Fluch, Der (1988)

Dear viewers, director Ralf Huettner called his
feature film "The Curse" "a mystery thriller",
which we hope is exciting
and entertaining for you.
The story is about a hike in the Alps, which
becomes a true nightmare for a young family.
It blends elements of the mountain- and Heimatfilm with fantasy
and horror in a original and optically fascinating way.
- "It is a land lost, a
moon grows in the reeds.
It froze with us, it glows around and sees.
It glows around and sees.
It sees, it sees, we see, I see you, you see.
The ice will rise, before the hour ends,
before the hour ends."
[Ice, Eden by Paul Celan]
Stop, I don't see anything.
Sit down.
No, but not next to me.
Give me the glasses!
Give them to me!
Pasta for everyone!
Bring it on!
Bring it on!
Be quiet for once!
No pasta for animals.
No pasta for animals.
Nonsense, animals eat everything.
There, now he is going into the basement
and wants to put her in the freezer,
but when he opens the lid, the other
bodies have repaired themselves.
Is he really going into the basement?
Ah shucks, I do not think so.
What does that mean?
My key!
Oh. There!
Are you leaving already?
I'm going to the flea market tomorrow.
We do too. Are you coming?
Can't. We're going away tomorrow.
There! Now he is going into the basement.
I told you so.
Shut up. Get lost.
Bye. Bye. Bye.
It's my fault.
It was my fault.
I... I can't get up.
I can't get up.
Who are you?
so cold!
Can I help?
What kind of child is that?
No, don't.
What kind of child is that!?
- Slowly... careful... You are hurting yourself!
- That's...
no no...
What kind of child is that?
Hello. If you want to eat something special
tomorrow, you have to tell me now.
These are the same shoes I've got.
I hate them. I feel like a clumsy person.
Do you need gloves?
Did you understand something?
Want something to eat?
Where have you been?
At Martins.
Watching videos?
What's up?
Parking tickets!
Bite me!
Watch it!
That had to happen.
At least you saved two Marks.
Ten Marks!
They charge ten Marks...
Yes, look at that!
...for parking eight hours.
Count me out.
Ten marks for parking eight hours.
They might as well charge 50. What a joke.
There was sugar in it, too.
Now everything's sticky.
Wake up!
This is starting great.
Good morning!
We are going to start soon.
I don't like mountain climbing.
You don't like mountain climbing.
I know.
Nobody likes mountain climbing.
Where are... where are the maps?
did you pack the hiking map?
I don't care. I have had enough already.
Something wrong?
I'm not going up there
with this sticky thing.
Thank you.
You're going to sweat a lot.
That's way too warm.
Don't worry!
I am not going to sweat
because I am going to walk slowly
and I refuse to be rushed by you.
There's the piece of shit. Darn, I
would have needed it yesterday.
Are we going to have coffee?
What do you want?
There was a small inn.
Drinking coffee...
and then you want to eat breakfast,
and afterwards you are tired again.
We could have stayed home then.
Come with me!
Come on dad!
Rotor, rotor, rotor, rotor...
Get off!
I'm not in the mood anymore.
Well? Isn't it beautiful?
What did I say?
Nobody here.
Do you know why? Because there's no coffee,
no cake, no Wiener Schnitzel, nothing.
Only good air.
When did we go mountain
climbing for the first time?
Do you remember that?
Yes you never wanted to.
It was exactly eight years
and four months ago.
Yes true, I still had my Admiral then.
My God, how much we put into
the transmission of the car.
That was actually pretty
mean of you back then.
How so?
Oh yes...
Cleverly arranged.
Do you regret it?
I don't.
But I can only imagine that I was not the
only one who climbed up there with you.
I swear.
Your backpack is open.
But the only one who fell for it.
Oh yeah?
Rotor, rotor, rotor, rotor...
No more: Helicopter rotor...
That's cold!
But it feels good.
I think my feet have gone dead.
Take small steps, ok?
So now I let go of you. You wait here.
I'll go ahead and then I'll
give you my hand.
It's going to be steep, be careful.
That's too fast for me.
What's written here?
To the right.
Another hour and we are on the top.
I said approximately.
Melanie, wait a minute.
Rolf, what's with this junction?
Are you sure that we are on the right track?
We are right!
I know the place.
I do!
Melanie please.
I don't understand it either.
But I do! Over there is in fact a ravine.
We are in the midst of the ravine.
But I know for sure.
Melanie, we have never been here.
What are you doing?
You don't know this place.
I suspect that we got on the wrong side.
I just wonder how.
Shouldn't we rather go back?
No! Why? I'd like so much to go up there.
You of all people.
Then let us go a little bit further.
Further up, there must be
a bigger track. This one.
According to your map, I am
already on the top for an hour.
Mom there!
They will die. Let them live.
Look what I found! Over there!
What is it?
I won't tell. Come here yourselves.
That's the chapel!
isn't it?
Do you know the altitude?
1611 meters.
We have really lost our way.
It's at least 10 km to the car.
Come on, remove the chain.
Rolf, can't you open the bars?
Help me!
That's not allowed!
Yeah yeah. Look at this!
I can't pull it off. It's not possible.
I only could... let me try.
In here, your father kissed me
for the first time, you know.
And what happend at Grandpa's garage?
That was not a real kiss.
And why not?
Well, she couldn't really kiss back then.
I didn't want to.
And that's a big difference.
There, there it is!
The date is wrong.
Here, it might be that.
Rolf and Rita.
You mean Rita and Rolf.
That's something different. That's
something different for sure.
This means "rock and roll" or "Rolls-Royce".
You'll never find it again. Has
been painted over for sure.
That's a proper landfill here.
Have a look at the dirt...
This is the chapel. I can
still remember it clearly.
There are many chapels.
It certainly isn't the only one up here.
let's take a look behind the chapel.
Come over!
I know that full well. You did know.
No, I didn't know dammit.
No! I can explain.
You shan't explain.
You wanted to go here from the start.
Admit it!
I admit it.
The Four Souls Chapel as it was popularly
called, was destroyed in 1913 by lightning.
- 1922, nine years later, the chapel could be rebuilt
from the collection of the parish of St. Magdalena.
- Dad, Dad, back there are children who are singing.
Melanie, I can't read this way.
Silver, they mined silver here in the past.
- For the blessing of prosperity,
four families "Four Souls" have donated the chapel.
- Dad, listen to me for once. Back there are children who are singing.
Melanie, what is it?
Back there are children who are singing.
But I couldn't see them.
In the back of the church.
There is some water hole.
Then go back there again and sing with them.
At that time they believed
wealth comes from above.
- Come with me, come!
- Today they know better.
Not now. Later, ok?
The wealth comes from the tourists.
The chapels of today are the cable cars
and chairlifts. That's how it goes.
Yeah yeah.
When do we leave again?
I want to leave.
We can still go further up there.
Five more minutes, please.
Yes, meanwhile you could tidy up.
But then we go futher up the mountain.
You might.
We can be glad if we make it
back to the car before dark.
But it's not there!
I'm sure we didn't forget anything higher up.
We looked extra carefully.
It's in the backpack.
But it's not there!
Then I don't know either.
Melanie, start thinking.
Haven't you seen the map somewhere.
What the fucking hell.
What's going on today?
You did look at the trail before,
can't you remember it anymore?
Do you think I memorized
the whole map, or what?
- It all looks the same.
- Can you...?
Wait a minute...
Fucking mountains.
What the heck. We just go
this way straight along.
If we don't come out exactly at the
car, then we just take a taxi.
You're funny.
Why is it so red?
It suffers.
Come on, Melanie.
- I know that we are wrong.
- Wait it out.
Rolf, it's going uphill. We
need to go down, not up.
It will go down again. We
are staying on this track.
Please let's turn around.
You and your sense of direction.
Let's go back to the chapel.
From there we could...
Please, gladly, if you show me the way.
I can't go on.
...can't continue with this foot.
And standing at the fair
the whole day tomorrow...
I probably won't be able
to fit in my normal shoes.
Stay please. I'll check out
how it looks over there.
I knew this would happen.
What's this? What are you singing?
Melanie, I asked you what song this is.
Why am I on this world?
Why are you thinking about that?
Because... because we
wished for you, you fool.
Come here.
Your father and I were thinking that maybe
it would be nice if we had a girl like you.
do you know where we are?
Over there is this glacier.
This... this white mountain.
Where you always wanted to go.
Where? Where?
Back there?
Yeah yeah.
Melanie stay here!
We are completly wrong, I
don't understand that.
Rolf, I can't go on.
There is a, a mountain hut further up.
Melanie stay here!
It's steep and dangerous over there!
A hut?
Do you want to stay overnight
or what are you thinking?
Yes, of course.
Or do you want to continue walking?
You really want us to stay over night?
Up here?
Yes, do you have a better suggestion?
I know that this is not your fault.
But it isn't mine either.
I think all this is a bit ridiculous.
That's all.
Moreover, I am at the fair
tomorrow morning, as you know.
Well, you can forget this job.
I've already forgotten the job.
But not the money.
Is there really someone up
there watching over us?
How do you mean?
Well, some God who... who is
there for us and helps us.
If we don't find home for example.
Yes, maybe there is.
But no one knows what he looks like.
And I also think most
don't know what he wants.
And how do you realize that you saw him?
I can't imagine that you can see him.
What was that outside?
Don't know. Avalanches?
Why don't you go look?
That's not possible.
Why not?
Because I'm not wearing shoes.
Move your knee.
I will fall asleep now and wake up at home.
You know that Melanie has really
scared me a few times today?
Sometimes I thought she really
is familiar with this place.
In the ravine?
And later, when she always
wanted to go ahead.
That's a coincidence.
What if I became pregnant by you
on this mountain back then?
There have been many more
opportunities after.
That was in June.
The date would be about right.
Melanie! Melanie!
Yes, over there, next to the hole in the ice.
You can't just run away.
- What are you doing?
- I found something.
What is it? Give me your hand. Come over!
Here, hold her tight.
Why? I want to see something too.
Melanie come.
I found her.
- What's the matter with you?
- Why mustn't I see anything?
What's with you?
You saw her before, too.
You are mean.
Melanie, you have to be
quiet now and don't move.
Do you understand?
that's impossible.
Fine with me.
Sure you can go to the police.
But for us there's no police.
In our village nothing goes missing.
We don't need their kind.
Yes whom...
whom do I contact then?
But I have to report that to somebody.
To the mountain rescue team.
How old is she...
she who lies up there?
I'm not exactly sure.
Like your daughter?
Listen to me. Why don't you tell me
where I can find this mountain rescue?
Down in the village in the lift station.
Whether they open for you in
the dead of night, I can't say.
Do you want the room now?
Thank you. But I think
we drive straight home.
Good. I will go down to the village then.
Will you stay here so long?
That's a really nice sweater.
It should fit.
Thank you.
It's really very very beautiful.
Thank you it's ok.
What are you doing here?
I woke up.
This is mine.
This is Melanie.
She and her parents got lost this night.
There's skin in there.
It may take hours until we find the place.
Shall we leave the corpse up there?
But I would have other things to do as well.
So do we!
I don't.
But I do.
Where... where do dead children go?
The... the children we have seen...
where do they live?
Look, your father and I are not sure
whether we have really seen the children.
Perhaps we imagined all that.
But I saw them.
They were singing.
I did too.
Perhaps they live deep in the
mountain or in the old hollow tree.
And what do they eat?
I think it's best to let the children be
children and not talk about it anymore.
Look, over there are cows.
They have to wait until the train has passed.
I know that they are there.
He can't handle it.
Look at these shoes...
and the tights.
These are not tights.
You have had them in the past, because
of the snow in the shoes.
You wouldn't know.
Yes, yes, when trapped by the mountain,
you won't escape for quite some time.
She has been lying in the
ice for a long time.
She comes from further up.
And here they come out.
Cover her completely!
Where is he going now?
Hello! Hello! We are done.
Are you coming with us or should we
pick you up again here in 60 years?
Please stop!
What is it this time?
Can we drive on?
Yes, yes,
go on.
Thank you.
Clutch, and don't accelerate so much.
He will never lern.
Shall I help you?
Kiss my ass.
I'm getting out.
I want to look at something.
I'll follow on foot then.
What's going on now?
Come on, drive!
You really frightened me.
Such nonsense.
You have just come up here.
Yes you have.
I've seen you go inside.
Is anybody there?
The wind.
Sounds scary, huh?
Are you familiar with this area?
Do you know the Rieder parking
area at the ski lift below?
Can you take me there or show me the way?
I have my car parked there.
Right now?
Yes, why not?
Or do you have something else going on here?
We have to go in the other direction.
Now I would have gotten lost again.
How long was that?
No more than ten seconds.
Give me your right foot.
Keep still, otherwise you're
going to scream again.
Do you think that you can
go through somebody?
With the bike I mean.
She was on the bike lane
and then she was gone.
And suddenly I fell on top of her.
Is this another one of your horror stories?
I wanted to ride into her,
because she wasn't there the first time.
You are really overwrought.
Go to your room and lie down.
Sorry, I'm tired too, just like you.
And so you know: I threw the mountain maps away,
because you didn't want to go further up.
And do you know what I also did?
Melanie, I don't want to
hear anymore from you. OK!?
And I have also turned around the signpost.
[Station announcement]
[Station announcement]
So now you can open your eyes again.
That's all?
That's all. That's ten marks.
Pretty cheeky.
But in return, the wave pool entry
is cheaper with the parking ticket.
Well, now it's too late.
Give me the cigarettes there!
Next comes the tunnel and then...
to the left after that, isn't it?
To the right.
You mean "left"?
Sure, left.
You don't need to drive me home.
It isn't a detour.
As you like.
Eva tell me, what did you
really want up there?
What's up at the chapel?
It's quite unusual...
Nothing. Why do you want to know?
It's beautiful up there. I like being there.
And you just climb up there?
Just because you like it up there?
You tourists really climb up everywhere.
We tourists... yes.
Silberhorn tunnel. Is there still silver
being mined here, in this area I mean?
In the past, yes. Further up.
Now there's only tourists
and skiers in the winter.
Do you ski, too?
Nope. Do I look like I do?
Nope. And your daughter?
She doesn't either.
But how do you know that I have a daughter?
Her name is Melanie, right?
How do you know that?
Oh, yeah right.
Melanie, yes.
You can now switch off your light again.
It's open.
Goodbye and thank you!
Goodbye and thank you...
Can I make a call here?
At the bar, please.
In front of me,
a white Porsche,
an 11er convertible.
A blonde at the wheel.
She wouldn't let me overtake.
Because you drive so slowly.
You are an ass. I was driving like a maniac.
Why, it's true, man.
Can I please make a call?
Long distance?
Yes please.
A Mark the unit.
Did you find something up there, did you?
I am going down now.
I take another beer with me then.
Wait! I'll be right there.
Why do you leave only now? I thought...
what? No, I fell asleep.
did you see her once more?
No, you know.
The dead child.
Did you take a closer look?
I mean really close.
Yes, of course.
It's nothing.
It's a girl... it's one who has been
lying in the ice for years or decades.
Do you understand?
There's nothing left.
How's Melanie? Everything okay?
Yeah yeah.
She is lying in bed.
I have been bathing.
You know...
you know I think that we
have imagined everything.
I'm quite sure actually.
There is really no other possibility, right?
I went up to the chapel again.
There was this girl.
I don't know.
I leave now.
Come quickly!
But drive slowly!
I love you.
Rolf called, he wants me
to give you a kiss...
May I pay please?
At the bar, please.
But I don't like moldy fungi.
That's it. Geez.
Not the dumpling.
You don't play with your food.
Don't get upset.
When she's getting hungry, she'll comes back.
They found a child.
A girl.
At the moment she is still frozen.
But as soon as she comes
into contact with the air...
That thaws and goes the way of all life.
She has been up there for quite some time.
What's the saying?
"In the ice there is no time."
And no sin.
And most importantly, no beer.
You think.
What's your opinion?
Look at the cloth.
This is good fabric.
Old felt.
Like her teeth.
She aged well.
Oh no. Now he's touching her.
Close the lid already!
Want to smell that?
Stop it.
Come over!
Go away.
Smell it!
Do not touch me.
Come over!
Get lost. Go away you freak!
There's our mountain climber!
We saw...
we saw three more girls that night.
Yesterday up there.
Wouldn't it be possible, that there are
still some lying in the ice up there?
Three more?
I didn't tell you. You probably
also don't believe me now.
We saw three girls who have been singing.
Yes, of course.
That must have been a party. A glacier party.
I can not help it. I thought I tell you.
Please close the lid now and let
the poor thing rest in peace.
"It is a land lost, a
moon grows in the reeds.
It froze with us, it glows around and sees."
Do you know that?
Please do come!
Wait here, please.
What's the name of the hospital?
The hospital?
St. Boniface.
And the name of the girl you're looking for?
She doesn't know that.
Come on, she should call the hospital.
They should pick up the woman.
She has to stay here.
I... I know it sounds...
[foreign language]
[foreign language]
[foreign language]
The children come again.
The forest will be screaming...
and the hearts will be cold.
They will come again...
and then...
and then...
These are all chronicles.
Mountains of chronicles and
old documents and books.
Somebody would have to look
through and record all of that.
Nobody cares. There's no money for that.
what did I say?
Patience is a virtue.
1857 --
there it is.
She screamed the curse.
She was already in flames then.
Do you want to hear it?
"They will come back... they are going
to be back." She meant the children.
"But not in your time, and nobody
will be happy when they come back.
The forest will be screaming and
nobody will want to hear it.
The hearts will be cold
and the faith less than a grain.
Your riches will come.
They will ruin everything and you
will no longer get rid of them.
That's all I say to you, only
that it will be over then.
And for long, no bird will
fly over the valley."
Yes, dead as a doornail.
And the priest stood by and
wrote everything down.
Let's drink to that.
That same year, they found the silver.
At that time, there was
terrible hardship around here.
But that was long ago.
Nobody today wants to remember that.
We will be remembered in 100 years from
now, because we destroy everything.
It was different in the past.
There was no tourism.
Only hunger and war.
And because Schere was known to be a special woman, she could
heal men and creatures through imposition of hands, they said.
So the people went up to her and asked
what she can do to make it better.
Because praying in the
church just has't helped.
The secret of this liqueur is that you have to
pour it very slowly and drink very quickly.
And then Schere said: "Whoever
wants to get rich must also pay."
But the people had nothing
but their children.
And they sent them to the mountains?
What is that made of?
Four girls.
Do you really want to know?
You might get sick.
and now you saw four girls
up there last night.
And you didn't even know the history.
there were three.
Okay three...
one of which they found.
So three are still up in the ice.
The people then have been looking
for their girls for a long time.
In doing so, they found the
silver and became rich.
The bell in the back
is also from that time by the way.
Pure Silver.
It hang up in the Four Souls
Chapel in previous times.
They donated it because
they have had a bad conscience.
You won't find a cross up there by the way.
The priest then has refused to consecrate it.
Hear that?
This, the people overlooked.
Silver doesn't chime!
It doesn't have a real sound.
I have to go now.
Yeah yeah.
So every valley here has its own legends.
And now you come and...
Are you around here often?
No. Purely by chance.
You've never been here?
My wife doesn't like the
mountains particularly.
What's the fastest way to
the highway from here?
Yes, yes women.
You can not live without
them and with them...
The best way is to the left at the big chair lift,
then straight on through the Silberhorn tunnel...
Rolf? There you are.
Melanie has disappeared.
You have to give me 50 marks. I took a taxi.
Good day.
I am quite sure that she is here.
She must be here.
Rolf please.
Imagine you hadn't been here.
Rolf, she told me things, I only noticed afterwards,
otherwise I could have to done something.
Now wait a second.
How much?
I'm sure that she wants go
on that mountain again.
Do not ask me why.
140 marks.
We have been looking for
your mountain map, remeber?
Rolf please.
Do you know that Melanie threw
away the map on purpose?
Yes she told me!
Don't look at me like that!
Did you call the Schneiders, maybe
she's watching video, or...
Well, did you call them?
Rolf, you don't understand.
Melanie is here!
Up there!
Somewhere up there!
You think it's so easy.
Do you know how much it costs to send
out a search party in the mountains?
The people are volunteers. I have
to call them from their jobs.
How can I justify this operation?
I don't give a damn about that.
My daughter is gone.
I demand that you do something.
It's your job!
Nobody demands anything of me.
And certainly not you
-- Point 1.
Point 2 is: if you can't take
care of your daughter...
Point 3 is that I ask for
your help, and you refuse.
Apparently, you don't want to help us.
Well if your daughter would be a
little older, something could be done.
I'm sorry. I don't know.
Maybe I'm hysterical now.
Maybe we're all a bit crazy.
Everything is absurd.
Listen, I'm sorry -- really.
Come on, let's go.
I said, I'm sorry.
Are you with the mountain rescue?
She is 12 years old. She has red hair.
Her name is Saskia!
Let us go home now very quickly.
I don't even know whether Melanie has a key.
She might be standing in front
of the door and we are not there.
What would you do then?
Call the police.
- Now let's go.
- Do something!
Come on, I want to leave!
Call the police.
What would you do if your child...
I don't know what's wrong with me.
We shouldn't have come here.
What's wrong?
We should go up to the chapel again.
I think Melanie is up there.
Rolf stop it. We're going home now.
How is Melanie supposed to come here?
It's over 100 km, that's almost impossible.
Yes, and why do you take the taxi, I repeat
"the taxi" from the city to come here?
Just because you think that
Melanie is on that damn mountain.
I don't know either.
But I, I should know.
Please go to the guest house where we stayed last night
and ask the people there. Maybe they know something.
And ask the daughter! They've
got a daughter, too.
What do I do there?
This mountain attracts children.
Four children. Four girls.
And Melanie is one of them?
Yes, damn it.
I am not sure myself.
Then tell me what to do!
You shall go to the guest house and
ask the daughter about Melanie!
You know something.
What are you afraid of?
What is that idiot doing there?
Can't you read?
There is no thoroughfare!
Do you think the sign is for nothing?
We put it there for nothing?
Hey! This is a forest road.
This is prohibited!
Melanie, come, come give me your hand.
Be reasonable!
Give me your hand!
You know what?
The two of us now go wherever you want, okay?
But I want to come with you.
You have to take me along, okay?
I can't get through here.
I'm too tall and too wide.
Or shall I try?
Yes, I think I try.
I make myself very small and come to you.
I won't work, Papa.
Should I leave?
We can also pick you up later.
If you want, then... then Mama and
I stop by later and pick you up.
I am getting bored. I'm leaving now.
Do you hear me?
I'm leaving!
What glistens there?
Is that a stone?
Over there in front you.
You can see it better.
Look at how it shines.
This is a... a silver stone.
Come on help me.
I can't reach it.
Come on, help me get the stone!
I can't reach it.
Melanie, just give me the stone.
That's not fair. I saw it first.
It belongs to me.
You can't do that.
No! Let go of me! Let go of me!
You mustn't!
Let go of me! No no! I don't want that!
Go away! Go away! Let go of me!
Now... we are almost done. Come here!
Now sit down.
Need the blanket?
Come, let me give you the blanket.
Now I just need to fix the car.
What do you think Mama
will say when she sees us?
She will be happy.
Very happy in deed.
I am almost done.
Oh God, this will be tedious.
But we'll manage.
Now we just have to lift the car.
Then we are done.
Everything OK with you?
Everything's fine.
You know what I'd like to know from you?
You don't have to tell me now.
I... I would like to know how you got here.
Do you understand?
If I had to guess, I'd say you flew.
Did you fly?
Or maybe you took the train.
Oh God, not only the exhaust is demolished,
the manifold is also completely screwed.
We won't use this car
again to go on vacation.
What do you think?
Melanie stay here!
I'm so glad.
Now I never let go of you again.
I never let go of you.
Is the draft too strong back there?
I can drive slower.
No, it's ok.
Are you looking forward to being at home?
To seeing your friends, your things?
What sort of things?
Your toys.
That you're back home, I mean.
When I come into the world again, I
hope that you will my parents again.
Yeah, I wish that too.
And how will I find you then?
We will find you again.
We know you.
But I will have a different name then.
My name then will be quite different.
So what?
You're the same. Whether you're name
is Melanie, or Sibyl or Katja...
what did you want here?
What's up on that mountain?
Don't you like to tell me?
Now stop that.
Let me, she understands me.
Who are these children with
whom you went up there?
What's up there?
Don't, you are going to cut yourself.
Do we have to go through the tunnel?
It's not long.
Are you afraid?
you don't have to be afraid.
Do not pass through if she doesn't like.
Do you notice the different smell?
That it gets colder?
Like a grave.
I'm sorry.
Mom, over there!
Drive on!
They are not really there.
You have to go through them.
It's posible, I did do that before.
Come on, drive on!
You can not just stop.
Mom, make him drive on. Please!
Nothing happens! They are not really there.
He has to go on. Please!
He has to...
Go! Drive on!
Do what she says!
You can go through them. I've done that.
Papa, do it. Drive on!
Melanie, stay here!
It is a race against time.
Military forces, Technical Relief and volunteers from
neighboring communities are working continuously.
Even 36 hours after the landslide, more
than 300 people are still missing.
But with each additional hour, the probability
decreases to rescue survivors from the rubble.
And again and again images of horror.
Here at the Silberhorn tunnel helpers
are only making progress slowly.
The access roads to the disaster
area are difficult to access,
often buried, most often
they don't exist anymore.
Still, the full extent of the
disaster cannot be estimated.
Preliminary toll of terror: 482 dead, more
than 100 serious injuries and no end in sight.
The bodies laid out in gyms and
tents of the military forces.
In between people searching
anxious for missing relatives.
The helpers have also lost the race of life
and death with a young married couple.
Buried in the tunnel, trapped in the wreckage
of their car, all help was too late.
The helpers could only recover them
dead from the collapsed tunnel.
But what about their daughter?
The six-year-old Melanie who, according to eyewitness accounts,
was on the ride home with her parents, remains missing.