Going to the Mat (2004)

[Band Playing Jazz]
[Song Ends]
Man: Lucille,
Get Your Brother.
Think Fast!
Boy: Ah, Here It Comes.
I'm Striking Him Out
This Time.
Give It To Me.
[Ball Beeping]
Ooh, Swing And A Miss.
What's There
To Do In Utah?
Same Stuff They Do Here,
Except Much Slower.
Hey, Good Luck
Trying To Find
A Kosher Hot Dog
In That State.
Come On,
Give It To Me.
Boy: Here It Comes.
[Dog Barking]
All Right,
You Got This One!
Strike You Out.
Here It Comes.
Here It Comes.
Ooh, Nice Hit!
That's Out
Of Here!
Bet The Only Jazz They Have
Is The Basketball Team.
Come On, Switch It Up.
That Sounds Bleak.
I'm Happy It's You
And Not Me Going To Utah.
All Right, Come On.
Ready For This?
Ok, Here We Go.
All Right, Give Me A Target.
Come On!
[Hand Pounding Mitt]
They Got A Music Program
At This School?
Get This, Their Band
Plays At Football Games.
Whoa, Hold Me Back.
Hey, Who Wants An Egg Cream?
I'm Buying.
Oh, You Know I'm In.
I Don't Know
What Happened.
You Know,
I Was Going Along
Perfectly Happy.
My Dad Gets
One Phone Call,
My Life Turns Into
An After-School Special.
That'll Be $8.00, Kids.
Yeah, You Can Say
That Again.
Oh, Bummer.
That's It. You Guys
Are Going Down.
We're Gonna Miss You, Man.
Man: Up There
On The Right.
Oh, Wow!
Woman: Oh, Honey, Looks Great.
It's Huge!
Jace, We're Gonna
Have To Teach You
How To Mow A Lawn.
This Is Gonna Work
For All Of Us.
I Think This Is
Gonna Be Great.
Good Morning.
Um, Would You Mind Putting
That On The Front Porch?
I'm Not Sure
Where I Want It Yet.
Yes, Ma'am.
Can You Take
The Drum Set Upstairs?
You Know, The Bass Drum?
Mover: Yes, Ma'am.
There It Is,
Home Sweet Home.
What Do You Think?
Oh, Wow.
That's Nice.
That's Much Better.
So, What Are
We Talking About Here?
A 6-Story Castle?
My Own Private Club
On The Roof?
Video Arcade
In The Dining Room?
Mermaids Frolicking
In The Pool?
Karl Malone Shooting
Hoops With You.
He's Not Here
Anymore, Dad.
Or Maybe Not.
But I Did Make Sure
They Put Your Rim Up First.
You Want To Play
Some Ball?
You're On.
Let's Go.
[Hoop Beeping]
Hey, Jace,
You All Right?
Yeah, Thanks, Dad.
I'm Fine.
[Hoop Beeping]
[Wheels Cranking]
How You Doing?
What's Up?
You Moving In?
That's The Rumor.
Name's Jace.
What Are You Doing?
I Was Testing.
You're, Uh...
You Can Call Me Daredevil.
But How'd You Know
My Hand Was There?
Facial Vision.
It Has To Do
With Vibrations
In The Air.
I Can Tell
Where People Are
When They Move.
Like Bat Radar, Huh?
Just One Of
My Many Superpowers.
Want To Shoot Some Hoops?
No, Um--
I Was--
I'm Not That Much
Into Sports.
I'll Talk
To You Later, Ok?
[Bell Rings]
Are You Sure
You Don't Want Me
To Take You In
And Get You Settled?
What Am I,
In Kindergarten?
I'll Be Fine.
I Love You, Mom.
Me, Too, Sweetie.
[Engine Starts]
Here, Let Me Get
The Door For You.
[Bell Ringing]
Are You Ok?
Excuse Me?
Do You Need
Any Help?
No, I'm All Set.
So, You Gonna Go
To The Game On Friday?
What Do You Say--
Hey, Man, Are You
Blind Or Something?
Oops, My Bad.
Hey, Everybody.
Check It Out,
A Talking Side Of Beef.
What's Your Name,
Farm Boy?
Ooh, That's One For John,
One For The Blind Kid.
Yeah, Well, I'd--
I'd Punch His Lights Out,
But It Looks Like...
Somebody Already Has.
You Know That One.
I Haven't Heard
That One Since
Like The Second Grade.
Come On, John Boy,
Park Your Cow
And Take A Shot.
Come On, Let It Go.
[Fingers Snap]
Where You Going?
I Gotta Go
Look After The Cows.
Ah, Funny Guy.
Do You Always
Make Friends This Easily?
How Big Was
That Guy Anyway?
Well, Not Terribly Big.
He's Just Captain
Of The Football Team.
And The Captain
Of The Wrestling Team.
Major Oops.
You Know, If You'd Agreed
To Walk With Me,
We Could Have Avoided
This Whole Thing.
Maybe I Just Like
Doing Things
The Hard Way.
Please, All Guys Do.
I Know.
I Have 3 Brothers.
So Are You
Jason Newfield?
How'd You Guess?
I'm Mary Beth Rice.
I'm Gonna Be One
Of Your Readers.
Why, Cause
It Looks Good On Your
College Application?
No. I'm Totally Doing It
For The Cash.
Catch You Later.
[Bell Rings]
[Knocks On Door]
Hey! Is This
Mr. Kamen's Spanish 2?
Yes, Unfortunately.
Let Me Show You
To A Seat.
Thank You.
I Guess That Makes
2 Of Us Stuck Here
In Never-Never Land.
So Where Are
You From, Dude?
Only The Greatest Place
In The Universe,
New York City.
Thank You Very Much.
Am I Supposed
To Be Impressed?
Jason: Ok...
New Kid's Comedy
Crashes And Burns.
Howdy, Partner!
Oh, Boy.
Farm Boy.
[All Playing Bach Slowly]
[Up-Tempo Drum Solo]
[Playing Up-Tempo]
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Ho! Ho! Ho! Hey!
Hey, Who's Playing
The Drums?
That's Me, Mr. Wyatt.
Jace Newfield.
Jace Newfield.
Mr. Newfield,
My Man!
Man, That Is Interesting,
Mr. Newfield.
I Had No Idea
That Bach Had Written
A Drum Solo.
Class, Did You?
I Didn't Know That,
But Then Again,
I Don't Have
Your Vast
Musical Knowledge.
I Was Just--
It Was A Little--
No, I Know. You Weren't
Trying To Show Off.
You Were Trying To Improve
Johann Sebastian Bach.
You Know What's Amazing Is
You Are The First Person
To Be That Brilliant
In Over 300 Years.
Ladies And Gentlemen,
A Big Round Of Applause
For Mr. Jace Newfield!
Look, Mr. Wyatt,
It's Not
That Big A Deal.
Mr. Newfield, Please,
Do Not Come Into My Class
And Assume That You Are
Better Than Anybody Else.
I'm Not Assuming
Because If You Want
Special Treatment,
Then You Go
To A Special School.
In My Class, Everyone Is
Regarded As An Equal.
I'm Sorry, All Right.
I J--Forget It.
You Wouldn't Understand.
My Guess Is I Understand
Better Than Anybody.
Mr. Wyatt: Ok...
In Case Nobody
Told You,
He's Just Like You.
Talk About The Blind
Leading The Blind.
[All Laughing]
See What You Did There?
That's Funny.
That Was A Joke.
You're A Clown.
If You Want To Juggle
And Sword Swallow,
That's Next-Door.
If You Want To Make Music
And Be Part Of The Ensemble,
That's Right Here.
Are We Clear?
Mr. Wyatt: Are We Clear?
All Right,
Bach, The Right Way.
[Class Playing Slowly]
[Bell Rings]
Hey, Jace,
Awesome Playing
In There, Man.
Hey, Vince.
How's It Going?
Maybe You Are
A Superhero.
One Meeting,
And You Already
Recognize My Voice?
You Know What They Say.
Once You Lose One Sense,
The Others Kind Of Kick In
To Pick Up The Slack.
So, You're In
The Band, Too, Huh?
Who Do You Think
Backed You
On The Piano?
Hey, Wait, Wait.
Hold On.
So, Who's That
Wyatt Guy?
He's--Hey, Good Night,
Mr. Wyatt.
Hey, Mr. Shu.
Mr. Newfield.
Good Evening, Mr. Wyatt.
[Nervous Laugh]
He's Cool.
He Just Don't
Like Surprises.
So Much For Music Being
My Way In Around Here.
Well, It's Kind Of
Never In.
Out Of My Way, Fly.
Sorry For Living, Nolan.
You Should Be.
Come On, John.
Hey, John Boy.
I'm Shaking Already.
You Know What?
You're Gonna Get Hurt, Kid.
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh.
Don't Push It,
Oh, Ok.
You Really Shouldn't
Mess With Those Guys.
They Were
Messing With Me.
So, "Fly," Huh?
What's The Deal
With That?
Well, That's What
Everybody Calls Me.
Not Exactly
A Big Dude, Are You?
I Will Be.
I'm Just Behind 5 To 10 Years.
So, You Walking Home?
No. My Mom's
Driving Me.
She's Afraid I Might
End Up In Colorado.
And You're Supposed
To Be Blind?
Last Year,
My Band Played
The Christmas Show
At Rockefeller Center.
It Was Awesome.
Kids Were Dancing
And Screaming.
One Girl Even Wanted
My Autograph. No Lie.
Not Here, Man.
Band Guys Are
Like Sea Monkeys,
The Lowest Form Of Life.
At Football Games,
It's A Good Night
If No One Throws
Empty Cups At Our Heads.
Fly, Ball.
Uh, A Bounce Pass
Next Time.
Yeah, Sorry About That.
Forgot You're A Blind Guy.
So What Does A Guy Have
To Do In This Joint
To Be Accepted?
Basically, Be A Jock.
Everyone Thinks, Like,
A Letterman's Jacket Is,
Like, King Of The World
Or Something.
It's Not Gonna
Help Me Much.
Man, What Are You
Talking About?
You're 10 Times
The Basketball Player I Am,
And You Can't Even See
What You're Doing.
I Shouldn't
Have Said That.
Oh, I've Heard Worse.
Think Fast!
Jace: Wait.
I'm Confused.
I Thought
I Was The Blind Guy?
Ha Ha.
Very Funny,
Come On.
All Right, Gentlemen,
We're Gonna Work
On The Weave.
We'll Need 3 Groups
At Half-Court.
Whose Birthday Is
January To April?
Left Side.
May To August?
You're In The Middle.
Everybody Else On The Right.
Jace, Phil Rice.
Welcome To Homestead.
Thank You.
You Might Want To Use
This Time To Go
Do Some Homework
Or Something.
No, I Can Do This.
I Used To Play Basketball
All The Time At Home.
Not To Be Rude,
But How?
A Bounce-Pass-Only Rule,
And We Need A Beeping
Backboard So I Can Tell
Where The Hoop Is.
Well, I'm Certainly Gonna Look
Into Getting One Of Those,
But For Today
You'll Have To Sit Out.
The Bleachers Are Over Here.
Beep, Beep.
Thank You!
Here We Go, Fellas!
Good, Crisp Passes!
[Whistle Blows]
Boy: All Right,
Let's Go!
Boy: Nice.
Coach Rice: That's It.
Second Boy:
Nice Shot, Johnny.
Coach Rice: Good Job.
Good Job.
Shoot Like A Ute!
That's It.
Mr. Kamen: Yeah, Boomer?
20, 30, 40--
No, No, No.
In Espaol,
Por Favor.
Trienta, Cuarinta,
Y, Uh...
[Groans] Yeah, Ok.
That's Right.
That's There
In The Ol' Ballpark.
Ok, Who Wants To Try
60, 70, And 80?
Mr. Kamen: John?
Uh, Sesenta...
Y, Uh...
Pinta Y
Santa Maria?
Mr. Kamen, Chuckling:
That's Cute.
Yeah, Jace.
Sesenta, Setenta, Y Ochenta.
Now That's What
I'm Talking About.
Sesenta, Setenta, Ochenta.
Muy Bien.
Jace On Recorder: Sesenta,
Setenta, Y Ochenta.
What Was That?
[Tape Recorder Beeps]
Remember To E-Mail Pete
About That Genius Girl
In Math.
Very Funny, Guys.
Jace: I Mean, Hello,
Get Out Much?
Talk About Living
On Planet Hillbilly.
Is There A Problem,
Somebody Took
My Tape Recorder.
Mr. Kamen: Well, Whoever
Has Jace's Recorder
Return It To Him, Please?
[Alarm Rings]
Ok, That Is The Fire Bell.
Now, Let's Take
This Seriously.
We Don't Know If It's
A Drill Or The Real Thing.
So, Please,
Evacuate As Quickly
And As Calmly As Possible.
P.A.: Attention,
Students And Faculty,
This Is A Fire Drill.
All Students And Faculty
Must Evacuate The Premises
At Once.
Make Your Way
To The Nearest Exit.
Students And Faculty,
This Is A Fire Drill.
All Students And Faculty
Must Evacuate
The Premises At Once...
P.A.: This Is A Fire Drill.
All Students And Faculty
Must Evacuate
The Premises At Once.
Somebody Help Me!
Please Proceed With Caution.
Please Proceed With Caution.
Boy: Don't Keep Staring.
P.A.: For Your Safety,
Monitors Will Direct You
To Designated Safety Areas.
Please Remain There
Until Further Instructions.
[Rock Music Playing]
[Song Ends]
[Bell Rings]
Hello, Hello.
You're Early.
All Right,
Let The Learning Begin.
Let's Go.
Let's Go.
Good Afternoon.
Good Afternoon.
Give Me Some.
What's Up?
Give Me Some.
Mary Beth: Jace,
Are You Listening?
Jace: Yeah.
'Cause We Only Have
A Few Minutes.
"In The Early Days
Of Colonization,
"Many Europeans Considered
The Native Americans
"To Be Acutely Naive
And Quite Uncivilized.
"In Their Remarkably
Narrow View,
They Equated Those Differences
With Inferiority."
Welcome To My World.
What's That
Supposed To Mean?
Oh, Yeah, Like You
Haven't Noticed.
People Here Have No Idea
How To Deal With Me.
Do You Know How Many Times
Somebody Starts
Talking Really Loud
In My Face?
Hello, I'm Blind,
Not Deaf.
You Want To Know
The Truth?
People Don't Care
That You're Blind.
They're Turned Off
Because They Think
You're A Total Snob.
What Are You
Talking About?
All Your
New Yorkers Rule Stuff,
The Hicksville Jokes,
Don't You Think It
Gets Really Annoying?
Jace: Well, I'm Sorry,
But I Never Wanted
To Be Here
In The First Place.
Well, You Are Here,
Aren't You?
So You Might As Well
Quit Blaming Us
And Lose
The Attitude.
Mr. Wyatt: Mr. Newfield,
You Plan On Joining Us?
[Band Playing]
[Song Ends]
Hey, Newfield,
Why Aren't You
Out There Playing
For The Home Team?
Oh, I Was Going To,
But My Seeing Eye Dog
Kept Pawing
Everyone's Helmet Off.
You're A Funny Guy.
I Don't See You
Oh, Wait!
You're The One Who's
Supposed To Be Making
The Lame Blind Jokes.
You Know, I Would
Love A Real Chance
To Take That Guy Down.
I Really Would.
Maybe You Should
Go Out For A Team.
[Scoffs] Please
Don't Make It Archery.
Oh, Yeah, That's Good.
Look Out!
I Was Thinking
I'm Sorry. I Think
She Said Wrestling.
Can He Do That?
Please, Don't Encourage Her.
Why Not?
You Could Go Out
For Our Wrestling Team.
My Dad's The Coach.
He And I Went
To The Regionals Last Year
And Saw This Blind Kid
From Denver Who Won
His Weight Division.
[Whistle Blows]
Are You Two
Looking At Me?
Computer: The Only Special
Consideration Afforded
The Sightless
Challenge Competitor Is
That They And Their Opponents
Begin Each Match
In Full Contact Position,
Although Each Contestant
May Subsequently Move
And Change
The Starting Position.
As Long As There Is
Some Kind Of Contact
Between The 2 Contestants,
The Wrestling Continues.
Once Contact Is Broken,
The Referee Must Blow
The Whistle
And Reestablish Contact...
Mary Beth?
Ok, I'll Do It.
All Other Rules Governing
The National Title...
Ok, Stop Laughing.
[Hits Telephone On Desk]
Stop Laughing.
How Did I Get
Roped Into This?
Come On, Fly.
It'll Be Good For You.
Wrestling Is
The One Sport
Where The Little Dudes
Are Just As Valuable
As The Big Monsters.
But The Little Dudes
Get Eaten
By The Big Monsters.
Hey, Coach?
Hiya, Jace.
Who's Your Friend?
Vince Shu.
You Can Call Me Fly,
Everyone Does.
Good To Meet You .
Word Is You Guys
Want To Join The Team.
Well, Not Exactly--
Absolutely, Sir.
We Are Very Keen.
Keen, Huh?
Well, Have You
Ever Wrestled?
A Little With My Dad.
Well, Starting From Scratch,
I Mean, It Would Take
An Incredible Amount
Of Hard Work.
I Love Hard Work.
Yeah, What He Said.
Jace, Do You Mind Me Asking
Why You Even Think
You'd Want To Try This?
Just Looking For A Way
To Compete Around Here, Coach.
All Right.
These Are Some Tapes
From Our Matches Last Year.
I Want You Guys
To Watch Them And--
Fly, Why Don't You
Describe The Moves To Jace,
The Major Action,
And You Guys Come Back
And See Me Next Week.
If You're Still Interested,
We'll Work Something Out.
What Are The Odds
Of Me Getting Smushed?
Thanks, Coach.
Oh, Funny Guy.
See You Next Week!
I Don't Understand.
Wrestling Just Seems
So Gross, So...
Mom, Everybody Does
Some Sport Around Here.
Why Fight It?
Since When
Do You Do Things
Just Because
Everybody Else
Is Doing It?
That's Never Been
Who You Are.
It's Like I Told You,
Except For When I'm With Fly,
I'm Either The Blind Guy,
Or I'm Invisible.
Tom, Don't Just
Sit There. Help Me.
I--I Think
He Should Do It.
Haven't We
Always Told Him
He Could Do Whatever
He Puts His Mind To,
So Why Should
This Wrestling Be
Any Different?
Because It Sounds Dangerous.
Mom, My Whole Life
Is Dangerous.
Just Walking Out
The Front Door
Is Dangerous.
It Doesn't Mean
I Should Sit
In My Room And Hide.
First Off, Promise Me
You Didn't Forge
Your Mom's Signature
On This Waiver.
If It's Signed
Neatly On The Line,
You Can Pretty Much
Guarantee It Wasn't Me.
All Right...143.
That Could Work For Us.
Right Now,
It's Luke Nolan's Spot,
But We've Got Nobody
In Backup.
Mr. Shu...
That Weight Class Is Open.
All Right,
Here's The Deal.
Anybody's Welcome
To Work Out With Us,
But If You Commit,
I Expect You
To Show Up Regularly.
Now, If You Want To Earn
The Right To Compete
In A League Meet,
You Have To Win
Your Weight Class
In A Wrestle-Off
Which I Hold
Every 2 To 3 Weeks.
Any Questions?
Got It.
If You Guys Really Want
To Try This,
Be At The Gym
After School Monday.
We'll See What You Got.
Thanks, Coach.
Come On, Fly.
[Whistle Blows]
All Right, Everybody To
The South End Of The Mat!
That's On My Right.
Sorry, Coach.
Yeah, Sorry.
Ok, Shot Drill
On My Whistle.
[Whistle Blows]
[Whistle Blows]
[Whistle Blows]
Luke, 25 Bucks Says
The Gimp And The Wimp
Don't Last 2 Weeks.
Luke: You're On.
Coach Rice:
Chest Over Knees!
Watch Yourself There, Jace.
Keep Good
Head Position, Fly!
Bottom Man, Sit Out.
Top Man, Chop.
Bottom, Sit.
Top, Chop.
Tuck Your Elbow.
Top Man,
Follow His Hips.
Dude, What Was That?!
Oh, Man. You Ok?
No, You Headbutted Me
In My Nose.
You Probably Broke It.
Coach Rice:
Take It Easy.
Settle Down.
Hey, Good Call, Coach,
Bringin' Some Guy In Here
Who Can't Even See
What He's Doin'.
Thanks A Lot.
That's Enough, Mike.
Just Get Some Ice.
Don't Worry
About It, Jace.
Accidents Happen.
Especially When
You Hire The Handicapped.
Let's Get Back
To The Drill.
On Your Technique.
Referee's Position,
When You Sit Out,
Don't Extend
Your Head Back.
It Throws Your
Balance Off, Ok?
Ready? Go!
Let's Do It Again.
Pressure First, Fly,
Pressure First.
Watch Your
Hip Angle, Tim.
What's Your Favorite
Nursery Rhyme--
"3 Blind Mice"?
Just Do This.
Big Third Eye Blind Fan,
Are You?
Or Is It Blind Melon?
Quit It, Freak!
Get Off Of Me!
That's Enough!
Luke, Knock It Off!
If You Got
Aggression To Work Out,
Get A Punching Bag.
This Is Wrestling,
Not Street Brawling.
And Whether You Were
Provoked Or Not,
I'm Not Gonna Have
One Of My Guys Get Hurt
Just Because You Can't
Control Your Temper.
The Guy
Was Tryin' To--
He Was What?
Look, Wrestling
Is Not Just About
Brute Strength.
It's About
Intelligence, Jace.
Now, You've Got
A Good Brain,
So Why Don't You
Start Using It?
Are We Done?
So, How Is
Wrestling Going?
It's Not Like I'm In
Any Danger To Making It
Into An Actual Meet.
I'm Basically There
To Be Luke Nolan's
Tackling Dummy.
Thank You.
Our First Scrimmage
Is On Monday.
The Wasatch Cowboys.
I Know.
The Wasatch What's-Its?
Ha. Cowboys.
How Perfect Is That?
Does Their Gym
Have A Hitching Post
Out Front?
What, Do Their Uniforms
Come With Ten-Gallon Hats?
Hey, Careful. That Is
Sounding An Awful Lot
Like The Sarcastic Jace
That You Promised
To Stifle.
Sorry. I Just Don't Know
Why Everyone's Acting
Like It's Such A Big Deal.
Ancient Rivalry.
Plus, Their Star
T-Rex Turner
Has Been
Lambrix's Archenemy
Since Forever.
I Mean,
He Is The Defending
State Champ,
The Only One
That John Has
Never Beaten.
Wow. My Palms
Are Sweaty Already.
Girl: Come On, Boomer!
[People Cheering]
Yes! Yes! Yes!
[No Audio]
You're Going Down,
My Man.
Yeah, All Over You
For The Pin.
[Whistle Blows]
[Whistle Blows]
Come On, Boomer!
Come On,
Come On, Come On!
What Was That About?
Nothin'? Hmm.
I Changed My Mind.
You're Gonna Sit
This One Out Today.
What? Why?
Because I'm Not Having
You Dive Into Some
Personal Grudge Match
And Maybe Get Hurt
Before The Season
Even Starts.
I'm Not Gonna Get Hurt.
I'm Gonna Kick His Butt.
John, Listen To Me.
You're A Senior.
This Is Your Last Chance
At A State Title.
Now, You're On The Bench.
I'm Putting Luke In Your Spot,
And That's The End Of It.
Now, Go Sit Down
And Set An Example
For The Younger Guys.
Coach Benched Me.
[Whistle Blows]
[Both Grunting]
Come On, Luke!
Get Him! Come On!
Takedown, Red.
Neutral, Green.
Aah! Aah!
[Whistle Blows]
Luke, Echoing:
Aah! My Shoulder!
Better Grab
Dr. Norman.
Deep Breath, Luke.
Deep Breath.
[Luke Straining]
Try To Lay Still.
Try To Lay Still.
They Took The Dude Away
In An Ambulance, Jace.
An Ambulance!
Oh, Come On.
That Kind Of Stuff
Happens In Every Sport.
Which Is
An Excellent Reason
To Avoid Athletics...
My Dad Says It's
A Broken Collarbone.
Gonna Be Out For
At Least 2 Months.
You Know What
This Means, Jace.
He's Giving
The 145 Slot To You.
Why Would He Do That?
Because He Says
You've Worked Harder
Than Anybody.
You've Earned It.
You're The Only One
He's Got Who Fits
The Weight Class.
First Match
Is Tomorrow.
Hey, Jace?
Your First Official
Match Is Thursday.
Your Dad And I
Can Both Be There.
His Last Class
Ends At 1:00.
Heh. Mom,
You're Not Listening.
I Don't Want You There.
Why Not?
Because I'll Be
Nervous Enough.
Having You And Dad There
Will Only--
I Just Want All My Focus
To Be On The Match, Ok?
It's Nothing Personal.
It Feels Personal.
I Promise...
I'll Let You Guys
Come Later In The Season,
As Soon As I Figure Out
What I'm Doing.
As Long As
I'm Still Alive.
The Freak
Is Still Here.
And I Owe Luke
25 Bucks.
How Much
Does That Stink?
Everybody Thinks
It's So Great
He's On The Team.
Do They Even Care
How It Affects
The Rest Of Us?
No, It Doesn't Matter.
Everybody's Too Busy
Being Politically Correct.
Hey, Boomer.
[Crowd Cheering]
[Whistle Blows]
[Teammates Cheering]
[Blows Whistle]
[All Booing]
Hey, Fly.
Anybody Can Sit
Over There In
The Crowd And Boo.
You Showed Up
Out There.
Keep Your Head Up.
[Whistle Blows]
Jace, You're On Deck.
Make Sure You're Loose.
Thanks, Coach.
Hey, Jace.
Good Luck
Out There, Man.
Good Luck, Man.
Thanks, Boomer.
Sure, Sure.
[Both Laugh]
[Whistle Blows]
[Both Grunting]
[Blows Whistle]
Good Job, Billy.
That's It.
How Do You Feel?
You Ready To Go?
All Right. Think About
What We Worked On.
Thanks, Coach.
[High-Pitched Voice]
Where Is He?
I Have No Idea.
Coach Rice:
10 More Steps.
[Boys Laughing]
Somebody Sit Up All Night
Plannin' This Out?
When You Disrespect
A Teammate,
You Disrespect
It Was Just
A Joke, Coach.
No, John.
Jokes Are Funny.
I Won't Have A Bully
On My Team.
[Blows Whistle]
Come On,
Get Him, Jace!
This Is Pathetic.
He's Gonna Hurt Us.
[Blows Whistle]
Coach Rice: Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
Repeat! Repeat! Go!
[Blows Whistle]
[Blows Whistle]
[Blows Whistle]
[Laughs] Oh, Man.
All: Go, Huskies!
[People Booing]
[Radio Playing Soul Music]
[Humming Along]
Mary Beth:
He's At The End
Of The Bench.
Jace: Thanks,
Mary Beth.
Nice Groove. Motown?
Late Seventies,
Early Eighties?
Maybe Funk Brothers
On Backup?
Ah, Nice Ear,
Mr. Newfield.
Nice Ear.
Detroit, 1985.
Not The Funk Brothers,
But Definitely
Inspired By.
Something Tells Me
That You Did Not
Seek Me Out
Simply To Discuss
32-Bar Blues.
You Know, I Realize
We Haven't Gotten
Along That Great,
And I've Been Having
A Rough Time,
And It Seemed
Like You Were
The Only One
That Could Relate.
Is This About Music?
Ah. I Heard A Rumor
That You Joined The Squad.
I'm Gettin' Hammered.
A Bunch Of The Guys
Really Resent Me
For Being There.
Why'd You Join Up
In The First Place?
I Wanted To Be Part
Of One Thing
Where My Disability
Was Totally Irrelevant.
And Your Music
Doesn't Give You That?
[Scoffs] Yeah,
If I Want To Be
A Walking Clich.
Me, Stevie Wonder,
Ray Charles,
Jos Feliciano.
No, Don't Apologize, Man.
I'm Happy
With Who I Am.
Are You?
Doesn't It Ever
Tick You Off
That When People
Look At You,
The Only Thing
They See Is
A Blind Guy?
What? I'm Blind?
How Am I Gonna Get Home?
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Man, Of Course!
I'm A Blind Guy.
So Are You. So What?
Thanks For
Your Advice.
Well, What Do You Want Me
To Say To You, Huh?
"Wait. Stay The Course.
It Gets Easier."
Well, Guess What, Man?
It Doesn't.
People Are Gonna Treat You
Differently Always
Because You Are Different.
Tell Me Something
I Don't Know.
Ok. Ok, I Will.
You Have Been
Walkin' Around Here
With A Chip
On Your Shoulder
A Mile High.
You Might As Well Have
This Little Blinking Light
Right On Your Shoulder
That Says,
"Look At Me. Pity Me.
Poor, Misunderstood Me."
Look, Why Don't You...
Play Your Song
Another Way?
People Listen
To The Music You Make.
Play It So That
They Can See You
As You Really Are.
Wait Up.
I Gotta Grab My Jacket.
[Heavy Breathing]
Hey, Newfield.
Anybody Tell You
Practice Ended
A Half An Hour Ago.
Maybe For You Guys
That Have Been Winning.
Hold On. Let Me
Grab That For You.
No, Thanks, John.
I Got It.
You Know...
Even If I Don't Score Us
One Point This Season,
I Don't Want Anyone
To Be Able To Say
I Didn't Work My Butt Off.
Hey, Mary Beth.
Hey, John.
Weren't We Supposed
To Be Reading?
I'm Sorry. I Just...
I Gotta Do Something
To Turn This
Wrestling Thing
I Know You're Not Asking
For My Advice,
But Can I Give It Anyway?
After Listening
To My Dad
And My Brothers
For A Million Years,
It Seems To Me That Maybe
The Reason Why You Haven't
Won A Match Yet
Is Because
Your Balance Is Off.
I Mean, Wrestling
Is Like Dancing.
Every Move Should Flow
From Your Body's Center.
I Mean,
Learn That Natural Rhythm,
And You'll Be Fine.
How Do I Do That?
Well, First Off,
You Can Hire Me
To Be Your Dance Coach.
[Doorbell Rings]
[Knock On Door]
Good Morning,
Mrs. Newfield.
Hello, Mary Beth.
Nice Dog.
And This Is Supposed
To Help Me Wrestle?
Yes. But First,
We Need Some Music.
All Right, No Problem.
I Got It.
[Mimicking Hip-Hop Beat]
You Know What?
I Kinda Brought My Own.
Just Tryin' To Help.
[Dance Music Playing]
Now Let's Dance, Ok?
Put Your Hands
On My Waist.
I Promise I've Had
All My Shots.
So Have I.
This Isn't
Ballroom Dancing.
It's Wrestling, Ok?
Contact Position.
Ok, We're Gonna
Move Right And Left.
Just Go With
The Flow, Ok?
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8.
Now Back.
1, 2, 3, 4.
1, 2, 3...
1, 2, 3, 4.
All Right.
1, 2, 3, 4.
This Is Working.
This Is Working.
3, 4, And Spin.
Ok, This Is
Not Working, Ok?
There's No Spinning
In Wrestling.
I Know. I Just Thought
It Was Pretty Funny.
This Is Jesse
The Wonder Dog.
He's Gonna Be
Your Wrestling Partner.
Every Move Should Flow
Into The Next, Ok?
Uh, Your Opponent Acts,
You React.
So, Now Show Me
Referee Position.
Ok. In A Reversal,
Step One Is To Bring
Your Right Knee Up.
Step 2, Swing Your
Left Knee Through.
Step 3, Lean On
Your Left Elbow.
Step 4,
Grab The Outside Leg
And The Inside Arm
And You Flip.
So, How Does That Feel?
Pthhh! Ech.
Mary Beth:
I Remember When
My Youngest Brother Tim
Told Dad That
He Was Gonna Play Golf
Instead Of Wrestle.
My Poor Father
Felt So Betrayed.
Both Your Other Brothers
Are Wrestlers?
Oh, Big Time.
Billy Was A State Champ
His Junior
And Senior Year.
How Does Your Mom
Handle All That
Are You Kidding?
She's Even More Into It
Than My Dad.
I Mean, There Could Be
10,000 People At A Meet,
And You Could Hear Her
Screaming Over Everybody.
Ha Ha.
That Is, Until
I Start Screaming,
And Then We're Like
Dueling Maniacs,
Yelling And Carrying On
Until Everybody Else
Clears Out Around Us.
This Is The First
We've Ever Had
That Hasn't Ended Up
Being All About Me.
So...Why Am I
Such A Selfish Jerk?
Selfish Jerk?
That's A Little Harsh.
No, Seriously,
Mary Beth.
Why Would You Ever
Want To Hang Out
With Me?
Because You Don't Care
That I Look Like
A Hideous Mutant She-Beast.
That's Not True.
How Would You Know?
Because Somebody
Like You
Would Have To Have
A Face That Matches
Her Heart.
That's So Sweet.
Hey...Let's Not
Get Too Excited.
I'm Only
Flattering You
So You'll
Keep Showing Up
To Cheer Me On.
Go, Jace.
Go, Jace!
Go, Jace!
Go, Jace!
Referee: Takedown, Red.
Force It! Force It!
[Blows Whistle]
That's 3!
Green, Injury Time!
Man, What Is
With You Today?
All You Gotta Do
Is Feel The Flow.
Great Fat Man's Roll.
Timing's Good Today.
Thanks, Coach.
So, In Wrestling,
You Have A Team Score
And A Match Score.
Ok? Each Match Has
3 2-Minute Periods,
And You Can Score Points
By Using A Reversal
Or An Escape Or A Pin,
Which Ends The Match.
Got It.
Here. I Brought You
Some Books.
Why Don't You
Read Up On It?
Oh, Homework.
Great, Thanks.
Go, Jace!
Go, Jace!
Go, Jace!
[Blows Whistle]
Go For
The Hip Toss, Jace!
Toss His Hip!
[Blows Whistle]
Out Of Bounds!
[All Cheering]
Come On!
What's Going On?
Is It Over?
No, Jace Is Ahead
By A Point.
That's Good,
[Blows Whistle]
Mary Beth:
Do The Hip Toss, Jace!
Takedown 2, Red!
One, Bring Up
Your Right Knee.
2, Your Left Knee
Swings Through.
3, Drop To Your
Left Elbow.
4, Turn On
A 90-Degree Angle.
5, Grab The Outside Leg
And Inside Arm.
That's One! No, No!
That's It! Center!
Whoo! Whoo!
Patty: Is It Over?
Did He Win?
No Idea!
Just Cheerin'
Go, Jace!
Shake Hands.
Victory, Green!
Buddy, You Won.
Come On, Man.
No Sweat.
That's What
I'm Talkin' About.
Whoo! Go, Jace!
Whoo Whoo!
If You Would Like
To Chill With My Friend Jace,
He'll Smack You In The Face
He's Blind As A Bat,
But I Don't Even Mind That,
'Cause He's--
[Mimicking Hip-Hop Beat]
Jace. Jace.
That's Him
Right There.
Jace Newfield?
Phil Pavone From
The Mountain
Valley Times.
How's It Going?
Great. Listen,
I'm Interested
In Doing A Story On You
For The Sunday
Sports Section.
You Got A Minute?
Well, Um, My Folks
Are Kinda Waitin'
For Me Upstairs.
We Can Certainly
Schedule It For
Another Time.
Thanks. You Know,
I'm Really Flattered
And Everything,
But There's A Bunch Of Guys
On That Team Do It
Much Better Than I Am.
Why Wouldn't You Want
To Interview Them?
Humble, Too.
That's Good.
That's Good.
Yeah, They're Great,
But Listen.
With You,
It's Different.
With You There's
More Of A, Uh...
Freaks And Geeks Angle?
That's Not It At All.
It's, Uh--
It's A Wonderful
Human-Interest Story.
Mr. Pavone,
Can We Make A Deal?
How About Waiting Till
I Win A Few More Matches?
You Know,
Really Doing Something
For The Team.
Then We'll Talk, Ok?
Fair Enough.
Good Job, Kid.
[School Bell Rings]
Study The Vocabulary Words
On Page 79
Of Your Workbooks, Please.
Expect A Quiz.
Yeah, What Are You
Worried About, Boomer?
You're Doing Fine.
Mike, Did You Get One?
Mr. Lambrix,
I Need To Talk To You
For Just A Minute.
Um, Just A Bit
Of A Problem, John.
If You're Not Able
To Manage At Least A "B"
On The Upcoming Midterm,
You're Gonna Have A "D"
In This Class.
That Means You Lose
Your Athletic Eligibility.
But Mr. Kamen,
You Can't
Do That To Me.
We're Right
In The Middle
Of The Season.
I'm Not Doing
Anything To You, John.
Those Are The Rules, Ok?
It Just Means
You Have To Work
A Little Harder
Over The Next Few Weeks.
Well, I Can't.
I Don't Get This Stuff.
It's--It's, Like--
It's Like
A Foreign Language To You?
Yeah, Exactly.
Yeah, Yeah.
Well, Maybe You Should
Just Find Somebody
To Tutor You.
Buena Suerte.
Te Puedo Ayudar.
What'd You Just Say?
It Means "I Can Help You"
In Spanish.
You'd Do That?
After The Hard Time
We've Been Giving You?
Yeah, Well,
Maybe I Realized
I Haven't Been
The Easiest Guy
To Be Around.
Ok. Thanks.
You Help Me
With My Spanish,
I'll Help You
Amp Up Your
Weight Training.
[School Bell Rings]
Up. Good Job.
Very Good.
What'd I Do?
I'm Saying Tell Me
"Very Good" In Spanish.
Muy Bueno.
I'm Saying, "Excellent,"
'Cause You Knew
"Very Good."
Heh. I Need Water.
[Laughs] Oh.
Thank You.
Ok, How Do You Say,
Uh, "Handshake"
In Spanish?
Oh. It's, Um...
It's, Uh...
Manos. Manos...
What The Heck
Is It?
[Turns Music On]
Apretn De Manos.
Just Think, Uh,
"To Operate."
You Know, The Surgeon
Shakes Your Hand Before
He Operates On You.
Apretn De Manos.
Apretn De Manos.
That's Tight.
Who Is It?
Oh. It's Me.
For Real?
Yeah, It's A Fight Song.
I'm Still Workin' On It.
You Should Keep
Workin' On It.
It's Good.
All Right, Uh,
Grab Your Gear.
Let Me Show You
All Right.
You Ready?
All Right, Listen.
All Right, Ok.
Ready? All Right,
Go Into Your Little
[Both Grunting]
What Was That?
All Right.
Now, That Was
My Bread And Butter
Move, My Friend.
I Mean,
You Learn That,
And You're Golden,
All Right?
Here. One More Time,
Huh? Yeah? Ready?
All Right.
[School Bell Rings]
[Guitar Playing]
Very, Very Nice.
Feel Like Some Company?
You Think
You Can Keep Up?
Did You--Did He
Just Say That To You?
Yeah, He Did.
Go Ahead.
Come On, Wrestle Boy.
Go Ahead.
That's It?
All Right
Here It Comes.
Say What? Here Goes.
Make It Dirty. Come On!
1, 2...
[Music Ends]
Ha Ha Ha Ha...
That Was Cool.
Well...Told You
You Could Be A Team Player.
I Just Took Your Advice.
What Was That?
And Please, Don't
Scare Me By Telling Me
That You Actually Listened
To Something That I Said.
I Got Rid Of That Chip
On My Shoulder
The Size Of Brooklyn.
Yeah. Good For You, Man.
It's Kinda Hard To Wrestle
When You Got A Weight
Like That On You, Right?
Thank You.
Wanna Go Again?
Are You Kidding?
I'm Just Getting Started.
All Right.
1, 2, 3, 4!
Thank You, Salt Lake!
[Crowd Yelling]
Referee: Takedown!
2, 3!
John Got The Pin!
All Right, John!
Good Job.
Go, Fight, Win!
Go, Fight, Win!
[Blows Whistle]
2 Points!
[Whistle Blows]
Winner Green!
Shake Hands, Guys.
Crowd: Jace, Jace,
Jace, Jace, Jace!
Jace, Jace, Jace, Jace, Jace!
Hey, There He Is.
Hey, Fly.
Fly! Hey, Fly.
Wait Up, Man.
Hey, Guys.
Jace: Where'd You Run Off
To So Quickly?
We're Gonna Have
Victory Burgers.
You're Comin', Right?
No, I've, Uh...Gotta
Help My Cousin
With Her Math.
What Cousin?
You Don't Know Her,
All Right?
I'll See You
Tomorrow, Ok?
See You, Man.
I'm Fine. Doc Says
I'm Healed 100%.
It's Only Been
5 Weeks, Luke.
All Right? Let's Give It
A Little Bit More Time.
You Start Working Out
With Us Again,
But Take It Slow.
Coach, I Don't Want
To Take It Slow.
I'm Ready Now!
Let's Think About
Your Future, Ok?
You're Gonna Be Much More
Valuable To Me Next Year
As A Senior.
What's The Point Of
Risking Permanent Damage--
We're Gonna Take
A Few More Weeks, Ok?
[School Bell Rings]
Go, Jace! Whoo!
How's It Goin',
All Right, Guys.
You! Newfield!
Hey, What's
Your Problem?
What's My Problem?
You Wrecked My Life--
That's My Problem!
What Are You Talking
You Took My Slot,
Now Coach Doesn't
Wanna Give It Back!
Hey, I Earned That Spot
After You Got Hurt,
Now Coach Is Happy
With What I'm Doing.
So Deal With It!
[Snaps Open Cane]
What Was That
All About?
Jerk Actually Thinks
He's On The Because He's Good,
Not Because
He's Coach's Charity Case.
Well, He Has Been
Winning Lately.
You're Gonna
Defend Him Now?
Dude, I Don't Need
To Defend Him.
He Can Defend Himself.
[School Bell Rings]
Coach Rice?
Over Here, Jace.
What's Up?
I Want A Wrestle-Off--
Me And Luke.
Winner Wins
The 145 Slot.
I've Already Told Luke
That He's Not Ready
To Come Back Yet.
Yeah, Well,
He Thinks He Is.
He Also Thinks
That's The Only Reason
You're Not
Giving Him A Chance,
Is Because You Like
Keeping Me Around Here
For The Freak Factor!
All Right, You Listen To Me.
You Listen Good.
I've Been Coaching
For 15 Years, And I Have
Never Once Made A Call
That Was Not
In The Best Interest
Of My Team.
You Wanna Think Of Yourself
As Some Kind Of Freak,
You Go Right Ahead.
What I See Is A Kid
Who's Worked His Tail Off
And Earned His Slot.
Now, Get Your Gear On,
Thank You.
You Know,
It Really Ticks Me Off
That You Guys Are
So Quick To Question
My Father's Judgment.
You Never Stop To Think
How Hard It All Gets
For Him.
No Matter What,
Someone Always Is
Crying And Complaining
How They're Getting
Ripped Off.
You're Like A Stupid Bunch
Of Spoiled Babies.
I Screwed Up.
Do You Want Me To Go
And Apologize?
I Don't Care.
Do What You Want.
Where Did That
Come From?
You Said...
Do What You Want.
But Hey, If It
Freaked You Out,
Then We Can Pretend Like
Nothing Ever Happened.
Shut Up.
Good Idea.
[Backboard Beeping]
[Bicycle Wheels]
Hey, I Know You're There.
Talk To Me, Man.
You Really Want To
Avoid Me,
You Gotta Quit Wearing
That Stanky Deodorant.
Man, You And
Your Supersonic Senses!
Hey, Man,
Are You All Right?
You Ok?
Are You?
Please Tell Me
What's Goin' On.
I'm Sick Of Being
A Loser, Ok?
So You're...
Ticked At Me For Winning?
Yeah! At Least When
You Suckered Me
Into This,
We Were Both
Equally Pathetic.
But Now
I Can't Even Quit,
Or Everybody
Will Really Think
I'm A Wimp.
[Honk Honk]
Let's Go, Newfield!
Yeah, Come On, Man.
The Party's Already Started.
All Right.
I'll Be Right There.
Hey, Can We Talk
About This Later?
I Gotta--
Sure. Wouldn't Want
To Keep The Superstars
I Get It, Jace.
You Don't Owe Me
Talk To You Later, Man.
[Dry Leaves Crunch]
Didn't You Have
A Party To Go To?
I Told Them To Hit It
Without Me.
Care To Dance?
'Scuse Me?
Fly, You
Gotta Trust Me
On This One.
If It Worked For Me,
It's Gonna Work
For You.
All Right,
Here We Go, Buddy.
Ok, You Ready?
Keep Your Knees
Bent. Balance.
Ok. Step. Step.
All Right.
And...Hip Toss.
Hip Toss.
Got It?
You Feeling
The Flow?
No, Man.
Actually, No Offense,
But I'd Rather Be
Dancing With Mary Beth.
Come On. One More Time.
No, No, No. Since,
You Know, You Taught Me One,
I'm Gonna Teach You One,
All Right?
So Watch This.
It's Like...
Ah...Ooh...Oh! Oh!
Oh, Oh, Oh!
Fly. Fly.
I'm The Blind Guy.
Yeah. Good One,
Yeah. Well, I'll Have
To Teach You That One.
One More Time.
By The Way,
In Real Life,
You Go Like This--
Lookin' Good, Newfield.
Lookin' Good.
Nice Fit. Lookin' Good.
How's Yours Fittin', Fly?
I Look Like
The Team Mascot.
This Thing's Humongous!
Why Don't You Take It Back
And Get A Small?
This Is A Small.
Nice Jacket, Fly.
What'd You Do,
Steal It From Somebody's
Older Brother?
It's Mine, Yardley.
Come Here--
Takedown! 2 Points!
Come On, Jace.
What'd You Do, Fly?
You're Next!
You Nailed Yardley?
Yeah, Man. Wish You
Could Have Seen It!
I Don't Get It, Coach.
The Scale Doesn't Lie.
All I Know Is This--
You Wanna Face T-Rex,
You Need To Lose 6
By Friday.
Tell Me.
"From Thence Forward,
"He Doubled The Pains
He Had Been At
To Instruct Me.
"He Brought Me Into
All Company
"And Made Them Treat Me
With Civility,
"Because As He Told Them
This Would Put Me
Into Good Humor And Make
Me More Diverting."
Hey, Are You Even
Your Head At, Kid?
Oh. Ha. Friday's
Our Last Wrestling Meet.
And I'm Amazed At How Soon
It's Gonna Be Over.
Well, Unless You
Make It Into States.
Which We Won't Unless
Lambrix Beats T-Rex...
Which He Won't Even
Get A Shot At
Unless He Loses 6 Pounds
In 2 Days.
Pressure's On, Huh?
Remind Me
Why I Wanted
To Do This.
Wow. That Was...
That Was Really, Uh...
That Was Bad.
That Was Really Bad.
No, I'm Just Kidding.
It's Ok. We Can Fix It.
Do You Wanna Learn To Play
Something For Real?
It Can't Be Harder
Than The Flute.
Oh, The Flute!
Ok. Do The Bass Drum. Go.
[Hitting Bass Drum]
Hey, We Make
A Pretty Good Team.
You Don't Want
To Do That.
I Don't?
Well, Who Do You Want
Bugged At You More--
My Daddy Or Coach?
Aren't They
The Same Guy?
Good Night.
Hey, Coach!
Hi, Jace.
[School Bell Rings]
Buenas Dias,
Hijos Mos.
Got About A Minute.
Hey, Newfield, Did You
Read Today's Paper?
Oh, My Bad. He Can't
Unless It Has Little Bumps.
Ok, Let Me Read It
For You.
"Speaking Of This Visually
Impaired Spark Plug,
Jace Newfield,
"Coach Rice Said,
The Great Thing
About Jace Is
"Whether We're Winning
Or Losing, I Know He's
A Real Inspiration
To Every Kid
Who Sees Him Out There."
That's Funny.
He Tells Us He's Only Doing
What's Best For The Team,
But He Tells The Paper
That He's Keeping You Around
To Be His Poster Boy.
Coach! If You Don't
Put Me Into A Wrestle-Off
With Luke Nolan,
I Am Quitting,
And That's The End Of It.
Is That A Threat?
Look--What's The Point
Of Holding On
To My Position
If I Can't Prove
Once And For All I'm
The Best Guy For That Slot?
All Right,
Let's Get This Going.
Contact Position.
Hope You Had Fun
While It Lasted.
Hope You Like Watching
The Sectionals
From The Stands.
Come On.
Take Him, Jace!
That's A Pin!
I Taught Him That.
Shake Hands, Guys.
Good Job.
What's Up?
Pain. Ha.
Popped Out.
Yeah. But You Can Just...
Pop It Back In, Right?
I Can, But It's
Gonna Kill.
C-Can't Be Any Worse
Than It Already Is.
All Right. Trust Me.
Relax. Let Me
Have The Wing.
Let Me Have The Arm.
Let Me Have The Arm.
Hey, Mary Beth.
[Boys Groaning]
Ice It Good.
All Right, Let's Go.
150 1/4 Pounds.
He's In, Coach.
Team: Yeah!
All Right, Fellas.
You've Worked Hard For This.
You Deserve It.
Now Let's Go Out There
And Get It, Huh?
Go On!
[Overlapping Yells]
Team: Go, Go, Go, Go, Go!
John...You Ok?
Yeah. I'm Fine.
You Don't Sound Fine.
Hey, Look, Maybe You
Shouldn't Do This Today.
Maybe You're...
Too Wiped Out.
You Don't Get It,
Do You?
This Isn't Just
A Sport For Me.
It's Who I Am.
It's All I've Got.
Unlike You,
I Don't Do Music.
All Right?
I--I--I Stink
In School.
I Mean,
You Take Away
I Don't Even Know
Who I Am.
I Mean, How Sad Is That?
Go, Jace!
Come On, Jace!
[Whistle Blows]
All Right! Jace!
The Winner Green.
Winner Green.
P.A.: Jace Newfield
Of The Huskies
Wins The Match
Over The Cowboys...
Coach Rice:
Good Job!
P.A.: ...Is 18 To 12
For The Huskies.
All Right, John,
We Studied The Film.
You Know
He's Susceptible
To Fireman's Carry.
I Want You To
Set It Up The Way
We Talked About--
I Got This Guy, Coach.
Don't Worry About It.
John! Need You To Focus,
All Right?
Work The Game Plan.
This Is What You
Trained For. Let's Go.
Fly: Come On, John.
Go, John!
P.A.: This Is The Match
We've All Been Waiting For,
2 Undefeated Champions
And Longtime Rivals.
In The 152-Pound Match,
It's Homestead's John Lambrix
Versus Our Very Own
Wasatch Valley Cowboy
T-Rex Turner!
Shake Hands, Please.
P.A.: All Right,
Here We Go...
Shake Hands Like Gentlemen.
Let's Shake Hands
Like Gentlemen.
Ready. [Blows Whistle]
A Single Leg Attempt...
John Dive-Rolled
Out, Man.
What's Going On Now?
[Blows Whistle]
John Got A Fireman's
Takedown, Man!
Takedown Green!
Referee: 2!
2 Red!
That's It!
He's Got Him, Jace!
Takedown, Red!
Dude, T-Rex
Just Tossed John.
All Right, John.
Let's Go.
Find Your
Good Position.
P.A.: Lambrix Looks Tired.
He Doesn't Have
His Usual Energy.
Boy: Let's Go, John.
Come On, Man.
Fly: Come On, John.
You Got Him.
P.A.: Lambrix
To The Center Of The Mat.
[Blows Whistle]
Takedown By Turner!
Get Up! Get Up!
Let's See What Happens.
Took Him
To The Shoulders.
Bridge! Bridge!
[Blows Whistle]
T-Rex Gets The Pin.
The Score Tied--
The Huskies 18,
The Cowboys 18.
We're Tied Now.
The Rest Is Up To You.
Good Luck.
Here We Are In The Last Match
Of The Day.
We've Got 2 Seconds Left
In The Third Period.
Come On, Fry!
Very Small,
But They're Strong,
Very Wiry.
And Shu
Picks Up His Opponent
2! Takedown!
And Drives Him Off The Mat.
Looks Like The Match
Is Over On The Clock.
We'll Wait To See
What The Referee Says.
Here They Come.
Good Match,
It's A Win! A Surprise Win
For Vincent "The Fly" Shu.
A Big Disappointment
For The Cowboy Fans.
But They'll Be Looking
Forward To Next Week
When They'll Meet Again
In The Regionals.
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Keep Moving. Keep Moving.
[Blows Whistle]
All Right, Circle Up.
Grab A Knee.
Come On, Double Time.
Let's Go.
I Just Wanna Say
I'm Really Proud
Of You Guys.
You've Been Working
Real Hard,
And As You Can See,
You're Starting To
Reap The Rewards.
I Think This Husky Has What It Takes
Not Only To Go To State
But To Bring Home
The Hardware.
That's What I'm
Talking About, Coach.
To Give Us The Best
Possible Chance In
The Sectionals Friday,
I'm Gonna Put In
A Few Changes.
John, I Appreciate
The Sacrifice You
Made For The Team,
Trying To Get Down To 52
And Stay There,
But It's Obviously
Not Working.
You're Goin' Back
To 160, Ok?
What? No. Coach,
You Do That, I Don't Get
My Rematch With T-Rex.
You Were Half-Dead
Out There. You're Lucky
You Didn't Get Hurt.
So What? I'll Sleep More.
I'll Power Down
Protein Drinks And Vitamins.
No. I've Made My Decision.
Dieting Like That
Is Dangerous For
A Guy Of Your Frame.
You're Going Back
To 160. Ok?
No. It's Not Ok.
Ok, Guys, That's Not
Gonna Be A Distraction.
I'll Handle That Later.
We Have 4 Days Left.
Ok, I Want Everybody
To Focus In,
Think About All The Things
We Worked On All Year.
Think About Your Technique.
I Want You To Think About
What You've Sacrificed
To Be Here At This Point
With The Chance
To Accomplish Something.
One Last Thing--
Luke, You're Back In At 145.
Jace, You're Goin' Up To 152.
You're Gonna Take On T-Rex.
Motion Drill. On Your Feet!
[Blows Whistle]
Wait A Second.
Did He Just Say
I'm Going Up
Against T-Rex?
Been Nice Knowing You,
Calling Out Drills]
Felt That One.
Something We Need
To Talk About?
T-Rex Is Gonna
Snap Me Like A Twig.
You Could Always Forfeit.
Yeah. Right.
Then Never Show My Face
At School Again.
On The Other Hand,
You Know, If You Truly Feel
Like You're Not Up To It,
Your Mom's Right.
You Don't Have To Do It.
We're Not Gonna Think
Any Less Of You,
That's For Sure.
Not To Take
The Easy Way Out,
But Just Listen
To Your Heart.
Mr. Wyatt?
That's Me.
Why Aren't You
At Lunch?
I Wasn't Hungry.
Well, You Gotta
Pardon Me For Eating,
'Cause I Am Starvin'
Like Marvin.
Hey, That Was
Really Nice, Though.
Play That, Uh...
Da Da Da Da Da Da...
You Know What I Hate?
When People Talk How Brave
And Courageous I Am
For Doing Things
That Sighted People
Do Every Day.
Like Wrestling?
You Know, Bravery
Had Nothing
To Do With It.
And Now They All Expect Me
To Go Out There
And Wrestle A Guy
Like T-Rex Turner.
How Messed Up Is That?
Well, Coach Obviously
Thinks You Can Handle It.
Yeah, But He's Not
The One Going Out
There, Is He?
You Know...I'm Sick
Of Almost Killing Myself
To Fit In.
I'm Really Sick Of It.
You're Sick Of What?
Aren't You
The One That Joined
The Wrestling Team?
I Was Just
Trying To--
You Were Just Try--
No, No, No.
You Joined
The Wrestling To Be Just Like
Everybody Else.
Well, I Got Some News
For You, Jace.
Everybody's Afraid, Man.
People Your Age,
Trying To Figure Out
Who They Are And
Where They're Going
And Who They're Gonna Be.
Man, It Is
Absolutely Terrifying.
But, See, What You
Gotta Do, Right...
Is You Have To Treat
That Fear Like One
Of Your Opponents.
You Have To Wrestle It
To The Ground,
And Then You Have To
Get On Top Of It.
You Get Me?
[School Bell Rings]
But You Made Me
Miss My Lunch.
Get Ready For Class.
Don't Tell Me
You're Bailin' On Us.
It's Over, Jace.
Let It Go.
Maybe I Don't Wanna
Let It Go.
Maybe I've Worked My Butt Off
This Entire Season
Because I Got
The Stupid Idea
That This Whole Thing
Was About Being Part
Of A Team.
What's Your Point?
You're The One That Said
Wrestling's All You Are,
All You Have.
Finish What You Started, Man.
What Does It Matter
If You Wrestle T-Rex Turner
Or Joe Faceless?
We Don't Care.
All We Care About Is You
Go Out There And You Win.
Hey! If Anyone Should
Run Away, It's Me.
I Mean...Ha...
Facing T-Rex, It's...
It's Insanity.
You're Gonna Do
This Thing?
'Cause I Can
Pretty Much Guarantee
He's Gonna Put Some
Serious Hurt Work
On You.
I Know. [Laughs]
But You're Gonna
Show Up Anyway?
I Will If You Will.
Who Am I Kidding, Huh?
I'm Totally Addicted
To The Glory Rush.
Come On.
All Right.
P.A.: We're Under Way
With This Year's All-State
Regional Wrestling Tournament,
And Tonight's 2 Winners
Will Get That Coveted Berth
In Next Weekend's
State Championship.
And There's A Takedown
And 6-Point Lead,
An Early Lead
For The Cowboys.
Go, Huskies!
And Now, Heating Up
This Crosstown Rivalry
And Moving Up To
The 165-Pound Weight Class
For The Huskies,
It's John Lambrix
And Andrew Krieger
For The Cowboys.
[Blows Whistle]
And We're Under Way,
And Here We Go.
Come On, John!
And Here They Go.
Jockeying For Position.
Krieger Gets His First
Takedown With A Fireman.
A Great Escape,
And 1 Point There.
1 Escape Green!
Referee: 2!
2 Takedown Green!
P.A.: And He's Got...
A Pin!
Yes, He Got A Pin,
And That Ties It Up.
6 Points Each For The Huskies
And The Cowboys.
And Now The Huskies'
Vincent Shu
Takes On The Cowboys'
Grant Geisler
In The 103-Pound Category.
Go Get Him, Fly!
And There's The Pin!
He Pinned His Guy!
He Pinned His Guy!
P.A.: You Know,
They Call Him The Fly,
And He Certainly
Flew Through That,
As Vincent Shu
Grabs His Win And Picks Up
Another 6 Points
For The Homestead Huskies.
That's What I'm
Talking About! Come On!
Good Job, Fly!
Good Job, Man!
Yeah! Buddy,
Way To Go, Man!
Referee: 2!
P.A.: Nolan's Getting Up.
He Spins Back Out,
Looking For An Advantage.
Now We Got A Nice Takedown
Under The Back Arch.
And There's The Pin
And Another Win
For The Cowboys.
Good Match.
All Right, Folks,
As We Head Into The Final
Match Of This Roundup,
Remember, The Huskies
Lead It 34-29,
And Anything But A Pin
Will Send The Huskies On
To State.
All Right, Here We Go!
Remember What
I Told You, Ok?
T-Rex Loves The Legs.
He's Gonna Go In
For That Sweep Single,
So Make Sure
You Watch It, All Right?
Got It.
How You Feelin'?
Like A Dinosaur Snack.
Come On. You Can
Do This, All Right?
Let's Go, Jace!
Go, Jace. Come On, Jace.
Ready To Go, Man.
Ready To Go.
Like The Man Said,
All You Gotta Do
Is Keep From Gettin'
Right, Fly?
That's Right.
I Already Know
You're Not Gonna
Get Pinned.
You've Worked So Hard
This Year, You Should
Be Proud Of Yourself.
I Can't Wait To See
What You're Gonna Go
Out Here And Accomplish
In Front Of
All These People.
Go Get Him!
P.A.: All Right, Folks.
Here's Another Husky Competitor
Who's Moving Up In Weight Class.
This Promises To Be
The All-Star Match
Of The Evening.
Come On, Jace!
It's The One That Everyone's
Been Waiting For.
Right Now, It's 2-Time
Defending State Champion
T-Rex Turner Taking On
Homestead's Blind Sensation
Jace Newfield.
And What A Contest
This Will Be.
[Blows Whistle]
Grappling For Position.
But The Leg Sweep,
It Didn't Hit.
Still Looking Around...
Tries Again With
A Little Leg Sweep.
Finally, It's There.
2! Red, Takedown!
Come On,
Go, Jace!
All Right, Buddy!
All Right,
Come On! Come On!
Roll Out!
One Escape, Green!
P.A.: And That's The End
Of The First Period.
[Blows Whistle]
And Here We Go
Into The Second Period.
P.A.: Throws Him Down.
No Points.
Jace Seems To Escape.
Once Again,
Another Body Slam.
These Have To Take
Their Toll.
Fly: Come On, Jace.
Get Out Of It!
And Another...
Back Drop Body Fall...
That One Looked Like
It Hurt.
And That's The End Of...
Contact. Come On.
[Blows Whistle]
Grappling For Position.
Come On! Rrr!
Still No Advantage.
Fly: Break Out!
Come On, Jace!
You Got Him!
Just Gotta Break Out!
That's It!
Go, Jace!
Come On!
Get Up!
Roll Him Over!
And He's Out.
That's A 1-Point Escape.
There Seems To Be
A Time-Out Call
For Jace Newfield.
Yes, It's An Injury Call.
Referee: Coach,
I Think He's Hurt.
This Could Spell Disaster
For These Huskies.
Is He All Right?
Remember, There's
An Injury Time Limit.
That Means That Newfield
Will Have To Answer
The Referee's Call.
Pop Out Again?
No. It Just Hurts.
Can You Go?
All Right,
28 Seconds Left, Jace.
You're In This Thing.
Now, He Knows
You're Hurt There,
So He'll Probably
Attack It.
Use It As Bait.
Leave It Open.
Set Up A Lateral Drop.
But You Can't
Get Pinned.
So If It Doesn't
Work Out, Get Back
To Your Base,
Fat Man's Roll.
[Band Playing]
You Ready To Go, Son?
Ready, Ref.
Everything You've Got,
Leave It On The Mat.
T-Rex Only Has 28 Seconds
To Pin This Incredibly
Feisty Opponent.
Jace, Come On!
...Wasatch Valley Team Knows,
No Pin, No Win,
So The Question Is
Can Jace Newfield Hold On
And Clinch The Victory
For The Huskies?
Ladies And Gentlemen,
We're About To Find Out.
Jace Hits His Lateral Drop.
There It Is.
2-Point Takedown.
Referee: 2!
2, 3, Pin!
T-Rex With A Reversal There,
A 2-Point Reversal.
But No Points.
Jace Works For
The Fat Man Roll.
And There It Is.
3, 2...
1, 2...
1, 2...
Referee: Fall Green!
Great Match.
What An Incredible Match!
Shake Hands.
What An Amazing Turnaround.
The Win Goes To Turner,
But The Team Win
Goes To The Huskies,
And They're On To State!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Good Job.
Good Job, Newfield.
I'll See You
At State.
I'll Be There.
And That Move Of Yours...
It Won't Work Again.
Fly: We Won, Jace!
Jace, Phil Pavone
From The Mountain Valley Times.
Now Do You Feel
You've Earned The Right
To Have Me Do
A Story On You?
I Guess.
Ok, Listen, I'd Like
To Get A Little
Background First,
If It's Ok With You,
Talk Some Of
Your Teammates.
Knock Yourself Out.
John. Phil Pavone
From The Mountain Valley Times.
Hey, You've Been Wrestling
For 4 Years.
What Makes This Season
So Different,
Having A Blind Teammate?
Wait. Who's Blind?
Well, This Guy
Right Here,
Jace Newfield.
Jace...Is Blind?
Are You Serious?
Gosh, I Hadn't
Even Noticed!
Hey, Mallon, Mike, Mallon,
Did You Know That, Uh,
Jace Is Blind?
No Way!
Yeah. That's What
This Guy's Trying
To Tell Me.
Sounds Like The Dude
Better Check His Facts.
I Hang Out With The Dude
All The Time,
And It's Never Occurred
To Me That He's Like That.
Yeah, I Don't Know,
You Might Wanna Go
Do Some More Research.
Well, Look Who's
Here. It's The Man
Of The Hour.
What's Up, Guys?
Aw, Ow, Watch
The Shoulder.
Oh, Sorry, Sorry!
You Were Amazing
Tonight, Jace.
Thank You. Hey, Uh,
Do You Guys Think
You Could Give Us
A Minute?
No Problem.
Yeah, We'll
Be Out Front.
Thanks. I'll Be
Right There.
I'm So Proud Of You.
Would You, Uh...
Care To Dance?
I'd Love To.
You Know, I Hear
It's A Lot Like
All You Gotta Do
Is Feel The Flow.
To The Mat We Attack,
And We'll Never Let Up
You Better Get Up
And Take One For The Team,
Or We'll Get Fed Up
It's One For All,
The Sun Will Shine For Us
We'll Run You Over Like
A Bus, And We'll Leave You
In The Dust
To Discuss Just How Hard
We Can Hit
Surround You Like A Mosh Pit,
You Think This Is It?
It's A Headlock,
Pile Driver, Falls To The Mat
Like It's Bedrock
You Can't Catch Me,
I Move Too Fast
And I Proved It Last Time
We Had A Meet
It Ended In Defeat
For Your Team
Retreat To The Back
When We Start To Attack
You Retreat To The Back
When We Step To The Mat
You Retreat To The Back
When We Start To Attack
You Retreat To The Back,
Now You're Goin' To The Mat
You're Goin'
To The Mat
It's A Matter Of Fact
Goin' To The Mat
It's A Matter Of Fact
You're Goin'
To The Mat
You're Goin'
To The Mat
It's A Matter
Of Fact
Man, You're
Goin' To The Mat
You're Goin'
To The Mat...