Go-hyang-i: Jook-eum-eul Bo-neun Doo Gae-eui Noon(The Cat) (2011)

Next Entertainment World presents
a PINEHOUSE FILM production
Executive Producer
Woody KIM
Produced by LEE Jundong
PARK Min-young
KIM Donguk
KIM Yeron SHIN Daeun
Directed by BYUN Seungwook
There, there. Nice and warm!
Are you happy you got
a makeover, Silky?
I like the way I am.
This is not me. I hate it!
I know.
Your mommy doesn't know
what you like, huh?
Hot pink of all colors!
Feels good, huh?
You look so pretty, Silky.
I'm a feisty cat.
I'm being good, cuz you're nice.
All done!
Oh my!
You bought so much!
There was a sale at the mall.
But nothing much to buy.
Where's Silky?
She's gorgeous.
Oh my! My baby looks
much better!
See? I knew pink would
look good on her.
Still, hair dye is not good.
Cats lick it during grooming.
That's why we put
just a dab on the cheeks.
I should've given her a cut, too.
She had it done not too long ago.
They get cold in the winter.
Okay then.
How much is it?
$50, please.
Did you lose weight?
You look so thin.
I go to the gym and take the stairs
in our apartment.
So scary.
Scary little kitty.
So-yeon? Mrs. LEE's leaving.
There, there.
Stay still.
What's going on?
What's with you!
What's taking her so long?
It's time to go.
Giving the cat a makeover...
Why isn't she answering?
There she comes.
What the?
Are you in there, hon?
Answer your phone.
What's going on?
She doesn't want to go inside.
So, he made
a fire for her outside.
Why doesn't she want to go in?
Cuz it's dark.
She could turn on
the light inside.
She's actually scared of
being unable to come back out.
Why can't she?
Cuz he's keeping guard.
The boy is keeping guard on her.
So that the girl
can't go anywhere.
You tried to ride
on the subway, right?
You were scared,
but nothing happened, right?
But I still can't go on elevators.
And I still can't
keep the doors closed.
If I do...
You feel like there will be a fire
or you'll suffocate to death?
Why am I not cured?
I take my pills as prescribed.
Claustrophobia can't be cured
by medication alone.
You have to make effort
to face your fears.
I'll prescribe the usual.
What are you doing?
What's going on?
It's dangerous here. Go home.
- What's happening?
- Stay back kids.
- Officer KIM!
- Yes?
Do something with this, will ya?
Shouldn't we take it?
It's something left at the scene.
If you're that worried
take some fur samples or something.
Careful. It's possessed.
Stop it, sir.
Go to the maintenance office
and get the CCTV files.
Oh, hello.
That uniform suits you.
Do you live here?
No, I work at a pet shop nearby.
I colored her cheeks
just a while ago.
It belongs to the woman
who just died in an accident.
She died? How?
I'm not sure. They think
it was a heart attack.
Do you mind watching
this cat for a while?
You can't, right?
- It's okay. I'll take her.
- Really?
Thank you.
How's Bo-hee doing?
Can I have your number?
I'll call if the owner
wants it back.
It was with her when she died?
That can turn customers away!
It's just until the owner
is ready to take it back.
Then, leave it at your house.
Out of my way!
Stay in here just for a while.
What's the matter?
We're home.
I live alone.
I'm not telling.
There are no doors here.
Cuz I get scared
with the door closed.
There's no door
even in the bathroom?
Why? I just told you.
Poor Silky with no mommy...
It's okay. I'll take care of you.
Hi, Bo-hee.
I found out I can get a free cat
from an animal shelter.
I could luck out with a nice one.
You're not the type to raise pets.
You abandoned one before,
No! It ran away.
So, are you coming with me or not?
- Bo-hee?
- Hmm?
I met Jun-seok today.
Near the pet shop.
He works as a local police.
Really? He actually became a cop?
You haven't met him since?
Why would I?
It's over between us.
I'm okay with it.
With what?
It doesn't matter to me.
You used to like him.
I gotta go.
Silky? Are you playing
hide-and-seek with me?
Where are you?
Where are you?
There you are!
I gotcha.
Was that the first time
you saw the girl?
No, I saw her once before.
At work... out the window.
Did you have a bob cut
as a child?
I think so.
You were 6 when you
experienced the trauma, right?
The memories can
come back in dreams.
It's part of the healing process.
It'll get better soon.
- What are you thinking about?
- Hmm?
You have something
to say, don't you?
Like what?
I said I'm okay with it.
Jun-seok is a nice guy.
It's not that.
Is that the place?
Yeah, let's go.
There are so many.
Why do you want
a long-haired cat?
To practice on.
You're taking a poor cat
to practice grooming on?
So what? They'll all be
put to death anyway.
If I take one,
I'll be saving its life.
There should be some
- But still!
- Stop nagging.
That's enough.
It won't be just for practicing.
I'll take care of it.
How may I help you?
I called about adopting a cat?
One moment, please.
Mr. LEE?
Someone's here for a cat!
Stop it!
Shut up!
This one's so pretty!
It's a chinchilla cat.
So pretty.
Why do you like cats?
They're cute.
What's this one's name?
Look around, then.
Did you decide?
I'll take this one. Dimwit!
- Mister?
- Yeah?
Man! Just when I went
and turned it on.
Damn it!
Is anyone there?
What are you doing?
What's wrong? So-yeon!
It's playing.
Can we see this?
Headquarters took over the case.
Then go out and keep watch
why don't ya.
What's going on?
The file's not stopped.
You're right.
There she is.
Maybe she's...
What's that called
having a seizure and...
Right! A panic attack! That's it!
It's definitely a panic attack.
Still, who dies
from panic attacks?
I never heard of that.
Then what is it?
You explain it.
I'm just saying, it might not
be a panic attack.
Why you...
But is it seiser or seizure?
Seizure, sir!
What's wrong? What is it?
What's wrong?
There's something inside.
There's nothing there.
Is this it?
Well, goodnight then.
Oh, about that cat.
The owner's not ready
to take it back.
Can you watch it
for a little longer?
You came just to ask me that?
Could've just called.
Well, there's that and...
Did you tell Bo-hee
that I became a cop?
You came cuz of that...
Yes, I did.
What did she say?
Nothing much.
I see.
She's the one who told me
to apply to be a cop.
Well, goodnight then.
Did you sleep beside me, Silky?
What's your relation
to the patient?
His daughter.
Can you also fill out
the visiting form?
I'm not visiting him.
Why not?
You came all this way.
The patients' only joy here
is to see their family.
They can't even go out
by themselves.
They always ask
if anyone came to visit.
Hold on.
I'll color you pretty.
- Why do you have so much tea?
- What?
Jun-seok bought it.
He's really into that stuff.
- Why'd you dump him?
- What?
You said he's nice.
That's why.
I want a man who can
take me strong and rough.
You know, the hot,
passionate kind.
But he's not like that.
Hold still.
Hey! Stop moving!
Come out from there!
I'll count to three!
One, two!
Hey! Dimwit!
But I wonder if
you're Jun-seok's type.
Don't hide in there!
Think I can't find you, huh?
Wit? Come here.
Come here, Wit.
You're so dead.
What are you doing in the dark?
Get the defibrillator ready now!
- Charge it up, now!
- Yes, doctor!
Aren't you getting on?
She's alive!
Calm down, Miss.
I'm serious! She's alive!
Miss? Are you okay?
Are you okay?
You were with Bo-hee?
The girl with a bob cut...
The cat was in the room.
No, Bo-hee was in the room.
Behind the clothes rack,
that girl...
No, the cat came out
and Bo-hee...
Speak clearly!
You're not making sense!
Okay, Silky. It's coming.
Worried about me?
I'm okay.
I'm fine! Get away!
What are you doing!
Take it back.
I'll pay you for watching it.
Throw it away or kill it,
I don't care.
It's like we've been cursed
since that cat came.
Animal Health Record
My wife kept saying crazy things.
Like what?
That there was a girl
in the house.
A girl?
She kept rambling that there's
a girl with a bob cut.
Damn it.
I'm sorry, Silky.
You're so nice.
Most young folks would
just turn away.
We're back.
Here again, Granny?
Why'd you come again?
Did you get lost again?
I'll be going then.
Don't go around alone.
Okay, ma'am.
Don't forget to wear your shoes.
Take care. Thanks again.
Granny! Your son's here.
Let's go.
This is so damn embarrassing.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Your son's here.
Aren't you going home?
I'm sorry about before.
Let me walk you home.
I threw the cat away.
I'm sorry.
I asked too much of you.
It's not that.
There's something strange
about that cat.
Can people die because of cats?
Bo-hee and that woman
both died after adopting cats.
Is that a coincidence?
So, you think it's cuz of cats?
Hi, Jun-seok.
Do you know where
the cat Bo-hee had is?
I heard the shelter took it back.
Do you have the phone number?
Hold on. I'll look for it.
This is Sang-soo local police.
The police?
A chinchilla cat was brought
in there recently, right?
Yes. I'm about to send it away.
To where?
Put it to sleep.
Can you hold off on that?
I have to check something.
It came in a really bad state.
It's totally out of it.
Please, hold off on it.
I'll be right there.
Hello? Hello?
What the...
Relax or it'll hurt.
Hi, Jun-seok.
What's wrong?
Did something happen?
Can you come to
the animal shelter with me?
You mean right now?
About that woman...
She said she saw strange things
in the house.
A girl.
With a bob cut.
I saw the girl, too.
He's not answering.
He might be on his way here.
Would you like to wait inside?
He said he was going to put it
to sleep. Where would he do that?
Over there, in the back.
DEC. 5th, 2010, DIMWI
This is Bo-hee's cat.
They were pretty healthy
for stray cats.
They didn't carry
any diseases or anything.
The cat he put to sleep
last night...
...was seized on October 9th
at Sang-soo Park.
That park's in our neighborhood.
Silky, too.
Is that normal?
With residents' complaints,
we bring in a bunch at a time.
Then, can we find out
who sent in the complaints?
Mr. LEE would've known...
I heard Animal Rescue had
something to do with those cats.
The people who died
had another thing in common.
The elevator, closet,
and incinerator...
They all died
in sealed-off places.
Do you know
what claustrophobia is?
Even if it's not completely
sealed off...
If you think it is...
...you can't breathe...
...and get terrified and nervous.
You can't go in elevators.
Or subways...
Cuz you think you'll die.
I'm like that.
This is Sang-soo local police.
I have a few Questions
regarding some cats.
It's nothing like that.
I'll explain more in person.
Thank you. I'll be right there.
Officer KIM!
What are you doing
out with the car?
Where are you?
Come back here now!
Go back, Jun-seok.
I can go by myself.
Are you sure?
The complaint came in from Dong-ha
Apartments beside the park.
Dong-ha Apartments?
Yes. I've worked here
for about 10 years.
But I've never seen
anything like this.
That apartment...
...changed to individual heating
and had an unused boiler room.
Residents complained their home
value will drop cuz of the cats.
So, maintenance blocked off
all the openings.
- Watch out for the stairs.
- Thanks.
There are stairs!
- The lights are out.
- Just come down.
I don't believe this.
They're all dead.
We found out too late
and went in 2 weeks later.
Except for a few,
all the cats were dead.
What about the cats
that made it out?
They probably didn't go very far.
Cats live in territories.
They're probably living
in the park nearby.
Check for other cats
that are still alive.
Aren't you coming to work?
You step out
to go to the hospital and such.
Now, you don't even show up?
You took a reservation
to groom a dog, today.
She's on her way,
but I have to go somewhere.
Come this instant!
I don't believe this girl.
How annoying.
What's that doing there?
Hey! Come back here!
Damn it.
Damn, cursed cat
getting on my nerves.
You! Come here!
Come here!
Why you!
You glaring at me? Huh?
I'll rip your eyeballs out!
Shut up!
Stop being so feisty!
People would think
I'm trying to kill you!
I'm trying to kill you, huh!
Stop glaring! Stop it!
You trying to pick
a fight with me! Huh!
How dare you glare at me!
Hi, Jun-seok?
Where are you?
At the shop.
What did Animal Rescue say?
They found the cats
at Dong-ha Apartments.
Dong-ha Apartments?
In the boiler room
of building 504.
Dozens of cats were found dead.
In the boiler room?
So-yeon? What's wrong?
So-yeon? What's the matter?
Next, it'll be me.
I have a crush on you...
...from the first moment I met you.
If not now, I won't have
the chance to tell you.
I'm going to that boiler room.
Officer KIM!
You discovered him first?
Ah... well...
How'd you find him?
The thing is...
I got a call from the worker
and came over.
Then where is that person?
Ah... gone.
Do you live here?
Why aren't you wearing your shoes?
It's cold.
Did you see, Hee-jin?
Who's Hee-jin?
My granddaughter.
The prettiest little thing.
I see.
One moment, please.
Things are wrapping up here.
I'll be right there.
I just met that granny again
from before.
The one with Alzheimer's.
She's lost again.
Can you find out where she lives?
Hey! What are you doing there?
Let's go!
Yes, sir!
I'll try, then call you back.
Granny? Do you know
where your house is?
It's cuz of fools like you we get
hype for bad initial investigation.
What will you write
in your report?
Where did the captain go?
To the second floor.
Do you know the address
of the granny with Alzheimer's?
Well... It should be here somewhere.
She once reported
her granddaughter missing.
She did?
Around September.
She reported her missing.
So, did we find her?
It wasn't us.
Her son came in the next day.
He canceled it and said
they found her.
Here it is.
Dong-ha Apartments
building 504, #401.
Cute bob cut, huh?
Granny? Is this your place?
I'll be going then.
Please find Hee-jin.
Where is she?
Sleeping in her room.
She should eat.
You said you saw
a girl with a bob cut, right?
I'll send you a picture.
See if that's her.
Granny! Where's Hee-jin?
She's not here, is she!
You gotta dress warmly.
Granny? Where's Hee-jin?
Where's Hee-jin?
Who are you?
Granny got lost again...
Do you know
where your daughter is?
What are you saying?
Granny mentioned her... Hee-jin.
Why do you keep meddling in
other people's business?
Aren't you leaving?
Stop it!
Why don't you listen!
I told you to stay home!
Don't hit Hee-jin! Don't hit her!
What did I do to her!
What did I do to her! Huh!
Let's drop it.
Go to your room.
Don't hit Hee-jin! Don't hit her!
Go in already!
The person you have called
cannot be reached...
Butterfly, butterfly.
come and fly on over here.
Yellow and white butterfly
come and dance on over here.
Butterfly, butterfly.
Come and fly on over here.
Yellow and white butterfly...
What in the world?
I don't believe this!
There's way more than last time!
Are you going to
just sit and watch?
I'll chase them all out by today.
That won't do.
Get rid of them for good!
Kill them all if you have to!
Be quiet or they'll get you.
Look in closely.
How're we going to
get rid of all those cats!
You'll cover up
all the windows, right?
Yes, of course.
Damn cats.
Isn't that going a bit far?
Yeah, but there's no other choice.
Try living on the first floor.
They're so noisy.
Seal it up good and strong.
Help me... Granny...
It's okay, Hee-jin.
Don't be scared anymore.
I'll get you out of here.
Why're you here?
He's gotten a lot better.
Much gentler.
He even wrote a note
and showed me.
Promising he won't act up anymore.
That would be nice.
So, you won't see him
today, either?
I'll see him.
How is he?
I rode in the elevator.
How was it?
Not too bad.
Shall we go?
Are you there cuz you're cold?
Come to me, sweetie.