Flukt (Escape) (2012)

Norway 1363.
It's been ten years ago since...
...the Black Death killed almost
a half of the population.
The country is deserted
and lawlessness prevails.
Some defy danger and go away
to find a better life.
Do you want to try?
Do you have a view on the...
Aim along the arrow.
- Nice. You are just a bit...
- Impatient.
Food is ready!
Look at this
- What's going on?
- Some stones...
Stay here!
No, do not look!
I'll take care of you.
- Wasn't just two of them?
- Kids!
Run! Run, Tormod!
- Boy!
- I got him.
You got her father.
She's mine.
Take her.
Something to warm up with.
- Have you been good?
- Yes.
I have to ask.
Are you excited about what I brought you?
Let's see.
Why is she here?
Look at that! Nice?
Now, you were lucky.
You can have...
The horse is yours.
What is your name?
Do not be afraid of them.
They don't dare to touch you...
...as long as I forbid them.
I'm so thirsty.
You're not like them.
Frigg? What are you doing?
Every time she tries something,
you cut off a finger.
Enough of beating her.
You, come here.
She deserved it, right?
Go to bed.
I can not have children anymore, and
Frigg wants to have a sister.
A little sister.
There is one thing you must understand.
Frigg means everything to us.
Shit Kid and the Witch
can burn in hell!
Do not feel sorry for her.
Frigg, look at me.
She wants us evil.
There are people, people like her,
who chased us out of the forest.
- Do not talk to her.
- I'm not a child anymore, Dagmar.
You know that you can tell mom, right?
Quiet, or I cut your throat.
Not a sound!
I was the one who found her.
- Dagmar said no.
- We do everything for her.
She is our reward.
You must remember one thing...
Do you hear what I said?
Do you hear what I said?
- Dagmar?
- Wait a minute.
It is enough.
That's enough, I said!
You're getting old, Arvid.
I have said that it is enough.
Are you deaf?
What did I say about this?
I missed your little brother's heart.
He has probably spent hours
to bleed to death.
Maybe he is still screaming for help!
I just can not wait until tomorrow.
I'll send the boys on you,
one by one.
That's what I would say.
You know what you have to do
when the sun rises in the morning?
- Say it.
- I'll cut off her finger.
Yes. Good.
- Stop!
- Come!
She runs away!
Frigg? Frigg!
Come on!
They are not here!
- Frigg!
- Frigg!
- We ran past them.
- Search through the forest.
Find them.
At the ravine!
Help me!
- I got her.
- Wait!
Frigg, stay there! I'll get you.
We cross further down.
They're going to catch us.
We must get away from the trail.
- We spread ourselves. Then we meet here.
- What do we do with them?
Bring Frigg here.
And the other girl?
Do whatever you want to.
We find a different one.
You still have not said thanks for that
l helped you to set free.
I do not know how to survive here.
If you want to live, you better turn around.
They can take much better care of you.
I can take care of myself.
The girl has probably threatened Frigg
to follow.
We'll just find her
and take her home.
Where is Loki?
Take my hand.
That's it.
Calm down.
You'll me mine anyway.
It will be fine.
Hello! Get out!
Otherwise ... I cut your throat.
Let's see.
I should have killed her in the ravine.
They can be anywhere.
Want to see Frigg again?
I just want Frigg to be all right.
You have personally been on the run.
What would you do?
I would have followed the valley.
Along the river.
And try to find people.
What if there's someone there.
Only dead people.
Where are your parents?
The real one
Dagmar told me...
... I was alone when they found me.
The Black Death had taken the mother and father.
Only I survived on the farm.
Do you remember anything?
You said you'd take care of me.
What are you doing here?
We wanted to warm up.
We leave now.
You can never be too careful
up here.
I saw the smoke from the house ...
I thought it was robbers.
Are you hungry?
We went down into the valley.
Then we found the farm ...
And decided to rest here until tomorrow.
I'm sorry to hear about your family.
How many men were there?
Five men.
But woman was their leader.
- Do you know who she is?
- Everyone around here knows her.
When Black Death came to the valley...
...people thought it was Dagmar's making.
They thought Dagmar had tossed
a curse on the village.
She and her daughter were
subjected to the water test.
- She had a child?
- Yes.
Five years old.
You could say that
they took it away from her.
After the girl had drowned
it was her turn.
But when they would pull up, the body was gone.
They were looking at the bottom of the river,
but found nothing.
What do you do?
- Takes care of the weapon.
- What's it for?
- It interest you?
- Yes.
First, you get the bear
to run after you...
Then you lie down and wait.
Let him come very close...
And bring up the spear,
aiming at its chest, and...
There is a village two days from here.
- I have to bury my brother.
- It is not safe now.
I'll find someone in the village
that follow you there
Do you know someone
who can take care of Frigg?
Me? No.
I can barely take care of myself.
You got her away from them.
Maybe you can do more than you think?
Frigg, where are you?
What is it?
Did you think we had left you?
Who is he?
Does not matter.
We kill him and the girl.
Frigg gets her punishment in the camp..
- Are you ready?
- Yes.
Yes, I'm ready.
Stop! Back!
Drop the knife!
Get all back in the yard.
Get them out!
All back in the yard.
- Now!
- Come out!
- Get ready to run.
- Let him go!
- Let Frigg go, and we 'll leave.
- Put down your weapons.
Come out, or I will kill you!
I know the injustice that was done
towards you and the child...
But these girls are innocent.
Just as you and your was.
Dagmar ...
We let go Frigg.
We let go Frigg.
Out the back door! Hurry up.
- We're not leaving without you.
- Do it now!
Around the house!
Come, Frigg.
- I jump!
- No ...
I know I've done so many ...
...terrible things.
But I promise to change.
Everything should be fine now.
We start all over again,
just me and you.
- Will you let Signe to go?
- Course.
Never forget who you are, Frigg.
What carve you?
Along the arrow.
- You have been in the river before.
- You too.
What did you say?
My girl...
I could not take care of him.
A rune?
What does it mean?