Hokuto no ken (Fist of the North Star) (1986)

Two constellations shine
the sky.
That of the Nanto,
and that of Hokuto
Like night and day,
good and evil,
they are opposed
and complementary.
The two constellations
should not compete,
because the balance of the planet
would be threatened.
But if these two titans
join forces,
the powers of darkness
will be overcome,
and peace on Earth
In the late twentieth century,
The folly triggers
nuclear war,
ravaging our planet.
those who had managed to escape,
had to fight to survive.
Water and food were
more precious than gold
Before, the sea stretched here
it n?? there is only death and destruction.
We'll meet again one day
life take its course
and spring of this arid land?
I hope.
Needless to cry.
It is time to force
and not to hope.
The fittest dominates the world
and nobody will stop me.
- Get off me!
- Stop it!
It seems that you have just been appointed
heir of the Great Bear,
but you can do nothing against
a master of Nanto.
Shut up!
The law prohibits the struggle between masters
Then go away.
Those who wrote the laws
are all dead.
I had, however, warned Ken.
Oh my God!
No, but look at me this mop,
unworthy of the heir
the Great Bear.
Let me go!
So you know who is the strongest.
All your technique is hampered
by your lack of ambition,
and your lack of willpower.
Stop immediately!
You lost the right.
You were raised together
like two brothers.
And you learned that the Nanto and
the Hokuto should not compete.
Why do you pity?
You are also of the school of Nanto,
you really want to betray yours?
While I love you from
the first day.
All warriors must obey Hokuto
to?? heir of the Great Bear.
But why the master he granted
all the power in this half-portion.
We must do something.
This is our school is violated.
Choose another successor
require compliance by force.
You know that there much longer.
Those who lose a fight undergo
the worst suffering.
Finally, do not just stand there in silence!
Gives only an inflexible
strength to overcome,
and unfortunately you do not have any.
That is why, in these difficult times,
you can not protect the ones you love.
I alone am capable of it,
and make her happy.
No, I will never accept.
Julia for your own good,
tell me you love me.
Ken is not what I like.
If you kill him, I kill myself.
You leave me no choice.
How long he will stand?
Everything depends on you.
You know what you gotta do.
I let him talk and life
but I do not want to influence you.
Do not say anything, I prefer to die.
Kill me!
Julia continues to live,
live for me no matter what.
Fool, thou shalt wanted!
Anyway, I would have killed him.
I could not resist the pleasure.
No shut up!
I love you!
Sorry I did not hear anything.
If you want to save his life,
to put it a little more conviction,
to earn my love.
Speak a little louder.
I love you, I have always loved you,
I will always be faithful.
But I beg you,
not kill him.
Did you hear?
There are just five minutes
she hated me,
and now it's madness
she loves me.
Certainly, women are
really unpredictable
this is what makes their charm.
You'll thank me one day.
Do not worry, I will keep my promise.
He did not for long
Oh no!
We must go.
It is finished, it will die.
This is the end of the heir
of the Great Bear.
He lost his battle
too bad for him.
How does so much for him?
You're not going to do
leave it there?
Wait for me I can take his place.
Ken, thanks to these seeds,
flowers grow back on the ground,
and peace will return.
You did what you deserve.
Starting today, I'll be the only
heir of the great bear.
Bon voyage to hell!
Two precautions are better than one!
What do you Raoul?
You know master!
The time has come to confrontation,
get ready to defend your life!
Nobody can beat me, not even
who taught me everything.
Not my son.
You know the ancestral laws.
You already had your chance to be heir
and you failed.
You do not have the right to use your weapon.
Then disappear!
Father, you are mistaken,
you have not chosen a worthy successor.
Ken is dead!
The heir of the great bear was
felled by the blows of Shin.
Nobody can stop me!
I am the strongest in the world!
Despite your strength, you failed
during the tests,
and you will never be able to compete
for the title of heir.
I have no need of your orders,
poor senile!
I want absolute power!
I want it!
I want to control the heavens and the earth,
I do not care to be heir
the title does not interest me.
You're too ambitious,
you represent a threat.
I will put an end
to your madness
by force if necessary!
Try it!
Raoul me,
I direct that the powers
Dark obey me.
I command the heaven and the earth,
whoever dares defy me will be punished.
Even the gods tremble before me.
I am the absolute force,
the supreme ruler of the entire planet.
The oceans were drained.
Land had become barren.
And yet, men cling
desperately to life.
I knew their flight
hiding food.
Forget it, it's ruined.
Rather these kids to find
know where food comes from.
You're right,
this clunker sucks!
Leave my car alone!
Perfect, no need to look.
Do not touch my car!
Take what you want,
but do not touch my coach!
This lack of air that brat!
Look seeds!
Useless, nothing can
grow on the earth.
You'll pay this dirty little brat!
Kill them before they give
alert the village.
Great idea!
Stay away you otherwise!
In yours!
With me,
it will not happen like that!
Said sir!
Why you helped us?
Because this girl called me.
This is not possible, I?? Was there
and I heard nothing.
And besides, she can not speak.
The loss of her family traumatized.
They died before his eyes
during the war,
it had to give him a shock!
Me too, my parents are dead,
and I am alone.
Sometimes I wonder why we
escaped the carnage both.
In the attack!
Bring me all your supplies!
Hurry, if I twist
the neck of the girl!
If we let them,
we'll all starve.
I could eat a horse!
I must put myself
something in their mouths.
Who dared do this to me
before my men?
You'll regret it!
It'll cost you dirty vermin!
Put it gently on the ground!
No question, I'll break his neck
and thou shalt be as follows.
Your shots are just tickling!
It's my turn!
I'm going to smithereens!
You do not know yet,
but you're already dead!
I know, it is the heir.
The heir of the Great Bear can
conquer the title of successor
School of Hokuto.
This fighting technique is born
there several centuries
deep in China.
It consists in concentrating all
energy on vital points
of his opponent.
This is a technique that makes
practically invincible.
This may be our only hope.
Hello, my name is Kenshiro,
and you call Lynn, is not it?
I came because you called me.
Yes, but you ignore.
Do not move,
I do thee no harm.
What is it that you did?
Soon she will find the word.
You mean
you cured?
This bag contains seeds,
I entrust them to you.
You're the one who can get them to germinate,
and rebloom earth.
I thought it would.
I've never met a guy like that!
- Can you speak?
- I do not want him to go!
But you're a man!
What is your name?
Who me?
I'm Rey.
Better known under the name
'' The Firebird''.
I knew that by disguising
defenseless woman,
I would draw scavengers
of your species.
The time has come to pay for your crimes.
You thought finding food,
but you will find death.
This is what we will see!
I'll get you!
You forgot something!
Do not leave me like this,
ends pity me!
All right.
But tell me first, where can we
find the man known as
'' The man with seven scars''?
Go to the next!
Y will not be for everyone!
Bring me someone!
Pity I know nothing!
You seem to be someone important.
So answer me!
What is his name for him?
But no, I know nothing!
Let me go!
You mean you do not know
'' The man with seven scars''
the strongest warrior in the world?
His name is Ken, the heir
of the Great Bear!
Go again!
You've got it!
And as merit pay any penalty, I
thank you by letting you behead him.
Do not thank me.
To work!
Faster than that!
I almost expected.
- I can not forgive me!
- What do you mean can not?
Yet it is easy
looks good!
We all thought that the heir
the Great Bear was our savior.
He tucked his game
this is a monster.
Repeat a bit to see!
Who did it?
I finally found!
I never thought the man
seven scars was none other than Ken.
- You'll see!
- Wait!
It is for me.
You want to play hard.
You'll show us what you got
by narrowing your boyfriend
for it has never
It takes courage to do that,
this is very funny too.
Go, have fun!
But wait a minute!
I think you did not understand everything.
- So, it's still funny?
- Oh yes, I break my pear!
Kill him!
If you want to live, lead me to
the man with seven scars.
Ever it takes!
Who dared?
Get off me!
Will calm down.
I just want to tell you who's the man
shown in this statue.
Shut up!
It is the heir of the Great Bear.
I'll tell you his name!
It is called .....
This monster was once my brother.
Rub harder and it shines!
Yes master.
I want it to be perfect.
Do not hesitate to lick!
Yes master.
Slaves obey in silence!
I assure you I'm not here for nothing.
- Jaggi has usurped my identity.
- Yes, this is possible.
But know that I have not yet
trust you.
This is quite normal.
But why did you put
his research?
What did he do?
I want him to pay all
crimes he committed.
My sister had to wear this dress
the day of her marriage.
On the eve of the ceremony,
I had to leave.
During my absence, looters
attacked the village.
They slaughtered everyone
removed and my sister as a slave,
after killing her husband.
Their leader was
'' Man with seven scars.''
You'll never be the heir.
I alone deserves
master of Hokuto.
What are you doing?
You must only serve you
of your fists.
Nobody gives me orders!
And all means are good
to win a fight!
Drop that gun away!
You dared to lay hands on your brother!
I'll make him pay!
I'll kill you!
What hast thou done?
You disobeyed the laws and
you must be punished.
But how was he able to survive
the bottom of the precipice?
Master, I warned Heart
it is ready.
Have you heard?
I did not master
excuse me!
Why are you crying like a girl?
- My face is it that bad?
- No master, I assure you!
Are you kidding me!
How dare you lie to your master.
Look me in the face
when I'm talking!
I swear you
're not horrible!
Nobody can see me from
Ken I was disfigured.
The only punishment is death.
You really think Jaggi hiding here?
I have no confidence
by our informers.
These fools rush headlong
into my trap.
Are you ready to do anything to your master,
is not it?
Yes revered master.
So it is you Ken?
I expected better.
You overestimate your reputation!
I will take pleasure in killing you!
This is what we will see fatso!
You dare insult me half portion!
Too bad for you.
So show me what
you can do!
What do you say?
All the fat in my body
shock resistant,
and prevents you from reaching
my vital centers.
It is also able to absorb
all your energy.
That's why I'm undefeated.
My turn to have fun!
I thought you were tougher!
You want me to take care of?
No leash.
This fatso not succeed
to stop me.
I will crush you!
But what is that .. ?
How did he do it?
Say your prayers, it's over!
I told you that you could
nothing against me.
You are welcome my brother!
Do you believe me now?
He is the murderer of your parents,
'' Man with seven scars''!
What an honor to receive at the same time
the heir of the Great Bear,
Rey and'' The Firebird''.
Bring it!
I am your slave.
Your wishes will come true.
Irie my sister!
I did not show
worthy of you,
and you want me to serve
a new master.
I obey him body and soul,
I will do everything that I direct.
Why did not recognize it anymore?
She can not stand to see
my face.
So I spared this ordeal.
I'm going to smithereens!
Listen, I'll make a deal.
I thank you if your sister
you rid me of Ken.
Do not mostly listen!
Think hard and fast, otherwise ..
Forgive me!
Stops, it is unnecessary
It will never hold his word.
But my sister!
Do not listen to the advice of Ken.
He has no respect for the family.
I am well placed to know.
It is he who has disfigured
Then, place your trust well!
Either me or a man who was
ready to kill his brother!
Jaggi, you're worse than I will believe!
You dare to hide behind a woman!
And say that you thought worthy of
heir of the Great Bear!
You do not even have the courage
to confront me!
You think I'm scared of you?
I accept the challenge!
Clear all!
No leader, you're crazy!
You asked Ken!
I have the immense joy kill you!
During this time,
have you another asshole!
I should kill you last time,
I'll fix this error!
I have lived to destroy you.
Stealing my name, you wanted me to
responsible for all your crimes.
I eliminated all those who
wanted to stop me!
But their suffering was
ridiculous compared to mine!
More my wound ached,
more my hatred grew.
Why did you not complete
when I was down?
This is what I wanted to do
but Raoul opposed!
What, Raoul?
I would have preferred to finish
that day.
But never mind,
I'll finish today!
My strength with nothing
to do with before!
You can not escape me!
It is not possible,
he avoided all my attacks!
Take out your gun
if you think it can help you.
All means are good,
do not forget.
I hit one of your nerve centers.
Drop your weapon before
making a mistake!
All right.
You also
you made a lot of progress!
You've improved, it is true,
but you are far from invulnerable!
And I'll prove it!
While you will be able to resist the fire?
The building looks on your side, and
gasoline will spread to you!
you'll be more disfigured than me!
You still have not understood that
it is you who will die.
That you may already be
cross fire.
You're toast!
I have a little secret for you.
You remember Shin?
One who stole Julia!
And the one who gave him the idea,
it was me!
I hated you so much to have
won the title of heir
In addition to being one Julia loved!
I knew that Shin loved, then
I have used it for revenge.
Listen, since you love him,
why you let Ken marry?
You know he is incapable
protect it!
It will eventually be killed!
We must do something
for his own good!
Only you can protect and
make her happy!
In addition,
it belongs to the clan of Nanto.
So what are you waiting for?
Go get it!
It's all your fault!
Yes, and you charged ahead
into my trap.
I'm the smartest of us!
It is I who have ruined your life!
This is me!
This is not good news right?
I should have guessed,
Shin was like a brother!
You made crazy!
My revenge will be complete soon.
You you're in hell,
and I will be heir!
What does he go?
I gotta stop.
I will crush you!
The time has come to pay
for all your crimes!
I do not want to die!
Where is Julia?
She lives with Shin
Cross South.
Help me!
It is already too late.
There is more than you
ten seconds to live.
It is worth to go,
it does not love you anymore.
I'm the winner!
For my death stop my suffering,
but yours is just beginning!
It is I who won!
For I am the sole heir
of the Great Bear.
La Croix Du Sud.
Fear nothing,
Rey is me.
Yes, I recognized you.
You're my new master.
I will be obedient.
However, do not make me wrong,
I'll do whatever you want.
Oh my god!
Irie answer me!
Do you think she ever recover?
The reality was too hard
she took refuge itself.
But do not worry,
it will soon be healed.
La Croix Du Sud.
So it boume?
Glad to see you!
Ken looks!
Seed Julia.
You managed to grow them?
But this is my wedding dress!
Do you remember?
it's me that you had made.
While this is true,
you are my brother!
Do not cry,
you have nothing to fear.
Open your eyes,
look at me.
No I can not!
I am not worthy to look at you!
I am no longer the same now.
Ken, I still need you.
She still refuses
open your eyes.
Do not worry about me,
leave me in peace!
It is understandable given all the horrors
that's around us.
I prefer to resign myself to my fate.
You have no right to give up!
We must find the courage
rebuild the world.
If, instead of fight, while
the world is making efforts,
flowers would resume growing,
and more would die of hunger
and thirst.
But it looks like a flower!
It is impossible, I'm dreaming!
I thought the earth was dead.
Open your eyes and look!
It is a little flower!
It was you who did it grow?
You're right!
Life can rise from the ashes!
Do not lose hope.
Thanks to you, I can still live!
This girl is amazing!
She is able to bring
hope on earth.
you're beautiful.
These jewels do not you pleased?
Why do not you always
my present?
You can never buy my love,
my heart belongs to another.
You know I could never love you.
All your efforts will be in vain!
So stop tormenting me.
This is for your own good.
Look things in the face.
Ken is dead!
Forget it!
I gave you a kingdom,
you are the most envied woman in the world.
Answer me,
what do you need more?
The only thing I dream
it is spring again
the flowers of this earth.
What, flowers?
But you completely insane!
Nothing ever grow back here!
Look around you,
the earth is dead!
It is a desert.
There is not a single blade of grass.
Outside the city of the Southern Cross,
there is no hope of survival.
This town is our only chance
live in security.
You should be grateful,
agree to live in peace,
and raise our children.
This land is cursed;
nothing will grow there again!
Like her, we are doomed
to live by force.
I was the only one who could
make you happy.
If I had not killed Ken
someone else would have.
He was unable to protect you.
He loved you too much and it
made him vulnerable.
Julia, open your heart to me.
Ken is as dead as the desert.
Julia is a very pretty name.
It belongs to the clan of Nanto
like you.
We grew up together.
My father knew that we were in love,
and agreed that
we marrions a day.
I guess he wanted to enjoy your
union to bring the two clans.
He had full confidence in you,
and this is why he chose you
you as his successor.
He had to see you, the man who will succeed
to bring peace on earth.
I do not want to play messiahs.
What I want is to pull Julia
clutches of Shin
and live in peace.
I do not think it is
the only thing that motivates your quest.
This is Raoul!
Raoul is coming!
Raoul conqueror!
The king of Hokuto approach!
It destroys everything in its path,
leaving only corpses behind him.
Raoul Well, you're in our area!
And nobody invited you!
We seek not fight.
All we want is to live
quietly at home.
So why you disembark
with your army?
It was barely enough to feed us,
you have nothing to gain.
Then leave before you are killing!
At your orders.
In the attack!
They are stronger than I thought!
I'll have to go.
Check it out!
My body has the power to cover
armor stronger than steel.
So come have fun with me!
You're wasting your time!
Enough fun!
Come on, move!
So there is less the evil!
You want me to continue
kill your army?
Or you prefer to fix this men?
Come down from your horse!
Silence, you are not worthy
to fight.
I'll kill myself!
Too bad for you!
I see that you're doing.
Okay, my fists will do.
You'll end up giving me
And that's it.
Nothing can break my armor, right?
What, you think you impress me
games with your hands?
Come on, attack me for!
Not bad, but not enough to ...
Finally freed.
As these good for nothing,
Slay them all!
I must leave you and take up arms.
Raoul havoc throughout the country.
And headed towards us.
Good luck.
This is what you find to say?
So, I'll risk
my life to protect you.
Forgive me, but the armies
enemy approaching.
Why Raoul is taken
such a thirst for conquest?
We have also learned
that Jaggi was found dead.
And according to our sources, who
has defeated none other than Ken.
It's alive!
I must find it!
Since his death,
I did not want to die.
But I was bound by my promise.
Now I can live
live for him.
Where is Julia?
Find it!
Well received, finished!
Has it be found?
We have no time to lose!
Julia's life is it
a waste of time for you?
This is not what I meant!
How dare you disrespect him?
One of her hair is
important than your life.
Finally the output.
Raoul is about to invade the city.
But regardless, I did
beat for Julia.
All these battles were for her.
Now she left me,
nothing of any importance.
I waited for you!
Know that I am your wife.
And this is to say that you came?
It is too kind,
but you should not have!
You've restored a reason to fight.
Prepare yourself!
Content that you do not lower the arms.
Shin warned!
Oh my god, Julia!
Congratulations, we can say
you back from far away!
I came back from hell
in order to kill you.
There was something different about you.
I followed your advice,
that a man was nothing
if he had no will.
See it putting your will
to the test.
Where is Julia?
To see it, it must be earned.
It's amazing, you would
never before have avoided the blow.
You can not do anything against me,
I know all your attacks.
You're too strong for me.
Shin, what has happened?
It is not I who did it.
I will soon die Ken.
I lost everything.
My kingdom, and the one I love.
I gave him everything.
I did everything to deserve even this
a little tenderness.
But his heart was already taken.
She thought only of you.
Where is it, answer me!
Here is the dress she was
wear for our wedding.
But when she heard that you were
still alive, she left me.
Where is she?
Julia is in the hands of Raoul,
your brother.
We attacked at dawn.
His army is invincible,
I have not done anything.
Raoul Julia removed.
I do not know how, but
he came to me to announce itself.
It is he who has hurt me
as a message for you.
Yes, it is a challenge.
He took her to the citadel
I heard.
I loved Julia with all my soul.
I fought with all my strength
against Raoul.
You alone had the right to kill me
for the love of Julia.
Will?? With Ken!
Cassandra goes to rescue Julia.
This man has ruined my life
I can not even hate him.
Long life to Raoul!
Raoul live!
Raoul live!
We breakages you ears you!
Shout your revered master!
Raoul live!
These are the armies of Raoul,
the bloodthirsty conqueror.
I'll go.
Wait for me!
Be careful children.
I see nothing.
Raoul live!
Raoul live!
What's going on?
why did you stop?
It scared me.
It seems, but yes she is!
This is Julia!
I began to conquer the Earth,
and my goal will be achieved soon.
No master of Hokuto or Nanto not
will ever break my momentum.
I will dictate to my items
and the gods themselves.
However, all these conquests
are too easy.
There is only one opponent
my measure.
This is not possible, you've been dreaming!
But no, I'm sure!
I'm sure it was Julia.
It is located at the South Cross,
where Ken is gone.
What worries me is that
if Raoul was brought back here,
is that it must be a good reason.
I think, if she says to have seen,
is that it is Cassandra.
I'm suspicious, she tells
often salads.
I said it in jest,
'll check.
Check what?
One need only take a look
in the dungeon.
But how?
To survive,
I had to learn to cope,
So trust me,
I will arrange everything.
Let's see, you can easily reach
the sewers of the city,
then must go back.
But the only way would be to
by the inlet channel of water,
and it should work.
You do not have to come, it's just
to check whether this is Julia,
that's all.
But I'm sure she is.
It must be sad, and that he
will be pleased to see this flower.
You think?
It is rusty,
I can not open it.
Come, follow me.
You think we can go?
There it is!
A flower, is this possible?
Yes, it's yours.
Yes I did push
with your seeds.
- It is Ken who gave them to me!
- Really?
Oh Ken.
Ken my love!
Do not be sad.
Do not worry,
Ken will get you out of here.
No, tell him
he must not come here.
Are used me as bait.
We are not destined
to live together.
I understood when Raoul
I was locked here.
But not necessary to say that,
he will do anything to get out of there.
Go quickly and hide.
Do not lose hope,
He will deliver you.
Where is this flower?
Our land is cursed,
human folly has destroyed.
No flower has the right
to push.
Come and see!
Raoul will execute someone.
Listen all
you see this flower?
A flower!
I never thought to see one.
I thought that the earth was
become sterile.
Our master has forbidden
to grow anything.
Someone has broken the law.
This crime deserves only one punishment
It shows
otherwise it is the woman who died.
- I gotta go to save Julia!
- No, wait.
Stay there, I'll look into it.
I am Rey'' The Firebird'' Nanto.
Raoul listen to me,
This flower represents hope,
and it is thanks to Ken
it has managed to grow.
My brother?
It is his love for Julia
that produced this miracle,
and that of a little girl.
And no one has the right to kill.
It is a word that does not mean anything.
We do need,
run it!
With pleasure.
I'll make you pay for your insolence
before him to whom you owe obedience!
This is what I came Raoul kill
not you.
I have no time to lose,
Get out of my way!
I'm gonna slay!
How did you do?
You would not understand!
I thought you were killing me!
Nobody is laughing at me!
I will not be as nice this time.
I'll Smash!
Raoul, it's your turn!
Wait, I have not finished ...
Bravo, excellent demonstration!
But your techniques do you
serve no purpose.
Rey not wait!
Do not fight against him!
Lynn, I have no choice.
I have to repay my debt to
you all the battling.
I have to fight for
you can live in peace.
Poor naive!
You think the reign of violence
is already finished?
I will continue to conquer
across the globe,
- The terror has only just begun!
- No, your last hour has struck Raoul!
Too bad for you.
It must be fate.
I'm ready, attack me!
Come down and fight!
You do not still believe that
I'll get off my horse?
You do not deserve.
Nobody deserves to stand on
an equal footing with the king of Hokuto.
You'll see a rider
is more vulnerable.
With Ken!
Die for my glory!
Finally, I waited.
You should not have done that,
you'll regret it.
You killed him!
Such was his fate.
He had the audacity to challenge me,
he got what he deserves.
I am no longer the same.
I am equal to God,
absolute master.
And if thou wilt Julia
First you must defeat me.
No, wait!
If you competed in, you will die.
One like the other
you have a terrific force.
If you fight, you will eventually
destroy you both.
Regardless of die today,
fate would have it,
I have no regrets.
But you
your life is too valuable.
You're the only hope for mankind.
You must build a new era
happiness for Lynn
Bart, Julia
and all others.
You must live at all costs
and save the Earth.
You do not have the right to die.
Raoul, I condemn you to death
violating the laws of Hokuto.
Go ahead,
let yourself be overwhelmed by anger Ken.
So you hesitate?
this is just a glimpse of my powers.
If your hate is not strong enough,
I can still stir.
Known that the murderer of my father,
it was me!
Let your hatred makes your blood boil!
Oh, calm down!
You're the one who succeeded
to frighten my horse.
He had never trembled.
Calm down.
Finally you're ready.
Thy wrath is at its peak.
The battle can begin.
Let's see if you are worthy of
as your heir!
I'll prove it
sending you to hell!
My God, Julia!
Congratulations Ken, you hurt me!
You deserved
I confronted dismount.
You have made great progress
since our last meeting.
You're too strong,
you venture to disturb my reign.
I have to eliminate.
And now the coup de grace!
It's impossible!
Please stop!
Please, do not kill him!
It is you, you came!
Enough, do not fight anymore!
I know who you are,
but you do not know yet.
I had recognized the other day.
Do not worry, Ken will not die.
And neither do I,
I will not die today.
Because it is not our time.
You're too young to
we are destroyed.
Task to grow quickly,
you will understand one day.
Ken, Lynn,
Today the fight is over.
But the battle that we fought
only just begun.
Lynn, where is Ken?
Looking for Julia.
I hope he will find it.
Entire city exploded
during combat.
I'm sure we will see him
when he has found Julia.
And maybe it will for good.
Look, there are flowers!
Flowers everywhere!
This is fantastic,
life is back on Earth!
Flowers everywhere!