Hate Story 2 (2014)

Oh, my God.
Come. Come.
Sir. He's Mr. Dsousa.
You brought this girl here? - Yes.
Take his signed statement. - Yes.
Mr. Dsousa, do not go out
of Goa forthe next few days...
...without informing us.
Sir, this is Dr. Menon.
He's handling the female's case.
Hello, Doctor. - Hello.
lnsp. Vargese.
Dr. Menon. - Okay.
What do you think, doctor?
How soon can she
regain consciousness?
lt's hard to say.
She was brought here
in a very bad shape.
Looking at her condition...
...we can imagine that
she struggled really hard.
She's out of it now.
But only after a
CT Scan can we say...
...how successful her struggle was.
Did you find anything
in her clothes?
Some lD...
Any kind of identification?
And l feel you'll have
to wait for a long time...
...to take her statement.
ln such cases and conditions and
formal cases the patients...
Okay, doctor. - Excuse me!
Stay alert.
Whoever did this can strike again.
lnform me first when
she regains consciousness.
l should be the first one.
- Sure, sir.
Alright, see you.
Sir...that girl's still alive.
Gaekwad, how long are
you going to stand here?
Go get a cup of tea.
l'll stay here. - Yes.
And yes.
Get me a nice cup of tea too.
- Yes, sir.
Oh, my god!
Ma'am...are you okay?
What happened?
You're in a hospital.
No need to be scared.
Just relax!
l'll call the doctor, okay?
ls everything okay, nurse?
She's conscious,
but seems disoriented.
Please inform your
superior officer. - Sure.
And file a case against
both of them. - Okay sir.
Where's the girl?
Sir, l was sitting right here.
Where's the girl?
- She was right here.
Dr. Menon examined her a while ago.
And sir, l gave her sedatives
myself and tucked her in.
So did she sleepwalk out of here?
Were you two awake or sleeping?
Gaekwad, lock this hospital down.
No one gets in and no one gets out.
- Yes, sir.
Alvin, relay to the headquarters...
...l want more backup, right now.
Where's the Dean of this hospital?
Sir, ground floor.
Did you see a girl here?
- No, sir.
Do one thing, check
the room at the back.
And D'souza, go down
and check at the reception.
lf you find any information
then tell sir about it. - Yes, sir.
Nurse. - Yes, sir.
Myself, insp. Anton.
Afemale patient's missing
from the 2nd floorward.
Did you see anyone
heading this way...
...who didn't belong here?
l saw no one, sir. - Okay.
Sir, the doctorwants
to speak to you urgently.
Yes, doctor. - We've received
the patient's CT scan reports.
She has a serious problem.
She has partial cerebral
hypoxic ischemia.
Well, she didn't get oxygen
for a long time in the coffin...
...which means her brain
didn't get oxygen for a long time.
That's why she has
suffered some brain damage.
This brain damage will
affect her coordination...
...between the brain and muscles.
She'll suffer seizures.
She can also have hallucinations.
We call it delusion.
lt needs to be cured.
lf she stays alone,
she can also die.
Don't worry,
we will find her, doctor. - Okay.
Gaekwad, l want updates
every10 minutes. - Yes sir.
Father used to say,
love of the people...
...and Mandar in the elections...
...both are meant forwinning.
l've witnessed your
love in today's rally.
And soon we'll witness
the enemy's defeat.
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
ln this political ocean
you'll come across many...
...ready to reap the rewards.
But a true devotee of Shiva...
...is someone who's ready
to swallow poison just like Him.
Mandar is a devotee of Lord Shiva.
And so he promises that,
if needed...
...on the holy occasion
if 'Shiv Ratri'...
...he'll put his life
at stake for his brothers.
lt's forthe protection
of righteousness.
So your protection
is my duty and my deed.
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... Mandar! - Move back!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Glory to... - Mandar!
Come, dear. - Come.
You two go home.
l'lljoin you later.
Aren't you coming along?
Along with 'Shiv Ratri',
it's also Anu's birthday.
You want me to blow up balloons...
...and light birthday candles...
...instead of preparing
forthe elections.
Stop this charade and go home.
Have you seen today's paper?
lf 18 is the legal age to vote...
...then why is the
legal age to booze 25?
How long with the
youth be toyed around?
How long with their sensibility
and values be questioned?
That's Atul's new move.
To draw the youth's
attention towards him.
Yes, uncle.
When the sea's churned...
...the demons will also
get hold of something.
But you thought that demon politics.
lt's really sad that
he's your uncle's son.
The horse moves 21/2 paces.
From E3 to F5.
Make your move.
l...l...l can't think
of anything right now.
l don't have much time.
Make your move.
l am actually...getting
late for my photography class.
l have just 40 seconds.
Speak up.
lf you move the horse, the tower...
No, no, l mean the queen...
l am really sorry,
l can't rememberthe chessboard.
My mind's in the photography class.
Real photos aren't
taken from the camera.
Real photos are those
which get embedded in the mind.
lf you want to do anything life...
...then forget the camera,
adjust the focus of your life.
To hell with your...
l'll come by 5pm, be at home.
Sir, why don't we flash
her photo on television...
...and make an announcement?
We aren't the only ones
looking for her, Gaikwad.
There's someone she's
trying to escape from.
lf we make an announcement...
...it will alert those people.
Quietly keep a watch on everyone.
lf you suspect anyone,
bring him to me.
Okay. - Sir.
One more thing.
Find out where's the
control room forthis CCTV.
Okay. - Okay, sir.
l had told you,
don't open these boxes.
Don't open these boxes
as long as madam doesn't return.
Now she'll ask who
opened the packed boxes.
l didn't touch these boxes.
lf it wasn't you,
then was it a ghost?
l don't know.
She just stepped
out of the storeroom...
...and she's wearing
a doctor's scrub.
Keep an eye on everyone.
lnform your men.
Hey, stop that bus.
What happened, sir?
l want the number
of that van's driver.
Yes, who is it?
lnsp. Anton speaking.
Park your vehicle on the
side and listen to me carefully.
Yes, sir.
l am doing just that. Hold on.
Yes, sir. Go ahead.
There's a female in your vehicle...
...wearing a doctor's scrub.
Yes, sir. l will check it.
No, sir.
No female here is
wearing a doctor's scrub.
She is jumped of the bus.
Excuse me.
Can...can you please help me? - Yes.
Actually l've to get to Panjim.
l missed my bus due
to an emergency case.
l need help.
You're a doctor? - Yes, yes.
Actually l didn't
get time to change...
...in a hurry to
catch the staff bus.
Well, come right in.
Thank you.
Well, it's your lucky day.
Because l am heading that way.
Actually, l was on duty
in the operation theatre, so...
So in a hurry to catch your bus...
...you forgot to wear your slippers.
Right? - Right.
lt happens.
Who are we waiting for?
The enemy who can't be a friend.
Father used to say...
...a women her place,
and a enemy his stature...
...should be shown soon.
Uncle? - They are here.
Leave me. Leave me.
Leave me. Leave me.
Leave me. Please, leave me.
Sir... - He's Bajirao.
Sir... - He's the one
refusing to sell the shanty.
Sir, sir, it was a big mistake.
But what to do?
That shanty is my home.
lt's a refuge for my wife and kids.
l made a big mistake.
l am ready to do as you say, sir.
l made a mistake.
Like you say.
What does Amitabh Bachchan say...
...on ''Kaun Banega Crorepati''.
''Suyi Muyiji, calm down.''
You should've given your answer...
...when l sent the money.
Now you've run out of lifeline.
l couldn't open this
bottle of cough syrup...
...so l was trying to...
Sonica, l love you.
l know you don't love me.
lt doesn't make a difference to me.
Because my love doesn't
need your approval.
l will always look after you.
And even your...grandma...
...in the old age home.
Just don't try to
separate yourself from me.
ln no way.
lf you part ways,
l'll be really hurt.
And if l am hurt,
then your grandma will get hurt.
Get it?
lt's almost dawn, l am going home.
Take care.
Have you seen this girl?
No, sir! - Stop!
Anybody after you?
No, no one.
- let's go.
Have you seen this girl?
Yes, l have.
Hi. - Hi.
lnspector Anton Vargese.
Where did you see this girl?
l gave her a lift a while ago.
Where did you drop her?
She was saying Gabriele Road.
The neighbors say
this is the only house...
...that's been locked
for many years.
So maybe... - No, this is the one.
Let's go.
lt's still wet.
lt's been used just now.
Search the place now. - Yes, sir.
Now! - Okay, sir!
Sir, l searched the entire house.
She isn't here.
She isn't afraid to die.
She's avoiding the police.
Sir, l don't understand one thing.
Why are we following her?
She hasn't committed any crime.
Let her die if she wants to.
What do we care?
The police's job isn't
just stopping crime...
...it's also protecting the people.
Show her photo to
all the neighbors, okay.
lf you suspect anyone,
search their home.
Call the forensics' team.
And stay here until
they don't get here.
Alright? - Yes.
So you see.
A direct flash on the subject...
...makes the subject flat.
And it creates a lot
of unnecessary shadow.
You understand, Akshay?
Yes...yes, sir, l get it.
bounce light off other object...
...to make beautiful
subject for my next project.
Right, funny boy. That will do.
This week's assignment
will be on perspective.
l've divided all of you
in a pair of twos forthis week.
We'll see how two people...
...view the same sight differently.
So...that will be Ankita and Ashu.
Gauri and Shreyas.
Rahul and Ranvir.
Tulica and Vedica.
Sonica and Akshay.
Everybody ready?
Go ahead and click Mumbai.
You aren't taking photographs.
Not intrested?
Why? ls everything okay?
l broke up with my girlfriend.
...sorry to hearthat.
But what happened?
That's exactly what
l don't understand.
Her dog died.
l only sent a cute message.
Baby, your dog's dead.
l don't know what to do. LOL!
And afterthat she
stopped talking to me.
l mean...silly girl.
You said LOL? - Yes.
You're laughing. - Sorry.
l am really sorry,
l know l shouldn't be laughing.
But who says LOL?
LOL means lots of love.
ldiot, LOL means Laugh Out Loud.
Oh s
That means...
No wonder she's thinking that...
- Yeah, right. Exactly.
Now call her up and apologies.
You're lying, aren't you?
But at least you LOL.
''Sometimes l wrote
your name on the mirror.''
''Sometimes l washed
it away with my tears.''
''Sometimes l read
you like a letter.''
''Sometimes l hid you in my diary.''
''Sometimes l wrote
your name on the mirror.''
''Sometimes l washed
it away with my tears.''
''Sometimes l read
you like a letter.''
''Sometimes l hid you in my diary.''
''You don't leave my
sight even for a moment.''
''Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord.''
''l followed shadows
desiring for you.''
''l followed shadows
desiring for you.''
''l asked every stranger
for yourwhereabouts.''
''l asked like crazy.''
''Without you my heart feels lost.''
''Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord.''
''You don't know how long
my heart's cried without you.''
''You don't know how long
my heart's cried without you.''
''When no one wiped my tears.''
''l remembered your veil.''
''l remembered your veil.''
''l only hear your
voice in loneliness.''
''Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Oh Lord.''
''Oh Lord.''
My phone's...battery...
l was with a friend.
You have just one option.
Did you come back early
because you were scared of me?
Or did you get late coming
from yourfriend's home?
l hope l didn't interfere
in your enjoyments?
lt's...it's not like you think.
l...l was with Sheena.
Sheena. Manda.
Pooja. - Smita.
My men called all yourfriends.
You weren't with any of them.
l...l wasn't with anyone.
Believe me.
Father used to say...
Ant's wings and serpent's hood...
...should be squashed
in the beginning.
Who were you with?
Who were you with?
Tell me who were you with?
Tell me... Tell me...
This is exactly how l feel...
...when you try to
separate yourself from me.
l know.
l know you went to meet some boy.
l'm sparing you because
l don't have evidence.
But if l find out that
my suspicion is right...
...then next time you'll
out of breath for good.
You won't breathe again.
Get that?
One of you will always be with her.
Keep an eye on her.
Thank you, uncle.
Uncle, this guest house...
You're lucky.
lt was vacated just yesterday.
Akshay, where are you?
Akshay, l've seen you.
Where are you?
For God's sake, Akshay.
Stop playing games, Akshay.
Please come out wherever you are.
Come out please, Akshay.
l need you.
l need you.
l need you!
You honored me by coming here.
You respected me.
You've honored our literature.
Hello. - Hello.
l'm really pleased to see you here.
l hope that you will like my book.
l loved all your previous books...
...so why won't l like this.
You two carry on,
l'll go have a talk with uncle.
Election problems. - Yes, yes.
Hello Mandar sir...
Sir... - Mandar, sir.
Hello. - Hello Mandar sir...
Have you lost your mind?
Why did you bring her here?
l didn't know...you're
coming here with Neha.
Sister-in-law, l've been
working on this book for...
She said she had a chat
with you on the phone...
...so l brought her here.
Hello, Neha. - Hello.
l asked herto come
in the evening...
...and at the club, not here.
Father used to say...
...copying in exams,
and the mistress's face...
...are best behind the curtain.
Take her away.
You will find everything
in this book...
...that is on your mind...
- One minute.
Yes. - Okay.
l'll call at home and find
out whether Anu's eaten or not.
Uncle, you're leaving.
The function hasn't
even started yet.
And she... who's this
beautiful girl with you?
She's my niece...from London.
l see.
What's your name?
You've a sweet name...like you.
Now that you're here,
why don't you sit with me?
We can chat and get acquainted to.
Some othertime.
l've to go with uncle
for something important.
Have to?
lt's so strange.
We women have to do everything...
...they don't want to.
l didn't want to come here,
but l had to.
You don't want to leave,
but you have to.
Shall we?
Hello, Sonica.
Professor Bajaj speaking.
Hello, sir.
What's wrong?
You haven't been attending
class for a long time.
Sir, l...
Actually l am not feeling too well.
l am sorry to hearthat.
How are you feeling now?
l am better. - Good.
Sonica, l needed a small favor.
People from the lnternational
Photography Journal...
...are coming to interview
me this evening.
Actually...they've said that...
...they want to talk
to my students as well.
And you're the best l've got.
So l've suggested your name.
So, will you be able
to make it? - Sir...
Come on, Sonica. lt's a request.
Only for 15 minutes.
Okay, sir. l'll be there.
Thank you.
Really, l appreciate that.
Okay. See you then.
l am sorry, Sonica.
l asked sirto lie
and call you here.
What is the matterwith you?
You don't answer my calls,
or reply my messages.
No email, nothing.
What have l done?
What are you punishing
me so harshly for?
Akshay, please leave my hand.
Let me go.
l will,
but first answer my question.
Akshay, l said leave my hand.
l will.
But first tell me what's going on.
Akshay, leave my hand.
First tell me.
You really want to know,
then listen...
Have you heard about Mandar Mhatre?
l am his mistress.
His bloody mistress.
He owns me, Akshay.
He controls my every breath.
l do as he says.
l'm a puppet in his hands.
He's snatched my right to live.
The right to dream.
The right to love anyone.
And if you enter my life,
then he will kill you too.
l want to stay away
and save your life...
...why don't you f understand.
Please stay away from me, Akshay...
...otherwise he will kill you.
ls that all?
Oh God, Sonica.
You had me scared.
l thought it was something serious.
Akshay, this is not a joke.
You're the one humiliating our love.
l didn't fall in love to part ways.
And we can't stop living
fearing death, Sonica.
How will we live?
The entire city's scared of him.
Then we won't live in this city.
Mandar Mhatre rules this city,
doesn't he?
Not the entire world.
We'll disappearto a
place he'll neverfind us.
This is stupidity.
This isn't possible, Akshay.
Please stop dreaming.
We've the right to dream...
...and you've the right to love.
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l want to break
freely in your arms.''
''Like a leaf falls carelessly.''
''l want to shatter and
be one again in your arms.''
''You took everything l had.''
''l felt no worries
or shame or care.''
''l've a desire to see you again.''
''l've a desire to see you again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''You're the reason l'm carefree.''
''You're my evening prayer.''
''You're unimportant...you're
''You're my will...you're
my weakness.''
''And you're the anxiety...''
''...which these events
brought to me.''
''You've finally
expressed yourfeelings.''
''You've finally
expressed yourfeelings.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
Breakfast in bed for my queen.
So much love?
ls it a dream or reality?
l'm trying to turn
this dream into reality.
Do l have your permission?
You do.
lt's my will...
...and desire.
A prisoner's desire to escape...
...and a w desire
to get married...
...does surface someday.
Father used to say.
Let go.
Let him go.
Let go. - Let him go.
Let go.
Mandar, please.
Mandar, please.
Mandar, l'll go with you.
Please let him go.
Mandar, please let Akshay go.
l'll go with you.
You eloped with her, didn't you?
Teach him a lesson
so can't even walk again.
Mandar, call off your men
and face me like a man if you can.
l've no interest in proving my guts.
l'm betterthe way l am.
Akshay! - Break his legs.
Please let him go. - Sonica.
Please let him go.
Dont speak too much.
Listen to his painful screams.
- Sonica.
Because aftertoday you
will never hear his voice again.
Hit him.
l told you...forgiving
and forgetting...
...doesn't exist in
Mandar Mhatre's dictionary.
Please let him go.
Please let him go.
Please let him go.
Mandar, please.
Mandar please, don't do this.
Save him please.
l beg you.
l beg you, please let him go.
He will die.
Mandar please, save him.
Save him.
Please save him,
otherwise he'll die.
Please save him.
Uncle, save him please.
Why don't you save him?
He will die.
l beg you.
Please save him.
Please save him.
Just stand here quietly.
Hey, just stand here quietly.
l will miss you.
l tried to explain you.
lf you take my breath
l will take away yours.
You didn't understand?
What the...
Hey, you...
Come out.
Come out.
Come out.
Come out.
Come out.
Open it.
ln post mortem, your death
will look like a heart attack.
But if you reach the
hospital in 3 minutes...
...you might survive.
Give my message to the Reaper.
Tell him, you're just the sample.
l'll be sending four more.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to...
Mandar Mhatre. - Welcome.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Welcome, Mandar sir!
Heartiest welcome.
Hello, sir.
You've gathered such a big crowd.
You've all worked so hard.
- We owe it all to you.
Glory to Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
Glory to... - Mandar Mhatre.
''Betrayal on my lips.''
''Let's get naughty tonight.''
''Stubbornness on my lips.''
''Let's get naughty tonight.''
''They trouble in the
middle of the night.''
''Make me restless.''
''They ask me to come closer.''
''l hope you don't
get touched by my...''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''They drive me crazy.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''l know you want my Pink Lips.''
''Singing hello-hello all the way.''
''Through those baby lips.''
''Always up to mischief.''
''Missing you whole day.''
''Say that you love me.''
''These distances make me crazy.''
''Singing hello-hello all the way.''
''Through those baby lips.''
''Always up to mischief.''
''Missing you whole day.''
''Say that you love me.''
''These distances make me crazy.''
''l desire only for you.''
''Come closer, don't delay anymore.''
''l desire only for you.''
''Come closer, don't delay anymore.''
''These distances make me crazy.''
''lt makes my breath smolder.''
''They ask you to come closer.''
''They listen to you, my...''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''They drive me crazy.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''l know you want my Pink Lips.''
''The heart yearns in the rain.''
''lt beats frantically just for you.''
''The heart yearns in the rain.''
''lt beats frantically just for you.''
''As we hold hands,
it awakens my desires.''
''They ask me to come closer.''
''l hope they give into you, my...''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''They drive me crazy.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''l know you want my Pink Lips.''
''Singing hello-hello all the way.''
''Through those baby lips.''
''Missing you whole day.''
''Say that you love me.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''They drive me crazy.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
''Pink Lips.''
Sonica, no.
Sonica, no.
Sonica, no.
Sonica, no.
Mandar Mhatre,
you always taught me...
...one should never leave
the game of chess incomplete.
Someone has to win.
So l play the pawn.
B4 to C5...one of your pawn's dead.
You're mistaken, Mandar.
How can she come out of the grave?
l cannot forget her
voice so soon, uncle.
She didn't just
get out of the grave...
...but also killed Goli.
Meaning? - l mean we do nothing.
She'll make her next move.
She's planning to kill
us...and we wait for her.
That's nice.
To kill a rat we don't
run after it, uncle.
The rat automatically
gets trapped in the trap...
...to suffice it's hunger.
She'll come.
She will surely come
to us...to die again.
Keep an eye... - Okay, sir.
Okay. - Yes.
l really troubled you a lot...
...by disappearing from
the hospital, inspector.
l am really sorry.
Where are you?
Forget about me
and listen carefully.
Another murderwas committed
the night l was attacked.
Akshay Bedi.
There's no FlR in your records.
But l know officers like you...
...only need information, not FlR.
What do you want to say?
Akshay's dead body
is still in the car.
And the car's...in Ambolin lake.
Sir, there are two bags in the car.
One contained male
and female clothes.
And we found this from the other.
''13th Jun, 2010.''
''He didn't allow me to
attend photography class again.''
''Coming to him was once my need.''
''But now l am lost
in front of his needs.''
''Everything belongs to him.''
''The house, the furniture,
the curtains, bedroom.''
''And me?''
''l'm a body adorned
in this prison called home.''
''He's appointed another
bodyguard today...''
''...to keep an eye on him.''
''So that l can't go anywhere.''
''lf l had even tried,
he would've killed me.''
''He's neither letting
me live nor die.''
''He controls everything.''
''My body, my mind, my spirit.'
''He rules Mumbai.''
''l've no way to escape him.''
''The entire city's scared of him.''
''Where can l go?''
''l've no one in this
world except for my grandma.''
''Mandar Mhatre is a dangerous man.''
''No one can stop him.''
''l am doomed.''
''Forthe first time
l can see a ray of light.''
''ln the form of Akshay.''
''He gave me a collage today.''
''He loves me.''
''And maybe, for a moment
l've put everything behind me...''
''...and fallen for him.''
''We've decided to elope.''
''We'll go to Goa forever.''
''Far away from Mandar
Mhatre's world.''
''We'll settle our own small world.''
''Our own.''
''l am finally free
of Mandar Mhatre.''
''lt feels my lifetime
''...has finally ended.''
''l am so happy.''
You want me to go to
Mandar Mhatre's house...
...on the basis of these papers,
and arrest him?
Do you have any idea
who Mandar Mhatre is?
Along with his arrest warrant...
...my death warrant
will be issued as well.
And if l manage to escape alive...
...then people will
kill me on the streets.
Sorry, sir.
But l've always had his
respects for Mumbai Police.
l know you'll face few
difficulties solving this case.
But l also know that you
won't step back from your duty.
As far as evidence is concerned...
...it's not just this diary...
...we also found Akshay
Bedi's dead body.
l did make a mistake.
l wanted to kill both of them.
But the girl escaped.
l did make a mistake.
But l don't understand
how she escaped?
She didn't just escape,
Mhatre sir...
...in fact,
she's taking absurd measures...
...to implicate you.
She's the one who called
the inspector in Goa...
...and told him about
Akshay's dead body.
Can the dead body testify?
ls the girl here to testify?
So what's the problem?
That inspector's the problem.
He's very smart.
He has the girl's handwritten diary.
And l am quite sure...
...he must have made some
report regarding the dead body.
Will Mandar Mhatre
have to teach you...
...how one officertackles another?
That's fine, but... - Look, Kishore.
Just tell me one thing.
Are you here to help
or add to my problems?
What are you saying, Mhatre sir?
Don't worry at all.
l'll handle everything.
l've learnt some
politics in your company.
ln today's breaking news,
l would like to tell you...
...about innocent
and na.i.ve looking...
...Mumbai resident, Sonica Prasad.
Yes, Sonica Prasad trapped...
...Akshay Bedi in herfake love.
She went to Goa with
him and murdered him.
Akshay Bedi came to Mumbai...
...to pursue a career
in Fashion photographer.
And they met at Professor
Bajaj's Academy.
Uncle, isn't she the same girl?
Your niece, Sonica Prasad.
The one l met at the book launch.
She isn't my real niece.
Everyone calls me uncle.
So l call them niece or nephew.
Gushed out of Hardwaar
and locked horns with Mandar.
Locked horns with Mandar.
Locked horns with Mandar.
Poorthing washed all my sins...
...and got tainted herself.
Sonica's grandma is here.
Along with few ward
boys from the old age home.
Uncle, now we have a piece
of cheese to catch the rat.
Grandma. Grandma.
Sir...- Why did
you take the trouble?
You could've sent a word,
l would've come.
Sit, sit.
You could've called,
l would've come.
Save my Soni, sir.
Soni can never do such a thing.
He can never do this.
The police are
definitely mistaken.
When my son and daughter-in-law
died in an accident...
...you supported her.
You're her guardian.
l trust you completely...
...that you will
save Soni somehow.
l tried explaining her.
Don't mingle
with this useless boy.
But no,
she eloped with him. - Come.
Forgive her, sir.
What are you doing?
You're elderto me.
This way you'll
make me a sinner.
Come on,
let's forget what happened.
Bring herto him.
Try to explain her...
...that if she
stays underground...
...the police
will be against her.
Once she's here, l'll
get her out of this mess somehow.
Come, Grandma.
Before she left
she gave me a phone number.
You see...she'll be scared
to see all of you. - l see.
You stay here. - Yes.
l'll bring her out.
- You go get her.
l'll be right back.
Sonika. - Grandma...
How are you, my child?
What has happened?
What is everyone saying about you.
Grandma, sit down.
Let me explain you everything.
What will you explain your grandma?
Come. Come with me to Mandar.
He will handle everything.
l have talked to him.
Come on... - No, grandma.
He will never understand.
What do you think?
Didn't l think about it?
Come on. Come on, dear.
You guys locked
Akshay in the car...
...and threw him in the lake.
He couldn't
breathe without oxygen.
He suffocated.
l don't have a lake.
But l'll suffocate you as well.
Go out. - Yes, sir!
lt's her.
She's done it.
Election's around the corner.
The media shouldn't
get a whiff of this.
Close the file.
ls it genuine? - 1000/0.
l got it directly
from the Police Station.
Okay. Thank you.
l read it.
Look, l'm really very sorry.
l did a story
on you considering...
...you were Akshay
Bedi's murderer.
But think about it once again.
lf l do this story,
then we're the press...
...no one can harm us.
But you'll need protection.
Mandar Mhatre will
need protection, not me.
l am ready to die.
Not him.
We've learned
from trusted sources...
...that Sonica
is trying to escape...
...from Mandar Mhatre,
a politician from Vishwa Mahasang...
...and not the police.
We've got our hands
on certain evidence...
...which proves
that Mandar Mhatre...
...forcefully made Sonica
his mistress for 3 years.
Sonica's handwritten
diary proves...
...that she loved Akshay Bedi...
...and was planning
to elope with him.
We'd like to show
you some photographs...
...which Sonica Prasad
took in her home...
...in the last 3 years.
Let me remind you,
that Goa Police...
...has found Akshay
Bedi's dead body.
And considering
all the evidences...
...it'll be wrong to
say that only Sonica Prasad...
...is behind Akshay's murder.
Mandar... - Move!
How did they get the diary?
How did they get the diary?
When did she write a diary?
Where did this diary come from?
Must be the press.
Tell them no comments.
No comments.
l don't want to talk to anyone.
Who is it?
Yes. Yes.
He's right here.
Call from Delhi.
Call from Delhi.
What do l say?
Yes, ma'am.
lt's just a ruse
of the opposition.
And photos can be edited
on a computerthese days.
Yes...yes, ma'am...
l'll handle everything...
No problem.
Mandar Mhatre's
political rival...
...and cousin,
Atul Mhatre wants to meet you.
When do we meet?
Sorry, sorry, Sonica.
This is more of a filmy
smugglertype meeting, but...
You can't meet me publicly.
You're smart.
So...why did you want to meet me?
Your sorrows have made
me really sad, Sonica.
No need for an election speech.
Talk clearly.
Listen, Sonica.
Mandar's wronged you and me too.
You want revenge...
...and l want to defeat
him in the next election.
Our motives are connected.
l know the police
are looking for you.
But...l want to organize
a big private press conference...
...where all the reporters from...
...all the big channels
will be present.
the interview's location...
...will remain confidential.
All l want...
l just want you to
come before the media...
...and shatter Mandar's image.
Just add spice to everything
that reporter said with yourtears.
l'll handle the rest.
That's only about your interest.
Sonica, just start
helping me first, and then...
...as soon as l
win the elections, l will...
Again the election speech.
l get it.
Name your price.
You'll have the entire money
in advance before the sun sets.
l do want an advance, Mr. Atul.
But it's not money.
l see. Then what is it?
Kaka Bhonsle.
l will be there.
l guess we'll always
be meeting secretly.
Kaka? - l kept my promise.
Father used to say...
Aweakling's intent,
and politician's promise...
...are meant to break.
You must have heard that saying.
Birds of a
feather...flock together.
ln this case, politicians
of a feather...flock together.
How are you, Atul?
Your blessings, brother.
Sonica, l am so sorry.
Brother made me an
offer l couldn't refuse.
We're sharing
seat in the election.
End of all conflicts.
Now that we
brothers are together...
...l don't need uncle.
But you shouldn't
have killed him.
See...you forcefully
barged in his farmhouse.
And gravely injured the
watchman and his bodyguard.
Get up.
Uncle and you
had quite a scuffle.
Uncle hurled
you onto this table.
You got up and hurled
uncle on the dining table.
Like this.
Then...somehow you
got hold of the gun...
...and you shot uncle.
Don't worry, it's empty now.
She killed uncle,
but she was so gravely injured...
...that she couldn't escape.
Poor soul seeking retribution...
...was on the verge of dying.
Check and mate.
''My heart keeps asking me...''
''...why do l love you so much?''
''Why are your desires...''
''...more important
than every wish.''
''l keep uttering
only your name.''
''Why am l obsessed
to be your companion?''
''Why do l want to
drink yourtears...''
''...and comfort you?''
''l want to love you every day,
wait for you.''
''l want to keep
you safe in my arms.''
Get up.
Get up, girl.
What are you staring at? Get up.
Get up.
Get up you ham!
Here, sign it.
What is it?
lt states that you killed Goli,
Babu and Kaka Bhonsle.
You tried to implicate
Mandar Mhatre...
...on the basis of fake
diary and photographs.
lt's your statement, sign it.
Sign it.
lt will save you the trouble.
Let her lie there.
Hunger and thirst
will set her straight.
''l keep mentioning
about you all the time.''
''That's the effect
you've had on me.''
''l want no advice.''
''Because my soul's chosen you.''
''Why am l obsessed
to be your companion?''
''Why do l want to
drink yourtears...''
''...and comfort you?''
''l want to love you every day,
wait for you.''
''l want to keep
you safe in my arms.''
''The heart's
worried for no reason.''
''Someone try to explain it.''
''Destroyed in love,
that's the tradition.''
''The one that's patient,
is not love.''
''Try to understand my heart...''
''...what's this all about.''
''Why am l obsessed
to be your companion?''
''Why do l want to
drink yourtears...''
''...and comfort you?''
''l want to love you every day,
wait for you.''
''l want to keep
you safe in my arms.''
We would've pounded
her until she agreed.
lf you think she will
listen to you, then you can try.
One of the people that
you killed was my officer.
Your officertried
to kill me in the hospital.
And the other
three killed Akshay.
My only regret is that...
...their boss
Mandar Mhatre's alive.
l know you want to
avenge Akshay's death.
But that's not your job,
but the law's.
The same law which the
ACP and Mandartoys around with.
That's not true.
Trust me.
l trust you.
l'll sign on this statement.
But just promise me one thing.
You will arrest Mandar Mhatre.
Tell me...can you
arrest Mandar Mhatre?
Will your law
punish Mandar Mhatre...
...for Akshay's murder
and attempt to murder me.
Come on.
Come on.
Move l say.
Lower your guns or
l'll blow his brains out.
Put down your guns l said.
Nobody will shoot.
Lower your guns.
Come on.
Open the door.
Where's your jeep?
Where's your jeep? Get your car.
Give me the car keys.
l said give me the car keys.
Come on. Get your car.
Sonica, you cannot escape.
l am not escaping to live,
but to kill someone.
Hand me the keys,
otherwise he dies right here.
Give me the keys.
Hold yourfire. Don't shoot.
Move back.
Take the key.
Take the key.
Give me the keys.
Open the door, sit inside.
Come on.
What? What?
Watching the fun?
Go back inside or
l'll break you too.
Come on.
Get lost.
The only mistake we made,
Mandar sir...
...that we mistook her
for a petty girl, like you did.
But she's too dangerous,
don't underestimate her.
A girl that can endure
salt on herwounds...
...can't be scared of more pain.
Tighten the security around you.
Scaring me?
You're trying to scare me?
l'm just asking you to stay alert.
And she's already lost
so much in this battle...
...that she has
nothing more to lose.
l will kill that witch.
Kill her.
You already tried that.
She was half dead...
...when you tormented
her boyfriend to death.
And she should've
been completely dead...
...when you buried
her alive in the grave.
She's witnessed death so closely...
...that she no longerfears death.
And those who don't fear death...
...is the most dangerous person.
Think about what l said, sir.
And if you need any
help from my department...
...then give me a call.
See you.
l'll disappearfortwo days.
lf they don't find me,
they won't find you.
Thank you. - You're welcome.
Take this.
What is this?
Phone number...of someone
who wants to help you.
He might get you to Mandar as well.
Who is he?
Call him, you'll know.
Sir, the biggest benefit
of this land is...
...that it's close to the dam.
So we'll get an artificial late...
...and there are poles
close-by for electricity.
sir, we're thinking about...
...three types of accommodation.
The first is villa.
Secondly, we can construct wings...
...and sell flats.
You see, sir,
these days people preferflats.
lt lessens the security hassles..
...and we won't be responsible
forthe maintenance either.
And third are row houses.
Villa and flats, combined.
Why is that door open?
Sir...someone must
have left it ajar.
Actually sir,
it's the catering people.
They're getting tea and snacks.
Close it.
No one...no one's coming it.
Close it.
You can have yourtea
and snacks afterthe meeting.
Close the door, come on.
So, the land's close to the dam.
You two don't move an inch.
- Okay sir.
There's an interview in
progress inside. - Okay.
Don't let any outsider in.
- Yes, sir.
Dolly, listen.
Get sir a glass of water...
...and tell the makeup man
to be ready in case of sweat.
ls that clear? - Okay, madam.
Sir. Since we can
have just one debate...
...l would like to know
the importance of that diary.
How...how many people
are allowed in the studio?
During the show?
There's the EP, Asst.
Director and my Cameraman.
Do you have security
clearance for everyone?
Security clearance?
Yes, sir. Everyone has an lD.
Anyone can have an lD card.
This is not right.
Only these two cameramen stay here.
No one else comes in or goes out.
l am very clear on that. Start.
Okay, Anuradha, you step out...
...let the cameraman stay in, and...
...you come in only to give
your cues during the ad breaks.
Excuse me. Where is she going?
To the control room, sir.
How many people in the control room?
- 10 12...
10 or 12? Please tell me.
12 l think, sir.
Do you know their names?
Why would l know their names?
They are interns, technical staff...
lf you don't know their names,
then who does?
This is not safe.
There's no security here.
But, sir, this is a news channel.
Why would anyone do anything here?
lncidents happen where
people least expect it.
You know that.
This interview continues at my home.
l am sorry,
sir, but this is a debate.
You please can't...
To hell with your debate.
But, sir...please, sir.
Let's go, sir.
What are so many people doing here?
lt's the inauguration of a club...
...there's bound to be people here.
Let's go home. Come on.
Sir...what are you doing?
People are waiting for you.
l promised the organizer as well.
ln fact, he donated a large
amount for our party fund.
Do you want to donate
my life forthat?
Tell me...what do you know?
What do you know? - About what, sir?
About her.
She's waiting for me right here.
You know that, don't you?
She'll hide in this
crowd and kill me.
That's your plan, isn't it?
What are you saying, sir? - Get out.
Out. Get out you f idiot.
Take me home quickly.
Out! Out!
No...it'll be done.
l'll do something.
l'll do something.
lt'll be done...there
will be no problem.
You're back soon.
Shall l serve dinner?
- l am not hungry.
Eat something, just a little...
- l said l'm not hungry.
Stop blabbering.
You look tired, l'll get you milk.
You'll sleep peacefully.
Who was he talking to?
Was he...
l'll call him inside and ask.
Looking for your gun?
l got rid of it.
Always get rid of
things we don't need...
...you taught me this.
Wedding vows don't make you...
...a virtuous husband Mandar Mhatre.
lf you want to be revered,
then you need to act accordingly.
Father used to say...
...affection in eyes of the wife...
...and weapon in the hand
of the lover, are only for pretence.
Come on, give me the gun.
Let's reshuffle all the pawns...
...and restart the game.
Give it. Give me the gun.
Give me the gun.
Mad dogs...
...and crazy elephants...
...are meant to be shot down.
l wish yourfather
had taught you that.
My parents died when l was a kid.
My grandma used to live here.
But after she passed away...
...this house has remained locked.
And no one will imagine that...
...you're hiding in
a police officer's house...
...who is looking for you.
Thank you.
Since l became a police officer...
...this is the first
time l felt l did my duty.
Anyway, don't step
out of the house too much...
...and if anyone asks, then
just say you're my sister Veronica.
Thank you.
Take care, Sonica.
When he came home he looked worried.
When l asked whether
he'll have dinner, he refused.
l went to my daughter's
room to tuck her in.
And that's when...
That's when l heard the gunfire.
l ran to her room and...
You took your revenge.
Finished your battle against God?
Sonica, you should
now go to a hospital...
...and get yourself treated.
Because...you can't live like this.
Everyone has to die someday, Akshay.
Sonica, don't argue.
Please, don't argue, Akshay.
lf l get myself treated...
...then l'll stop seeing you.
lf what's the point of living...
...if l can't see you.
But, Sonica... - Akshay, please.
Stop saying such things.
l'd rather die seeing yourface...
...than live without you.
...say those things again.
Which one?
About us.
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l want to break
freely in your arms.''
''Like a leaf falls carelessly.''
''l want to shatter and
be one again in your arms.''
''You took everything l had.''
''l felt no worries
or shame or care.''
''l've a desire to see you again.''
''l've a desire to see you again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''l in love with you all over again.''
''lt's immense and immeasurable.''