Good Morning, Babylon (1987)

Remove the scaffolds!
And this one!
Those two are always
something special.
It's finished.
Let's get down.
To jump down?
A chair!
I'm sure those who built this,
after completing their job
they would have stood here to
admire it like I'm doing now.
Those were great!
A miracle!
Here's to you,
Church of the Miracles,
and to our ancestors who
built it a thousand years ago
and to those who transmitted
to us this craft of ours,
made by our hands
and by our imagination.
Of course, I also drink
to your health
because you have restored
the facade to its former glory.
Please allow me to thank
my seven sons
who have been working with you
but, especially,
to raise my glass
to these two little rascals
over there
the two youngest
who have hands of gold,
of real masters.
Yet all you have proved skilled
so you should not feel offended
If I praise those two too much.
That's fine, father...
but you wanted us to reunite
in order to tell us something else
more important...
less pleasant...
Take it easy.
A son ought not to
upset his father.
I've decided to speak later
after the last dish.
You have started
and I have to finish.
Duccio is right.
This is a farewell dinner.
The work we have just accomplished
will be the last.
We are seriously struck by crisis.
The firm is in so much debt
I have to shut it.
My seven sons will decide
what to do, I will retire
in the countryside,
in the house where I was born.
You do know all the rest, don't you?
Those things were up in the air.
I didn't know fuck anything!
I am flabbergasted!
This was supposed to be a feast!
And to think that
I even bought a gift!
This is a funeral!
And for me, isn't it?
Forgive me.
To our master!
So the brothers have decided
to sell off everything.
Yes, everything.
They'll open a great store.
And you, the children?
Yes, the "children" too.
We are to be vendors.
That will be enough.
This means you're going
to change profession?
All seven? Even the little
brothers with the hands of gold?
Yes. All seven.
We're about to recheck the accounts.
Not so loud,
you'll wake up dad.
- We shouldn't give up.
- We have both thought it well.
It's not in our interest to sell off.
The company can do without any workers.
The seven of us are enough.
Let's clear the table.
For a year...
For a year, we won't take any pay.
You, Pietro!
Don't get married right away.
And those who have family,
no more children!
Explain this to your wives!
Are you afraid that father
may hear us?
Leave it to me.
Explain yourself!
You're worried because
today father retired.
But we are both not!
Nicola and I went to see
our father in his house
in the country,
to say good buy...
We had decided to leave Italy
and go to America.
We won't return until we earn enough dollars
to buy our company back.
One day we'll work together again
in our cathedrals.
- I swear to you!
- Me too!
But you have to wait for us, father.
Do not die!
I will not.
They say if want to stay young,
live like the young.
So, I will stay a young man.
I swear to you!
What time is it in America?
It is morning.
Then, before going to sleep,
I will say to you: "Good morning
Andrea, good morning Nicola".
And then in the evening
I will say: "Good morning
Andrea, good morning Nicola"
because it will make no difference.
You are two of you
and that's your force.
On the condition that
you will always remain equal.
Otherwise, you will become enemies.
Keep this in mind.
Forever and ever be equal
to each other.
This is your secret.
A secret known only by two,
is a secret kept by God.
Father, we are a little scared.
Good bye Italy!
Fuck Italy!
- It seems we arrived.
- We're in America.
Who said that?
We salute you, America!
Bloody America, you'll become ours.
Instead, America did not become ours.
Time past.
We moved from state to state
while our jobs were getting more
temporary and more humiliating.
I miss four pigs!
Are they with yours, Andrea?
Ask me in English or I won't answer!
I'm going look for them.
Where did you see them last?
On "rich".
Not "rich", Nicola! "Ridge"!
It's no use, Andrea.
It's not use at all.
No! If we only had
a better understanding
we would not end up here.
And we shall end up here forever!
No, Nicola! Repeat after me!
One, two, buckle the shoe!
Three, four,
knock at the door!
Five, six, pick up sticks!
- They fell off the cliff!
- They eat each other!
Take the others away!
This is horrible!
Good morning, Andrea.
Good morning, Nicola.
What the hell they think they do?
- Can you believe this?!
- The brakes are blocked, Jeff!
Just one moment!
One moment!
Sounds like foreigners to me.
Just take it easy.
There's no point...
It's Okay, folks, we'll be off in
no time. Just get back and sit tight.
It'll take some time to cool off.
No, we're not choristers in the opera.
Just a moment of nostalgia.
We are all craftsmen,
sculptors, plasterers, masons,
and painters.
We're going to San Francisco,
to the Great International Expo
to mount the Italian flag.
He and me are foremen.
We came directly from Italy.
The others were already here.
- What about the two of you?
- We are craftsmen like you.
From Tuscany.
We are the ones who restored
the Church of the Miracles.
Well, then...
what are you doing here?
I can't hear you well...
But what are you doing here?
Come and see!
We did ourselves proud.
All the Italians did themselves proud
that year in San Francisco.
We were the heroes of the hour.
Nobody talked of anything
but us and our "Tower of Jewels"
Italian Foremen With Their Workers
We worked there as their laborers.
We made some money
and bought ourselves
some fancy new suits.
At the Expo, they were showing
the motion picture "Cabiria",
another great Italian success!
There was one man in the crowd wanted
to see the picture again at once.
By himself.
He paid for the theatre and orchestra.
That man, destined to have
a great influence over our lives,
was the most famous
film-director in all of America.
D.W. Griffith.
Send a wire:
"To Pastrone, director
of 'Cabiria', Italy.
Your picture
is greater than all of mine.
you made me realize
the film I am shooting
is taking me off course.
I am cancelling it."
He said "cancel", Mr. Grass?
We already... we already
made the calls for Monday.
That's right! A hundred
extras, six automobiles...
- Won't we rehearse the actors?
- Wait a minute, just shut up.
"And I don't know whether to
be grateful or... I hate you.
D.W. Griffith."
Never mind.
Artists communicate through their work.
There he is!
- Have the Italians done it again?
- How does it compare?
What impressed you most
about "Cabiria"?
Everything? Could you be
a little more specific?
A sequence? Or an image?
The elephant.
The black elephant!
Thompson, will you bring Mrs. Griffith?
Is it true that you plan to stop
production of your present film?
It is!
A disaster!
- Stroke of luck!
- How's that, sir?
I shall transform it!
You write this down!
It will become part of a fresco.
Then you resume production...
...along the lines of the
Italian "Cabiria", sir?
Three hundred times
greater than "Cabiria"!
Are you thinking about your old idea?
"Intolerance", I can always tell
when it crops up in your head.
Get closer!
David, what are you doing?
It's pouring!
Who built this?
The Italians!
It's the Italian pavilion,
Mr. Griffith!
Italians, M. Griffith!
It's always the Italians!
Those endowed Italians!
I want them.
They must be gone
by now, Mr. Griffith!
They finished build
the expo a month or so!
I want the man who built this!
He'll have to go to work for me!
I want the construction
foreman, Mr. Grass!
The two artists you want
they're leaving for Italy today
with most of their workers!
I know because they are
members of this Italian club.
The two foremen who worked in the expo!
Look! If you leave your number
I will try to get in touch.
You are calling from where?
To make elephants?
For whom?
One moment, hold on.
No good! They got as many
workers as they need.
They just want the two foremen!
Alright, if I happen to find anything,
who should I call?
Ah, sent them to Frisco...
- And then?
- They want Teodoro and Amilcare.
We can find them!
They sail for Seattle in an hour.
Maybe we can stop them.
We'll be too late.
If they've left,
we can try ourselves.
Then my shoe came untied...
Both mine are too.
God, I'm sorry!
But I'm glad too!
- Well, you guys are...
- The foremen the director wants!
The director's name is Griffith, right?
Your names?
Amilcare Martini.
Teodoro Benvenuti.
Okay, hop in "paisans"!
The day after tomorrow
you'll be in Hollywood.
Don't forget to fill up in Salinas!
I leave you here. The tram will take
you straight to Mr. Grass's office.
He's the production manager
of Mr. Griffith. See you around!
My sons, oh my sons!
Yes, my sons I awaked you.
Where are we?
Alright, all the dead get down!
Perfectly still!
The King to the throne!
Slowly, slowly!
Get the sons on horseback!
Alright, roll it!
Go, my sons!
I shall wait for you here.
We have been defeated
but when you return
you will win back my kingdom.
Look, Andrea.
The old king is crying.
You kids new?
- Have a piece!
- Thank you!
Please, listen, give us a chance!
We're dancers.
Yes, and very good ones.
We can't be extras all our lives!
Look girls, it's not up to me.
Even you don't believe us.
Well, can you do a split?
It's Griffith!
He's trying a new machine.
Where's Griffith?
It's the man upon the crane
with the big white hat.
Good morning to you, Mr. Thompson.
We are the Italians!
Destroy it! Mr. Griffith says he
doesn't even want the tail!
So you two are the
famous Italian builders?
You're here to make elephants
for "Intolerance".
Not one of our drawings has met with
the approval of Mr. Griffith.
But you Italians think
you can do better.
Remember what they did
up in Frisco!
I know, I know.
I see Hollywood agrees with you
my dear architects.
You look thirty years younger...
We thought we...
Can we sit down?
Have you been in the service?
Then on your feet. About face!
Forward, march!
Actors and extras on set!
Take your positions!
No, enough! Come on!
Hurry up, please!
You two, girls!
Aren't you extras?
Extras! Extras!
I'm sorry I got you in trouble!
I always go and open my big mouth.
Steve, finish up here by tonight.
Tomorrow I'm pulling it.
I got to get the new
sets for Griffith ready.
You're still here.
We were wrong, Mr. Grass.
We have to pay.
We need the job!
Any kind of job.
No, no!
I know you "wops"!
Liars, swindlers,
allergic to work...
Belly in the sun
and hands on your belly!
These hands have restored the cathedrals of Pisa,
Lucca and Florence!
Whose son are you...
We are the sons
of the sons of the sons
of Michelangelo and Leonardo!
Whose son are you?
No, excuse us!
We're only here to ask for jobs.
Viva Firenze!
Viva Firenze!
We were in Florence once!
It's the most beautiful place
in the world!
Viva Firenze!
- The sun's going!
- Will you take your places?
You go by the train station?
No, next car!
After midnight.
There those two boys again.
It's them.
Do you guys take care birds?
Then I got a job for you!
Hop in!
We got a hundred birds for a scene
we're shooting in a couple of weeks.
Just feed them and clean
the cages, morning and night.
During the day I'll try to find you
some more jobs around the set.
On night you can sleep
in the birdhouse.
This is it. You can get out.
The door is open.
What's the matter?
You're scared?
We ain't even
the time to thanks!
What the stink!
I'd die of pity for
somebody like you and me.
Good morning, father.
Movies are light.
You're not on a stage.
When the light hits your face
not from a light bulb
but natural, true sunlight,
when you feel it, the audience
has to feel it with you.
Now, get up.
And take your places.
- The sun? Where's going to be coming from?
- I don't know.
From up above. There are two
people in front of those panels.
Is it time?
Roll it!
"Air is the thing around
your head that...
lighter when you laugh."
Shut up!
For you, it's night!
"You're as beautiful...
as a snowy mountain."
"Beautiful as a snowy mountain."
"I'll put you in my shadow,
to keep you from melting."
How're we going to deliver them?
"Sometimes I fall in...
"Sometimes I fall in to your eyes...
who knows where I end up."
Oh, we're all friends...
Oh, read another one!
"I should like to be the
petal of a giant flower
where you rest your head."
"You are as beautiful...
as a snowy mountain."
"I should put you
in my shadow...
to keep from melting."
Two snowy mountains,
coming up!
Not the wrong color!
Get them out of here!
I said white horses!
Like two snowy mountains!
It's Okay?
Yeah, now get down here,
we will shoot it!
David, watch out!
You'll melt like a snowy mountain!
Come here!
Stay close where I am,
let me keep in my shadow!
"Keep you in my shadow"?
Are we speaking in verse today?
Eh, my dear?
"Andrea and Nicola invite Edna
and Mabel to lunch tomorrow
in the birdhouse."
Remember what we promised
each other...
We only go out with...
directors or producers.
What a lot of laughs!
They're here.
Mr. Grass and company,
rather on the dot.
Listen, what if we asked
them for a rain check?
We can still get to
the woods some time...
Oh, forget it Mabel.
Getting involved with Nicola
and Andrea would be like...
like building houses on quicksand.
Those two are losers!
Poor guys.
- We're late.
- Oh, let them wait!
Oh, just look at those lips!
Whenever they chap like that,
I just know something
is going to go wrong.
Let me tell you,
the best medicine is to laugh!
I wish I wasn't here!
We have the money to go back.
Yes, but just enough to go back.
What will we tell father?
I wish I was back home
in the square playing in the bands.
What we do now, huh?
G. Rossini
"The Thieving Magpie"
This is the elephant
Griffith has been waiting for.
We will build one for him,
standing up, life-size!
They build that?
No, I can't believe it.
It's too beautiful!
What are you doing?
Are you not going undress?
I took off my vest.
A person wants to smell skin...
I know but...
I'm ashamed.
What about me, then?
A woman's body
is always beautiful!
At least your boots!
I told you!
It's good to be with you, Andrea!
You know some times I feel
like I am with two people.
You know, Edna and me, we're
friends too, but it's different.
But with you there's something more.
You two always together,
always equal to each-other.
Now tell me what
you were about to say.
Please tell me!
I was thinking about a time that
Nicola and I were not equal as you say.
We were about nine and ten,
and both had
two cents in our pockets.
We bought a ticket apiece.
Nicola got number 18.
I got 50.
18 came out!
Nicola got his beautiful Spanish knife.
Chance has favored just one of us.
Our strength, our equality
had been destroyed.
Why did you tell my this story?
To scare me?
To make you realize
how much you mean to me.
You're the first person I told it to.
The scar's over here!
This is the scar?
Yes, but don't tell Andrea that
I told you this story, my love.
He'll never forgive me.
Those were happy days.
Edna and Mabel introduced
us to their friends
people from all over the world,
who had come to work in the movies.
One evening they came to see us
and we took them to see our elephant.
Was it worthy to be
shown to Griffith?
It's a little gray,
isn't it?
An elephant is gray.
It's true to reality,
but it won't stand on a film.
If it was lightened, Andrea,
I'd shoot some test of it.
- Then, we'll see.
- Yeah, right.
It'll be day soon,
in a couple of hours.
Why are we not waiting for dawn?
Oh, yeah!
Let's wait. Please, Sean!
I've never saw the sunrise
up in the woods!
If I'm going to shoot this thing,
I want it perfect
So who's going to give me a hand
to whitewash this monster?
Listen, let's make a circle
of candles all around it.
A circle of candles
around the elephant!
- How's the light, Okay?
- Yeah, just about.
I'm sorry, folks.
I guess I [...] to drink a little.
Just what I wanted to say is...
Oh, anyhow!
Who knows where we'll be
in ten, twenty years from now?
Let's just promise
never to forget the way we are now.
and how we are helping each other.
Oh dear, I...
What I mean
is that's why...
the movies for me
this Hollywood of ours
it's so wonderful...
because you...
I mean we...
Isn't it lightened enough yet?
Is it time?
Those two degos!
A real flop!
It's a masterpiece.
A masterpiece.
Should we take it to Mr. Griffith?
Stop it!
You're going to leave
from here for good!
Hey you guys
give me a hand!
- We need to do something!
- Don't worry.
You wanted to work in
the movies, didn't you?
Well, we didn't test
these chains before!
Is he looking at it?
I want eight of those elephants.
They're wonderful!
But the two Italian guys
made it they have... gone away.
Gone where?
To jail.
You're kidding!
- What did they do?
- They got in a fight.
- With who?
- Ask me!
With your production man!
Get those two delinquents out of
bail at once and bring them to me.
This is mine.
That's yours.
They are the same.
I'll look funny sitting
behind a desk like this.
Me too.
If our father could see us now...
Now, we can bring him over.
In a moment!
Who told you to come in?
I knocked!
Were you on the service?
Then, about face!
Forward, march!
About face!
Forward, march!
Are these for the bride and groom?
- No, for Mr. Griffith and Bonani!
- Mr. Bonani, right.
They wanted their father
to be here too.
We got important guests, today!
Oh, Mr. Griffith loves these
boys like the apple of his eye.
Who is this Italian father, anyway?
- Oh, some great artist from Tuscany.
- Whats his name?
Michael-Angelo, or, Raphael!
Yeah, I have heard of him.
I thought he was dead.
Here they come.
Do you like it?
Yes, it's beautiful.
This is our theater.
Let's move on.
Come on!
This banquet of ours
is offered by our boss.
Mr. Griffith.
There he is.
He is coming to welcome you.
Hand me this stick.
I'll go alone.
I've never noticed he limped.
He does it on purpose.
On purpose?
He wants to seem even older.
Who's going to greet the other first?
Good morning, maestro.
May I make the boldest
and ask your age, sir?
How old are you?
Ninety? seventy!
What's he doing?
This is the sign of blessing
of our ancestors.
For you, Mabel.
And for you, Edna.
And for you, my sons.
It's a traditional blessing.
It's for Mabel and Edna
and, of course, for the sons.
Maybe I am a bad person
but I want to tell the truth.
I blessed my two sons.
I should have not.
You have not honored your promise
to depart in order to return,
to work in a foreign land
but your earnings to help
a new start in your own country
in the profession of your father
and your grandfather
and your other ancestors
who built our cathedrals.
But this old man waited in vain
for his sons to honor their promise.
Say something.
Maybe it's not my place to speak.
I'm not a son or a relative
nor have I ninety summers on my head
like you've seen, Bonani.
But like you
I'm used to say what I think.
I don't know whether our work,
that of your sons and mine
is as fine as that of those
who built your Romanesque cathedrals.
I do know that those works were born
as these are born today
of the same collective dream.
I believe that your sons, Bonani,
are like those obscure stonecutters
who carved their masterpieces
on the cathedrals you honor,
who contributed and make
them famous with their art
and who helped their
neighbor to believe
and to live better.
This is why
I love movie-making...
and I respect it, Bonani.
You can tell I used to be an actor.
I've done a little of everything
in my life
but I've never given a
better performance than today.
Ladies and gentlemen...
The elephants!
- How tall you think they are?
- The elephants?
The columns are 90 feet high,
the elephants 50!
They weigh 5 tons each!
Thank you, Mr. Griffith!
Stop the war!
We want peace!
I'm fine.
- Where to?
- Home, please!
Where's that?
- The address?
- No, to the hospital!
Don't lose them!
Go faster!
Don't laugh but I don't
feel too well either...
What is?
Doctor, I'm the one
with the other lady.
How much long I have to wait?
- The other?
- Edna, yes.
The other lady isn't in labor,
not for the moment.
Why not?
She has pains!
Maybe, sympathy...
What do you mean "sympathy"?
They could be sympathy
pains, it happens.
You saw a friend and
consequently... you understand.
What should I do?
Take her home?
No, it's that I want to
be certain that's sympathy.
Otherwise it could be
at the most serious...
Nicola, you know
how I'm going to call him?
Father's name: Bonnano!
No wait! I thought it first!
Mine's already born.
Mine will be here in a few days.
- You can take grandfather's name.
- I prefer father's.
We draw for it.
Oh, Nicky, I'm so stupid.
What people will think of me?
They're maybe just sympathy pains
but they really hurt!
My Edna, always the actress.
I hurt so bad.
How bad?
Where's Mabel?
Your friend is in next room.
Her bed is right to the
other side of the wall.
Any news?
- No, nothing yet!
- So, come on.
Get to Mabel's room.
Let's celebrate!
No, later I will.
I'm going to get a breath of fresh air.
You're settled but not me.
Tomorrow, it's Edna's turn.
Bonnano Bonani.
I'm dying!
What a pretty picture!
What have you done?
Don't touch me!
And what is this to me?
He's your son, Nicola.
Don't worry about him.
Mabel will just have
two sons instead of one.
She will nurse yours too.
She'll take care of you as she does me.
You really think you're
something, don't you?
Don't! I'm leaving!
Just sorrow.
I know.
I don't want to take it
away from you.
You're the lucky one.
I don't want to end up
being jealous of you.
It's not my fault.
But you are luckier.
It's true, yes?
What are you talking about?
Not behaving like a brother.
What does "brother" mean?
I don't know.
Let us take care of you
and your son!
I'm not leaving him with you!
Why not?
Not on your life!
We're not equal any more.
- Let's go and get him.
- Are you out of your mind?
My wife is nursing him.
We're not equal any more.
Go by yourself!
I don't want to see you ever again.
You don't? Imagine me!
Well, when does he plan
to go back to work?
I don't know, he tries.
He draws and draws.
He's unhappy.
He tears it all up.
I try to help.
And his brother Nicola?
He's entrusted the baby
to Marga, our old friend.
He's sailing for Italy today.
He's decided to join the army.
To go fight.
Let's go! Stand up!
The cameraman is dead!
Where's the soldier
who was in America?
- What was the name? Hollywood?
- Hollywood!
Is it you, Hollywood?
Do you know how it operates?
It was not my job
but I'll try.
Slow down!
My lieutenant excuse me,
where's Tuscanys battalion?
Farther up,
near the Basilica.
That's what I think...
Who are there?
They fight with us.
You're Italian, do you
know what is this church?
I don't know how it's called.
I'm not from around here.
It's a beautiful Romanesque.
Nicola, attention!
You know what I regret
most in having to dye, Andrea?
Our children will never see our faces.
I know what you're thinking of
and I'm in accord.
When they'll be passing by here
again, they're going to reclaim this.
And so our children will
learn how we looked like.
Clean your face, Nicola.
Do you want your son
see you like that?
And now...
make an effort to smile.
I smile at you.