Hell Is for Heroes (1962)

you seen Homer?
Not since chow.
I sent him to get a pen
and paper about an hour ago.
I got paper,
but I'm using this.
For how long?
When you got kids,
you have to write
something special to each one.
You got a pen?
What's to write?
If I say we're coming home,
they'll censor it.
Hey, who's that?
Yes, Sergeant.
Come here.
Whose truck is this?
It was just sitting here.
It needed fixing, huh?
She's running
a little sloppy.
What was wrong?
Well, I'm not sure.
Do me a favor.
Put it back together.
Hey, Corby.
Oh, good afternoon,
You still charging
5 bucks a fountain pen?
They're 7.50.
7.50 now.
8.50 with ink.
I need a volunteer
for detail.
For you,
they're only $5.00, Sarge.
That purple ink's
very passionate.
I'll take it.
See me payday.
You dirty...
Hey, Homer.
Homer, come here.
Yo, Homer!
Hey! Over here!
Come here.
Where you been,
goofing off again?
No goof.
Get paper.
Not Homer's fault.
Big trouble.
Fall down.
[Speaking Polish]
Wait a minute.
Come here, Kolinsky.
What happened this time?
[Speaking Polish]
He didn't goof off.
He did what you told him.
He bought
the paper and pen.
A jeep sideswiped him.
He fell in the mud.
He lost the pen.
Lost pen.
Lost pen.
Uh, turned the mud
and he couldn't find
the pen.
Me ashamed lose pen.
I gave you $3.00.
Where's my change?
No money.
Lose, too.
That's a crock.
I'll lay you 10 to 1
he spent it on a bottle.
No bottle.
No drink.
All right, all right.
Homer, forget it.
You better get cleaned up,
especially if you want to see
the captain today.
We go see captain.
I'll take him to the fountain
and clean him up.
wait a minute.
You got a size 40
field jacket?
What's wrong with the one
you're wearing?
It's for him.
What kind of outfit is that?
He's not a soldier.
I guess it'll be okay.
This pen broke down
"yours" and "truly."
That's a very sexy pen,
Maybe it got bored.
On the square, when do you
think we'll go home?
I don't know.
Sergeant Pike don't know.
I asked him.
Could be anytime, J.J.
1 st Platoon, 2nd Squad.
Take it easy, soldier.
You 2nd Squad?
It's about time they're
sending us some new men.
I'm Henshaw.
I'm a little greasy.
2nd Squad?
End of the hall.
Reese, huh?
You're three days late.
I met a friend.
Where, at the bar?
Where do I put this?
Pick a spot anywhere.
How would you
like to buy
a sterling silver
punch bowl?
It's a genuine antique.
I'll throw in 36 cups...
and a ladle.
What do we have here?
A brand-new market, Sarge.
Hey, how are you, buddy?
As you can see, we eat
very well around here.
If you need anything,
I'm the guy to see.
If I don't have it,
I can get it.
Beat it.
Excuse me.
I didn't recognize you,
I think Sergeant Pike's
coming to the 1 st Squad.
Ready to go, Corby?
Just about.
Might be it, Sarge.
Could be.
What's the word, Sarge?
Larkin, saddle up.
We're moving tonight.
Where's the boat leave from,
England or France?
They might fly us.
Oh, I like that.
Assemble the company
at the church.
Move your squad there
by 2100.
% % We'll be waitin'
at the church for you% %
Right. We'll be there.
% % Waitin' at the church% %
New man report in yet?
He just got here.
His name is Reese.
That's him sitting
in the corner.
% %... The church on time% %
% % Whoop doo% %
% % We're gonna go home% %
% % We're gonna go home% %
% % Hallelujah,
gonna go home% %
% % Whoop-Dee-doop
Dee-doop-do% % % %
Yeah, I know him.
Sergeant Pike?
Captain Loomis wants
to see you on the double.
All right,
you globetrotters,
start packing your gear.
Tell the captain
it's got to be planes.
I get seasick.
Macht schnell!
Let's go.
1 st Squad, over here.
File it over here, Thomas.
Dump it and flake out,
you guys.
How am I
supposed to sit?
That is your problem.
Kind of rushed earlier.
Didn't have time
to say hello.
You're still rushed.
How are you?
The town's off-limits.
Hey, Sarge.
I can't keep my guys
unless we get
some space.
How about getting
a detail together?
Bottle of brandy.
I am sorry.
Tonight we are
off the limits.
One pack or two?
We are not allowed
to sell to soldiers
It will not be good
for you
when the M.P. S get here.
They patrol this section.
There will be trouble
if they find you here.
Lady, the whole world
is full of trouble.
You are right.
So much trouble.
Let us both drink
to better times.
I drink to you
and to the American army.
How long ago were you
drinking with the Third Reich?
I do not like
the Germans.
You don't like me,
but you're drinking with me.
People are the same
all over the world.
Go with the tide.
You are wrong.
Wrong to think I had any
dealings with the Germans.
And wrong to think
I do not like you.
A man who is not afraid
to break the rules,
I find this interesting.
You do?
I do.
But still, I'm worried
about the M.P.s.
Perhaps if we could take
the bottle somewhere else,
they will not find you.
Like your place?
My room is here
in the back.
[Speaking German]
[Speaking German]
to the peace talks.
Let's go, Reese.
Well, it's up to you,
Say when.
You haven't
changed much, Reese.
That's right.
I was surprised you
turned up in our outfit.
You and me both.
I haven't had time
to check your papers.
Where did you
transfer from?
The outfit I came from
was a dilly.
There was a general,
a major,
two captains,
two lieutenants, and me.
There's a squad.
Sounds like
a court-martial board.
Thought you hadn't
read my papers?
Last time I saw you,
you were a master sergeant.
That's what makes
a good soldier.
You are very observant.
Let's call it a night,
One for the road.
The long road home.
Guess you'd rather
go back into combat.
Like I said, you
haven't changed much.
Finish your drink,
and let's get back.
Sometimes a brass allows
false rumors to go on
so there won't
be a leak.
Keep this to yourself
until we move out.
We're not going home.
We're going
back on the line.
Back to the line.
Yes, Captain?
Was that man in town?
Yes, sir.
I want him on report.
What's his name?
John Reese.
He just transferred.
Oh, yes. His papers say
he won the D.S.C.
Yes, sir. We were together
in North Africa.
Until recently, he was up for
a battlefield commission.
He stole a jeep,
almost ran down a colonel.
I know how he acts
behind the lines,
but he's a good soldier.
Well, I don't know,
I'll take your word for it.
Beats me, a guy who cracks
up when the pressure is off.
Make sure he stays in line.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Sarge.
We'd better take him
to see the captain.
Look pretty good, huh?
Fine, Homer.
About taking the kid home.
He's busy.
Got to see now.
Clean now.
I said he was busy.
Now, drop it.
Too busy?
Homer not go States?
Hey, Corby.
Can't you forget
about that loot?
You're in a church.
This ain't a church
no more, Sergeant.
Even if it was, so what?
You ought to have respect
for things
that used to be.
What, are you bucking for
chaplain or something?
I got respect,
Sergeant, plenty.
But it's not
for somebody I can't see.
Yeah, kid.
Corby, you...
you plenty smart.
You figure out the way
Homer go to States
with squad, huh?
I'm sorry, kid.
I wish I had
some room in the bag.
You new man.
Maybe you got
new ideas, huh?
I Polish D.P.
No place go.
Get out of here.
All right, you boys
get it outside.
Okay, let's go.
Squad leaders,
draw ammo outside.
Why, if we're
going home?
We're going back
on the line.
Now, get the lead out.
Snap it up, Morgan.
Get your men rolling.
They could have told us.
Yeah, they let us think
we're going home.
Like fattening up a turkey
for Thanksgiving.
Be good soldier.
Make Captain Loomis say okay.
No, Homer, you can't go!
I good fighter.
I come up to line.
Show up on the line,
I'll blow your head off.
Fall in outside.
Come on, shake it up.
Shake it up.
What's that?
A butcher knife.
Okay, let's go.
Move it along.
Captain Loomis?
Yeah, that's right.
Captain Mays.
Hope your troops are fresh.
We got a week's rest.
We'll need replacements.
We're a third short.
We've been cut to half,
and we only got
our foot in the door.
God forbid we'll
replace you in a week.
God willing,
we'll get both feet
in the door by then.
I'll brief you.
1 st Squad, peel off.
Fill up those foxholes.
Let's go, Larkin.
2nd Squad,
cover this pillbox area.
Let's go, Thomas.
3rd Squad, follow me.
All right, come on,
fill in these holes.
Why don't I take
this pillbox?
It would be a great place
for storage.
Come on, move.
Corby, you have room
in that foxhole for you, too?
If I need any help
with the plumbing,
I'll call you.
Command post,
Company "L."
Captain Loomis needs
six more trucks for "L" company.
You send for me, Captain?
We're pulling out, Pike.
Tonight, sir?
We've been ordered north
to stand in battalion reserve.
They expect a German
counterattack tomorrow.
They want backup from us.
What about replacements?
There won't be
We're going to leave
this entire section open?
I can leave one platoon.
Yes, sir.
You'll have to spread
your squads over an area
that requires a company.
We'll move out before
dawn through the woods.
If we're lucky,
the Germans won't spot us
and realize
how thin you are.
Yes, sir.
If we're lucky.
That's all, Pike.
You hear anything
about a move?
What are you
talking about?
We're open on both ends.
1 st Squad.
1 st Squad.
Hey, Sarge, what is this?
Where did everybody go?
There was 100 guys here
last night. What happened?
I saw Pike moving out
the 1 st Squad last night.
Larkin, what is this?
Cumberly, get a blanket
and toss it in the air.
That box has got us
nailed down tight.
The Krauts
must be dug in
behind that row of trees.
Look at the smoke.
Breakfast time.
You guys
are covered here,
but walk carefully
beyond this point.
Walk? Are you crazy?
I'm going to dig
a subway.
Did you see that blanket?
Hey, Sergeant, what gives?
Where's the company?
What's going on, Pike?
The company went north
for a day, maybe two.
It depends
on what develops.
The hell with the north.
What happens here?
The six of us have
to hold this section?
That's about it.
Any more good news?
The 3rd Squad's
a half mile that way.
1 st Squad's
the same distance north.
You'll have to cover
this area.
You're spread thin,
but put two men on each flank
and try plugging up
the middle.
Little thin?
Kolinsky, Henshaw,
take the left flank.
Fill in by that tree.
Corby, you get Cumberly
and take the right.
This side of the bend.
Okay, Sergeant.
That's a good spot
for Reese.
You'd better take
the other side of the box.
On the level, Pike,
what do you think?
It's hard to say.
The Krauts probably heard
our company move in last night.
Let's hope they didn't
hear them pull out.
It's pretty quiet
down there.
Any movement?
Belts from the pillbox.
What are they using?
9 millimeter, light.
Chances are they got
a couple of listening posts
down in those ravines.
They're going to think
we're a quiet company.
Pike, if they make a push...
we're dead.
What about these guys?
They've all had experience.
He can take and give orders.
He's a good man.
He'd better be.
Cumberly, are you sure
you feel all right?
Never felt better.
Now I know
you're cracking.
When things seem bad,
I concentrate on
something worse in the past.
You should try it.
Not me.
You have no imagination.
I got too much.
I can imagine
what's going to happen
when those Krauts discover
there ain't nobody here
but us Camp Fire girls.
Do you think
maybe they heard us?
They just want
to say good morning.
It shouldn't last long.
Hiya, fellas!
Man, who in the hell
are you?
Uh, uh, Driscoll.
J-James, E.
Sergeant, which way is it
to division headquarters?
I couldn't say,
but it ain't that way.
It's supposed to be
in Thionville.
Never heard of it.
Well, I'll show you
on... on the map here.
What are you doing here?
Huh? Oh, l... I was in Metz
to requisition
these typewriters.
H-here it is.
Now, if you show me
where we are.
Well, we just happen to be
here on the Siegfried line,
my dear.
We are?
[Distant Artillery Fire]
Well, then the division
must be 20, 30 miles away.
That's right.
Only, which way?
See, l... I'm due back
by 5:00, and...
A jeep like this
might come in handy.
Yeah. It sure would.
We have this major,
and he makes us
stand reveille every morning,
rain or shine,
which just
gives you an idea.
We could make it sound
like lots of jeeps.
Run it in low,
it sounds like a truck.
Henshaw could rig it
to backfire like a tank.
I'll send Henshaw
down here.
Wait a minute, Sergeant.
Uh, sorry, Driscoll,
we're taking your jeep.
The jeep?
Yeah. For a day or two.
This is Major Winston's jeep.
Combat emergency
has priority over everything.
If you take it,
how do I get back
to division...
You don't.
Oh, Sergeant...
Come here.
Sergeant, wait.
Don't worry
about Major Winston.
He'll be happy when he hears
you volunteered for combat.
You don't understand.
I went to typist school.
That's all I've ever
done in the army.
We're going to give you
on-the-job training.
What's up, Sergeant?
Take this man to
that foxhole next to Reese
and teach him
how to shoot.
With this?
It might get dirty.
You heard him. Move!
Here. Audition for me.
If you're going
to hold a gun that way,
make sure
the safety is on.
That lever. Just pull it.
Not the tri...
He... he wouldn't.
You want to bet?
Look, dumb-dumb.
Up here, this gun's your life.
It's like when you
were a civy, see.
It's what you own
that makes you who you are.
Now, let's try it again.
That way.
[Gun Fires]
[Engine Backfiring Loudly]
[Speaking German]
How we doing?
He can't hit anything yet,
but he loads like a genius.
That's enough for now,
Driscoll, James E.
Take him over to that
second hole past the box...
and stay with him.
That makes me
feel real safe.
Come on, Deadeye.
This is it.
Tea will be served at 5:00.
You see anything
out there, Reese?
They're bound to send
a patrol up here tonight.
Oh, yeah.
Then again,
they might not.
If they think
we have a full company,
they won't risk
getting close.
Let's quit horsing around.
An hour after nightfall,
they'll make sure
there's no company.
What do you mean?
Patrols. Not theirs, but ours.
If we were full strength,
we'd have a 10-man patrol
down there tonight, Larkin.
Yeah. You're right.
The Krauts
would hear them.
You tired?
You're kidding.
I'm having a ball.
Sergeant Pike says
there's a supply dump
3 miles down the road.
I want you to find
three spools of wire.
What kind?
Signal corps wire.
The big spools.
Also, load up on some gas
for our tank.
How long will it take?
About 40 minutes?
Go round up
three empty ammo cans.
That's right! Empty.
I'll go first to the left.
You take the center.
You take the right.
[Distant Artillery Fire]
See you, kid.
Good luck.
[Machine Gun Fire]
Ha ha. It worked.
All right. Go back
to your positions.
Hey, Larkin.
What's the matter?
Funny thing.
We strung three wires.
We got four now.
Look. And it goes
straight across to the Nazi lines.
Let's find out
what it's hooked up to.
Here it is. Down here.
It goes right into
the pillbox.
Come on.
I can't see a thing in here.
Let me get this lamp lit.
Hey, that's better.
Here it is.
What the hell is...
That was a German mike.
They got us bugged?
They probably planted it
during those
back-and-forth actions.
They put it
in the right spot...
Next to
the field telephone.
That's not very cricket.
You've got a gift of gab.
Make like you're
talking to command.
Command? What command?
Fake it.
It's worth a chance.
I'll try to spare
somebody to relieve you.
Yeah. Okay, Sarge.
[Distant Artillery Fire]
Uh, Temple Red,
uh, to Able Six.
Temple Red to Able Six.
Come over.
Able Six?
Temple Red here. Over.
Oh, yes, sir.
The entire patrol
came back safe and sound.
The activities of the patrol
were quite successful.
Although we did not
take prisoners,
we at last know
the position
of all the enemy
camouflaged emplacements.
That's right.
We know exactly
where they are.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Sergeant Larkin says
I'm supposed to relieve you.
Uh, I'll call you back, sir.
There's a German mike
hidden in there.
There is?
Don't say anything you don't
want the Nazis to hear.
I just as soon
they didn't hear anything.
You know, Driscoll,
you're a lucky guy.
This is the safest place
on the whole ridge.
It is?
Go in there
and fake me some reports.
What kind of reports?
Haven't you been in
headquarters when they arrive?
I've told you.
All I've done is type.
We're Temple Red,
and command
is Able Six.
Beyond that, say anything
that comes into your head.
Like, "help"?
Go ahead.
Uh, uh, hi.
Uh, Temple Red
to, uh, Able Six.
Uh, this... this is
Lieutenant, uh, Driscoll,
the, uh,
entertainment officer.
Uh, a-about the morale, sir.
Uh, it's... it's been
rather low.
Uh, the main complaint
seems to be
about the evening movie.
Yes, sir. I've had to show
Road to Morocco
five evenings in a row.
Well, the men are beginning
to get a little surly, sir.
Yes, sir.
They know all the lines.
Oh, and about the amateur...
[Shell Falling]
[Shell Explodes]
The... the amateur hours
are going very well, sir.
Uh, we... sir, could you
hold on just a minute?
Yes, sir, I have a call
on the other line.
Right, sir.
I'll be right back.
Temple Red.
This is Lieutenant Driscoll.
Well... don't... don't
send them up here.
Sir, I have five men
in each foxhole now.
L... I don't have any room
for any more, sir.
H-have you tried
Charlie Company, sir?
Oh, l... I see.
There's still a war
going on in Japan,
you know, sir.
You might send them
over there.
It's me, Homer.
I said to stay away.
Had to, had to come up.
K-kill Krauts.
Show Captain Loomis
I good soldier.
I give plenty help.
You like Cal... Calvados?
Now, now I,
now I stay, huh?
Hi, Sergeant.
Bring plenty good things...
Eggs, Calvados,
all for you.
Forget it, kid.
You can't stay.
give Homer a chance.
Poor kid.
Work in labor camp.
Now, just knock it off.
Hey, Homer,
how did you get here?
Hitch rides,
walk long way.
Just want to be
with buddies.
We're in a tight spot.
It's rough
on experienced guys,
let alone a green kid.
Hey, Sarge, we were
glad to get Driscoll.
Okay. You can help
pass out the extra ammo.
I do what you say,
I'll go relieve Kolinsky.
He'll show you
what to do.
I do good.
You better.
Hey, uh, Homer, if you
want to unload anything,
I mean, feel free
to dump it
right in my foxhole.
I think I better go over
with Henshaw.
What say you, Homer?
Oh, got plenty
work to do.
I put stuff in here?
Sure, sure, sure.
We've got nothing but
vacancies in this hotel.
I cannot be sorry I stay.
Going to kill
plenty Krauts,
shoot them all up.
See you later, friend.
Oh, boy,
if you were my son...
[Speaking Polish]
Is that right, sir?
Major Winston's jeep.
Right, sir.
We'll certainly be on
the lookout for it, sir.
A P.F.C., you say,
with... with a load
of typewriters in the back.
Well, if we see him,
we'll contact you, sir.
Uh, Blankey the cook
is working out rather well, sir.
Well, one problem,
his vichyssoise
taste a little too much
like potato soup.
Oh, they're supposed
to taste like potato soup.
[Speaking Polish]
[Shell Falling]
Why you no...
no like Homer?
I your friend.
You shouldn't be here.
The heinies catch you here,
they'll torture you.
You'll spill
everything you know.
Homer, get down.
Hey, Cumberly.
bring that torch!
Move him
into the pillbox.
Get Driscoll to rip that mike
off the Kraut wire.
Cut the Kraut mike.
He had a great system,
He just never worried
about anything.
He's still alive.
Move him
into the pillbox.
Homer, Driscoll,
give Kolinsky a hand.
Then check
the remaining bodies.
Drag them
beyond the road.
Cumberly, too?
All of them.
Any more out there?
Not now.
Think we got them all?
No, huh?
I figure two,
maybe three got back.
Think they know
how many men we got left?
If you come up
on a weak spot,
you'd send
a report, right?
When they get that report,
they'll send a platoon.
We got to hold off.
They won't send a platoon
if they're too busy.
Let's hit the pillbox.
They'll figure
it's an attack from this end.
If that pillbox goes...
They'll wait in case
there's a full attack.
No. The field around
that box is mined.
We could blast through,
but we'd need 10 guys.
I'd only need two.
No, we stay here.
We wait,
we'll get plowed.
We're ordered to hold.
To stay alive,
we got to hit that box.
It's a chance.
Better chance than we got
against a platoon.
Might work...
but Pike says to hold.
Pike's gone.
He's still in charge.
He's got to know
about any switch in plans.
If he okays it, we move.
Get back to that flank.
I'll go see if Pike
is with the 1 st Squad.
Don't make it long.
Henshaw, you're in charge
until I get back.
Did you ever take
a pillbox like that?
Is that your charge?
How much?
30 pounds.
I saw some 40-pounders
back at that supply dump.
Good. We'll need them.
providing Pike says okay.
He knows what
he's doing.
So does Larkin.
Every man can't follow
his basic nature, Reese.
They trained him
to follow orders.
And you?
I trained myself
to make things work.
Not burn them up.
Here I am.
I don't know what's right.
I don't know.
Why the hell
are you here?
I came from the dump.
I got some satchel charges...
just in case.
What did Pike say?
I left you in charge!
I know.
I got started
talking with Reese...
Let's go!
[Speaking German]
[Speaking German]
[Speaking Polish]
[Speaking Polish]
Speak English.
Don't talk
like dumb Pollack.
I teach them.
Where are flamethrower?
Put that down,
and get out of there.
Kolinsky, get back
to your position.
What about them?
Reese will guard them.
Get in there.
Watch them.
[Speaking German]
What did Pike say?
Forget Pike. I've got
something to say.
What are you doing
trying to run my squad?
You watch them.
You're a good soldier.
You can point out
my mistakes,
but while I'm
wearing these,
nobody goes over
my head.
What about Pike?
He wasn't there.
Loomis sent
a jeep for him.
Rumor is
the company's returning.
Rumor is.
You'll carry out orders,
Wave that finger again,
and I'll take your head off.
You'll have
that chance, mister.
The minute this ends,
I'll square off with you anytime.
That's the best thing
I've got to look forward to.
All right.
Let's get ready.
Is that the company?
They're coming back.
Where's Larkin?
Anybody else?
Where are the rest?
Out trying to take
that pillbox.
Aah! Aah!
Get that weapons platoon
set up right away!
Fire when ready.
Range 800. Use smoke.
[Close Range Gunfire]
My guts!
I can't run.
Oh, my guts!
Oh, my guts!
My guts.
Get that jeep up here!
My guts!
Cease fire!
Get his head up.
He's drowning
in his own blood.
My guts.
Give him a hand.
My guts!
My guts!
Keep his head up!
I got to see!
Do I have my guts!
You go back to the States.
You go home.
If you go...
If you see my wife,
don't tell her
it was like this!
Medic! Morphine!
You go home.
Easy, easy, easy.
He's dead.
Yes, Sergeant?
How close did you get?
About 200 yards.
How did it happen?
A minefield.
He tripped a mine.
He was carrying a torch.
Lit up the countryside.
Put us right on the block.
Were you right?
How the hell do I know?
Who gave the order
for that attempt
on the pillbox?
Who gave the order?
I did, sir.
You had orders
to stay here.
You knew that.
What about Kolinsky?
What about the man
you left in the field?
You gave the order?
Reese, you're a private.
You don't give orders,
you take them.
We're attacking at 0600
tomorrow morning,
or I'd court-martial
you right here.
You hear me?
You can wreck a jeep
and get off easy,
but now you'll face
a court-martial
that will
pin your ears back!
2nd Squad!
Keep it down.
I'm afraid this is it,
Join up
with 1 st Squad.
Come on.
When the barrage lifts,
we go.
Captain Loomis
is on our left.
Lieutenant Jacobs
is on the right.
Our job is that pillbox.
[Distant Gunfire]
Let's go!
Move up on the line!
Move out!
[Speaking German]
Weapons platoon. Pike.
Put the knockdown tank
on the dragon's teeth.
We're held up
by a minefield.
Blow us a path through.
A wide one.
Up two turns.
Left 5-0.
[Whistle Blows]
Let's go! Move left.
Move up on the line.
Move out!
1 st Squad,
take the right side
of the pillbox.
We'll cover.
Move out!
Cover Reese.
Burn it!
Burn it.