Holy Motors (2012)

Bye, Daddy.
- Morning, gentlemen.
- Good morning, sir.
See you tonight, Dad!
Work hard!
Good morning, Cline.
Good morning, Mr Oscar.
Many appointments today, Cline?
Nine, Mr Oscar.
The first file's next to you.
Hello, Serge.
At 5009.
Indexed, indexed.
Yes, they're after our hide.
We get the blame for their pain.
It whips people UP-
A sign of the times.
I had Defrasnoux on the phone
from Wilkinson & Sons.
He was very clear.
Bodyguards are no longer enough.
We've got to get guns, too.
He suggests Caracal 9x19s.
Semi-automatic, 86.
OK, this evening at Fouquet's.
Have a good day, Serge.
For years and years, it's all I've seen,
stone and feet.
Nobody loves me,
But I'm alive anyway.
I am so old...
I'm afraid
I'll never die.
Mr Oscar...
The file for your second
appointment's next to you.
Motion capture 3 and 8.
Markers detected.
I'm ready.
I'm ready.
What's going on?
I felt dizzy.
A breather, then we'll carry on.
Mr Oscar, we'll be a few minutes late.
Should I let the Agency know?
Don't bother.
I'll try and make up some time.
Speed things up at this appointment
so we're in time for the next ones.
No appointment in the forest this week?
Not this week, Mr Oscar.
Too bad.
I miss forests.
Keep back!
I'm Jamie,
photographer Harry T-Bone's assistant.
Do you speak French?
Well, we're doing a shoot for Wave magazine
with Kay M the top model.
Heard of her?
Harry thinks it'd be great
to shoot you together.
A shot that's kind of "strange"...
A bit "Beauty and the Beast".
You see?
Do you know Diane Arbus for example?
A great American photographer.
She took photos of dwarves,
giants, monsters...
Photos that are really "human".
Hi, Dad.
Hi, sweetie.
Got glitter on you?
Aren't we taking a friend home?
Yes. Sonia.
But she got her mum
to fetch her an hour ago.
She was bored.
Poor Sonia.
She's usually so easy-going.
Look in the glove box.
Might be something for you.
A cream puff!
Did you have a good time, my Angle?
Yes, I did!
Well, how was it?
I don't know...
Just really good.
We stayed in Paris for your first party
so tell me how it went.
You look beat, Dad.
Yeah, appointments all daylong.
One after the other.
So... Did you dance?
Of course.
Yeah? Who with?
You don't know them.
Vincent, Tiago, Max...
You'll soon forget your old dad
for some overgrown jerk.
Stop it!
My little sprout,
growing UP...
Who was that?
Don't know.
Probably a boy from the party.
Here we go.
It's your friend.
Aren't you at home?
Did you just ring her?
She's fine, she's with me.
Your mum's fetching you? Good.
Bye, Sonia.
Why did you lie to me?
What about?
The part3!'
Sonia being "bored"... everything.
I don't get it.
Why did you lie to me?
I don't know.
Nothing you told me was true?
None of those boys was real?
Angle, look at me.
I want the truth.
What really happened at the party?
I hid in the bathroom, that's what.
Why, for God's sake, why?
Didn't know what else to do.
Why didn't you ask me to pick you up?
Out of pride.
Pride? Skulking in the toilet?
Your friend Sonia was the one dancing
with Max, Tiago and...
She danced and you...
Why, for fuck's sake?
She's popular, I'm not.
Don't be such a moron!
How could you be popular, hiding like that?
I'm just not attractive.
Stop it!
You'll be attractive all right.
Like your mother.
People say I take after you.
"Not attractive."
Who put that into your head?
Boys don't like me.
Because you're not
easy-going enough, probably.
Why can't you be more easy-going,
like Sonia?
You realise I'll have to punish you?
Are you sorry you lied to me?
I can't even tell if you're sincere.
Look at me!
If you were sure I wouldn't find out,
would you lie again?
I think so.
Tell me why.
We'd both be happier right now, Dad.
You've let me down, Angle.
Very badly.
Go on, get out.
Go home.
What about you?
I'm going for a drive.
I'll be punished?
Your punishment, my poor Angle,
is to be you.
To have to live with yourself.
Now get out, please.
Hello, Alex.
Hi, Madame Ling.
I've come to see Tho.
Everyone better get out of here.
It was an accident, Alex.
You know I didn't do it deliberately.
You should've deliberately not done it.
I think...
Good evening, Oscar.
Good evening.
You did a good job tonight.
If you're here, there's a "but".
But tell me this,
do you still enjoy your work?
I'm asking because some of us think
you've looked a bit
tired recently.
Some don't believe
in what they're watching any more.
I miss the cameras.
They used to be heavier than us.
Then they became smaller than our heads.
Now you can't see them at all.
So sometimes I too find it hard
to believe in it all.
Isn't this nostalgia a bit sentimental?
Thugs don't need to see
the security cameras
to believe in them.
Trying to make us all paranoid?
Aren't you already?
I am. Very.
For instance, I've always been sure
I'd die some day.
What is it you want?
Nothing. You know I like your work.
But some of us...
Who the hell are you talking about?
Let me ask the questions!
What makes you carry on, Oscar?
What made me start,
the beauty of the act.
They say it's in the eye,
the eye of the beholder.
And if there's no more beholder?
Are you OK, Mr Oscar?
Some days one murder is not enough.
Do you want dinner
before or after your next appointment?
Later, thank you.
Look how beautiful Paris is tonight!
He was greatly in love with you.
You don't hurt me.
You make me very happy.
You don't hurt...
Cline, stop the car, please!
Right now!
What's going on, Mr Oscar?
Where is he?
Hey, banker!
Now it is done.
Aim for the crotch!
Excuse me.
Let me through, please.
Mr Oscar...
Mr Oscar, come on. We'll be late.
Forgive him, there's been a mix-up.
Good evening, Mr Vogan.
Good evening, Mr Vogan.
I forbid you to lie!
You should've deliberately
not done it, Tho.
I am alone
and they are everybody.
I have a plan,
to go mad.
You're really here.
Don't say anything.
I think I feel better.
Don't tire yourself.
What does it matter if I'm tired now?
There's no harm in making an effort
when it's the very last.
Don't people always feel better
just before the end?
I've often heard that.
I was afraid you'd get tired of waiting.
I've been waiting for three days.
You had a fever.
I would've waited far longer.
I thought you would come
but I wasn't sure.
Such a long journey, La.
You've been like an angel by my bed.
You know they talk about
the angel of death,
the most beautiful of all.
You've been like that.
As if you were waiting for me.
I wasn't waiting for your death.
I was waiting for this moment together.
This is not death, dear uncle.
Not for you, no.
Nothing makes us feel so alive
as to see others die.
That's the sensation of life,
the feeling that we remain.
What you have been to me!
What you did for me!
You did something once.
You know that.
You've been everything to me!
I would die myself not to lose you.
You won't lose me.
You'll keep me.
Life is better, La,
for in life there is love.
Death is good,
but there's no love.
So it is true?
That you made me rich?
That all I have is from you?
Don't speak of that.
It wasn't a happy decision.
I believe I ruined you instead!
He married me for my money, yes...
He was greatly in love with you.
Yes, but he wouldn't have married me
had I been poor.
I don't want to hurt you,
I just want you to understand.
I always understood.
You don't hurt me.
You make me very happy.
You wanted to look at life for yourself,
but you were not allowed to.
You were punished for your wish.
Yes, I've been punished.
But I don't want to know or think.
Just to be with you is enough for now.
And I want you to be happy,
not to think of anything sad.
Only to feel that I am near you
and that I love you.
Why should there be pain?
In such hours as these
what have we to do with pain?
That's not the deepest thing.
There is
something deeper.
That's not the deepest thing, no.
But still it is very, very deep.
I don't know why we must suffer so much.
Perhaps I shall find out soon.
There are many things in life.
You're very young.
I feel very old.
You'll grow young again.
That's how I see you.
I don't believe...
No need for words now.
I don't believe
that a mistake as generous as yours
can hurt you for long.
I'm very happy now!
And remember
that if you've been hated,
you've also been loved...
Dear uncle.
Excuse me.
Sorry I can't wait.
I've another appointment.
Of course.
I've got another appointment, too.
See you again, I hope.
I hope so, too.
What's your name?
Thank you, Elise.
This'll be my last appointment?
Yes, last one for today, Mr Oscar.
Still not hungry?
No, thank you.
You're ill.
I think I caught a cold killing the banker.
I'll switch the fire on.
What an idiot!
Ectoplasm on wheels!
I'm sorry, Mr Oscar.
I was asleep...
ITS you?
I think so.
I've got 30 minutes.
Have you got 3O minutes?
I've got 30 minutes.
Come with me, then.
I thought you'd quit working long ago.
You disappeared.
No, I never really disappeared.
Is that your hair?
No, not yet.
They made me older.
Are those your eyes?
They're Eva's eyes.
Eva Grace.
An air hostess living
her last night tonight.
Good evening, Miss.
They gutted it.
They're turning it into a luxury hotel.
I'll leave you, Miss.
Thank you.
I came here once to buy you some bras.
You were always so kind to me.
But say no more.
I won't speak either.
My partner will be here in 20 minutes.
We have 20 minutes to catch up on
Take my hand.
Let's walk.
Most likely we'll never
see each other again.
There's something you don't know.
About you?
About us.
time is against us.
I'll be going.
Yes. He'll be here soon.
It's better he and I don't meet.
Mr Oscar...
You're drinking
and smoking God knows what.
You really must eat something!
It's nearly midnight.
We have to laugh before midnight.
We'll do our best, Mr Oscar.
Who knows if we'll laugh in the next life?
Everything OK up front?
Yes, fine.
Been a long day, hasn't it?
Nearly over.
How about you back there?
We're having a ball in the back of beyond.
We're all drunk...
Dead and drunk.
Come and join us, Cline.
We could dance.
A slow dance?
Maybe some other evening, Mr Oscar.
You know, I was a dancer once.
No, I didn't know.
Are there any pictures?
I don't think so.
A dancer...
That must be wonderful.
Quick, taxi! Follow that pigeon!
Mr Oscar?
It's getting late.
You should get ready
for your last appointment.
It's almost time.
The money for today.
The key for tonight.
See you tomorrow, Mr Oscar.
- Same time?
- Same time.
Good night, Cline.
Thanks for everything.
We would like to.
Live again.
But that means.
We'd like to relive
the same thing.
Make the long journey once more.
Touch the point of no return.
And feel so very far away
from our childhood days.
And when we're cold, when we cry.
Even then we think.
That by heaven's leave we'd like to.
Live again.
That means.
We'd like to live
the same thing afresh.
Our time has not yet come to rest.
We have to do what we love again.
Dive once more
into the cold liquid days,
all the same.
It's me!
How's our baby Luce?
let's go see Aude.
I've got something to tell you.
We'd like to.
My dears,
I've got some very good news for us.
Our life's about to change!
We see ourselves stand.
Start again, feel
the sap rise inside us.
But it cannot be.
No, it cannot be.
No, it cannot...
I'm coming home.
As sharp as ever, Miss 3423-AC-92!
You'll soon have loads of time to sleep!
Won't be long till they send us
to the junkyard.
We're becoming inadequate.
Old 5700-BC-78 is speaking the truth.
Men don't want visible machines any more.
Yes, don't want no more engines,
no more action.