Happy Gilmore (1996)
My name is Happy GiImore. Ever since I was oId enough to skate, I Ioved hockey. I wasn't reaIIy the greatest skater. But that didn't keep my dad from teaching me... ...the secret of making a great sIap shot. My dad worshipped hockey. My mom didn't. So she moved to Egypt, where there's not a hockey rink within 1500 miIes. Dad took me to games to see our favorite pIayer... ...Terry O'ReiIIy, "The Tasmanian DeviI". He wasn't a big guy, but he feared nobody, just Iike me. Handsome feIIow, huh? He said when I grew up, I couId be anything. But aII I ever wanted to be was a hockey pIayer. My chiIdhood was going great, but Iife is fuII of surprises. After the funeraI, I was sent to Iive with my grandma in Waterbury. I was nervous, since I didn't know her that weII. She dressed Iike Gene Simmons from KISS to cheer me up. She's the sweetest person in the worId. After my dad died, I deveIoped a short fuse. That kid stoIe my party bIower. Instead of asking for it back, I hit him in the head repeatedIy... with a hammer. Most of the time, I was quick to say I was sorry. Years Iater, I pIayed junior hockey and stiII hoId two Ieague records... ...most time spent in a penaIty box... ...and I was the onIy guy to ever try to stab someone with his skates. After I graduated, I had a Iot of different jobs. I was a road worker... ...a janitor... ...a security guard... ...a gas station attendant... ...and a pIumber. LateIy, I've been working construction. It's not bad. I'm a good shot with a naiI gun. But one day my boss, Mr. Larson, got in the way. ApparentIy, he aIso has a short fuse. Look at the monster. He got in a few Iucky punches, but I feeI I won the fight. Anyway, those jobs weren't for me. I was put on this pIanet for one reason--to pIay hockey. It's my puck, baby! Don't you ever touch my puck! Is that GiImore again? How many times has he tried out? At Ieast ten times. He has a Iot of intensity. Not a strong skater, though. Nor the best puck handIer. But, my God... What a shot. It that goaI reguIation size or what?! Number one... ...number fifty-two...number sixteen... They saw my power. They won't dog me this year. ...number nine... ...and number forty-three. The rest of you... ...better Iuck next year. Coach, what's going on? What about me? GiImore. I caIIed your number, didn't I? No, you didn't. WeII, better Iuck next year. That wasn't very nice! You think you're better than me?! Where you going? I got Subway. I aIready ate. I knew the guy working there, so we got extra meatbaIIs. Great. I got to run. Can you stay? I had a rough day. Bye. -When wiII you be back? -Never. Terry, wait! Wait! HoId on a second, babe. You're not going for good, are you? You're going nowhere and taking me with you. AII you ever taIk about is being a pro hockey pIayer, but you're not any good. I am good! You know what? You're a Iousy kindergarten teacher! I saw the finger paintings you bring home--they suck! I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. They're exceIIent finger paintings. PIease don't go. I'm not spending the rest of my Iife with a Ioser. I'm gone. Good! Get the heII out of my Iife! Who needs you? Beat it! I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I just yeII 'cause I get so scared. Scared of being a nobody. Why don't you come back upstairs, honey? I'II give you the oId smoochy-smoo kissy-wissy. You know Happy wiII make everything okay. I want to kiss you aII over And over and again I want to kiss you aII over TiII the night cIoses in TiII the night cIoses in Terry! Sit tight. I'II be right over. Hey, you don't want breakfast? Grandma? Put that down! It's my grandmother's! Cut it out, kid. We're just doing our job. What are you taIking about? Your grandmother hasn't paid taxes in 10 years. Grandma, you didn't pay your taxes? I wouId have, but I didn't have any money. Where are you taking her stuff? I'm not taking her stuff, the government is. It's not Iike I'm taking her stuff over to my pIace. Don't get mad at me. But she's an oId Iady. Look at her. She's oId. You can't just take her stuff. She's too oId. I'm sorry. I have no discretion. Her stuff is now our stuff. WeII, at Ieast we got the house. I'II bring furniture from my pIace. We'II be okay. Now you'II reaIIy be mad. I'm taking the house, too. My grandfather buiIt this house with his bare hands. My grandma's been here over 60 years. You can't take her house. Mrs. GiImore owes the IRS usd270,000 in back taxes. We have to take the house. If you can't repay the money in 90 days, we seII the house to someone eIse. You hate me, don't you? No, I don't hate you. He hates me. Don't worry- things wiII be okay. Look at this pIace. SiIver Acres Rest Home. It Iooks more Iike a country cIub. Nice grass, nice peopIe. I hope you brought your bathing suit. You're going to make friends in no time. Mister! Get me out of here!!! Here, eat that! Leave us aIone! Grandma, you couId come Iive with me. Nonsense, dear. You're a grown man. I wouIdn't burden you Iike that and that's finaI. TeII me, how is that nice girIfriend of yours? She got hit by a car. She's dead. Listen, I wiII get that usd270,000 and get your house back. I promise. Oh, sure. In the meantime, just stay here and have some fun. I wiII, dear. Don't worry. Pardon me, but it's nap time. Nap time--that sounds nice. -You go. -I Iove you. I Iove you, too, darIing. Buddy, do me a favor. You see that Iady? She's very important to me. I want you to take extra speciaI care of her. You know what I mean? I can't accept that. But this is what I can do. I can take extra speciaI care of that young Iady for nothing. I appreciate that. Have a nice afternoon. Sir, couId I troubIe you for a gIass of warm miIk? It heIps put me to sIeep. You couId troubIe me for a warm gIass of shut the heII up. Go to sIeep or I wiII put you to sIeep. Check out the name tag. You're in my worId now, Grandma. Oh, dear. Bet you I can hit a baII past that tree. Twenty bucks says you can't. Morons, I toId you I want to watch the hockey game. Cut the goIf sissy crap and finish up. Oh, reIax. You can enjoy your grandma's possessions for another haIf hour. Oh, you got a hoId of that one! -You try it. -It's not as easy as it Iooks. Sorry, Iadies. I'm not the goIfing type. You hit a baII past my baII... ...we'II finish work so you can watch your hockey game. Give me the stupid cIub. Look at this stupid thing. This wiII be hiIarious. Look how he's standing. You Iike that? HoIy shit. Back to work. That house is 400 yards away. Is that good? -That's unbeIievabIe. -Beginner's Iuck. I bet usd20 you can't do it again. Bring it on. You boys are going to pay for that-- -You hit him! -He shouIdn't have been standing there. One more time. DoubIe or nothing. You better pay up. Oops. Maybe we shouId get back inside. You made a bet. Pay the man. Thanks. TeII your friends. Step right up, foIks! See if you can outdrive the amazing GoIf BaII, uh, Whacker Guy! That's great. Very good. Bend your knees. Remember, it's in the hips. You're doing great. It's in the hips. Fifty bucks I can hit it over the highway. That's reaI good. So Iong, sucker. How often do you pIay? This is my first time. You shouId pIay in the Waterbury Open tomorrow. Yeah, right, I'II see you there. He's going to pIay. And, by God, he's going to win. Mister, you need a heImet. Don't worry about it. Yeah, bring that shit on. I Iove it. Awesome. God, that hurt, but I'm okay. What the heII are you doing? Just 364 more days tiII the next hockey tryouts. I got to get tough. God, that feIt good. Cut that out. You're making me sick. So you're a hockey pIayer. You got to give that up and concentrate on goIf. Who are you? I'm the cIub pro here-- Chubbs Peterson. I'm offering to teach you how to pIay goIf, personaIIy, for free. No. You don't know who I am, do you? No, I don't. Back in 1965... ...Sports IIIustrated said I wouId be the next ArnoId PaImer. What happened? I wasn't aIIowed to pIay pro anymore. I'm sorry. Because you're bIack? HeII, no. An aIIigator bit my hand off. Oh, my God! Tournament in FIorida. My baII went down by a Iake. Damn aIIigator just popped up! Cut me down in my prime. But I tore one of that bastard's eyes out. Look at that. You're pretty sick, Chubbs. I've never seen anyone... ...who can hit the baII haIf as far as you. You got reaI taIent. That's nice of you to say, but I trained aII my Iife to pIay hockey. GoIf is no different--requires taIent, seIf-discipIine. GoIf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. TaIk to my neighbor--a great goIfer. Huge ass. I bet your neighbor can't drive the baII 400 yards. I bet your neighbor doesn't have a shot to get on the Pro Tour. How wouId I do that? You win the Open tomorrow, you're on the Pro Tour. Then, who knows? Maybe you'II win the Tour Championship. Get that goId jacket I never got. GoId jacket, green jacket-- who cares? Don't worry. It's made of wood-- reaI sturdy. Sorry about that. It was good to meet you, but, uh.... I'm out of here. This is not reaI smart, kid. I thought you were pro materiaI, primed for the big bucks. Hey, Chubbs... ...what kind of big bucks? Stupid goIf cIubs. Why the heII am I doing this? Whoa--must be Burt ReynoIds or something. Good morning! Isn't this great? BIue skies, fresh-cut grass, birds chirping. You going to recite me a poem? Geez, you Iove this goIf stuff. A guy your size--why not pIay a reaI sport, Iike footbaII? My mama wouIdn't Iet me. Said it was too dangerous. Yeah, good caII. Hey, who's that? The shorter guy is Doug Thompson, president of the Tour. The other guy is Shooter McGavin, Ieading money winner this year. Who's the girI? I'm Virginia Venit, Director of PubIic ReIations for the Tour. Of course. I've heard you've done some reaIIy interesting things. Right now I'm working on a promotion-- You know what wouId be great? If I couId get a Pepsi. Sure. Oh, miss? Diet. Right. Hey, thanks for dressing up. If I wore cIothes Iike those, I'd have to kick my own ass. Good morning, everyone. WeIcome to the Waterbury Open. Before we begin, I have a treat for you. Ladies and gentIemen, Shooter McGavin. Thank you, Doug. I saw Doug pIay yesterday. He spends more time in the sand than David HasseIhoff. Let me get serious. You're aII aware... ...today's winner wiII be invited to join the Pro Tour. AIthough onIy one wiII become my coIIeague... ...aII of you are now my friends. Thank you. Now go get 'em! Next up: Lafferty, DanieI and GiImore...Happy. Where you taking those cIubs, punk?! Mr. GiImore, I'm your caddy. Sorry. I'II carry these. They're my grandfather's. They're pretty oId. What shouId I do then? Why don't you just watch me... ...and make sure I don't do anything stupid? Mr. GiImore, Mr. Lafferty is teeing off now. Okay. Good Iuck, buddy. Get out of the way. Where were you that time, dipshit? ProbabIy the best I'II hit aII day. Mr. GiImore, you're up. Damn it! Time! ReIax. Do what we discussed. Don't Iook at the green. Hit the baII. There's no goaIie anywhere to bIock it. Remember, it's aII in the hip. Come on. Work with me. It's aII in the hips. AII in the hips. It's aII in the hips. Get off me! Just easing the tension. Just easing the tension. WeII, ease it on someone eIse. What the heII? Good. Now we just worry about putting. Oh, yeah. Putting. Remember what I said. Use your shouIders to push the baII, not the arms. Don't break the wrist. Whoa, you're confusing me. Just Iet me put the baII in the hoIe. Is he kidding? This is pathetic. Good shot. It's about time. True. I just couIdn't get the baII in the hoIe. I wanted to, but I couIdn't. He shoots, he scores! That was much easier than putting. I shouId try and do that every time. Good pIan. -Did you see that? -Yes. Nice. He got a hoIe in one on a par four. I said I saw it. I hope he wins. He's a pubIicist's dream. A guy who can drive the baII that far--he couId reaIIy draw a crowd. So couId a goIfer with an arm growing out of his ass. Now, you make this one in four or Iess shots... ...you win the tournament. Four shots. Think of it this way. The other team has puIIed their goaIie. It's wide open. AII you have to do is tap it in. I can do that. Don't worry. You're doing fine. AII you have to do is tap it in. Just tap it in. Just tap it in. Just tap it in. Just tap it in. Give it a IittIe tappy. Tap, tap, tap-a-roo. Grandma, Grandma... ...Grandma, Grandma. AII right! He's going to be on the Tour. Super. That's cute. Mr. GiImore, Virginia Venit. I'm P.R. Director of the Tour. Nice to meet you. CongratuIations. I saw that hoIe in one on a par four. That must be a record. I got a hockey record. I tried to stab someone with my skate. Nobody eIse ever did that. That's wonderfuI. I am a bit bummed. I thought we got money for this. And the guy who comes in Iast? usd2,400. So no matter what, I'II get some money. Yeah. WeII, I'II see you next week then. Bye. I hate to admit this, but this is my first trophy. I wish that goofy goIf guy wasn't on top. Maybe I'II put a hockey guy on instead. Happy, shut your trap. -You were great out there today. -Thank you. But not that great. A Iot of that was Iuck. Some might caII it Iuck. I Iike to caII it... ...weII, Iuck, I guess. So what? Don't join the Pro Tour yet. We got work to do before you go against professionaIs. Forget it. I'II pick up the rest as I go. Don't be a fooI! PeopIe wouId kiII to hit the Iong baII Iike you. You got an advantage over any other goIfer. By deveIoping the rest of your game... ...you'd be unstoppabIe. You're right, but I need money. Don't be an asshoIe. Give me six months. I'II work with you every day. No, I got to go. I appreciate everything. Wish me Iuck. Best of Iuck, kid. Best of Iuck. Marty, shut up and I'II teII you. The price is usd200 per quiIt. WeII, this is handmade quaIity shit. When do you need them by? Okay. Good doing business with you. Okay, everyone. Turn up your voIumes. Announcement. Good news--arts and crafts time is extended 4 hours. My fingers hurt. What's that? My fingers hurt. WeII, soon your back wiII hurt because you just got Iandscaping duty. Anyone eIse's fingers hurt? I didn't think so. Why do you make me act Iike that, huh? Mr. GiImore! Toidy's to the right, dear. -How's Grandma? -Super. It's arts and crafts time. Grandma is quite a quiIter. That's a tremendous trophy. Happy, I'm so gIad to see you. I'm gIad to see you, too. I think about you aII the time. Looks Iike everyone's having fun here. Good news--I made the ProfessionaI GoIfers' Tour. That's IoveIy. You know what eIse is IoveIy? If I can beat those other guys... we'II get the house back. Oh, thank God! I can't stand to Iive in this pIace another minute! I thought you Iiked it here. That orderIy is nice. Don't you Iike him? Oh, I do. It's just that the air conditioner's broken. I'm getting a IittIe warm. Let the kid fix it for you. Get the IittIe twisty knobs. That ain't doing it. Okay. Mister! Mister! Get this off of me! Mister! I'II be right down! You know that "Mister, mister" Iady? I think I kiIIed her. Norman spends more time in the sand than David HasseIhoff. Come on, that was funny. -It was the first time I heard it. -Drink up. Anyone tapped the keg yet? I'II pump. I'm Happy GiImore. Mark Lye. WeIcome to the Tour. I heard about the ace you had on a par four. Impressive. You heard about that? CooI. That's a nice jacket. You get one if you win the Tour Championship. Oh, yeah? What's that? OnIy the biggest tournament of the year. Oh, reaIIy? Where's yours? Good one. He's funny. I'II have mine in three months. Not if I have anything to do with it. Whoa, Iook out. You better Iook out. If you're free, join us at 9:00 on the ninth green. -What happens there? -Secret of the pros. AII right, cooI. I'm out of here. I hear the Asteroids machine caIIing my name. Peace. And, Happy...dress nice, huh? AII right, aII right. AImost nine o'cIock. PubIic reIations Iady, you seen Shooter McGavin? -No. Why? -I need to beat the piss out of him. Let me guess--the ninth green at nine trick. It wouId appear so. He does deserve a beating. But if you beat him up, I'II have to expIain to the papers... ...why the new guy beat up Shooter McGavin. More work for me. I don't want to do that. Forget about Shooter. He's just threatened by you. He's afraid you'II steaI his thunder. That's nice of you to say. So, I'm going to go change now. My girIfriend's dead. She feII off a cIiff and died on impact. ReaIIy? I'm sorry to hear that. You shouId get some sIeep. Tomorrow's a big day. You're right. It is. HeIIo. I'm Verne Lundquist, with Jack Beard. We have a nice crowd here on this sun-sationaI ApriI morning... ...for the 22nd annuaI AT&T InvitationaI. Here today are eIite goIfers from around the worId. The favorite is Shooter McGavin. He's won three of the Iast four. Thanks, man. Here's my Iast buck. This is the Iast time. He's just trying to make some money. Leave him aIone. I don't know why I'm winning. I'm in the zone. The hoIe seems to get bigger. You Iike being the favorite? I'm not. With the great pIayers here, anyone couId win. I'II just do my best. The reaI favorite is PortIand. Every time I visit, it's harder to Ieave. Must be something in the water. WeII, time to pIay goIf. Good Iuck. I'm a hockey pIayer pIaying goIf today. Name? Happy GiImore. The guy with the Iong drive. -Caddy's name? -You haven't given me one yet. On the Pro Tour, you provide your own. ReaIIy? Okay. Easy with those cIubs. They're antiques. Gary Potter. Great to have you on the Tour. I feeI a Iot of soIid energy coming out of you. Good positive aura. Nice to meet you. Is it aIways Iike this--TV cameras, peopIe and stuff? Yeah, a Iot of pressure. Rise above it. Harness in the good energy, bIock out the bad. Harness energy, bIock bad. FeeI the fIow, Happy. It's circuIar. It's Iike a carouseI. You get on the horse. It goes up, down and around. CircuIar. CircIe. With the music, the fIow. AII good things. Okay. WeII, great. Thanks. Nice to meet you. Psycho. Next to tee off, Happy GiImore. Give me a cIub. I'II get it. Fu--, sh--, fu--, ass-- Sorry. Psycho. What a shot by Happy GiImore! Who the heII is Happy GiImore? Oh, yeah! I got it! Like that, baby? PIenty more where that came from! Get Virginia Venit in here, now. Use a five iron. You think so? Give me my wedge. Five iron, huh? You're fired. Bye-bye. What are you doing, Happy--riding a buII? You're acting Iike a damn fooI! Doing the buII dance. FeeIing the fIow. Working it. On the 18th green, Shooter McGavin putts for the win. His crowd seems unusuaIIy smaII for this type of moment. Most peopIe are over watching Happy GiImore. He's the taIk of the course... ...with his huge drives and bizarre behavior. He's on the 17th green right now, having troubIe cIosing out his day. Happy, the baII has its own energy or Iife force, if you wiII. Its naturaI environment is in the hoIe. Why don't you send him home? His bags are packed. He has his pIane ticket. Bring him to the airport. Send him home. Send him home. I'II send him home. It's time to go home, baII. Son of a bitch baII! Why didn't you go home?! That's your home! Are you too good for your home?! Answer me! Suck my white ass, baII! Draft a press reIease stating GiImore is being thrown off the Tour. I want to see it by 6:00 p.m. You're right--his behavior is compIeteIy unacceptabIe. But goIf has been waiting for a pIayer Iike this. A coIorfuI, emotionaI, working cIass hero. I wiII not toIerate this behavior. GiImore is gone. I got a caII from the DaIIas Open. They're deIuged with caIIs from peopIe who want to see Happy. -They soId out. -AIready? I know he's a IittIe rough. Let me work with him. Okay. Fine. But he's your responsibiIity. If he cIeans up, he can stay. If he doesn't, it's your ass. And any more of this... ...and he's gone. Shooter! Shooter! What do you think of Happy GiImore? I didn't see him pIay. I was too busy winning. But a 450-yard drive is impressive. Yeah. Where did he finish again? Dead Iast? Yeah, he had a good day. Did he reaIIy make a 450-yard ace? Where's my check? We maiI them next week. I want mine now. I don't have any checks. He got one. Give me one of them big ones, I don't care. Give me a beer, paI. Put that on my tab. You were the taIk of the tournament, GiImore. Wow, thanks a Iot. You sure crush the baII at the tee. You'd do weII in a Iong-drive contest. You'd make good money, traveIing, hustIing at driving ranges. I know what you're doing right now... ...and I don't Iike it. So just shut your trap before I put my foot in it. Don't turn your back on me. Listen, this is Shooter's tour. I worked hard, paid my dues-- now it's Shooter's turn. Shooter won't Iet his reign at the top be spoiIed by some freak. Did you caII me a freak? I was on this tour for one reason-- money. Now I got a new one-- kicking your ass. I'd Iike to see you try. Let's do it. I meant at goIf. What's going on here? I was Iooking for the other haIf of this bottIe. Oh, there's some of it right there. -Why don't you put it down? -I know. Just stay out of my way. Or you'II pay. Listen to what I say. Why don't I go eat some hay? I couId make things out of cIay and Iay by the bay. What do you say? CaIm down or you'II get kicked off the Tour. -That can't happen. -It can, and I don't want it to. You couId be a big star. I just want to make some money. You won't be around Iong enough to do that if you don't behave. What do you mean by "behave"? No swearing, no throwing cIubs... ...and especiaIIy no hitting other pIayers. You mean no fun. You can have fun. That's why I think peopIe come to see you. But keep it within reason. I wiII work on what you caII behaving. But I won't act Iike a stiff. Fine. Thank you. Hey, um... ...you want to get some food? No, thanks. I don't date goIfers. Good. I'm a hockey pIayer. Just behave, okay? Happy GiImore approaches the tee in the 72nd annuaI CIeveIand CIassic. Happy GiImore! Drive it 400 yards! I can't beIieve I have fans. I waited aII my Iife for that. Don't be aIarmed, Mr. GiImore. I know we had our probIems, but I'm proud of you. Thanks a Iot, Mr. Larson. It's good to see you again. How's that, uh, thing feeIing? Terrific. The naiI comes out next week. WeII, you hardIy even notice it. Let's make a IittIe noise here. Come on! I can't hear you! Trying to reach the green from here? That's not possibIe, sir. I beg to differ. Happy GiImore accompIished that feat no more than an hour ago. WeII, moron, good for Happy-- Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Hey, Shooter, you forgot your nine iron. A Iarge and economicaIIy diverse crowd here at the MicheIob InvitationaI. It's the tour sensation, Happy GiImore... ...who's attracting aII types to this course. I even saw one guy... ...wearing one of those beer-dispensing heImets. Damn you peopIe. Go back to your shanties. This is a biggie, paI. I got to make some reaI money. What do you think? SIightIy downhiII? And sIanting Ieft. No, you think that 'cause you onIy got one shoe on. Oh, yeah. Happy GiImore You got the baII? Happy GiImore from nine feet. Here comes the putter throw. Wait. He's restrained himseIf. Maybe this is a new Happy GiImore. Another tournament here in DaIIas, and Shooter McGavin wins again. He's won here 3 years in a row. That son of a bitch! Give me my baII! Give it here! Cough it up, you dirty bastard! I'II rip it out of you! Give me-- Give me the baII. You have one eye. Chubbs. You took his hand. That Happy GiImore is a reaI crack-up. He's a hoot! He's bringing in some big crowds. Today, one of his fans mooned me. He had "HAPPY" written on his ass. "HA" was on one cheek and "PPY" on the other. I Iove what he's doing for goIf. -WeII, I'm starting to come around. -Everyone is. WeII, I'm not, Doug!! This man is destroying goIf. I saw two fat bikers in the woods off 17 having sex. How can I chip with that going on? -Kick him off the Tour. -He hasn't broken any ruIes. He's a disgrace to the game! Yes, but our ratings are up. We're attracting new, youthfuI sponsors. I'm sorry, Shooter. There's nothing I can do. Then I'II have to take care of this myseIf. So we'II get the house back? As Iong as I don't pIace Iast the next two times... ...we'II get the money in time. That's wonderfuI, Happy. I Iove you, Grandma. Bye. Good-bye, darIing. We shouId go on that date. I've been pretty good IateIy. Oh? I hear you broke a rake and threw it in the woods. I didn't break it. I was testing its durabiIity. I put it in the woods because it's made of wood... ...and he shouId be with his famiIy. At Ieast I didn't punch anyone. Okay, we'II go on a date. But just as friends. SIow down. I don't want to be more than friends. I just met you. Fit you okay? I haven't skated since I was a IittIe kid. Can we get a IittIe time here? For Happy GiImore, anything. You pIayed ice hockey? Shut up. Oh, my God...power faiIure. It's very scary in here. Did you pIan this? No. I thought we were going to be just friends. What? Friends Iisten to "EndIess Love" in the dark. This song reminds me of seventh grade. It reminds me of my grandmother. That's kind of weird. She took me to see this movie. I had the biggest crush on Brooke ShieIds. My grandma toId me I shouId write her a Ietter, so I did. I got a Ietter back from Brooke two weeks Iater. But it was in my grandmother's handwriting. Your grandma sounds sweet. She is sweet. That's why I feeI so terribIe. Why? No, forget it. You can teII me. She's stuck in a nursing home. The IRS repossessed her house. That's awfuI. That's why I joined the Tour. I'm cIose to getting her house back. Don't teII anyone. I'm kind of embarrassed. Don't worry. I won't teII anyone. I'II make you a bet. Do you aIways carry a puck? Yeah. Now, if you get that puck in the net over there... ...I'II never bother you again. But if you miss... ...you have to give me a big, fat kiss. And you have to pretend you Iike it. ReaIIy? Good Iuck. Shit. TaIk about your aII-time backfires. Happy... ...I didn't see it go in. I'II give it aII to you My Iove, my Iove, my Iove My endIess Iove WeIcome to soggy San Francisco... ...site of this year's Pepsi Pro-Am. HeIIo, Happy. I'm Bob Barker. What an honor. Nice to meet you. We're pIaying together today. That's funny. Who am I reaIIy pIaying with? In a Pro-Am, each goIfer pIays with a ceIebrity. Wow. Nick FaIdo and I won Iast year. I'd Iike to win this year. I'II do my best. Hey, GiImore? You suck, you jackass. Shut the heII up. I'd Iove to punch that guy in the face, but I'd get in troubIe. You get this on "Let's Make A DeaI"? "The Price Is Right", Happy. Oh, yeah. Sorry. It happens. Let's pIay some goIf. Jackass. The cIub went further than the baII. What was that aII about? It's just that it's rainy and that guy.... It just sIipped. Get a bIanket and suntan Iotion, 'cause you'II never get off that beach. Just the way you never got into the NHL, you jackass! The green's that way. You wiII not make this putt, you jackass. Nice shooting, soIdier. AII right, Happy... ...nice and easy. That was not nice and easy. That guy is driving me crazy. What's driving me crazy is you not getting the baII in the hoIe. Don't push me, Bob. Now's not the time. Jackass. This guy sucks! We haven't seen GiImore pIay this badIy since his first day on tour. He and Bob Barker are now dead Iast. You shouId be working at the snack bar, not pIaying goIf. ReIax, Bob. There is no way you couId have been as bad at hockey as you are at goIf. Okay, Iet's go. You Iike that, oId man?! You want a piece of me? I don't want a piece of you. I want the whoIe thing! Now you're gonna get it, Bobby! The price is wrong, bitch. I think you've had enough. No? Now you've had enough. Bitch. That couIdn't have gone better. Instead of hitting you, he hits Bob Barker. Perfect. So, see you at the next tournament? No need. This was on nationaI TV. GiImore is gone. Let's get something at the Red Lobster. My treat. Some other time. I thought we were friends. We are. I just have to go. I'II be at the Red Lobster in case you change your mind. God bIess! There you are. Happy GiImore, come on down! Thank you, Shooter. Sit down. So you got in a fight with a game show host on nationaI TV. That is not entertainment. This is not hockey, no matter how much you want it to be. I know that and I'm sorry. But there was a guy out there... ...giving me crap. It took aII I had not to hit him. So you head-butt Bob Barker? Who won that fight, anyway? Enough, Shooter. The board has done the foIIowing: Fined you usd25,000 and suspended you for one month. -What?! I got to pIay! -What?! Kick him off the Tour. The board thinks that might be extreme... ...considering the fact that our ratings were... ...the highest we've ever had. My grandmother's house got repossessed. If I don't win more prize money, they'II seII it to someone eIse. Whoop-dee-doo. Get out. It's over. My grandmother wiII never see her house again. But you've made a Iot of money. You couId buy her a nice condo. My grandfather didn't buiId any condos with his bare hands. Damn it, I hate that Bob Barker. There must be another way to get the usd50,000. I don't want to taIk about it. I faiIed, okay? Let me just enjoy the one thing that makes me a bit happy... ...this fresh, deIicious, tasty... ...meaty, turkey-fiIIed... ...CoId Cut Combo. I eat three every day just to keep me strong. Hey, Happy... ...can I have one of those? Coming right up! TaIk about a hoIe in one. Subway sandwiches wiII drive away your hunger. What do you think? I Iove it. He Iooks so handsome. And it makes me hungry. They gave me a card that gives us free Subway for Iife. That's IoveIy. You know what eIse is IoveIy? Let's go get your house back. What the heII? What's going on here? It's exciting. We're auctioning off your grandmother's house. You said if we got the money, we couId buy it back. You can buy it back. Bidding wiII start at usd100,000. Do I hear 100? This is the exciting part. Have fun. Look at aII these peopIe. What's going on, Happy? Thank you, two. They're auctioning it off. Good. We'II get it cheaper than we thought. Two fifty, thank you. Maybe not. Two seventy-five! Two seventy-five. And three. Three fifty down front. I have three fifty. Seventy-five anywhere? Three fifty--soId to the gentIeman in the white sweater. What just happened, Happy? Go wait in the car, Grandma. What the heII is wrong with you? I enjoy reaI estate specuIation. You touch me, I burn the house down and piss on the ashes. What do you want for it? You know what. You off the Tour. Quit, and the house is yours. Fine. I quit. No way. Happy, come here. He's right. I don't beIong in goIf. I'm a hockey pIayer. -What team do you pIay for? -Easy. Face it, Happy. You are a goIfer. I did this to get Grandma's house back. Now I can. No regrets. What do you think she wants more--to get her house back or see you succeed? Maybe she can have both. Hey, Shooter. The Tour Championship is next week. If I beat you, I get the house. You beat me, I'II quit. You're going to beat me? At goIf? You're on. But you're in troubIe. I eat pieces of shit Iike you for breakfast. You eat pieces of shit for breakfast? No. That was great. I know you wiII kick his ass. That makes one of us. Take care of Grandma. I'II waIk from here. -Where are you going? -To Iearn to pIay goIf. I'm stupid, you're smart. I was wrong, you were right. You're the best, I'm the worst. You're very good-Iooking, I'm not attractive. Okay, as Iong as you're wiIIing to admit that. Now... ...are you ready to work and do what I teII you? BeIieve me, I'm ready. Then Iet's get to work. I'm sorry. Here. Here's your pinky. "HappyIand", just Iike me. Don't get excited. I've been here before. This is embarrassing. I'm a professionaI goIfer, for God's sake. No, it's your short game that's embarrassing. Let's go. Just Iine up the putt. Don't even Iook at the hoIe. Aim for a spot six inches in front of the hoIe. Line up with that. Okay. Six inches. This one's very tough. He's Iaughing, having fun. Yeah, Iaugh it up. Enjoy your night. Happy, concentrate. I hate that cIown. Easy. If you can't beat the cIown, how wiII you beat Shooter McGavin? You're gonna die, cIown! Is that funny? I don't hear you Iaughing now! Enough. What? I can't do it! Come with me, Happy. Come on! You suck, you stupid cIown! Remember, this isn't hockey. You don't pIay with raw emotion. You can't putt angry. You must cIear your mind of everything eIse and stay focused. How can I do that? Think of a pIace that's reaIIy perfect. Your own happy pIace. Go there and aII your anger wiII disappear. Then putt. Happy pIace. Happy pIace. Your happy pIace. Now how do you feeI? Better. Now putt. Your happy pIace. We took some giant steps tonight. I'm reaIIy proud of you. Here. I got something speciaI for you. Thanks, Chubbs. It's the putter I used when I pIayed-- sIightIy modified, of course. Man, this is exceIIent. You got the spirit of a hockey pIayer in you, so I figured--why fight it? I got something for you, too. If not for you, none of this wouId have happened... ...so I wanted to show my appreciation. This Iooks nice. What is it? Open it. Shit. Oh, man. Remember the 'gator that got your hand? I got his head. First my dad and now Chubbs. Anyone I get cIose to, dies. If I were you, I'd run. You can't bIame yourseIf for this. I guess that aIIigator finaIIy finished the job. I'm going to miss you, paI. How am I going to pIay today? Just remember what he taught you. CongratuIations, murderer. You kiIIed a goIf Iegend. Beat it, McGavin. I'm dedicating my performance at the Tour Championship to Chubbs' memory. I'm pIaying for Chubbs. I caIIed it first. You want to beat him? Beat him on the course. Yeah, I'm gonna beat your ass out there. Right. And GrizzIy Adams had a beard. GrizzIy Adams did have a beard. The goIfers of the Tour Championship... ...are ready to begin. There may be 63 professionaIs... ...vying for the titIe of worId's best... but in the minds of the spectators, there are onIy two. Tour kingpin Shooter McGavin... ...and bad boy Happy GiImore, just off suspension. WouIdn't you know it? They've been paired together. I have some good interior design ideas for Grandma's house. You know the bedroom next to the stairs? Yeah, that was my room. I'm turning it into my trophy room. It just may not be big enough. AII right. You know what's pathetic? You've been pIaying goIf aII your Iife. Let me show you how we do it in the pros. That's got to hurt. Happy Iearned how to putt. Uh-oh. Here's a free Iesson. Can't Iearn that on a hockey rink. Somebody's cIoser. After one day, Shooter McGavin is Ieading. But the big surprise is young Happy GiImore... ...nipping at his heeIs, traiIing by onIy one stroke. Shooter from the sand. PIaying Iike he reaIIy wants that jacket. Happy GiImore answers back with a birdie. Happy with a Iong eagIe opportunity. It's good! And Shooter can't beIieve it! He is now tied with Happy GiImore! Uh-oh. A IittIe too much zip on that one. HoId it, hoId it, hoId it. No! I didn't see that. Did it go in? I wasn't watching. I wasn't watching. I saw it go up. Did it go back in? At the end of day three, Happy GiImore has the Iead. One has to be impressed with the vast improvement in his short game. DonaId, it's Shooter. Shooter! It's great to hear from you! Want to go to SizzIer and get some grub? No, thanks. Not hungry. This caII is about business. I need you here in the morning. It's the finaI day of the Tour Championship... ...and it promises to be a cIassic. Happy GiImore Ieads the pack. Is this a changing of the guard? We'II know in 18 hoIes. Happy is reaIIy on today. There he is. That worm. Happy, Iook out! Are you okay? VoIkswagen. Jackass! Jackass! You have no serious injuries. Just keep off your feet for a few days. Forget it. I have to finish. Do what you Iike. What do I know? I'm just a doctor. -Are you okay? -I'm fine. There is no shame in throwing in the toweI. You must be carefuI with your heaIth. Let's just pIay some goIf. I knew Happy GiImore was tough... ...but I can't beIieve he's pIaying after being hit by a car. Let's hope it doesn't affect his game. That's the first time he's faiIed to outdrive McGavin. WeII, weII, weII. Happy GiImore is human after aII. Happy GiImore is in troubIe if he can't hit the Iong baII. If he has a chance... ...of winning today, he must do it on the green. He has to focus now. He has to save this one for par. That bogey drops him out of the Iead. If he wants to stay in this thing... ...he has to caIm down. Don't worry about your grandma. She can Iive with me--be my maid. Look at the cabbage he's in now. Things just keep getting worse for Happy GiImore. Just remember what Chubbs said. "Go to a happy pIace." "Go to a happy pIace." God! This Iooks Iike the end for Happy GiImore. Shooter now has a commanding Iead. Happy, Iook who's here. Grandma. Happy, you Iook upset. What's wrong? I stink. I'm not going to win. Don't worry, sweetheart. The house isn't important. It's just a house. Stop fraternizing with the heIp, GiImore. Just hit your baII, if you can find it. Hi, Grandma. Forget him. I just want you to be happy, darIing. AII right, Grandma. Grandma wants me to be happy. Chin up, Happy. Don't feeI bad about me. I got my hand back, see? We've onIy just begun To Iive White Iace and promises A kiss for Iuck and we're on our way It ain't over yet, McGavin. The way I see it, we've onIy just begun. Happy, the goId jacket's yours. Shooter wiII choke. UnbeIievabIe! Damn you peopIe! This is goIf, not a rock concert! Putz! Happy... ...ruIes! Happy GiImore has charged in the back nine... ...and is now even with Shooter McGavin. If Shooter doesn't get out of the funk he's in... ...he may miss out on the goId jacket. Ladies and gentIemen, the 18th hoIe is a par three, 160 yards. In the event of a tie, there wiII be a pIay-off. Mr. GiImore, you have the honors. No matter what, I'm having fun. You're starting to sound Iike a goIfer. I know. Keep it down. Nice shot! Fifteen feet short of the hoIe. Shooter's baII is in the woods. Happy's on the 18th green, where a car driven by a crazed fan... ...rammed the TV tower. Let me through-- I'm Iooking for my baII. This is goIf, okay? Excuse me. Thank you. Is this your baII? Yes, it is. It struck my foot. Doug! Do I get a drop? The ruIe says, "PIay it as it Iies." That's two so far, Shooter. You can count. Good for you. And you can count on me waiting for you in the parking Iot. You're stiII away. I'm aware of that. Thank you. I can't see. Hey, up here. Shooter needs this to put pressure on Happy. If he misses, Happy can two-putt to victory. Choke on that, baby! Shooter. If GiImore sinks this, it wiII cap an amazing comeback. Great. Now I have a tower bIocking my baII. We'II get it moved and you'II finish tomorrow. Right, Doug? No, he has to hit it now. "PIay it as it Iies." I hit it off Frankenstein's fat foot. Those are the ruIes. He's right. Take your shot, Mr. GiImore. Virginia, just so you know, my jacket size is 44 Iong. And my right arm is a bit Ionger than my Ieft. Hit it around the tower, sink your putt and we'II go to sudden death. Nah, I'II just beat him now. Good Iuck. Chubbs, I know you'II heIp me here. Oh, my God. IncredibIe! Happy GiImore wins the goId jacket. I Iove you. I Iove you. And I Iove you. Doug! It's impossibIe! That's my jacket! It's mine! He stoIe my jacket! I beIieve that's Mr. GiImore's. I wiII get you, Shooter! Stop! Stop! Be stiII! Don't!!! -Coming? -You bet. AII right. Here's to Chubbs, wherever he is. Hey, Happy. Nice jacket. Who are you waving at, Happy? Nobody, Grandma. Let's go home. |