmaster, the Admin Head and also a teacher
sexually abused students in the school.
Don't tell me this is not under
the Education Department?
Let me put it in another way.
Ja Ae School is indeed under our jurisdiction.
But Ja Ae Hostel...
is a school dormitory and should come under
the City Hall Social Welfare Department.
After school, the children are
managed by the school dormitory.
Therefore, you should go to City Hall.
I already went to City Hall.
The people over at City Hall said since the
sexual abuses happened in the school compound,
we should seek advice from the Education Department...
I have told you that after school incidents
are not under our administration.
(ajumma - addressing a middle aged woman)
The children encountered these things in the school
and all of you are saying is that it's not under you.
Then tell me exactly who is in charge?
Don't tell me it's under the Blue House?
Or how about the White House?
Of course it is City Hall.
Why aren't you investigating?
The children were sexually abused in school.
Furthermore, these acts were done by
the Headmaster. Shouldn't that be investigated?
Of course we should investigate.
Then why aren't you investigating?
Miss Seo, that Headmaster is an elder of Mu Jin Church.
He's a devoted Christian and
also a reputable person in this region.
That's why I brought you the video and
written records of the children's statements.
Here is all this evidence
Why are you not taking any action?
How can we go arrest that person based
just on what was said by the deaf children?
Moreover, that person just received
a certification of commendation from
the Governor a few days ago.
Furthermore, as there are problems
concerning human rights recently,
we also cannot anyhow arrest people.
Miss Seo, you should know better
than me regarding the last point.
They have done such things to the children.
Why are you bullshitting on human rights?
If all of you are going to continue like this,
I will take the issue straight to the Prosecutor's Office.
If you really do that, I will be really grateful.
Don't jump to conclusions and think
we don't want to investigate.
Without orders from the Prosecutor,
we also cannot take any actions.
I'm also not happy. I think I should consider
grooming my son to be a prosecutor.
=Miss Seo, I'm Yeong Hun. Seoul Television Station
has contacted us, saying they are interested in
doing coverage on this case.=
- Really?
- =Yes. They are on their way here.
Come back quickly.=
I understand. I'll be there right away.
Come here. Come here.
Min Su, get up.
Why are lying there? Quickly get up.
Where are Yeon Du and Yu Ri?
Aren't you friends with them?
Don't mumble. Speak up. Quickly speak up.
This is so frustrating.
I'm asking you to speak up! You mute!
You're always mumbling.
How am I supposed to understand?
This kid is really...
Mr. Pak, you are getting old.
Looks like the children are
no longer afraid of you.
Mr. Pak.
This is the Headmaster's Office.
Find a quieter place.
They will really receive punishment?
Yes, I promise you.
Why did your younger brother go to
the railway track early in the morning?
Can you tell us what happened to
your younger brother before he died?
When Mr. Pak Bo Hyeon knocked off from work,
he asked us to follow him home.
Although I didn't want to, I couldn't reject him
because he would beat me up.
Why? You want to go first?
You're too noisy!
I already said not to make noise!
I cannot concentrate.
Didn't I say to you before that
making noise is rude?
I did not allow you to make noise.
I asked you to wait quietly for your turn.
You didn't hear that?
Come over! You brat!
I'm not sure how long it was.
Min Su!
He took off my undergarment.
And then came on top of me...
=Couldn't you resist or escape?=
If I resisted, I would be beaten the whole night.
=Did that sort of thing happened before?=
In the teacher's house and
also the dormitory's bathroom.
=My younger brother was weak.
After undergoing that sort of thing,=
=he was under great pain and couldn't really walk.=
Officer Jang, what are you doing?
You have the right to engage a lawyer
and also the right to remain silent
regarding testimony against you.
Did you arrest me because of what you saw on TV?
They fabricated it.
That wasn't me.
Do you believe I'm that type of person?
I'm an elder at Mu Jin Church
and a devoted Christian.
Officer Jang, you also know this.
Let me go. Do you know who you are arresting?
I'm a friend of your superintendent.
What's your name?
- I'm not done with you.
- Oppa, you don't have to worry.
Nothing will happen to you.
God will bless you.
Don't worry. I definitely will not let off the
people who tarnish my brother's reputation.
- What bad luck today.
- Officer Jang.
Let go of me.
Officer Jang, you really don't believe me?
How could you treat us like this?
We have given you so many gifts.
This has caused a big commotion at the
Mu Jin Prosecutor's Office today.
If we don't handle this properly,
not only I will be finished,
but also my superiors.
I'm not going to repeat this. Please stop grumbling.
Listen carefully to what I have to say.
Make use of all your connections.
Search for a lawyer who started
his career as a judge.
He must be at least a judge of ministerial level.
It's even better if his birth place is Mu Jin.
Don't keep doing useless things such as
screaming aloud that you are maligned.
You can do that during your prayers.
Before such a lawyer is found, you should act
ignorant and be well-behaved just like those
children who were sexually abused by you.
Dear residents of Mu Jin. Over the last 10 years,
Elder Lee Gang Bok and Elder Lee Gang Seok have
worked hard day and night, and contributed
selflessly to our Mu Jin Church and Mu Jin City.
They believe and serve Jesus,
and care for those pitiful disabled children.
They devoted their whole lives to charity.
Yet these dishonest people maligned our elders.
We absolutely cannot forgive them.
It's a blessing in disguise.
I'm begging all residents.
The children cannot hear this.
Both Elders spent all their time and
effort on our church and Mu Jin City.
Yeong Hun sunbae. Have you checked out
the background of their lawyer?
That lawyer is called Hwang U Sik.
He's a famous and talented lawyer in Mu Jin.
He graduated from Mu Jin High School
and was the best law graduate from Seoul University.
He was once a ministerial level judge.
He opened a law firm just recently.
It seems that this is his first legal case.
- "Jeon Gwan Ye U".
- What is "Jeon Gwan Ye U"?
(Jeon Gwan Ye U - privileges of former post)
There's an informal arrangement for a retired
judge of this ministerial level to receive
special treatment for their first case in private practice.
Why are these two people so identical,
both in appearance and character?
I lived in disgrace over the last few days.
I reflected on why God is making me
go through this type of suffering.
My father, Mr. Lee Jun Beon,
because he pitied the deaf and mute,
used all of his savings to build Ja Ae School.
It's already been more than 50 years. Since childhood,
my brother and I have never forgotten
something our father said.
"Treat these pitiful lambs well."
We cannot hear.
Please find us an interpreter.
Your Honor.
They cannot hear you asking them to be silent.
In court, if you speak without permission,
you will be ordered to leave the courtroom.
I am Seo Yu Jin who works at Mu Jin Human Rights Center.
This is a court case involving the hearing-impaired.
To assist these disabled people,
please arrange for a sign language interpreter.
Seo Yu Jin, please retire from the courtroom.
I object.
Guards, what are you doing there?
Quick, take her away.
Objection! I object to it!
Your Honor, objection!
Did I say the wrong thing?
Starting from now, even if it's a whisper,
I will also follow the law strictly
and take action on you.
Defendant, please continue.
Jesus will protect you.
What? Rape?
You despicable people. In your eyes,
you can only see those dirty things?
Ajumma, what are you doing?
Where did this wretched girl pop up from?
Who are you exactly?
I'm Lee Gang Seok's wife.
What are you trying to do?
- You wretch!
- Don't be like this.
How dare you sue my husband?
You thought that we could be easily bullied?
- Ajumma.
- I won't let you have your way, you wretch!
- Let go of me.
- You devil!
Let go of me!
If your husband has done those things,
even if you kneel and beg for forgiveness
for a long time, he will still not be forgiven.
She still dare to behave so crazily towards me.
Ajussi, you are really different.
She spat on your face and you just
calmly asked her why she did that.
Can I stay in your office during this period of time?
Don't tell me you ran away from home.
These people think that they can
just dismiss people as they wish.
Ajussi, you don't have to worry.
I will make sure they are punished by the law
and you can get back your job.
I really envy you.
You live such a simple life.
They really look down upon people.
My life is also not as smooth sailing as you think.
I was only concerned about the latest fashion
and never went on a proper date.
Always got zeros in school, and
couldn't find a job.
And with this meagre salary from my current job...
Do you regret
participating in such a thing?
Mom, you are really amazing.
You remembered that I received my salary today.
I already transferred to money to your account
this morning. Visit the bank to check it out.
Yes, everything is well.
No. Don't come over. I'm very busy.
I have a lot of work at school.
After this busy period,
I will find time to come home.
I swear
by Almighty God that the evidence I
shall give will be the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
If I withhold any truths,
I will be punished by the law.
Witness O Jeong Sik.
Defense lawyer, you may start the examination.
Mr. O Jeong Sik.
What is your area of work at Ja Ae School?
I'm the security guard and do night-duty.
How long have you been doing this work?
About 5 years.
So for the last 5 years,
you have been by the side of the
Headmaster and Admin Head.
What is your opinion of them?
They are both good people.
- And they also take good care of me.
- Your Honor, objection.
These questions are unrelated to the case.
Objection sustained.
Please only raise questions related to this case.
Do you patrol the school every night?
Yes. I patrol every 3 hours at night.
Right. So over the last 5 years,
have you seen any instances where the Headmaster
and the Admin Head called the children individually
into the Headmaster's Office and Admin Head's Office
respectively after school?
I didn't see any such instances.
Sign language interpreter,
please let them know
that if they continue to be noisy,
I will ask them to leave the courtroom.
You mentioned before that on the day when
Gim Yeon Du was nearly violated,
you met Gang In Ho
in front of the washroom, right?
What did he say to you?
He said he heard a child's voice
coming from inside the washroom.
So what did you do?
He asked me to check it out,
so I pushed open the washroom's door,
and stepped in to check.
Was there anyone inside?
No one.
Okay. I'm done with my questioning.
Prosecutor, it's your turn to cross-examine.
Witness, where did you work
before this current job?
I previously worked as a security guard
at Mu Jin Primary School.
Why did you decide to transfer to this special school?
From what I know, you earn a lower salary
at this school compared to the previous one.
That was because...
Because when you were at Mu Jin Primary School,
you were caught stealing school property.
It is still on police records. Is it true?
You were dismissed by the school
and were unemployed for 3 years.
- Your Honor. The Prosecutor is asking
questions not related to this case.
- No, it's related.
Because there exists some kind of promise
between the school and its staff.
That's why such immoral acts were condoned.
People were kept completely in the dark
and it was not uncovered till now.
It's even possible that this is the
key to solving this whole case.
Objection overruled. Please continue.
How did you get the job at this school?
It definitely would not be easy getting in
relying on your curriculum vitae.
I was introduced by an associate.
That's right. Because you were
introduced by an associate.
Also you gave money in the name of the school
development fund. Finally you got this post and
started work in the school.
But what if this case causes the school to close down?
You will lose everything and become homeless.
Is that the truth?
I'm done with my questions.
Witness, are you the doctor that came
with the staff of Human Rights Center?
What was the outcome of the examination?
There were symptoms of
inflammation in her genitalia.
Her hymen was already torn.
Is sexual abuse the only way
a young girl's hymen can be torn?
No. Cycling or
masturbation may tear it too.
As a gynecologist,
- you must have examined
many patients who were sexually abused.
- Yes.
Normally, what's the condition of such patients?
The genitalia tear will be more serious.
Furthermore, they will feel humiliated
and be almost out of their minds.
When you were examining Jin Yu Ri,
what was her condition?
She was eating biscuits.
She was extremely calm to the extent
that I thought she wasn't violated.
She also didn't have any bruises or wounds.
In other words, you don't think
she was violated, right?
I'm done with my questions.
This doctor is the general secretary
of Mu Jin Girls' High School Alumni.
That woman is the Chairman.
Your Honor.
What is this?
This is the preliminary analysis report
for Jin Yu Ri written by the witness.
Am I holding the actual
preliminary analysis report?
In other words, you had
written 2 analysis reports, right?
That was because...
You just have to answer yes or no.
Then let us take a look at the first analysis report.
The patient's genital injury and
the tearing of her hymen
were not caused by recent
sexual intercourse.
But in the subsequent analysis report,
you said that
sexual intercourse was highly unlikely the cause.
Instead, you wrote that it was
caused by other reasons.
This is different from the first report.
What's the reason for judging that
it wasn't due to sexual intercourse
in the second report?
- What's the reason for changing the analysis report?
- At that time, I...
didn't know that it would have
such serious implications.
Don't tell me that a doctor's analysis report
will differ according to how serious the matter is.
In the first analysis report,
you wrote that it wasn't due to
recent sexual intercourse.
Then, that means you believe she had
sexual intercourse in the past. Am I right?
Witness, why did you change your testimony?
Was it really because of the seriousness of this case?
No, it wasn't.
I felt that the damage to her hymen
was not something that happened recently.
Instead, it had happened at least 5 years ago.
If it was 5 years ago,
the victim was only 9 years old.
That's really too young for her to
have intercourse. Therefore...
I would like to ask,
is it really possible for her to be involved in
intercourse with an adult man?
Even if it's possible,
without the consent and cooperation of the female,
this sort of thing couldn't happen, could it?
Min Su, you have no appetite?
Do you want me to order other food for you?
Yeon Du, are you not hungry?
When I was young, I came to the beach
before with my father and mother.
That was before I was deaf...
At that time, I heard the sound of
waves crashing onto the shore.
But now it's very quiet.
The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.
This is a quote by Helen Keller,
and it's my favorite quote.
What did she say?
She said it would be good if I were her father.
She said it would be good if you were her mother.
Hey, she's already talking like an adult.
I haven't even been in love before.
How can she match us together?
Ajussi, don't dream. There's no hope for you.
Why don't you answer me?
Answer me quickly.
I am the one who has been
taken advantage of, not you.
Who said you had been taken advantage of?
You said it yourself.
First, the examination of the defendants.
Looking at the child who is sitting here.
What are your feelings?
With things being in this state,
in any case, she was victimized by all of you.
I've been curious as to
who was the one who spread these absurd rumors.
- But it looks like I could vaguely
remember the child's face...
- Defendant.
You mean you cannot clearly remember
the child that sued you for sexual abuse?
Although I saw her a few times...
The Headmaster is not wrong.
That child is also intellectually disabled.
So I also remembered caressing her head a few times.
Defendant Pak Bo Hyeon, what about you?
She is in my class.
I have no reason not to know her.
I have always loved and treasured these children.
Between them,
who was the one that removed
your clothes and hurt you?
All 3 of them.
How many times?
Many times. Many, many times.
Do you remember when it first started?
It started when I was in Primary 3.
Admin Head would give me money
every time he did it to me.
Every time he would give me 1000 Won to buy biscuits.
Admin Head removed my pants.
It was too painful.
I said no and pushed him away.
Because I was scared, I tried to escape.
However, Admin Head grabbed hold of me
and pinned me to the table.
He also tied up my hands and legs.
They're all lies!
Your Honor, she's a lunatic!
Don't believe what she says.
They're all lies!
- How dare you say such lies!
- Silence.
Did someone incite you to say all these?
- Exactly who incited you to say such lies?
- Silence!
Settlement? The children were sexually abused.
Why should there be a settlement?
Yes, according to the Prosecutor,
children who are 13 years old and above
and suffered from sexual abuse...
If they agree to a settlement,
their testimony will become invalid.
If one really experienced such a thing,
would one agree to settle outside of court?
Yeon Du's parents are gone.
Nothing much can be done.
But Min Su and Yu Ri's parents
are mentally retarded.
They are really a pack of beasts.
Bullying those children with no parents.
Once Yu Ri and Min Su agree to the settlement...
Then what's left will only be
the Headmaster's sexual abuse case on Yeon Du.
I'm really sorry to ask
to see you so abruptly.
No, it's okay. I should have visited you.
I roughly heard about the case from Lawyer Hwang.
I was the one who recommended you to that school.
So I am stuck in the middle
and my position is a bit awkward.
I am sorry.
You don't have to apologize to me.
But if this case continues to drag,
you also won't get any benefit from it.
This is the money that you
previously donated to the school.
We added a bit more to it.
I hope to settle the case with Yeon Du.
I would appreciate if Mr. Gang could help out.
If you are willing to help us,
we will be responsible for the expenses
to send Yeon Du to university.
We will also send her abroad for further study.
Of course, you should continue to draw.
It would be a pity if you had to
give up your future in that area.
I have already made arrangements
for you to join a school in Seoul.
You just have to work hard for
another 1 or 2 terms over there.
I have already settled it with the school.
They will convert you to permanent staff.
I'm sorry, Professor.
I have some other things going on.
I'm leaving first.
Mr. Gang.
You should think about
your daughter, who is still young.
I heard she is quite sick.
The negotiation for settlement
has been completed.
It seems that Yu Ri's father
was convinced by his relatives.
You know it very well.
=Yu Ri's father is mentally retarded. So...=
Yeon Du, are you confident in
articulating your statement clearly?
What are you doing here?
You said you were very busy at school
and couldn't return home.
Is this place your school?
Are you thinking that people
might not believe in your words,
so that's why you chose not to tell me?
Think of yourself first.
Take good care of your family.
It's no use saying the right things.
I have to go in.
To you,
is this child more important than
your daughter Sol I?
I was present when this
happened to the child,
but I was helpless.
If I were to give up now,
I'm not confident that I'll be a good father to Sol I.
Gim Yeon Du.
You said that the Headmaster violated you.
Is that the truth?
Are you usually on good terms
with the Headmaster?
Then how would you know that
the person who violated you was the Headmaster?
Because I met him a few times at school.
Also, that person dragged me
into the Headmaster's Office that night.
In that case, between the 2 persons over there,
which one is the Headmaster?
He cannot request the victim
to confirm the identity of a suspect
who has already been confirmed.
This is a very important question.
She said that she was violated by the Headmaster.
To the victim, it's just an encounter.
However, if we look from the perspective of
the Headmaster and his younger twin brother,
it's possible that the real culprit wasn't
the Headmaster but his younger brother.
Then Headmaster Lee Gang Seok
would no longer be a suspect.
Objection overruled. Please continue.
Between the two, who is the one
that harmed you?
Your Honor, Yeon Du requests to
take a closer look at them.
Prisoner with serial number 4022
is indeed the defendant, Headmaster Lee Gang Seok.
how did you recognize him?
Does Lee Gang Seok have any special features?
Headmaster and Admin Head
both do not know sign language.
But on the night when Headmaster
did that to me in the toilet,
and every time when he did bad things to Yu Ri,
he would always make one hand sign.
What was the hand sign?
If you dare to tell others, I will kill you.
I performed this hand sign to both of them.
Only one of them understood this
and his facial expression changed.
Hence, this person must be the Headmaster.
Yeon Du, according to your testimony,
after dinner,
on your way home after buying a bowl of noodles,
you noticed that Yu Ri had disappeared, right?
After that, you saw the Headmaster
sexually abusing Yu Ri in the Headmaster Office.
Is that the truth?
In this hearing,
on your way to the dormitory,
you heard faint music coming
from the Headmaster Office.
So you changed your direction and
walked towards it to find out more, right?
Your Honor.
This is it.
Faint music.
Everyone knows that Yeon Du is deaf.
But yet she could hear music.
This deaf child, upon hearing music, walked towards it.
When she reached the source of the music,
she saw the Headmaster raping her friend.
Your Honor.
This testimony is so absurd!
- To come up with such absurd testimony...
- She said she didn't lie.
She really heard very faint music.
It's a song from Jo Sung Mo.
Witness, you have impaired hearing,
but you can still hear music, right?
Yeon Du.
From now onwards, we are running a test
to check whether you can hear music.
If you hear music, please raise your hand.
I recognize the witness' account.
Forensic Branch, please submit a report to the court
with regards to Yeon Du's suspect identification.
The next hearing is this Friday.
Prosecutor and Defense Lawyer,
if you have new witnesses,
please reapply to the court.
What did all those adults do
to these children?
When you are done with it,
return home quickly.
Miss Seo.
Why are you here?
Looks like you guessed correctly.
Correct. That is the...
When Min Su's grandmother saw the money,
she immediately signed the contract.
It's really funny.
No matter how poor or how illiterate you are,
it was her own grandchildren
who met with such a thing.
Just because of money,
they agreed to settle outside court.
Well, of course.
It's not something that I can't understand.
She has a son but he lies in
a hospital bed all day long.
Her daughter-in-law eloped.
Also, her grandchildren
are deaf and mute.
Even I feel that
God is a bit too much.
Teacher, when I'm giving my testimony,
can I have this in front of me?
I also want to give a good
performance just like Yeon Du.
But I'm not confident about myself.
So I have written them down here.
When Mr. Pak Bo Hyeon did that sort of thing
to my younger brother and me.
Min Su...
Originally, you need to give a testimony.
But you cannot do it anymore.
Your grandmother
has forgiven Mr. Pak Bo Hyeon.
Those people begged your
grandmother to forgive them.
Your grandmother is a kind person, so...
He killed my younger brother! He killed him!
When he saw my brother and me,
he would beat us and remove our pants.
Min Su...
Who said to forgive him?
I have not forgiven him!
He didn't apologize to my brother and me.
How could he be forgiven?
You promised that you would make sure
those people are punished.
Teacher, didn't you make that promise?
I'm sorry, Min Su.
I'm sorry.
Yeon Du.
I have something to tell you.
What is it?
That time, I forgot to say
that when I was dragged into the Headmaster Office,
the picture that was showing on the television...
was a movie of that nude man and woman.
Although I'm not certain, that man...
Will there really be that type of thing?
Even if there is,
it wouldn't be left here.
The Headmaster was arrested suddenly that day.
He didn't have the time to destroy it.
He could ask someone else to do it.
Who could he find? His wife?
His wife trusts him so much.
Could he let her know that he's a pervert?
Could he have gotten his lover Yun Ja Ae to do it?
If Yun Ja Ae knew about it,
she would throw him into the washing machine.
It's so nauseating.
The date on the video tape
is consistent with the one in Yeon Du's testimony.
You mentioned before that
for children 13 years old and above, the case
is closed after settlement with the family.
The date was 14 March.
It means that Yu Ri hadn't reached
the age of 13 yet. In other words...
In other words,
if he sexually abused a child
younger than 13 years old,
he could still be sentenced
even if there was a settlement.
And with such clear-cut evidence,
even if the defendant has "Jeon Gwan Ye U",
it would be useless.
The final trial is just a few days away.
Will there still be a retrial?
Even if there is a retrial,
we can't show this evidence in court.
Then what should we do?
Don't worry.
I will go and find the judge personally,
and present this evidence.
The 3 defendants.
Despite being teachers of the deaf school,
they sexually abused the young students.
It's an unpardonable criminal behavior
and violated the social responsibility
of protecting disabled children.
Making these victims the targets
of their sexual pleasure,
and sexually harassing them,
or violating them,
should get a severe punishment.
the defendants have made great contributions
to the development of the city,
and have no previous criminal records.
Furthermore, the families of victim Jun Yu Ri
and victim Jeon Min Su
have already reached a settlement
with the defendants.
On the account that the defendants
had taken care of the children before,
they have written a plea for the defendants.
With consideration to all the above,
the following sentences are meted out.
Defendant Pak Bo Hyeon.
Sentenced to 8 months of imprisonment
with a 2-year stay of execution.
Defendant Lee Gang Bok.
Sentenced to 6 months of imprisonment
with a 1-year stay of execution.
Defendant Lee Gang Seok.
Sentenced to 6 months of imprisonment
with a 1-year stay of execution.
after this trial ends,
carry out the procedures for
the release of the defendants.
You have worked really hard.
It's not really hard work.
I'm only doing justice to you.
Doing justice.
Justice always triumphs.
This is so well said.
I'm sorry.
I didn't fulfill my promise.
See the children before going.
That judge,
I should go and express my gratitude to him.
You don't have to go personally.
Jeon Gwan Ye U. This is expected.
When I meet him at a classmate
gathering in the future,
I will treat him to drinks.
By the way,
how did you manage to bribe the Prosecutor?
That person had no promotion opportunities,
or any other options.
He's always roaming on the fringe.
In other words,
he can no longer carry on in this circle.
I told him that I will give him a job at my law firm.
He was exuberant upon hearing it.
What's wrong? Are you hungry?
Min Su has gone to look for Pak Bo Hyeon.
He said he wanted revenge.
I'm going over there now.
Please hurry over.
Ajussi, are you still there?
Oh it's you, Min Su.
Are you thinking of me?
You are even drenched.
Let's go for a bath together.
Min Su! Min Su! Min Su!
Is anyone inside?
Min Su! Min Su!
Go to hell!
Min Su!
I treated you so well in the past.
How can you do this to me?
You brat.
How dare you try to stab me!
I'm going to beat you to death!
Min Su!
Min Su!
Min Su!
You brat, how can you do this to me?
This is the Mu Jin Police Department.
Listen up, everyone.
By gathering here,
you have violated Demonstration
Act, Article 6, Item 1 on illegal gathering.
All of you are
illegally occupying the roads
and jeopardizing the lives of the kind residents.
I hope you will disperse immediately.
Your demonstration is no longer allowed
and is an illegal demonstration.
Please disperse immediately.
I will make the announcement again.
Now, all of you
are illegally occupying the roads.
If you don't disperse immediately,
we will charge you under the
Demonstration Act and Traffic Regulations.
That's right.
They can't hear me.
What is going on? Hurry up and open fire!
Let go of me!
This child...
He can neither hear nor speak.
This child's name
is Min Su.
He cannot hear
and also cannot speak.
Everyone! This child's name
is Min Su.
He can neither hear
nor can he speak.
Everyone, please.
This child's name
is Min Su.
Neither can he hear nor can he speak.
Everyone, this child's name is Min Su.
This child...
-=One year later=-
Ajussi, how are you?
It seems that I haven't contacted
you for a long time.
Many things have happened during that time.
There are good things,
and bad things.
Let me tell you the bad thing first.
We are still unsuccessful with the appeal.
The main problem is still
the settlements the families entered.
The good thing is that many people
have come forward to help the children.
Because of them, the children who quit
Ja Ae School have a place to live.
There are also people who provided food.
Yu Ri is undergoing psychological treatment.
She is healthier now.
She is also more optimistic these days.
She is even teaching me sign language.
Yeon Du said that she wants to be
an art teacher when she grows up.
She said she wanted to be like you
and help sick children.
Once during dinner time,
I asked Yeon Du and Yu Ri,
what's the biggest difference between before
and after this incident?
The children said,
"We now know that we are no different than others."
"We are treasured by people too."
Watching these children grow up gradually,
it occurs to me that
the reason we are fighting so hard
is not to change the world,
but instead it's to not let the world change us.
The weather has become colder.
Winter is cold
because it wants us to appreciate
the warmth of the people around us.
It's so precious!
Although we are not by your side,
I hope you can feel
the warmth given out by the children and me.
I will pray for you.
-=Till 2011, a few of the perpetrators
have resumed their posts at school.
The case has completely ended.=-
-=But to expose the truth,
they are still continuing with the fight...=-
-=Mu Jin Human Rights Center
Seo Yu Jin=-
-=Congratulations! The best academy in
the school district of Mu Jin is Ja Ae School.=-