'G' Men (1935)

Gentlemen, 1949 marks
the 25th anniversary...
...of the FBI as it exists today.
Like many another success story,
this one had humble beginnings.
The first G-men worked under
staggering disadvantages.
Do you realize that not many years ago,
a fleeing kidnapper or bank robber...
...could take one step across a state line
and thumb his nose at us?
Often when we made an arrest
we had to walk...
...into a rain of hoodlum
machine-gun fire...
...though we were forbidden by law
to carry a revolver.
But, gentlemen, the bureau
did have as weapons...
...truth, drive and vitality.
Even before the government armed us
with guns and laws...
...G- men became a dreaded
underworld whisper.
I'm going to take you back
to those days...
...and show you a motion picture
about a man named "Brick" Davis.
It's the daddy of all FBI pictures.
It's the first one that called us G-men.
The cars are old, you won't see
women wearing the new look...
...but you will see something
that the bureau has never forgotten.
That while times change
and habits change and styles change...
...one thing is constant:
The man who want to get more
out of life than he puts into it...
...the hoodlum...
...he's the same today as he was then.
He is still a public enemy.
All right, Vince.
Now, ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
you must know what justice can mean...
...to a man who is defenseless
because he is poor.
How would you feel if
a huge corporation bulldozed you...
...into selling your life's work...
...an invention that has made
them millions, and selling it for what?
A paltry $5000.
I ask you, ladies and gentlemen,
to look upon my client.
A man who has stood silently
at a workbench for years...
...planning, working,
striving to create...
- Are you Davis?
- Yeah, come in.
Glad to meet you.
My name is Joseph Kratz.
- Oh, yes. Sixth Ward.
- Oh, you know me, eh?
- Heard of you. Sit down.
- Thanks.
Got a good case for you, Davis. One that'll
make you a lot of friends if you take it.
That's fine. What do you get out of it?
Me? Nothing. A friend of mine's
in jail on a bum rap.
- I want you to defend him.
- What'd he do?
Why, he got drunk last night
and beat up his old lady.
- His mother?
- Yeah.
- Nice fella.
- Well, you know how things like that are.
- They book him on assault and battery?
- They're gonna hook him on the Sullivan Act.
The sap was carrying a gun
and beat her with the butt of it.
- Accidentally?
- Yeah, accidental.
But if she kicks off, he's up for murder.
Do you think I'd defend
a guy like that?
- Why not?
- I'd rather beat his brains out.
I don't want the case, Kratz.
It smells.
Now, wait a minute, just a minute,
Davis, before you turn this down.
There are a lot of boys around my ward
who'll play ball with you if you take it.
You don't want a lawyer, Kratz,
you want a crook.
Take your dirty work to somebody else.
Now, don't pull any of that
honest lawyer stuff on me.
"Big Shot" McKay
didn't pick you out of the gutter...
...and send you through college
for nothing.
- Out.
- All right, all right.
When you change your mind,
let me know.
Call me up. You'll never get anywhere
playing shyster for that rat.
- Eddie!
- Yeah, Eddie.
That's a swell way
to treat a customer.
Just a greaseball!
Well, if it isn't old man
Department of Justice himself.
- When'd you get here?
- Flew up this morning.
- Business?
- Yeah.
Sit down. Park yourself.
Well, well. What, no brass button,
no badge? What is this?
Nobody has any time to polish them.
Too busy going around with
a big badge frightening people.
What a lawyer. A year out of school,
you're using the same argument.
And it's still good.
What's the use of going to law school...
...if you're gonna throw it over
and play cops and robbers.
If you had gone into practice,
you'd be at the top now...
...instead of flatfooting around.
Law's a great game.
Maybe so. But you sure look funny
sitting behind a desk.
I suppose I have to entertain
while you're here.
Not for a couple of days. I have
an appointment with a chap named Durfee.
- After that, okay.
- That's swell.
I'll try to clean up most of my work.
I think I can get a whole day off.
Are you getting much business?
Business is terrific.
I have to throw half of it out.
What's the use of kidding, Brick?
You ought to keep your law books
dusted off.
Old eagle-eye.
- Things are pretty tough, aren't they?
- Yeah.
But only because
I don't wanna be a shyster.
Which means blackmailing
and ambulance chasing.
I've been in too many back alleys as a kid
to wanna go back.
You've gotta have a West Side office
to get decent business.
And I've got the East Side and...
The elevated.
I wish you were in the department.
You'd make a good G-man.
- You starting that again?
- Yeah. What's more, you'd like it.
You'd be out seeing some action...
...instead of sitting in a law office
getting fat between the ears.
It's a great department, Brick.
A great bunch of fellas.
When they tackle a job,
they stick to it till it's finished...
...and no fat-faced politician standing
around telling them what to do.
I brought a department report along
and an application I want you to read.
Now, think it over, mule. I have
to shove along. I'll see you Thursday.
All right, Eddie, I'll be here.
- Well, I'm out.
- Same here.
- Let you two guys fight it out.
- Check.
Well, 200.
- Two more.
- You're called.
Ace full.
The guy's right,
the gardenia does bring him luck.
This keeps up, I'll believe it.
- Who is it?
- Durfee.
Hello, Leggett.
- Hello, fellas.
- Hello. What's eating you?
The heat's on me.
Will you lend me some dough?
- Dough? You wouldn't try to rib us?
- No, on the level.
How about that counterfeit
you been printing?
- I haven't got any.
- What?
A government guy tailing me
for the post-office job wrecked the plant.
- I've gotta get across the state line.
- Tough break.
- Okay, Dan?
- Yeah.
- Let us know when you're light.
- Thanks.
- I'll pay you back, double. So long.
- Don't forget that.
- No, I won't.
- Deal me out.
It's a tough break.
He ought to get himself an arsenal
and stick around.
Why, those government guys
don't even carry rods.
You're under arrest, Durfee.
Kill the lights.
Give me a reacher.
- What's the matter?
- Copper's got him.
- How are you, Mr. Davis?
- Is Mr. McKay in?
- He's in his office, sir.
- Thank you.
Yeah, come in.
Oh, hello, Brick.
- Busy, Mac?
- No, come on in.
Well, sit down.
- Have a cigar?
- No, thanks.
Where have you been
keeping yourself?
I've been sticking
pretty close to the office.
- Much business?
- No, no.
Well, come on, kid, spill it.
What's on your chest?
- I wanna talk some things over with you.
- Go ahead, shoot.
Tell me, Mac, how much
did you spend on me?
- I mean, education and everything?
- About 20 grand. Why?
That's an awful lot of dough.
Chicken feed when you like a guy.
Was that the only reason?
Well, maybe I wanted to see a kid that
had the same start in life that I had...
...make a real success.
Haven't had much success.
Nobody gets ahead fast when
they play the game on the level.
- That's the way you want me to play it?
- That's the only way to play it.
I been in rackets all my life, Brick.
They don't pay off. Except in dough.
Well, Mac,
it looks like I'm gonna cross you.
- You wouldn't turn crook?
- No, no.
But I am giving up the law business.
I've tried to make a go of it, but it's no use.
Guess I wasn't cut out
to warm a desk chair.
Well, maybe that's right.
What are you gonna do?
I've joined the Department of Justice.
They accepted my application yesterday.
How'd you happen to do this?
I got you.
They want you in Washington.
Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow morning.
That puts me on the other side
of the fence from you.
That's where you ought to be.
But they're out to get you.
You and everybody else in your racket.
If they assign me to go after you,
I've gotta use everything I know.
You got to play ball with them, Brick.
Go to it.
Now, Mac...
You won't get me, Brick.
I'm going to quit.
I've been thinking about it
for a long time.
But what about Collins and Leggett
and all the rest? Will they let you quit?
They still take orders from me
whether they know it or not.
- Hi, Louie.
- Gentlemen. Hi, boys.
Hi, Ruby.
Yeah, you can put them both on one.
- May I check your hat, sir?
- No, thanks.
- Want a drink?
- No, thanks.
- Come on, hurry up.
- Okay.
- Are you ready, Jean?
- Okay.
- Hello, Brad.
- How are you, Louise?
Hello, baby, how are you?
- Busy. Ever think of knocking?
- I never knock.
It does save getting splinters
in your knuckles.
- Someday someone's gonna knock you flat.
- What are you doing tonight?
- I think I've got a date.
- With me?
- Nope. Brick Davis.
- Oh, is he here?
- See you sometime.
- So long, Mac.
Don't hit any foul balls.
I'll try not to.
How are you?
- I heard something about you, lawyer.
- You did? What?
- That you're gonna be a big G-man.
- That's right.
- You ought to be dumped in a ditch.
- Keep your tin badge in Washington.
If you stick your puss in our affairs,
you'll get a bellyful of this. Now beat it.
You made up your mind
about that plant in Brooklyn?
Yep. I'm gonna sell it.
- Sell it?
- What do you mean?
- I'm gonna retire.
- What's gonna happen to us?
That's your affair.
You can take over and keep going
if you want to, but you'd be suckers.
- This game is washed up.
- Yeah, maybe.
We're not gonna let the Mob bust up. There
are plenty of rackets we can move into.
Not for me. I'm selling out.
- What if we don't want you to sell out?
- I sell out anyway.
I've spent all the time I want to
trying to keep you guys in line.
From now on, you can run things
to suit yourself.
If they catch up with you,
it's your grief. I'm selling out.
- Does that make sense to you guys?
- Yeah, that makes sense.
- Hello, stranger.
- Oh, how are you, Jean?
Well, I feel fine. I was beginning
to think I had the measles...
...the way you've been staying away.
- I've been awfully busy.
Yeah, I know.
That's the way it always happens.
Mac puts my name up in lights, and the
only person I wanna see gets tangled up.
Don't you get eye strain
reading law books?
Yeah, that's why I'm giving it all up.
I'm leaving for Washington tomorrow.
I just stopped in to see you.
- Got a law case down there?
- No, I'm closing the office.
I've joined the Department of Justice.
- Then you'll be staying there?
- Yeah, for a while anyway.
Well, that makes things different,
doesn't it?
Yeah, a whole lot different.
You could almost call it
a flying broad jump, couldn't you?
I just told Mac about it.
- What did he say?
- He thought it was a grand idea.
Well, I think it's swell, Brick,
getting into work like that.
You'll like it a lot better
than a law office.
Yeah, that's the way I feel about it.
I've gotta get going.
- Sorry you can't see the show.
- Yeah, so am I, but you understand.
Yeah. Goodbyes are sort of silly,
aren't they?
- Yeah.
- Well, we can send you...
...a bulletproof vest for Christmas.
- Yeah. So long, kid.
Say, there's no rule that a G-man can't
kiss an old friend goodbye, is there?
Get a comparison
on those test bullets yet?
Just checking them.
You're out of luck, Jeff.
They don't match.
- Which one killed Buchanan?
- The one on the left.
I'll tell the chief.
- Morning.
- Morning.
The rifle we found isn't the one.
The slugs don't check.
The fingerprints on the handcuff
match Durfee's.
Buchanan had him collared
when he was killed.
Put that in your wire
to the New York division.
- Report back here at 3:00.
- Yes, sir.
Let me go up to New York, chief.
I'd like a crack at this case.
No, I'm sending Smith up. I need you here
in charge of training these new men.
- More law-school graduates?
- Three of them.
Oh, have a heart, chief. Give this grief to
somebody else. I've been doing it for a year.
I made a decent record
in the field for nine years.
Do I have to spend the rest of my life
combing these kids out of my hair?
You're familiar with the work. And there
aren't enough old hands to go around.
I'm the one should be yelling, not you.
We need those men. Lots of them.
I know. But why can't we get
more guys with police experience?
Guys that know the underworld,
not just how to spout law.
These kids have as much chance of
pulling through a dangerous assignment...
...as Buchanan had.
That depends on how well
you train them, Jeff.
That's your assignment. Go to it.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Davis is here, Mr. Gregory.
Yes, sir.
He says you're to report to Mr. McCord,
the man who just left.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Well, you look like...
...you're not going to New York.
- I'm not going.
I'm gonna keep on pounding
the ABC's of crime...
...into the skulls
of these babes-in-arms.
Law-school graduate. Law-school
graduate. Law-school graduate.
Listen: Mr. James Davis, doctor of law,
doctor of philosophy, Phi Beta Kappa.
Now, isn't that sweet?
- Phi Beta Kappa.
- What's yours, "Flatfooter Copper"?
Who said that? Who are you?
I'm Davis. But don't let that
spoil your fun. Go right ahead.
So you're Mr. Davis.
- And you're McCord.
- That's right.
- And this is Mr. Farrell.
- Hiya.
- Hello.
- And we're not Phi Beta Kappas.
- No, I gathered that.
- A very funny remark.
Lay off him, Jeff.
He seems to be all right.
Sure, a perfect legal specimen.
But I don't think I like you,
Mr. Davis.
And I can't work up much of a sweat
over that kisser of yours either.
However, my personal attitude will
have no bearing on your advancement.
I think I'll take charge
of your training personally.
There you go.
I don't want you to think I'm taking
advantage of you in this...
...but the first requirement
is an excellent physical condition.
Second, to know how to take care
of yourself in a fight.
I've noticed that you lawyers
talk most of your fights in court.
Now, the first is the balance.
Keep your feet wide apart...
...so that you won't be bowled over
if somebody says "boo."
Like this.
Very good. Now, the left lead.
Keep your right well up
and guard my lead.
Well, keep it cocked. Keep it up there.
Keep the right hand high.
That's very, very good.
Now we'll trade rights.
You mean, like this.
Nice going, Brick.
Hey, he's a darn good lawyer.
- Yeah. How was that, better?
- That's fine, Davis. Fine.
Your leverages are practically the same
as in wrestling.
- Hello, Jeff.
- Hi.
Jujitsu isn't hard to learn once you get
used to the uses of the shifting balance.
Now, try those last two attacks
I showed you.
Watch out for yourself.
I'm gonna give you the works on defense.
- All right. Here we go.
- All right.
- I wasn't expecting that one.
- You'll get on to it.
- Now, try the second one.
- Second one?
...Id like to try that one again.
- Sure. Come ahead.
Gee, I'm sorry, Davis.
I didn't mean to throw you off the mat.
Oh, that's all right.
Are you okay?
Listen, maybe you'd
better call it a day...
...and go and wash up.
- Yeah.
That's kind of a good idea. Well...
...thanks for the workout.
- Not at all.
Hey, that kid can take it, Jeff.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Very good.
Mr. Davis...
...you're next.
The noise may frighten you,
but we want you to get used to it.
In case they change the laws so that
government agents can carry guns.
Keep a stiff wrist.
The idea is to look along the barrel...
...and try and put the bullet somewhere
near the dummies over there.
I see.
Like this?
That's it.
Would you mind reloading that?
I get a bit frightened.
Where did you learn to shoot?
I used to be marble champion
of the Bronx.
What's the...?
- I'm awfully sorry.
- You should be.
No, l... I really am. So sorry.
- Are you waiting for someone?
- Obviously.
- Perhaps I can help you.
- No, thank you.
You're very welcome.
Are you waiting to see somebody?
Oh, pardon me for staring.
I'm studying character in faces...
...and I find yours interesting.
- So it appears.
Chin type number two.
"Does not make friends easily...
...and resents strangers."
Yeah, that's right.
"Eyes far apart indicates
cruelty to animals.
The tendency of the skin to get purple
with anger indicates high blood pressure...
...common among people
with hot tempers."
What does it say about
rifles and ammunition?
- "Most effective when used on offensive."
- Does it say how offensive?
Well, we...
We all look at things differently.
Hello, Kay.
- How are you?
- Just fine.
- Have a good trip down?
- Wonderful.
- I'm so glad to see you.
- Same here. Where's Hugh?
- He went to look for you.
- He met you at the station?
- I wanted to come myself.
- I know. Hugh told me.
Where have you been keeping yourself?
I'm sorry to keep you waiting...
...but this brother of yours
jumps around like a grasshopper.
- Have you seen the apartment?
- I left my bags there. It's grand.
- Pretty good-looking for a graduate nurse.
- Oh, not bad.
And they advanced you
to night supervisor?
I'm getting this vacation
on full salary.
- Swell. You can buy our lunch. Come on.
- Well, I should say.
Extra! Federal bank truck robbed!
Half a million dollars!
Read all about the big robbery!
Two murdered by bank bandits!
Hop on these. They're the bullets
that killed the bank truck guards.
Check them against all
the gun-marking records.
Okay, Jeff.
Where did you get this?
From the right-hand front door
of the car they did the shooting from.
Pull me the file on Twin Loops, B-6.
Fat chance those guards had.
Guy next to the driver
had a shotgun and a rifle...
...and two guys in the back
blazing at them with machine guns.
Twin Loops, B-6.
- Were there any marks on that car?
- Not one.
We traced the license, but it was stolen.
Oh, yes, there was one clue:
A mashed flower on the floor
of the front seat, a gardenia.
A gardenia?
- Yes, a gardenia.
- On the side where the man...
...with the shotgun was sitting?
- That's right, hawkshaw.
See if you have prints on Danny Leggett,
a New York gangster. Please, a hunch.
They might check up with this one.
Find out if we got any prints
on Danny Leggett, a New York gangster.
- Yes, let me have them.
- You're marvelous.
All you have to do is hear about a gardenia,
and out of 4 million prints...
...you pick the right one,
just like that. What a detective.
So nice to have you realize it.
Prints on Leggett. New York record.
Thanks, Joe.
Well, we'll see how good you are.
It's a long shot.
Four million to one.
Ought to be a cinch. I'm dying.
Almost too good to be true.
He's right, Jeff. Leggett's your man.
Don't you think you better run along
and tell Gregory, Mr. McCord?
Wait a minute, Davis.
How do you know so much
about this Leggett?
We were raised together on the
East Side in the same neighborhood.
- An East Side mug with a gardenia?
- Yeah.
- What?
- He always wears one. It's a superstition.
- Did you find anything?
- I'll say I did.
This rifle bullet is the same as
the one that killed Buchanan.
- Yeah?
- Positive check, same rifle.
That means Leggett.
He used it in the bank robbery.
Yeah, but that's no proof he's
the one who used it on Buchanan.
No, but I know how to get him
and find out.
- Let me go to New York.
- Forget it. You haven't finished your course.
- But you can recommend me.
- Well, I'm not going to. You're not ready.
Then you won't do it because
you don't like me. You never have.
But you're not man enough to say so.
If Leggett killed Buchanan, I want him.
I'm going over your head, McCord.
I'm going to ask Gregory myself.
McCord is right, Davis, and personal
differences have nothing to do with it.
We have definite rules governing
procedure here, and we stick to them.
- Yes, sir.
- I wouldn't send you or any other new man.
Farrell has this assignment. You'll have
your chance when you're ready for it.
That's all, Davis.
Thank you, sir.
I'm not going to assign you
to New York.
That would tie you up in case Leggett
gets across any state lines.
You'll be assigned to the district
where you find him.
I want only one thing:
- Get him.
- Yes, sir.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, sir.
- See you at the airport, Jeff.
- Right.
- Well, I hope you get him, Farrell.
- Thanks.
You wanted this assignment bad,
didn't you?
Yeah. Buchanan and I
were close friends.
I'll remember that.
You might keep an eye on the flower shops.
Leggett buys a gardenia every day.
- Thanks, Davis.
- Oh, and...
...watch that derby of his.
He doesn't wear a hard hat for nothing.
- I'll remember that too.
- Good luck.
- Well, how do you do, Miss McCord?
- Oh, it's you.
Yeah. My name's Davis.
So you're Mr. Davis.
- You've heard of me?
- My brother mentioned you.
- Oh, yes. We're good friends.
- Didn't sound like that to me.
You mustn't mind him, he's a great kidder.
You know, you're looking better today.
- You've lost that purple angry look.
- I'm glad to hear it.
- I was worried about you.
- About me? Why?
Well, we can't discuss that here.
- Couldn't I see you this evening?
- No, I'm leaving for Chicago tonight.
Well, that's too bad.
Just what did you want
to talk to me about?
Why, I might like to have
a picture of you.
- Did you think I'd give you one?
- Wouldn't you?
- No.
- Well, I just thought I'd ask.
- Are you as nice to everybody you hate?
- Yes. And they don't get pictures.
Well, thanks for letting me have it.
- I said I wouldn't give you one.
- But you have.
Hey, Davis, telegram for you.
Oh, thanks.
- Mac!
- Brick, come on in.
Well, gee, I'm glad to see you.
- I'm glad to see you.
- Come on. Sit down.
What a surprise. Tell me,
what are you doing here?
Me? I'm heading west.
"Joseph Lynch" and "heading west"?
I didn't want anybody to connect you
with me, get you in a jam.
- Oh, yeah.
- Well, how you getting along?
Fine, fine. I just finished
my training course.
- Never mind about me, what are you doing?
- I'm in the hotel business.
- You, in the hotel business?
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- I bought a summer place up in Wisconsin.
It's called Pinecrest.
Fishing, tourists...
- And mosquitoes.
- Yeah, mosquitoes. All that kind of thing.
- Well, what about New York?
- I sold everything out. I'm gonna forget it.
- And you threw the Mob overboard?
- Yep.
Well, I'm still looking for Leggett.
- Wanna tell me anything?
- You wouldn't want me to, would you?
No. Forget it.
You know, I can't play ball with either side.
I'm kind of sitting on top of the fence.
Swell place to spend a nice quiet life,
but rather dull.
- Yeah.
- What about Jean?
I don't know. She kind of dropped
out of sight after I closed the cabaret.
- I haven't seen her in months.
- I'd like to see her. A swell kid.
- Yeah.
- Board!
Well, that's me.
Guess I've gotta shove off.
I just wanted to tell you, if you get
out west, come look the place over.
- I'll give you a real blowout.
- Sold.
It's a date. I'm glad you let me know
you were passing through.
I just wanted to check on
how you're getting on.
- I'll see you sometime.
- You bet you will. I'll see to that.
- Bye, Mac.
- Goodbye.
- You send for me?
- Yes. Just making out a report on you.
Before I send it to Gregory, I want
the right answers to some questions.
- Riding me again?
- lf I am, it's for the last time.
You've been making a few slips,
I've been checking up on you.
- What are you trying to get away with?
- Nothing.
Then why did you falsify your
personal history in your entrance papers?
I didn't. There's not one false statement
in those papers.
They've been checked and passed.
You can't nail me on that, McCord.
I've told them everything.
Runaway from the orphanage, arrests for
vagrancy and fighting, law school, all of it.
All but the one thing you knew would
keep you out of here...
...and I've just uncovered it.
You've been hooked up with
a big bootleg outfit in New York.
The leader paid your way through
law school, undercover.
Set you up in law business. A very
smart way for a Mob to get a stool pigeon...
...in the Department of Justice.
- That's a lie.
- The same Mob that Leggett's in.
No wonder you could tell us
all you knew about him.
It didn't hurt McKay,
and it got you in here solid.
McKay had absolutely nothing to do
with my coming here.
And once more,
I've never worked for him!
I haven't seen him or been in contact
with him for months!
Well, until...
Go on.
Until you reported to him on
the 3:45 train, drawing room A.
You've been under observation
for a week, Davis.
Well, I guess that takes care
of everything.
You can break me out of the service
with that.
That seems to be what you want.
You've been riding me for a long time...
...but I'll give you some straight answers.
- Go ahead.
- I'll tell you about McKay.
I was a gutter rat when he found me...
...and would probably still be one
if it hadn't been for him.
He gave me a chance to go straight,
do the right thing. I took it.
But he's never asked anything of me.
- Why did you join the department?
- Because of Buchanan.
Buchanan was my friend.
He was my roommate at college.
And I wanted to get the guy
who killed him.
McCord, I studied law
because I wanted to work for the law...
...and for no other reason.
Now, I've taken an awful lot from you
since I've been here...
...and you're the last man I'd ask anything
of unless it meant a great deal to me.
The service does.
Please don't kick me out.
- Thanks.
- Thanks, nothing!
Make one more fake pass,
and out you go for good!
- You know the ropes around here, huh?
- Yeah, I made some contacts.
- Collins come out with you?
- No, he'll join us in about a month.
- Any of the rest of the Mob come out?
- Six of them.
They got a hideout in Kansas City.
- I got one here in case you need it.
- Probably will.
We figured on staying around
for a while.
Thinking of opening up a bank.
Maybe a couple of them.
- Nice country around here.
- Yeah, I was thinking that myself.
Calling all cars. Attention, all cars.
Be on the lookout for
a man identified as Leggett...
...heading west on Highway 66.
You sure this is the place?
The second cabin.
He buy gardenia from me...
Yeah, yeah, sure. I know all about that.
Come on, boys.
- Tony, you stay here. All right.
- Yes, sir.
- Stick them up!
- Not this time, Leggett.
Come on, get up.
Move it.
Put your gun up, copper.
You're not gonna get hurt.
I wish I could use it on you,
I'd save the state a lot of money.
Come on, Leggett. Get into your coat.
Too bad you didn't have that on
when it happened.
Who told you about that?
Oh, a friend of mine.
Come on, get going.
- They've got Danny.
- Wait a minute. There's too many of them.
We'd better get the Mob. Go on, scram.
I don't know anything about it.
- You killed Buchanan.
- You're crazy.
You used the same gun to kill
that bank guard.
Oh, save your breath.
You'll talk when you get inside
that jail.
- You won't keep me in any jail.
- No? We'll see.
Yeah. We'll see.
- Paper!
- Tonight's final!
- Paper here!
- Tonight's final!
- Hello, chief.
- How are you?
- Car ready, Al?
- We've got two of them.
Okay. Let's go.
Paper. Paper. Tonight's final.
Get readied up. They're here.
Come on, let's go.
Up, coppers, up!
Leggett! The car's across the street!
The state police cannot combat
these criminals.
Neither can city police.
The law prohibits them from pursuing
criminals across the state line.
With the automobile and airplane...
...these gangs can get
from state to state in a few hours.
The Department of Justice
is handicapped.
When Hugh Farrell died
in that slaughter...
...he didn't even have a gun
to defend himself.
A federal agent is not permitted
to have a gun.
He can't even make an arrest without
first obtaining a local warrant.
Gentlemen, give us national laws
with teeth in them...
...covering the whole field
of interstate crime.
Permit us to work to full effect
with the state police agencies...
...and these gangs will be wiped out.
What laws do you need most?
Make bank robbery and kidnapping
federal crimes.
Make it a federal crime
to kill a government agent...
...or to flee across a state line
to avoid arrest...
...or to avoid testifying as a witness.
Arm your agents.
And not just with revolvers.
If these gangsters wanna use
machine guns...
...then give your special agents
machine guns, shotguns, tear gas.
Everything else. This is war!
Now, understand, I don't wanna make
them a group of quick-trigger men...
...but I do want the underworld to know
that when a federal agent draws his gun...
...he's ready and equipped to shoot to kill
with the least possible waste of bullets.
I know how you feel about Hugh, Jeff,
and I've decided to let you take over.
You're giving me his assignment?
I'm putting you in charge
of the Chicago office.
This list is to be posted
in all districts...
...and not to come down until every name
on it is accounted for.
More will be added. Take the plane.
I'm assigning five agents to go with you.
- You pick your own men and let me know.
- Yes, sir.
Send Davis in. And tell Henderson
to report here at once.
Yes, I wanna talk to you.
You've been yelling for months for action.
We'll see how your nerves
stand up under fire.
You're assigned to Chicago.
Be at the airport at 4:00.
Now, go on home and get packed.
It's part of the money taken in that
East Chicago bank robbery.
- How much did you get?
- Two $20 bills.
Their serial numbers check
with the list you gave us.
- Who banked them?
- J.E. Blattner.
Here's the deposit slip and the address.
"J.E. Blattner, 43..."
- When did you get them?
- One last night. The other four days ago.
I didn't know it was hot dough, honest.
I'm on the level.
- Never mind that, who gave them to you?
- I don't know him.
- What'd he look like?
- Oh, medium size.
Black hair. He's a swell dresser.
That's all I know...
- Buys a flower every day?
- Yeah, a gardenia.
- He buys lots.
- All with $20 bills?
Yeah. He always carries a roll.
All right, that's all.
Keep your mouth shut.
You bet. I don't wanna get
tangled up with you G-guys.
- So long.
- So long.
Hold your fire!
I've been waiting for this.
Come on. On your feet.
On your feet.
He's taking a shower.
Any message?
There ain't any shower there, copper.
- I'll bet that was Collins.
- Yeah? Get him out of here.
I can't help it. Every time I see you,
I wonder if it's gonna be the last.
Now, listen. There's no sense
in you reading the papers...
...and then coming down here
all in an uproar. I'm all right.
- I'll keep on being all right.
- That's what Hugh said.
- He never had a chance.
- I know.
But he didn't have a gun either.
Those guys don't like it now that we're able
to give them a dose of their own medicine.
You should have seen the way Davis
manhandled this Leggett.
- I'm not interested in Davis.
- Yeah, well, it was a sweet job.
- But don't tell him I said so.
- Don't worry, I won't.
I don't even wanna talk to him.
- You're beginning to like him, aren't you?
- No, I'm not.
And I wish you'd keep him away
from the hospital too.
- Do you mean to say he's been up there?
- Yes, he has.
He said he wanted to look over the rooms
in case he ever got sick.
Excuse me. There's a man here
wants to see you.
- Says it's important.
- Who is it?
- He won't say.
- All right.
Wait outside, will you, Kay?
What do you want?
- Well, I got a message for you.
- All right, go ahead.
Do you guarantee not to arrest me?
Oh, that kind, eh?
I promise you nothing.
What have you got to say?
The paper says youse guys is gonna take
Leggett down to the state pen tomorrow...
...keep him there till his trial, right?
- Yeah. That's right.
Well, Gerard says...
...to tell you G-guys if you stick your
nose out trying to take him to the pen...
...there'll be another massacre.
And doubles.
- He said that, did he?
- Yeah.
Well, you go back and tell Gerard...
...that I've decided to talk Leggett
to the pen myself.
Tell him I'll leave here with him
at 7:15 tomorrow morning.
I'll go to the station by car,
take the 7:40 train...
...and then a car to the prison.
Tell him I'll be alone.
And if he's looking for trouble, he can
have it at any of those times and places.
Get out!
- You can't do that, Jeff. They'll kill you.
- Nonsense.
- You can't take chances like that.
- Forget it.
Think I'm gonna let that Mob get away
with sending their orders into this office?
They're not playing with a bunch
of helpless bank tellers.
The sooner they learn that, the better.
We're gonna make the word "government"
poison to them if it's the last thing we do.
What does that matter to me?
l... I can't lose you, Jeff.
You can I are alone,
and I haven't got anybody.
There, there.
You're not going to lose me.
Oh, come on, sis.
You don't know what this is all about.
You go back to your hospital and help take
care of all those cromos with the mumps.
What's the matter?
It's Jeff. He can't go through with it.
He'll get killed.
- Oh, I wouldn't say that.
- Oh, please don't let him do it.
He's gonna try and take Leggett
to prison alone. You can stop him. Please!
Now, you mustn't worry about that.
He'll do it beautifully.
Now, you keep your little head
right there, and...
Get going.
Nice prison.
Too bad your Mob
didn't keep their promise.
You won't live long, McCord.
Step on it, driver.
Sit tight, Leggett.
If they start something, remember,
you get it first.
Watch that car.
Are they dumb enough to think they
can get you here?
Get him inside.
What's the idea of trailing me?
Just wanted to see
if you could get here.
Any report from Division L?
Yeah, there's no trace of Collins or Gerard.
It looks as though the Mob has disappeared.
- They've got a great hideout, wherever it is.
- I'll say they have.
Unless you fellas have been
taking a vacation for two weeks.
You haven't had an attack of brilliance
lately. Why don't you try guessing?
They're in that circle somewhere.
Only six states.
We've got them cornered.
Cut out the wisecracks.
What time did that...?
- Any luck?
- We found Collins' wife.
- Where is she?
- Outside. Wanna question her?
I'll say I do.
Bring her in, Bill.
Sit down.
- We located the apartment he rented.
- The boys have been drinking varnish.
- The landlady identifies her as Mrs. Grover.
- She's crazy.
She identifies her as Mrs. Grover.
That's the name they've been using.
You're lucky that's all you heard.
You should hear her tell about
the tenants in 106.
Cut out the funny stuff. Where's Collins?
- You frighten me.
- Answer the question.
I haven't the slightest idea.
He's just a friend.
I dropped in and he wasn't there.
These gentlemen were.
They looked at me and I looked at them.
They invited me down here and here we are.
Now, are you happy?
Or shall I tell you about my operation?
- Gonna keep on stalling, eh?
- You are so bright.
McCord, I'd like to speak to you
for a moment.
We won't get anywhere that way.
Let me have a few minutes alone with her.
- Why do you think you can get her to talk?
- I know her.
Come on out, guys.
No reason why old friends
shouldn't shake hands.
Thanks for calling off the wolf.
Funny meeting this way, isn't it?
Yeah. Not even a floor show.
Tell me, why did you marry him?
Why not?
Oh, yeah, I know, but why Collins?
Brad's always been pretty swell to me.
I've been happy.
Oh, now, come on, don't give me that.
- Let's stop the kidding.
- I'm not kidding.
All right.
When did you see him last?
You heard me tell them. A month ago.
- I didn't expect you to tell the truth.
- Then why ask me?
Because I can't understand
protecting that guy.
You know what he is
and what he's done.
You know that since he's been out here
he's killed two officers in cold blood.
And you tell me you've been
happy with him?
No, I'm not.
When I read that, I decided to quit.
I'm not going back to him.
There, that's better.
When did you marry him?
A couple of months
after the cabaret closed.
And you never told McKay?
He's one person I didn't want
to know about it.
He'll probably learn it
from Brad, though.
He'll learn it from Brad?
- Is Collins with McKay?
- No.
- He's hiding out at McKay's lodge!
- I never told you that!
- Brick! Brick, you can't!
- You wait there.
- Well?
- Collins is hiding...
...at McKay's summer hotel
in Pinecrest.
- Gerard and the rest are probably with him.
- I thought you said McKay quit.
- I did, but...
- Drake, pick seven more men.
Get guns for all of them.
Martin, call the police at Pinecrest.
Ask them to have three cars waiting.
- Get a transport plane.
- Right.
I could go for this north woods stuff.
- It does something to you.
- You're telling me.
The idea of Mac trying
to keep us out of here.
- Say, I thought you said he was a pal.
- Sure, he is. But he's a bad host.
Imagine him calling this poison
good liquor.
He don't even like it himself.
Give us a speech, Mac, and tell the girls
what a big shot you used to be.
Go on, talk!
You wouldn't like what I have to say.
Closed for the season.
We'd better stop here.
There it is.
Get to the positions
you were assigned on that map.
Davis, you watch the side door.
I've got 12:17. Five minutes will
give you time to get around the back.
When we're ready to crash in,
I'll fire two shots.
You fellas go through those windows
and doors, and go fast. All right.
Come on, let's see if you can
still stand on those heels.
Excuse us, will you, Mr. McKay?
Say, what's that?
- They've spotted us.
- No use waiting.
Come on! We gotta move!
We might as well quit.
We're not hitting anything.
Keep that gun working!
Keep them in the woods!
Give me noise! Give me lots of noise!
Come on.
- We can't make it this way!
- Side door's nearer to the cars.
You've gotta help us out of here!
Shut up! Get upstairs and lay low.
We gotta make a run for it.
Give them the tear gas.
Tear gas!
Come on, we gotta make
a break for the cars!
- Who's going out and take it first, you?
- No, none of us.
Come on, Big Shot.
You're big enough to be a good shield.
- Hello, Brick.
- Mac, I didn't know it was you.
It wasn't your fault.
You're okay, kid.
Funny, I was thinking about you
the other day...
...wondering when you were
coming up for that...
Oh, Mac.
- Nice work tonight, Brick.
- Road between here and Chicago is blocked.
What's the idea?
I'm washed up.
I'll mail my resignation in
to the Chicago office tomorrow.
One time you told me I was the last guy...
...you'd ever beg anything from unless it
meant something to you. Remember that?
- Yeah.
- Personally, that goes double with me.
But I'm talking to you now
as the head of this division.
I don't wanna report you as
the first guy that left this service...
...before his job was finished.
That time it meant something
to you to stay.
Now it means something to me
to have you stay.
Oh, I know how you feel about McKay.
I'd feel the same way in your spot,
but you didn't kill him.
Those rats could have left him inside.
They murdered him
when they forced him out.
And Collins got away with it.
Think it over.
- Who is it?
- Brad. Open up.
What's the idea of moving?
I was afraid they'd find me.
They were looking everywhere for you.
I'll say they were looking.
They raided the lodge
and knocked over everybody but me.
I know, I read the papers.
You got away.
Well, what are you staring about?
You don't look very glad about it.
Oh, I am, Brad.
But, gee, I've been scared to death.
- That's why I didn't leave word.
- I'll say you didn't.
I had to trace you through
the trucking outfit that moved your stuff.
I'd still like to know how those coppers
found us up there.
- They didn't get to you, did they?
- Oh, no. No, I've been safe here.
Yeah, sure.
You're a smart kid.
I just got the jumps.
Forget it. Crack open a bottle of whiskey
and we'll celebrate.
There isn't any in the house.
Well, beat it down to the store
and get some.
- And get me some cigarettes, will you?
- All right.
- You'll find some food in the icebox.
- Okay.
He may be doubling back now.
- I wanna warn Jean.
- I wanna ask her a few questions myself.
- all highways, driving black touring car.
License 391284.
Collins escaped from apartment house
at 2934 Modena.
Collins in Chicago? Okay, Burns.
Collins driving black touring car.
License 391284.
- Oh, hello, Brad.
- Get rid of that car, it's hot.
- Where you going?
- Oh, hello, Jeff.
- Why, l... I heard that Mr. Davis was here.
- Mr. Davis, huh?
- Was he badly hurt?
- Nothing serious.
They took one slug out of his chest
and another creased his skull.
There's nothing to worry about.
He's squawking about having to stay.
- I gotta beat it, kid.
- Jeff?
- How'd he get shot?
- Wait a minute.
He did it saving my life,
and he showed a lot of nerve doing it too.
He's a great guy, Kay.
But don't tell him I said so.
- Are you sure you're all right?
- Yeah, sure, fine. He just winged me.
If I'd come out a few minutes later,
I'd have seen you. I could have warned you.
No, you did the right thing getting
out of there as fast you could.
Come in.
- Oh, l... I'm sorry.
- Oh, please don't go. Come in.
- Miss Morgan, Miss McCord.
- How do you do?
I heard what happened. I wanted
to thank you for saving Jeff's life.
Oh, it wasn't much.
We had a lucky break, that's all.
Did he tell you that?
I wondered.
- Are you all right?
- Oh, yes, I'm fine.
Well, I won't intrude any longer.
- Good night, Miss Morgan.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Well, I think I better go
and let you get some sleep.
All right, Jean.
Don't go back to that apartment.
- You can't afford to take any chances.
- It was swell of you to try to help me, Brick.
- I was a little bit late.
- Yes, but it makes things different.
I used to think that at least
I owed loyalty to Brad...
...but I realize now
I don't owe him anything.
He's done enough harm
without doing any more.
Wait a minute. What do you mean?
- I think I know where to find him.
- No, don't try it. Stay away from him!
Good night, Brick.
- Got the guns?
- He'll have them in the shop.
You can get them at 2:00.
You'll need them.
McCord and his G-men are
knocking every place in town.
- They're gunning for you.
- They are?
They'll make somebody talk.
When they do, they'll be down here quick.
- You better duck for Canada.
- Yeah.
- They'll blockade the roads.
- Don't worry about that.
I got a way of making McCord
call off his dogs. Open that door.
Want me to phone if Mr. Davis
starts running a temperature?
You stay away from him.
He'll be better with the doctor.
- Thanks. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Miss McCord.
- Yes?
- Get in that sedan.
Get in that sedan.
Yeah, this is Collins. And you can tell
McCord to get all patrols off the highways.
I've got his sister! And if they try
to stop me, I'll dump her into their laps.
And she won't be talking.
Calling car 121. Car 121.
Urgent. To Special Agent McCord.
Special Agent McCord.
Collins has kidnapped your sister.
Threatens to kill her
if attempt made to capture.
Don't get impatient, baby.
He won't be gone long.
Oh, hiya, Mrs. Collins. Come on in.
- I'm looking for Brad. Have you seen him?
- Yeah, he was here.
He'll be back pretty soon.
Say, you sure were lucky getting out
just before the cops jumped him.
- He told you?
- Yeah.
Close, wasn't it?
- Who's the dame?
- That? That's the G-guy's sister.
They got the heat on Brad,
but they'll lay off...
...when they find out
he's liable to bump this chicken.
- Lose all your guns at the lodge?
- Yeah.
Well, it was a good hideout.
Too bad the cops got hold of your wife.
- What are you talking about?
- Didn't you know?
- No, I didn't.
- Why, it's a cinch she spilled it.
They had her at government headquarters
the morning before they raided you.
What's the idea of leaving?
He's coming soon.
I know. I'll be right back.
I wanna get a few things.
- I'm going with him.
- That's up to you.
Oh, hello there, good-looking.
- Your wife was just here.
- When?
She just left a few minutes ago.
- She see the dame?
- Sure. She said she's going with you.
She's gonna rat to the cops.
Which way did she go?
Well, that way.
Come on back, they'll get you!
You got time to get away!
You can't make it!
- Did a dame go by here?
- One just went in the lunchroom.
Hello, General Hospital?
Brick Davis, please. Hurry.
- Hello, Brick? Jean. I found him.
- At it again, huh?
Operator, where's that receiver down?
Wait a minute, Mr. Davis.
You can't get up yet.
- You can't get up yet!
- Shut up and get my clothes!
Look here, Mr. Davis.
You can't leave here.
There she is, in there.
- Special agent.
- Yes, sir.
- How is she?
- I don't think she has a chance.
You've got to get there. Garage.
809 Allen Street.
Brad's got the McCord girl in his car.
Collins has Kay?
He's gonna try to get to Canada.
You've got to get there first.
I wouldn't make her talk too much.
I'll see you later.
I won't be around.
Sure you will.
...there's no rule that says a G-man...
...can't kiss an old friend goodbye,
is there?
Hello, police headquarters?
Special Agent Davis speaking.
Yeah, I've located Collins.
In a garage, 809 Allen Street.
809. Yeah, send cars.
He's holding Chief McCord's sister.
I'm going there now. Hurry!
Calling all cars, Division Six.
All cars, Division Six.
Collins located, 809 Allen Street.
809 Allen Street. A garage.
- Come on, step on it!
- Better give them time to clear the roads.
Come on, copper.
Are you gonna let her have it...
...or am I? Come on, copper!
Come on out and get it.
- You all right?
- Did you get him?
- Yeah, where's Kay?
- Inside.
- Is she all right?
- She's all right.
- Did they get him?
- Yes, with a machine gun.
- He crashed into a building down the street.
- Kay.
- Are you okay, kid?
- I'm all right. But where's Brick?
Oh, Jeff, he was wonderful.
- Thanks, Davis.
- A pleasure.
Don't you think you better be
getting back to the hospital?
Yeah, I guess that's a good idea.
- I'm going with him.
- Take good care of him, sis.
He's a great guy.
Shall I tell him you said so?
- How you feeling, Brick?
- Fine.
- Take care of yourself, Brick.
- Thanks.
I'm going over to get the car.
I'm gonna handle your case personally.
It's gonna be nice
having a nurse in the family.