Homefront (2013)

They're in.
This will make me happy.
How much should we cook?
This batch will yield 30 pounds.
Move, tweak.
Are you fucking kidding me? Don't
be lighting that shit up in here.
Take it outside, Jojo.
All right.
Deal we had was 50
keys by a plane, JT.
Your guy gets held up at Port
Arthur, that is not my problem.
Danny T will appreciate that.
Everything set, Dalton?
Yeah, all good.
Same plane, same pilot, same price.
Fuck this half-ass plane.
We have 20 hardcore motherfuckers
who can drive this shit to Tucson.
Well, my way is the safe way.
Your call, Danny.
Look, you're my kid, but
we're doing it Dalton's way.
Everybody, let's start
packing this shit up.
We're out of here in 30 minutes.
Let's go.
Let's roll, boys.
Go, go, go.
- Go, go, go.
- Get your hands up.
We need to go.
We need to go.
DEA! Show me your hands!
Don't move. Don't move.
Show me your hands!
Get 'em up! Get on the ground!
Jesus Christ. Somebody give
me a 20 on my agent inside.
- Don't move.
- All right.
Don't do it!
Don't do it!
You were one of us,
you fucking rat!
Move. Move.
What the fuck was that?
let's get the fuck out of here.
Drop your weapon!
He's undercover!
Stand down!
Stand the fuck down!
Put your fucking weapon down!
Take that, motherfucker!
All units, I got two on the move.
Dark green muscle car heading
south-east on St. Bernard towards MLK.
Agent in pursuit.
I repeat, agent in pursuit.
What the fuck was that?
Fuck! There's cops all
over the fucking place.
Fuck! Fuck!
Come on, Dalton.
You wanna play chicken,
motherfucker? Let's do this.
Out of this car, Danny.
Out of the car!
You rat, motherfucker!
Put the gun down.
Drop it, Jojo.
Drop the gun. Drop it!
Drop the gun.
Stand down!
Stand down!
He's DEA! Get him away.
Stand down.
Fuck you.
You were one of us.
You murdered my son,
you motherfucker.
You're dead.
Your kids are fucking dead.
He was down. He was done.
He went for his gun.
That's protocol, Broker.
Broker. Broker!
Don't walk away from me.
Cool hat.
Give it back.
You scared?
I said, give it back.
You want it?
Come get it.
What are you gonna
do about it? Cry?
Go on.
I asked you twice.
Twice what, loser?
I asked twice.
Yeah, if you're gonna take the job,
you might as well do it right.
There's all kinds of
wood you can get here.
You got virgin cypress,
you got longleaf pine,
you got that pressure treated pine.
Well, that's my favorite one.
Now, anybody want to use the
cheapest shit they can find,
might as well buy
the shit from IKEA.
Look at this. Mites done
ate all through it.
Wonder why you got to do the
job again every two years.
That's some shit. Look at this.
I'll be right there.
Something wrong?
Oh, something at Maddy's school.
You okay to finish?
Yeah, man.
I'm working with you,
not for you, Broker.
Hey, Broker, don't sweat it.
It's probably nothing.
Yeah, you could be right.
I hear you, but you
need to stay calm about this.
Stay calm?
I don't feel calm,
so why the hell should I stay calm?
No, 'cause it makes
no logical damn sense.
Now I want this thing settled,
and I mean now.
It's gonna be, honey.
But getting yourself all wound
up like this ain't helping.
Who's that, huh?
That's right. Just listen to Jim.
Who's that?
You know him? Huh?
I don't know.
Is that the father of the goddamn
little girl? Are you the father?
Mr. Broker?
What happened?
Maddy's fine. She's in the classroom.
Will you come with me?
I want to see my boy.
- Teddy, baby, you okay?
- Cassie!
Look at this. Does it hurt?
I know it does.
Look, there's blood all over
his goddamn new shirt, Jimmy.
That's why you gotta watch
the sneaky little bitches
on the playground.
Hey. Hey.
Hey. Hey.
Hey, what, huh? Hey, what?
You wanna say something?
Hey, hey, hey.
You wanna say something to me?
Why don't we just let
them leave the building?
Why is the sheriff here?
For Cassie Bodine.
Last time we had a scene with Cassie,
she threatened the principal.
Their son is a special needs case.
By the way, I'm Susan
Hetch, school psychologist.
Phil Broker.
Listen, you've got a great girl.
You all right?
So, what happened?
I warned him two times,
like I was supposed to.
The schoolyard monitor said
she saw Maddy hit Teddy pretty hard,
like she knew what she was doing.
He started it.
He's a bully.
Maddy, come on.
Maybe this is my fault.
I taught her to defend herself.
Think it's good teaching
your little girl to fight?
Defend herself though, yeah.
Hey, Maddy, do you mind waiting
in the hall, just for a minute?
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
So, Why'd you guys move up here?
It's a little remote
for most people.
She wanted a horse.
Maddy's mother
grew up around here, so
thought it'd be a good place
to start rebuilding.
Her file says that your
wife died fairly recently.
Last year?
It's been hard on her.
Her mom was sick for a while.
Anything else?
Why has he been picking on me?
Yeah, he picks on you because
he thinks you're different.
But I'm not different
Well, from him you are.
Nothing gets clone about it.
Except this guy here
gets walking along.
- Nothing happening there.
- Okay.
Oh, well, then do it. Do it!
All right.
Hey, Broker.
Hey, Jimmy.
All right, stand by the car, baby.
What's wrong?
Just stand by the car, please.
Don't take any shit, Jimmy.
Jimmy, back in the truck, please.
You owe my son a goddamn apology.
Take it easy,
like the officer said, okay?
Jimmy, back in the truck, please.
Some sneaky little bitch
cheap shots my son.
Somebody owes us a goddamn apology.
That's goddamn right.
Don't call her that, please.
Don't call her that.
Can you get in the
truck, please, honey?
Don't turn your back on me.
Honey, baby, get in the truck.
- Get him, Jimmy. Get him, Jimmy.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Come on, take him down, Jimmy.
- Hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
Arrest him! Keith!
Get off of him. Back off.
What the fuck are you doing?
Get this motherfucker out of here.
Sir, move away.
God damn it,
what are you doing?
Keith, what the fuck are you doing?
Cassie, shut up.
You're gonna let him
get away with that?
It's okay, baby.
Get in the truck.
It doesn't look okay.
It's okay.
Get in the truck.
- Go and do something, will you?
- Are you okay?
Breathe, Jimmy.
Jesus Christ!
Yes, mosey on over.
- Am I in trouble here?
- No, no.
I saw what happened.
He was out of line.
You really had to take him
down that hard though?
Embarrassed a man in front
of his child, Mr. Broker.
It goes both ways, Sheriff.
She all right?
You all right?
So, you moved into the old
Griffin place awhile back?
What you doing to
keep busy around here?
There a reason you're
asking these questions?
Well, maybe I'm
just being friendly.
Or maybe I'm bored,
or maybe I'm curious,
or whatever, it doesn't matter.
It's my right to ask.
Things got out of hand, Sheriff.
That won't happen again.
There's a bunch of teachers
watching us right now.
You're a pussy.
I said you are a motherfucking pussy.
That's what you are.
You let him make fools out of all
of us, in front of everybody.
Now the whole fucking
town is gonna know.
Look, I lost my...
You lost your what, Jimmy?
You lost your what?
I lost my balance.
You fucking lost your balance.
He spun you,
dropped you on your ass.
Mom, don't curse.
Dad tripped just like me.
What's the plan, Jimmy?
Right now, nothing.
We still got Keith on our tail.
Fuck Keith!
How did he buy that new truck?
That's what I want to know.
How did he buy that new truck?
Fucking who?
Him! The motherfucker that put you clown.
You forget him?
My God, he put you down so hard.
I gotta see my brother.
Let's just keep this
a family matter, Cass.
What do you call him?
Yeah, now you're acting all big.
Fucking idiot.
Come on now,
fire that fucking shit up.
Look at you, you dumb motherfucker!
Boo! Boo! Boo!
Boo! Boo! Boo!
Tweaker birds,
cooking up some shit.
Turn that music off.
Turn that fucking music off!
How old are you?
All right, go on.
Get out of here.
Are you coming?
They ain't coming.
Get the fuck out of here!
As for you guys...
Oh, fuck.
My name is Gator Bodine.
Hope I didn't hurt
you too badly, sir.
Just wanted you to get a little
taste of what's gonna happen to you
if you continue cooking
this illegal substance
in my neck of the woods.
Look, man.
We didn't mean no disrespect.
This here is just for us, you know.
Oh, I don't doubt it.
Just fun, just kids having fun.
Enjoying life.
Well, let me warn you,
I've got a five-gallon can
of gasoline out in my truck
that I will happily pour
down your fucking throats
if I ever catch you cooking and
stinking up my town again.
God, stop!
Now, listen up.
I don't wanna have to kill
a bunch of little kids.
You will stand up and run,
in any direction you please.
Just not this one.
That clear?
All right, now get
the fuck out of here!
Piece of shit
kindergarten operation.
Fucking kids suck.
How are the knuckles, bruiser?
It feels fine now, Dad.
Oh, yeah?
Watch out, here comes
Maddy Mad-fists. Pow!
Dad. Really?
Mmm-hmm. Really?
Come on.
All right, listen.
I'm proud you
stood up for yourself.
You set boundaries with this kid.
Sounds like a motorboat.
What, is he snoring?
Were you scared today?
The truth.
There's nothing wrong
with being a little scared.
Then why didn't you look scared?
Lots of practice.
Night, Luther.
What do you think of Miss Hetch?
I'd say she's...
I'd say she's all right.
You know what I mean.
I know exactly what you mean.
Look, you need to cool way down.
I need to cool way down?
You think we're gonna be disrespected
by some son of a bitch?
Well, I hate to say it,
but putting your old man on the
ground ain't any big thing.
When he was talking to Keith,
I heard him say...
What, the fucking sheriff was there?
I heard him say he was living
at the old Griffin place.
Can't you go over there
and do some things?
Do what things?
Mess with their heads,
like you do everyone else.
Scare 'em.
Hey, boss.
We good for the night?
I'll talk lo you two in
a minute, all right?
All right.
Good seeing you again, Cassie.
What the hell's
wrong with those two?
Never mind 'em.
Fucking monkeys is what they are.
You look a little jumpy.
I know.
I need something.
I need a little something
to stop my stomach
from knotting up.
You want me to beg?
If I can control it, you
can control it, right?
I'll handle that Broker thing.
Thank you.
Planning kids' birthday
parties, it's my specialty.
Be happy to take
care of it for her.
I'm not very good with those things.
Missed half of them.
Don't worry. I'm on it.
It'll be fun.
You know, she really
likes you, Susan.
It's a bit of a milestone, I'd say.
Do you think you can
talk to her sometime?
Of course.
Maddy used to talk
to her mom for hours.
I think she'd like to talk
to a woman more often.
I'd be happy to.
One more thing,
people around here can
do some foolish things.
It's a bit like Appalachia,
like feuds, they still exist.
And you're new here.
So I just think it
would be best for Maddy
if you would smooth everything over
while it's still
fresh in people's minds.
Just two kids working things out.
You can go from two
kids and a fistfight
to the emergency room real fast.
I didn't know this town
had an emergency room.
Now you're catching on.
Look, people talk.
They decided you're
a question mark, so.
Keep it smooth. Check.
You want something around here?
I don't think so.
Look, what happened, happened.
We don't want any more trouble.
See, your kid made the trouble.
Not ours, yours.
What do we need to do to
make this go away, Jimmy?
From you?
I want an apology.
Full apology.
I want you to apologize to my wife,
'cause it's what's right,
and my kid, too.
He saw the whole damn thing.
I apologize for what happened.
To them, too.
We good now, Jimmy?
Yeah, all right.
Go on.
You've said enough.
Go ahead and pump it your own self.
I'll be with you in a minute.
God damn, Mama's freezer.
There he is.
Still ain't got this
piece of shit fixed.
Hey, neighbor, how you doing?
Can I get that pump?
I'm almost done.
See, I need the goddamn pump right now.
Did you hear me?
- Can I help y'all out here?
- No.
We don't need your help.
He's done.
Fill up the truck, Clay.
That's $12.84, sir.
I wasn't done yet.
I think you are.
Whatever you're thinking,
rethink it.
"Rethink it."
He wants me to rethink it.
You ain't turning that back on.
Oh, shit.
You fucked up.
Why don't we step around
the side of the building
so I can kick your fucking
ass up over your shoulders?
They from around here?
I ain't never seen them.
Who put you up to this?
Bring that over.
Down the hatch.
How the fuck did that happen?
His fucking kid goes to my
nephew's school! I don't fucking know!
Yeah, I'll deal with it.
God damn it!
What happened to your hands?
Right there?
Oh, yeah.
Me and Teedo were trying to pull that
rusty, old fence out of the ground,
you know, the one
behind the stable.
We won, though.
Mind stepping out for a minute?
You can stay in there, little
girl, this won't take too long.
Is there a problem, Sheriff?
Well, I got a report of an
altercation at the filling station.
You know anything about that?
Anybody pressing charges?
No, nobody is pressing any charges.
Then there's nothing
worth talking about.
What are you' son?
You WITSEC, huh?
You ex-military,
ex-law enforcement?
Well, if I were
ex-military, Sheriff,
I'd probably refer to the answer
as "need to know information."
Maybe some people
don't need to know.
Here's what you
need to know, Broker.
You have got my attention, son.
Get that hand looked at.
You're gonna leave me
behind today, as usual?
I think so.
Making new friends at school?
Yeah, I made a lot of friends.
I've learned some cool
stuff in science class.
I don't believe that
Did you know that the trees
along the river, bald cypress,
they can grow, like, 100 feet.
That is cool.
But not as cool as snakes.
We've got moccasins'
copperheads, diamondbacks.
No king cobras, right?
Dad' no, king cobras are like,
from the far east somewhere.
That's a relief.
Why did we move out here?
Because there's no king cobras.
Come on, look around.
A beautiful house, horse
trails, river in our backyard.
Seriously, what else
could we ask for?
Yeah, Wi-Fi.
Anyone home?
Your door is open.
Neighbor calling.
That was a tie.
I think you got it.
Do you know "grace"?
She a new friend at school?
The new vocab word from class.
Yeah, that's a good one.
I think Mom had that
Yeah, you got a good memory, Maddy.
She did.
The way she dressed, smiled.
Everything about her.
I miss Mom.
Me, too.
I just... I miss her so
much that my stomach hurts.
And I get this feeling that
she worries about you.
And that she wants you to be happy.
Come here.
If you're here, I'm happy.
Come on, what else could I be?
Come on, catch up.
I find myself always
trying to do that.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Easy, boy, easy. Easy.
Have you seen Luther?
Luther? No, sweetie.
I don't hear his bell.
I'll go look.
Hey. Get back inside.
You should be
getting ready for bed.
Don't worry, I'll find him.
Off you go.
Dad, you know I can't
sleep without Luther.
I know, but I need
you to try, okay?
I'll find him.
And you'll find Bunny, too?
I'll find them both.
It'll be okay.
Come here, kitty. Luther.
"Phil Broker."
Nice hair.
"For a few years now,
biker gang known as
"the Outcast motorcycle gang
led by Danny Turrie."
No! You're done! You're dead!
Holy shit!
Broker, Broker, Broker.
Very nice to meet you,
Agent Broker.
Come on.
Coming through!
Hey, I think I got
something big for us.
Big? Like what?
Just get over here
as soon as possible.
My shift doesn't end
for another three hours.
Then I've got to drive from Shreveport?
Gator, shit.
All right, all right. Just make it
first thing in the morning, okay?
Everything is changing.
Remember Jojo?
Jojo Turrie?
Danny T's boy?
Of course, I do.
The kid was bat shit.
He was.
Until he got shot by
the police 47 times.
Losing your only kid like that.
I hear Danny T is still
pretty fucked up about it.
Well, yeah.
Well, they never did catch whoever
snitched on Jojo and Danny T.
'Cause it wasn't just a snitch.
It was a goddamn undercover cop.
Just read.
That guy Broker,
he's the snitch they didn't want
showing up in the courtroom.
M.C. Dalton,
that's his snitch name.
A state narc is
living in Rayville. Shit!
Relax, relax.
Do you have...
I think he's just living low
here with his daughter.
Trust me, this is our shot.
What the hell are
you doing here, Broker?
Turn that off.
Let's skip the bullshit.
Get right to it.
Some small-time amateur crap,
going back and forth.
Know anything about it?
I don't know what the hell
you're talking about.
Is this fucking
amusing to you, Klum?
You think it's fucking funny?
You got your apology.
Me and my little girl
are gonna be left in peace.
Don't escalate this any more.
And Klum,
I want my kid's cat back.
I don't know nothing about no cat.
No hair out of place,
you understand me?
A lot of things have changed
since you were last here.
Check it out, I got glassware,
mantles, generator, exhaust system.
Got it all going on.
Why the fuck do we need Danny T?
We're gonna give him
that rat fuck narc
in exchange for
state-wide distribution.
Yeah, but, Gator,
these guys are fucking bikers.
You can't trust them.
You're gonna give them this guy,
they're gonna turn around
and they're gonna kill him.
And then you got nothing.
Look, this means no more small time
jobs, no more sweating middlemen.
All we do is cook and get paid.
It's never that easy.
All you have to do
is learn a few lines,
go and talk to Danny T's lawyer.
Like hell I am.
You use them.
Coming back all humble.
You're not asking for money.
You're giving Danny this
guy as a gift, as a favor.
Gator, that guy is a fucking pig.
Shh! Just trust me.
You're gonna get the
negotiation of your life.
Ready for the big day tomorrow?
It's just a birthday.
Hey, come on, it's the 10th birthday.
It's a special one.
I guess.
Hey, look what I
found jumping around.
Jumping around?
Yeah, jumping around.
It's nice.
I know it's not as
good as the original,
but I thought she might fill
in until we find Bunny.
You know, I was thinking,
you should have a birthday
party with your class.
Can Miss Hetch come?
She's the one who planned it.
My idea, of course.
Thanks, Dad.
Sheryl Mott.
Surprise, surprise,
You're not a hard man to find,
Werksey, old habits and all.
How are you doing, Sheryl?
What's up, kid?
I want you to look at something.
Like what?
You got a new gang tattoo
that you want to show me?
It's a little bit
more important than that.
It's a gift for Danny T.
You got 10 minutes.
"A gift," she says.
This guy killed my fucking kid.
Please tell me you know
where this motherfucker is.
Guess what? Time to go.
She does.
Hey, you can finish it tonight.
Take care of this for me.
Miss Klum?
What are you going to do now, Broker?
What do you want to say?
Wanna come to my
party this weekend?
What, Teddy? She's talking to
you, hon, not me. Come on.
I guess. Yeah.
Cool. Come on, let's go.
All right. Go on.
Teddy got some blood on his shirt.
Are you replacing it?
Yeah, I'm replacing it.
All right.
I guess that does it.
See you around, Miss Klum.
So, I heard something interesting.
Yeah? Something tells me you're
gonna tell me what that is.
Just that Jimmy Klum got his ass whopped.
So did his kid.
Where did you hear that?
Well, you shoot enough pool,
drink enough beer in town,
you hear a little bit
of everything, Broker.
By the way, that's old news.
We shook and made up.
Is that what you think?
I got some new news for you.
People around here
don't shake and make up.
It never goes away that easy.
It's old-school in the
feuding sense around here.
Hey, someone broke into our house.
Is that old-school?
There it is, that's
called country payback.
Somebody's just trying to scare
your ass out of here, is all.
You'll be all right.
Jimmy Klum, you mean?
Fuck, no.
Jimmy Klum is a bitch.
Listen, I know
everybody around here,
and Jimmy Klum's bitch ass
ain't breaking into shit.
Now, his wife's brother
is a whole different story.
Who's his wife's brother?
They call him Gator
for some dumb-ass reason.
Lives down by
the Rayville watershed.
Fronts as a boat mechanic,
can't fix shit.
But the word is he's
cooking up that meth.
Hey, if I was you, I'd be real
careful around him, Broker.
He ain't true, you hear me?
The sheriff know about him?
Know about him?
Man, him and Sheriff Keith
got it all figured out.
You see, Gator snitches for Keith,
throws him all the small
fish, makes his job easy.
In turn, Sheriff looks the other
direction whenever Gator wants to cook.
Some bullshit.
Yeah, thanks for
the history lesson.
Listen, I grew up
around these rednecks,
and I think you ought to know
who you're fucking with.
And in case you got any interest,
Gator eats breakfast nearly every
day at Lions caf, just like me.
Now, he don't look
like much or nothing,
but you remember what I told you,
he ain't true.
Crazy, waiting to happen.
Hey, where are you?
They set the meet at this fucking
crayfish shack off Creek Road.
You know I'm allergic
to this shit, right?
Just get it done,
all right, Sheryl?
The guy they're sending,
Cyrus Hanks.
Are you fucking kidding me? I know him.
He's a fucking animal, Gator.
He's a fucking stone-cold killer.
Look, don't worry about any of that.
Just make it happen.
Look at you.
Nice place, Cyrus.
Yeah, well, let's just say I'm
comfortable around fat people.
They eat the way
gamblers play the slots,
they're fucking oblivious
to everything around them.
Plus, I love these fucking things.
Are you hungry?
No, I'm fine.
Sweetheart, black coffee
with a little honey.
So, what's it going to take
to find this rat fuck?
You know where he is, yeah?
Him and his kid.
And to get him,
you want what, exactly?
I don't want anything for the narc.
He's a gift.
Oh, he's a gift? He's a gift.
Since when does a meth
whore give away gifts?
I've spent the last couple of years
putting together
the right equipment,
perfect partner, perfect location.
All we need is distribution, that's
the main thing we're after...
You got me fucking fooled, Sheryl.
'Cause underneath this
beautiful tweaker body,
you're a fucking genius.
Where's the narc?
Do we have a deal?
Where is the narc?
Do we have a deal, Cyrus?
Come over here.
You got five seconds before I drill
your fucking skull into this table
and then into the floor,
you understand me?
Don't you fuck with me, Sheryl.
All right.
Where is the fucking narc?
What are you doing?
It's filthy in there.
Well, I'm glad you noticed.
What are you doing here?
I came to tell you that I dealt
with Broker, the girl's father.
I want you to stay away from him.
Hey, you got something for me?
Cassie, I'm trying
to tell you something.
Do not go near Broker anymore.
Got it.
Well, I'm not holding, so I'm
sorry, I can't help you.
You're not holding?
Well, I think
that's fucking bullshit.
Cassie, why don't you
just clean yourself up?
That's fucking bullshit!
Take a fucking shower.
Then what the fuck are you doing here?
Eat a sandwich or something.
You take a fucking shower,
Gator, look at you!
Cassie, just pull
yourself together.
I'm sick of this shit.
Hey, hey, hey.
Shh! Teddy is sleeping.
You wake him up, it's gonna be...
Don't worry.
I'm not gonna make
any noise, I'm leaving.
No more. I'm done.
No more, Cassie.
Yo, Gator.
How is it hanging, man?
Listen, man, I need a favor.
A favor?
Look, Jimmy, you know that I already
keep your garbage business going.
Man, I need you to stop
giving that shit to my wife.
All right? Look at her, man.
She's falling to pieces.
Maybe you should do a
better job taking care of her.
You sleeping?
Like a baby.
What have you got?
Gator Bodine. I sniffed around
like you asked. A couple of arrests.
No convictions.
You want details?
No, don't bother.
But there is something,
Sheryl Marie Mott, ex-biker
groupie from Shreveport.
Busted twice for smuggling
dope into Angola.
One of those times was to
your old pal, Danny T.
All of a sudden, Danny T's skank
is hanging out in Rayville.
Send me a picture, would you?
Yeah, first thing at my desk,
I'll email you Mott's file.
Thanks, man.
So, this guy Cyrus,
you know him?
Yeah, I know him.
Did you fuck him?
Oh, shit.
This should be interesting.
We've never been properly
introduced, you and me.
Is that what this is,
an introduction?
Yeah, that's right.
Well, I won't ask your name.
I personally believe your reputation
is the most important thing.
To some people.
Maybe it should be for you, too.
You've worked up a pretty
bad rep around here,
beating up that poor kids
father in front of him.
It pissed off some of the locals.
And his daughter beat up Jimmy's kid.
Can you believe that?
Now, what kind of parent would teach
a kid to do something like that?
Look, I don't want
any more problems.
Anything else you're
thinking hard about?
'Cause I can smell
the wood burning.
If someone has an issue
with me, keep it there.
I don't want my kid involved.
I'm a little lost.
Well, let's get you found.
See the house,
the house where we're living,
the house that was broken
into by some pathetic coward
who stole a little girl's toys,
the cat, slashed a tire.
See, that's my fucking house.
Anyone who comes around again
will find me standing in it.
Well, I think you're reaching.
Just connecting dots
that are not there.
You're on notice, Bodine.
Hey, you should tell
your little girl to be brave.
She's got nothing to worry about
with such a tough daddy around.
Nice meeting you.
Finish your breakfast.
What the fuck
were you doin', Gator?
Fucker is making it personal.
Yeah, well, we're on.
It's happening tonight.
Hello, there.
Hey, boy.
Put the kitty down.
Get up really slow.
Got you.
Hey, Broker.
My old fucking Broker.
How you doing, man?
Can you hear me?
You in there?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me now?
Bet you do.
That's the tricky thing with this
rebar, especially the nine gauge.
You swing it too hard, too fast,
just takes your whole
fucking head off, man.
It's a very delicate operation.
Hey, you did all right,
though, Lew.
Gator'd be pissed if we did
something really fucking stupid.
He must be pissed at
you two quite a lot.
That's funny.
You're a funny guy, Broker.
You're a really funny fucking guy.
You smart-ass motherfucker.
Fucking wise-ass.
How do you like that, huh?
Everybody had you
figured for a cop, Broker.
You walk like a cop,
you fight like a cop,
you even smell like a fucking cop.
Come on.
Hey, man, Gator'll be
here soon. That's it...
I don't give a shit! I'm calling
the shots! You hear me?
Hey! Can you hear me?
Who's watching
your fucking kid, huh?
Who's watching your kid?
Your girlfriend?
She got a babysitter?
Or is she at home all by herself,
just waiting on you to
come tuck her sorry-ass in
and read her a bedtime story?
What the fuck!
You're dead!
When I get home, I am gonna
tell my girl a bedtime story.
This is how it ends.
Just tell me,
why are we going? Why?
I owe you an apology, I know, but we
don't have time to get into that.
What about school?
We'll send for your records
in the morning. It's fine.
Send for them?
No, why are we going?
What's wrong?
Nothing's wrong.
They need me back in the city.
It's new business.
I need to review a case.
You said Mom
wanted us to live here.
That's what you said, Dad. Remember?
Yeah, I did. I did.
Things changed, darling.
Things changed.
I'm sorry, Maddy.
I'm sorry.
You're a liar.
You must be Cyrus.
Sheryl's told me a lot about you.
Has she?
That is sweet.
Where is the fuck-up?
He's about three
miles south of Route 12.
Rubber plantation.
I can draw you a map, trail,
even the inside of the house.
No, I don't need a fucking map.
We ain't driving, Gator.
Hey, check this one out.
What the fuck is this?
This many people here,
this a fucking party?
I don't fucking know. Motherfucker
just showed up with all of them.
You ready to show
us the way, Gator?
No, I'm not going.
Come again?
Look, the first person they're
gonna be looking for is me,
so I'm not gonna be
anywhere near the site.
I'm gonna be in a public place.
Guess you don't get to see me
shoot the rat tuck in the mouth.
Guess not.
What about the kid?
It's one-stop shopping,
right, Gator?
That's right.
No loose ends.
She's coming with me.
No, that's not the deal.
No, she's gonna show us the way.
I'll bring her back.
Be back.
Listen, I can only
hold them about a week.
Thanks, Teedo, you're a big help.
Is there anything
you need to tell me?
Yeah, there is, but not now.
I got a lot of heat.
All right, then,
let me go load up these nags.
Howdy, Sheriff.
Hey, Gator.
How you doing?
All right.
Keeping busy, I hope.
That's good.
Just made a big sale,
so I thought we'd celebrate.
Thank you.
Well, I got a date
with a pool table.
So I'll be seeing you.
All right.
Thanks for the whiskey.
Of course.
You keep out of trouble, now.
Yes, sir.
Twenty minutes.
Don't even think about not
being here, you understand me?
Go call your boyfriend.
Come on, you fuck!
Where the fuck is he?
Go, go, go.
Dad, what was that?
Dad, what was that?
I need you to stay
down here, okay, Maddy?
Dial 911.
Tell them who you are,
where you are.
Tell them there's a man with a gun
trying to get into the house, okay?
911. What is your emergency?
She's getting away!
Gator, man, shit's
gone wrong out here.
What do you mean
"shit's gone wrong"?
There's too many gunshots
all over the fucking place.
Whoa, whoa, Sheryl, just slow down.
Tell me what's happening.
Fuck this noise, man.
I'm out.
Just stay there and
tell me what's happening!
Maddy, run! Run!
Help! Help! Help!
Help, please! Help me, please!
Hey, you okay?
Please help!
There's a man, and he's
hurting my dad back at our...
Okay, okay, listen to me.
Listen. These guys, they don't
give a shit about you, all right?
They're gonna kill you.
Do you understand?
You got to come with me, okay?
You have to come with me!
Come on.
Fucking pussy!
Not okay! Dad!
No! Listen!
Let me go!
Let go of me!
No, let me go! Dad!
Maddy! Maddy!
Come on.
Help, please! Dad!
Dad, help!
What the hell's going on?
They hit the house.
They took my girl.
By boat. Headed south
towards Blue Cove.
What do you mean "hit the house"?
An ambush.
Five, six men. All armed.
Tried to kill us.
She's on the river?
You know who took her?
Broker? Broker!
Need a medic!
Dispatch, I got a...
You'll be okay, Teedo.
Fucking rednecks.
Sheriff, get on the radio. It's
Broker's daughter on dispatch.
Broker, your daughter's
on the radio.
Get compression on this wound.
Maddy, go ahead.
Maddy, tell me you're okay.
Dad? Dad, Dad, please get me
out of here, Daddy. Please?
Don't worry, baby.
Trust me. I'm coming.
First, you need to
tell me who took you.
I don't know. Just some
lady with black hair.
Okay, baby.
Here's what we're gonna do.
When they take you out,
you need to hide the phone.
Look for something.
A landmark, anything.
Okay. Okay.
Dad... Dad...
Dispatch, listen here, I need you
to check back every 30 seconds.
No need to, Sheriff.
Track my cell.
Get a state chopper.
You'll get there faster.
Got a better idea,
track his cell.
Let's get the troopers
in on this.
I need a bear in the air, and every
road within 10 miles shut down.
Go for 25, work your way in.
25-mile radius.
Work our way in.
Tell them they're
looking for a 20-foot
Boston Whaler, solo female driver,
and a center console.
20-foot Boston Whaler, solo
female driver, center console.
Now, these men that attacked
your house, where are they now?
They're right there.
How do you know?
Trust me. I know.
Sheryl, answer your fucking phone!
Just meet me at the fucking shop!
What the fuck's going on?
Give me the phone.
Quiet down, now.
Daddy, we're stopping. I'm really scared.
Please hurry.
I see two big fans.
And we've stopped in a barn.
Broker, you need to tell us, now.
Come on. It's okay. It's okay.
Just give me your hand.
Go away!
Pick up, baby.
Come on. Come on, Maddy.
Sheryl, I've been calling you.
What the fuck?
What the fuck happened?
Everything fucking happened.
What the fuck does that mean?
Where's Cyrus?
Where's everyone?
I don't fucking know.
You left them there?
I got the kid.
I have the kid.
The kid is here.
You brought her here?
You brought the kid here?
Are you retarded, Sheryl?
Don't, Gator!
Don't what, bitch?
What the fuck, Gator?
It's over.
Come on, this is over.
You brought
the fucking kid here.
You fucked this up!
This is not
what you do, man!
You fucking brought a witness here?
You do not kill a kid, Gator.
The only fucking chance
we had, you fucked up!
You brought fucking
Cyrus into this!
Why did you bring the kid here?
Why the fuck did you bring her here?
Gator. Gator.
Get your fucking hands off me!
You brought a fucking
witness here, huh?
All right. Damn it.
Just shut the fuck
up and keep her quiet.
Can you do that?
What y'all doing here?
Did you hear about the shooting?
No, what shooting?
Up at the old Griffin place?
No, I didn't hear about it. No.
You didn't hear about it?
Word is people are dead
and a child's missing.
No shit.
Well, no shooting going on here.
So maybe y'all better go home.
Hey, Jimmy, you gonna take her home?
Come on. Come on.
Tell me you didn't have
anything to do with it.
I didn't have
anything to do with it.
Now, maybe you're a little high right now.
You're not thinking straight.
But it's time to go home, okay?
Cassie, come on, let's go.
We live here, too.
You know what I mean?
Shit, I got to get you out of here.
Let go of me.
No, I'm not gonna let go...
Let go of me!
I'm trying
to help you. Stop it.
But I can't.
My daddy...
We don't have a choice.
We don't have a choice.
- Please, he's in trouble!
- No, no, no!
Let me go!
Let go of me!
Cass, it ain't
none of our business.
No, let me go find my dad!
Let go of me!
What the hell's going on here?
You don't wanna get
into this, Cassie.
All right, Gator. Be cool, man. All right?
You're crazy.
Do you know that?
You're crazy.
No, she's staying here!
She's not!
Cassie, you fucking started this!
I didn't ask for any of this!
Yeah, man!
Just stay out of this!
She's staying with me!
Let go of her!
She is not staying with you!
Cassie, you stay the fuck out of this!
Let go of her!
Cassie, I'm warning you!
Stop the car.
Dad! Dad! Dad!
Get down! Get down!
Please, stop!
Get the fuck down! Do you
think I fucking wanted this?
I just shot my fucking sister!
Just stop the car!
Dispatch, tell the operator of the
intercoastal bridge, to open the bridge.
Repeat. Open the bridge.
Fuck it!
God damn it.
Close the bridge!
Close the bridge!
Dad! Dad, you okay?
No, stop please. Just...
Nobody shoots, there's
a child on the bridge.
Stop, please!
Don't hurt him.
Daddy! Stop!
Dad, are you okay? Dad.
Get back in the car, right now!
I don't want you to see this!
Get in the fucking car!
You don't have to do that!
Just stop it!
Pop that trunk.
Please, just stop it!
Get the fuck in the car!
Just leave him alone, please?
Get in the fucking car!
Please! Daddy, I'm scared!
Get in the car before I blow
your fucking brains out!
God damn it.
You smell the wood burning, Bodine?
You smell the fucking wood burning?
Now you connecting the dots?
I'll teach you about reputation.
She just saved your life.
Let's go home, Maddy.
See you on the outside, Danny.
I'll be waiting.