Hollywoodland (2006)

Now how the hell
should I know?
You said
he was distraught.
I didn't say
I knew why.
I mean, you don't look
too happy, either.
Will you excuse me?
That's the fiance of the
deceased. Miss Leonore Lemmon.
The one on the end is a
houseguest. Robert Condon.
The other two are friends,
Carol Van Ronkel and Bill Bliss.
Bliss found the body.
What time the party start?
Just after midnight.
He woke up, came downstairs,
said good night
and went back to bed.
The coroner's ruling it
indicated suicide.
The fiance said
he was depressed.
Also predicted
he would do it.
He went upstairs, she told her
pals he was going to shoot himself.
So, why didn't she
stop him?
Maybe she believed
what she saw on TV.
On TV?
What, him?
Faster than
a speeding bullet.
Oh, hi.
I have new information.
I went to the office
on Rossmore.
The office is occupied
by an orthodontist.
You can imagine
my consternation.
We're setting up
in a better location.
It's right off Wilshire,
adding an operative.
But delays, phone lines.
So, the time being...
We have reason to believe that my
wife continues to engage in illicit
carnal relations.
I'm gonna
take care of the mail.
Mr. Sinclair.
We did check into that and there
was nothing we came up with.
Yes, well, in that regard,
I blame myself.
How's that?
My wife became aware of
a change in my demeanor
and curtailed her activities
She still at
Western Costume?
I drop her off there
every morning.
What transpires
after that...
All right, the fee is...
50 a day.
Three-day minimum,
in advance.
We'll do everything we can.
It's not right,
you know.
His money.
He's nuts.
Don't give me grief, okay? Nobody
said you had to stay in Van Nuys.
You're the one
that wanted a backyard.
What did I say?
He like it?
Russ took him on a canoe,
the Indian Village.
Seemed to go all right.
Russ... Russell.
Am I supposed to
ask your permission?
I just want to make sure
his intentions are honorable.
Keeping busy?
Yeah. May be
something big.
You don't believe me?
Oh, I always believed you.
Every time.
Where's Evan?
What's going on?
That actor who shot himself,
the one who plays Superman.
What about him?
It's made him
very upset.
He told you that?
Every kid on the block
is upset.
Scout. Come on. Your old
pops is taking you to school.
What's on your mind,
You know,
things you see on TV,
you know, someone's
a cowboy or a spaceman,
it's just pretend, right?
I know.
You remember
we talked about that?
I remember.
Hey, what's this?
I don't know.
Well, why don't you
find out?
Do you like that?
Kind of.
All right, come on,
turn the knobs.
...2:00 in the morning, I'm thinking,
maybe I ain't the best PI in California,
but if I catch
a one-eyed Negro Jew
sneaking into a house in Beverly
Hills, it's time to pack it in.
Davis is
a very talented performer.
What'd Rick do?
What's the matter, Ace? Alpha Beta
not hiring any more parking lot guards?
Not with you moonlighting,
Study this gentleman.
Observe him closely.
The haircut, the getup.
Nobody told him the world
don't need two Ralph Meekers.
Listen to him, kid.
And don't start smoking,
either. Filthy habit.
This isn't
show business, pal.
It's just a job.
You punch in every day.
Let's get out of here.
I'm still eating,
Come on.
Sweetheart, check please.
Hey, Del.
Rick working you hard?
Payroll scam at Warners.
Well, that's
real detective work.
I'm a real detective.
Anything you guys
throwing away?
Jesus, Lou...
Look, I'm asking.
The shit you won't touch,
come on.
You will?
If it puts me in a Fleetwood
bigger than Ricky Harris', yeah.
He drives a Lincoln.
Come on, Del,
feed me something.
Why should I?
'Cause you owe me, partner.
What, the guy who used to play
Superman? He shot himself, what?
Someone thinks
he didn't.
Oh, yeah? Who?
His mother.
How do you know
what she thinks?
She tried to hire us
this morning.
What does she have
the cops don't?
Look, you like a headline,
there's a headline.
What did Rick say?
Maybe you forgot, we're paid to
keep things out of the newspaper.
Helen Bessolo.
She's in from Illinois.
At the Ambassador. And you
don't work for Rick Harris.
When you pitch her,
you're not an associate,
you're not a stringer.
Who said I'm pitching her?
I'm done eating.
Oh, I forgot.
Have one.
Guess who's a daddy?
It's a boy.
Mrs. Bessolo?
I'm Louis Simo.
I called.
Our children, yes.
They'll always be our babies.
You work for Mr. Harris?
I was an operative at the
agency. I branched out on my own.
May I?
Now, there are
certain situations
the agency
is not prepared to handle.
They come to me.
A house full of strangers.
How's that?
The ones there,
that night.
Van Ronkel, Bliss.
And that woman.
This is Lenore?
The fiance?
How could you trust
anything they say?
Did he give
any indication to you?
About what?
Being, you know, despondent?
Why would he be?
When was, if I may, the last
time you spoke with your son?
Do you know
a Herbert Spirakis?
He's also an investigator
here. Very professional.
He says I have a case.
Mrs. Bessolo, I'm gonna
level with you, all right?
LAPD, Los Angeles Police Department,
they don't like to be shown up.
Okay, they've already
closed the door on your son.
It's a suicide. End of story.
You want that door open again?
You want to make the cops
and the DA pay attention?
You need a headline this big,
only with the truth.
So that everybody knows. Okay?
You got to shove it in their faces.
Did Herbert Spirakis
tell you that?
I have to pay by check.
Five minutes.
I didn't let you in.
Hey. The 20?
Say, you know who people wanted
to see? Lana Turner's guy...
No kidding.
I tell you,
that kid of hers,
the knife was practically
sticking out of his ass.
Think about how hard...
What are these?
These marks?
What'd he do, beat himself
up before he shot himself?
I don't know.
Don't do that. Hey.
I didn't say
you could touch anything.
Don't worry about it.
Put it down,
the coroner's gonna be back.
You hear?
Okay, that's it, you gotta go.
So, pal, who's T.M.?
Come on, what do you say?
You help me, I'll help you.
George. George.
Don't order any more drinks,
I can't afford it.
We couldn't afford the cover,
Nati. Drinks are just gravy. Hello.
Billy Wilder.
Hire me, please.
We're two steps from the men's room.
Anyone sees us, they'll think we're queer.
You do look fetching tonight.
Okay. I'm leaving.
No, you're not.
You're gonna stay right here and wait
for the casting guy from Fox, right there.
You and I are going to practice
the fine art of being noticed
without looking like you're
trying. Fred Zinnemann.
He's a director. Pictures.
He hires people.
George, no one's going
to hire me, anyway.
That's Rita Hayworth.
That's Rita Hayworth.
You look
absolutely ravishing.
Miss Hayworth!
This way.
Thank you.
Just made it.
I beg your pardon?
Into the picture.
Was someone taking a picture?
I hadn't noticed.
You're awfully well trained.
George Reeves.
Was it the line
or the delivery?
I laugh when I'm happy.
I see.
Who is it that
I'm making so happy?
I'm Toni.
Just a poor girl
with no last name.
I had no idea
I could spread this much joy.
Well, who knows
what you might be spreading?
Your turn.
I'm afraid you got me.
This way, please.
Thank you.
For you, sir.
Oh, George, George, George...
TONl: That was
your first picture?
That was my
very first paid acting role.
Your very first paid acting
role was in Gone with the Wind,
the biggest picture ever?
That's right.
And yet,
I don't remember you.
You don't?
How's this?
"We want all your waltzes, first
Brent, then me, then Brent, then me... "
You were Tarleton!
I was.
Your hair was orange!
It was tangerine.
Ah, well.
All right, then. That
was your first. Mmm-hmm.
What was your last?
That I'm fairly certain
you didn't see.
Try me.
The Adventures of Sir Galahad,
Boldest Knight of the Round Table.
Saturday morning serial, very
cheap, we all rode the same horse.
Well, I'm sure you did a wonderful,
professional job and the children loved you.
I don't know,
it's a lot of waiting.
A lot of wanting,
and somehow, that's your life.
How dare you.
How dare you to permit me
to talk about myself
when I'm standing next to
the most beautiful woman?
you're an actor.
And how about you? Hmm? Those
friends of yours, over at Ciro's?
I know some of them.
Good people to know?
Not if you know them.
That sounded sad.
Not at all.
I was aiming for mysterious.
is like this.
Oh, that's good.
Do another one.
Bad shellfish?
Very good, exactly.
Well, you don't seem sad.
What if I were?
I won't allow it.
I'm much too old
for you, you know.
We don't give out
that information.
Here's the thing, though.
Mr... The person
I work for, he...
If I come back empty-handed,
I'll lose my job.
"Get me that watch
that George had," he told me.
George Reeves.
Oh, Mr. Reeves.
Yeah, they were very close.
Like brothers.
You know, they spoke
every week, until...
Who do you work for?
No, I can't, I can't.
I just do what I'm told.
If the rest of the world knew what
these stars were really like...
Well, we got some stories,
Hold on.
A gold Chopard Quattro.
Unfortunately, no longer made.
Uh-oh. Well,
he was a good customer?
No, these are
Mrs. Mannix's account. She...
She bought him
a lot of things, you know.
Of course.
Say no more.
Maybe there's
some old stock.
I'd be grateful.
No luck, huh?
I'll go
break the bad news.
If I showed you
something else?
No, I don't think
that's gonna help.
Spencer Tracy.
Now, how the heck did you...
I'd heard he can be difficult.
Oh, between you and me?
Complete prick.
Good morning.
Good morning...
Mrs. Mannix.
I don't have a problem with a
man drinking before breakfast,
but it is impolite
not to offer me any.
Your husband is
the general manager of MGM.
He gives the word, I'm stuck doing
serials for the rest of my life, at best.
He would never do that.
No? Why not?
Because it would
hurt me.
What about me?
It would hurt both of us.
Look, whatever I said
last night...
It sounded true.
Was it?
Or were you acting?
It was true.
Eddie's got a mistress.
Japanese girl, very sweet.
An apartment in Brentwood,
a cabin up in Big Bear.
And what do you have?
I have another seven good years.
Then my ass drops like a duffel bag.
Well, it seems all right now.
Thank you for noticing.
Tell me the truth. Did
you think I could help you?
I thought that you were the
most beautiful girl in the room.
And yes, I did.
Do you know who you looked like? Hmm?
Sir Galahad.
George, nobody ever asked
to be happy later.
Tell me what you want.
You can have it.
Should I leave?
No. You should stay.
I got a fiance,
I got a mistress...
Well, former mistress. I'm
not really sure on that yet,
but I got bruises
on the body... What?
After you dropped her off,
she never left the building,
Mr. Sinclair.
I can't swear that nothing went on in
there, but she never left the building.
There's an entrance
in the rear.
And a loading dock.
Neither would be visible
from your vantage point.
Look, Mr. Sinclair, maybe,
you know, you and your wife,
you sit down, you have
a conversation and you see...
This man. Here.
He works there.
No. I've seen him before.
Mr. Simo, I have utter faith
in your abilities,
but you might wish
to entertain the notion
there is more going on
than you realize.
"I, George Bessolo Reeves,
"being of sound and disposing
mind and memory,
"do declare this
my last will and testament.
"I hereby give, devise and bequeath
all monies and personal property
"owned by me at the time of my
death to Toni Lanier Mannix. "
Maybe there's
another will.
There goddamn
better be.
Miss Lemmon, can I talk to you for a minute?
I'm Louis Simo, I'm a private investigator.
I've been retained by Helen,
the bereaved mother...
I agree.
...of your late fianc.
I was just wanting to know
if I could ask you a couple of
questions. You're not an investigator.
Yes, I am, ma'am. I am licensed
by the State of California...
You know what he is?
A catfish.
Mmm-hmm. Go clean the
mud out of your whiskers.
"A catfish"?
Excuse me.
You the Times?
I'm the Times.
You're the Times?
What do you think about
Superman offing himself
and cutting his beloved
fiance out of the picture?
Leaving the green to Eddie Mannix's
wife, huh? Like she needs the dough.
Hell hath no fury, huh?
I mean, people get killed for
less than that.
You saying George Reeves
was murdered?
That's a heck of a question.
What's your name?
Louis Simo. S-I-M-O.
Did you go to the doctor?
I went.
What did he say?
Those guys,
they're all frauds.
Not a very
helpful attitude.
Well, something
has to kill you, don't it?
Oh, I guess so.
You under contract?
I was, at Warners.
But now you're not.
Now, no.
Tough game. Well, I'm
always ready to play.
George was in
Gone With The Wind, Eddie.
That picture made money.
So, what brought you to
Los Angeles, Miss Yoshida...
Don't talk to her.
I'm sorry?
She doesn't speak English.
Oh, yes.
Eddie, I found a darling
little place up on Benedict.
Uh-huh. It's about
it's a good investment.
Well, you know
what they say about land.
They ain't making more of it.
What's not on the menu?
We have some very nice blue
points set aside, Mr. Mannix.
How's the flank steak?
The flank steak is very good.
Bring me that, Cobb salad,
dressing on the side, baked...
I'm sorry.
My wife will take
another Gibson.
Well, what do you think?
The most I ever got from
a girlfriend was a tie.
Just how Toni
does things, I guess.
You should be happy, George.
Wouldn't mind a job.
Well, maybe she can put in
a word. With her... You know.
Hey, take it.
What's this?
It's a couple of hundred.
I see, but why are you
giving it to me?
Because I got it,
you need it.
Go ahead, kid,
make your first million.
Your talent is required.
All right.
"Lois and Jimmy,
what have you done with them?"
"They're safe
for now, Superman.
"Just don't get any big ideas
about stopping the robbery. "
"All right.
You win this time.
"But if something happens to them, I
promise you'll wish this day never arrived. "
Whenever you're ready,
All right.
"They're safe for now,
"Just don't get any big ideas
about stopping the robbery. "
Actually, George,
you're reading the other role.
Oh, uh, Superman.
He's, you know,
the hero.
I suppose I've always felt
more the criminal type.
We're looking for
a new take here, George.
Someone the kids will buy, sure, but
adults, too. It needs a real actor.
What's the worst that could
happen? We offer you the part.
Well, okay.
"All right, Mr. Prince, I got
your message. What is it you want?"
"It's not what I want,
Superman, it's what you want. "
"Listen. I'm not in the mood
for games,
"but I promise you this. If anything
happens to Lois or to Jimmy... "
An actor can't always act.
Sometimes he has to work.
You're talking to the man who defended
Camelot with a cardboard sword.
I enjoyed you in that.
You were the oldest boy
in the theater.
Look, it's a dirt-cheap kiddie
show. It doesn't even have a sponsor.
Odds are no one's
ever gonna see it.
It's just sounding
better and better.
And you need the money.
There's money.
I mean money of your own.
Oh, come on, George.
What do you want from life?
Oh, I don't know. I'd settle
for Clark Gable's career.
Take the job,
cash the check.
Can I tell you something, Art?
Of course.
You're beautiful when
you take your glasses off.
So, does this mean
we're saying yes?
TONl: Why is it so drab?
Superman wears blue and red.
Not on TV,
not enough contrast.
But, maybe if the show flies,
they might film in color.
For when the color sets
come out.
Then I'll get to wear
the blue and red.
I look like
a damn fool.
Nice car.
That's my baby. Lou?
Yeah. Hey. I'm Russ Taylor. We're...
I'm sorry?
You went to Disneyland.
Oh, yeah, that's right,
last week.
She's a little upset. I happened
to be in the neighborhood, so...
That's convenient.
Hey, he's a good kid.
I saw that right off.
Well, you would know,
huh, Russ?
The policy will cover it. That's
not a problem. But she's concerned.
He took charcoal fluid, poured it
all over it and put it on the couch.
Put what on the couch?
What's the deal, Scout?
Your mom is very upset
with you.
What if you
burned the house down? Huh?
You wouldn't have a place to live.
You know people get killed in fires?
Huh? Use your noggin.
It was just to get rid of it.
What, the costume? Scout,
you begged me for that thing.
You wanted it so bad,
you remember?
Not any more.
He shot himself in the head
with a Luger.
That's a Nazi pistol.
So, you know this man?
He was an actor.
And if he did shoot...
Whatever he did.
You can still watch him on TV,
can't you?
Scout, I asked a question.
Evan, you hear what
I'm saying? All right.
Evan, you answer
when I talk.
Evan! Put it down!
Come on, what are you doing?
Let's leave it.
Put it down.
Evan. Put it down!
Stop it, okay,
God damn it!
This kid...
Why do you even
bother calling me?
I don't know.
Possibly you might care
that your son is having a...
Maybe you should take a breath.
I do care. I care very much,
he's my son.
Just 'cause I don't have
every minute of the day...
No, you have
so much going on.
Is that what this is? Huh? 'Cause I've
heard it already a thousand times from you.
The actor.
This gimmick you're pulling.
We noticed the item
in the paper.
What? I was hired.
Can't you see
what these endless little tricks
wind up... This is my fucking living.
Lou, that kind of language...
This is how I make money
that I send you. I'm sorry,
is this his business?
I'm just trying to
keep things civil.
Russ, this is between
Louis and me.
Listen, Lou.
He asked for you.
I wasn't gonna call you.
He asked.
Well, I'm sorry I couldn't be more
help but, after all, I'm not Superman.
Jeepers, no,
Mr. Kent.
I suppose that would be
too much to ask.
I suppose it would, Lois.
I suppose it would.
Sorry, that's me.
Keep rolling. Take it back a
line, George. All right, Tommy.
Where were we? Lois, would you
like to see the real Man of Steel?
Well, sure I would.
All right then,
here he is!
You're next, Jimmy!
Leave the bowtie on!
Great Caesar's ghost!
More powerful than a locomotive,
chief! No one is safe!
What did you think?
The scripts are awful.
And everything looks cheap.
You were charming.
Well, that's all
that matters.
She's a lesbian, you know.
The one playing Lois.
Mr. Reeves?
Whenever you're ready.
All right.
Phyllis? Is she really?
No. She is now.
As far as you're concerned.
Well. There it is.
Cue fans!
Action, George! One!
Cut it! Cut it!
Unhook him!
You all right, George?
Leave him alone.
All right, let him go.
All right, all right.
I'd like to thank the Academy
and all the good people
of Galesburg, Illinois,
for making me who I am today.
Who was that
next to you when I came in?
Chad. He's in my acting class.
He any good?
He's okay, I guess.
You shouldn't hang around people
who are less talented than you.
You've never seen me act.
So, you don't know
if I'm talented.
You don't know
what I could do.
You don't know
a thing about me, do you?
You ever going to tell me
how you got that?
Under your armpit.
Something stupid.
A fight?
My pop, he was
on the gate at Warners.
A guard?
Yeah, he used to go to work
in this uniform.
You know, crease in the pants
like a knife.
I used to think
he was the Chief of Police.
He... He did that?
I was a month
out of the Army.
It was 1946, so no job.
You know, Pop got me set up.
And there was a strike at the studios.
So, keep the union guys off the lot.
You know, platoon around the
gate, me and 40 other saps.
You know, bats and billy
clubs. Got out of hand.
Little Teamster shit
came at me with a razor.
Two years in North Africa,
all I get are crabs.
Six days in Burbank,
and... Man.
And my pop apologized.
To you?
To the studio.
For his son screwing up.
Like the chicken shit peasant
he was.
What's that look?
Just watching you.
Mrs. Bessolo.
I don't need this.
I do. Sit down,
Mrs. Bessolo.
Right here.
Mrs. Bessolo.
Mrs. Bessolo.
I'm James Engelmann,
from RKO-Pathe Studios.
The what?
Superman was filmed
on our lot.
And I'm here to express how
saddened we are over your loss.
My son was not lost, Mr.
Engelmann. He was taken.
One more, Mrs. Bessolo.
Over here, Mrs. Bessolo.
What the hell did you
drag them here for?
Freedom of the press,
Were these in the report?
They weren't
there then.
Hang on there, Mrs. Bessolo,
hang on, hang on. Come on.
Just let me sit for a minute.
Come on, make yourself useful,
grab a chair.
Sure. Come on, let's
get her out of here.
There you go.
There you go.
Okay? There you go,
very good. Okay, good.
Okay? I'm gonna go
handle this. You just relax.
Is she all right?
That's her boy's blood.
You tell me.
The deceased woke up, joined his
guests for approximately half an hour,
returned to bed, no sign of
forced entry or physical struggle.
The Luger, found there on the
floor, heavily oiled. No prints.
He kept it in the night stand.
The slug, there.
And the casing, on the bed,
underneath the body.
You want to explain to me
how a man can shoot himself
and end up
on top of the shell?
Is this your strategy, Mr. Simo?
To impugn the laws of physics?
There's no prints
on the gun.
What, did he wipe it clean after
putting that hole in his head?
Prints aren't automatic. Certain
conditions have to be present.
Did you question
the people in the house?
They all signed
sworn statements.
Forty-five minutes
to call the cops.
That's plenty of time to
come up with some bogus story.
But you got sworn statements.
You accusing me of something?
Was Reeves checked
for powder burns?
It's a suicide shot to the
temple. Where's the burn?
When a gun is discharged
directly against...
Listen, the coroner
never checked.
He didn't notice the bruises
on the body, either.
Which, by the way, aren't automatic, okay?
Certain conditions have to be present.
Like, maybe a fight with a guy
that's about to...
Cause your expiration.
He won't be buried
in that cape.
Mrs. Bessolo,
RKO-Pathe would be honored
to help you pay for
any sort of a floral tribute
that you might deem
appropriate for your son.
Since when do suicides miss twice,
lay down a rug and start over?
Is that normal? Just asking.
That cost the studio 15 grand.
You think you're worth that?
We were just...
This Farmer's Daughter
picture. What is it?
The Mating Game.
A million-dollar investment.
You think I'm going to let you
fuck with that?
You think you're
gonna be a star?
Our concern here is...
You're a face.
Faces change.
What Mr. Mannix means...
He knows what I mean.
Out of my sight.
Set something up.
Him and some starlet.
Picnic, soda pop.
Already arranged.
They treat their
contract like shit, Howard.
Whatever the fuck they want.
The business is changing.
Fags and television.
And what are we, huh?
The Last of the Mohicans.
That was a UA picture, Eddie.
That spic,
wop, prick detective.
I sent
Jim Engelmann over.
He used to work for us. I'm sure
you don't want MGM coming into it.
Louis Simo.
Two years
with Rick Harris.
He shot his mouth off
about Susan Humphries
to Confidential for 5,000.
Harris fired him.
Susan Humphries?
Jennifer Jones type.
Under contract at Fox.
Heroin addict.
Drove off Topanga
doing 90.
You have a good memory,
What's the prick want?
Money. Press.
Whatever he can grab.
What's he got?
Some questions.
My wife
won't get out of bed.
It's been almost a week,
she won't get out.
I'll stop by and see her.
Do that. Cheer her up.
She always liked you.
You have anything
to tell me?
About what?
Anything I need to
have a story ready for.
She's not here.
Miss Lemmon?
That's interesting.
What is?
That you thought I wanted to talk
to her, since this is your house.
Is that your father?
My husband.
Oh, sorry.
He's a screenwriter.
Well, no one could blame you for wanting
to hang around people your own age.
What was his name again?
Robert Condon?
I'm sure you're just friends.
Around back.
You really ought to
prune these.
My husband does the gardening.
It takes his mind off his writing.
Well, what do you do,
Mrs. Van Ronkel?
I don't go around trying to
get my picture in the paper.
You saw that, huh?
What are you going to do when
this blows up in your face?
There are two holes in the bedroom
floor. What do you know about that?
Leonore made them.
Months ago.
I asked her to.
You asked her
to shoot a gun in the floor.
When you're drunk,
everything's funny.
He shoots himself, you all wait
That's unusual.
You ever been to a party where a man
goes upstairs and blows his head off?
Then how do you know
what's unusual?
So how do I find
Miss Lemmon?
She's not the way
you think she is.
What way is she?
She was only
looking for love.
I just want to remember
that one. That's good.
That's nice,
it's very futuristic.
Hey, you're a detective,
So, men hire you to find out what their
wives are up to, that sort of thing?
Yeah, they do that.
Does the truth
make them happier?
Hardly ever.
You know, he wasn't
going to marry her.
How do you know?
Oh, she ran over here
when he told her.
I heard every word.
And how did
Miss Lemmon react?
Like a longshoreman
on a bender.
Fuck you.
Nobody wants to hear
your mopey singing.
This is my house.
I am tired of you treating it
like a goddamn bus station.
Woe is fucking me.
You goddamn miserable
son of a bitch.
Don't you walk away from me.
Shut up!
I haul myself out
to this shithole burg for you,
and you have the balls
to tell me it's off?
God damn it. Listen,
what are you doing?
Put that... I'm the
fucking man in this room!
You're a fool!
Do something, all right?
You has-been! You sad old drunk!
Give it to me! God damn it!
I had to take a leak.
What's your excuse?
This is
a sealed crime scene.
Then I guess we both deserve
to get our bottoms spanked.
What's that?
Last I looked, it was 4,000
in traveler's cheques.
Georgie put it aside
for our honeymoon.
That's off the plate now,
isn't it?
Is that why you killed him?
You think he was rich?
That Superman gig paid shit.
Oh, yeah? Well, maybe you
found out a little too late.
He was fun, knocked back the
booze like nobody's business.
Pretty good in the sack.
Lady, I can nail you
with this.
D'Artagnan, you couldn't nail me
with roses and a trip to Vegas.
And you're not a cop.
So what the hell are you doing following
me into my dead fianc's bedroom?
"And then, Mr. Simo showed me
his member, Your Honor.
"And I became frightened. "
You're in my way.
I'm going to be on you,
Miss Lemmon.
Not unless
you dope me first.
See how I got us in the paper?
Look at this.
LAPD is going to sweat this.
Now, the more heat they feel, the more
pressure they're under to reopen the case.
The police reopened the case?
They will
if I keep it up.
Which requires a financial
commitment from you
so I can go on hammering.
I did get a copy of the
police report. Lots of holes.
And I'm not talking about
the ones in the floor.
Plus, something else. Your
son called the wedding off.
That's a new motive
for Miss Lemmon, okay?
And I intend to go... She was
never going to be his wife.
Oh, yeah? You knew
that he didn't plan on...
Do you think my own son would
get married without telling me?
And to a greedy slut
like that?
All these people...
What about them?
They're sitting around
like they're so big.
I don't know who they are.
George starred with Sinatra,
with Gable.
He was
an important film actor.
Someone else
can do that, you know.
Well, now,
it's a beautiful car.
Ought to keep it clean.
Does this offend
your delicate sensibilities?
But you're new on the job,
so I'll let it pass.
Art got a call.
They're picking up Superman.
They're what?
Kellogg's. They bought it.
After two years?
That's right.
I will be
on television in a month.
Wearing brown and gray
Well? Hooray!
Well, maybe it wasn't
your proudest moment.
No, I'm quite sure
it wasn't.
But you did create a very likeable,
very attractive, very heroic character.
Is that right?
I'd fuck you
in a second.
Well, one thing
we can be sure of.
No one with a lick of sense
would watch that show.
Faster than
a speeding bullet.
More powerful
than a locomotive.
Able to leap tall buildings
in a single bound.
Up in the sky!
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's Superman!
Yes, it's Superman!
Strange visitor from another planet who
can change the course of mighty rivers,
bend steel in his bare hands,
and who, disguised as Clark
Kent, fights a never-ending battle
for truth, justice,
and the American way!
"Homes with children.
Adventures of Superman,
"91 rating. "
What does that mean?
No adults are watching?
No, they're watching with
the kids, George. Families.
Kellogg's has ordered 26 more.
They want to film in color.
Well, I'll get to wear
the blue and red.
Maybe you ought to
put that out. What for?
Superman doesn't smoke.
Thank you.
Art, I'm coming right back.
Keep your mitts off my grub.
All right.
George Reeves?
Excuse me, Mr. Zinnemann.
George Reeves will be reading
for the role of Maylon Stark.
Good morning, one and all.
Superman was on pain pills.
So he crashed his car
a couple of months back.
Almost got killed.
There wasn't any brake fluid.
How do you know that?
I went down to the Esso station
at the bottom of Benedict.
I said I was from the insurance
company. I spoke to a Mr. Phelps.
He was very friendly.
Leak in the lining?
Mr. Phelps couldn't find one.
Not bad, huh?
But they were still getting married,
at least then, as far as she knew.
Well, wouldn't that
be why?
Why Leonore drains
his brake fluid?
Why Mrs. Mannix does.
He leaves her, right?
For this younger woman.
She can't bear it...
And Toni wants him dead.
Well, wouldn't that be better?
Help! Help! They've robbed
the Docville Bank!
Stop right there!
What's that?
Someone's in need.
You can't see my penis,
can you?
Hey, Superman!
Hey, Superman!
Well, hello there, young man,
what's your name?
Kenneth Giles.
Can I shoot you?
Kenneth, why would you want
to do something like that?
So the bullet bounces off.
Can I?
Well, if you did shoot me
and the bullet bounced off,
it might accidentally
hit someone else.
We don't want that to happen, do we? No.
Why don't you just, you and
I... Here we go, partner.
Why don't you just give me
that? Just hand me that...
One minute...
You think I don't see what
you're doing? I'm sorry?
Day after day,
taking pictures.
I'm just waiting
for the traffic.
He leaves those
where I can see them.
And then he pretends he doesn't
know what I'm talking about.
Miss Sinclair...
What is he paying you?
That's confidential.
He's been out of work
for seven months.
I don't know what he does
all day. He won't tell me.
Now, why don't you
investigate that?
Ma'am, I'm just trying to
turn a buck here, that's all.
If there's a problem
between you two,
maybe you should talk to
a priest or whatever.
Hash it out.
I can't fix your marriage,
I don't know, I thought you
might put in a word.
What do you suggest
I say?
He drops a hint to Zinnemann.
That's how these things work, you
know. It was a very solid audition.
It's Harry Cohn's picture.
Eddie's at MGM.
Well, what ever happened
to honor among thieves?
Let's just save it
for something important.
Oh, I see. This isn't
important at all. Wow.
Because you've had
a rough week.
Well, who needs
another watch?
I just don't want some drunk finishing
what that horrid child started.
I don't know that
a gun is the answer.
It would just make me feel
more comfortable knowing...
What would make me feel safe is
not prancing around in a monkey suit
in front of
You'd be gone,
George, all right?
And then
what happens to me?
Mrs. Mannix, please.
Who shall I say
is calling?
Lawrence Farmer, from
the St. Jude's Foundation.
To thank her
for her generosity.
One moment, please.
Mr. Simo.
Do I know you?
No. But I'm familiar
with you.
Everybody reads
the Times, huh?
I'm Howard Strickling.
I handle publicity at MGM.
How do you do?
And I'm wondering
why you would be trying
to approach Mrs. Mannix
under false pretenses.
Are you speaking
I'm speaking
as a friend of the Mannixes.
Can I see Mrs. Mannix?
She's not well.
And frankly,
neither she nor her husband
appreciate being dragged
into this business.
What business is that?
Your business,
Mr. Simo.
You didn't have to
go and do that.
You seem to have an inflated
sense of your importance.
on routine patrol.
Could you pass along a message
to Mrs. Mannix?
And what would that be?
Hope to see her
at the funeral.
Art! Where's the boy?
I've been hunting all over.
He's over there.
Zinnemann sure did keep us
hanging long enough.
But I knew
it would pan out.
How did you know that?
What choice did I have?
And, Toni, thank you.
For what?
Whatever you did to help. You
know how much he needed this.
Hi, George.
Mr. Weissman? I don't want
to disturb you, but I...
You knew George?
I'm Louis Simo.
I'm a...
I'm no speechmaker.
Saying what you really feel,
it's hard.
Thank you for coming.
Mr. Weissman,
I was just wondering if you...
Seeing me off
the grounds again?
Mrs. Mannix was unable to attend. For
reasons I'm sure you can understand.
You do a lot
for your friends.
And you're just
doing your job.
But I am concerned.
Yeah? About what?
Your history.
People are rarely afforded the
chance to make the same mistake twice.
Are you threatening me?
I'm offering you
an opportunity.
There's a place for you at Metro if
you'd like. The pay can be generous.
I'd rather talk
to Mrs. Mannix.
There's nothing there
for you.
Yeah? Then why are you
pitching me?
When it comes to publicity, what's
true or false really doesn't matter.
If it hurts the studio, if it stops
one person from buying a ticket,
I have to fix it.
That's my job.
The offer's sincere.
Don't let pride stand in the way.
It won't get you what you want.
Sad day, huh, boys?
Tell you what's sadder.
Calling it suicide when it's really
murder. Now why would the cops do that?
Sing us a new song, Simo.
What, you don't love me
any more?
Two months ago, somebody drained all the
fluid out of George Reeves' brake line.
Almost bought it right then.
Coincidence, right?
I mean, LAPD don't make mistakes. Huh,
Patterson? What's the truth, huh, boys?
Who wanted him dead?
You guys might be lazy,
but nobody said you're dumb.
Give me that.
Name some names.
You want me
to write it for you, too?
Hey, you got a story
or not?
You want names?
Ask this guy.
He's got the names.
The names, pictures.
What's he doing here when MGM never
cut Reeves a check in his life?
Huh? Come on,
do some work, will you?
Hey, Capa, lift
the fucking camera, will you.
There you go.
Say "cheese. "
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Hi, Bobby.
Hi, Bobby.
Good to see you.
Thank you so much.
Good luck. How you doing,
kid? Good to see you.
Well, buddy,
they love it so far.
You got any prejudices
against girls?
That's what I thought.
Well, now, it looks like you're
all primed for a big night, Tom.
Hello, Stark.
Want some company?
No, thanks, all tied up.
Leva tells me you've been
eyeing the Captain's wife
like a hound dog at
hunting time. He has, huh?
Took up with a lot of men
back there at Fort Bliss.
Well, I wouldn't put
stock in stories like that.
This ain't no story.
Look up on the screen!
Not for long, though.
More powerful
than a locomotive!
People can see you.
Faster than
a speeding bullet.
Hey, where's Lois Lane?
I didn't think
you were coming.
Why not? I ain't late.
I'll always take care
of my boy.
Nice shot, Louie.
You listening?
Get the fuck out of my house!
Are you listening?
Nod your head.
Be smart. Let it go.
What, your mother's snatch?
She won't let me.
Here's what I mean.
Louis? Louis?
Louis, can you hear me? Louis?
I'm calling a doctor,
all right?
I don't wanna go
to the doctor.
Well, at least some ice.
There's no ice in the fridge.
Stop being stubborn, all
right? You were unconscious.
There's no ice.
What did you say?
There's no ice.
Sit down.
What's this about?
This murder bullshit
I've been slinging.
I think it might be true.
I can help. Oh, come on,
you know I can.
Kit, let's call it a day,
all right?
You shouldn't be around me.
This isn't some TV show
you wanna be in.
This is just
a fucked-up little business.
It makes you go around, and you find out
how shitty people are to make the rent.
You don't really believe that. I
know you care about what you do.
You know what I care about?
That you're balling this Chad kid
and you don't got the guts to tell me.
Look, I was...
Going to. Yeah.
So, now you don't have to.
Do you want me here today?
No, I don't think I do.
Let's go outside.
You packing? Not when I
cross the street for lunch.
Lou, I do what I'm told.
You took the cash
from that rag, same as me!
4,500 for ratting on some hop-head
actress and I never said a word!
'Cause I'm loyal!
To my fucking partner!
Didn't say.
Just, "Take care of it. "
You tell me why!
Look, when I helped you out
with the old lady,
I should've kept my mouth
shut. I had to make good.
You would have done the same
thing, don't bullshit me!
That's how
the mortgage gets paid!
Mr. Simo.
Mr. Sinclair?
You have to stop, okay, I'm
not gonna... I need your help.
Things are...
They're not what they seem.
What are you saying?
I've misjudged terribly.
Can you meet with me, Mr.
Simo? I won't bother you again.
Meet you where?
What are you doing here?
I... My client...
She was your client?
Shot her in the throat,
the heart
and in the vagina.
Mr. Simo.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
I do wish you'd been prompt.
I suppose the fault is mine
for failing to see that you and
your whore were not aiding me,
but guarding the rampant
fornications of my wife.
I hope you've learned
the meaning of justice.
Come on.
This one's easier
than your other murder.
So, what's the emergency?
Better have
a drink, Art.
It's 10:30 in the morning.
It's pretty bad.
What is?
Enough, George.
Let's deal with it.
We're canceled.
I just don't see the point.
The point is
it's my production company.
If I don't sell myself,
who will?
The business is here,
Yes, but the money's
in New York.
I can get in the papers there.
It's a lot of bother.
I want to do this. I'm looking forward
to it. I'll take charge of my own life.
I see.
No, you don't.
You think I should just sit
around here, doing God knows what,
while the both of us...
While the both of us
My love,
this makes sense to me.
I can set up my own projects.
Direct and produce and...
We'll get some other sap to
jump around in colored underwear.
Who knows, maybe I'll
direct a picture for MGM.
I'll be back
in two weeks.
Kiss me.
Let me close this.
You have to.
Kiss me.
I have to go. Toni...
George, kiss me.
All right.
That bitch who hired you,
you think she loved Georgie?
Who is this?
He grew up
without a father.
When he's old enough, she finally
tells him what happened to Daddy.
Miss Lemmon?
Pistol in the mouth. Georgie
never stopped thinking about it.
Fifteen years later, he gets
a visitor. His father, alive.
All he'd done was dump
the bitch for another woman.
Left Georgie, too.
So Mommy tells baby,
"Daddy killed himself. "
She tells her own son.
Georgie swore
he'd never speak to her again.
This lets you off the hook?
I didn't screw his head
on backwards, she did.
Why are you telling me now?
I'm just a little blotto,
Kind of horny.
And pretty goddamn all alone.
I don't know.
And I thought maybe we had
something in common.
Mrs. Bessolo?
Mrs. Bessolo.
Mrs. Bessolo!
I won't be needing your
services any longer, Mr. Simo.
And when were you
going to tell me?
I intend to mail you a check.
A check?
That's it?
I don't owe you
anything else.
How about an explanation?
How about telling me your son
wouldn't give you the time of day?
Don't you use
that tone with me!
Mr. Strickling gave me
his word. Strickling?
A statue would be erected...
A what?
... in my son's honor,
outside the Chinese Theater.
You never gave a shit,
did you?
You'll be paid.
Keep your goddamn check.
My son was a great star.
He deserves a statue.
Can I take your picture?
Oh, wait. I blinked,
take another one.
Sorry, no retakes.
My goddamn eyes
were closed.
You know who that is over
there? Can I take your picture?
Right. He's got to be loaded.
You know, my little cousins
are glued to that show.
Look at her ass.
Len, look.
What's really
exciting to me...
Earl Wilson.
Look at you all dressed up.
I haven't seen you since...
You punched a waiter
in Sardi's and broke his nose.
I left a nice tip.
Find something funny, junior?
No, no, no.
I know when I'm
out of my league.
Don't sell yourself short.
I got a big heart.
I'll bet you've got
a big one, too.
That's very nice of you
to say, Miss...
Leonore Lemmon.
Miss Lemmon.
So, how about an autograph
for my poor crippled nephew?
Is he in an iron lung?
He's in Yonkers.
Superman wants to get laid.
Make room for fucking Daddy!
You know what, stallion?
I think you're starting to
get the hang of this.
Let's do it again.
Hey, Scout.
Mom's picking me up.
I know that.
I just wanted to...
I got you something.
I left it in the car.
I'll give it to you when we
go home. Come on. Let's go.
How come
you're not at work?
'Cause I don't sit in an
office, okay? That's for suckers.
Your pop's an investigator,
all right?
Come on, let's go.
I'm supposed to wait
for Mom.
I'm supposed to wait for Mom.
Your mom and me, we don't...
Nobody has magic powers.
You got to be tough.
You got to show them
what you're made of, you know?
My father
never taught me that.
Okay, here we go. Come on.
Come on.
I'm his son.
He's my son, he is.
Tell him, Scout.
Just tell him.
Evan, tell him, please.
Come on.
Evan. Evan.
what's the matter?
Oh, Jesus.
Could you take him...
Just take him... Sure.
Whatever you want to say,
you know.
Are you going to fight
I thought you
liked tough guys.
You're saying this why?
I want to be honest with you.
My, that's noble.
What is that, from some script
you auditioned for in the '40s?
No. It's just me,
talking to you.
I'm so grateful.
Straight arrow George!
You go to New York, and you fuck some
whore, and you run back to tell me!
She's not a whore.
She's an actress. A singer?
Does she blow smoke rings
with her cunt?
Is it a fling you want?
It's not a fling.
Oh, you're in love!
Two weeks in a hotel room?
She makes me feel young.
Have you seen yourself,
Your face is going.
Don't do this.
Here, your eyes, your
hair, your stomach. Stop it.
You think no one notices?
Toni, don't do this.
But you've got your projects, haven't
you? You're going to be a director.
You'll sit in your little canvas
chair, polishing your balls.
Thank God I'm rid of
that hag I had to screw.
What was her name? The one
who paid for everything!
The one who bought me a
fucking house! For God's sake!
You want publicity? You'll
get it. I'll say you're a Red.
And a faggot. A lush.
Nobody can call that a lie.
You know what? You've never
helped me. You never helped me!
You could've talked to Eddie.
You could've gotten me
something, but you didn't!
Because you liked me where
I was, in a fucking red suit!
You liked that! Well, that's
not who I am, you understand?
God damn you!
But, George,
that's all you were good for.
and shut-ins.
That was the best
you were ever going to be.
I knew that. Why didn't you?
They rushed it and closed the case.
I didn't like it from the start.
There was pressure.
Oh, yeah? From who?
Look, I can't do
what you can do. Understand?
I got a wife, kids,
car payments.
Look, I'm in for 20
and a pension.
But I got nothing to lose,
Think it through.
MGM buys off the mother.
I'm not getting paid, pal.
That's all it's about for you. Hey.
I got that woman killed.
For nothing, okay?
Fifty bucks a day, I'm stringing her
husband along like I'm running him
'cause I can't see straight
in front of me.
No. I'm done.
Look, this is how they work
and it just gets buried.
Don't you want to know
about this guy?
Why don't you get on the right
side of something for once?
Where do you come off
telling me what I should do?
Well, I'm not the one with
the guilty conscience, am I?
Who wants me to wrestle?
Professional circuit.
They're serious.
You might get
a kick out of it.
What do you got, a party?
No. Just a few friends
of Leonore's making a racket.
So now when that old bitch calls,
this gizmo records it automatically.
So at least
the cops believe us.
I got a delivery
for Mr. Reeves.
Hey, in there!
Excuse me.
Put that on the table.
Georgie, why don't you show
this boy how much we love him?
All right.
Why don't we take it easy
on this batch, Len?
All right, kid, here's 100.
Go make your first million.
Georgie, you are directing
your own movie in a month.
Live a little, okay?
Or take a headache pill.
Just don't ruin the
party, okay? All right.
Give me a kiss.
Go. Go on.
All right, all right.
I'll fix you a drink,
all right?
That actor...
Eddie, it's very late.
What's he planning to do
with the rest of his life?
He has some spaceman script
set up with Wasserman.
To direct.
If you offered some kind of...
Yeah, yeah.
I know how to handle it.
Well, all right.
Very nice.
Thank you.
You're very kind.
What did you think, my
sweetest dream? Moved to tears?
I thought you sounded
like a goddamn beaner.
Well, and so good night.
Buenas noches, Jorge.
Universal is not the only studio.
Get him in the door someplace else.
I already tried.
Try harder.
He's your only client. What
kind of bullshit agent are you?
You come around here,
dragging around like a wet
goddamn dog! Leonore, stop it!
Art, we talked about this.
This picture's important.
Or it was.
These people don't want me.
They don't know what I can do.
And we got to show it to them, show
them I can do something different.
We got to cook something up
for me now.
The wrestling offer.
Does it pay?
Their only concern,
are you up to it physically?
Well, we'll...
You can film me,
so they can see.
Why don't you just join
the goddamn circus?
How are you doing?
Mrs. Mannix?
I'll just put it
on the bed.
Mrs. Mannix?
Mrs. Mannix,
can I talk to you?
It's about George.
George shot himself.
He was shot.
Someone shot him,
is that what you mean?
Who did that?
Mrs. Mannix.
Can you help me understand?
Will you please help me?
Did you know George?
Why don't you tell me
about him?
He really was
the most beautiful boy.
Mrs. Mannix, please,
if I could just come in.
You're not invited, Simo.
Were you?
We're working.
Come on.
Why don't you lay off?
Mr. Harris.
Hello, Louis.
You come up from Palos Verdes
just to see me?
I came to celebrate
my friends' anniversary.
You've met Mr. Mannix.
No, but we got
people in common.
Ain't that right, Eddie?
I've got nothing
in common with you.
Bernice, the first missus.
You like that
car crash gimmick, huh?
Riva Watson.
She get all clingy?
How'd it feel,
pounding her face in?
Happy times, huh, Ed?
Richard, please.
George Reeves...
That's enough, Louis.
Am I being indiscreet?
Bad for business, huh?
Louis, your problems
are your own.
Ricky, you cover
for this prick?
Whatever you're pursuing here.
Whatever fantasy...
You had a bullet
put in Reeves' head!
...you constructed will not
alter your past.
He used the studio
and the cops...
You're going to burn in hell,
you son of a bitch!
Come here.
You don't know me.
You don't know
what I think. What I do.
I don't let you.
You're an old man, Eddie.
Who's going to wipe the blood
off your hands?
My hands?
I'm in the picture business.
No, you're a murderer.
Prove it.
You hear me?
Go on, I'm ready.
Prove one fucking thing.
Oh, God.
People are waiting.
You coming down?
Help with the dress.
I'm gonna let some light in.
I want to tell you
You know I'll always
take care of you.
Whatever's happened...
Whatever might have been done.
It doesn't matter.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nobody gets to ask.
I won't allow it.
You're safe with me.
With your husband.
Let me see
what you look like.
You're beautiful.
You always will be.
I see the pieces.
How they should fit.
How I want them to fit.
But I can't.
I looked in his face.
I know he could do it.
Wouldn't think about it twice.
Eddie Mannix?
No, I would never say
it wasn't possible.
What about Mrs. Mannix?
You had to like her.
Such brightness.
Could she have done
what you're saying?
I don't want to think that.
And Leonore?
We never got along.
Leave it there.
Mr. Reeves?
A charming man.
Funny. Handsome.
Not like the ones today. All
the squinting and the mumbling.
A movie-star face.
Why wasn't he one?
Where he wound up,
it should have been enough,
Enough for a life.
But George...
I never showed this.
I knew it wouldn't help.
You watch it.
Tell me what you see.
Good night.