Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion (1972)

The prison depicted in this story,
as well as all characters, are fiction.
They bear no connection
to reality whatsoever.
Commendation for serving
as a model to others
and for your generous contribution
to society
namely the preservation of safety
and harmony
in the community
through the re-education and
rehabilitation of our nation's convicts
over a period of 27 years
since the war's end.
We commend you.
This isn't any normal commotion.
- It's a breakout. Someone's escaped.
- Not in broad daylight!
Sure. Even in broad daylight.
Only one person would try
to pull it off, though.
Yuki! What's the matter?
What's wrong?
Don't worry, Yuki,
it's just your period.
You didn't have it for a long time
because you've been locked up.
Come on.
They're close.
Right, let the dogs loose!
Everybody split up!
Shit! Go after them!
One more step
and I'll blow you away.
"You're a beautiful flower"
...his words flatter you today.
But once you're in full bloom,
he'll just toss you away.
Foolish, foolish,
foolish woman's song...
Her song of vengeance.
"Sorrow is my fate"
...so you've given up on men.
Show him your tears
and he'll bring you grief again.
Tearful, tearful,
tearful woman's song...
Her song of vengeance.
"You cling to your dreams"
...they scorn your world of lies.
So you try to wake up,
but you can't open your eyes.
Woman, woman,
a woman's heart is her song...
Her song of vengeance.
Is this a joke?
Allowing a prison break to occur
while we're being commended?
It's a fucking outrage!
We are charged with the custody
of our nation's convicts!
How do you expect to fulfill that mission
when you're so goddamned slack?
From now on, you're to make
doubly sure that nothing like this
ever happens again on my watch,
is that clear?
Everybody, listen up!
As punishment for today's incident,
we're cutting back on everyone's meals
for the next seven days.
Now hear this!
Kitchen duties are
to be stopped at once!
Out of the way!
Everyone shut up!
You think if you keep up that racket
they're going to serve us soup?
We're being punished, ladies.
We're fucked because of Matsu.
If you're bitter, blame Matsu!
- There's no way to escape!
- Exactly.
If you have no intention
of busting out of here
pick up your chopsticks.
Go on, eat.
Well, that's odd.
If you're not eating, we would assume
you're thinking of blowing this joint.
Is that what you want?
What's the matter?
- Go on, eat!
- Eat!
Just look at you now, Matsu.
I've brought you a feast.
See? Look!
Eat like a dog
if you don't want to starve.
Hey! Don't give me any attitude!
All right.
Let's see you lap it up.
So, you're trembling.
Are you feeling cold?
Is that it?
Okay, I'll make you nice and warm.
What a lovely sight!
How's Matsushima doing?
Sir! Still no sign of remorse.
Prisoner 701!
Because of your bullshit attempt
to escape,
all of your fellow inmates
are being punished.
If you want us to spring you
from this hole,
promise us never to pull shit
like this again.
Get on your hands and knees
and apologize! Got it?
Well, no hurry.
There's plenty of time.
Three years ago, I was just
an ordinary, happy woman.
I was desperately in love
with one man.
Sugimi. ..
He was a narcotics officer
on the Marijuana Squad.
I want you.
There's something I'd like you
to do for me.
He wanted my help
in a sting operation.
To seize information
on smugglers' routes.
I infiltrated a nightclub
owned by a yakuza organization
called Kaizu Enterprises.
I never felt any danger.
Because all I could ever think about
was Sugimi.
Don't fuck with us!
We know you're in with the cops.
Who put you up to this?
Well then...
If you're not going to talk,
we'll ask your body!
- It's the cops!
- Don't move!
If you resist, I'll shoot you
for obstruction of justice!
Looks like I've got you
by the balls at last.
You're under arrest
for trafficking in marijuana.
And for rape, as well.
It all went according to your plan,
didn't it?
You win.
So it's all co-existence
and co-prosperity from now on.
Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
He'd deceived me.
Sugimi, the man I loved
with all my heart.
thanks for all your trouble.
Hey, how about you?
I really miss the outside world.
You miss sex, you mean.
How's this?
Do I look okay?
I'm sure you'll have to beat off
the guards with a stick now!
Are you off to see Matsu?
Try taking the lid off.
It's hot!
Well, I'm off.
See you later.
You go and take really good care
of her now, okay?
You must be hungry.
I'll give you plenty of nice...
...hot miso soup.
Thanks for your patience.
I've got something special
on the menu for you.
What's that, you want more?
Okay, hold on!
Help me! It hurts!
We know that Imune's burn
was no accident.
Come clean! Give it up!
Shutting up is not going
to get you anywhere.
Are you listening?
You can remain silent
when you're with the cops,
but it doesn't work that way here!
Damn you! Spit it out!
So you have no intention of talking,
do you?
Goddamn you!
Talk to us!
Talk to us!
If you talk, we'll go easy on you.
If you talk, we'll go easy!
Spit it out, dammit!
Spit it out! Spit it out!
You're a stubborn little bitch!
How the hell did you burn Imune
with miso soup,
when you're tied hand and foot?
POLICE DEPARTMEN The Soul and Harmony
of Beautiful Japan
So it was you?
You're the mole who fed us info
about Nami Matsushima?
I see you're as perceptive as ever.
He reminds me of myself
a long time ago.
I see your reach is as long as ever.
Actually, nothing can surpass the
business going on between you and me.
You're on the fast-track
to promotion at the Department.
I'm sitting on the top floor
of this building.
By the way,
did the prison break really fail?
That's right.
But she's an enigma to me.
I still don't understand why
she didn't testify against us at her trial.
Because she was still in love
with me, that's why.
Her hatred for you was
so overwhelming,
she could barely contain herself,
never mind testify.
So why did she try
to escape from prison?
- Will she try to knife me again?
- Hey, calm down.
Whatever her reasons,
she could jeopardize our business.
Let's get rid of her.
Should we use that guy
who was just here?
No. A woman.
Her name's Katagiri.
She worked for me years ago
as a drug mule.
Actually, it was you
who nabbed her.
I remember now.
This one would make
an ideal assassin.
It's raining,
but they won't give us the day off.
We're like factory workers
in a sewing plant.
Shit, I'm beat again!
I'm on a losing streak.
Who's playing me?
What are you rolling? Ready?
Here goes!
There's my stake.
Okay, it's odds.
- Odds! It's odds!
- Evens!
Those your final bets?
Let's call it!
Two, six, even!
I bet these dice aren't clean.
So now you're suddenly
so high and mighty?
Look how badly you're losing!
You don't talk to me
like you don't owe me.
You owe me big time, bitch!
We're not playing
with anyone who's broke.
Come on, roll, roll!
Gimme another chance, will you?
But you have nothing to bet!
Hey, you!
You've been giving us a lot of attitude
since you got here.
Why don't you pay up for that
while you're at it?
Okay, I got you.
Remember what you just said now.
Then do you wanna play
for tonight's dinner?
If you win, I'll cancel
all the debt you owe me.
You're on!
Don't do it. If you lose your dinner,
it'll take its toll tomorrow.
There's no way you'll win.
You see?
If you bet odds again,
you'll win this time!
That your final bet?
That your final bet?
Yes, that's final.
Trying to take advantage
of a naive amateur
by alternating odd dice
and even dice, huh?
How the hell do you mean
to settle this?
Fine, I'll settle it now!
Take that!
Fuck you!
I'll kill you!
How many people have you killed
on the outside?
Why don't I show you
how it's really done?
Stop it right there!
Drop the knife!
All right, next!
Hurry the hell up!
Hurry UP!
Shit! That bitch.
Who does she think she is?
I'll show you some fun.
If we're caught with this on us...
Just stick it in that bitch's uniform.
The guards will take care of the rest.
Only you could come up with that.
It's a great scam.
Let' s go!
Hey, Boss? It's all right
if we freshen up too, isn't it?
Well, hurry it up!
Well, well, things are going
to get interesting soon, huh?
Masaki... Look what we found
in your uniform.
Planning to make a run for it?
No, no!
I wasn't.
That's ridiculous.
Matsu again!
I should've known that...
Stop it!
Knock it off, Masaki!
Masaki! Knock it off!
You will stop at once!
Get the fuck off your asses!
I'm disciplining you all!
I wonder how long we're
being punished for this time?
What did we have to do with it?
- But I heard those bitches got demoted.
- That's something to gloat about.
All right.
Now I want you to fill those holes.
Fill them!
Come on, fill 'em up!
Fill them!
Start digging again.
It's been a while.
What are you doing here?
Depending on the outcome,
I could get you out on parole.
What the hell do you want me
to do for you?
Nami Matsushima.
- Kill her.
- Matsu?
Waste her?
Well, don't be so surprised.
Of course, make it all
look like an accident.
You're a cop. Why?
You don't need to give a shit about why!
If you want to get out of this place
just do what I tell you,
no questions asked.
So what's it gonna be?
Are you going to do it or not?
You have no choice either way,
you know?
Just so you know,
that man was just talking to Katagiri.
Sir, you wanted to see me?
Throw Nami Matsushima into solitary.
Yes, sir.
My name's Kitoh.
They threw me in here
the minute I arrived.
Well, I guess you can't blame them.
I've got five priors.
I can see they really roughed you up.
You're Nami Matsushima, aren't you?
I heard the guards talking
about you just now.
They said they had you hogtied for days,
but they couldn't break you.
Plus you somehow managed
to spill a bucketful
of boiling hot soup all over the woman
who was torturing you.
And to top it all off, you had
something to do with the warden
getting stabbed in the eye.
I'd never guess you were ballsy enough
to pull off that kind of shit.
Well, how about it?
Was it really you who did all that?
You talk too much.
What's the matter?
It hurts where they beat you,
doesn't it?
Let me rub your back.
If you're the woman they say you are,
I don't see why you're whimpering
over a little pain.
What do you think you're doing?
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it.
Stop it.
I want more.
I see...
So she wouldn't budge, would she?
Well...that was a lotto ask
of a rookie like you.
You gave it a good try.
Warden, please let me try again.
Thank you.
I commend your enthusiasm.
But it's all right.
You can go home and rest.
Please, Warden.
Let me go back to solitary.
There's no need for you
to assume any responsibility here.
Don't worry.
I'll come up with another way.
No! I'm going back to solitary!
Kitoh, what's gotten into you?
You don't have to give me time off!
So please send me back!
Inspect her!
Give her the once-over!
Please let me go back.
Please let me.
Please let me go back.
Please let me go back.
Just as I thought.
You slut!
You should be ashamed
to call yourself a police officer!
I don't care how you go about it.
Break Matsushima down.
All right, stop digging.
Everybody climb up!
You're going to keep on digging.
The Devil's Punishment.
The Devil's Punishment.
- The Devil's Punishment.
- The Devil's Punishment.
Hey! Get up!
Who said you could sit?
Over here!
Come on, hurry it up!
Come on!
Hey, you.
Now are you ready to confess
to everything you've done?
Oh? So you don't want me
to give you a break?
All right then, you can just keep
on digging that hole until you die!
Listen up!
All of you are going to keep Matsu
company until she croaks, got it?
You're all going to fill up this hole!
Fill it up! Get to it!
Hurry it up! Fill it up!
What the hell are you doing?
Hey, you! What are you doing?
What the hell are you doing?
- What's your problem?
- Hurry it up!
Fill the damn hole!
Fill it up!
What are you doing?
For Christ's sake!
Get to work!
Do it!
Get to work!
Come on!
- Next shift!
- Come on, bring on the next shift!
Now, it's your turn!
Can't believe how stubborn
that bitch is.
Shit! The way this is going,
we'll collapse before Matsu does!
The blisters on my hands hurt like hell!
Hey! What's going on?
Hey! Hey, you!
What is it?
Don't stand there gawking.
Get back to work!
No breaks!
Keep digging!
No slacking!
Hurry the fuck up!
It's too soon for you to die!
Dig until you die!
Get up!
Get up!
You're going too far.
Please let us stop!
The hell I Will!
Get back to work! Stand up!
Matsu! It's way too soon
for you to die.
Goddamn you! Get up!
Don't move!
Everybody stand back!
Stop this commotion right now!
If you keep this up,
we'll shoot you all dead!
Let's riot.
We'll take these bastards hostage
and hole up in the warehouse!
Yuki! Yuki!
Come with me.
Yuki, you have to hold on now.
You took those bullets for me,
didn't you?
Yuki! Yuki!
All right, everyone.
We've got to build a barricade!
Come on!
Hurry UP!
Resistance is futile!
Surrender at once!
If you don't come out now,
we'll kill you all! Surrender at once!
Cut the shit, you bastards!
Sons of bitches!
Everybody, shut up!
Leave it to me.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
I guess you don't give a shit
about the hostages, huh?
Furuya! Stop it!
- It's too early to provoke them.
- Stop it right now.
Ha! The one-eyed gorilla!
You showed up, huh?
You're gonna listen real carefully
to our demands, asshole!
Are you the ringleader of this?
What difference does it make?
Listen up! Bring us enough food
for 60 people!
As for all the slave labor,
torture and beatings,
there's gonna be an end to all that
from now on!
If you don't give in to these demands,
we'll stick it out
for as long as it takes!
Fucking bitch!
No way are we going to cave in
to those demands.
We'll never give them
what they want!
Give me a break!
I can't breathe!
It's still not too late.
Give up your guns
and come out from the warehouse.
Some of you are close
to being released from here.
If you surrender now,
we'll overlook this transgression.
Otherwise, it will only add
more time to your sentences!
As if we'd really fall
for a lame offer like that!
If we panic, we lose.
There's no turning back now!
Hey, you're not gonna
fuck us over, are you?
Don't give me that now.
Oh yeah? You're full of shit.
Who the hell was flirting
with the guards
and putting on airs as if she were
our goddamned leader?
You're attacking the wrong person.
Hasn't anybody noticed yet?
The bitch who started it all
isn't even here.
- Nami Matsushima!
- That's right.
All of this shit came down
because of her.
So why didn't she take part in the riot?
Wait a minute.
Whose fault is it that
she isn't here, I wonder.
Don't listen to her!
That bitch is in deep with Matsu!
We were all nearly worked to death
because of Matsu!
We can't ever forget that!
Let's get her in here.
We'll beat the living shit
out of that bitch!
Okay? Are you all with me?
Hey, guys,
working hard in the rain?
Aren't you forgetting something
very important?
Where's our fucking food?
And while you're at it, why don't you
send in Nami Matsushima too?
Give us Matsu or else we'll rip the
balls off the hostages!
All right.
Send in Prisoner 701
like they've asked, but no food yet.
But, sir...
Let the prisoners vent their anger
on Matsushima.
That way, at least some
of their frustration should be diffused.
And another thing,
it will teach Matsushima a lesson.
Get in there!
We're going to pay you back big time.
Brace yourself, now.
All right, everyone!
Let's kick the shit out of this bitch!
String her up!
Bring her down!
Pull her up!
Bring her down!
Come on, you guys!
Kicking and punching is kids' stuff.
There are more amusing ways
to hurt someone.
Pull her up!
How do you like that? Hot enough?
Doesn't that feel good?
I bet it feels so wonderful!
You're going to kill me, aren't you?
Kida told me just before she died.
Everybody's watching, you know.
I'll get them all stirred up
and have them torture you to death.
Wake up! She's going
to burn us alive!
What the hell's going on?
This bitch was about
to set the place on fire.
That's not true!
I was just going to set Matsu on fire.
But you wouldn't be doing that
in the dark on your own.
Did you think we'd be able to get away
when the place burst into flames?
No, you were going to burn us all
and make a run for it by yourself!
What the hell?
They're sending food!
The food's here!
Prisoners in the warehouse!
The Warden has arranged
for you all to be provided
with breakfast this morning.
this is a one-time-only offer.
As long as you show some sign
of remorse for your actions,
we are willing to sit down and listen
to what you have to say.
That is all.
Don't move!
Throw down your guns!
You fucking bitches...
Throw down your guns!
If you come any closer,
we'll shoot the hostages!
Please don't shoot!
Don't shoot!
Please don't shoot!
Don't come any closer!
- Inside!
- Arrest anyone who's left alive!
Over there!
Take everyone outside now!
Hurry up! You've got to hurry!
I'm burning!
Help me!
I only tried to kill you
because Sugimi put me up to it!
I just...fell for his scheme!
Please help me!
To be deceived is
a woman's crime.
If you're going to run,
now's your chance.
No. 325.
No. 215.
- No. 233.
- Check.
- No. 322.
- Check.
- No. 145.
- Check.
- No. 212.
- Check.
- Are all the bodies accounted for?
- No, sir. There's one missing.
Just as we thought. It's No. 701.
Sir, we must notify the police,
so they can bring in Matsushima.
If we do that, they'll find out about
the riot, fire and deaths.
The whole story will be blown
wide open!
We'll have to bring in Nami Matsushima
ourselves, no matter what it takes.
I know where she's headed.
A bright red rose has thorns
that you might not see.
I don't want to pierce you,
but how else will I get free?
Burning, burning,
burning woman's song...
Her song of vengeance.
Shedding blood once a month
should help, and yet...
Try as I might,
I can't ever forget.
Unfulfilled, unfulfilled,
unfulfilled woman's song...
Her song of vengeance.
I cannot die
before I fulfill my fate.
So I live on,
driven only by my hate.
A woman, a woman,
a woman's life is her song...
Her song of vengeance.
Takenaka, is that you?
Oh, it's you.
Sorry about that.
I called a meeting with my executive
staff, but no one's shown up yet.
Of course, everyone's dead.
What? What happened?
It's still under investigation,
but my gut's telling me
that Nami Matsushima
is behind all this.
That's ridiculous!
There was a disturbance at the prison.
I'm sure she escaped then.
But my mole would've notified me
by now if she'd escaped.
And even if she did escape,
wouldn't she be coming after you?
That woman is a terror.
I'd say you've finally become obsessed
with a vision of Matsushima.
You're just imagining things.
Still, it's pretty shocking that
three of my executives are dead.
What's the matter? Hello? Hey!
Hello? Hey?
What's happened?
Hello? Hello!
To the right!
Follow him.
So he's taking refuge
in his own castle, eh?
There's no safer zone
for him after all.
- It's Matsu!
- Let's go after her!
Unfortunately, there's no way
that we can show our faces in there.
Shit! Matsu, you bitch!
So you're going to provide me
with yet another collar, are you?
You're under arrest for murder.
Throw down the knife.
So you really hate me that much?
The more you hate me,
the more you can't forget me.
After all, I'm the one
who made you a woman!