Goodfellas (1990)

What the fuck is that?
- What's up?
- Did I hit something?
What the fuck is that?
Maybe you got a flat?
What the fuck?
You better pull over and see.
He's still alive. You piece of shit!
Die, you motherfucker!
Look at me!
As far back as I can remember,
I always wanted to be a gangster.
To me...
...being a gangster was better than
being president of the United States.
Even before I went to the cabstand
for an after-schooljob...
...I knew I wanted to be part of them.
It was there that I knew I belonged.
To me, it meant being somebody... a neighborhood full of nobodies.
They weren't like anybody else.
They did whatever they wanted.
They parked in front of hydrants
and never got a ticket.
When they played cards all night...
...nobody ever called the cops.
Tony Stacks. How are you?
Tuddy Cicero.
Could this be the Canarsie Kid?
Tuddy ran the cabstand
and the Bella Vista Pizzeria...
...and other places for his brother, Paul,
who was the boss of the neighborhood.
Paulie might have moved slow...
...but it was only because Paulie
didn't have to move for anybody.
- It's your fault.
- You started it!
I started it? It's your fault.
At first my parents loved that I found
a job across the street from the house.
My father, who was Irish,
was sent to work at the age of 11.
He liked that I got myself a job.
He always used to say
that American kids were spoiled lazy.
Henry! Watch how you cross!
Bring back milk!
My mother was happy after
she found out the Ciceros...
...came from the same part of Sicily
as she did. To my mother...
...that was the answer to all her prayers.
I was the luckiest kid in the world.
I could go anywhere, do anything.
I knew everybody, and everybody knew me.
Wiseguys would pull up and Tuddy
would let me park their Cadillacs.
Here I am, this little kid,
I can't even see over the steering wheel...
...and I'm parking Cadillacs.
But, it wasn't too long...
...before my parents changed
their minds about myjob at the cabstand.
For them, it was supposed to be
a part-timejob. But for me... was definitely full time.
That's all I wanted to do.
People like my father could never
understand, but I was part of something.
I belonged. I was treated like a grown-up.
Tell him 519.
Every day I was learning to score.
A dollar here, a dollar there.
I was living in a fantasy.
Did you have a good day at school?
My father was always pissed off.
Pissed that he made such lousy money,
that my brother Michael...
...was in a wheelchair.
He was pissed that there were seven of us
living in such a tiny house.
Tell me about this.
It's a letter from school.
It says you haven't been there in months.
In months!
You're a bum!
Want to grow up to be a bum?
After a while, he was mostly pissed
because I hung around the cabstand.
He knew what went on there.
Every once in a while I'd have to take
a beating. But by then, I didn't care.
The way I saw it...
...everybody takes a beating sometime.
I can't make any more deliveries.
What? You'll fuck everything up.
My dad says he'll kill me. Look.
Come with me.
- Is that him there?
- No.
- How about him?
- No.
- That's the guy-
- Get him.
Excuse me.
- Scumbag.
- Come here, you piece of shit.
- Know this kid?
- Yeah.
- Know where he lives?
- Yeah.
- You deliver mail to his house?
- Yeah.
From now on, any letter from school
to his house comes directly here.
Another letter from school
goes to that kid's house... the oven you'll go, head first.
That was it. No more letters from
truant officers. No letters from school.
In fact, no more letters from anybody.
After a few weeks, my mother went
to the post office to complain.
How could I go to school after that...
...and pledge allegiance and sit through
good government bullshit?
Paulie hated phones.
He wouldn't have one in his house.
Mickey called. Want me to call him back?
All right, make the call.
He got all his calls second hand.
Then you'd have to call the people back.
Got a nickel? Get him on the phone.
There were guys, that's all they did all
day, was take care of Paulie's calls.
For a guy who moved all day long...
...Paulie didn't talk to six people.
With union problems...
...or a beef in the numbers...
...only the top guys spoke
with Paulie about the problem.
Everything was one-on-one.
Paulie hated conferences.
He didn't want anybody
hearing what he said...
...or anyone listening to
what he was being told.
Hundreds of guys depended on him, and
he got a piece of everything they made.
It was a tribute, like in the old country,
except they were doing it in America.
All they got from Paulie was protection
from the guys trying to rip them off.
That's what it's all about. That's
what the FBI could never understand.
What Paulie and the Organization does... protect people who can't
go to the cops. That's it.
They're like the police department
for wiseguys.
People looked at me differently,
and they knew I was with somebody.
I didn't have to wait in line at the bakery
on Sunday morning for fresh bread.
The owner knew who I was with, and no
matter how many people were waiting...
...I was taken care of first.
Our neighbors stopped parking in
our driveway, even though we had no car.
At 13...
...I was making more money than most
of the grown-ups in the neighborhood.
I had it all.
One day...
One day, some neighborhood kids carried
my mother's groceries all the way home.
You know why?
It was out of respect.
What do you think?
Aren't my shoes great?
You look like a gangster.
They shot me. Help!
Henry, shut the door.
That was the first time
I had ever seen anyone shot.
Can't have that in here. Jesus Christ!
I can't have that in this joint.
I remember feeling bad about the guy,
but also...
...feeling maybe Tuddy was right.
I knew Paulie didn't want
anyone dying in the building.
You're a real jerk. You wasted
eight fucking aprons on this guy.
What's wrong with you?
I got to toughen this kid up.
It was a glorious time.
And wiseguys were all over the place.
It was before Apalachin
and before Crazy Joe...
...decided to take on
a boss and start a war.
It was when I met the world.
And it was when
I first met Jimmy Conway.
He couldn't have been more than 28 or 29
at the time, but he was already a legend.
He'd walk in the door and everybody
who worked the roomjust went wild.
He'd give a doorman $100
just for opening the door.
He'd give hundreds to the dealers
and the guys who ran the games.
The bartender got $100 just
for keeping the ice cubes cold.
The Irishman is here
to take you Guineas' money.
- Want a drink?
- Give me a Seven and Seven.
I'd like you to meet the kid Henry.
How you doin'?
Thank you.
Keep them coming.
Jimmy was one of the most
feared guys in the city.
He was first locked up at 11,
and doing hits for mob bosses at 16.
Hits never bothered Jimmy.
It was business.
But what Jimmy really loved to do...
what he really loved to do was steal.
He actually enjoyed it.
Jimmy was the kind of guy who rooted
for the bad guys in movies.
Give me your wallet.
You might know who we are,
but we know who you are.
He was one of the city's biggest hijackers...
...of booze, cigarettes, razor blades,
shrimp and lobsters.
Shrimp and lobsters were best.
They went fast.
Almost all of them were gimmies.
They just gave it up, no problem.
They called him Jimmy the Gent.
Help the lady.
Drivers loved him.
They used to tip him off...
...about the really good loads.
Of course, everybody got a piece.
Thanks, I'll be back for the rest later.
Henry, come here.
Say hello to Tommy.
You're gonna be working together, okay?
Help him. Go ahead.
Jimmy, you got anything good?
And when the cops assigned a whole
army to stop Jimmy, what did he do?
He made them partners.
I'd complain, but who'd listen?
- What do you need?
- Two Luckys.
- Here you go, Henry.
- Thanks a lot.
- What do you need?
- One Pall Mall.
What are you doing?
- It's all right.
- Says who? Your mother?
How many Pall Malls you need?
- Where'd you get the cigarettes?
- Get him out of here.
- It's okay.
- It's not okay!
- You don't understand.
- You don't understand. Store's closed.
- Henry got pinched.
- Where?
By the factory.
Henry Hill. The People of
the State of New York vs. Henry Hill.
Docket #704162.
Yes, sir. That's me.
Just stand there. Now stay there.
Counselor, proceed.
Here's your graduation present.
- Why? I got pinched.
- Everyone does, but you did it right.
- You told them nothing.
- I thought you'd be mad.
I'm not mad, I'm proud of you.
You took your first pinch like a man...
...and learned the two greatest things
in life.
Look at me.
Never rat on your friends...
...and always keep your mouth shut.
Here he is!
You broke your cherry!
By the time I grew up,
there was 30 billion a year in cargo...
...moving through Idlewild Airport,
and we tried to steal every bit of it.
See, we grew up near the airport.
It belonged to Paulie. We had friends
and relatives who worked all over it.
They would tip us off about what
was coming in and moving out.
If any truckers or airlines gave us trouble...
...Paulie's union people scared them
with a strike. It was beautiful.
It was a bigger moneymaker than numbers
and Jimmy was in charge.
Whenever we needed money,
we'd rob the airport.
To us, it was better than Citibank.
You got a phone? Come on!
Two niggers just stole my truck.
Can you fucking believe that shit?
There was Jimmy and Tommy...
...and me.
And there was Anthony Stabile.
Frankie Carbone.
And then there was Mo Black's brother,
Fat Andy.
And his guys, Frankie the Wop...
...and Freddy No Nose.
And then there was Pete the Killer,
who was Sally Balls' brother.
Then you had Nickey Eyes...
...and Mikey Franzese.
Jimmy Two-Times, nicknamed
because he said everything twice.
I'll get the papers, get the papers.
What is this? Coats?
I need suits, Henry, not coats.
Suits are up on Thursday.
But it's the middle of summer.
What'll I do with fur coats?
You don't want furs? I'll take them away.
No, I want them. We'll hang them
in the freezer with the meat.
For us, to live any other way was nuts.
To us, those goody-good people who
worked shittyjobs for bum paychecks...
...and took the subway to work and
worried about bills, were dead.
They were suckers. They had no balls.
If we wanted something, wejust took it.
If anyone complained twice, they got
hit so bad they never complained again.
It was alljust routine.
You didn't even think about it.
Frankie, what the fuck does 520...
...have to do with 469?
What's that got to do with anything?
Piece of cake. Don't worry about
the alarms. I just got to get a key.
- No problems?
- I'll take care of it.
- Tell him what you were telling me.
- Too good to be true.
Big score coming from Air France.
Bags of money coming in.
Americans change their money over
into French money and send it back here.
- Calm down.
- It's beautiful.
It's totally, totally untraceable.
Our only problem is getting a key,
but I got a plan.
- Me and Frenchy and this citizen.
- Yeah, he's a piece of work.
If I'm right, there could be
half a mil coming in, all cash.
The best time is probably over a weekend.
So maybe Saturday night.
There's a Jewish holiday Monday. They
won't find out until Tuesday. Beautiful.
What about the security?
You're looking at it. It's a joke.
I'm the midnight-to-eight man.
He just comes in like
he's picking up lost baggage.
- It's beautiful.
- It won't be a problem at all.
- Good.
- We're on.
What's really funny is that
fucking bank job in Secaucus.
I'm in the weeds lying down.
He said, "What are you doing?"
I said, "Resting. "
"This ain't no beach or park. "
"I'm resting!" I said.
He pulls me in, starts asking questions.
You know, this and that.
"What are you going to tell us?"
I said, "My usual. Nothing. "
"Why tell you?" The fuck. He says,
"No, you'll tell me something today. "
I said, "Okay, go fuck your mother. "
You saw the paper, Anthony.
My head was out like this.
I'm coming around and who do I see
in front of me?
This prick again. He says,
"What do you want to tell me now?"
I said, "What are you doing here?
I said to go fuck your mother. "
I thought he'd shit.
The fuckers. I wish I was big just once.
Funny. You're really funny.
What do you mean, I'm funny?
It's funny, you know. It's a good story.
You're a funny guy.
You mean the way I talk? What?
It's just, you know. You're just funny.
You know, the way you tell the story.
Funny how? What's funny about it?
- Tommy, you got it all wrong.
- Anthony-
He's a big boy. He knows what he said.
Funny, how?
Just, you know. You're funny.
Let me understand this.
Maybe I'm a little fucked up.
But, I'm funny, how? Funny like a clown?
I amuse you?
I make you laugh?
I'm here to fucking amuse you?
What do you mean, funny?
How am I funny?
You know, how you tell a story.
No, I don't know. You said it.
You said I'm funny.
How am I funny?
What the fuck is so funny about me?
Tell me what's funny!
Get the fuck out of here, Tommy.
Motherfucker! I almost had him!
You stuttering prick, you!
Frankie, was he shaking?
I wonder about you sometimes, Henry.
You may fold under questioning!
What's with you?
I thought I was getting pinched already.
He's on my neck like a vulture.
What do you want?
This guy didn't want to give you the check.
Could you take care of this?
No problem. Tell him to put it on my tab.
That's what I want to talk to you about.
It ain't just this one.
It's seven big ones you owe me.
$7,000, that ain't peanuts.
I don't mean to be out of order-
It's good you don't like to be out of order,
Embarrassing me in front of my friends,
like I'm a deadbeat.
You're a mutt. You know the money
we spend in this fucking-
- Don't be like that.
- Like what?
Do you believe this prick?
You think this is funny?
What the fuck are you looking at?
You fucking moron!
You don't want to bring the check?
Do you believe this prick?
You're supposed to be doing this stuff, too.
You're a funny guy.
That's it, Henry!
You want to laugh?
This prick asked me to christen his kid.
I charged him $7,000.
You really are a funny guy.
I'm worried. I'm hearing bad things.
He treats me like I'm a fucking fag.
I got to go on the lam
to get away from this guy.
This ain't right. I can't go here or there.
I talk to them a million times.
They don't listen.
If you tell him, he'll stop.
I'll wind up being declared M.I.A.
They'll find me in a car in the weeds.
You've known this Tommy all your life.
This cocksucker's an arch criminal.
When I leave my house in the morning
I look over both shoulders.
This is no way to live. I'm no fence jumper.
- Tell me what to do, I'll do it.
- What could I do?
If there was something I could do,
I would. I'd like to help you out.
Tell him what we talked about.
Maybe you could come in with me,
take a piece of this joint. It'd be good.
What are you talking about?
You mean the restaurant?
It's a classy place.
You've been in here a million times.
Tommy taking over this joint
is like putting a silk hat on a pig.
I don't mean any disrespect,
but that's the way it is.
I'm begging you. What can I say?
What am I going to do?
What does he want from me?
I don't know anything about
the restaurant business.
All I know is how to sit down
and order a meal.
Not for you. Just a place to hang.
The chef is great. The shows are good.
There's a lot of whores coming in.
What do you want from me?
Tommy's a bad seed.
What am I supposed to do? Shoot him?
That wouldn't be a bad idea.
I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it.
It's just that he's scaring me.
I just need help. Help me, please.
Know anything about
the restaurant business?
He knows everything.
He's there day and night.
Another fucking few minutes,
he could be a stool.
You want me to be your partner?
Is that what you're telling me?
What do you think I'm talking about?
Paulie, please.
It's not even fair.
You don't understand.
You run the joint.
Maybe I'll try to help you.
God bless you, Paulie.
You've always been fair with me.
Now he's got Paulie as a partner.
Any problems, he goes to Paulie.
Trouble with a bill, he goes to Paulie.
Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy...
...he calls Paulie.
But now he has to pay Paulie...
...every week no matter what.
"Business is bad? Fuck you, pay me.
Had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. "
"The place got hit by lightning?
Fuck you, pay me. "
Also, Paulie could do anything.
Like run up bills on thejoint's credit.
And why not?
Nobody will pay for it anyway.
Take deliveries at the front door
and sell it out the back at a discount.
Take a $200 case of booze
and sell it for $100.
It doesn't matter. It's all profit.
Then finally, when there's nothing left...
...when you can't borrow
another buck from the bank... bust thejoint out.
You light a match.
Do you need help reaching anything?
You look like you're
decorating a Christmas tree.
She's from the Five Towns.
The Jew broad. Diane.
I been trying to bang her for a month.
She won't go out with me alone.
- No.
- No, what?
No, what? Who asked you anything?
Wait to hear what I'm going to say.
All right, what?
She won't go out with Italians alone.
She's prejudiced against Italians.
You fucking believe that? In this day
and age? What is this world coming to?
I can't believe this. A Jew broad,
prejudiced against Italians.
She won't go out without her girlfriend.
So you come along for her friend.
See? I knew it. I knew it.
What the fuck is wrong with that?
- When is it?
- Tomorrow night.
I'm meeting Tuddy.
You could meet Tuddy.
Come early and then go.
- Why do you always do this?
- Don't give me that shit.
What did I ask you for? A favor.
I do a lot of fucking favors for you.
I'm trying to bang this broad. Help me out.
I don't understand you. She's beautiful!
Her family lives in the Five Towns.
These Jews got money.
Maybe the family owns the whole block.
You may wind up with a big score.
You with your fucking mouth!
I had a meeting with Tuddy at 11:00
and here I am a backup guy for Tommy.
Did you have enough to eat?
It was delicious. I'm just watching my diet.
Let me watch your figure.
I couldn't wait to go. I was ordering
dessert when they were eating dinner.
When they were having coffee,
I was asking for the check.
Have some coffee. It'll wake you up.
Joe, can we have the check?
What are you doing?
- I got to go.
- We just got here.
I got that thing.
We'll leave together.
This way we don't go out
like a bunch of hobos, one at a time.
I couldn't stand him.
I thought he was really obnoxious.
He kept fidgeting around.
You don't mind, do you?
That's very annoying.
Good? You might prefer Manischewitz,
but it'd look funny on my table.
- Ready?
- Lighten up.
We just got here. What are you doing?
Before it was time to go,
he was pushing me into the car...
...then pulling me out. It was ridiculous.
Diane and Tommy made us promise
to meet them again on Friday.
We agreed.
But when Friday came around,
Henry stood me up.
I feel terrible. I don't know where he is.
He really liked you.
All he did was talk about her.
We were a trio instead of a double date.
He should have called.
I hope it's nothing serious.
But I made Tommy take me
looking for him.
Tommy, what the fuck?
You got some nerve standing me up.
Nobody does that to me.
Who do you think you are,
Frankie Valli or some big shot?
I forgot. I thought it was next week.
It was this Friday and you agreed,
so you're a liar!
We can talk about this.
Talk to you after what you just did to me?
Forget it.
I thought you would stand me up.
You looked bored. You didn't say anything.
Let me make it up to you.
I'll think about it.
I remember, she was screaming
on the street and I mean loud.
- But she looked good.
- I'll think about it.
But it'll cost you, Hill. A lot.
She had these great eyes
just like Liz Taylor's.
Hello, Henry.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
Come on.
- Wait a minute.
- What?
You have to cover that cross.
My mother sees that-
Meet my friend, Henry Hill.
My daughter says you're half Jewish.
It's just the good half.
See you later.
You're leaving your car?
He watches the car for me.
It's easier than leaving it at a garage.
It's a lot quicker that way.
I like going in this way.
It's better than waiting in line.
How are you doin'? What's up?
Here you go.
- How are you doin', Gino?
- Good. How are you?
Every time I come here,
I see you two. Don't you work?
Henry, nice to see you. Hi, how are you?
Anthony, right in the front.
Anything you need, let me know.
Tony, thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
You gave them $20 each.
Henry, this is with Mr. Tony, over there.
- Where?
- Over there.
Thanks a lot, Tony.
- What do you do?
- What?
- What do you do?
- I'm in construction.
They don't feel like you're in construction.
I'm a union delegate.
Ladies and gentlemen...
...the Copacabana is proud to present
the king of one-liners...
...Henry Youngman.
How are you all? I'm glad to be here.
Take my wife, please.
I take my wife everywhere
but she finds her way home.
I said, "Where do you wanna go
for our anniversary?"
She said,
"Somewhere I've never been before. "
I said, "Try the kitchen. "
Dr. Wellsler is here.
Gave a guy six months to live.
Couldn't pay his bill.
Gave him another six months.
I love this crowd.
Air France made me.
We walked out with $420,000
without using a gun.
And we did the right thing.
We gave Paulie his tribute.
Sixty thousand.
It's going to be a good summer.
I'm proud of you.
That is a lot of money for a kid like you.
Anybody asks you where you got it,
you got it in Vegas playing craps.
Check, sir.
No. You have to sign for it here.
Should I tip him?
- How are you?
- Okay. And you?
- Henry, this is Bruce.
- Good to meet you.
I'll see you around later.
Do you know him?
He lives across the street.
"Roses are red, my love
"Violets are blue
"Sugar is sweet, my love
"But not as sweet as you"
One night, Bobby Vinton sent us
champagne. There was nothing like it.
I didn't think there was
anything strange in any of this.
A 21-year-old kid with such connections.
He was an exciting guy.
He was really nice.
He introduced me to everybody.
Everybody wanted to be nice to him.
He knew how to handle it.
Don't buy wigs that come off
at the wrong time.
Morrie's wigs don't come off!
Even underwater.
And remember, Morrie's wigs are tested
against hurricane winds.
Forget about money.
You can afford a Morrie wig.
Call me now!
Come in for a personalized fitting.
Morrie, Jimmy's waiting. You're past due.
I've been good to you.
But there's something
unreasonable going on here.
Jimmy's being a ball breaker.
Give him 8-to-5 on Cleveland.
I never had to pay
the vigorish he demands.
What am I, a schmuck?
You borrowed his money. Pay him.
I didn't agree to three points above the vig.
What are you going to do?
Going to fight with Jimmy Conway?
He wants his money.
Give him his money and we'll go!
Fuck him!
Fuck him in the ear!
Fuck him in the other ear!
Did I ever bust his balls?
I could've dropped a dime a million times.
Don't call the cops. You're talking crazy.
You got money for that commercial!
You don't got my fucking money?
Jimmy, he's gonna pay you.
I'll fucking kill you!
Give me the money, cocksucker.
Pay me!
He'll pay, he'll pay.
Morrie's. Who's this? He's here.
Jimmy, I'm sorry.
You should be sorry. Don't do it again.
Give me the fucking money!
You hear me? Give me the fucking money!
I'll give you... You've got it, kid.
You've got it, believe me.
Karen, slow down.
Where? Stay there. Don't move.
It's Karen.
What happened?
What happened? Are you all right?
Who did it?
This guy who lives across the street
from me that I've known all my life.
He started to touch me. He grabbed me.
I told him to stop. He didn't stop.
I hit him back.
And then he got really angry.
He pushed me out of the car.
You sure you're all right?
Why don't you go inside
and get yourself together. Clean up.
What do you want, fucko?
I swear on my mother,
if you touch her again, you're dead.
Don't shoot.
Hide this. Are you all right?
Are you all right?
I know there are women...
...who would have gotten out
the minute their boyfriend...
...gave them a gun to hide. But I didn't.
I got to admit the truth: It turned me on.
Mazel tov!
Why don't you be like Henry?
He's got a nice girl.
He's settling down now. He's married.
Pretty soon he'll have a nice family.
And you're still bouncing around
from girl to girl.
It was like he had two families.
The first time I was introduced
to all of them at once, it was crazy.
Paulie and his brothers had lots
of sons and nephews.
Almost all of them were named
Peter or Paul.
It was unbelievable.
Meet Paulie Jr., my nephew.
And this is Petey.
There must have been two dozen
Peters and Pauls there...
This is Marie.
...all married to girls named Marie.
She looks Italian.
And they named all their daughters Marie.
And this is Pete. No, I mean Paulie.
I get confused myself.
By the time I had met everybody,
I thought I was drunk.
Paulie, you shouldn't have.
Welcome to the family.
Sunday dinner?
So beautiful. I want to cry.
Here's something to help you get started.
- The bag. The bag.
- What bag?
The bag with the envelopes in it,
all the money.
Don't worry.
Nobody's going to steal that here.
He didn't call?
- He's with his friends.
- What kind of person doesn't call?
He's a grown-up. He doesn't have to call
every five minutes.
A grown-up would get you an apartment.
Don't start. Mom, you're the one
who wanted us here.
You're here a month and sometimes I know
he doesn't come home at all.
What kind of people are these?
- What do you want me to do?
- What can you do?
He's not Jewish. Did you know
what these people were like?
Your father never stayed out all night
without calling.
Daddy never went out at all, Ma!
Keep out of it!
You don't know how I feel!
How do you feel now? You don't
know where he is or who he's with!
He's with his friends! Dad!
Leave him alone. He's suffered enough.
He hasn't digested a decent meal
in six weeks.
Where were you? Why didn't you call?
We were worried! A married man does not
stay out like this!
Normal people don't act like this!
What's wrong with you?
You're not normal. She's right!
What's wrong with you?
What kind of person are you?
What is the matter with you?
What kind of people are they?
We weren't married to nine-to-five guys.
But the first time I realized how different...
...was when Mickey had a hostess party.
- Karen, where you from?
- Lawrence.
On the Island. Nice.
I'm from Miami. Ever been there?
It's okay, but it's like you died
and woke up in Jew heaven.
Stop picking at that.
I'd like to smack his face.
The red-haired guy?
The guy's hands are all over me.
So I told him, "Keep your fucking hands
off me, or I'll cut them off. "
She means it.
He's lucky. I just mention this to Vinnie-
How can you mention it? Vinnie'd kill him.
Vinnie'll kill the miserable bastard,
then he'll be there for life.
Talk about problems.
What about Jeannie's kid?
He was in an argument. A $10 card game.
He pulls out a gun.
The gun goes off. Some kid gets killed.
When the grandmother hears...
...she has a heart attack and drops dead.
Now Jeannie has a husband and son
in jail and a mother in the funeral parlor.
- Jeannie drinks.
- Maybe she's depressed.
Give me a break. She's drunk.
As soon as something happens,
you make them out to be saints.
They had bad skin and wore too much
makeup. They didn't look very good.
They looked beat-up.
And the stuff they wore...
...was thrown together and cheap.
A lot of pantsuits and double-knits.
She spends her life in a nightgown.
The woman is no angel, believe me.
They talked about their rotten kids...
...and about beating them
with broom handles and belts.
And the kids still didn't listen.
When Henry picked me up, I was dizzy.
I don't know if I could live like that!
God forbid, what would happen
if you had to go to prison?
Mickey said that Jeannie's husband-
Do you know why Jeannie's
husband went to the can?
Because he wanted to get away from her.
Let me tell you something.
Nobody goes to jail unless they want to.
Unless they make themselves get caught.
They don't have things organized.
I know what I'm doing.
You know who goes to jail? Nigger
stickup men. Know why they get caught?
Because they fall asleep
in the getaway car.
Come on, don't worry so much, sweetie.
Come here.
After a while, it got to be all normal.
None of it seemed like crimes.
Henry wasjust enterprising.
He and the guys made bucks
hustling while other guys...
...sat on their asses waiting for handouts.
Our husbands weren't brain surgeons,
just blue-collar guys...
The only way they could make real extra
money was to go out and cut corners.
Where's the strong box, you varmint?
Don't fucking move! Don't move!
- See you at the diner.
- I'm riding shotgun.
Did you see him give it right over?
Back to the hideout to split up the loot.
We were all very close.
There were never any outsiders around.
Absolutely never.
Being together all the time made
everything seem all the more normal.
I'm Detective Deacy. This is Detective
Silvestri. We have a search warrant.
Would you read and sign it?
We have to go through everything.
You want some coffee?
No coffee now, thanks.
- Be careful.
- We'll just go about our business.
There was always a little harassment.
They wanted to talk to Henry
about this or that.
They'd make me sign
their subpoenas or warrants.
But mostly theyjust wanted a handout.
A few bucks to keep things quiet
no matter what they found.
I always asked if they wanted coffee.
Some wives, like Mickey Conway...
...used to curse at them
and spit on the floor.
On her own floor!
That never made any sense to me.
It was better to be polite
and call the lawyer.
"Happy birthday to you"
We always did everything together
and were always in the same crowd.
Anniversaries, christenings.
We only went to each other's houses.
The women played cards.
When kids were born, Mickey and
Jimmy were the first at the hospital.
When we went to the Islands
or Vegas for vacation...
...we went together.
No outsiders ever. It got to be normal.
I began to be proud that my husband
was willing to risk his neck... get us the little extras.
But I got Mom to watch the babies
tomorrow night.
- Can't do it.
- Why not?
I just can't. I got something lined up.
But tomorrow's the only night
she can do it.
- Pretty please?
- I can't. What do you want me to do?
- I got to go.
- Wait a minute.
I need money to go shopping.
How much?
That much.
This much. Give me a kiss.
See you later.
All right.
"I always dreamed the boy I love
would come along
"And he'd be tall and handsome,
rich and strong"
Welcome home, Batts.
Hi there. How are you?
Sit down. Have a drink.
Give them all a drink.
And give those Irish hoodlums a drink.
There's only one Irishman here.
It's a celebration.
- Top of the morning.
- It's good to be home.
This is my friend Jimmy.
Henry. It's his joint. This is Lisa.
Tommy. All dressed up.
All grown up and doing the town.
Forgot you were having a party for him.
Come here.
I'll say hello. How are you, Billy?
I haven't seen you in six years.
Jesus Christ Almighty. You look terrific.
Watch the suit.
You little prick. I've known you all my life.
- Don't get too big on me.
- Just don't bust my balls.
If I was gonna break your balls,
I'd say, "Go get your shine box. "
This kid was great.
I used to call him "Spitshine Tommy. "
He'd make your shoes look like
fucking mirrors. Excuse my language.
He was the best. Made a lot of money.
No more shines.
No more shines.
You been away a long time.
They didn't tell you.
I don't shine shoes anymore.
Relax. What's got into you?
I'm breaking your balls a little, that's all.
I'm only kidding with you.
Sometimes you don't sound like it.
There's a lot of people around.
I'm only kidding. We're having a party.
I haven't seen you in a long time
and you get fucking fresh.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
I'm sorry, too.
Now go home and get your fucking
shine box.
Motherfucking mutt!
You fucking piece of shit!
Come on, come on!
He bought his fucking button!
That fake old tough guy!
You bought your fucking button!
- Don't get nervous.
- You motherfucker!
Keep that motherfucker here!
Keep him here!
Come on, you fucking feel strong?
Sorry. Tommy gets a little loaded.
He doesn't mean any disrespect.
He doesn't mean any disrespect?
Are you nuts?
Teach this kid a little fucking manners!
What's right is right.
- You understand what I'm saying?
- It's alright.
We're hugging and kissing over here
and then he acts like a fucking jerk.
You insulted him a little bit.
You got a little out of order.
- I didn't.
- You insulted him a little.
- I didn't insult anybody. Give us a drink.
- Okay.
Let's have some drinks.
Drinks on the house.
No, have the drink with me.
The drinks are on the house.
I fucked kids like that in the can.
In the ass.
Fucking break up my party.
You been away for six years.
It's different now.
I did my fucking time, Jimmy.
I came home and I want what I got to get.
I got mouths to feed.
- You're gonna get it.
- You understand?
Get the door!
Let me shoot him
in his big, fucking mouth!
Let's shoot him.
Fucking mutt dented my shoes.
His crew'll be looking for him.
This is bad. What do we do with him?
We can't just dump him on the street.
I know a place upstate.
They'll never find him. More tablecloths.
I didn't want to get blood on your floor.
Go open your trunk.
We'll get a shovel at my mother's house.
She has a shovel here somewhere.
Quiet, I don't want to wake her.
Look who's here.
What happened?
I hit something on the road.
Jimmy'll tell you.
What happened to him?
I haven't seen you in so long.
What happened to him?
You, too. How are you?
Why are you up so late?
He came in. You came in.
I'm so happy to see him.
Go inside. Make yourselves comfortable.
I'll make you something to eat.
- Go to sleep. We're leaving.
- I can't. Not while he's home.
I haven't seen him in so long.
I want to see him.
You go inside.
This stuff is like lead.
Tell me, where you been?
I haven't seen you.
You haven't called. Where have you been?
I been working nights.
And tonight we were out late.
We took a ride out to the country
and hit a deer.
That's where all the blood is from.
Jimmy told you.
It reminds me, I need this knife.
I'm taking this, okay? Just for a while.
The poor thing.
We hit the deer and his paw.
What do you call it?
The paw.
- The hoof.
- Got caught in the grill.
I got to hack it off.
Ma, it's a sin to leave it there.
I'll bring the knife back.
Why don't you get yourself a nice girl?
I do, almost every night.
But get yourself a girl
so you could settle down.
I do, every night. Then I'm free.
I love you! I want to be with you.
Settle down.
How's your friend Henry?
What's the matter? You don't talk much.
Talk. What are you quiet for?
You don't eat much, you don't talk much.
- I'm just listening.
- Something wrong?
When we were kids,
the compares used to visit each other.
There was this man. He would never talk.
He'd just sit there all night.
They say to him, "What's the matter?
Don't you say anything?"
He says, "What am I going to say,
that my wife two-times me?"
So she says, "Shut up!
You're always talking! "
But in Italian, it sounds much nicer.
- Cornuto contento.
- That's it.
It means he's content to be a jerk.
He doesn't care who knows it.
Did Tommy tell you about my painting?
Look at this.
It's beautiful.
One dog goes one way
and the other goes the other.
One's facing east, the other west.
He's saying, "What do you want from me?"
The guy's got a nice head of white hair.
Beautiful. The dog looks the same.
Looks like someone we know.
Without the beard. It's him.
It's him.
What the fuck is that?
For most of the guys,
killings were accepted.
Murder was the only way
everybody stayed in line.
You got out of line, you got whacked.
Everybody knew the rules.
Sometimes, even ifpeople didn't
get out of line, they got whacked.
Hits became a habit.
Guys would argue over nothing.
Before you knew it, one was dead.
They were shooting each other all the time.
Shooting people was a normal thing.
It was no big deal.
We had a serious problem with Billy Batts.
This was really a touchy thing.
Tommy killed a made guy.
Batts was part of the Gambino crew
and considered untouchable.
Before you touched a made guy,
you needed a good reason.
You had to get an okay...
...or you'd get whacked.
Saturday night was for wives, but...
...Friday night at the Copa
was for the girlfriends.
We saw Sammy Davis, Jr. You got to see
this show. What a performer!
He does impersonations.
It was like the real people!
Unbelievable. You could see how
a white girl could fall for him.
Not me. But you could see how some
girls could. Like that Swedish girl.
So you condone that stuff.
Take it easy.
I don't want to be kissing
Nat King Cole over here.
I don't mean me.
But, you know, he's got personality.
He's talented.
I understand what you're saying.
But watch what you say.
People get the wrong impression.
I just said he was talented.
Just leave it alone now.
He's talented. Leave it at that.
"Pretend you don't see her, my heart
"Although she is coming
"Our way
"Pretend you don't need her
"My heart
"But smile and pretend
"To be gay
"It's too late for running
"My heart
"Chin up if the tears
"Start to fall
"Look somewhere above her
"Pretend you don't love her
"Pretend you don't see her
"At all"
No? Not even Uncle Paulie?
What did you hear about that thing?
The Brooklyn thing?
The guy from downtown.
The guy from where Christie lived?
The guy who disappeared,
the one they made the beef on.
Know the guy I mean?
His name was Batts.
His people are driving everyone crazy
looking for him.
Nobody knows what happened.
He came into the joint that night
and then just disappeared.
Keep your eyes open.
They're busting my balls over it.
Okay, everybody, let's eat.
I want my money.
I want my money. He owes it.
You know that thing
we took care of upstate?
- Paulie was talking about that.
- We must move it.
They just sold the property
to make condominiums.
- It's been six months.
- We got to move it right away.
Henry, hurry up. My mother's making
fried peppers and sausage for us.
- Here's an arm.
- Very funny.
Here's a leg.
Here's a wing.
What do you like, the leg or the wing?
Or you still go for the hearts and lungs?
Oh, that's so bad.
What happened to the car?
I hit a skunk, all right?
Go with your mother.
It's disgusting, Henry.
I set up Janice in an apartment
near The Suite.
That way I was able to stay over
a few nights a week.
My new antique lamp.
Karen was home with the kids.
She never asked questions.
The furniture's all Maurice Valencia.
Looks like Roma.
This is all silk. This is from Siam.
Come see my bedroom.
- Tommy, will you take him?
- I'll eat this fucking dog tonight.
Love that crystal ball or what?
This is where we spend most of our time.
I love the floral arrangements.
Janice and I were having so much fun,
she started screwing up at work.
I had to straighten out her boss.
Janice can do what she wants to do!
Got it?
Just try to run. Hang up once more
and you'll deal with me!
Get off of her.
You're an animal.
Spider, on your way here,
bring me a Cutty and water.
- Did you guys eat?
- I'm starving.
- I'll play these.
- You'll play those?
Do I stutter? I play those.
What am I? A mirage?
Where's my fucking drink?
- You wanted a drink?
- I asked you for one.
I thought you said, "I'm all right, Spider. "
Am I on a pay-no-mind list?
No, I heard someone say "Spider, Spider. "
- I thought it was Henry.
- You're a stuttering fuck.
You said, "I'm all right, Spider. "
You ain't all right.
No, you said you were all right.
I am all right! You ain't, you prick.
You been doing this all night to me,
He wants a drink now? I'll bring it.
Get me a fucking drink!
Move it, you prick!
You walk like "Stepin Fetchit. "
For everybody else you run.
Run for me!
Dance the fucking drink back here!
What's that Bogart movie?
- Where he played a cowboy.
- The Oklahoma Kid.
Oklahoma Kid. Shane?
Oklahoma Kid, that's me.
You fucking varmint. Dance!
Yahoo, motherfucker!
Round up those fucking wagons.
Now he's moving.
Shot in the foot.
He's fine. So he got shot in the foot.
Big fucking deal.
Get a towel.
Nice fucking game.
Take him to Ben Casey.
Let him crawl like he crawls for the drinks.
Take him to the doctor down the street.
Bones are all shattered.
Don't get me upset.
Don't make a big fucking thing
out of it, Spider!
You trying to make me think
what I did here.
It was an accident.
Little fucking actor.
- You in?
- I'm in.
- Eight hundred.
- Eight hundred?
You haven't been home in two weeks!
You're not going out tonight!
Will you grow up! I'm still going to go out!
Not without your car keys.
Are you nuts? What's your problem?
Yes! Something's going on!
- Stop with that. Enough! Stop with that!
- No!
I look in your face and I know you're lying!
- Get out! Get out!
- Shut up!
Out of my life!
You're fucked in the head.
It's in your mind.
- You're a lousy bastard!
- You got a problem.
Go to your ready-made whores.
That's all you're good for!
Get out of my life! I can't stand you!
Spider, what's your rush?
Thank you.
Spider, that bandage on your foot
is bigger than your fucking head.
Next thing you know he'll have
one of these fucking walkers.
But you can still dance.
Give us a couple of fucking steps, Spider.
You fucking bullshitter.
Tell the truth. You want sympathy.
Go fuck yourself, Tommy.
I didn't hear right.
I can't believe what I heard.
This is for you.
I got respect for this kid.
He's got a lot of balls.
Good. Don't take shit from nobody.
He shoots him in the foot and
he tells him to go fuck himself.
Tommy, you going to let this
fucking punk get away with that?
What's this world coming to?
That's what the fucking world's coming to.
- How's that?
- What is wrong with you?
What is the fucking matter with you?
Are you stupid or what?
I was kidding with you.
Are you a sick maniac?
How do I know if you're kidding?
I'm kidding with you
and you fucking shoot the guy?
He's dead.
Good shot. I'm a good shot.
- Hard to miss at this distance.
- You got a problem with what I did?
His family's all rats.
He would've grown up to be a rat.
Stupid bastard! I can't believe you.
Now you're going to dig the hole.
I got no fucking lime.
I'll dig the hole. I don't give a fuck.
Is it the first hole I dug?
Not the first hole I dug.
Where are the shovels?
It's Karen Hill. I want to talk to you.
Hello? Don't hang up on me!
I want to talk to you!
You keep away from my husband,
you hear me?
Open the door!
Answer me!
I'll tell everyone who walks in here...
...that in 2R, Rossi,
you are nothing but a whore!
I want you to know you have a whore... in 2R!
Rossi, Janice Rossi. Do you hear me?
He's my husband!
Get your own goddamn man!
Wake up, Henry.
What are you doing?
Karen, are you crazy?
I am crazy.
And I'm crazy enough to kill both of you.
Karen, take it easy.
Do you love her?
Do you?
Do you?
I love you. You know I love you.
You don't.
No, you don't.
Be careful, baby. Don't.
But still I couldn't hurt him.
How could I hurt him?
I couldn't even bring myself to leave him.
The truth was... matter how bad I felt...
...I was still very attracted to him.
Why give him to someone else?
Why should she win?
Just put it down.
You know I love you, don't you?
You're all I want, Karen.
Please put the gun down.
Baby, come on.
What are you, fucking crazy?
I got enough to worry about
getting whacked on the street!
I got to fucking come home... for this?
I should fucking kill you!
- How does it feel?
- I'm sorry.
How does it feel, Karen?
I'm sorry!
Hi, Jimmy! How are you?
- Looking good.
- Thank you. Good to see you.
- Hi, Paulie!
- Hi, honey. How are you?
- Go get some cigarettes, okay?
- Sure.
- Any of you need anything?
- I'm all right.
- You want anything to drink? A beer?
- No, this...
- Chinese food?
- No, come on, sit down.
Karen came to the house.
She's very upset.
You got to straighten this out.
We got to have calm now.
We don't know what she'll do.
She's hysterical. Very excited.
She's wild. And you got to take it easy.
You got children.
I'm not saying to go back to her right now,
but you got to go back.
You got to keep up appearances.
The two of them come
to my house every day.
I can't have it.
I can't do it, Henry. I can't do it.
Nobody says you can't do what you want.
We all know that. This is what it is.
We know what it is.
You have to do the right thing.
You have to go home to the family.
You got to go home, okay? Look at me.
You got to go home. Smarten up.
I'll talk to Karen.
I'll straighten this out.
I know just what to say to her.
I'll say you'll go back to her
and it'll be like when you first got married.
You'll romance her. It'll be beautiful.
I know how to talk to her.
Jimmy and Tommy were going to Tampa
this weekend to pick up something for me.
Instead, you'll go with Jimmy.
You come with me.
Have a good time.
Sit in the sun. Take a couple days off.
We'll have a good time.
When you come back,
you'll go back to Karen.
Please, there's no other way.
No divorce. We're not animali.
No divorce. She'll never divorce him.
She'll kill him, but not divorce him.
You going to pay us?
Give us the fucking money!
I can't.
Let's go.
We'll throw the bastard to the lions.
Lions? I ain't going near any lions!
Throw him over the moat.
I'll get the money!
They must really feed each other to the
lions, 'cause he gave the money right up.
I'll get the money.
We spent the rest of the weekend
at the track.
They mean business.
Then, I couldn't believe what happened.
When we got home,
we were all over the newspaper.
At first I didn't even know why
we got picked up.
Then I found out the guy we roughed up...
...had a sister working as a typist
for the FBl.
I couldn't believe it. Of all people.
She gave up everybody.
Jimmy, me. Even her brother.
It took thejury six hours
to bring us in guilty.
The judge gave us ten years,
like he was giving away candy.
Ten years in a federal penitentiary.
You will now be turned over... the U.S. Attorney General.
Toast, guys. Good trip,
good life. Get out soon.
Good trip, sweetheart.
We'll watch the home front.
Say hello to those blow-job hacks.
Motherfuck them every chance you get.
I'll call you when I get a chance.
Now take me to jail.
In prison, dinner was always a big thing.
We had a pasta course,
then we had a meat or a fish.
Paulie did the prep work.
He was doing a year for contempt...
...and had a wonderful system for garlic.
He used a razor and sliced it so thin... would liquify in the pan
with a little oil.
It was a very good system.
Vinnie was in charge of the tomato sauce.
Get that smell?
Three kinds of meat in the meatballs:
veal, beef, and pork.
You got to have pork.
That's the flavor.
I felt he used too many onions,
but it was still a very good sauce.
Don't put too many onions in the sauce.
I didn't put too much onions in, Paul.
- There are only three small onions.
- Three onions? How many tomatoes?
- Two big cans.
- You don't need three onions.
Johnny Dio did the meat.
We had no broiler,
so he did everything in pans.
It smelled up thejoint and
the hacks used to die...
...but he cooked a great steak.
- How do you like yours?
- Medium rare.
Medium rare. An aristocrat.
When you think of prison
you get pictures in your mind...
...of all those old movies with rows
and rows of guys behind bars.
It wasn't like that for wiseguys.
It wasn't bad, but I missed Jimmy,
who was doing his time in Atlanta.
Give me two steaks.
Everyone else in the joint was doing
real time, all together, living like pigs.
But we lived alone. We owned the joint.
We batted them sons of bitches.
You couldn't recognize them.
They deserved it.
Even the hacks we couldn't bribe
wouldn't rat on the guys we did.
People used to be able
to leave their doors open.
Sorry it took so long.
That skinny guard's a pain in the ass.
- We have to take care of that bastard.
- I took care of him.
What'd you bring?
Some bread.
I got peppers and onions.
Salami, prosciutto, a lot of cheese.
What else?
- Scotch.
- Nice.
- Red wine.
- Okay.
- Now we can eat.
- Some white, too.
Beautiful. Okay, boys, let's eat.
Come on, Johnny, Vinnie.
Tomorrow we eat sandwiches.
You got to go on a diet, Vinnie.
Read 'em and weep.
What are you doing?
I'll catch you guys later.
Going for a walk in the park?
I'll catch you next week. Thanks.
- Is there any more?
- No, that's it. Have a good weekend.
You girls stay right here.
- Hold hands.
- Go right up front.
I saw her name on the register.
Want her to visit you?
Let her stay up all night crying
and writing to the parole board.
What am I doing here?
Where am I? I'm in jail.
I can't stop people from visiting me.
Let her sneak this stuff
in for you every week.
Let her fight these bastards every week!
Look what you're doing! Stop it!
I'm sorry.
Let her sneak this shit in for you.
Will you stop it?
- Let her do it!
- Stop it!
Nobody's helping me. I am all alone.
Belle and Morrie are broke.
I asked your friend Remo
for the money he owes you.
He told me to take the kids down
to the police station and get on welfare.
It's going to be okay.
I've never seen Paulie since he got out.
I never see anyone.
That's what happens when you go away.
We're on our own. Forget everybody else.
Forget Paulie.
As long as he's on parole
he doesn't want anybody doing anything.
- I can't do it.
- Yes, you can.
All I need is for you to bring me this stuff.
A guy in here from Pittsburgh
will help me move it.
In a month we'll be fine.
We won't need anybody.
I'm afraid.
I'm afraid if Paulie finds out...
He is not helping us out.
Is he putting any food on the table?
We've got to help each other.
We got to be really,
really careful while we do it.
I don't want to hear about her anymore.
- We missed you.
- Are you here to stay?
Did you see our pictures?
I did the one with the house and rainbow.
I did the sun.
My chorus concert is in two weeks.
Are you coming?
Do you like the house?
- Get packed. We're moving out.
- With what?
Don't worry.
Just start looking for a new house.
I got to go to Pittsburgh.
Those guys owe me $15,000.
We'll be okay. I got things lined up.
Pittsburgh? You have to see
your parole officer.
Don't worry about it.
Everything will be fine.
Who wants to go to Uncle Paulie's?
What do you want?
Sweetheart, let Mommy eat.
You look good.
Did you eat this good in the joint?
I don't want any more of that shit.
- What are you talking about?
- Just stay away from the garbage.
Inside, you did what you had to do.
I'm talking about now. From here and now.
- Why would I get into that?
- Don't make a jerk of me.
Just don't do it.
Don't do it.
I want to talk about Jimmy.
Watch out for him.
He's a good earner,
but he takes too many chances.
I wouldn't take chances like Jimmy.
Tommy's a good kid, but he's crazy.
He's got too much to prove.
- You got to watch out for them.
- I only use them for certain things.
I ain't going to get fucked like Gribbs.
Gribbs is 70 years old and he'll
die in prison. I don't need that.
So I'm warning everybody.
Could be my son, could be anybody.
Gribbs got 20 years just for saying hello
to some fuck who was selling junk.
That won't happen to me, understand?
You're out early because I got you a job.
I don't need this heat.
You see anybody with shit you tell me.
- All right.
- Yeah?
Yeah. Of course.
It took me a week of sneaking around
to unload the Pittsburgh stuff.
But when I did, it was a real score.
I used Sandy's place to mix the stuff.
Even with Sandy snorting more than she
mixed, I saw this was a good business.
I made $12,000 in my second week.
I had a down payment on my house
and things were rolling.
All I had to do was once in a while
tell Sandy I loved her.
It was perfect.
As long as I got the stuff from Pittsburgh,
Paulie would never find out.
Within a couple of weeks
it got so big I needed some help.
I got Jimmy and Tommy
to come in with me.
It's fucking great.
You bring your pay slips?
Four and a half months of dirt.
- It's so good.
- I did it.
- Do you love it?
- It's wonderful.
This we had to have made special.
Go ahead, sit in it.
The others you couldn't even sit in.
Okay, ready?
Watch the wall with the rock.
The electricians did it special. Come on.
This was imported. It came in two pieces.
Do you believe what they can do?
- Nice, huh?
- Come here. Did you and Jimmy talk?
He's looking into everything.
It'll make the Air France hold
look like peanuts.
Come on.
- He'll do it, right?
- I told you.
He's looking into it.
We'll see what happens. No promises.
Do you understand?
There's millions in there.
I've been cultivating this
son of a bitch for two years.
He owes me 20 grand. Once in a lifetime.
I could retire.
No more nut every week.
No more bullshit. My dream comes true.
Let's get a drink.
These are the guys Jimmy put together
for what turned out to be...
...the biggest heist in American history.
The Lufthansa heist.
Tommy and Carbone would grab the guard
and make him get us in the front door.
Frenchy and Joe Buddha
had to round up the workers.
Johnny Roastbeef had to keep them
tied up and away from the alarms.
Even Stacks Edwards got in on it.
He used to play guitar at the lounge.
Everybody loved Stacks.
He was supposed to steal the panel truck...
...and afterwards compact it
by a friend of ours in Jersey.
Only Morrie was driving us nuts.
Have a drink and shut up.
Just because he set this up...
...he bugged Jimmy for an advance
on the money we were going to steal.
He didn't mean anything by it.
That'sjust the way he was.
I had everyone working for me.
Even our old baby-sitter, Lois Byrd.
Have a good flight?
I hate Pittsburgh. They're such creeps.
They're not that bad.
And it's worth it, isn't it?
Is this the same baby you used last week?
No, that was my sister's. This is Deirdra's.
Big yawn.
She looks like you.
That's what the stewardess said.
Take it easy.
Give me a break. You got plenty.
You got all day. Let's make it last,
all right? Take it easy.
- I got to go.
- Where are you going?
Don't start. You know I got to go
do this thing. Where are my keys?
Over there.
It's a mess. It's like a pig pen.
Why do you think I got you a dishwasher?
Fucks up my nails.
You got to be smart.
There's enough powder here
to put us away forever.
Loosen up.
What are you doing?
You don't have to go anywhere.
Make them wait.
Nobody knows for sure how much
was taken in the pre-dawn raid... the Lufthansa cargo terminal
at Kennedy Airport.
The FBI says $2,000,000,
Port Authority Police say $4,000,000.
Those sons of bitches!
...from the scene of the heist at JFK.
It looks like a big one. Maybe the biggest
this town has ever seen.
Come here, you! Come here!
Look at this genius. This genius!
Merry Christmas, Jimmy!
- Who's this?
- This is my wife.
Come here. I want to show you something,
Isn't she gorgeous? I bought it
for my wife. It's a coupe. I love that car.
What did I tell you?
I talked to you, didn't I?
Didn't I say not to go buy anything
for a while? The fucking car?
It's a wedding gift from my mother.
It's under her name. I just got married.
- I love that car.
- Excuse me for a second.
- I just got married.
- Are you nuts?
- Why are you getting excited?
- Are you stupid?
We got a million fucking bulls out there.
Everyone's watching us.
It's under my mother's name.
It's a wedding gift.
I don't give a fuck.
Didn't you hear what I said?
Don't buy anything. Don't get anything.
What's the matter with you?
What are you getting excited for?
Because you're going to get us all pinched.
- What's the matter with you?
- I apologize.
- I'm sorry.
- What's the matter with you?
I'm sorry, Jimmy.
It's under my mother's name.
What'd you say? You being a wise guy?
- I'm sorry. I apologize.
- What did I tell you?
What did I tell you?
You don't buy anything, you hear me?
You don't buy anything!
I'm sorry, Jimmy.
The fat fuck ought to wear a sign.
I can't believe this. Are you stupid?
Excuse me.
- Take it off.
- Why?
Take it off!
Didn't I tell you not to get anything big
or attract attention?
One guy gets a Caddy
and one gets a $20,000 mink.
I'll return it.
Bring it back where you got it. Get it out
of here. Understand? Get it out of here!
This drink here is better than sex, babe.
I'm going to see Stacks.
Don't you look at anybody or I'll kill you.
He's so jealous. If I even look
at anyone else, he'll kill me.
That's great.
I tell them all not to attract attention.
What do they do?
I've been looking all over for you.
Listen, I need the money.
- Morrie, relax, okay? It's Christmas.
- I need the money.
I'm relaxing. I need the money.
- I did what I had to do.
- Not tonight, Morrie.
I did my caper. He owes me.
Everyone's flashing stuff. They got money.
I'm wearing the same shit.
They're wearing it. I got to talk to him.
I got 500 grand coming to me.
The biggest bundle he made in his life.
I'll go talk to him. Go have a drink.
- I'll talk to him.
- It's poison in my eyes.
- Morris, are you all right?
- No, I'm not.
Christmas. Your share. Just a little taste.
We did it!
- Who is it?
- It's me.
Pete? One second.
Don't do what Frankie and Johnny did.
Don't be a moron with the money.
Karen, Judy, Ruth, come here!
I got the most expensive tree they had.
- What do you think, Mommy?
- I love them all.
I love the gold outfit.
- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you.
And? And?
Happy Hanukkah.
- Very funny.
- Go get yourself something nice.
Lufthansa should have been
our ultimate score. The heist of a lifetime.
Six million in cash.
More than enough to go around.
Yo, Stacks!
Open up!
What's with you? He ain't ready.
I knew you wouldn't be ready.
- You didn't bring any coffee?
- Do I look like a caterer?
Frankie will make coffee. Make coffee.
Thought you'd have a bitch in here.
I did. Where the fuck is she?
Always got these hot books around
or a bitch.
What time is it?
- It's 11:30. We were to be there by 9:00.
- I'll be ready in a minute.
You're always fucking late.
You'd be late for your own funeral.
What are you looking at?
Make that coffee to go. Let's go.
What the fuck you doing? It's a joke.
A joke. Put the fucking pot down.
Stacks was always crazy.
Instead of getting rid of the truck
as he was supposed to, he got stoned...
...went to his girlfriend's, and by the time
he woke up, the cops had found the truck.
It was all over the television.
They even said they got
prints off the wheel.
It wasjust a matter of time
before they got to Stacks.
I got to talk to you.
- Have a drink.
- Have a drink. Come on.
Have a drink. What are you doing?
It's an occasion. Have a drink.
I still have to talk to you.
- What happened with Stacks?
- Don't worry about that.
- There's feds all over the place.
- So what? Where are they going to go?
- It's in the papers.
- He's worried.
What are you worried about?
The television and the newspapers.
All the shit's out there.
- What are you worried about?
- You worry too much.
Everything is beautiful.
Didn't you tell him?
Not yet.
- What?
- Guess what?
They are going to make him.
Paulie's going to make you?
They opened up the books.
Paulie got the okay.
Can you believe that? This Guinea bastard.
He's getting made. We'll work for
this guy one day. He'll be a boss.
I can't believe it.
I'm happy for you. Congratulations.
Motherfuckers, we got them now.
Jimmy, I've been looking all over for you.
Can I talk to you a second?
I masterminded the whole thing,
I'm left with dick.
They'd be up a creek if not for me.
Fuck him! I want my money.
I want my money! I've had it up to here!
That cheap cigarette hijacker.
- Fuck him! I want my money!
- Good. Go tell him.
Now will you keep you mouth shut?
Morrie, you'll get your money.
You just got to stop busting balls.
All right. You hear me?
Everything's going to be fine.
"Oh, Henry boy, the pipes,
the pipes are calling"
Half Mick, half Guinea?
I'll sing with an Italian accent.
"And down the glen,
the glen and down the mountainside
"The summer's gone
"And all the roses dying"
I could see for the first time
that Jimmy was a nervous wreck.
His mind was going in eight
different directions at once.
Think Morrie tells his wife everything?
Morrie? Him?
That's when I knew Jimmy
was going to whack Morrie.
That's how it happens. That's how fast
it takes for a guy to get whacked.
He's a nut job. He talks to everybody.
He's always acting like a jerk.
Nobody listens to what he says.
Nobody cares what he says,
he talks so much.
Make sure you bring him here tonight.
- Okay?
- All right.
Start like this. Sorry.
Did I get you in the eye?
Stop breaking my balls.
I was just stalling for time.
I knew I had 'til eight or nine o'clock
to talk Jimmy out of killing Morrie.
But meanwhile, as far as Jimmy knew,
I was going along with the program.
I pulled out his hair. I bit him.
He's out cold.
I'm enraged.
I wanted to kill this little fuck.
I walk away. We start to go in this joint.
I don't want to turn around.
Jimmy's doing this to me.
I don't want to fucking turn around.
I don't want to turn around. He picks up
his fucking head, he says, "Ah... "
I said, "Don't say it! "
"Jerkoff! "
What are you going to do? What?
I fucking fly at him!
I got him and I'm banging his head,
banging his fucking face.
I'm pulling his hair out of his head.
I beat him to a pulp. To a pulp I beat him.
He's laying there full of fucking blood.
I'm out of breath.
Forget about tonight. Forget about it.
It was a load off my mind.
He never knew how close he'd come
to getting killed.
Even if I told him he would
have never believed me.
- Jimmy, could I talk to you now?
- You're a pisser. A real pisser.
Want to talk now? Okay, let's talk.
I've never met a ball buster like you.
Who loves you more than I do?
- I'd do anything for you.
- Except stop busting my balls.
- Let's go have coffee.
- Want to go to the diner?
We'll go to the diner on the boulevard.
- Which diner?
- Rockaway Boulevard. It's open 24 hours.
- They got danishes?
- They got everything.
Let's pick up some danishes for Belle.
Hear about the points we were shaving
up in Boston? It's terrific. Nunzio-
I thought he'd never shut up.
What a pain in the ass.
- What'll we do with him?
- Chop him up and get rid of the car.
Call me when you're through.
- Frank, let's chop him up.
- All right.
- Where you going, you dizzy motherfucker?
- You said chop him up.
At Charlie's, not here!
Come on, what are you doing?
Get out of here.
I got a better shot letting him drive.
The car's cold.
Get out of here! What, warm it up?
Get out of here!
- Who is it?
- It's Belle. Open up.
It's Belle. Let me in.
Morris didn't come home. He's missing.
I know something's happened.
Calm down.
He's missing! I know something happened.
He's probably drunk and fell asleep
In 27 years he's never been
away all night without calling.
Something's happened. I know you know.
Let me get changed.
I'll take you home then look for him.
I've been home! I've been on the phone-
He's playing cards.
- What'll I tell Belle?
- Who gives a fuck?
Tell her he ran off with some broad.
What do you care?
- Watch this.
- Don't fuck with them.
I'll bust their fucking balls.
Don't give them the satisfaction, the fucks.
Come on, fuckos. Let's go for a ride.
Keep them up all night.
I'll see you later.
Jimmy was cutting every link
between himself and the robbery...
...but it had nothing to do with me.
I gave Jimmy the tip and he gave me
some Christmas money.
From then on, I kept my mouth shut.
I knew Jimmy. He had the cash.
It was his.
He kicked some money upstairs to Paulie,
but that was it.
It made him sick to turn the money over
to the guys who stole it.
He'd rather whack them. What did I care?
I wasn't asking for anything.
And Jimmy was making nice money
through my Pittsburgh connections.
Still, months after the robbery
they were finding bodies all over.
When they found Carbone
in the meat truck, he was frozen so stiff... took them two days
to thaw him out for the autopsy.
Still, I never saw Jimmy so happy.
He was like a kid. We had money
coming in through Pittsburgh...
...and even after a while,
the Lufthansa thing began to calm down.
Jimmy was so happy that morning...
...because this was the day
Tommy was being made.
Jimmy was so excited,
you'd think he was being made.
He must have made four calls
to Tommy's house.
They had a signal set up so he'd know
the minute the ceremony was over.
- Ma, where are you?
- Here I am.
- You're home.
- Home? I'm leaving.
- You look lovely.
- I look good, huh?
You look wonderful. Be careful.
I love you. Don't paint
any more religious pictures, please.
God be with you.
We always called each other goodfellas.
You'd say to somebody:
"You'll like this guy. He's all right.
He's a good-fella, one of us. "
You understand?
We were goodfellas. Wiseguys.
But Jimmy and I could never be made
because we had Irish blood.
It didn't matter my mother was Sicilian.
To become a member of a crew
you must be 100 percent Italian... they can trace your relatives
back to the old country.
It's the highest honor they can give you.
It means you belong to
a family and a crew.
It means nobody can fuck around with you.
Also, you can fuck around with anybody,
as long as they aren't also a member.
It's like a license to steal.
A license to do anything.
How many years since you were made?
I'm an old-timer. Thirty years ago.
Brings back a lot of memories.
Pike's Peak was a pimple then, wasn't it?
As far as Jimmy was concerned,
with Tommy being made... was like we were all being made.
We would now have
one of our own as a member.
- Who's this?
- This is Vinnie.
What happened?
Did we get straightened out?
We had a problem.
We tried to do everything we could.
You know what I mean. He's gone,
and we couldn't do nothing about it.
What do you mean?
He's gone. He's gone.
That's it.
I knew it!
I can't fucking believe it.
- They fucking whacked him.
- Fuck.
Are you all right?
It was revenge for Billy Batts,
and a lot of other things.
That's that.
There was nothing we could do about it.
Batts was a made man and Tommy wasn't.
We had to sit still and take it.
It was among the Italians.
It was real greaseball shit.
They even shot Tommy in the face... his mother couldn't give him
an open-coffin at the funeral.
I had a busy day.
I had to drop the guns off at Jimmy's... match some silencers he had.
I had to pick up my brother
at the hospital...
...and pick up some stuff for Lois... fly down to some customers I had
near Atlanta.
Right away I knew he didn't want them
and I'd be stuck for the money.
I bought them because he wanted them
and now he didn't want them.
What good are these? None of them fit.
I'm not paying for these!
I didn't say a thing. Jimmy was
so pissed off, he didn't even say good-bye.
The drugs are making your mind
into mush!
I'll take 'em back.
My Pittsburgh guys always wanted guns.
Since I would see them in the afternoon,
for a delivery...
...I was pretty sure I'd get my money back.
Oh, my God.
At the hospital,
Michael's doctor wanted to put me in bed.
What happened to you?
I almost got into an accident
on the way here.
And I told him I was partying all night.
I'm fine.
Get over here.
Let me check you out.
He took mercy on me, gave me Valium...
...and sent me home.
My plan was to drop off my brother
at the house and pick up Karen.
There it is.
You see that helicopter right there?
Right up there.
I think it's been following me all morning.
- Get the fuck out. Are you nuts?
- I'm telling you.
It's the third time I've seen it.
At the hospital I saw it.
I had to make some stops.
I've seen it every time.
I've been all over town
and I've seen it all day.
I was cooking dinner that night.
I had to start braising the beef
and veal shanks for the tomato sauce.
It was Michael's favorite.
I was making ziti with gravy...
...roasted peppers...
...string beans with olive oil.
I had some beautiful cutlets...
...that were cut just right...
...that I was going to fry up
as an appetizer.
So I was home for about an hour.
My plan was to start dinner early so I
could unload the guns Jimmy didn't want.
Then get the package for Lois
to take to Atlanta later that night.
I kept looking out the window
and saw that the helicopter was gone.
Michael, keep an eye on the sauce.
Stay here with your Uncle Michael.
I asked my brother to watch the sauce,
and Karen and I started out.
Oh, God. I see it.
- Look, it's right there.
- Damn!
That's it.
We got to get to your mother's.
See, I told you.
It's funny.
- It's not the end of the world.
- We're going to your mother's.
Tell your mother not to touch anything
outside of the house. Nothing.
Why didn't you go to your mother's house?
"Everything's gonna be all right
this morning"
Let's go shopping.
No, I'm not nuts,
it's been following me all fucking morning!
Alright. He thinks I'm paranoid!
I should bring him the helicopter,
then we'll see how paranoid I am.
Come on, let's go inside.
Yeah, it's gone.
- I don't hear anything.
- Let's go back to your mother's.
- They all right?
- They're great.
Didn't I say you were paranoid?
Didn't I tell him?
Yeah. I need a hit.
Want to see helicopters?
Come on, I'll show you helicopters.
I've seen enough helicopters for one day,
thank you.
I had to get home and get the package
ready for Lois to take on her trip.
Also, I had to get to Sandy's to give
the package a whack with quinine.
Plus, I knew Sandy would get on my ass.
I had the cooking to finish,
and I had to get Lois ready for her trip.
- It's Sandy. What the fuck is this?
- She's a pain in the ass.
- When are you coming over?
- In an hour.
- You staying tonight, right?
- I can't. I got my brother tonight.
Come on, stop. Stop.
We'll talk about it later, okay? Good-bye.
- Hello?
- It's me. You ready?
Tell Michael not to let the sauce stick.
- Henry says don't let the sauce stick.
- I'm stirring it.
- Listen, you know what to do?
- Yeah, yeah.
Don't "yeah, yeah" me, Lois!
This is important.
Make sure you leave the house
when you make the call.
Understand me? Call from an outside line.
I mean it!
Jesus, you must think I'm dumb.
I know what to do.
You little hick, just make sure you do it!
You're a pain.
- Hey! Just do it!
- Okay.
Un-fucking-believable. All of them.
Every fucking girl in my life.
- What'd he say?
- Nothing.
What does she do after she hangs up?
After everything I told her?
After all her "yeah, yeah" bullshit?
She calls from the house. If anyone
was listening they'd know everything.
They'd know a package was leaving my
house and they'd have the flight number.
As soon as I got home, I started cooking.
I had a few hours until Lois' flight.
I told my brother to watch on the stove.
All day long the poor guy's been
watching helicopters and tomato sauce.
I had to drive over to Sandy's,
mix the stuff, then get back to the gravy.
Do you think you can come over,
fuck me, then leave?
- Got someplace better to go?
- Don't talk like that. Come on.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
You believe me?
Do you believe me?
- That's the last one?
- Yeah.
You lying son of a bitch! I hate you!
Please stop feeding the dog
from the table...
...from the plate on top of it. Stop it.
- I have to.
- You don't have to.
I got to go home.
What do you mean you got to go home?
We got to tape this stuff to your leg.
We got to go soon.
I got to go home and get my hat.
Forget your fucking hat!
Are you kidding me?
I need a trip to Rockaway
because you want your hat?
I got to have it. It's my lucky hat.
I never fly without it.
Do you understand
what we are involved in?
I don't care. I need my hat.
I won't fly without it.
What could I do if she insisted
I drive her home for her damn hat?
I hid the package and
went to take her home.
A hat?
What the fuck is this?
Police! Freeze! Don't move, motherfucker!
I'll blow your brains out!
Shut the car off slowly!
I thought I was dead, but when I
heard all the noise I knew they were cops.
Only cops talk that way.
Don't fucking move.
If they had been wiseguys,
I wouldn't have heard a thing.
I would have been dead.
Michael! Lock the door!
Talk to me. When was the last time
you took a collar? I'm talking to you.
You don't want to say a fucking word,
don't. I don't give a fuck.
You'll do 25 years. See how much
of a good guy you'll be then.
All day I thought the guys
in the helicopter...
...were local cops busting my balls over
Lufthansa. They turned out to be narcs.
Just get the lawyer.
They'd been on me a month.
Phone taps, surveillance, everything.
You know the boys. All the pals are here.
You don't want to talk to me,
you'll have a fucking problem all night.
Each one of these counts holds
I'll slap your fucking head inside out.
What, were you guys grocery shopping?
Are we going to make a cake?
You going to make a fucking cake?
You got anything good in there?
Is it good?
Bye-bye, dickhead.
See you in Attica, dick.
I spoke to Jimmy.
He offered to give me some money.
He wants to know what's happening.
He just wants to talk to you.
Fuck Jimmy and his money!
I got to straighten out everything
with Paulie or I'm dead.
Then you're better off staying in here.
They could whack me in here as easy as
outside. They're afraid I'll rat them out.
People are already walking away from me.
I'm dead in here. You got to get me out.
Karen finally got her mother to put
her house up for my bail and I was out.
I remember I had this feeling I would be
killed right outside thejail.
I knew Paulie was still pissed at me
and he's such a hothead.
And I was worried about Jimmy.
See, Jimmy knew if Paulie found out
he was in the drug deals with me...
...Paulie would have Jimmy whacked
even before me.
This is the bad time.
I didn't feel safe until I got home.
Now my plan was to stay alive
long enough to sell off the dope...
...the cops never found, then disappear
until things got straightened out.
Fuck! Where's the stuff I left, Karen?
I flushed it down the toilet.
What was I supposed to do?
That was worth $60,000!
I need that money! That's all we got!
They had a search warrant!
That's all the money we had! I was
depending on that! Why did you do that?
I had to! They were going to find it!
- They wouldn't have found it!
- They would have! I swear!
They would've found it!
Why did you do that?
- They would have found it.
- Why did you do that?
Oh, my God!
- I had to do it.
- Oh, my God!
Paulie, I'm really sorry.
I don't know what else to say.
I know I fucked up.
Yeah, you fucked up.
But I'm all right now.
I can be trusted now. I'm clean.
On my kids, I'm clean.
You looked in my eyes and lied to me.
You treated me like a fucking jerk.
Like I was never nothing to you.
After what you said,
I couldn't come to you.
You know, I was ashamed.
I'm ashamed now.
But I got nowhere else to go.
You're all I got. And I really,
really need your help. I really do.
Take this.
And now I've got to turn my back on you.
Thirty-two hundred bucks.
That's what he gave me.
$3,200 for a lifetime.
It wasn't even enough to pay for the coffin.
- We got to get out.
- I don't want to run.
Am I supposed to pick up
and leave everything? Go hiding?
I don't want to do that.
If we stay around here we're dead.
You got it? We' re dead.
They're right. You took too much
of that stuff. You're totally paranoid.
How's he doing?
He's okay.
They sobered him up.
Good. Glad to hear it.
- What kind of questions they been asking?
- I don't know.
I got my mind on so many other things.
I got no money.
The girls are old enough
to read the newspapers.
Tell him he's got to call me.
As soon as you talk to him,
he's got to call me. It's important.
He doesn't know I came here to see you.
It's like he's crazy.
- Take this. It's a couple thousand.
- Thanks, Jimmy.
Don't worry, everything will be all right.
I got some beautiful Dior dresses.
You want to have them?
Pick out a few for yourself.
- For my mom.
- Yeah, whatever.
Not here. In the store on the corner.
It's swag, so I got it down on the corner.
Go ahead, sweetheart, I'll see you.
- Thanks.
- Don't worry.
- I'll try.
- He's got to call me.
Over here?
Right down there.
It's over there, on the corner.
Right there.
No! Go ahead! It's right there!
No, Jimmy! I'm in a hurry!
My mom's watching the kids!
I got to get home!
I'll come back later!
What happened?
- What happened?
- I just got scared.
Got the keys?
What happened?
I just got scared. It's okay.
Are you all right?
Ifyou're part of a crew nobody ever
tells you they're going to kill you.
It doesn't happen that way.
There aren't any arguments
or curses like in the movies.
Your murderers come with smiles.
They come as your friends.
People who cared for you all your life.
They always seem to come when you're
weakest and most in need of their help.
So I met Jimmy in a crowded place
we both knew.
I got there 15 minutes early
and Jimmy was already there.
He took the booth near the window
so he could see everyone who drove up.
He wanted to make sure I wasn't tailed.
He wasjumpy. He hadn't touched a thing.
On the surface,
everything was supposed to be fine.
We were supposed to be discussing
my case.
But I had a feeling Jimmy was trying
to sense if I'd rat on him to save my neck.
I been telling you your whole life,
don't talk on the phone.
Now you understand?
It's going to be okay.
You got a good chance to beat this case.
Well, you know that kid from the city
we were talking about? You know?
The kid turned out to be a rat. As soon
as he got pinched, he ratted on everybody.
I know where he is. He's hiding out.
Know what I'm saying?
Would you have a problem going
with Anthony to take care of that?
No, not at all.
That way they got nothing.
Jimmy had never asked me
to whack somebody before.
But now he's asking me to go to Florida
and do a hit with Anthony.
That's when I knew I would never
have come back from Florida alive.
Wherever you move me,
I asked once and I'll tell you again...
...I don't want to go any place cold.
You don't have a choice.
Come on. Whoever fucking controls it...
...just no place cold. Do that for me.
He's bronchial, that's why.
If he's bronchial we'll consider that.
I'd like to go someplace not cold.
Can I ask you some questions?
What about my parents?
What about them?
Am I going to see them?
Am I going to talk to them?
Don't I have some kind of contact
with them?
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
You mean to tell me...
...if something happens to my parents
and they get sick, I can't see them?
Maybe something can be worked out
if they're sick.
If there's extraordinary circumstances-
I can't do this. I can't do this, Henry.
I can't leave my parents.
Karen, I told you before.
I'm not going to do this unless
you and the kids come with me.
I can't do it without you.
So you do whatever, but... that's it.
- You need Henry, not me, right?
- That's right.
I don't care whether you go or not.
If it'll make him a better witness,
I want you with him.
They don't want me.
Henry'll be in the protection program.
They can't get to him.
They can only get to him
by getting to you or your kids.
If he goes into the program
you're in danger.
- I don't know anything.
- Don't give me...
...the babe-in-the-woods routine.
I've listened to those wiretaps
and I've heard you talk about cocaine.
Conversation after conversation
you talked to Henry on the phone.
It doesn't matter.
Whether he goes to jail...
...or stays on the streets, he's a dead man.
He knows it and you know it.
What about the kids and school?
I mean, what goes on?
Go to Wall Street and get real crooks.
Whoever sold you those suits
had a sense of humor.
What it comes down to is
we're your only salvation.
We'll save your life, his life,
and we'll keep you out of jail.
This morning you told the jury
about your background.
It was easy for us to disappear.
My house was in my mother-in-law's name.
My cars were registered to my wife.
My Social Security cards
and driver's licenses were phonies.
I never voted or paid taxes.
My birth certificate and arrest sheet
were all that showed I was alive.
- Do you see him here in this courtroom?
- Yes.
Will you please point him out for the jury?
Let the record show that Mr. Hill
identified the defendant, James Conway.
Do you also know a man
named Paul Cicero?
- Do you see him in the courtroom?
- Yes.
Can you point him out for the jury?
Let the record show Mr. Hill
identified the defendant Paul Cicero.
I have a document...
The hardest thing was leaving the life.
I still loved the life.
We were treated like movie stars
with muscle. We had it all.
Our wives, mothers, kids,
everybody rode along.
I had paper bags filled withjewelry
stashed in the kitchen.
I had a bowl of coke next to my bed.
People call them rats because
they will do anything to survive.
- Objection!
- Objection sustained.
- I know nothing about being a rat.
- You know everything about it!
Anything I wanted was a phone call away.
Free cars. Keys to a dozen hideouts
all over the city.
I'd bet 20 grand over a weekend...
...then blow the winnings in a week
or go to sharks to pay the bookies.
Didn't matter.
It didn't mean anything. When I was broke
I would go rob some more.
We ran everything.
We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers.
We paid off judges.
Everybody had their hands out.
Everything was for the taking.
And now it's all over.
That's the hardest part.
Today everything is different.
There's no action. I have to wait around
like everyone else.
Can't even get decent food.
After I got here I ordered spaghetti
with marinara sauce...
...and I got egg noodles and ketchup.
I'm an average nobody.
I get to live the rest of my life
like a schnook.