Hate Story 3 (2015)

Shall we, Siya?
I am scared.
Siya, I'm sure
you'll be just fine.
I am with you, too.
Sir, everyone's waiting for you.
Shall we?
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Two years ago
I didn't just lose my elder
brother in the plane crash
in fact, I also lost
my best friend, my idol.
Few are fortunate to have
a brother like Vikram Diwan.
I'm sure you must be thinking
why I built this hospital
in his memory
although I am
a successful hotelier.
I'd like to tell
all of you a story.
I was 8 and Vikram was 13.
He had a friend named Karan.
Vikram would spend all time
with him and play with him.
One day, when I
returned from school.
Vikram wasn't eating
because Karan didn't
come home that day.
Later, we found out that
he was in the hospital.
He had a problem with his liver.
And there was just
one way to save him.
And that was to find a donor
whose blood group
matched with him.
Vikram and Karan had
the same blood group.
Vikram didn't even
hesitate once
before he decided to donate
half of his liver
to save his friend.
Since that day,
Vikram became my role model.
He went to great lengths
in order to help the needy.
And so, every needy person
will receive free help at
Vikram Diwan Memorial Hospital.
This is the first time
when I feel
I've managed to become
somewhat like him.
- The News India crew is waiting.
- Yeah.
the News India crew
is ready for the one-on-one
interview with you.
Is it necessary?
No need to worry.
Just be honest.
Hello, this is Priya Verma
from News India.
On today's special program
we'll talk about
women's empowerment.
We are reporting live
from Vikram Diwan Memorial
Super-Specialty Hospital
that was inaugurated
moments ago.
Our special guest for the day
is the woman
that helped Aditya Diwan
in fulfilling his dreams.
Mrs. Siya Diwan.
First of all,
hearty congratulations
on the inauguration
of this hospital.
Thank you.
They say behind every
successful man is a woman.
So are you the woman
behind Aditya Diwan's success?
I don't think so!
I don't think a woman
ever stays in shadows.
So I would rather say
that I am the woman
who has always been
the successful Aditya Diwan
and not behind him.
Mrs. Diwan, one of the
responsibilities of the press
is to destroy rumors.
We heard that prior
to your marriage
you had an affair with
Aditya's elder brother Vikram.
Is this true or not?
Yes, it's true.
And it's not a rumor.
When Vikram died
I was pregnant with his child.
But we weren't married yet.
And Aditya didn't
want Vikram's child
to stay devoid
of his family name.
That's why he married me.
But after sometime
I suffered a miscarriage.
And I lost my baby, too.
Maybe God didn't want me
to keep any memento
from my past.
But God made sure
that a nice man like
Aditya becomes my companion
so that I can move on in life.
"I'm obsessed
to make you mine."
"Since long."
"Make me a bad habit"
"is what I have to say to you."
"Let a wave of sensation
run down"
"my otherwise calm body."
"Let me stare into those"
"mesmerizing eyes
that are as deep as an abyss."
"Let's get wet in
the deluge of desires."
"I'm obsessed with
never letting you go ever."
"Since long."
"Let me dwell in your eyes"
"is what I have to say to you."
"Don't stop me."
"I am completely obsessed now."
"That's how crazy I am."
"Take a look at me."
"I'm suffering too."
"I'm completely
shattered to pieces."
"There's no turning back now."
"Whatever this is,
it feels right."
"I'm obsessed with
becoming one with you."
"Since long."
"Let me stay close to you"
"is what I have to say to you."
"I'm obsessed
to make you mine."
"Since long."
"I'm obsessed
since long."
The Hong Kong delegates are
on their way from the airport.
And they'll be here
in 15 minutes.
Thank you, sir.
Kaaya, I want you
to head this meeting.
Aditya, this deal is worth
5 billion.
And if anything goes wrong
our company will never
be able to bear the loss.
And I think
I'm not yet capable.
Kaaya, I know you're more
capable than you think you are.
Two years ago, you joined
this company as a secretary.
And now you're perfectly
handling all my big companies.
And let's not forget
you did splendid job with
our soft drink department
which has increased
our sales by seven fold.
So now go ahead
and head the meeting.
All the best.
I don't know
how to thank you, but..
Thank you.
I can't believe my eyes.
What did you possibly see,
Mr. Vaswani?
It's hard to believe
that a random person
can gift you
something so expensive.
What gift? Show me.
Sir, it's as big as
it's expensive.
I mean, you must come down
to see it for yourself.
Who is it, sir?
Find out.
Saurav Singhania.
Never heard of him before.
What does he do?
Vaswani was saying
he's the owner of some
group of international funds.
And also owns a few
iron and steel factories.
And the reason for this favor.
I've accepted his lunch
invitation to find that out.
Lunch invitation?
He has invited us both
at his office.
- You'll come along, right?
- No.
What will I do out there?
And anyway, these business
meetings are very boring.
I see.
Are you trying to tell me
you don't want to meet a person
who gifts an Audi
to someone he doesn't know.
I would..
By the way, is he handsome?
Handsome is as handsome does.
Welcome to my kingdom!
Thank you for accepting
my invitation.
Thank you for inviting us.
Pleasure is all mine.
This is Mr. Dixit.
He looks after
my entire business.
You must be wondering why I was
so eager to meet you two.
Well, I have something
to show you.
I guess even we don't know
this much about ourselves.
May I ask why you're
so interested in our lives?
You can say that
I'm a big fan of yours.
Only film stars and cricketers
have fans in this country,
Mr. Singhania.
This is the first time
when I heard
that even businessmen have fans.
Well, actually
I'm a fan of every person
who achieved something
in life on their own.
You expanded your business
so rapidly
after losing your father
and elder brother.
It's remarkable.
You have really
great business sense.
We were supposed
to talk business.
Is it okay if I borrow
your husband for a minute?
Mr. Dixit, show
Mrs. Siya around the office.
Let's have a drink.
Scotch. Vodka. Bourbon.
- Malt.
- Excellent.
Do you know the difference
between birds and humans?
Birds build a nest
just big enough for them.
And humans..
Well, humans are never
happy with their home.
They want to make it bigger.
Like I am sure
you want to expand
your business as well.
And I want to help you
fulfill this dream.
I'll give you all
the money you need.
Diwan is a big name
and every bank and financial
institution lineup at my door
to lend us money.
See that's true.
But for the money you borrow
you'll have to mortgage
your property and pay interest.
Every creditor does that.
But not me.
With me, there's no guarantee.
No mortgage. No interest.
Are you out of your mind?
You'll lend me money without
any guarantee or interest?
And whatever amount you want.
But why will you do it?
Why just you?
Why would anyone
do such a thing?
I don't know about the rest
but I am a businessman.
And this is a business deal.
What deal?
This is a signed check.
You can fill in whatever
amount you like.
Just send Siya over
for one night.
You rascal!
I will kill you.
How dare you!
No one has dared to mention Siya
in front of me.
Don't make this mistake again
or else next time,
you won't get time to regret.
You're new to this city.
Take my advice and leave.
As long as
Aditya Diwan is here
you can't even breathe
let alone do your business.
We shall see.
We shall.
Siya, let's go.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing. Let's just go.
Aditya, what happened?
The game's begun.
Couldn't you see before
opening the door?
This isn't obstruction
it's a door
to a better future, Satya.
How do you know my name?
Your brother Raghunath Kamath
is in jail, isn't he?
- Yes, but how do you know?
- Never mind.
your brother's bail papers.
You must do something for me
if you want to
see your brother free.
What is it?
- More.
- Yeah.
Go ahead, I'll join you later.
What's wrong?
Aren't you coming
along for lunch?
No, Mr. Akash asked me
to do something.
I'll go deal with that first.
Go ahead, I'm coming.
- I'll go. Don't be late.
- Yes.
You gave 21 runs
in an over.
But you were
clean bowled by me. - Shut up.
- Harshit.
- Harshit.
- Harshit.
- What happened?
- Harshit. Harshit.
- What happened?
- Harshit. What's wrong?
- Tell us.
Yes, sir. Right, sir.
Okay, that will be done, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Right. - Aditya!
Something's definitely wrong.
We're receiving many complaints
regarding our soft drinks.
What complaints?
Some kids started puking
after drinking our soft-drinks
and some fell sick.
And our sources in the
secretariat have informed us
that there's going
to be an inquiry.
And I just don't understand
how is that possible!
- Aditya Diwan.
- Down! Down!
- Aditya Diwan.
- Down! Down!
- Aditya Diwan.
- Down! Down!
Please stay back. Please.
- Please stay back.
- Down with Aditya Diwan.
- I said stay back.
- Down with Aditya Diwan.
Stay back. Move back.
Move. Move.
Stay back.
Stay back. Move.
Stop making this poison!
Shut it down!
Stop making this poison!
Shut it down!
Stop making this poison!
Shut it down!
Mr. Aditya Diwan
we must take the latest
batch of your soft drinks
to our Lab for testing.
And you must shut down
your factory
until we don't get the results.
Shut it down!
Shut it down!
Okay, inspector.
Even I don't want anyone falling
sick after drinking this.
- I am ready to cooperate.
- Thank you.
Down with Aditya Diwan!
'These people only know
how to make profit.'
'They would even sell poison
if they profited from it.'
'They are selling us poison.'
'Such people should be hanged.'
'As you can see
the huge crowd'
'gathered behind us
and they're clearly furious.'
'Police have sent
the latest batch for testing..'
- Hello.
- Hello, Ms. Siya.
Who is this?
What? You forgot me so soon?
Saurav Singhania.
How did you like my second gift?
Gift? What gift?
Oh, so Aditya didn't
tell you anything.
About what?
The thing that can
solve all your problems.
Hatred can turn into love if..
Only if you want..
What do you mean?
Actually, you should
ask your husband.
He'll tell you.
You were all over
the news today.
You must be really worried.
Part of the job.
Keeping things from me must
also be part of your job, right?
What? What did
I hide from you?
You never told me
what happened between.
Saurav Singhania and you
that day?
He's crazy.
Stop thinking about him.
He's done all this!
Everything that's happening
in our soft-drink factory.
It's a sabotage.
He's behind it all.
- Who told you?
- He told me.
- He called.
- What did he say?
That you know why he's
making our lives miserable.
And only I can make it
all go away.
Siya, just forget it.
What does he want?
- Why don't you tell me?
- I can't tell you.
Aditya, please! Tell me.
He wants to
spend a night with you.
That's what that crook wants.
And that's why he's..
He's a vulgar rascal
with a lot of money.
No Aditya,
that can't be the only reason.
I am sure there's
something more to it.
Maybe he's saying all this
to provoke you, confuse you
and hiding his true motive.
Find out, Aditya.
Find out!
"Never last, never last,
can you come on top?"
"Never last, never last.."
"Check this out."
"When I don't get
the liberty"
"to touch you."
"When I don't get
the liberty to touch you."
"I get that liberty
in my dreams."
"But even in my dreams
when I try to touch you."
"I wake up."
"Aren't you ashamed of
talking dirty like this?"
"Don't your mom and your
sister teach you anything?"
"My reputation isn't tarnished,
thank the Lord"
"that you wake up."
"Meet Bros."
"Meet Bros."
"Let me touch your body
and it'll change your gait."
"Touch my lips with yours"
"and it'll melt your heart."
"Ignore these shenanigans
and fill my arms."
"Forget all your worries,
and let's enjoy life."
"I can understand
your naughty behavior."
"Don't your mom and your
sister teach you anything?"
"My reputation isn't tarnished,
thank the Lord"
"that you wake up."
"Your kiss is really killer."
"I hope it doesn't
turn into a love-bite."
"I am scared of
your intentions."
"You might turn
my days into nights."
"Stop flirting"
"why are you after me?"
"I know how to cure
your fever of love."
"Why do you make promises
and break it every day."
"And come in my dreams
to lure my heart again."
"But even in my dreams
when I try to touch you."
"I wake up."
This soft-drink incident
has ruined the image
of our other companies.
Not only did we have
to stop production
in fact, we had to call back
the stock in the market as well.
There must be a way.
There is one.
What's that?
- Aditya.
- Look, Kaaya.
I want you to resign
and take the blame.
This is the only way
to save our companies
from total annihilation.
You know I am innocent.
I didn't do anything.
I know.
But someone other than me will
have to take responsibility.
I can't trust anyone else.
The company will
take good care of you.
You will keep
getting your salary.
In fact for lifetime.
And the law can't touch you.
We'll get the best team
for your case.
And what if I don't agree?
Sorry, you have no choice.
The company has already
released a press statement
stating that you're responsible
for everything.
You know what, Aditya?
You're a real crook.
And I don't need
your fake sympathy.
And yes, keep the salary
for yourself.
You might need it.
Stop. Stop.
Ms. Kaaya,
did you already know
that the cold drink
wasn't fit for drinking?
- Ma'am, please tell us..
- They still haven't recovered..
Aditya has foiled your plans by
blaming Kaaya for everything.
This is the just the beginning.
How long can he hide
behind innocent women?
We have to go to Malaysia for
the Business Chamber Summit.
I think we should leave.
This girl, Kaaya.
Call her, I want to
talk business with her.
Thank you.
- I am Dixit.
- Hi.
I hope you had
a pleasant journey.
Everything was fine.
- Please come.
- Thank you.
Please come.
I'll show you your room.
Please come.
Mr. Singhania is really happy
that you accepted
his invitation.
But he's also apologized.
He couldn't receive
you personally
because he was
busy in his meetings.
It's okay, I can understand.
Mr. Singhania would like you
to have dinner with him tonight.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Thank you for accepting
my invitation.
Thank you for this
beautiful evening.
I believe if you put
your heart into something
the result is always beautiful.
I want to offer you something.
From my heart..
I don't make friends
that quickly.
And anyway, you're not
interested in my friendship.
What do you mean?
Just that I know
you want to use me
to ruin Aditya Diwan.
After all, the enemy
of my enemy is a friend.
Beauty and brains.
You must be very dangerous.
Not as dangerous as you.
But my brains tell me
that you're ready to
pay any price for this.
But Mr. Singhania,
I am not for sale.
Who are you still
being loyal to, Kaaya?
Someone who humiliated you
and have you thrown out
of his company.
I don't think about profit
and loss while making friends.
What's done is done.
Anyway, what's the offer?
Double of whatever
Aditya's giving you.
Not interested.
- Four times more.
- Not interested!
Any figure you want, tell me.
You wouldn't have come here
if you weren't
interested in my offer.
And it's impossible
that you're uninterested
in my offer after coming here.
That only means that
I am asking the wrong question.
The right question is
what do you want?
I have a morning flight.
And you have until
tomorrow morning
to figure out
what I want.
Good night.
I hope you liked
our hospitality.
It was better than I expected.
- Thank you.
- Yes.
I wanted you to be
my guest a little longer.
But you were right.
No one can put a price tag
on our friendship.
It's alright.
Thank you
for the wonderful stay.
Aditya killed my sister.
Our parents died in a car crash
when we were young.
Since then I raised
Sangeeta as my daughter.
She met Aditya in college.
And they became friends.
Soon their friendship
blossomed into love.
Aditya meant everything
to Sangeeta.
But he..
He just used her like a slave.
Sangeeta couldn't tolerate this
and she killed herself
by consuming poison.
I still remember the night
when I rushed to her room.
My sister died
right in my arms.
That day I decided.
That no matter what.
I will destroy Aditya Diwan.
If you know the price
of my friendship
you should know
I can even die for you.
This hard disk has
all the information
about Aditya's business.
It will help you to destroy him.
Thank you.
And yes,
my motive behind coming here
was to know the reason
behind your silence.
And now this reason
has compelled me
to know you better.
"Give me.
Give me, give me love."
"Then give me more."
"Take some love from me too."
"My lover gave you down
and I feeling low."
"Again and again and again."
"What's danger,
what danger, what danger."
"Take me down, down, down."
"What's danger,
what danger, what danger."
"Take me down, down, down."
"Take me down, down, down."
"Take me down, down, down."
"Show me that you can love."
"O Baby, take me in your arms."
"Everything I ever
imagined in my dreams."
"O baby, just do all that."
"Show me that you can love."
"O Baby, take me in your arms."
"Everything I ever
imagined in my dreams."
"O baby, just do all that."
"You're my love."
"You're my intoxication
of nights."
"You're my love."
"Arouse my body in slumber."
"You're my love."
"You're my intoxication
of nights."
"You're my love."
"Arouse my sleeping body."
"That's reason that
I cannot love no other."
"My love."
"This life I'm gonna
live it longer."
"My love."
"Under your spell, girl.
I'm down under."
"My love."
"I keep coming back
for more and more and more."
"That's reason that
I cannot love no other."
"My love."
"This life I'm gonna
live it longer."
"My love."
"Under your spell, girl.
I'm down under."
"My love."
"I keep coming back
for more and more and more."
"Your crazy eyes touched me
in this dark night."
"Something happened
to me and my breath."
"Your crazy eyes touched me
in this dark night."
"Something sizzled
down my lazy breath."
"You're my love."
"You're my intoxication
of nights."
"You're my love."
"Arouse my body in slumber."
"You're my love."
"You're my intoxication
of nights."
"You're my love."
"Arouse my body in slumber."
"This winter feels so hot."
"There's no shame anywhere."
"Sweetheart, we've made
a legitimate mistake."
"This winter feels so hot."
"There's no shame anywhere."
"Sweetheart, we've made
a legitimate mistake."
"Let me make things
hot for you."
"Bring my lips close to yours."
"Everything I ever
imagined in my dreams."
"Just do all that."
"You're my love."
"You're my intoxication
of nights."
"You're my love."
"Arouse my body in slumber."
"You're my love."
"You're my intoxication
of nights."
"You're my love."
"Arouse my body in slumber."
"You're my intoxication
of nights."
"Arouse my body in slumber."
- Hello.
- Hello.
Yeah, Kaaya, tell me.
Aditya's having his breakfast.
Okay, put me on speaker.
I don't have time. Quick.
Yeah, Kaaya. Go ahead.
Aditya, the information
I gave Saurav
- won't harm us in any way.
- Good.
But I found out
something very important.
What's that?
Do you know a girl
called Sangeeta
who went to the
same college as you?
Yes, I remember.
There was a girl. Yes.
And you two loved each other.
What nonsense!
She loved me, but not me.
She was a mad girl, you know.
She committed suicide.
She gave up her life for you.
I don't know
anything about this.
Yes. And Saurav Singhania
is Sangeeta's brother.
- What?
- Yes.
And he wants to ruin you
in order to avenge
his sister's death.
Now it all makes sense to me.
Don't forget to
clone Saurav's phone.
- And keep informing me.
- Okay.
You were right, Siya.
This a revenge story.
He's not just a
rich vulgar rascal.
But a rich vulgar
cunning rascal.
But Aditya, if all this
is just a misunderstanding
then why don't you
just clear it out?
But that won't make
a difference, Siya.
If we want to stop Saurav
then we'll have to
play this game his way.
Persuasion. Bribe.
Punishment and divide.
- Vaswani.
- Yes, sir.
There was a girl called Sangeeta
who studied in my
college with me. - Yes.
I want her brother's
entire life history.
Okay, sir.
If he knows everything about us
then we must also know
everything about him.
- Do you have to go?
- I don't want to either.
But I haven't met mom
for a long time now.
She's missing me.
I've lost my heart to you.
I can't bear you going away.
Promise me,
you'll come back soon.
Promise me.
I promise.
It's time for my flight
and your meeting.
Shall we?
Saurav has entrapped Kaaya.
We're getting the information
we want.
The plan is working.
I got the phone.
Now listen to me very carefully.
First, remove SIM card
from Saurav's phone.
Next attach the SIM card
to the SIM reader.
Just like we attach the SIM
card in the mobile phone.
Now attach the SIM reader
to the adapter.
And attach the adapter
to your phone.
As soon as you do that
you'll see a pop-up
window on your phone.
It's giving me an option,
'Yes or No'.
Press 'Yes' and wait 10 seconds
for the process to complete.
As soon as the process
completes, press Ok.
I hope she does it.
Come on!
Yes, Mr. Singhania,
how can I be at service?
I've told you a thousand times
whenever we speak on phone,
we won't say each other's name.
- Sorry, sir.
- Now listen to me carefully.
According to your source.
Aditya's company has
invested a lot of money
in the Telecommunication's Bill
which will soon be passed
by the Parliament.
And if this is okayed, Aditya's
company will make a fortune.
- Right?
- Yes, the information is right.
And if the Bill
is rejected then..
His company will
incur huge losses
- and will have to be shut down.
- Of course.
So this Bill should
get rejected.
But sir, what will
you gain from all this?
You can say
that I stand to gain
from Aditya's losses.
I get it, sir.
Don't worry. This Bill
will never get through.
How does he know all this?
Everyone's got money to bribe.
Aditya, what will you do now?
Aditya Diwan speaking.
Mr. Aditya, don't embarrass me
by saying your name.
- Do you remember your promise?
- Of course I do.
Don't worry.
I've the biggest number of MPs.
The Bill will be approved
by tomorrow morning.
That's fine,
buy 10 more MPs.
There's no need for that.
I know, but I still don't
want to take a chance.
I'm sending over more money.
Fine, as you wish.
Let's see what Saurav Singhania
does now?
We need to deliver
500 million
to telecommunication
Minister Dutta's home.
Give this job to
someone trustworthy.
Don't worry.
I've confirmed from my sources.
That Bill will
never get approval.
And as for the plan ahead
it's already begun.
You know what to do.
Just be careful.
Don't worry, ma'am.
I've done this before.
And yes, switch off
your phone for safety.
So that no one can track you.
- Yes, madam.
- Leave.
- Sir, we've made a big mistake.
- What's wrong?
Saurav Singhania is
not Sangeeta's brother.
- What?
- Yes, sir.
Her brother passed away five
years ago in a car accident.
He lied to Kaaya
to mislead her.
And we were celebrating
that we'll get all the
information through Kaaya.
This means, he already knew
that we sent Kaaya.
Oh my God!
Vaswani, we must stop the money
we sent to Dutta at any cost!
Yes, sir.
- Hello.
- I was about to call you.
The money's on the way.
- Stop it at all cost.
- What?
Aditya, the truck
left 15 minutes ago.
And his phone's
switched off too.
Stop him at all cost.
It's a trap!
Trap? What trap?
Kaaya, this is not the time
to explain everything.
Just chase the money
and stop it!
Mr. Dutta.
Mr. Dutta is speaking to
the PM on the other line.
Please call later.
I must speak to
Mr. Dutta immediately.
Tell him
it's Aditya Diwan calling.
Sir, no one's more important
than the Prime Minister.
I'll call you when he's free.
Pick up the goddamn phone.
Pick up the phone.
These businessmen only
care about themselves.
Hello, sir.
The Minister's still busy.
I'll ask him to call you.
You idiot,
I told you it's urgent.
Give the phone to
Mr. Dutta immediately.
I need to speak to him
right now.
Hello! Hello!
Where are you going?
Tell Mr. Dutta that
his package has arrived.
- Watchman, let him through.
- Fine, go.
Come on.
- Get down.
- Why, sir?
Get down.
- It's only mangoes.
- Mangoes.
- Show me.
- Come, sir.
- Let me show you.
- What's inside?
Open these crates. Come on.
- Sir..
- Where?
I don't know whose it is.
'As Telecommunication
Minister Dutta'
'was arrested
red-handed taking bribe'
'the Home Minister,
Delhi has withdrawn'
'his proposed Telecommunication
Bill from the parliament.'
'And he has also said'
'that he's appointing a
fast-track enquiry commission'
'regarding Dutta's bribe case.'
'According to our sources'
'the Delhi Home Ministry
has stated'
'that till the enquiry
commission submits its report'
'the telecommunication
bill won't be..'
- Aditya, listen to me. Calm down!
- Rascal!
Calm down, Aditya, listen to me.
That Saurav!
I will destroy him!
Well, here I am, Mr. Diwan.
Now destroy me.
Who the hell are you?
Why are you doing this?
So you know that
my name isn't Saurav.
So let's say I am Gaurav.
- How's that?
- I am not a fool.
I don't know why
you're doing all this.
But I know you're
trying to ruin me
and I won't let that happen.
Listen to that.
So you haven't
understood anything yet.
Siya, please explain
your husband.
I mean there's no point
in ruining your whole life
for just one demand.
- You rascal.
- Aditya.
Aditya, let go.
I only believe in love
and not violence.
You got the wrong guy.
Whoever you are,
I will find out the truth
even if I have to
risk my life for it.
I'll find out who you are
and I'll destroy you.
I will finish you!
You're a strange man.
So you'd rather give your life
and not your consent
to this union.
Now this is going to be fun.
Because I never quit
and you don't want to quit.
So we must wait
and watch who wins.
Because both of us can't win.
And I'm loving this.
Please! Please! Please! Please!
Please calm down everyone!
The Minister is on his way.
He'll present his side
of story in detail.
After that if anyone
has any questions
then he can ask them.
Please be patient.
Move please. Stay back. Back.
Move aside.
I would like to
clearly state
that the truck carrying cash
seized by the CBI
outside my home
is that I have no
connection to that money.
Nor do I know anything about it.
Why? Who? And what
this money was sent for?
Mr. Minister, the truck
was seized outside your home.
So it was meant for you, right?
If there's a buffalo
standing outside your home
will that make
the buffalo yours?
According to our sources
this money was
sent to buy out few MPs.
Is it true?
Please think before
you ask question.
Everyone knows
our party has a majority
in the Parliament.
So why would we buy
out MPs from other parties?
Who does the money belong to?
The police are carrying
out an investigation.
'But according to my
experience in politics'
'I can definitely say
that a businessman friend'
'of the opposite party
is trying to instigate me.'
'Excuse me.'
'Thank you.'
Sir, by telling the media
that this can be the job
of an industrialist.
Dutta has tied
the noose around you.
And now he can
stoop to any level
in order to save
his reputation and post.
Sir, could it be possible
that Saurav has joined
hands with the Minister.
Kill that Saurav.
Finish him, I don't care.
Just finish that rascal.
In order to get out
of this situation
before we kill Saurav,
we must find out
how he knew that we sent Kaaya.
Where's Kaaya?
I don't know, sir.
I've been trying to call her,
but her phone's switched off.
I don't know where she is.
"How did this happen?"
"How did this happen?"
"How did this happen?"
"How did this happen?"
"Whenever I think of you
it only makes me cry."
"O tormentor you should know"
"I love to hate you, baby."
"Whenever I think of you
it only makes me cry."
"O tormentor you should know"
"I love to hate you, baby."
"I love to hate you, baby."
"I love to hate you, baby."
"Why did you.."
"Why did you listen
to your mom?"
"When I used to say that
my heaven's at your feet."
"Why did you.."
"Why did you listen
to your mom?"
"When I used to say that
my heaven's at your feet."
"Why did I stay quiet?"
"Why didn't I scream I say?"
"Every time you tormented me."
"I love to hate you, baby."
"I love to hate you, baby."
"I love to hate you, baby."
Kaaya! Kaaya!
You're a cheat.
I love you
and you stab me in the back.
And you take the knife
and stab me back.
I missed you.
Look, I was only following
Aditya's instructions.
You win and I lose.
Please let me go.
Don't worry.
I am not Aditya.
I won't show you dreams
of heaven and throw you in hell.
But the choice is yours.
If you want
you can be with me again.
Close to me.
I haven't forgotten
our nights together.
Or you can stay in jail
with convicts like you.
And they too I'm
sure will give you
many-many nights
that you'll never forget.
Almost forgot.
I want you to hear something.
'We need to deliver 500 million'
'to Telecommunication's
Minister Dutta's home.'
'Give this job to
someone trustworthy.'
'Don't worry.'
You thought only you can
tap phones and record calls.
What's the first rule of enmity?
Never, ever, ever
underestimate your enemy.
Never underestimate your enemy.
And this dialogue's
repeated in every movie.
Really. Shame on you.
I could've released this
recording to the media.
Or handed it over to the police.
But I know you're
just a pawn in this game.
And so I want to
give you a chance
to save yourself from all this.
What say?
Do you want to
clear out of this?
What do you want?
Hello, Kaaya.
Where have you been?
Aditya, I am tired.
First, the soft drink
factory case
and now the
Communication's Bill.
How long are you going
to use me for your profit?
I want out.
Please protect me.
I am tired, Aditya.
I am tired.
Come back to Mumbai, Kaaya.
We'll work something out, yeah?
No! No more deals!
I just want a
letter of assurance
stating that I've nothing
to with these incidents.
- That's it.
- Don't you trust me, Kaaya?
No, I don't trust anyone!
If you don't help me
and give me that letter
I'll tell the press that
you tried to bribe the Minister.
It's simple, Aditya.
If I go down
I'll take you with me.
Damn it!
And the award goes to Kaaya!
Kaaya, you're so beautiful,
so talented, so dangerous.
You should've been an actor!
Okay, enough.
I am sorry.
Please stop crying. Please.
Please stop.
I told you
I am with you.
You're my responsibility now.
That's it.
- We're one team, right?
- Yeah!
We're one team.
Do come in my dreams and tell me
if there's life after death.
Take care of this.
Kaaya is dead.
This wasn't Kaaya.
What do you mean?
I mean, it was
Kaaya speaking
but the words were not hers.
I am a woman. I can sense it.
You mean Saurav Singhania.
Yes. I think he's trying
to use her against us.
Ms. Siya is absolutely
right, sir.
He's trying to set you up
in a bigger mess.
Take my advice, sir.
Siya and you must
leave India for few days.
Vaswani, what are you trying..
Sir, I am well-versed
with the law of the land.
Please take my advice
and leave for USA tonight.
I'll make all the arrangements.
I am not a coward.
I am not going anywhere.
- Sir..
- Aditya. Vaswani is right.
We need to retreat
to think clearly.
Let's go.
It's done.
- Come on, have some.
- Of course.
Yes, Mr. Singhania.
I told you I am the only man
who can get you
out of this quagmire.
You don't need to worry now.
Mr. Singhania, I never
doubted your ability.
So I expect you'll keep
your end of the promise.
Of course, Mr. Singhania.
Of course.
I am sorry, Mr. Diwan.
You're under arrest.
How dare you touch me!
I am no petty thief whom an
ordinary cop like you can touch.
My name's Aditya Diwan.
Do you know who I am?
I do.
And I also know
that you've been charged with
the murder of Ms. Kaaya Sharma.
On the day of the first hearing
we've received information
that the police have found
Kaaya Sharma's body
few miles outside Mumbai,
from a deserted road.
Murder mixed with politics.
Well yes, this happens to be one
of the biggest cases this year.
And as you can see
right behind me
we're outside this
court bringing to you
every single update.
This case looks
quite interesting
even before it started.
Stay back. Stay back everyone.
Sir, we have a question, sir.
What's your connection to
Kaaya Sharma's murder? - Sir..
Do you have anything to do with
Kaaya Sharma's murder case, sir?
- Sir..
- Please answer us.
Sir, please.
Sir, please.
Please answer us.
Sir, please.
You have to answer.
Please be seated.
Mr. Public Prosecutor,
you may proceed.
Your Honor, right from
pesticide being found
in Mr. Aditya Diwan's
soft drink factory
to the Telecommunication Bill.
Mr. Aditya Diwan used
Ms. Kaaya cunningly.
When Mr. Diwan felt
that she's becoming a threat
for him or his business
then Mr. Diwan got rid of her.
Your Honor
this is not a case.
It's just a bail
application hearing.
Whether my client,
Mr. Aditya Diwan
is guilty or not
we'll find that out later.
Mr. Prosecutor,
can you prove here
that Mr. Diwan is involved
in this murder
and he needs to be questioned?
Your Honor, I have evidence
to prove all the facts.
My Lord, this is the recording
of two telephonic conversations
that happened between
Mr. Aditya and Ms. Kaaya Sharma.
Along with the lab certificate
which proves that these are
Mr. Aditya Diwan
and Ms. Kaaya Sharma's voices.
- 'Hello.
- Kaaya.'
'We need to deliver
500 million'
'to Telecommunication
Minister Dutta's home.'
'Give this job to
someone trustworthy.'
'Don't worry.'
Order! Order!
Silence please.
My Lord, this is
the second recording
which proves that
Ms. Kaaya was tired of all this
and wanted to stay
away from everything.
'Hello, Kaaya,
where have you been?'
'Aditya, I am tired.'
'First the soft
drink factory case'
'and now the
Communication's Bill.'
'How long are you going
to use me for your profit?'
'I want out.'
'Please protect me.'
'I am tired, Aditya.
I am tired.'
'Kaaya, come back to Mumbai.
We'll work out something, yeah?'
'No, I don't trust anyone!
It's simple, Aditya.'
'If I go down
I'll take you with me.'
My Lord, we're worried
that Mr. Aditya Diwan
can tamper with evidence
and intimidate the witnesses.
So I request the court
that Mr. Aditya Diwan
shouldn't be granted bail
until the police doesn't
complete their investigation.
That's all, Your Honor.
After listening
to all the arguments
the court orders Aditya Diwan
to be remanded
in police custody
until the police conducts
its investigation.
Move. Step back.
Is it true that you
murdered Kaaya Sharma?
Are there more people
involved in this?
The evidence is against you.
How can you run from here?
How are you connected
to Kaaya Murder case?
Please tell us.
Mr. Diwan, what secrets did
Kaaya know about you?
Please tell us.
- Sir..
- Move. Let him go.
'My faith in the law of
this country has been restored.'
'The opposition has used one
of their industrialist friend'
'in order to humiliate me.'
'What's his name?'
'Aditya Diwan?'
'Yes, Aditya Diwan.'
'This is the first time
I even heard his name.'
'But I promise'
'I'll take strict
actions against him'
'and he'll never
forget my name.'
This politician is a rascal.
We helped him attain power
and now he'll use
Mr. Aditya as a pawn
for his politics and sacrifice
him in order to save his post.
He won't let him
come out of jail.
I don't know what to do.
You only have five minutes.
Siya, tell Vaswani to get
the best legal team.
Get me out of here soon.
Just get me out
of this goddamn place.
I will handle that, but..
But what?
After you left,
outside the court..
You know, I can get your husband
out of jail if you want.
But you see
my wishes alone don't count.
You should too.
Siya, listen to me carefully.
Even if I'm jailed for life
you won't let that
Saurav intimidate you.
Promise me!
Just promise me!
You took really long
to get here.
You win.
I don't know why
you're doing this.
But tonight, I..
I don't know what
happiness you get
by taking advantage
of someone's helplessness.
But I want evidence
to prove Aditya innocent.
My father used to tell me.
No one gets rich easily.
Behind every fortune,
there's a crime.
You're not helpless
nor am I.
I don't know what
you're talking about!
That's all right.
And anyway,
you didn't come here to debate.
So why are we getting
into a debate, right.
We should do what
you're here for.
So come on.
Seduce me.
I am not a slave whom you
paid to make you happy.
I don't please for money.
No one really does it for money.
Even a prostitute doesn't
charge you for sex.
In fact, she charges you for
leaving your bed after the sex.
You can leave too
with the evidence.
You're a cheap rascal!
Here you go.
It'll help you.
See, the way I see it
you've only two choices.
Either you be a slave
or you be a widow.
"How do I say
how restless I am in your love?"
"I want to look in your eyes
and steal your dreams."
"How do I say
how restless I am in your love?"
"I want to look in your eyes
and steal your dreams."
"That's my shadow"
"the place where
you're standing now."
"I am alive"
"and the reason is you."
"I am alive"
"and the reason is you."
"It's an intoxication,
it's a poison."
"What do we call this love?"
"What do we call this love?"
"It's an intoxication,
it's a poison."
"What do we call this love?"
"There's a saga that's
been incomplete for a long."
"Let's complete it."
"How can I forget you?"
"You're my first mistake."
"I am alive"
"and the reason is you."
"You don't know my intentions."
"I'll steal your breath."
"My heart's telling me
to be a criminal."
"There's peace
beyond these crimes."
"I am the lost night"
"and you're my
pleasant morning."
"I am alive"
"and the reason is you."
I want evidence of
Aditya's innocence.
What's the hurry?
What are you thinking?
It's been three months
since papa died.
The lawyer is going
to read out his will soon.
Just scared that papa didn't
give me any responsibility
that I can't handle.
Don't worry
I'm sure papa didn't give you
any responsibility
that you can't handle.
Brother, you're not dressed yet.
- We're getting late.
- 10 minutes.
With everyone's permission
I would like to
start reading this will.
I, Raghavendra Diwan am
making this will
in complete senses and not
under anyone's pressure.
I believe if
Diwan Group of Companies
wants to achieve
new heights of success
then it needs experience
as well as zest.
And so I consider
myself fortunate
that I have two sons who
trust and love each other.
Vikram and Aditya.
I want my elder son Vikram Diwan
to be the heir
to all my properties
and the chairman
to Diwan Group of Companies.
And my younger son Aditya Diwan
will become the vice president.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
We'll do as papa wanted.
I am so happy.
Congratulations, Mr. Chairman.
- I am so, so happy today.
- Thank you.
Aditya, I am sure there's
an informer in our boardroom.
How else did Siya know that I
am the chairman starting today?
It must be that Vaswani.
'Madam, I got some good news.'
It's him, isn't it?
Aditya, you're so mean.
- Yes, it was Vaswani.
- Okay.
Now come on,
will you give me a hug or not.
And on this joyous occasion,
tonight there's a celebration.
A party.
Now run to the salon
and I'll pick you up at 8.
See you.
Vikram, you're 15 minutes early.
I am still getting ready.
You cheat!
You were showering him with
your love today, weren't you?
Since he became the chairman
and took over the property
you showed your true colors.
Now I understand your true plan.
First, please both the brothers.
And then find your happiness
with the richer one.
Are you crazy?
You know I love you.
And it was your decision
to hide our affair.
We decided to fall in love
not to make deals in love.
You think I am making a deal?
So? If you really love me
then prove it to me.
Prove that you're not
in this for the money.
Tonight, after the party
you'll come with me
to my bedroom.
And if you don't do it
then I promise you I'll
never see your face again.
If you're not with me
you're against me.
- Hey.
- Congratulations.
Thank you.
- Hi, Aditya.
- Hi.
Where's Vikram?
The host is late
at his own party.
- This is not fair.
- Cheers.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Hello, Aditya. Where's Vikram?
He'll be here soon.
No, he's already here.
There he is!
The man of the moment.
Thank you so much.
Hi, Siya.
Meet Mr. Mehta.
- Old associate of ours.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- I'm fine. Thank you.
- How are you?
- All okay.
Everybody, may I have
your attention please.
Thank you.
Where's Aditya?
There he is.
Come here.
- Yeah.
- My handsome younger brother.
First of all, both of us
want to thank you, all of you.
For making it here
at such a short notice.
By coming here,
all of you proved
that what our papa
said was right.
He always said
that 'friends can make you
feel happiest in the world'.
And we're very fortunate
that we have so many friends
to be a part of our happiness.
So thank you, all of you.
There's someone here
who can add to our happiness.
Siya, you know I love you a lot.
And I know I'll never
be happy without you.
So why don't we
live together forever
and make each other happy?
Will you marry me?
- Oh come on, say yes.
- Say yes.
Say yes.
- Say yes.
- Say yes!
Come on.
Say yes.
Don't doubt me so much.
How many times do I tell you
that I only love you.
I can't live without you.
If that's true
then help me kill Vikram.
Aditya, I..
I cannot kill anyone.
I can't do it.
Strange love!
You don't want to see
your lover happy.
What happiness will you get
by killing your elder brother?
He's not my elder brother.
He's my enemy.
He snatched away
everything I ever wanted.
Mom's favorite son.
Dad's respect.
School, college,
studies, sports..
He was better than me
in everything.
When I fell for you,
he snatched you too.
I am tired of being no.2.
I want to be no.1.
I want to be the best.
I won't get anything
as long as he's alive.
I want to be the chairman.
The owner.
Are you with me or not?
Are you with me or not?
Definitely I will. Okay.
Anyway, let's meet and talk.
Okay, see you, bro.
Thanks. See you.
Neha, inform the pilot
that we're ready.
Okay, sir.
- I am gonna miss you so much.
- I'll miss you too.
See you.
You're alive
but your face.
How's it possible?
How can anyone survive
such a plane crash?
That's why, no body was found.
And with plastic surgery..
I can't believe it.
Look Vikram,
this is not my fault.
Just shut up.
I didn't want to
spend a moment with you.
I still don't.
I did this to show you
the truth.
And anyway
you were always so cheap
and you still are.
Only your price has changed.
What's this?
With these papers
you must return everything
that you and your husband
took from me.
You want evidence for
Aditya's innocence, don't you?
I think you should get going.
How is that possible?
Saurav is Vikram.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, Aditya.
The tattoo and everything
that I only told Vikram.
He knows everything.
He's definitely Vikram.
Sometimes I feel.
God's definitely against me.
Some game He's playing with me.
I can hear Him laughing.
He wants you to
sign these papers
and return him his properties,
business, everything.
Only then will he handover
the evidence of your innocence.
He has played a really big plan.
Our plans are foiled.
What do we do now, Aditya?
I won't let God win.
He might have saved Vikram
and got me locked up behind bars
and turned the world against me
but I will win.
Aditya, please.
You're scaring me now.
You are not a loser
if you fall.
You are a loser
if you don't get up.
It's time to rise up
in this game, Siya.
Here are the papers.
First handover the evidence
of Aditya's innocence.
- Let me check the papers first.
- Yes.
What kind of a joke is this?
Where are his signatures?
Your finger is bleeding.
Saurav! Saurav! Saurav!
Saurav! What's wrong?
Saurav! Are you okay?
Saurav! Are you okay?
Saurav! Saurav!
What did you do to him?
Saurav! Saurav!
Saurav! My dear Saurav!
Saurav, are you okay?
Saurav! Saurav!
Mr. Dixit,
he'll be dead in an hour.
By the time,
you take him to the hospital
they conduct the tests
and give him an antidote
it'll be too late.
So what do we do?
- There's one way.
- Yes.
If I tell you
what poison it is.
Tell me! Tell me!
But for that,
without wasting his time
you must right away
handover all the evidence
of Aditya's innocence.
Come on, be quick for his sake.
Saurav, just be there.
Saurav, just be there.
Tell me the name.
Saurav! Saurav!
Tell me the name.
Saurav! Saurav!
You'll be all right.
Saurav. You'll be all right.
Saurav! Saurav!
Mr. Dixit.
Mr. Dixit.
Yes, doctor.
We've given Mr. Singhania
the antidote.
But for the next 12 hours
I can't promise anything.
Anything is possible.
And we don't know whether
it has affected any organ.
Only time can tell.
Don't worry.
'The air pressure over the
Arabian sea is decreasing.'
'Due to which the
weather is changing.'
'If we talk about North India'
'entire Northern
region of India'
'has been impacted
by cold waves as we speak.'
'Due to heavy
snowfalls in Srinagar'
'the temperature has dipped
below minus 3 degrees.'
'Breaking News of the hour is'
'that Kaaya Sharma's
real murderer has been found.'
'The police recently recovered'
'the body of a man called
Manish Surve from a van'
'parked outside a farmhouse.'
'The police have also stated
that this is a suicide case.'
'Police have also found
some love-letters'
'and photographs
from Manish's home'
'which he wrote to Kaaya.'
'The police have also said'
'that these pictures
and love-letters prove that'
'Manish Surve was
a silent lover.'
'And his obsession was the
motive behind Kaaya's murder.'
Mr. Diwan, now that you've
been acquitted, how do you feel?
Do you know who was
trying to set you up?
All I know is that I had full
faith in the judicial system.
And I am happy that the
truth is before the world.
And everyone knows
I am innocent.
- Thank you.
- Sir, sir.. one more question.
- Sir.
- Sir, please sir.
Right now,
all we can do is wait.
The doctor's said that
anything is possible.
Sir, Mr. Singhania
is not in his room. - What?
- Welcome back, sir.
- Thank you.
- Good morning, sir.
- Morning.
Vaswani, was it so important
to come here today?
Bringing me to a place like this
right after I got out of jail.
Sir, this project was
on hold for a long time.
And we've invested
lot of money in it.
I thought why don't I
take final approval from you
- and start it again.
- Okay.
Sir, I'll get the blueprint.
Within two weeks
Aditya group of company's
should have a clean image
before the world.
Yes, we can't afford
to waste any more time now.
Don't worry, we've already
prepared a strategy.
This is the only way
to cover our losses.
- We have all the reports..
- Sir, your lives are in danger.
- We must leave immediately.
- What's wrong?
Saurav's here.
We have to leave immediately.
Let's go.
Oh, Gosh!
- What happened?
- Run! Hurry up.
Come on.
I am sorry, Vikram.
I am really sorry.
This was entirely Aditya's plan,
not mine.
I let Aditya talk me into it.
Please give me a chance
to prove that I still love you.
I was right.
You were always cheap
and you still are.
Please believe me, Vikram.
I'll give you anything you want.
I've realized Aditya
can't belong to anyone.
I am sorry.
Let's hear your offer.
My offer is behind you!
There's no difference
between you and me.
Whatever I did,
it was for the money
and now you're doing the same.
There's a difference.
Your built castles
in the air
and mine dream was
firmly on the ground.
I'd cry silently than I'd smile.
I hated you!
What's strange is that
how did you survive
after killing you twice?
But I think God will
fulfill my desire today.
You kept praying to God
for my death
and I kept praying
for yours.
Now you'll know how it feels
when your loved one cheats you
and deserts you.
You never tried to understand
your elder brother.
You could've just said it once
and he would've happily
given you everything.
He would've given me everything?
Then who are you?
Who are you?
I regret you'll never know
this secret in this life.
Saurav! Saurav! Saurav!
Saurav! Are you okay?
Saurav! Saurav!
Karan is conscious.
He's going to live.
'The game has begun.'
'Saurav has entrapped Kaaya.'
'Kaaya is dead.'
'Vikram had a friend
named Karan.'
'Vikram would spend time
with him and play with him.'
'He had a problem
with his liver.'
'Vikram didn't even hesitate'
'before deciding to
donate half of his liver.'
Karan my friend,
so finally you took my advice.
Yes, I thought
I'd personally invite
my best friend to my wedding.
You're getting married. When?
And you can meet Siya
under that pretext.
That's great news, man.
And please congratulate
Siya also for me.
Definitely I will.
Anyway, let's talk
when we meet.
- Okay, see you soon.
- I'll see you at the airport.
- I'll miss you.
- I'll miss you, too.
- 7.
- Yes.
- Yes, Yes.
- Yes.
I promise
I'll take back everything
they snatched from you.
I promise.
I promise!
What if you had been harmed?
I would've died.
You gave me this life.
You proved one thing.
Blood ties are not
the only relation.
The real relation is of pain.
It's easy to be called brother
but difficult to be one.
You're my real brother.
You're my real brother.
You're my real brother.
"I'm obsessed
to make you mine."
"Since long."
"Make me a bad habit"
"is what I have to say to you."
"I'm obsessed
to make you mine."
"Since long."
"Don't stop me."
"I am completely obsessed now."
"That's how crazy I am."
"Take a look at me."
"I am suffering too."
"I'm completely
shattered to pieces."
"There's no turning back now."
"Whatever this is,
it feels right."
"I'm obsessed with
becoming one with you."
"Since long."
"Let me stay close to you"
"is what I have to say to you."
"I'm obsessed
to make you mine."
"Since long."
"I'm obsessed since long."
'A Digital Desi Releasers Presentation...'