Fourth Kind, The (2009)

I am the actress Milla Jovovich
and interpret Dr. Abigail Tyler
in "contacts 4th Grade."
This movie is a dramatization
of events that occurred
between 1 and October 9, 2000
in northeastern Alaska,
the city of Nome.
To explain
the facts of history
director added
sequences real throughout the film.
These sequences were obtained with the
Name psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler,
I personally
documented more than 65 hours
audio material and video
the time of the incident.
To better protect
their privacy,
changed the names and occupations
several of those involved.
Each scene in this movie will be based
both audio files
as video
or as reported
Dr. Tyler's own
during long interviews
with the director.
In the end, you decide
whether or not to believe.
Please keep in mind
that some of the scenes
are really disturbing.
Just relax e. ..
I will question
and when you want to skip some ...
- Ok
- All right?
I'll try to do this
as painless as possible.
Please state your name
for the camera.
Dr. Abigail Emily Tyler.
Ok Where do I start?
I think ...
... after what happened with Will,
my husband
I went to a friend
is also a psychologist ... Dr. ..
because I was
having trouble dealing with it
as happened
and who did it.
. Do not you think
would need more time?.
. No, this is something ....
. I have to do it ..
. I. .. I have to remind
his face ..
. I need to heal ..
. I have to try.
And I have to know that ....
. for my children
I did everything I could ....
... to remember.
You know that since that night
Ashley still can not see?
E. ..
... I do not believe it
go get your vision back
until accepted what happened.
I think you two have the same
problem with different symptoms.
And really help simply
I remember the face of the man.
So we could to track him
a plan of action,
and put a stop to it.
- Does this video?
- Yes
Advise a fellow psychologist
is like talking to myself.
- You always say that.
- I say?
Oh, my God!
Know ...
Just try ...
Try to relax and get comfortable.
Listen to the sound of my voice while
do a countdown.
.9 ....
... your eyes are getting heavy
increasingly heavy ...
.... 5, 4, ...
Are almost closed ..
... 3, 2, ... and 1.
. Very good, Abbey.
Very good ..
. Let's go back in time ..
. Back to the past ....
. evening of September 9 this year ..
How's the weather?
Hot. Hotter than normal.
While it is raining outside.
Okay, good.
Now ... let's go back to when
you were with Will.
Just a moment before
when the intruder broke into his room.
We are making love.
Are good!
Are so good!
He's asleep.
Then what happened?
What happened next?
I'm awake.
I'm wide awake.
E. ..
... just lying here.
What attracted you?
Someone stabbed him! Chest!
There is blood all over the place!
All over the place!
Try to see his face!
Try to see his face!
I can not!
There is blood all over the place!
I can not see!
Abbey! Abbey, Abbey, Abbey!
Focus on my voice!
Focus on my voice!
You will be awake in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
Abbey ...
If only I could
see his face.
He was killed and I was there, Abel.
I was there.
I know. Is so natural
feel guilty
as it is not natural
find that it is your fault.
You know that.
I'm fine.
We think
to take a break.
For a long time.
It could help you understand
more clearly what happened.
I have to continue the study.
It meant a lot to Will.
And he would like me to continue.
I knew you'd say that.
He would like me had tried
finish it as soon as he could.
It meant a lot to him.
. How much time elapsed
since the death of Will?.
. Two months ..
. And you had already returned to school?.
. I mean, children
had already returned to school?.
. I had to try to restore
normality in our lives ..
. I do not know what to do ..
.- I could not drive to ...
- No, we have to fly ....
.... can not go by road ..
Any comment?
No, but Scott
is waiting for you at the office,
and you have a meeting at two.
Thank you.
So how was the trip?
With a lot of turbulence.
The sky was so beautiful that the wind
could not be as strong.
The kind of thing
to mess with us ...
... comes when least expected.
- I know, I know.
- It's a beautiful saying.
Not in every week.
- Hi, Scott. Sorry for the delay.
- Hello, Dr. Tyler.
I flew from Anchorage
this sunny morning.
So let's start more slowly.
Please sit here.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
How has your sleep?
It's worse ... I ...
agreement almost always in the middle of the night
and I just lay there.
When does this usually occur?
At about two, three in the morning.
There is nothing abnormal
to get you wake up?
Only seat. Has only one thing:
An owl.
In my window.
An owl?
A white owl.
It is there just looking at me.
How long is there?
For hours.
No matter what I did.
She would not go away.
He was not afraid of me.
What did she do?
It was just there looking at me.
Already seen her before?
Uh ... Yes
Once when I was a child.
It was the first time?
I think I saw it many times.
- How much is that "many"?
- Every night this week.
Every night?
I mean every time
you went to bed?
I think she came.
- The window was open?
- Uh ... no.
So how come in?
I do not know. E. .. I remember it
I looked above me.
Above your bed?
Is. I think so ... uh ...
It's hard to remember.
It's almost like ...
if it had happened.
How ... any dream, you know?
As if it was just a dream.
You can come see me tomorrow?
Bright. If ... if ... you think ...
... is important.
Yes, I think ... uh ...
I think that really
important e. ..
Nothing about what to worry about.
But there were some
strange coincidences here
and I feel I need
chart a new framework.
How so?
You are not the first patient
I have now for that.
. I felt so sorry for my baby ..
. And I felt responsible ... ..
Is enough?
. Disorder convergence is not
a phenomenon that many understand ..
. And we had to adapt ..
. When she was really blind?.
. After what happened with Will ..
. Once he's gone ..
- Hi, honey.
- Hi, Mom.
How was your day games?
Hey, what's wrong?
Come on. Conte. What happened?
- Ralph called me a fraud.
- What?
From phony?
He said I could see before
and now I was just pretending.
What an idiot!
He said I
just wanted everyone
feel sorry for me
because of Dad.
Lord God
thanks for everything you have.
continue abeoar our family.
And please continue to help Ashley
to overcome the challenges.
Heal all our wounds.
In Jesus' name, amen.
- What time is your game tomorrow?
- At seven.
And against whom will play?
I told you: Browerville.
Sorry, honey. I must have forgotten.
Dad never forgot.
Is. His father is not here anymore.
No. It is not.
- I can accept?
- Okay, Ronnie.
Not in front of his sister, ok?
This later.
- How so?
- Nothing, sweetie.
- How dad died?
- All right, Ronnie.
- What do you have?
- You walk around ...
... helping others
with their problems ...
- Stop! Stop!
- ... And can not help.
What does that mean?
What he wanted ...
what does he mean?
. Abbey, do you think he
.'re blaming you
the death of Will?.
. Yes, he actually blamed me.
He also said ....
. I could not help him.
. or Ashley or anyone.
And he was right ..
.... my patients continue
experiencing sleep disturbances ..
. And that seems to be common in the Name ..
. .. A. And the reason remains a mystery ..
. Even in the months of night
can not sleep ..
. We know
more than 300 people in the name.
. that have the same symptoms ..
. At about 3 am,.
. they are aroused
no apparent reason and agree ....
. apprehensive, frightened.
. as if something were to happen ..
- Whether it is or not ...
- Dad?
. missing persons
or his disappearance ....
No, dear.
It is a recording of the voice of Dad.
Come here.
I liked you
have come here to bed.
Angel ...
Very good,
you are going very well, Tommy.
In count, "1", you will sleep.
Very, very relaxed.
Can you hear me?
When was the last time
you had trouble sleeping?
Last night.
E. .. did you see the owl?
Bom Bom
And how was it?
. I. .. I do not remember ..
. Do not you remember how it was?.
. No..
No, I do not see the owl now.
Not anymore.
She flew?
No. .. I think ...
I can not remember ...
... she had been there.
Someone's at my door.
Will open!
The door is opening.
Oh, my God!
. Oh, my God.
- What is the problem?
- Oh, Jesus!
- Tommy, what's the problem?
- No! No! No!
. No! No!.
- Please, Tommy, what happened?
- No! No! No!
Tommy, is not happening!
It is a reminder! Not real!
I did all that?
Yes, he, Tommy, but that's okay.
It's okay.
What did you see?
- Nothing.
- What?
But you said you saw something.
No. .. I did not see anything.
- I do not see anything.
- Do not want me to help?
If you want to help me
get me out of this room.
I have to go home.
I need to go. I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Tommy, you're trying
convince me or you?
You see what is
bothering you at night?
He saw the owl?
We can talk about it next time?
Yes, of course, of course.
- Talk to me when you need it.
- Yes
.- 911, what is your emergency?
- Please help me.
.- Madam, what is the problem?
- I think it will kill us!.
. Lady?.
. All units available meet
the shots fired at Aivik St. .. 2323
. Armed suspect
and potentially dangerous!.
Calling all units.
Localize all, I want all.
Download the link to the home. J
- Are you there?
- Yes
- What is happening?
- I want to talk to Tyler Abbey.
Abbey? Abbey is not here now,
but I can help you.
. I have to talk to her!.
. I need you now
Tommy's house!.
Tommy went crazy!
He made the family hostage!
. And he's calling for you ..
Ok I'm going there.
... in order of priority, okay, Tommy?
- You'll be fine.
- Give her the phone!
. I want to talk to her now!.
I want to talk to him!
Can you tell me what's going on?
Take it easy, right?
August, what's going on?
I need you to calm down
and breathe deeply.
He is with Sarah, Timothy, and Joe
together in the kitchen with a gun
pointed at their heads.
He wants to talk to you
for some reason, right?
What's going on?
. I feel very,
but I have to do it ..
. I have no choice ..
Was completely ... surreal.
Being there in the middle of the night
with all those police cars.
- I have no choice.
- No. You have a choice, Tommy.
- We always have a choice.
- Not this time.
Yes, you have.
Right now have a choice.
Stop. Just drop the gun, Tommy.
Is in your hands. Just stop!
Please, before
someone gets hurt, Tommy.
Look at Sarah, Tommy.
Look at his wife.
Look tell your kids, Tommy.
You never leave something
happened to them. You love them ...
.- I know ...
- ... A lot!.
. what wakes us up at night, e. ...
. if you had seen what I saw ....
- ... You understand.
- What did you see Tommy?
. It does not matter because
not have to see again ..
Wait a minute, Tommy.
I help you.
Just talk to me, ok?
Talk as much as you need.
Let's get over it, Tommy.
If you shoot on sight now.
. Negative. I can not shoot, sir.
The vision is blocked ..
He was not listening.
- You know what ...
- And they would kill him.
What? Hold on,
I can not hear you, Tommy. What?
What the hell does that mean?.
Eter Zimabu.
- What the hell does that mean?
- If you have a chance shoot!
- I need to know now!
- Give me more time.
- Right now!
- I'll find out! I promise!
. So you can not help me ..
. .. I love you
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
. It is very difficult at the moment ....
. understand what happened here ..
. I know, I know ..
You know what he saw?
- He would not tell me.
- What he told you?
That he thought he saw,
was not an owl.
It was something else.
And it was what kept
up all night?
Then he was under hypnosis
when he saw ... "what?"
How do you know
that what he saw was real?
Do not know if it was.
So what you
telling me is that Tommy
may have done it
based on something imaginary.
All I know is that ...
he believed in what he saw.
And there was more terror in his eyes
than I had ever seen in life.
If you had not hypnotized
would he have done that?
What do you mean?
I was just wondering:
without that hypnosis
you think you still
he would have murdered his family?
It's a ridiculous question and offensive.
No. ridiculous and offensive
is a whole family at the morgue
because of a suicide killer.
And the last contact most significant
killer was with you.
What happened tonight
happen one way or another.
He was hiding something.
Look, in 13 years of practice,
never witnessed anything so ...
Abbey! Why do not we tried?
Was suspected that he was unstable,
after an episode clearly violent,
He was completely coherent
when he left my office.
I had no reason
pra suspect. I. ..
I called his wife
- ... And asked you to keep an eye on it ...
- And now she's dead.
Ok I will not sit here and listen
their theories of how hypnosis ...
- Abbey.
- ... Induced a killer that ...
I'm trying to find
causing one of the worst homicide
the history of Nome.
There's something happening in this city
do not understand. There ...
There's something happening
with people while they sleep.
I do not know anything about it!
I do not know who is speaking.
I know nothing about hallucinations,
I know nothing about visions of the ether.
What the hell are you talking about?
I know the things of flesh and
the tables in the next room!
How dare you? My husband
was one of those tables
and you have not found
his killer.
Oh, Abbey, you know very well
... what happened to Willl.
The case is closed ...
No, you can not file things
without knowing what
really happened.
There are more murders
unsolved ...
- ... And disappearances in Name ...
- Sit down.
... than in any
other city in Alaska.
Three years under their supervision!
What's happening
this city is very real.
- It has to be released ...
- Sit!
Whatever it is that
government study of hypnosis.
Whatever you and Will
were looking for,
already hurt enough to
a city that already has enough.
I do not care how
is important to you!
I do not care how it worked!
I do not care!
You will not use the people of Name
pra this drug study.
. I felt responsible
for his death and that of his family ..
. And at this point,
after all what happened.
. I do not know
why he did it ..
All patients said
have seen the same owl.
Tommy mentioned that his memory
to see the owl was wrong.
He did not see her more.
It seemed a false kind of recall.
The question is:
If they were under hypnosis,
will others
would feel the same way?
Or would see what he saw?
We will have to make
with extreme caution.
What happened here remains
unexplained, as the case of Will.
- Abel?
- I knew what happened.
I wanted to assure me
that you were okay.
You traveled all that far?
Okay. All right.
I really like you.
- Not needed. I'm fine.
- Are you?
Want to talk?
Oh, I can not, we can not
on schedule.
Theresa, good morning.
You can put it down for me,
Shall I cancel your meetings?
No, no. Thank you.
So how are you feeling?
I feel I'm ready
to start my day.
Maybe you do not think ...
It's Time to retreat?
- Perhaps consider a vacation.
- I love that word,
and really sounds which means:
"take a break."
It means that you need to get out
to give a chance
to understand what happened.
Nodes .. you can not
continue that way.
No, I can and should.
Is the only thing
I have under my control.
And all I have left is to continue.
Finding out what caused all this.
I can not ... I do not think that
should be attributed to chance.
What happened to Will,
Tommy and his family, I do not ...
So you bother
if I stay a little longer ...
just to take care of you,
since you can not
do this by itself?
- Well, many things to talk.
- What happened to Tommy?
- I can not ...
- He's dead.
You should be able
to discuss anything.
There was something ... I believe ...
there was something
with your sleep habits.
We are really worried
It is the second suicide in two months.
We want you
hypnotize me too.
We need to know if there is something that
I do not remember, and I think ...
think ... that the best thing
to do is look at it.
We reach this conclusion.
If you want to be subjected to this ...
have to ...
again very carefully.
Would be a problem
a colleague of mine, Dr. Campos,
come see?
No problem.
... 5 ... deeply.
Pronfundamente, relax.
Well, when was the last time
who had a hard time sleeping?
Last night.
Remember seeing
something unusual last night?
An owl.
Tell me about the owl.
. Tell me about the owl ..
. ... It is a great owl ..
. Her eyes are ...
her eyes are big as ....
.... a white owl ..
. It became a normal owl ..
There is an owl.
. Dear, dear!.
. Honey, wake up ..
. Did you hear that?.
. Wake up.
She is not waking up.
Is anyone out there in the door!
Tell me what you see.
Is there anything out there.
Can you see who is?
Not "who" ...
I do not know who they are.
They come all the time,
since I was little.
"What" are they?
They will open the door.
As ...
How did they get
without sounding the alarm?
I have laid! I know ...
I know I did!
I thought they would only
when I think them.
I was not
thinking of them tonight!
When I count to three
you wake up! 1, 2, 3!
Scott! Scott! Wake up!
It's unbelievable.
That makes no sense.
Scott, do not rush.
When you think you should
tell us what he saw.
I saw them.
Who are they?
They are not here.
What do you mean?
I can not see what is
in my own mind.
It's like I could not control.
All I can see is the owl.
But I know it's not an owl!
I. .. uh ... I remember
putrid smell ...
as, cinnamon ...
dirt e. ..
. the worst part was the voice
inside my head as ....
. ... because they speak
so that you can hear them.
but they also talk
inside your mind.
Like ... like when you
is connected or something ...
then took me
back somewhere ...
I can not remember
and I can not remember
what they did to me.
Sure, Scott.
This is enough for today.
I'm very sorry.
Cindy ... under such circumstances
I will contact Chief August
pra warn you that we are
and we had this meeting.
Yes, please do so.
. Now I know
because he did what he did ..
I wanted to see it.
Feel what it was.
And what is it?
The worst.
We could never imagine.
Honey, let's go home.
We're going home.
You know what it was?
Abel ...
Do you believe in ...
theories of abduction?
I mean, like ... kidnapping?
No. No. .. uh ...
Kidnapping not.
Abduction as in ...
You do not mean
alien abductions, do you?
You know ... I think it should be
what we heard.
When you query the statistics
they are impressive.
I mean, Will has made consultations
the Internet for data.
The latest show
there are 11 million people
who reported having seen
or know someone who has seen
a UFO since 1930.
The idea of an idiot is not real, is ...
Come on, Abel, when 11 million
witnesses support something
That would stop any
the World Court.
Well, there are so many explanations and reasons.
Weather balloons
atmospheric effects,
optical illusions.
And in this case perhaps hallucinations ...
Listen, we have to deal
with real evidence. With facts.
Abbey! Abbey, a. .. tape ...
the tape you gave me ...
Easy, easy, Theresa.
What is it?
I do not ... I do not know what it is.
I do not know what is happening.
Not want to hear it again.
.... is that the other
would feel the same way?.
- Same way?
- Or would see what he saw?
. We have to make
with extreme caution ..
. What happened here is tragic,
but remains unexplained ..
. And worse, no solution.
. as the case of Will ... and ...
. E-ne-ne ... I-am-on ....
. Me-en-de-en-ki ... ulutim ..
. Igi-Kar ... A-and-sa ..
. ... Zig-kae sug-gu.
Are you?
It is not my voice.
Not me.
After listening to it ...
how do you react?
After the initial shock,
I denied everything.
It could not be me ...
my voice.
So ... what happened?
I went after what I
I could support.
- Behind what?
- What were the facts.
I went home trying to see what
happened during the recording.
I was in my bed,
sleeping when the door opened.
Someone or something
came into my room.
And gave me something like ...
a kind of allergic reaction
around the time that remained there.
So ... whatever it was,
I fought,
... but he was extremely strong,
and took me.
The situation became all too real.
Was when I looked at my floor
and saw slots directed
the entire path to the door.
I I recovered.
I was determined
find out what it was.
What came into my room.
What he was saying ...
Where it took me ...
and what he did to me.
I heard that tape thoroughly.
To find anything
something to explain ...
what was or was not Latin,
it was not Greek,
if there was some language
I had heard.
I realized that it was ...
the key to everything ...
what was happening ...
me, for the case of Will ...
and all others in name.
That's when I found that
which was looking for.
. Hello?.
Hallo. Uh ...
Is Dr. A-w-olo ...
. Awolowo Odusami.
Yes, he is ..
Hi I was wondering ...
if you are familiar with
person called Dr. William Tyler?
. No. I'm not. Sorry ..
- Ok
- May I ask who's calling?
I'm ... uh ...
. Tell me your name ..
- Hello?
- Had a ...
. He had a man
who called this number ..
. His name was John ..
- There's no John here.
- Exactly, I know.
Why does he ... uh ...
Why did he call you?
. He wanted ....
. a history lesson
on ancient languages ..
Look, I ...
Tyler was my husband.
It was from him that you
talked e. .. he ...
... he was murdered.
- Doctor ...
- I. Sorry. Did not know.
He heard me.
He did not judge me,
or tried to analyze me.
He just heard ...
and then flew to Nome.
I thought it was Akkadian
but it is not, is Sumerian.
I'm sure.
This language is considered
by my colleagues as
the "Holy Grail" of dead languages.
But still not sorted out
the entire lexicon.
"Our Creation" are the last two
words, do not know the first two.
"Look" is the first word.
is "ruin" or "destroy."
"Our Creation," "Look"
"Ruin" or "Destroy."
Ruin? Porque? Who?
This is an incomplete translation.
We can not be sure
what is being said.
Whatever it is,
are aggressive sounds.
Sorry, but ...
none of this is making sense.
This is a recording verbalized
the Sumerian language.
We're talking about the language
oldest in human history
that, for some reason,
was recorded in his bedroom.
What was happening?
What was being done to me?
The concern is that ...
whatever it is ...
the sound does not seem ...
- ... Common.
- Human.
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
Ok Let's not put
more fuel on that fire.
There are a number of reasons for
distortion in voice.
I'm not taking
no conclusion, but ...
hear very well her voice.
The recording had been made on ...
another, and part of the old recording
is still audible.
- No, I Do not reuse tapes.
- Well, you might have done this time.
And yet
does not explain why that voice
're talking about an earlier language
the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
I studied the Sumerian civilization
most of my career.
And what I found is
You can go
any exposure Sumerian
and see what I'm off to tell you.
Drawings of rockets and the Apollo
released to the heavens.
Prints and sculptures of men
in space suits,
and what appear to be
oxygen masks.
All this art was created
four millennia before Christ.
walk the earth.
Genesis, Noah's Ark,
to mention but a few.
Both stories
happened in Sumer
the Bible was written.
Genesis originated
Creation in Sumer.
Noah's Ark comes from the Sumerian Flood.
The legend of the "Alien God"
has its basis
origin and history Sumer.
You can find everything
I described in a museum now.
I know. One thing is to entertain
with a wild theory,
but believe it is another thing.
Yes, and it is your right to react that way.
But I stated earlier
conclusions that would not benefit.
I'm dealing with facts.
But that comes from thousands of years
research and data collection.
This combined
is open to debate.
Do you really believe that was
taken by force from his bed
by members of an alien race?
Cindy, wait a second.
Do you take a deep breath.
- Hi, Cindy.
- Oi
This is Dr. Odusami.
He's here to help.
- Good morning.
- Come on.
- Scott?
- What the late?
I came as fast as I could.
Last night was ...
- Calm down!
- Soothe Me?
- Scott ...
- How do I ...
- You do not ...
- Scott, Scott! I'm here, right?
Now try to breathe for me.
You have to calm down.
I can not help you
if you get anxious.
Not want to talk about it,
but I have to. I have to,
I have, I have to ...
Scott, where are you?
What is this?
Where did you get?
I do not know, was not there.
OK Give me the camera, please.
No, no, no!
I do not need anyone ...
- I do not want it out.
- Scott, we need to record ...
what is happening
we write
your session to study
so that we can find
what is happening to you.
Ok, do not want to be in effect ...
We have to do it.
Just try and talk all
remember that, Scott.
There are things ... I ... I
to remember ... but I can not, without ...
We ... we can put it under
a very mild hypnosis, ok?
If you are worried ...
I have to remember, I have
to get that out of my head.
I feel as if they had dug here.
I can no longer think straight.
- Do.
- Okay, sure.
Are you ready?
Relax, just relax.
. There are several people
the room with you now ..
. You're not alone ..
. Relax ..
. As soon as I get "1".
. you'll be sleeping ..
Scott ...
But ... where are we going?
- North Carolina.
- North Carolina?
What's in North Carolina?
- We will be there tomorrow.
- But I have a game tomorrow.
Make your bags.
- Abel to talk to you now.
- Mom ...
- Yes, dear?
- What is the problem?
Nothing, honey.
Are just doing
a short break, ok?
Is Abel.
- I'll call him back.
- It will link back to you.
- He said he has to talk to you.
- I'll call back to you, Abel.
It's coming, anyway.
We are going to visit
Grandma and Grandpa?
Honey ...
Grandma and Grandpa are gone, remember?
No. They're with Dad.
I mean Grandpa and Grandma Lilly.
No, not them either.
Why not?
Honey, sit here
and give me a break.
Give mom to pack, ok?
Thank you.
This is because of daddy, right?
Ronnie ...
I really need
help me now, ok?
Please bring your sister
to your room
and pack your bags, OK?
Thank you.
- Mom?
- Yes?
What did you do?
Hold on!
- What happened to Scott?
- August, I feel.
He is paralyzed
from the neck down!
Three vertebrae in his neck
are completely broken!
I do not ... I do not know.
- You were there!
- I can not explain. I do not ...
Tell me what happened!
As he broke his spine?
I hypnotized, e. ..
and something was in it,
and twisted his body ... e. ..
- ... And that is what happened.
- ... Something was in it,
and twisted his body ...
and you have proof of that.
Was not recorded.
Everything is distorted.
How in the name of God,
I should believe that?
- I know what I saw.
- Yes, what you saw?
- I know what I saw.
- What you saw, Abbey?
What you are doing is hurting
people. That yes!
I have much affection for you.
I know what has passed,
but you leave me no choice.
You have the right
to remain silent.
- What?
- Everything you say or do ...
... and can be used
against you in court.
No! Stop, stop!
- You have the right to a lawyer.
- August! August, please.
- No. .. do not!
- Ryan?
No! Ryan ... you can not ...
You can
remove me from my children.
August ...
August, I know what it seems ...
I know it seems,
but I was there.
I saw ...
You were there and saw what?
What has to tell me?
Well, it's something that ...
- ... You should see.
- Nonsense!
This woman has no ability to ...
It caused no physical harm
to any man.
And she is not capable of it!
You know! You know!
Just calm down for a second.
Listen to me!
I know what is happening
Name here is scary.
I know it is.
But whatever you do not ...
can not hold it for something
do not understand ...
to be terrified!
- Come on!
- Are you calling!
I was there. I saw.
Now you will keep her away from children
for something she did not.
Come on, come on.
- Easy ... just calm down.
- Please. Please.
You will be under surveillance 24 hours
and will not leave this house.
If you touch the doorknob,
I will hold you!
I understand. Thank you.
You come with me.
Thank you.
Here is Ryan, sir.
I parked in front
home of Tyler. Exchange.
. .. Copied
They talked about things
for me and Will.
Reminded the disappearances, e. ..
- What about them?
- Homicide, missing persons,
dozens of them.
These events
place here since 1960.
And the FBI has
Found something?
Nothing. No conclusion.
Until that day nothing has been resolved.
What do you think of it?
In general appearance, what is your view?
They have different categories
for these types of events.
A contact of 1st grade ...
is when you see a UFO.
The 2nd degree?
It is when you have evidence of it,
as trademarks in circles, radiation ...
The 3rd degree is when you make contact.
But the 4th grade ...
scarier than the 4th.
You see them.
And that's when they abduct you.
I think it's all
part of the same thing.
Everything is connected ... Will ...
missing persons ...
all in the name.
This kind of thing,
what is happening in the name,
... me,
I think ...
is happening
with other people ...
not just here
but throughout the world ...
neighborhoods, cities.
Most do not even know.
Not know they are abducted?
How do they know?
How could remember what
are forced to forget?
What the hell ...
. I.. ... There is something ....
. Oh, my God!
There is something floating on the house!.
. ... You're pulling is pulling
out of the house of the Abbey!.
.'s Taking it!.
. Send reinforcements already!.
Oh, shit!
Oh, my God!
Oh, God!
Oh, God!
- Where are they?
- I do not know.
- I tried to tell you ...
- Do not you know?
- I want to play this video.
- Lord, not recorded.
- ... Do not ...
- Conversation row!
Ryan, come back to reality, man!
What the hell happened?
- Mom
- They took my daughter!
They took her.
- They took my baby.
- What is she talking about?
Someone kidnapped Ashley.
Ok, I want
this whole house rifled.
I want
all inside and outside
reviewing this house
from top to bottom.
Ronnie, what you saw?
Nothing, I came here
and she was gone.
- What is happening here?
- August, listen to me.
I'm all ears.
The invaders came down.
And they took her to the sky.
They took my little girl
the sky!
I saw!
- Through the roof?
- August, I saw!
- Through the roof?
- Yes, led through the roof.
What madness is this?
- I. ..
- What the hell is going on here?
- I could not stop them!
- Ok!
- I could not stop them.
All out of room!
All out of here!
With the exception of Ronnie and Abbey.
Ronnie, you feel already, please.
- Ok, Abbey, sit down, ok?
- My baby!
Please sit down, ok?
Sit here.
I speak to you, ok?
Just tell me.
less than 5 hours after I hold it,
daughter disappears.
I told him.
Yes, but this is nonsense.
We know that is not true.
Tell me what happened.
You had an official
on the outside of my house.
- Yes I had an officer out there.
- What did he see?
He saw nothing. The video tape
does not show ...
- What did he see?
- Abbey!
Bring it here now!
- You know what he did!
- I want to know what he saw!
- You know what he did!
- You had an official ...
- ... On the outside of my house!
- Damn!
Abbey! Where is it, damn it?
Tell me!
Where is she?
Where is Ashley?
- Where is she?
- Mom
- You can stop?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Please, stop!
Abbey ...
You do not have reasoned law
from Will.
- You are not right reasoning.
- You did not find the killer.
- You have not found the killer.
- At Abbey, we think.
- No.
- Yes, we think.
He is still out there.
He is still out there.
Listen, I'm taking it
their custody.
- No!
- Yes, I am.
Hire a lawyer.
You have exhausted my patience.
Guys, come here. We
Ronnie taking custody of the Abbey.
No! Will not!
- You will not!
- Let me go!
You will not!
- No! No!
- Let me go!
No! No! dear, dear! No!
- No! Do not take my boy!
- Sorry.
- No! Do not take my boy!
- Sorry.
He will be safe!
Do not take my boy!
I realized that they would not
be able to find it,
that I myself would have to do it.
But you could not leave.
That's not what I meant.
I had to ...
find a way to go
directly to them.
Directly to the source.
I know what I saw, but I ...
I can not accept, I can not.
So do not ask me that again.
Still, I do.
Scott and you ...
It is the right way?
I have no choice.
We do not have it.
Your eyes are getting heavy.
... 7, 6, 5 ...
... and 1.
- Abbey?
- Yes?
Let's go back 3 days.
Until Tuesday
when you were
analyzing in his room.
What happened
after the end of your analysis?
"... remains unexplained.
And worse, no solution.
As the case of Will ... e. .. "
- Are you sleeping?
- Yes
What happened next?
The owl. You are looking at me.
It's the same owl
that their patients see?
But she is ... she is smiling.
I do not like when she smiles.
What do you mean by "smiling"?
I do not know what I mean.
I do not want to know.
It's too late to forget
what you already know.
Tell me what you see.
There is an owl.
Help me!
No! No!
Help me!
Help me!
- What is it?
- I do not know.
No! No!
Oh, please, help me now!
They are digging into my shoulder!
I " "
What do you mean?
" " MY
Give me my baby!
Give me my child!
Give it to me!
" " BACK
MY " "
I AM " "
I AM .............. GOD
. Abbey!
. You see that?.
. My God.
So, what happened
that room?
They came ... and we were ...
we were ...
They abducted us, all of us.
but in troxa back
that night.
Not remember where we took,
what they did to us.
Even under hypnosis is unclear.
His voice ... or alien voice
said he was God.
What do you believe?
I believe, is difficult, but I believe
the things I have seen,
the presence
I feel deep down that
is beyond anything
we can imagine.
He was
... hopelessness.
Therefore, it can not be God.
But he can ...
he can simulate it.
What about Ashley?
For ... for your daughter?
She ...
I had to recover
that night.
It took me a few days to wake up.
Abel ...
- Okay.
- Okay. What is this?
I have to apologize.
I'm sorry.
Actually, I hate to do this.
And you under these conditions,
course ...
- Okay.
- So, uh ...
August has
a question for you, Abbey.
How Will died?
- He was murdered.
- No, Abbey.
Abbey, it will show something
which will leave you shaken.
But, uh ... has to be done.
You understand?
This is the head of a man ...
who used this weapon.
It was suicide, Abbey.
It was suicide with a pistol.
A shot in his head.
There was no attacker.
There knife
only he and his pistol
the edge of the bed.
He is not this man.
He would not do it ...
he would not do it ...
he would not do it with us.
He would not do it
with his family.
Tell him he's wrong.
Tell him.
I am a psychologist ...
and I would know ...
Christ ...
I would know if he was ...
Abbey ...
Abbey, do not blame yourself for something that
was happening in his head.
Who knows ... if what he planned,
and did not share ...
- ... And finally defeated him.
- Now you know the reality.
I'll ask one last time.
Tell me
What happened to Ashley?
Tell me, Abbey.
You know what happened.
Have you experienced.
Except that we came back, she did not.
Abel ...
Tell him.
Tell what happened.
Something took my daughter.
I do not know what.
I do not ...
I do not know how ...
I do not know what it was.
You have to believe me.
You have to believe in me,
- It's ...
- ... Difficult to return.
Back on line
fiction to reality.
You can not just leave
to be insane when you want.
It's the kind of thing
that mark you forever.
Will then committed suicide?
Credibility ...
As expected I
and viewers
believe what he says,
after you go to hallucinate
about the murder of her husband?
Were not hallucinations.
Just could not ...
can be painful to face the truth,
and Will,
that's how I coped with it.
And no matter what you believe.
The recordings do not lie.
We're talking about things that ...
that are not normal.
. .. I love you
Will is dead,
Scott crippled
and Ashley ...
She is still missing.
These are harsh facts.
They seem to be ...
No, drugs, "they are."
You can sit there and speculate,
but I
to keep hope alive.
I have to believe
that something was being done.
My story ...
will never help.
I have to believe that ...
... she is alive somewhere,
it is safe.
I have to believe that ...
that there is a chance ...
I see her again.
Embrace it again.
Listen to her voice.
I just want
my little girl back!
She is all I have.
Let's stop here.
Dr. Tyler ...
We do not ...
There are "other"
also interested in name.
Dede 1960
were made over
- ... Most of Alaska.
- Second is Anchorage,
with a population 76 times
more than name.
The FBI visited the
only about 353 times.
In the end, to believe,
you decide.
In the end, whether or not to believe,
you decide.
Refusing to go further.
Involved in this film.
IT STILL blame her
Innocent of the charges against her,
Since then, she moved to