Gong fu guan lan (Kung Fu Dunk) (2008)

In Basketball, there is a saying:
The person who can control
the rebound, wins the match...
like a boxer with a left hook,
that would move a tank.
slam dunks make me feel good.
To a kindhearted person.
Big Brother,
I found this baby by chance.
I can only leave it to you.
But I feel my fate
is connected to this child.
Here, count this as its present to you.
I can't read.
You can read. Please teach him this.
'Faltering Universe...'
For God's sake! It's 'Altering Universe'
So it is...
He was born for martial arts.
Was he? Please look after him.
Your Lightness Kung Fu has improved a lot!
Next time you wanna jump,
please put some shoes on.
The world was divided into Heaven and Earth
when 'Qiqn and Kun' were created.
Every life form originated
from Yin and Yang.
All changes in life forms in this world'
are related to 'Qi.
Master, I don't get it.
Everything in this world
is made of tiny particles.
'Altering Universe' changes
part of the universe
by taking the particles apart
and then reassembling them.
In a split second,
time is stopped.
You can even turn the clock back.
Can anyone help my Master?
Any one?
My name is Fang Shijie.
I grew up in this Kung Fu school.
My Master told me
I was found next to a basketball court.
whenever I hear the sound of ball thumping,
my heartbeat increases...
It's not a heart attack.
It's because I will see her there.
I'm too old for love affairs...
But speaking of my love life,
it's been very eventful.
You see, in my life,
there have been 3 girls
who would die for me.
When I first discovered love,
there was a girl who would die for me...
If you keep stalking me,
I'll kill myself.
When I was an adolescent,
there was a girl who would wait for me
until the next life.
Wanna be my boyfriend?
Wait till your next life!
When I was poor and lonely,
there was a girl who would die with me.
If you don't give me the money back...
I'll jump from here with you!
This is a Kung Fu school.
Sure you can tell that?
This is where I grew up.
Technically speaking,
since my Master died from attempting
'Altering Universe',
I've become ever more defiant.
They're Master Fei and Master Wu.
The traditions of Shaolin and Wudang
have been passed on
from one generation to the other.
They're the masters of the 88th
and the 99th generations of the schools.
They are a couple,
Master Ni and Master Huang.
Oh, right,
they were pen pals before.
Good day! Headmaster!
There is someone else at the school
who you should know...
He's the so-called 'World No. 1 Fist God'
Our Headmaster - Wang Biao.
Everyone saw?
In the world of martial arts...
This is my job...
Headmaster's human punch bag.
But his fists are so weak,
as long as I put on my iron vest,
it doesn't hurt at all.
How many times have I told you?
Never put on the iron vest
when I punch you!
Here is your punishment: no dinner.
And get out!
Get out!
It's getting late. You're not going home?
I'm locked out.
Wanna sleep here overnight?
Yeah, why not?
Of course not!
Why not?
Why not?
I can tell you didn't eat anything.
And if you didn't eat anything,
you can't fall asleep.
I'm not hungry.
I think you are but you have no money.
No. Thanks.
Hey, it's not for you.
It's for a bet.
If you can throw this coin into my mouth,
I'll treat you to dinner.
Surely not from such close range.
Not too far either.
Here is fine.
I'm good, right?
French cuisine! Wanna eat?
It's so expensive!
So that shows I'm sincere!
Come on, we're VlPs.
We have a special entrance. Follow me!
Wei, Hua and Fa!
You know it's mealtime, right?
Come on...
They're cool!
They're on their home turf here.
But like me,
they don't want to go home.
I count myself as their patron.
And I have a patron as well.
My daughter, Bao.
Does she look like me?
Sadly... she doesn't.
She looks like her mum.
thought you weren't coming today.
Of course I'm coming.
We have a guest today.
Two set dinners!
Hmm... okay.
Let's have escargots for a starter.
There are lots left over.
And steaks as well.
Come on, cheers!
A '92 topped with a '94?
Wow, Dad, you're so good at tasting wine!
It's mixed with '92, '94 and '96.
Leftovers from 3 tables.
People choose a wine by the year,
but I go for the whole decade!
All the best wines of the '90s!
Try some escargots.
Take your time.
I need to check if the customers have left.
Come on, cheers! Here's to our grand plan!
What plan?
My grand plan means 'Two swords in One'.
Your athletic potential combined
with my brain.
Look at the colour of it,
isn't it great?
It tastes even better.
Almost the best whiskey
of the 21 st century.
Try it.
Hmm... it tastes really good.
Of course!
It's more than 1 000 dollars
cheaper than the real thing.
But the guests can never tell
what's good or bad.
Pricey booze is always good.
Brother Hu,
some idiot wants to bet on darts!
You know, I never lose in a darts game.
If we fill the bottles
with the fake whisky,
no one will ever know.
How about 70% for me and 30% for you?
Brother Hu, can I have another 200 dollars?
How is this possible? You never lose!
I'll definitely win this time.
I'm being very fair...
One for you, another one for me...
One for me, one for me again
and another one for you...
I was wondering who would be your champion!
Ah, I forgot we were on your turf!
Let's pretend it never happened,
You stole my money
and now you're giving it back to me.
What does this mean?
Do you remember
I was a good friend of your dad's?
I held you in my arms
and you peed on me...
Jie, come on,
don't forget we need to meet someone.
Come on, let's go...
You can have ice cream somewhere else!
Come on, quick, let's go...
Iet's go!
Jie, let's go!
'85? No wonder it's so good!
Beat him to death!
Surround him!
Have you decided yet?
Can we open the window?
We have to keep our meeting a secret.
All doors and windows have to be shut
until we've finished.
Okay, let me tell you.
We can never agree to a merger.
Ah... you're not listening to me...
Never listening to me...
I bet you won't give up
until the last nail is in the coffin?
Look at these big fat gold bars.
Enough to make up your mind?
It's all yours.
Last night,
a student of ours
was making trouble in a nightclub.
It's seriously damaged
the reputation of our school.
I hoped he'd come out and admit it.
Who did it? Step forward!
What have I taught you?
A decent man should be responsible
for what he's done.
Well, I'll count to 3.
If no one steps forward,
I'll expel you all!
It was him!
That's enough for now.
It's okay. He's really tough.
No... my hit men are tired.
Sure, sure, they must be tired.
I'll treat them to dinner tonight.
You never learned.
Now, you have ruined our reputation.
For that...
you're expelled!
Hey, Hey!
Ah, I was just about to talk to you.
I've done my research...
What suits you most is...
What's wrong?
Can you take me to the club?
I want them to pay the price...
You think you're Bruce Lee?
Forget about the nonsense.
Let's do something grand!
I can't play football.
How about basketball?
Come on, throw it into that trashcan.
Come on, give it a try!
Playing basketball
is not just about winning.
If he plays basketball in order
to search for his birth parents,
isn't it more touching?
See, his audience have tears
in their eyes...
They cheer him throughout the match...
Won't it make the headlines?
Stop it
Abandoned by his parents,
he plays basketball
while searching for them...
It'll be a moving, sensational story.
Even if he's not winning,
the University will still
get lots of publicity.
Chancellor Zhou, look at him.
How innocent!
He's not only an obedient son,
but a role model for young people.
Because he's raised the athletic spirit
to a higher level.
He's showed us
the virtues of Chinese culture.
We all know
how important parents are to us:
Fang will keep playing basketball
until he finds his parents.
Let us welcome
Fang Shijie - the Basketball Orphan
who loves his parents so much
he'll never stop looking for them.
Fang Shijie
Do I have to dress like this?
You look cool, come on...
Read from the notes.
Thank you all for your support. Thank...
my dear Uncle Li,
and the Chancellor. I'll...
I hope... I can find my parents soon.
I'll work hard...
Wait a minute!
No one can join our team
without the Captain's permission.
Who is she?
That's the basketball team.
We do have this tradition.
Well, since there are
so many journalists here,
Iet Jie demonstrate...
come on, no problem,
Even the Chancellor has to observe
the traditions of the First University.
Whether Fang Shijie
can join the team depends on...
They still can't find him...
The Captain's name is Ding Wei,
As long as he can score one,
he'll be admitted...
It's still not certain whether
Fang Shijie can join the team...
Well, miss,
getting scared?
Hiding isn't a good idea.
Is any one answering?
Shall I ask Jie to shoot?
He scores each time
Here you are!
Someone is waiting for your permission
to join the team.
He's the Captain?
How is he going to play if he's drunk?
Here he is.
Shoot! Shoot!
Get back, please.
Sorry, get back, please.
Yes, please, get back.
Did you read the papers today?
A true life story of 'Oliver Twist'
Isn't it wonderful?
We're going to make a fortune!
Okay, that's it. Don't worry.
Okay, bye!
What's wrong?
What the hell! Such big coverage!
It's not right, look...
'Basketball Orphan Bullied by Captain'
Fantastic headline!
Very sensational! You don't like it?
Stop selling stories to journalists!
What do you know about it?
You're neither Yao Ming nor Liu Xiang.
They don't have to say anything but
they'll always be in the headlines!
But you're nobody.
You know you're nobody?
No one would write about you.
You'll never get any exposure.
Unless you can spice up the story.
They don't care about you!
It's a sensational headline.
A story to tell!
Ah, I see...
You're worried you'll be bullied
when others read the story?
Well, that's for sure,
because you're a genius.
People are always jealous of geniuses.
It doesn't matter.
As long as you're famous!
You can have anything when you're famous.
That's how things work.
Come on, go practice.
Come on, be good and go.
I know you are annoyed.
It's fine if you want to beat me up,
I won't fight back.
Who said I wanted to beat you up?
There is a saying
amongst basketball players.
'He who controls the rebounds,
wins the match'
You can jump really high.
So you just do
one thing in the match -
That's boring!
I'm good at shooting.
Never miss one.
Why did you stop? Keep playing!
Wow, are you okay, brother?
Are you sure you're not sick?
It's too early to show up!
I've found a secret weapon.
What secret weapon?
Brother, your time has come!
We'll be the winners at the championship!
That's impossible.
Top 3?
Stop dreaming!
Then, top 8?
Come on, shoot!
Come on, shoot!
I'm Zhen Li,
the agent of the Basketball Orphan,
Fang Shijie.
I'd like to send some photos to you.
Can I have the address?
Okay, thank you.
Xiao Lan! Xiao Lan... please give us your autograph...
Can you write my name on it?
Can you take a picture with us?
I'm so excited!
Work hard, Xiao Lan...
Hey, this is Jie.
He's great at shooting hoops.
- Jie. - Lily
This is Xiao Lan.
This is Fang Shijie.
He got injured and just came back today.
Lily's mentioned you to me.
She says you're very talented.
But the most important thing is
what you learn from the training.
Lily also says you lack basic training.
So you're saying you can beat him?
Try it, if you have the guts.
You know who the hero is? It's Jie!
Why are you clapping?
The journalists are here.
Stop clapping.
Did you get my point or not?
Do you know who the hero is?
You mean Jie?
Of course!
He's new.
He should be on the bench for a while.
On the damn bench?!
He's been waiting all day.
Come on.
What did she say?
She said she really wants to see you play.
I asked her to wait.
I warn you, there are only 5 minutes left.
If you don't let Jie play,
I'll call the police.
Put Jie on.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Oh! My God! Shoot! Shoot!
That's impossible. He never misses!
Oh... My... God.
Foul! Foul!
Referee, it's a foul!
Come on, try again, no problem.
Cool! Right?
Did you see it? Did you?
This is Jie. Have you eaten yet?
Jie? It's so nice to talk to you!
I need to tell you something. There is a pervert.
He's been standing downstairs
for more than an hour.
A pervert?
I've called my brother.
- He should be here soon.
- Hello?
The battery is going dead. Hello?
Damn it! Run!
Where is the ball?
Captain, I've been practicing for ages,
can you teach me how to slamdunk?
Do you want to run before you can walk?
Take your time!
Is it really that difficult to dunk?
I know Lightness Kung Fu...
Hmm... so it can't be that difficult.
The starting line-up
of the First University:
Captain Ding Wei, Shooting Guard Zhang Gui
Center Yang Rong, Power Forward Xiao Lan.
And the popular 'Basketball Orphan'...
Never seen you before. Are you new?
Yeah, nice to meet you.
This game is cruel.
It's never nice to meet someone else.
There is only screaming and whining here.
They scream for me:
Oh! You're so cool!
And you whine:
Oh! I'm so inferior!
It's a cruel world.
It's Jump ball time!
Fang Shijie takes it
and passes to Xiao Lan.
Xiao Lan dunks! Fantastic!
This match has attracted
mass media attention.
Fang's search for his parents
has become the latest hot topic.
Fang steals the ball
and passes to the Captain, Ding.
Ding jams it in again!
But it's a pity that he can't dunk.
The ball is passed to Fang and he shoots...
It's impossible...
But he scored!
Did you see it?
He never misses! Crazy!
Fang has the ball...
He sheds the defense.
He looks like Michael Jordan in his prime!
Xiao Lan's dunk has really
brought the game to a fever pitch!
Dunk! Fang Shijie!
Slammmmm Dunk! Another dunk!
Dunk... Dunk...
Dunk... Dunk...
- Fang's got the ball
- Dunk...
- and the crowd is going wild
- Dunk...
Dunk! Dunk!
Dunk! Dunk! Fang's going to dunk!
Never give your opponent a chance.
The mighty guards
of the First University...
It represents
the long history and traditions
of the First University Basketball Team.
Jordan, Kobe and Magic Johnson:
at this moment,
their spirits have come to Fang.
Fang Shijie is now representing
the long history and traditions
of the First University Basketball Team.
At this moment, he's not fighting alone.
He scored!
The almighty
First University Basketball Team!
Happy Birthday to Fang!
Long Live Fang!
Come, have some water.
Ah, sorry!
You played so well!
Everyone was watching you.
You're the soul of the team.
You're terrific!
Keeping working hard!
When is good for you?
Next March.
Then, how about 1.3 million dollars?
Can it be cheaper?
Hello! Yes, yes.
I'll arrange the interview for you.
Okay, no problem.
I don't want to be your enemy.
I hope you are willing to leave
the First University and join us.
Who are you?
I'll be your opponent
the day after tomorrow.
We'll be opponents
in the Championship.
That's good. Nice to meet you.
I've been watching you for a while.
You shoot well; even from a long distance.
Shoot! The ball always goes in.
But your weakness is that
whenever you're distracted,
you miss.
This is my business card.
I can help you improve.
Captain of the Fire Ball?
Yes, that's right. Call me.
Think it over.
Hello! Long time no see!
What are you doing here?
I came to see you;
to catch up on old times.
Great! All our old friends are here.
See you in the match
the day after tomorrow.
Hello! What?
Big business!
That's right, it's me.
Hey... His name is Li Tian.
He joined our team two years ago.
He was the same as you...
no good at first.
But he was very talented.
He picked up everything so quickly...
And soon after, he was the star player.
It caused him to completely
change after a while though.
He not only left the team
on the eve of the final match
But also took the best players with him.
It must be really hard for you
that I'm always on top.
I was 'on top' of your girlfriend as well.
They were neck-and-neck in the final.
There were 2 seconds left and
the First University was 1 point behind.
But my brother was
going to shoot 2 freethrows.
Yo! She was good...
My brother was on the brink
of a nervous breakdown.
From the moment the ball was thrown,
every one knew the result.
At that crucial moment,
the most fearsome enemy appeared:
it was his own trembling hands!
After that match,
my brother could never get over the trauma.
He consoles himself with hard drinking.
Don't worry.
I won't let Li Tien get away with it.
But... I'm worried
Uncle Li might sell you out.
No way. It's impossible.
Uncle Li...
Jie, don't fall into the trap!
If you fight them, you won't
be allowed to play in the match.
You're the dream and ambition of my life.
They just didn't get it.
How could it be possible for me
to sell my dream?
Thank you.
What for?
I'll never sell off my cash cow...
but the price is damned tempting...
work hard and be successful.
Don't let me regret my decision tonight.
I won't let you down.
I recognize them. All are hooligans.
They were banned from all matches in Japan.
You get scared to death when you see me
My desire to win is so strong
You cut it! You pass it!
Run! If you're as fast as me
Your goosebumps
are falling in my spicy hot pot.
Ha! My happiness
is built upon your failure.
You're still being indecisive.
The basketball court
is the battlefield where we fight.
Everyone is tough on the crime scene.
It's made of iron,
can you shield yourself from it?
Are you up to the real challenge?
I fight for my pride.
I fight for the excitement.
Hey, two weeks ago,
in the game against the Warriors,
you dunked...
Didn't I look just like you?
You'd die with them.
Your dreams are shattered, and then?
All of your family and friends
have lost their faith in you.
Your basketball career has come to an end.
Are you still struggling?
The answer is correct
and the same each time.
Come to the basketball court
if you have guts.
I'll crush you.
Basketball! It's what I fight for.
It is the reason I exist.
Our team spirit is so high
that it makes you shake with fear.
Victory! Winners become the kings
while losers become bandits.
Brothers! Let's go and fight!
Fight! Until all enemies are crushed!
Excuse me.
Hey, remember two weeks ago,
But I don't want to copy you,
hitting my head against the backboard.
What can you do then?
Are you okay?
Get him off.
Basketball! It's what I fight for.
It is the reason I exist.
Our team spirit is so high
that it makes you shake with fear.
Victory! Winners become the kings
while losers become bandits.
Brothers! Let's go and fight!
Fight! Until all enemies are crushed!
Basketball! It's what I fight for.
It is the reason I exist.
Our team spirit is so high
that it makes you shake with fear.
Victory! Winners become the kings
while losers become bandits.
Brothers! Let's go and fight!
Fight! Until all enemies are crushed!
It isn't right...
you hurt my teammates
just a minute ago.
I can play dirty too.
Do whatever you like.
You're bound to loose.
Beautiful! Good!
Hey, we've signed the agreement.
The agreement is the same as the contract.
Of course not!
The game isn't finished yet...
Hello? Hello...
Ladies and Gentlemen,
as a result of the power outage,
the match has been cancelled.
The committee has decided...
- Count yourselves lucky!
- that the match will be resumed...
- in three days.
- But you're going to lose...
sooner or later.
It doesn't matter when. Take a break.
I can't help if God is on our side...
Is this your bad luck or my good fortune?
Let's go!
What have you been daydreaming
about all afternoon?
Nothing. I'm thinking of my parents.
It seemed like they came to the match.
Did you see them?
I could feel them there.
It's strange...
If they were there,
why didn't they come to me first?
Yeah, you're right.
Still remember me?
What? Looking for a fight?
Brother Hu.
I'm not looking for a fight.
The match the other day.
I caused the power outage.
So, it was you...
But why?
To be honest, I left Bi Tianhao.
I must beat him.
So I put a bet on you.
How much?
Iook, who is here?
I saw you on TV. You looked cool!
Why are you all here?
Have you found your parents?
No, not yet.
Jie, searching for your parents
via basketball...
That's a good gimmick.
It's better than a soap opera.
You're in the paper every day.
They don't believe...
- I am your master.
I guess you must have
heard Jie's news on TV,
I'm hoping you could do a favour for Jie.
Play a Kung Fu basketball match for him.
Jie is our best protege.
His business is our business, right?
Yeah, sure.
As long as it's legal,
I was open to anything that would help him.
Say thank you to your Master.
Didn't you hear what he said?
He said 'was' open to anything, 'was'...
What do you mean?
You know Bi Tianhao took over the school.
To be honest, during the past years,
we've been serving that bastard Wang Biao.
We're absolutely useless.
It is a crappy job at the school
but it's my bread and butter.
I can't sacrifice it for a useless medal.
Hey, the soap opera is starting...
'Tales from the World of Martial Arts'
Hello! Yes, speaking.
Ah, I've no time for that...
I don't care which paper you write for.
I'm busy!
Hey, what's wrong with me?
Nothing. It's my problem.
I can't accept another woman in my life.
Are you crying?
Stop crying.
Leave me alone.
I won't.
Am I a nuisance?
No way.
You're always cheerful... you're...
Really wanna know?
Promise you won't laugh at me.
I liked ice cream so much when I was a kid.
But I could never have it.
So I'd do anything
just to get some ice cream.
You are just like ice cream to me...
I knew I shouldn't have said it.
- He should be here soon.
- Hello?
Hello? The battery is going dead. Hello?
Lily: Work hard, Jie.
Two cripples and two useless riff-raff,
it's five fighting against one.
- Hey, Jie.
- Master.
We changed our mind.
We decided to get our hands dirty.
They're not students.
They're not qualified.
Ah! They've been transferred
to the University.
They're absolutely qualified.
Ah? But they are so old!
'Taiji born out of Wuji'
Jie! Up in the air!
Come on!
Hello, Handsome.
Yo! Look at his muscles.
Sit down!
Hey... that whistle blower...
What a referee! He sent us away...
Damn! I was on a roll...
Just as I was starting to have fun...
Me too.
Jie, we asked you to come here
because we brought something for you.
'Jie, we saw you on TV
and we feel really sorry.
We never fulfilled
our responsibilities as parents.
Play basketball as good as you can.
We'll be there for you in the audience.
Masters, is this really from my parents?
Uncle Li gave us the letter last night.
It is what changed our minds.
This is impossible...
You would never expect that
we could have recovered from those injuries.
Sticks of sugar-coated fruits flying out
when I kick
Memories spreading out
in the moonlight when I punch
A piece of ginger. A piece of the past
I can give you an autograph for a keepsake
I say a windshield protects us
from snow storms
A roof shields us from moonlight
A window should be installed
in the world of martial arts
A lance should be spun in a Peking Opera
I stand firm in the horse stance
I put on a Kung Fu suit
when I'm bored and tired
I don't sell tofu (tofu)
What I learn in the martial arts school
is called Kung Fu
Kung Fu (Kung Fu), Kung Fu (Kung Fu)
Quick, put on your Qibao
so I can't take advantage of you.
You're just like tofu (tofu).
Your beautiful skin seduces me
when I'm practicing Kung Fu.
Kung Fu (Kung Fu), Kung Fu (Kung Fu)
Quick, put on your Qibao
so I can't take advantage of you.
When I kick lightly,
you're thrown to the edge of the world.
If I kicked too hard,
there would be no world left.
Flowers falling in the sunset
Climbing over mountains,
crossing over rivers
I clear my throat
and start to sing Peking Opera.
Flying up to Dunhuang Going
deep into the Wild North
Who is there when I turn around?
Ah, what kind of place is it?
What situation is it? La, la, la...
I'll step on your shoulders
when I'm bored and tired.
Ah, are you okay?
The last throw...
I leave it to you and Xiao Lan.
Come on, hang in there...
Come on, you're gonna win!
You're so despicable!
You can jump high, right? So jump then!
- Are you okay?
- Smash your shin.
Stop your blood flow...
Too late to use Qigong!
Don't be afraid.
Everyone is watching him.
But it's your show now.
Jie, hang in there.
He can't jump anymore.
Watch out for Xiao Lan.
Hey, what the hell is this?
Hey, what the hell is this?
No, I'm not. I'm Bi Tianhao's...
- secret weapon.
- It's a goal-tending
Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!
Rules against goal tending
only apply to players.
He's the referee,
and he's disqualified as a referee.
But the point is - you lost!!
Fire Ball won!
Everything in this world
is made of tiny particles.
'Altering Universe' changes
part of the universe
by taking the particles apart
and then reassembling them.
In a split second, time is stopped.
You can even turn the clock back.
He's not throwing. He's passing the ball!
Now, I finally understand
basketball isn't all about dunking.
It's about teamwork.
Hello? What? They want Jie back?
What contract? It's just an agreement!
Okay, but we'll talk about the money later.
I'm busy. I'm off to celebrate!
That's it, bye!
What a snub!
What the hell is it?
Boss, remember our bet, 5 million?
Who asked you to bet...
You won't get away with it.
Sonny is over there.
Please sign it. Again, please.
Thank you.
You looked so cool in the match.
Thank you.
Sorry, I ran out of ink.
Never mind.
The autograph looks exactly like his.
Who are you?
I'm a fan of yours!
This handwriting looks very familiar.
Very neat.
I seem to have seen it somewhere before?
Sure, in the letter
your Masters gave you...
What's up?
You're not happy with it?
Would your Masters have come
if I hadn't written the letter?
If they hadn't come,
would you have won the game?
If you didn't win the game,
how would you become famous?
Hey, are you leaving?
Okay, anyway, sooner or later,
you'll be leaving...
- That's what people do to me
when they become famous.
Hey, can't I just go for a pee?
I knew it... you care about people.
You know what?
I noticed that your ear lobe
was so thick the time I first met you.
So I knew... you care about people.
Excuse me. Which one is Fang Shijie?
Wang Yiwuan!
His birth father is the richest man
in Asia? Wang Yiwuan!
Choose a nice suit. You look so shabby.
How can you go to meet
your father like that?
How about this one?
It looks pricey? How about this one?
How pricey can it be? Just a suit.
Wow, so expensive, 26000 dollars!
Never mind, count it as my gift to you.
A gift for me?
Yeah, the last one.
Oh, you're a poor man now
but you'll be rich tomorrow.
You'll have too much money to spend.
Will you still need gifts by then?
You're so good to me.
Don't be so naive.
I always treat you as a cash cow.
there are lots of greedy people
like me out there.
Never trust other people
when you're rich. Be smart!
Try it on, quick.
Do I look good?
Of course you do. Such a pricey suit.
I'll try it on then.
Why did we stop at this shop?
Should have gone further.
This damned shop! This is extortion!
I left this marble with you
to prove that you're my son.
Why did you abandon me?
I was bankrupt in those days.
My creditors were after me all the time.
For your safety,
I had to leave you, my dearest son...
I didn't want you to be dragged
into my problems.
come over. Let me have a look of you.
Go, money is coming to you.
I owe you so much.
I plan to take you to London tomorrow.
I want to declare you as my heir
in the Capital of Finance.
I have so much to tell you.
So much to talk about.
Come to the study with me.
You look listless.
If you're thinking of Jie,
why don't you go see him?
He's in a different world now.
He has a new life and new friends.
Don't greet him next time you see him.
He's very different now.
You didn't eat anything all day.
Let me get you something to eat.
Drinking alone?
A '92 mixed with a '94?
Wrong! It's a '02 with a '82.
Really pricey stuff.
I thought you'd gone to London
with your dad?
It suits me better here.
Why didn't you leave?
I'm waiting here for someone.
He coaxed me into playing basketball.
He wanted me to become famous
so I could be his cash cow.
But I know he's not a bad guy.
He just pins all his hopes on me.
And that has changed me.
And that has changed me.
The guy you're talking about
is a born loser.
He loses in everything all his life.
When he was about to give up his life,
he came across a baby.
This baby brought back not only his life
but also his pride.
Thank you.
Can I keep playing basketball for you?
get ready for the Olympics.
I'll send the submission to the committee.
High jump, long jump, javelin throw,
shot put, pole vault...
I think you can get at least
ten gold medals.
- Maybe archery as well.
- Really?
Of course. You're a Kung Fu kid!
Yeah, I forgot I knew Kung Fu.
I can swim as well.
We can easily earn millions of dollars
just from advertising.
Cheers! Here's to our grand plan.
When you have earned tons of money,
you can be a movie star or a singer.
Write some good songs and...
- make a lot of money!
- But I can't sing...
I'll take you on a space trip.
- Space?
- No paparazzi there.
That's it.
The end of the story
of my search for my parents.
My four Masters became famous
after the match.
But you've not heard of
the history between them
and Headmaster Wang Biao
before the match.
So, you're the 'World No 1 Fist God'!
No, no... that was long time ago...
Not worth mentioning it at all...
I'd like to take this chance
to fight Headmaster Wang Biao.
If I lose, I'll join you immediately.
Fantastic, it's so easy!
Headmaster Wang...
No, no... I've sworn that
I'd leave the world of martial arts
and never fight again.
Okay. See you at the basketball court.
- Come on.
- Come on.
Wang Biao, if you keep finding excuses,
you'll be punished even more.
Who comes first?
I'll finish him off as soon as possible.
We've been friends, right?
Please don't be too heavy-handed...
Don't worry, I won't be heavy-handed...
I'll just finish you off.
And Lily...
She finally said to me:
When are you going to treat me
to an ice cream?