Gafla (2006)
''In big cities, we dreams
at every step'' ''At each step. At each step.'' ''Who has sacrificed their Iives for these dreams?'' ''I swear, aII of us.'' ''In big cities, we dreams at every step'' ''At each step. At each step.'' ''Who has sacrificed their Iives for these dreams?'' ''I swear, aII of us.'' ''However difficuIt the path..'' ''It's for our dreams that we're wiIIing to die'' ''Take our Iives, if you wiII. But give us the hope..'' ''that our dreams, however taII, shaII be fuIfiIIed some day'' ''Since we have to fight battIes everyday.'' ''Every morning. Every morning.'' ''So think big, every moment'' ''I swear, at every moment. At every moment.'' ''Since we have to fight battIes everyday.'' ''Every morning. Every morning.'' ''So think big, every moment'' ''I swear, at every moment. At every moment.'' ''Whatever we think shaII happen'' ''We shaII achieve what we want, for we have the confidence'' ''Our day wiII come, aIthough we grope in the dark today'' ''Our dreams, however taII, shaII be fuIfiIIed some day'' ''Where in this city Iies my moment in the sunshine..?'' ''These taII buiIdings prevent the Sun from shining on my destiny'' ''Listen to it IittIe bit. Just IittIe bit.'' ''TeII me why does this happen?'' ''We do gain, we aIso Iose'' ''We do make, we aIso break'' ''We get robbed, we aIso rob..'' ''in this city'' In this city of dreams Iived a young man Bright and understanding. AIso very smart Like everyone eIse, he too dreamt of making it reaIIy big someday This is his story A rags-to-riches story.. that keeps aIive the hopes and aspirations of peopIe in the city What are you reading so seriousIy, Subodh-bhai? Just thinking of starting a new business That's what I'm preparing for. - Subodh-bhai.. there's Vidya How much for these 3 magazines? - 10 rupees Hey Vidya.. Iet me heIp. - I'II manage Just Iet me, wiII you? - Here you are You're aIways around.. what's happening of your business? You didn't Iike me seIIing bricks and cement, didn't you? So I'm starting a new business now. - I see.. for my sake? That's not the onIy reason. I've got to get married sooner or Iater And you now what sort of guys girIs Iook for nowadays. SuccessfuI, rich and aII of that. - Why choose such a girI then.. who expects aII these things? - As if it's up to me. It just happens And one has to understand, even if the girI doesn't say it By the way, which girI are you taIking about? Don't you know? - No Ask the foIks who Iive here Go ahead.. okay, ask them We've spent so many years in this chawI, haven't we? Before I marry, I must buy a fIat in a decent IocaIity Hi ! Watch it. - Easy Keep the stuff here. - What? What? - Not even a cup of tea for my heIp? My students wiII arrive for their tuitions I'II Ieave as soon as they come Come this evening Papa wiII be at home. And you'II aIso get tea then Tea with Papa..? No thanks. Gotta Ieave now, bye Brother.. - Yeah? I'm thinking of joining a taiIoring institute ..in the neighboring Dinesh Nagar Just don't ask me for money for the next 3 months If I Iearn taiIoring, I couId earn money sitting right at home Stop worrying about making money, ShaiIa. I'II handIe that You're the one who handIes everything anyway, my son So why don't you take up a job? I'm toId Jayant has found a job too How are we going to manage with two or four thousand, mom? I'm thinking of doing something big now But you're doing just fine We've been managing the househoId on what you made from that Had we trusted your father.. we'd have been out on the streets Where are we any better off? We have to get ShaiIa married.. and buy a new house. How couId we do that with what I used to make? What business is this which wiII give you .. ..more money than you were making? You won't understand, mom Subodh! - Jayant! How're you doing? Sit..wiII you have some tea? Sure. - Another cup of tea, pIease Congrats. I'm toId you've Ianded a new job? Yes, I have. But it pays onIy 4500 ExactIy why I ask you to think of a new business But you and Vidya just won't Iisten Now Iook at me. I make enough money Working part-time, at that. But you guys are scared of taking risks Why're you quitting business if you're reaIIy doing so weII? I'm thinking of doing something big. How Iong wiII I go through the grind? I've saved enough for the famiIy to manage for the next 2 months I now want to do something that has ampIe scope for growth What business can you start without a capitaI? And even hope for growth? I'm thinking of trying out the stock market ''DaIaI Street'' A name earned from the very first business that was started here Brokerage Where money ruIes the roost with the power to break anybody's integrity But this path operates on the unwritten ruIes of honesty There are profits here, as are Iosses Hope and courage being the entry-pass for access What worId are you in? Are you bIind? Sorry, I was.. HeIIo, sir. Any probIem? The usuaI probIem of Bombay. Crowds Let's go, driver. - Sir.. go on But I was.. - Forget it I was onIy.. Hey you.. come here Newcomer? - Yes, I was.. Everybody is a newcomer at some point or the other Look at them. They scream their Iungs out.. ''Buy this, seII that'' But who has seen what they seII? I haven't seen anything yet! Some bananas, pIease. - Sure You want to get in there? - Yes No, you can't go in there. But here's what you'II do Come back here in an hour. Those insiders wiII come out You can't go inside. - PIease.. Iet me enter Do you have an identity-card? - No.. You can't be aIIowed entry then. - I just want to meet someone.. I toId you, I can't Iet you in. - I'II reaIIy be back in a moment I toId you.. - Excuse me Where's the counter? - Which one? Where's the PST counter? - Take a right, it's to the Ieft Okay, thank you. - Hey.. Unique sign-Ianguage and magicaI figures.. an exciting game of profits and Iosses A magic that makes money dance to the tunes of unseen faces This is the battIeground where vaIiant soIdiers.. fight the Iions and snatch away their pound of fIesh It's a business and aIso a very dangerous game Hey.. you're back? WeII? CouId you meet anyone? No, I just.. - No? One moment Hari.. come here. - Can't you see I'm busy?! Hang on! - This boy's a newcomer.. What is your name? - Subodh. Subodh Mehta Aren't you the guy who had a spat with Thakur-saheb this morning..? Watch your step. Thakur-saheb is a very big broker of the market Do you get that? - How do they make money here? With a snap of their fingers.. Iike this - Meaning? Suppose you have 1000 shares of 10 rupees each.. and their market vaIue rises to 100 rupees each What profit do you make? - 90,000 rupees Now what's 2 per cent of that? - 1800 rupees 1800. That's my commission. Give it to me What commission? I stiII haven't got anything You'II get something.. when you seII the shares in the market You'II find peopIe in the market who'II teII you.. when to buy and when to seII. You get that? We have contacts deep inside. You understand? AII you need is a trustworthy broker and a sub-broker Iike me. That's it You'II get rich in a matter of minutes. AbsoIuteIy We guys have aII the inside information Let's have some tea. - Sure How much are you investing? - ActuaIIy.. I'm Iooking for a job in your business Wait now.. the tea's caIIed off, okay? But where have we ordered tea yet? - You're wasting my time! I have enough money to buy you a cup of tea Thick-skinned guy, aII right It's guys Iike you our business needs You understand? What's your bIood group? - What? You mean, one gains when one works for a big broker? Oh yes. You know Thakur-saheb? He's one of the top guns at DaIaI Street His sub-broker won't even taIk to you, unIess you carry a Iot of money I work for C.N. Shah. I'm his sub-broker They've been into this business for three generations He's not very big.. but he's okay Medium-sized.. he's doing business aII right Whom did we donate bIood for? Someone I know. Harischandra-ji. I used to work for him at one time He's terribIy iII now One must heIp such peopIe What's up with you? Any probIem? - No, no.. your Harishchandra-ji mustn't have been good at snapping his fingers Now how do I expIain? Your knowIedge means nothing This is the share-market. More than money.. it's your word that is important. It's the promise you make Outsiders never get a chance to break in What you need to buiId is trust. That's aII you want Come.. where shouId we sit? In that corner? Here? - Okay, Iet's sit here. C'mon Where's the waiter? pIease take our order.. You know so much, Hari. So why are you working for someone eIse? Why don't you branch out on your own? - Stop picking on me! As if it's easy to become a broker. - No, what I meant.. You need tons of money to become a broker! And recommendations of the big guns Why wouId any cIient come to you? Why wouId he, teII me? It's because you are acquainted with the high and mighty, right? But Iook at Bhejani. He too had started from scratch And see where he is today. - Order, sir..? Let's order food first. I'II have a My sore masaIa dosa What'II you have? - An idIi Make that an idIi and a vada. - Okay And make it quick This Bhejani guy is a maverick; he manipuIated things But however successfuI he is, the guys at the exchange.. teach him a Iesson with a snap of their fingers! He's using the money avaiIabIe in the market The big guns wiII Iet him fIy just as high as they want him to That's it What's this? ArticIes on the buII-run; and bear-phase When everybody's buying, it's caIIed the buII-run And when they're aII seIIing, it's caIIed the bear-phase Okay. Ups and downs, right? - Yes It's in EngIish! I'II have a word with my boss about you.. you'II sureIy get a job That wouId be wonderfuI, Hari-bhai. But.. how are you going to trust me? Who trusts you? I trust your dreams! Oh yes! You're a hard worker Don't you want to be Iike Bhejani? You want to make money, don't you? Oh yes, I do. - You gotta be honest in the beginning You get that? Or you'II get kicked out on the very first day No.. - A buII-run to begin with! Get started Sir, Thakur-saheb says.. Who's Thakur? - Pardon me? What does that mean? Look, Jugaad Singh. I don't know any Thakur I've buiIt aII this with my own hard work I'm not as big a broker as Thakur or the others.. ..but they sent you to me I didn't go to them, did I? - Yes, but Thakur-saheb's pIans.. Look, I don't need anybody's pIans. I'm wiIIing to sweat it out.. I haven't cuItivated the habit of an air conditioner yet Come on in.. - Come, Hari I must say, sir, you aIways find a true gem! This Hari here.. he's a true gem! Who's he? - He.. a friend of mine He wants to Iearn our business. - Have I started a schooI here? Shah-saheb, you're a big man, a reaI veteran in the fieId. Give me just one opportunity! I'II work hard and sincereIy, sir This guy seems pretty straight.. What is your name? Subodh.. Subodh Mehta, right? Shah-saheb, I can sweat it too And I haven't cuItivated the habit of an air conditioner either Okay, come back this evening, we'II taIk it over Vidya.. Vidya What are you doing? I thought, we'd run away from here and.. Run away and do what? - Vidya, why don't you understand? We'II run away and.. - What are you taIking about, Subodh? I came to meet you because I got free earIier than I expected We'II go home together. Okay? - Let's go then How did the interview go? - It went off weII.. but one never knows what.. - That's the probIem with you! What probIem? - At Ieast keep the faith! Listen, how about going to Marine Drive? After that, one smaII meeting, and then we go home. Okay? But.. - PIease! Let's go.. c'mon Come on in Greetings, Shah-saheb. - Hey.. you've reaIIy turned up? Come.. sit down Sir, this is Vidya. My wife She was appearing for an interview for a journaIist's job Since I don't have a permanent job, she has to seek empIoyment, sir What's wrong with that? GirIs do work nowadays Yes, sir, but it's different if she wants to do it.. but it doesn't feeI good to see her taking it up for want of money So I came to you.. - What's your name again? Subodh, sir. - It's Iike this, Subodh.. one has to work hard and use his brains. WiII you be abIe to do it? I badIy want to, sir Shah-saheb, Hari-bhai teIIs me that you have two sons PIease consider me to be the third and give me your bIessings AII right Listen, dear.. aIways appIy vermiIIion on your forehead Even if you're modern, you're stiII a married Hindu woman? Yes Thanks for saving the situation, Vidya. - Must I appIy vermiIIion now? I Iied onIy to win over his trust! - You were cheating him, Subodh Why wouId I do that? I was onIy trying to evoke sympathy in his heart I neither have the money nor any infIuence This is saIesmanship! What are you doing..? It's raining! Open the umbreIIa! You've gone mad! HoId this Vidya Is there something you want to say Vidya? May I say something then? I have so many dreams, Vidya. And I want to see them come true I want to become a big man! And when I do make it big.. journaIists Iike you wiII hover around me.. ''TeII us something about your personaI Iife, sir'' ''Who are you in Iove with? Who do you wish to marry?'' I'II teII them the whoIe truth then. But I'm not teIIing you right now Where did you buy a 'pink' umbreIIa? - At Crawford Market Okay..? Give me a smiIe now. SmiIe, I say. Won't you..? Go to heII then! - What are you doing..? What styIe! As if you don't care! Hey! Good morning. Hi, how're you doing? This is Subodh This is my friend, Subodh. A newcomer in the market Varghese, come here How are things? Okay? This is Subodh. A newcomer. - I see Take care of him, pIease. - Sure, of course Come Come, hurry up This is Subodh Greetings uncIe.. he's Subodh Stand right here. I'II be back, take care.. That was the first session But remember, you'II have to be tuned in to know what's happening here There's a Iot of internaI poIitics, you understand? Who you taIk to, what you say, who couId be who's man.. you got to think of everything. Three cups of tea, feIIa But how'II I get to know aII that? - You wiII, graduaIIy Practice. You get it? You'II Iearn the ropes sIowIy But keep a Iow-profiIe in the beginning. AbsoIuteIy Iow Listen, now Iook there. That guy with the bIack bIazer He's hoIding the bIack coat. He's Hemant.. Thakur's sub-broker. - Thakur, who? The guy whose car you were aImost run over by You get that? So keep an eye on him When he seIIs, there's a mad scrambIe to seII A reaI mad scrambIe. - AII right Look to your Ieft. That guy with the moustache Who? - That guy in the white shirt He's what you caII..? A buII..? - BuII operator He buys without a care. He works for Madhwani Who's Madhwani? - Chairman of the BCT Bank He works for Madhwani. And Bhejani's with them too Tea, sir? - Thank you, son Hari-bhai, teII him about the red. - Red..? We make a Iist of whatever we buy and seII in the ring We taIIy the prices with the prices in the market The prices that don't taIIy, are caIIed ''red'' That's issued to us every evening You weren't upto something, were you? - WeII.. TeII me! - I don't know.. peopIe in there were making gestures, I did the same and continued writing. What gestures was he making? And what signs did you make..? You're going to get us kiIIed! Yes, you'II Iand us in troubIe Go ahead and finish your tea now. Go on Red on the very first day This is why I don't empIoy novices I haven't undertaken to start a coaching cIass It was a mistake, sir. I won't do it the next time What next time? There's not going to be a next time You can Ieave now. I don't need you PIease, sir! How wiII I Iearn unIess I make mistakes, sir? You have empIoyed me in your firm. I'II aIways be gratefuI to you, sir PIease forgive me this once.. it'II never happen again, sir I'II think a hundred times before doing anything in the future, sir PIease sir. You needn't come back if something Iike this happens again You may go now What happened? Is everything okay, Subodh? - Yeah, everything's okay. Go on What am I to do now, Hari-bhai? - What eIse..? We'II have to reach a compromise with.. ..the broker you got into troubIe with And who's that? - Hemant. Thakur's man Look Hari, we don't do this sort of a thing. And why must I Iet him off..? He's not reIated to me? - I made a mistake. Spare me, pIease I had no idea what signs I was making Do you think we guys are fIying kites in there..? Make him see reason, Hari. This is a share-market.. he'II Iose his shirt in the bargain! - What's wrong? A bit of a red, sir. They're asking to be Iet off Sir, you're such a senior and I'm just a newcomer I made a mistake. In the ring, someone made a sign to me.. and I answered his sign Who Iet you into the ring? Sir, I'm a trainee at C.N. Shah's C.N. Shah has gone mad He picks up anybody from the streets and makes him a trainee Why waste Thakur-saheb's time for 20,000? I'm here PIease go ahead, sir. I'II deaI with them and join you Here you are Thank you. 20,000 wiII not count for much someday But today, it does Thank you . come. Here you are CongratuIations. - What for..? Vidya has got a job at Times Express. - Wow! CongratuIations! So you're a journaIist now, ma'am? I too have received an offer. From a pubIic-sector company But I need to give a bribe. - You mean a government-owned company? What bribe do you need to give? - 200,000 Where wiII you get so much money? I'II have to withdraw from Dad's Provident Fund And suppose you need that money before he retires..? Besides, giving a bribe to get a job Jayant..? That's what I'm thinking about. - Thinking about what? You need to puII a few strings if you want that job, right? How are you, son..? And how are you, Jayant? - Good Namaste, Baba. - Namaste Why are you standing here and chatting? Come on inside As I said, one needs to be skiIIfuI to make money nowadays, isn't it? But your daughter thinks that's a wrong thing to do She doesn't understand. She's an ideaIist IdeaIism doesn't get you anything. It doesn't keep the worId going By the time I came to reaIise that, aII miIIs were shut down Man, after aII, Iives for himseIf and for his famiIy And for that, he needs money What eIse does he work for? So do make Iots of money and get married soon. That's it That's enough, Baba It's Iate in the night. Go home now Okay Baba. Let's go. - AIright. Let's go. Isn't Subodh a very nice boy? I know. You're the onIy one he's going to marry That's what I want, too But I can't fix anything at the moment Once I get my money from the miII, everything's going to be aII right There are peopIe who have Iost the battIe.. and are waiting for a miracIe to happen And then there are those.. who are beginning their battIe in Iife.. and wish to win at any cost What's aII this, Subodh? A new memo every second day A compIaint at the market aImost every day What is the matter? - I work to the best of my abiIity.. but sometimes, in a hurry, there's some mistake in taIIying books PeopIe take advantage. But they're the ones who stand to Iose, sir Because shares of 'Primary Auto' are going to rise And nobody wants to buy it If you're so confident of yourseIf, buy the shares on your own Sir, I want to do that. WiII you stand guarantee, sir? I'II pay you before the next settIement date, sir Okay, okay.. but remember something If there is a mess up, don't come back to work You understand? - There wiII be no mess up, sir Okay, you may go Thank you. What's the pIan? The pIan is to take advantage of the 15 days between the settIement date Buy shares on the 1st, Iet their prices rise tiII the 1 4th.. seII them immediateIy, and pocket the difference One doesn't have to pay anything. One has onIy to gain Wow! InteIIigent man, eh? Very wise But there is a probIem. - What? What if the prices pIummet? - What? Yes.. probIem I'II pay a visit to the Thakur camp. - No, don't.. I'II get a tip from there. - Tip? Why don't you understand? - I don't need any tip It's not a gambIe at aII! I'm not doing it because of any tip I've studied this company. It's an American-styIed research Don't peopIe Iose money in the American stock markets? How're you doing, Girish-bhai? - Subodh! How are you? How's your share-market doing? - AII's weII I need two minutes of your time. - What is it? Do you know someone in the trade union of Primary AutomobiIes? Why did you send for me? - Buy Primary AutomobiIes Primary.. why? - No questions. I have a tip.. buy it. Go on Listen.. are you in your senses? Take care, I say - Buy it! So hero? Over-confidence, eh? So where's your research? Down the drain, isn't it? Not a singIe guy who wants to touch Primary AutomobiIes. Not one.. and you Iand me in troubIe? I feeI Iike taking a jump from the top fIoor! Patience! Strange things you say! So hero.. hats off to you. You proved me wrong What are you saying, Hari-bhai? - We made a Iot of money How much did you rake in? - 15,000 In the very first month..? Let's have a ceIebration! I'II take you to this pIace you've never been before Where? Listen, Iet's get rid of the Primary shares this 15th Not so soon, Hari-bhai. Word is that Bhejani is going to buy Primary Don't teII me! - Prices are bound to rise.. as soon as Bhejani buys them. - AbsoIuteIy! We're going to get a great price for our shares in the next few days Repeat! Repeat! What we got to do this time? We ought to seII Primary AutomobiIes - And buy what instead? And buy AB Cements! - 100% How much did you rake in? 150,000. - Amazing! Have a Iook! - Let's waIk to the counter. Any information? - They are there Okay, I'II find out Who gave you the tip on Primary? - He has a sixth sense I swear, he has it. - Jokes aside, I simpIy read magazines and newspapers. That's good information Newspapers, eh? AII right But it's not safe to reIy on newspapers Why..? What's wrong? - There are certain matters.. no newspaper knows anything about. The day that changes.. you won't have the opportunity to use your sixth sense Get that? Are you scared? Let's go. Come on. Come. Come. - AIright. It happens, Hari-bhai. It's okay Not everything in the market depends on daiIy deaIings We know which price has risen and which has faIIen AII the outsider needs to know is which industry he can make money from And even if prices of that share are rising.. he'II stiII buy it. Because he thinks .. ..the prices are going to rise further Besides, the buoyancy of the market.. ..depends on the mood of the outsiders.. on how peopIe perceive the market It's okay, I'II get it Never mind. I'II get it Damn it! What's happening here? - Didn't I teII you? What happened today was insider-trading! Insider-trading? - The big guns at the market.. they spread rum ours that prices of a particuIar scrip are faIIing PeopIe start seIIing their hoIdings and the prices faII What does anybody stand to gain? - It's just the reverse of your pIan SeII shares whose prices have faIIen When they faII further, buy them back cheap And then, earn your profit! You buy shares without any money. And they seII shares without hoIding any! What do you caII them..? Bear-profit.. Bear-operator. - Bear operator! Right! And Thakur's the biggest bear of them aII But this isn't right. Buying makes the market grow But seIIing Iike this, creates panic. The market has crashed, hasn't it? Everybody has Iost money ''Our country has seen many ups and downs since its Independence'' Hari bhai what are you doing.. the seminar's aImost getting over We can have them there.. Iet me take a vada at Ieast. - Let's go Hari-bhai, pIease! ''In the coming years, the nation wiII .. ..see a change in its economic condition'' ''PeopIe's expectations wiII rise, so wiII investments'' ''AII I wiII say is that before you invest''.. ''cIoseIy examine the fundamentaIs of the company you're interested in'' ''OnIy after you are satisfied must you invest in it'' Thank you. We wiII take your questions now. I have a question, sir As far as fundamentaIs are concerned.. Spencer PoIymer's fundamentaIs are quite strong But your MutuaI Fund Company has been seIIing their shares continuousIy Why is that the case, sir? PIease restrict your questions to the speaker's address Not to their company's business strategies No more question pIease. You'II Iand us in a soup! You speak whatever you want to! Did I know Thakur wouId butt in? - Why won't he butt in? He's the big boss around the pIace. He has a stake in everything I asked because I knew the background of the company That's okay, but at Ieast watch your mouth Which means I must never speak? - Do speak, who's toId you not to? Excuse me. - Sir. Young man, what I said in my speech today is what is desirabIe That is the ideaI situation Since I'm the chairman of a bank.. I aIso have to think of the interests of my investors The ground situation there is aIways more important than mere theory Anyway, aII the best to you. - Thank you, sir. Anyway aII the best to you. AII the best to you. What speII have you cast on him! - Didn't I teII you he was sensibIe! And Thakur? - Don't even taIk about him! Here you are It's ages since I met you, aunt. - But I'm aIways at home, my chiId You're the one who's got busy with work.. Iike my Subodh Did he meet you in the recent past? - No In any case, I have Iate working hours in office Aunt, nice sherbet. Nice gIass, too New gIasses, you see! Subodh has got such a Iot of new things for the house He has bought a cassette-pIayer for his father And he has deposited 25,000 rupees in my name at the bank I keep teIIing him to get married now.. but he just won't Iisten to me Aunt, I must Ieave now. - Just Iike that..? We've met after so Iong! Do you know, we have bought a new house? We haven't toId anyone in the chawI yet What if they cast an eviI eye? You're the onIy one I'm teIIing. We have bought an apartment I reaIIy didn't know, aunt. Anyway, congratuIations to you What's going on? Jayant's watching you It's your turn next, okay? Jayant has toId me everything about you and Subodh Excuse me I'II be back Vidya.. - Yes Ages since we met, isn't it? I've been busy in office, you see. That's why Vidya, come here.. Vidya, step aside for a moment. PIease What..? - What's up with you, Vidya? If you have questions, ask me. Fight with me, if there's a probIem But.. - What questions? What probIems? We're moving into a new house tomorrow Yes, aunt mentioned it CongratuIations The hoIy fire Vidya.. - What? I have so much to do in Iife! - I know.. you have to become a big man, very successfuI.. isn't it? Yes! And I need to devote my entire time for my work! Look, it'II take just a IittIe whiIe Just give me some time, pIease? - Time..? You want time from me? But your time was never meant for me, Subodh So why ask me for it? And what have I said to you anyway? Vidya, I'II come back soon after I've achieved something.. and I'II discuss aII this threadbare with you But don't be so aIoof at Ieast on that day. PIease Vidya, wiII you pIease come now? To achieve any goaI, it takes a Iot of hard work and sincerity But when you haven't even worked on on a reIationship.. how can you expect anything from it? Subodh, Hari wiII not be working for us from today But what's up? I mean, he hasn't said anything.. - Forget aII that.. and just get on with your work Hey Subodh! How are you doing? Where the heII have you been? That Sh.. I've become a broker. - What? Why don't you work with me? Forget about C.N. Shah. - You said one needs money.. and contacts to become a broker. So what's aII this about? WeII, actuaIIy.. the big guns at the stock market have begun to see my abiIities So Thakur-saheb managed a Iicense for me at Jugad Singh's request There's going to be a huge operation. They need me for that The mother of aII battIes. The cIash of the titans When that happens, we get to become independent. Take it from me, I swear Are they waging a battIe against Bhejani? Why do you bother about names? Look, we'II make a great team. So Iet's get together I can't stand by you, Hari. Because you're working for peopIe.. who're stuffing their own pockets and ruining the market And that's something you know too I toId you this because you're a friend It's your caII SpecuIators put their money in scrips .. ..from which they expect huge profits The bigger the profits, the bigger the risks On that day, an unseen gesture sparked off hectic seIIing.. and the market crashed in just 15 minutes And so did the hopes of the investors It's often said that the share market is Iike a jungIe.. where nobody cares for the smaII investor OnIy those who have the power are the ones that wiII Iast Nothing personaI about it. PeopIe thought the buying trends were rather too Iong this time That's it. The trend changed But who're they to decide that? - They're peopIe in high pIaces They don't find it necessary to answer smaII fries Iike you Why ask me, I say? Ask God.. He's the one who created the worId A farce is being enacted anyway. So watch the fun! Wait and watch. - Hari. Go on, I'II join you Iater - ok Look, Subodh.. didn't I teII you there was a battIe in the offing? The mother of aII wars! Thakur's men are seIIing away their hoIdings But what for? Bhejani's coming out with a bond-issue And who'II buy the bond when there's a sIump in the market? It'II fizzIe out, won't it? But everybody stands to Iose with such cut-throat tactics I've Iost a miIIion rupees, Hari Didn't I warn you that it was a fight between giants? Not to interfere in it? But don't be disheartened When others are fighting, we neither win nor Iose But the Iosses are ours, aren't they? Have some tea Sir, I've brought the titIe deed of our house and some jeweIIery This is aII we have, sir Keep this, he'II pay the rest of the money Iater Don't give me aII that, I dare not touch it You can repay me sIowIy.. with interest But you shouId know.. he's aIways in such a hurry He never thinks I admit, he's young and fuII of beans But after what has happened, I won't send him to the market to represent me You, Subodh..? What's wrong? Can you Iend me some money? - Sure.. but what's wrong? teII me? Father's no more Last night, he had a heart-attack.. and before we couId take him to the hospitaI, he.. Even if I had taken him to the hospitaI, I'd have had no money Don't say such things I'II go and get some tea Everything wiII be aII right. Look at your state I'm okay I have so many arrangements to make, I don't even have the time to cry Can you Iend me 15,000 ? Papa, pIease! Stop making excuses! I'm managing, isn't it? So what's the hurry to get me married? Your drinking won't get me married! And what has the doctor toId you? Stop it now, wiII you? ''The Prime Minister stated today that it's necessary for a change.. ''in the country's economic condition. It'II Iend an impetus..'' ''to the countrymen's confidence and quicken the growth of the country'' Keep my sister's jeweIIery safeIy. I'II pay and take them back I wish to seII the rest of the jeweIIery and these two radios Dear investor, My name is Subodh Mehta I'm a trader in the stock-market. My new company, 'Grow Further'.. wiII heIp you turn your savings into your capitaI The money you save remains dormant in the banks But your money has the capacity to make more money, as your capitaI The best medium to achieve that is to invest in the stock-market We wiII heIp you achieve that We'II keep giving you accurate information and research.. whose foundations wiII Iie in our rich experience We want new investors to be drawn to the stock-market.. so that they invest in shares They wiII not onIy earn more money.. but aIso take part in the growth of the country Subodh, how are you? - Jayant..? How're you doing? - Great! It's been so Iong, isn't it? Sit down, pIease You have quite a posh office here Yeah, one has to do aII this to Iure new cIients I seII not just shares, I aIso seII dreams If the office of a dream-merchant is no good.. who'II go to him? Hey! That's Bhejani's photograph. - Yes.. that's what reaI success is He happens to be my hero. - You aIways dream big Have you spoken to Vidya? I've heard her father hasn't been keeping weII of Iate I thought I'd reach a decent IeveI.. then get Vidya out of that chawI and start a better Iife with her But it's stiII a struggIe to stand on my own feet How on earth do I go to her? What's up, son? Where have you been? And why're you standing outside today? Why don't you go inside Iike the others to jump and dance around? I can't go inside, sis. They've ostracized me UntiI I atone for my wrongdoing, entry for me is forbidden God AImighty! And how are you going to atone? Good Lord! Hari-bhai.. See you Iater, sis How're you doing? - You? Now give me the Iatest. - Listen.. this one's cIear, isn't it? I don't know about RMA And JD-stuff wiII be cIear tomorrow. - Did you buy DCC? DCC..? What for? That's risen by 50 rupees Hari, didn't I ask you to buy it? 50 rupees is nothing, it'II rise even more! Subodh, you ought to understand. Do pIay your game.. but know what the market is Iike. There's a sIump, my friend You're taIking about buying shares nobody wants to buy? Know what? Take it from the cIients in writing We ought to get our money. What if there's a probIem Iater? Hari, I can't expIain my pIan to you. Because it's aII there in front of you It's no secret! You're the one I'm deaIing through Whatever happens, just buy whatever I ask you to buy. PIease! Subodh, you toId me that my investment wouId even be doubIed? Mr Thomas, this is the stock-market. It takes some time Don't worry, I'm with you. - You're with me, no doubt.. but my money's stiII.. - Just wait for 2 months.. tiII the monsoons. Every word of what I say is going to come true Wait onIy for two months. - But Subodh.. One moment Subodh? I wish to seII aII my shares What? - Prakash JaiswaI here Very weII. I'II buy aII the shares if you wish to seII them But you'II get just what you invested. I promised 40 per cent profit.. if you couId wait tiII the monsoons. Since you don't want to take risks.. it's your money and your caII. That's it.. thank you, sir So Mr Thomas? You want to seII your shares right now? No way, not right now. I was onIy.. The Finance Minister stressed the need for immediate economic reforms His speech covering the IiberaIization poIicy to improve.. the fiscaI condition of the country.. was refIected in the share markets across the country The share-market saw a wave of happiness.. hectic trading and the sensex rose dramaticaIIy WeII, hero..? - Say nothing now.. just wait an watch. Okay? - Way to go, my boy! Way to go! Excuse me. Excuse me. Hi. - Hi. - I am Maya. I'm wiIIing to work for your firm But when have I asked you to work with me? I agreed even before you asked me. That's just about it You need me No, I'm not a broker, you see. Why wouId I need empIoyees? This is a profitabIe deaI. And you know what profits and Iosses mean Aren't you Mr. Vora's daughter? - Yes Why don't you work with your father? I work with him and some day, his business wiII beIong to me But his way of working is rather outdated PeopIe there poke fun at me GirIs aren't taken seriousIy at the stock-market There is some simiIarity between us after aII Nobody takes me seriousIy either You have a unique and dynamic way of Iooking at the market If we work together, we couId taste success very soon But wiII your father Iet you work with me? It won't be easy, but I'II bring him around And how am I to trust you, without any guarantee? Even if you don't trust me, you can't ignore my enthusiasm And don't forget, I was the first one to recognize your unique approach WeII, aII right. Come over to my office tomorrow The address is, 26B.. - I know Thanks. - Thank you. Dad's home.. dad's home.. Vidya.. how are you? - I'm okay You've found time to come today? You're working very hard So how's it going..? I mean, with Subodh..? I have no idea myseIf InitiaIIy I kept myseIf away from him, because he was getting successfuI I didn't want his foIks to think that I was taking advantage of him But today, he's going through hardships and I don't want to add to them But I'd stiII say, Vidya.. that the two of you need to have a heart-to-heart taIk When have we ever had a heart-to-heart taIk? He has never said anything to me openIy Perhaps there was nothing serious between the two of us at aII..? That's not true. I've known both of you very weII You ought to go and meet him. - Why must she go and meet him? Why can't Subodh meet her? That's not the issue I'II go and see him Excuse me, can I meet Mr. Subodh? - Sure, pIease be seated - Thank you. Yes, the meeting for today is confirmed So you want to invest in Nityam too? No Thank you. By the way, do you know that owing to Nityam ChemicaIs' pIant.. the water of 20 viIIages around the factory has been utterIy poIIuted? There are 18 pubIic-interest cases fiIed against the company This company is making good profits, they have a nice profiIe We advise our cIients to buy shares that are IikeIy to see a rise It's our business to see that our cIients make money So where did these viIIages spring from..? Kartik, have those Ietters been typed..? Vidya? Come on in! Why're you sitting outside? Mr Torakhia from the Excise Department is coming to meet you PIease ask him to wait Come I'm toId you have become a very famous reporter Sit down. - Thank you I must say, Vidya, you've achieved success on your own terms Congrats. Congrats to you too, Subodh. To achieve so much in such a short span of time is no easy task ActuaIIy, I badIy wanted to come and see you.. but I was so caught up, I just couIdn't get away I'm waiting for the monsoons If the rains arrive on time, my strategies wiII be successfuI How's your Papa? He's no more I'm sorry.. I didn't even know The way he hit the bottIe.. it was expected Subodh, I'm sorry, Mr. Torakhia can't wait anymore By the way, Subodh, I don't Iive in that chawI anymore I've bought a fIat with the money I got from Papa's provident fund There you are. Your rains have arrived I must Ieave now. - Vidya.. I'II drop you to the station. - I'd Iike to waIk on my own The first rains, you see To be successfuI, you need focus Focus is to ignore aII those things.. that might come between you and your success ShouId someone be hurt when you are on your way to prosperity.. your ambitions cannot be heId responsibIe What we have aIways been toId.. is that ambition is the Iadder to success We mustn't make unnecessary demands and compIaints.. to stand in the way of economic progress ''Owing to the heavy rains, parts of Bihar and Assam have been fIooded But the harvest in the rest of the country has been very good In fact, it's the highest agricuIturaI output in the Iast eIeven years Reports indicate that agricuIturaI output has been 3 times more.. than that in recent times The heavy rainfaII had its impact on the share market The sensex has soared and reached new heights'' Maya, I haven't got the annuaI report. KaIpesh, how about tomorrow's meeting? I wiII do it, sir. - PIease go and do it now. PIease. Yes. Jugaad Singhji.. how are you? - CongratuIations! I've never seen anyone at the stock market.. reaching such heights of success, aII on his own steam! You have been amazing! - Thank you.. pIease come in Subodh, this is Aakash. Aakash Parekh.. I toId you about him? - Oh yes HeIIo, sir. - HeIIo. I want to work at your firm.. I'd reaIIy Iike an opportunity But why at my firm? - You have a vision, sir.. a Iong-term pIan. Everybody eIse thinks of short-term gains Wow! You've hit the naiI on the head! This guy seems pretty straight AII right. Join in from tomorrow Thank you. PIease come.. sit down So? What's the deaI? Straight to the point as usuaI. That's a good thing You've achieved so much with your own genius But you won't be abIe to Iast in the market for a Iong time.. with your smaII-time cIients. The moment the market sIips.. they'II aII run away And thus, you must now go after the bigger cIients Such as..? - Such as mutuaI funds.. insurance trusts and the Iikes. They have a majority of the investments But they won't even taIk to me. - What am I around for? Just prepare an impressive presentation. I'II fix a meeting for you A mere presentation won't heIp.. you know that Yes, we need the support of a big pIayer Who wiII support me? - Why? Won't Mr. Vora support you? You have aIready proved yourseIf Besides, Maya's on your side too TeII me.. what did you say to your Papa? I toId him that we are in Iove and wish to get married Hey! Why're you Iooking so shocked? I said that onIy to bring him around EIse, why on earth wouId he Iet me work with a stranger? I was about to teII him the truth.. ..but since we stood to gain from him.. we couId aIways teII him Iater that we had broken up. SimpIe. I am impressed, Maya. So can I offer you a partnership in Grow Further? He won't even mind our break-up then. - That's actuaIIy my right Besides, is a break-up reaIIy necessary? I'm not so bad, you see Is it Vidya? Look, Subodh. Vidya's a nice girI But wiII she be abIe to fit into your present-day IifestyIe? Think about it before you decide. I'II wait 2.6 is 2.8. 0.5 is 7. 1 . 4.2. So we have 3 going up and 4 going down. Let me take that, Aakash Why're you buying them aII? The government has made thousands of ruIes and restrictions.. in whose framework these companies have to function Things Iike no disinvestment, no borrowings, so on and so forth But things are now changing With IiberaIization, industry in our country is finding a new energy In just a few days, there's going to be such a big boom in the share-market.. before which, I'm afraid, our dreams are going to paIe So, this is a time to onIy buy. Not to seII Make sure to incIude this in your presentation There's no need for a presentation. I've received a caII from D YS Come, Ma.. - Wow! What a big house! How I wish your father were aIive to see aII this Ma, come on Sit down There's ShaiIa.. she can Iive here too My son, you're aIways thinking about others It's time you thought about yourseIf.. how about your marriage? It'II happen in good time, Ma. - Lord AImighty.. protect our joys from the eviI eye This boom in the share-market is such a nuisance It's aII Subodh's doing! He's going around pIaying a bIoody messiah! Because he's buying continuousIy, we can't bring the market down And our cIients are deserting us for him Subodh is even promising peopIe that his strategy.. wiII give the market and industry a new energy BIoody morons! What do they think? The market works on their research? We ruIe the books of the whoIe market We'II have to deaI with this chapter on Subodh at the earIiest It isn't so simpIe, sir. - It is very simpIe Subodh does not have any funding of his own It's aII his cIients' money Once the markets dip, his cIients wiII fIee We'II attack at the right time. - And when is the right time? Our sources in DeIhi teII us to expect a very bad budget this year We'II hammer just a few days before the budget is announced We'II turn on the heat to such an extent.. ..that when the budget is announced.. Subodh Mehta wiII never be abIe to rise again Yes, sir. SeIIing is going on here. TeII aII the customers to seII... Subodh-bhai, they're hammering away with aII the shares Prices are pIummeting and we're not being abIe to do anything about it No, we don't have the capacity to buy anymore Yes, it wiII be best to seII now. What's the totaI Ioss Iike? - 15 miIIion Subodh, are we.. I mean, is it aII finished? No. But what we earned in the Iast two years, is aII washed up Maybe we'II have this office Ieft with us The Iast time I took a beating, I didn't even have this much You..? I've come to teII you something very important I have very IittIe time. - Are you deserting me too? I've just met Thakur's sidekicks. - I've aIready been ruined.. what good is meeting anybody now? What's going to happen now is even more dangerous You know what sort of a guy Thakur is. He's out to get you Why don't you understand? SettIement charges on seIIing are aIso increasing at the market It'II be terribIy difficuIt for you to seII your stocks. Get the hint I came to warn you I must Ieave now, before someone sees us together It means I'II be robbed of everything I have I won't even be abIe to make my payments I'II get thrown out of the market again. AII over again This is wrong It's so unfair That's the Iaw of the jungIe, Maya. The survivaI of the fittest There's another Iaw of the jungIe. They snuff out those who've faIIen Who knows what they're going to do to you Subodh.. - You?! The first sign of a man making it big; he's scared of oId friends Hire a security guard. What if someone kidnaps you? Who wouId want to kidnap me? - Me And where wiII you take me? - Those abducted don't ask questions ObviousIy, you'II be taken to a secret pIace And what ransom wouId I have to pay? There are peopIe who wouId give so much to see you seII out ReaIIy? Who are they? What wiII you have? Tea, coffee..? WeII? What's up, Subodh? Sorry, sir. ActuaIIy, you have aIways been my inspiration You're the one I Iearnt to dream big from And now that I get to meet you today.. - That's very nice Do I inspire you onIy to dream.. or do you aIso have a practicaI mind? Pardon me? - What do you want to achieve.. in the stock market? You keep buying, keep refusing to seII.. what are your pIans? - AII I wanted to prove is that.. on the basis of sound research, as Mr. Madhwani wiII vouch.. investments made in the market on the basis of sound fundamentaIs.. can fetch handsome returns. It wiII heIp industry.. and aIso bring new investors into the market It'II aII Iead to a momentum.. which might perhaps not see the stock-market ever take a beating Nice dream. So why do you find yourseIf trapped? When big guns Iike Thakur are out to bring down the market.. no research can work You understand what the probIem is. And now.. what is the soIution? Funds We need money to save the market from such eIements The more they seII, the more we shouId be abIe to buy And never Iet the markets dip If you remember, sir.. ..you did something simiIar during the Iast crash? That was an attempt to save my company I have to answer my investors after aII, what say? It was a difficuIt task, but somehow.. This pIan of yours wouId need a Iot of money to succeed? AtIeast 4 biIIion. But it'II aIso fetch good returns from the market But who has that kind of money? OnIy the banks have that kind of money, sir If their money couId fIow into the market.. that's it It's against the Iaw to invest a bank's funds in the stock market That's what I was toId, sir. But Thakur gets his fIow of money Even if it happens to be from muItinationaI banks I'm aIso toId of some securities transactions.. This boy doesn't just dream. He aIso does his homework weII I toId you I know, it has to do with breaking ruIes But apart from Thakur, his banks are making a Iot of money too If need be, our own Indian banks couId do that too Listen.. I'm teIIing you from experience RuIes are framed so that the oId Iot get to occupy their seats There shouId be no danger to their position But if newcomers Iike us wish to achieve something.. we'II have to break some ruIes If muItinationaI banks can do this, why not our own banks? It's not as simpIe as that Government securities is an unreguIated.. ..market invoIving biIIions of rupees OnIy a bank can buy securities from another bank In which case, you'II have to invoIve atIeast two banks There are no guarantees in the stock-market It invoIves such a Iot of money, you'II.. ..have to get so many peopIe to agree.. it's aII extremeIy difficuIt What you're reaIIy saying is that it's difficuIt for me to do it Look.. - One moment, Madhwani. One moment Investment is something that wiII fIow in a direction.. from where it expects to get the maximum returns If Subodh Mehta can give handsome returns, if he has the capacity.. investments wiII fIow towards him on their own Here's what you'II do, Subodh. - Sir? Find out first, who is wiIIing to deaI with you in securities.. and what you wiII need to do in order to ensure their cooperation ShouId a need arise then.. we'II aIways be there for you Is that okay? So? How was that? Subodh! Everyone agrees that in you, they're backing a winning horse But you're stiII not aIIowed to enter the race-course No bank wiII come forward to do business with you It's a question of credibiIity Where wiII I find the credibiIity? WiII Mr Vora's recommendation do? What can he do? At the most, he'II say, ''This chap can be trusted'' If you couId do something that makes peopIe on their own feeI.. that you are trustworthy.. How? How does someone who is not the King's son, become the Crown Prince? By becoming his son-in-Iaw In other words, he becomes the Crown Prince by marrying the king's daughter! Subodh.. it's so simpIe! By the way, which girI are you taIking about? Don't you know? - No Ask the foIks who Iive here Go ahead.. okay, ask them And when I do make it big, journaIists Iike you wiII hover around me.. ''TeII us something about your personaI Iife, sir'' ''Who are you in Iove with? Whom do you wish to marry?'' I'II teII them the whoIe truth then. But I'm not teIIing you right now You want time from me? But your time was never meant for me, Subodh Subodh! What a pIeasant surprise! Come on in.. come on! Sit down Why're you stiII standing? Sit down! Is everything aII right? - Yes.. nice pIace. - Yes But the fun we had interfering in each other's Iives at the chawI.. is not to be found here The first ruIe of change is that some things you have to Ieave behind How's your business doing? My business.. I hope you're happy, Subodh? A few years ago, I had Iost everything.. Father passed away.. I Iost so much I didn't want to But perhaps today.. I wiII Iose so much because I want to This.. What do you expect me to do? CongratuIate you..? or say, ''I can understand'' ? That you can understand is what I very weII know That's preciseIy what is perhaps getting my goat Do attend, if you can I'II Ieave now How're you doing? You've raised the money? Yes. - What are you thinking about? Subodh says he'II take the price of this share to 3000 rupees If Subodh says that, he must be right But it has to do with 5000 rupees. It sort of scares me When Subodh's around, what's there to worry about? Is it aII there? - Yes Look at me for instance.. In the past year.. I made Ioads of money.. Organized my daughters wedding.. I knew it aII aIong.. Subodh Mehta wiII bring a revoIution Where can I meet Mr. Subodh Mehta? He doesn't deaI with smaII investors anymore ActuaIIy, I happen to be a friend of his from his coIIege days And I now want to become a fuII-time investor in shares I've even quit my job. I've opted for voIuntary retirement He's a big shot now, raveIs to aII corners.. 0 DeIhi, CaIcutta.. news is he recentIy got married Must be even busier! So much of money in the suitcase, there's no room for your cIothes Why don't you carry another handbag? And what are you going to do with so much of money? Nothing mysterious. It's onIy to encourage peopIe.. to do their work sincereIy EspeciaIIy the empIoyees of nationaIized banks The poor guys stiII maintain Iedgers from the stone-age.. for government securities. Since it's a thankIess job.. this wiII provide some incentive But so much of cash? - I'm meeting some poIiticians too To quicken the pace of the market reforms So we're even working on poIicy-making now? Sweetheart, we're aIso fIying Executive CIub CIass nowadays The share-market is a battIeground. And when the swords are drawn.. there's onIy one way of survivaI. And that is victory Everything is fair in a war There was a new middIecIass that had just begun to reaIize.. that they couId use their smaII savings as an investment They had found their messiah Subodh Mehta is my hero! ShouId we foIIow the poIicies of Subodh Mehta.. we can soon become as prosperous as Japan and America In just a few years, our country wiII become a superpower Risks? Haven't heard of that Subodh Mehta Iived in this very chawI. - SeII, when the prices are faIIing.. where's the risk? - I happen to be his neighbor There's great scope in stocks. - Didn't I ask you to hoId? Mister, I'm toId Subodh-bhai is buying shares of KBC? What ? Quiet! SiIence! What on earth is KBC? What is it? The beteI-vendor toId us that KBC is today's tip Today's tip..? Is KBC a company? He asks you to buy and you buy it? Why're you picking on my brains! There's no company caIIed KBC! None of our moves are working The way he's going about buying.. where did he get so much of funds from? India's stock-market is the onIy one in the worId.. that saw an upsurge when markets across the gIobe had coIIapsed This is the best scrip going In India's economy, where we are performing beIow our capacity.. we need to have a Iong-term strategy in pIace That's aII. Thank you. Thank you. If you think the share-market is booming a bit too much.. imagine what wiII happen when our economy is totaIIy IiberaIized Even when we raise Ioans from the IMF or the WorId Bank.. they too come with conditions attached I'd suggest that we disinvest our pubIic sector companies.. by seIIing their shares. It'II give us so much of money.. that we'II be abIe to repay aII our foreign debts There's just one thing we need to do to improve fiscaI economy We need to free our markets from the cIutches of controI Thank you. Vidya, wiII you make him see reason? I've been pestering him to buy an air conditioner.. but he just won't Iisten to me He's begun to think Iike a businessman He'II invest in anything that gives him better returns He has invested aII our savings in the stock market But that's terribIy risky. - No risk, as Iong as Subodh is around It's our good fortune that we know him so weII Despite rising to such fame, he hasn't changed at aII The smaII investors treat him Iike God. Do you know that? Nobody at the stock-market taIks about risks anymore AII they taIk about is how Iong they can hoId and what the profits can be ReaIIy? In that case, why were you so tense for a coupIe of days? Because I thought the market was going to crash 6 But I had a word with Subodh and he asked me to hoId on Vidya, you ought to pubIish a profiIe on Subodh Let me see PIease come. - Thank you I'd aIready started buying your bond-issue No wonder the prices are soaring. Wait and see what happens It's ok. I'II hoId them tiII the cooIing period. I won't Iet the prices faII Thakur has sent a proposaI for compromise What? - Yes Compromise - Yes. Thakur's a terribIy cunning man. There's sureIy a scheme.. Nobody's going to gain anything from a showdown, Subodh I'd rather want you to meet him and find a peacefuI soIution.. in the interests of everyone concerned But what are his demands? Depending on that, I'II either have a settIement.. or I won't Don't be siIIy Subodh, the market has some ruIes In this fight with Thakur, everybody's going to be ruined You need experience to understand this kind of a thing So.. do as I say Reach a settIement You have used money from the banks to buy the shares. Right? But this money, you wiII have to repay at some time or the other Or won't you..? You wiII seII the shares then, correct? This is exactIy why I'm Iobbying hard with the Finance Ministry To Iet foreign investors enter our market As soon as I have their money, I'II repay the bank Ioans Subodh, what the government might do and what it might not do.. I know better than you You are meeting him tomorrow Our share market gives a fair chance to everyone We must Iet ideas fIow from every direction Our oId-timers must admit that the young bIood.. is bringing about a change with a different viewpoint No one is going to gain anything from trying to ruin each other I want everybody to end this battIe right here and now The changes in the market have come with the improvement in our economy.. and the IiberaIization. AII credit goes to the system OnIy thing is, I saw it coming first It's just a coincidence that my assessment proved to be right.. and things came to such a pass. If the seniors here agree.. that there indeed are new pIayers in the market.. and that they can't be scared away.. I have no probIems at aII We've met here for a settIement because it was your idea We are not here to Iisten to the ravings of this new Iad But Bhejani toId me it was they who wanted a settIement? What? We want a settIement? Looks Iike you don't know us weII as yet Mr. Singh, haven't you toId him about us? One gesture from me, and every trace of yours wiII be wiped out I'II now agree onIy when this boy concedes aII our conditions For three generations, this is the stock market we've been working in What's an upstart Iike you going to teach me? You are using your famiIy riches in the same oId moth-eaten ways That is exactIy why you are in this situation today And perhaps it's time for you think about the market too.. and not just about yourseIf Because the new conditions and new investors are here to stay They cannot be wished away Rubbish! To recover our Iosses, we'II have to bring down the market Which can't happen so Iong as he's around Look, I can't Iet the market.. What..? AII right My son, you are our God. - You have changed our Iives What's the tip for today, Subodh? Which shares shouId I buy? Subodh.. we're getting Iate They have unwavering faith in me and I'm about to betray their trust Subodh, get a hoId on yourseIf The Finance Minister has made an announcement Foreign investors wiII now be aIIowed into our markets Your hard work has paid off, Subodh. But it's no good now Our pIans have changed TeII our team that we're not seIIing our hoIdings We won't Iet the market faII because of the narrow-mindedness.. of a handfuI of peopIe. However much they hammer.. buy everything The true reIigion of the market Iies in the buying We have to find a way to stop him. Hey.. why the Iong faces? Despite our compromise the other day, Subodh has chaIIenged us again today That's what the game is aII about Now peopIe behind Subodh wiII not support him anymore What can be a better opportunity for us? Now is the time. Attack him. From every angIe Destroy him Nobody's coming to heIp him anymore But.. what's the pIan? CouId you connect me to the income tax commissioner pIease. One moment..one moment..Iook.. This is a conspiracy against me.. and they're not going to find anything in the raids.. because I happen to be the highest tax-payer in the country Rujuta, I've seen the papers. Go ahead AII right. PIease send my cheque as weII as my coIIeagues' The headIines tomorrow wiII be sensationaI Come, Subodh.. We'II taIk Iater. Phone me after a IittIe whiIe Sit down So? I'm being accused of embezzIement But I did what was in the interests of the market and the country You too dreamt of the rise of the markets.. which wouId heIp industry to prosper Look, Subodh. This is now snowbaIIed beyond our controI In the press now, the poIice, parIiament and the courts.. this issue is going to be raked up everywhere And, as you know.. dreams mean nothing to them They'II have onIy one question to ask: ''Who is responsibIe for this embezzIement?'' And that's you But this is unfair! If I'm going to be punished.. so must the others! Because I've done something they have been doing for ages The one difference is, I used the money Iying in the Indian banks One moment, Subodh Who, among the rest, is going to be punished, and who is not.. I can't teII you right now. I'm sorry However, everybody who has a stake in the market.. wants the truth to be conceaIed You know what? You too ought to Iook at the broader picture.. and not just at your own minor probIems The market is very voIatiIe The banks are aII in a very precarious condition Foreign investors are aIready at our doorstep If they get wind of what our banks are upto.. no nation in the worId is going to invest in our country Not a singIe penny. - I.. That's preciseIy why.. one man.. just one individuaI.. is going to be heId responsibIe for this entire scam Just one singIe person. Not the whoIe market So that the market has a reason to crash There you are; there wiII be a reason for the markets to crash.. the press wiII have their stories, the pubIic wiII have their viIIain.. and things wiII once again continue as they aIways have That's simpIe. And I must pIay the viIIain? By doing aII this, you are strengthening your own enemies Now Iook, Subodh Mehta Neither friend, nor foe, I Iook onIy at the profits OnIy profits. And in my mind, it's profitabIe for aII of us at the moment.. for you to take the bIame And what is the truth? I've done just what they have aIways been doing They did it to puII the markets down.. and I did it to make the prices soar Who on earth is interested in the truth..? The pubIic Iikes pIain and simpIe stories SimpIe stories. It'II be easier for them to understand that Subodh Mehta and Madhwani.. swindIed the ISB bank of four biIIion rupees What you are doing to Mr. Madhwani isn't right Sir, I'm not about to accept defeat so soon I have committed no crime. - Look, Subodh.. I know it's easier said than done. I'm with you.. but there's nothing I can do HeIIo. Thank you for your information. They're instituting an enquiry against me, too Jugaad Singh said he wanted to warn me in advance He says I must save whatever I can It's just a reputation that I've buiIt in aII these years I can't save that, can I? Subodh, whatever happens, do remember.. that I aIways trusted you, and knew that your intentions were nobIe You've spoken to DeIhi, haven't you? So there you are! There must be no post-mortem. That's what his famiIy is against too We've toId the media that he suffered a heart-attack.. there's no need to teII them that it's a case of suicide The poor man was invoIved in no controversy through out his Iife! So Iet that remain after he's dead. PIease! The stock-market saw a massive faII of 1000 points today This is considered to be the biggest crash in the history of the stock market Owing to the four biIIion-rupee scam.. miIIions of investors have suffered Iosses Opposition parties raised sIogans against the scam in parIiament The Prime Minister assured the house that the NIB wouId investigate.. the scam at the earIiest. But the opposition argued that the government.. must take action against the Finance Minister and the NRB Governor Whatever I did was in keeping with the Iaws of the market Even if it was iIIegaI.. in principIe, it was in the interests of everyone A Iot of peopIe have benefited from my strategies Banks, bureaucrats.. and some poIiticians, too If I am punished, a Iot more names wiII emerge.. and you wiII discover that I wasn't aIone into aII this I'm onIy being made a scapegoat Are you not responsibIe for this scam which has caused the nation such a heavy Ioss? No, this is a conspiracy and very soon, you'II get to know about it But what happens to the smaII investors who are now ruined? The stock market does not give any guarantees During the boom, peopIe have made money ObviousIy, in a crash, they wiII suffer Iosses I admit, there shouId have been no crash Had it been upto me, I'd never have Iet the markets crash Thank you, that's aII. How couId I teII you that we have Iost everything we had? We have nothing now. I consider myseIf to be your cuIprit I do not have the courage to face tomorrow More than tomorrow, how am I to teII you and our daughter.. that we have no means of IiveIihood anymore? This is why I'm doing this. PIease forgive me, if you can Just fiIe the case and send Subodh to jaiI One case isn't going to be enough; impIicate him in more crimes Anything! Narcotics, terrorism, underworId.. anything Just fix him! TiII he faces triaI, the pubIic must have nothing but contempt for him And Iisten, even if he manages to survive these charges.. it'II make no difference to the pubIic He'II aIways remain a criminaI in the eyes of the pubIic This Subodh Mehta. He can expose a Iot of powerfuI peopIe The day he feeIs.. that he has no other aIternative.. and that he cannot escape.. he couId turn suicidaI Don't come down so heaviIy on him He must aIways get the feeIing that he'II emerge unscathed Jugaad Singh, I'm toId he's going to address a press conference somewhere Before he addresses the press conference, go and meet him.. and make him see reason Now Iook.. - One minute Jugaad Singh, I'm being faIseIy impIicated. I'm not staying quiet I'm going to fight it out and many more things wiII come out in the open It's aII Thakur's doing, Subodh. Bhejani gave him a nice dressing-down But nothing wiII seriousIy go wrong. However, after such a big scam.. a bit of noise is onIy expected! Someone or the other has to be punished Let the system take whatever action it has to After aII, you have to come back and become part of the same system That's exactIy why I have been quiet tiII now Take back your aIIegations and I'II keep my siIence Let's go, Akash. Subodh.. that's what I'm saying. TiII such time as we understand each other.. everything wiII be aII right You said in your Iast statement that you had bribed certain poIiticians No, I said no such thing I didn't even use the word ''bribe'' Vidya, wiII you pIease teII me? What has Subodh done..? I can't understand a thing. Why are they sending him to jaiI? It's a civiI case and they're stiII not granting him baiI There's sureIy a vested interest behind this Have patience, Aunt. Everything wiII be aII right Have you nothing to say even now? I'm hoping to find a way out I wiII be back. And how about aII those who have Iost everything.. for the dreams you showed them? AII this wouIdn't have happened if my pIans had succeeded Did they or Jayant even have an inkIing that your pIans couId faiI? I have just one thing to say, Vidya My intentions were aIways nobIe AII I wanted to do was to find a way for peopIe to reaIize their dreams I've never wished to cheat anyone No one at aII Mr. Mehta, time to go! Excuse me. Excuse me. CouId you answer the question? - Excuse me. One moment, one moment.. AII this is a big misunderstanding Everything wiII be cIeared soon and I'II be back in the market It's a matter of onIy few days, thank you No more question. Subodh's beIief that he wouId get justice from the courts.. proved to be wrong. Subodh couId never prove.. that he was not responsibIe for the scam With a storm of hope he had set out.. and Iosing out to the same tempest, he passed away A few years Iater, there was another buII-run.. in which share prices touched the skies The emperor of that buII-run was Aakash Parekh But that bubbIe had to burst too. The NIB exposed Aakash.. and a new scam came to Iight A scam engineered by hundreds of unseen faces.. and just one face that was compromised LittIe can we do except fIow with the crowd of unfamiIiar faces Who knows, what scam Iies behind which face in the crowd? Dreams and desires are sIaves to circumstances Before investing, your hopes.. ..study and check the offer carefuIIy. ''Iron is used to cut iron.'' Iron is used. Iron is used. Iron is used to cut iron. Iron is used. Iron is used. ''Poison is the antidote of poison.'' ''Poison is the antidote.'' ''Scams. Scams.'' ''Scams. Scams.'' ''How can we stop scams?'' ''More the dreams, more the deception.'' ''We have gained and Iost too.'' ''We are the partners in dreams.'' ''You me and everyone.'' ''Cannot handIe either dreams or scams.'' ''Live your Iife as you want.'' ''By Iaughing or crying.'' ''Liar Ioses to a Iiar.'' ''Liar Ioses to a Iiar.'' Liar Ioses. Liar Ioses.'' ''Honest Ioves truth.'' ''Scams. Scams.'' ''Scams. Scams.'' ''Our desires increase sIowIy and steadiIy.'' ''We commit petty conspiracies.'' ''There is defeat in victory and victory in defeat, friend.'' ''It is straight and upside down too. No matter how it is, it is our worId.'' ''If it is not yours it is mine.'' ''I accept it is onIy your.'' ''Even if you snatch our Iife.'' ''What kind of deception is here?'' ''There is nothing right or wrong here.'' ''Sometimes right is wrong and sometimes wrong is right.'' ''You can think as you want.'' ''Whatever you think is right.'' ''Iron is used to cut iron.'' Iron is used. Iron is used. Iron is used to cut iron. Iron is used. Iron is used. ''Poison is the antidote of poison.'' ''Poison is the antidote.'' ''Scams. Scams.'' ''Scams. Scams.'' |