Fireball (2009)

It's not easy to pull such strings
and get them to drop charges.
Luckily your brother knows
where to spread his wealth.
Otherwise, you'd be rotting in there
for the rest of your life.
where's Tan?
What happened?
He was beaten up and
has serious head injuries.
They haven't caught anyone for it yet.
The police said it's just
another assault case.
But I don't buy it,
because Tan has been coming home
with bad bruises and cuts for a while.
When I asked him about it,
he said it was from playing basketball.
I'm not stupid.
I figured he was messed up
with something illegal.
He said he needed money.
They let me walk free because
of the money he sent?
Besides the club,
where else did he go to play?
And that one?
Which one Boss?
The one who's shooting.
No way! Another team has already got him.
Damn! Let's get out of here.
Boss! Boss!
Look, that guy.
Hey son, how are you?
Do you still play for Boss Por?
If not, I'm rounding up tough
players for a new team.
You're a hotshot. Why don't
you come play with me?
You play, I pay. It's win-win.
Still alive? I thought you'd
become a vegetable.
They really beat the shit
out of you last year.
Don't you want revenge?
The cash prize this year is
much bigger than before.
Think about it.
Muk, take the boy to wait for me upstairs.
Yes, sir.
The boss is here.
Boss, the chink thinks we're ripping him off.
If we don't give him a better rate,
he says he'll go somewhere else.
He said our rate is way too expensive.
Idiot. Does he think we're
the Bank of Thailand?
If he's unhappy, tell him to try
to find another bloody lender.
No dogs on this street would
take his money but me.
So, does he want it or not?
Hey son.
Let's take care of our business.
That's Zing, the captain,
he's auditioning for teammates.
That's Iq. He's our secret weapon.
He's baby-faced but he's
got the heart of a lion.
Zing. Check out the goods.
Get in there and stretch your legs, son.
So what's your name?
Man, I dig your new hair.
You just became a monk or what?
A real hotshot...
If these two play together we'll
get ourselves a real hot shot.
So Zing, is he in or not?
Sure Boss, he's all right.
Good. We have a team now.
Tan's clothes, they should fit you.
$300.000 it is.
Hello chief... Hello boss.
Hello sir.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Why did you mess with Top?
This guy's toothless,
he's just a smuggler.
Take Boss Louise, he's a drug dealer.
Hello sir.
Make yourself at home.
Make yourself at home.
We'll talk about Fireball later.
Take your seats.
Good afternoon sir.
My name is Den, I used
to work for Boss Song.
I've brought you your favourite wine.
Thank you.
Yes, sir.
Den is a rising star.
You've got to keep an eye on him.
But he's only got into
our Fireball tournament
because his boss dropped
dead three months ago.
If Boss Song were still around,
a runt like Den would still
be just an errand boy.
Den's squad is full of zombies.
He's got his boss's former boys
and a few that were kicked out by Boss Yong.
They're a bunch of hopeless losers.
So Boss Yong's team will thrash
them in the first match,
Yeah, they're just a bunch of low-lifes.
Boss, why are there only four of us?
No way! Don't tell me this
snake is on our team.
Haven't you heard?
He threw a match Last year!
You have to trust me.
- But Boss!
- Enough, Muk!
Shut up, Zing!
You lost big or what?
You're a dumb ass if you believe
everything people say.
K, are you messing with me, you scumbag?!
He's a jerk.
Why are you fighting each other?
It's time for you to work
together as a team.
Focus on your opponents, you
have to beat them today.
Boss Yong's team are just
losers from his gambling den.
They're determined to win the
match and clear their debts.
You're up against basketball
players, boxers and thugs.
And we've never played
together as a team before.
Will we get out of this alive?
You will.
I'm sure you'll trounce them.
Zing. Take care of your men.
Let's go.
So you've made it.
So this is Fireball.
It's pretty exciting.
Tell me, what are the rules?
Five men on each team.
Whichever team gets the
ball in the hoop first wins.
Is that it?
Yes. That's it.
The rules have changed a
little this year though.
Even if your team doesn't score,
if your team has the last man standing...
you can also be the winner.
That's rough, man.
How much do you have to spend
to put all this together?
The team owners put in the money,
and there are bookies taking
bets from the viewers.
At each match there's over
$300,000 changing hands.
But that's not all.
The prize money goes up after each round.
In the final it's worth over $3m.
Most importantly,
Fireball is all about business
for the big bosses.
OK, I'll chip in.
Come on.
K... Zing!
You've got a problem?
Look, there's a darkie in the ring!
You wanna fight?
Son of a bitch.
Iq, calm down.
You'll pay for this!
Ton, I thought you destroyed
that jerk last year.
How the hell is he still alive?
They're murdering each other!
What happens when a player
is crippled and he can't
play in the next round?
You just play with whatever you have left.
You can't replace the one you lost.
Iq, quick!
Iq! Iq!
No! Iq!
Muk! Muk!
K, you jerk!
Muk! -Zing!
Come on, jerk.
You're the man, Zing!
How come you're still here?
I already split your head with my foot.
Maybe he wants to make you
the entertainment again.
he crushed you the last time
but you still walk.
I won't let it happen again.
Stop! Stop!
Tan! Tan!
Ton! Ton!
Tan! Tan!
Stop it!
Tan! Calm down!
Tan! Tan!
Tan! Tan!
Cool it, man!
Save it for later.
You do that and our team is screwed!
Save your revenge for the game.
You can kill him on the court
and nobody will give a damn.
Why's that?
The rules forbid off-court fighting,
The penalty is that the whole
team can be whacked.
If you want to fight me,
stay alive until the final.
Get out of my way!
His team were last year's champions.
They're waiting for a
challenger in the final.
To fight this prick we have to
stick around till the last round.
what happened to your face?
Just take care of Tan.
Good afternoon sir.
Which model are you looking for?
Let's chill around here.
Get out of here!
Get out of here!
Oops! Sorry bro.
Your mom is in deep shit today.
- What?
- Your mom's house.
You'll sleep with the dogs tonight!
How many times you've said that?
Sang, lock it up!
Where are we going to
live if you kick us out?
We don't give a damn if you
have to sleep in a gutter.
You've locked us out!
Hey man,
isn't it a bit too much?
- What's that?
- You've locked us out!
Hey, aren't you being too harsh?
Pay up if you want to
stay another night here.
I told you I don't have the money!
- What's that?
- What are you doing?
- Hey.
- Wait.
What now?
Take my bike! Take it!
Sang, unlock the door for them.
You still have to pay me the
whole sum next month.
Get out!
- Such a pain in the neck.
- Go on, jerks.
Don't worry Ma. I'll soon be rich,
I'll buy you a new house.
I won't let anybody kick us
around like this anymore.
I'll put him through school too.
Come on, son. Where will you
get that kind of money?
Right son?
I'll get some water.
How are you feeling?
Let's get rid of it.
We're in no position to bring up a child.
Oi, how could you say that?
Listen to me,
I won't let our child feel abandoned,
Like I was when I was a kid.
Remember, I promise you
our lives will be better.
What? Too disgusted to kiss a whore?
No, I just don't want a
taste of my own medicine.
Return to sender, baby.
Where are you going?
Why do you want to know?
Can't you just stay with me?
I have to get to work.
Take a look first.
One hundred each.
This one just arrived.
- I'll take it.
- Sure.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
Please come back next week.
Hi, come in and take a look.
I'll give you a discount.
Pang, you can leave us.
I'll look after Tan from now on.
Last year my scholarship was cancelled,
and I was being expelled from college.
But Tan did everything
he could to get the money for me.
He was so good to me,
I can never leave him.
I know he'll wake up soon.
Damn it!
the court sent you the
order to testify again.
If you don't show up, they'll
issue an arrest warrant.
What do you want to do?
Damn, they just won't leave me in peace!
Tell my lawyer to petition it and
postpone it for a month.
Stall them while I pull some strings.
Yes Boss.
Boss Yong,
your team has already crashed out.
I thought I'd play you in the next round.
Well, I lost in the ring.
But I made huge profits from my bookies.
I'm cool just after one game.
I've recovered my whole investment.
Maybe I'll make more than the
winning team after it's over.
Den, your boys aren't a
bunch of girls after all.
Thank you very much sir.
Let's talk business later.
Yes, sir.
Don't get so excited,
it's just the first round.
It sure is.
Den, have you bought life
insurance for your boys?
Don't let their families suffer.
What the heck are you doing?
I told you to practice,
not to sit around boozing.
Take it easy Boss.
You keep boasting about your secret weapon.
But he was such a nervous
wreck in the court.
You keep ordering us around.
We're completely beat.
You should give us some
incentive to practice.
You're my man, Tan.
IQ, K, do you agree with Tan?
I dig it.
You think he's right?
OK, see this?
Sure boss.
See this cash?
And do you see that basketball court?
That kiddie court?
Whoever gets this ball into that hoop
can take all this money.
Don't you want the money Tan?
It's just chump change.
Come down!
What are you playing?!
Get out of here!
K, pass it here.
Tan, here!
Hey K!
Zing! -Tan!
Iq! Iq!
You OK?
Damn it!
Where is it?
Hey! Iq!
K, watch out!
- Iq!
- Your left!
Cover Iq!
Get away!
Iq, look out!
Damn it!
Pass it here, Zing.
Look out!
I'll get rich. I'll buy you a new house.
No one can kick us around
like this anymore.
Damn it!
Don't be sad,
one less man means a bigger cut for you.
You're disgusting!
Did you throw the match?
Stop it, you two!
Iq is dead! What the hell
are you fighting for?
K, Muk, stop!
Shut up Tan.
Because this prick threw a match last year,
you were beaten to a pulp.
And now Iq's gone too!
Maybe our whole team will be murdered next!
You can believe what you want to believe.
Where are you going, K?
Get back here! We're not finished with you.
Boss Den.
Let me have the next match.
How much would you charge me?
Do you really think it's a good idea?
This is just my first year.
Think about it.
If you want to have a future in this game,
you should seriously consider my offer.
The idiot was trying to throw the match.
He's so stupid he couldn't even pull it off.
Kill him!
- Tech him a lesson! -Make it rough!
Kill him!
You're a cheat!
Blackie! Son of a whore!
Asshole! Give my money back!
He threw the game.
He threw the game.
I didn't know we would win today!
Zing, listen to me.
My wife's having a baby.
I need the money for his future.
I just want this one thing and
I'll quit Fireball forever.
Zing, I'm sorry.
Kill him! Son of a whore! Black bastard!
Muk! Muk!
Let me go!
Muk! Muk!
Boss. Did you give a nod to Muk's deal?
You don't have to play
dirty like those bastards.
Do you know why you've
kept winning the matches?
Do you know that if I lose
I can't stay in this country?
I need to win this tournament,
no matter what it costs!
Even our lives?
Iq's and Muk's?
Who's next, boss?
Tan? K?
It's like what you did to
your boss, isn't it?
when you're in that cage,
you know that if you don't
kill them, they'll kill you.
You know that better than I do!
I won't answer your question.
But if you don't trust me anymore,
you can quit now. I'll sort it for you.
Sure, I'll quit!
I want out.
Pang, what are you doing here?
What are you doing?
Aren't we in deep enough shit?
Why do you have to sink so low?
And what have you done?
Tai, do you know how hard it is?
Do you think I enjoy doing this?
Go home.
- No, Tai!
- Come with me!
- Hey!
- I'm not talking to you.
Calm down, son,
let's discuss this like civilized people.
I don't think you know...
that your girl has borrowed money from me?
She's here only to pay her debts.
And you?
Are you a complete moron?
Is your brain full of shit?
You've brought shit on me since
you pulled off from the final.
You're ruining my business,
do you know that?
My bookies have already accepted the bets
and I won't sit around waiting
for my profits to rot.
I will tell you only once, shithead.
If you boys refuse to be in the final,
I guarantee you...
that this bitch will end up in a whorehouse.
Who the hell are you to order me, huh?!
I'm not one of your boys, I
can make up my own mind.
Consider it a deposit.
Do whatever you have to do.
Just make sure your team lose,
then come collect the rest.
Use that bird brain of
yours to think about it.
The doctor told me that...
Tan needs an operation.
I don't know what to do,
I just know I can do anything
to make him wake up.
I can't leave him...
though I don't know
if he'll ever wake up again.
Tan will wake up, right?
He'll come back to me, right?
He'll come back to me!
Listen to me.
I'll do anything...
to bring Tan back.
One, two, three...
One, two, three...
One, two, three...
So far we're lucky that we've
been able to use you blood
to sustain your brother and keep
him out of critical condition.
But it's only a temporary measure.
And we can't keep doing this forever.
Since the patient's brain
shows no sign of recovering,
the only way to bring him back
is to have an operation.
But it's very risky,
and the cost will be huge.
But you also have another option.
I mean, you can let him go.
I think you're wrong about Boss Den.
He's not the kind of guy
who'd resort to foul play.
I... I know the whole story.
And you... I knew from the
beginning that you weren't Tan.
Because it was me who sent
the money to your lawyer.
Ton, Tan and me...
agreed to fix a match last year.
Tan wanted the money so he
could get you out of jail.
Ton and me placed bets with several bookies.
But Ton was paranoid of Tan.
So he tried to kill your brother.
We all know that Ton is as
brutal as a wild beast.
He would even kill his own men
if he suspects them.
I've told you everything.
It's up to you, Tai,
to believe me or not.
Do you think I'm so heartless.
Cut the crap.
Tan is dying,
if he doesn't get an operation.
Is it done?
You told me it'd take 10 minutes.
It's almost an hour now!
You're wasting my time.
Do you know how to do it?
There are just four channels.
Are you dumb or what?
Look, he's taking forever.
Let's not wait for him.
I don't know if he knows what he's doing.
So will you finish it today?
I quit!
Tai, don't go.
I don't want to see you end up like Tan.
Say farewell to your guardian angels.
Last year you lost an eye
for the championship.
It's time to get your revenge.
Gouge the eyes out of the
one who made you like this.
After this game,
I'll bring you the championship.
Just don't forget your promise.
Ton, you prick.
If you weren't my best player,
I wouldn't let you talk to me like that.
Everything's all right, sir.
I just wound up the beast before the match.
So he'll get in there and get it done fast.
35 years,
the first game we're been using this ball
in every year final rounds.
And this place,
the place where it had begun.
This is a place fireball game had begun.
The champs have only three men just like us?
They know we have only three left,
so they'll play with three men too.
It's not sportsmanship, it's just that
they're psychopaths.
They don't give a rat's ass about winning.
They just want to turn
this into a bloodbath.
Do you think our boys can match them?
We've come this far.
I don't care if we win or lose today.
I just want the boys to
come out of there alive.
You're a dead man.
Are you such a hotshot!
I'll let you watch your friend die slowly.
Then we'll come for you.
Check out the goods.
Tai Priti - Born June 27, 1982
Dead June 29, 2009
Jerk, do you think you can
really get away with this?!
You're being really stupid, shithead.
Don't you know who I am?!
You think you're a hotshot?!
When I get out of here...
Shut your big mouth!
Tan, now what?
I don't think a basketball is enough.
I think we need guns.
I swear on my mother's grave...
that I'll slaughter them all.
Not just to pay them back
for what they did to Tai.
But they have to pay
for making me a vegetable for a year.