God Loves Uganda (2013)
I love Uganda. It's a very loving country, caring country. But something frightening is happening that has potential to destroy Uganda. Reject all your sin! Turn from your sin! And it is coming from the outside. If we don't move fast, I foresee a lot of deaths happening. The fire has already been set. And I think it is important to trace it back to where it is coming from. Thank you Lord I'm part of a leadership team here at the International House of Prayer. We are called to be a missionary people. I believe the Lord is calling me to, to pray for a great missionary force, again, that America's not yet done sending her sons and daughters to bring the Gospel to the nations. He is coming. Are you ready? Since the birth of the church God has raised up cities set on a hill, flaming torches in a dark world, prayer warriors crying out day and night. The International House of Prayer began in 1999 with a handful of people and it's grown since then and so we have about 1,000 full time staff. There's 84 different departments and so prayer is, like, center, and so we have, like, the prayer division and all of the different things that kind of come off that, the different prayer rooms and the different prayer initiatives. And the marketing and the global communications and technology. Bible school, the music school, the media school, the e-school, the internships. So, yeah, so it's, the prayer's the center but there's a whole lot that goes on. Jesus is saying, "Guys, we're not gonna put guns in your hand, you're not gonna take over the world with guns and knives and swords. You're gonna take over the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. You're gonna take over the world by preaching words that slay the hardest of hearts." We also broadcast out to TV networks as well as over the internet and we, we broadcast about a million video hours a month. It does reach 160, 170 nations on a regular basis. It's part of the great commission that Jesus says, "Go and disciple the nations" so, so that would be something which we hold dearly. The west has been in a decline. But right now I think Africa is, it's the fire pot of spiritual renewal and revival. It's very exciting to me. Okay. Who wants some? Me. You could taste it. Let us pray, guys. Father, we ask You to bless this food for us, With a smile for those without, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right. My kids don't know anything on history about Uganda. It's a sad thing. We try by all means to make our home more African. But the only country they know is America. This one. This is yours. We always think about the possibility of going back there. But I can't go back. It's no longer safe for me. So then we'll go over the Uganda team's outreach, can I see it real quick? So your mission statement is to serve local believers, strengthen a culture of prayer, and preach the gospel to non-believers. And so part of that is building the community there, but then how do you guys see that happening? What defines success for me, specifically related to orphans is walking away and seeing the orphans have a desire and a knowledge of how to pray. You know, the Lord says "Tell the children to come unto me" and I wanna actually point them to Jesus. Cool. Lord help us with Uganda. Amen. We come together to cry out for the nation of Uganda that we believe that the name "the pearl of Africa" is not just a name, but it is a prophetic declaration over that nation, that it is a pearl in Your eyes in which Your Son gave everything He had to see this pearl harvested. Abba we cry out For Uganda Abba we cry out Send Your Spirit Send Your power Oh, God We have a time of rapid-fire prayer for the nation of Uganda, five to ten second prayers, if you wanna come and line up. Father, we know that You move at the sound of our voice. So we ask that you would send forth the love of Christ in Uganda. Father in Heaven, I pray that, Lord, Your love may abound in the body of Christ in Uganda. That, Father, Your Kingdom would come in Jesus' Name. Send revival To Uganda Raise up the youth to prophesize Send revival To Uganda Raise up the youth to prophesize Send revival To Uganda Raise up the youth I remember at six years old I knew that I wanted to be a missionary. One of my greatest hopes is to deposit what I've kind of received at IHOP, that DNA of prayer and worship. DNA replicates itself and so I think that everybody wants to replicate their, you know, their values and um, the core parts of who they are. The fastest growing portion of the church globally is evangelical people that will look at the Bible and say, "I want to obey the commands of the Bible." And evangelical believers that hold the Bible as their source of authority will say, "Okay, all sex outside of marriage is wrong. So adultery is wrong, fornication is wrong, acts of homosexuality are wrong. It's sin." If you throw God out of the picture then everybody has rights to do anything and you get moral chaos and that's really what's going on, I think, in our nation. During the 2008 Prop 8 campaign for upholding marriage between a man and a woman, which I believe is the best for society, and, also, I believe, is the Biblical truth and Biblical foundation, so I wasn't a part of that, but I received a phone call from those uh, from the leaders in California and they said, "We realize, Lou, that this is a, that what we're doing is actually a political dimension, but what you bring is prayer." And so I came in and we had a solemn assembly in San Diego, 33,000 cried out to God. Help the whole world pray for this which is going on today in California because what happens in California will release a sprit that is more demonic than Islam. A spirit of lawlessness and anarchy and a sexual insanity will be unleashed into the earth. We beg you, pray for California elections. Pray that God would break in with yes on 8. Opponents of California's ballot measure banning same sex marriages state the reason the measure passed by a slim margin was because of conservative churches from out of state's campaign to intrude on the lives of gay couples. There's a hill above Capitol Hill. There is a government above the governments of men. I don't believe we should have a theocracy where the church rules a nation. I do believe that God has foundational laws by which He set, He set into the universe and expects governmental leaders to uphold natural and spiritual law. So we do believe that God wants the righteous to rule. The International House of Prayer is part of this global phenomenon with thousands of churches across the United States. But this movement also has churches across the world, mostly in Africa. Jesus is the way for God's kingdom! If you are to enter into God's kingdom, accept Jesus. Don't expect tomorrow. Tomorrow might be too late for salvation. ...coming to Jesus Christ... It is real life in the word of God. You're part of God. Change those who are committing sin. That is it. Thank you Jesus for the Gospel. Thank you, Lord! First of all I want to thank the American people for their unwavering love for the world, especially Africa. For their giving over the years. For their donations, their sacrifices. American money helped us build this church. Whatever you see here is the fruit of American labor. So let's be blessed of the Lord as we give, as we praise because the almighty is powerful. Father, in the name of Jesus we give You praise, we glorify Your name, thank You Lord, that You do things and You do incredible stuff today and now please lord do You bless us. By the power, by Your grace, and by Your spirit, in Jesus' holy name. ...in order to reap the maximum harvest out of Africa. You're free, you're free, you're free, you're free, you're free! I'm raising up a million new messengers for the harvest worldwide, yeah, okay. A million new messengers, that's more than we prayed for. Secondly, a billion new souls. And a trillion dollars to finance it. That would be the budget. So I pray for the release of one million new soldiers in the kingdom. Yeah, praise God. I mean, they're going to be going into the thick of it to Uganda, they're all leaving this weekend. Lord, I ask You to reignite them, to give them a fresh commissioning of Your Spirit. Those that are going, bless you in the name of Jesus. Good to see you, man, good to see you. Let me help you out here. This isn't all my stuff. Sure, man. Hey, how are you? Nice to meet you. It's a hole in the ground. It's just cement floor, a hole. And that's it. And sometimes there's toilet paper. So you can always carry your own. Oh, my gosh. Cameras. This is the school kitchen. And so this is sorghum flour mixed with cassava flour. This is supper, I hope you're ready. I was 11 years old and I saw Rachelle and I fell in love. Now, I was, one night I was praying and I said, "God, if You make me give up everything, just give me that girl." Eleven years old. And we got married when we were 18. He gave her to me. And then we had to leave everything and move to Africa. We came here to develop a house of prayer and train missionaries. And the world's that often consider love to be sexual desires outside of God's love. There is sexual immortality, there is all of those things that is not God's way for love. There is a battle, even a daily battle, between my flesh and my spirit. This is our prayer room. We're just moving in here. Today is the first time we're gonna actually come together and pray here. Yeah. Hello? When I was a teenager I went to Bible school with the International House of Prayer. So we're kind of partnering with IHOP in Africa by training and helping to mobilize. We're looking for creative ways on this end but the majority of our funds are coming from the west. And the majority of our funds are coming from donors and sponsors and lovers of the ministry, then they help us and we move forward. Yeah. Okay, mine's not coming off. God has what I like to call an army of young people. Only because I like that word, it's an intense word. But they're not a military army, I wanna make that distinct, they don't have guns, they have Bibles. Hey, Dean, I need your help. Come on, I need your help. No! It's for Jesus, you can't say no. There's a very strategic position that Uganda is in. Fifty percent of the population is under 15 years old. This is a youth nation. What Jesse and I could do is so limited. But we can multiply ourselves in these young people and they can reach multitudes, they can reach nations. Baby Jesus, baby Jesus I love you, I love you You are my Savior Everyday A lot of people have embraced Christ in this nation and the gospel has really transformed a lot of people's lives. Many years ago the United Nations and World Health Organization declared Uganda would be wiped out because of AIDS. We lost villages. God helped us, he gave us friends who could stand with us and who could uh, reach in their pockets. We're here today to urge both houses of the United States Congress to pass the emergency plan for AIDS relief which will dramatically expand our fight against AIDS across this globe. Earlier this week we heard the president describe a compassionate vision that would put a priority on the values of the American people. Abstinence and marital faithfulness before condom distribution are the cure for what ails the families of Africa. It is important that we not just send them money, but we must send them values that work. ...use a condom. I use them all the time. You do? I do. You must learn how to say no. I do not want to have sex. And if they are not responding, this is what you must do. Some of the American foreign aid agency workers, for them, some of them think that abstinence is President George Bush's big joke from Texas. But the message is, I believe you can abstain. Promoting abstinence before marriage and fidelity in marriage is the major way of fighting HIV/AIDS. The principles of Christianity and the values, they teach us which lifestyles are actually the best and which ones will keep us healthy and alive and happy. When people actually bring their lives into obedience to what He says in His word suddenly you realize that these types of infectious diseases, they don't have anywhere to go. We have to look no further than Uganda for proof of the effectiveness of abstinence in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Hello, how are you? Fine. Good, good, good. This is your repeat test for HIV that you are going to include. Yes. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. We're gonna be doing ministry together for the next couple months. Anyways, there's one more person, she's gonna introduce herself, she's a missionary of Uganda. Stand up. I've been coming to Uganda since 2002. I spend three months at IHOP in 2009 doing an internship, but I've known about the ministry since it started, I visited when it first moved into the trailer through friends and so I believe in that ministry. I believe in the House of Prayer and my vision to see the House of Prayer in Kampala area. And um, I'm here. When I was in the States this lady in my church asked me if I would be interested in marrying a black man. And I said, I mean, "I have no problem with it, it's not a matter of color, it's a matter of the heart. But I don't know that that's, there's no desire for me for that, I'm not in, looking for a husband." And she said, "Well, let me go back and pray for a while" and she comes back a couple weeks later and she says, "God showed me that you're married to a people group. You're married to a nation." The next of our saints, you are the light of the world. Come on, it is time to come out as a light of the world and shine to the world and say, "Hey, I got a new life through Christ. He's telling me I'm blessed because of me." And I believe if we walk in the scripture and apply these principles into our lives we are going to bring this nation to a place called change. Which is the power of God, to say no to our flesh, to say no to that old sin nature and to say yes to God. And it's a choice, as I said earlier, we have a choice. And, and we're here because He wants you to be the leaders of your next generation, finishing and taking Uganda to that next place. Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Missionaries have come here mostly from the United States and when they come here there's no control, there's no like, uh, state controlled agencies trying to limit you to what you can do, but instead everybody from the state to the civilian, they will tell you "Oh, you can't do that, oh, you can't do that." So it's been such a blessing to see these missionaries come to Uganda and add on their contributions. Good morning, everyone. My name is Scott Lively. I am a pastor with a degree in theology and after twenty years of observing homosexuality I have understood things that few people really have... The gay movement doesn't care about what you think, right? They know they're not gonna change your views. They're focused on the young ones. Homosexuality does not benefit the society, it harms the people that engage it. It harm-, it harms the society that embraces it. Now that said, so we need public policy that discourages homosexuality. Discourages it. Good evening and welcome to "Spotlight", I am Martin Ssempa. My guest today is Mr. Scott Lively. And I'm glad you've also come with your wife, Sister Lively, good to have you. I'll be asking Scott what we can do in light of the fact that homosexual groups are actively growing through recruitment. That is, recruiting your child, your daughter, into a homosexual, even lesbian club. Scott, what can we do? It's become like Sodom and Gomorrah. And my message to you, my message to Uganda, is don't let that happen here. As Christians we're to step forward and to assert ourselves to, to compete for authority in society. So that as people who are guided by the Holy Spirit and who have the truth of God that are making the rules, that are setting the policies. As the scripture says, when the righteous rule, the people rejoice. Whether it's homosexuality, whether it's murder, whether it's racial hatred, whether it's corruption, sin is sin. Homosexuality is incompatible with the Word of God. In this country we cherish no other God. And if you're proclaiming that other God, you want to stick to it faithfully. A hundred or so years ago Europe, America, brought us the Gospel. Now, that Gospel was planted on the soil in the hearts of Africans. We received it, it has grown, it has born fruit. The controversial bill proposed death sentence for homosexuality continues to attract international concern. Ndorwa West MP David Bahati is a man whose idea of criminalizing homosexuality in Uganda has been received with lots of joy by locals, and an equal measure of scorn by the international community. Truly we can agree that it is unconscionable to target gays and lesbians for who they are whether it's here in the United States or, as Hillary mentioned, more extremely in odious laws that are being proposed, most recently in Uganda. We have a lot of admiration to president Obama. He is a man who inspired the whole world, a man who stood on the platform of change. But we think homosexuality is not the change the world is looking for. It's the evil that the world should fight. When Bush was in, America said no. When Obama came in, Obama quickly started supporting homosexuality. There are people in the western world who don't agree with homosexuals. Are you working together with... We are working as partners. This is where politicians and prayer people work together. Now I want to warn any politician that if they dare to come and support homosexuality they're committing political suicide. The government is the government and they have a responsibility to do what they wanna do. Right now is, the law says no homosexuality in this nation. God, it's an abomination to God. And I, I will stand in agreement that they should not open the doors because God doesn't want it. He wants it stopped. And Uganda's trying to take a position. Hallelujah. God said that iron sharpens iron and the purpose is to sharpen one another because as the pressure goes, as the pressure gets on it's gonna be harder and harder to stand. God is doing something mighty in this nation and He's using each one of you to do it so that you will be strong and not walk in compromise. Woo, thank you. Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus. I'm here teaching and if they're not gonna learn what God has given me to teach and they wanna continue in their ways then I have to let them go and let God deal with them. Every nation has issues and has sins, but I believe Uganda's at a crossroads right now. And I thought wow, we need to bring Lou Engle and The Call to Uganda. 1999, January, I was crying to God, "How can I turn America back to You?" And the Lord spoke to my heart, "Call the youth of America to fast and pray" with God's promise that He would turn things around if you would gather together, that became the burning vision in my heart, that is to launch the movement of The Call. I believe it is about turning American back to God. I met Joanna Watson in Kansas City, we talked about what The Call was and when she began to talk about Uganda my heart was kind of burning because, because I've heard its history. I got excited, let's do The Call in Uganda. And just a couple weeks before I found out that I was heading into this great bill controversy and I can't tell you the pressure that was on me from some folks to say don't go, and others saying, "Lou, you just need to go." And I just determined that I was just going to, to keep my word. We call upon our Parliament not to waste time, but to pass the bill and say Uganda, say no to homosexuality. We know that Uganda has been under tremendous pressure, the church. We felt that same pressure. And I felt like The Call is to come and join with the church of Uganda. To encourage you that in the nations you are showing courage to take a stand for righteousness. What I found out is that NGOs, the UN, and UNICEF were coming in and promoting an agenda that the church of Uganda did not want to be in this nation. But I believe Uganda has suddenly become ground zero. Not because they asked for it. But God brought you to make a statement, instead, for righteousness. From the US we pray. We pray wisdom to the government of Uganda. Pray courage to stand. When it comes to the individual, those struggling in issues of the sin in their life, whether it's homosexuality or whether it's adultery or pornography, all of these things the Bible speaks against. I grew up in a Christian home addicted, massively, to pornography, I knew it was wrong. And I had an encounter with Jesus at age 22 that changed my life. It's not like I didn't struggle with those things time, through the years. But I, God changed my desires and my life. And so I'm not ashamed to say I'm praying for 100,000 gay and lesbian men and women to have encounters with Jesus, the love of God, the transforming power of Jesus. I'm not ashamed to say that because I believe the Gospel. Come up and go up to the mountain He will teach us His ways The church is supposed to be responsible for taking in homosexuals or anyone that would wanna come into a relationship with God. And I wanna share, God really protected me when I was young, in my 20s and, and I was involved in acting. You know, that whole scene is full of homosexuals and um, I had some male friends and we would go to the homosexual bars and dancing and da-da-da. But God, there was a point in time where God really, I, I really started to be attracted to other women. I am one from, been healed from sexual brokenness and it took a long time. It took a long time. The anti-homosexuality law, there isn't a national dialogue around it and it's much more of a western media portrayal of what's going on in parliament. And, honestly... And maybe Christian leaders' influence on it which seemed random, you know. What do you think? We don't know all the details of the bill even. We've never read it. What we've heard is what the western media has said about it. Do I believe that that's a lifestyle, a Godly lifestyle? No, I think it's against God's law. This is heavy. It's gonna be my first time, like, open air preaching the Gospel. It's gonna blow off the smoke. I bless you, bless you king God of the universe. Father in the name of Jesus... Chicken on a stick. Chicken on a stick! Sir. This is lunch, you guys, so if you wanted something. It's fast food. Dark meat? Dark meat. So what is it, what do you believe about Jesus? I don't understand about that. You don't understand it? Yeah, she does. So you need to find out. Uhhuh. Me, I'm a Muslim, I don't need to find out. Oh, you're a Muslim, oh, okay. Mohammad came after Jesus, Mohammad came later, much later. Mohammad came 500 years after Jesus. But then he said Isa is a prophet of Islam. In the Bible it says if you believe in Jesus you can have eternal life. If you accept Jesus into your life, you can be saved. So, have you, have you read the Bible at all? The Bible? Can you give me a Bible? Have you read one? Do you read the Koran? Yeah. And the problem is you don't read the Gospel, you don't read it. But if you read it you would know Jesus says in John 14:6, he says "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me." Bro. You must call upon the name of the Lord and the Lord is Jesus. Did he baptize you in the Holy Spirit? He anointed me. Do you speak in tongues? What? Do you speak in other tongues? Yeah? No, I don't, I don't. The rain is coming. Oy vey. What grabs you is a bright yellow banner. "Hang Them" it reads. The headline a call to action. A hit list of what this tabloid calls "100 of Uganda's Top Homosexuals". Inside portraits and home addresses of prominent Ugandans. I'm going to pray. Let's pray. Holy. The son of God. The King of Heaven. Who protect us from the journey. The flame from the airplane. In the name of Jesus, amen. Amen. I just wanna thank God for Starbucks because it's helping us in Africa to preach the Gospel. One Via packet at a time. Thank you, Jesus. Lord we love You Lord we choose Lord we need You We have come to share with you the good news. We came all this way across the ocean to tell you of His love. That God loves you so much. We all need a savior. Because if we're not living the way we should live the Bible says that we deserve to die for that. The reward of sin is death, the Bible says. But Jesus Christ can make you the kind of person you should be. So if you die today and have not repented then you will not be with Him in paradise. Does this scare you? So are you believers in Jesus Christ then? Yeah. Yeah, that's good, very good. Very good. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall never perish, but have eternal life. Father, I ask you for this woman as she takes time to think, God, I ask that you would give her dreams and visions of Jesus. We thank you this day for all of heaven is rejoicing because another sinner has come home. Today I make Jesus my Lord and Savior. I forsake all other gods. And I cling to You... ...the one true God in Jesus Christ. Fellow Ugandans! We are here to proclaim Jesus Christ to you! Are you ready for Jesus? Yes, I am ready. Hallelujah. When you see the abominable things being done in the cities the Gospel proclaim woman burning with lust for another woman. Repent! For the forgiveness of your sins! Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from suffering! In the name of Jesus. I wrote a letter to Barack Obama last week. I said, "Barack Obama. We do not fight sodomites because of who they are, but what they do. The impertinent acts which they do. However, in America Barack Obama's administration supports a campaign of killing babies that are aborted every day in America and in the rest of the world, babies who have never done anything, but just because they're babies they're killed, they're destroyed, they're pulled out from their mother's womb and they're choked off, and yet you have the hypocrisy to come to Africa and tell us not to stop the fight to protect our children from sodomy! It is hypocrisy and ignorance of the highest order! They make the argument homosexuals have... ...is what people do in the privacy of their bedroom is nobody's business. But do you know what they're doing in the bedroom? I did research and I gathered their information. Now, they start off by touching each other's genitals and smelling each other. Now he puts his hand inside the other person's rectum As I told you, the hand goes all the way inside. As if that is not enough this is a man licking another man's anus. And this one is eating the poopoo which is now all over his face. As Africans we want to ask Barack Obama to explain to us is this what he wants to bring to Africa and the human race to eat the poopoo of other true men? Homosexuality is prohibited in Uganda. David Kato who made fighting homophobia his life's work was bludgeoned to death on Wednesday by an unknown assailant. His murder has left the community in shock. Very angry. Because everybody who knew David, I mean, he was dynamic, he didn't have any trouble, he was just an activist. This, to me, is a hate crime, really, to put it bluntly it is a hate crime. We have not come here to fight! We are gathered to let him rest in peace! We love these guys. These are graduates and uh, they're, they're men of God. They came and they did this training. In the next week these two young men, they'll be going as missionaries to a remote area. They're going to places they don't know, to people they don't know, and uh, going to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Father, we thank you for raising up messengers. You're raising up young evangelists and apostles. Lord, we ask you to enable them to speak the word of God even in hostile territory. Father, we ask that You be the light before them as they go, You'd be the protection around them as they go. In the name of Jesus, amen. Amen. If you found treasure you'd wanna share that with everybody. It's good news. I've come here to share with you the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Whoa I Know I've been changed And I Know I've been changed I know I've been changed Angels in heaven done sign my name Angels in heaven Done sign my name Well, I know I got religion Lord knows I'm not ashamed Well, a holy ghost is my witness And the angels done sign my name Oh, I said I know I've been changed And I know I've been changed, yeah Know I've been changed Angels in heaven done sign my name Angels in heaven Done sign my name Lord knows I've been converted Lord knows I've been redeemed Well, you can wake me up In the midnight hour I'm gonna tell ya just what I seen I said I know I've been changed And I know I've been changed, yeah Know I've been changed Angels in heaven done sign my name Angels in heaven done sign my name Angels in heaven done sign my name Angels in heaven done Sign my name |