Home Run (2013)

There is hurt
And there is pain
We are bound
And broken
There are none
Without to stay
Secret things
I have known
The heavy hand
I am scarred
And scattered
I have heard
The very ones
Oh really matter
Come on,
put the cards in.
Come on,
batter up.
Let's go hide it.
Get on out here.
Let's go.
Batter up.
Uh-huh. Where do you
think you're going?
Who going
to be first?
I'll do it.
Yeah, you'd better.
Strike one.
Strike three. You're
out. You're done, son.
Be a man.
You're flinching.
Stay in there. Come
on, let's go. Ready?
Strike five.
That was way outside.
What are you swinging
at that for?
Come on, stay in there. Strike seven.
Strike eight.
Strike nine.
Strike ten.
Stay in the box.
Strike eleven.
Strike twelve.
Stay there.
Strike thirteen.
I'll stay here
all day, son.
Strike fourteen.
Strike fifteen.
You're watching it.
You stay there.
Strike sixteen.
Strike seventeen.
Strike eighteen,
you little sissy.
You're going
to cry now?
Is that what
I'm seeing?
Strike nineteen.
Let's do this, Cory.
Good afternoon,
Grizzlies' fans.
to Grizzly Stadium.
And today's ballgame between
your Denford Grizzlies
and the Peninsula Pilots.
Today is Young Life day
at the ball park.
If a Grizzly hits a home
run during today's game,
Young Life will be presented
with a check for $10,000.
Let's go, guys.
Here we go, guys.
Good luck.
It's time, guys.
Go Grizzlies.
Hey, Cory.
Hey, Helene.
Heard you were chatting up with
Capano at the fundraiser last night.
Oh, come on, Helene,
you're the only girI for me.
I'd better be.
He had to be really drunk to
think that was a good deaI. Please.
He'd eat his first born if
it meant signing a new player.
I don't think
I signed anything.
All right.
Don't forget. Home run
today. 1 OK for Young Life.
You think Cory will remember
that Carlos is down there?
No clue.
Or even
who Carlos is?
I don't know.
Tough conditions for the hitters
today. Sun shining down brightly.
And when you've got guys like Chris
Ashman and Brett Stevens on the mound
it's not at all
a surprise
that we have a scoreless game
with only five hits so far.
Cory Brand batting 3-79
leading the league.
And he appears to be a shoo-in for
another all-star game next month.
Open your eyes, Blue.
Cory's not going
to like that call.
It appeared to be high
and outside.
De Cruz gave Ashman
the call of strike one.
Strike two.
Strike two.
That was way outside. What
are you swinging at that for?
You're going
to your momma?
You need to go talk
to your momma now?
Get in the box.
Go, Cory.
And it gets away
from the left fielder.
Go, go, go,
go, go, go.
He's going to try
to score.
Slides and safe.
That's what
I'm talking about.
The Pilots are going
to appeal it.
And Cory Brand
has been called out.
What are you
talking about, Blue?
He storms out
of the dugout,
and gets right in the face
of umpire Vic Cruz.
He's going to be thrown out
for slamming down the helmet.
And the replay shows he
clearly missed third base.
So, Cory Brand about to
give his team the lead.
Answer you, Blue.
Why don't you cool off?
You're like your
brother Blue over there?
How did you not see that
standing right there?
What are you talking about
I ain't touch base, huh?
Touched it now! There
it is. There it is.
Get out of my face.
Play ball.
And evidently the young bat
boy, he's the honorary bat.
Oh, my gosh.
Hey, what's
going on, huh?
Doc, is he all right?
Not sure what
exactly happened.
Is he okay? Can you see him? I can't.
I'm on, I'm on. As Corey
Brand went into the dugout.
Oh, my gosh.
I think that's enough ice.
Your face is going to freeze.
Dad, I'm fine.
Oh, hey, babe. How are
you doing? He's all right.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
All right, all right.
Hey, guys.
I'm thinking about
sticking around.
What? Why?
I can't leave him
like this.
What can you possibly
do for him? I don't know.
Just talk.
Find out what's up.
Hey, dude, can I hold your icepack?
Just for a second, Tyler.
It's an official icepack.
Only players and people
on the team can use it.
And I need it.
Here, take it.
Dude, the whole stadium
was cheering for you.
I know.
I was like pshhh.
Oh, and then I went like, oh, yeah.
He's the only
brother I've got.
All right.
I love you.
I don't make it easy.
Hey, bro.
What's this,
a reunion?
Why, did she
tell you to come?
We should talk, Cory.
Talk about what?
What happened to you
out there today?
Showbiz, bro.
It's part of the game.
I talked
to your trainer.
Said your blood alcohoI was. 15.
Couldn't find my keys
in that condition,
let alone hit one
out of the park.
It's a gift.
What are you doing
talking to my trainer?
You need help, Cory.
Are we done here?
That kid
you elbowed today?
That's my son.
Karen and I adopted him out
of foster care two months ago.
You'd know that if
you read an emaiI or...
returned one
of my calls.
I'm sorry.
Want to go grab
something to eat?
You got fat.
Kick your butt.
That's without
a personaI trainer,
and I work
for a living.
Yeah, what are you,
mayor now?
District attorney.
Got my own
parking spot.
And a bathroom key.
Look at you, fancy pants.
How's Emma?
She's all right.
Been hard on her and Tyler
since James died overseas,
but she says she's glad
to be back in Okmulgee.
What do we say we go get you a salad?
A salad?
No cheese.
Good morning,
Mr. Popular.
He's cute.
You've been suspended
for eight weeks.
Well, good morning to
you, too, Miss Sunshine.
Come here. I want to
show you something.
"Corey Brand
injures bat boy. "
A million hits.
It was an accident.
Can we talk about this later, please?
"Boozes it up in Vegas. " 364,908
hits. That was a good night.
"Drunk at a Strip Club. "
217,402 hits.
You're a disaster. Yeah,
well, I'm a 3-27 career hitter.
"Cory Brand DUl Caught on
Tape". Over a million hits.
Yeah, it looks a little bad when
you put them all together, all right?
But there were a lot of
sober moments in between them.
You still got
that condo in Miami?
Floor is a little warped.
Popped the water bed.
Here's what
you're going to do.
You're going
to fly to Tulsa
and drive down
to Okmulgee.
I'm not going to
Okmulgee. Oh, yes, you are.
You're going to Okmulgee
and make nice with the kid.
And then I'll arrange
a very public photo op.
The kid has a name. It's Carlos.
Carlos is going to get a bag
full of crap from the Grizzlies,
and a photo op
with a celebrity.
Then go chill on the beach in Miami
for eight weeks. Yeah, lucky me.
Plus, the Grizzlies want proof that
you're attending a 12-step program.
12-step? They want you out of sight
untiI you've completed
eight weeks.
And last but not least,
you're writing a check
for $10,000
for Young Life,
for that homer
you screwed up.
I'll see you in Tulsa.
Ladies and gentleman, welcome
to Tulsa International Airport.
Local time is 3:34 and the
temperature is 98 degrees.
Hey, you didn't have to waste so
much money renting such a fancy car.
Don't worry about it.
How do you even get in this
thing? It's got no handles.
We're here to help
farm boy.
Oh, man, Mr. Arby's
forgot my curly fries.
Hey, don't make me
go back in there, okay?
That guys nearly cried
when I signed his hat.
He did not. A grown
man. There were tears.
Hey, don't forget the
Arby's sauce. I got it.
Oh, these
are so good.
Come on, let's go.
Thank you, sir.
You satisfied?
Were you drinking
on the plane?
Let's see what
this baby can do, huh?
No, let's not.
Would you please
slow down?
Cory, look out.
So, my Little League team is
playing the Chiefs this week.
I'm going to start reading
for the Bulldogs.
We're going to run
them into the ground.
They're not going to
know what hit them.
Yeah, I love running
them into the ground.
Hey, go to the car. I need
to talk to this hot rod.
I don't care what your
District Attorney brother says.
I will put you
in jaiI.
There you are.
You better pray your brother
can keep this DU I under wraps.
You are now facing
a ton of fines
on top of what the Grizzlies
are going to give you.
What do you want me to do? You
better hope for a suspended sentence.
And could you just try to stay out of
trouble while I cover your butt, huh?
Oh, jeez, the kids
are here. What kids?
Stop when
you get inside.
My brother has
a baseball team.
Your brother is the
kids' baseball coach?
Why don't you just shoot
Bambi next time, Cory? Jeez.
Cory Brand.
Game face, Cory.
Good evening, folks.
I'm Helene Landy.
Did you sustain any
injuries. What happened?
As I was saying, Mr.
Brand is happy to report
other than a few bumps and
bruises that he's doing okay.
Cory, how's your brother? He's okay.
Clay Brand is resting comfortably
while sustaining some injuries.
What are we talking about? Cory, have
you been suspended by the Grizzlies?
Was there alcohoI
involved in the accident?
There was a tractor
involved in the accident.
And... out of love
for his brother,
Mr. Brand has kindly offered
to stay here in Okmulgee
and take his brother's place as head
coach of the kids' baseball team.
Cory Brand's coaching kids'
baseball? That's right.
Lucky team. Do the parents know their
kids are going to have Cory as a coach?
Does this mean you're
moving to Okmulgee?
That's enough. As you can imagine,
Mr. Brand's had a long day.
We'll release a statement tomorrow following
the team's first practice. Thank you.
Cory, is the field going to be big enough
for all the crowds that are going to be there?
You are way out of line this time.
No, you are, and I'm
fixing it. Dang, I'm good.
I'm not doing it.
Oh, that should be shelved.
It's on mine by now.
Next conversation?
Now, go see
about your poor brother
while I find you
a place to live.
How's our guy doing?
He wants
two minutes with you
and then I want you
to leave.
Hey, buddy.
A bit early in the day for a DU I.
I don't know what you're
saying. Don't-don't even try.
I did what I could
for you legally.
I never thought my baby bro
would be bailing me out.
I didn't baiI
you out.
I'll vouch for you.
Just don't go
skipping town.
I'm back.
Just the look of those polyester
bedspreads make me itch.
Okay, kid,
listen up.
I found you
a 12-step program.
There you go.
You couldn't find me
a normaI program?
Well, it is normaI.
It's just, um,
with Jesus.
I'm not doing church.
You're doing whatever it takes to
get your butt back on the roster.
Besides, it's the only
game in town.
Celebrate Recovery?
If your career recovers,
trust, I will celebrate.
Yeah, cheers.
All right.
Hey, hey,
where are you going?
I'm staying at Tulsa.
I'll drive back tomorrow.
What for?
Apology to the kid,
press event.
The only reason we rode
into this one horse town.
Well, how am I supposed to get around?
You're a big boy. Figure it out yourself.
I'll see you
on the field tomorrow.
And if you're smart,
you'll come ready to coach.
Just remember, you're happy to
be doing this for your brother
and for the children.
Hey, is that
your truck?
You want to rent it?
My truck? Five hundred
bucks for the month?
What's your name?
Hey, Chad, I'm going
to need those keys.
Oh, yeah.
Thanks, man.
Cory Brand.
Yeah, I know.
Hey, Chad, you know, my
fridge in there is empty.
You know
what I'm saying?
Um, I could fill it
for you.
With dull beverages.
And to remember to keep filling
it with the dull beverages.
Thanks a lot, Chad.
Good afternoon, everyone. I want to thank
you guys so much for coming out today.
What's up, slugger?
Cory Brand.
Looks like you got
your nose on straight.
I am so sorry
about that.
Oh, that's okay. Oh, we've
got some Grizzlies gear
that's got your name
written all over it.
Let's get that on straight for
the pictures. Okay, there we go.
Stan, that's Cory Brand.
No duh, Kendricks. It's all over
the Internet that he starts today.
Carlos, how about that
famous thumbs up sign?
Go Grizzlies.
Go Grizzlies.
Come here.
Get that camera right here.
Go Grizzlies.
Big smiles,
big smiles.
Are you ready?
He doesn't know yet?
I don't think so.
Oh, please,
Suzanne is here?
In heels.
She hasn't been here
all season.
I can't believe
you're our coach.
We need major help.
You'll see.
We're not even close to
as good as the Roughnecks.
They can hit the ball so far, like
as far as that building over there,
which is where you can
get the best ice cream.
Ah, it's ridiculous.
Come on, guys,
warm up, tickle up.
Oh, mom.
Come on.
Do I get to call you coach? Sure.
Okay, everyone. We are
done here. Thank you.
Cory, your suspension
hit the wires today.
Thank you, everyone.
Let's go.
Good luck, kid.
We'll see you
around, Carlos.
Hey, Carlos, what's your
favorite ice cream flavor?
Why are we always running? This bites.
My dad says the Grizzlies
suspended Cory Brand.
Pejerski says he drinks
like a fish.
Fish don't actually drink.
They use their gills.
give it a rest.
Who is that woman?
His agent.
Yeah, I got
to go do this.
Hey, hey, hey. Hey,
where are you going?
We're so good.
I'll call you
in a few days.
What am I supposed to
be doing? Start coaching.
Cory Brand.
Emma Johnson.
It's Hargrove.
I mean, it's-it's been
Hargrove for the last ten years.
Right, sorry.
I, uh...
Wow, it's good
to see you.
Well, thanks for, thanks for coming
out here today. I appreciate it.
Um, I'm actually one of
the Bulldogs' other coaches.
Look, um, I know you're
caught up in some big PR mess,
but let's be reaI.
These parents are never going to
go for you coaching their kids.
The are salt-
of-the-earth people.
And you're pretty much just
a wild child felon to them.
Wild child felon or not,
you guys are short a coach.
Yeah, but
we don't need you.
Here comes the truth. I mean,
they'll probably tell you
that they've got a volunteer
and you can be on your way.
Dan Stanton. I own the
hardware store and gas station.
Welcome home, Cory.
Cory Brand.
Greg Kendricks. It's
an honor to meet you.
We're thrilled
to have you here.
It's a reaI treat for these
kids. Not to mention us dads.
If you need anything, please
feel free to call the store.
Awesome. Thanks, guys. That's great.
See you.
So... ready
to get started, Coach?
Look, these kids will like
you and you will leave them,
so keep
your distance.
Third base is yours. It's
your only responsibility.
Mom, can we do something
else? It's so hot.
Tyler, you can't just walk
over here. It's just so hot.
Oh, hi, I'm Tyler.
Hey, man. Cory Brand.
Tyler, get back out there
with the rest of the team.
Em, is that... Look, I'm
begging you, keep your distance.
Third base.
Everything looked fine
on the outside, but, uh,
inside it was
a definite mess.
What started
as a private curiosity
became, uh, something
I couldn't stop.
Eventually, I was
looking at porn at work.
Until the day
two security officers
confiscated my computer and
escorted me out of the building.
They had every website and every
minute I spent looking at them,
logged right there
in black and white.
I've... never felt such
shame and embarrassment.
My porn addiction and my
unwillingness to face it,
led to the loss
of my family,
my job,
and my self-worth.
Depression followed.
How is it going?
John Townsend.
Folks call me J.T.
Yes, my agent
told me to find you.
You're the one who's going to
be signing off all my paperwork.
Hey, listen, I think I landed
in the wrong room over there.
I'm just looking for, you
know, basic 12-step program.
I think I ended up
with the sex addicts.
Not that I'm judging.
It's just...
You're in the right room. Just
takes a while to know it sometimes.
Here's how it works.
After the main meeting,
we break into small groups.
We call open share, where we talk about
anything from chemically dependent,
sexual addictions,
childhood abuse,
eating disorders
and so on.
Huh. What if
you have them all?
If you have them all,
then one day at a time.
I'm the ministry leader, so if
you have any questions, concerns,
jokes you feeI like
you need to tell,
I'm the one
to talk to.
Uh, well, I think I'm
going to head back in there.
All right.
Good to meet you.
Yeah, I still can't believe people
are talking like that in church.
Good to have you, Cory.
But God
changed everything.
He changed me.
Long story short.
My wife and I were reunited
in marriage last August.
Because of my time
in Celebrate Recovery,
I know how
to run to God
and his people
when I need help.
And he does
help me every time.
Thank you
for letting me share.
Welcome to everyone
to open share.
I'm J.T. I'm a gratefuI
believer of Jesus.
I'm currently struggling
with alcoholism.
Hey, J.T.
My name is Rick,
and, uh, I'm a Christian.
And I'm struggling
with cocaine addiction.
Hi, Rick.
Oh, I'm Cory. Currently
struggling with my agent.
We're glad
you're here, Cory.
Hey, Coach.
What's up, slugger?
Hey, Coach.
Hey, Tyler.
You guys ready to work
hard today? Yes, sir.
How weird
is this for you.
Weird? Actually more like scary.
So, what are we
going to practice today?
Sliding? No, we need
to practice our batting.
We suck.
I mean stink.
Could always work on
winning. That'd be nice.
You're having any feelings for him?
You can't be serious. Yeah, actually
I'm feeling that he's in my space
and he needs to go off
to his big far away life.
Hey, hey, Tyler. Tyler,
come check this out.
Your mum and Cory Brand were
the best couple in high schooI.
No way.
First comes love, then
comes marriage, then comes...
Mom, why
didn't you tell me?
Tell you what?
Where did you get that?
My dad. Oh, really?
Remind me to thank him.
You know, I'm going to keep
this untiI after practice, okay?
Keep what? It's nothing. Let's go.
What is it?
Let me see.
It's our year book.
What do we go here, boys?
Look at how
adorable you are.
Hey, Coach, does this mean that
you and Coach Emma K- I-S-S-E-D?
Oh, you think you're
F-U-N-N-Y, don't you?
How about you get out on the field
for a K-I-C-K your B-U-T-T-Ses?
Let's go, boys.
You can keep that.
All right,
let's go practice, guys.
Oh, my gosh.
Atta boy.
All right, Kendricks. Let's
go, let's bring our boy in.
Show us how
it's done, girl.
Right. Time out, time out.
Kendricks, come here.
You're a leftie
just like me.
You're two steps closer
to first base.
So lay down the right
bunt. But there's two outs.
Yeah, I know.
Trust me.
Think like
a gazelle, huh?
Never look back.
All right,
let's go, Kendricks.
Nice bunt, Kendricks.
Nice job, Kendricks.
It's good.
Okay, when I touch my ear,
that's the indicator, all right?
We're going to slide,
we're going to steaI,
we're going to work
on our double cuts.
Our pitch outs
and our infield shifts.
We're going to double
steal, hit and run,
and suicide squeeze.
We're going to fart in
some runs if we have to.
Give me two laps, and I'll see
you at the game on Saturday.
Let's go, Stanton.
That means you, too, buddy.
Play ball.
Come on, Caleb,
just like practice.
Let's go.
Hitting strikes, buddy.
Caleb, you need to step up in
the big boy jeans right now.
Start throwing strikes at
this team. They can't hit them.
It's the Bulldogs
for crying out loud.
Let's play ball.
Let's go, batter.
Look at me son. What did
I tell you? I said strike...
Nice work.
I will step into it.
I will pull you first
thing. Don't make me.
I won't tell you again.
Say yes, sir.
What do you say we
lighten up, huh, Coach?
And what do you say you play your
game, all right? That's my boy.
All right, Tyler, my
man. Let's go, buddy.
Come on now,
we got two more.
I say now
shore up that stance.
A little bit
closer now.
That's okay, Tyler, you
stand wherever you want.
I know where that ball
is going to go.
Yeah, just
don't step into it.
A little bit
closer now, Tyler.
You stand wherever
feels right, baby.
Look at me, son.
I'll call your sister.
I will call your sister.
I'll embarrass you in front of
everybody out here right now.
You understand me?
That's not what we trained for, is it?
Now start throwing strikes at
this team. They can't hit them.
What? You questioning my coaching?
Come on.
Strike one. See how easy that was?
Hey, Coach, all day
long. All day long.
Come on, Caleb.
Strike two.
Caleb, two strikes.
You know that, right?
Can't hit a ball looking
at it. Swing at it.
Swing at the ball
next time.
Step into play and swing at
it. Get your head in the game.
Strike three.
You're out.
Let's go.
Hey, son.
When I said get your head in the
game, I didn't mean miss the ball...
Get over and pick that
bat up. Pick that bat up.
Let me
tell you something.
Sit down. You're benched.
You understand me?
What you say
we lighten it up, Coach.
I'll deaI with you
in a minute. Sit down.
What did you just say to
me? Let's go, Bulldogs.
I said let's take it
easy, coach. Did you now?
Where do you think he learned
that kind of attitude from, Cory?
Hey, Dad! Shut up, son. You sit down.
Watching idiots
like you, Cory.
Cory Brand back in town, aren't you?
You know what?
Let me smell.
Apple doesn't fall too far
from the tree now, does it?
You know
what you are, Cory?
You're a showboat and you're a
drunk, just like your old man.
You are both
out of here.
Thanks, Tony.
Nice going, Cory.
I wasn't drinking.
You weren't arrested
for drinking.
Hey, I stood up for that kid the
way no one stood up for me with Dad.
You're looking more
like him every day, Cory.
That's because I was
taking all your hits.
All my hits?
What do you think happened
after you left, huh?
You're not the only one that
grew up in that house, Cory.
Yeah, walk away.
That's what
you do best, Cory.
You're killing me.
Assaulted an officer?
It wasn't assault.
This is
your lying low?
And uploaded photo
went from Facebook to...
Just fix it.
It might take
a little effort,
but I'm sure
you can handle it.
My name is Rick.
I'm a Christian.
I was struggling
with cocaine addiction.
Hi, Rick.
I came to CR not for
recovery from crack,
but to fake it so
that my wife and family
would get off my back.
I came every week,
I did all the lessons.
And to my surprise, I
began dealing with my past.
I started to understand why I used.
When I got
to step nine,
make direct amends to the
people you have harmed,
I thought make amends
face to face?
I don't think so.
So, I skipped over
that step.
After ushering
for two years,
the temptation proved to be
a bit more than I could handle
and I started
taking money
from the offering
each week.
During this time, I was
in the second-step study,
and I-I wanted
to finally make the...
I needed to finally make the amends
to the people
in my life.
Which meant I had to
confess what I had been doing
to the ministry leaders.
And when I met
with them, I...
I expected to be relieved of my guilt.
I received
so much more.
I experienced God's love
and forgiveness.
Now, to complete
the step,
I need to make
amends with you also.
Because it's your
ministry, too.
And I stole
from you,
and so I stand here
and I ask you
if you'll please
forgive me.
The truth is,
God forgave me
long before
I came to CR but...
But I still
felt broken
and I didn't know
how to fix it.
And then I got here and
learned verses like James 5:16
that told me if I confessed
my sins to someone,
I could be healed.
I still mess up.
I'm not who I was.
I'm changing.
I'm getting healed.
Thank you
for letting me share.
I didn't even know
they made basketball cards.
Next limp.
More puzzle pieces.
Oh, I found Nick.
I found Nick, too.
HaI Osberg.
Got it.
Cory Brand.
Oh, my gosh.
Are there any more?
Uh, just the one.
Dang it.
You can have it. He
busted me on the nose, so.
I think it's bad luck or something.
Are you bringing it to
the game? Oh, I don't know.
Come on, you got to
bring it to the game.
Yeah, I just don't want to bother him.
He signed it. This
could be... Fifty cents.
You didn't bring
enough money?
This should do it.
If he signs it, this
could be worth a ton.
We are going
to be rich.
Bulldogs, huddle up!
Now, come on.
How about some
new uniforms?
Grab some hats.
That's my number right there.
That's you, buddy.
Way cooler
than the Roughnecks now.
Who needs some shoes?
New Nike's for you.
Here you go, slugger.
Size eight.
Hey, guys,
what do you say?
Thanks, Coach Cory.
Thanks, Coach Cory.
All right,
we got to win now
'cause we're
looking good, right?
Let's go, Bulldogs.
Go, go home.
Come on.
All right, Kendricks,
let's go, let's go.
Good job, Bulldogs.
Nice, nice.
Good work,
good work.
Atta boy.
Atta boy, Carlos.
Come on,
let's get them.
All right, Tyler,
come on now.
The winning run
is on second.
That's it, buddy.
Step up in there.
Come on.
Tyler, come here.
Tyler, look at me.
How many years
you been playing ball?
All right.
How many hits you got before
you took one in the face?
I don't know.
Fifteen, twenty?
Fifty, sixty?
All right.
So, what do you think the
chances are of getting hit today?
Probably not
going to happen, huh?
Probably not.
Get back in there, step up
to the plate, hit the ball.
All right.
Nothing great happens
when you hold back.
Let's go.
Come on.
There it is! Yes!
Carlos, go.
Nice job.
Nice play, son.
Bring it in,
bring it in.
Where's Tyler?
Hey. That's what I'm talking
about. Stepping up to the plate.
Nice hit.
How about that, huh?
Great win
today, guys.
Thanks, Coach.
Come on, Carlos.
Awesome game, Coach.
See you later.
Awesome base
running, Carlos.
Thanks, Coach. Couldn't
have done it without you.
Come one now. We couldn't have
done it without you, Tyler.
Great job.
Nice game.
Yeah, we made quite the
team out there, didn't we?
How about
we grab some pizza?
Come on, Mom. No, I'm
sorry. Sorry, sorry.
I've got, uh, you know,
we've got a thing.
Have fun
at your thing.
You, uh,
have plans tonight?
Yeah, you know,
some ESPN, little ESPN.
Probably some ESPN
after that.
Nah, I don't have
any plans tonight.
You want plans?
Pick you at your moteI around 6:00?
Six o'clock.
See you then, right?
Don't be late.
It's going to be fun.
It sounds like it.
In a effort to earn
the money you pay me,
I scored you a nationaI
television interview this Saturday.
Well, well, well, so nice
of you to finally call me.
With the all-star vote coming up, we
need to get you back in the public eye
looking clean
and sober.
Get people to fall
in love with you again.
Oh, please, they've always loved me.
Ha. That's because I remind
them how much they do love you.
Okay, fine.
Book it.
Let's get me seen.
Hey, J.T.,
I'll be right back.
So, this is
your thing.
Not very hospitable
of you, Emma Hargrove,
to not tell
a poor stranded fooI
about the Wild West
Chili Fest.
FooI, yes.
Stranded, never.
You get your
Ferris wheeI on, yet?
You're missing life in
the fast lane, aren't you?
Yes and no.
Beating the Jets today, that was,
that was a new all-time high for me.
You're right
about Tyler.
He just needed
to be pushed.
I get, uh, I get too caught up...
You're a great mom.
He's a great kid.
He is.
Hey, dude, it's Coach. Come on.
What's up, guys?
Hey, Coach, we found a rookie
card today at the store.
We were wondering if
you could sign it. Sure.
I didn't know you guys
collected baseball cards.
Oh, yeah.
All the time.
I got some really cooI
ones back in the barn.
Seventy-three Passy,
Ninety-three Begonus.
I have Passy
and Begonus, too.
Yeah? Well, we should get together
and compare cards some time.
Maybe after this we can go back
to the barn and check them out.
Oh, come on,
come on, please.
Okay, sure.
Tug O' War.
To one of the best
nights of my life.
I'm glad you found
a thing tonight.
Good old Oklahoma.
Wait till you see this, guys, huh?
How cooI is this.
How cooI, right?
Oh, sweet.
All right.
Who's this?
Dad. Your dad played ball?
That's your dad?
Yeah, he was
a great player.
He never made it
past AA, though.
Come on, where
are they, Cory?
Where's the box?
Where's the box, huh?
It's not in here. It's a small
wooden box, guys, with a metaI latch.
All the important
ones are in it, huh?
It's got to be here.
They're gone.
I can't believe it!
He must have sold them.
That drunk!
What's going on? Look, I just
wanted to show the kids, all right?
Okay, boys, come on. Get on back to the house,
okay? No, no, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine.
Yeah, right.
What is the matter with you?
In front of the kids?
Stay out of it, Karen.
No one's touched your
precious stuff in years, Cory.
Look, he did, okay? He always messed
things up. He always screwed everything up.
You can't keep playing the
victim. It doesn't work.
What do you know
about my life, huh?
What do you know about
anything for that matter?
You're just some sheltered
Sunday schooI teacher,
so spare me the lecture
untiI you've lived
through something
a little more stressfuI
than your kitchen sink
backing up.
I don't want
to hear it.
Let's go.
Okay, kiddo.
Lights out.
Good night.
Love you.
Love you, too.
What's this?
I know, sort of impulsive, but, uh,
I wanted to give her to Tyler.
Is that a dog?
All yours, sport.
She's mine?
No. Look, it's all there.
Training crate, food,
leash. What are you doing?
You can't just come over
here and give my son a dog.
I wanted to apologize for last night.
By heaping a ridiculous
responsibility on him and me?
Come on, Mom. Can't we keep him?
Tyler, we're not keeping the dog.
That figures, you always say
no. Every kid should have a dog.
You don't get to have a say in
what he should or shouldn't have.
Look, this whole thing
is so not okay.
You have to go, and
take your dog. Tyler.
Come on.
Hi. My name is Karen.
Hi, Karen.
And I'm a grateful
believer in Jesus.
I Celebrate Recovery from
sexuaI abuse by my father
from the time I turned
eight untiI I was sixteen.
While going through these
experiences I felt alone,
with no one
to reach out to,
not one person to tell.
My whole life I had carried the
pain, burden and shame for my past.
Even though I've been
a Christian for years,
I hid my pain and shame
from everyone I knew.
When I-when I
learned as an adult
that I would not be able
to bear children of my own,
this was the final blow.
I felt completely
abandoned by God.
When I attended
Celebrate Recovery,
I wasn't prepared
to experience
the freedom and relief
I would gain by sharing my
deep hurt with God and others.
I love that I don't have
to hide who I am here.
I can go to my step
study and share openly
without the fear
of being judged.
I'm just me.
Banged up
and imperfect.
Because of the work of Jesus, I'm
no longer living my life in shame.
Thank you
for letting me share.
Run, run.
You're running on.
All right, Bulldogs.
Hey. Why aren't you in the limo?
Why aren't you on your way to
Tulsa? Any of this ringing a bell?
Yeah, hey, about that,
we need to reschedule.
I am about to blow an artery if you
just said what I think you just said.
No, I'm serious,
we need to reschedule.
You are not missing
this interview.
The Grizzlies just brought
up a kid from the Springs,
and this kid is good,
Cory. And guess what?
He's not a pain
in the butt.
You will not say no.
No, all right? I'm not
missing my son's game.
Your son? Is this some kind
of line from Green Acres?
No, it's not, Helene,
all right?
My son's on the Little
League team and I'm his coach.
Got to go.
I'm going to kill him.
Everything okay? Yeah, I just forgot
I had this TV interview scheduled.
Oh, you should go.
No, I already
told my agent.
Forget it, it's done,
it's over, too late.
Seriously, Cory, it's your career. Go.
Believe it or not,
we can handle it.
No, no,
I'm staying.
Come on, we got a game
to win, coach. Let's go.
What's up, Bulldogs?
High fives.
Hey, Kendricks.
What's up, Coach?
Nice day, huh?
Great breeze.
How's your parents?
The pitcher is nervous.
Second baseman
has got a weak arm.
Let's shake
things up, huh?
You know what
I'm saying?
Stanton, was that you?
Trying to fart in the run.
You still see that play? Yeah.
Run, Kendricks.
Don't throw it.
On the go!
Don't throw it!
Go, Will, go. Go.
Go home!
Go home!
Go home!
There it is.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Nice job, Bulldogs.
What's up? We won. Nice.
What were we training for
all week?
Are you
kidding me, guys?
Get on the bus. Take
your stuff and let's go.
All right, buddy.
Huh, that's
quite a win.
It's so good.
Watch your hands.
You got rubbed. It's not an
all-star team unless you're on it.
What are you
talking about, buddy?
How's the NationaI League going
to win if you're not on the team?
Come on,
let's go, son.
See you, Coach.
All right, buddy.
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine. I just...
forgot that news came out today.
All right,
I'm going to head out.
See you, Coach.
Good game, Tyler.
It's going.
It's going.
It's gone.
See you.
It's going.
It's back.
FouI ball.
What are you doing?
Hey. Well, I was just wondering
how you were doing after
the all-star news but I...
Well, I see that you're
the same as always.
I didn't get the vote.
No, yeah, I know.
I was upset.
My career
is in the gutter.
I'm out here
wasting my time.
Well, I'm sure it's very
disappointing for you.
But then, adults cope with
disappointment all the time.
Ask me how I know. I know,
I know I disappointed you.
All right? I didn't just leave
to go play baseball, you know?
Being a father scared
the crap out of me.
But I've changed, Emma.
Wait, Emma.
Emma, stop.
I want to be
his father.
Really you want to be his
father, Cory? Yes, I do.
It takes courage
to be a parent.
It is sheer bravery
to love a child.
To be there for them,
to care for them,
to love them
when they push you away.
It takes courage to
put your dreams on hold.
To juggle your own heartache
and disappointments.
And just when you think that you
might be getting the hang of things,
you lose
your husband.
So, now you have no choice
but to just pull it together
and care
for the most precious,
the most amazing person
you have ever known.
Parenting is not
for cowards, Cory.
You ran before.
You'll run again.
It was a mistake, all
right? A huge mistake.
The old man said I'd end
up resenting you and the kid
the way he resented
having me.
He told me I'd screw
up the baby's life.
And I believed him, okay?
I believed him.
So, your only choice
was to just write us off?
I didn't write you off, okay?
You went off and got married.
Whatever's broken
in you, Cory,
whatever your dad did or
didn't do, I can't fix it.
Neither can Tyler.
That hurt inside you
is going to hurt Tyler.
It already has.
He needs a father.
Well, he had a father.
But he died.
And James is the only person that
was there for us when you left.
And that amazing,
unselfish man
is the only father
Tyler has ever known.
And for now
that is how it stays.
Strike six.
You're standing there
watching it.
Let me see something
out of you for once.
Strike nine.
Come on. Come on, stay in there.
Get your elbow up.
You can't hit it like that.
Strike ten.
Come on, you little sissy. Stand up.
Go on,
go get it.
You going to cry now?
Is that what I'm seeing?
You're going to stand there and cry?
You know, I- I-I first
thought that, you know,
Meth could be
like a-like a fun thing,
and I could-I could
stop any time,
but, you know, I
wouldn't tweak or nothing,
but... coming, coming down was hard.
And, uh, I just...
I had to have it.
I stole from my
grandma's purse to get it.
I couldn't stop.
So, I started,
you know,
going through
these questions.
I- I-I forced myself to answer
these questions, you know.
I- I-I found out
why I used.
And I still,
I still struggle.
But I don't feeI, I don't
feeI hopeless any more.
It's getting better.
I can... I can feeI
myself changing.
That, that's...
Thanks for sharing.
Hey, Cory.
This is
your eighth week.
Seems so officiaI.
See you man. Hey, you know, it's, uh,
it's your last mandatory meeting
but we hope you keep coming back.
Yeah, all right.
It's been good.
Thanks, thanks.
Looky there.
Hey there, boys.
Oh. Hi, Officer Pajersky.
Hi, Coach. Officer Pajersky.
Mm-hm. What are you chewing on?
Paid for it?
Yes, sir.
Some game you guys
played the other night.
You know we're coming
after you next year.
I'll see you, Coach.
Dude, should we go
to my house?
Hold up there, Tyler.
Looks like you got
a new daddy.
You boys be good.
"Cory Brand
puts family first. "
Hey, is that you?
Coach Cory
is your dad?
Hey, where
have you been?
I left you
like six messages.
I got my walking
papers. I'm good to go.
Yeah, hey, I only got a
minute. I've got some bad news.
You're free-agent now. You've been
released. What are you talking about?
Well, it turns out they didn't miss
you that much these past two months.
Cory, you're
too much trouble.
Look, it's cool.
I've made some calls...
Hey, girI.
Yeah, let me ask. Hold on,
I'm just getting inside.
Hey, babe.
Have you seen Tyler?
Let me call you back.
Come here.
What are you
doing here, Tyler?
Hey, what are you
doing here, sport?
Get in the car, Tyler.
Tyler, get in the car.
You had no right.
I can't believe you used us
like this. Tyler, get in the car.
Mom, no.
Are you my dad?
I have your cards.
Your dad
gave them to me.
He used
to mow our lawn.
I didn't know
they were yours.
I'm sorry.
Get in the car.
You lied to me.
Got your message.
I can't stop.
I can't make
myself stop.
I know.
The first step
is the most important.
Reminding us to
surrender to Christ only.
If you've identified a new area that
you'd like to surrender to Christ
or if you've relapsed
and you're coming back,
I hope you'll come
forward today
and remember
this surrender day.
Now please stand
for the serenity prayer.
God, bring me
the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
the courage to change
the things I can,
and the wisdom
to know the difference,
living one day
at a time,
enjoying one moment
at a time.
Accepting hardship
as a pathway to peace.
Taking as Jesus did the
sinful world as it is,
not as I
would have it.
Trusting that you
will make all things right
if I surrender
to your will.
So that I may be reasonably
happy in this life
and supremely happy with
you forever in the next.
My father's work took him
away from us most of the time.
And my stay-at-home mother was
verbally and psychologically abusive.
As a child,
I lived in a constant
state of fear.
I believed in God,
but I had this warped
sense of who he was.
And I couldn't trust him.
Life, for me,
was performance based.
after going
through my step study,
I now believe
that God
is a loving father.
He's not waiting to send me to
hell for every mistake I make.
No matter what my childhood
experiences has taught me,
I am valuable because
I'm a child of God.
I'm Cory.
And I'm a new believer
in Jesus Christ.
And I struggle
with alcoholism.
Hi, Cory.
Glad you're here.
Oh, come on, you guys,
this is pathetic.
You got to at least try.
This is like that movie where
the lady leaves the children
and then it's not fun
for them anymore.
Hey! What's that movie called, the one
with the nun and the singing children?
The Sound of Music?
This is just like
The Sound of Music.
Except it's not fun
anymore without Coach Cory.
You're killing me, Carlos.
Hey, girI.
Sorry I'm kind of
popping in unannounced.
That's okay.
You want to come in?
Uh, is Tyler here?
He's around here
Let's go out here.
Uh, Tyler called Clay
asking if we would convince you to
let him go to the ballgame tomorrow.
Oh, he called you?
I'm so sorry.
Absolutely not.
Look, no, I really
appreciate that Clay and Cory
worked out
some stuff this year,
and that your family
is doing better.
No, I'm just
not there, yet.
Emma... Karen, people don't change.
Look, honey,
I love you,
but the only person who's not
changing around here is you.
AII I could say is just
taking it one day at a time.
I'm in Tulsa now, and just
folks are now doing a good job.
Would you excuse me? I've got
some really important guests.
Thank you.
Hey, what's up, guys?
Huh? Bring it in.
How's practice, huh?
Hi, Cory.
You look great.
Good to see you. Yeah?
Good to see you, guys.
How are you? I'm good. I'm good.
They make it?
Yeah, it's all right.
Did you say anything about the
Bulldogs to those reporters?
Don't be stupid, Carlos.
Okay, look, we do get
that station. Yeah.
You get a player's
discount at the gift shop?
I think so. Yeah, we
can work something out.
What do you say
we hit some balls?
I can introduce you
to the team.
All right, let's go.
Good idea.
Get out of here.
Batter up, you little sissy.
Get your hands
together on the bat.
Stand in the box.
Five minutes.
Cory Brand.
This boy
belong to you?
Let me call you
right back.
He sure does. What's up, buddy? Huh?
I'm sorry
we missed your game.
How have you been?
How you been?
You look good.
So great
to see you, guys.
You look great.
Thank you.
You guys
have some time?
Yes, please.
Please, please, please.
Yes, we do.
You want to see the field? Yeah.
So, what
do you think?
Can you pop one
over that fence?
No. Oh, I bet you could.
No, I couldn't.
One day.
How is Coach Clay
treating you guys?
You guys beat the Roughnecks? Yeah.
That's what
I'm talking about.
Coach Pajersky wasn't really
happy. I bet he wasn't.
Time to go.
Oh, come on, Mom.
Come on, let's
bring it in, sport.
Hey, Tyler, come here. What is it?
I got something
for you.
You sure you want me to have it?
Belongs to you now.
Thanks for coming.
Hey, listen,
there's, uh...
There's nothing I can do to
make up for what I've done.
For what
I put you through.
And Tyler.
I'm sorry.
I'm so,
so sorry, Emma.
And I hope
you can forgive me.
Listen, I'm...
I'm not asking
for anything, okay?
I want you to know
I love this family.
I believe in this family and I
want to be a part of it as much
or as little
as you'II let me be.
Nothing great happens
when you hold back.
You hungry?
Let's go.
I have left
The battle lines
There's a hope
That lies
In front of me
I've discovered
Who I am
And I found
I was
The enemy
I have struggled
For so long
I lay it down
I give it up
I'm letting go
Of this war
I've always known
I wave the flag
I humbly fall
On my knees
I have tried
To do it all
On my own
I surrender
I've used alcohoI
my entire life
to replace the love
and attention
I never received
from my father.
But every drop
of alcohoI,
every drop,
every one night stand,
would never replace
the ache inside of me.
An ache that only God could fill.
I tried to change.
But I failed
every time.
And I know now that I'm
powerless without God.
But with his help,
I found a freedom
from my pain and my habits
that I never thought
was possible.
My family has suffered
for generations.
And I suffered because
of my father's pain.
And my father suffered
because of his father's pain.
But this is how
it changes.
This is where
it changes.
And today I begin
a new story.
I'm a child of God.
And I have a father
who loves me.
On and off
the baseball field.
Thank you
for letting me share.
Another dream
Passes through
The night
Through the night
Another night Cried yourself To sleep
I'm thinking It's over now This time
This time
I'm wishing It's over now This time
I'm thinking
It's over
Yeah I'm thinking
It's over
I'm thinking It's over
but now It's your time
To change your life
And this is
Your moment
This is
Your moment
To change
Your life
And this is
Your moment
This is
Your moment