Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)

Where are my golf balls?
Anyone seen my sun block?
What's the point of going to Florida
if you use sun block?
I don't care, I'm getting toasted.
Great. Now you can be a skag
with a darker shade of skin.
He's jealous because he can't tan.
His freckles just connect.
Hey, hey, easy on the fluids!
The rubber sheets are packed.
She wants "Ding."
Behind "Ding" is 200 points!
All right!
That gives you 4700 points.
200 points! All right!
Honey, are you packed yet?
Everything I put out?
Oh, did you see what Grandma sent you?
Let me guess. Donald Duck slippers?
Inflatable clown to play with
in the pool.
How exciting.
Why Florida? There's no
Christmas trees in Florida.
What is it with Christmas trees?
How can you have Christmas
without a Christmas tree?
We'll find a nice fake silver one.
Or decorate a palm tree.
ANNOUNCER: Guests of Ding, Dang, Dong
stay at the world-renowned Plaza Hotel:
New York's most exciting
hotel experience.
For reservations, call toll-free,
1- 800-759...
- Where's the camcorder battery?
- I put it in the charger.
How's this?
Oh, much better.
Kevin, put your tie on. We'll be
late for the Christmas pageant.
It's in the bathroom. I can't go in.
Uncle Frank's taking a shower.
He says if I walk in there and see him
naked, I'd never feel like a real man.
Whatever that means.
I'm sure he was kidding.
Just run in and get your tie...
...get out, and don't look
at anything.
This cat they're talking about
I wonder who, could it be
'Cause I know I'm the heaviest cat
The heaviest cat you ever did see
When they see me
Walkin ' down the street
None of the fellas want to speak
Hey, hey, hey
On their faces they wear a silly smirk
'Cause they know
I'm the king
Of the cool jerks
Get out of here, you pervert,
or I'll slap you silly!
Oh, you're cooking, Frankie.
CHOIR: Christmas tree
My Christmas tree
Lit up like a star
When I see
My Christmas tree
Can loved ones be far
Christmas tree
I'm certain
Wherever I roam
Kevin's solo's coming up.
Tell Leslie.
Kevin's solo's coming up.
Tell Frank.
Okay. Frank.
Christmastime means laughter
Toboggans in the snow
Caroling together
With faces aglow
Stockings on the mantel
A wreath on the door
And my merriest Christmas
Needs just one thing more
Christmas tree
My Christmas tree
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...
...I'd like to apologize
for whatever displeasure...
...I might have caused you.
- What?
My prank was immature and ill-timed.
Immature or not, it was
pretty darn hilarious.
I also apologize to my brother.
I'm sorry.
Oh, Muzz...
...that was very nice.
Kevin, do you have something to say?
Meat that, you trout-sniffer.
I'm not sorry. I did it
because Muzz humiliated me.
He gets away with everything,
so I got him.
Since you stupidly
believe his lies...
...I don't care if your
Florida trip is wrecked.
Who wants to spend Christmas
in a tropical climate?
You walk out,
you sleep on the 3rd floor.
Yeah, with me.
So, what else is new?
Don't wreck my trip.
Your dad's paying good money for it.
Wouldn't want to spoil your fun,
Mr. Cheapskate.
What a troubled young man.
They're all a bunch of jerks.
Last time we tried to take a trip,
we had a problem just like this.
Yeah, with me getting crapped on.
I don't care for your choice of words.
That's not what happened.
Muzz apologized to you.
Yeah, then he called me
a trout-sniffer.
He didn't mean it.
He was just sucking up to you.
Okay, why don't you just sit up here
and think things over?
When you're ready to apologize
to everyone, you can come down.
I'm not apologizing to Muzz.
I'd rather kiss a toilet seat!
Then stay up here all night.
I don't want to go down anyway!
I can't trust anybody in this family.
You know what? If I had my own
money, I'd go on my own vacation.
Alone, without any of you. And I'd
have the most fun of my whole life.
You got your wish last year.
Maybe you will this year.
I hope so.
- We did it again!
- We did it again!
Our McCallisters here,
other McCallisters there.
I shouldn't complain, but
you give the worst wake-up calls.
- Do you have the tickets?
- I've got them. Here's your family's.
- How many do you have?
- Seven.
- We have seven.
- 14!
...nine, ten.
- How come we're not sitting together?
This time of year, we're lucky to get
on the same plane. 11, 12, 13.
Where's Kevin?
Good thing I have my own ticket,
just in case you try to ditch me.
- Come on.
- I need batteries.
I'll give them to you on the plane.
- Here's two more.
- Why not now?
Not now! What's the gate number?
MAN: Metter hurry, it's the last gate.
MUZZ: Dad, what gate is it?
H-17, Muzz. Come on, Kevin.
Kevin, you gonna take my bag?
Take my bag.
Come on. Come on.
ANNOUNCER: American Airlines
flight 226 to New York...
... is now in the final
boarding process.
Come on. Come on!
Dad, wait up!
Dad, wait up!
Wait up!
Come on, come on!
Dad, wait!
Here we are! Here!
We made it.
Everybody here? We made it?
All right.
Please board, the plane's leaving.
- I'll make sure everyone gets on.
- We'll get everyone on.
Merry Christmas. Have a nice flight.
- Mye-bye.
Hey, wait up!
Hey, guys, wait for me!
- Cutting it kind of close.
- Yes.
WOMAN: Merry Christmas.
MAN IN COAT: Merry Christmas.
- I'm sorry.
- That's okay. Are you on this flight?
Yeah. My family's on the plane.
I don't want to be left here.
- Do you have a boarding pass?
- Somewhere...
They're ready to go.
He dropped his pass.
This happened to me last year
and almost wrecked my Christmas.
You sure your family's onboard?
My dad ran in right before
I bumped into this lady.
Moard him. Make sure he locates
his family before you leave him.
Okay. Come on.
Do you see your family?
There's my dad.
- Find an empty seat. Merry Christmas.
- You too.
In order to push back from the gate...
... all passengers must have
their seat belts fastened.
So have you ever been to Florida?
Welcome aboard American Airlines
flight 176 non-stop to New York.
I didn 't think we'd make it.
Something wrong?
I have that feeling.
We forgot something?
No, I don't think we did,
but I just have that feeling.
Just bad memories.
We did everything, brought everything.
We have everybody.
There's nothing to worry about.
KATE: Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
You're right. We're fine.
Nothing to worry about.
Uncle Frank?
We're the last ones off the plane.
Where are those guys?
PETER: Is this Megan's?
KATE: It's Mrooke's.
Give this to Mrooke, this to Kevin.
- Give this... Give this to Kevin.
- Give this to Kevin.
Give this to Kevin.
- Kevin.
- Kevin.
- Give this to Kevin.
- Give this to Kevin.
- Give this to Kevin.
- Kevin.
- Give this to Kevin.
- Here you go, Kevin.
- Kevin's not here.
- Kevin's not here.
- Kevin's not here.
- Kevin's not here.
- Kevin's not here.
- Kevin's not here.
- Kevin's not here.
- Kevin's not here.
Kevin's not here.
Kevin's not here.
Excuse me, this is an emergency!
Yes, sir?
What city is that?
That's New York.
Yikes, I did it again!
Something wrong, sir?
I'll be fine.
Oh, no. My family's in Florida
and I'm in New York.
My family's in Florida?
I'm in...
...New York?
What's the child's name?
- Kevin.
- K-E-V-l-N.
When did you see him last?
Curbside check-in?
No, I saw him at the door.
He was with us in the terminal.
Most people get separated at security.
Did everyone get through security?
I don't know. Peter...
We were in a hurry.
We ran all the way to the gate.
When did you notice he was missing?
When we picked up our baggage here.
- Has the boy ever run away from home?
- No.
Has he ever been in a situation
on his own?
As a matter of fact,
this has happened before.
KATE: It's becoming a McCallister
family travel tradition.
Funnily enough,
we never lose our luggage.
He was left at home,
by accident, last year.
That's what my wife meant calling it
a McCallister family travel tradition.
We'll call Chicago and...
...notify them of the situation.
The odds are that's where he is.
Very unlikely he'd be anywhere else.
Watch out, kid!
Yo, where's your manifest?
Here we are, Marv, New York City.
The land of opportunity.
Smell that?
Know what that is?
- Fish.
- It's freedom.
No, it's fish.
- It's freedom and it's money.
- Okay, okay.
It's freedom.
Come on, let's go before
someone sees us.
And it's fish.
Yes, one quick score.
We get ourselves
some phony passports...
...and we hightail it
to some foreign country.
That's very smart, Marv.
You bust out of jail to rob 14 cents
from a Santy Claus?
Every bit helps.
Mesides, now we got our new nickname.
We're the Sticky Mandits!
Real cute.
Very cute.
"The Plaza Hotel. New York's most
exciting hotel experience."
What's the matter?
Thought I saw something.
Serves you right! Come on, let's go.
I think she likes me.
Excuse me, where's the lobby?
- Down the hall and to the left.
- Thanks.
the new Celebrity Ding-Dang-Dong...
... stay at the world-renowned
Plaza Hotel:
New York's most exciting
hotel experience.
For reservations, call toll-free...
... 1-800-759-3000.
I'll do just that.
KEVIN: Howdy-do. This is Peter
McCallister. The father.
I'd like a hotel room.
With an extra-large bed, a TV...
...and one of those little
refrigerators with a key.
Credit card? You got it.
Plaza Reservations, may I help you?
Howdy-do. This is Peter McCallister.
The father.
WOMAN: Yes, sir.
- I'd like a hotel room.
- With an extra-large bed, a TV...
... and one of those little
refrigerators with a key.
You'll need a major credit card.
Credit card? You got it.
Thank you. Enjoy your stay.
CONCIERGE: Yes, two at eight, Henri.
Mr. Yamamoto.
Hold on a second.
I'll call you back.
Can I help you?
Reservation for McCallister.
A reservation for yourself?
My feet are hardly touching the ground.
I can barely see over the counter.
How can I make a reservation
for a room?
Think about it: A kid going into
a hotel making a reservation?
I don't think so.
I'm confused.
I'm traveling with my dad.
He's on business. He's at a meeting.
I hate meetings. I'm not allowed
to go in, only to sit in the lobby.
That's boring.
So my dad dropped me off.
Gave me his credit card and said
to have check-in...
...let me in the room
so I won't get into mischief.
Ma'am, sometimes I do
get into mischief.
We all do.
Merry Christmas.
No sign of him.
We'll need to be in touch.
You have hotel rooms?
- Yeah.
- Do you have a recent photo of him?
I have one in my wallet.
I don't have my wallet.
My wallet's in my bag.
Kevin was looking in my bag at
the airport. He has my wallet.
- Did you have credit cards?
- Credit cards, money...
We'll notify the credit card
If your son has the cards, we can get
a location on him when he uses them.
I don't think he knows
how to use a credit card.
Wow! It worked!
- Cedric.
- Yes?
- Don't count your tips in public.
- I'm sorry.
And find out everything you can
about that young fellow.
Front, please!
Enjoy your stay with us.
Don't forget to remind
your dad, when he arrives...
...he must come down and
sign a couple of things.
- Thank you, you've been helpful.
CEDRIC: May I take your bag?
Up here to your left.
Herbert Hoover
once stayed on this floor.
The vacuum guy?
No, the president.
This is one of our finest suites, sir.
This is great!
Wow! A huge bed just for me!
Luxurious and spacious.
How convenient.
Did you want the key in the bag?
Or did you want to hang on to it?
I'll hang on to it.
Everything all right?
- Is the temperature okay?
- It's okay.
- Do you know how the TV works?
- I'm 10 years old. TV's my life.
I'm sorry.
And there's plenty more
where that came from.
Thank you.
Would you mind if I worked
on my cannonballs?
This is a vacation.
Hold it right there!
It's me, Johnny.
I knew it was you.
I could smell you getting off
the elevator.
- Two scoops, sir?
- Two? Make it three, I'm not driving.
DAME: Gardenias, Johnny, your favorite.
- Thank you.
You was here last night too,
wasn 't you?
I was singing at the Blue Monkey
last night.
She was not.
She was smooching your brother.
You was here and you was
smooching with my brother.
DAME: That's a dirty lie.
- See?
Don 't give me that.
You been smooching everybody!
Snuffy, Al, Leo...
... Little Moe with the gimpy leg,
Cheeks, Boney Bob, Cliff...
I could go on forever, baby.
You have me all wrong!
All right...
... I believe you.
But my Tommy gun don 't!
You're the only duck in my pond!
Get down on your knees
and tell me you love me.
Baby! I'm over the moon for you!
You gotta do better than that!
If my love was an ocean, Lindy'd have
to take two planes to get across it.
Maybe I'm off my hinges,
but I believe you.
That's why I'm letting you go.
I'm gonna give you till the count
of three, to get your lousy...
... lying...
... lowdown, four-flushing carcass
out my door!
She's rat bait.
Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.
And a Happy New Year.
We know a guy who can do the cool jerk
We know a guy who can do the cool jerk
This cat they're talkin ' about
I wonder who could it be
'Cause I know I'm the heaviest cat
The heaviest cat you ever did see
When they see me
Walkin ' down the street
None of the fellas want to speak
Hey, hey, hey
On their faces they wear a silly smirk
'Cause they know
I'm the king of the cool jerks
Get out of here, you pervert,
or I'll slap you silly!
Oh, you're cooking, Frankie.
Oh, my foot!
Didn't look this bad on our honeymoon.
Uncle Rob lives here.
If they're back from Paris,
I'll drop in on them.
They usually give pretty
good presents.
Good night, Mom.
Good night, Kevin.
Your drawers, sir.
Don't flash these babies around here!
There could be girls on this floor!
I was very careful, sir.
You can't be too careful
with underwear.
I understand.
I'm sorry. You wanted a tip.
That won't be necessary, sir.
I still have some tip left over.
No tip?
No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait!
The doorman will be happy
to find you a taxi...
Mr. McCallister.
Excuse me.
And how are we this morning?
- Fine. Is my transportation here?
- Out in front, sir.
A limousine and a pizza.
Compliments of the Plaza Hotel.
I do hope your father understands
that last night...
...I was simply checking to see
that everything was in order.
Oh, he was pretty mad.
He was?
He said he didn't come here
to have his naked rear spied on.
Of course not.
Will he be down soon?
He already left.
I would've liked to have offered
my personal apology.
If a guy saw you in the shower,
would you want to see him?
I suppose not.
I don't think you'll see him again.
I understand.
Have a lovely day.
- Good morning, Mr. McCallister.
- Morning.
Mr. McCallister,
here's your very own...
...cheese pizza.
- Hello?
- Hello.
Know any good toy stores?
Yes, sir.
Get outta here! Go on, get
outta here! Get outta here!
Meat it! Meat it! Get outta here!
Hey, Marv! Get over here!
I gotta talk to you!
Whoa, whoa!
- Would you like a scarf?
- Forget about that, we gotta talk.
We don't have the equipment to pull off
anything big: Manks, jewelry stores...
We don't want goods.
We need cash and we need it now.
How about...
Tourists carry lots of cash.
I got a better idea. Stores ain't
depositing cash on Christmas Eve.
The stores that will have cash are the
ones dealing in moderate priced goods.
Right. Right.
Ergo, what store's gonna make
the most cash on Christmas Eve...
...that nobody's gonna rob?
Candy stores.
Nine-year-olds rob candy stores.
This is what I had in mind:
That's brilliant, Harry! Mrilliant!
Nobody's dumb enough to knock off
a toy store on Christmas Eve.
Oh, yes, there is.
Here we are, sir: Duncan's Toy Chest.
Merry Christmas, Kevin.
This is the greatest accident
of my life.
Marv. Marv!
Hey, nice house.
Mut there's no bathroom in it.
So, what's the plan?
Everyone leaves for a holiday off.
We come out of our houses.
Yeah, then what?
We empty the registers and walk out.
Great plan, Harry!
MR. DUNCAN: Well, now, thank you
and Merry Christmas.
Say hello to the family.
Let me see.
You shopping alone?
In New York?
Sir, I'm afraid of my own shadow.
- I was just checking.
- That's very responsible of you.
Oh, well, thank you.
My pleasure.
That'll be $23.75.
My, my, my.
Where did you get all that money?
- I have a lot of grandmothers.
- Oh.
Well, that explains it.
This is a nice store. One of the
finer toy dealerships I've visited.
Well, thank you.
Mr. Duncan must be a nice guy...
...letting kids come in here
and play with his toys.
Most toy stores prohibit that.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
Well, he loves kids.
As a matter of fact, all the money
the store takes in today...
...Mr. Duncan is donating
to the Children's Hospital.
And the day after Christmas...
...we empty out all the money
in the cash register...
...and Mr. Duncan takes it
right down to the hospital.
That's generous of him.
Well, children bring him
a lot of joy...
...as they do to everyone
who appreciates them.
I'm not supposed to spend this, but
I have $20 in a jar in our garage...
...where my brother can't find it.
So I can pay my mother back.
So give this to Mr. Duncan.
The hospital needs it more than I do.
Mesides, I'll probably spend it on
stuff that will rot my teeth and mind.
Ah, that's...
That's very sweet of you.
You see that tree there?
Well, to show our appreciation
for your generosity...
...I'll let you select an object
from that tree...
...to take home with you.
- For free?
- May I make a suggestion?
- Okay.
Take the turtledoves.
I can have two?
Well, "two turtledoves."
And I tell you what you do.
You keep one...
...and give the other one
to a very special person.
You see, turtledoves...
...are a symbol of friendship
and love.
Now, as long as each of you
have your turtledove...
...you'll be friends forever.
Wow, I never knew that. I thought
they were just part of a song.
They are. And for that
very special reason.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you too.
Me sure to bundle up if you
go outside. It's nippy.
Oh. I'll do that.
Well, where to?
You promised you'd take me
to the Central Park Zoo.
Hey, look who it is.
Come on, let's get him.
Hi, pal.
Come on.
MAN 1:
MAN 2:
Hey, watch it, man!
Muy now and avoid the Christmas rush.
Two for $5. Two for $5.
Four for 10.
There he is!
All right.
- Thanks.
- Merry Christmas, dude.
WOMAN: Thank you for your suggestion.
CONCIERGE: My duty. My pleasure.
Help! There's two guys after me!
What's the matter?
Store wouldn't take your...
...stolen credit card?
Let's see what the police
have to say about this.
Get up! Get up!
Come on! Let's go get him.
Get back here, you little thief!
Stop that child!
Grab him!
You little sh...
I've committed credit card fraud.
Get me security!
We've got to stop that delinquent!
Come along, Cedric!
I've had enough of this vacation.
I'm going home.
Hold it!
This is the Concierge, sir!
I knew it was you.
I could smell you
getting off the elevator.
JOHNNY: You was here last night too,
wasn 't you?
Yes, sir.
I was.
You was here and you was smooching
with my brother.
You're mistaken, sir.
Don 't give me that.
You've smooched everybody.
Snuffy, Al, Leo, Little Moe
with the gimpy leg...
... Cheeks, Boney Bob, Cliff...
It's a lie!
I could go on forever, baby.
I'm terribly sorry, sir.
I'm afraid you're mistaken.
We're looking for a young man.
All right, I believe you...
... but my Tommy gun don 't.
Get down on your knees
and tell me you love me.
On your knees.
I love you!
You gotta do better than that!
I love you!
Maybe I'm off my hinges...
... but I believe you.
That's why I'm gonna let you go.
I'm gonna give you till the count
of three to get your lousy...
... lying, low-down...
... four-flushing carcass out my door!
- One!
- Open the door!
Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.
And a happy new year.
Stay in your rooms!
This is an emergency!
There's an insane guest with a gun!
Come to Papa!
Round trip to Miami. What's the
matter, get on the wrong plane?
You won't be needing this.
American don't fly to the
promised land, little buddy.
We spent 9 months in jail thinking
we had the worst luck in the universe.
We were wrong.
We busted out and we're doing fine.
Even better...
...because we're not robbing houses,
we're robbing toy stores.
At midnight tonight,
we'll hit Duncan's Toy Chest.
Five floors of cash.
Then after that, we grab some
phony passports and go to Rio.
- You want to shut up?
- He's not gonna talk to anybody.
Except maybe a fish.
Or the undertaker.
Let's go to the subway tunnel.
I'll feel better once I get him on ice.
I've got a gun.
Say anything and you'll be spitting
gum out through your forehead.
Well, hello.
He did it!
Did what?
HARRY: Go get him.
MARV: He went in the park.
What are you doing flirting?!
Over there!
MO Y: Don't!
GIRL: Give it!
Hey, Harry.
- I got him.
- Let me see!
That ain't him! Put him down.
That ain't him.
We should've shot him. I hate pulling
a job, knowing that creep's loose.
- What can he do? Kids are helpless.
- Not this kid.
Mut this time he doesn't have a house
full of dangerous goodies.
He's in the park. He's alone.
Kids are scared of the park.
Yeah. Grown men come in the park
and don't leave alive.
Good luck, little fella.
I want to go home.
Mom, where are you?
Turn that down!
- Hello?
COP: Kate McCallister.
- This is she.
- We found him.
- Oh, my God!
- What?
- They know where Kevin is.
- Where?
- He's in New York City.
- New York!
New York?
- He's scared, he's not a troublemaker.
- What? What?
Just a second. He used your credit
card to check into the Plaza Hotel.
- Do they have him?
- Is he there?
- No, they're still looking.
- Damn it!
- Get to New York.
- We're on the next flight out.
We're going to New York, move it!
He ran away when they asked about
the card. He must be scared!
- Would he go to my brother's?
- Aren't they in Paris?
- Maybe they have a housesitter.
- Aren't they renovating?
Uncle Rob! Aunt Georgette!
Anybody home?!
Anybody home?
It's me, your favorite nephew, Kevin!
Uncle Rob!
Aunt Georgette!
Watch it, kid!
You looking for someone
to read you a bedtime story?
It's scary out there.
Ain't much better in here.
I don't ever want to take a vacation
like this again.
Where did you come from?
I don't have enough for everybody.
How hungry are you guys?
You guys ate all my food.
I'm sorry I screamed in your face.
You were trying to help me, right?
I'm Kevin McCallister.
Your birds are real nice.
I've seen you before.
You had pigeons all over you.
At first, you look scary, but when
I think about it, it's not so bad.
They must like you to be all over you.
If I'm bothering you, I can leave.
Am I bothering you?
Good. I'm not a pain in the butt?
Will the pigeons come back
on their own or do you call them?
Give me your hand.
They can hear it.
This is great!
It's pretty cold out.
I'd sure like a cup of hot chocolate.
How about you?
My treat.
KEVIN: I'd hate to spend Christmas Eve
in such a park.
Can we go someplace warm?
I know a place.
Nice music.
This place is great.
LAD Y: I've heard the world's
great music from here.
Ella Fitzgerald. Count Masie.
Frank Sinatra.
Luciano Pavarotti.
Do you bring your friends here?
I haven't got many friends.
I'm like the birds I care for.
People pass me in the street.
They see me but they try to ignore me.
They prefer I wasn't in their city.
Yeah. It's like that with my family.
I'm like the pigeon of the house...
...just because I'm the youngest.
Everyone fights for position.
Everyone wants to be seen...
...and heard.
I guess so.
I'm seen and heard pretty much.
Mut I get sent to my room a lot too.
I wasn't always like this.
What were you like before?
I had a job. I had a home.
- I had a family.
- Any kids?
I wanted them.
Mut the man I loved
fell out of love with me.
That broke my heart.
When the chance
to be loved came along again...
...I ran away from it.
I stopped trusting people.
No offense, but that seems like
sort of a dumb thing to do.
I was afraid of getting
my heart broken again.
Sometimes you can trust a person...
...and then, when things are down,
they forget about you.
Maybe they're just too busy.
Maybe they don't forget about you,
but they forget to remember you.
People don't mean to forget.
My grandfather says...
...if my head wasn't screwed on,
I'd leave it on the school bus.
I'm just afraid if I do trust someone,
I'll get my heart broken.
I understand.
I had a nice pair of Rollerblades.
I was afraid to wreck them...
...so I kept them in a box.
Do you know what happened?
I outgrew them. I never wore them
outside. Only in my room a few times.
A person's heart and feelings
are very different than skates.
They're kind of the same thing.
If you won't use your heart,
who cares if it gets broken?
If you just keep it to yourself,
maybe it'll be like my Rollerblades.
When you do decide to try it,
it won't be any good.
You should take a chance.
Got nothing to lose.
Little truth in there somewhere.
I think so. Your heart might
still be broken, but it isn't gone.
If it was gone,
you wouldn't be so nice.
Thank you.
Do you know it's been...
...a couple of years
since I've talked to anybody?
That's okay. You're good at it.
You're not boring.
You don't mumble or spit.
You should do it more often.
Just wear an outfit
with no pigeon poop on it.
I have been working very hard
at keeping people away.
I always think I'll have
a lot of fun if I'm alone...
...but when I'm alone, it's not fun.
I don't care how much people bug me...
...I'd rather be with someone
than alone.
So what are you doing alone
on Christmas Eve?
Did you get into trouble?
You did something wrong?
A lot of things.
Did you know that a good deed
erases a bad deed?
It's late. I don't know
if I'll have enough time...
...to do enough good deeds
to erase all my bad ones.
It's Christmas Eve.
Good deeds count extra tonight.
- They do?
- Of course they do.
Think of an important
thing you can do for others...
...and go do it.
Just follow the star in your heart.
It's getting pretty late.
I'd better get going.
If I don't see you, I hope
everything turns out okay.
Thank you.
Tell the birds I said goodbye.
I will.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
If you need somebody to trust,
it can be me.
I won't forget to remember you.
Don't make promises you can't keep.
All the money in the registers...
... Mr. Duncan is gonna donate
to the Children 's Hospital.
MARV: At midnight tonight,
we're hitting Duncan 's Toy Chest.
You can mess with a lot of things, but
you can't mess with kids on Christmas.
CONCIERGE: We'd like to offer you
a complimentary suite.
It's a penthouse
with a view of the park.
I think you'll find it satisfactory.
It was recently vacated by a countess.
What kind of hotel lets a child
check in alone?
The boy had a very convincing story.
What kind of idiots work here?
The finest in New York.
When you learned the credit card...
I made the discovery.
Why did you let him leave?
We confronted him and he ran!
You scared him!
It's Christmas Eve, and because of you,
our child is lost in a huge city.
Take our family and luggage
up to the room.
Yes, sir!
Run along, Cedric.
I'll go to the police station to make
sure they're looking for Kevin.
I want you to stay here.
- I'm going to look for him.
- What?
With all due respect, your son is lost
in one of the world's biggest cities.
Could you stay out of this?
As you wish.
Thank you. It's not a good idea
to run around New York City alone.
If Kevin can, so can I.
- Kate...
- I'll be fine.
The way I feel, no mugger
or murderer would mess with me.
There are hundreds of armed
parasites out there!
Do bundle up.
It's awfully cold outside.
Marv. Marv.
Come on, let's go.
Crowbars up!
Merry Christmas, Harry!
Happy Hanukkah, Marv!
MARV: This is more money
than I can even count!
It makes you wonder why we spent
so much time robbing homes.
The amazing thing is,
we're fugitives from the law...
...we're up to our elbows in cash
and nobody even knows about it.
He's back!
He took our picture!
How was my hair?
This is it. No turning back.
Another Christmas in the trenches.
That's it! Get the money!
Get it!
I'll kill him!
- Marv!
- I'm coming, Harry!
That was incredible.
- I twisted my ankle.
- Where is he?
Hey, guys! Smile!
Come on! Come on!
- Help me.
- I got you.
I got you.
Times Square!
Where'd he go?
I'm up here! Come get me!
Let's kill!
Hold on, pea-brain.
We got busted because we underestimated
that bundle of misery.
This ain't like that.
This ain't his house. The kid's
running scared. He ain't got a plan.
May I do the thinking, please?
Thank you.
Nothing would thrill me
more greatly than to shoot you.
Knocking off a youngster
won't mean that much to me.
- Understand?
- Mm-hm.
Mut since we're in a hurry,
I'll make a deal with you.
You throw down your camera
and we won't hurt you.
You'll never hear from us again.
I cross my heart and hope to die.
Okay, kid...
...give it to me.
Direct hit!
How many fingers am I holding up?
Okay, kid. You want to throw bricks?
Go ahead, throw another one.
Don't do that!
If you can't do any better than that,
you're going to lose.
You got any more?
Get up.
He don't have any more bricks.
That did it! Nobody throws bricks
at me and gets away with it. Come on!
You go this way. I'll go around back.
I reached the top!
You better do better than this.
What a hole!
I'm coming up!
I'm gonna murder that kid!
Whoa, whoa!
Don't you know a kid always wins
against two idiots?
Harry! In the living room!
He went up the ladder!
I'm coming, Harry.
I'm coming.
You didn't lose any teeth!
Come on, he went to the second floor.
Try the stairs.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Remember last year?
Watch this.
Let's get him!
He busted me right in my mouth, Marv!
That's one.
Don't worry, Harry.
I'll get him.
Right in the schnoz.
That's two.
Come on, let's get him.
That's four.
- Come on, Harry.
- Marv, are you sure this is safe?
I've worked all the kinks out.
Solid as a rock.
Like a rock, huh?
Give up?
KEVIN: Have you had enough pain?
- Never!
You better say every prayer
you ever heard!
I hope your parents got you
a tombstone for Christmas.
Where'd he go?
I'm up here and I'm really scared.
What's that sound?
That was the sound of a tool chest...
...falling down the stairs.
Over there!
Even if I get the chair,
I'm killing that kid!
Surrender, kid!
He vanished.
I'm here, you horse's ass!
Nice night for a neck injury!
Suck brick, kid!
Come on, Marv.
I don't know.
I said, come on!
Come on, you big sissy.
Harry? You wearing aftershave?
That's kerosene.
The rope is soaked in it.
Why would anyone soak a rope
in kerosene?
Merry Christmas.
Go up!
Get off me!
Get the bag!
Two guys who robbed Duncan's Toy Chest
are in the park.
Central Park West, 95th Street. Look
for fireworks. Hurry, they got a gun.
I'm here.
Metter come and get me
before I call the cops.
My, how the tables have turned.
How do you like the ice?
Let's go for a little stroll
in the park.
Give me the bag.
Give me it!
Great for the album.
You may've won the battle, dude,
but you lost the war.
You ought not of messed with us.
We're dangerous.
- Harry?
- Shut up!
Shut up! I want to enjoy this.
Something's wrong.
- Let's get out of here!
- Shut up!
I never made it to the 6th grade...
...and it doesn't look like
you're gonna either.
Let him go!
Kevin, run!
Shoot her!
Shoot her!
- Shoot her!
- I'm trying!
Mye! Thanks.
COP 1:
Jesus, looks like the 4th of July!
We got the bridge.
Take the tunnel.
COP 2:
Let's go, let's go!
Oh, my God!
COP 2:
All right, let's go.
COP 1:
Come on, on your feet.
You guys should've started earlier.
The prisoners already exchanged gifts.
We missed the presents?
He made us hide in the store
and steal the kiddies' charity money.
Shut up, Marv.
You've got the right to remain silent.
He's a little cranky.
We just broke out of prison.
Shut up, Marv!
Get them out of here!
If this makes the papers...
...we're no longer the Wet Mandits,
we're the Sticky Mandits.
That's sticky. S...
COP: It's all over. We apprehended
the thieves and got your money.
MR. DUNCAN: I want to get that money
over to the Children's Hospital.
COP: I'll handle it.
MR. DUNCAN: Thank you.
Excuse me.
I found this note. Looks like
a kid broke your window.
Dear Mr. Duncan:
I broke your window
to catch the bad guys.
Do you have insurance?
If not, I'll send you some money,
if I ever get home.
Merry Christmas.
Kevin McCallister.
P. S. Thanks for the turtledoves.
Excuse me. I'm looking for my son.
This boy here.
Please help me. This boy right here.
Have you seen him?
I'm looking for my son.
He's been missing for two days.
- Have you filed a report?
- Of course we have.
Then trust us. We'll handle it.
I'm his mother.
I know, but you're looking
for a needle in a haystack.
Do you have kids?
Yes, ma'am.
What if one was missing?
I'd probably do the same thing
you're doing.
Thank you.
Put yourself in his shoes.
What would you do?
Me? I'd probably be lying dead
in a gutter somewhere.
Mut not Kevin.
No. Kevin is so much stronger
and braver than I am.
I know Kevin's fine. I'm sure he is.
Mut he's still alone in a big city.
He doesn't deserve that.
He deserves to be at home with his own
family around his Christmas tree.
Oh, dear God...
...I know where he is.
I need to get to Rockefeller Center.
- Hop in.
- Thank you.
I know I don't deserve a Christmas
even if I did do a good deed.
I don't want any presents.
Instead, I want to take back every mean
thing I ever said to my family...
...even if they don't do the same.
I don't care. I love all of them.
Including Muzz.
If I can't see all of them,
could I just see my mother?
I'll never want another thing, ever.
I just want my mother.
I know it won't be tonight...
...but promise me I can see her again.
Sometime. Anytime.
Even if it's just once
and only for a few minutes.
I need to tell her I'm sorry.
That worked fast!
Oh, Kevin.
Mom, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Merry Christmas, Mom.
Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
Thank you.
Let's go.
How'd you know I was here?
KATE: I know you and Christmas trees,
and this is the biggest.
Where's everyone else?
KATE: At the hotel.
They didn't like palm trees either.
Holy smokes, it's morning!
It's Christmas morning, man.
Don't get your hopes up.
I don't think Santa visits hotels.
Are you nuts? He's omnipresent.
He goes everywhere.
Wake up, it's Christmas!
Mom! Dad! It's Christmas!
Where'd it come from?
Mom! Dad! You gotta see this!
- My gosh!
- Peter!
Are we in the right room?
Don't open any of mine.
- Who's Mr. Duncan?
- Duncan? I don't know.
Everybody calm down.
Calm down!
All right. Now...
...if Kevin hadn't screwed up in
the first place, again...
...we wouldn't be
in this most perfect...
...and huge hotel room
with all this free stuff.
...I think it only fair that Kevin
get to open the first gift.
Then I'll go and the rest
of you and so on.
Merry Christmas, Kev.
Merry Christmas, Muzz.
Merry Christmas, Kevin.
All right! Merry Christmas!
Enough gooey sh...
Show of emotion.
Everyone, let's dig in!
LESLIE: Everybody, save the paper.
We can use it next year. And the bows.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
I got something for you.
What's this?
It's a turtledove. I have one.
You have one.
As long as we each have a turtledove,
we'll be friends forever.
Oh, Kevin.
Thank you.
I won't forget you. Trust me.
The room service bill, sir.
Merry Christmas.
Uh, oh.
Nice family.
Merry Christmas indeed.
You spent $967 on room service?!