God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness (2018)

[flames crackling]
[woman narrating] Sometimes
all it takes is a spark.
Something very small.
But the spark becomes a flame.
And if that flame spreads, the
power can be so overwhelming
it transforms everything
around it.
[people chattering]
[female newscaster] We begin with breaking
news from Hope Springs, Arkansas.
[male newscaster] People are up in arms,
speaking out against what they believe...
[female newscaster 2] ...only religious
leader who refused to abide the mandate.
David Hill, you're under arrest.
Contempt of court.
You failed to produce your
sermons upon court order.
- Please put your hands behind your back.
- [handcuffs ratcheting]
[man] The state is
overstepping its bounds.
- [police radio chatter]
- [siren wailing]
[woman] A subpoena of sermons
is needless and unprecedented.
[man 2] This is a witch hunt
to silence the victim.
[male newscaster] We're seeing more
and more protests around the city
since local pastor, David Hill, was
arrested for contempt of court.
Hill refused to abide by a
controversial government mandate
to turn over transcripts of his
sermons to city officials.
And right now, a contentious
and heated free speech debate
is threatening to boil over while the
pastor sits in jail waiting for a ruling.
[lock clattering]
[buzzer sounds]
Let's go.
[buzzer sounds]
Appreciate it.
- Hey.
- Jude.
You wanna get
some waffles?
Of course I wanna
get some waffles.
[crowd cheering] Free Reverend Dave!
Free Reverend Dave!
Free Reverend Dave!
Free Reverend Dave!
[woman] Reverend, what do you have
to say about being released today?
I am grateful to the court
that they recognize
that this mandate
was unconstitutional.
I think this is more
of a human rights issue.
It's about our right
to see truth
and to share that truth
with others.
[woman] But considering your church is
associated with a public university,
how do you define
"truth" exactly?
Truth is a person.
The person of Jesus Christ.
It's the one truth
above all others.
What do you have to say to the people here
who are calling you an embarrassment?
[man] Jesus Christ is the one truth?
This guy just can't
help himself, can he?
This guy is a pastor who was
jailed for his beliefs.
What if it was a Jewish rabbi
that said there was one truth?
- Or a Muslim imam?
- They have that right. Freedom of worship.
In places of worship. But
Hadleigh is a state university.
See, and that's the question,
What's a church doing on a state
campus in the first place?
We're seeing more and more
protests around the city.
Students are actually calling for the removal
of Saint James from Hadleigh campus altogether.
As the battle rages on
in Hope Springs...
[woman] A historic landmark
that has served this community
for over a century.
And now they want
the church gone.
This is what
our country has come to.
[siren wailing in distance]
[man singing on radio, faint]
You gonna ask her out,
or what?
Excuse me?
We drive all the way
out here every week,
drop off all this food.
Why don't you finally
ask the girl out?
She feeds homeless people,
That's why
we donate the food.
Yes, but she obviously
likes you.
No way.
What's a six-letter word
for "clueless"?
Funny. You're still
working on that thing?
I'm much faster
when it's in Swahili.
Fair enough.
[waitress] This tab's already been paid.
You guys enjoy.
- Hey, convict.
- Hey.
Just can't stay out of the
news these days, can you?
[chuckling] Yeah, I've never had
so many people care what I think.
Well, I'm on your side.
You know that.
- Busy today, huh?
- Busy's good.
More people to feed,
the better.
Hey, thank your congregation
for all this.
Couldn't do it without y'all.
I'll see you next Saturday.
Hold up.
From last night.
Pork chops
turned out great.
- [car door opens]
- [bell dings]
- Told you.
- Who asked you?
[crowd shouting]
We don't want you here!
Wonder what my father
would think.
When he was a pastor, he'd leave
these doors open day and night.
Didn't matter.
Now we hire armed security
guards to protect us
from the same people we're
supposed to be ministering to.
It's just fear, David,
and it can be overcome.
You know this.
- Do you ever complain?
- You know where I come from.
I've seen my share
of struggles.
But one thing
has never changed.
God is good
all the time.
And all the time,
God is good.
[Dave] I appreciate you all braving
the angry mobs and picketers.
But even with all the noise
going on out there,
I just want to assure you that Saint James
has been around for over 150 years,
and despite what those picket signs say
out there, we're not going anywhere.
- Amen!
- Now, looking forward, I have some very good news.
you want to come up?
I couldn't be happier
to share
that our very own
Jude Mbaye
has accepted a permanent position
with us here at Saint James
as my co-pastor.
Amen. Welcome, brother.
Thank you.
[Dave] You know, I realized tonight
that, uh, it's been a long time
since I've felt like I had
a real brother in my life.
[chuckling] David, are you
sharing your feelings?
Okay, let's not make
a big deal out of it.
I'm just saying
that I'm grateful for you.
I'm excited.
I feel the same. Now, can
we get some waffles?
- [alarm blaring]
- What was that?
I don't know.
[alarm continues blaring]
- Hey! Hey! Get back here!
- David!
David, no!
- [Dave] Ah.
- You call the police. I'll shut off the alarm.
Yeah, this is, uh, Reverend David Hill.
I'm a pastor at Saint James.
[alarm stops]
Well, no,
it's not an emergency.
It's just a... uh... It was a
broken window to the basement.
- [grunts]
- [shouts]
[alarm blaring]
- Oh, no.
- David.
You're gonna be okay.
All right?
- Stay with me.
- Okay.
Come on.
[grunting continues]
[alarm continues blaring]
Jude, I'm gonna get you
out of here. Okay?
- Okay.
- Stay with me.
Please, God, help me.
[grunting continues]
No, no. [coughing]
Don't talk, brother.
Don't talk. Just stay with me.
Help is coming.
Hold on, Jude. It's okay.
[speaking Swahili]
[Swahili continues]
- What are you saying? What does that mean?
- [sirens approaching]
- [exhales]
- Jude?
- Jude?
- [horns honking]
Please, God, no.
Jude! Help!
Don't leave me, man.
Jude, no.
[siren wailing]
[siren wailing fades]
I'm so tired of all the noise.
Everyone yelling.
On the news.
In the classroom.
Even in church.
I can barely hear you anymore.
Are you even there?
I hope you are.
'Cause I feel so lost, God.
I'm starting to feel pretty dumb
talking to myself
when you don't talk back,
wherever you are...
I'm still here.
- Hi.
- [kisses]
I stopped at Stella's,
got you the good stuff.
- My hero. Thank you.
- I know. You're welcome.
- How was your day?
- Good.
- [phone buzzing]
- Wow, this looks, uh, fun.
You can get it
if you want.
- It's Sunday.
- Oh, that's right.
"in church."
- Don't be a jerk.
- Why don't you just tell 'em?
Adam, my parents would be devastated if
they found out I was even questioning.
- Okay, you have no idea.
- Yeah, I do.
I did my time as a kid,
I just got out
sooner than you did.
Okay, can we not
talk about this?
I get it.
What you're
going through.
I really do.
Okay, go to your study group.
I have work to do.
- Are you kicking me out?
- Mm-hmm.
Fine. See you later.
Okay. Bye.
Thanks for the snack.
[door opens]
- [woman] Okay, wait, wait. So, let me get this straight.
- [laughter]
So, you're saying that because the
Kit Kat logo doesn't have a hyphen,
it proves there are
multiple realities?
Hey, look, you're oversimplifying,
but, yes, exactly.
How am I oversimplifying?
That's exactly what you said.
Yeah, but it's not just Kit Kat though.
It's a lot of things.
- Like what?
- Like Curious George used to have a tail.
- But now he doesn't.
- What?
- "Used to"?
- Yeah.
- No, it didn't change. People just remember it wrong.
- Look it up.
Okay, but maybe it did change.
Maybe it did change.
Curious George
does not have a tail?
- No.
- On it.
[woman] My whole life's a lie.
- This is freaking me out.
- You haven't heard about this?
- No!
- No, it's called the Mandela Effect.
Millions of people thought that Nelson
Mandela died in prison in the '80s,
but he didn't.
The theory is our reality
collided with a parallel reality.
Right, where Kit Kat has no hyphen
and Curious George has no tail.
- That's right.
- Okay.
Look, it's science, yo, okay?
Quantum physics. Look it up.
Do you guys seriously not hear
how ridiculous you sound?
Okay, but God had himself a human son who
could walk on water and multiply fish,
and that's not ridiculous?
So, yeah, given the choice,
I'm taking the Kit Kat theory.
And if we get lucky, maybe
we'll collide with a reality
where our school isn't poisoned by
Reverend Dave and his one truth.
- Ooh.
- Preach it.
You just don't get it
'cause you're one of 'em, K.
Not really.
I mean, not anymore.
Excuse me?
- What?
- Okay, if you're not one of them, then what are you?
What am I?
I'm annoyed by you
because you're annoying.
I have to go.
- Sorry, bro.
- Thanks, Teo.
- It was a conversation.
- It's okay.
[door closes]
Keaton, wait up.
- Look, I didn't mean anything by it.
- I know. It's fine.
- I have a chem test tomorrow. I have to study.
- We were just joking.
I don't care what you
believe and don't believe,
and I don't have
a problem with God.
Yeah, but you do, Adam.
You say it's just the church or
religion or whatever, but...
[sighs] You know what?
I'm so tired of having this same
conversation over and over again with you.
Yeah, me too.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- I know.
- Okay.
I think I...
I think I just need
some time right now.
On my own.
What does that mean?
Just to figure things out.
Are you serious?
No, come on. Don't...
Don't do that.
Keaton, please. What are you doing?
Come on.
I love you.
I know.
I love you.
Don't do this.
I'm sorry.
All the time, God is good.
You're alive in us
I will never be the same
We'll never be the same
We'll never be the same
Dear God, thank you for Harbor House.
Lord, we're broken people.
Please just bring healing and
restoration to our school right now,
um, in this really
difficult time.
We love you and answer to
your beautiful name. Amen.
- Amen.
- Thanks, guys. Have a good one.
- Hey.
- I know, I know. I've been MIA.
It's just been
a really crazy semester.
Yeah, no,
I totally get it.
Well, look, you're more than
welcome to come down to the city
and work on our habitat
project, if you want.
Cool. Yeah.
I'll definitely try.
Did you know that there's
no hyphen in "Kit Kat"?
You mean like Kit Kat,
the candy bar?
[chuckles] Yeah. You know what?
Sorry. Forget it.
I'm being really weird.
Hey, if you need to talk
about anything or whatever,
I'm always here.
Thanks, but I'm fine, really.
See ya.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[chattering, laughing]
[woman laughs, squeals]
[hip-hop music playing]
[chuckles] See, this here is why you should
never talk religion or politics, yo.
Dude, that's all
you talk about.
Will you have Keaton text me
when you get back?
Oh, uh-uh.
Leave me out of this.
This one is on you, Adam.
If she wants to text you,
she will text you.
All right, look, you need
to sleep it off, man.
All right?
- I'm fine.
- Are you good?
All right, man. We're going this way.
Yeah, right.
[alarm blaring]
[Dave] Hey!
- Hey! Get back here!
- [Jude] David! David, no!
[sirens wailing]
[male newscaster] The city
was in shock late last night
when a tragic fire
broke out at Saint James.
That is the controversial church
on the campus
of our very own
Hadleigh University.
Both police and fire departments
have not ruled out arson
in the fire that has claimed the life of a
visiting pastor from Ghana, Jude Mbaye.
Police and the FBI are now treating
the case as a hate-crime homicide.
Crowds have already started to gather
outside the church to pay their respects.
[man] This is why a church does
not belong on a state campus.
Favoring one religion over another?
Of course people are angry.
It just invites violence
like this.
What else is it gonna take
for people to wake up?
The church has brought nothing but
controversy to the school for years.
- It's time.
- Our enrollment is down 18 percent.
We stand to lose
$15 million this year alone.
I'm well aware of that, but we can't
pin all of this on Saint James.
Well, this university is in the midst of an
identity crisis, Tom, because of Saint James.
- We're moving backwards.
- This is wrong.
The church
is a historic landmark.
It was here
before the university.
is a good man.
What about Jude,
the one who died?
I'm sure he was
a good man too.
with all due respect,
if we kick the church off campus
now after what just happened,
how do you think
that's gonna look?
We're gonna look bad
no matter what we do.
But in the long run, this is
what's best for the students.
Tom, I think you should be the
one to talk to Reverend Dave.
Dave is my friend.
[woman] Glory, glory
Since I've laid my
My burdens down
Our first message,
my friends from Saint James:
We love you.
We're grieving
right alongside you.
Consider us your home
for as long as you need.
Our second message
in this difficult hour,
the same one that Peter, John, and
James spoke on that one dark night
when all their hopes died
on that bloodstained cross.
Weeping may last
through the night,
but joy cometh
in the morning.
And the morning always comes.
Yes, I'm going home
To live with Jesus
Since I've laid
My burden down
- You okay?
- Yeah.
I'm sorry.
- I never know what to say at these things.
- No, it's okay.
I'll come by, and we can discuss the details,
construction plans, repairs, all that.
Well... when you're ready.
Okay? Don't rush.
Just come on by my office.
- Thanks, Tom.
- Yeah. Hang in there.
- Appreciate it.
- Yeah.
Jude spoke of you
all the time.
His American brother.
I thank God he wasn't alone
in his last moments.
- I'm sorry.
- This is not your fault.
God, he uses all things
for his good.
You know this.
[speaking Swahili]
What does...?
I think that's what
Jude said to me.
Last thing he said to me.
What does that mean?
It's hard
to translate.
In English,
it means, basically,
"Always God is good,
and God is good always."
[sobbing continues]
Dave, what are you
doing here?
Well, it's Saturday,
isn't it?
I mean, people
still need to eat.
Sorry, it's a little bit
light this week,
but, uh, well, everything in
the pantry was ruined, so...
I know. I heard.
I'm so sorry.
And Jude.
Ah, I can't believe it.
I'll be okay.
You hungry? How about I
feed you for a change?
but, uh, rain check?
Okay. You know
where to find me.
- Hey.
- Dave.
Thanks for coming in.
Let's go get
a cup of coffee.
Tom, this is insane.
You're gonna use this as an opportunity
to advance some political agenda?
It's not about that.
You don't just knock a church down
because of a little controversy.
Look, the insurance
will cover the damage.
It won't cost
the university anything.
It's not about the money either.
It's really not.
This makes no sense.
We were attacked.
I know.
But, Dave, we're worried about the
school, the welfare of the students.
There are a lot
of factors here.
Look, I know you're upset.
You have every right to be.
I don't like this either.
I hope you get that.
It's all in there.
This was my father's church.
I was baptized there.
I spent
my whole life there.
I know.
It's my home, Tom.
It's everything I have.
And it's not for sale.
I don't think
you're hearing me, Dave.
The board has decided.
It's a done deal.
I'm sorry.
This is absurd. They can just
take the church from us?
- I mean, don't we own this land?
- Yes.
- So, how is this legal?
- Eminent domain.
I studied property law
a bit in grad school.
As I understand it, the state
gave all public universities
complete autonomy
over eminent domain.
Which means Hadleigh can
legally force us to sell.
Where are we
supposed to go?
With what they're offering, how can we
build anything anyway? Can we go to court?
- [woman] Another lawsuit? Really?
- [siren wailing, faint]
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but
we've burned through any legal reserves.
No land within 30 miles
of here.
We're out of money,
plain and simple.
- None that we can afford.
- I don't see that we have an option here.
You gonna be okay?
All these years,
this church has been here.
When I think about the work
that God has done...
and the lives
that he's changed...
Now it's just
a crime scene.
You know, Keaton stopped by
the other day.
Remember her?
First time I've seen her
in five months.
She's lost.
She needs someone to walk with
her right where she's at.
There are hundreds more
like her, here.
I know, Josh.
I got it, but...
This is why I took on Professor
Radisson, why I left law school...
for this ministry.
Because what we do and how we
do it, it's important, Dave.
Josh, we have no money,
no lawyers.
If I could do something,
I would.
It's just...
It's not that easy.
No, it's not easy.
But it's simple.
Look, I, uh...
I hate to quote scripture
to a pastor, but, um...
you remember
Luke 12:48?
Seems like you're the one much
is being asked of this time.
If you decide you want
to fight this...
pretty sure God'll
handle the details.
And I'll be right here
beside you.
[phone ringing]
You got an apartment?
Okay, Apartment "E"?
Thank you.
- [man] Okay, don't you worry about it.
- [woman] Thank you, Pearce.
I swear Mike's
a good kid.
He's just really struggling
right now, with his friends.
- He's just caught up...
- What are you doing here?
[horn honks]
Dad's church.
You'd hardly
even recognize it.
Hey, look, this is a property law case.
It's not really my thing.
Pearce, you're
a social justice attorney.
They're forcing us out because we're a
church. This is exactly your thing.
Let me get this straight.
You drive all the way up here.
You don't even call.
Were you afraid I'd say no?
I didn't know what you'd
say, to be honest.
I have a little money.
I don't want your money.
This is a legit offer.
Thing goes to trial, jury will probably
give you half that amount, less even.
Money aside, these things
always get messy.
God called me to fight,
and I'm gonna fight.
Ah. God calls you,
you call me.
- Did you see that?
- Right in third position.
Uh-huh. [laughs] Third position?
Adam, what's up, baby?
Where you been?
Can I talk to you?
[sighs, sobs]
What do I do?
What do I do?
I don't know what to do.
I appreciate you coming down. I know
you're busy. It's a lot to ask.
Wow. Look at this place.
It got smaller.
What'd you do
to the tree?
What's wrong with it?
For one thing,
it's dead.
I figured you could take
your old room.
It's kind of a guest room
and some storage, but...
Got the old man's chair.
Allowed to sit in it now?
Sorry to hear
about your friend.
Yeah. Thanks.
But I'm okay.
You know, that's... what
you said at Mom's funeral.
"I'm okay."
Somebody burns your church
down, kills your friend,
but you're okay.
What do you want me
to say, Pearce?
Yes, I'm having
a hard time.
Just doing my best
to get through.
You want something
to drink?
- You got booze?
- No.
Did you buy three boxes
of these for me?
Of course.
I knew you'd come.
Unfortunately, I don't
really eat Zingers anymore.
What do you mean you don't eat Zingers?
You love those things.
- What happened?
- Triple bypass.
Heart surgery?
- You had heart surgery?
- Six years ago.
I had no idea.
Why would you?
Well, we're all caught up.
And I'm gonna hit the hay.
[flames crackling]
Eminent domain precedent cases having to do
with churches specifically would be best.
I'll be back
as soon as I can.
Well, just take the meeting
without me, Todd.
No, I realize that, but it's a family
thing. What do you want me to say?
Just make sure everything has the same zip.
Okay? Okay, thanks.
- Make yourself at home.
- You doing all right?
I'll tell you what. You stop asking
me, and I'll stop saying I'm okay.
Fair enough.
Ready to get to it?
I've been getting to it
since 5:00 a.m.
Okay? I'm starving. There's nothing
in that fridge but moldy casseroles.
- Is Doe's still open?
- I guess.
Well, let's go.
Don't eat that!
The government
takes private property.
They do it all the time.
End of story.
How do you think highways and
railroads get built, man?
But this isn't about a railroad. They said they
need the land to build a new student union.
- I hardly think that qualifies.
- We'll see. It might.
You're not hearing me.
They just want the church gone because
they think it's bad PR for the university.
- Yeah, they're probably right.
- Pearce.
Hey, listen, man.
I said this ain't my thing.
All right? Now you want to tell me
how to fight an eminent domain case?
Why don't I just go home?
You can do it.
[woman chattering, laughing]
This is eerie.
Let's go check it out.
We can't.
It's all locked up.
Last time I was in this building,
Dad was standing right there.
[Dave] You got in so
much trouble for that.
So stupid.
I'm gonna write a letter
to the board of trustees
and introduce myself
as your legal counsel.
I'll politely let them know we
won't be entertaining any more...
backroom offers
between old friends.
Thank you.
One step at a time,
little brother.
His brother is a lawyer?
Are you kidding me?
Of course he's gonna fight back.
What'd you expect?
At least we can offer him
a better settlement.
Something more fair.
And where do we take
that money from?
To pay any more than legally required
is a disservice to the school,
not to mention,
it's unethical.
Be careful not to let your friendship
with Reverend Dave cloud your judgment.
- [sighs]
- Look, I'm on your side.
My advice is take care
of this now,
or the person
who replaces you will.
[man] It's important to remember, in
the midst of all this controversy,
that friends and family are now
grieving the death of this innocent man
killed in this tragic
and senseless way.
I can't even imagine the heartbreak
for his parents, having to...
Maybe you just need to
stop thinking about it.
I can't.
How can I?
Everybody thinks...
that he was... murdered.
His-His friends,
his parents.
They deserve to know the truth...
that it was an accident.
Maybe it'll help them.
Maybe that'll give them
some sort of closure.
Okay, so say you confess.
Maybe they'll go easy on you, but...
maybe they won't.
Okay, and then what?
I don't know.
Do you really believe...
that there's a God?
I don't know. I guess.
If he does exist...
do you think that he
would forgive me?
Of course.
Hey, Pearce. I'm headed to church.
You want to join?
Not one bit.
Look what I found.
Check it out.
My gosh.
Wait, wait, wait. I want
to show you something.
I thought most of this stuff
would've ended up in a landfill.
- No.
- Hey.
Pearce, Aunt Celia
painted that.
Who cares? It's ugly.
- Bet you can't hit the frog.
- Grow up.
Ten bucks.
Give it to me.
Told you.
Wow. Mandy Stebbins.
Whatever happened to her?
I don't know. If she's not
on Facebook, I have no idea.
[whistles] Hey.
You still pray for me?
Pearce, can we not?
Why? I'm just curious.
Yeah. Sometimes.
I knew it.
What do you pray for?
I'll come back around?
I'll find peace? What?
- Is this fun for you?
- I'm just making conversation.
Yeah, well, maybe I'll pray that
you make better conversation.
- [phone buzzing]
- Josh?
What? Right now?
[Pearce] Hey, I'm gonna need the
name of a circuit judge down here.
Yes. Now. Today.
- Okay, let me know.
- Dave!
Yeah. What... What's going on?
They won't stop.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Hey. Whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop! Stop!
I need you on the other
side of the tape, sir.
- I'm the pastor of this church.
- Well, that may be, but it's not safe.
- It's okay. I'm his attorney.
- Congratulations.
And I'm a Mets fan. Now, move
back, or I call the cops.
- I already called 'em.
- Hey, buddy, I have a demo permit.
- You got a permit to wreck a church on a Sunday? Really?
- Yeah, what can I say?
Signed by the president
of the university.
Thomas Ellsworth.
- Just trying to do my job here.
- And I'm trying to do mine. Give me your keys.
You touch this church
before I get back,
I'll have you arrested for
destruction of property, okay?
- You stay put.
- Yeah, what do you want me to do?
I don't know. Stall.
- You have a Bible?
- Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, Gloria Pascual.
I know. I'm already on my way.
What? Are you kidding me?
Of course she is.
It's Sunday. Where is she?
Yeah, yeah, I know it.
I know the place.
[Dave] Hey, everyone.
We're gonna hold service.
Right now.
Come on in, guys.
Come on. Come on over here.
- Can I have that Bible?
- Yeah.
So the, uh... the Bible
is the word of God.
But how often do we really
take time to read it?
Let's start at the top,
shall we?
- "In the beginning..."
- Man.
They haven't even filed yet.
No appraisals,
no escrow deposits.
It's an old-fashioned
end-around. Hold on.
You still there? You still
gotta send me the injunction.
Yeah, pdf's fine.
Okay, hurry up.
Hey, hey, hey! I don't even
know what she looks like.
The judge. Who do you
think I'm talking about?
Yeah, send me a pic.
- [organ playing hymn]
- [choir singing, faint]
"The serpent was more crafty
than any other wild animals
the Lord God had made.
And he said to the woman,
'Did God really say you must not
eat from the tree in any garden?'"
[siren wailing, whooping]
Your Honor,
I am so sorry,
but I'm an attorney, and it's
important that I speak with you.
I'm in the middle
of Mass.
I'm aware. It's very timely.
It involves a church.
And we want to take you live
to the scene right now,
show you what is
developing as we speak.
You are looking here
at Saint James Church.
This is on the campus
of Hadleigh University now.
Local pastor, David Hill,
is basically staging
his very own version of what can only be
described here as a Senate filibuster.
His last-ditch effort to delay
the demolition of his church.
As you can see here, he's literally
reading the Bible cover to cover
while the growing crowds
watch and wait.
Yeah, that's him.
Your little stunt's gonna cost you
and the pastor a night in jail.
Well, I don't think so.
I have a signed injunction from
Judge Pascual that says...
Well, you can read it yourself.
"Cease and desist."
Good? Thank you.
[whistles] Let's go!
[applauding, cheering]
All right, guys, we're done.
Time to leave. Let's go.
- What happened?
- I just bought us three weeks.
Thank you.
So, maybe the university's board
of trustees does have the right
to expropriate
the church property.
But even if it's legal,
is it moral?
Just take a look
at their dilemma here.
This is no longer
a Christian school.
The church really should have
moved off campus 50 years ago
when the state
bought the university.
Instead, funding
is given disproportionately
to one religious organization
while other ones
are being denied.
So you add that to all of this
controversy and now violence.
You tell me, how can they justify
keeping the church on campus?
Thomas Ellsworth is making
the right choice here.
It's not the easy one,
but it is the right choice.
I think their intentions
are pretty clear.
Enough with writing letters.
Let's call 'em out.
Call 'em out
on what, stupidity?
Why are you so reluctant to
accept what's really going on?
Unbelievable. You guys love to
play the victim card, don't you?
- "You guys."
- Look, forget it.
I'm not engaging in a
false narrative with you.
I'm just... I'm not. It undermines
true religious liberty.
You're talking to a guy who went to jail,
who's now having his church stolen.
- How is that false narrative?
- Because it's never that simple.
The Christian church has a long
history of persecuting people,
and then those people push back,
and you guys want to cry victim.
And for every example of someone who's
misrepresented Jesus for some twisted reason,
there are a hundred others
who have done good in his name.
We can debate history all you
want, but I'm talking about now,
about getting my church back.
- Can you just help me do that?
- I'm right here, aren't I?
Just don't drag me
into your personal crusade.
- Where you going?
- I'm going to bed.
Thank you, Pastor.
I agree.
- Appreciate it. Thank you.
- [hammering]
Pastor Dave.
Keaton, how are you?
I'm okay. So, how's stuff
going with the church?
Have they found
the person who did it?
Not yet. They're still
I just figured, like,
fingerprints or whatever.
Ah, it's not quite
like the movies.
It takes time, but I'm sure
they'll catch 'em.
What's gonna happen
when they find 'em?
Put 'em away, I hope,
for a long time.
The order's good for three weeks.
Can't be much longer than that.
Hey, what do you want me to say?
He's my brother.
Do me a favor. Send me some
briefs for Kelo vs. New London.
And what else?
Faith Temple vs. Brighton.
Okay, thanks.
Really, take it with you.
It's getting cold out there.
[woman] All right, bye.
[woman] Smells good.
Coming to collect
on that rain check.
You guys close
growing up?
Yeah. That's why
it was so hard.
Pearce was my hero.
I mean, he had
this strong faith.
But he was so cool
about it.
He made Christianity cool.
Yeah, I know the type.
Went off to law school
when I started college.
- And then something happened. I don't know. He changed.
- [acoustic guitar strumming]
Uh, I don't know.
I guess he was struggling
in his faith.
But it was more
than just confusion.
It was darker than that.
I always hoped that he'd come
around before our parents died.
It was hard on them.
It felt like
they lost their son.
And you lost your hero.
Yeah. I guess I did.
That's amazing, isn't it?
That he can
look at that...
and see that.
You okay?
I feel a little bit
like I'm drifting.
Keep trying to tell myself all the things
that I would tell others who are struggling.
It's not helping.
Think I might
be bad at my job.
I doubt that.
I just want to get back
to the way things were.
How far back is that?
I mean, going back
doesn't really work.
And believe me,
I've tried.
I've gone back
to school,
gone back home,
back to brunette.
But I've never been able to go
back to the way things were.
I hope you're wrong.
'Cause if I can't go back,
I don't know where to go.
[bell tolls]
Are you doing okay?
I told you
to stop asking me that.
Oh, yeah. I forgot.
[Barbara] So, how much?
[Pearce] How much what?
We made you an offer. You're
here to counter, so counter.
Oh, believe me,
I wish I could.
despite my counsel,
my client is not
interested in money.
- So, what is your client interested in?
- I want my church back.
Dave, be reasonable.
Reason went out
the window, Tom,
when you brought a demolition
crew to my front door.
[woman] Look, a college campus is
about education, not religion.
We've got limited space. We need
to maximize it for every student.
None of that gives you the
right to tear my church down.
- Well, actually it does.
- Dana, stop.
We're wasting our time here. We both know
that this meeting was simply a courtesy.
And, Barbara, we appreciate it.
It's very courteous.
I get it.
It's a prime piece of land.
You know what I'd do
if it were me?
I'd put in a big student center
with a fancy coffee shop.
The kids would love it.
I mean, to me, that's more
valuable than a dusty old church.
No offense.
But he knows
how I feel about it.
Here's the problem.
What you're doing,
it's against the law.
'Cause eminent domain
doesn't automatically apply
just because you guys
don't like his church.
So, here's my counter.
Withdraw your claim or we sue. See
what a judge has to say about it.
We're done.
This case will never
make it to court.
They didn't look worried,
Oh, they are. That's their
job, to not look worried.
Listen, we gotta change the
conversation in the media.
Okay, we gotta put a
face to the opposition.
- Tom?
- Yeah, Tom.
He's the most visible. He's got the
most to lose. You okay with that?
I'll just tell the truth. People
need to know what he's doing.
Good boy. Let's go.
But Saint James built
Hadleigh University years ago.
Exactly. So you see how
far this has gone.
And now with
the school board's actions,
we've been given no choice
but to seek a legal solution.
All of these college administrators,
they go on and on and on
about diversity and
tolerance and inclusion,
but yet when it's asked of them,
they run you off of campus.
That doesn't sound very tolerant
or inclusive to me.
Tom Ellsworth
is trying to strip away
the foundational element
of this university
because he believes that
it is no longer convenient.
But truth
isn't about convenience.
And faith in God may not be as
popular on campus as it once was,
but people still have a right, a fundamental
human right, to express their beliefs,
even in a public square
at a state university.
If you agree, we're asking that
you make your voices heard.
Send an e-mail. Make a call.
Let Tom Ellsworth
and the university board know
that you believe the church
still has value.
[woman] The gauntlet has been thrown.
And we'll see how people respond.
[Pearce] Dude, almost three million views!
People are mad. This is good.
Does this buy us
the leverage we need?
Well, we'll find out
at the prelim.
Need the judge to let us argue
the case, but... this all helps.
- Nice work.
- Thanks.
[Dave] I think it's time for me
to get back preaching again.
I'm afraid I'm getting so caught
up in all this, I just...
I don't want to lose sight
of my work, you know.
Well, let me know when and where.
I'll be there for sure.
Hey, we're back.
Oh, I turned it off.
What? Don't you want to see
if they get the diamond?
Don't you knock?
- What are you doing?
- I'm on the phone!
- Who you talking to so late?
- None of your business.
Is that Pearce?
Tell him I said hi.
Meg says hi.
- Hi, Meg.
- Let me call you back.
Ooh, what's
the deal there?
There's no deal.
She's a friend of mine.
She runs one of the
ministries we support.
- What do you want, Pearce?
- Nothing.
- Is that my shirt?
- Yeah.
[dog barking]
- What are you doing?
- I told you, this tree's dead. It's gonna fall on the house.
I didn't ask you to cut it down!
I can do it myself!
- Can you, now?
- Yeah, I could.
- Go for it.
- All right, fine.
You might want to back up.
- Gotta do better than that.
- It was a warm-up.
[clears throat]
Still warming up?
Careful with that
weak heart of yours.
Ha-ha. Funny guy. Watch this.
Get ready
to yell "timber."
I got a better idea.
[electric saw revs]
Oh, now we're talking.
- Okay, give it a push.
- All right, hold up.
- Tell me when you're ready.
- Yeah! Go!
Ah! We almost got it!
Oh! Yeah!
- [grunts]
- Yes!
Just promise me you'll
plant something new here.
Mom liked
pomegranate trees.
Do you even believe
in what we're fighting for?
Do I believe in your right
to keep your church? Yes.
But the rest of it,
you know the answer.
So, why help me?
What do you think
I do for a living?
Do you think I need
to have the belief system
of every crackhead
I defend to defend 'em?
So, religion has no value except
for the laws that protect it?
Value? I don't know.
But people have evolved.
Science has replaced
- Church has outlived its usefulness.
- Wow!
Okay, I don't expect you to agree, but
that's okay 'cause this is healthy.
It's a healthy discourse.
Pearce, people are broken.
They're... They're lost.
They're searching
for meaning, for purpose.
Church is the answer
to those problems, huh?
Church is a place for people to seek, to
grapple with those difficult questions.
To find hope and...
and truth.
And you know that.
Or at least you used to.
Why do you need me to agree with you
about everything? I'm just your lawyer.
I didn't come here to debate
religion or do your landscaping.
But, man,
you're my little brother.
And I don't like to see
people push you around.
And that's why
I'm helping you.
And right now, that answer's
gotta be good enough for you.
[Pastor] Now, this whole situation
brings you to the cross.
And the cross is both
vertical and horizontal.
Vertical is me and God,
God and me.
My relationship with Christ.
The horizontal part,
you and I.
Sometimes we get so
caught up in the vertical
we forget the horizontal,
forget each other.
Yeah, but it's at the intersection
where Jesus comes in.
That nexus, and that's where Paul's words in
Galatians are so powerful and compelling.
Even Jews and gentiles
are fellow citizens.
So, with all the noise
and anger out there right now,
it's peace
that we have to think about.
And it's gonna require one thing...
It's gonna require sacrificing.
At the end of the day, we can't
forget that Christ's forgiveness
came about via the conduit
of the sacrifice.
And we are called, believe
it or not, to do the same.
[chattering, laughing]
- Hey.
- Hey.
How are you?
Been better.
Do you know why my mom
divorced my dad?
He used to beat her.
I was nine...
when she left him.
You know what
our church did?
They called her a sinner.
They said that if she married
again, she'd be an adulterer.
They humiliated her.
What I remember most
about that time
is the sound of my mother
crying herself to sleep.
I'm so sorry. I...
So, yeah,
I get angry sometimes.
But I didn't... I didn't mean
for anybody to get hurt.
I know you didn't.
For what it's worth,
I prayed about it.
No answer.
- [all laughing]
- And did you believe him?
Of course
I believed him.
I was seven years old. I
believed whatever he told me.
"Dave, you can make
your own 7 Up.
All you need is just
water and salt."
- Did you drink it?
- [Dave] It was terrible, obviously.
But I kept adding
more and more salt,
just waiting for
those little bubbles.
Oh, poor guy. He drank the whole bottle.
Two liters of saltwater.
[chuckling] But I gotta
hand it to Pearce.
He waited by my bedside all night
long to make sure that I didn't die.
Yeah. That's what brothers do.
They look out for each other.
- Hear, hear.
- Hear, hear, Brother.
Thank you.
- I really thought you were gonna die.
- [Meg laughs]
Hadleigh University is being flooded with
calls and e-mails from angry citizens,
and it seems
Chancellor Ellsworth,
well, taking the brunt
of that anger.
Kayla's asking
for her bedtime story.
[cell phone buzzes]
Don't answer it, Tom.
Hel... Stop calling me.
[glass shatters]
- What was that?
- Stay here, stay here!
[Kayla] Daddy!
Kayla! Come here, baby.
[tires squealing]
What was that?
Go on upstairs.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
[Meg] I'm very proud of you.
Of me? For what?
I get the feeling fighting's
not really your thing.
But it's important,
what you're doing.
It's inspiring.
I was just thinking
about that sculptor,
chiseling away
at that rock.
It's okay to be broken,
It means God's
still shaping you.
- [car approaches]
- I'm honored to be a part of it.
[brakes squeal]
I'm getting
death threats, Dave!
Somebody threw a brick
through my window!
- Okay, just take it easy, okay?
- No, Kayla could've been hurt!
- I don't know anything about that. I'm sorry.
- No, no. You did this!
Hey, hey, hey.
- [grunting]
- Pearce!
Hey! Get off him!
You brought
the fight to us, Tom.
[car door slams,
engine starts]
I'll get you some ice.
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Maybe we should
just call it a night.
Yeah. I'll...
I'll just get my stuff.
I didn't realize
Tom was a psychopath.
Well, he's just scared.
Way to impress the lady,
by the way.
Well, it's kind of
my signature move.
Invite a girl over and then
get punched in the face.
Works every time.
Let's see.
Ow. What'd you
do that for?
You'll be all right.
[Josh] Cottonwood Christian Center vs.
Cypress Redevelopment Agency?
I got that.
Give me something else.
Hey, I got
some leftover pizza.
Josh, you're a smart kid.
Why'd you give up on law school?
Well, I wouldn't say
I gave up on it.
Once I spent time
on a college campus,
I realized there was
a real need there.
Ministry's just another way
for me to serve.
What kind of law
were you studying?
Same as you.
Civil rights, social justice.
Really? 'Cause you don't
strike me as a liberal.
- Give the kid a break.
- What?
I don't think standing up for the oppressed
is exclusive to a political agenda.
Well, let me ask you this.
Do you think that
your religious beliefs
get in the way of
real social change?
No, my beliefs are
the foundation of change.
The belief that every human
is made in the image of God.
I mean, Jesus was the ultimate
social justice warrior.
He said the lives
of children mattered
and regarded women
with honor and dignity
in a cultural moment where a woman's
testimony wasn't even permissible
in a court of law.
He consistently stood up for the
mistreated and the marginalized.
Well, I've been doing this
a long time,
and I wish I'd seen those words
put into action more often.
Yeah. Me too. We're all
responsible for our part,
but it's grace and then justice,
not the other way around.
Why do you serve the court,
not the Lord?
We should follow the example of Jesus
because... without grace as our goal,
we're just, you know...
we're just fighting.
[Dave] Amen.
Let's say grace.
Dear Lord, thank you for this day.
Thank you for this food.
Bless it to our bodies and forgive
Pearce for eating before grace.
- Amen.
- Amen.
That's not funny.
[Dave] So, if the judge agrees to let
us go to trial, do we have a shot?
[Pearce] If we go to
trial, we're gonna win.
Public's on our side,
jury's on our side.
- What if the judge says no?
- Then we're done.
[Dave] Great.
[sighs] Am I allowed
to talk in there?
Please don't.
You know, I've been
thinking, I like this Meg.
She's the good kind
of Christian, authentic.
You ought to seal the deal
before she gets wise.
- It's not exactly great timing.
- [clucks]
Maybe I don't want to
rush into things.
Try not to end up
with two ex-wives.
[scoffs] I forgot to tell you.
It's three now.
Hadleigh offered a sum that's fair
market value for the property.
It's perfectly fair.
But Saint James' value can't
be measured only in dollars.
The court has no standard
for determining intrinsic value.
Your Honor, Saint James
has had a positive impact
on this community
for generations.
The university concedes the
plaintiff is not without merit,
but we question
the relevancy to this case.
- May I say something?
- You brought the lawsuit.
If you want to assess the value of the church
to this community, just turn on the news.
The community
is speaking loudly.
This is what victory feels like.
We're going to court!
Come on, man, this is a big win.
Be happy.
- Ow!
- Be happy!
- Stop it.
- Be happy.
Ow! Will you just...
Be happy. Oh!
There's my little brother!
No, I'm not happy
suing my friend.
I'm not happy
suing anybody.
Okay. Well, number one, Tom
Ellsworth is not your friend.
And number two, I'm going to
bed, 'cause you're a buzzkill.
Paul tells us that
even if you can speak
the language
of both man and angels,
if you lack love,
brothers and sisters,
you're just making
a lot of noise.
Maybe you're
the world's smartest person
and you have a great faith
that can move mountains,
or you give all your money
to the poor,
or you give your body
over to hardship.
My Bible says, without love...
you're saying nothing.
Without love,
you gain nothing.
And without love...
you are nothing.
[phone buzzing]
Hey, Adam. Hey!
Pastor Dave?
- Is it true?
- I don't... I don't know.
- Is it? Tell me!
- Adam!
- You killed Jude, didn't you?
- Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy, pal.
Get off of me!
Get off of me!
What is wrong
with you?
[man] Hey, man,
what is going on?
[indistinct chattering]
[man] That is bad stuff.
Know what I'm saying?
I just took your fingerprints
and he's gonna book you.
Is this, like,
a mug shot?
Yes. Stand there.
After a shocking confrontation
by Reverend David Hill
on Hadleigh campus,
the suspect has been identified as 21-year-old
Hadleigh student Adam Richertson.
The college senior has no criminal
record and no history of violence,
which has left many people wondering what
inspired his deadly attack on a church.
I'm so sorry.
This is beyond messed up.
I know Adam. He's a
good dude, sincerely.
And Pastor Dave needs to take
a page from his own book.
So, you know what? We're
having a protest Friday night.
Saint James. Make sure
your voice is heard.
Be there. Be mad. 'Cause
this fight is far from over.
Have you seen this?
Media works both ways.
This gives us
a real shot.
Get the team working on it. I'm gonna
send a gift basket to Reverend Dave.
We condemn the hateful
actions of Adam Richertson
in the strongest possible terms.
They do not represent the values of
our esteemed Hadleigh University.
We will not stand for
violence or discrimination
in any form, of any people,
regardless of their religious
backgrounds and beliefs.
We've taken the immediate steps
to expel Mr. Richertson,
and we have encouraged
the state to prosecute him
to the fullest extent
of the law.
None of this, however,
should excuse
the actions
of Reverend Dave Hill.
His outburst has made
our position stronger...
that Saint James Church has become a
beacon of violence and controversy,
and it has no place here
on Hadleigh University campus.
Good day.
[reporters clamoring]
So, Reverend Hill goes after Ellsworth.
Now Ellsworth fires back.
And meanwhile, this kid Adam Richertson
is caught in the cross fire.
Judge, this kid
killed somebody.
Oh, come on. It was an accident.
Everybody knows that.
The judge and jury's
gonna decide that.
Speaking of judge and jury,
who's gonna hold
this reverend accountable?
Okay, there's a big difference
between a death and a fight.
This reverend
did attack this kid,
and now he's calling for the kid
to get put away for 30 years?
That's insane.
And there you have it.
Both sides are totally fired up.
Huge protest is planned
for the weekend.
And this is teed up
for disaster.
That's the sign of the times,
isn't it?
Everybody's yelling.
Nobody's listening.
[Keaton] It doesn't make sense.
Nothing makes sense.
Adam never meant
to hurt anyone.
I'm not saying he shouldn't
own up to what he did,
but I just don't see
God's mercy here.
not from Pastor Dave.
He's human, Keaton.
Yeah, but he's supposed
to be a man of God.
What kind of example
is that?
I mean, if being a Christian
doesn't affect the way we act,
then... how do we actually know
that our values and beliefs
are any more valid
than anyone else's?
Can I show you something?
A friend said this to me
when I was in high school.
It was inspiring.
It's why I came to Hadleigh. I
wanted to be a part of something.
At the time, I'd never even
considered that God could be dead.
But now...
It's okay, Keaton. It's good
to ask difficult questions.
God can use it. He's not
afraid of your uncertainty.
But I am.
You know, I think about
John the Baptist.
If anyone should've been sure
about Jesus, it was him.
And John said, "I've
seen, and I testify
that this is
the Son of God."
And then he got locked up
in Herod's little jail cell,
and the doubts started
messing with his head.
"What if I'm wrong
about this Jesus guy?
What if all the stories I've heard
about him healing people...
What if
it's just ridiculous?"
So John sent some of his friends
to watch Jesus and report back.
And Jesus told them, "Tell John
what you've seen and heard.
The blind receive their sight.
The lame walk.
The lepers are cleansed.
The deaf hear."
John needed to doubt.
Why, though?
Because uncertainty led
to the pursuit of truth.
I know it hurts...
to be in the fire.
And as painful and confusing
as all of this is...
it just might be exactly
where God wants you right now.
Well, it ain't good.
Public opinion, your reputation...
It's all gonna take a hit.
I guess we're gonna
have to wait and see.
The kid confessed,
so that helps.
I just wanna know
what you were thinking.
I wasn't thinking,
You get an anonymous text,
then you go nuts on somebody?
I'm not interested
in rehashing this, okay?
Sorry, folks.
[alarm beeping]
[alarm stops]
- What's going on with you?
- I'm a mess!
I don't know what I'm doing. I don't
know what God wants me to do.
And I don't know why any
of this is even happening!
- First, you gotta settle down.
- Oh, I'm sure this is fun for you.
You get a front-row seat to watch your
little brother, Dave, just self-destruct.
That's probably why you drove
down here in the first place.
- Where are you going?
- Oh, I'm walking.
- You can't.
- Watch me.
You have the car keys.
[keys jingle]
- Dave.
- Hey, Roland.
- How you doing?
- Doing all right.
You're sure on TV a lot
for someone doing all right.
All this business with Tom
Ellsworth, and now the boy.
Well, I didn't ask
for this fight.
That's a fact, but here it is.
Keep your eye on
what's important.
I think what's important
is that Christians stop
rolling over all the time.
When is it
our right to fight?
I'm tired of being
pushed around.
I'm tired of turning
the other cheek.
Oh, so now you're tired.
A minute ago,
you were doing all right.
I'm just saying, I think it's time that
Christians stand up for themselves.
Mmm. Well...
People were drawn to Jesus
because of his... his love.
His patience and kindness.
He managed to preach
the truth
without losing himself
in the bargain.
He was gentle with the meek and
hard as a rock with the arrogant.
And when he talked
to the foolish,
he was patient
and never became
a fool himself.
And he was never proud,
This has nothing to do
with pride, Roland.
And no offense, but maybe you'd
understand a little better
if you were the one
being attacked.
Brother, who do you think
you're talking to?
I'm a black preacher
in the Deep South.
I could build you a church with all the
bricks been thrown through my windows.
You're right. I'm sorry.
You gotta work through the pain.
We cannot respond to hate
with more hate.
And don't forget...
we are called to be a light
in the darkness.
I miss Jude.
And I miss you too, Lord.
I'm trying to do the right thing.
I just...
I don't know
what that is anymore.
Hey there.
Just checking on you.
I saw the news. I can't
imagine what you're feeling.
I'd like to see you.
How about a little adventure?
I'm gonna send you
a dropped pin.
I'll meet you there
in an hour?
It's my church away from church.
It's where I come
to be alone with God.
I can see why.
What do you got there?
I light a candle
for people I'm praying for.
Folks I meet at the restaurant,
friends from AA.
I just love the way he uses
other people in our lives to...
to bring us comfort, to...
remind us that we're loved.
I think you need
to be reminded right now.
God is here.
I'm here.
And you're loved.
[door opens, closes]
I thought you were out
with Meg.
You screw that up too?
What are you doing?
Listen, I'm gonna fly
back to Chicago tonight.
I left you the name and number
of an attorney friend of mine.
She'll take good care
of you. My treat.
Why? Just because
we had an argument?
- It's just time.
- Pearce, are you kidding me?
You know what? Go ahead.
Oh, I haven't done enough
for you, huh?
Come down here,
put my life on hold.
What, I'm the bad guy now
'cause I'm bailing? Is that it?
Let's not get into it.
It's not worth it.
No, I-I think it's worth it.
Let's get into it.
It's water under the bridge.
I forgave you years ago.
You forgave me? For what exactly?
For leaving?
You forced me out. You and Mom and Dad.
All you.
- Give me a break. No one forced you out.
- Oh, yes, you did!
I wasn't welcome in this house once
I started asking tough questions.
Is that what they were?
Tough questions?
"Oh, why does God allow bad
things to happen to good people?"
Or, "How do we even know
God exists?" Really?
Just back off,
little brother.
Maybe you were just
trying to impress a coed
with how worldly and
forward thinking you were.
I guess your Christian
roots were too provincial.
At least I know what's happening in the
world five miles outside the county line!
You're right,
I don't know!
And I don't know why
you left me
to take care of Mom and
Dad when they were sick!
Why did you leave me to take care
of everything after they were gone?
Do you have any idea what
you did to Mom and Dad?
You broke their hearts!
You're the one
that broke my heart!
You really don't get that,
do you?
You didn't take the time to
understand what I was going through.
I was trying to sort out
my own faith!
My own sense of God!
I was changing, and you
all hated me for it.
And that's the truth, David.
What am I doing wrong?
Just show me.
[car door opens]
[newscaster on TV] As the battle
rages on in Hope Springs,
police say they're expecting
hundreds of students and locals
for a protest outside
Saint James Church.
- Some showing support for the church...
- [knocking]
Did you ever even stop to ask
why Adam threw that brick?
He's tired of feeling
judged and rejected
by the people who should
be loving and accepting.
You want to know why our
generation's leaving the church?
It's because the whole world
knows what the church is against
but it's getting harder and
harder to know what it's for.
You're right.
There's something I need to do.
Will you come with me?
[Keaton] Pastor Dave is here to see you...
if you want.
[lock clicks]
[door closes]
I'm the one
that sent you that message.
I needed you to know.
I guess I was hoping
that you'd...
This is, uh...
This is Jude's Bible.
He'd want you
to have it.
I'm so sorry.
About Jude,
I am so... sorry.
We want to plead
for leniency for Adam.
I'm the only witness
the state has.
I'll tell the DA
what I saw,
that Jude's death couldn't
have been premeditated.
I spoke with Jude's parents.
They feel the same.
[sighs] We're hoping the state
will agree to a lesser charge.
Drop it from a felony
to a misdemeanor.
Hopefully, he doesn't have
to do any more jail time.
The boy shouldn't be collateral
damage for our fight, Tom.
There's gonna be a big protest
tonight at the church.
Town's on edge. The whole
thing has gone too far.
- Didn't have to.
- You're right.
And I'm sorry.
I truly am.
For everything.
Me too. My part.
So, what about
the church?
[protestors] The church must go!
Enough is enough!
The church must go!
Enough is enough!
The church must go!
Enough is enough!
[chanting continues]
Can I talk to them?
This is my church.
The church must go!
Enough is enough!
One God! One truth!
One God! One truth!
The church must go!
Enough is enough!
One God!
The church must go!
Enough is enough!
The church must go!
Enough is enough!
[chanting continues]
May I have your attention?
Can I please say something?
Get out of here!
Excuse me. May I just say...
May I say something?
Can I please say something?
Please! Please! Let's hear
what the man has to say.
[Dave] Thank you.
I came here tonight...
to ask all of you
for your forgiveness.
The other night, I stood
before this burnt altar...
and I heard God's voice for the
first time in a long time.
Couldn't have been clearer.
He said, "This building...
is not my church."
Although Saint James
has meant everything to me...
it's been my whole life...
I would gladly give all
of that up for this.
For you.
So I am withdrawing my
lawsuit against the school
and dropping the charges
against Adam Richertson.
I've also agreed to turn this
land over to Hadleigh University
so that they can use it
to build a new student center,
a long overdue addition
to this campus.
Chancellor Ellsworth
has assured me
that this new facility will have
a space for our Harbor House,
led by our campus minister,
Josh Wheaton.
As for me...
I'm going to build
a new church.
And I don't know how,
I don't know where yet,
but I'm willing to bet that
God can handle the details.
And I'd love your help.
All of you.
We can build something new
But for now, please,
put down those signs.
Put 'em down.
Go ahead, lay them down.
Put 'em down.
Let's stop shouting at each
other and start listening.
It's the only way
that things will get better.
Now, please,
take these candles...
and let's stand together.
Thank you.
Let this candle represent
peace, hope... and unity.
And love.
[Keaton narrating] Sometimes
all it takes is a spark.
Something very small.
But the spark becomes a flame.
And if that flame spreads,
the power can be so overwhelming it
transforms everything around it.
[TV host] The divisive
pastor at the center
of weeks
of vehement protest
has suddenly become a symbol of
forgiveness and unity in Hope Springs.
And what was once
a city divided
is now a community
coming together to heal.
You can't be taken seriously as a leader
if you roll over for your enemies.
No, I don't think that
Reverend Hill rolled over.
I think that he saw people suffering
and he made a sacrifice for them.
Surely, the parallels to
Christianity are not lost on you.
So, I mean, call it a
publicity stunt if you want,
but we were there.
I mean, this dude's legit.
He would have won.
He could have given Hadleigh the
finger, but he handed it back.
He cares more about this community
than winning. I believe that.
Perhaps the rest of the country
can take a page from this book.
- [woman] Your two o'clock is here.
- Send her in, Charlotte.
Hey. Let me guess.
You're probably on
another phone interview.
Listen, if you're going to do
the media circuit thing,
why don't you get
a big-boy haircut,
get Meg to take you
clothes shopping.
Um, give me a call when you
get your head above water.
I want to hear about the
plans for the new digs.
I'm proud of you,
little brother.
Take care, David.
- Hi.
- Hey.
[all cheering]
I think you're
gonna love it here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Good stuff.
You know what I was thinking?
What's that?
Jude was right.
God is good.
All the time.
And all the time...
God is good.
[Keaton narrating]
I can hear you again.
And even though I know
you were never really gone...
it's good to have you back.
[man] My God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
- He's roaring
- Roaring
Roaring like a lion
- Roaring
- Roaring
- He's roaring
- Let heaven roar
- And the fire fall
- And fire fall
- Father Come shake the ground
- Come shake the ground
- And with the sound
- Of revival
- Shake one more time
- And let heaven roar
- We need your fire
- Let fire roar
- 'Cause our hearts are cold
- Come shake the ground
- Shake the ground
- With the sound
- We need you now
- Of revival
Sing it one more time
Let heaven roar
- If we ever Needed you before
- And fire fall
- This world needs you now
- Come shake the ground
- Shake this ground
- With the sound
- With your revival
- Of revival
Hallelujah! Whoo!
My God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
- Oh, yeah
- He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
God's not dead
He's surely alive
- He's living on the inside - Come on!
- Roaring like a lion
- Roaring
- Roaring
- He's roaring
- Roaring
- Oh, yeah
- Roaring like a lion
- Roaring like a lion
- Can't you hear him roaring?
- Roaring
- He's roaring
Roaring like a lion
Oh, yeah
And these are they
Who have come
Out of great tribulation
They have washed their robes
And made them white
In the blood of the lamb
[song ends]
Is my soul forever broken?
Is my heart beyond repair?
'Cause my wounds
Are left here open
And I'm struggling for air
I bet you watch for the drop
I'm hoping to God
That I'll reach the top
Let me tell you
That you're wrong
'Cause I am resilient
And there is no fear in me
When I fall down
I get up
No, I'm not afraid
To hit the ground
'Cause the sky is where
I will rebound
No, I'm not afraid
To hit the ground
'Cause I am resilient
- And there is no fear in me
- I will rebound
- When I fall down, I get up
- I will rebound
No, I'm not afraid
To hit the ground
I will rebound
The healing that happened here
can happen anywhere.
I'm Michael Tait
of the Newsboys.
The cure to
what plagues our world
isn't more division
or finger-pointing.
It's hope and unity and letting
Christ's love shine through us.
The beauty
of the human race
is found in the diversity
of the human race.
Let's celebrate this.
Since the very first
God's Not Dead movie,
we set out to inspire
a movement to show
God is alive
and still working today.
It's not easy to see in a world
of division and anger and pain,
but God remains good
all the time.
We just need to
show it through our words,
our actions, and our love.
It's our chance to be
a light in darkness.
So let's start right now.
As you leave the theaters,
share a message
of integrity and unity
with your family and friends
on social media
with the #GodsNotDead
and by downloading
the "God's Not Dead" app.
Together, we can create
a wave of hope
and inspiration online.
Our world desperately
needs to see the light.
Let's share it.
Let's be it.
God bless you.