Home Sweet Home (2011)

When? -What does it matter?
When you weren't at home!
What CD is that?
- It's just this...
We played this at my mum
and dad's funeral. You were there.
I can't remember the music.
I'll put it on. - Stop it!
What's going through your head?
- What now?
We're not playing this.
Sami, help!
Has something happened?
Sami, help!
Don't you realise
what you have done?
Fucking bastard!
Bloody hell.
This is Sami Luoto.
I've had enough.
I will do my best, like I promised.
That's all I can do.
Hi, are you on patrol?
Can you pick me up?
Don't you have a spare tyre?
- Yes, but not four.
You're not in trouble, are you?
- No, this is kids' doing.
Do you want to file a report?
Is it any use? - No.
No, I meant for the insurance.
You're fully insured, right?
Sami. Sami. - What?
You're fully insured, right?
- Yeah! Close the door.
Are you coming on Saturday?
- Yeah.
What does Annika want
for a present? - Money.
I didn't think she'd want
a cross pendant. Hey, Sami.
Were you alone at the site?
Yes, why?
Has something happened?
You look pretty tired.
Why did you get a lift from Santtu?
- Flat tyre.
I put the sauna on.
Your father called. - When?
About an hour ago.
He had tried to call.
I didn't hear. What did he want?
- He doesn't tell me anything.
Have you had time to see
about those microcars? - What?
Everything is in order. - Good.
Annika, dinner!
What is she doing? Annika!
Everything is in order. Everything.
It would've been nice to have
a lie-in on a Sunday.
Where are we going?
- It's a surprise.
Isn't this mysterious? - Your
surprises tend to mean trouble.
What do you mean?
- Mum taught me that.
Come on now! Quick!
Well? - What?
What do you think?
- Of what?
a 3000 square metre plot.
I'm going to build four houses.
Three that are 700 -
and for us one
Have you bought this land?
- Yes. Well?
But you've one unfinished
house and two unsold houses.
Koistinen has buyers
for the house on Pihlatie.
Another couple is going to make
an offer on Latokuja, so no worries.
I had to be fast to get them.
But how did you pay for this?
I took a loan extension. - What?
It's a temporary solution.
- Do you know what you're doing?
I'm not taking any risks.
Like I promised you.
Okay, the house will be
in the middle.
Annika, move two metres to the left.
Move! This has to be right!
- I'll move. What does it matter?
No, bloody hell, you'd be
in the garden! Go back!
What are you two whispering?
- I told Annika to move a little.
This is stupid!
Don't... Look, concentrate!
I only see trees.
- Use your imagination!
I'm just trying to figure out
how I'd be able to see my friends.
Well... This will take at least year,
but on a scooter or in a microcar!
What did you say?
On a scooter or in a microcar.
Did you hear? - Yes.
I'm getting a microcar.
- Yes, you are.
Could we have my
confirmation party here?
That's not going to work.
It could rain or...
Use your imagination.
- What?
We could rent a marquee.
- Yeah!
Okay. Family hug.
If this new site is successful,
then the sky's the limit.
Don't get too excited. - Koistinen
is an excellent estate agent.
I never said
that Pihlatie is a done deal.
We were supposed to sign today.
- Yes, but times are difficult -
and this credit crunch makes
people and the banks careful.
What's happening here, is
a kind of "between the ears" effect.
"Between the ears" effect? - Yes.
Well, this Ltjnen
couple changed their minds.
That's life.
Did the couple interested in
the Latokuja house make an offer?
They, well...
I could tell straight away.
They had talked in detail at home
and probably in the bank.
I noticed that they were gushing.
I suggest we pull out
for at least two, three months.
Then the properties are fresh again.
I've used this method before
with pretty good success.
You haven't sold anything and want
to pull out for two, three months?
At least.
Let the rabbits run.
If we hold back a little, -
the rabbits start humping again.
That's how it is.
Like with your wife at home.
This is the end of the line for us.
- What do you? We have a deal.
I've spent time and money.
I'll charge for every single cent!
- For work not done?
It doesn't work this way.
- This is exactly how it works!
Your sites have already
been mortgaged over their value.
They won't be finished if I can't
buy materials and pay workers.
This situation has changed.
You gave incorrect
information on the selling.
I was misinformed.
Let's agree that you'll pay only the
interest on the capital for a while.
The property won't be
finished if I lose my guys.
You're cornering me.
I can't even pay the interest.
Well, then... Hello.
Sorry for the interruption.
Like ljust said...
- I only need 40000.
Let's shake hands on it.
I give you my word.
The thing is, we need something
more concrete than your word.
Now I get it. - What?
That interruption.
You had planned it.
I don't...
- You conniving bastard.
I knew it.
Why do you have to be there
on a Sunday morning?
Koistinen and I decided
to show the place together.
There could be
questions for the builder.
Hasn't he sold just fine without
you? - We want to give it a go.
This is a really peaceful area.
The only sign of life was a deer
that ran across the road.
Yeah! This is a nice place,
because nature is near.
Who would want an animal
so close that you nearly hit it?
This area is still developing.
You probably noticed how the yard
deserves a real garden enthusiast.
I don't like it. - What?
If we agree on a price,
we can change the doors.
The customer decides.
What does the husband think?
I don't like this either.
This is grossly overpriced.
- Let's go.
The ground floor is so horrible
that it makes you wonder -
what upstairs looks like.
Let's see if we can...
- I don't like this at all.
Not even the yard.
- Lf we lower by 20000...
No, we will wait.
- Wait for what?
This is a rare opportunity.
- Like hell it is.
You would take a shitty house in
the middle of nowhere for free, huh?
Hi, darling.
How did it go?
- Fine. A lot of people.
Go ahead and check out the sauna!
You can even try the stove.
The brochures are on the table.
There are details.
I have to go.
More people are coming.
I love you.
What a hullabaloo. Bye!
I would like to give you
a word of advice.
Make a list of everyone
you owe money to.
It'd be easier to list people
I don't owe anything to.
Your company was already debt
restructured after I helped you.
I could've told you straight away -
that it made no sense
buying those... skateplanks.
Nothing you do makes any sense.
- Well, whatever.
You never asked me. You went
to Helsinki and came back broke.
That was 18 years ago!
I was young. The skateboard
business could've taken off.
I couldn't foresee the devaluation.
Everyone had currency loans.
- I didn't.
I never built my company
with credit. Always with income.
I paid you back every penny.
Well, almost.
But you didn't learn anything.
What about Sari?
- It's so hot in here.
This is a sauna.
You were about six years old
when I taught you to flay an elk.
I can't remember.
It must have been Santtu.
Jutta and I are travelling
to Poland in two weeks.
Do you want more beer... darling?
This is enough, thank you, dear.
Thank you.
Why do you blame the world?
Look in the mirror.
Will you lend it to me or not?
- Why are you asking me for money?
Well, you happen to be my father.
- Oh yes.
You have a mother, too.
- She doesn't have anything.
You made sure of that when you
divorced. Did you ever love her?
I could get offended.
But I can't be bothered.
So you're not lending? - No.
I tried my best,
but this couldn't be helped.
Right away, without any warning?
Like I said, I tried my best...
Can you pay us something?
- No.
But surely for the work we've done?
- Yeah, for some of it.
Bloody hell.
When I get more financing, you're
welcome back. Hopefully soon.
I want and need
every bloody cent you owe me.
I can't turn into money...
I don't care where you get the money
as long as I get paid next week.
Yes, like I said... - I said
that I have to be paid next week.
Or things will happen.
It can't go...
...like this.
You promised Jere?
- He's my brother.
My company. - Why are you fussing?
You're busy, he needs work.
I need professionals.
Why is he unemployed again?
He just started at a warehouse.
- He got fired.
And you promised he can work
for me? - I said I'd talk to you.
Why do you make an issue of it?
He is my little brother. Darling...
Well... Alright.
At this hour? It's past ten. - Yes.
Why are you so tense?
Has something happened?
- No, I just feel likejogging.
What can you do?
Anything really.
What did you do in Sweden?
- I collected debts.
That has nothing to do with this.
I'd rather tell you
that I did woodwork in school.
It looks like you
don't do any work here.
- Building Company Sami.
Hrknen here.
I haven't got my money. - I know.
What? I have sent you materials!
They have to be paid for!
You don't need to shout.
- Don't need to shout, my arse!
My friends and I will...
- I understand.
Hello? Hello?
Are things that bad?
You can do odd jobs
on a trial basis.
Don't talk to Sari about work.
- I have a better idea.
Pay me under the table,
so I can claim benefits -
and you get a good worker.
Again! - Help me, Annika.
Freeze! This is the police.
Let's take another
picture with me in Sami's place.
We'll get a prettier memory.
A bit closer.
Santtu, lean back a little.
Why? - Your face
is gleaming with sweat.
That was a good one.
Life wasn't supposed
to be like this.
Do you remember my 60th birthday?
We said we could take
you out to celebrate again.
I don't have anything to wear.
Who would've guessed five years
ago that we would be sitting here?
What's wrong with this? You have
a sturdy house and a garden.
I can't afford to maintain this.
Oil is getting more expensive.
And the kitchen is from the 80s.
I guess I have to move
into a small one-room flat.
I have to sell your childhood home.
I think that's what Reijo wants.
I get nothing.
I've had to take a loan.
The coffee tastes good.
Nice cake.
It certainly is.
Did you bake this, Sari?
- No, I bought a sponge cake.
But you filled it yourself.
Together. I whipped
the cream and decorated it.
I thought so. It's so pretty.
What's wrong?
- I live in this shack -
while your father lives
in a house by the sea.
Do you have to on a day like this?
A day like this
makes me remember that.
He left me here to suffer.
And replaced me with that whore.
That whore is called Jutta.
She's a nice person.
She's a good-looking woman.
- Not even a copper can be so stupid!
You have always been
so bloody big, just like dad.
Do you want a fight?
Did you offend mum on purpose
or because you're so dim?
Grown men, for God's sake!
- What a nice birthday.
Are you going
to mow the whole lawn?
Are you laughing at me?
No, although we should.
Santtu! Shit! Santtu!
Die, arsehole!
I won five nil! - Let's run!
Why? - To the car!
- I shot a mushroom picker!
What if she called the police?
- So what? You had a mask on.
What if she saw our car?
- The hell she did.
Civilians always suffer in war.
Even in brotherly wars.
Have you ever thought
that everything is predetermined?
We don't control
anything in our lives.
We don't have a choice...
Did you eat those mushrooms?
What I'm trying to say...
Never mind. - I'm just kidding.
Wish I could've gone
with the old man. - Where?
To Poland. To hunt boars.
Oh well, duck shooting
season starts soon.
You come too.
You've never been.
I've never understood that.
I don't want to shoot
animals or anything else.
You shot me. Or at least tried.
And a mushroom picker!
You went and shot
a mushroom picker...
I almost choked
on my mashed potatoes.
Suddenly Lars handed me a pile
of towels and told me to take them.
So he's talked to you.
- That's not all.
I said that I'm security, not
a roadie, and gave the towels back.
No! What did he say?
Nothing. Just stared
with his mouth open. Like that.
Jere is eating with us.
Jere worked at the Metallica
gig in Stockholm. Think!
I am thinking.
- For two nights.
Their tour manager wanted
me to go on, around Europe.
Why didn't you go?
I had already promised
to work at Beyonc's gigs.
Beyonc! Are you kidding?
What did you say? - What?
To Beyonc.
Nothing. I didn't talk to her.
I was just in front of the stage.
I only went to the Stockholm gig.
I missed Gothenburg.
How is Jere keeping up
with the professionals?
Just fine. - Have you finished?
Let's talk in my room.
I'm doing some laundry.
Why can't you sleep?
I am thinking. - About what?
This and that. How does
it feel to go back to school?
Same as for the students.
Pissed off that the holiday is over.
Don't you like to teach anymore?
- I do.
But don't talk about any vocation.
- I won't.
You know what?
That house was a lovely surprise.
I'm so proud of you
for finally making it.
Your surprises
tend to mean trouble.
What do you mean?
- Mum taught me that.
I guess you have a fan club.
Can you paint? - I guess.
Important mail.
Is it that bad?
Can I give you advice?
If you still have dreams
for your life...
...forget about them.
It will be easier for you.
This has your name on it.
I'm not paying for your magazines.
- I'll pay for it myself.
Why did you give this address?
Don't you have a place to live?
- Not really.
Where do you live?
Here and there.
Don't say anything to Sari.
You know how she worries.
You have a little brother.
You know how it is.
Once a little brother or sister,
always a little brother or sister.
Or once a big brother or sister,
always a big brother or sister.
Where could I get a microcar?
It doesn't have to be new.
Just decent, safe, and cheap.
For Annika? - Yes.
I'm your man. I can get you
a good one for 5000.
Are they that expensive?
If you give 2000,
I will take care of the rest.
- Now or when you go to the bank.
Okay, but not a word to Sari
or Annika. - Of course not.
Paint over that graffiti!
Hey, this is German,
"die arsehole".
Or Italian. Look.
"Di arsehole".
I have the right to use it.
I'll look here.
Annika Marianne Luoto.
A savings account.
Can I see some ID? - Yes.
Here you go.
Thank you.
How much
do you want to withdraw?
Well, 2000.
Luoto, wait.
I'm glad I bumped into you.
Things are not looking good.
You haven't paid the interest.
Could you not try to pay? - Try?
It doesn't matter what I try -
when you have already decided.
- Decided what?
I'm not that stupid.
I saw you two.
Last time.
- What are you talking about?
Inappropriate behaviour
won't help you.
Well, what the fuck does?
Oh, hello. - Hello.
Is your daddy home?
What about mummy?
Are you alone?
- With Lotta.
With Lotta?
Can I talk to Lotta? - Yeah.
She can't talk yet.
- What the hell are you doing here?
Could you put some
potatoes to boil? - Yeah.
Wait outside. I have to feed them.
What is he doing here?
You can't get your way
by threatening.
I didn't mean anything.
I'd had a little to drink.
More than a little.
I sometimes lose my temper.
I'll paint it.
- It's been taken care of.
Will you go to the police?
- No, if you stop now.
As soon as you pay me.
- I have no money.
I can pay you a hundred now.
Let's say it's interest.
I'm doing my best, believe me.
I can't feed the kids
for long with a hundred.
Doesn't your wife work?
No, Mirkku died a year ago.
I'm sorry.
I promised to take care of the kids.
But my life has been
a bit messed up.
I got them back a little while
ago, and here we are again.
What do you mean?
- They were taken into care.
Now that I don't have work,
I don't know what will happen.
My kids are all I have.
If I lose them...
I'll try to think of something.
Luoto. We don't have
an appointment, do we?
I tried to explain,
but you don't seem to get it.
Do you understand this better?
I need that loan.
Put your
hands down and start writing.
Put 37000... No, 40000 euros.
Luoto, wait!
Put that bag down now!
Everyone else, on the floor!
Put that gun down now!
- Are you laughing at me?
Damn it! - Sami...
It was a trial period,
and now it's finished.
Are you going bankrupt?
- Well, you're going now.
If Sari asks, you work here.
- Without pay?
You don't work here.
Did you go to the bank?
For Annika's microcar. I can get it,
even though you kicked me out.
That's only 1900.
- I said 2000.
Yeah, but that's only 1900.
Try to get a little discount.
Bloody hell.
Hi, are you on patrol?
Can you pick me up?
Have you had time to see
the microcars? - What?
The international financial crisis
is affecting housing markets.
The number
of new properties sold -
has plunged to the level
of the 1990s'recession.
The selling of new properties
has dropped by a third since May.
Here in Ostrobothnia,
the viewings are quiet.
This apartment has been
on the market for a year...
Luoto? Sami Luoto?
- Yeah, yeah.
Stop! What are you doing?
Dad, can you hear me? Dad!
Mum, do something!
Say something. - I think I fell.
Where am I? - In a hospital.
What's happened?
- Some crazy man attacked you.
- Don't you remember?
At home, in the evening.
- Oh yeah.
What time is it?
- Past midnight.
I have a headache.
I can taste blood in my mouth.
Who was it?
- He didn't introduce himself.
Probably a wrong address.
Sari. - Yes?
Don't tell anyone.
- Why not?
I don't want to worry anyone.
- He invaded our home.
That's why. Promise me.
Good, good, good...
Yep, good thing, good thing...
What is?
- That you have a hard skull.
It doesn't feel like it. - Not now,
but you have a hard skull.
No fractures, blood clots,
or permanent damage.
I mean it doesn't always feel like
it's good to have a hard head.
Sari, you promised.
- She didn't know about flat tyres.
Darling, you can tell us.
- Is this a cross-examination?
Like I've done something wrong.
- Have you?
Are you now a copper or a brother?
I'm here as your brother
and Sari as your wife, so talk.
I didn't want to worry you.
I didn't know he was so messed up.
Who? - I had to fire a carpenter
because of his drinking.
Has he threatened you?
- Who is he?
His name is Jaatinen.
I promised I'd take him back if he
straightens up. Well, not anymore.
So it was Jaatinen who attacked you?
- No, he had asked a friend.
I will talk to him. - No.
I'll deal with him myself when
I get out. - I can't let you go.
Santtu and I will go together
on one condition. - Yes?
Not a word to mum and dad.
I slipped in the shower.
- Take Jere with you.
Why should we involve him?
- He's worked as security in Sweden.
Sari, never.
Where the fuck
does that bloke live?
It's obligatory to use a seat belt
even in Finland. - Arrest me!
Have you tried to call him?
Did you leave a message?
It's better to talk in person.
I will leave him a message -
that'll make him run to the moon.
- We'll be there in a minute.
A garden plot with opportunities
none of which have been taken.
No one is home.
- This is what it was like in Sweden.
He's hiding under his blanket.
- Not necessarily...
Open the door, arsehole!
We know you're there!
Are you a man, a mouse,
or some kind of hamster?
Come out and we'll see!
- Stop! We'll come again.
He's there. The curtains
twitched! - You're imagining.
What kind of work
did you do in Sweden?
I doubt you made home visits
as a doctor. - All kinds.
Even a blind man
will get this message.
Goddamn you!
- Relax.
Now he knows not to
mess with us. - Us?
Do you think this will make
him leave Sami alone?
Fucking idiot.
- Nice that you joined us.
Absolutely great.
Sari, it's me!
Wasn't at home?
- It happens. We left a message.
He could be out there with a knife!
Calm down... - He could've
come here while you were out!
Calm down!
You're not involved!
We're your family!
- Why are you shouting?
I'm not! Your mum went
into overdrive. - Oh I did?
If you were a car...
- Me a car?
I mean... Sorry. Family hug?
- Family hug...
Do you think we can just hug
and everything will be okay?
Well, I... - "Well, I..." I don't
want you anywhere near me!
What is this now?
- I can't breathe!
From now on, you sleep on
the couch. - Isn't that a bit much?
I can't force
you to sleep on the floor.
When I look at you two...
- What?
I think I will never get married.
At least not to a man.
Hi, it's me.
- I can't hear anything.
It's Sami, hi...
Got you! Leave a message.
I will call you... or not.
It's Sami.
I haven't heard from you.
I'm making sure Saturday
is going as planned. Call me.
That looks good. - Have some.
Would you like a drink?
Annika! Come here, please.
Have you heard from Jaatinen?
- No, I called Jere.
Have you seen Jere? - No.
Have you heard from him for a while?
- I've seen him almost every day.
What? - He comes
to our place during the day.
Why doesn't he answer my
messages? - You fired him!
So he's told you.
- Of course he has, unlike some.
Annika... Does your mother know?
- Yeah, he's her brother.
I'm going now. Bye!
Try to call Jere. - He'll come.
He keeps his promises.
So you went and fired Jere.
Didn't you consider Sari's feelings?
He's a dickhead, but a little
brother. - Unfortunately.
You deal with family issues well.
- I'm not listening to that.
Speaking of family...
Why did he bring that woman?
This is a family gathering.
Mother, Jutta is his family,
whether we like it or not.
What? - Your face.
You look like your father.
Hi! - Hi.
You look terrible.
- Thank you.
Jutta, give this to Annika.
Sami and I will talk a little.
I will come soon.
Well? - Understood.
How worried should I be about you?
- A lot has been going on.
If I remember right,
we already discussed this.
I have made some inquiries.
Your company is done.
Wow, that's a shock.
That's what I tried to tell you.
- Does Sari know?
Have you talked to Kaarina?
What? - Stop while you can.
Don't make yourself a victim
like Kaarina has. What?
Hi! - Grandad.
My favourite girl.
Mum wants you to show
the layout of the house.
I couldn't and mum
doesn't want to. Let's go.
Can we pretend
that we are doing fine?
Start already.
Dad, did you hear?
Speak already.
Start now!
Excuse me. I had a concussion.
My brain works a little slowly.
I haven't noticed any change.
- So...
This plot is 3000 square metres.
On that hill, we're building three
houses on 700 square metre plots.
And this thousand square meter
plot will have a brick house...
Hey, Jere is not coming.
Why doesn't he answer for me?
- Why did you fire him?
That's probably why he didn't come.
- Surely not!
You fired him just
as he was getting straight.
I fired him because...
- Because you've always disliked him?
Because he's unreliable
like we'vejust seen!
And look who's talking!
- Bloody hell!
Now you're blaming me
that he stood us up!
Fuck! Everything's my fault!
Everything! Even this rain!
Why are you always fighting?
It was a nice party. Annika
got plenty of petrol money.
Shut up.
It didn't even rain earlier...
Okay, I'm sorry that I fired Jere.
I'm sorry!
I promise to take him back
if he chooses to answer his phone.
Is that better? What?
I also gave him money
to buy a microcar.
Did he tell you that?
He's used the money for booze.
Or? What?
Now he's calling.
Where's the microcar?
- I wanted to make it up to you.
Are you drunk?
- I think I went too far.
I'll come there.
Turn your phone off.
I'm taking you home.
- What?
What have you done again?
Has something happened to him?
Has he been in a crash?
Did you hear?
So typical!
Out. - What is this? Why can't
you ever tell us anything?
Where's Jere?
- Close the doors.
What the hell has happened?
Where's Jaatinen?
I... shouted for him outside,
but he wouldn't come.
I threw a rock,
but he still wouldn't come.
Then I came inside...
First he denied everything.
Except for that paint job.
I got pissed off when he claimed
that you owe him money.
I wanted to make up for the
microcar and everything...
Where is he?
Oh, hell...
Where are his kids?
He has two small kids.
I haven't seen any kids...
Hi. - Hi.
Do you remember me?
My name is Sami.
Let's play this game. I will carry
you and you close your eyes.
Close your eyes. Keep them closed
until I tell you to open them.
Okay? - Okay.
Don't peek or you'll
ruin the game. - Okay?
Now you can open your eyes.
Go sit there.
Can you look after Lotta.
- Yeah.
Wait a second.
There you go.
Wait nicely in the car.
You can only open the door
when I or policemen come. Okay?
You're a good big brother to Lotta.
You should have told me.
I'm calling the police. Santtu.
No, you're not.
Is that real? Put it away.
- I can't go tojail.
What are you going to do?
Shoot me?
We will... burn this house.
He drank and passed out
with a lit cigarette.
You came and
saw the house in flames.
You could rescue the kids,
but not Jaatinen.
Why are you here then?
I'll go. Yeah, that works.
No, it doesn't.
Jere. Jere!
You know it yourself.
But... Shit!
I'm calling now. - Don't.
Sami, don't.
Don't you understand
that I can't go to jail!
I guessed that you were here.
Sari called.
Why are there two small kids in
your car? Are they Jaatinen's?
Where is Jere?
Go back out.
I have a hostage.
Where is this hostage?
Where is Jaatinen?
For fuck's sake!
- Get the fuck out! I need to think.
You have got this all wrong.
You should have thought first.
Santtu, give us ten minutes
before you call for back-up.
I'll give you five.
Go sit on the floor. Go!
My life wasn't supposed
to go like this. - Nope.
I agree with you
and my mum on that.
Why didn't you tell me he has kids?
Now they're half orphans.
Orphans. Their mother is dead.
What do Annika
and Sari think of me now?
Do you ever talk about it?
- About what?
How she took care of me
when mum and dad died.
I was 15 and Sari was 20.
But she took care of me.
Do you ever talk about it?
- Not that often anymore.
But you mean a lot to Sari
and that's why you should...
You have never liked me,
have you?
Does it matter?
- I guess not.
You were right about one thing.
- What?
When you told me to forget
about any dreams for my life.
You were wrong, too.
My life didn't become
any easier that way.
In a way,
this is so fucking comical.
Give me that gun.
- Don't move! I'm serious!
Jere! Let Sami go!
Don't make this any worse!
Shut up or I'll shoot Sami!
You are making it more difficult.
- More difficult?
Five minutes is almost up.
Thinking only makes it worse.
You're probably right. - Don't.
Annika's present is in my bag.
Give it to her.
Apologise to Annika and Sari
for me. - You can do it yourself.
Die, arsehole!
Jere, drop the gun!
Police! - Jere!
Drop the weapon
or the police will shoot!
Jere, goddammit!
Fuck! Shit!
Calm down! Don't...
Calm down!
Calm yourself down.
Did Jere give you that? - No.
I got a photo
and some chocolate.
What CD is that?
He wanted us
to play this at his funeral.
How do you know?
He told me.
When we played it.
It reminded him of funerals.
When? - What does it matter?
When you weren't at home!
What CD is that?
- It'sjust this...
We played this at
my mum and dad's funeral.
You were there.
I can't remember the music.
I'll put it on. - Stop it!
What's going through your head?
We're not playing this.
Okay, we won't.
I'll go and see Santtu.
- Who cares?
Tell your mother...
They had decided to take
Jaatinen's kids into care.
Jaatinen and the kids had
been missing for over a week.
In principle, I could have been
the one to pick up the children.
Does Sari blame me?
- It will pass.
She needs time to think.
- Don't bother.
It'll pass.
- I killed her brother.
I... First it looked like he didn't
even try to hit us, but then...
Then he started aiming at Kaskela...
We all saw what happened.
You won't be prosecuted.
Prosecuted? What?
I have killed a human being.
I wanted to kill him.
- Why?
Because I thought
that he had shot you.
I can never look Sari in the eye.
Why had Jaatinen
suddenly come home?
Just as...
And then Jere went there...
One thing is for sure.
No matter how this turns out,
I'm quitting the police force.
What are you going to do?
I could work for you.
That's not going to happen.
I'm going bankrupt.
There won't be a house.
There won't be anything.
I don't know how to tell Sari...
- What are you saying?
One fucking company!
One fucking house!
What the fuck does she care!
Jere has died!
I... - It's always about you!
My whole life,
dad has gone on about you.
Go away now. - What?
Just go away. - Santtu...
Go away! Go away or I'm
going to hit you! I'm serious.
Can I sleep next to you?
I don't blame Santtu.
I know that he did
what he had to do.
He didn't do anything wrong.
What did I do wrong?
With Jere.
I tried.
I wasn't that old myself.
Don't blame yourself.
- You didn't like him either.
That's not true.
- Don't bother.
No need to lie.
Sari. Sari!
We don't need this anymore.
- Are you sure?
This was addressed to me.
- Is this a bill?
"Dear Mrs. Luoto, you don't know
what kind of man you have married."
"Ask your good-for-nothing
man what's going on."
"Be careful
not to get hit by a car."
"I'm sorry that you have
a good-for-nothing man -
who doesn't pay his debts."
"Keep your eyes open."
It's from Jaatinen. He's
posted it before the weekend.
Why does it say
that you don't pay your debts?
Did you hear me?
It didn't go with Jaatinen
quite like I said.
I didn't pay his wages.
Why not?
I don't have any money.
I'm going bankrupt.
Wait a minute.
How long have you known this?
- I thought I'd make it somehow.
But I don't think I will.
If you love me,
why haven't you told me?
But now you know.
You have lied all along.
Just because you can't admit
that you have failed.
Koistinen, the bank,
they all conspire against me.
Don't you realise what you did?
Jere is dead! Jaatinen is dead!
His kids are orphans!
All because of your pride!
If you had told me, none of this
would've happened. Dickhead!
It didn't go like that.
- Pack up.
Sari, don't. What? - I don't
know the man I'm married to.
But this isn't...
Sari. I love you.
- Leave now.
I never want to see you again.
But this is my home.
This apartment is mine.
It's provided by my employer.
I'm going for a walk.
When I come back,
you're no longer here.
I don't want to live under
the same roof as you. Get it?
You are not
welcome at this funeral.
I wanted to see you.
- This is for family only.
And don't come to the school.
The kids fear you.
I want to see Annika.
She doesn't want to see you.
You forgot to say where you
got the cash for the microcar.
You stole from your daughter!
That was meant for her studies.
I only borrowed it.
Yeah, right.
Why don't you...
Could you at least call me.
- Why?
We can't go on like this.
Sari, what about this wreath?
Annika. - Everyone
has tried to call you.
I was just... - What?
Nothing. Not a thing.
Grandma... - What?
Grandma has died.
Is there enough to pay
for your fees?
I have no money. - Me neither.
I'm suspended for the present.
After my fees there will be...
So you both will get 210300.
For us?
Sums like this are best
handled through the bank.
We naturally had
no prenuptial agreement.
I wanted to split everything.
I don't understand.
You left her.
But you wanted to give mum half.
- I didn't want to get a divorce.
When I sold my company, I thought
I would have time to be with her -
but I had been away for too long.
Kaarina was used to
mejust popping home.
When I stayed at home,
I was too much for her.
Why didn't you tell us?
- Tell what?
That I had taken
your mother for granted?
If Kaarina didn't want
to tell the truth, then fine.
What about Jutta?
Jutta, Jutta, Jutta...
She left.
I paid her for her company.
There was nothing between us.
Then why?
I thought that Kaarina would
look at me in a new way -
and that she would
see something in me...
She did.
And began to hate you.
I always put the company
before my family.
I have made other
misjudgements in my life.
With you, for example.
It's strange that I haven't been
able to treat my sons equally.
Sami, I see myself in you.
Not in you, Santtu.
I'm trying to say that...
Kaarina didn't make herself
a victim. She was a victim.
Let's drink to Kaarina.
To mother.
Shit, don't come closer.
- Fewer reminders would've done.
The sum is 1800.
- Plus interest.
Sorry, I couldn't find baby carrots.
Here's the money: 2500.
That covers the interest.
You don't say. Bloody hell.
Yeah, I sometimes...
...overreact a little and so on.
But you understand that
these times affect me as well.
Yeah, that's right.
But as they say, -
opinions clash, not people.
It is all about principles.
Why don't we bury the hatchet?
Let's shake hands.
Like that and so on.
Hey, as a matter of fact -
I might have a potential
customer for Pihlaja...
No, thanks.
I'm selling them myself.
I only wanted to pay my debts.
Now we are even.
That's it then. - Goodbye.
Luoto, hey.
I trusted the whole time
that you would take care of this.
You're a good, proper guy, -
not a good-for-nothing man.
What did you say?
Hello and welcome.
There are shoe covers.
Please, come inside.
Nature is very close.
There are no services
and won't be for a few years.
A living room. There's space
for couches and a coffee table.
Dining table here.
And here, the windows face
nicely the back garden -
which deserves
a real gardening enthusiast.
You saw one bedroom already.
There are two more upstairs.
Maybe not master bedrooms,
but enough space for beds.
How does it sound? I will
throw in a live garden gnome.
A worn-out and stupid entrepreneur,
who'sjust gone bankrupt.
Forgive me. I am really sorry.
Could we build from scratch?
- Build?
You know what I mean.
We can't start over
after 18 years. - Not like that.
Let's start with a family hug.
You don't deserve this.
- I know.
I know.
Now this is my room.
Do you think the writing
is genuine? - For me it is.
Does anything else
matter? - I guess not.