Forgotten (2017)

-You don't remember?
-I have no recollection of it whatsoever.
You don't remember at all.
Kill him.
My gosh.
You're covered in sweat.
Are you okay, Jin-seok?
-Yes, Jin-seok.
Jin-seok, it looks like
you had a nightmare.
I told you to go to bed early last night.
I said you need to be fully rested
for the early morning move.
He went on about how excited he is
about moving to the new house
and couldn't fall asleep all night.
We're almost there.
Dad, what shall we have for lunch today?
It's our moving day,
so we must eat jajangmyeon.
Right. Jajangmyeon, it is.
I'm seeing our new home
for the first time.
I've never seen it before,
but for some reason,
it doesn't feel unfamiliar,
as if I've seen this house
sometime in the past,
standing right here like this.
That's how I feel.
What do you think? Do you like it?
I'm asking what you think of it.
Is it just like how you imagined?
My brother was always
at the top of his class
since elementary school.
He's a smart guy who graduated
from the top elite university.
He has shown talent in every area
since he was young.
His competitive nature
and good reflexes made him excel
at every sport.
And he even has deft hands.
We rarely have to call a handyman
because he can fix most things.
-He neither drinks nor smokes.
-It's fixed!
He has great manners
and never says any vulgar words.
He's logical, yet fun and eloquent
at the same time.
Everyone admired and envied him.
I'm a fan of him too, of course.
No, I deeply admire him.
All the stress from studying gives me
a nervous breakdown from time to time,
and he's the only thing in my life
that I can brag about
and be proud of.
Yes. Give it to me, Mom.
A year ago,
he injured his left leg in a car accident,
but to me and my family,
he's still a perfect hero.
-Watch the doorsill.
-Where should we put this?
Oh, this.
At the center of the living room.
-This way, please.
You see the pillar over there?
-Please put it by the pillar.
All right. One, two.
-Please be careful with it.
Where would you like this?
Oh, there are books in that box, right?
You can give it to me.
-Hey, drink some water first.
-Bring some water.
I thought you were getting your own room.
Oh, I guess you haven't heard about it.
The previous owner left his stuff
in the small room upstairs.
Does that mean
we'll never be able to use that room?
No, I don't think so.
I heard that he practically begged Dad.
Dad obviously couldn't say no
because he's tenderhearted.
I'm sure he'll empty it out soon.
It looks like you hate the idea
of sharing a room with me.
Yes, I do.
I knew it. I could totally tell.
I was kidding. I was just curious.
-Yes, Mom.
-Can you come down and help me?
Oh man.
I told you not to hit my head.
It kills brain cells!
It doesn't!
-Excuse me.
Where should I put this?
-Oh, that... Just by the bed, please.
-Are you okay?
Oh man.
-Thank you.
-No worries. It's our house anyway.
By the way, is the guy who just went
downstairs your older brother?
Yes. Why do you ask?
He's your older brother?
I know. We don't look alike, do we?
How old is he?
-Why do you ask?
-Excuse me.
Someone is looking for you in the kitchen.
Oh, okay.
Oh god.
Oh, boy. I'm exhausted.
There you go. Jin-seok.
What do you think of the house?
Do you like it?
I already told you that I do, Mom.
Really? Do you really like it?
-Goodness. He loves it,
except for having to share a room with me.
-Gosh, seriously.
-It won't be for long.
The previous owner said
that he'll get his stuff in a month.
Gosh. Don't worry, Dad.
Yu-seok was just kidding.
Earlier, you said yes
without even a second's hesitation.
What? When?
It will be good.
When you're stuck while studying,
you can ask Yu-seok right away.
Oh, Dad. What kind of things
did the previous owner leave in the room?
I'm not sure. They're probably just things
that he used before.
Like what? Do you have any idea?
Well, I'm saying this just in case.
You guys absolutely cannot go
into that room.
He kept telling me
not to go into the room.
Jin-seok. You're taking
your medication every day, right?
Yes, of course. I never forget to take it.
What was that sound?
What sound?
I just heard something from upstairs.
It sounded like something heavy falling.
Wasn't it thunder?
No, it wasn't.
Isn't that where the small room is?
Yes, that room is right above here.
Wasn't it thunder though?
If it was....
-See? It must have been thunder.
I guess.
It's supposed to rain a lot
until tomorrow morning.
Thank goodness the rain didn't start
until after our move.
That is true.
-Gosh, that would've been so stressful.
Don't worry too much.
About what?
You'll definitely pass the exam this year.
Don't you think
that this house gives off good vibes?
Oh god.
I should go to sleep now.
You guys absolutely cannot go
into that room.
-What are you doing here?
Hey, I keep hearing strange sounds
coming from this room.
-Strange sounds?
-Yes, that's right.
-You hear it too, right?
-I don't hear anything.
You don't hear it?
I definitely heard it.
I really heard it a few minutes ago.
You just don't want to study, right?
No, that's not why.
I totally heard weird sounds
a few minutes ago.
All right, I heard you.
You need to get some fresh air
when that happens.
What? It's pouring outside.
Where are we going?
We can take an umbrella.
The lady next door told me that
from the top of the hill over there...
Look at the rain pouring down.
For what?
-I just wanted to say it.
Don't be silly.
Yes, Dad.
Yes, we just came out for a walk.
That thing?
Okay, I'll head back home now
to find it for you.
All right.
-Was it Dad?
He asked me for a document a while ago.
He wants to take a look at it now.
I'll be right back.
Wait here for a few minutes.
-It's okay. I'll go with you.
-No, it won't even take ten minutes.
-Wait just a few minutes, okay?
-All right, then.
Who are you guys?
Get him!
-Take him.
-Oh my god.
It's "07JO8911."
It's "07JO8911."
What happened to you?
They took him. Yu-seok...
Yu-seok has been abducted.
-Hey, Jin-seok.
-Jin-seok, wake up. Jin-seok.
Kill him.
Jin-seok, are you all right?
Yes, it's me. Are you okay?
Yu-seok... What happened to Yu-seok?
He's not back yet.
We haven't heard anything from him.
Oh, no.
-Did you call the police?
Detectives will be here soon. They want
to hear about what happened from you.
Do you remember any of those men's faces?
It was raining. It was also dark,
and I was too flustered
to see their faces clearly.
But like I told you,
I did see the license plate number.
It was "07JO8911," a black van.
This is so frustrating.
That license plate number doesn't exist.
That can't be. I'm sure of it.
It was "07JO8911."
No black van in the country...
I mean, there is no vehicle
with such a license plate number.
That's impossible, Detective.
I clearly saw "07JO8911."
No, that number doesn't exist.
We even tried looking up similar numbers,
but we didn't find any black van.
If you saw it in pouring rain
when it was dark,
it's possible that you read it wrong.
We heard that you're currently
on anti-anxiety medication.
I told you that I'm sure of it.
I said, "07JO8911." It was a black van!
That's enough for today.
My son isn't physically well.
I think it was too much
for him to take in.
Okay. We'll wrap up for today, then.
the torturous waiting game began.
One day.
Two days.
Then a week.
Ten days went by.
While two weeks passed by,
the police gradually became numb
from the boredom.
The number they became,
the more anxious my parents and I grew.
Kill him.
And every night,
I saw that man in my dream.
He looked familiar for some reason,
but I had no idea who he was.
All I knew was the fact that he seemed
extremely agonized in my dreams.
In the morning
of exactly the 19th day
after Yu-seok was abducted,
he came back.
he had no recollection
of what had happened
in the past 19 days.
Is there anything specific you remember...
The doctor said that it's caused
by dissociative amnesia.
had completely wiped out
the painful memories
from that day.
The doctor also said
-that the only thing we can do is wait.
-Was there a physical shock on the head?
Yu-seok, are you asleep?
We were really worried about you.
I'm sorry.
Don't be. I'm more sorry.
Sweet dreams.
Thanks. You too.
I made kimchi stew, so just heat it up.
Don't order jajangmyeon! From Mom
Jin-seok, what are you doing there?
Hey, Yu-seok.
Nothing. Did you have a good sleep?
I'm hungry. Let's eat something.
It's so good.
Jajangmyeon is the best.
What Korean doesn't love jajangmyeon?
Oh, hey. Where did you go last night?
Last night? Who?
You. You stepped out last night.
No, I didn't.
You did. I heard you leaving
and even heard the gate.
You had a dream, didn't you?
It looked like
you were dreaming last night.
Was it a dream?
I should go. I'd better get going now.
-You're done?
I have to go now,
so clean this up for me, okay?
Gosh, seriously. All right.
-See you later.
-Have a good day.
What happened to your leg?
What do you mean?
What's up with the limp in your right leg?
-Was that how I walked?
-Yes, just now.
Hey, I really have to get going.
Stop joking around, okay?
Which option is most suitable for B?
-Hey, have a seat.
-Hi, Dad.
Jin-seok, don't eat meat only.
You need to eat vegetables, too.
I must eat braised short ribs first.
-This first.
-You have to eat everything.
I'm home.
-Come join us.
-Hey, you.
-You haven't eaten yet, right?
-No, I haven't. I'm starving.
-Is it braised short ribs?
-Yes. It's delicious.
Did you have a good sleep?
I wasn't sleeping.
-You totally were.
-No, I wasn't.
I should go to bed now.
Just lie down and sleep if you're sleepy.
Why are you sleeping at your desk?
Just go to bed.
I wasn't sleeping.
I was thinking about something.
Good night.
-Sir, please follow that taxi.
-That one. Hurry up. We can't lose it.
Boss is here. Come out, guys.
Hello, Boss.
You, go inside.
You fucking morons.
You guys won't
take care of things properly?
We're sorry, Boss.
-How many places?
Fuck. I'm already losing my mind
because things got complicated enough.
It's possible that you read it wrong.
We didn't find any black van.
Got it, Boss.
Is handling government jerks
that hard for you guys?
One more thing.
What the fuck?
Why did you have to come here
and complicate things even more?
Well, it's...
I didn't mean to.
Jeez, are you a dimwit or what?
Our boss has been putting so much
work into you. Must you do this?
Well... It looks like
there is some misunderstanding here.
-That rat...
-Get him!
Get him!
Damn it.
-Where did he go?
-Fuck. We're screwed.
I saw him going this way.
That prick doesn't even know this area.
He won't be able to go far.
Check if he went that way.
I'll go this way.
Hey, did you stay up all night?
What's wrong?
-Why are you so startled?
Did something happen?
Nothing... Nothing happened.
Hey, Jin-seok.
What's going on?
Are you okay, Jin-seok?
Hey, can you...
Jin-seok, open this for a second.
Please? Hey, open the door.
Get lost!
All right. I'll leave you alone.
But just tell me why you're being
like this all of a sudden.
Last night...
I followed you out.
You followed me? To where? Where did I go?
You know that I fell asleep
as soon as I got home.
I saw everything.
Tell me. Who are those guys?
They aren't detectives, right?
Who? What are you talking about?
Which detectives?
Those men who chased me last night!
Jin-seok. By any chance, are you...
-If you're having weird dreams again...
-Shut up!
It wasn't a dream.
I remember everything so vividly.
You thought I was asleep, didn't you?
I was asleep until I heard the sound
from the mechanical pencil.
What mechanical pencil?
You kept clicking it and made the lead
fall right in front of my eyes!
Where is my brother?
What have you done to Yu-seok?
Answer me!
-Let go!
-Put that down.
Let go!
-Just a second.
-Let go of me.
-Wait. Calm down, please.
-Let go.
-Let go of me, you prick!
-Let go, you son of a...
-Jin-seok, calm down.
Calm down, please.
-Let go of me!
-Please calm down.
-Let go!
Jin-seok. Please calm down, okay?
-Don't you dare try to pull a trick on me!
-Jin-seok, calm down!
I'm telling you the truth.
I really didn't go anywhere last night.
Then what were the things I saw?
Who were those guys,
and what did they do to me?
Please calm down. Hear me out, okay?
Jin-seok. None of that happened, okay?
From the pencil to the taxi you took,
and those men that chased you.
None of that actually happened.
Then what about the things
that I remember?
I remember everything so clearly.
How will you explain that?
Jin-seok, your medication.
Did you take your medication yesterday?
Answer me.
Jin-seok, what are you doing there?
You didn't take it, did you?
I'm sorry.
Mom will be home soon.
Try to get some rest.
I'm on my way now, so just wait.
The taxi you took
and those men that chased you.
None of that actually happened.
I've never told him about taking a taxi.
Jin-seok, I'm back.
What's up?
About Yu-seok...
Did that...
Did that really happen?
Yes. It actually happened. I'm sure of it.
I should talk to Dad about it.
No, Mom. Don't tell Dad yet.
-We should tell him...
-No. Listen to me, Mom.
If he steps out again tonight,
we should wake Dad up
and follow him together.
You're saying
Yu-seok really did that, right?
That guy isn't Yu-seok.
Why didn't you pick up earlier?
Get back soon. We have a big problem.
I think that punk has figured it out.
That's right.
He clearly told me
that you aren't his brother.
He also told me everything he saw
when he followed you last night.
He said that your legs were fine
and that the detectives were fake.
Then he said he woke up at home
after being chased for a while.
He clearly told me so.
Yes, I'm telling you.
He definitely told me...
Yes, I know.
That's true.
So, what I'm saying is...
Is someone there?
Is that you, Jin-seok?
Is anyone there?
No, I definitely heard something.
You think he might have come downstairs?
He's sound asleep upstairs right now.
I saw it with my own two eyes
a little while ago.
All right. I'll check his room.
Mr. Park, what's taking you so long?
Do you even know what's happening now?
Get back here immediately.
Mr. Choi is on his way back too.
Are you just waking up now?
You're covered in sweat.
Totally covered.
You need to hurry. Get back immediately.
My cover has been blown, too.
Jin-seok, are you going somewhere?
Where are you going?
I'm stepping out to see a friend.
I see.
-Which friend?
Which friend are you meeting?
You probably don't know him.
I'll be back shortly.
You absolutely can't leave.
Let's go inside.
Let's talk inside.
I said we should go inside.
Get him!
Don't let that bastard get away!
-What's happening?
-Please help me.
-Help me, please!
-What's the matter with this man?
-Stop bullshitting.
-You said it yourself earlier.
Guys, take turns. I'll ask some questions.
First, your name.
I'm Je-hyeong Yeon.
Mr. Je-hyeong Yeon.
All right. I'll try to summarize
what you told us.
In short,
some people have been confining you
for over a month,
and you just escaped.
Yes, that's right.
You were confined
in the two-story house over there,
and those people have been fooling you,
pretending to be your family.
Yes, that's correct.
In other words, you thought
that they were your family,
your birth family.
Yes. I did, but...
-Why did you believe them?
Just pretending to be your family
shouldn't be enough to actually fool you.
I really can't understand it, either.
Why did I believe their lies? I can't...
All right.
-Did you find him in the system?
-Yes, sir.
We already confirmed his identity.
Then you should've brought it to me
right away. What were you waiting for?
-I'm sorry, sir.
-Give it to me.
Is there anything notable?
Your social security number is
-Yes, that's me.
No missing person report
and no criminal record.
There isn't really anything here.
If you were born in 1977,
that means you're 41 now.
I'm 21.
Goodness. Look.
How can you be 21 this year
when you were born in 1977?
It's 1997, so I am 21 years old.
Take a good look at the calendar
over there and repeat after me.
This year is 2017.
Oh god.
You obviously have a problem,
a serious problem.
Oh, hey. Turn on the TV.
The news must be on now.
Yes, sir.
The President's visit to the United States
was formally to discuss
the two countries' relationship
as well as other issues at hand,
but it's said that
he received royal treatment.
President Trump opened the banquet hall,
which is unprecedented,
and he also showed President Moon
around some of the private areas
at the White House.
Reporter Yeong-tae Jeong,
who is there now, will tell us more.
The United States Armed Forces Honor Guard
lined up at the south entrance
of the White House.
Such treatment is only given
to state guests.
Although they hadn't discussed
what they would be wearing,
both presidents were clad
in navy suits and...
Come out!
Let's talk.
What... What happened here?
Our plan failed once again.
Who are you guys?
That's all you want to know?
I bet there are a ton of other things
you're dying to know.
Tell me. What have you guys done to me?
It was 20 years ago.
On December 20, 1997,
a family was killed in their home
located in the outskirts of Seoul.
In this very room.
You guys are working so hard.
-What happened?
It was a case where a mom and her daughter
were brutally murdered
with a sharp weapon in the same room.
Nothing Was Stolen
The Police Don't Seem
Determined to Solve the Case
The Case Remains a Mystery
The case generated
nationwide rage and interest,
and even a special investigation team
was created to tackle it.
Where Is the Killer?
However, the police failed
in their attempt to catch the killer.
Year after year passed.
As time went by like that,
people gradually started to forget
about the case.
They completely forgot about it
after the statute of limitations expired,
but the victims' family could not
put it behind them.
They hired people
to investigate the case again.
SEONGSHIN-DONG MURDER REPOR Month after month passed by.
The seasons changed too.
On one spring day
after four years have passed,
they finally tracked down the killer.
Why did you do that?
You didn't even know them.
I have no recollection of it whatsoever.
You don't remember at all?
That's right.
Kill him.
So? Are you saying that I'm the killer?
You are.
That's impossible.
I don't know about other things,
but I know that I never killed anyone.
You, fucking prick, kept denying it
after we caught you.
We knew for a fact
that you were the killer,
but we thought that you seemed sincere
as we kept on observing you.
People get gut feelings, you know.
It didn't look like you were lying.
The victims' family got extremely confused
when they found out about it.
The situation was unfolding
in an absurd manner.
They finally found the man
who ruined their family and their lives.
They were ready to get their revenge,
but he didn't remember a thing.
He didn't know why he did it,
whether he did it alone or not,
or if someone had ordered him
to kill the victims.
He had no memory of what happened,
so they couldn't go ahead and kill him.
Hence, we recruited another expert.
He used to work as a forensic hypnosis
investigation expert in the police.
I'm Seong-dae Park.
Let's say that this line represents
Jin-seok Song's life so far.
Let's divide it into his childhood,
teenage years,
his 20s, 30s, and 40s.
Why can't you open it?
I can't open it.
Around this time, he experienced
the most distressing event in his life,
and he erased all memories
associated with it from his mind.
You still need to try.
In order to bring back
the erased memories,
we tried all sorts of things
including hypnotherapy,
but the psychological resistance
is way too strong.
That's why the method is not working.
Our hunch was right.
You actually had no memory
of what happened.
Dissociative amnesia.
The memories were so traumatic
that you blocked them out yourself,
you fucking bastard.
One thing we can try
is turning the clock back to right before
he got involved in the incident.
In other words, before he experienced
the traumatic event.
You mean, going back to the time
when that prick was happy?
Exactly. Before May 6, 1997.
And this is a sleep inducer
called Barbital.
We should put him on this first.
Mr. Choi, I'm more than honored
that you wanted to meet
with this old madam.
You told me before
that you used to pursue acting.
You'll be able to understand it easily
if you think of it as of a role play.
We'll hypnotize him
and tell him
that he's traveling in a train.
He'll encounter tunnels
during the train ride.
We'll tell him
that he'll go back a year in time
into his past when he was happy
each time he passes through a tunnel.
So, how will we do this?
All right.
You're entering the first tunnel now.
And you just got out of the tunnel.
What year are you in now?
What year is it now?
I'll ask once again.
What year are you in now?
year 1997.
How old are you now?
I'm 21.
Where are you now?
In the car.
Inside a car?
Whom are you with,
and where are you going?
I'm with my mom,
and brother.
We're moving to our new home.
What are you doing in the car
at the moment?
I'm sleeping
with my head on my mom's shoulder.
Stay sound asleep like that for now.
You'll wake up
when I tell you that it's time to wake up.
And even after you wake up,
you'll still be a 21-year-old
living in 1997.
The people inside the car with you
are your dad,
your mom,
and your brother, okay?
All right.
You'll wake up
on the count of three.
My gosh.
You're covered in sweat.
Are you okay, Jin-seok?
Yes, Jin-seok.
I bet he thought the new home
feels familiar for some reason.
I mean, the killer was standing
in front of the house
where he committed murder 20 years ago.
It was only natural
that the house felt familiar to you.
-Are you okay?
Is the guy who just went downstairs
your older brother?
-We don't look alike, do we?
-How old is he?
-Why do you ask?
-Excuse me.
What was that sound?
Wasn't it thunder though?
Gosh, that would've been so stressful.
Fuck, we're screwed.
All right, I heard you.
You need to get some fresh air
when that happens. Let's go.
-What? It's pouring...
-There could've been a few small issues,
but everything was going
according to our plan, more or less.
We plan to revive the killer's memories
from that rainy night.
We reconstructed the murder scene
to the last detail as well.
Even the music that was playing
at the time of the murder 20 years ago
was ready to be played again.
Yes, Dad.
Was it Dad?
Wait just a few minutes, okay?
The only thing we had left to do
was making the killer
enter the exact same situation
as that night,
but something totally unexpected happened.
We're the police.
You're under arrest for assault and fraud.
Those fucking cops happened to
track me down right at that moment.
Me getting arrested
-They took him.
-almost ruined our entire plan,
-Yu-seok has been abducted.
-but thankfully,
you totally got the wrong idea
about the situation.
Jin-seok, what on earth happened...
-What is going on?
-He got abducted?
Try calling Mr. Choi right away.
What is happening?
Then I finally got released after bribing
and pulling all the strings
we could pull for 19 days.
I was going to start reworking the plan
as soon as I got back, but...
Fuck. It just wouldn't rain.
We couldn't start anything without rain.
During the few days
we were waiting for rain,
-the hypnosis started to wear off,
-One more thing.
-so you became suspicious.
-That prick followed me here.
He said that your legs were fine
and that the detectives were fake.
The suspicion kept growing
and eventually brought us here.
Do you understand now?
Why we did what we did
and why you ended up like this?
What's the matter?
Do you think I'm lying or what?
I'm sure all of it is true
except for one thing.
What thing?
It wasn't me.
I never killed anyone.
You piece of trash.
You killed two people,
and you'll die soon too.
In the most painful way there is.
You got that?
I won't die.
Son of a bitch!
That fucking son of a bitch.
Turn around.
I said, turn the car around!
Where is he? Where did that prick go?
Go faster.
There. He's over there.
Stop right there!
What the fuck?
Hey, move your car right now.
Hurry up!
You piece of...
Are you okay? Gosh...
This is 911, right?
There has been an accident.
A car accident.
Yes, a man just jumped out
into the road out of nowhere. This is...
-He's breathing now. His BP is 80 over 60.
-Epinephrine 8mcg, dopamine 10mcg!
Are you all right?
Do you know where you are now?
MAY 1997
-Yes, Yu-seok!
-The car is fixed now!
Jin-seok! We'll leave now. Hurry back!
All right, Mom. I'm coming!
Dad, do you remember
my childhood friend, Jin-san?
Yes, didn't his parents own
a fried chicken place?
-That's right.
-Yes, how is he doing?
He's getting married soon.
-Really? Are you serious?
Jin-seok, you must be tired.
You should lean on me.
He and his girlfriend must have been
together for a long time.
-She's actually pregnant now.
Are you seeing anyone now?
No, I'm not.
I should focus on studying, you know.
My fellow citizens,
our economy is
in a dire situation at the moment.
The economic crisis that began
in the countries of Southeast Asia,
combined with our economy's
structural problems,
is deepening the urgent sense of crisis.
Due to the economic development
we achieved in the last three decades,
all countries in the world envied
our stable economy...
No, we can't hire you.
Sir, please help me just this once.
Please. I beg you.
Fuck off.
I only have a high school diploma.
Yes, I went to a general high school.
I'm really sorry to ask you this,
but would I be able
to get paid for a few months up-front?
I'm a hard-working 21-year-old guy.
My beloved brother is very ill
at the moment.
If you trust me and pay me up-front,
I'll be sure to repay your kindness.
You lost both of your parents
in that accident,
and your brother has been bedridden
for over half a year.
I don't even know
what to say to you as his doctor.
I'm really sorry
to have to say this to you,
but we can't let it drag on any longer.
He must undergo surgery
as soon as possible.
That's the only way we can save his life.
Come to your senses, will you?
Do you even know how scary it can be?
The surgery itself isn't done by doctors
in illegal organ trade.
Those who sell their organs
don't live long.
Many die during the surgery as well.
I understand your situation,
but just give up already.
I mean, the country is going downhill.
You should just give up everything
and hang in there at times like this.
The Moonlight Man entered the chat room.
Did you really mean what you wrote
on the job seekers' board?
Yes, I really meant it. I'll do my best,
no matter what the job is.
Even the part
about willingly giving your soul?
That part?
Why are you asking such a question?
Why are you asking such a question?
Because you need money,
and I need your desperation.
How much do you want?
Would you be able to tell me
a little bit about the job?
You'll get paid for killing someone...
You'll get paid for killing someone...
You'll get paid for killing someone....
I'll give you some time to think about it.
You have until noon tomorrow.
Message me your phone number
if you decide to accept my offer.
Don't forget. You'll lose the opportunity
after noon tomorrow.
Blue Beard left the room.
Tell me now. There is no one else here.
-Gosh, seriously. I'm also...
Write down
the address I'm going to give you now.
It's 425-23 Seongshin-dong
Seongseo-gu, Seoul.
There will be three people in the house.
A woman and two kids.
Do not touch the kids.
Just get rid of the woman.
Don't forget.
Only get rid of the woman.
Oh. Is it you, honey?
Don't... Please don't scream.
I'll just leave.
Please don't scream.
I'm sorry.
I must have lost my mind for a moment.
-I'm really sorry.
Is Dad home?
-No, he's...
-Don't scream.
I told you not to scream!
Please don't scream.
Don't scream, please.
Please stop screaming.
I'll leave now.
Stop screaming, please!
I... I told you...
I told you to stop screaming...
I'm sorry.
This is why I told you to stop screaming!
I told you! I told you to stop screaming!
Stop screaming!
Mister, who are you?
Where did my mom go?
If you do as I say,
I'll bring your mom and sister
home for you.
Go to your room and cover yourself
with a blanket.
Then count from one to one hundred
ten times, okay? Ten times.
You got that, right?
One, two, three,
four, five, six...
Write down
the address I'm going to give you now.
It's 425-23 Seongshin-dong
Seongseo-gu, Seoul.
There will be three people in the house.
A woman and two kids.
Do not touch the kids.
Only get rid of the woman.
Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred.
two, three,
four, five, six...
Seong-uk, what's wrong?
Dad, I listened to that man
and counted from one to one hundred
ten times,
but both Mom and Chan-mi
are collapsed and bleeding on the floor.
What happened to Chan-mi?
She's not breathing.
Okay, I'll be home shortly.
Doctor, why did you do such a thing?
They're your family.
The sacrifice of my wife
could've prevented my family
from ending up on the streets.
With the insurance payout...
You can't do something like that
to your family, Doctor...
You accepted my offer
in order to save your brother's life.
I did it for my kids.
But you ruined everything.
My daughter is dead now.
Your brother will die soon as well.
So you should die too!
Wait, Doctor...
Why did it have to be me?
No reason.
Just die!
No. Please, no.
People don't die easily, right?
All of this must be hard for you.
I'm exhausted, too.
I'll end your misery.
Where is the victims' family?
Why do you ask?
Please make sure you tell them
that I'm truly sorry.
You must have regained your memory.
Why did you do it?
Why did you kill
that woman and her daughter?
Someone put you up to it, right?
By any chance,
did the woman's husband hire you to do it?
I recently received
a piece of information.
Apparently, he signed up
for a bunch of insurance policies for her
a month before the incident took place.
Did he put you up to it?
For the insurance payout?
The victims' family wants
to know the truth.
Remember that boy
you didn't kill that night?
That little kid.
You should tell him the truth
and beg for forgiveness.
You told me
that you would bring my mom home
if I counted from one to one hundred
ten times.
Do you know how my life changed
after that day?
My relatives took all the money
and abandoned me at an orphanage.
Fuck. I cried every night and told myself
that I'll be sure to catch the man
who killed my entire family when I grow up
and that I'll get back at him
no matter what.
Fuck, that night...
Why didn't you kill that kid too?
You should've just killed that kid too,
you fucking son of a bitch!
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry...
Now, tell me.
Did her husband make you do it?
Answer me!
I'm asking you if my dad made you do it!
I did it alone.
All of it.
It was all me.
What the fuck?
I knew it.
The fact that her husband signed up
for a bunch of insurance policies
must have been just a coincidence.
Right? Fuck. Am I right?
What the fuck?
Do you seriously expect me
to believe that?
I wish you the best.
Excuse me, sir.
That's a dead end.
You need to come this way
to get to the elevator.
The car is fixed now!
Jin-seok! We'll leave now. Hurry back!
All right, Mom. I'm coming!
How old are you?
You're five?
It's okay. It's all yours.
Seong-uk! Seong-uk Choi!
Let's go.
What did you talk to him about?
Did you have fun?
Shall we go to an amusement park?
Seong-uk, say yes. Let's go.
Come on! Give me a high five.
-Did that hurt?
-Let's go.
What ride do you want to go on?
Subtitle translation by Liya Choi