Home Invasion (2016)

Are you expecting company?
No. Just you.
I got my shoes on, I'll go.
It's the peninsula. It's probably
someone has the wrong address.
- Back in a jiff.
- There's an umbrella by the front door.
Thank you.
Hi. Can I help you?
Get up, honey.
Oh, my God.
Ahem. Hello.
WOMAN [ON PHONE]: Good evening,
this is Heidi with Home Security Systems.
Our system shows
that your alarm has been activated.
Is everything Okay?
Yeah, we just got back from a party
and my wife entered the wrong code.
Sorry about that.
Okay, no problem.
We'll reset your system immediately.
Is there anything else
I can help you with?
Uh, no, no. We're fine, thanks.
"We", have a great evening and thanks
for using Home Security Systems.
Thanks for the fast response. It's good
to know you guys are on the ball.
Take care.
so who can tell me where
the security dispatcher went wrong here?
Anybody, anyone.
It's not fifth grade, just shout it out.
She didn't ask for the owner's password.
That is correct.
Every subscriber creates
a home security password.
That password is on file and will show up
on your terminal if the alarm is triggered.
Once you verify this password, you'll know
you are talking to who they say they are.
Now, remember the four components
of a subscriber call:
P, "Password .".
Anybody for A?
LIZ: "Authority."
That's correct. Authority.
When you make your verification call,
if nobody answers...
or if the person who answers
does not provide that password...
you are required to call the police
or the local fire department.
This is very important.
- Anybody for R?
- The client's R.P.
"Responsible Person," that's correct.
That's someone who is designated
a contact for emergencies.
This is usually a neighbor
or a close relative.
Point is, you want to notify someone
who is independent of the situation...
let them know what's going on.
Nobody? Okay.
"Taken care of."
Never ever let the
subscriber off the line...
until you know
the situation has been resolved.
Is that understood?
How is the little princess doing?
Fever's down,
she was watching cartoons when I left.
Good. Always a good sign.
Mike, I know you want the hours,
but maybe you should just go home.
Be with Robin. Take a few days.
My sister's got her. It's taken care of.
You have been working overtime
since November.
MIKE: I'm fine. I take cat naps
between calls, I sleep in my chair.
"- I'm actually sleeping right now.
BESS". Sure.
MAN [ON PHONE]: I'm not seeing
your name anywhere here.
Okay. It's a joint account, though,
so my signature...
- We need to confirm with your husband.
- Like I said before, he's not here right now.
We can only issue funds
to the account holder.
My name is on that account too.
- I'm not seeing your name on here.
- Chloe Paige.
- This is your husband's last name?
- No, it's MacPherson. David MacPherson.
- Let me check the details again.
- I really need access to the accounts.
- I'm afraid there's a hold on the accounts.
- Excuse me'?
I'm sorry. It's the best I can do.
Have a nice day.
Please stop playing that thing
while you're eating.
- Jacob.
- Hey!
Come on, I've told you a million times
not to play while you eat.
Okay? And try and pick it up a little bit
or we're gonna be late for practice.
Ten minutes.
WOMAN: Here you go.
CHLOE: Thanks, Stacey.
- Don't get caught in that rain tonight, huh?
- I won't.
- Thanks.
STACEY: Have a good day.
TEAM: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
COACH: Hip! Hip!
All right. Everybody head home.
WOMAN: Good job!
Hey, good game.
BOY: Bye, guys! GIRL: Bye!
So how'd you feel about practice today?
It was okay.
Just okay?
I thought you had some awesome hits.
Why can't we just go home?
CHLOE: We are going home.
- I mean, back to the city.
Look, we promised we were gonna
give this a real shot out here, remember?
Yeah, and it's already been a year
and it still sucks.
- Look, your father...
- What?
He obviously doesn't want to live here.
It's complicated.
- Just tell him you want him to come home.
- Jacob.
I don't see
what's so complicated about that.
Look, I don't just have a magic wand.
I can't just make everything okay.
No, you just don't want to.
WOMAN [ON RADIO]: At this point,
we're only seeing windy conditions...
that are starting
to approach warning criteria.
Now, many other areas have already
seen the ooding, the severe rain...
and of course the electrical storm.
That is also expected to make landfall
here at around 9:00 tonight...
through tomorrow morning.
Many homes already being evacuated,
with temporary shelters in effect.
Keep it right here as we track that storm
and continue to bring you the very latest.
Aren't you gonna answer that?
- It could be Dad.
- I got it.
ALICE [ON PHONE]: Hey, babe.
- Hey.
Sorry, I was just checking
another incoming call.
I'm on my way.
I'll be there in half an hour.
Okay. I'll see you soon.
Was it Dad?
Alice. Sorry, honey.
- No, you're not.
- Oh, cut the attitude, Jacob.
Sit down.
I wanna talk to you about something.
I don't have to talk to you.
- Okay, that's it. I'm pulling the Wi-Fi.
- You can't do that!
You can get it back
when you start showing a little respect.
- Screw you!
- Don't...!
Don't you talk to me like that, okay?
I don't deserve that.
I am doing the best that I can here.
JACOB: Dad wouldn't do this!
How do you know what your dad
would do? He's never here, is he?
Maybe if you left he'd come back!
He knows you only married him for money.
I hate you.
CHLOE: Jacob?
I'm sorry.
- Jacob, please come out.
- Go away.
I am so, so sorry
about what happened up there.
Look, Jacob, I...
I don't have all the answers,
but I promise you I'm trying.
Just leave me alone.
Look, your dad is gonna be home soon.
But right now it's just you and me,
so let's not fight, okay?
I love you, buddy.
Don't call me buddy.
Learn your place...
Hi. Can I help you?
Stand up.
- I don't want no problem.
- Then turn around.
Look, please.
Don't hurt me, mister, all right?
I got kids at home and a cat.
Don't worry.
Cats can take care of themselves.
Fell asleep playing a video game.
Oh, I thought you took the router away.
Well, there's a will there's a way.
I should be happy
he's not hacking into NORAD.
I shouldn't be so hard on him.
He hates it here.
If only his birth mother didn't have
so many issues...
maybe she could help.
Can you imagine referring to your
own child as "the biggest mistake"?
Oh, and you know,
just not seeing him for eight years?
- Ugh.
- Thanks for coming over.
Especially on a night like this.
You had me at wine.
So, uh, was 1961 a good year?
- Oh, please tell me you didn't.
- Ha-ha. I did.
ALICE: She seemed so friendly...
CHLOE: She's so sweet.
ALICE: And it's really all about her.
CHLOE: Wow. Oh.
Now tell me the truth,
is that a $6000 bottle of wine?
- That's what he said.
- Oh, God.
More money than sense, Chloe.
- Seriously. Ugh.
- I know. I know.
Is that on?
- Twenty-four/seven.
- It's always on? Wow.
Don't you think that's creepy?
Like Big Brother?
David said he wanted us to feel safe.
Safe from what? I mean, the Johnsons
and their gang of golden retrievers?
I know, it's a little bit of an overkill...
but it gives me
peace of mind sometimes.
It gets lonely out here. It's quiet.
Where do you think he's gone this time?
I don't know. He said Shanghai.
He always tells me where he's going...
but I don't know
if it's ever where he actually is.
You know he stopped taking my calls?
My e-mails?
I don't even care anymore.
I don't care who he's with,
what he's doing...
I'm over it. I'm done.
I'm done.
Good for you.
You deserve so much better.
You know, he took me off
the joint account, Alice.
I'm gonna kill him.
I don't know
what I'm gonna do, seriously.
Look, don't worry about it, okay?
We'll figure something out.
Are you expecting company?
No. Just you.
I got my shoes on, I'll go.
It's the peninsula. It's probably
someone has the wrong address.
- Back in a jiff.
- There's an umbrella by the front door.
Thank you.
Hi, can I help you?
Hey... Uh, wow. Heh.
I'm sorry to bother you,
but I think we have the wrong house.
I'm looking for 2811 Lonepine Road.
Yeah, this is Oakwood.
Lonepine's back a couple of miles.
You needed to turn left at the fork.
- Oh. Great, thanks. You're a lifesaver.
- Cheers!
What are you doing?
One less thing to worry about.
I thought we agreed no one gets hurt.
Well, maybe when you raise the capital
to assemble your own bloody crew...
you can manage them as you see fit.
911, what's your emergency?
A shooting. Someone shot my friend.
- Oh, my God.
- You said someone shot your friend?
- Y es, they "gust shot her."
- Who shot her? Are they still there?
It was a man in a mask.
There's other ways to do things, man.
This isn't going to be a problem, is it?
Jesus Christ.
Good man.
- What about a home security system?
- It's on.
I have your address
as 2811 Oakwood Drive.
- Is that correct?
- Yeah.
I'm notifying local police,
we'll have someone there soon.
God, please hurry.
Send somebody, please!
Please stay on. Don't hang up.
The security company's on the other line.
Tell them what's going on
and that we've already notified police.
You hang in there,
everything's going to be okay.
- This is Liz, my system shows...
- There's somebody outside my house.
- This is Liz, my system shows...
- There's somebody outside my house.
They shot my friend.
- I'm sorry, can I grab your password?
- What?
- Your password.
- What password?
You gave it to the sales rep
when you subscribed.
Forget the stupid password!
Somebody just shot my friend in the head,
do you understand?!
Okay. Okay, just, um...
Guys, I need help over here.
I need help!
MIKE: Liz.
Get up, honey.
- What's going on?
- It's okay.
Someone was shot.
I asked for her password.
She doesn't know.
I don't know what to do.
Nine-eight-nine. Transfer.
This is Mike Hewitt, Home Security.
You just told the dispatcher...
someone was shot, is that correct?
How many times do I have to say this?
There's a van in front of my house,
my friend went to check on it...
and they shot her.
They shot her in the head!
- "Did you ca" 911?
- Yes.
- Can you see the shooter?
- No. He was trying to get in.
- Please help, I have a child here.
- Okay.
Stay calm.
I'll check your security cameras.
- She's on the phone with security.
- Good. Secure the perimeter.
Okay. Take this down.
MIKE: Okay, Ms. Paige?
There are three people outside.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, what do they want?
What do we do?
- Do you have a safe room?
- No.
Okay, listen to me.
I need you to find
a place to hide quickly.
Do not go by the front door.
Do not go by the front door.
- Now.
- Okay.
Do you understand?
Stay away from the door.
CHLOE: Oh, my God.
Ms. Paige? Ms. Pa...
Liz, get me a 20
on the responding officers...
and the direct line. Ms. Paige.
Ms. Paige.
Jacob! Come on, Jacob! Get up.
This is serious, come on!
That's how you're supposed
to blow the bloody doors off.
MS. Paige?
CHLOE: Mike, we're here.
- Okay.
Anybody home?
Where are you? Paging Ms. Paige.
Oh, my God. They know my name.
Can you get to the kitchen side door?
- I think I can make it.
- Okay, go.
HEFLIN: Where are you?
- Wait.
CHLOE: Someone's coming!
HEFLIN: Lovely beginning to a party,
don't you think, Ms. Paige?
Don't move. There's someone
approaching the side door.
Why don't you come put the kettle on?
I'm parched.
I need you to go
to the dining room now.
- We'll get you out through the basement.
- Okay.
Let's say you and I have a little chat,
shall we?
I promise I won't hurt the boy,
how does that sound?
Come on, don't be scared.
Oh, well, suit yourself.
I want you to contact
the account's R.P...
and find Bess and tell her to get
the responding officers on the line.
- Which?
- Bess first, then R.P.
- Go.
- Okay.
Come here. Come here, get down.
Listen to me.
If for any reason we get separated,
go to the Johnsons' house...
and tell them what's going on,
but don't come back in this house.
- Do you understand me?
- Okay.
- Do you promise?
- I promise.
- Where the hell are the responders?
- I've been trying.
All the lines are busy,
I can't get through.
- Professionals.
- I know.
We're in World War III...
and it started longer than you think.
We could go on later,
we need to take a break.
MAN 2:
Okay, yeah, we do need to take a break.
This better be good,
it's my wife's book club night tonight.
The bridge broke down.
Couldn't get AI, so I called Chacko.
He's over there.
- How long's he been stuck?
- Twenty, 25 minutes.
Last time it happened,
AI was sleeping one off.
This is dispatch, Chacko for Sheriff Kane.
Give it here.
Hey, Chacko, what's the deal?
CHACKO: Sheriff, power's out.
The main control lead
is cut clean through.
- Two of the fuses are missing.
- What? Where the hell's AI?
- It's his shift, isn't it?
- He's not here.
You know AI, he'd never walk off the job.
How the hell does a thing
like this happen anyway?
It sure don't look like an accident.
How long's it gonna take to fix?
I can jerry-rig something,
but it'll be 45 to an hour.
- Maybe a little longer.
- All right, well, you keep me posted.
Mike, I've got the sheriff.
- Hello?
KANE: Sheriff Kane here.
Hi, this is Mike Hewitt, Home Security.
I am, uh, following up
on an armed home invasion call.
What armed home invasion call?
To 911. My client said
that she called it in.
Nothing came through to me.
What's the situation?
Uh, there's a gunshot victim
who's probably dead.
I have the mother and child
inside the residence.
I have them on the line now.
Can you get units there?
Two-eight-one-one Oakwood Drive.
Oakwood Drive is out on the peninsula.
We've got the bridges stuck
and it's high tide.
There's no way on or off for an hour.
You have no responders
on the peninsula?
I got a deputy moved over there
a couple of months ago.
I'll try to track him down.
I'd appreciate
if we could have real-time updates.
- You'll get them.
- Keep him on the line.
You find Halligan,
tell him we got a 246 in progress.
- All right?
- Yes, sheriff.
What a mess.
And he was talking about these rocks...
that mysteriously move
across the desert floor...
and I got to thinking about it...
"...and I thought, we", to me,
the obvious cause would be that...
Hey. Listen, are you okay?
If you need me to take over, Mike,
just say the word.
No. I know this place,
I've been there as a kid.
I remember...
There's the swing bridge.
We need a helicopter.
See if Burlington has a P.D. bird.
They must have a patrol boat as well.
- MIKE [ON PHONE]: Chloe.
- Mike.
- Where are the police?
- I talked to them, they're on their way.
- What's going on?
- It's okay.
- How long?
- They're almost there.
They're blind outside.
- Hello?
- Chloe?
- Hello?
- What?
- I lost him.
- Chloe?
- What's going on?
- Lost them.
I always get a signal down here.
It's them.
Okay. Talk to me, Mike.
What are you trying to do?
MIKE: They only got the cameras
they could find.
They killed them, but...
BESS: Platinum.
Whoever built this house
went a long way to protect it.
- We have faces.
- Yeah.
HEFLIN: Twenty-two-fifty.
Gives us less than an hour.
Find them.
Oh, Knox...
try not to hurt anyone.
I wouldn't dream of it.
We're looking at 10 to 15
to sweep the place.
You take the upstairs and the basement,
I'll cover the main floor.
- Neighbors?
- I can't get ahold of them.
- It's the storm. The lines are busy or dead.
- Cell phones?
All phone companies report problems
with the nearby tower.
Signals aren't going through, but the
outage is centered around that address.
They're probably jamming.
Give me the sheriff.
DEPUTY: Sheriff.
KANE: Find Halligan?
He's having dinner
with the in-laws in Lincoln.
- Damn it.
WOMAN: Sheriff, this is Dispatch.
Yeah, this is Kane. Go ahead.
I'm transferring Mike Hewitt
from Home Security.
Put him through.
I've lost the caller.
I think they're using a jamming device.
They probably cut the landlines.
Any update on the bridge?
We're having a wiring problem
at the control booth.
- We're doing our best.
- I'd like updates, okay?
Yeah, I'll keep you posted.
Let me ask you something.
What are the chances AI is missing,
the bridge is broken...
the same night there's a home invasion
out on the peninsula?
- Not very high.
- Not very high.
I'm calling for backup.
Don't say a word N'
I'll send you shots from the camera.
See if you can identify them.
- I've never done that before.
- Load them into the NCIC.
Someone's coming.
Let's go for it. Now!
GO, go! go'
[WHISPERING] What about you?
[WHISPERING] I'll be okay.
Jesus Christ.
Come out, come out, wherever you are...
Oh, yeah, there she is.
- Oh, my God. Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Actually, I have an idea.
- What is it?
- Your headset.
- Yeah. It's not just for games.
You can also use it to VOIP too.
- What?
- Voice Over IP. Internet phone.
They cut our phone.
I'm sure they cut the Wi-Fi too.
- I'm not talking about our Wi-Fi.
- What?
Mr. Johnson uses his dog's name
as the password.
That's like asking someone to hack in.
Okay, come on.
- What do you have?
- Okay.
Heflin Piers, wanted for armed robbery,
racketeering and extortion.
He was involved
in the museum heist in Paris.
- Looks like all high-end stuff.
- The girl?
Uh, that's Victoria Knox.
She was arrested for the first time
at 16 for grand theft auto.
She was tried as an adult.
There was a gun involved.
Apparently her and Heflin are a thing.
- What about the third?
- That's Jason Astor.
Former EOD in the Gulf War,
dishonorably discharged...
and suspected in a number of crimes.
Remember that bombing
in Chicago a few years back?
- Yeah, that was him?
- Allegedly.
BESS: Nice work.
KNOX: Heflin.
They're gone. There's no one here.
Oh, they're here, all right. Somewhere.
You're just not looking hard enough.
KNOX: I looked everywhere.
- ASTOR: I got it.
- Where?
Right there.
You taking the piss, mate?
- That's blank as canvas.
- You lack imagination.
How long will this last?
I don't know. If it starts beeping,
you got about 20 minutes until it's dead.
Okay, what's the number?
- Liz. Home Security Systems.
- Yeah. It's Chloe Paige.
It's her.
- MIKE [ON PHONE]: Chloe?
- Mike.
Mike, we're calling from
a Wi-Fi connection. Can you hear us?
- I can hear you all right. How are you?
- Somebody almost just found us.
We're hiding. They're looking everywhere.
We gotta get out of here.
What do we do, Mike?
ASTOR: There she is.
Oh... Hm.
One lock entry, 12 locking steel bolts.
Just like we thought.
Forty-five minutes.
You got half an hour.
I want her and the boy found.
Don't disappoint me, love.
One of the intruders called you by name.
Did you recognize the voice?
No, no. No, I have no idea.
Is there any reason
you may know of they'd be there?
No. We're really scared.
Just hold on. Okay, Chloe?
I got your back.
And these kids are being trained...
- Have you got it yet?
HEFLIN: Not yet. Just found the safe.
"MAN 1"...from the time they're 6,
7 years old with video games.
Yeah, and by the time
they get into the military...
they just wanna see action.
We gotta get out.
I need you to make your way
to the garage.
Hallway's clear. Go.
Okay. Follow me.
Wait, stop.
Stay clear of the windows. Get down.
Stay still.
Mike, please help us.
Move Jacob's foot quickly.
Okay, she's gone. Keep moving.
Get up. Keep moving.
Are you there? Can you hear me?
I'm losing you. Chloe? Chloe? Can...?
It's the Wi-Fi signal. Move to this side.
Mike? Mike?
- Are you still with us?
- I see you. I hear you.
You gotta keep going.
Trust me, you're safe. I'm with you.
What's going on with the responders?
Uh... They are still working
on the bridge.
Word from Burlington?
Helicopters are grounded
because of the storm.
Their boat is on loan to Shrewsbury.
They can get it back...
- ...but that won't be until about 1.
- Richmond County? Williamsburg?
No, Richmond's on mandatory
evacuation due to flooding.
And nobody is picking up
in Williamsburg.
Jacob, come here.
[MUFFLED] Hey, you all right?
Can you hear me? Chloe?
Chloe, can you hear me?
I know you're in here.
- Hello, kittens.
- Get back!
MIKE: Chloe?
KNOX: Huh.
CHLOE: Jacob, help me.
Okay. Help me.
MIKE: Chloe? CHLOE: Okay.
- Chloe?
- Wait. Okay.
- Can you hear me?
- We're here. We're here, Mike.
- You all right?
- She found us, but we're okay.
- Keep moving.
- Okay.
Don't. If you go for the garage door,
they'll hear us.
What are you saying? I can't hear you.
If we open the door,
they're gonna hear us.
- We have to find a way to distract them.
CHLOE: Like what?
- You have a music system in the house.
- Yeah.
- Where's the central control?
- Um...
It's in the master panel with the lights,
and the heat and...
And the security system.
What is it? What's going on?
Chloe, I can access that.
And turn it on loud. Really loud.
So when I do,
you need to be ready to move.
Are you by the car?
In the car? I can't see you.
Car. Get in the car.
Okay, now listen.
Music and engines at the same time.
I'll trip the door and then you gun it.
- Ready?
- Okay.
Three, two, one.
Somebody's playing bloody games.
V, come in.
Chloe? What's happened?
CHLOE: The power's out.
Get out, Jacob.
Maybe we can lift it.
Help me. JACOB: Okay.
It's too heavy.
Is there a carriage release?
I don't know. What is that?
It's a handle that releases the door.
It should be on a track above the car.
- It's for emergencies.
- I don't see one.
I don't see it.
Come on, Jacob.
We gotta go. Come on.
Chloe, don't leave.
Stay where you are.
We have help coming.
I know it's dark.
But remember, they can't see you either.
Come on. We're going. This way.
It's not safe for us to stay here.
HEFLIN: Vicki, do you copy?
Where do you think you're going?
ASTOR: If it's only a power surge,
I can check the circuit breaker.
You have 25 minutes
to get that safe open.
Hey, you don't think I know that? Huh?
See if you can find Vicki
while you're down there.
She's your girlfriend.
Yank your own damn leash.
HEFLIN: Is that you, Ms. Paige?
Oh, I recognize that perfume.
I wonder if that's from that
same little boutique...
along the Champs-Elyses.
Do you know the one?
Why don't you come out
and have a little chat?
Your husband David tells me
you're a delightful...
Well, at least...
she knew what she was doing, huh?
There we go.
What the hell happened to you?
They've both seen me.
I need to kill them.
You're not thinking straight.
Calm down.
- Calm down.
- Let me go.
- We need to get out of here.
- Shh!
Calm down.
Give me the gun.
I need them alive.
- No.
- For now.
You can play with them later.
ASTOR: Aw, Christ.
Sheriff, I got power to
the control console.
System's rebooting right now.
Oh, finally. Thank you.
Oh, shit.
Tungsten carbide
fitted with a hard plate.
- Meaning?
- Meaning scoping's out.
It's time to go old school.
Just get the bloody thing open,
would you?
I know what I'm doing, Heflin.
Just back off.
Come on.
Now if I could just get
a little quiet around here...
will be hunky dory.
Serrated wheels. Hm.
You bitch.
That'll slow things down just a little bit.
- Just a bit.
- I thought you said you were good at this.
I did.
And I am.
All right. Let's get moving.
The bridge is open.
I'm gonna find your sweet spot. Yeah.
Oh, oh.
Oh-ho-ho-ho, there she is.
Got an alignment.
Spare me the play-by-play,
for pity's sake.
What she pointed out earlier...
was Russians don't have to think...
What the hell is wrong now?
Looks like we blew a fuse.
It's one of the old ones
I had in the truck from before.
I'll try something else.
For crying out loud.
All right. You handle this here, okay?
Wait, where are you going?
- I'm going over.
- But, Bill, you gotta be careful.
You let me worry about that.
You keep things under control here.
Send backup as soon
as this bridge opens.
Yes, sir.
MAN [ON RADIO]: I've talked to, uh,
certain folks who have been abducted...
or at least their claims...
How do you know that, uh,
some facet of our government...
"hasn't reverse-engineered
the technology..."
and that they're actually making you
believe you were abducted when...?
KANE: Chacko.
Get this damn thing working.
When you do,
get these cars out of the way...
because my deputies are
coming through hot and heavy.
Bill? What the hell are you doing out
on a night like this?
Phil, I need your car.
Listen to me. The foyer is clear.
So why don't we just leave
by the front door?
We'll just walk
right out the front door...
and you?! hop
into one of those cars, okay?
XANDER: This is the lookout.
- Talk.
The sheriff's crossed the bridge.
He's commandeered a car.
Ten minutes,
he'll be on your door.
What are you doing wasting time
talking to me, then? Get rid of him.
You better get that bloody thing open.
- MIKE: Go.
- Okay. Front door.
Wait. Get into the reception right now.
Hide in the reception.
We have no control over it all.
So whatever destiny that you think
or believe you have or have led...
What do we do?
Don't move.
What the hell is this?
That's what's written in every script...
in every movie
and book to this day...
Hey, what's going on here?
What's the problem?
Chloe, I have some good news.
Sheriff is on his way.
He's almost there.
- We can't stay. They're gonna find us.
- Just sit tight. He's on his way.
MAN [ON RADIO]: I want East Coast vets
using pills to kill the pain, I mean...
Not to worry.
The sheriff won't be coming
to dinner after all.
They want us to take an hour of lunch.
Talked that down to an hour...
You got 15 minutes.
- Chill out, man.
- Fifteen.
Vicki, the boy just ran outside.
Do not let him get away,
all right, love?
Oh, my God.
I lost him, Mike. I lost Jacob.
I don't see him anywhere.
Where are you?
I'm in the wine cellar.
I've gotta go find him.
They're gonna find him.
No. Don't do that. Hold on.
If he's in danger, you need to be safe
so you can help him.
- Don't move...
- I'm gonna go find him.
I am his mother, okay?
These people are killers.
If they came here for me,
then they can kill me. I've gotta find him.
Chloe, stop.
You can't help him if you're dead.
Look, I know what you're feeling, okay?
I... I'm a father.
I know what it's like to feel helpless.
And I would do anything for my girl.
I would eat a bullet.
But, Chloe...
don't you take that bullet
unless it's going to save him.
- Please, Mike.
- Trust me.
I'm gonna help you.
You have to have faith in me.
I have faith in you.
I control this house now.
I will give you cover
and I will get you out of there alive.
I'll get you both out.
But you need to trust me.
Do you hear me?
Smart house.
Maybe the power surge
scrambled the system.
How long? Come on.
You know,
you really need to back off.
You said this was gonna be easy.
"How hard could it possibly be?"
Those were your words, remember?
You do get this is all your fault, right?
Come again?
Wow, okay.
Let me walk you through it.
If you hadn't killed him...
Oh, my God.
...we could have avoided this mess.
MacPherson thought
he could steal from me.
Oh, yeah?
He did steal from you.
Go ahead, big man.
Let's see how fast
you can open that safe.
Come on.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
You gonna let me do my job? Hm?
Twelve minutes.
Yeah, man, I hear you.
Oh, my God.
Talk to me, Chloe.
They killed him.
They killed David.
Oh, my God.
Who are these people, Mike?
Who are these people?
What do they want?
What do they want from me?
I don't know.
Come on, come on.
Oh, shit.
What? Do they have him?
I've got the boy, Heflin.
Oh, Ms. Paige?
I've got a lovely little surprise for you,
Ms. Paige. Talk.
Mom? Mom?
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
We're all feeling a little bit tired,
so allow me to make this really simple.
You're going to show yourself.
If you do not, then I'm gonna put
an end to the MacPherson family line.
Is that understood?
Three seconds. That would be "one."
- Chloe, please don't go out there.
- I have to go out there.
If they see you, take you,
we got nothing. There's nothing I can do.
- God. Oh, God.
- Why don't we call that "three and a half"?
They'll kill you both.
We'll have nothing...
I'm here. I'm here. I'm here.
I'm here. Please don't hurt him.
Nice to finally make
your acquaintance, Chloe.
I believe you've already met
my associate.
- Please just let my son...
- Shut up.
You and I have some
very important business to attend to.
- Oh! God! Okay.
- After you.
Open it.
I've never seen this before.
- This is your house, isn't it?
- I didn't know this was here.
Right. Well, now you know.
- So open it.
- I don't know how.
You really have no idea
about anything, do you, Ms. Paige?
Let's take your late,
beloved husband, David.
Where is he? Do you know?
Have you ever given any thought
to how he's been able to provide you...
with this, uh, life of luxury?
Your designer clothes, expensive toys,
this wonderful smart-ass house?
Do you really think all this
high-tech security is for your safety?
He's protecting something in that safe.
Something that belongs to me,
and I want it back.
- Do I make myself clear?
- Yeah.
What did he mean by "late"?
HEFLIN: Daddy's gone.
With any luck, you might get
to say goodbye to your stepmom too.
Wouldn't that be nice?
I'm so sorry, baby.
They killed him.
It's a lie. They're just telling you that
to scare you.
Your daddy is dead!
Okay? Now, the safe!
I don't know anything about this.
Please, just...
Well, Astor has two numbers already.
Don't you, Astor?
Twenty-nine and four.
Twenty-nine and four.
Now, that has to mean something.
I know it's not your birthday
or anniversary.
I know it's not the day he proposed to you
at the Japanese garden south of 24th.
What am I missing?
Twenty-nine and four.
- Think!
- I don't know! I don't know.
Two, one. Key to the door. The day
Jacob was baptized at St. Thomas'.
Before your time, I guess.
Think. CHLOE: Ah! Okay.
What don't I know?
Okay. Okay.
HEFLIN: Maybe when you touch it,
you'll get a feel for it.
- Okay. I'm gonna try. I don't know.
- Give it your best shot.
Okay. Okay.
MAN: Ninety-nine-point-nine percent of it
goes to them, one way or the other.
The bridge is open
and the bacon's riding up a real storm.
HEFLIN: Slow them down.
Forget it.
There's too many of them.
I need the time, Xander.
Just buy it for me, all right?
I'll make it worth your while.
Aye. All right, then.
Yes, I'll let him know.
Mike, police are on their way
with extra units as backup.
- How long?
- Ten minutes.
She doesn't have 10.
We're running out of time, Ms. Paige.
'Open m - Ah!
I've tried everything I can think of.
Phone numbers, addresses.
I'm just guessing at this point.
To hell with this.
Come on. Move. Out of the way.
- Patience.
- She doesn't know anything.
- We got five minutes? I can crack it.
- Bullocks you can crack it.
You've had your chance.
She needs the motivation.
Not the kid, for chrissake!
I'd open the safe if I were you.
Twenty-nine and four.
- Now, open it!
- Okay.
Do it! Hurry up! Come on!
Mike? Mike?
Mike, are you there?
MIKE: Yeah, I'm here. I'm here.
- Is Jacob okay?
- He's fine. Listen to me.
Do you have a weapon in the house?
Yes or no?
Yeah, yeah. My husband's got a gun.
David's got one.
MIKE: Have you got it?
- Uh-huh.
- Do you know how to use it?
- David showed me once.
HEFLIN: Chloe!
Is it loaded?
- Yeah.
- There's a safety on the side.
Switch that off.
Okay. Okay.
- Oh, God. Mike, I'm losing you.
HEFLIN: Chloe.
Chloe, where exactly are you upstairs?
- I'm in the master bathroom.
- Good, good.
You stay strong, okay?
Don't give up now.
HEFLIN: Chloe.
I know what you're trying to do.
Just promise me one thing.
Promise me that you?! make sure
Jacob is okay.
I won't have to.
You're gonna make sure.
I don't think I can do this.
You have nowhere to go, Chloe.
I don't think I can shoot someone.
Chloe, put both hands
around that gun right now.
HEFLIN: So why don't you
just stop pissing around?
I know it's heavy, but you're strong.
Now, you're gonna line that up.
And as soon as you see him...
do not look in his eyes.
You aim for the biggest part of his body
and you fire. Do not hesitate.
You're just making things worse, woman.
If you do not shoot first,
he is going to kill you, Chloe.
How close are the police?
They're not close enough, love.
HEFLIN: Chloe!
CHLOE: Oh, my God. I can't.
- You have to.
- My hands are shaking.
Just breathe.
I'm gonna try something.
HEFLIN: Chloe.
I know you're up here, Chloe.
I've lost Jacob...
I have to go out there and find him...
Backed yourself into a bit of a corner,
have you, Ms. Paige? Huh?
Mike? Mike? Mike?
Mike, are you there?
I guess you're not going to open
that safe for me after all, are you?
Damn shame.
We could have been bloody minted.
- Oh, Jacob.
- Mom.
Oh, my God. You're okay.
You're okay. Thank God.
Oh, my God.
I love you.
I love you too.
Let's get out of here.
Hi, monkey.
ROBIN [ON PHONE]: Hey, Daddy.
What are you doing up so late?
Are you still working?
Yeah, because...
I can't sleep.
I miss you.
I'll be home soon.
I love you, Daddy.
All right. I love you too.
You did it.
We did it.