Fong juk (Exiled) (2006)

Does Wo live here?
You got the wrong house.
There's no such person.
My name is Tai. I'll just wait for him.
Does Wo live here?
There's no such person.
How can we settle this?
Wo should've never come back.
Now he has to die.
We grew up together.
We joined the gang together.
Spare his life.
It's not like I have a choice.
I wish I were you.
It's your move.
Oh crap!
Boss Fay ordered the hit.
Boss Fay, this is Sergeant Shan.
I bumped into your men.
What they do is not my business.
I was just passing by.
Their guns are pointed at me.
Don't cause me trouble.
My job is over in 3 days.
Yes, Boss Fay.
Thank you, Boss Fay.
Baby is hungry.
Let's sit down and talk.
There's no furniture.
Pardon me...
Coming through...
You're too fat!
Don't block the staircase!
You're so clumsy!
Sorry... sorry...
One more.
Are you all right?
How old is your son?
He's one month old today.
Only one month old? He's a big baby.
I have to kill you.
What's your last wish?
Nobody will touch Wo.
My family needs money to live.
You were gone for so long.
Why come back?
I like it this way.
We spent years on the road.
I wanted a home.
You could've found another place
to settle down.
I have to carry out Boss Fay's order.
Explain to Boss Fay.
How? Wo almost took his life.
Wo and I plotted the assassination.
He took the wrap for me.
I have to protect him.
How much time do you need?
I'll tell you tomorrow.
Be a good boy.
Listen to your mom.
Please spare our lives.
Fat, you'll take the first shift;
I'll take the second.
Cat, keep an eye on Fat.
Have you killed Wo?
Have you?
Not yet.
Should I find someone else to do it?
No. I'll take care of it.
This is the last time
I'll be calling you.
I'm sorry.
Welcome to Macau, Boss Fay.
Uncle Fortune, has Boss Keung
accepted our terms?
That punk won't cooperate with us.
Take care of him. Then we'll talk.
$350 a day. Extra bed costs $50.
How many rooms?
I'm looking for Jeff.
I've got jobs lined up for you.
We are in a mess.
Times are changing.
We're ushering in a new regime.
Lots of old scores waiting
to be settled.
How much do you want to earn?
Can we speed this up?
He's Cripple Joe.
$100,000 price on his head.
He's hiding on a boat in the
international waters.
He's Sonny. $150,000 price on his head.
You have to go into prison to kill him.
He's Blackie. $200,000 price
on his head.
He's enjoying a tan in Thailand.
Plane ticket is not included.
Want to smuggle cocaine?
What more do you have?
We want a quick job in Macau.
As long as it pays generously.
I got something big.
Are you interested?
What is it?
Real gold.
This tip is only for good friends.
Maybe you'll like the sound of it.
Maybe you won't.
But keep it a secret.
A ton of gold will be
transferred tomorrow.
The truck will pass by Buddha Mountain.
You hijack the gold.
I'll find you a buyer.
Who does the gold belong to?
Powerful government officials.
It's their corruption money.
Think it over.
I will take the job.
I'll take it.
But we can't wait until tomorrow.
Who knows if the gold is for real?
What other choices do we have?
How about Blackie?
Cripple Joe?
Boss Keung. This won't be easy.
It'll cost you.
I'll pay any price.
He's Boss Keung.
$500,000 price on his head.
Lately he's become Macau's
most powerful gangster.
Your odds of escaping alive are slim.
This is it.
Tonight 8 p.m. Yat Chung Restaurant.
When someone says, "I'll check the shark fins",
take the shot.
Be careful.
She's all yours.
Thank you!
Thank you.
You owe me nothing. Make sure my wife
gets the money.
I do whatever pleases me.
After I finish the job, we'll settle the score.
I'll wait for you.
Boss Keung, welcome.
You're punctual.
I prepared fish and shark fins for you.
The same old stuff. Macau cuisine bores me.
How about a glass of Mateus?
Anything less than Chateau Lafite '82 is garbage!
Cut the crap, Uncle Fortune.
I won't cooperate with an outsider.
We'll all be the same people
under the new regime.
We're Chinese.
We're from Macau.
But Boss Fay is from Hong Kong.
I'll check the shark fins.
Boss Fay.
Here I am. Are you happy now?
These are hard times for you.
Anyone who's rich and powerful
is leaving this island.
Macau has no room for outsiders like you.
Boss Fay, did you arrange this meeting?
Why didn't you inform me? We're partners.
Old farts like you are useless.
It's time to retire. I'm taking over.
If you agree, we'll split the profits 40/60.
Eat shit.
I may be crazy...
I'm not stupid.
No need to hide your gun.
Everyone carries a piece these days.
He has one.
So does he.
And so does he.
He's paid to kill you.
Uncle Fortune ordered it.
Stop hiding behind the shades.
Want to stay invisible?
Why didn't you kill Wo?
Who's been feeding you? Who's your boss?
Bulletproof vest?
My balls!
Finish your job!
I'll kill Boss Fay!
Wo! Let's go!
Let's go!
I'm responsible for setting up Uncle Fortune.
That old fart is better off dead.
But you got potential. Now I'm here in Macau...
Either we'll prosper together,
or I'll get rid of you.
What? Push!
I was just passing by.
None of my business.
My job will expire in 27 hours.
Where to?
How should I know?
Where to?
The hospital!
You lost your mind?
We can't go to the hospital.
I know an underground clinic.
He's losing blood.
You should've been dead!
You should've been dead!
You can't kill Wo!
He saved your life!
You should've been dead!
Pay up!
You're supposed to stay for the night.
Here's half of the money.
Home... Go home...
How about 30?
It's a deal.
How much do you have on you?
Only 1 thousand.
I got 4 thousand.
That's 5 thousand.
I got 7 thousand.
Add my 5 thousand. Total is 17 thousand.
We'll have to go into hiding.
Should we bring Wo along?
His family too.
Where will we go?
Let's worry about that later.
Where's doc?
He's treating a patient.
Bring me bandages.
Treat me first.
Looks serious. My fee is 50 thousand.
Are you joking?
I don't see Wo.
I don't care what you do. Just find them!
Thank you.
Where to?
Where to?
Go home.
Go home!
He's dead.
Pack your things. We should go.
Which way?
Which way?
You decide.
I have no idea.
Let's toss.
Get in.
It's leaking gas.
It's leaking gas!
Do you recognize the four of them?
Buddha Mountain.
How much gold is there?
A ton.
How to divide it?
How much is a ton?
A hundred kilos.
Must be more than that.
A million kilos?
Can't be that much! Stupid!
Let's see if it's for real.
Do we steal it?
Head says we do it.
How much is a ton of dreams?
How much is a ton of love?
You can't measure love by weight.
How much is a ton of pain?
Does it sound heavy to you?
If it's heavy,
then it's got to feel painful, right?
How much is a ton of Porky Pig?
My shoes!
How much is a ton of leg hair?
Or a ton of dirt?
Fat, how much is a ton of boobs?
Depends how you weigh it.
How about using your mouth?
I'll use my hands. One for each side!
How about the hooker at Jeff's hotel?
My men are dead. The gold is in your hands.
Don't make a move.
My employer will think I stole the gold.
I'm a dead man.
How much is a ton of gold? How many pounds?
That's more than enough for all of us.
Let's split them and leave Macau.
Where can we find a boat?
Cotai island.
How to get there?
Take the main road first.
Give me a smoke.
Here's 4 days of rent.
$350 per day. Extra bed is $50.
Do you recognize the four of them?
You do?
Got money on you?
She's looking for your friends.
Are you related to Wo?
I'm his wife.
What's the value of a ton of gold?
A ton equals to 2200 pounds.
What's the unit price of gold?
US$300 per ounce.
If we multiply that by 2200 we'll know the total.
What's the total?
Do the math!
Over 100 million dollars.
That's sweet.
What can each of us do with 20 million dollars?
Do nothing!
We'll enjoy the sun,
good food and wine every day.
Sweet! I want to go to school.
You don't look Chinese anyway.
It's about time you learn English.
But I know Italian.
I know!
I want to open a gun shop.
Don't you get tired of holding guns?
He enjoys holding gun in one hand,
his "joystick" in the other.
You have to stop checking me out!
I'm just looking out for you!
I want to get married. Maybe with two wives.
I'll get myself a few kids to build a family.
Save it! You're better off opening a brothel.
There will be plenty of girls to keep you busy.
Do you promise no more hookers?
I promise.
Do you promise?
Maybe occasionally.
Liar! He's getting excited down there!
It's Boss Fay. Where are you?
Go screw yourself!
Better be more careful next time.
You shouldn't have left Wo's wife
and baby behind.
Leave them out of it!
That'll depend on you.
Come to Jeff's hotel before midnight.
Or else I'll kill them.
Thanks, Boss Fay.
Go to hell!
Screw it!
You leave first.
What about the gold?
I'm sure we'll meet again someday.
The boat will be here until daybreak.
Come out now!
Wherever you are!
Where's the ambush?
There's probably over 100 men waiting for us!
What are you waiting for?
Take a picture first!
I'll join!
Me too!
They're here.
We'll leave them alone.
He's wearing a bulletproof vest.
Aim for his head!
Let us go and the gold is yours.
How much you got?
There's six of you.
One ton!
The rest is in the car.
It's all yours.
One ton!
You can go. So can you.
You can go too.
The baby and you can go.
You stay.
You must leave now.
Come and get the gold.
Take the car and go to Cotai Island's dock.
A cop will be waiting for you.
It's midnight. Time to turn in
my badge and gun.
It was a peaceful transition. Drive!