Girl vs. Monster (2012)

( Wind Blowing )
( Owl Hoots )
( Wolf Howls )
( Wolf Howls )
( Woman Screams )
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
( Sighs )
Still Not Straight, Is It?
Nope. Want Me To Get
The Ladder Out Again?
Nope. Just Give Me A Leg Up.
You're Not
Seriously Going To--
( Humming )
Skylar, You'll Break Your Neck!
( Screams ) Don't Do It!
( Grunts )
( Grunts )
( All Exclaim )
How's That?
( Applause )
( Both Chuckle )
How Many Years Of Gymnastics
Went Into That?
Six...And A Half.
( Chuckles )
That Was A Real "Please Do Not
Try This At Home" Moment.
Do You Try That At Home?
Because If You Do,
I Totally Get Why
Your Parents
Are So Overprotective.
Speaking Of My Parents,
I Gotta Be Home By 6:00.
You Ready?
I'll Just Get My Bag.
Hey, Sky. Before You Leave,
You Want To Sing A Little?
I Just Wanna Scream Out Loud
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
I'm Never
Coming Off This Cloud
So Move Over,
Move Over, Move Over
You Don't Wanna Mess With Me
I Know Who I'm Meant To Be
Never Gonna Slow Me Down
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
( Chuckles )
That Was Awesome, Skylar.
You Guys
Are Gonna Rock Tomorrow.
You Think?
Uh, Excuse Me, Rehearsing Here.
Why Don't You Take It
From The Top--
With A Professional Singer?
Hey, Sky...
Thanks For Helping Set Up.
No Problem.
He So Likes You.
Ryan? Please.
We've Been Friends
For, Like, Ever.
And He's Got
A Girlfriend.
He And Myra Broke Up.
Again? Wow.
They're Tough To Keep Track Of.
I Wonder If There's
An App For That.
It's Just Because
She Sings In The Band.
She Practically
Forces Him To Date Her.
You're The One
He Really Likes.
You're Delusional.
And You Are Oblivious.
I Am Not Oblivious.
Yes, You Are.
Wait, Why Are You
Going That Way?
To Cut Through The Cemetery.
It's The Only Way
I'll Get Home In Time.
( Growls )
Um, Sky, Hey, I'm--
I'm Not So Sure That
This Is A Good Idea.
What Are You So Worried About?
I Mean, Come On,
What's So Scary
About A Cemetery?
Dead People!
( Scoffs )
No, Seriously, There Are,
Like, Dead People Everywhere.
Come On,
It's Not The Dead People
You Gotta Worry About.
It's The Ones
That Were Buried Alive.
Aah! Just Change The Subject
Before I Have A Panic Attack!
Okay. You Know,
If If Ryan Really Liked Me,
Then Why Doesn't
He Just Ask Me Out?
He's Probably Scared.
Of What?
That You'll Say No.
How Could Me Saying No
Be Scary?
You Know, Humiliation.
The Usual
Asking-People-Out Fears.
I Don't See The Big Deal.
Because Nothing Scares You.
But You're Not Normal.
And That's Just Gonna
Come Back To Haunt You.
No Way.
( Roars )
What Was That?
It's Probably Just A Cat.
A Reanimated Corpse.
Oh, My Gosh! There It Is!
( Screams )
( Chuckles )
Nope, My Bad.
Just A Cat. Zombie Cat.
Feeds On Human Flesh.
I Hate You. I Do.
I'm Not Kidding.
( Chuckles ) Gotcha.
( Growls )
That Was A Little
Too Close For Comfort.
They Shouldn't Be Out
This Soon.
This Is No Ordinary Halloween.
Both: Happy Halloween.
Morning. Love You.
Already Late.
No, No, No, Not So Fast.
Breakfast First.
Ew! What Is That?
It's Garlic.
It's Good Prevention.
Fights Off
So Many Nasty Things.
Like...Anybody Within
Ten Feet Of My Breath?
So Your Dad And I
Are Gonna Be At Our
Annual Mycology Symposium
At The Natural
History Museum Tonight.
Why Is Halloween
Such A Big Night
In The Mold Community?
Why Not Have Your Symposium,
Like, November First?
It's Just The Way It Is.
So, Uh...
Ryan's Party's Tonight.
And I Was Wondering
If I Could, Like,
Have A Later Curfew?
Your Dad And I
Were Thinking No Curfew.
Because It's Much Better
If You Don't Go Out At All.
What? But It's Just
Right Down The Street.
It's Not A Good Night.
We Go Through This
Every Halloween.
There's A Bad Element
Out There.
What? Little Kids
Dressed As Pirates?
Mom, I Have To Go
To Ryan's Party.
Please! I Will Do
Anything For You!
You'll Do Anything For Me?
How About...
Not Go To The Party?
Ugh! Where's Dad?
Skylar, Don't Go Down There!
You Know The Lab Is Off Limits!
Will You Please Tell Mom
She's Being Ridiculous?
Oh, She Hates When
I Tell Her That, Honey.
What's That?
Uh, This Is Toxic Mold.
Ooh, Exposure Causes
Severe Acne. You Wanna See?
I Think I'll Pass. Thanks.
That Is Your Loss.
( Sighs ) Dad, Can I Please
Go To Ryan's Party?
Awesome! I Love You!
Yeah, Hon.
The Party's Tonight.
Oh, Then, No,
You May Not Go To The Party.
The Thing Is, Sweetheart--
Dad, Do Not Sweetheart Me!
That's Worse Than Sweetheart!
Look, When You're Older--
How Much Older?
But I'm Almost Sixteen!
But Not Quite.
We Love You Very Much.
This Is Not--
Then Quit
Ruining My Life!
Skylar, That's...
Skylar, Honey.
Ooh, Burn.
Teenagers, Hmm?
They Give You
Nothing But Trouble.
How Would You Know?
I Have A Cat.
He's At A Very Difficult Age
Right Now.
( Sighs )
Maybe We Should Just Tell Her.
We Got So Much
Going On Right Now.
You, Uh, Remember
To Take Your Garlic?
Honey, We Discussed That
Over And Over.
Garlic Does Not
Repel Monsters, Okay?
It's Superstitious Nonsense.
So Are Monsters.
She's Got A Point.
Do You Take The Garlic?
No, That's Ridiculous.
( Mechanical Whirring )
Whoa. Okay, Look At That.
Full Apparition.
We Picked Him Up Last Night.
It Wasn't Even Halloween Yet.
( Growls )
What's Going On
Out There, Steve?
I Wish I Knew.
That Was
A Rhetorical Question.
It Was Kind Of
A Rhetorical Answer.
( Bell Rings )
( Indistinct Chatter )
( Roars )
Not In The Mood.
Come On! You Can't Give Me
One Little... ( Screams )?
My Parents Are Making Me
Stay Home Tonight.
Seriously? When Are They
Gonna Quit Treating You
Like A Toddler?
When I'm Sixteen.
Because That's How Old
You Have To Be For
The Convent To Take You?
( Laughs ) Totally.
That Is So Lame.
( Roars )
( Screams )
( Laughs )
Dude, You Should
See Your Face!
I Just Screamed To Be Polite.
Wanted Him
To Feel Good About Himself.
I Think You Wet Your Pants.
I Did Not! That's Not Funny!
It's A Little Funny.
( Bell Rings )
The Amygdala
Is The Part Of The Brain
That Orchestrates A Response
When Danger's Detected.
You're Gonna Fry Your Brain
If You Don't Take A Break.
Telling The Hypothalamus
To Initiate
A Fight-Or-Flight Response
That Could Save Your Life.
Stop Stressing
Over Your Presentation.
You're Gonna Do Great.
You Know How
I Fall Apart Under Pressure.
When I Have To Get Up
In Front Of The Class,
I Will Totally Freeze Up
And Look Like An Idiot.
Just Don't Let It Scare You.
Said The Girl
Who Knows No Fear.
Hey, You Guys
Excited About Tonight?
Can't Wait.
Should Be A Blast.
Her Parents
Are Super-Excited.
Yeah, I Can't Believe
My Dad Got Permission For Us
To Use Mcquarry Mansion.
No One Ever Gets In There.
No One Wants To.
I Mean, It's Creepy.
Do You Think
It's Really Haunted?
Who Knows? They Say
Old Man Mcquarry Lost His Mind.
Shut Himself Up
In The House For Years.
Ryan, We Really Need To Look
Over The Set List For Tonight.
We're Rehearsing After School.
Stop By If You Want.
Wouldn't Miss It.
( Chuckles )
Don't Think I Don't See
What You're Doing Here.
Stay Away From Ryan,
Or I Swear I Will Make
Your Life Miserable.
I Don't Know, Myra...
I'm Pretty Sure
For That To Happen,
I'd Have To Care
What You Think.
( Sighs )
I Can't Believe Ryan
Ever Went Out With Her.
I Know. She's Scary.
Ryan Should Have
His Amygdala Checked.
We Have To Put
The Guitars Lower In The Mix.
My Fans Need To Hear Me.
Oh, No!
No, No, No, No, No, No. No.
That Looks Awful!
First Of All,
My Name Is Way Too Small.
And Second, It's Crooked!
Please Don't Make Me Ask
The Janitor For A Ladder Again.
He Smells Like Feet.
I'll Get Skylar.
Just Give Me A Leg Up.
You Know, Myra, Skylar's Had,
Like, Six Years Of Gymnastics.
Just Give Me A Leg Up!
( Grunts )
( Cracking )
A Little Left.
More, More, More, More.
Thank You.
Don't Move.
( Screams )
( Indistinct Chatter )
Oh, Look At The Dog.
Oh, He's Cute.
( Chuckles )
Look At You.
Oh, Look At You.
You're So Cute.
( Barks )
Oh, You're So Cute.
Are You Lost?
Are You Lost,
You Lost Little Doggy?
Are You Lost?
Are You Lost?
Are You Lost?
( Roars )
( Screams )
( All Scream )
( Whimpers )
He Was Practically Solid.
And It's Not Even Sunset Yet.
Cobb, We Got
Another One Coming In.
I Don't Know
If We Can Handle Any More.
The System's Running Pretty Hot.
Tell Him To Bring
The Backup Generator Online.
The Backup Generator Online.
I'll Try.
I Know That. This Is Not
My First Rodeo, Babe.
Oh, You're So Cute
When You're Testy.
( Screams )
I Hate Halloween!
I Can Feel You Coming
From A Mile Away
My Pulse Starts Racing
From The Words That You Say
And You Say So Many Of Them
Like You Don't Have A Clue
That I'm Signed, Sealed,
Delivered With A Stamp On
You Don't Have
To Try Too Hard
You Already Have My Heart
You Don't Got
A Thing To Prove
I'm Already Into You
( Groans )
Hold, Hold, Hold,
Hold Me Tight Now
'Cause I'm So,
So Good To Go
Don't Say,
Don't Say Good Night
You Know
You Had Me At Hello
You Had Me At Hello
You Had Me At Hello
Don't Say,
Don't Say Good Night
You Know
You Had Me At Hello
Close Your Mouth Now,
Baby, Don't Say A Word
All Right, Cut.
( Sighs )
I Know. Terrible, Huh?
Not At All. I Just Haven't
Heard You Sing In Forever.
Well, I Hate My Voice.
I Don't Know
What We're Gonna Do.
Well, Where's Myra?
( Muffled )
Right Here.
Oh, My Gosh!
What Happened?
( Indistinct )
She Fell.
So Now We Have
No Lead Singer For Tonight.
( Muffled )
I'm Totally Irreplaceable.
That's A Great Idea!
You Could Sing With Us!
You Know The Songs.
( Muffled ) Her?! Ow!
Yeah, You've Got
An Amazing Voice.
You'd Be Great.
You See, The Thing Is,
My Parents Kind Of--
Please, Sky, I Need You.
What The Heck. Sounds Like Fun.
Awesome! Okay, If You Start
To Feel Stage Fright At All--
Well, Why Would I?
I Don't Know.
You Know, Standing Up On Stage
In Front Of All Those People,
Everyone Staring Back At You...
It's Terrifying.
You Don't Look Terrified
When You're Up There.
You Joking? I'm Freaking Out.
I Just Try To Get Lost
In The Music. It Helps.
Well, If It Happens,
I'll Try That.
Oh, If You Get In Trouble,
Just Look Over To Me--
We'll Sing It Together.
( Growls )
Well, I Better Go Figure Out--
I Mean, Get Ready.
Don't Be Late.
We're Counting On You.
See You Later.
Replacing You With Skylar,
That Was A Fantastic Idea.
( Indistinct )
( Whimpers )
( Door Opens And Closes )
Cobb, Something Strange
Is Going On.
There's Ten Times
The Activity Out There.
It's Like They're
Being Drawn To Fairview.
Not Only That,
The Amount Of Power
The Tank's Draining
Is Way Out Of Line
With The Plasma Levels On
The Ones You Just Brought In.
I Thing It's Got Something
To Do With Our Guest Of Honor.
( Growls )
Listen, I'm Gonna Need You To
Keep An Eye On Skylar Tonight.
It's Really Dangerous
For Her Out There.
Make Sure That
She Does Not Leave The House.
No Problem.
Of Course, You Realize
I Charge 15 An Hour
For Babysitting.
Or Nothing. Whatever You're
Comfortable With.
I Think
Nothing Is Better For Me.
Great. Yeah, Let's Do That.
Let's Do Nothing.
Oh, No.
I Got More Readings Already.
Well, The Good News Is,
Is I'm The Babysitter.
( Beeping )
So There's No Way I Can Go?
That's Your Final Decision?
I Am Afraid So, Sweetheart.
( Sighs ) Okay, Fine.
You're Not Planning
On Sneaking Out, Are You?
Of Course Not.
That Would Be, Like, As Childish
As Your Making Me Stay Home
On Halloween.
Julie, We Got Two More Monst--
Stops To Make Before
The Big Symposium Tonight.
So, You Know, We Should, Uh--
We Should Go.
Good Night,
Bye, Honey.
( Sighs ) Have Fun.
Hey. Ready To Hang
With Uncle Cobb?
Play Some Classic Board Games?
Maybe A Little Go Fish?
You Did Not Get Me A Babysitter.
Whoa, Not A Babysitter.
A Teen Social Companion.
You're Welcome.
Right, So I'll Just
Set The Alarm So You're
Nice And Safe Inside.
An Alarm? Seriously?
Oh, Sweetheart, You Won't
Even Notice It's There,
Unless You Try To Go Outside.
Yeah, We Love You,
Have A Great Time Tonight, And
Don't Open Any Doors Or Windows.
Do Not Do That.
Guys, I'm Almost 16!
I Feel Terrible About This.
Honey, Do You Want Her
Out On The Streets?
With Your Family's
Blood In Her Veins
And No Clue What She Is?
We Should've Told Her.
We Should've Started
The Training Early.
Maybe, But It's Too Late.
I Don't Actually
Have The Code For That,
So If You Want To Have
Any Friends Over,
They Kinda Need To Be
Inside The House Already.
I'll Be In My Room,
Hating My Life.
Without Training She Wouldn't
Be A Monster Hunter, She'd Be
Monster Hunted.
Honey, It's For Her Own Good.
Should've Made Her
Take More Garlic.
Oh, Please Don't Start
With The Garlic Again.
Studies Are Extremely--
Studies Are Boring.
No, They're Not Boring.
Did You Tune This Thing?
Wait, What?
They Locked You In!?
Meet Me In Front Of My House
In Ten Minutes.
Wait, What Are You Gonna Do?
Duh. I'm Cutting The Power.
I'm Gonna Break Out.
( Grunts )
She Scares Me.
Wow. Ow.
You Know, This Would Be A Lot
More Fun With The Two Of Us.
Maybe Later.
Where Are You Going?
Just Doing Some Laundry.
There's No Laundry Down...
I Was Winning!
Might As Well
Turn Them All Off.
Don't Cut The Power!
( Alarm Sounds )
Oh, No, No, No, No, No.
No, No, No, No, No.
No, No, No, No, No, No, No!
Stay There! Stay There! No!
Stay Back!
( Grunting ) Just Stay There!
What Is That?
Turn Them Back On!
( Screams ) Run!
Oh, I Gotta Get Skylar!
I Gotta Get Skylar!
Come On!
( Screams )
Come On!
( Screaming )
Go, Go, Go! Hurry!
( Roaring )
( Laughing )
Hello, World, Mommy's Home!
That's Not Mold!
No, It Isn't.
( Both Gasp )
Maybe I'll Just Meet
You Guys At The Party.
No, We Have To Stay
With Skylar. Come On.
( Whimpering )
Where Are The Hunters?!
( All Scream )
I Just Work Here!
I Don't...
Please Don't Hurt Us!
( Laughs )
Don't Worry, Dear.
There'll Be
Plenty Of Time For That.
( Grunts )
( All Scream )
That Is So Intense!
( Laughs )
Now That's What I Like To Hear.
( Laughs )
Theodosia! Bob! Come To Me!
You're Both Looking Well.
Whose Fear Have You
Been Feeding On?
( All Scream )
Look At Them Cower!
They Must Be Delicious!
( Laughs )
Anyway, Come,
Let's Go Hunt The Hunters.
Oh, Don't Fret, Dear.
I'll Be Back Soon...
For Eternity! ( Laughs )
Cobb, What's Happening?!
Uh, It's Kind Of A Long Story.
Well, Can You Sum It Up?
The Bad Lady's Immortal
And Wants To Destroy
Your Parents
And Possess Your Soul
For All Eternity, But, Hey...
Whoa! You Have No Idea
How Good It Feels To Be Out!
Fifteen Years Crumpled Up
In A Little Ball.
Never Know It
To Look At You.
You're Positively Exquisite.
Yeah, You've Been
Working Out, Huh?
I've Been Stuck
In A Tank, You Idiot!
Oh, My Bad.
So Much Catching Up To Do.
How's The Fear Business?
Stephen King Still Writing?
Yes, But His Last Novel
Was Historical Fiction.
Scary Historical Fiction?
Not Particularly.
Hmm. What About Horror Movies?
Still Big With The Kids?
No, It's All
Gross-Out Comedies Now,
But Vampires Are In.
Ooh. Well, That's Promising.
Except They're
Romantic Vampires
Who Fall In Love.
We've Got Work To Do.
"Been Working Out"?
Your Brain
Is Made Of Straw.
Well, Surprise.
So Is The Rest Of Me.
( Laughing )
( Screaming )
( Screaming )
Don't Worry,
It's Just A Costume.
( Screaming )
A Really Good Costume!
( Groans )
( Whirring )
( Groaning )
( Panting )
Steve, Take A Look At This.
I Haven't Seen
A Plasma Signature Like That
In 15 Years.
It Can't Be.
( Roaring )
Get Back In The Van.
Wanna Shut The Door, Maybe?
I'm Driving! You Get The Door!
How About You Do The Car
And I Do The Equipment?
That's How It's Always Been!
( Grunts )
( Engine Sputtering )
Come On, Baby.
I Just Want You To Know
Right Now That I Have
Everything I Put Together.
And You--I Mean,
You're The Man. You're Supposed
To Shut The Door.
( Continue Arguing )
( Panting )
My Parents Are Monster Hunters?
( Screams )
Fourth Generation.
Best In The Business.
That's Why
I'm Training With Them.
Wait. My Parents?
Steve And Julie?
Nerdy, Overprotective?
Way Into Mold?
Mold's A Day Job.
It Pays The Bills.
Monster Hunting
Isn't Really Money, Money.
It's More Like
Volunteer Work.
Like Helping Out
In A Soup Kitchen?
Yes, Sadie, Like Helping Out
At A Monster Soup Kitchen.
( Phone Vibrates )
( Screams )
Oh, That's My Phone.
( Screams )
It's Your Parents.
( Sighs )
Hello? ( Chuckles )
Cobb, What Happened?
Oh, You Know,
We Were Just Hanging Out,
And We Lost Power
In The Containment Unit.
And Deimata's Loose.
And Then You Guys
Ran Out Of Soda, Which Is--
Is Skylar Okay?
She's Fine...
Other Than
The Fifteen Years' Worth
Of Fear Coursing Through Her.
Your Mom
Wants To Talk To You.
Skylar, Honey,
Are You All Right?
I'm Fine...
Except You Left Me With Cobb
And He's Kinda Flipped Out.
No, No, He's Not Flipping Out.
He's Telling You The Truth.
Now I Want You To Listen
To Him Very Carefully
And You Do Whatever
He Tells You To Do.
( Screams )
( Laughs )
Mom? Mommy?
The Line Went Dead.
That's Great.
Skylar's In Danger.
We Need To Stop Deimata.
Don't Worry, We Will.
Deimata: Theodosia! Bob!
Bob: Let The Fun Begin!
( All Laugh )
When You Said,
"The Bad Lady Wants
To Possess Skylar's Soul..."
This Isn't Happening.
You Were Talking
Figuratively, Right?
No, Literally.
So If You Two
Could Help Make Sure
That Skylar Doesn't...
Wander Off Alone!
Where Are You? Go!
( All Scream )
La La La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La.
Oh! Let Me Go! Get Off Me!
Where Are You Going?
There's A Monster Hunting You.
This Isn't Real.
It's All A Dream.
I'm Going To Ryan's Party
And At Some Point
I Will Wake Up.
Skylar, You Need
To Listen To Me.
La La La La La La La La La.
Cut It Out.
Sadie, Something's
Very Wrong With Me.
I Mean, My Heart's Racing
And My Palms Are Sweaty
And My Stomach Feels Funny.
That's Fear.
I Get That, Like, Every Day.
Sometimes Twice.
Like In The Locker Room
After Gym.
I Get It More With Tests...
Homework, Talking To Guys
And Girls And Teachers
And, Uh, Store Clerks
And My Parents--
Well, I Don't Get It Ever.
Why Am I Feeling This?
Because Deimata's Loose.
The Monsters
Are Astral Projections
Of Human Fear.
Most Of The Time,
We Only See Them In Dreams.
Every Night.
Sometimes Twice.
But When There's
Enough Fear In The Air,
Like On Halloween,
They Get Strong Enough
To Take Physical Form.
And It's Up To
The Monster Hunters To Make Sure
They Don't Take Over.
What Do You Mean, "Take Over?"
Each Monster Attaches Itself
To One Person,
For Their Whole Lives,
And If That Person's Fear
Gets Too Out Of Control,
The Monster
Takes Them Over Completely.
So Who's This Deimata?
She's Your Monster.
La La La La La La La La La La.
And Deimata's
One Of The Ancient Ones.
They're Immortal,
They Can't Be Destroyed.
And They Always Latch Onto
The Strongest Host
That They Can Find...
Like Your Grandfather.
My Grandfather?
He Passed On
Right Before I Was Born.
Cobb: Your Grandfather
Was A Monster Hunter Himself,
So For Most His Life,
He Kept Deimata
From Growing Too Powerful.
But In The End,
She Was Too Much For Him.
( Laughs )
Then Deimata Went Looking
For A New Host--You.
Hello, Baby Skylar.
( Crying )
Get Away From Her!
Or What? ( Laughs )
( Crying )
Monster Hunting
Was In Your Mom's Blood.
And To Help Protect You,
Your Dad Became One, Too.
So He Converted?
It Was No Problem.
They Were Reform.
Being Scientists Already,
They Modified Your Grandfather's
Old Weapons
And Achieved Something No One
Had Ever Thought Possible...
That'll Do.
They Found A Way To Capture
One Of The Ancient Ones.
With Your Monster Sealed Away,
You Grew Up Without
Any Sense Of Fear At All.
Now It's All
Coming Back At Once.
Wow, Interesting...
And Totally Impossible. Bye!
How Come Her Parents
Kept All This A Secret?
All What? It's Not True!
Monster Hunting's Passed Down
Through Families.
Traditionally, Parents Wait
Until Their Kids Are 16
Before They Tell Them,
To Give Them
A Normal Childhood.
Speaking Of Normal,
Which This Is Not,
I'm Going To Ryan's Party.
Sky, There's A Monster
After You!
( Scoffs )
Going To The Party
Is A Good Idea.
If Deimata Comes Back Here,
You'll Be Better Off Over There.
But You Need Some Firepower.
Holy Paintball!
A Blaster Will Slow Them Down.
A Stun Gun Will Really
Ring Their Bells.
But To Capture Them,
We Have To Use These Puppies.
Molecular Atomizer--
Reduces A Monster
Back To Its Vapor State.
Oh, I've Totally Used Those!
In Video Games.
Portable Containment Unit.
Traps Them Until You Can
Get Them Back Here
And Unload Into The Tank.
Which I Have
To Stay Here And Fix,
Because Without The Tank,
We're Doomed.
You're Not Coming With Us?
Blah, Blah, Blah.
Can We--Can We Go Now?
Why Is She Acting Like This?
She's Never
Experienced Fear Before,
Let Alone This Much.
Denial's A Very Common Reaction.
If You're Not Coming With Us,
We're Staying Here.
You Have To Go And Make Sure
Skylar Gets To The Party Safely.
Here, Will Keep An Eye On You
With The Helmet Cam.
( Chuckles )
The Thing Is,
I'm Actually Going Home Now
To Hide Under A Bed, So--
No, You're Not.
This Is Skylar
And She's In Danger.
And Let's Quit Talking
And Just Do This
Before I Have To Go
Breathe In A Paper Bag.
Guys, Seriously,
I'm Out Of Here.
Not Without Your Equipment.
No Way!
Way. It's Halloween--
You Can Tell People
You're Going As Your Favorite
Steampunk Character.
I Don't Even
Know What That Is.
Because Your Generation
Has No Taste In
Speculative Science Fiction.
I Am The Babysitter.
You Are The Baby That Sits.
Don't Argue With Me.
I'll Take The Little One.
Take This, Too.
And This.
Definitely This.
This Wouldn't Hurt.
Okay, Sorry.
That Is A Little Too Much.
They're Here.
You Think It's A Trap?
You Wanna Go Spring It?
Am I Going First?
You Sure Are.
Oh, Yeah.
All Right. Okay.
All Right, All Right.
Hurry Up! The Party's Started!
Remember, I'm Following You
On The Helmet Cam. Okay?
You'll Be Perfectly Safe...
I Think.
Honey, It's Mostly A Placebo.
It Is Not A Placebo.
There Have Been Multiple
Double-Blind Studies.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,
Financed By The Garlic Industry.
When Was The Last Time
I Was Sick?
I Don't Know.
When Was The Last Time I Was--
I Got A Surprise For You!
Skylar: Mom! Dad! Help!
( Deimata Laughs )
Skylar: Mom! Dad!
Where Are You?! Hurry!
Skylar: Up Here!
Skylar: Mom! Dad! ( Screams )
Skylar: Mom! Dad! Help! Help!
Help! ( Laughs )
( All Laugh )
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
They're So Easily Duped.
( Laughs )
Sadie: One Of The Monsters
That Was With Deimata,
I've Seen Her Before.
Henry: The Witch?
Yeah, I Used To Call Her
The Schoolmarm.
When She First Showed Up,
I Was In A Spelling Bee,
And I Got So Scared
I Misspelled "Goat."
That's Pretty Hard
To Misspell.
After That, She'd Show Up
Whenever I Had Something
Important At School.
Even When I Can't See Her,
I Can Sense Her,
Mocking Me Like She
Knows I'm Going To Fail,
And Then--
And Then I Do.
I've Seen The Other One.
The Scarecrow?
He Lives In The Woods
Behind My House.
The Other Kids
Used To Make Fun Of Me
Because I Was Too Scared
To Play In Them.
When I Got Older,
I'd See Him Everywhere.
It's Like You Said--
Even When I Can't See Him,
I Know He's There.
All I Can Do Is Run.
( Rustling )
( All Gasp )
It's Him!
Guys, Don't Be Scared, Okay?
Cobb Said That
They Feed On Fear.
If Anything Comes At Us,
Stick Together.
You Guys Are Being Ridiculous.
( Rustling )
I Think.
( Rustling )
( Roars )
( All Scream )
( Roars )
( Screams )
( Roars )
( Screams )
( Screams )
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
( Screams )
( Screams )
( Screams )
( Laughter )
( Roars )
( Grunts )
( Roars )
Sadie! Henry!
Go! Go!
( Humming )
Whoa! Whoa! Running In Fear!
Yo, Henry, Henry.
( Screams )
( Screams )
Don't Be Scared, Henry.
Cobb?! Cobb?! Cobb?!
Don't Be Scared.
Henry, They Feed On Fear, Okay?
Try To Slow Your Heart Rate.
Are You Breathing Deep?
I Don't Think
I'm Breathing At All.
Henry! Henry!
I Smelled Your Fear
From Miles Away.
Dude, You Stink!
( Screams )
( Panting )
( Both Scream )
Where's Henry?
( Laughter )
We Should Probably
Go See If He's Okay.
( Roaring )
Both: We Should Go.
( Whimpers )
( Whimpers )
Henry! What's Wrong With Him?
Is He Okay?
( Panting )
He's Petrified.
He's Frozen In Fear.
It's What Happens
When People Stare Down
Their Monsters And Lose.
I Gotta Get To The Gym More!
This Is Ridiculous!
Can You Fix Him?
I'm Pretty Sure.
But Not Here.
I Gotta Take Him
Back To The Lab.
( Grunts )
Let's Get The Two Of You
To The Mansion First.
These Things Are Real?
They Sure Are.
Come On.
Well, Scared Stiff. ( Chuckles )
Oh, The Irony.
( Wolf Howls )
( Electricity Crackling )
( Gasps )
Julie! Honey!
Sweetheart, I'm Right Here.
Oh. I Didn't Know.
I Should Have
Taken That Garlic.
Now? Really?
Honey, Don't.
Where Are We?
My Dad's Old Lab.
Hasn't Changed A Bit.
I Wonder What She Has
In Store For Us?
Excellent Question, Steven.
So Glad You Asked. ( Laughs )
I'm Going To Destroy You,
Of Course.
Take Your Bones
And Make Patio Furniture.
Sort Of A Chaise Lounge Of Doom,
If You Will.
As To How I'll Destroy You...
Anybody Wanna Guess?
No? Oh, Come On. It'll Be Fun!
Okay, Wait, Wait, Wait.
Four Words, Right?
You See What I'm Doing?
First Word.
You're Not Even Trying.
Okay, First Word.
Ready, Ready, Ready?
( Gasps )
No? One More Time.
( Gasps )
Okay, Fine. I'll Just Tell You
What I'm Going To Do.
I'm Going To Scare You To Death!
( Laughs )
Yeah, Good Luck With That.
Fifteen Years Of Plotting,
That's The Best You Can Do? Sad.
Really Sad.
Embarrassing, Really.
It's Terrible Material.
Well, Aren't You Two
The Little Professionals?
We Don't Scare Easy.
We're Mycologists.
Yes, Fungi Makes You Brave.
No Worries, You'll Show Me
Fear Enough When I'm Terrifying
Your Daughter Right
In Front Of You.
Ooh, There It Is.
There It Is. ( Laughs )
That's What I Like To See.
Gotta Fly! Ta-Ta!
( Panting )
( Panting ) That's It.
That's It. No More Running.
( Exhales Deeply )
You're Not Really
Gonna Leave Us?
I Have To Take Him Back,
Thaw Him Out,
And I Have To Fix
The Containment Tank
So It's Ready When Your Parents
Hunt Down Deimata.
My Parents...
Will They Be Okay?
Oh, Yeah.
They're Professionals.
Will I Be Okay?
You'll Be Fine.
Don't Forget,
You're A Monster Hunter.
Fifth Generation.
You Scare The Monsters.
Not The Other Way Around.
Oh, Right. Of Course.
I Mean, It's A Piece Of Cake.
( Laughs )
Okay, Just Breathe! Breathe!
Okay, I Need You
To Keep An Eye On Her.
You're Gonna Have
To Be The Brave One.
You Have No Idea
How Insane That Is.
Oopsy Daisy. ( Chuckles )
Go. I'll Get Him.
( Grunts )
What Do Ya Say, Boss?
Grab Skylar Now?
Not Yet. My Powers
Aren't Quite Strong Enough.
I Need To Eat More
Of That Girl's Fear.
Then Let's Swoop Down
From The Rafters
And Bon Appetit!
Later. First,
I Have A Hankering
For A Different Flavor Of Fear.
Where Ya Goin'?
It's A Halloween Party.
I Need A Costume.
You Think We Need Costumes?
If You Were Any Stupider,
I Could Sell You
As A Paperweight.
Oh, Don't Be A Hater.
( Laughs )
It Never Gets Old.
( Laughs )
( Grunting )
( Grunting )
( Sniffing )
( Gasping )
( Laughs )
( Cracks )
( Exhales )
Deimata: Now That's What
I Call Smokin' Hot.
( Laughs )
She's Not Here Yet.
We Can't Wait
All Night For Skylar.
( Sighs ) I Guess
I'll Just Do The Singing.
You Cool With That?
Not Too Nervous?
No. I Got This.
Do I Look Okay?
What Do You Mean?
Is My Hair All Messed Up?
Should I Have Gotten It Cut?
Is That A Pimple?
It Feels Like A Pimple.
What On Earth Are You--
Fifteen Years' Worth Of Fear
All At Once.
Should I Cover This Up?
Maybe I Should Just Go Home.
Skylar, You're Beautiful.
Come On,
We'll Hide Out In The Crowd.
It's Not Like Everybody's
Gonna Be Staring At You.
Ryan: Here She Is!
Ladies And Gentlemen,
Skylar Lewis!
Skylar's Agreed
To Sing With Us Tonight!
Oh, No! I Totally Forgot!
Clear A Path For Her, Everybody!
( Echoing )
Why Am I Feeling This?
Come On Up, Sky.
Don't Be Bashful.
( Echoing )
Just Don't Let It Scare You.
( Echoing )
My Heart's Racing.
( Echoing )
Something's Very Wrong With Me.
( Echoing )
These Things Are Real?
Ryan: Standing Up On Stage
In Front Of All Those People.
Hello, World. Mommy's Home.
Ryan: (Echoing )
It's Terrifying.
Sadie: ( Echoing )
Nothing Scares You.
You're Not Normal.
( Echoing ) That's Just Gonna
Come Back To Haunt You.
Remember, Just Lose Yourself
In The Music.
I Am Definitely Lost.
( Chuckles ) Hit It, Guys.
( Music Stops )
( All Murmuring )
You Can Do This.
Keep It Together, Sky.
Hey, Look Out World,
'Cause Here I Come
I'm Burning Brighter
Than The Sun
You Put Up Walls,
But I Can Break 'Em
Break 'Em
Fear Is Not
A Roadblock In My Way
Don't Care What
The Haters Say
They Don't Scare Me,
I'm Not Shakin'
If You Think
I'm Gonna Quit
Go And Cross It
Off Your List
I Just Wanna Scream Out Loud
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
( Laughs )
Stage Fright...
One Of My Favorites! ( Laughs )
( Claps )
( Chuckles ) Amazing.
That Was...
This Must Be So Humiliating
For You--
The Embarrassment
Of A Lifetime!
( Laughs )
( Feedback Wails )
I'll Take It From Here.
Push The Tempo, Boys.
( All Murmuring )
What Happened To Your Neck?
I Found A Doctor
Who's Out Of This World.
Hey, Look Out World,
'Cause Here I Come
I'm Burning Brighter
Than The Sun
You Put Up Walls,
But I Can Break 'Em
Break 'Em
Fear Is Not
A Roadblock In My Way
Don't Care What
The Haters Say
You Don't Scare Me,
I'm Not Shakin'
If You Think
I'm Gonna Quit
Sadie: Skylar,
What Are You Doing?
( Muffled )
I Didn't Have Dinner.
Oh, Slow Down!
You're Gonna Choke!
( Muffled ) Fine With Me.
You Can't Eat Your Fear.
I'm Not Eating My Fear.
I'm Eating A Snickerdoodle.
( Sighs)
Sadie, This Is
The Worst Day Of My Life!
And I Have This Awful,
Queasy Feeling In My Stomach
That I Just Can't Get Rid Of!
I Told You That That's Fear.
Well, How Do I Stop It?
You Can't.
You Just Have To Live With It,
Like Everybody Else On Earth.
( Sighs ) It's Too Much.
( Beep )
( Beeping )
You Don't Wanna Mess With Me
I Know Who I'm Meant To Be
Never Gonna Slow Me Down
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me,
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me
( Gasps )
Look At This!
What Is It?
It's My Mother.
Come Here.
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
( Cheering And Applause )
Where You Going?
To Find A Band
That Can Play In Tune.
Oh, You're Deadweight,
The Kind Of Terrible
That Doesn't Get Better
With Practice.
( Chuckles )
( Cheering And Applause )
That's The Mcquarry Mansion.
She Lived Here?
This Can't Be Right.
My Mom Would've Told Me.
Like She Told You
About Being A Monster Hunter?
That Deimata
Drove Him Over The Edge...
Just Like Old Man Mcquarry.
He Shut Himself Up
In This House For Years.
What If Edgar Mcquarry
Is My Grandfather?
Maybe That's Why
They're All Here.
( Beeping )
Who's All Where?
Skylar, Look At This.
This Mansion
Is Crawling With Monsters.
We Gotta Get Out Of Here!
What Do You Mean, No?
All Of Our Friends Are Here.
If We Leave,
What Happens To Them?
Well, What Good Can We Do?
We're The Only Ones
With The Tools To Fight Them.
And One Of Us
Is A Fifth-Generation
Monster Hunter.
I Can't. I'm Too Scared.
I've Been Scared All My Life.
And You Know What
I Learned About Fear?
When You Run Away From It,
It Just Gets Worse.
Come On, You Can Do This.
I Hate You.
( Chuckles )
I Hate You, Too.
Let's Go.
( Whimpering )
Okay, Stuff I Need,
Stuff I Need.
Make It Purple.
( Sighs ) Let's Go, Henry.
Please Don't Hurt Me,
Mister Scarecrow!
( Chuckles )
Sorry, That's Just...
What Was On
The Tip Of My Tongue.
It Happens To The Best Of Us.
( Sighs )
Man, I Was So Out Of It.
It's Like I Could Hear
And See Everything,
But I Was Too Scared
To Even Move.
I Totally Wussed Out.
Skylar And Sadie
Were Counting On Me.
( Grunts ) You'll Come Through
For 'Em Next Time.
Are You Kidding?
I'm Useless!
I'm Going Home.
Good Idea.
Yeah, I Mean,
If Something's Too Hard,
It's Always Best To Just Curl Up
Into A Little Ball And Quit.
I Mean, Who Cares If
Your Friends Are Still In A Jam
And They Need Your Help?
I Can't Help Them.
I'm A Coward.
It Doesn't Take A Hero
To Help Fix A Containment Unit.
( Sighs ) What Do You Need?
It's Mostly Welding And, Uh...
Whoa, Yeah,
It Is Real Gross In There, So...
( Growls )
( Both Gasp )
Whoa! Chill Out!
( Both Sigh )
Hey, Josh.
What's Up With The Arsenal?
Just A Costume.
( Both Laugh )
You-You Know, Uh...
( Imitating Gunfire )
Oh, Funny.
Yeah. Bye.
Where Are Your Feet?
( Screams )
( Gasps )
( Screams )
( Roars )
( Both Scream )
( Roars )
( Screams )
( Roars )
( Banging )
( Roars )
( Roars )
( Roars )
( Screams )
( Roars )
The Wrist Blaster!
Use That!
I Can't See!
( Roars )
Come On, Get Them Out!
I'm Sorry!
( Screams ) Okay!
We Did It!
( Both Laugh )
We're Gonna Need
More Of Those.
Yeah. ( Chuckles )
( Exhales Deeply )
How's This Look?
You're A Natural.
All Right,
Let's Put The Welder Down.
( Phone Rings )
Skylar! Skylar!
Cobb? How's Henry?
Uh, He-He's Okay. You Guys?
We're Fine.
We Caught A Monster!
But There's
A Lot More In Here.
We're Gonna Need More Pcu's.
Um, O-Okay. Um, I Will
Run Some Right Over.
( Beeps )
( Both Laugh )
Okay, Whoa!
Henry: What Happened?
Are They Okay?
They're Fine.
They Need More Traps.
Wish I Could Be In
Two Places At Once.
Sit Tight For A Few.
I'll Be Back.
Wait. ( Sighs )
Give Me The Bag.
I'll Run It Over To Them.
You Sure?
( Sighs )
( Grunts )
Yeah, I'm Sure.
Go Get 'Em, Tiger.
You Okay Fixing That Alone?
I'll Manage.
Uh, Henry...
Ooh, He Is A Goner.
It Really Doesn't Matter.
No, It Does Matter.
It Would've Made
A Big Difference.
Rock The Same Direction
That I'm Rocking.
How Am I Supposed To Know
What Direction That Is?
Work Together!
( Sighs )
Now You're Just Banging!
No, I Am Not Just Banging!
What's Going On?
Around The Corner.
Where Are We Going?
What Are We Doing?
( Roars )
She's Gaining Confidence.
What Can We Do To Get Those
Fear Juices Flowing Again?
Stay Away From Our Friends!
Seems Awfully Fond
Of Her Friends.
And There's Quite A Lot
Of Them In That Ballroom.
Let's Go.
Summon The Others.
It's Time For A Little
Feast Of Mass Hysteria.
( All Laugh )
Right! That's The Idea!
Summon Their Mothers? Why?
So Stupid!
Ugh! This Costume
Is Starting To Stink.
( Grunts )
Uh, Uh, Uh...
( Blows )
( Screams )
( Laughs )
( Groaning )
Wanna Dance?
( Screams )
Oh, I Guess Not.
Your Loss.
( Myra Whimpering )
Myra! Are You Okay?
There Was This Horrible Woman.
She Took Me Over.
Wait. Deimata!
Which Way Did She Go?
Upstairs. The Ballroom.
Thanks. Let's Go.
See Ya.
Have You Guys
Seen My Neck Brace?
Probably In My Room.
Could Somebody Call Me A Cab?
( Sighs )
( Owl Hoots )
( Owl Hoots )
( Exhales Deeply )
Creeping Around
This Madness, Madness
No Horror Flick
Can Top This, Top This
Has Anybody Seen Skylar?
There's Something In The Air
Shadows Everywhere
( Owl Hoots )
( Rustling )
( Laughter )
Henry! Henry!
Hey, Dude, Long Time No Scare!
Thanks For Comin' Back
And Feedin' Me Again!
Didn't See That Coming.
Nice Try, Jelly Fingers.
This Might Hurt...A Lot.
( Laughs )
You Didn't Tell Us About This.
I Didn't Know About This.
( Deimata Laughs )
( Music Stops )
Welcome To Your Worst Nightmare!
( Laughs )
( All Scream )
( Roaring )
( All Screaming )
( Screams )
( Screams )
( Laughs )
( Screams )
So, Henry, Need To Change
Your Pants Yet?
I'm Not Scared Of You.
Course You Are.
Scared Of Me,
Scared Of The Dark,
Scared Of The Kids
Who Pick On You In Gym.
Face It, Dude,
You're Scared Of Everything!
No, I'm Not!
You're A Coward!
Always Have Been,
Always Will Be!
Of You!
Leave Me Alone!
( Grunts )
I'm Through With You.
( Panting )
How Long Have We
Known Each Other?
Please, Be Scared Of Me.
Please. Pretty Please.
You're Finished.
Finished? Wait,
I'll Be Scarier Boo! Boo! Boo?
( All Screaming )
( Screams )
( Roars )
Take It!
( Sighs )
There's Too Many Of Them!
Just Try To Stay Calm.
This Is Not The Time
To Freak Out.
I Don't Know About That.
( Both Scream )
I'd Say It's The Perfect Time
To Freak Out.
Wouldn't You, Witch?
There's Another Word
You Can't Spell!
( Both Whimper )
Not Your Night At All,
Is It, Dearie?
First You Humiliate Yourself
With That Horrid Singing
In Front Of Everyone! ( Laughs)
Don't Think
That Won't Haunt You
For The Rest Of Your Life.
Henry: Skylar!
If You Just Show Courage,
They'll Shrink Down To Nothing!
Whatever Scares You, Just Do It!
I Am Smart And Confident.
You're Stupid And Weak.
I Am Confident.
Spell "Goat" For Me!
( Laughs )
( Screams )
( Laughs )
( All Screaming )
Hey, Skylar! Hey, I've Been
Looking All Over For You!
Get Your Guitar! Back Me Up!
Come On, Stand Up To Them!
Just Stand Up To Them!
Whatever Scares You, Just Do It!
Your Guitar's Wireless, Right?
Follow Me!
Find The Band!
Ow! Ow! ( Grunts ) Ow! Ow!
( All Screaming )
( Roars )
( All Screaming )
What Kind Of A Featherhead
Can't Even Spell "Goat"?!
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
Skylar: Sadie!
( All Screaming )
You're Not Actually
Going To Sing, Are You?
You'll Scare Them To Death!
You're The Worst Singer
On Earth!
( Whimpers )
Get Down From There.
You Look Like An Idiot.
You Used To Make
My Heart Pound
Just The Thought Of You
You Used To Be A Cold Wind
Always Blowing Through
But I Won't Take It Anymore
That's Not What
I Came Here For
I'm Stuck In Your Head
I'm Back From The Dead
Got You Running Scared
I'm Fearless
I'm Calling You Out
I'm Taking You Down
Don't You Come Around
I'm Fearless,
I'm Fearless
Ugh! Stop!
Stand Up To Her, Ryan!
You Can Do It!
What Are You Talking About?
I Am Ryan.
( Groans )
Come On, Do Something
You're Scared Of!
( Groaning )
Will You Go Out With Me?
( Groans )
( Chuckles )
( Laughs )
Spell "Terrified" For Me!
Which I'm Not!
( Groans )
( Laughs )
Whoa, Whoa
I Got The Upper Hand Now
And You're Losing Ground
You Never Had To Fight Back
Never Lost A Round
You See The Gloves
Are Coming Off
Tell Me When
You've Had Enough
Ready For A Showdown
And We're Face To Face
I Think I'll Rearrange It
Put You In Your Place
You Don't Get The Best Of Me
Check It,
You're Afraid Of Me
I'm Stuck In Your Head,
I'm Back, Back From The Dead
Got You Running Scared,
I'm Fearless
I'm Calling You Out,
I'm Taking You Down
Don't You Come Around,
I'm Fearless
I'm Fearless,
I'm Fearless
You Used To Make
My Heart Pound
Just The Thought Of You
But Now You're
In The Background
What You Gonna Do?
Sound Off If You Hear This
We're Feeling Fearless,
We're Feeling Fearless
I'm Stuck In Your Head,
I'm Back, Back From The Dead
Got You Running Scared,
I'm Fearless
I'm Calling You Out,
I'm Taking You Down
Don't You Come Around,
I'm Fearless
I'm Stuck In Your Head,
I'm Back, Back From The Dead
Got You Running Scared,
I'm Fearless
I'm Calling You Out,
I'm Taking You Down
Don't You Come Around,
I'm Fearless
I'm Fearless
( Cheering And Applause )
Deimata: Bravo!
Tell Me Something, Dearie.
At Some Point Tonight,
Did You Lose A Couple
( Laughs )
( Deimata Laughs )
( Deimata Laughs )
( Electricity Crackling )
( Deimata Laughs )
( Wind Howling )
( Gasps )
One More Step And I Drop Them!
Didn't Think You Could
Just Sing Me Away, Did You?
I'm No
Ordinary Monster, Dearie.
There's A Reason
They Call Me The Eternal One.
Skylar, Run!
Shut Up, Steve!
( Groans )
Don't Be Afraid!
She Feeds On Your Fear!
Enough! Honestly, One More Word
And You Two Go Splat!
Come On, Henry!
We Got To Help Her!
You May Have Vanquished
The Monsters Downstairs,
But There'll Be More.
There's Always More!
Because There's Always Fear.
And It's Fear
That Makes The Monsters,
Not The Other Way Around.
What If You Let My Parents Go
And Take Me Instead?
I'm Sorry, Come Again?
If You Put Them
Back On The Roof,
You Can Do What
You Want With Me.
No, Honey!
Don't Do It!
I'd Make That Deal.
But First Lose The Blaster.
No, Honey!
Julie: Don't Do It!
The Other One Too--
The Wrist Thingy.
Surprise! ( Laughs )
( Grunting )
( Screams )
( Groans )
How Dare You Try To Trick Me?!
( Both Groan )
Mom! Dad!
( Both Scream )
( Both Grunting )
( Grunts ) I Got You, Honey!
( Laughs ) It's Great.
( Screams )
( Groans )
( Laughs )
She Got Bigger!
She's Feeding
On Your Fear, Honey!
She's Feeding
On Your Fear, Honey!
( Screams )
( Grunts ) Stay Here!
Yeah, I'm Definitely
Staying Here.
Good Plan.
( Laughs ) Where Did You Go?
( Screams )
( Both Grunts )
( Groans )
Oh, Look! Twice The Fun!
Don't Be Afraid!
It's Making Her Stronger!
I'm Not Afraid!
She's Feeding On Your Fear!
Mom, Dad, You've Got To Trust Me
To Handle This! Please!
Stop Talking!
( Screams )
( Both Grunt )
You Guys Distract Deimata,
I Need Some Time!
It's Fine.
We'll Do It Together. I--
( Whimpers )
Henry, A Little Help Here!
I'm Trying!
I've Never Used This Before!
Oh, Children, Very Adorable.
( Screams )
( Both Grunt )
( Deimata Laughs )
( Both Grunt )
( Screams )
( Both Grunt )
( Grunts )
Skylar, Where Are You?
Mom, Dad, Hang On!
( Both Grunt )
There You Are.
You're Going To Know Pain
Like You've Never Felt Before.
Three's A Charm. ( Laughs )
( Grunts )
( Groans )
( Both Grunt )
Be Honest,
Do I Look Fat In These Heads?
Yeah. Yeah.
Skylar: Keep Blasting!
Keep Blasting!
I Trust My Daughter,
I Trust My Daughter...
She's A Really Smart Girl!
She Can Handle This!
Yeah. Oh, Yeah.
( Grunts )
( Grunts )
She's Not A Child Anymore.
She's A Young Adult.
We Can Accept That.
( Groaning )
It's Time For Us To Let Go!
Loosen The Reins!
( Groaning )
Oh! Ooh!
( Groaning )
Oh, You Little Brat!
Got Her! Oh!
( Chuckles )
Who's Your Monster Now?
( Laughs )
( Sighs )
Great. Great, Honey. Great.
How About--How About
A Little Help With The Rope?
We'd Like Some Rope Now Please.
I Got It, Dad!
Skylar. Skylar.
Oh, Sweetie.
Oh, So Good.
Oh, Sadie.
Sadie. Henry.
Thank You, Guys.
Oh, Let Me. Here.
See? It's Okay To Trust Me.
Oh, Honey,
We Love You So Much.
So Much.
Enough To Raise My Curfew?
Yeah. Yeah, We Can Bump It,
Like, A Half Hour.
Come On,
I Just Saved Your Lives!
That's A Good Point.
That's A Good Point.
That Is True.
The Truth Is,
I Think We Need A Little Fear
In Our Lives,
Because There's
No Better Feeling
Than Discovering
That One Thing
That Scares You
Out Of Your Pants...
And Then Doing It Anyway.
I Can Feel You Coming
From A Mile Away
My Pulse Starts Racing
From The Words That You Say
And You Say So Many Of Them
Like You Don't Have A Clue
That I'm Signed, Sealed,
Delivered With A Stamp On
You Don't Have
To Try Too Hard
You Already Have My Heart
You Don't Got
A Thing To Prove
I'm Already Into You
Hold, Hold, Hold,
Hold Me Tightly Now
'Cause I'm So,
So Good To Go
And It's Not Like
You Can Get Rid Of Fear.
Some Things
Are Always Gonna Be Scary,
Like Public Speaking.
And So, In Conclusion,
While The Amygdala
Causes Our Anxieties,
Another Part Of The Brain,
The Pre-Frontal Cortex,
Helps Us To Control Them.
( Applause )
You Know
You Had Me At Hello
Close Your Mouth Now,
Baby, Don't Say A Word
'Cause You Ain't Saying
Nothing I Ain't Already Heard
Plus All Them Words Get Buried
When The Beat's So Loud
And The Speakers Blowing Up
To This Dance Song
You Don't Have
To Try Too Hard
You Already Have My Heart
You Don't Got
A Thing To Prove
I'm Already Into You
And If It Weren't For Fear,
We Wouldn't Know
When To Run Away...
Watch Where You're Going,
Who Are You Calling Dorkenstein,
Watch Where You're Going,
All Right?
Or How Good It Feels When You
Finally Stand Your Ground.
( Sighs )
You Had Me At Hello
Don't Say,
Don't Say Good Night
You Know
You Had Me At Hello
Ooh Ooh-Ooh-Ooh
Ooh Ooh
Aah Aah-Aah-Aah
Aah Aah
You Don't Have
To Try Too Hard
You Already Have My Heart
This Mycelium
Has Got It Going On.
Take A Look.
Oh, Lookee Lookee.
( Roars )
( Screams )
Oh, Hello.
Hold, Hold, Hold,
Hold Me Tight Now
Tight Now
'Cause I'm So,
So Good To Go
So Good To Go
Don't Say,
Don't Say Good Night
You Know
You Know
You Had Me At Hello
You Had Me
You Had Me At Hello
You Had Me
You Had Me At Hello
Don't Say,
Don't Say Good Night
You Know
You Know
You Had Me At Hello
( Cheering And Applause )
Said It's A Friday Night
And We 'Bout To Do It Big
I Got My Girls In The Back
'Cause There's No Limit
To The Way We Party
( Screams )
Said If You Wanna Be A Star
Look At Me, Look At Me,
Look At Me, Look At Me
Look At Me
( All Scream )
La La La La-La-La-La
So Contagious
La La La La-La-La-La
So Contagious
I Said
If You Wanna Be A Star
Look At Me,
Look At Me, Look At Me
I Said
If You Wanna Party Hard
Look At Me,
Look At Me, Look At Me
If You Wanna Be A Part
Of The Rich And Famous
( Laughs )
If You Wanna Be A Part
Of The Rich And Famous